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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1889)
i A3 TO "GHOCtA" : .'k o!t of lh Ortgmuan writhes, frclt anil oiries hretusethe democratic pre of the ate baa silgnutitedhlro m a "ghoul." This t Jons Uccius Scott, actusted solely by a -itit ofhate, tmparalUUed in the history o rfi Journalism, rushes fourth on the ocea oit of the death of any leading democrat, and first at the side of the grave of such demo s', even before the clods of the valley are card to rat lie on the coffin, and there with nioniac chuckling, heaps upon tht deceased, e bitterest vituperation, slander and abuse, at can (all from thi lips f a huniaa ghoul. his characterization of Scett is the hard, i yzta truth. Every reader of the 0rgMtft now the charge is literally true. It is no ult of the democratic press of the state that cott knsws no motive,whea speaking af tlcra- rats, except the motive of bi.ter, partisan fate. Democrats would fain speak of hira 'in etter terms, but his open outlawry against : eceat, wpectaWe journalism precludes them. ,xxa doing so. Happily, and t J the credit of t republican press of the state, Scott stands litary and alone in his attitude of biUer.onre- Jenting hate towards all democrats. Ha has : eeatly opened p his vile weapons of slander J pours their poisonous contents npoa tht ; iht clean Imperishable reputation of Sun t Cox with a leal that indicates that tht ;Houlih editor" really thinks that he can taUh such a reputation. But wherever be ; known, all hit vilest vaporing will tall Car iMrt of tarnishing tht reputation of any clean n, however ebscare, lit villifiet Cot as patriotic because that gentleman proposed congress during tht war to create a peace remission composed of such men aa Millard Unto, Reverdy Jonnson, Thomas Ewing, 'wsrd Everett aad others, to settle all cliB . - tie leading to tht war. Nothing was to be ne inconsistent wit a tht integrity of tht.. ua i. Cos believed that tht whole matter could settled, thousand s of precious live aad un I ,l millions of treasure saved, and tht integ r of the anion permanently fixed aad ea uUhe4 by means of a commission, and, is J red by his broad aaselftish patrio tiaot, he J posed a bill to that effect. For this dis y of patriotism whose superior quality is vood Scott's comprehension, he is denoun t by tht Onfuitm substantially as a traitor. t any wonder that Scott it regardeu as uUh by awt only democrats but by scores i epuUUcans all over the state? Wt art told 1 1 Can voted against the bill approving and aUzing ell tk , procUmation and ord- (of President Lincoln after March 4th 1861 ecting the calling out of volunteer before I assembling of congress. And this is rged against Cox as inhuman and onpatriot I If the president had violated the constitn and laws, it was no discredit to a man had sworn to support them that he could I conscienciously vote to approve and legalise I violations. In the eres of all broad mind veople it was aa act of the broadest fealty j country and it's institutions. Scott com tn that Cox, in S6j, voted against coro Itated or any other cmandpatioa. Well, wt were score of republicans all over tht ptry aad in congress at that time who op "d all lorms of emancipation, Tht demo I that opposed h is denounced as a traitor, I tht republican that opposed it is hallowed ... very loyal man. Such is the inconsistency e Orrgtmia. Doe any one suppose, i, if Judge Deady should pas that bourn net no traveler returns" Scott would tak chief place of conspicnity at bis grave and in unmeasured terms denounce Deady traitor for voting to establish slavery in gon ? Doe Scott, when any oot of tht lerou confederate brigadiers who, since war have identified tbemselvr with tht fu blican party.dies denounce him as a traitor? he passes off to the grave with the richest .minams of this man Scott. So it will be h, and it is so understood by all observant Lie, that this ghoulish attack upon Mr Cox cause he was a faithful, exemplary and hy democrat, and not because of his rec jThe Boston Journals all harp uqon the topic of the decay of agricultural life New Ec. gland, and say that mourn over t we may the fact is patent that there : many deserted farms In New England, I many more tha are likely to be ndc-ned In the near future. It Is tally true that farma remote from large ns or cities have been steadily decreas in value for several year past. On reasons for this opinions differ, but fart exists. No one wno travels the nXry en fail to observe that many e rUh, productive farms on which sev enersiinns have lived and piospered, now left to Kr" UP again Iti forests, rjani cac all rh-roung men and wo- hav left for ci'K and It Is only a stion of time and that not very long hen the !J folks, now well advanced U, wii. he g.ithered tn their fathers, then in a few yare the old farm is ne er to be cultivated. Forty rears ace 11 Harry Clay and other protectionist ! d so strongly for "protection" they t as a reason for Its adoption that it 'id furnish a home market for the ' it's products. In no section hss pro ' on benefitted manufacturers so greatly New England, snd in no section ha I :ultur been so completely crushed a 'hat section. Verily, the farmer of the It and northwest will find much food I reflection here. j'ae partisan bias of the associated press In the Ortftniem is equaled only by I partisan bias and spirit .of hate of the itr of that paper .Scett. The ether j the associated press dispatch reporter tew York sent out the report I list mat- had grown so hut between the friends 1 11 and Cleveland that the latter gen i.ui was afraid to vote the Tammany unty Democracy ticket at the corn it lection as the enly way out of this t place he did not register and hence in. vote at all. The fact In the race that ever since Cleveland went to i York he has been living at the Vio hotel until a few Ay ago his home i ready to be occupied, lie moved in- t ut too kate to be permitted to teglster consequently will not vote because he t entitled to As we hrvc often aaid p'Htlcal news sent by telegraph to the mian as nntrustworthjr as the polit t statements made in the editorial col- of that paper. (- ' ' ?v Dr fitorrs, at the American board ting, In addressing the delegation thd Methodit Episcopal church, "I am a bit of MethoJist myself. j summer I spend tioru weeks a- 2 the MethodUls, and I am quite cer i! I had known them earlier in my ic thing but the pre determined coun ntl pre knowledge of God would have ne from being one." K.!IUU t 1 .IBS 'tow St Se.irU, K"it f"r ti e celebra u How line shoes, in womei S, mis td rfnstfoods. ") ruins S th 'J I ' 1 l, ehst cs'.l s W l Krj!i-i' '3rnr ;,r rttnrn. heat li w of kit 4 vt at W F. One thousand dollars has keen offered by Seward, DaCosta St Gutherit of New York eity for a copy of a newspaper published some timt between the ytart 1870 and 1S76 con taining a description or mention of Duvid Drawbaugh's "talking machine or telephone invention," printed some timt betwecen tht years 1I70 and 1876. "At the trial f the suit to tstahlish tht right to tht patent for tht art of telephoning, which was commenced in tSSo," said a gen tleman who was familiar with the case, "etr tain witnesses Tor Drawbaugh said that they had read in a llarrisburg, Pa., paper a de scription of a telephone which Drawbaugh had at his home. Ilia attorneys, not appreciating tht Import net of this evidence, or thinking that they did not need it, did not product tht newspaper clipping, But during tht last eight months, in view of tht reopening of tht cast by tht Government, they have commen ced a search for tht article In quesuon. They have been to far unsuccessful, and claim that the files of tht newspaper which they have examined in libraries anl newspaper offices ki t in many cases complete both prior end sub sequent to tht year memtioned, but tht filet covering the prttist periods have either , dis appeared or been mutilated. A reward of Is also offered for the detection and coa viction of the person or persons causing sack mutilation or disappearance of the 61. Coal It the residue ot vast fortttt burled In tht earth during an Inmentt number of rear. Those forests were composed mostly o( enormous feme and trves some what akin to our Bra. Tht turf of put In formation at the present day la very young oal not vet burled.' The plantaoi which It It composed art still recognisable. The eUatanct in milts at which anobjec f upon the aurface of the earth U visible. Is! to the square root ot IK times the height of the observer In feet above the tur bee, and, conversely, the height In feet to which an observer must be placed to see a distant object, is equal to twa- thirds the square of the distance In mile. While the member of Di. Talnsage' church have been laying up treasures In heaven these aiany year, they have also been paying the premium regularey on a comfortable amount ot Insurance, and hence are In a good condition to begin the erection of another tabernacle without de la. One Rodney, said to be par master I the navy, has been sending out posta card to the newspaper of the country advocating the adoption of a constitution al amendment limiting all private fortunes to S 10,001,000. We cannot understand just why he shoulO address such argu ments to editors. . Why should he limit our prosperity? While we are young, rnterprUing and ambitious, we are against Mr. Rodney's proposition- A base bail enthusiastic of Richmond, Va., has hit upon the following rovel Idea as a feature for the coming world' fair Let a big area of the heavens," says he," by means of a gigantic dash lights reflected from the earth, be marked off in the man ner of a base ball field. Then let the New York and Boston nine fight their battle over again, and as each run la made or ball thrown let the track thereof be flasfied up to the heavens, along with a rocket photograph of the champion by a n-lllioo-horse power engine and light combined. and thus 5,ooo.oo people may witness the great game every day." Tailok Made Spits. W. R. Graham haa received a large and choice stock of suitings, purchased In the East at bottom prices, and is now located at his old stand. two door north of the Dbmockat office, where he I prepared to make suits and do a general tailoring business In a satisfac tory manner, his man vein of iiMii. eitce In Alban v speaking for his workman ship. Call and see his suiting and get price. baxo. une 01 the finest lots of gun and revolver ever received In Albany are now in stock at Stewart A Sox's. Hun ter should call and aee trm and get price before bu) ing. This Trade Mai k on a atovt rreans it is the best thrt ex pe.Unre and skill can con trive. 3old onlv bv G. W. Smith. ' AllNioiit. Mr Ivancovich keep an 11 night houxe on First St between R1lv worth and Ljon, at -tiich is to he found fresh ousters, porter house steaks, ham and eggs etc. A TuKiT. -flrjiiininj Octv w will give a ti:t with etct chase of $1.00 -and every five of these ticket gives a chance at drawing one of hose eleint sets of dishes at. La Fob rkt JScTiiom psoxa. How to Aovctrise A in am r. Get some of thos; el'gint views at Crawford & Psxton's and send to vour friend Photographic view will tell more and more truthfully than a pamphlet of print ed matter. For Rent. A pleasantly furnished room centrally located for business man. To gentleman only. Inquire at this office. Labokcks ad Station Mk. For work on the O P railroad. . Apply to Curran Si Montelth. To Farmkks Farmer will do well to byt their fruit, garden or farming land rlth Wallace k Cuticle. Biggest Yct 10,000 rolls of wall pa per, latest varieties, finest decorations just rrelyer' it Furtml'ler & Irving' A Sharp Item The finest line of cut lery and shears in the rity at Stewart & Sox's. Their goods are the very best and will stand the U-st. , . Struck Oil At Si.ic ner c gallon ean rt Standard oil, ai the Willamette "acklng Co. s store. If too liav ai.y i b wi tk it call on 0 W, Smith ho i yr-r, , a do it with neatness snd disnac ' . snd aa cheap as any one. Albrtiiy Market. WhHt-l ior V."mj nr l;. rcg-2t Hsy PotAto- 74 ot 1 Mir tiuxhei ' Apple 7 eeniff pr bu, ?0'k ISo per U- JreaaoA. Hsmnn im-s M'iC ahouIrtr, Ho. , trie 10c. urt Oj pr lb. per bbl. hlckeua 8.00 per dor... Mill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton horts, 14, mlddlintra, 20. Cbor,20. Letter List. Falloaring- la tha list ot lettars remaining In th Post tfloe, Albany, Linn ooonty, Oregon, Oct 80th, 138 Persons sailing for that letters must (ire tha data on w.iieb thay wore s Iverllsod : Arp, John fiuch-nss, J 8 Cole, U A KriKkMim. LA Parker, K P SthlneUjr, U . Bnnetf Oaorea K.d, W H Durtiin, Joseph KS Poet, V U KtrsuM. Adolf Voung, CO E. THOMPSON, P. If. A tariff organ cites the impoitxium i,&t yeat 011104,000,000 worth of woo'icnmanuUdiircs as proof that a highs Chinese Wall is needed to give our manufacturer! possession of tht hotnt market, If American mills could get tht wool they need on the same terms a their competitor they would not bt compelled to us 0 much shoddy, The foreign good are not bought because the people lor to py tax ot prefer foreign goodsbecaust they art foreign. They art demanded and told bt?auaa they art better either in quality or ityle, On squal term our manufacturer could compete with them tar more successfully, Invitations are out announcing that tha long talktd of wedding between tt Secretary Thomas F BayarJ and Mis Clymer will take plact in Washington on Thursday, Novetrler 7. It wai tht intention of both parties to bt quietly married, owing to tht recent dtath of Mr Bayard, but they havt decided to invltt a fsw of their most intimate friend. Among tht guests will bt tx President and Mr Cleve land, es Secretary and Mi Whitney ex Tost masttr General Don Dickinson, Justice Gar land and Chief Justice Fuller and family. There will bt ne bridemaids, and tht ushers havt not yet been announced, A few day ago at Greenville Alabama a quarrel between a negro helper tnd a young white man named Robert resulted In tht negro pouring gttoline over Robert. Aaoth er negro touched oil the fluid with a lighted lamp, and ia aa instant Roberts wss envelop ed in flame. He ran wildly up aad down the main street of the town, but there wss ne on awake, aad he was literally roaatsd alive. When discovered he wa in a critical condi tion, One of the negroes ha been 'arrested 1 the other bss escaped. A test of metal railway tie will soon bt mads in Chicago. It is predicted that metal tie will be used before long en all "ailroads ia the country. Beyond their technical value these tie suggest th possibility that our American forest assy be saved from total de. (traction, A man waa brought before a New York po lice jaitice th other day, charged with steal ing hi wife' wooden leg. But a hi better, though detective half, refused to appear against him, he escaped punishment for his meanness. Senator Quay's new hosnt at Washington is tht house which lion J A J Cretwell of Mary land built for hinuclf.and which the millionaire lumberman, Senator Philetu Sawyer of Wis consin, occupied until hi new hoes on Con necticut avenue was built. To the Labi a Only. I am row pre pared to do all kinds of stamping, and have over two thousand c'eslgnt to choose from. Also keep a nice line of embroid ery materials, such aa arrasenea, crewel, No. 1 and a embroidery chenilles, princes chenille, etc., etc., and the finest pom pons, tassels, crescent, cord plushes, felts and fancy work material ever la the city. Zephyr 1 going at 5 cent an ounce. Mis Minnie Col well baa charge ol this ttepart ment. and has had aeveral yeara experi ence in all klnda of fancy work and stamp ing. U W. bistrsosr, Albany, Oregon. In the Lead. Mr. Julia Gradwoti lead in hi business and wishes It under stood that he will carry the finest stock o crockery ware In the Valley, receiving hi goods from headquarter, and keeping up with the time In all the latest novelties. He has received a fine lot of Wedgwood St Co' Ncwyacht decorated ware, called ruby ware, handsomest goods In the mark et. Mr Gradwohl makes crockery a spec ialty and will meet the demand of the public in any line. Do not tend away for good but give him a call, Moket to Lo.. At a low rate of In 'erest, on good farm property In Linn csuntv, or on best Improved city property r Albany. Apply to Ularkburn U Wright, Albany, Or "The Estrelta ' eigar, S for 25 eeeta, at Ellis' Citfar 3 tor. Th Vwt watch in the world forth money at t M Franco'. Esehoo folly warranted Notice. Parties Indebted to Mr. E. L. Power, will confer a favor by calling on Mr H F Merrill, with whom his account have been left, and settling the same at once. Next. New and best place In town I Gilson' new baiber chop In the Froma Blocs, next door to FortmlllerJc Irvine'. Best barber In town. Babieh. The finest line of baby carr' gee in the Valley just n celved at Stewart V Sox's. Prices are remrkably cheap con sidering ti e superior quality tf the cirri ages. fr. M. II. Fllia. physician and aurgeoa yl aiij, 'Oregon. CsJIa mad ia eity 01 eMinirv. Abrey's Addition. 54 lot in this ad' filtlon to Albany, near Hackletnan' 3rd I liiion.f.M- s.ile. at $53 to $115 a lot, at Curran tc Montelth'a. Iare Curtains Lace Cnrtafaav I have just received my fall stock of Ijce curtains bought direct from Importers, Hie largest stock ever brought to I his mark tt, and best value for the money. Samuel E. Youata. Baeklea A rale Ssly. Tau swt aslv In tlx world far Cuts, Kralsra.BVira, Ulan, Halt Rbtoa, raver BorM, letter, C'MW bamU, CliUblaJns, Corns, and all Skin KruntWtiiii4 positivsly lurss Plies, or ne pay required. It is rsNr-sntos-4 to civs psr (set Mltluuw, or mansjr rfo4 d. Piles Z6ntprlx, for sal y Fustwy Ind Mass. - A 8afe Investment. Ia Mi wlilch la mMntMj ... kd.. m. .J-,.. lory rwni-s, or in or lailurs a return of pnRliaas prios. On this ssfs rlsn yon san buy from our d fsrtlstd Drurglsi a bolt! of Dr. Kine's Ne Ihs OTory for Consumption, It Is rusranvred to Mrta rjilof in svary ssm, hn d for any affsesion ot Jbroat, Lanirs or Cheat, soch as Canmrerrtlxn, In Bammallon of Longs, Bronchiiis Asttassa, WhoufW Couch, Ton p. tc sta. It I plassant and airreeshl 1 taats, ptrfostly safe, snd asn altars us dspsliilsd aoa . Trial botlias frs st Foshay Masos's. 1 wen For y oar watshos desks srd jewelry gn Frsosb's. Houest goods, low. pries and nick salsr. 7 O.ks cure rheumatism, neuralgia toothache. Fnahay k Mason Agsnt. and Dr. Fllnt'a Rmedv la tha Vet rammAw known for insomnia, or aleepiensnesn, which afllioia so many persons, and wblcb lead. t ao many aoriou nerrouadlaeaiiee, Sartloularly to insanity. Descriptive ealiM with each bottle; 01, ad J rata Mack Drag Co., N. Y, Ifyoa wsm a KiKMltilver steel scythf, finest ia th market, o to Stewart & Box'. - . Merit Win. J W desire to say to our ettltens, that for year we hare been selling Dr. King's te Ulaouverr for ton samptiia, Itr King's New Lile i'iiu. linvk'len'e Ar nica Haifa and Kleetrto bitters, and have never hand led remedies that sell as s ell, r that have given sqcn universal eatii (a:tion. We do not hesitate to ffi:. aatee them every time, and we eland ready to refttnd the purchase pries, If sstleiactuiy results do net tit k their nee. These remedies hsve wen their great popularity purely, on their inerita, Foetisy ansf ifa son, druggisi. Advice to Mothers. Mr. Winalow'a Hoothing - Myrop, for childrnn teething, I th presorlptlon of on of the beat famal curse sod pbyai dan in tht United State, ar.d hn been Used far forty yeara with never-falling BisvyHa tjy millions of mother for tfaeir ehildren. Paring the proaes of tel hint Itm value U inoalouable.- It relieve the tni'.J tram, pain cure dyatntery and diar rhoea, frripfng In the bowel, and wind eoiic. Uj alving health to the child It rent the ac other. Trice 2&o. a bottle. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS ThtUBlTaloa, Boston, Oct, anAn Interview with Union Pacific oflicials resulted .In the following state ment of what is gained by tht great North western allianct, "The Uock Island had al ready reached Denver, the Northwestern wa reaching to Denrer and might soon start for more Western noints of our system. Now. in- te4 of competition the Northwestern becomes a close ally, extending our system to iJtk Superior and Chicago, and if need be to the Atlantic seaboard, throunh the Vamlerbilt une. The Northwestern takes care of the whole of our west bound traflic and we tak car 01 ail 01 their east bound business for ten yean, with an arbitration board to prevent friction and settle differences. This reserves to the Union I'aciflc it arbitrary allowances lor ten yeara. Marshal Hoffmen' Doable a Candidate. TAcoma, Oct. 99, A morning paper to day published interview with General Spragut and Hon Walttr J Thompson, in which tht former positively announced that he was now a candidate for the United State senatorship, if the people wanted him, but that he would neither use money nor influence la any other than a legitimate manaer to sccute the posi lion. . 4 Another R B. Salem, Oct, 17 Tbt Oregonlan Western Railway Company, with fa capital stock of IjoO.OoO, through R Koehler, John Kelly and William 1 Mulr, incorporators, filed ai tides of incorporation with th secretary of stale to day, Beside constructing a railroad, a wagon and railway bridge between Portland and hast Portland will be built.andthe Oregonlan Rail road Limited will be purchased. Steamboats on the Columbia and Willimclta river will connect the point touched by the railroad, It is regarded a a Southern Pacific move. Htitl lath field. Naw York, Oct. 18, Under tbt heading of "A Strtc Secret" tht IIVU gives, ia tht sours of a six column article, the reason why Blala threw away the presidency by writting his Florence letter. It say for nearly two year b ha endured misrepresentation and abuse for sud Jen !y rejecting the presidential nomination, whkfa wa absolutely in hi own hands, lie hss kept silent and striven to en velop in mystery his reasons for writing the Florenee letter, Th truth does not reflect epon Blaine and commands for him th apologia of querulous friend and the sympa thies of political opponent. . ( Is It Tsaeott. PH'LAiikLi-HM, Oct. 18, The police are stilt anxiously awaiting the arrival of the pic ture of the supposed Tatcott in Chicago. It ia expected to reach there to night. From further examination of tht scar they are con vinced that he ia Taseott. A man who knew Tascott when he waa a bey aay the prisoner look very much like him. A bl Wreck. LiviarooL, Oct. S, The British ship Bodan, from Calcutta for this port, hat founde at tea. Thirty three lives hav been lost. Might HavsBrea Presides!. Niw Yoke, Oct, aS. A few of th int de fact connected with the conspiracy to super ced Abraham Lincoln in 1864, hav just been mad public James R Cilmor, another, bet ter known as "KJmund Kitke" lays the move ment embraced very many of the best aad most ' indentisl member of the republic in party and to all hamaa appearance would have succeed ed ia defeating a second nomiastioa and elec tion of Lincoln, had its plan not Uco thwart ed by the very man, who had bern selected as it presidential candidate. This man was Utn eral Koaecran now register of the treasury, aad retired major general of the United States army. tapped Bint. Kansas City, Oct. a8 Mayor Davenport this afternoon slapped Congressman Tarsncy ia the face, and narrowly escaped being shot. It wa all on account of the entertain 3nt of the All American tourists. Twenty Lyneher Arrested. ,. RALEiGH.NC.Oct. aS. About two weeks ago Robert Berrie killed hi mother in law at Lex legion, N. C, ' and on being captured wast lynched. Solicitor Long has mule an affidavi before Judge Phillips, on which twenty of the lyncher havt been arrested. Some of the ringleader have hied. Will a Ium. Washington. Oct. ay. A letter wa made public to-day from Secretary Noble to CoUnel J E Smith, until a few day ago chief of the certificate division of the pension office, from which it would seem not improbable that those employe of th pension office who were re rated are stated to loose their places. The letter says in parts "I deem it to the best in terest of the service Ihst men who were re rated in 1 he bureau should not continue there to exercise an influence in that direction either by their presence or counsel, and tliat the new commiaajoaer should hsve a better opportunity to correct the evils which I consider of the grossel character. " A Tea Year Old KhootUt, Ablimgton, Or.. Oct. 27. This morning ther occurred st Castle Rock, twenty miles above here, one of those too numerous aeci deats which come of alio ing children to play with fire arms. A young Iviy n.trr.e.f Mis P-rtre. wa serioueiy, though fottirnatcly not fatally, injured ly the dUtliarge of a pistol ia the hands of a boy about ten yesrs old. The ball passed through the fleshy part of her right leg, above the knee, and graced ah,ig the ab domen. Prrallar Robbery. Dallas, Or.f Oc. 37. Peaice Chamber lain, an Independence blacksmith, vns arrest ed Wednesday on a chae of robbery, II tboV $40 in greenbacks from Miss Stella Kay pocket, at th Independence hotel. V hen ar rested he said it was merely a joke, but as the money wss found in his boots it was indeed a practical joke. He was brought up before Justice Butler, and will now spend bis time in the Dallas jail till circuit courts meets. Poor Jolinstu wn, Johnstown, Pa., Oct, 37 The piorjiecls of Johnstown being again under water are good. Rain has been falling almost continual ly for tht past 36 hours and a great many - of the streets are almost impassable to pedestri ans. . '. . A KeolUhOlrl. London, Oct. 37, In less than twentr.four hours Prince Hat zfeldt and Miss Clara Hunt ington, of C P Huntington, the railroad mil lionaire, will be imband and wife." " ' " ' a Old Feud. Dubuque, la.. Oct, 26 A feud of twenty year standing culminated in a' battle yester day near Newhan-oton, the county seat of nicaasaw county, two men being killed and several otnsrs woumed. That Cantankeroas Old Woman Described in tbe nursery ballad, who lived upon nothing but vlctnef and drinlt," and yet "would never be qnlet. wa undoubted It troubled with eh Indication. Her victual, liketboaeof many otnot eiaeriy peraona wboxe dlge tive powe:a have become Impaired .didn't agree ww n ner.. 1 ni waa btrore tbe era of Iloetetter'a Ntoman Hitters, er antne on of bernumerouafrlenUsand relatives woold undoubtedly bave peranaded her to try tun crcist aprcinn ror dyspepsia eooatlpavtnnarid liitlouanrtee. Tela would tav been a ttieasureof Kt-lf Droleetloti on ihvlrpa't. f r f 1 ould aoon have been cur) and oafie l todla'urb tbena with her olamr r, The ni i-t, otlnate case of indljr-Hion.wlth He atundant heartburn, flattMenro. "onatatt unae4tia of tbe tomatjii anl prthe nirv., are ocisplet IrovMvoomH hf thi a'nvereign remedy Chllla ami fever and bilioua reraittsnt rheatnatlant and Mdtiey troubles are also trnvtraoy it, ., . Th Ladles Delisted,. Th pteaaant efli-tt and tbe ' Berfaot aaf. ely with wrjtoti ladies uiay ust Hie J quid nu isui. njrup 01 J?1S, unatr fiU eondltionn, make it their fvv,.rlte remedy, It la plsaaln j? to tbe eye and to the taste, KBut-, juBurauai in accng on too kid' neys, Uvee and bowels. ileal B it e Aent, . Cotiveyancinir of all lndd done In a re liable manuer, All buoiness will reoeive prompt auenuon. tjiaoeott Uroadalbin treetntr First, Al'Jtay, Oreoa, NEW ADV1CUTI3ISMENIS. I" OST, -First lienor Gold medal.ellher J on 2nd or. M streets, enurared on bank, Jeasemln Hanson. Xteturn to ltT F St Uanielter. WANTED. A 'girl to do rtenern hotiaework, Call at resldanot o Prof WM Lee, - JtOR SALIC. A. farm of sniacreaTa'i 1 Millers btatlon 6 miles Iroin Albany. I fenced, SuO aore In cultivation, nearly ail good wheat land, new bouse and barn, gnod water. Will sot) halt or all. Term leaaonabla. Inquire of own r on the plae, K T llAMOM, WW IIOWEI.L- i lT AN1KIrAion"to do general J housework. Call on Mrs. J. M. LUle.sIx tnllea west of Albany, oraddress her at the Albany Poslomoe. WARTEPrurnlsbad rooms,- killing room and ld room with use of kitchen. Adress DaMooarr olfloe. TOUNl), On liroadalblm and between I1 rifih and Math Htreobi In Albany on bundar October layi a boys otercest, Buitabls) for a Imy of hlx or seveo years, Owner call and pay for Ibla noike and getooai. , 10 ST. A swltnh key, with chain at J taobed, marked O, I., probably on cirst or leo jnd Htreet. Finder will coo ler a favor by leaving with J It Abbey tt t P dopot, or at this ofll ce. i 1 1 11 1 - Notice. Having disposed of IheMbany dlteh, water work and other proper ty I am proceeding to settle up all my business, and hereby give notice to all par ties knowlnuthemselve Indebted to mi to call at tha M 11 Ofilca and settle. , Joitsx'A Caawfoap. ' SEVERAL SMALL TRACTS ofland near town for sale on eeay tertua. Inquire of M, liryaut. Cancers Cured. i. R, Douala Co.. Albany. Oreao. aent lor J. It. Duncan, the (treat Cancer Klnji, or Mot timer. Kansas, will treat all sternal cancer on ike principle of NO CUKKNOI'AY. ITer further Inform. Uoo, address ' J. st. not class, Cor. 2nd and Cleveland wt , H's 4th A , Albany, Or, Yor sale by Will A Stark, deslcre la fine wftche. iewelry, eie. BROWNSVILLE. O.P. coshow a SONS. Real Kstata and Inniraiics Agent?. teal tt eotd an 1 C l!etli.ns and N'darlal tuln atundrd to. OLD I HON.-Fifty Ions iAaf (ti im in eari Vstisantlf v. WjantsMl tamdiftUlj' mi iho Abnj Iron Works FliMCIS PFEIFFEIt, -PKOPRIETOROr - Albany Soda Works. ' iand Manufacturer of CHOICE COHFiScnOHm, vV'e are now prepared to wtt at whol '.always freatt and put at i'ortltnd 1 sea to deaiera. We aisi kwp a ftM of ... Juts mi Tropical fruits, HOARS AND TODACCO Administrator's Notice, Ktrtlnt I hereby fives that the under signed haa been by th County Coert Ut I4D0 count v, Oroon, duly appointed Ad- mioietrator of the estate ef Edward John MUla, late f Linn eoenty, Orrjfon, deceased, and qoalinrd as seen. All persons navu claim aiisiust said estate are hereby ootids to present thrm to the: nndvrsigntrt duly verified at Albany, Oregon, within six months frm tate date, . Dated OctoUr 4th. IShO. J. M. WatTsvia, J. K. WaUTMearoKn, Admmi.trator, Attorney fur Ailmioutrator. . VOID? . Cd f-oa fftafl enrt laayald. lew-evtrlted, life less, aad tndaecrlhtfci mtssrrabla, boU pbyst. ee.Ur ana tnontaliyi iprieQO a eonas of fulinaas or blnatlnt after swttns;, or of "(-one-,' or acnptinea of stomaca ta tbe mora ine;, soo rue eoasao. Dinar or dsub seat la mouth. Irregular appetite, dlzxlnea. frequent bewdaobM, blurred eyealaht, " tloatlna; peak' before- toe eyesv nnrvou pmetrattoa or ex- Dsuauon, imtaniui or tamper, ao Busbes, aiun-natina with chUJr aenaattona, sharp, bltina. tranaleo palna nerw and tbnrw, eold foet, drowslneaw after mewla, wakafulnea. oe diaturtxxl and anrefraablnf aieep, constant, ludeacrlbablo fUaa; of dead, OX of llBptBd log ealarolts- , . ' If you bav all, or any eondderabla nnmbef or uwH symptom, yon are autreiing; front that moat oommoo of Amerioao maJsdlna bilious Urapepeia, or Torpid Liver, associated with Dyspepsia, or India-estiou. lb isnra oomplloatud, your dianaae ha beoome, toe fiwaUir tbt number end diversity of irmp. t"rn. No matter what ataora It haa reaohed. Itr. Pleree'e UeUtn Fled leal I lacovery will snibdu It, If ultra socordlnf to directions- for a rensnnabl leng-th of time. If not cured, complication multiply and Consump tion or u uaogn, bkln Hieoaaut, Heart Ulseaaa, Kheumatiam, Kidney Iiiaeaaa, or olbar rrave aaaladlea mm tuiu-ilabi tie ant la sad, eooose or latter. Indue at fatal terml nation. Dr. Pleree'a Uolelen Medical Die eovery acU powerfuUy upon th Liver, and tbroufb that a-reat blood - purifrltif oraaa, o leaner th avsm of ail blood-taints and lm puriuee, from whatever oauae aria to a- It is equally efflcaoloue In aoUna noon the Kid ney, and other excretory organ, elnanauie;, strsnethorrinir, and bftahiig thntr elseaans. As n appetixing, iwatoraUve touin. It promote digestion-and nutrition, tbereby buf.dlnir up both fleeh and etrearth. In madartal dlsulots, tbe wonderful medicine ha trained rreal celebrity In eurlna; ITaver and A run. Chill and fever; Dumb Aaue, and klndrd disease. lr. Pleree'e Ooldeu Pledlcai Claw eovry . CUnES ALL' f IUORiTA from , eomrnoa Blotch, or Eruption, to the worst Borpful. rlt-rhum, feveMore, Bcaly or Hough Bkln, la abort, all disraaet eauaed by bad blood are- 'conquered by thl powerful, purifyinf, and lovliroratinw medi cine. Great Eating- Diners rapidly beal under It benlirn Intiuenoe. Espeoiully has it manl fnsted Its potenoy In curing Tetter, Bojraa, Erysipelas, Boils, Carbunole. Bore Eyes, Sorof "'""s Bores and BweiiingsTHlp-JolntDlsease, Wi!t BwcllinB'g," Goitre, or Tblok Neck; and Enlarged Gland, femd ten oenU in tamp. for a largo Treatise, with colored rilates.on Bkln lJlsoanw!, or the etune amount lor a Treatise on Borof uiou Affeotiotuw, TOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE. Thoroughly cleanse it by using Br. PI erect loldeu Medical Discovery and good digestion, a fair akin, buoyant spirits, vital strength and bodily bealtb will be established, CONSUMPTION, which is Scrofula or the Langs, it arretted and cured by tills remedy, if taken in tbe earlier stages of the disease. From its mar velous power over thl terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now world-famed rem edy to the publlo, Dr. Pleroe thought seriously of calling it bis " Cosscmptiom Cdbb." but abandoned that name a too restrictive for a medicine wblob, from its wonderful com Mntlon 1 of tonlo, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-cleansing, autl-billoua, pectoral, and nutritive properties, I unequaled, not only Liver, Blood, and Liinp. - tor Weak Lumrs, Spitting of Clood, r5horfc. neas of Breath, Curouio Nasal Catarrh. Bron chitis, Asthma, Bo vers CouKhs, and kindred attoctions. lt is an efllelent rmedy. ' ' "ruMist, at aiiu, or BiX Bottlei fV- Bend ten cents fa gUmp for Cf. PlOf 09' boo on Consumption. . .Adores,, V -tZZ, A Philosopher always Thinks. Try ilj Tbiuk of LEBLAIN what during tha wet, coot, aulrma and winter weather jon need ; n Overcoat.Rab bcr GoodSa an Umbrella or COTHIKC. FURKISHIKGCOOO AND BOOTS AND SHOES GENERALLY, or want stUsb ault made ly first-clans tailor, THEN CALL ON HIM. CHAS. H. DODD tSfc CO. . IMPORTERS OF- Hardware, AND FARM MACHINERY, Front, First and Vine Streets, ::::::: Portland, Oresca. Sol Agents fr .Oregon DEERE'D NEW yc. ; aK.ikl!U, .- -,. iaeTTii-wisasai, TmXT Btaa-ia, Dt7ul4e, er TiipW furrow. TWyareaasimi-Waaa have used waa wmsmm wora ran 1 or without seat attacftnseti. Scat sttsfamenla are satr. DBEHB POWBR BUCKEYE SHOE Bactiare Iloe IVm CrsJa Iim, Buckeye DEERE'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDERS Th. kstest Imprevsd InpUment fof sowin( suatiiver Wa !) isave av fail Use ef Baarartea, SCHUTTLLH lawranoa k Chspio-a (iirisc Tooth Harrnrs, Deere KAISH BASS WIRE, ETC., ETC. in lh fast (bat f am offering bettor bargains iban an one else in Aibaejr Rongbt at bankrupt aalee T can asll First-Class G-oodsi or below C'OfeT. FOP General merchsndisa of all .uU call of shoes. Cash for Goods or Country prultw Gf W. SIMPSON Alban), Otegcs ACC0B40T, EATWSB J. J.D ORRIS, ALB4NY, OREGON. AlBSTEAOTEE, The Only Complete Set of Abstract Books and Maps in Linn County. , j"Oitlee in tbe Court House," RiibtnAsa entmstArl tn mv narA fthall have prompt aid careful attention. SAW LOGS FOR SALE. Parties deslrlnjr to purchase saw logs wilt tlo well to call on the undersigned who has about 300,000 f t'of logs on the Callpcoia at Brownsville. H, t . MERkill, i rustee, . Albany, Or. II. S. ELLIS a CO, Importers ant! Deatnr tn Flae'J Clears aad Tolsacee. opposite Revere House. San Frn lce aad Portland papers always on .band. Txo&r$sl, and Washington for KUUN.SUaW' DEAL PLOWS. rme so smst aheolate rwrleetion, that tbOM VI bos aay swhubib lawBrsiss. wsrarsuaasBosa HX3TT STTX-ST3T PLOvTS. PRESS GRAIN DRILL. i Borders, Buckev, Sprttif Tooth Hamnrs. . . tsnow. The saost eoraplsss aad suooessful tool let 1 Carrtacea, Phaetasia, SfemataJai Waca FA Km WAQONS. 1 tlarrovs, ScieoUfls Few! htllW, Facifie Fanninf HiUa, K 1HKALL. A eent, Albanr. O on nj. rar:r-lar bargains in a sena: Albany lluoes, We are rtruaDentlv kistt i no the ia Clioe homle-d I mile float Albsiy o'd Cory, bsvron hsn a large ttookui Choice Fruit Tress of our own gro wiuir, whioh wa will aK a I ow:t lf sua rases Pa'tita oc titrmr-ltt tiu piatu-rg will consut he r .rta Ly exauuotng onr stock at.a pt :cei before purolisrinp. jtiTMSN S tSROWNKU., ' ' Albany, Organ. STRAYED. From my premlsea two miles Sonth eaht of Albany on the Disntoi uotoour zzaa two oar mares i eauh four years old and eaob with black 1 tnaue and tail, Eaoh bad on bead - etall I and aort piece of rope attached to cash. Suitable reward to any one who will re turn tnem to me or give information as to their whereabouts, - , F C IIoFFMAjr. UNRIVALLED NOT ALMOT ATTRACTING ATTENTION Ptt ettlli'i 1 Wi ti fi a'r '.( Mm JUL Recti .Mil, I. .111, for lie fa'lsbd wii lrr Hftde, rr tsfnii g f a 'sirend cboica fctock ili lalis l 1 s it it 1 1 i DOEiaaSi3 Q"003D)S An uan'ralled line of Cloaks and Jackets, In all atylea 4,0 d e', a well select i stock of Men's, Cbildren'aand Ldie . BOOTS AND SHOES, A Jarge eeortment of CARPETS, And ! cLie Sdleciiou f GROCERIES. Fiiai-clara goods and 1 readable prece alwaya adored. PURE Paints, Oils, Stationary, FOR THE BEST FURNITURE -CALI. ON T11E - Albany Furniture Company OPPOSITK STEWART A SOX", BED ROOMaSET8f TABLES CHAIRS, UPHOLSTERED GOODS. WALL PAPERS, BABY CARRIAGES ETC. ETC..ET I we And have a complete line of La Ha' an l Gnt' It ihber ( kk1. Rubber Ojats. Rardana Circulars. Nsr markets, and Silk an I OinsSam T7mKll.. Pri es to suit the trade. Rubber Boots, Sonde's and MrV Rubber Over alls. We sell M. D. Welle A C'a eelsbrat d ciist tn madt Bxita and Sboew, at-d cany tbe Latest St visa. Then goods are pnrobuso direct from th mm. ofettnrera in Cbicsgo. Aeir'y f- r en'e tn'sa' f "'d cu'a gordr, Gcod Value and We invite ycur faironage. . . BARROWS & SEARLS, MATTHEWS Carry a Stoves, TinwarejHardwarejEtc, "WMoh they are sellinjt at reruarkalby low price. JOB WORK carefully and promptly don at reasonable prloes," FURNITURE. You want tbe beat anil moat durable furntnretbat Is manufactured In the.eity go Thomas Brink. Hopkins & Sautmarsh DSALEll IN : STOVES; Tin WARE, SHEET IROrJ, COPPER 17ACE ETC., ETC. Afronts fur '0n Time" Heat in ft and cooktne; Stove's. Jub work, pla n -Jnx etow promptly attended to. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE IN THE CITY : evere S3 ALBANY, - - - OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR, rittel up in first-class style. Tables supplied with the beet in the market. Nioa sleeping spartoieftts. Sjimpla room' tor commercial travelers, t f I'r a Coach to aaii from site - Hotel, ATTRACTIONS. ONLY 1H ven lj DRUGS, Etc Anil Prampt attention ercbiis i. GUISS SON tbe celebrated Lndb t VbAt-e. in w m- Square Dealing. & WASHBURN. flrst-olaaa stock ol RedCrdwrj.Mills SOX LANNING 4 CO., UOPR's. aw rs.ocE.43 vloub surswoi, foi. ran I'-tss AND SAK1.KS USS. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES: O-h-t Trie a in C -b fo