The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 15, 1889, Image 4

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Crcgca Pacific Eaiiroad,
gon iMvaloprnsnt Couephny'e Stoaui
ahlpLlne, '25 r.:!LES SHORTER.
20 nouns less tide
nan by any other rote,
Firat-clasa through pawwiigwr and
'rwlRht line from Portland and all point
m U Willamette Valloy to and from rao
rreoctaco, Cat.
TbeOreg-Hi rwlfi UWooU
Willamette river dlvt.lon will j"" ,r
land, B.utn bona, M"y ' " V" ,n.
Tnaedav. Tbaraaey ana !-- -
.' wniiiltT ltd Friday, both "
.uth ffl boat. will Be eve .Ight
at Salens, loavl.g ar -" -
iwi. miki oloaa connection at Atban
. "w.. r tr.Orwiron Paoluo rlauroau t
WlbU - -
TIMt 'tnLt txayA Jya)
Larva Alowy 10 "
Lam Onrvvtlni !:,
.rrtT Taulna, !:
L tr Yaquina, e st a,.
Arm. Albany. h:t a. a.
ft A O tralaa oonoool at Albany and
Yaoutna with the Oregon
rTpaoy'.Unaof 8thlp betw.en
Vaqna nd 8ao Franrtoo.
,o yaai'f.
Wtfa-att. Valla,. oVtn
t wduy. " a".
11 T iaj.w
1,1 .k. rtnht tO
af sailing. -florae-.
Uo. apply
a p. Agv. ,lJV-o:w c .
A-0-'-"-" &ilK
Southern Paciflo Companj' um.
Alk j"-' "
4jKe. a.
. I h.n V
Lf I tla
' Tourist Sleeping Oars,
.,ca4 f K-rTrl-..
"TT mUmi all tfca
rTraA!! A caU.i..
" " Mt T-u uui (t'fi!i
Ar I -w '
J a . a-
a ft a I if UTV
xraax nun (" Stul-
ib) ml'
At I -v
- i I a
kttri I Ar
. a 1 Ar , -
u -ajlla.ll
To all pouiis
.. i rarmrtini' rata.
douse and Carriage Painter
Decorator and Paper Manger
Piano Varnishine.
All ituarantaad.
.1oscw t- Knry Kaaaaoa.
Pouiif Vanted.
All kind, of poultry, aiiva or
pany'a Stora. Albany, Ornjftt-
UnrssUy of Oregon;
Vit,ln bina an M uly, tba
lh of 8p.nratar, 1TO9.
Fra acno aMliljM frm vry In
tba Stata. App'T t' vur -uoiy i.nn
Undant. Fraa tuition anarjanuaij jw
''oaruoarMi : Clavaioal, MclauUfi. iAt
arary and abort KnglUb Cooraa in
wblbthnraiano ttln, Oraali. Fraotb
r German, Tba Eogllah la pta-amlaaatly
Boaioaaa Couraa. For aaiaioguaa a
ther Information, addreaa
Bmi atock of 2nd argooda In tba Val
lay, and tba in'Ml reav inie price, both
to buying and aoiling I. bava ou band
all k'nda of, ,
n(.itrwMtor K Toting' old tor-.
123 Flrnt atreat, Albany, Or,'
Scctfr 10 B. W. LanfcUm.
sops combs-
' . etc. .. . ,
. R. .LAiaacRjr, ro. w. wrim,
cLnc:tcunn& wricht.
Atiorneyb at, Law, -
Will praotio. ia all the Court, of the
Slate, Prompt attention given to all buti
oa eatiaatil toonr eere.
OffleeOJd Fellow. Temple, Albany, Or
t? , j. wniTriEY,
hwkA And Ocnnssllcr At Lai
X0tlV.. PllllllCa
Will pr .V-i? I all of the Ooort.
nt3Ui. All b iaenn Intrnatal te hi
aril I ba promptly attended to.
-The Etrella ' cigar, 3 for 23 tent, at
Elii' Cir Htore.
RvXI I t-T In ! I
ltort Albaay LP
IjMira Ar k""" -
lanaso. aaascii,
"CTTl Albany x f ' I
-- i Mdmuu
2nd?w Stoie.
419 JTuroa Bt,
Via., Nov. U
issa, ; -1
hata mad.
ablckan cholara
with graat iuo
com. Erary towt
.mObctod with
the dlMoM nl
ntTil A cured by It and
1 noommcnd It a a ture enra. Itbafaarad
tMBUuiy dollanv IL A. KL'ENNK.
Bretder of Floa rowla.
v BakerflM,CaL,0ctlt,niM.
t have ad tt Jacob oil for lorebaad of
ChteketuTwlth prompt, permanent (rare. One
bottle will cure 10 to IS ehlckeni; 1 to dropa
ajorta beeia. JAS, BXTIIAU
tor garstAt dixktioxx-Wb a pay.
br4 er UtA Mtwatcd will SL Jacobt OU. Jf
OU wi aao twaSott ar it tknn Uu lAroaL
if la mm or aMoJ dmwA rfU V O0. Glut
v 'At Davooam akd Dialim.
m CHARLES A. VOGELEI C0MtalUaia-a,ll
First National Bank
Or A Lit AN t, OREttON.
...L. PUNN
TRANSACTS A QtNKKAL banking tulnM.
AOUOUMTS KEPT eubt to ehock.
aiOHT KXOHANOK end ll mnhio truwrar. eel
iKw York, lu rranclieo, iloajrv aaa rot
COLLXCnOKT BADKan htormhl twtca
e. Teraa, K,W. Liwdoi,
L I Biia, ' L. Ftnia,
W.ueaK TvaiuHA
Linn Connty Bank,
Cowan, Ealston & Chmterlain,
TRANSACTS raerl buiklnf boauiaai
B1UW RIQin DRirra ea lew Terk.
aa giaa
eee eat Portland oregoe.
WAS MOOtT oa eppioted ewority.
RET (IT K dopatfl rabjort o alMck.
HarJkcf Orfgon.
Trsl.tnl IT. BRYANT
Vlca Preaident.. aaae aeaaaa.ea J. W. BLAIN.
Caahler.. 11. F. MEKR1LL
Slitht excbanice and Uileftraplilo tran-
rar on New York, San Franoleoo and
Portland, Oregon.
Colleoliona mada on favorable leruia.
Physician and Surgeon
OfUcv cor. Ktrat and Ferry Streote,
Pbyuician and Surgeon.
Uflloa oppoatUt tba DsiWHirai.
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
Special attention to diseases of the eye.
,aTofflca'ooroer of Third aod Lyon St,
PbysicUn and Surgeon.
aroffloa dd atalra In Strahaa'a Block
Uay be found at bia offioa a ay and nlgbu
Physician and Surgeon
Late of Brownsrille, Or.
OC5ee at room Noa. SS and U, Htratai
and PiaroVa Block, np atalra. Call
promptly atu-nded In oily . country.
B? hava ih Ejclutiv Control ot
And ion' l hat to offtr m frit to nil Wt
' Y4$.forlUJnBITA0. r Caa AoM.
Civil Engineer and Surveyori
Ome with Orsgi i lA.-.d 0 1. Albany, Or,
Seweraa SWina and Wtr ar,u!i
a Rpe:iaity. Etnle Sill Crlded, MtM
ouuia or jOki on auort nauoa,
80il, LAXXIXU i f')., IIOPR'S.
imiiiiucii. .. j
Ris-hest Trio In Cab fo
Whoar i
'-, t -t V.IWbU.. ABB UU4' i
rtiuggistBand Bouirsellers,
Aenufor Jobi B. Aldan', publication,,
bich we aell obiinhor't prioa. wifi
FTHtaeaJ Jn J. ..' ' .- ,
. ALBANY, OKEfiOM. ( -
And Solicitor lu Clianeery,'
Collections promLtlT uade onaiLno-a t
Lcsnsnetjotiated on wasonabletertea,.
It '
4 4a. v
Napoleon, whatever hi faultt a a ruler,
knew how to rUc enormoui revenue with
the leaet pottlbl. hardeSIpe to the people
nd the greateet economy and aertaloty to
to the gavernmenl,
"The vicee have broad backt," .aid he,
and he put heavy tiiae npon tobacco end
other mmUiere to vice and lutury, leaving
the necceetwiceot the people either wholly
anltied or ai lightly burdened at polble
The republican party, judging" by the
utterance of tte leader, and organ, pro.
bom. to reverie thl wl.e rule. In It view
It I the neeceeiarlet of the people that
have "broJ back" and can bett bear the
burden of uaatlon. " Men' women and
children mutt have food, clothing, fuel and
theltert there lore tax thee for a ture In
come, and we will tpend the eurplut."
Thl teemt to be th rare eeonemlc policy
of the champion of protection eatli lca'.ly
to called.
Pretldent Harrieon U repotted to htf
replied recently to a epolitmonger who
toaght to hatten the appointment of an
Internal Revenue Collector: "Tbore I ne
haate about the.ej they will all be legle-
A republican organ In Ohio, replying to
The rferW, ay: "Flrttof the Siurplu.
producing war laxea' to go will be lobaeeo
Why thoutd tobacco and wUkey be ex.
empt from taxation while 8o per cent, of
the tariff taxe U collected from necea
riee of the people? Whv aboliah taxet
which each contumer can abolUh for him
self an d be the better for it? J low do the
people relUh the proapect of free trade in
vice and luxuries
Our democratic exchanges are heading
the latest new from their fraudulent vo
ter up In Silver How and Deer 1-odjje
oounties: 'Montana U all right." Cer, Montana I all right. The repub
licans are en top there moat beautifully,
at they are In all the other new States and
In raoat of the old one. When Billy Ma
hone bring up the rear with old Virginia
aad eccopte the executive chair in Rich
mend, the capltst f the late lamented
"Confederacy," there won't be acarcely
any place left for a democrat to go to. . It
It true Gov Pennayer "held ever'! la Or
egon until next fall, so they can keep up
their courage here a little longer, and thoat
"ha eg their harp on a willow tree" or
a vine maple, a the cae may be. Eu
gene State Jfumnl. Now, Brother Kin
cald , do you not see that democrat, can
go to Virginia from whence Mahone hat
gone to it alifax, or to Ohio where fire
alarm furaker He htr-4e-tmbaty, and
where l.e hat been in the habit of lying in
variou other ways, or to leaover which
for many, many year a pall of Cimmerian
darkness ha hang, but from w how execu
tive chair the effulgent ray of light and
reaaon will toon shoot out In all directions
and light up that whole commonwealth
or ta New York and New Jersey where
for years they have had permanent home
or even to Massachusetts who now holds.
out her beeeechlng hands. The prospect
I a pleasing one to democrats.
Of the Yarions Baking Fovdera Hot
trated from actual testa,
ROTAL (P49MwmmmmKMwm
CBABTs (Aka . .aa-a-aniaaaxBa
BOatroaot (..aMaaaasji
BAiroem fruhj ainaBManasMi
CBABM a (Ak Powim)..mmmmmBam
BAYS' aad tii E.' (AfaajIWIIIMWUI
CLXTZLAIDf ...sMtaafj.
PIOBZZB Saa Fnacisco) .sB-aBBBBi
HA170ROT (Koae Sack), asn aot twk
SWlBf i I L- 1 "
BClroBJn(npkai),wbea aot Mk...aBBa1
Eeporta of Government Chemist.
"To. Royal Baking Powder k composed of
per. and wholesome ingredknta. It dots aot
contain either alum or phosphates, or other in
jurious substtncesv-EDWAAD a LOTS, Ph.D."
" The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly
the purest and most reliable baking powder
offered to tba public . t
Hirit A. Mott, M. D., Ph. D."
"The Royal Baking Powder is purest In qual
ify and highest in strength of any baking pow
der of which I have knowledge.
" ' Wk. AfcMvRTRia, Ph. D."
AB Atom baking powders, no matter hoar
hi ft sbeir .trengtb, axe to b. avoided as dan
gerous, raotplutic powders liberate their gas
too fseely, or tudee climatic changes lufler de
syi iw v was e
I'nrcer BrdodaJbin and First Sis.,
tsxauca rfuittt, ; Cao Jtlotaa.
MumwriB,'-. ; nesiwssr,
Orlcei fruit. Vcgetstisllee. ,
. Tbes, , V f. c'lgitrM.
f:flee, : Teeu
- v E t
''.-faot everythinic ths'.'i. kept In a -en
i rfery and jji-ooer;' ,r.." Hlg aoM
J tket prle. rld lit i -, I 'J-
Try thai Cure
Ely's Cream Balm
dennflos theNasalPaflsaKOS. AI- .
lays) InflaTnrriatinn. Heels the Sores..
' llestores the Benm of Taste, Smell
tuid Hearing.:- - . . ...
A partlcl. ts applied hi ta each noafril aad
I. a.reenhlM, Prlns 50e. at Un.l ua ar by
ami. IXY iliiOTilkSyie Warren Bt,-New York. .
vvare-uall ici::ds n;
jFFIOIAL 5 j " aiil
Canae. a Reiwatioa.
ClttCAoO, Nov. 8. Dr Conl' clothing
and cute of tttrglcftl i-lrumenti were found
thtt afternoon and fully identified, and the dis
covery haa created tlie greatest excitement
among the oflieers of the state. It was stated
in the court room that the clothes and taie of
instruments were found in a catch bn.ln in
I.nke View, ly Lieutenant Koche, of the I.xk
View station, not a hundred feet from where
Dr Cranln's body was thrown. It wss after-'
wards lexrncu that they were discovered at
some little ditnce from the spot where the
body of the murdered ntsn was Lund, hut in
close proximity to the j-lace where the bloody
trunk was discovered.
t He Lsavea rr Tarkey
Nitw YORK,' Nov, 8. Solmon lllrsch,
United Slates minister to Turkey, sr. lit to.
mortow on the F.trurla for his new post of duty
lllrsch wst a New York lad before he went to
Oregon, more than a quarter of a century ago,
and the cabins en the Ktrurla were quite
crowded to-night with hit friends who wanted
lo ray goodbv. Among them wst Judge l.sch.
man. ol the Sixth district court, wliote moth
er it a sister of the new minister.
Aaothe r Tratt,
I'lTTSRVRa, Nov. I. An evening paper re
ports the tale of the Globe Oil refinery of this
city, the Freedom refinery ofFrcedom, Pcnn.j
and the Cralge Pipe line to the Standard Oil
Company. These rcfineties were the lsreest
independent refineries in the country. The
deal is said lo involve several millions of dol
I1KI.RNA, Nov, 8. Governor elect Joseph
K. Toole was inauguri ted at a o'clock this af
ternoon. The official dispatch of Secretary
liluine that tbe presitlent had signed the pro
ctamstion admitting Montana to statehood was
uncovered at 10:40 A M to l.ovtrnor Toole,
who signed for it at 1 1 o clock.
More Uaada off.
Salrm.Nov, 8. Kor some reason unknown
to the outside world, convict 1 in tbe Oregon
penitentiary continue to cut off, or ettempt to
cut off their hands. The latest to perform th.
self amputation fear were Cumminc and
Burke, from Multnomah county. The former
succeeded only in part, geliinc off the end of
one bnger, and the latter made two bad hacks
loth, lone, Five have sow pcrfoimed this
feat, and at a punishment will be kept in dun-
a iiigNiorm.
Dknvkr, Colo, Nov. 7. A RfMU
special from Clayton, New Mexico, says: Un
lew the snow storm, which has been raging for
eight days come to and end soon, next sum'
rner will show a country covered with th. dead
DOiiics 01 animals ts thickly as was the old
anta re trial in lite sixties. The depth of the
snow is not now less than 36 inches on a level
and in many places it It drifted teven feet
high. Nine miles below Clayton, two pain.
rer irains nav. been southbound tor a week,
Provisions are running out and the passengers
ar. comiieiieii to venture out in the storm and
kill cattle, th. quarters of which are taken in
to the cats and roasted.
They Mswt
Wash'SGTO.h, Nov. 7. Ex President and
Mis Cleveland, leaving the Bayard Ctymer
weduing this afternoon, drove ever to the
White honae to pay their respects to President
and Mrs Harrison. On leaving biter far Ne
Yoik, Mrs Cleveland left her card and drove
away. Mr Cleveland alighted and was shown
into the green parlor, where he was immed
lately joined by tbe president. They had
pleasant chat, during which thepsesidenl mad.
a good nauiied reference to the eloction, to
which Mr Cleveland antaered in tbe tame
pit it,
UK Moimks, ov. 7. l ite additional re
turns on the legislative ticket show that the 1
publican majority on a joint ballot will be eight
thus instiling the re-clectitei of Senator Atlisun
The Rigittir, Kep says: The revised figures
give Boies, for governor, 4700 plurality, and
indicate the piolwble election of all the repub
lican state ticket except tbe governor.
RlOlMOM,Nov. 7. A tabulated statement
of the vote of the state gives McKincey a ma
jority of 41,000.
ktieold be Meld.
Sacramemo, Nov. 5. Seil of tbe most
prominent business men of this city have just
held a meeting to consider the holding of
historical fair in 170J. Tbe committee had
been appointed and reported the progress
the work and a general acceptance of the idea
a an excclleut one. The committee concluded
to call a mat. meeting during the early part
of Decemtter, when a prospectus wilt be pre
pared including the general plan of an exhibi
tion. This fsir is to be held in connection
with the Pacific coast fair if the committee ts
successful in arranging the latter.
Big for a Illalnter.
San Fxa.ncisco.Nov. 5 Rev Robert Mac
kenzie, pastor of the First Presbyterian church
of this city, has received a call from the Dutch
Reformed Church of New York city. ' The
salary offered is said to he ten thousands " dol
lars per annum. . ,
few York.
Nrw York, Nov. 6. The 16:30 A m edi
tion of the W0li gave the democrat! a victory
more sweeping In the light of Ic day's returns.
The democrats not only earned the state by
from 30,000 JS.OoO, but gained tea members
in the legislature. It is now estimated that
lb. plurality fur Rice for secretary of ttate
will be about 22,000. Tbe legislature will
probably stand: Senate 19 republicans, 13
democrats; assembly, 69 republicans, 59 dem
ocrats Ohio. ;
CoLl'MBt' 0., Nov, 6. the democratic
state committee is claiming the election of
Campell by a plurality of 12,000 to 15,000 and
th. res: of th. ticket by pluralities ranging
fom 4000 to 8ioo.
'' " Iew Jersey.
Jersjcy City, N J., Nov. 6. Late return
from various portions of New Jersey indicate
increased democratic gains. Abbett't plurality
fo. governor la njw believed to exceed ie,ooo,
SoastltaUon Adopted,
Doise CaTY, Nov. 6. Returnt from the
election upon the adoption of the constitution
of the state of Idaho come in very slowly. Ada'
county, nearly complete, give 1 190 votes for
the constitution, 418 against. Partial returns
from ten other counties gives a total vote of
4258 affirmative and 833 negative, There was
not enough opposition to bring out tbe votes.
There should have been 18,000 votes casJ.
It looks now as if not over 13,000 votes, of
which 10,500 were in favor of the constitution
and 2500 against it, ! ... 1
Des Moines, Ia Nov, 71 A M. The
State Registr says: The returns from the
counties, by fub'vote or estimated minorities,
indicate' the election of Boiee, the democratic
candidate for governor, by a Small pluiality,
probably not over 300, The vote is running
so close, with so many unexpected changes,
that almost the entire vote will have lo be
known before definite results can be ascer
taincd. . '' ,', y
Waahlngtbii, , ; - " '
Olmpia, Wash., Nov 6, The legislative
cuddle Is over. Both house effected only a
temporary organization and lo-morrow after
noon it will be ready to send a tressage to the
n.nRte, announcing its readiness to transact
MajKJI.llRB.ttaV r-.-'-'.i:-V.' ' j.-
Boston. Nov. 6, Return have Jbseri re
ceived itrom every town in the state, except
Gasnold, which hss about twenty- votes.
They give Bracket', Rep., . 126,792, RusseH
Dem .1201,813, and Blackmer, , Pro, -13,854,
Good Prcperty. About ten acre of
land right in the city being the north ten
cretof the Milton Hale place.- The land
aslope, nicely And has a large frontage on
the road. Thia Is, very desirable property
and is for sale for a tew ya at a reasona
ble ficure and on easy terms. E" O
Beardstey Real Estate - Agt Breadalbln St
JUNK rcuaoNa dkowned.
A Prlsktlal Aeeldent at Yen ulna Bay.
Newt has been received here ef one et
the most frr Ightful drowning accidents In
the history of the Northwest, at Ytqulna
Day Thursday. A man by the name of
Wagner who had taken up a claim on the
south side of the Bay took his wife and
teven chlUlr.n Into a tmall boat lo crott
over Olsen'a. Ills brother-in-law whoie
name wat Parker' went along to take the
beat back to the to'ilh side. When they
rrlved near Olttn'i the boat wat eapslied
throwing all out Into th. bay. The moth
teven children and brother-in-law were
all drowned, the' farther alone being sav
I. The awful accident hat cast a gloom
torrow over the whole community
Seven ol the bodies have been recovered,
being all but the man and youngest child.
The case of the State against Bet Rolf e
wat given to te jury Tituriday. After
being out about half an hour verdict nf
not guilty wat brought In and the boy wat
discharged. At the catn of hit brother,
Fred wat the same.he wat also on motion
of Hie Qjstrlct Attorney, discharged. At
the confessions of Illll and R.lfe were
ruled out by the Court there wat nothing
but circumstance on which to work, and
they proved Insufficient in the minds of
the jury. The result Is tha', Illll will pay
the penalty for the three by spending ten
years In the penitentiary, that being the
sentence Imposed on hi in by Judge Boise.
The way of htx are sometime peculiar
and Justice through technicalities dropa
the balance. In the meantime the bodies
of Jack Miller and Quint Guthrie are lying
In untimely graves, without any doubt In
the mind of the public, through the crlm
Inallty of these three young men.
I ne reading 01 lite testimony in the
Workman divorce case took the attention
of the court for a long time. The suit
was brought by W T Workman, who re
tained Slott Uroe, of Portland, while the
defendant, a daughter of Mr W W Par
rl.h, of godavllte.rettttned C E Wolverton
of this city. The testimony wat taken
before Judge Powell and it 1 aald contain
ed a few savory Items of a sensational na
The following cases have also been dis
posed ef t
Assignment J W Ellison. On docket by
Board Commissioners agt Emily Mc-
Klnney. foreclosure. Decree granted.
1 R Dawson agt J W Ellison. Confirm.
lion, bale contlnnallun.
Cynthia Taylor egt TV I Taylor. DU
voice. Divorce granted. Name changed.
(0. R. M. BUcskam, Jades ; B. W. Coofr and 0.
W rallilps, CumnMuMrs.) .
R R Humphrey was appointed to repair
he Lebanon bridge at a coat of $30.
A new walk wat ordered lo rear of
Court House.
The fee of Count v Court officers were
Bill wf S M for Linn coun-
ty. $150, was diaallowed.
Allison C Lester to Sophia M Let
ter,i6o acres, 11 E 3
T II Rhoadslo I.oyd Barcey, 55x13.
feet, bl 3, It's 3rd A.....
Susana Hanley to G F Burkhart.sls
acres it w j..
W II Goltra to Suaana Hanley, six
acres, it w 2......
D Cutlck to David Link, t lot, bl
34, II 's 2nd A
Wis C Wheatley to A R Cyrus, 20
J V Pipe to 11 W Lassctlr, 1 lots,
Thos Badger to J II Mullan.t lot, bl
29, It's 2nd A...
A Ilackleman to Til la Gray.hH 8, bl
o,ir 3rd a...........
Z G 1 1 aye. to F Sechagel, 180 acres
10 w a
Jcph I McCov to J F McCoy, In
terest InDLC of John McCoy
Jos I McCoy to Frank M French,
power of attorney
$ 800
90 i
Mr Wilton White has Mid his farm for
'34-SO per acre. Mr Moore of Dakota
Mrloe Brown and family have arrived
from Missouri. They will locate In this
part of the county.' .
Mr John Love is teaching school here.
. The young people have organized a Lit
erary aud Reform society. ,
The young pwoplrs' society of Christian
Endeavor gave a aoUI and Pyater supper
at the residence of Charley Brown on the
night of November 1st. The young peo
ple enjoyeU themselves in a social way till
nesr midnight.
air Eagy has returned from the Eatt.
He thinks the Willamette valley is the
nicest country be bad seen.
Mr Barton Is planting a nursery. He ha
planted 10 bushel cf peach secd.and wants
to plant a many more,
Mr J B Coucy of Sclo ia vlslllig friends
here. " ' '
. Letter List. '
PalbKrtnf b lb Itel ul lotssra rsmalala. ia tb. Pa
OfBe, Albas?, Una soanty, Oraana, Ko 7th, IBIS
Ferwxw oall a lor ibas taws nua) sir sb daw as
which ttiv war alvriia4 t ;.
R.Mk, UQ L
Bownwn 2 0..
Ho.ii. Mrt Jh
B mas, sliss baurm . .
Hurtwi, H
Bwnhsrt, F at . '
Unrlaad, Mia Kta
IUrris.Br K
Molman. Mrs HeUwjr
htmit, Re C A
Mleksi, John
Rbmtt,MrsT i
1 hnmaa, Mrs Fraacls
Wbtslsr, Mrs May
Callshsn. K H " "
Ctoo, Hi .
Caiiipbsil. William
Hartua, rrank '
Lwin, riiiur .,
Ut,rr . ;
atleksl, Ml-s Anna
Smith, K K
TOUHg. U W , ; f.
Wumu, JaW(b
X faCs Invrstment,
. Uses wkick ia fuarant.ed ta brti
surr ratolt. t In m at latlura a ntum u(tr
1 a .iuruau(rrtias
Srta... oa tai. aais nten jrea aaa boy from a
ent4 Drucrlst a knlti t iir. Hlaa'a X. tla.
ai7 fat CoMumpllafl, It la saaranUas la Kflkf
rjllaf ia stary east, when aaa far any sS) at
Tkrwi, Lasss ar Chaat, sceb aa Cauraallai Ja
asaa af Lang, Branehitls Aathma, Whnnf
Caafh, Cranp. ate,, sta. It is pWant an4 afT-!ti.
latMM,.rtatsa, sn4 w alrfsysba 6rmi
-mo. trial hotdaa Ira at roehartt MasanV
, Uee Curtains Lao. Curtains.
I have lust received mv fall stock of
lace curtain bought direct from Importers.
the largest stock ever brought to this mafk
et, and best value for the money.
SAMUEL li. X OliNtJ.
7 0-kseur. rheumatism, neuralgia
toothache. Foshay Mason Aesnts.
. . AlL rRRS0NS.-ri!ndebted to the, late
firm of Brownell Si Stanard are- requested
to call and settle RC the store of C E
Brownell without delay or 'make some
satisfactory arrangements, ' -
i; - f. - - 1 1 1 as d a mil,- .
' ; - : ... 54 , , - . '
NoTice. --Parties Indebted to .Mr E. L.
Power, will confer a favor by calling on
Mr I F Merrill, with whom his Recounts
have been left, and settling the' same at
nee. . . 1 ,n , .
Advice t Mothers, ?
: Mrs, WinsJow's Soothing Bf rog, for
hlldrm teething, ia the .preaorpion of
ne of the boat fetnale nursaa and phy.i
ians In the United Staien, Atd has be.n
aed Iter fcrtjr years wtfh nersr fttfUiog
oooesa by nirtlorss of metbsra for fbeir
bUdweo. Dustog the prow., of teetbinf
s value ts xooalrjuable. It rbbmyes the
hHd from pain ensee dysHntery and diar
boas, eviplna hi the bowels, 1 aod wind
el to,. By vtag health to tb cahiki ft
ets tbe naoth&r. ptlos 26a. a bottle. ' '
J : s .1 1 1 .. ... . .... . .. - -
4 .-.; i 1 - 4 i.-; . i i.i 1 .X ;
Dr. Flint's Remedy Is the best remedy
feuown for Insomnia, or aleepleesneM,
which affiiot. .0 many persons, snd whlob
lead to ao many serioos nervous,
partloalar!? to innnlty. DoaoripUye
treatise wlfh eeeb bottle; or, address Mack
rugCo.,N. Y, .
There is nothing like being filled with
the oaone of prospect. Put your finger
down anywhere In the Northwett and yea
will strike It In ltt most halcyon glory,
whether you touch Albany, the railroad
cenJtr of the valley.soon to become a great
manufacturing, wholesale and business
i center.or Salem with It many state build
ings and contemplated railroads from Fall
City, Meh.maa.nd Alorla,orEugene,wlA
Its Blutlaw Una stretching in frotfttt to
ward Hie ocean, or Ashland with Its fiuit
orchardt, or Yaqulna with lu Immense
hotels and b'g business blocks, or Astoria
with ltt shipping line end railroads to be.
or Portland with ltt untold advantages and
more oaines.or uiceon uitv with tta mr.
ntflcent water power notalbllltl.-a.or MeattTa
and 1 stoma and Spokane and Ellensburg,
and Port Towntend and Gray', llarbor.tor
I'enoieion and Baker City and Walla
Walla. All are basklntr in the sunshine
of to be'a ( but who knows.some will strike
a pocket and oilier will get soup.
One of the pi ettlcst games of fecexe out
ever played In Albany was that when the
etrange photographer came to the city
! put up their $2 algn.and Immediately
photographer shouted In printer's
Ink half a dozen for 50 cent. The Strang
era never took a picture and suddenly left,
wnne tne west photographer toon had his
hands full. It was well played and I. a
warning to cheap itinerants who cut prices J
Three young men all together In a com
mtn piece of deviltry. One had a long
tongue and went to jail for a multitude of
years. The other went tcott free. That
Is a good ('lustration of the ways and his
tory of life. There are two men out of the
penitentiary who deserve to be thereto
one who realty looks from behind the bar.
Not the worst boy In school I always
punished nor the meanest men In the
world who go to jail.
The uncertainties ef real estate specula
tion are so great as a rule that conservative
bank will not lean money purely for that
purpose. This fact tells its own storv.and
suggests that It Is well to keep cool and
not get get a mining stock fever.
Thl. Is the time of the year In Albany
when ten men get an Itching for
a city
oflice to one who crosses the line.
UE.l', rjrTATK P. ALIA.
S W Crowder to Cha W Crowder,
whalf.N Earbl iiS.U'a A...S
J W and M J Propst to B F Fuller,
ioi 1, ei 4,10 Albany.,.......,
G W Miller to Addle E Brvant, 40
acres in sec 14.10 13.S k 3 w.. .
II L Rudd et ux i. w R Garrett.
acr in It A McCartney DLC
J S Morris et at to E Coin, lot 14,
Ellss Maxwell to Frank Smith, 30
acres In lp to and it.S K 2 w..
Mllten Hale to A J acr.t
tp 10S R 3 w.....
A J Conner to Wm Conner, 120
acres In tp 10S R 3 w
IIC and Ella lUrknes to ElUs
Psrker.lot 5,R'a A to Leb..
M E liearn to it Casey, t acres In
TJ Munkcrs adm'rte J M Calayan,
160 acre In tp 10, g R t E
Aramenta Perry to Jas M Calavon,
160 acres In ta 10. S R 1 E
1 J BComtey to Wm M liosg.bart .1
bl 10, Albany
G W Maston to T Egentorr Hogg,
207 acres in Id 11. It R t w....
John Dlertnger to J N Gulllford,
parcel in bl 101
M E Karreil lo Jacob Sanders, 112
acresln Albany
C Mahr to Elisabeth Mahr,5$ acre.
In tp 12, S R 4 w $
Wilson White to j C Mshr.55 acre
In tp 12, S R 4 w
Josephine Shearer to France Hood,
15S acres In lp 12, 5 R 1 E
W T Shearer to France. Hood, 160
acre in tp 12 S R I E.
Martha Uuckabay to Frances Hood,
15 acres In tp ia, S R t E
R Finlcy to Wm Huckabay, 160
acre In tp tiSRiE
1 too
Hetal Arnvasa.
Mr. Harper Yaquina Pat Lynch
II I) I (enrich "I Buxxle Tope k a
Win Thompson R Johns
I M Buchanan A A Elliott
Russ Hovsr.
H V Powell
C E Burnett
Van Atlstlne ,
G L. Boone
O B Dcrthkk
P Smith
Chat Cooper,clty
J Sandner
C D Compton.ScIo
Rkvrrk Hot'SB.
Wm Wulter, Denver Thos Fox
llenrv tleh
W G BrUtow, Core
Miss Iloey, Linn
J McFarlan,Sclo
Fred MeUger.Port
DWKaup, -
Bayley.M CU
Mrt Burke, M
"The Read T. Heaves."
A golden Casket of unique brid'ant
and beautiful christian treasure, gath
ered from the richest mine of religion,
science, and philosophy; sumptuously
llustrated with a magnificent galaxy of
iyal ateet plate engravings.
No other book of modern timet deals with
such a living subject, displays tush genuine
genloa, ha tuch a significant, striking
and ai'.racilve it'ie a thtt pew book po
esse, it contains the essence of a thou
sand tones boiled into ont, and explores
every field of human exp.rl.noe, that csn
engtge, fascinate and charm both the
hlshlv cultured and the man of the world
t is issued by the Globe Bible Publishing
Co., of Philadelphia, Pa., and sold by aub
sariptton only. Mr. L. MaFarland, who
la the authorixed agent for this section I
now canvassing for It. Wo heartily rec
ommend this book to our readers.
To th KoiTon-flcn'O inform your read,
era Hint I have a MMit4vnienitsly fur Mienbovn
named dUttase. liy it timely use tlniuaiiflsof
' h(elna cun'S huvo br-eii tierniMnrntly cured.
I shall be RlaJ to send two bottles 01 my reme
dy rnan li any of your readers who liav.enn
sumption If they will send me th'lr rxpres
and pofit nirlo address. ItestecUully.
T. A. SLOCUM. M.C.. 181 fearl at.. New fork
Ckarek snreclar y. . J'
. U. P.CH0ROH. Preaohinaevery Sabbath,
morning and evsbing by Rev. ft. G. Ir
vine, D. D. Sabbath School a 2:30 T. u
Prayer meeting evory Wednessday aysning.
Evaxobuoal Chchch. PreAohing on Sab
tatn at 1 i.W A. st., and 7 p. m. oabbatb
Sohool 10:00. Prayer meeting .very Wed
neaaay evening iiu. ivev. riansr, pastor.
Alt are wvitmt, -...
M E. Cncaca.SopTU. Preaching every
Sabbath morning at 11 o clock A. m. and 7
30 o'clock P. m. Sabbath School at230o'olock
p, v. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening's
at7.30o olock. liov. U 9 Uanlett.r, Pastor.
M. E. (Jhurok. Preaching every. Sabbath
moroioa and evening. 8ong service in
the evening before sermon. Sabbath School
at 2:30 r m. Prayer meeting every Thurs
day evening, iter. 5 ta ttemingor, pastor.
: Pbxsrvtrriaw? LxtJRCH. St-Tics every
Sabbath morning and eveninglin Cberoh
oor, Broadalbin andFifthSts. Suuday School
immeaiRtely alter the morning service.
Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening
Key IS K Pnohard, pastor.
Fnurr Baptist Church. Preaching every
Sabbath morning and eve' a, at Church on 6tb
Street. Sabbath, Sohool immediately after
morning service, rrayer meeting .yei
Thurtdy evening at 7:o0 oclook, Rev.
Trumbell, paator. v .
Covqrroational CHtrRoH. -Serricete very
Sabbatb morning and evening. Sabbath
Sohool at 12:15. ' Pvayer meeting on
Wednesday evening of :, each week, Kev,
Rofcters Pastor, -. , .
Christian Church Preaching every first
Sabbath in month, morning and evening, at
11 0 amok, tabbath Sohool at 10 s'ciosk.A,
M. Rey Humphreys, Paator, ' ;;
Cathouo Chckch. Service every Sun
day at 10:80 a. M. and 7 P. U. Last Sunday
of th month aervioa at Eugene uuy. ltev,
Louis Metayer, Rector. ;
Si'jtt Bros., the till lawyer, cf Vottland.
are in the eity.
A new and tlsasnt line of onrtiers Inst
calved at Forttnillar A Irvlou's. W si
Smoke the e.t.Waled Havana flltad 6o
oigsrs, manufactured at Jalius Joseph's ai
gar faetory.
Get a tiek.t for th. Chiosao Comsdv Co. .
to bogie at tb. Opera fleas, nsxt Monday,
spend amasirgly.
Babaeriptloo. for all the Lading- news
papers aod megadose raseiveV by f L Ken
ton, near the roscoitioe. ah orders for
warded without delay.
Mia Laura Tate returned this eoon frm
a visit of Mv.ral weeks' ia Purtlsnd.
Kingston it th. asms of a n.w eity to b.
plsttad on th. Oregon Pauilloat ltt junotios
with tu. North 8utiam,
Loss wh ea osuld have bean bouuLt for
179 to f 100 sis month ag on Gray bartx r
are now as 1 ng at high a $3000.
Mr A L Lstnb ha. sum to Albany to r
aid. and will bare charge of Mitohsll Ac
Lewis Co', wagon and agrieultaral imple
ment bouse bora,
A little aod of J F Cirul.. ef P.olins,
Crook county,, arrived ii Albany a da or
tto ago alone, aed will spond th wioter at
v A cor e.
Mrt Bryaoo. of Portland, it io tk. eitv
basing oomaep to attend bet rranddaoghter,
t ie daughter of Dr Aubrey, who it ill with
membraneous croup.
We are retinas Ud to ear tb.t tk r.nott
that baa gained eurrsocy io tbe city that a
ebiia er Mr j n uanean bas the diobtheria
I. not true.. Th. child isaflot.d . nly by a -
naa aoia.
A of men passwl through towo last
week, with th. foilowiog paloud ou tbeir
wsaco cover 1 ''No srub and no moo.y,
Mtarvsd in Mersey valley. Hpokan. or Grant Co. Ntw,
Mr. Jaok Miller, wif. of tb. deeoased
fireman, who ha bean in atteedanee at tb.
Cireoit Court b.r. during th. trial ef tb.
yoang msn for wrecking tb. trsia, bss at
tract sd attention on acoount of her digniitd
appearanod aad floe loaklag eoanteaaoaa.
H L Wido.r. busina. msosgsr of Dan
Morris )u III van's Mirror of Ireland and
Comedy Co., mad. a bnsiaos. esll at ibis of
floe tbi moroiag. Dsn will be here 00
Monday and Tetsday, Nov 18tb aod lOrfa,
shm notioea
Tbe eaa. ef th. Stat, against Bert Rolf, was
being argued tbia afternoon, bat bad iot
gone to tb jury arth time f going to nr..
Tbe Court rated oet tbe ooafassioo of Hill
thus Riving the prisoner a greater eh ance for
hi liberty.
Foggy m.rniogs.
Bsve yoa heard tb. tloetion usws !
Jack Alpbin was in the eity yasterdsy
el.bratiig hit 61st birthday. Judging
from tb. appearance of things w should aay
btJuU y enjoyed it.
R II lUmsdsn k Co, of Salem, oa account
of tbe dullDvss of drsysK i'saioess In Salem
yidotly,bav. ssored to this eity, sod tbeir
eity exprsw. easy now b seo on our straats
Peopiaare gta Jually leaviot tbe small towns
tor Albany.
Ray E R Priebard Is in rawii.t of a letter
from Soath Dakota, te'ling of tha terrible
daatitotiooA nd saffarings amoog tb. psopl.
there, as a raault of this season . drouth
Hundrads of families hay. death. by starva
tion or frasxina, staring tbem ia tb. face,
olea spaedy aaatstanee is randerad tbem
from outside. Tb. ladias of tb. l.t 1'
tariae ehorcb will sand a box to th. suffer
ers in M ioar Co. the latter part af tb. week,
and contributions of good sacond-baod olotb.
log or kaddipg for tbe box will be thankfully
reoaivad by tb. lad Ma at tb. lac tor room ol
lb. church on Tasaday and Wednesday
forenoon. Th. Walls A FsCo bave kindly
offered to transfer the box free of express
Chickens for t
Sunday dinner st
Willamette Packing Cm'.
Chicago Comedy Co.
Msgaifying glass, at French's.
A fine line of solid ailvtr ware at Freoob'a
Both apple and potatoes ate vary scarce.
Coming, Mirror of Ireland. Watch for
Coming, Kitty From Cork."
Watcb for
Compasses, all style, aod prior, at F M
a 1 vuv.ii a.
Qainces 75 cents per bushel at C E Broa
Mr A J Jarnigto, of Sut'on.bas
oaea ta 10s eity to-day.
Clieago Comedy Co. nut week. Gt
yonr scats at Black man's .
Finest fountain pens in tba world for only
$2.00 at FM French's.
Mrs Dr Price, of Sesttta, is in tb.
goes 1 ot Mr ists.
Mr B B Fry and MissLansy Rukerjwer
marriea in Loanon a law day sKo.
Hon R A Irvio went to Cottag. Grove
se-aay on a visit witn a friend tbere.
Tb. 00. horse delivery wagon cf tbe
Willamette Packing Co' (tore ran, a way this
Prof R N Wright has bean appointed
rri.oipsi 01 tne Baotiam aVeademy at Lb-
Mr R F Wystt we.t to Engen. City this
noon, stopping on at tiarriaburg oa his way
The Elsctrio Luht Cos new has
been reoeived. It ia for tneude?nt lights,
and baa a otO-Iigbt power.
Astoria is sglow over the proseot of a
railroad to that city from Pottlaud, to be
buit by the Union Pacific.
Nlt Monday that exoallent tronp, th.
Cbioago Comedy Compaoy.will giye a week
of enttcuiomsnt. ia Albxor. By all mean
New Subscribers to the Youth Ctmpa nion
tot 189V witl r"ia th. paier ire the re
mainder id this yar. Piie. -173. F. L.
Kenton, anut.
Cspt Lvjiiiug and VT K R-d r-.rud
yattsiday fr.iui iha StKiiam ii.mer, fcxiitgiag
a ton of uro whivii will b iiiioro c. a San
Francisco smeller.
Mr Baueroft, rpres.n'iu th. N h York
Life lus. Co., 01 e .f tn Iwt o n i.fiia ax
tant, is In th c t y. ; Mr K., Hi. iirisocRAT
is informed, is a nephW of tlie !n.i.risa. '
Th Chicago, BurnoKtoit & Q u...jy R R
are said to want n outlet, l id Paeifio.
One ef tb. man, uhaoum th.t wilt ne pre
atntad for the Oregon Paeltio t j get East.
Brother Stite of the Albany Dsmocrat
was presented with a gold-headed can. on
th. occasion et hi SOth birthday, last weak,
A good man i. appreciated by our Willam
ette friend. Jacksonville Time.
The railroad plant of Saail&Dsao has
been pure hated by the Albany St Astoria
railroad, and is an indication that business
Is meant by this company, which is a fact.
Tb. first road that reaches Astoria will be
from Albany.
A yoang man near Lebanon recently went
banting. Finding a bxnd of geese he.killed
seventeen at sis sh.ts. They proved to be
tame geese, and belonged to Mr Blodgett,
who requested $17 in liquidation.which was
promptly paid. ' . ...
New carpet, in the latest colors and de
signs, oils cloth, lioolium snd window
shades juat received at A B Mollwain's.
Partist wishing goods in the house fornish
tng lin. will de well to . call, as hs has mad.
another sweeping reduction and ? will save
you at least tan per cent on all these goods.
," Thursday a MinaApelis minister preaehed
a regular infidel ermo, renouncing Christ
ianity and causing a startling sensati.n, wo
men weeping, etc. Ha was aimply teach
ing them a lesson, desiring to illustrate tbe
great indiflsreeee in religious matter tad it
had tha desired effect.
A wild hog wat shot Monday at Oakhill,
Tnba county, Cai.t which weighed 6 GO
pounds.' - It was aaow white and had tusks
six ioeh.a long. John W Rioe, of Brown',
vallay, shot the monaroh foar times with hia
rifles before fa. dicl. He had been shot ae
often within th. last fourteen years that a
poaad ef lead was found on hta body. Ha
was the tsrroc of Oakhille.
All But Onk..T1Is morning the bod.
ies of all but ' one, that of ' Mr Wagner
drowned In Yaquina Bay, had been re
covered, being those of 'Mrs Taylor and
her seven children. The body of the
youngest child was found clasped closely
In the arms of the mother, making e pict
ure tad to contemplate. The funeral will
be held to-morrow at Newport.
for Infants and
Paator lata M wall aAtiilU la ahfMwwiOiai f
frxmmeUssvtSTlctoaDVrmacrltXkia I f
SAOWBtonja." H. A Aaowaa,U.D.,
Ill go. OxXord Bt, brooklya, X. Y.
F, M. Freneb keeps railroad time.
J. P. Wallace. Physician and Surtraon. Al
Por a Starlina Ar Kmeiuln niani, 1t ,.n CI
it Black man.
For sal. otiesD. sssood hand oresn.! Mrs.
G L Blackman is sicont for th. W.ber
piano, Nona bat tr.
Buy your tioksta throuch to th East of
W L astar and sav. fare to Portland.
Th. Western Cottage and Packard f re two
of the brat organ, made. Q L Hiaek nab
sells tbem.
A fin. tin. of all bind, of furniture, plain
and npholatared, ls stock ia this (.art ef
Uregon at fortmil er ft Irving a.
If yon want a olaan and fln amok ask for
Joaapb'e 'horn mad whit, labor .'.tacs
For sale by moat ciusr dealer, and at hi.
Joawpb'a factory. .
J ej'n ,1 1 .ant Siijier Manufastur
at Co., o:iK4it 0 Id Fallo'V Tampla, AI
Anataitant linu of'r.iiV table tpresds, in
baintifnl di.igtie, just ttceivsyl at Poitmiller
irviug a.
1 cans G1 la Star timstoi for 60 cant.
at C, and all other! cannad goods
ebssp for cash. -
Jast raoeiyed oew table linen at W, V.
I W Starr, phyaioisn andsnrgaon, Albany
Good, conking stov. only flO st Ilop'a. mk
Dr Writthtsman's Sovereign Halm of Ufa,
for diasastt peculiar to women, at Deyo.dc
Kobson s aod Brownell ft Stanard a, P J
Baltimore, agent,
Combines the Jnlce of tbe Bine Figs of
California, so laxative end nutritions,
with the medicinal virtues of plants
known to be most beneficial to th.
humsn system, forming tbe ONLY PER
FECT REMEDY to act genu yet
promptly oa tbe
Cleasss tta S jtstem Effectually,
Naturally follow. Every one is using it
and all are delighted with it. Ask your
druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Man,
factored only by tbe 1
Sax Fsaacisco, Cau
lotrwriuju Kr. Ksw YORS.X. Va
flew U
WrfttMit toWH M aarejrt. tMB fsRTSM skat
. tjiotti I ttspsr ksesa Ts-a
fasr fc. C A Ibsm ek C llrwttce ejead fsl,U
MAfwm exiejaa m9 vr mf,
(fftM4t Vt B.UM.
rtltUf Kllae, Henlibwi,
wnisti mmv mmmt ft ass
arrktsssr tau Bks yomr mttmwk.
Tcsusviaw I gfjesk smloM is ia
1 tBstasBf sptusfeMr. Msa,. tnVej
tak sua esrtlejr tW mm !
t iWf. H
r (HMt mm 44 etAJBMw.l
lh)t Mtsjsja. Met-r
fchall w start VUU ta this boainvius
rY WrlMttjt4 pessrti Jt mbm tt Vr ysmflt W
letWtllHTaajNTI W wil) SJgftft JTWR If J ttsetal StasiSA? tMRtsl
esotkar sreee mMm6 f jam km jromr pmrt w hm trj. If
Uhm escOaj rm wSU aba tt mirk op f4 fet. M"lt4eJ
t-Nj earsstttit of IkssMtJ taswalKleitw V 1 V.O0 Ceat
eSevllsmr r taHClpikt AlatBMrto M 14 t ts
KH frr ettciu Umm4 tn lufal (Waitr tlk Vrwl
Clksfff-jseskclw tltii'isw mrtd-. tUBliiwin alksjAMMBiKej
wekrtsi. sararvM nta. e.treeitet itrnlta ervea? inwt.
samttiaasl. Uhatimi tewtatv m. ssjsisxy tto . Aar
BeMvWttJ . ftilf tttwif m nigM iiovej r n
aaHLitAf mtmry. Hiwtw Bhtiasm. mm? mm wmt a pmx
AtfweiU UtfctJ tB)a edj rf ejrf Wlsta itdcMty atMt
Wfocw ktseswtt. UrtNtl bwg4i await mvmty wormeay. AreM arts
IMfcIttr fetejts&. Lal4t Bkatav M tsvtjeBt M BkMB. JU f Aer.
cm smk well tw nr mm, ntl UsFarmatteati ta4 i twi tvwm
to iImsm wtM rrtr fbr taiM, erij eerikfian Md tmnmm fW mi
r sutttiT wMat, taexstta lae raneaatemasV ARer jreasj kxrcvw
.etialrssej ttsKtaete tat mm tmnmmw. wf mm mmnm to atttm
1 1
ri'-. -1 r.T"
Vlieeaywpoptle, tba alsbtli t(f , wJi tb
r rvojn eeaa of works fjstlgua MP
ay,iAat.or xtoaurs)ia
Ilalarial Beioxis,
Wtll find Tatf. Ptn. th tnoat rental
rataraUv.vr otferwd Us aKXfwistay
Try TJiesa Tairly.
A vifforon. ko!r wi" blf . stroissr
taorvee aus st ebaarfKl nlnd will rsUsa
Notice of Final S8ttlamantv ; -
Notice is hereby given that, the under
signed Administrator of theeatato of J. J.
Davis, deceased, hat filed hia final aeoirant
with the Clerk of th. County Court for Linn
county, Oregon, and tbeid County Court
has fixed the 5th day of November, 1SS9, at
the hoar of 1 o'clock, p, m,, for hearioecb.
jection to taid account and for the tettle
meot of said estate. - - '
This th. 27th day of Sept. 1889.
J. B. Davis,
J. K. WiAiHRsroRD, Admintatrstor,
Attfy for Administrator.
Final Settlement,
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, Administrator of the .state of Geo.
W. Perry, deceased, has filed In the county
court of Lin.t county, Oregon, his final
account of taid estate and -the said
eourt has fixed Saturday November 9th,
1SS9, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon af said
day for hearing objections to said final
account and the settlement of said estate.
This the 9U1, day of Oct. iSSo
T.J. Mcxker.
rs -
1 .-v. .
w 1
, J
aaAayta enra. CnltA. CowrttnatI'm.
- "' Pv mach, trtarriwaa, JtmotaUon,
KUle Worms, givas slaep, aad promote, dl-
I Wttlou teiorloas laeCUcaSios.
T.a Csjrrtm Coarairr, 77 Murray Street, W. Y,
Fortmillet k IrvingV
Prompt lttentioa-Pirst-clasg Hearse
It k) IU all tnfiaraoaeum and lrrttialS. aod ta Mm
only Kn dasaroyay of Mioobas and aSba RaJaj
ntfrmty. prfc. 25 0nt BOX.
Tbeae wishing a firat-clase inatruro.iit
should .all at Mr. B. E. Jfyman'a rid
aa. one of tboae Cj!eorstal Jleinme A
Lengplanoee, excen.ot rich tone, vm
waslalv mad. and svdatd to stand the.'
almate on tbe PaiCa C's-sst. E rery piano
hwlT guaranteed for 5 years. Tbe lr.lewt
a?jee4-mtuioforeio. Matte and painting
RiiaoB glvan thar.. Also tbe plans) to gal
year saw Sewing Maabine. Fancy work
ayd tfre. making dona to ordar. First
dooroAKtof Yonnfr's H stand, Albany, w
fn bof:ifM pu;i'U at tha Portland Busine
Mitt. 1-urtUnd, Crvy.'m, or ml the Capital lu
kie.'jlUre Sale m, Oregon. Koth achoota are
eadcrihe nimnRemeBlof A. P- Armatrong, nave
me courae ot aiiKlies and same rate Ol :uujh.
Utsinoi, -Hliorthantl,
'yorwritins;, renmanship and Knglish Depart
tnrnla. Uay and eveninit v-im. btudenUad
mutcdatauy time. rorio.ntCataUjtje.adlrea
ran:aa4 asuaeai tMI-tv. (1 H tar aaaaa wn.
loriiauo, urrfM.
baiem, Oiccuo.
FOR mi Or.LV!
1 Pn5ITlVFar LOST at FAIirWe BATi-MP-ArWitllICa
aTT1?TaaaMaatkWraa4 SiaSMU
BM I e (Mt, a. a. a a Sal.. us
Sunt. sa,s,rtiHwLoeaifSa raarsaraosr.
awas vaatvaasv in, a, a a-
mufV Irmm 41 Sl.lii, t nil I i. Siilaa lan
mmTS3tmm till liiALMn tiff Ale, 1. 1.
Eevere House":
Fittel up in flrat-.lAa style. Table,
aitppited with the beet in tbe morkat.
Nice steeping s part tn raw. Ram pie roano
tor commercial try. velars, - s. .
Wfr Caae)i at-t frvas tk-. S(el."a
Wtc n I ssv Crr.S I do tsr.tueaa marely ta
"top th.-n Lr a lime, and tli-.-a :. ive tt-em re
turn pjriin. 1 If.n A i:.VliCil -
1 bavs outdo tbo diaease ot '
A life-lor.j study. I wabrast myremeoy to
Cl'KX lb j vort ca w-. IWcfca-n uihera nave
laiieJ ti rurenaon ft i" t nw rv vivu.x aenra.
Sea '.5oiifratre,rSii!Mida t k::k iottlb
-.' I. v iNrvi LtBLS) Kkksov. Una KiprTaa
na ""i t inica. It eoic jon r-tbisg for a
! it nrjll cure you. Jt jurua
0 OT, M .C, 1 83 Pur. ST, Rc s Yost
taiaed, and all other busiaees la tba TJ. A Fat.
fBoa atten tailed to tor moderata teas.- .-
Our othoe is optmait th U. 8. latant Offlea, aad
weean obtain Fatauta less tine than tboaaremot
rota Waahinfttoa. - . - ,
Bead moilis ordraainx. W. a1-. ' to patent
ability fr itt eharf ; tul we mak. o charge anlass
w obtain patent.
W, refer her, to tha PnrtAMSter, tb 8upt. at
Kooey Order Inr, and to officials ol tba V. &. fateat
Otfiee. f-circular, ad rice, terms, aad eferaaare
aactual diruta in your own Stat or county, addraas
Ce A. SXOW &COe,
(VPn-at patent Orflca, Waahlnirtna, I .
&m irgpopnospimxa
Almost as Palatable as WIIJc.
So elialHd that it esisx bw tokaat,
dlsjeatecl, a. art staatanllaAoel by th aaaas
seatattlTa .tonsacla, waken tfcia plaia U
esan.t ba totaravSodt f mttd y Ste eaawii
blaatiow af tha oil with tba bypopisoa.
aa inaca nan auxtoawaoau. .
EntartRkle at a -fiesa prsdaetr. .
; Ptisaai gata rapid!y voile tattej : ' 1
' SCWTMEMTJLSIONkaowledgedbj J
Phvaioiant to be the Finest aad Best prepay f
xaUon to tha world for tbe relief and etuao
TU grtat remedy for Consumption, end '
Wasting in Children. Soli by all Druggist
Sv. wbK haS1vn unler-
"cOT.t9? -st SftUafacttow ta tb
tualiiMun. wi a prsaenoauana
1 atreaaiybyUa rawinamauu.
SvsatttssiletlCb " to " auflarars.
OmstatrtJETnVt . f' rV L in
a Aartl Sold by DroggUrt
Fhty att HtR,' Yri9lesale Ageats
Go East via Mount Shaata Rout. Nic
ehmato and scenery at all time of th. year.
See Mount iihasta, Sacramento, Ogden, Salt
Lake, Denver. Finest scond-claaa or made
ar. run daily. Buy your tickets of m. and
aav. yeur far to Portland. I am th only
person in Albany that oan sail yon a tioket
to any point in ths United States. Call on
me for rates. . - "
; : a.- .:,vY h, JEStn, Agent 8. P, ,
- : ; -' i i. ', -. ;. .
WOOD !?AWINU vYood aawed on
abor . nolle., In the eity.
Retralar prii ... l.ft at Brown, d
de baanard'c j promptly sttendad to
.., . GTO.H.WAmK,