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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1889)
I' NOTE M BE R 1, 1889 8TITE3 & Killltr a4 SUTTINQ. frearletar. Special. It la with pleasure that we ennounoe ta our many patroi that wo keve attain made arrangement wllh that wide-awake. Illustrated farm magaetne, tha Amkricin Farmer, published at Fort Wayne, Ind aod read by nearly 200,000 farmeia, by which that great publication will ba mall d direct, FREK, to tha addreaa of any of 'ourawbacrtbera who whl coma In and pay up all arrearages on aubverlpilon and one yer In advanoe from date,aud to any new aubanrlber who will pay oca year In ad Tanoo. Tale la a grand opportunity to obtain a flrat-cUs farm Journal free. The Amxric4N Farmkb la a large 10 page journal, of national circulation, which ranhe among tha leading agrlcultnial pa pera. It treat the question ottoonomy In agriculture and the rlghta and prlrl gee of that vaat body of citlaon a Araer- can Fartnetawboae Industry lathe baala of all material and national prosperity Ita big-beat purpoae l tha etewtloo and ennobling of Agriculture through tn higher and broader eduo atloa of men and women etigaged In Ita pursuit, Tha teg J'ar aubaorlptlon prloe of the AatRRicait Armsk la l 00 per year. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. From any one nun bar ldea can b. obtained that will ba worto thrice the subscription price te you or membera of your household, tit tot kt it rnaa. Call and aea aample copy. iiiiiii'iiiii LOCAL RECORD FHIDA.Y.. ; Goacou'a Buss. Mr John Swike , liramer. whose erudition is a household word In many part of Linn county, wsi In the city Saturday, and had live hundred Impressions of the following made at an antimony shop : "Lecture Ticket. Ad tfeit one. Georgeou'e Bliss." A Demo crat roan who Interviewed MrSwIkeham - tner learned that he Is no at the Incipient atagee of a lecture tour through the valley. After great investigation he has perfected eeveral lectures which promise to take the public by hurricane. One of them s en titled "The Grand Unity of IJets." a title that suggests a pyramid of thoughts at nee. After doing Oregon Mr Swlkcham. leer hat In - ntempiation a tr'p through the Eat,where they are In need of having their Ideas now in chaoe brought to a fo cus. The Democrat has known the lec turer for several cvolutlors of the iodise, and heartily recommends him tethe think ing people of Oregon who are desirous of a literary treat of an elevated order. f ill Her Axd Uur Mining Stock. faking of Salem and hercow.referred he Drmocr AT.the State Democrat of i.. . .tvsajrs: "Yes, neighbor, she Is - f ho! ,'lng her own In good shape," but she Mon't claim any boom just at this time ; hut until the Gold Mountain and Dry Gulch Consolidated Gold and Silver Min. Ing company get their mines In operation. Then there will be a genuine boom, and tha "prominent citizen with the cow with prominent hip bones' will relent and buy the starved animal some feed that he mat dispose of her, and thus secure enough : funds to purchase a lew shares of stock. Oar advice to tbe "prominent citizen"isto . mske the purchase as soon as possible, ere, Jt is too late." I Mr Smith Drcw It. The drawing '. for the two story house in the Pipe's adJi- ' lion took plaee at the office of Burkhart Malin at 5 o'clock Saturday evening, and resulted In MrG W Smith getting the hofne. On Wednesday evening Mr Smith will jive the other purchasers in the addl. lion a banquet at the St Charles Hotel, which shows thst he appreciates his fortu nate draw The Pipe's addition cost the owner $2500. It consisted of thirty-two 'ots, which sold for $150 a piece. a reason -. ' profit. Acted Lik a Footpad. Monday a rather tough looking fellow was seen fol lowing up several citizens In a suspicious manne, acting as if he Intended standing some of them much so that one man drew a revolver on him, and told him to "git," which he did. Among other he headed off the Marshal h'mself, but when he saw his mistake had business elsewhere. He was arrested.and on being taken before the Recorder cave his name a Clark. He had $ jo 80 In none' in his that V was a!l right financially. A fine of $5 tnd costs was levied against him ana promptly paid. JS From Crook County. Mr James El .ins and Ralph Yantis arrived in Albany 'Saturday from Mr. Elkins Crook County ".W , bringing with them ve , ,id of horses, Mr Elkln propose re j n lining here now and devoting hia time " n his Albany property, one of the finest I ' .ihiirlun nlarea hxre. Thev renwrt fair reeling, meeting several teama going ter. and a well heailne- of a number toning this way. ' So It Goes. Judge Leeper once owned 6a acre of land adjoining Pierre, the new capital of Dakota, and thought he had truck It rich when he sold out for $30,000. To-day at the ruling price hi quarter section I worth over $150,000, ' and the juJge I (hoveling coal for a living. So thing go. In Albany though, people go to Conn Bros, for their groceries which a great offset to the disasters and dlsap polntment of the world Aj Aed Traveler. Miss Sarah Alt- 'use.sister of Mrs S E Young.and moth 1 Mra Henry Althoue, arrived here laat Sunday from Jllinov. iney were met at the depot In Portland by Mr Phil Goodwln.a nephew and book-keeper for S K Youna. Mr Allhouse Is ninety years of are and ret stood the trip well, and U vely a many women 01 Mxijrana seven. Itim Grow. Recently the Democrat mentioned the fact that Mr G T Cotton had platted a piece of land near Lebanon and jokingly remarked that he wa unde elded whether to call It Cotton' addition , Trbanon or Albany A usual ou v .' bite.and here is one of the item : t rtten has platted a piece of land ad tolnln Lebaaon, ar.d offer t for sale as Ceiton's addition to Albany." A Left Handed Compliment. Geo F Simpson, a prominent citizen of Albany - 4,ed Sclo last Friday and made us a call. Mr Simpson has control of rehouse at Munker's stall in en the . . a J..1 1 r iH ihicn was trMiHiucu tuii u& giam ! ty part of the season. Asa wheat ,-r he generally keep ahead of the fnarket. Scio Press A FirTY Foot Front. Saturday eve lmr Dr Scrogzln bought of Dr J L Hill 1.1.. ft feet front adjoining the Rus I'JS - f - hfttu. Py"s J S . er oxv f . v.. t- u v r lux. I T Arnell could be in AiDany lor a iew aaa a Alt I. . . I utlt,,., th. ItnmnftA in. Cree l H' Prlc the ProPertT for almost a song a few years ago his re- marks would be worth a circus. . o.Niin Accident. Sunday on .v,. iTnoer lohn Way river Miss Annie Mc It er, daughter of George V Mc.IIaley, of r re City, wss badly scaiaea oy mc e. , nf Ymt lard and there are Triid to EscArR. One of the boldest and one that requited all tha nerve posst ble, attempt to escape from behind prison walls was brought to a halt at the Slate penitentiary on Friday noon last, aay the Journal. The plot wi a deeply laid one and had It not been for one of the convict It would have probably keen a successful one. At any rate It required a considera ble amount of nerve to undertake the job, Frank Watson, Win Gealsby and John Dougherty were at the bottom of It. They spent about two month tunneling, A peculiar thlnir was the fact that Uoolsby's time eaplres on Friday. A prisoner nam ed Rohlson gave the business away, t Gold Excitkmknt. A tew of our cltl- aena got excited Monday over very bright looking bar whh.h wa pronounced a having been taken from a ton of ore ent to San Francisco from the Santlam mines. A It looked exactly like gold It naturally deceived some. The Democrat hardly know gold when it see it ; but It failed to succumb to the trick, pcrhn, on account of a very widened smile perpetrat ed by one aeqoalnted with the business. We none to see a genuine bar brouuht back from San r rsnctsco as big as this brat trimming taken from the new fix turea in the Linn County Bank. Hcrrsh for Albany. Col T E Hogg president of the Oregon Pacific railroad recently purchased in Albany the Santiam canal, city water works. Magnolia flour ing mill, eight lot of city property and forty-seven seres of land adjoining the city, for alt of which he paid 150,000, It la currently reported now that the com pany will make extensive Improvement in Albany, including tha erection of car hop. It I said that Col Hogg haa also Invested heavily in real estate at Yaquina, This means that Yaquina, and not Harvey Scott, will be the terminus of the Oregon Pacific railroad, and It means, too, that Al- baay will. In a few brief rears, be the me tropolis of ,he great State of Oregon, Hurrah tor Albany I Prlnevllle .V j. A Basb IurossR. Ths Masonic fratern ity ef Oregon and Washington have recently been treated to a visit of an im poser of the darkest dye. By name he ia Prof Wylie Willey, claiming to hail from Sooth Caroli na, lie refer to lodges in that state which, it ia found have ao existence. Hs applies to tbe brothers for assistance to enable him to make hi way to soma far off destination. (atlios toexaniine him elossly, often auica ware donated and from these densttooa the fraad erew fat. It ia andorstood-that he bilked Turner and Oregon City. btaieema. The Reamno Rooms People sojourn. Ing in the city desiring a plaee to spend an evening pleasantly should call at the eading rooms of the Y M C A. Lighted by an arc electric lght. with magazines and state paper systematically arranged ; It is a good place lor any one to be. Do not make the common excuse that there is no place to go. Everybody Is welcome. They Dwindle, Dick Boyles' $5000 j prize in the Louisiana lottery, a reported In tke Jem r mat, materializes Into $15. and the boy at Twist's $.epo prize dwindles down $4a Walla Walla Statesman. And that Is the way they dwindle almost unl versa!! v. The greatest of all frauds is the Louisiana lettcrv fraud, and that Is where I about ico ot Albany money goes every montn, ana never a cent in return. A Neat Job.--The big race at Gervala Saturday, by which $m waa acnoped in by a Pltsburg professional Incog, seems to have been a put up job on Cameron. The Corvallis man did net know he was matched against a profeesional until at the nd of the race, when, after hia best run e was six feet behind. Statesman. Oh "come down," Cameron and Langdon are well acquainted. Run once In f.ugtne, when Cameron beat. The Statesman seem as green aa the Gervala people. A Man Lost. A Ersley, of Whitman county. Wash., Is supposed to have met ith foul play at Sprague as he was en route to the mountains on a recreating tour. AtSprague, on the 24th instant.hls pocket book, an account book with the Second National bank of Colfax and a note rawn in hi favor for $641, were found near by the town In the brush. Hearing o uaings 01 mm nis relatives are becom ing alarmed. Aiccient Work. While digging a renrh by hi house, which is on the . site of the old aboriginal Attor fort, yettcrday saya the Attorian, Rob't Carruther came acosa the lines of the old magazine built In eighteen hundred and ever ao few, and udearthed some ancient spikes which once held the walla l the magazi le together. and which were quickly seized upon aa relics by those present, , The Cheapest and Best. Crawford & Paxton wish to aay. to the public that they will soon bring out . great Improve ments In pictures by newly discovered pro cesses never before Introduced on this coast, As to cheap work offered by any traveling photographers, we will give our patrons belter pictures and lower prices than any traveler can do. We are here for business and mean just what we say Ci'.l one and all and we will verity our promise. , Postace Stamps. In a few weeks there will ' be a general change in the postage tamp used In the V S and the ariety will suit even an evening rainbow.. Here a the list : One cent, ultramarine blue a cent, chocolate ; s cent, light brown ; 6 cent, vermilUon ; 10 cent, melon green 15 eent.steel blue 30 cent, black ; 90 cent, orange. The old 3 cent stamp will be cut down about one fourth smaller, and be of metallic red or carmine color. Aping San Francisco, Portland ia to have an athletic club which Is to be count erpart of the famous California Athletic club of San Francisco. Dave Campbell haa been elected Instructor of the clubAnd apparatus recently used by the California A thletic club, has been purchased, t'urses for matches will be offered as soon as the club I Incorporated, Grand J cry - The following grand jury wa drawn at the convening of Circuit Court last Monday s A P Blackburn, W K Temple.Tho AIlphln.D C Cooley .Peter foweii and c t croiu Jonathan vvassom wa appointed foreman. Too Many A Day.- Mr Meyyrs.the Albany mail carrier, ha to make seven tripr a day under tne present arrangements, and. consid ering it too much for the par, f 30 a month, ha resigned. Tin does not include numer ous extr trip caused by delays, At Chicago. The exhibit nf cereals, . . , I II C I - -j othercitiestoMilwaukee are now on exhi bliion In the Board of Trade's rooms at Chicago, where they are attracting con tiderable attraction.' Dismissed. The ult of WP C South against Dr J S Courtney for malpractice, in which $5000 damage , was asked, was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff. This completely ylndicate the Doctor in the matter. . Botb Bead This.-A Portland man went . . t ia. i a ia., , . . cigarette on the edge of an aqnanum. A goldDsn eiza u sna 1001c a pun. ror .aa th. nil iWl n seyersl nays tne poor tmog lay at tne not- torn cf the tank and panted lik a tired dog. Its color changed to jet black, and. the ewoer of thst cigarette hss aworn off for keeps. Residence Property Now. Mra Cheadle ha purchased W W Crowder house and one lot In Hs 3rd Ad for $1050 and five lou in II 3rJ addition in addition toother purchase heretofore reported Fin 9 line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Doyoo and Rob A Fine Animal. The slock editor of the Dimocrat has been to fain and stock thow and seen fine animal t but none that quite came up to a Hereford bull be longing te Mr I D Miller .which he hat in tnccled at Mr John Schmeer' Hverv liable, Unquestionably this I the finest bull In Oregon, It I full blooded Hereford, five year of age, standard bred and weigh 1150 pound. It proportion are perfect, nd it will universally command the admir ation of stock men. It I registered a Anxiety ftth, getting It name from a fam liyof noble blooded Hereford, through many generations of pure blooded animal Mr Miller purchased him of Mr T A Fletcher, of Indianapolis, Ind. He I anx lou to have every farmer In the valley tee him. We have long needed a better ttock of beet cattle here. This i peculiar ly what the Hereford I for, and this Ant animal will elve our farmer anonportun It y to raise the very best to be obtained. It will be an easy thing to increase the price received for beef cattle fifty percent, and that Is an Important Item, The Democrat Is glad to tee so much Interest being taken In securing for this county blooded ttock of a hinh order, and Mr Sillier has set a good example. He ha tome young bull ot this ttock which can be bought oy can ing on him at an early da. Rather Romantic They were ac quainted with each other In Minnesota year ago, when young people together, His name wa Charles Perry aad her' Krox. He loved her passlonately.but the had no use for him at all. Mlsa Knox came to Oregon about three year ago and opened a private school at Salem, meeting with success and making friend generally Perry followed her to Oregon j but she re fused to have anything to do with him. In December at Portland he wa adjudged Insane and taken to the asylum j but after wards escaped, and could not be captured, though he appeared frequently to mar the happiness ot the school teacher. Tue day morning lie appeared at the school house, grabbed Mis Knox and was at tempting to carry her off, aaylng he had nous ready for her, when a school boy, sixteen year old, came to the rescue and feught for hia achool teacher like a good fellow. Perry wa arrested and placed In jail. It ia aald he Is not Insane at all, ex cept In love for Mis Knox. Hard Look i no Customer. Two of the most cultis looking fellow ever seen lthl side of the t combs, were at the depot atTueday, quarreling over the content of a bundle. One of them had peeled the other's nose over the affair, which wa not resented physically, the man aaylng he didn't want to fight with him over a pair of overalls bought at Phil Cohen'. The Marshal arret ted one of them and left him a few moment in the baggage roam with a drayman ; but he sneaked off with his bundle and took to the blind baggage when the train came In. They claimed to have been working on the O. P. and had several dollar between them. It his since been learned that the bundle had been stolen of a boarder at Mra Murrav'a hotel anil thai the Phil Cohen part was joke to cast off suspicion. A warrant was Waued for their arrest, The bundle contained a revolver and tome clothe. Crook Coi'nty. When the Oregon Pacific railroad i built through this coun ty, some ot the excellent water power furnished by the roaring Deschutes will be utlilie-t. A big woolen mill and nut erous Iur bering and manufacturing Indus tries will toot their whistles along the bank of that beautiful stream..., We learn aa we go to press that Brose.who kill ed Shields Looney, ha been indicted by the grand jury for murder in the second degree. The court gave the prisoner until Monday morning of neat week to plead. . . Emmor Stephens, aged nearly twenty year. committed suicide early on Monday morning of this week by shooting himself In the right temple with a cheap 3J-callbre revolver. The dreadful occurrence took place at the residence of hia father on Willow creek. Xtwt. Blessed Rain . Rain is the making ef any country. Last year It wa so dry through some parts ot Eastern Oregon that crop were ruined. Now they have gotten some rain, and the Fossil J our ma 1 become so overcome that it say: "The warm rain of this week are a blessing to every one. The farmer is smiling as he sees hi tail sown wheat and rye spring 'rotn the earth and tingle the plowed field with a greenish hue. The sheep man glo ries that the new sreen grass Is already long enough to saiUfy hia hungry herds, and the cattle and horse men know that in a few daya It will be good feed for their stock also. The new-comer and other farmer are taking advantage of the time for tod breaking and other plowing, and all is " merry a a marriage bell." - The Y'a Election. The annual elec Hon of officers of the YWCT U of Al bany occured last Tuesday, and resulted a fellows: Mrs Sherman Thompson, Presi dent, 1st Vice President, Miss Margeria Brink; and Vice President. Mis Rose Trumbull; Miss Ella Mead, Secretary Miss Maraerla Briuk, Cor Secretary; Mis Hannah Cohen, Treasurer; Miss rransis Gilbeit Organist; Miss Mary Cundlff, Aa eivtanf Organist ; Mrs O 8 Pollock, 8u- perlntendent; Mrs L E Blaln, Superln- tendent Juvenile work; With an Axe. Saturday at Woodburn In a box car Samuel Barney split open the head of C Dier with an axe, the result of quarrel. Barney disappeared. He is thought to have gone south. Hi family reside near Scie, and are aald to be re pectable people. Dier, it is thought will die. Barney is described aa being 5 feet inches tal!, weighing IJC pounds; small dark brown mustache; very white (kin dressed in dark coat and vest, light pants and white hat, : - ' A Narrow Escape. One day last week six Chinaman, who were employed as section hands on the O P R R, had a rather miraculoua escape, aaya the Times, They were crossing a bridge near the ummit with their hand car at a good rate of speed when it jumped the track and carried the six unfortunate celestials tome thirty feet to the bottom of the ravine, strange to say, none ot them were killed although two were considerably Injured Being on Time The Southern Pacific official should read the following and then go and soak their head. It Is the exception for one of their train to be on time. Out ot a ioui 01 100.000 pauenirer traina on the Great Eastern road, England,, for the nrsi six momns 01 mis year, over to rer cent were absolutely punctual, 37 per cent were less man nve minutes late, 4 per cent were over nve ana less man ten Minutes late, and 3 per cent were over ten minute late In arriving at their destination. A Rich Mine. Information comes from the Oreenhorn district that the lucky prospector. Mitchell, who mane the recent rih trlke near Robinsonville, worked ten noun wmi ingtur noi ionc Btro. ana I 1 li L. ' . A a. 1 . a 1 nUMUVU vses, tsia V gWlU.- X IIC Dalle T M. Such Item make Albany' I. I I t . ei " bras oar sina into significance. A Ba D Darkkv. Ralph Cooper, the professional scavenger, Monday borrowed some tools cf Mathew & Washburn and sold them to a and hand store.'The trans action was detected a few moments after ward and he wa arrested py marshal lloUman, but. on returning tne tool wa allowed to go provided he left the citv by ntgtit TinnAOE AFJDUMID- XliWE Of? ALL iif:;os Al . ClltCVlT COKttT, .The Giand Jury brought in the follow ing Indictment to-day 1 Bernard Wencen, assault wllh Intent to kill. Jame Patterson, larceny. Plead guilty and sentenced to 1 month In County jail, Sylvester Nlnhol, larceny by bailee, The case ot the train wrecker will prob ably 1 brought up for trial on Friday. On appsailng before the J edge at 1 o'clock tke de'endanta all plead not guilty. R A Rampjr.attlgnee, flgt Vf R McDan lei. To settle partnership, Continued. . E Wills gt F D Levrlch. Injunction continued. ., , State agt W R McDanlcl. Continued. . State agt J M Schlosser. To keep the peace, Del t discharged. E P Walt agt S P K R Co. To recover personal propel ty. Settled. John B Hughe ait TA Lewi, et al. Partition. Default and decree. John B Hughe agt T A Levins, To re cover money. Judgment and attached prop erty ordered sold. A. F, Bryan act 8. P, R. R.Co. Dam age. Verdict for pl'ff for f too. Albert Piper agt Adelphla Piper. Di vorce, uivorce granted. State agt James Patterson. Plead guilty ana sentenced to t month in county jail P J Porter etal act I C Elder. Partition, continued. Geo S Fletcher agt J S Cochrane and ano. To recover money. Continued. Tho Jefferson agt OS Montgomery. To recover moeey. continued. J C Johnson agt II M Derthtck. To set aside deed. Settled. W V Yantis v John Smallmon. To re cover personal property. Continued. T Dittenhoffer agt Perry Smith. To re cover money. Continued. State act fame Bannon. Indictment. continued. Naeml Templeton act Arthur D Temple- ion. rartition. Kepnrt of reieree confirm ed. Martha Pierce ant Mallnda Hodckln Equity. Continued, S 0 Bennett act I II Wide, Specific performance, continued. L E Blaln agt Velego Cox. To recover money. Judgment by default and attached property ordered told. Hiram Smith act f T Martin. For order tor deed. Stiertn ordered to make deed. Sam May et al act Smith k Brlccs. Pe tltion for order. Order allowed. Mary Mendenhall agt Hiram Smith. Confirmation. Confirmed. J W Cutlck act A O Kec. et al. Con firmation. Confirmed.' K II Lollcr act Rutherford, et a'. Con firmation. Sale confirmed. Pauline Schmeer agt John Schmeer. Divorce. Injunction to prevent sale of property granted. Settled. Geo I Braner act Gentry Sc Rutherford. To recover money. Nonsuit at motion of fta. J C Arnold act Sarah A G itch rest. De fault, and decree granted. Toplltx & Co agt Mary Cougill. To re cover money. Default and judgment. Gar- Ishee to pay over money. Cha A Farbuh act W E Mort'ague. To recover money. Jodgment. Garnishee 1 to pay money a confessed. W P C Smith agt J S Courtney. Dam age. Settled, " GeoJ Braner act Mary Cougitl. To re cover money. Default and judgment. Oregon agt Jas Cain. Selling liquor without license. DUmUsed. Jane Morris agt Geo B Simons. To recover money. Default, judgment. N V Goldsmith agt Mary Cougilt. To recover money. Default, judgment and Garnishee to pay money. Sclo agt Peler Bllyeu. Review. Judg ment reversed. , - Lewis Cox agt A N Reed, To recover money. Default, Judgment E. B. Maple agt T. F. Maple, etal. To recover money. Default, judgment. Same. To recover tnonev. Default.judg- meni. ... I D Miner agt S PR R Co. Damages, Continued. . , : . ; State agt W A Hlil.Fred and Bert Rolf. ndictment, murder In nd degree. f E Allen agt Susan Allen. Divorce Granted. And granted west half of block , Albany W C Nicholson va Ellztt Wood. To cor, title. Decree granted. Board Commissioner agt Emily Mc- Klnney. Foreclosure. Judgment by de fault. G W Hawkins agt E II Rhode. Appeal, Sustained, judgment being for $37 50. . KZAj EST AT K SALES. E L Knox to Peter Rller.uc acres Into io,S R 3 w., :...$ StoS J L Cowan to E G Carr, lot 5, bik 3, C A to Lebanon 100 W H Metzger to U G Hayne and C L Buck,N E qr bl i.E'a A 315 Mary rorlmiller tolienriett Uavlt, 101s j ana 4,01 i,ni ca a yju Phil M Smith In AR Cyrus, 200 acrea In to it,S R 1 w 3ooo A T Wvman loUVS Reld.lot 36. H' A to Albany... 600' T L Wallace Is 1) V 8 Rrld, lot 3. bl 7, M e E A to Albany ....... 1020 Rebecca Decree. Beulah Lodge, No 35. will give R Divine social at the Odd Fellows Hall,on Friday erenlng.Nov, 1st. Everybody welcome.' The following pro gram will be rendered : . ' , Song "The Blrdle'a Call," by Jessie Clifton and Elma Parker. Son "Poverty's Tcars.Ebb and Flow," by Maud Crosby. bong "Keeiiess aea, oy Arcnie ta Hammer. Sonar "Maggie, the Cow are 1 1 the Clover," Mr 0 O Lee. Mr Aiken and Mra Vassallo will oblige with a duet. Miss France Gilbert will preside at the organ for the evening. BuovrxsviLL There are now over 200 esbolaia in oor schools and eeveral more will enter soon This ia an excellent abowing. We believe the best in" tbe history of this school. . Mr C It Younoer. and the boa earder in the Albany woolen mill (we did not learn name) drove oyer from Albany Wednesday, retornina Thursday. Business waa tbeir otjact, r MrOPCoshow baa the miafortan to lose a very valnable mare, oe day laat week. She waa the mother ot his race horse, also of a horse that raoeutly aold fcr $100. Kick The noon Portland mall yes terday arrived last nleht. This ia what people like regardles of administration) and then the traina are alwayt late, at least rarely on time, and all to-cether mat ter are badly mixed up. It U to be hoped more steam will be put on, fence built and mall ept regularly. Something New I Having purchased the right of Linn county, I have a camera that wiU make you photograph with a many different view of your face as jou want atone ltting, all for the ame price and a cheap a the cheapest or, Greenwood's Fink Art Studio, Corner and and Ferry St'. Abtother Brick. This forenoon M Jason Wheeler sold to Mr M Siernburg forty-four feet front off the Second street property, between Ellsworth aud Lyon fiat He proposes building a two Ury brick on it in the spring. All Persons. Indebted to the late firm of Brownell & Stanard -are requested to call and settle at the store of C E Brownell without delay or make some satisfactory arrangements. ', PE RIO R Li N ES OF AG fl I C U VTiS HAL M PLEMCNTS flkT OS , : AT w4 w f t. HOME AND AhUOkU MOB DAY. Mr Jot Pearl and ion, of Hatity, ware In ine oity thia forenoon. . l)r IIendrx and wifa.of Harrlabarg, ware ia cn 01 cy over Sunday. Snow ia eaid to have fallen in coplout qnaniiue on in moaniatu last night. Capital D Flouring mill at Palsm waa told Saturday at Skarlfl'a ssla for 150.000 to t.ia judgment ereditor, II Livingston. Mr E L Thompson ha purchased of hia moiner the brink ooouplsd by win stark A freight oar marked Laihlgh Valley R It Trader 1) pa ton, waa in tbe eity to-day, a long way from horns, ( Mr KIer,one of tn editor of the Rtcotd, Asaiami, ia in trie out, aitsr a trip north a far as Victoria, B. C. Mr Maple, one ef! Seattle' real astata peculators, ana rather of me Maple brota er, of Albany, ia in the eity. "What ia on half of 8 V Well.thaf Jot aa you take it. Half from the top iiOi oau aiuewaya i 9 j na ( tn quantity ta 4. One ot the bluoest aalra In tha that of Qo D Ovsrtou of Brownsville of I7HO acre and 200 bead uf stock to N J Hilt. .Colorado man. A foot race run at Gervala Saturday after noon between Uegilon and Cameras result, ad in a victory for tbe former. Some one remarked toat Cameron took it hard. A hm. To morrow morulog one hand rod and lltty of th tnemhere af tha BrathaihAtut f Conductor, including their wives, will pua through Albany, on their wr East, going , umgnn onort una alter leer ing Portland. , , - I cost Astoria ti09 tM 01 U.,,,... aiiaiast Are in the twelve month ending Oat ,t, '89. The $8,210 91 Was the expanse of the Astoria Mr department i the f 100,000 iw urt loauranen premium. Tit actual loss for tbe year, by fir, waa 1130 A. riett. COX, Iloburg St Co. Will beeln la.mnfM. to run their new aash and door factory and planing mill. They are rswarksbly well prepared o an a good business Id tbeir line. ,T". s improved macttiaery, and being mo of considerable eaperieaoe In the tmslaeeo. The only female charivari en mmM is l. aaid, took piece al Pilot Kok Wednesday evenins. It was el van inhenn nf th. anion of a man aad wife who bad long been aeparated.aed waa a veritable tin-eaa JoLU lac the orchestra wss composed xoIostv'y of womea. S. 0. TO Rap AT. There were ninsieea i)nnn,M t m Revere House last night. Charlae Soott waa admitta.1 to AlEUxtaRAfctate. io the Ctroait Court yesterday. Mr S. W. Keith, of Sereet Home, baa beeem ia U city this week, . f. r vii s....i i , .. . nn. vi oeatue, i ia tne eity, the guast ot Mr Sternberg. The star aadereeeeai failed to attract muah attention In Albany last light. Mr Walford BUwsri. aad Mra R.ak aod daogbur, ef Suaawk, Wub, are ta Ike eity the guest of Ma Jaek Ilodgee, Miaeee Plara and I .an a Imim !.f day for KUansborgb. Ueah.. which will be latere home, tbeii two bretber being ia bineee there. The return from Doe g lea eon a ty. Wash, were delated eeveral daya by the Judge ef the county going off on a deck beet aod leaving saoh Utile mattere aetU hi retaro. Albany cm ffrade ita etreta: bat aaat etoree the rd.oe. In other words At- naay cao grade bar etreete by paying for the business if tbe property owner reftse to da so. Tbe Bands M err mm offnra a raward nf ISO for evidence shewine Coeolasival whs. waa the first person to drive a teas ever the Bsrlow rood, lieu ban Great, of Belle vac, TetablU eoeate.elaime that hooer. WRbRRsbar. Who is at it T ' What are tbey atf See ad. in another eolnmn. Webfeot for ear tain. , ... . ' Ibe river 1 riaing fast. .,"'). A fine line of solid silrsr ware at Freaoh'e Quinces 73 centa car bushel at C K Braeri elTa. ' J W Biatfleld. Tannine Bav's hvelv real citato man, ia to tke city. A Club danoa wilt be sites at tka On an House Friday eveeing. Finest fonnUia poa in the world for only 2 00etFM Freoch'a. The farmer who sot exeuaed aa iarvsnaa to go borne and sow hie wheat will bare a rainy time of It. It ia safe to estimate tbe construction cf fifteen new brick in Aihey neit yesr. The psss year naa c e j only nve erected. Col T Eaeoton Hogg and N S BcoUey, of ftcw York, yecterday started for their borne vj a , stae special at IZ.W. Mr Horace Powell and Mia Kate Price are to be married at 8 o'clock to-night, at th resiJeoc of the bride' parent ia the coon try. New Subscribers to the TonUaCmmpanion lot law win receive the paper free tbe mainder of this year. I'riee 1.73. F. L. r, so ton, agent. Tie Oregon Paeifle boat wil! bagia ran oin Monday, aod will be at Albany Tao. daya, Tbarsdiys aod Sstnrday daring th wiMavr Babsoriptlooe fot ail the leading Raw pspars ana matfaamee reeeive by F L Ken ton, near the Poetoffioe. All order for warded without delay. senator aunford'a Senator al railroad committee will o through Albaay tooif ht on their way North. Mr Brandt and Mr ivoenier went South yesterday to meet them. li cent shaving at Tfeick't. 8 ticket for fl al Viereok'i. Boots and aloes at eoat at Bead's. Saratoga chips at C K Browoell's, Try ths'fall crssm cheese at (J E Brawn- ire. New oraam eheese lust teoaivad at Cnt.raA Meyer. S chair rnnnior stead v at Viarack'a aha, log pariora. Best roast eoffee in the eity at Conrad Meyers. ist yoar aohool bock and tablaU at Onus el Sou a. Kirka 8a von Imperial soap. 81 Of)' a box at OEBrowneU'e . . Try the Old North State amoklaa tobscoo for a delicious smoke. , r. -. 6Ixty doaen window abaJee iostreeeiv.d at Fortmiller& Irving'. Specticles cad eye slaese eneaper than ever at F M Frenob's. A fine lot of picture frame lust rebeived at Crawford & Paxton'a. ' - J W Bentley. beat hoot and (hoe maker io oity, opposite Fortmiller & lr ing'a. A lares and fine line of wiidowil tc just received it Fortmiller k Iryiug't. W have the bait $150 kid elove ever brought to Albany at W F(Read'a . Now ia tha time toaava money bv luvintt boots and shoes at eoat of W. F, Read. An eleasnt line of new desianc of ehsirs just reoeiyed at Fortmiller A lrving'e. Go to Bsrdue for honost weights, oood goods and lowest living price. An elegant stoek of watches, aold aa low aod the lowest, at Will Stsrk'a. Wstches. watohe. watohea for everybody cheap for cash and folly warranted at F M rrenona. Ladies shoes, mens shoes, mine ihoee, childranhoes, mens boot", hny boots, tt less than ooit to make rom for other goods atCB Brownell'a. s - , Tricksters The t'orvalll Timts how up the Gervai too', race between Langdon or Dobbins and Cameron. Ac. cording to the' Time these men and Bill Gilpin ere doing the the Valley together n the usual way, as trangcr, taking each other in and dividing the spoil after wards. Thev managed to meet at Gervai Cameron was to win according to the pro gram; but Dobbin went back en him, won the race and hi money and the partner- chip has been dissolved. XXOBBBB3BEBjeaXrSaBBHR"l DEY0E& ROBSON IRE AGENTS FOR THE NEW HIGH 1RM D1T1 mTICAL-FEIB, SEWING 111 C-lNLBESTMAfiHTOJET If"- TEXPMtANCK COUVMH. Edited by Albany W, 0. T, V Th new W C T U,at Conception, Chill, I making steady and encouraging pro gres. , Parlor meeting are held once a month. A Loval Temperance Lesion haa been oieanlsed amona native children. and other line of work are being taken up a rapidly a possible. s A flag for every achool house. The W 0 a" If department for soldiers Knd sailors Ha prepared an original program for an entertainment, the proceed ot which are to be Used la huv a (tart tar lha ifhrwil house In the vicinity where the entertain, rnentlhld, I 1 Thtlncree of cigarette moked last yr wa 300,000,000. Thee figure con- ey om Idea of the vast amount of die- ease and death that must tonow in ineir train, 4 no "omeopainic hospital in rmiadei- .1 I in reiiorinir paiientt urof,.rcot.SrtVmS:nf.e"r Mr tut ... .-..uvn.i rroniomon committee an- nouncct the offer of $ ko as cash pr lae for the three best productions upon the theme, IlAlM l!l,lllM u . r . . t. ' ... . 1 Hoi worker f "... r'vii.uiiiuu uancill kll Wflue 1 Paper must be In by Decern. ber 15th. Boston base ball enthusiast declare the defeat of their club to be due to the Intern perate habit of some of the members. DrTalmage aay that it la tils belief! that there la not a healthy laborer In the I Unltai si.i.. it. , ai. ".. ,'w, wiiiii. me uci mice I) 1 11 111 ..... , l ul'll1 ."J"" "U ,n,ol""l " imall acali" " " cPua,,M ! D.u. -1 vr i..i ... .u a , i rwo-a organised mission work among the young glrla employed lit the factories. They beean with one room and twentvarthtrtv Iirli, ut the work haa ao grown that now tenement 01 seven roem la necessary for tha accommodation of those who coma regularly. Teaching I given In drew given aklng.penmanshlpand slnglng.and there a goaa, ci , circulating library. OJf TUK MOlTnEIN BOCNOAKT. Messrs Ph 1 1 not and Crimes, recently I purchased of Galbralth Bros.. fine Clvdee. I fhirefoJ .6ool,h,ng " PUnd' P',lnf Doit have been d.lne en.ld.l.!. damage to Wren Bros sheep lately. One of the Wrea brother'. ai-rm.i,.i by tha Mlssea Wren, will return to Crook county next week. Jl D Morrow hat very lame horse. lie ry of the State and Nation. I am )n nk perliapa Ita shoulder la sllnned. formed hia lerturea are well attended and Miae Mary Vondran was vlsitlner tn Eu- gene last week. I MrDempsev from Crook count h.. taken possessfon of the farm he recently bought from Mr Powell. J . . . A family named Bingham have recently moved onto the Oat is olaee. near tha achool bouse. r Mra Owen I visltlne her Mrc Smith, and grand-daughter, MrC M present. Mr and Mra Metl Tavlor snnt laat Saturday and Sunday visiting In Eugene The Narrow Gauge haa taken warning from the 3. P. and now lucks the awltehe along their line. Very few of the farmers here are done sowing their fail gralnani the continually rmy wcaincr maaes uem ratner anxious. tt i, ...u i , .J . , 1 still ha iV. i.u.k.i 1. 1. gOOd Order, I r w - ' ' ..t'.. ...... 1 wwi . .. 1 . - . , ,. A Fii Strraa Wednesday evening about fifty ot our cltlxena met at the fetl Charles Hotel In response to an Invitation 1 from Ceo W Smith, dealer In tove. tin. ware,ete-lncludlnff the celebrated Garland I stoves, who had been fartunata i tr..l... 1 I . . , ... 1 . t n . ... i .a.o, mme ripe a addition. Most of those present had been purchaser of lots In that addition. They were treat ed to supper of unsurpassed quality.made up of a large variety of choice viands and the delicacies of the season . Several after dinner speeches were called for and re ponded to by Mr Smith, who footed the bill, Hon L U Montanye, Mr Malin, Mr Traln,Mr P!pc,Mr A J Fox and a hungry wtHiKiAT man. Amour tnose present a jotted down In a mediocre memory were G W Smith and wife J W Culck and wife. l, 11 Montanye and wife, S S Train, wife and sister, L C Marshall and wife. K A Burkhart and familv, Mr Malin and wife. Mr Haswell and wife, C K Brownell and wife, Mr Farrell and family, J W Young wins, pr i-p, A j rox, uen t lll,r C Alien, jack iiodgea and wife, the Demo. crat man. Am Albaky Man In It. The usually aulet city of Yaquina waa atlrred np Frl- day morning by a shooting scrape, aay the Corvallis Timet. It seem an Individ ual by tbe name ot "BiU" Ennla had aome trouble the evening before with Chris Germansen, tht bar-tender i t Gardineea'a cow' and Ennla wa thrown from the house. On Frldav morafng the ejected gentleman appeared on the snot with a double-barreled shotgun and wa abeua to blow tne oar under into kingdom come, when Chris, pulled hia revolver and nred three ahota at tne unwelcome visitor, none of which took effect. This wa followed hr a Muffle and Ennla had hia ,wn gun broken over hia back and war badly bruised up. uicvcle KiniNO. Think of r woman ruling on a bicycle Hba miles in seven daya, eight hour a day, an average of over fifteen miles an hour; but that la what Mlsa Baldwin did at San Francisco On being Interviewed (he advised all wo. men to learn to ride bicycles, pronouncing It the healthiest exercise In the world when not over done. The Albany girla will please take notice, and the Demo crat bicycle I at their aurvlce for learn ing purpose, A Double Sale. This forenoon Mrs I Cheadle aold he reorner property on Firt Street, oa feet front to Dr . Scogglna for $13,939. A short time afterwarda at her earnest solicitation the Doctor sold it hack to her for $.00 advance. Quick business, ihr best. Quarter block and tome of the finest lot In the city are offered for ale cheap by E G Beardsley Real Estate Agent, Broadalbln St. Alto about 20 acrea one mile from town at a bargain. Farm property et all descriptions. Oregon Goob Enough J C Littler I end wife, who went to Indiana last year have returned to Albany and Mr Littler proposes to bo Into the photograph busi ness somewhere in the State. He believes Oregon ahead of all other countries now. MARRIED. POWELL PRICE. Wednesday eve, nlng, Oct 30th 18S9 at the residence of N Price, bv Rev Gondii. Mr Horace Powell and Miss Kate Price, botli of Linn county Mr Powell Is one of the county'a most re liable and enterprising young farmers and the bride, recently a teacher in the Albany public schools is a young lady of goad ac complishments and character. . May their Ives be unhiny ones! , BURN. GIVENS. On Sunday Oct. 27, 1889, at the home of J J Graham, at Miller, . to the wife of Mr Geo. Givens, a girl. : ' SECURE PRICES. K0 TROUBLE TO SHOW OODSAT ' DEYOiS h R0BS0IT vVASUlNCTUN BTftRlT, Tbe City Can Urade lie Dtrecte-Xe Lisa Ttteagh, Last Monday Referee O. If. Irvine filed Ml repart with County Clerk Montague In the case ct A. H. Marshall against the city of Albany. It I well gotten up docu ment and aliow research in Ita prepare Hon, and that the referee only came to hi conclusion after the most careful prepare tlon and then In a manner that (peak of hi confidence In hi findings. Beside the , finding in reference to ownership of property, etc., the referee found tha tha ratlin rUr hv tha ritv ,aij n,. ,!, , "vetv llveettHt tnv uv w is ejr ! adjoining atreeU to Mr Marhall'a livery (table four to seven feet. That there would be no cost attendant upon the same to tha nlalnilff . ut that tha ifr nf hi. r. , --j - - hllllnlnfr wfiiilj ha mnAmnttmrmA hi em a .a m m - 0f the removal ef the latteral support To n,.t it.. ,1.1,1. .n j. wn,u . kuf th- w r- h 1 snnanceu mu amount oy ine improve' ment That the stable waa constructed la present prepo.ed grade, and hence the w mI.ImIIIV I. tlUl. tm. ttm .M.1.1... At a matter of law the icferee also found that the provision of the city charter ao far a assessing oamagea on abutting property le concerned and making aame a Hen Is unconstitutional and void, and plaintiff would have an adequate defense acalnst an action on any tuch lien,- and hence I not ntltled to the interposition of a Court ceuny 10 rcsirain sucn nan. iiiatinecity 1" , , ... . ii iwwcf w iner r r;iiaDii,n nil iraus u any atreet and It I not nce.fy for the Council to order the earn In ny particular no irreparable Injury to the plaintiff ha oeen oone aa will warrant uourtot taui- ty In enjoining the exercise ot the power the defendant. That the Injunction noutd be dissolved and complaint dismlse- d and defendant awarded judgment or ..... . Calea Leetere. Kditers Dtmetrmt, I notice that Prof Rork la advertlseJ to lectuie af many point In Linn, Lena and Benlon counties and la to be at Albany Nov 7th, 7.30 P M. Hia aubject la the liquor tralc in connection wllh other ao el tkl ntistt (Wat afcf vewfarm In tavhlrK ha let . bortfl ,b4 PV"at en ot """"u -.Pec....y concerneo. tti to hoPed e P"Pi " generally u ut to hear him and lesrn what they 'on'l " to know that they are being unmercifully robbed bv the leeal machln- eP nret asanifested. Up to the pro- sent writing tbe Prof haa only spoken at na M,ffl,M't' union, were or- fnlte4"lth r!5ecU?e T.TV0 forward the good work. It la to be hoped that all other place will act likewise, r ... ... w. . aik...- m mw . .... v..t v u.'iii , w.. . j . U at tow. TANUKNT. The public achool la prospering eery well under the management of Pr?f Moth- ner as principal and T Mills In charge of tne primary department, Three new houses under way, one by W Qulburt, one by B Mills and a parsonage oy the M e. Church soulA. aire onerer naa moveo into ner new nomem tangent. . f ti . , 'J J vnia piiancwwiiiiinBwn ta viaii iv iter son Lkitt Tea-To those wishing a good uitcolored Japan tea .we aay try our brand " ,he tea on tne mar- ktL Remember with each pound of tM I tea we give the purchaser a chance to 1 . w-u,.,H lM. w. . ... ,w w. hlvil lu,t . -j lhe .... chert our flrat import order and those desiring a chance at the beautiful act must call early. WILLAMETTE PaCKISO Co, tilvea Away. For the benefit of our customer we will give away on Jan 1st, the following t 1 Dinner act, 1 io piece. $15. . 1 Tea set, 44 pieces, $7.50. .... Tea sets, each aa pieces, $18. These goods are of the best English ware and a credit to any table. Give u a call and ert not only the best bargain in oure fresh groceries but secure a chance at one or more of these elegant set of Slsh. LaForut & Thompson. Kid Gloves I Kid Ulove 1 1 I have just received a full line of kid glovea branded Our Own. This la a genu fne Vld love. bu- dlrect rom ,m porters In New York and consider them the best value of any elove I ever sold for thla price. 5 button. 3 row of M'tchlng, $1.50 per pair. 8. E. Youso. "The Road Te Heavea." . A golden Casket ot unique brilliant and beautiful christian treasures, gain ered from the richest mines of religion, science, and philosophy; sumptuously Illustrated with a magnificent sraiaxy of royal ateel plate engravings. No other book of modern times deala with audi a living subject, display a auch genuine genius, haa such a significant, striking I and attractive ti'le a thla new book pos sesses. It contain the essence of a thou sand tones boiled Into on.', and exploree every field of human experience, that cn engage, fascinate and charm both the hlehlv cultured and the man of the world. It ia issued by the Globe Bible Publishing rVi nf Phlladelnhla. Pa., and sold bv sub- I sarin tlon only. Mr. L. McFarlani whO iathe authorixed agent for this section it now canvassing for it. We heartily rec ommend thia book to our reader. Absolutely Pur grille powder never rarlea, A nsRaves nnrii.., ,wuv. mnmt vnn flmn MrtwfMrrn he ordas.-l .noal al 6 1 and wvooni W "n 001?;' 1 with miiiKt'tiiie nlrW'Vt ffbo tr alum or rjtio'otato Jjf X h aa. Sol iles " cane. B,4ilBgi''owder Co., ICe'Vs.' N, T. D, W, Crowlst & Co , ApntR, Porttandt Oregon. PAINTS, OILS. AND r.- v-r SAVE IT. TT That Dollar of You is . You May Have Heed for A,B. McILWAIH Open Your. Eye. WK OFFER Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Domestics, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc,, Rt greatly reduced price. CARPETS. Wo are eelling ndfurDlablrggccila at prlcea that never faniopleaao D,tJt BfMterjiood tbat we enter ItitonoocxoblDatlcn with et.. nary lat wo will alnipjy euogbter iblnga. Groceries. SQUARE C E. BKOWNELLr Hncooeeorto BROWNELL It PTANARD, Would respectfully nonooneo tbat bo ia eontinnlngtbnbnaineaaRttbo old stand ? " ll be la bouer than ojrer prorored to All all order with accuracy and de. patch and at prioea ti set - PC C3 Offered la tbe town. mm mm While thanking tbe crtiwme of Alba, oy for their eery liberal patronage In the Petl eerneatlbeollcit a oontinaanee of your favora. aasnring LOW PRICES aaporlor quality of gooda and Con rteou8,Treatment Very Reepactfully, a Youra for Bualneas, C. E. BROTTHELL. Archie Bleckbnrn, Saleaman. o Si as SMALL Grocer F L,KENTON DEATiEB I3ST ni ? ill Choice Candy, CIGARS AMD TOBACCO NEAR.THE POSTIOFFICE'fALBANY, C REG C IV THE LEADER. W. G, "Superior," "Argand," "Garland" STOVES AND RANGES. Firs backs. Warran ted s for 15 years, AU of am. I . 1 a 1 styles. at., Roofing, Job Work, IPlumbing, Save Trough. Rango Boilern Conductor Pump: 03 rl DEALIKC 3E3KZIZ-OZUa jti l PROFITS Nats. THE LEADER SMITH, 111 U iL Froit, etc. The World's 1 bastv More than hun dred 7 hun dred .differ ent sty lea rto ok s and heaters in tt - I v- ,., ia hi-r recovery. f arm r iT H 9 9- AS I