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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1889)
THE YAQU1NA HOUTE, Crcgca Paci2o Ealirod, Koa Development Company's 8teut hip Line, ,25 l:iles SlIO.ITEn. . 20 nouns less til:e ,nan by my othor rcite. Flnt-eli through ieangr nd VeU tit Un from Portland and ell rut in tt Willamette Valley to end from Sen Uemember the Oregem PlO lpUr Rummer Yatqutwa. tern Bate Ticket rm o sale, Ud i mat! Mat a rd ay from At- saay, I'twalU. - rhtlomMh. Itoalemekeclos wnto with tratoe of tbe Oregon Pacino Kailroad tiv ncHEWll. ssean ganders.) tiw and O. O. tretae co"u , " - nVot at Oorvallla. 1M. iw..nnmant Yequinawlth M,vJT,"ll"biwn SAlXiaG DUES ,o taai'ise. WUlit Valla,. ESSLV.flilu. WdjtV. Q ttea; Tea,;otia, looneoll 'lVVr Allta."i K dM- .MTToVtb..,.u0g before .r- illa, . " 0YERUN3 TO CALIFORNIA V T A . Eontieni Pacific Companj'8 line. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE y AlhanV and - Mg! rs .t ea'ii I 4.W. a. 1 b a ter I b Portland At b 10:46 :! a a 1:4a I AT n s-.aira I .im mTw Va L -z-r,--. art : l.lllUll t"-.7 t:ra Ar L a w - F'JLLMAh BUFFET SLEEPERS, Tourist Sleeping Cars, . atia &11 iha f auws nlaa.'-. fnt M4 Muia WIU rTA WfAU-ta. MaUi Tl AU1 8oay J Ar I ur L IJur a I JO ra Ar BraritruaAii.tOUPtattaJv. Ar I :0O B L. 1 1.4 a a ill Lv uOra I Ar McMiaaTtil To 11 aoloU HOTJTH -aVETD BAST VIA CALIFORNIA. tm all lfar-tUm rvdU awa-. a. . . a r. kaA r. A Vaint Shop. . House and Carriage Painter Decorator and Paper Manger Piano Varnishing. All nrk puaraniaed. SB. YASSAUO C. L. QLACKHAn, Sua or E. W.Lanrdo. 1'ALKK I DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES' SOPS COMBS ETC. . R. X. BLACKBCKir, OCO. W. WRIGHT, CLACKBURH & VRICHT. , Attorneys at Law, Will practica io all tha Coorta f tha Stata. Prompt atUotioo giirao to all boti .otinsted to oar ejra. OtBoa 0 14 rlow Templa, Albany, Or 8 AND, AC.-Praooa dirlog aand, loam orsravol fr.ra tha premlaea of F. Ij. Suijh in Booton ooaaty, can procnr tiokau for tha tame at my offi.ta, Cra. f.M'a Mock, Albny, 'fi?"n- Pouiifj Wanted. All kin J of poultry, IWa or Jra.d. nl.1 fct tha miUnatU Ptcklnic Coin poy'a Store. Albaoy, Orii.. J.l!;':if jf OfJHl. EUGENE, ORLUUn Ifxt aoaalon bein on Monday, tha Frna aotiolarahlp from very com.ty In l.aHtata. Apply f v,,"r '""'y H'ipefin U.ndDl- Free loltlon fcftar J-uoary Int. Foorooura : ClaM'n'. Kclenllflfl, f-ll ararr and hort Bngllih Conraa In wt,l litheralano LMln. OrK TrKonb nirman, Tha English la p.a-inlr.f nlly Boin Oor. For otlonua or Htar information, "-j, Pwlant. A BY CkKMAQZS AT f 8TET'AUT A 80 i?, J. VJHITflEYy . .i,tt..ey Ani Ccunsellor-At Li7 as ND iVotmv Public . ALEAa checcm Will praiU)l all of the Oonrta -llMut. All b Inaaa Intrnatel to hf will ba promptly ttiandad te, E. J. LIcCAUSTLAnO, Ciril Esicccr and Surveyor, EHA'JSHTISS AD BLUE PRINTS' 0!!l'w with Oregn i Lar.d C . Albany, Or, nvfirtf 3ytme and vv,tr Huppllea f r w laitr, F.Ktatoa 8ul4Hldd, Mana t. a ifl or Copied oa short notice. r-oruana Albany .MiMialuldL . T,, ,'" " AC I otrsWr . .ariettas Iters L fiSZ- L " imi .TV l I :4rs ft 4 a I Ar Ukaaaa r! j xxixa VETERAN'S FRIEND. Cures Vlcands, Bruises, Strains, Aches and Pains Rheumatic, Ksuralgio tP Sciatic, PROMPTLY . AndPCRMANCriTLY. AT URUOGIST1 AMD UBAUtU THE CHAIUS A VPSCLU C0M BABlaMta. HA DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offlcoeor, Flrot And Farry Htraew, , ALBANY- OREGON DR. C. WATSON f.lASTOfJ Physician and Surgeoa Ottlco oppoalU tl DrjWXirAt. DR. C. U. C1IAM8ERLIN, EomeopatMc Physician and Surgeon Special attention io diseases of the eye. fjromco'oomar of Thud and Ijon St. ALBANY, OREGON, DR. W 11 a DAVIS, Physiclm and Surgeon .vrrwnnutjilraln&trAhan'a Block May be found at bU ortlca oay nd night, DR. I. W. STARR, Physician and Surgeon, Late of BrownsTilla, Or, OfBi'o at inoint Sa, 83 mn I 84. Suatao nd Pleroo'a Block, up alalia, (.alia promptly attended u city or couniry, FOSHAY & MASON, TlLBVk!.a aaa aarAU Druggists and Booksdlew Agonu for John B. Aldoo'a publloAUona, wbluti w mil pljllho'a rrioa "ft poaUaaadJad. ALBANY. OKfctlON' i . K. "S7EATHERF0RD, r J , iTTOKNEY AT LAW, 1U1IT. wKBCei. W U BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in Chancery! ALBANY . - OttF.GOM Collect Ion a promptly aiada on all po'nt InanaotlAlol on oAaonBoiaMirma KedCrownMills SOM, LAXX1XQ & CO., I SOPH'S. raw boccm ru0B .cruiioB rok rAMfMn AKD AAKRU CU. , , BEST STORAGP-' 17 ACUITIES. Sijrhest "Priot in Caib to Whrat FOR QfiLY! A r 4441 lilt Onunl mm PERVOOS tiBIXITTt III I 1 "E "tiniM er vodjrwa Kiaai juiku tutmm, M BlIMfWiOMIr Im4 IbittlikmHl limta m,niiiruirT uhi.x a nrrn.i wiur. ttmutf KHM. HUB IIUIIUT-Mu to tmf. Rw tJf Irmm 41 ,.,. TiiMMilifc Mi (Hn (hIHii, III HUlCAt UllilfAia,!.!. HOW TO CO EAST. Go Eaat via Mount 8haata Route. . Xica elioaaU and eoery at all time of the year. Saa Moaot ShaU, Sacramento, Od.D, Salt Lake, Denver. Finaiteooud-cla cr mad ar. ma daily. Bay yoar ticket of m i,d av. your far. to Portland. I am th. only person in Albaay thateao ell yoo a ticket to any poiot la the Usited 8tt. Call on me fi-r rate. V. L. JcsTTB, Agent S. P. W ban tho Exclut'm Control of o N L Y K . o X t. a u ml mi U. (plf BO C E T a , II And don't ham to offtr prfzt to Vila Toorie, or HtUt BUT HADE, totry Cwt koidi saw mini nan. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, ALBANY, OREGON. T,5.. C r.:rChMBlvenoolrr jtm,;' V'"1-'1 ta:rfa!lon In tii v I To DATS.oiire. lUouorrtuea aud 'i wiMwi. ti niwt. Ipreacrlbeltaed f nriwij furl u(e In recommend. !' It to all cufferen. ' Jtui Cktaiol . , OlneinnaUj Onto. Deeatvr, III. FMCK.SI..OO. , Sold by iMgslsta. Iiiii, W leitle Aeat4, Foitiiiilleil living, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attontloi-First-class Hsarsa City Meat Market. saULTZ EE0SM Proprietors. Keep a full line of meate of all kind, " la oool pita, ooinplately pro , Ueted; and alway frab Also hav wnatantly.on band ealmoa. nd otber fih. 'rib I if er. i tntt r---1' 1 r.tlir V. M. Frnoh Vn$ rilroi.1 tinia, ,J. P. Wallace, Vhvicin nnd Surut-oti, A!. bany, Or, For a Starling or Kmron piano call on G L Elaokman. For ila, ohaap, atoond hand organ,' Mra. Hyman'a. O L niaokman I ent rr tha Wabar piano, Nona Uat tar. Bur your ttokata thneh to tha ICaai of W I atar and fara to Portland Tha Wantara CiitUna and Taukard ara two of tha boat orgaoa mada. U L Black nao alia tbam. 1 Hna Una of all kiu U at furnltura, plain and ODhoUtured. txa . atnok In thia part of Orfnn at Fortmiller ft Irving'a. If yon want a olaan and flna tmwka k for J. JoMMih'a homa mada wlnU laW o'.aara ForaaUbv mwt oixar daalvr and at hla Joaaph'a laotory. J,V VrnhlMd, amiiI SUiiar Manofaotnr iajL.. oniMMita O ld Full Tainnlo, Al bany. AnalAotiit linn of bIiV Ulda luratda, lit baantiful ditn, jutt tcoiad at Fortmilltr Irving a. & eana OoKlau Star tom.ttoei for SO oantt atOMeyart, and all othar! oannad aooda cheap lor omo. Jut raoaivad nar tll linan at W, F. Raad'a. , I W Starr, uhyalolaa andiuruaoD, Albaoy Oragoo. Good oooklna atova only tlO at HopV. & Sailmaraha. Dr Wrluhtiman'a SorWn Palm of LI fa. for diaeaaaa uaonliar to woman, at Dayoa & Robaon a and Broa nall Btaoard a, N Battlmoro, aijent. Motel Arrival, ExcilANOa IIOTKL. . W J Merry E Randall M llealy A Ulevlna FItarnhart C Crandall W Hintoon , A Morgan C Marah Sr Ciiarli. I Graham Portland E Thornton Gate lutchln M O Bentlev Brooklin K Beardeley City Col Van Cleve Siclo 0 F Miller S P R Pric. St Uul S Uroadhead R Davidon Corv I. Moore Mra SerrU L M Kirk and wife Atlantic Ga Rkvkkk IIoubk. O O Martln.Corvallla II Brnkinan W W Haine.Eux'ne II U Tplev, M City II liamiorteatue u 5t uewi, a r T Couch.Utlc,N Y R E Carter, D Flttman T J Kellr, O E Macy, Salem Beit WlUon.Rac a Kice, " r Mowatt, " II Tufrgy, Rochester L Euphrat L E ChcnauU , W A Dunn, ttau J U Glbkon, Splcer Rum IIOUKR. COIwn Win Brown R E Fewell J D Momilr, Port M lohnon, Lebanon G Wlegand, R Brennon I M Canyon E G Camron . X A Ruuelt Frank Wet,Tang'nt Mr M EGravc,NY Mr Sutie Allcn.cliil Mr Bluml Mra Mead Chat Cooper, city W J Dawea Lucinda I)wc,dau S r ll.le.H burff I Ka.tman, 11 u I" II Umauad, Ilal.ey uarutn, ixoter C Sharp,Tangent Maine, city w 11 wiike,Lrb Malne,r, " For Saaday Olaaer. Soup, barley, a go, vernnlcelta. FUh, mackeral, codfUh, herring, almon,ardine, tmoked. Poultry, a f ne fat chicken. Vegetable, turnips, cauliflower, celery, beet, carrot, cabbage, partnipa, punkln, quah, J if. Kvape. Unity tea, and a full auort merit of cake and cracker. All of the above article can be found freh and new at the Wlliam ette Parking Co'. Call early And oecure the bet. I.vtcaE at Once. Mr. Jullu Grad. wohl' advice to the people of Albany I to Insure at once before It U teo late, for the fire Bend la devastating the citlea of the N.W. Mr Grad wohl represent aeven olid companle, with an aggregate capi tal of $ 76x0,000 and a caih depoait ol $350,000 at Salem. A well a bulneae men, farmer should Inaure their crop, for they will burn, as a number of case already testify. Though Mr Gradwohl'a companle let some To Seattle, Vancou ver, Ellensburgh and 8pokne Fall their capital I 0 great the lot I not felt, and they will continue to place risk and pay losie with their usual promptnaaa, the ame a they did after the great Chicago firr, In which their lone were heavy. Oo to Uibler k Paial.y foe yoar job print ing. Th.y do any and all kind of work fa th. ps.lisbing and job printing lino. Quick work and lew prioaa. For a geonio. Sath Thoji 4 olook, ebaap foe h call at F M FraKili' tb Corn.r Jewslry 8Urg . 2nd fjJ Store. Beatsock of 2nd W roods la the Val ley, and the moat reason, le piloea, both in baying and soiling. I have oo band allkindaof FURNITURF, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, BOOXS, PIUTURES CLOCKS, CRQCXF.RY, ETC., ETC. oi diir wtof 8 E Young', old rtore. L. COTTLIED, 123 First atraet. Albany, Or, for btr.ln tolltirc. Y our irau't at the Portland Buine tollcgc, Furtland. Oregon, oral the Capital Jius- on, reat lii-n College tmlera ureson. oin scnoois arc umltl (he nikflagempntorA. V. Armrtrong, have name courac of Mndics and same rates of tuuion. RHMiiicstii, Hliortlianu. .'ypewritlng;, Fenmanshlp and F.nglinh TJpart ments. Day andeveniniraeMioa. htudeiitd mitted at snjr thne. or joint Catto;u,(Ulru trUmt K.Wmm Milt, AT) Caff U I BaJaMa Mltfl, I'ortiand. Oregon, VU . fcaleui, Oregon. PIANOS. Thos. wlablna; a firit-olai lntro;nDt bouldoAll at Mr. B. E, Uyimn'a nd see one of thooe Caieorated Uemme A Loiik planoes, exo)i.ent rich tone, E oailsliy made and adai ted to Hand the aliimte on tb Pad fie Coast, Krery piano fiCly guatantoad for b yearn. The if. I est srxtet-muslo for .4)0, Muiio and palntlDK lesson a given there. Alsotbe place to get yoar new Sewing Machine. Fancy work and dree, mskluy don to ord.r. First drmraaatof Youog's old stand, Albany, Ofeeoo COLD El HAD. Ely'sCreamBalm Cleanses the ITasalPasseirea. Al lays Inflammation. Heals the Sores, Bostores the Lessos of Taste, Small end lloaring. A particle I. unoltre tartiMastrt1 aaf Is atMniMa. mt Urssci.Ui ar by i. LU UiitriuilJSe WsirsnbbvNew xorlc. TrythaCurcj hmoUL U ana EK, ; - ; w TELEGRAPHIC NEWS H V Cold IllixiUrd. Tacoma,' Oct, as, 1 h Jury In th. David Laltin cue, for th. murder of C G Crant, brotighl in t verdict of ciilllv, and I.ntUn rt- C alvtd a acnlenct of twenty year in tha peni tentiary. Alter tli lentrnre Laitm turnea to hi council and whinpered that it wai a cold blooded a murder at wi ever committed. 11 afterward guv Hi detai1, Broke Down, ? Cincinnati, Oct. ty Allen G Thurnun did not complete lilt ipeecH al Muttc hall here night, but wni compelled on account of failure of (trength Io atop luddenly. lit wit taken to trie Hotel a he w utile to leave the hall. A Yonng Traveler, l! SANFtANCisco,Qct. S. Llllle Klltby, an 8 year old child, arrived her on the overland train to-day from New York, having made the journey alone and depending upon charitable paincngert for her meal. She carried a letter from th general Eaatern paue'ger agent of th. New n ork Central Sc llutlten Kiver rail, road, commending her to th car. of tha con ductor along the route. No on. met here, and ie wai taken in charge by roue. Hear. geant Kavanaugh, who found her wandering about the terry. Montana. Helena, Oct. In the annual report of Governor W hile, he estimated th. whh. nop ulation of Montana at 170,000 and th. Indian t 15,000. The total wealth of th. territory U eiven at f 130,000. Tht territory a whole la out of debt, but theaialecn countie have an Cgregat indebtedneu of about 1 1,600,000, 1 h. number ol live stock in the territory given a cattle I, a 30,000 head, horte a 10,000 heads hep a, 1 50,000 head valued at between 40,ooo,ejgo and 150,000,000. Brakes Dowa. New Yoek, Oct, as. A Washington spec lal to the iitrald say that the statement made on excellent authority at a Isle hour to night that Elijah Halfurd has tendered hi re signation a private secretary to President Harrison, The reason eiven is that Ilalford hat broken tiowo physically, Wants Damaara. Inoet ENtEtiCE, Or,, Oct, as Wm Kays, who fell off. a high sidewalk in fiont of the residence of E C Pentland on Main streeifiveir hs asked the city council to pay him f 100O damages lor a broken shoulder blade, As Iroa Mlaa. KLLENsauEO, uct, 34.A force ol miner wil go from Ellensburgh to-morrow to develop the red bimatitte iron mine,a few mile below this city. Assays from it prove it to be of the finest euahtv and when combined with mag' aetic and other ores of tree Mountain and Cleslum district north of Ellensburgh will make the best of steel. Speculator are busily ngaged in bounding and buying alt the land they can sccor south of Ellensburgh, where it is the intention to erect tolling mill. 4 Fend Xaf i iville, Ky., Oct, 24. A special this oxraing gives a correct statement of the killed and wounded is the fcctionsl fiKht near Harlan court hotrfe yesterday. Two hour Ufore daylight th. law and order party, hitherto styled "The Tamer faction of Harlan county. fifty avea in ail, armed with Winchester rifle and revolvers, endet the let dersltip of County Judge Lewis, left the court bouse and made an assault upon the Howard forces. In camp at M Howard ' house, a mile from Iowa. The engagement was s!ort, sharp and terrific, but not one of the attacking party wa hdrt, Oa of Howard aide, Millard Deaa wa instantly Billed, and sis other were wounded. Will right With (ton ti loves. HELENA, Mont., Oct. sa. It la give out from official source that as Henry Villard ha once more secured control of tht Northers Pari&c be will adopt a much more aggressive pokey towsrd competing lines, especially the sew Mxnltot Canadian Pacific combination. It is the intention of the Northern Pacihc to watch every move of the Manitoba, and if it cut into the Northern Pacific territory, to at ence take retaliatoi y steps. It is said this will be done to the extent of paralleling every mite 01 roaa ownea ny in. Manitoba. A Paesllar 8ai. Helena, Mont., Oct. 34, Speculating with tb. dead has become a professional busi ness is Helena, and pul-lic indignation has bees aroused, Iavestigstioa show that an abominable traffic in dead belies has been go ing on In Helena for some time, and that toe corner has given tb bodies sader his charge to eaaenakers lor burial, for a financial con aideratton. ' Jsst like California, London, Oct. a A desperate attempt at bank robbery was mac. at bidsbttry.Lancash ire to-day. An unknown man entered the bank, drew a revolver and shot Allen, the manager. He then fired at the cterk, seized abo and bolted across the country. A crow pursued htm, and be was soon overtaken finding escape shut oft, he shot and killed bimseif. Aliens wound is not necessaiily iaiai. Persecuting Chrlnlaas, Constantinople, Oct. 14. A stir in ofTic. ial circles has been caused by the discovery that Russian officials have been gathering evid ence of the persecution of Christians in Armen ia by the Turks. The sultsn has given orders looking to ine redrew of their grievances. wommi jocj.goTcrnor ui Armenia, win DC pun uacu. Rtlmsoa Pardoned. . Seattle, Oct. 33, Lewis Stimson, ex mar. shsl .f Wbstcom, who wss sentenced to th penitentiary for one year for manslaughter, in killing Csmille Lavalle, a tramp, at Whatcom. wa pardoded by the governor to day. Stim son was on his way to Walls Walla in charge 01 an olhcer, and the pardon was delivered to him her. upon the arrival cf the steamer Idaho The ex-marshal it well respected in Whatcom and muchiarprise wa felt over hit conviction. Lavalle wae one of a gang of tramps being es corted out of town on a morning on last Feb ruary. He stepped into a saloon without per miction and was struck by a cane. II. showed ! no effects of the blow umil he got on board of j the steamer Starr bound for Seattle, and then be died, The marshal claimed always that he was murdered bycompsnions.snd it is not im probable this it true. St mson formerly lived in Oregon. CM Weather. Wincmesxee, Va Oct. 33. It bat mow ed most of the day, with the thermometer near the freezing point. Thirty six years sgo to day mow fell to the depth of fourteen inches, breaking down treet and thrubbery, Dispatch et from Staunton and Harrisbu'-g report that the wwther hat been extremely inclement all day, alternately raining, hailing and snowing, Destitution Prevailing' j St. PAUL,Oct. 31. Two thousand families, or nearly 1 0,000 people, living in the frost belt of North tnd South Dakota are on th. verge of starvation and unless relief is afforded them at once hundreds mutt die, Within the pott fortnight reports have reached the cham ber of commerce of the destitution in Dakota and a committee of its must influential mem bers was appointed to consider the application for relief and make a personal examination of the districts where suffering was alleged to exist, The committee reported to the Chamber to day in substance as follows 1 "We tad that the suffering and destitution in Ramsey and adjoining counties in South Dakota it even great than hat been reported. There hat been a disposition on the part of the old residents of these sections and the newspapers published here to cover' up th. facts, believing that if the matter were gener ally understood in itt true light it would adver tise these lection badly and would result in keeping out immigration and capital. But the destitution and suffering is so great and extensive that the local authorities and relief societies are unable to grant the assistance re quired, an Alliance, New YokK, Oct. "34, The Wcrld this morning prints a lengthy s ory to the effect that an alliance has been formed between the Chicago & Northwestern and Union Pacific railways. The roads will . henceforth be in harrr.ny, The agreement bat been ratified by the board of directors of both companies. ; ' ALBANY'S BOOH Utnrthebov talk. Th. following I from the CorvallU Timt and I a replet. Ith eloquence that one can Imagine De montlicne around with hi mouth full of pebble. Comment 1 unneceary 1 'Many town In th. valley aie enjoying Doom, ana eioeciai v tne eity 01 vioanr, . . ..... . . i" - We coneratu'at. our ncluhhor down the creek and hope their city will continue to row until lite r coroorate limit win en circle the cltle of Lebanon, Iirownaville nd Sclo. We trut that the day will oon come when you can count your number V tne ten of thouaand and oecom. one ! the Bicatet railway center In the Wil lamette merld an. But while we wun you all thl good fortune you ought not to poke tun at our ino.i -covered city in your hour of proiperltv. W. realize our intlg. ntcance.nut 11 eem a inougn you ougm to treat our lelhany with pity ana com paKlon of ivorn. You ought to remember that only a few year ago you lumbered In th. same cradle and that now your new life ha been Iniecled principally by Uorvaili capital. Ve may oe mo covered and drowiy.but attllw. have turn shed you the tit thkt tunpllcd thenourlalv tnrnt to make you feel big enough te abttie vmir inother. . t.nak at our bevv of Canl- talUt who have lately InveatrJ hundred of thousand of dollar among you and made promUe ot ten time more.andthen ask yourself If you ate treating us rigm tiy tavme iorvalils lit dead town, wniy lost week one company of Corvalllstte wa incorporated wun a capital stoca 01 000 for the Albany Canal. Water.Tf ansnor tation and Lighting tvo.,conitingoi cnas ... ..." . C liogue, K A Uenacil. j u vuon ana 1 L Rlplf-y. and yet there are other here mora able and willing who have contri buted in a like proportion, Y., we are glad to sec you prosper, but tor heaven sake don't call u a scrawny.drlcd up ham. let,' when we are starving oursclvc to make you grow," UK tA KHTA1K MA LEX. John Gamer to Thomas Reardon,N w or sec ao, to 10,3 k. a r., 100 acres $ 55 U L. Ulackman et ux to Fiatt 11 El- drekin. lots 6 and o.ulk i.B a A. too W L Maple et ux to J P Maple, 336 acre In p it and ia,3 K 4 w. . A IVarce to E and C lioward.lot 5, blk 4 Or and A to Albany.... 3e t w AT Fetcr- ton, 3 W Qf and W hall of a E or blk 40. II a and A I a so b. it iiryan to A j uin,iao acres in to i a, skjw, uoo 8-trah W van l lorn to Uiura II Trier, lots 1 and 1 10,11 A, Albany laoo M Gcrhirt to Conrad Meyer, Pow er oi Attorney James Pine to Charles Esslg.lot 6,ln bl 3, I s A to Albany 150 I II Mullan to baran fj Vanllorn.S w rjr oi 59, Aioany .. 11.50 lames ripe to August Nreschrl, lot 7,1)1 3. l A 10 Aiuany 150 A I Ansiyn to r ruiicr, a lots In bl oo. Albany , 700 G L and Maggie Biackman to Mary Uityeu.lots 5 and 6,!l U s A 100 M A Uurkhart to R L Burkhsrt.for- ty-elpht hundredth acre In tp ti.SRw 331 W W Crowdcr to Mr E R Cheaile, Si half lot 17, H 3rd A...$ 1050 A Webster to Richard Warner, 115 , acre In tp 1 1,$ R a and 3 w..i 4300 llujh Klckerson to W Goltra,aco acre In tp 10 and ti M R 3 W. 13,500 R L Uurkhart to 1 1 Dubrulllc.JiK acr-a near Albany ISfiS R A Murphy to Henry Settlemlre, smsll parcel In Albany, 5 II J Parent to W D liarmon, 4 acres In tp 1 J.S R 4 w. V D Harmon to F M Sutford, 48'$ acre In tp ia, 8 R 4 w Albany Cemetery Ass. to II Nick- erson.cemetery lot, 173. United Stales to 11 Nlckerson Patent -Ts Read T. Ilesvra." A golden Casket of unique brilliant. and beautiful christian treasures, gath ered from the richest mines of religion, science, and philosophy; sumptuously Illustrated with a magnificent galas of royal steel plate engravings. No other book of modern times deals with such a living subject, displays such genuine genius, has such a significant, striking and attractive tine as this pew book pos sesses. It contain the essence of a thou and tone boiled Into on 2, and explore every field of human experience, that cn engage, fascinate and charm both the highly cultured and the man of the world t U Issued by the Globe Bible Publishing tjo. ol I'htladcipliia, ra and sold by sub sorlpilort only. Mr. L. McFarland, wno Is the authorised agent for this section Is now canvassing for It. We heartily rec ommend this book to our readers. Ulves Away. For the benefit of our customers we will give away on Jan itt, the following : I Dinner set, no pieces, $15. I Tea set, 44 pieces, $7, 50. 3 Tea set, each 44 t lccea, $iS. These good are f the best English ware and a credit to any table. Give us a call and g t not only the best bargains In pure frci groceries but secure a chance at one or more of these clrgant sets of dishes. LaFokest & Thompson. Kid ti loves I Kid tiloves 1 1 I have jutt received a full line of kid glovei branded Our Own. Thl Is a genu ine kid glove. I buy direct from importers In New York and consider them the best value of any gtoye I ever sold for this price. 5 button, 3 row of st'tchlng, $1.50 per pair. 8. E. Yol'no. Biggest Yet 10,000 rolls of wall pa per, latest varieties, finest 'decorations just jlve' t Frtml'ler& Irving' A Sharp Item The finest line of cut lery and aheart 'in the city at Stewart & Sox's. Their goods are the very best and will stand the ten. coxsuapTiocrELv CURED. Town Editor rt a inf. Tin our rend, era that 1 have a ikwIMv. ii.wi .-,n' ilmehov named disease, Jsy u fim.iiy nw tltamlsoi hopeless cuses have U-n pi-niiniii iilly cured. I shall be gliid to send two tn.ttl. of my reme dy r rer to any ol your readers who have eon tumptlon If Uiey will tend mo their express and post office address. Iieapectfully, T. A. SLOCrjM. M. C 1SI 1'earl St.. New If ork. Struck Oil At $!.ac per 5 gallon ean sett Standard oil, at the Willamette Packing Co.'a ttore. If yon wsnt a good ail ver steel seythe,f1nsst in tbs maikst, go to Stewart & Sox's. .MARRIED. LUPER SMITH, At the residence of Mr Wert In Tang-nt by Rev D C Mo' Farland Oct the 33rd, 1889 Mr Bird Luper and Mis Mary Smith, both of Tangent. After the ceremony wa performed the guet repaired to the dining room where a bountiful repast wa served. A party In the evening wat given the young folks There will be a reception at Mr John Lu pe' to-night. The following ft a lisf of present! do. nated the happy couple by a few of their many frlendt. Mr Frank Moore butter dih,Mrt and Mrt John Luper lace cur taln( Mitt Mary glmpson tureen, Mist DenaBridgefaamer linen table cloth, L E Blain silk handkerchief, Jas Collaway per fumeries, Mrt Wertt wash Hand, Lucinda Smith ornamental bread dish, Ellen Simp sort preserve dish, A L Bridgfarmer ret silverspoons, Mr Barnes desert dishes, Mr and Mrt Ow.nby fruit dish and desert dishes, Mr B McFarland water bowl and pitcher and preserve dish, Bride Groom hanging lamp, Maggie McFarlaud boquet of flower, Mr John Luper glass pitcher and tray. . . ,- SWINK-BARNKS-Oct 34th at the residence of the officiating clergy mfln,Rev t K rrichard, Mr J Q Swlnk and Mis josie Darnea, both ol Linn county. THE MAN ABOUT TOWN. In this present booming age II teems to j take a (treat deal of practice, at well at ttninlii of character to tell the truth. The rule U exaggeration. In order to induce Immigration It It the custom to fabricate about population, surroundings, etc, A Ity with 10,000 Inhabitants Is given, and I environed by gold mines and wheat fields Innumerable. The Man About Town I thinking about Sound elite now, In the long tun the result libsd, Albany, really surrounded by a magnificent coun- try.does not need to fabricate J nor doe It In reference to population. In fact It would be poor policy now, fnr the census taker will soon ne around. What Albany wants is a good.healthy growth, which she u trettintf to tne satuiHction 01 even tne most fastidious. Speaking of boom, how true It Is that water seek Itt level While thing are going up here elasllcly back In Hie New Engltnd slatet thlngt are going down seemingly In keeping with the movement of the balance. According to Bradstraet a fine farm at Windham, N. II, of 300 acres, with fair buildings, orchard, etc., I offered for tale for $810, or about $4 an acre. A' Chelsea recently a farm of 30U acre with itood building wa sold for Si 100, the reason being because there were no buyers to pay more, in Mini chtise'.U 14S ont of 34S towns have lost population during the last ten years, the total lost being 3i,eV6 persons, . It 1 well In these day ol prosperity to remember that our boom Is some one else's lost. It It also noticeable even here how fast population Is centralizing lit the cities. Most of the real estate transactions are In city lots and plats.and more farms recent ly have been bought for speculation than 'or use. We need the farms cut up tor farming purpose through the county and more farmer to back our cltle and keep pace with their growth. In these live time It I welt to keep one's .vet open foi stranger wh. want to make the world off Ihelr tongue. Don't be gullible, and bite at every new scheme becausn It U n w and It I al way well white we are ccttlnir new institution to etve the ones we have lietrty support, The spirit of the aKe.thoueh.seem to be a gambling one, to start a thin and then drop It for something etse. There Is as much In building up those we hs. as In getting precarious new one. V j. MILL CITY. IWauae there hive not anv Items an neared In the papers from Mill City for a long lime I not because we are dead, but that we are ao much engaged in business affairs that time would not allow any one to write the newt. We will without any doubt have the town east of Albany. 4a new buildings were erected since spring, and many more are tinder construction, That shows that we will have a town. Tat It Boyle has commenced to manu. fact u re hoops for San FrancUco and Port land. We bene Jim wilt be tuccetsful In hit new enterprise. . The Santlam L. Co. are not sawing this week on account of repairing the mill. They are putting on a new roof and Using up in general. The O P bridge carpenters have moved their camp to Niagara Falls, or Brown's mill, where they will frame tne second crossing of the Santlam river. Miss Carrie Sudden Is building a house on Main street for s millinery shop. We congratulate the new couple who were married at Albany last Monday even being Dr Wm II ughet and Mist Mary Judy Their wadding: trip wat ex tended to Portland. Mr Henry Darbly, the 8 L Co' sawyer, i (pending tnit week wun tut lamuy at saiem. The new house of Mr Frank Bell Is nearly completed. It is ast ornament to Mill City. Mr Tho Sims wilt move into it as (ton at It it completed. L. II u Bondy, our enterprising mer chant, made a trip to Albany thit week and bought more goods. lie carries a complete stock of goods and can accom modate hit customer ty Ith most anything, Notice Parties Indebted to Mr. E. L. Power, will confer a favor by calling on Mr ?! F Merrill, with whom hit accounts have been left, and settling the same at wee. Next. New and best place In town is Gllson' new baiber shop In the Froman Block, next door to Fortmiller A Irvine's Best barber In town. uasies. The finest line of baby can- ages In the Valley jtist n ceived at Stewart If Sox't. Prlcet are remarkably cheap con aldcrlna ti e superior quality of the carri get. Dr. ai. 11, Kilt, phytin and aurseon Vlraoy, Oregon, (.all mad is city 01 oeontry. AaaEv'a Addition. 54 lot in thl ad dltlon to Albany, near Hackleman'e 3rd addition. for sale, at $50 to $115 a lot, et Curran ti Monteith't. f4tre Curtains. Lace Cartalno. I have jutt received my fall stock of lace curtains bought direct from Importers, the largest stock ever brought to this mark et, and best value for the money. Samuel E. otrtra. Baeklea'a Arnica 8sl v.. Tbe bet 8lv la tb worle for Cot. Erulaea rieers. Bait hhaum. fever Snraa. Tetlar. CI hanrt. ChUblsina, Corns, and all rjkln Eruntioo, smttlrely tares III, er no pay required. It Is antee-l to iTe pet lent aatUfaotloH, or money rorand t, Ptlos it cents per box. For ! by foahay had Usaen. X Kae luvestmeat. lane which I guarsntssd to bring you sstafae. tnrr rnl's, or In ess ot failures return of DarsBaas 'e""". n this asf plan you ean buy from our a vaulted IirtirgiatabotUs ot Dr. Klne's Mew Ills rry tor Consumption, It Is rusranteed te bring vllef la .vary ea. whsn naod for any aJhotlea ot Threat, Lung or Cheat, such sa Consumption, n fUumstloa of Longs, Bronchitis . Asthma, whooping Ooogb, Croup, sts. It la plessant sndsirreaaBle te taste, periMlly sale, snd can slavsbe dspendsd poa . Trial bottles free st Fosbsy A Uaaon's, For your watch olook and jswslry go Frtnsh's. llouest goodt, low prioe arid sick salsa. -Ho3 nroio sa3 sqs 'najpRij petj sqs naqji e(jot0 1 'm etr "asm eureoeq etrs uaq;A. epojseo joj fia trs "pinij t es nq stjo3 joq a3 Sj rt ru. iqvg vkj That Cantankerous Old Woman Described ia the nurtery ballad, who "lived upon nothing but victual sod drink," and yet woald never be quiet,' waa undoubtedly troubled with ebronlo indigestion. Her victuals, like those of many ofchue elderly persons whose digea ttve powers havebaoome impaired .didn't agree with ber. Thl. waa before the .rs or HMtettei'a Stomach' Bitters, or some one of berattmeroaaOiendaand r.lativMi would undoubtedly have persuaded bar to try tile grout epestfio for dypepeta oonaMpattonand bilionenea. ?kie would bave been a measure of self proteoM.non their pat. for she would soon bavs bees oured and neaeed to disturb tbesot witk ber olamcr. The most obstinate etwee of Indigestion, wltfi its attendant heartburn, flatulence, constant nneaeinesa of tb. atomaob atiti ofth. nerves, sve complete lyoversome bjr thkt sovereign remedy Chills and fever and blMons remittent rbeotnaRtra sand Kdney trouble are ala. eMevatlbylt; Dr. Flint's Remedy la the beat remedy known for Insomnia, or aleepleasneeti, which a CI tots bo many persons, and which lead, to ao many aefiousnervonadiaeaBe,, particularly to insanity. Descriptive treatise with Rch bottle; or, address Mack Drug Co., JS. Y. HOXft AND AB1MMD TitvaaDAr. Dr Gilbert, reot ntly of Salem, list loonted In Albaay. Dr J 0 Hmt'.h. reuetitfy of Jttrr.oo. has located in HU hi. Pottmastnr Dyson, of Browns villa, wa in the city recently. J W Brssfisld, Newport's live reel ssUt. speculator, it la th eity. Mr 0 K Barrow r.otived a despatch from Chicago to-day.Boounclng th death of 00. of bis two litti. children. Piatt Kldsrkla ha bought two lots in Blaokman't addition, Mr W R iiWen two lots, Vr Kliit two and M E ilrink f on risen. Lih Ait!pgt.,o.wly aproiotod agei t at Klamath, passed noitb this morning, w.lh a clean' shirt tnd dollar nn. lie is bunting btndma. A gam of baa ball played btwn the Hsrrisbaig and Kugrma i.lur on Saturday at Msrrisbnrg, rtuttd in a victory for th latter by a score of 13 to 0. Mr Harry f).i I down torn the front. 111 head waiter at th. grab wagon of Sir. I. It, the Ys'iuin real cststcjlioomcr, and repirls lively times there. A tdiotiiL-rsiih ffsllery is to ho opened in th Twot'dftl boiilMigin' temtfif th'i Oi House, the room having tiee-n the former quarters of L W Clark io tSruums business. Mr C C lloirao. of the Ort-gn Pscifio.hst been io th city to-day, having been over tha roaa paying on tour nanus, akiodsiio et Doe alto liquidated with their employ tea terdsy. - - Warren's stood tawing outfit ytrdy tawed twtnty cord of wood In about eight hoar and tet tea times, svsrsging two cords at a plat. Tbey consider that pretty fast. Jud Bos doe th. bossing. Tbe candy tbnp.tdjoioicg the Post Office, itarted a day or two ago, hat dosed its door, having told oat to other dssters, and the csudv men. a tlesssnt looking gsotie man, will go to Ksn Francisco. Mist Mand Hoffman and her mother, Sorvatli. left for Nsw Yeik City ibis morn ins. Miss Msnd goes to complete her elo cutionary and theatrical education, after which th I onder 00 n tract for a live ytar enjsgemeat. We bay heard a pretty good Joke on one of oir prominent eitisan. who, while in Portland visitinir th. exposition, geo'ly stroked th. eow which yield fifty gallons of milk a day and used plaintiff term keen her mild and pesceful. Hereafter h says he will be eern and only pet live cow. Had Been Riklkd, A red leather valise wat found In the alley back of the Blumburg plock this morning, with the bet torn cut out. I he indications weie mat tt had been stolen and rifled of it con tent. Who Is the lor The City Sieve. Last night a coupl begging tramps In the city's "get out' tore part of the reof off and jumped out, and are now bound for some other qtiar ter. - raiAv. Dr J W Walt it in the city. Keep botti of year eye on Albany. Tbe real t state sosrset remains grm. Itev Trumbalt is attending lbs Bsptiat eoof.renc. io McMinnvilie. District Attorney Hewitt returned last eveoing from Salem, where be hs bees at tending Coutt. Whit. In Pottlaed this week A Hack la mas and Chaa Corrso sold eighteen tats ia II 4th A for fSIOO to CO Mali argue aid Harry Young. Basin ia so resiling here that even tb. ticnsT. hsv to work all olghta. firm doiag that laat night Is or 'tor to meet ao O f or der. S M Holae.ef Corvt)i.wilt opea hi ttor at Ytquioa City th first week ia November, wber. b. will aeoa oak am peemaoeot res idence. Three deer were brought from Sweat Horn, to-day aoJ Uft with three butcher sbep for .ale. Tbey were Goe, fresh look ing fellows. Mra W K Price, of Tolo, aed ber mother. Mr. A Ilacklemaa. of Albany, war. paying frlendt is Ashland a visit tht week Asb laad ffteord. Mr C Q Hideout and daughter Marti. wbo have been visiting relative and friend is Albany for tb past month, Uft last night for their borne at Sas Lesndro, Cat Willises Ilsmphrey, tbe expert W U operator, ia taking a vacation of several week on account cf poor health. His plsce Ii being tilled by U llatdy, I I'ortiand Yesterday Dr. WeMI bonded to Mra Peasngart a fractional block io bit addition for I UOO, at tne rat of 1200 a lot. Wai Isoe t Cssick, agent. Crawford A Pazton have just received a lol ol mi ted iegsot back grounds and ao esesories. Go and ace them . 1 bey are bet ter prepared to do fine work now than eycr. A M Centra, of Fossil, Gi'liam county, ia in th eity. H is on bis way to hsrriabarg, wbere be will make bit headquarters for the wioter, working for tbe state Insurance eotnpany. Wiloox, th. photographer in tie eity several months ago, baa been arretted on theobarge .fa Eugene man for getting money nnder falsa prst.nscs, ia rent iviog pay for seme photographs b. acyerdslivsred Mra Fish left this noon on a viaitof eve rt) month to her old beta, at lodianoplis, whet a shs will be the guest of a brother. Sb. was accompanied to Portland by ber eon, George. ARE Exchange. Last nlht at Sa lem the State Real Estate Exchange was organized by the election ot Dr. II J Min- thorn, president, LA. Manning, secretary, and t. H. Billenger, I. (J. Hooth and w, Howard Phelps, board of director. saturoat. Who ia at it ? What are they at? 1 Ste ad. in another column. A fine line of aolid ail ver ware at Frenoh'a ' Qainoea 75 eeota per bushel at dEBrow oeli'a. Watch for th star and orescent Monday night, Hon T J BUok, or HaUej , has been in town to-day. "The Eatrells'' cigae, 3 for 23 eenU, at Elite gar Rtore. Finest fountain pen in the wurld for only $2.00 at F M French - Mlaa M.ttic Burnett, .f C. raili', aaa io tbe city thia morning. A fail tin. of rbe and bli.ket jtiut r oeived at Thompson ' Ov.rirui.' Mr James Titu. an all tim 1 r .1,1 lent of Albany, now of Te ina, u i i th t t-ity . Mr Jseger,uenmo l-l.t - f ti.e Brownt yille mills, bat been iu t ie uity tc-Jay. Mra llev Giboay and eltild, cf Lebanon, ant in the eity, tbe guests of D P Mason, Mrs O E Krause and Mias Ella Krause.of Salem, are in the oity, tha gaotts of Mr A Klein. The Crpital D flouring mills at Salem were to be aold to day to satisfy a $150,000 mortgage. Tbe world wat to oome to aa yester dsy In the minda of about 40,030 people ; but it did not, Ktv H VRominger, of Ett Portland, formerly of Albany, will fo.iv. about Janu ary Itt on a trip to Germany. A fine panel painting in oil.of flood rlyer, executed by F N Wood,of thit oity, may be seen at Giuiss k Son's. The drawing for the house in Pipe's addi tion to Albany takoa place to-night at Burk hart& Malin' otiioe at 8 o'clock. Subscription for all the leading new, paper and magaiinea received by F L Ken ton, near the Postoffioe. , All order for warded without delay. Mrt F K Allan and family returned home laat night from th. East. She ia accom panied by her mother, Mrs M E Graves, of New York, with whom tbey hay. beensf end ing the summer. A bonni of S9000 wat raited at Grants Past for the rebuilding of tb. Sugar Pin. lumber will, burned tUere reoently. Tbat it a good indication of enterprise. Rev and Mrt Wilson have resigned thtir petitions at the Warm Springs Agency, and are expected in Albany to niht. They in tend making their home here this wider. Col Hogg and W M Hoag, of the Oregon FaoiGc, will arrive iu Albaoy to-morrow morning from San Franoltoo. The Co) after remaining at Cor vail it a few dtyt will go East. Mrt O P Coshow,of Brownsville, returned home from a visit here of several days this noon, while Mrt Thot Kay.r.f S&lem.trrived oa a visit this noon. ' Mother and mother-in-law of 0 P Coshow, Jr. Mr Phil Uoodvin left this morning for Portland to meet hie grandmother aud aunt, Clt If f m sr? s i J -tf ' 1 . 1 for Infants end ' "Caetorla Is so wn sdtptad toehfidren Out I Caste a enr Cot!. CensftTiatl'vn. TTJ &a !wK5 - UX Bo. Oxford 8s Broufcln, X. T. Miss Srh Alllion.., w'io will make Albsnv their home. Mi" Allbonse is a sister of Mrs S K You iits and resided in AlW.y for three year in th ttveii!is. t F 11 i'lr iflr h 1. Ido l sn utomtiu rs ?'per to hi (l,io dofnoM'tnary on Mit. 'rsr.cis Mo'-ntily h the nio.t popular c n. feetiotiary store in the valtey.nud is entitled to tho 1 wsys B 614 t Eunim nntom' of schf! In the dinijt. Kasiint must he an unlvrly. well b -hvd turo $ m able to Matte taeb ft record. At the u o'itlily fitertirii itf t'i- AiUo l Boil ling ami Loan AoC''.i -i I t vlojilsv evsninir, a losn f l(t wti uitli at 31 month interest in adtont., ami a loan of $937 W) t 24 mO'itW advanw iourest. Tbe a(Tlrs of the nvtct ttton are io very satis factory condition. A. hlsi'd Tiding. The ntnrl g weli t S'ocliUoi, Cl., bored for a cimpmy of eititon nf the place, wss eompb tl lt rturdsy, at a di-bth of lfi.TO feet. The auger wat stopped in a bed of gravel. Th total flow of the wl! is 31, 000 cu He feetof gs eseh twenty foor hours. The gu will be used 10 the reldenoe of stockholder in tb company . Another well will be atarted seat week to supply a neighborhood company with gas and fuel. Combine the juke of tbe Else figt of California, to laxative and natriuons, with tbe medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to th. bamsn tystera, forming tbe ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly oa tbe OEIS, lira ASD BOWELS AUD TO Cleanse tti System Eff sstaally, mm SO TUT PURE BLOOD REFRESHINQ SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is using it and all are d.ngntea wun tt. am your dreggitt for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by the -( CAUrORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, Sas rtAMCiaco, Cat. ' Loctviu.s. Kv. llfOOD SAWING -Wood eawed on t f abort notice, anywhere in the city, Regular price. Order left at Browne u promptly attended to At sunard'c una. 11. w Afca". DR. C A. WH1TMEY, Physician and Surgeon. OrsiusU of Bellevo HospiUl Medical College Now York City. Disease, of woman a specialty. UTOffice, Froman' Brick, Albany, Oe. VOICE ueHai ; t itsMr Imv.) tm srwttev or SV. A iseass m . ai0r-4a Mtl DSMI- I i4M4lf t. 1 " i m Ptissi aaae aai tasy. pabWaMM(t4 A.?trr a il. .,'.,." V tW .w ha-. 4 mpmf a. el a6! IMa IkM. iMMa SWr ml tftfcM M mi U.I. mtlxl Ihi.I.m. lunulMaL naau we start 1 uv ia tats Business, wrtMto. mmm U akwia krrnat W. r. nhxg M.,t will auf ymm Uymtt mamt iJ mmtU IHtlHtM. mmami n n. rmmr mmtt mf tmm ' If warn .k. fcoM lll b. .bWM Mrk . K.I4 StM. H, i'WXiml ft . km, Hau.ri.n. mi. S a.". m,m mm allar Plmatrask AlbnaHa SikM tt pli. S adk Kia4 la R.-.l Cilnin Silk (M nw. CMttmlBCit B.....U tmrnAm. H, nan.l lfti.1 a -v4. UirM Slu. bluMI Satml. mr kaMra. Af UlMnl nr..., JUa aww, t waa Aar aa k" " . mmiM IM S.IU Mmtr ea MM-Item m a t.lSl Bliwary. Vha..w .,.,liij waaayji. . AawM. fa. I.aaiwi mi waai wltft trngmmrf MHt twfnt. k.w. Uml pat .j waka, Afat mtm WMklM, U4MMllU.WfeNMfc lN,Mf, mauwUHaiiM, r.ltlawm.tlM.a4Mrfuree, to tmvmm wko will. . . irtkaUr mmA anafetwl Vmrnttr MbtM, HmmL, a t ..Ktl Ha mmm haow U, AMrmm K. U ALUUi A CO. ABecST. AUlxs. SAM MAY. O. SENDERS MAY SEIiDERS. Dealers in General Ier,nasdi8. KARRISSURG - . - CRECOH TUUbt Craia, Wool and all kinds is ASO AU - SKIN DISEASES MOORE'S CELEBRATED POISON Oil WLW It kills all Inflammation and Irritation, sad la tbs enly snredeatToyer of Aiicrobe and other Sals Parasites, FeeWav. Prtco. 25 cent Box. Te ear eoetfyeneee tb medlelsie naast e sworei then ss porsratlv. 'f bei paur- a aaiawa , Tonic. Alterative and Cathartic Properties. Tott'a Pill, possess these ejaailiUea 1st xaOaetdea-r,tnd Speedily Hestoro te th. bow.Ia th.te sastsiAl arlatavltt taotlon, so essential to refularity. Sold Everywhere. Hotioe of Final Settlement, Notice it hereby given that the under signed Administrator of the estate of J. J. Davis, deceased, has filed his tinel aoount with the Clerk of the County Court for Lion county, Orrn, tod the said County Court haa fixed the 5th day of November, 1889, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. m., for heariosreo jectiont to laid ac.ouiit and for kh settle ment of said estate. Thit th 27th day of Sept 1889. J.B. Divu, J. K. Weaiherfobjb, Administrator. Att'y for Adramistrttor. . Pinal Settlement. ' Notice is hereby given that the under tlgned, Administrator of the .state of Geo. W. Perry, deceased, has tiled In tfce county court of Lin.i county, Oregon, his final account of said estate and the said court nae nxea Saturday .November oth iuoy, at 1 u biuv-k. in me aiiernoon et said day for hearing objection to said final account and the settlement of said enatc This the 9th, day of OctlSS. ' T.J. Hunkers. rsi--.t -'-.- iff m lit t-Airoiisue he rt.-ive-, being al-1 jli'.Ji'lu AvV 'n.,-.! pw.tbth.we. i&v c: ki ri:iiri hmd chifdrnnare ot.r.,!ll la the I tt k. .Vi a 1 3 U I l f C.ty pild.o ehM.I. Tbt is an I I ij lVt J t ; :g,.i 1 only ircenitiir lor in? imtKiren I tv r Tt bUMMs. HiX WltUan ftltM, IUmssw,. fr t Ss. rtTt -I fevavej kistw ( arssy to sxtll Ekmo reassr albsim. f 1 1 min-tMj I tesc-k trfrn tssgsttrti f 1 par sm tMsar mmny. W. J. MU sVtttrair. U. WlfNttt -I tlississi saw snstsasw a essll. aw V FOR PS I j lift s I, , I Children. I Without lojurfcea toedlcattwi. Tat Cswraca CorAv, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. tn ft" V Hi f - a - . .ir- mi l;V r !JMfe?v llfsjlli isvfe. FOB BALK BY FOSHAT A MAfO Eevere House: ALBANY, - - . 0RECC21 PROPPsIETOR. CHAS. Fi'EiFFER FiUei no In fira--) style. Table 'ippHeJ wttb tbe beet in tbe market. Nioe aloepii';aparttneta. Stmpleioome tor eomiuriiAl travelers. Wrr te sail rreaa Ik.'tfetol.'wa Cgdtai ' Meyer. pRorKtKT or STAR BAKERY iCnrcer Brsaiaaia and First Hi., -DEALER IS t xaj(ti rr at ite. Caieiait viestte, Qateeautwatrts VgetatBt, C'lgstf si, ftp' stm. Teat. J!twve, Orleat frttlle Tobsteeo, wocar, Ce-fle-e, EUs,, ia tmut everything Ui'. U ntl varUty and grocery kept ta a t.ea ore. tligbeK n rk prm redd for ML KIFCDS OF PRODUCE. ILBIHY CQLLEGUTE IISTITUTE ALBANY. OREGON.' 1888, 1889. firet Terssi tea srsesakr llslr. isss A full corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AH3 NSF.KAi CLASSES. Course ot "tody arrsnsed to tiieH tb end of a' I gradeai of stndents. S ferial tttauxtnuntt cjfxred to ttudtnlt v ' , from abroad. Tuition range from $5.50 to til VI Board in private fatal 1 lee st low rates Kootn lor se'.f-bovrdtna; at small exr enae A earefol suiporviaion exercised over sta destu awav from home. Fall term opens September Tin. For cironlars and full partluulara a-tiireee tne President. SET. KLBEKT . reXBIT. AIbanyuOrgnn ACADE3IY " OF Oar Lady ofjerpetnai Help. ALBANY, - - " OREGON. of tit. Benedict. Conducted by the Sitv . This Asadetny ia noor Donated and au thorised by the State to confet academic honor. Tbe c urse of atndy is complete. Mstheivtaticx, Lltenunre and Muaio aie special; ie, aa alaetbe Normal Instruction f aaplrente fVir teachers' centflcatea in- triatrial lrawin-. vocal muKie in elaaa and all kinds of needlework form, no extra charire, Tbe aiecipline of tbe school Is gentle but firm, o eject being to form not only renaed young ladle, but noble land useful members of society. Pun lis admitted at any time and ohargsa propor tioned. , Pupilaof any denomination re ceived. Toition in select dav school ranees from ISteflO. Fer terms or Boarding Sob sol er any nnieclars aniil v at the Acacia my. or ad- adeaa Sister Snperloress. .r ri rn . ' Wben I eay cure i as sot mean inorery to atop them torn time, ami thta !: tnem r.. , tarn again. 1 tiEAK A KAtnCAi V'-I.i I have mado the diua oi. . FITS, EPZLSPSY ox FiaXUHG SIClIirZGO, ' A llfe-lons stnde. 1 wafraut myremerly to CURB the worst cases, lit-cause others bare fnite-i is no reason for not now receiving; a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a r HfcK lioiTLa ot xr.r Imfalmels Kemeut. Give Lxpreot and I'o-t Oilloe. It costa yon notmaj ior a trial, tnd it will our. yoo. Adjrces ROOT,Ll.CM 183 Peak. St,NekYjsk . . ,y. , . S2" Smmmm3 PATEflTS talned, end stl otbar boslness In th U. 8. ratsa moa attandedad te for moderate tees. Our office is opposit tha U.S. Patent Office, and wscan obtain Patents less time than tliose remote rom Washinffton. Bend modi ordrawinc. W a- to patent ability free of charge (and wemake e charge unless are obtain oaten L. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Bunt, of Money prder Div. su l to officials ofthtU. 8, Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and efersncea o actual client hi yo or own State or county, address Ce A. SNOW & CO., Qpposiu Patant Office. Washington, D . a- a;: & 5A OF FORE COO LSVEI! CIL Almost as Palatable as Milk,,!fal!,a k,kt ' tAlsea, f ajstaatlatea by the sweat sensitive stoma, h, Mrben the plain ail Kif?. totes ate! and lay tne eons bttiavtioxt trf the oil wrltis the ttypopboe. phttea Is xnmcb. ttore efficacious. EKBtutabie ai a fed prcdater. Pemas gala itpidiy wiae tetfej it, , BCOTTSEMUliSIONia acknowl-d-edty rhysioiacs to be t ie Finest and Be ,t pre j i xaUon in theworblfor the raLtf sad curs cf - CC'-'j;51 ISLV C3 tCFL-LA. GZZHh CLCiUTY, MSTI,J2 C ' -Z 13, t ,s Kf . 4V a v. I '- Vlf-s I ESVaaeci.. CiTt i -T" 1'.. , ssj.Mipis.isji,-sj msww 0tw iVl.."Ve f't'lk I jiaZ r ) j mm lit! i I L r3 i. J UKJU