die gcipfrat. . f V. HITS . T" SWEEPING DBVOURATIC T1CTO&IKA. Fir Alarm Forces Flounderlajr In Th Soup. Mahon burrled under a majority of 35,000. The meager election return show immsnss democratic victories. Dam ocratt elect their atste ticket la New York f 10 poo to 10,000. Republican hare the legislature. OMo bat elected a democrat Ic governor over blatbereklt Foraker, Democrats claim the legUlaturc. Dem crate hare a sweeping; victory in New Jersey. They also carry Iowa by 10,000 majority. Mississippi Is democratic. Democrats sweep Chicago and Cook County, Democrats sweep the state ol Maryland. Democrats probeoiy elect gov nor la Massachusetts. Pennsylvania and Nebraska are republican. The national administration has been condemned. The republican papers are complaining terribly of the Inefficient mall, service. Well, It Is not to bo wondered at, when we consider the wholesale removals of the past sit month, by the great civil service preacher, Benjamin Harrison. New hand can not at once do efficient work; they have to learn. Why the republican pa- prs can expect good postal accoinmoda Hons under the circumstance le more than we can understand. They writ very Indlznant articles bUming blacksmiths farmers, etc., for thinking they can edit a paper better than the present incumbents. Why not? Suppose It were a possibility for the president to remove all the Inaoat petent (r) editors, and put in new men. Is not reasonable to suppose that the people would complain of poor news-paper facll tles? It Is a parallel case. If President Harrison had left eapcrienced men In charge of the mails, the republican papers would not have had so much to complain of, and that justly, too. Let the good work goon. Walla Walla Statesman. The republican press are very busy In teUing the public that war to the knife and knife to the hilt is the state of feeling be tween Hill and Cleveland. Goveoor Hill made a speech the other day In New York city and gave Cleveland the following stab: The longer the present aJminUtrst Ion continues In power the more it will show what a wise administration was that of G rover Cleveland. Grover Cleveland fulfilled the pledges of his party." On more than one occasion Cleveland has stabbed Hill in the same way. May they continue to stab each other In this way. Throuhout the world there are mined every year more than 50,000,000 tons of Iron ore and more than 450,000,000 tons of coal. Of the Iron ore Great Britain contribute bout twenty-nioe per eentV the UtJted States twerty-four per cent, and Germany twenty-one per cent, these three countrie thus supply about seventy-four per eeaLo the total amount produeed. The same three countries furnUh together over eighty two per cent, of ail the coal raised, Great Britain having produeed last year abont 169,000,000 tone. Ameiica a bo at 139, 000,000 tons, and Germany abont 90 , ceu,eoo tons. ' Reports of serious suffering come from western Montana. It la not much of farming country at the best, and this year lack of water has caused great distress a mong lanchmen. Many thousand head of stock are starving for want of water. Hay la bought at $.e$J$ per ton, and very little Is to be had at this price. The mineral resources of Montana may make It a thriving common wealth, but even for gracing it agricultural value I aery doubtful. The eastern difficulties In Europe seem likely, by latest accounts, to be settled by partition between the Czar and the Ger man Emperor, Russia taking the Balkan Province and Germany anneaing Servie. The withes of the respective people In these countries do not seem to be at all re garded in these arrangements. But such high-handed outrages cannot be perpe trated now wiih the same impunity .that they were in the last century, VKen Po land was partitioned between three despot -le powers, aad blotted from the map of Europe. t 1 11 asa E-Govenor Palmer of Illinois express es the opinion that tariff reform will be the issue ia 189), Cleveland the democratic nominee by acclamation, and either Mc Klnleor Cullom the republican nominee. President Harrison, he says, will cut no figure. The old gentleman la a shrewd political observer, and his predictions' as to '91 seem to be well grounded. Chaun oey Depew adheres to the prediction Cleveland will be the Democratic candi date, and as to the republican, say a "the fellows who are In" have the best chenoe. It may be welt to remind some of our republican friends, who are mucn con cerned at present when public men pro fess allegiance to the doctrine of more lib eral trade, that the last republican presl ' dent elected before the present one declar ed that he believed in the doctrine of pro tection ouly as leading to ultimate free trade which was the desirable syntem for this country. DrVon Duhrlng has reported a case In whleh tuberculosis was trrnnnltted by the earringe of a girl who died of consumption to another girl. Shortly after the second girl commenced to wear the ear rings, an ulcer containing tubercle bacilli, formed on her left ear,and she subsequently develop ed pulmonary consumption. ; . . lit thb Lkad. Mr, Julius . Gradwolv leads in his business and withes It under stood that he will Carry the first stock o crockery ware in the Valley, receiving tils goods from headquarters, and keeping tip with the times in all the lateat novelties. He has received a fine lot of Wedgwood & Co's Newyacht decorated ware, . called ruby ware, handsomest goods in the mark et. Mr Gradwohl makes crockery a spec ialty and will meet the demands of .the. public in any line. ' Do not send awsy for good bnt gtv him a call, . , ,;,.,! " -. '.- ; ' Lv'.ios shoe, men- atuwn, m ; i o:s, clu'dree shoes, mens boots, boy boot, at li4 th i co.t ta malt room for other grols The English language is undoubtedly des tined to prevail throughout the world, and msy, a few hundred yean hence, become the universal language. It la seriously proposed to adopt it as the national language of Japan. It is the tongue already most wldsly spoken., excepting possibly the Chinese, and has eler ments of progress which fast est never have, on account of the lack of energy and clvlliia- lion of that people, la Fgypt the English oc cupation hss mostly superseded the French lan guage. Twenty five years hence the United States will save neatly one hundred million people, sad Australia will have thirty millions, or nearly at Many a the British Islands now contain. At the beginning of. this century only about twenty million people spoke the En glish language, end they lived mainly in Eng land, . ' - A scheme is on foot to oust D W Taylor,, of Portland, from the office of Surveyor Geaerat, Taylor is a democrat and several republicans are yearning witn itching palm for his place, la order to hasten hit removal ehargea of groat incompetency were brought against bint, Tay lor say they blame him for error cocrmrtted by the turveyor who surveyed the Umatilla reservation, when he is bo store to blame for it that commission Croft himself. The whole truth appears 10 be tfcat Taylor's place la wanted. If so, the manly way to do would be to remove him because of that fact, and not attempt (0 slander and ruin the reputation of a thoroughly competent aad honest maa. But Harrison's pledget of civil service refsrm have long siace heea laid aside aad will not govern ia removals of democrats from office. ., - - i i.L i .t m Blocks of five" is the latest fad" in pnulos. Ia a bos, slatSar to that of the famous fifteen panic are J small squares, colored red, white aad blue, ln,the centre efthe boa it a picture of the While House, and the letters on the blue squares Immediately surrounding it form the name of IUaine. The paule it by moving the square to substitute Harrison's name in stead, and the New York WarU hat offered a prise of f loo to the person who does this in the shortest time. Just how the decision ia to be made ia not ttated. At Secretary Windora acknowledgea that the treasury department hat 00 authority to change the definition or termiused by congress on the pan age nf tariff laws, he will do well to try to explain his wonderful ruliig that "wor steds" are "woolen-" Against this decision stood the plain language of congress,, making a plain distinction by using both words and the rulings of the treasury deparrsscat beaked up ly the opinion of the courts. The mv ro tary will do well if he takes toa hi arbitrary and unlawful decitioa at The court of MonXaaw did not find it so easy to tea" why the vote of Silver Bow con ty should be throw out. The judges decided that it must bo couated. This gives the legis lature to the democrats, and that party will elect the senators. The rd vocal et of political kaaverr, political robbery, and the assassina tion of the people's rights, are not feeling com fortable. ifertury. The Portland Af ere try, staunch republi can paper says: . - Telegraphic reports from Montana, relative to the political troubles there, which are pub lished la this city, originate in the Helena Jtmrmil office, a paper so intensely partisan that, i its opinion, to be democrat is to be a knave. Those dispatches are eent out ' as specials. The noa partisan Associated Press reports are not published here. Already Blaine's friends are proposing him for president in 1892. Blaine struck the dens ocratt a hard blow when he declined ia 18S8. and we hope he will not repeat it in 1892 , KEEPFOMTU. F. M. Freoeh keope railroad timo. ., T , ; J. P. Wallace. Physician and 8simm. Ak bany.Or; For Sterling or Emerson 1 Wat salrnn G u macai For sals, cheap, s toe si bead' omo ' Mr. Hymaa'e. O L Btackmaa. is. agent foe the Weber piano. Nona beltM Bay yoor ticket tbroegh to the East of W L f setor ead;aee fare t Portland., t ' The Wester Cottage aad Paohard are two of the beat asgsae made. O L Blaekmaa sells these. . A Boo boo of all kinds f fwroitare, plala aad aptttlstered, bee . st-wk i t this part of Oregon, at Fortatiller ft Irvmg's. If yoe want a eioaa aad gno emoke ask for J. JLoaoph'e home evade white labor cijare For sal by most eigar daalera aad at hie Joseph' faetoey. .',, J A ArohiW I. aroot Stager ManfaeAor ing Co., oopoaito Old Fellow Temple, Al beoy. An elegant lino of si A table spreads. In boaetiful doslgn, teeoivedl at Fortmitlvr ft IfviogV i oane Gnldao Star tontotosa for SO cents atC Mayers, and, all other eaened goods heap for sash, ' .. , Jt roiyat new table linen at W, F. Bead'. I W Starr, physician and surgeon, Albany Oregon. - - , j Good 000k big stove only $10 at Ilop'U m ft Saltmarsh's. Dr WriKliUman'a Sovereign P-alm of Life, for duKaeptcnliar to women, at Deyoo Sc Kobson'e and BrownaU ft SUnard's. P J Baltimore, agent. - - Naxf Week. Next week our people will be given a treat In having with them for a week the Chicago Comedy company which played here with such great succct ereral months ago." In their 'tour through the Northwest they have been universally well received, securing in every Instanse the encomiums of the press and the good will of the people. tivenAway. For the benefit of our customer we wilt give away on Jan 1st, the following -I Dinner set, 130 piece, $25. . , ,-. ' - I Tea set, 44 pieces $7-5- : -j't 3 Tea sets, each 44; pieces, $18. , These goods are of the best ' English ware and a credit to any table. Give us a call and get not only the best bargains in pure fresh groceries but secure a chance at one' or more of these elegant seta-of dishes. r 0 LaFort & Thompson. Kid Glove t Kid uloves I r I have juatrece ved a full line ,pj,kid gloves orimded Our Own. Tills is a genu ine kid gl.rve. I buy direct from importers in New York and consider them the best value of any gloye 1 ever sold for this price. 5 button, 3 rows of st'tching, $1.50 per pair. , ., '8. E. YouNoi ' .... - j't " Uwitt Tea-To those wishing- g good uri colored Japan tea we aay try our brand of I'nity. It Is the best tea on. the tnar. ket. , .Remember a-ith eaclj pound, pf this tea we give the purchaser a chance to to draw a beautiful pure China tea set. We have just opened the last , chest ojf our first import order and those desiring a chance at the beautitul set must call early, - WIltUmettxPacjciso Co.' t Att. Persons. Indebted to the late firm of Brownell & Stanurd are requested to call and settle at the store of C E Brownell without delay " or make some satisfactory arrangemeott. ,-. ; ' Lace Curtains. - Lace Cutalae,'.'' I have just received my fall stoelt.'ef lace curtains bought direct from importers, the largest stock ever brought to this mart ct, and best value for the money. ," Samuel E. TrouKa, 7 Oks eurss rheumatism, neuralgia" aad toothache. Foe-hay ft Mason Agenta, TELEGRAPHIC! HEWS A Long Trial, ' '. , . CHfCAQo.Nov. 5, State's Attorney Longe necked said to reporter to-day that he ex pected to get I all the diiect evidence for the state thit week, Al to the lencth of time quired by the defense he could not say.but ex pressed the belief that ftot more than thrtt weeks more would be required to get the case to the Jury. - ' ' t, , , " otahoae Arrested, PtTimtuno, Va Nov. 5. General Ma bone wat arrested to-night, charged with hooting Herbert P Harrison, who with number of companions, wss tending off fire works ia front of Mabone't residence. Mahooe it now at tht station house. New Constitution for Wyoming, . CHiviNNg, WpOw' Nov. S.-Th new con titution wat voted vpoa to-day and from re .ittrat received thit evening it ia evident that I hat carried by a large majority, Froaea to Bealh. ' Dinvbk, Col., Nov, 4, One of the resultt ottne tembi buatardi which twepl over lattarn Colorado aad Northern New Mexico Thursday and Friday of last week reached nor to-day from Folsom, New Mexico. Thurs day night Henry Miller the raage foremae, fot Colonel R O Head, with Mveral cowboys. oamped near Sierra Graade with 1800 beef cattle, whkh they Saturday afternoon the (rosea bodies of Henry Miller.Joe Martin and Charlie Jolly were found lying on the open pun as not lar irera r oisom, Thaaksgtvtag Proelaraatloa, , Salim, Or,, Nov, 4, Following ia the Thaaksgiving proclamation by the governor of Otegoni i To the ed that a public acknowledgment may 00 maue 10 uod lee ma unnumcered mer eiet, I do hereby appoint Thursday, the 8th d.y of November, I6t as a day of thanksciv lag, aad I would remind the good people of this commoowealth that expressions of grail tad can be more acceptable to Heaven than are gifts from tblcr abundance ia aid of the 1 a testimony wnrof t here ante sign my name and cause the seal of the Mate to be affixed, at the eity of Salem, this 41b day of November, A D 1889. . SVLVKSTt Pbnnovbe, By tbe Governor. Cioige W McBgiDX,Seeretary ol Slat. Heard oh for Certala, London, Nov. 4. Msckinnon, the bead of the Emia relief committee, bat received a dis patch from Henry M 'Stanley. The explorer sayti "I reached Albert Nytnia from Baaa- laya for the third lime la 140 days, and found that Emia aad Jephsoa bad both been prison er since the loth of August, 1808, Tbe troops ia the equatorial province bad revolted and shaken off all allegiance. Shortly after wards the Mshdisu invaded the province la full force. After the first battle ia May the stations were yielded aad panic struck the native, who joined tbe invaders and assisted ia the work of destruction. -1 ' Waata to Bo a Stat. Washington, Nov. 4. Coventor Prince, of New Mexico, who ia in this city on his - way to New York, tayi thit as sooo at the coming aessioa of congress open a petition will be presented, asking for the admission of that ter ritory to statehood on lb basis of the const it a tkm adopted at Saala Fo last coonUu , lis claims the population is aow 200,000. It Was Ourelrasly Done. . OLYxrtA, Nov, 4. la spite of tb trouble growing out of tbe tecbaieal omission . of the governor's signature lom tbe copy of tbe coa siitutioa sent to the president, it m hoped tbst th proclamation, wtlt issue to-morrow, aad tbe legulatu-vi proceed to organise oa Wodaewlay wit hout trouble. - " i ' ' " - 0e Lsetared, Kot'ga,Or.,Nov. 4, Hon BDiger Her msn lectured before the public schools of this city to-day, aad leaves for Washington via Saa Francisco to night. WU1 be Ball. ' Union, Or.. Nov. 3, Tbe estimate of tbe Haat railroad system into Grande Roade val ley may be considered a fixed fact. Railroad meeting held at Union, Cove, Suauaerville and Iadiaa valley iatae past three days gave a fnanirooua eapressio oa tbe part of sob tcriberttbat tbe subsidy off 160,00a already raised be give to Hoot and the time extended for the constraction of the road. A Jan Break. Rottaxac, Or., Nov.'jLast aigbt two unknown men, by dupbeate keys, opened three deort ia tbe Jail, liberating a ' notorious horse thief, reccatly captured near Grant's Pass. 1 wo other prisoners refuted their lib erey, when tbe door were relodkeJ, No trace bat bee found nor anyone uspected. Tbe jail consists of Pauly s patent celts. After Thlrtaea Tear, FoT CttTKB, Nov,' j. General Brisbane ia having the exact, spot oa which each of Cutter's men fell marked with a stake driven deeply into the groa-d. Yestetdsy ia setting the stake the mca came epo the ekcletdns of four of Custer's soldiers v. bo bad never been buried. Scout Cam pell first discovered them. To-day four officers were tent up with orders to decently bury the men on tbe exact spot where they fell, and marked their graves, , : APotowereeUcetoa, ' t-i.-r. Port Town trND, Wash., Nov. 3. Elec tion returns from all precincts but one, which is republican byTen "majority, give Kukri, (L)-oi.) for (epresenMtive over Jones, 36 ma jority. , Kuhn is elected beyond a doubt, r . j Vt '-' t . ,.Caaselgk. Nw iYosx," Nov, 3, The price at - whieh Prinee Hatzfeldt was purchased by Hunting ton has just come to light, according to a cable to. tbe Sun. i Before tbe prince wedding with Clan Huntington, CP Huntington jlepoaued. with his prospective son in law's trustees i, 7 50,000 ia bonds of the ; U nited States and other gilt edged securities which he guaranteed ' l a Blot.--'"-"'"' i " ' ' McKirotT,Pa.,Nov. 3. Late last night a riot occurred among a aumber of Hungarian loWers, and Chief of Police of Robinson and Officer McQuade were probably fatally injured. Robinson was stabbed in the head and about the a rata and bands, while McQuade received three ugly wounds Mbe back sad seek. . , ; Tailor MADSi7iTS)rViR'. Graharn has received a large and choice . stock of suitings, purchased in the East at bottom' prices, and Is nowr located at his old stand, two doors north of the Democrat office, where he is prepared to make suits and do a general tailoring business In a satisfac tory manner, his many year of experi ence in Albany speaking for hie workman ship. Call and see his .suitings and get pfiC -; V;'- ' I ATuKtvBeginning .'Oo. ; 19th w will give , ,tici.et with ead cath pur chat of $1.00 and every Ave of these tickets gives a chance ac drawing one of hose cleg.int sets of dishes at, ' : LAFoBaSToiTHOMPSOM. ! fre.. .jf-n ''?' ' ' : .? ; '. StsIuck Oil At i.ji per 5 gallon can sett Standard r' oil, at the WUlameW Packing Co. store. 1 : t . ...; - - To Farmbr. Farmer will do well to byt their fruit, garden or farming: land will Wallace Sc Cuticle - , I An elegant liun ot- sew disign of ensir jqst reeeiyed at FortmiUer ft Irving'. . Kew eream eheese justoceived at Conrad Meyers . ' , , . ;.; '. The best watch in tbe world for the money at F M French's. Eaoboao teUy warranted r , ' - Bsrrows & Sesrls, agents for the celebra ted Lndlow tine shoos, ta w omens, mis and childreus goods. y " ' r. , ' ' - '.-, ,: ' - . '' r ' . : ' -ii ' , JFot a Rrt ioto S th ' Thome ok, eheap for, (rtth call ivf VFtt't' j Corner Jewelry 9tore. , ! ' ' ? '' ' '1 i:. . , 1 , f 1 we-o . ' ' ' ' The' best ,.ine of i4 gloyee at W F. Eaad'r. . " ' v- ' ' For your wstebss olooks and Jswslry pn French's. IJonest goods, low priees asU iek ssler. CIRCUIT COUKT, T & Robinson tgt II F Merrill, Fort lotur. wismitsed at cost ofplff without prejudice, 4, . , LE West agt H F Merrill. Foreclosure. Sam at above. CF Cromwell agt las Pearl. Partition. Contlaued, , . . .. , .. t, Martha E Bowlln agt W Boearth, To quiet till. Continued.- - v --j. - Earl Race agt Maggie M Race. Divorce. Granted. ... Board Comnistlenert agt Emily Mc Klnney. Foreclosure, Decree granted I R Dawson agt J W Ellison. Confirma tion, Sals confirmed. Santlam Lumber Co agt A F Gooch, injunction. Continued. The Giant Powder Co agt Senrlci Dein Continued. I R Dawson tgt Seai le it Dean, Con tlnued, In matter of will of Martin Werts. Will tuttalned. State agt N B Fry. Continued. David Junkin agt L Klin and John amaiimon. continued, Joseph Crablree agt Fred Gooch. Con tlnued. Johnson Si Shelton agt E J Daly et al Continued. TE act Thot Montelth. Eject mont. Con nued. ' A II Marthalt agt Albany, Injunction. Keport 01 referee confirmed mall reports, Mary J Q4ger agt F M Carter. To re move cloud from title. Judgment on de murrcrsult dlsmlsseds M L Cranflll agt T J Uobnett. Equity. seiuca R N Mori It agt R R Humphrey, et al. to recoyer personal property. Settled. 1 Burkhart St Malin agt Ben! Cleaver Judgment for deft. J E Ballard agt M McBrlde.et al. Decree for plff. 1 Stat v Bernard Wencen. Verdlc? of guilty and sentenced to penitentiary for two years. t State agt Nicholt. Guilty at charged and ten'.enccd to one year In penitentiary t ttEAt, AaTATK RALKM. 9 W Crowder to Henry A Crowder, 1 lot, bl izS. Il't A a 3jO J M Phil pot to Win Curtls.it acres, tow 4 60 1000 W C Twrcdate toTho Montelth.jr, too ft, cor 4th and Call pools M D B Monteith, trustee, to Chas I'fei tier, a Inla Kl IA A IKa m. w loco U S to 1 Hulchlns.641 acrea.lt w t. oaten t A. Hackleman to Harriet Heff ron, 1 lot bl ST. H i ind A . 0 IS50 300 lit) 3-5 375 10 3000 300 TJ Robnett to V W andj C Robnett, in I? rest in coo acres.. ......... A Hackleman to N Gray.i lot bl 51, Albany ' J V Pip to A Halverson.1 lot,P's A A Jlacxleman toll) Letcher, lots bl 1, Abbey's A. Albany Job a Smallmon, sh'ff , to L Martin, t lot, litrri.burr J H Mullaa to E R Cheadle, a lots, bl 119, Il't A J F Maple to W H Maple, 1JJ.J1 acres.. J S Morris to C C Maltby.t bl.Iclo. rony rurccii to uenj Arntpsgh, Hi 11 aerea. it w a D IJ Peterson to Marlon Glass aneT Mary Gager, 34.53. acre,i iwt, Wm II Reld to W M Hackaber,i6o acres.is El D B Montelth to Wm M lloag. 100 ' feet froat,cor First and Lyon St. 50 5 Ajoanr....... Band M J Burtenshaw toj K Charl ton, 4 lots, Ralston 'a A A Hackleman to Lauia Maxwell, lot ' 5. kl 5, Il't 4th A 5 35 PJ Baltimore to J R Baltimore, Interest tool feet iront.bl j'.M'o E A. So aoo 4000 375 Chas Bates to I Bate, 18 cres,9 w 1 C W Bllyeuto T G Leonardjordan figuring mill property 11 acres L E Edgar to lull O Leonard, per petual right to stream of water. A Hackleman toT H Rhoades.l lots, . bl3,H's3rdA TEMPERANCE1 CO LI' MX. Bdliae byAlBaay W.O.T. V An Interesting session of the JVCTU was held on Tuesday, Oct loth. The Treasurer presented tier semi-annual re port, and way and mean were discussed for Increasing the amount now In the treasury. Resolutions were presented aad unanimously adopted thanking Mr and Mr 8 E Young for the liberal terma given In re-leoslng the ground otrwhlch the hall stands. The sum ( Si.50 was voted la assist In defraying tbe expenses of the State President to the National convention to meet In Chicago during the present month, - - -, , . Canon Fairar gives the following rea son . for becoming- a tout abstainer 1 "About ten year ago or more I rirst be earner a total abstainer, because I was eas ily convinced that the use at aleohol waa not a necessity, and a great deal turne up on that.- I saw,' for instance, that whole nations had not only lived without It but had fiourlahed without it, ' I believe that the hutaan race had existed and had flat ur ished a considerable time before it was dis covered. I saw the remarkable fact that there are some twenty thousand persons in English prisons, and that though many of them had made themselves mere funnels for drink ; though they had been sccus temed to drink t from their childhood though most of them bed been brought to prison,eitfter directly or indirectly .thtough drink, yet the very day that they entered F'tbe gates of a prtsoa.all drink wat entirely taaen irom tnem ana yet mere was not a sinple instance on record In which any one ot tnem nad suticrsa in consequence, ur) the contrary, men who have entereJ pris ons sickly . and blighted have been made compulserily sober -by act, of Parliament, and after a few months left prison hale, strong and neatly ; and woman who have been put Into prison perfectly , horrible ar.d hideous in thel losthaomeness and degradation, after a short period of denrl Tstion from the source of their ruin, left prison with the bloom of health and al most, of beauty," National Temperance Adv(aU. - ' I Bako. -One of the finest lots 'of guns and revolvers ever received In Albany are noW in stock at Stewart Sr. Sox's.' Hun ters should csll and see them and get price Hefoi'e buying. ;-!, ';' J v ' - t f . - ,e , i If yea wunt a goodfeilver steel tcythe,flnest in tbe marlcst, so to Stewsrt ii Hox'r. .4 , ;:.,: ... AlbsnyMaraet.'- Wl.eat-flt ; 1 -c .f . -M-80a . h , -; : ., B tuer-20er ru. . ; , f(;gs-2t Hay fl.W, ' s - , otsioea-. 75 ota (r rublJ . : 3eef 00 footv.iUif Apples 75 emits pr tiu", ork 0Jo per 11 jesaed. f. . 1 Macon hauia, 120,..- shoulders, So. . ... , . sides. lOo. ' - LArd 9j per lb. - ' Flour-4.25 per bbf. ' ,( , Ihinken 8.00 per dor.. Mill Feed bran, H.OOper ton) abort. Id. . middling, 20. . ' Chore, 30. Administrator's 5 Notice, HXie hsveby gt-vsn that- ' lb' nnder stied he been by tta County Oonrt , for Ltan eotaory, Oregptm, duly sjip-clcted Ad rrsV'urtnitnr of tShs eexe of K lwrd John MiX. ktoof Lton eoiinty, Oeeu; ta, decreased, and qm2id. as oaeh. All pel moot bavme claims agaiuat sold etxte are h' tstsby noSS to presect them to ftie undst .sitned dnly verifled' e AlVsirrv, ; Osegon, ; 'rithiti, si meofbs (rom free aaite. ; Data,Oeoe ti, ISm - . , J. O. W MXtlaair;'-' J, K. WxAUsvaroBO, 1 .dministrstor. Attorney for ASmlnistf tttor. NEW ADVEttTISEAiKNIS., WAN TED. A housework. tin Call do ft tie re realdanoe o Prof W U Lee, T?0H Ail fe OR BALIS. A farm of 833 acre at lllsra Utattna 6 rail from Albany, fenced. iVK) aore- In otiHivation. nearly all good wheat land, new bouae ami burn, guod water. Will anil half or all. Tor rut reasonable. Inquire of own-, ere ou tbe plaoe. KTIIauon, . ... WW XlowtLL ANTKD, A position to do general houanwnrk. Call on Mra. J. 8. Iilaie.aix tnliaa wnktnf Alhauv.or addresa uor at in Albany I'onioinue. , WTAMKn.-Furiiished rounie T f room ana bed room with ' kitabon. Adree D8moott oillu. TT'OUND, On nroadnllitm and between ov ruin and Hxth Ntraeu in Albany on buiiday October 13th a boy overoeat. HultabUforaboy of tlx or r woven veara, Owner call and pay for lula nolle and get ooau I? STRAY NOTICR-Two boraea. M A white and a aorral, ;wner will call at my plea three mile went of Miller' station, C. vaT2Cb. JJIANOTO KENT. 18a month. Call X. at u. 1 jiiaokBian'e Arug sior, U risciAL NOTICE. Owl ne to a ml KJ onderstan'tina' hiiarilln, tl ,i,kw,l hours, Mr Mead aad MIssMarbuck, the waouore 01 cue aeiout ami Kindergarten school. In the W. V T. V. Hall, wish to y itieir dally session I from 9 a. m. to ff tn' lh"r bar rsoelvsd a large " uuei-eunmsm 01 Kindergarten ina tortaland give Instrnotton dally la com mon SO boot atudlaa ami kl,wt.ri.n motHf mn"i0 leeaona given fro to eaob usoirea. i erms nny cent per Mn; Msud, Mia Btarbucx. Notice. Having disposed of lhlbany ditch, water works and other nroner. ty I am proceeding to settle up all my ousmess, ana ncreoy give notice to all par lies anowingtnemaclvrs Indebted tome to call at the M 11 Ofnce and settle. John A Crawvokd. SEVERAL SMALL TRACTi nfland RM' lAjn tnm ..U mm . . . , ... .. VmmJ !'. Inquire of II, Bryant. OLD IRON.-Flfiy ton easltnirs. in anv nuantltv. wanted inimetilateljr at the Altmoy Iron Work. Eetu n nftba Favorites, At lha Albany Opera House. felx BigbU only and Saturday MATIN BE, Commencing . MONDAY, NOV ( II, v ,. of tbe People's Favorites CHICAGO COMEDY COMPANY, In an entirely new rrportolre rkaaarriay every olBtt. ' Monday Engaged Tueaday.Lady And try's 8ert, and fare Wednoaday ooesaaoo sooosooo Colleen Bwn Thursday, Too Inainond Mystery Friday ' ......... ........ Long Hu ike 81 u r d ay ........ K very body's Friend UAiiOsleoeoe aaeeae eoaeaooHt eooeaooew eeeoooeoe soeeo 01 tp pTPopu isr price, 20, Su and 50 cent. Gallery, '.Or. peinnet, SOo, rosejved seat, 60c. HO lllUHKH, Reserved seal now tnaa'e. sale at Black- Belter Than Ever. I Instead oroflerlns; a prise that only benittte toe lu k otto, cr sending out confidential slips sa baits, ws propose in opanly effoi the clilxons of Albany and vtnloity ehoico gnodM at bed rock prinee, and elve FIVK r"EK CENT DISCOUNT for rah on each dollars w.,rlb nf ;ood st rouit price nntil tb 12th of January. Highest prices tabl for chickens, eugs euu nutir. t nsnkios; yon lot your pa patronag and soliciting- your trsde f too future, w beg to remain at your aer , J M BasM'B. E.IC12AR0sS a PHILLIPS, ATiJlANY, OBBQON. , i ircliltsctiiraL Wool laskg. ManuraUurers of All Kinds of NewHls, I'ediMtala, Muir Pot., lUllstere, Corner itioeks, Hiwtte. Buttons, Flnlal.Mantlea,Omeel''lltlrsgs, M Poreb Columns, Uato Or . - nsmauts.lndlan clubs, ' .. .. . Tab's, bvsnd and " Chair Ig. All orders left with u will raoelva prompt and careful attention. , . ,. Fancy turoluj a specially. S. A. RIGGS, ,' ' . '.: of Men,- b opened a shop for ; -V;" MARBLE AND GRANITE, ftfAln and il.uv,U.j. and all kind of oeiiieiory worK.uowr uar than hav ovsr been otTared In in- WlUametio Val ley b or at. .fore. Most door to Onat'oaAT i i i i t Cancers Cured. K, rongl ,t ij., , Albany. Orr-irr: event lor J. H. Dunctn, tbe Ureal Canerr Kin ((.of Mortlmur, Kansas, will treat all external cancers on the prinalple of NO CU KK Nu PAY. Yft further inform. tioa, aauress ' J. at. narciAmi, 'y, ; Cor. 2nd and Clevotacd St, . HJ 4tl A Albany, Or, A.,,....,,,. ' V. - ".iN " L "' Vor sale by Will A Stark, dealer ia fin wrtches. jawelry, eto, TRANOIS PFEIFFER. - -PROPRiurroKOF -' . , - Albany Soda Works. -And Manufacturer of CHOICE: COIFEuTIOHEEI, ;. We are aow preparer!, to sell at - whoU ', always fresh and ae at Portlsnfj ,,es 10 dealers. We a'ss keep a ftti f .-.- .-, . . JSuts and Tropical Irnits, . ; liQARS AND TOSACOO. II. 8. ELLIS (& GOi Iatporiers aad Dealers la ns tlara and opposite Revere House. San Fran Is and Portland papers slways on hand, A Philosopher always Thinks. Try it; Think of , , L E BLAIN wben during the wet, 000', antrum and winter weather jott need n Ovcrcoat,Rub bcr Goods, an Umbrella or COTHIKC, FURMSHIKGCOODw AND BOOTS AND SHOES -GENERALLY. or want a tylih suit made by a Crst-c!as tailor, THEN CALL Oil Hir.l. CHAS. H. DODD & CO. -4-lHPORT&n8 or- Hardware, Iron, Steel AND FARM MACHINERY,; Front, First and Vino Streets, ::::::: Portland, Oressa. Sol) Agontn for Oregon - a - DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOVS. , u. ti. . mm n.!i m1 -mma aa aaae ahaohrU vdtuMon. that ttSBSS wk mil-t. nu. tuj. Pimm' ti ue ao Jm m ' lo ud Uio or -" c-A cnoigh la tftelr pnuea. a lunuat Uwss , ttJi(witioutaeatsUacbtiaaat. Scali aHachmenta are saUa,. JJEEBB. XOWJSn 1IFT trOXSTSr PLOWS. BUCKEYE SHOE. PRESS GRAIN DRILL. ' ' ' ' Beakers Uo rrsss Orals Drill. Beekeys Ssnlsrs, Bucksrs Spring Tooth Harrows. . K,'n-i-t mA u nnntu tun cstrtrntrnc: Uttht 59 WIW The ksss6 sstprovad tapltassnt for sosisf saw mer : . Ws als nave a fall ! f nngejea. Carrlaarea, rbsetoii, Koamttvla Woa . I'latroraa sud ather Bprlag Veatetea. 4 . SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS: Uwranes k Chaptat' SisHnc-Tsoth Uorrows, Deere Barrows, Sdsauos reed UUls, IWas rsaanif stills. KMSH RARtt VIPF FTft FTC " ; sSiictira fin ; ' - : . ( .... .. . . , irt tbe feet Ihmi am offerint bottet bargtiei than any on fM io At 'r'.: Boogbt al baf.xrupt aalea I can sail First-Glass Goodsi ot below COST. FOP Gsasrsl msrebsndise ot all H" oU Of ho, -t . , , G, AcCBBaOr, : ,'..: , HUATBoWO J. JeDORRIS, r ALBANY, OBKGON. ' The' Only, Complete Set Ot Abstract Books and Maps In Linn County, v jBsrOUle In the Court House.'fi. . , Itnalnaaa antrnatnd to : mV ear Shall hare prompt and osrefal attention. jsaw idea Fein cue. Partlet desiring to'parihase taw log-t will Uo well to call on. the undersigned who has about 300,000 ft of logs the (Jaltpeoia at Brownsville. r. orownjTiuc. - .. H. F. Ubrrill, Trustee, Albany, Or. nd Washington for ta awl 'mma ao ear ahsatat Mefectloaj, that n-r.rtv" a-a-e-..w - fallow. Tbe saost eoeopleta sad WW far ianvn for ?mtT. nntTttir itt rvrt tm E THRALL, Agent. Albany. Or m rrti yUr rg ' r W. SIMPSON : ' . . Albany Kursenes. ' We are permanently located en tbe old Cline homstead i mile frosi Albanv on Coryallit rosd, sod bars on band a large stock of - Choice Fruit Trees of our own growing, whloh we will sell a lowest llvins rates. - - Parties contemplating planting trees wil eonsalt their tnterests by exsininiug our stock and prices before purohasiog. , , , HtsssM & Baowynit, .ii';': Albany, Oregon. IOST. On last Siturday nr tbe eor jner of Third and Washit.on, a red is jner oi tuna nu ".. wu, w I is containing i.60. Please retura t thisolSce. UNRIVALLED NOT ONLY ALMH ATTRACT Uot s tttUt't iunuii s1io' of nn .Received Tor the fs'lsi d (iter lisde, ccasistirg if s larfcesod cfcoice stock tbe latr t jn 11 r Ao anr.va.led line oi Gloaks . and - Jackets, in all style) and aisee, a well selected stock of Men's, Children's and Ladies'. . , .:-..',: BOOTS AND SHOES, A large assortment of CAR P E T S, And a eboico eelection cf . . ' . . GROCERIES. Firat-elara good and reaoonabla price al way astorad. MATTHEWS Carry a A rat Stoves, Tinware,Hardware,EtcM Tbleh tbef are celUns: at remarks) b7 )ow prise. JOB WORK earefully and proropUy don at reasonable prjoes." HOPKINS & STOVESi TIU WARE, SHEET IRON, COPPER WARE - ETC., ETC. Jjnota for "On Tim" Healing and eooklng Suves. Job work Pla n ',(. ete, prompUy attended to. v CHEAPEST ARD BEST PLACE IN THE CITT BEHAVE jnst received an Invoice i k.r;.k" to Tnrn'rnt'he1- boot la Oregon for tLa far mere use, '. M D. Wells &. Co'j sabool shoe. . . T.Brtw. Ml- . r,n tm I IIS- fiKa 1 asva, vaa s a iuv sjat . I " Our rail oclt uTUrj Oootla and Ko- 1 tion ,, Gent's Furnishings, I a . bow complete - Geode are arriving dallv - All tbe latest style and novelties. Inviting your pal ronago w are Respectfully Yours, Barrows fc Searls, Blumberg's New Block. PURE Paints, . Oils, Stationary, DR. GUJSS S; SdM FOR THE BEST FURISITURF OALti OJt Tint" . - s ''v.' Albany Furniture Company OP POSITS STEWART & tOXS, DED ROOSVa.SETG, TADLCS ; CHJCwi UPHOLSTERED GOODS. WALL PAPERS, OA3Y CARRIAGES ETC. ETC..ET L FURNITURE. Taw want the beat and most durable furntnrethat Is manufactured In tbeieily go i . .. .-, ... - " . . . ? . ". Thomas 33rink. BROWKSYILLE 0 Ps OOSLOfei Ci GC.IOs . Kl tU ssla suJ Colleations and f Kotartal basfnes atteaJj to, ATTMCTi DNS H IKf t ATTENTION 1 ly k WASHBURN. I" - class stock of SALTMARSH - DRUGS, - H Prempt attention' 1 s Reul Estaio Agent, Conveytnoicg ern lnds done In a re liable m-inner, -.All t-netneKe will rwie treat netr Ilrst, Albany, Orgon, V, : MS L i f