FRIDAY...... ..NOVEMBER 8, 1889. STITEs is K.litoM nad HUTTIKQ. rroprletarm MS Special. Xt la with pleasnro that we wimok te our intsy patra.s tht we have gHn madearrangemeat. with that wide-awake, ll!Btrtd farm magaslno, the AttlftlCtit Tjiitfia, published at Fort Wayne, lnd nl read by nearly 200,000 farmeia, by wbloh that great publication will be mall d direct, FREE, to the addreea of any of ourasbseribers who w lil come In and pay up a'.l arrearagee on eubterlpilon and oae year In advaaoe from date.and to any new nbaoriber who will pay one year in ad ansa. Thla la a grand opportunity to obtain a first -cIjww jarra journal free. The Ami mean Famer la a large IS page oorutl. of national circulation, which ranka among the leading agrlcultm al pa- pera. It treats the queatton o. eoonomy tn agriculture and the rlghta and prlrl egea of that vast body of oltlina Arner o Farmeia whose Industry la the baala f all material and national prosperity Ita highest purpose la the elevation and -ennobling of Agriculture through tne klgbarand broader eduoation of uicn and women engaged In Ita pursuits. The teg u'ar aabaerlptlon prloe of the AnaaicaK Taaata la tl.00 er year. IT COSTS TOTJ NOTUINO. From any one noat br Ideaa ean b. obtained that will be worth thrleethe enbwlptlon pries to you ormembeae of your houeehold, vetyov m it raws. Call and see sample copy. i i i i at A . m m LOCAL RECORD raoBABLY mo atood the cose of ArrtAL. It U under A H Manl.a! 1 against the city will not be appealed. The man ner In which the declaien of Referee Ir vine was confirmed, the motion to modify made by the city aa well a the motion to eet aside being denied. It quite a compli ment to the referee. While It la not a very pleataat posttlsn to place a city, the inability to assess damage for grading ad joining property, Ic It a fact that citizen having the good of the' city at heat t will not refute to itand their there of tuch ex penae. The work of grading Wathlngten Street will be begun at the first opportun ity thlt fall and It it an Improvement that will be of great value to that part of the city. Nor from Albakt. Albany It getting to be auch a Mg city that If anything hap pen any where Ita name gets ' connected with It In tome manner. Here la a cate an erroneous one, from the Asitrin: The latett fraud t'.iat the AU,-i put in he rogue' t gallery for It reader to guard against, la a fellow named Aldrlch, who It traveling In thlt section claming to be the aeent of an Albanv fire Imurance com pany. From three settler on tne em, he got lie, $jo, and $3S, respectively The $15 man he told he would inture hit ptace for three yea- for Scou. Thlt man's aame It Purllta, living at Mithawaka. The Albany company has, of course, re udtated all knowledge of the bogus gent's actions, and the settlers are out aust what they paid." ; Tua BcaoLAR. A lare house greeted "be tirltmer-Davlee troup lat Monday. The Burglar was presented with fine effect It has. plenty et tragedy-and a vela of comedy that la refreshing. Betide '.he Strong acting oi Gritmer and hit wife, the young lawyer without a cate.htt bett girl, in ui genuvraan, mc wiicr,anu )uihH' larly the little girl with two fathers who said the wouldn't hurt the burgUr.present ed some superior scene. This troup can alwaya depend on a large house In Albany.. Tooa: Poisox. Mr and Mr Davit re--elde at Stay ton. Lea Friday night there was a dance at Mehama. Mr Davit at tended againtt hit wife' w!hes,Ieavlng her at home. The next morning she made up her mind that it was on account of a cer tain young lady, and.oh,-well ahe hunted 'up some poison and took tt. Then she -concluded not to dle.a doctor wa tent for, and he Is now alive. Husband and wtvet should have a better undemanding with each other. .-.. ' New to Us. We are reliably informed that a gentleman from Albai.y wa in the city during the week who waa authorised to offer substantial Inducement to the Gold Mountain and Dry Gulch Consoll. dated Gold and Silver Mining company to move their office to Albanv. We are not positive but understand that the visit of Mr company, on Thursday, was U ascertain the advantage offered. Salem Dmrat A Bio PuacH Ase.--A syndicate of Al bany men headed by Mr C C Burkhart have purchased of Mr W II Coltra forty acre of land off thewert side of theSmead place and are having il platted prepara tory to placing it on the market. This i fine property being among the best located M Ik. farm im .ar 9f llta rfttf hflrh IRlt dry and will make a nice addition. The consideration la said to ha e been $20,000. . " ! t-OLicr item, The Albany paper have again dog up their tteroetyped Item . about a big force of hand going to be put to work on the O 1 neat week. A soon aa the snow fall In the mountains they will have to lay that Item aside.... Henry . Burmester returned am Tuesday from Al bany. He says the greater part of the . work being done on the O P extension I talk, though, there are a few men at work la the mountains. (Jcboco IievHto. VTiLL Go Eat, At a meeting of the board of trustee of the Albany Collegiate Institute last Monday It wa JeciJed to ,end Prof Condit East In the interest of the College. It 1 proposed to make eev oral Important Improvement In the Col lege la keeping with its growth and that ot the clty.and It i for the purpose t,l get. U J,th!nI tnnnnrt that Prof (tondlt wUleoEatt.- During his absence Mr O A Archibald will teach the classes In book A keeping. -. . .. ,; - Owa op GaANorA'a Badgec. Mrs E D Sloan, ' of Klamath Agency, formerly of '"Albany, recently found in a crematim ' meund, on the Klamath Indian Reserva tion, a Harrison badge, of the campaign .-of 1841. It was under several feet of ' burned clay, ashe and calcined human '' bones, and along with other coins, beads, .. obsidian arrow heads, etc. The log cabin and the profile view of Uen Harrison enow plavlntj. . ' Goixoto Piece. An examination- of the Yaqulna Bavthow thai it ha twisted apart amid. hip and that the after part ha s turned on it beam end. The forward . part (till rest where it first lodged last 1 December. - The after part, receive the full force of the turf and it fast ehaklnjr to piecct. Yaqulna Rtfublican , .. , : Bekeiks. Ripe red raspberries the sec ond crop of the season; ' were" gathered from the vine in the yard of Mr W Hirst in thl city Sunday. What would " the Inhabitant of the cyclone region of the northwest think of gathering ripe ratp- berries the 3rd flay et .November. Another Addition Mr Jatcn heel er it having twenty acre of hi farm niaHcd and will soon put it on tne market r v,'r,eler's addition to Albany. It will t.a Mr Jos Snce moved hi household goodt to Albany Wedms. day.and hat taken hit family there to live Mr Sage ha lived in thlt pluce for a long time and ha a hott of frlendt whoso well wishes accompany him and hi family to theirfuture home.. ..Mr Jo White sold about tlx and one half ton ot hops, Tues day, to a San Franclsuo buyer, for 7 cent per pound. At.thl low figure our hop raisers will lose money, ...One day Inst week Hush Montiromery wa brougnt oe fore city recorder J H Watcrs.on a charge ot disorderly conduct, and fined $3 and cost, r mounting In all lo SS to. He wai drunk the evening before and wa lodged tn jitll for safety. A few month ago the same man was nneu in Aieany lor a line offenscand we withheld his name until the neat offense. Mr M. U a pretty good man ober.j 1 .. A Domestic atkd Pheasakt. The following from the Brownsville Timt prove that Chinese pheasants can be do mesticated, contrary to generat report thoueh we predict that tome day tne one referred to will take to the wheat field "Mr O P Coshow, hat a China pheasant that hat never known any, but, a domestic life. It wat born with a brood ot chicken. and wat ted and cared for by the mother, until such time a he wa Dig enough to wean, when he wa left to shift for him tell alone with the chicken. Thl bird teem perfectly contented, going to roott at night and feeding through the day with the chlcktnt." A Brakcii iUE.- Mr Harry Mlller.of the Grant Past Sugar Pine & Lumber Co. hat been In the city fur the purpose of establishing a branch factory here, aad making this the general distributing point for the product of the two factories. It will take a capital stock of $15,000, ot which Uochtedier& Sear will take $tj,- Quo, merging their businest Into ll,tvlng only $io,ouulo be taken by other eltuen, which tbpul-1 be .subscribed at once, lhe factory would be a good thing for our growing clty.and It Is a matter that should be pushed. The factorr at Grrnta Pas it to be rebuilt, which will requl.e a'l the present capital of the company. The Tax Quistiox. -At their regular monthly meeting Saturday forenoon, the Salem Grange, during the open session, discussed the tax law. The attendance was rather small but the discussion was none the let interesting. The tpeaker endeavored to thow by what meant the rich propei tyownert who know how to do It, avoid the payment of taxes, thu throwlng.the burdtn of the taxation upon the poor who do not know how to avoid tuch payment. The tpeaker were I P Kobertson.T M Wagner and John W Min to. Staiitmam. Wa Want I r. Albany want to be a distributing point as well a a manufactur ing city. 1 hen we should subsribe at once the $15,000 stock asked lor Hue branch fac tory of the Grants Pats Sugar Pine Lum bering Co. $10,000 of l hi U already taken bv Hochstedter& Sears. The com pany when burned out were doing a bus! nets of over $io,ouoa month, and stock In It will pay from the tart Every cent will be Invested here, lhe business will probably double within a year or two. These are the institution Albany needs. Scio. Capt Loney, of the salvation army, with a residence at East Portland, It stopping for the week wIU) Mr E Oolnt at.d family, recruiting" hit health, very much broken from bard work and Incar ceration In jail In East Portland.... Mrs Peattand, having sold her property In thlt city Vtd purchased a home In Salerr, ex pects to lake her departure for that city to day . ...There It some talk of a baker shop with resturant attached. In our burg - be fore long. A bakery will be a great con venience, to be certainly. V. . Hear Orricce.' Monday Mr DB Monteith transferred the Harper Cranor cjmer to Wh Mlloag. A three ttorv brick is to be built on It, and all the office A the co i pa ny located on It. This is In accordance with an Item in the Democrat a month ago. Wa hop this head office business is settled now, as It hat been a very confutlr.r matter both here and In Corvaliit. Glanders. It it reported to the Demo. crat that there arc aeveral serious case of glanders among some of the horse on the Albany prairie, and there I danger of Its spreading. This la a matter that should be attenJed to atone by Linn county' ttock Inspector. But our stock inspector has left 'the county. The Count v court should therefore appoint a successor this wek. WastcIt Let the people ' of Baker City and Baker county make It their sp cial businest to confer with the Oregon Pacific manager and see if it I not potsl ble to induce them to change their route of survey and come via Bak r City. - It I certainly a common tent and but! tess proposition and one, we doubt not, the company will entertain If properly present ed to itiem. jutmtxrai . r iMraovixoTHiM. The O P machine hep la being enlarged by an addition ot 16 feet on the north end which 1 a much needed improvement. Mr Rankin I su perintending the work and expects to have it completed In 4 few day. Yaqulna R- fubikan. Getting them ready to move to Albany probably. - . . Revexb. The matter of the will of Martin Wertz, of Tangent, which ha at tracted to much attention, wat considered by Judge Boise last Monday, a decision being rendered reversing the judgment of Judge Blackburn, breaking the will. The will will therefore stand, and wat ordered admitted to probate. - , For the Mine. Capt Lsnnlng and W F Read left last Monday for the in tiam mine after a ton of ore, which they will ship to a California imelter in order to ecure a thorough teit. The present out look for these mine 1 very good. Two Sack Fcll. A Portland paper I authority for the statement that two sack full ot Chinese pheasants were , re cently shipped from Shedd to San Fran- cisce and offeied openly for sal In . that city. Wonder who did that. . - .9 A toot Kacx. A 100-yard foot race wa run at Lebanon Toes day between McKnight of that place' and Bid well, of Crook county, the latter giving McKnight ft ve feet and winning by seven feet.; The s taxes were 3o. - Akotjibr Town The Wlllamett Land Co. have plaited 130 acre of thelr land near Albany ind will put it on the market In as Hart time a East Albany. At the Ceoss Roads. A Syndicate 1 being organized here to purchase the Co rner farm at Taliman consisting: of 270 Icres and laying part of It off Into town ote, and putting theaton the market. New earpeta in the latsst eolere and de sign, oil eiothi, nuouura ' ana winuow shade tost received at A ucuwain . Part las wishins soooj in tnenouse iurnisn mg line will do well to call, a he has made another aweeoina reduotion aad will save you at least ten per cent on all ttieie goods ;- Rbt." Hcutton, of Albany; wa in thia city over Sunday. Ik is rumored that hia visit are fast drawing to a close and that hia perseverance will toon be rewarded Corvaliis Times. . ;'.,. - ; Nonce, Parties indebted to Mr. E, L, Pov.T will confer a favor by calling on Mr H F Merrill, with whom hi account have been left, and ettllng the aame cat nee. . ' , :' '.''.1. " BOitM. FORTMILLER. -On Sunday.Ne 18S9, In Albany te the wife ef Wm 'Fort- 1,s.m. The Albany paper have u- i;!;ir.g over the tact that the receipt at tlielr tliilrond station are ftfi, 000 a moit'.h. We clnira they have no cauae fui bout'Jng of thl since Roscburg with a railroad business of $9,000 make a much better showing. A large part of the receipt at the Albany station are from the ti eight trannferred to the O P R R and which traffic fa of no material benefit to that city. We think It can be safely ld that in proportion to population the Roscburg station ha done the largest business of any (n Oregon south of Port land during the present year, Roteburg AVtiVw. The; above It full, of ,tale state ment. Some ot the receipt arc from transfers, but not a large part. Further, we are Informed that nearly eventy-flve per cent ot the local frrlght receipt here are by the Oregon Pacitkand O R & Ni and hence play no part In the $16,000! while at Roteburg and Eugene City all of the receipt are by freight, and at the tat: ter place on a much longer haul. In a budness showing there la no comparison. Last month the total receipt here Were within $300 ot the total receipt of Rose burg and Fugene combined. Died Suddenly. Mr Phil Tharp died qnlte tuddenly at hit home In Benton county Tuesday morning,, ' He had been feeling unwell for a day or two 1 but nothing lerlou we anticipated until just previous to hi death. It wat thought to be an at tack of brain fever. The deceased wa a young man ot good habit, twenty two year of age. lie attended college here two years, afterward going to Corvallls one year and to Monmouth a year. This year he wa trying to keep up hi tudles at home, his father and mother being on a trio east, and it I said had over exerted hlmtett. A Tramp Experience, Early one morning, before daylight, Mr R F Athby went Into her woodshed after soma wood. Hearing a noise, and thinking It wa a dogt the gave the usual talutatlon of "gel out." Inttead oi a dog It proved to be a tramp who wat trying to tteal a bos of canned fruit. He made a tumbling ruth for the door and disappeared down the alley, while Mrs Ashby ot course rushed Into the house. Jut which was the most frighten ed he not been learned. By the way a close watch needs to be kept for these Marbied, At the home of the County Treasurer In Albany, Wednesday Nov 6th 1889, Mr J S Stratum, ot Miller Sullen, and Mitt Luclnda C Farwell, daughter ot the County Treaturer, In the pretence ot only a tew of their near relations. May their UCes voyage be a pleasant one. Rev J B Flh?r, pastor of the Evangelical church, of which Mr St ration Ita worthy member, oRkated. Wasiiijiotow Street. A apeclal mett ng of the City Council wa held last Tues day. to4 consider the matter of grading Washington Street. It wa decided to be gin work thl fall, within a reasonable length of time and push the work of grad ng the street to completion. Viie Rolpi Bovs. A yenlte wa order led by Judge Boise Wednesday for twen ty juror for the trial ot Bert ani Fred Rolfe, lor wrecking the overland train, ' It having been decided to try both together, afterwards changsd to Bert Rolfe alone, and the trial was proceeding as we went to pre. As the testimony ts substantially the same a In the trial of Hill it will rie uiteccesary to give it, 4 ' kickers. 11 you are a kicker and see a shadow ot failure tit everything that i proposed to hrlp a community, tor hcav, en ease go out Intv some aeclu.led can yon and kick your on shadow upon the clay banks, and thu give the men who are woi king a chance. People who buy their groceries cf Conn Bros never kick. New Citizen. Samuel Northeger, 8r, Samuel Nortbeger.Jr, and John and Ru dolph Spring all of Sweet Home precinct. have just been admitted lo citlxer.shlp In this county and now have the royal American ri;nioi voting, Special Notice. Member of Orgea na Encampment and sojourning Patriarch. will take notice that Grand Patriarch Ben. tly will visit thl Encampment on next Friday evening. AH are specially request ed to be present. ., ' CG Rawlimos, Beribe. 4 Coon Prcpertt. About ten acre of land right In the city being the north ten ere of the Milton Hale place., The land aslope nicely and has a large frontage on the road . This I very desirable property and la for sal ter a few day at a reaaoaa- oie ngnre and on easy- term. t, u Beardsley Real Estate 'Act Broadalbtn St Albany. ' - - ;, 1, ... r Married. On Wednesday, Nov 6th, at the retldence of A II Phelps, : In t Albany, by Geo Humphery, Esq, Ben Conner and Mitt Ada Newman both of Miller. -A Car Load. Hawkins Jfc Farrell have just received a car load of furniture from the cast, consisting of all the latett design In bd room sett, tablet, stand, book cases, sofas, etc which they are pre pared to tell at bottom prices. Give them an. early call. , . . SrtAMEt Arrivals. Our usual steamer arrivals will be In this evening; call early and secure the best of the following 1 Sweet .pota toes, celery, cauliflower, horse radish, comb honey, whit figs. Cat, black figs, Lemon. Oranges, sour kraut, etc Will. Packing Co. ..... , v- Next. New and beat place In town Is Gilton's new bsiber shop In the Froman BlocV, next door to Fortmiller U Irvine'. Best barber In town. For R ext. A pleasantly furnished room centrally located for business tnan, To gentleman only . Inquire at thl office. Try the full cream eheate at t! E Brown- eli'c. . , Mower to Lo.n. At a low rate of In- erest, on good farm property in Linn county, or on besl improved city property p Albany. Applt to B!arkburn& Wright, iioany, ur Bigoet'Ykt 10,000 Toll of wail pa per, latett varieties, finest decoration just erelvec" it rrtmlller& Irving' " .. . . - S .. A Sharp Item -The finest line of cut teryand thcart in the city at Stewart it Sox's. Their good arc the very bett and will tuna the test. If yoa bsve any iob wtrk to ii call on 6 W. Smith who is preca d to do it with neatness and disnatv tad a cheap at any one. J ,- j '(, , v, . , . Thl Trade Mai k on a atovc meant it is the best that ex perience and skill can con trive. Sold only by G. W. 'Smith.,,, How ' to Advertisb ALBAHY Get ome of those elegant view at, Crawford & Paxton'e and end to ..your friend Photo?raDhIc view will tell more and more truthfully than a pamphlet of print-. ed matter. . - .' Letter LUt. rollowiDi it th list ol letter remslnlnif In lbs Post Office. Albsoy. Linn eounty, Orsgwi, Nov 7th, 188. Persons cslllng for ths leUorJ mit giv ths iU on vhleh they war sdrerUtsd Bah, HO L ' " B-rwrnan JD ; 8Mb, Mr Jm , : CalWhin, E If ., . Orons, U CwnpUII, WlUUm UAi-tun, Vnnk Lessen, Arthur Le, F W Micktl, Miiis Anns Smith, EtS . . ,- Yuor,.aw Wiiu, Jossph Bnnusi, Mist Laura -' Wurtn, B f .Bsrnhsrt, M' fornett. VAii ' Urlsd, Mi Br . Harris, Mr i K ' Holna, Mrs Betas . Lewis, Kev C A Micksl, John " . Jtbnett,MrsT J' ' TbOfBM, Mrs Frsa"" Wheeler, Mr Msy THE TRAIN WKEtKEIUI TUIA1. The trial ot the three young men, Hill and the Rolf', under Inditement for wrecking the Southern Pacllc train at the Lebanon Junction on the 33th day of July latt, whereby Jack Miller an engineer, and Quint putherle, a fireman, lout their live came on to be heard lit the circuit court Tuesday, The defence decided to try the accuied teperately and the district attor ney announced that WA Hill would be tried first. J R Baltimore. L Calavan, Frank Prepst, O M OeUendofer, John Holt, John Beard, K J ward Event, M II Wild, A Frum, Jacob Clem, Geo Taylor, and J K Riley, were called and accepted. J W Cuskk, 1! M Fetry, F M Miller, Ja Matchel, Marlon Thomas and I I) Mil ler, were called and excused for cauie . J B McCoy, E L Knox, R R Humphery. and E E Parrlth, were called and excused by defense. EG Cox called and excused by the court ' I ha case on the part 01 we itata was stated by Mr Northrup of Portland, and Judge Whitney on the part of the detente. E Huston, a witness on the part ol the state, tettifled a follow 1 Am conductor on Lebanon branch. Wai to on July iSth latt. It wai Sunday. Saw deft at depot hotel between 8:35 and &40. Met deft and two Rolfe boy. Thev wanted to ride on engine to Froman'. Told them they could not. That wa the last I saw them. It wa In the evening. Overland train wa 45 minute late. We left nation at 9:05. Our train went on to twitch. Found it out ot order. A ttone wa between the rail, re moved Il and patted on alter turning the twitch back. Overland pulled out 819:15. We were at the twitch from three to Ave minute. After removing the rock twitch worked all right. Th I an automatic (wilch. Had the rail been thrown back to their proper place the South bound train would have gone over all right. II rail were one Inch out ot place engine would have been derailed at certatnly a if they had been three Inches. Saw nothing out t the way but the ttone. Did not examine clotely. It wet quite dark when we patted twitch. Think it wat the younger one of the Rolfe boyt that I talked to at depot. John Conter testified a follow 1 Am conductor, been o 1 J year. Left Portland onjulyaoih (Sunday) In charge ol over land trala. Arrived In Albany at 8:55 and left at : 5, By the jar I knew we were 08 the track. Went out of car and heard tteara escaping, and helped Miller and Guthrie out. Engine lay on her lde. Steam blew on engineer and fireman and scalded them. Rail were halt thrown that I thrown halt the width ol the rail. Flange struck center of rail and derailed the engine. Sketch of switch at junction wat here In troduced. Ware running at m to a mile when we reached the twitch. Maxlum schedule time I 35 mile per hour, f Wit nee here explained at length the condition of the ewltch and It general working. Miller died In less than 14 hour and Guthrie on Monday week following. Don't think any one got to the twitch after the accident before Id id. Put Milter on train next morning. Never aw him alter that until he wat buried. Cause of hi death wa scalding. Mr Watt testified as follows : A m road master on the Southern Pacific from Port land to Roteburg. Am familiar with the awltch at the Junction. Am patentee of It (Here witness wa shown (ketch of ewitch and explained the working 01 the switcn to the jury.) First taw twitch Jtf hour alter accident. Came with wrecking train from (unction. Move rail about an Inch and ! fiange would strike end of rail. Have no knowledge a to who tampered with it Tie were all new when the wreck cured. The only reason we changed tic wa because thev were cut up 10 by the fitngee 01 tne wheels. Sleeper slopped on end of rails Only five switches are in use. Invented In iSx Mr Do Clark testified atfuilowtt Am bridge tuperimeodent. Explained tplit key used at sw itch.' Alter accident found rails at switch half the width oat of place. (Here Mr Ie Cork vss hamlet the aket-A and captained the working o( the witcb.) Have experi mented with that twitch. Went out with grand jury and it worked just a I have here explained. Know nothing about the pin being lost except that we couki not nni u, ixnei all about the twitch for It, Know nothing about the condition of the twitch bcfcwe the accident happened. The tampering might have been done any time since noon of that day to for at 1 know. Don't know what kind of pin wat in twitch before accident Over land train hat ptcierence over U other tram wbeadeUyed. Man could not remove pin with hi band. Would have to have a tool to remove it. Could remove it with a atone in 5 or 8 minute. ; -1 Dr Bevial Reside In PortUud. Am physi- dan and surgeon. Wa called to tee Miller and Calhritf at St Vincent' hospital. They were both tiadly scalded. Miller died in an hour after be wa brought to the botpital and Guthrie in about a week. They both died from the efieete of the acalding. , , Thomas Fromsn. Am farmer. three mile tooth of Albany, Know delt lull. Saw him first is June when I hired him to run en gine at threshing. Remember time of acci dent , Hill waa mp.y employ thm, On day of ajculent he waa ac my ptace until J o'clock in the alteraooa when tbe two koiic boy ana Hill got some money and left for town. Did not ace tbem until next morning, Then told Hill to start the engiue, When I got to tbe field Hm onid be had broken lu arm and could not work. He taid he had laid on it tSe night-befbre he went to town to have it attend ed to. Returned at 4 in the afternoon. Said bis arm was brokea He tatd there had been a wreck. Think he (aid one van waa dead. Showed me medicine the Dr had given him to pour on hi arm. Hill staid round until night. Another . gentleman told about tbe wreck. On Tuesday morning 11111 naa nreo up but I told him I had another' man. On Tuesday evening . Hill limped contidetably. Hill ctaid all night at my place Tuesday night, On Wednesday at 8 o'clock Hill and I camete town. IDU could haruiy get into ine ouggy, Near llacklctnan't grove told bim be cbuid not woi k verv soon and he had tetter go home. He said Intra was a man in my crow a mat caused Ike wreck. I asked him who it . wat. He Hid be would not give him away for any time1. I told bim that it lay between htm and the Rolfe boy. . lie men taia uen rou was the cause of it He took out the pin and put in the ttone. lis and one the older Rolfe went on and Bert came running laying he had Dart of the Southern Pacific. I told him that he hart his lee at the tame time he did his arm and hessid "I reckon." - While in the buggy Hill said that he had told the Rolfe boyt tbatifthe wreck matter waa found out they would be in a bad box. Nothing unusual in th action of Hill. Know not what wt the matter with Hill arm, Tustday morning hi condition wa all right. , On Monday evening be said be had powders which the ur gave him. . Said his arm pained him. Green went to town Saturday evening, He did not return until Monday morning. Heard him say Both ine about the wreck. Hill did not worit any Mondavi ercmnir.- tie -slept oau an nour Monday evening, Tuesday evening hia arm was twollen, I bel eve he complained of pain in hit richt lee. Could see no difference in bit condition on TueJay evening and Wed netday morning. Saw nothing peculiar in hi condition Wednesday at we came 10 town, If he had been stupid I would have noticed Dr Davit testified at follwt: Am prac- ftsiriir physician and turgeon Live in Al bany. First taw deft on a8th of July, Two Rolfet and dett called to see me. 1 treat ed him and one of the Rolfe boys. Hill came Monday morning and said his arm waa broken, bald he or hit bed fellow had rolled over on it Hit arm wat bruised or kpained. 1 Gave him chloroform to exam ine h't arm, iJrtjutfii gave me cuiorotnrm. Hill wat willing jlo take It. f ound the hurt only trivial. Gave him liniment and morphine. Un Wednesday ne returned and I dressed hit arm. lie then asked It they had found out who monkeyed with the twitch, I told him I had heard nothing except what you told me the other day when under the Influence of chloroform. He then aald he wa afraid that he would tell something about it if he took that stuff. Hill then said that he and the two Kelfe boy were walking on the twitch and the young. Koite ooy stopped ana Degan to monkey with it and he and the oldec Rolfe boy told Bert to come on and let that alone Afterward Bert came on and eald that he had that mush of the Southern Pacif ic' properly any way ahowlnga pin. They told him that he had better put that away as It mlflht ereti him Into trouble. There wat no dislocation of the arm. Treated him three or four week. Gave him med Icine with the thought that It might be rheumatism. - . ' Geo Humphry testified at follow) Deft Hall preliminary examination before me, Had conversation with deft the day before the examination, conversation was had In the presence ot Hewitt, Monteith, and myself. Told Hill il he made statement tome It must be voluntary. Hill said he and the two Rolfe bay were In town Sun day evening and they went to depot and atked to ride on engine but wa refuted. They went on to the twitch. Oldest Rolfe boy put ttone In the rail. He aald he wa an engineer and took the key partly out and the younger Rolfe took Stout The older Rolfe ooy and he(lllinent on and afterward called to young? Rolfe to come on a he might get Into trouble. Young Rolfe came running on and tald that he had a part ol the Southern Pad flic dmo. ert and thawed the key. Hill and the elder Rolft told him ta throw It away, at It would get him into trouble, He threw It away, l B Monteith arretted Hill and Burkhart and the el'y tmarthal arrested the Rolfe. II 1111 appeared perfectly will ing to make hia statement Monteith told. Hill who I wat and me who Hill wa. Morgan Richardson Wat employed a8th of July at Mr Froman. Know 11 ill. Saw Hill Sunday morning and Sunday veuing. Slept with him that night In the barn. Did net see him return, 1 went to bed after nine, Knglne went along befoie I went to bed. Rolfd boyt returned be fore I went to bed. Rolfe boy came In 15 or io minute after tbe train patted, Saw nothing peculiar In Mr Hill except that he wat retilctt. Heard him groan and roil around In the night Had torn difficulty In keening the cover on me He rolled away from me. Heard him ity the next day that ho had hurt hit arm. He did not tell me how he had got It hurt lie did not say anything about getting hit leg hurt. Saw nothing unusual about the Rolfe boy when they came In. Had not teen the Rolfe boyt before they began work lor Froman. Knew nothlnir about hi arm being. hurt until next morning. I le had it Ueduu next mornlmi. Have no Idea who tampered with the twitch. Never heard him complain ot hit arm before that. W J Murray tettifled at follow tide at Albany. Waa at work for Mr Fro man July il. Saw Mr Hill, deft In the evening ol that day. He came Into barn. Said he had a boll on hit eve and Ih.t ti hurt Atked him In the night what wat th? matter. Said next morning that hit wrist wat tore and did not think he could work. tie came into the barn about it or ia mlnutet alter the train pa.sed. It would take about 1 hour to walk from depot to Froman', Saw nothing unusual In th action of Rolfet and Hill when they came in, stmw noininr unusual in tha aetlnas nf Hill and Rolfe next mornlne. It waa not entirely dark when the boy cam In gun day evening Eueeaa Randall tsilfiad - Reside In Marlon aounlv. Was wnrWInir for Mr Froman on the 8th of July. Saw HIU In the evenlne of that dav altar o 'clock In the evening. He came to Fro man s DSrn. uovs same In aomlnut altar the train passed. Saw nothing out of the mmj wun uiii next morning, except that he tald ha had a tore arm, Hill said he turned over em It. Nothing unututl In the action ot Hill and the Rolfet that even ing. Knew the Rolfe about two month prior to that. Nothine- unusual In tbe con duct 'of the Rotfct on Monday,Tuetday or w cunesuay up to the time 01 thetr arrest. Hill did not appear unusual on Monday. Tuesday or Wednesday .except that hit arm wat tore. Slept In the barn that Hill slept I". Tamct Foster. Live wlthmv father about 4 nilic from Albany. Know HIU. Remem- oer me wreex. Alter the wreck tald hit arns and leg were tore. He tald hi arm was broken, lie told me so on Monday. Hill said he hurt hi leg on the engine. O II Monteith. Resided In Albanv since 187. Remember about the wreck. Saw Hill first on Monday. Next taw him Wed nesday noon. Ho4 a warrant and arrested him. 1 1 III wa asleep In a hammock. Told him I had a warrant Helped him up. Left arm wa hurt. He said this was In connec Hon with train wreck. Got Into my buggy. He tald he hated to elve the boy awav. 'I told him that It was better fr him to tell all about It Statement made lo Monteith by HIU wat tken ruled out at Incompetent Thomas Froman recalled. I said this train wreck matter laid bctwren the three because they the fthiee) had not seen Green, Murray, Green and Randall were all In town also. Green did it come back until Monday. Randal' and Murrav came back about sundown. The boy all came to town afoot. My place I about two mile from the whcu At thl point the court accompanied bv the jury, bailiffs, counsel and reporter re paired to tbe awltch to view the circum stance of the wreck. BVEXIttft) EK1X. E Randall recalled, testified a folio art ; Hill fold me he ran arslutt a banister In the Dr'a otfet and hurt hi leg. Mrs R Thompson Have seen Mr Hill. He came Into the postofnee and asked for hi malt. He waa ahaktnar and I asked him what woe the matter and he said he had broken hi arm. Said he wa running and fell down. Nothing In hie manner pecu liar except that he waa shaking like he had the g-t. ''..',- State rests. '';'.","' Jack Hundley, called lor the defense.tes tlued aa follow : Am acquainted with delt since June 4th. Worked with him on brick yard of CatselL Hill complained of rheu matism in hi arm.legand (Ida eoraettme so that he could not work. Saw him Sun day evening July jS at 6 o'clock. He wa not drunk. Saw him me evening at de pot at about 35 minute past 8. He darted down the road south with the two young men mat ware witn mm earner in tne evening. It wa light enough for me to see him acros the railroad track. Not ture about the lime I taw him. There were no light about the depot Don't know whet!)-1 er there waa any llht In the Lebanon en gine or not 11 11 1 wa so or 30 feet from me. Itad no convertation with mil at de pot Knew Hill to lay off from work on account of rheumatism. Saw him but a few minute at the depot. ' Don t remember whether I slept with Hill at brick yard. Ubbe Peter. Wat cutting oat near the twitch when the wreck happened. Leban on engine wa a mile towardt Lebanon from tbe twitch when the wreck occurred. Only a lew mlnutet I rot a . the time the Lebanon engine left twitch until the wrecx occurred. Could not tee whether there wat a car attached to engine or not. I live on Mr Walter Montelth'a farm ltf mllet south of town. Was unhitching my team when the engine pasted. My house Is about o yardt rom the switch.- would iaxe me 15 minute to walk around my oat patch. Mr Deuelat. Have been acquainted with him 8 months. Knew him In Kansa and here. He waa afflicted with rheuma tism. Had to stop work teveral timet on account of It. He wat uneaty and rettlet of nlghtt when he bad rheumatism. Mm T R Douglas. Have been acquaint ed with deft about 8 months. He often complained ot rheumatism. Complained of It on the read trom jvansas. 11111 was at my house Tuly jeth. Said hit arm wa bruised. Said he had been taking so much chloroform that he ws drunk. He looked n had. On Wednesday morning he did not seem In hi light mind at all, Became acquainted with Hill in Kansas., Do not know that he had any trouble in getting Into the buggy. On Wednetday he com olalned of rheumatitm. Did not tee him on Monday until he had got up to the door. Said ho bad not tlcpt on Tuesday night, He looked pale and tlckly. ( , ' Err Dougtat. - Am eleven veart old, Have known 11111 8 montht. Ma enl me to wake Hill but I could not wake htm very eatlly, Had to thake him a long time before I could wake him, Hill tald he, had the rheumatism. Came back on, Wednet dsv. He acted like he wat drunk and oeuld hardly walk. Have talked with my father and mother about coming here to lettity Have talked to Judge Whitney about it, Bertha Donzloa.' .Am f years old. Have known Hill ever Uce we lived in Kansaa Heard him. two or three time shoot bavins rbVornatUm. He did not art like himself. Have ao talked with my fath er and mother about ooming here. i Dr Hill. Am. practicing medicine. Saw the deft about aieht day at Ur he had hi hm enlinled. Dr Devi was with me. eiaminsd him and found him to have the rhnmtism. Hi thigh wawolien. Ex amined hia left arm and wrist." Saw nothing unusual about hit arm. Asked him about his arm. Said it had pained him but wat wall now.' One nnarter of a grain it a toll dose of morphine. ' Some person ean take mnra and other less.. An ordinary opium eater can take enough to kill a person who cot used to it." Morphine make some drunk, confuses other and ha varion other effect. Fresh air usually take a person from out the influence of morphia, f ound hi temperature to ba 100 er 101: Ha hsJ lever, itheumatitm will shift from one part i im imimjt 10 auoioer, , , Dr Whitney, im practising msdloine. Saw deft io jail about a week after the wreck. Examined him. He complained of um ngni anee. examined bt knee and measured it and found it much swollen about two inebea in neaaarement. Have bad some experience in giving morphine. It aaet the miad o a to make it waudcr, Mrs Hill. Am mother of the deft, He it pait 30 year of age. He ha betn afllictsd with rheumatism D.ost of hi life, , Of night in always ueen rcMict. , , t 1(, Mr Hill, Am father of the deft. ! Live in Albany. II hat been troubled with rheumat. e pain arer since ms Doyuood, nave ex amined the woi king of the twitch, Have a model olit (Here witness showed the work ing of the automatic twitch by tbe use of the model, j Wat living at Astoria when the ac cident happened, lohn Rolfe, Wat at the twitch on Sunday following the accident (Witnessed explained from the model tbe track of the engine after the wheel struck the end of the rail,) Mr Huston recalled, Wat at the switch at 11:4' P M aflerthe accident. Uaiu nam, r junction were not torn up but south they were. Tbe defendant UetifUl. Am daft. Ra. lore the wreak I osuia to aa tha U tn tba ehaffbatof my eye. Started home about! and arrived shot tly after 9 Rolfe boy were wun me. Told Vt JJsvU I did not know whether my arm waa brukeo or not Tbe Ur oommeneed to examine ne arm. bat it was too painful. He then raid ha would hsv to give m chloroform. Felt too sleepy te go to Froman '4 o I thought I would go to Doug. Us to etean oft the efftotof the chloroform. went to rromaa'a tbe next Tuesday, Have hod rbeumetiem nearly all my life. Froman told me to let the morphine powder alone. "nwrawi wneie 1 went wten I earn to town on Wednesday. I ... .aaAllaa. tioo of going to Douglae on Wednesday. nav- no recollection of going to Hewitt' offle. Nor Oeo Humphrey' office. Do not know who arreeted me eseept from the evi denee. The Rolf hava drinking on the day ol the wreck . Do not "w time when we got to Fromsn't, " waiaea on the track from tbe depot to rromaa a without atnnino .t th. ditch toast edridk. N.i thai audi if nm touched tbe ewitch at all. There was no conversation between about Fred Rolf baying tbe pin from tbe eiteb. He did not have It nor waa there anvthiaa MM.IA atutat it Koglne passed Froman'e Just as we got g"- weriB traia bad not arrived when we left do not. We wera mat tha twitch when the overland, train bis tied for Albany. Did not know whether my arm wo broken or not. It waa not swollen. La did not pain me bo I got ap. Did not think of rheumatism that tnorolog. Slapt meet of tbe evening. Started the ogioopTodj morning and ran it till 9 o'clock. Dr told me to take the powdere every tbree hours. Tuesday m,ht mv arm and leg began to hurt ma. Heard ot wreck Monday maioiog before I eame to town. Have bo recollection about what happened on Wadoaadav. Mv memory waa 00 clear for two or three weaktofter taking the morphine. Mr Richard recalled: Tie aouth of witch were mashed up considerably. Mr Froman recalled! Never said an v. thing to UIII about hi taking morphine. Mr Huston recall: Showed wire nn and aald It wa very timular to one taken ut at time of preliminary examination. Pr Bevaa: If a nerson should t ita an sixth of a grain of morphine at a dose and Uke l dose In ucclen one each hour lie would recover from the effect In five or tie bonrt. The case waa argued by Hewitt and Northup for the prosecution and Pow and hltney for the defense and wat ub mltted to the Jury at one o'clock. After a half hour deliberation they returned a verdict into the court of guilty of man- . t ..a. . . . laugmer. uunsci lor the defense gave nouce that on Thursday morning they would file a motion to set aside the verdict at being contrary lo law, the evidence and tba express charge of the court. The pen alty for thla is imprisonment In the penit entiary not less than one year nor more than flfeen year and by a fine nt exceed. log fjOOO.' ,. I ' CJI!TV COCRT PnXTgrIXt;S. . It. S. Bhvt ere, kW; H. W. a4 0. W t-W.'l-w. Oosu. we-.l Pctti'on Of Mr Sa vH H'r.e for aid wat disallowed.' Mr C'lmtn was avowed fio per mon'h. Application of EOJacksoi and hen for a county road wa placed on file. Bill of J C Goodale for lumber, C''i4-8j. continued tor certificate of upervlor. , ,; Application oM F Motee for repair of bridge continued. '' . Fee In case of N B Fry.r.rj.allowed. .W W Richardson ' allowed 3 feet of tumber,and Eli Plumber 1000 feet of lum ber. ... ".,:.;.. .,-,';, .. A S Powell wat appointed St:k In spector, to succeed pr Koldeway who Va cated the office- , .., . The bill of Sylvester Hall for cougar c!p,$s.n'! S Brad.haw.for wildcat scalp, $ i, were continued. , , The fallowing bills were ordered paid: GeoCllne, keeping poor..... ,,",. 1350 J r Hyde,keeptng poor ,. . . , 1000 Electric Light Co. .... ...... 3750. I it spina, lumber..., .......... 3107 L M Curt salary jt 00 M E Brink, drawing jury. ...... .. 300 D Myers, lumber.......:.' 1377 P Hume, aid Clark . . . .......... . ' 13 00 AF Ilamllton.aid Orchards. . ... 1000 li r" Taoler, jury list.. too I Morrison, jury list. ....... ' 3 00 K K Humphrey, lumber...:...... BIU G Reedjumber. 4 70 A Cra wford. water rent ......... . ' a 00 E Chandler, cougar scalp . . ." 0 5 00 Chessman & Beatty,iumber. . ..... . 1 i 00 I E Cvrns. lumber.' ::.r. V 00 Don A Smith, spike.. ...i.. to 00 Hall & McDonald, atationery. . . , . 4? 40 E E Montague, fee...., ,....... 133300 Dr Crawford,aid Mra Robert 8 00 Stlte St Nutting, printing,;'. 2030 Stewart & Sox, hard ware....". 34 19 II FarwetUalarr. . . 1; ,V 8j 33 Willie Lamont,ntd. 6 30 I Davis, county poor. j. 4,9 05 OP Coshow. aid I Hale-.. to 00 Joseph Nlcolls, lumber. ; . . 1 34 87 John Usher, Janitor. - 'it 00 Sylvester Nicoll. aid ......... 15 00 Li urown of Uo, lumber. ...,...(. .87500 Wm Bllyeu, aid Coleman ......... 9 00 Tj tiii La.&'m Okltt. t am now pre pared to do all kinds of ttamping, and have ovr.r two thousand designs to choose from. Alto keep a nice line of embrold ery material, auch at arrasenes, crewels, No. t and 3 embroidery chenilles, princess chenilles, etc.. etc.. and the finest pom pons, tattela, crescent, cord plushes, felts and fancy work materialt ever in the city Zenhvr It eotnir at cent an ounce. Mitt Minnie CoTwell hat charge of thlt depart ment and hat had teveral yeart ex pen ence tn all klndt of faney work and stamp Ing. - G. W. Simmon ? v v Aioany, vreguu A Rare Baboaim, t6o acre fine farm Ing land 5 mile from Albany,! mile from R R ttatlon. Good house and barn., $35 an acre. i t 44 feet front on mStreet,good business property,, JSoo, Thla it the cheap t property on the street and will he taken in , ' Wallace & Ccaioic Up ad DQWKS.-Some of the prlnci pal up and down In buslnett life it to keep quality sup and prlcet ia-wn ' Thlt it being done very tuccessfully at . Let orett 9t Thompsoti's.and those dinner . sets to be distributed among our eustomera Ian. 1st la creating no little interest well at our price, . '-".v ; ,' Something New I- Having purchased the rightef Linn county,! have a tamera hat will make you photograph with many different views of your face as you want atone sitting, siU for the same price and as cheap at the cheapest" at, i ' Greenwood's Fin Art Studio, j . Cornel and nnd Ferry St't. ' Dr. M. H. Ellia, phyaleian and aurgoo wlbony, Oregon. Calls made in city m eonntry, ,.- - - . . . I1OMK AX0 ABROAD ' atOXPATV ' - Mr L E BUIn went to Tannine Bay on tbe ooon tralo, K A Kililay, manager Orlamer 3.. 1 at the St Charlat. Thfrte trsmpt, tbrs ball and chain, thiee hoy, bat tbey wouldn't ecmbiee. I udopendeae anticipate being a pri drntlsl postoAte 000, to rapidly have tiie reosipt of the ollloe bees increasing. Mr Bugler, of the Orantcsunt jftiM.wat In th city, having been at Lebanon, where be woe at one time part owner of the x pru$. ......... Private letter from W ill Cowan, now at Nteli,how that be i bavisga good time, and no doubt I booming Oregon in good thape. A nan with abtcklet on i reported to have been teen going paat Tangent yetter dav. He it thought to be an escaped jail bird from Washington, , Mr Taylor Proptt, of Uilllam ceaaty, is In th city, esovasting for aeveral good book, Mr Proptt wat a toimer resident of Lion county. ' About eight to tea loeties of now wa n. oouutered on the summit of the Cascade mountain by partis who crossed a few dsyt ago Into Crosk county. It sm from a recent decision of the court that Alfcony can grade ber streets, and tne eai also pay lor aen grading If the oropsrty bolder refaee to. Bally for Al bsoy.8o! Pns. ,.,)f . r Mr J K BMerkio,Seorry of tbe Albany Farrosf' and MsrohsoU' loseranoe Co., ar rived home to-day irora a trip th rough the Cistern ttatee, while gone being at Chicago, New York and other eitiee. D B Monteith and other ef tbl city have purchased 70 acre on South Beach at Ta aulee Bay, payiag I7U00 for tbe eame. It it aid a motet ne will com tits ran poet It. Mr M D Bajlard, wife and daughter, were in tbe oitv to-day on their way to Lebanon. After visiting there and at Albany awbile tbey will go to California to spend the wit ter. 1 . Mr McAllister, oldest sou of Dr McAllis ter, arrived In ibe city a day or two ago from California wltb hi family, coming by horse eeoyeysnoe, traveling that way for the ben efit of Mrs M'a heaJtb. Tbe Grtsmer-Davisa Co, arrived thi anoraioc aad will appear tkie evening at tbe Opera Hease in tbe Isteit New York aad San Fraeeieeo sooeesa, The Bergler." Tbie i on of tbe bett eomutniea now traveling, S4 Giltner. in tbe office of ihe fUereUrv ef State at galea, baa just reoeived one of Ediaon latett marvelloe pbonoffranb. an other evidence ef the enterprise of tbe eapi- HI oily, 0 F Palton, of Portland. I in the city Julio Joseph weot to the Bay to-day 00 business. . D L Crosseo, arrived in tbe city this noon from PrUaod. ; ' , Dr Templeton and family, passed through Albany for H sissy. It I now anlawfel to kill gsmr, aad the law tkeuM be strictly eaforeed. Mr Jock Alpbine, of Toledo, eee of tbe moat moving asea of tbe volley, wo la tbe city yesterday. William H Watkine died aaddenly in Portland ;yeurdy. He wa a pioneer ef 1851 aad woe well known in Albany. Mr Denhsm is beginning tbe erection of another fine residence at tbe corner of Ells worth aad Fourth Streets. This will moke tbree haaees on bit two lot. Lieateaaat Govenor Fletch.r, of Soath DekHs recently elected, tbe Dxatocaar io wforaiad la lb father of William Fletcher, oo-ln-Uw ef Mr M Ltmpman, of tbia city. Oeorgs Diekiuaoo, of tbe Orwgon Laad Co. 'a brsoob om je at Albaey, wa in Salem yesterday, he reported real estate aa be- ! teg lively there. Salem Bttttttm. Tbit forenoon Mr Dv Berkhsrt shot a large white owl on hi fsrm near Albany, braaklog it wiuir. II brougbt tbe bird to Albany where it was greatly admired for ita beaety. ' Mr Rsney, Chief Kogioeor of the Taooma ire department, has keen In tha city hayiag big horses for tbe Are department. Io Sa ke be oecarod throe large aaiasla Ut tba purpose . That was .Vt C E B.rrowt and con who arrived ftrnn Dakota Sunday oiht,sad not Mrs Srl, who hsa bore several wreas. atr 9nU sstishsd with one if.v . i?-.:'.; -'..' The ttr4lt of Salens tresomadJv aa to call ost a very pscaliar inveottoa by one of the paopls of that city. It eoooitta of two block, laateoed wilh a ctrone cord. By stepping 00 Irstone block and then tbe ethar a peen -ean erost a etreet witheat getting muddy. 6ieoo the celebrated Havana filled 6e eigsr, manufactured at Jaliua Joseph's ei- garfsetory.' - MgaifiagglasM at Francb'i. . - ' sA 6ae line of toliJ tilvsr ware at Frenok'a CumpaMe. all atylea and ptiaee. at F M French. Qainoe 75 rent per bushel at C E Brow- eeua. -. . : . .... , ..- Ct ioago Comedy Co. next week. . Got your sasu at BIsukmsn', , Fioeet foantain pen in the world lor onliy $2-00 at I M Frecch'a. Aether ear loaf of mschisery wa re ceived yesterday at tha woolen mill. A new and elegant line of portiere jnt re ceived at Fortmiller k Irviog'a. Worth aeaiag. " Mr Alex Smith died at Corvaliis Monday. He waa a son of (Jreeoberry Smith, deeeosod and i aid to have bteo quite dissipatod for (Omettme. ; -,. - SiibMrriptiou for all the leading news paper asd matfoauioe rsoeiva 4 r L Ken ton, near tbe Postofiice. All ordcre for- warlled without delay. New Sabocrtbera to the Toui&aCemnanjon for 1890 will reoeive the paper free the re mainder of thia year. Price 1.75. F. L. Kenton, agent ,. . , ; . Sheriff Smsllmoa went to Salem to-day With Bernard Wenoen, two year, and Syl vester Nicholl. on year, boaad for the penitentiary. "; ..- ' Mr Ed Moore arrived in the City last night from Fomeroy, Wash, having sold oat there, and will probably locate in ibe y alley, perbaps in Albany, , . AVsllao ft Casiok have received a two ton safe that probably hsa no so peri or In the ie of tha Diebol d snake and ie a Veiy One affair, artialicly and substantially. i Ut liil1 1 3 ' j Abcolutcly Pure. Thla oowdor never yarles. A marvel oi mirtt.v. airpr-eth . and( -.wholetemenesa, More eeoootsiioattbaa the ordinai9 kinda and cannot ba eolrf jh competition with multitude of low teit, ebort weight alum ophoBpiiato pew,ivi. Soldowlsr ) can, Koynl Baking Powder Co., JOf Walt Hi., -y DW. C6wueT"& Co , Ajrnh . dlia.i-J-3;:" i.v . Porttnli OregoA, . C3 TRiLT ED. rrs'mmj" 1 premlaea" two ft miles gonth. east of. Albany on tho mthtof Ootobur 22ad two bay mares each foar yeara old and eaoh with blaok toans and tail.v liioh bad en head stall and siort piece ef ropo attashed to each. Suitable reward to any one who will re turn theta to roe or give iaformatron as to their whereabouts, - F 0 IToiTaUir, - tPOYALMS"! J . :S SAVE IT. P That iDolIar of Yours , : : ' You May Have Heed for wUt .,'ake yoc of KDM 'ohandlo at a ao.le of prioeo that Open Your Eye. M; ' WE ess Goods, Fancy Goods, . ' .'i:;:' Domestics, v Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc., . K'eatly red owl price. CARPETS. Onr ;ik in ,1 u ,1., .......... litdirg forirtiin.i.t,,;;' ijon of jo 10 2 tenia v . - - Wo are telling ' , and furnishing gcd at pricea that sever fall to rWaa. h,ZiB.iJt ?t1?,?ood ,b,t IflonoocEoLlBatlcn with ou. ri,JtkUn w,"tta hlaber prcea, tot lhtf tmry let wo will aimply alaogbler thlngi. . TIIE LEADER. G, W. -ALEAITY- Sl4peri,, " Argand," GaIaIiia,, STOVES AND RANGES. Fire backs. Warran t e d t for 15 years. Ml s i 2 3 3 11 styles. Roofingv Job Work, Plumbing, Eaye Troughs Oondiictor Groceries. SQUARE C E. BROWNELL, elnooeaaorto BHOrVNELL & Wooid respectfully cunonnro that ho is oon tinning l bo bnaineoa at tha old stand and that ho la baiter than eyer pn-pared to fill all orders with accuracy and de spatch and at prioea ' g3a. JJV JblIt 33SXJEOZ&XI , OS Oflerod In tho town. - . While thaoklns tbe citlrons of Alba ny for their very liberal patronage In tho post I aarneaUbaoliclta continuance of your favors, assuring , LOW PRICES a superior quality of goods and . OorirteoixslTreiatirieiat Very Respectfully, .Youxb for Bosiness, : ' i fj : C. E. BROWNELL, .- Archie BUckhnrn, Salesman, ...j C3 8 SMALL Grocerei -X3E A 111 lid Choice Candy, CIGARScAND f.EARTHE POSTJOFFICE'fALDANY.'CREGCrJ ouPEnion unzs of AGHICUInTURAL !M PLUMENTfi AT DE- OFFER -1 r wrr carpet, from all the per yaro on all quail tit THE LEADER SMITH, The World's bast. More t bia n, hun dred 7 hun dred differ e nt sty les o k s and heaters Boilers Pumps,- CEALIKQ STANABD, . so C3 11 FHCHTS T.ZZIE. IUST Kuis Fruit, etc. TOBACCO SECURE PRICES. L' ROUBLE TO SHOT S00DSAT 1 y