The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 22, 1889, Image 3

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K4ltr a4
Hiinrdl tU Pji'. tl'Uxtt Albany
, aa aeooml-elaaa mail mutter.
It li with pleeaure that wo announce lo
oar in sir patro.a that wo have kId
raadeerranKOtneata with that wlde-awako,
illuatratod fstaa inagaaUio, the Ambricin
PiMiM, pabllehod at Fort Way no, lud.
and e4 by neaaly 200,000 farmer, by
whleh that nMt paBlioaUon will be mall
d dlreot, FREE, to the addieea of any of
oar aabeoribor who will oonae in and pay
up all arwMtairaa on aubtarlptfea and out
jbi Id adranoo from dtte.and toeny new
aubaorlber who will pay oca year In ad
yanoe. Thle la a grand oprn-iluutty to
obtain a flLeet-aU faaru Jouanal fee. Tha
Ambbioan Fabmbb la a Ursa 10 paga
onroal. of uational olaeulatlon. which
ranka among tha laadlagaf rtoultatrl pa-
para. IttraaH aba question of economy
ta agtleultuM and tba alghia and prlrl
ogee of that aat body ofellaas Amer-
' oaa Farme wltoee Industry ltt habaala
f all material and national prosperity.
Ita klgaoet purpoee la tha elrwtIou and
anaobling of Agrieulture through tha
hlghar and broader adooatlon of man and
woman augagad lo IW purau'ti. Tha tag
ar auBearipiion prloa of tha Alas ate am
Babmbb I $100 par yaar. IT COSTS
TOUNOrillNQ. Froai any on a nam
borldaa aan b obtained tbat will bo
wortathrieatha aubeerlptton prleatoyou
ormambera of your household, yktyob
arr it bbbb. Call and aaa eample oapy.
A Fiasco. Tha foot race between W
O Trine and E O Cameron arranged for
Monday afternoon didn't terminate. The
men toad tha mark lor two hour in the
chill and rain ; but, according to all the
report Cameron wa afraid to run and
would not cro the mark with Trine,
though he wa given erery opportunity
and coaxed and humored. There Is little
doubt that auch wa hi intention. The
judge declared the race off, and the dls
gutted crowd hissed and "ratted" the Cor
allia (print a he left the ground. Thoe
who claim to be on tha inside of foot race
declare that Cameron U not on the run
without he can get seme advantage or the
race is a chuck one like that with Dobbin.
A start at the crack of a revolver i the
only correct way to begin a race. Such
flascoe only tend to degrade a contest
which properly conducted Is full of Interest
to a great many.
Thb Pbidb or Tub Vallbt. Coll Van
Clave, of the Sclo Vew.contlnuet to keep
his eye oa Albany, and occasionally get
at enthusiastic as if he had a corner block
here : "Rati estate still adva.ic in price
In the pride of the y!!ey, Albany, and gold
la being poured i ilndirt by the barrel.
Property that a sprl! ago I'uind no taker
at seven or eight htimlre.l dollar;, now Is
eagerly gobbled ur at four, five and six
thousand dvllai. - Yeter,ly owners of
small properties t;i it coil them a few hun
dred, to-day hare !are tnk account and
can live on the fat of the land if they
choose, all garnered from the advance in
their realty. Verily Albany is on top of
the grandest tidal wave of prosperity that
ever struck the Willamette valley. 'Rah
Ur Albany.".
Aw Educational Joi rxai Rev J K
N Bell, late editor and proprietor of the
Boaeburg Kez-irw, will on the first of Jan
uary commence the publication of an edu
cational Journal devoted to the promotion
of the educational interest of Oregon and
Northwest generally. Mr Bell has bs'
large experience as an educa'.or ar pub.
Usher, and we predict that he will make a
paper worthy of the aupport of every
of the support of
teacher and friend of education in the
state. The paper wilt be a quarto, edited
In Salem but published at Rosrburg. It
will be the official organ of the State Su
perintendent's office rnd will thus be a ve
hicle to convey to teacher atl the doings
of that office. Erery teacher should have
It. Price one dollar per year.
fiia Wards. Several have Inquired
a boat the present boundcric of the ward
of the elty, brought out bf the approach
ing election. The Democrat find them
o be a follow: ' Firct ward ill of that
portion ol tkeclty irom rerry direct 10 11
western limit, Including the west half at
the Court House block. Secmd ward
all that part of the city between Ferry and
Baker Street, excluding the west half of
, the Court House block. Third ward ail
' ' that part of the city from Baker Street to
the Eastern limits, including the part
recently added by the city charter.
AN Aboriginal VTonber. There 1 In
I'matilla county a human freak that Is a
great curiosity. It was an Iadian child of
the Ncx Perces tribe, with buc one eye,
situated In the renteaof its forehead like
these of the fabled cyclops. The child
wa able ta tee with ease, and ran about
with as tnurh frdnm as anv nf hit e Am.
Hunting Yet. Mr Mary Damback
last heard from was la flol City, still
hunting for her wayward husband.
Sheuld she 6nd him we predict that the
ground will be wiped with hi coat tail.
y The scene of the meeting will e one worth
witnessing. We doubt if Mrs Damback is
on the right track
A Fine Hall Noi'sha'l has just been
decorated in a manner to make It one of
the handsomest halls In the city, and
credit to Albany a original fire company
as well as to the workmen ' who did the
work. Miller and Hart have just com"
pletcd a splendid job of paper hanging and
frescoing the -wall and Ceiling, doins
some work of a very artiulc nature, inclu
ding tome hand work that add to the ef
fect materially, and not surpassed in the
city. The color ae well chosen and blen
ded, ana Ito I, win have a hall they may
be proud 01.
. A New Company E L Lljjgett.Secrc
tary. ana in u Harris, manager of agen
cies, of the Educational Endowment Com
pany, of Portland, are In the city in the
interest of that coir pany. and for the pur
pose of establishing an agency here. The
company is highly spoken of. Hon M
George i President, and among the stock
holders are State Superintendent Mcelroy
and Mr L O Ralston,son of Win Ralston
of this city. , '
A Good Corner Sold. Saturday
evening Mr John Brings sold his home
property, consisting of a good house and
two lots, so well known for the profusion
of roses at one time, to Mr Chas Curran
for Stooo. Mr Curran will make the place
his home, while Mr Urtggs will move In
to his fine residence just being completed
on bis property near the Call poo ia bridge.
Square Deals. 3j fine lots In Yaqui
na City far sale cheap. .. ..
. . also
4 seres of fine farming land at $30 pr
sere, for a fevy days.
Wallace & Cisjck.
A Peculiar nustSKS. Recently
subscription wa taken up for a quarter
page advertisement in the Oregon! of
A lbany,to run a certain length of time for
a certain price. The advertisement
appeared, showing' oft to advantage j but
directly underneath St appear another of
a Ilka length anj signed by Curran &
Mor.tclth, the general effect of the whol
balne such that to a casual observer the
entire half page read like the advertise'
ment of Curran & Monlclth alone, Tli
result being that to those not familiar with
the matter they v lll get the trcditof the
whole iutv.; while the other agent here
will gotsoup, . At the same time Curran
& Montelth pnv for their own ad, $150 and
3ic lowarls the general advertisement
The other real estme agent are quite In
uignant and the matter ha stirred up
quite a bubble of talk. A a matter of
business the linn has a perfect rlvhtto run
a big ad. ; hut under tha circumstances It
was not right for the OrtgMMH to place
the two advertisements together, ant If
continued scvcial here say they will not
pay their shuns of the subst' riptlon. They
name the whole transaction in prcttv
strong language.
Crock County. J N Dur.can expect
to leave to-day for Albmy, where he will
permanently locate, though he expect to
visit Pilneville at each silting of circuit
court far a number of vears to come, , , .
M E Drink Esq, arrived here from Albany
on Thursday and Intends locating In
Prlncrllle, having formed a partnership
Ith Mr Imean In hi law practice here
. ,Net Host tslck, an old ttti.e Ochocolan
left here for- Lino coiu.ty, hi present
home, with quite a .lumber of horse last
Ihursday. 114 was accompanied by Fred
Uoulct who aluo took a number of horses
bt'.o.,,, Terry Ueed say ok the
rang? are not gonnerallv In good cnmli
tlan. He had intendej to caiher a band
to send to the Wlllamstte valley for market.
out luiinjtnem topoar to u: on the mar1
ei.--rnnevtllo J'tttrs.
War on a Bai Practick.A Salem
paper I making a fierce knd tcmetitau
fight against the practice many jeung
men have of sneaking up to a church door
ust a service arc out and "catch! ng on'
to some young woman or girl. The Dim-
ocr at did this srveral veurs but the
practice continue some In this city nev.
enneiea. it is a verv nauehtv one and
should be stopped- Nothing cut be more
unmanly, 1 he proper way is lo accom
pany the young woman both wavs. If
she can go alone she ran go home alone.
Cross Cut It km A ubcrlber sate
the Item In the Drmocrat referring to
Cibbs at the black murderer was Incorrect,
ashelsonlyone-ctghth black.
Everybody sat s that Orgmi ad. busi
ness wa a thame.
After all there will be several candidate
at the coming city election and a doubt
i:uie lun.
The turkc that' at present living and
strutting round so proud and aay.wlll soon
be slaughtered for TliankgiVing, and
stuffed with uge.etcetera.
Foroot How The font race that wa
to have coma off yesterday In Albany .be
tween Trine and Cameron, was declared off
ttar the sprinter had been ou ike mark
for nearly two hour. TbI match wa
evidently on the juare,but It has been so
long since either have run that kind of a
race that thev have forgotten how to start.
Corvallls Times. Do not think Trine
ha that kind of a record.
A Growino Sectiom. Super
intendent D W Yodcr It home from a vis
it to the tchooU at Mehama and ail along
the foot hill. He found In every instance
almost, that the school houses were over
crowded with vcholar At Mehama a
new school house fs badly " needed. The
number of scholar In that district has
largely increased daring the part year and
the building 1 InsuiVurirnt fur even the
present time. Salem JuurHul,
, Lots For Vi roar. The Ptux-RAT
rejoices tu see sister city Corrall'a
putting on citified a!.i, such a having
alectric incandescent llghia, street rail
ways, etc. Her peop'e are displaying re
newed eulcrprue and the city will go
ahead, not tha leat evidence of which Is
the fact that one of it citizens was in town
yesterday trying to trade Corvallls lots for
even Albany vinegar. The Incident con
tains it own comment.
WasCkl-el to Hi Horse. Sun
day the horse driven by Ah Swill, the
Celestial who gather up refuse article
from back door for forty hog near town
ran or tried to.butwas'aloppcd by a citizen.
The Celestial was enraged and beat thcani-
maloverthe nose in a cruel manner.
Very properly he wa quickly arrested anI
fined $5 and costs. Ah Swill's brutality to
his horse ha been of a marked nature.
Be Is a beastly looking Ccloiial.
Speculation Items.
Monday evening Mr Robert Murphy
sold to Shultx Si Remington one lot at the
corner of Second and Montgomery streets,
being the property now being filled up for
$1700. Mr Murphey two years ago, paid,
$700 for two Ms at that place.
MrfJlney Fry, Sr has bonded A proper
ty at the corner of Lyon and Second street
to MrT L Wa'lace, for f 10.000 for one
Two Boy. Two little boy playing
black man at the school Monday after
noon, one being Louis Fox, a son of John
Fox. collided in a pugilistic manner, A
piece of a Japinesefan came in Contact
with an eye of the Fax boy, cutting the eye
lid badly, ani it wa reported patting the
eye out, but It serins not Injuring the eye
ball at all.
For Diversion. Three, very tough
fellow have been boarding for a few day
at the city palaclal caliboose. They have
pent the time by building lire on the floor,
Unit game they played on Satuiduy .masti
ng the stove pipe Into pancaxes, and other
acts of a like refined -nature. A bread
and water diet (or them should be reduced
to chips and smoke,
A Nervy Woman, This morning the
horse of Mr Thomas Froman became
fnghtend and dashed down First Street.
Instead of screaming and jumping, she not
only held the horse, but, k well, manipu
lated several pails and other article on
the door of the bugy, though a pail and a
package did g':t away In tl.e lllght. " 1 he
plucky woman received the compliment
of the crowd who witnessed the scene
Sometiiixo New. Mr W F Kuhn, late
ly from Ohio, has purchased the business
and stock of W b Curl, near the express
office, and wilt charge it Into a business of
stationary, news, magazines and periodi
cals of all kinds, as well a a fnll line of
choice tobacco and cigar, Mr Kuhn pro
poses to do a straight forward business and
solicit the patronage 01 an customers in
hit line of business. Give him a call.
West End PitoPEitTy-Prlce are stiff
from one end of First Street to the other
as well as all over" Albany. Tho Qbmo
chat is informed that Mr Race was offer
ed $5000 for 100 feet front off the west end
of his four hotel lots, which he promptly
retusect, .
Dolce Far Niente Club, This Club
has been reorganized for the winter season,
and from time to time, will give social hopt
and balls for the entertainment of people
who enjuy them. Young gentleman are
requested to lend their Influence and pat-
onage to make the Club a success. In
vitations are out for u ball to be given at
the Opera House Thanksgiving Eve.
II Dir. Ue was an aesthetic looking
drummer, one of your fellow who ha
seen the world and U up to snuff. While
! telling the latent story In an Albany (lore
yesterday a man entered t.Uh a tin ar
iangement having a blow pipe and a wind
milt on top. lie carelessly set it on tho
counter. , -
"What'a that," wa asked.
"Oh, that's tlmply a lung tetter.
"Yes, my wife ha not been well and I
wa taking It up Worn to try lior luag. It
It whUtlet It It a sign the lung are all
right." The marchant.qutck to ee a point,
covered a couple suspicious looking hole
with a finger and blew tha mill, which
whittled raltllngly. Then the drummer
tried It off hand j.
"Whew, there Is dust In the tiling, ha
aid, and brushed hit face, soon going out,
wnue the clerks retired tor an explosion
He met a friend, who Inquired the cause
of his face being covered with black with
finger mark streaked through ft. It wa
really a spectacle. A lisrht shone In hi
eye through the lamp black.
"I guci it wa that d d lung tcslur "he
ejaculated and hastened to hi room, where
a mirror told the fact that even drummer
can soiretime be taken In.
Two brothers. -(Martin ouisrman
wa biought to Albany from Lyontvllle
Wednesday evening, charged with stealing
$jo front a brother, and placed In the
County jail, where he say he will remain
until the grand jury mccts.though he could
easily furnish the ' necessary ball. The
trouble arose over a quarrel with his
brother, one of them ownl.ig some- land
and the other a house on It, a tight arising
about the occupancy In which divert
weapon were used, but no one was hurt,
Finally one charged tha other with stealing
jo in money, lias him arrested ana taken
before a justice, w ho helj htm to await the
action o( the grand ju'y. ihl is a poor
way for baethers to treat each other.
Alrassv I putllmr her nose In the air
In the hopes of scenting some wholesale
business. Albany ha no crook In her
back. Her people are wide awake KiU
The above I a sample of the item go
ing around about Albany. It seem to be
the center of attraction of Western Oregon
and the citizens of the place must contin
ue to keep up their good name. Is all the
stock subscribed for the Sugar & L P fac
tory. What about extending the street car
line, etc.
A Pardon Wantrd. A petition I be
ing circulated for the pardon of W A II III,
In the penitentiary for wrecking the over.
(and train. A great many people algn
petitions becavse they are asked to. In
this case It will be well to pause and re
member that tha prisoner I simply pay-
thepenelty for the lost at two valuable
lives and that according to his own con
fesslons he was jointly to blame with oth
er for uch a rcult.
Their Wholesale Hoise. Eaery few
dav a new brick is heard from that Is to
be built next year. Among other It a
wo story brick to be built at the corner
of First and Jefferson Stieet by the Al
bany Woolen Mill Co.. for their whole.
ale department. The company recently
purchased of Cap E J Lanning one lot at
that corner for 53100.
A Good Idea vYe have often noticed
that thrifty people on arriving here teeure
thcmsclvc a house, a good many buying
on the Installment plan and buy their gro
ceries from the Willamette Packing Co ,
thereby saving enough In a thort time to
pay for their house at they keep the best
stock and sell cheaper than any house In
the city.
"iiroxisiirn. Mr Lot Brown and wife,
of,Goldendale,havebeen la the city. Mr,
Brown Is a son of Mr J J Brown, for sev
eral venrs In the boot and shoe bulnls here
previous 10 IS V). Mr Brown wa atton
Uhed at the gralh of the stty tlnce lie
left here. ' '
CONNTBn.AT Tiii.--Wbl'e con
templating the approach of the holiday
ean do nut pass Conn Bros store without
calling anti examining their flee stock o
doll buggies, picture books, and a well
their fine assortment of lamp and crock
ery ware. They propose keeping lome
thing the public will want.
Don t Tell Halb If the newspaper
told half of all they know, a toslcal revo
lution would ensue In thort order. It It
what 1 kept out of a paper not what goea
In that keeps the world running smoothly.
We feet It our duty, though, to tell thlt
much, and that It that a good place to get
fresh groceries and produce It Conn Bro,
who al way have on hand a fine stock.
That Bio Oreuokian Ad. That "big
ad" In the Orrgotuan ha caused no little
talk among people of the town about the
way It wa "constructed," but doe not at
tract any moe sttenilon than those fine,
fat dressed chickens which can always be
had at the Willamette Packing Co' store,
Tiianksuivino If yod want a nice, fat
tender turkey for thanksgiving, you should
by all meant call at the Willamette Pack
ing Co store and leave your order, DO
not delay a they are going fat.
ArrLE. A car load of worm'est ap
pies just recrlved at La Forest Si Thomp
son', finest In the market.
AtToaiA. Lott in the North addltioa
to Astoria. Price 4S each on the in
stallment plan or a discount for cash,
These lots are telling rapidly in Portland
and other cities. I am authorized to tell
buta few blocks and it wilt pay you to
call earlv and get your choice. -E G Eeard
slcy Real Estate Agent Oroadalbin St Al
bany. Keep Your Ere Op. Guist St Son
have received a fine line of holiday goodt
tuch at plush album, fancy good, nicely
put up perfumrie,and an elegant tock
of artist goods, In which they are making
quite a popular speciality, x ne propose
keepmii as line an assortment a is to oe
obtained In the city.
A Verwct That the grand display of
neat, ornamental baskets, each containing
one pound of choicest tea, at LaForest Sc
Thompson's, is the finest importation ever
orought to AUsnny. This tea It basket
Sred, pure and of rich flavor. We offer It
at the astonlshly low price of 40c
Tstjie Ladies Only. I am now pre
pared to do'all kinds of stamping, and
have over two thousand designs to choose
from. Also keep a nice line of embroil.
ery materials, tuch at' arratenet, crcwclt,
No. 1 and a embroidery chenilles, princess
chenille, etc., etc., and the finest pom
pon, tassels, crescents, cords plushes, felt
and fancy work material ver In the city.
Zephyr Is Joing at K cent an ounce. Mis
Minnie Col well ha charge of thl depart
ment. and ha had several year experl
ence in all kind of fancy work and tamp.
ing. O. W. Simpson,
Albany, Oregon
At GraDt't r, Johnny O'ffeil, aged 12
years, tha son of a ttlooa kanpsr, mt hi
death while iutoxiostsd. Ha anil a com
par inn found a drnuken man atlrp with a
bottle of whikey by bis tide. Tni boy
partook frealy of the liquor and O'Neil he.
earns very drunk. Ia that condition ha
wandered away and fall over a precipice
two hundred feet bigh.
A Flue Showing far Albany.:
An Idea tit the large amount oi freight
business done at Albany may be gathered
from the fact that during the last tlx
month over 3100 way bill were made
ut at the Southern Pacific cilice In thlt
city, Thlt Is over double the number
made out at any other oflke between Port
land and Callfornla.the nearest being 1400
way bill at one olllce. Beside thl It It
well to consider the large number made
out at the O R & N and O P olllcet, In or
der to get a better Idea ol the Importance
of tho city at a shipping point. 1 he num
ber made out for local trade alone wat
large. Indicating a big business In Albany,
And with the rest, divulges tho fact that
already a nice wholetale trade It done by
the merchants of thl city. These are the
thing that speak for a city. While we
are wotklng up.boomt It It well to ketpan
eey on the Importance'of establishing the
reputation 01 Albany at a trade ccnter,ano
the nguret easily do thl.
Wm to Elisabeth Jewett Trustee
Parcel land near H arrlsburs S
3 SO
M f nvne to P Kllev. 80 acrat in I) L
c No a :
Jennie Acheson to P Couty at at ()
acre in ip u .1 r. 4 w.
G Smith to J Smith, all Inst lots a 3
& bl u 3 A to Lebanon
J Hyman to j Kropp, lot 5 bl 3 Ab-
savi A to Albany. . , ,
David II Bond to W O Bond, one-
fifth Intcrett in all land of the
et of D M Bond S
1 150
W W Fraud to 1 N Van Winkle.
lot a and 7 and N half of lott
and 6. bl Tt.llaWev
D B Montelth to II F Hurlburt. ct
al. acre near Albany
G W Smith to A B Seal. S W or bl A to Albany
State toj R Wiseman, eo acrat In
10c J'k tn 11. 8 It 1 w
J R Wiseman to Mary Wulnncr.Ko
aerc in ec ao, tp 13, s it 1 w. .
Wm lluckaby to Francl Hood, 160
; S
acre in tec ll, 3 K 1 K...
Wm Huckaby to Franclt Hood, 160
acre In tec 4tp 1 a, S R 1 E. . .
Laura Ketchuin lo II Bryant, 50
acre la tp 11, 8 R a w
I E Barker to Susan Purdo.n, lot 8,
and 10 feet oil lot 1 bl u M'i a
J V Pipe toO WSmlth,lot7,bl4,and
101 o,Di 1, r A to Albany ....
A F Krumrcl to M E Farrell.lot 7,bl
3. H' 3rd A to Albany , .
M E Farrell to Margaret Fcnnell.lot
7. 3. H'a 3rd A to Albany. . .
Mr E R Cheadie to JJ Dubrullle
anu n. Klein, amall parcel In bl
I. Eastern A ta Athanv
D Link to II Dubrullle and A Klein
w half of N w or blk le.ll'si A
Wm V Baltimore to G W Smith, S
y qr bl 111,11 A to AInaoy.$
J Dubrullle and A Klein to Mrt E
R Cheadie, w hylf N w qrbl $0,
li's and A lo Albany
A L McDowell to David McDow.
ell.all right, title and Intel est In
D McDowell D L C
W McGhee to C E Cralg.So acre
Into it. g Raw. 180
G C Henderson to Perry W Spink,
lot 3 and X.n Albany.... iCao
A Hacklcman to Fred Grimmer.
malt pare! In Albany
United State to N 11 Jranor..
A ma meeting of the democratic voter
of the city at Albany will be held In the
Circuit Court Room at tha Court House
on Saturday evening November the 30th,
8S9, at 7 o'clock for the purpose of noml
natlng candidate for Mayor, Marshal, Re.
corder and Treasurer, to be voted for at the
regular annual city election to be held on
Monday, December and, 1S89.
The committee would recommend tbat
ward meeting be held on Friday evening
November the aoth, i83, at 7 o'clock at
the following places:
First Ward Up tair In the Cirault
Court Room at t he Court ll nv.
Second Ward In the County Court
Room at the Court House.
Third Ward At the of the Far
mer warehouse.
Each ward will nominate a candidate
for councilman and select a member f
the Clly Central Committee.
T J Stites,
E J Lavxino,
City Central Committee
Til AT AD.
A K(.'ty It la fall of Lie.
The following I from the Salem
StairttM, and contain tome muff and
evidently pinches our slttrr city j but the
article, to tell the truth, la not without ltt
merlt,and al least shows how the outside
world look at the big ad. Altogether It
I a very unfortunate affalr.and the Ortgo
nian at least deserves a big klck.and really
It pay to tell the truth In the long run :
"An Albany real estate firm advertises lr.
the Orrronia that the Albany Si Astoria
railroad i now in course ol construction ;
that Albany ha a street rail way"ytem";
tne most complete electric light work In
the state, It dvnajioe furnishing more
light than "ail the other cltie of the val
ley combined" : that the "larcest and best
woolen mills In the state arc belntr built':
ana mat sue get her water tupply direct
from the Cascade mountain. Not one of
these statement 1 true. The Salem elec
tric light work arc sufficient to tupply
half dozen tuch town at Albany. Such
advertising doet not help any place. It
hurt. To tell the truth about Albany
would show that the it a progressive and
enterprising city .possessing many advan
tage j but to give out to the world that
the hat what the hot not doet much more
harm than good to her."
- Tracker Examination.
Notice it hereby give that the regular
public quarterly examination of teachers
for Llrn county will take place at the
Court House in Albany commencing at
noon Wed netday, November a7th, 18S9.
All teacher desiring examination will
please be present at the beginning.
L M Curl,
. County School Superintendent.
A Superior Ft ikel. r have receiv
ed a case of alt wo red twilled flannel
from Chicago, which I think superior to
any I have sold for the price. Par'.ies wish
ing to purchase will do well to call and
axamlne it ' ' ,
. Samuel E Youno.
Take Notice. Railroad time ha been
changed two minute. Call at F M French
and get your watches corrected ;
Letter Mxt.
. Following t th list ol (stun remaining in tba Post
OCBea, Albsny, Una county, Oregon, NovBHh-lSSt
Parsons eslllnf for these lettei must give tha dsta oa
which thoy wer sdvertlsed t . . . . .,
Bradley, Mrs Elsie ' Burns, Willi
B'qt, Osorg Kertkold, V
BstIm, G A Du-nhart, Pf
Cobaoa, Oi-mI Cattonairs, Frank
(,'iaavcr, BasJsmU . . Cbultsur, Ztdoek
Grant, A Unnn,John -r:
Howartf, Mils NsttlS Hoffmn,LO '
jDhmea, W Laaver, Mim Aitdi f .
Mafree, Geo HI' Mnrris, Mims Kara '
Ms, Mrs Mary A . Pewsrs, Finis W
Klilnahart.MiM Hlanle hide, John
Himpsos Bro (Fishermao) Bill, John '
Tmlf.JB : Tnttart, Missltldla
Wallsnbere, F . Wells, K J
vitm of all ui;:3s at
Mr M IS Brink hti loost.wl In . Prinovil!a
for the prstio of law.
Mr John Lng, of Portlaad, recently of
Taooma, u tu toe ouy.
Soma nftte tnaehlnary for the Sslatn
woolen null have arrlvad at tbat city.
Not only are tmeltlug watk tu I started
at Utovi!l,lut there it talk of suuli work
at Albxny,
Tli punlshmsht for doing auv thins vrv
bad In lortlaud ia a frightful an. Yoaet
.... , - ia.-J
year pioiare in a ouuusy paper,
The van with which President Harrison
luns'l tha proclamation oreaiina the stata
of Wailiiitt.ton wat made of gold from ore
dag from the hint 01 ma rorty-ttconil aUte
. Uae A &X Oult.i, wh ba charge of tha
orphanage and raiortn aoaooi being built at
Bsvartea, Washington the Oath
allot, wa la the olty yestardiy, tha ftttett of
father Matty ar.
Frem 3 aere of Imps a farmer In Polk
eonaty alsarsd a Bat rofit of $400. He
told at 121 otata a pnui, TU ruling price
It I eenta at present, but avea at Una low
figure hop are mere rtmnnerttive thao
Taa Oakland. !'.. city eounell aaa as.
eepted tba offer of the Oakland Tritmnt to
do the eity advertising, printing, etc., for
ooe yvar icr nothing, me ir(&wnwill
mtke about $8,000 out of It during tho yaar
it la doing the work for Dotlilog. 1he8B
Frauolao Kfptrl it doing tha Baa Fraaeisao
ouy printing aaa advertising for nothing.
in is inssiog f ju,vuw a yaaroai 01 it.
' TC'tPAT.
., .-,... .. f -M
D UodgM, of W tils, la ia the city.,
Mr ham May, of Htrrisbnrg, wt ia tba
any yrsvaruay .
Curran It Mouteitb have a hah ptge ad. la
A IftoklemaB and D B Mantattb
been ia Astoria oa Usiaese.
Capl E J Lsnnine h-fe to-dav on a aavaral
daya basleee trip on the Roand.
8i eompanlae are nlavina Unola Tnm'a
Cabin id the Kast. Will Or earn etas pa 1
Tba Bsmt of Mr A Haeklamaa it baiua
prominently mentioned for Mayor.
Prof E N Condi! left Chloaeo to dav tt
Albany. Daring hi aheenoe Dr Irvine la
filling ait chair at tha Collage. .
Mra Samuel, daaehtar of Mr Ilav K J
Tbompsoa, with bar mother,- have bean la
the eity visiting ralativae and frienda.
Mis Daisy Dannala. of Albany.
Sunday ia tbit eity, tba gneat of her friaad,
wia iina uaosiyinsti. ism jourmu.
Oibba. tba blaek marderar. f Portland.
will at toaadv iustioa. Ha Laa aJraaJv
bean arraigned IB tba ooarta tbara.
WaUr eraaaaa are (a tba market ia abaad
anee. ThU i a remarkably healthy plant,
and a wall ia yaiy paJaUbla.
A anelal rMltion la honor of ttav and
Mra W W Lagan, of Portland.will baalvaa
to-aight at the raaiileaoe of Mr 3 E Yoaog.
Revrrsl paper bava maatlanad tka name
of Hon R A Irviaa,af tbiaaity ataooaalbla
eaodtdaU en the dameeratte ticks! for Gov
ener. The Ortgotia tsvt thsra are a haadrad
tsaa in Portland trytag to tail tbsir tiro bar
el si ma, and aniioat te take an advtaee ef
SO oa what tbay paid for tbern. .
Prof 13 B Ms Kirov baa lust ratnraed baasa
from ArliogUn, Liaaeoaoty. whore ke hat
beeo asUndiag the taaehare'iaatitttta which
wa bald at that place the 12th, 13tb, 14th
aad 13th of trie month. Salaat JonrnaL
Gotyoar gangrapby mixed badly. Arliag
toa it ia OilltsBt eoaaty and oat ia tba geoa
aonnty of thTslly.
Uagalf)in ) at French'.
Wbaat, C3 saoU, bacee ay a aoteh.
A floe liiMofanliJilvkrwaraat Freaob'a
Haitr DtnecBAT for eat evtaieg at W
F Kaba't. , ,
Compasses, all atvlaaaad ori. at P M
Quioea 73 eenta par basket at C E Bros?.
Hon F C HsttetrJ, of Ibsnan, ia in tba
any. t
Ray trivr tba 'frlcu J of tba Kvanteliet
Mjody is io tba euy- .
A frasb teouly of flaa naadt IiIItkI frum
taa iseiery at r u ittoteB a.
. . . ... . , .
If toa want tmr. frh dro.t ttatroBita
tha new ator. . .
Floret fuuMaia pent in tba world fur only
240atFM Fraocb'a.
Harrow a k Sar!a have fast roivd a fine
una 01 latest aiyisa ia grata neck Us.
! . '
Pie foet, chestnott. maekarel.eboar oho
and aavaral otbar Doe eatable just received
at Mroreet at inompaoo a.
J S VaotY Inkle and wife have anavad
from KUvsrtoa ta Albaay, where tbay will
The Mirror ef Ireland was preseoted last
aigbt 10 a goad tiaad and vary pleated aadi
Smoka the oeloSrsUd riavas filled ei
sera, maaafaetared at J alias Joseph's eigtr
lacsory. vaiy o eenta.
The Albany Farmers aod MarobaoU Ia-
suraDoa Co. baa stslainsd oaly aaa Iota far
t averal watka, and it waa only $3,
Call at Barrow k W4 aod aaa thair
Una of lace certains, last raeaivad from
Cbiosgo, lo vary tattafal deaigoa. ,
Mra E Carter begs tbe patrootf 9 of the
publio aa general aatoMtreae and repairer
Inquire corner Lyon and Water 8.
Tba total Usable praparty ef Corvajlie,
aeeordiaa to tbe aaaeamant last eomvlstad
'.- a t . au 1. " .. '11 -
vi ,vw. avoat j,uw aa 10 ca aoueet
ad. -
RevMJarly. a preacher of wall kava
ability, witl be taet to occopy tha palpit of
ine bi fi moron at tnia point. auvertOB
ppaoi. .
Wa have bow on aale a lis of Turkey
rao table oovers, also a seat aad wall assort
ed line of stamped linen. Flsare eoma and
iaspaet asms at Barrows A Sear I.
Tba tax oolleeter la oomioc tlila way. aad
everybody thoald be willing t pay earlr
whan tbay eootemplata oa what a tmall
proportiaa of their wealth tbay are aaaasaed.
Aa Ohio Demoe ratio paper abown th
Democrat te-day ba a red rooster eqverieg
tbe wbeie or tba Erst page of the paper aad
crowing wim an nia migut.
Mr Robert IJotton want to Corvtllis thit
doob, and to-night will ba married to Miss
Hattia liaraett, daaahter of ilea Jebn Bar
aett They will make Albany their home.
The 0 P grader are within tan' mile of
the earomit of tbe Cataade. . Breitenbaah
ia 12 miles from Mill City, and train wiil ba
raDDing to tba former place ia a tew day.
Two new town near Yaqaiaa Bay bar
bean platted and filed during the wrick.
One It Ilogue Si Kenedy' ade'itioQ to Hiu-
laod and the other hat aena ehristaned tr
For, on Grant a SontU Beaoh resort ,
The Sun now bins on Stayton, Mrioo
eoanty. Mr T H MuGill it th editor, and
Ne 1 ta ob oar table. . The paper ia a - five
column folia, thowing a good advertiiiug
patronage, and tuagiog from looatioa ba
prospects of torn lai'd netioss.
It waa one luppnaad tbat serofula eould
aot be eradicated fiom the system ; but th
marvelou results proiluoed by the nsaof
Avar Sartaparilla diiprny this theory.
The reason ia, tbia mdiou.e is tha moat
pewarful blood purifier ever discovered.
The oombiuation of ingredient foand in
Aver' Pill render them tonio and euratiy
as wall as eatbai tie. . For this reason thy
ar tbe beat mdioin for people of eoetiye
habit, as they restore tha natural aotian of
tbe bewels, without debtliiating.
v- Now Subscribers to tha Ycutli Companion
for 1890 will receive the paper free the re
mainder of this year. .Price 1.75. F. L.
Kenton, agent. . ' .
Have your prescription filled at tha new
droit tor. Our now arugtrtit . make a
peoiality of prescription work. Aocuracy
aad purity guaranteed. ,
SubsoriptioD foi all the leading new
paper and magazine receive" by K L Ken
tan, near tha Postoflioe. All orders for
warded without delay. ' 4 .
New earpets in the lattst colors and da
aicus, oil cloths, linolium and window
shade just rectived at A B , Mollwaia'a.
Parties wiehina oood in the hoasa famish
ing line will do well to oall, aa be haa made
aaothar waepinir reduotion and wilt tare
yoa t least tan par cant on all these geodt
A PporHlll te be Awtabllahed.
Lboavok, Nov. 19th, 1880,
The citlien of Lebanon met In Union
Hall Monday evening, Nov. iSth, to take
tept to raise a bonus of $5000 for a paper
mm. jvirijawan wa maue inairmi
M A Miller, Secretary, - Enthutlas
tpeechet were made by many of our clll-
tn ana a committee on subscription wat
appointed, consisting of I R KlrkpatrtckJ
W l Burkhart, I VVa.som, O H RalstonJ
niarsi, w tt uuy, i, i-oiey.
ThU committee wat authorised to coin.
manse work at once and It Itexpected tha
money win oe raised in twoaays.and Ltb
anon will boom as the never hat be I or.
The following tubtcrlptlont have already
been made t J Wassom, $500 C U Mon-
tague, fjoo 1 J R Klrkpatrick, Sjo L
Foley, $iao W J Guy, $100 j Jot Nixon,
$100 i U T Cotton, Sioo 1 C 11 Ralston,
9100 j 1 sickles, 100 1 I A Oeard, f 100
Swan flros,$ioo 1 P M Smith, $100 $ Cru.
ton x Menxiet,$io ( E Kellenber, $iao
s iinitnii f leu ; n. Jullga.IOO I
S Courtney, fioo ; W B Donaca,$iex,
otket social and entertainment Friday
evening, Nov. Vjlh,
On the above data the pupl! of tho Hal-
tey public school will give a basket social
and entertainment at tha Public school
building In Ilalsey. Tne following It the
program for tha evening :
Song "School Hella," by tcliool.
Bena "Heautiful I the toot where Ha
teept," Mlstet Gutllford,Ward and Jester.
Declamation 'Hunkadorl't Fourth of
July oration," Ernett Fuller.
Recitation "Keverie In Church," Mis
Lucy tiodley.
Solo "Llirhthouid by the Spa." . ML.
Anna Codley.
Recitation "Edlth'a Secret," Little
Edith Koont.
Kecltatloa "America." Ml. Rn
Recitation Settlnir the Old niu 11m
Roto "Echoe," Mitt Belle Ward.
Recitation Ralph Miller.
Sala of basket.
Lunch, . ,
After lunch botlt vounir and aid will
amuse thensaclyes In aociaT garnet and en
tertaining playt. Interspersed with ton ire
and music. All are cordially invited, and
don't forget tbe basket of lunch. Proceed.
of tha evening to ba spent buying appara
tus ior in- tcnooi uuiiaiar.
O.F. Russell,
Pi In.
1 ha Literary and Reform society met
last Friday evening. The qtiestlon,Does
the use of tobacco create a desire for
strong drink I" wa discussed. The afl'irm-
atlva wa upheld by Meter W 11 Craw-
lord aad Wm Morgan ; tho negative by
A Y smith. Johnson White and Herman
Holstaln. Tho indues decided in favor of
the aOirmatlve. The question wa ably
discussed an both sides.
Emigrant are coming la almost
every day.
Mr Porter, of Kansas, arrived la" week
wild a car lead of thort born cattle, and a
car load of Kansas corn. Mr P I looking
'or a location.
Mr Williamson from OlvmaU. Wash-
IngtoB, I visiting friend here. He It alto
looking lor a tmall farm.
Mr A Y Smith it toon to eo East. Ho
will visit Ktntt. Iowa and Missouri. Mr
S hat been In Oregon 1 5 yeart.
Amiaua ttyt the big elrlt do not addrctt
the teacher by hit turname. - tho reason
of that I there i no big girl attending
Tho bridge I finished, but there It no
way to get 10 it,o it will not do tho county
any good thl winter.
little koh uva.
Astoria. These lots in the North Ad
dition are telling fast and will toon be
gone. E G Betrd.lcy.Rcal Ettato Agent,
iiroauaiDin at a many.
SisioEsr Yet 10,000 roll of wall pa
per, latest varieties finest dccoratlone iutt
ei-eiver at rurtmi:tcr& Irving
A Ticket. Beginning Oct. 19th we
ill give a ticket with each cash pur
chase ef S1.00 and every five of these
tickets give a chance at drawing one of
hose elegant act of dlthe at.
I.ArOREKT.X . MO 1051.
To Fabmebe. Farmer wilt do well to
byt their fruit, garden or farming tandt
with Wallace St Cuskk. -
ur. M. u. Flu, pnvaicisn aid vurueoa
virany, Oregon. lls made ia eity 01
00 n try. .
Try tha fall cresra ehee at 0 E Brown
dene of lrS A Smith, at Ilalsey on Sun,
day afternoon. No 17th, iSSo, by D T
Summervllle, pastor of tha M E Church
In the presence of a goodly number of In
vited guests, Ur Lr Walton to Mis Mary
Thomas, all of Ilalsey, Oregon. Tho
bride, who U the daughter ct Mr Dr
Smith, l well known to be a very hand
some youag lady, but on the occasion of
her marriage she wa really a model of
beauty and neatness both at to look and
drett. The groom It a fine appearing and
hearty young man. After the congratula
tion t by the many frlcndt the company
tat down to a veiy bountiful and palatable
dinner which reflected great credit upon
those wno had charge of ltt preparation
Shortly after partaking of the tumptuout
feast the pleasant company expressed their
good will for the young bride aad groom
and then took their departure for their re
spective home or other place where the
dutlet of the Sabbath called them. S
evening, the 17th Inst, at the residence oi
Mra Blount, on 6th Street, by J F Stewart
pastor of theChrhtian church, Mr E El
Warford,and Mis Htlkle Albert. Mr
Warford I the proprietor of one of our
meat market while the bride la a daughter
of Mr Albert tesiding near the Calipoola.
They have the Democrats best wishet
Inst, at the residence of the bride' parents
near Scto, by Jamet Miller, J P, Mr Bat!
M Johnson, of Lata, I T, and Mist Amanda
Stover, ot L.tnn county.
ISTEB BRYANT. On Monday, Nov
i8lh, 1889, at the St Charlet Hotel, In Al
bany, by Rev E J Trumbull, Mr Charlet A
EstebandMIs Nancy brytat, both ot
Benton count v. Mr Lstebha charge ot
Mr Walter Wile' farm, of thl city. .They
hive the Democrat a bctt wishes.
BanN J vii ncuiicauaj'i
Nov aoth, 18S9, at Albany by Rey E A
McAllister, Mr J W Swiink and Mits Dora
Snyder, both ot Jjtnn county.
...... . . ,,. m
. Albany Market.
Uat-2ttt- . .
Buttor-25 per ID, ,
Kgga-2H , - .
I ray -0,00. '
Potatoes, 75 eta per buabol
Baaf-on foot, SX
Applea 75 cent per bu,
pork fije par IV . Ureatied. .
Har.ona ham, 12e,
v Bhoulders, fta.
- atdee.lOo.
Flour, 4.15 par lib).
nUiekans 8.00 per doa. ,
Hill Feed bran, 14.00 por ton
. abertM, IS. '
middling 20.
' " chor. 'o.
- Pine line of Guns and
good stock of Ammuni
tion at Deyoe and Rob
eons special bargains
Bdltsa by Albany W, 0. T, V
Mrt Flora Ell Ire Stevcnt.of Chama.New
Mexico, who ha lately been appointed
territorial press superintendent for the W
C T V, conduct the only department in
any newspaper In the territory devoted to
tne interest of women. Khe hat ed ted
tuch a department In the IO Vega Optic
icr inree yenrt witti great success.
Tho campaign for prohibition In Nt
bratka l just oponing. Representative
from tbl state and from Kansas, Iowa and
tho Dakota are exnected to meet In Oma.
ha In January to arrange for an Interstate
league that shall concentrate Its effort on
Nebraska until the question i decided.
Tho "Ke wbtrry bill" went Into effect In
Missouri Nov. i, It avowed object I to
reduce tbe attraction offered by aaloont,
especially to tha young. In substance It
prohibit dice, cards, pool tablet, billiard
tablet and bowling alley, planot, banjos
and other musical Inttrumentt In taloont
whero liauor It told. Chair and table
are alo forbidden. and tinging In a saloon
I likewise made a misdemeanor as well as
all garnet for drlnkt or money. Sparring
and wrestling are prohlb!td,and upon con
viction 01 any violation, the license may
be revoked and the saloon closed.
Tho Central Now York conference
(Methodist) declare that If tlavery could
ba called the turn of all vlllalnle the liquor
traffic may justly bo called the multfplica
tlon of all rlllalalct j and further affirmt :
"Wa have nolnteiett In ltt icgulatlon ;
why thould wa At well contemplate the
regulation of murder, arson and theft at
tho regulation of that which produces all
these crime and mora."
A celebrated orator Jn (peaking of Sacra
monto, ayt $ "The last thing you past by
at you enter tbo cemetery gate, and only
tlxty feet from It, it a talson. The Art
thing which confront a mother after lay
ing away her boy, a victim of tho liquor
traffic, a he ptse out at tho gate, 1 the
legalised butlnettthat destroyed him. In
tide tho cemetery are placet set apart for
the burial of Odd Follows, Mason and
members of the Improved Order of Red
Men. It teamed to roe that what wat
moat needed In wine cursed California wa
an Improved order of while men." j
Tho Illinois W C T U con ventlon.among
other ganerout appropriation! for the year,
voted $450 to the evangelistic department
of work. -
From report of tho .recent National
V CTU convention at Chicago we gleam
tho following : Miss WKlard bat donated
to the National W C T U $jooo, balance
duo her from the tale of herbook,"Gllmp-
tat ol Fifty Year." Thlt It one of tho
largett gift over tendered the organisa
tion." Mra Mary II Hunt.tpeaklng upon"Tm-
perance Work In the Colleges," said that
her department wa about to address a
letter to the facultlet and president of the
American colleges,asklng them to forbid
the drinking of wine and liquor al class
banquet and college auppert.
During tho evening session Nov. nth
occurred tho national oratorical contest
for tho first diamond medal offered In the
Demorctt aerie of prize. There were
even contestant and the winner wa
Mia Daisy Stoddart, a 11 year old girl
from Nebraska. She delivered a prohibi
tion addres,entltlcdMUquorand Outrage,"
and wa awarded the prize arld great ap
Call sod see
At Etiia- Cigar bUra.
llout Arnvala,
St Chakle.
C Wttate S-!em " W Powell Mlluwa'o
E Thayer Portland E Daugla
P ReoeborneS t P Dialer Cal
E Home Chicago J Houck Jefferson
Exchanoe Hotel.
L Lawrence Tolcdj It Butkman
T C Thresher
J McCobe II Lohman
E William E Levelt
EDunn J Uoa
Reverb Hoise. .
W P Smlth.Port D Holman and fain
J L Fuller, " JR Wyatf, city
V, - C Boyle,
G R Swook, HE Shepherd.Sal
Blilck,wf,- A Welsch.StPaul
W F Webber.wLN Y M M Miller, N T
Z A J B Eddv.Pendleten
Ruse House,
TM Bolt Ellurhorst
Chat Barrett F Sahreibor, S H
FTrumban.Mlch DTonnann.
J Floragan.Vanc'var H C Hardman.Splc'r
J Mson.Lb IT a Mcuonald.aal
G w com lora M wom,
C P Marshall, city E C Whitcomb,Ma
J McChetney, -
In the Lead. Mr. Julia Gradwoh
lead in hi buslnes and wishes It under
stood that bo will carry tbo finest stock o
crockery ware In th Valley, receiving hi
good from headquarter, and keeping tip
with tue ame in an tne latest novel tie.
He ha received a fine tot of Wedgwood St
Co' Newvacht decorated ware, called
ruby ware, handsomest good in the mark
et. Mr Gradwohl make crockery a spec
ialty and wilt meet the demand ot tha
public In any line. Do not send away for
good but give him a can,
When Baby waa akk, we gae bar
Wboa she wa a Child, aha sriad far Castoria,
Wkn aha bacama Kba, aha koi So Caatoria,
r- 1.-
Absolutely Pure,
Tbia powdt.iwer varies A.txiavnlof
purity, isuwiiiivii airti wfs$'eomns.
Moitf eoonopl Hv5 n jfit o xurO xv"' Jn (la
and eartnot e aa.lrf nonrport.a wit
mutlt?) oZjfrff ifca wet-i ahano
CHrphofiTEiStn fofiWsWi Solibo fvcatvi.
Rowt lftHtrog Powder Co., 108"'A(I S,
D, W. Cbowlbt Co lA j,
Pos4 ta n i)vogoB.
I7COK RENT. An ezeellent looation for
' otHoa or email tor. Inquire at thl
OLD IKON. Fifty torta
oaatintra. In anv quan
Immediately at tho Albany I
cn3fE.BF,sTjiArr 172
WANTJtD.-A good, reliable girl to
dognnrral homework. ,
ZS ' Jt "J'Bo,rd t?t, E
I?OUHA f.K A flrt-ua four year old
; esttiHi o norw,- Good for any kind
r',";, i''""1 ,if od 8'itl), Jnqalre
ft Vr JO flilboft, oornor f 8d at rat t, be-
-v?a4 iimmuuiWB man V9TTJ
k T tlAatr BVlaVt bVwb ..t . . .
lorjnlroof ILBryani;: 7 .7 7-
Noncr., Having disposed of the Mbany
dltnli. w.-iier work and oih-r
ty I am prwc.-iilng to settle up all my
business, and hereby give notice fd all par
tie knowlnatbemaelvr Indebted in m m
call st thn M II Oflke and ettle, "
Jomw A Crawpord.
. - 7
The Leading Druggist,
B)prlaIIIw- FlnttTollot Article. Prrfimery and Moalcal loatraaienU
I'reeriplIou C'ftref all com pounded day and nlcbt. , .n
Our oleganl Vt)9 tt . " . , : v .
If ttvo arrived ard wa cordially Invito tbo public to call and inspect oor '
Oooit and prior.
Important Announcement
. I, WILL GELL 'W I-aird. Schober k MitcbeU, Geo W Ladlow'a
If J Mulbrcwh a, and all other biaod eoraeoa kida I bava for per pair.
Tbea are all first class quality enracoa kid aboe and tba best brands in the mar
krt .
. I HAVE tbe lrrst lm of Isdiea fine alippera ia attorted atyle, ever
broeght to Albany. Price ranging from 75o to fi 00 per pair. In Bien'a alio
pare they w 111 baye to bo aaen to be appreciated.
The 35Tew
Haa ojiened bla new store with choice slock of
Drugs. Patent Medicines, Per
ftimcr yN Toilet Cases and
Druggists Sundries.
pgr Prescription promptly and carefully compounded. f3T Krery
new ana fresh, fkif Tbe public ia lnvlud to call and inspect
good aod got pricoe.
i P
Choice Candy,
Af.BAJsr'f ,
"SapcriokV " Ai'gand," "Garland"
Fire backs.
Warran ted
15 years. All
i tn.' 1
i i 5 ) 1 a. i
Roofing-, Job Work, Plumbing,
Eave Trough. Range Boilers
Conductor Pumps.
Dealer in all Ui Loading
Gutn, Pistols, "Sewing Machines, Organs and Piar.cs
A fH Una of sheet mnsla, musloal rasrehandlsfl; am naanUlon. fishing tan:'.
etp. Warranted Tors, botcher and pocket kbItoh Tho bett kind of Pfwina
niach ino needier. Oils and extras for all iraehlnea boj piled.
., Repairing of sewing maohlnoa, raueieal instrumanto. guna, eto., neatly doa
jaa nrrm
STR AYED. From my preBoiie t 'n
ml.eaHontlt oa-st of Albany on U m
Olghtof OctotMir 3od two bay marx
eaeb fonr yoara old aad each with black,
maiio itnd'taiL Eaah bad an head
and ort piaeoftf fopoatlaabad to euah.
Suitable reward to any one wbo will rc-
turn tbom lo m or tvo fnTerioatrcn nt
to their whnrcabouU,
TOR SALK.-A fariii
of 333 acrt s st
J1 Mlllrr Station S mile
irom Ail. anv
Ail feoced, a0 anrea In cultivation.
namrly nil ttoud whnat land. nw fariiiRn
ami barn, roo-I water. Will am) ball r
all. Term i!wonab!e, Innuireof own-
era on tbo place.
W W Eowrl.L-
rilO Rmbt A small house and Lam
I Inqcira of II M Carter, cor 4tb and
IUilioa4 St.
Drug Store
Knts, ; Frait,
The "Woad's
b8Sfc. Mora
tha n huu
(dred 7 hun
dred differ
e lit sty ier;
ok s and
m mjr m t
I y lb I tip
DEYOif Ss R013S0N