The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 01, 1889, Image 1

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V 1
thp !ffit
AUv.irti'siog metlititn
In fh Central
1 sf
Issasd very Friday by
nrtU'.ng rate made known
K. I. Soi, IVra
Albany ;
-ManufiMitiirw '-
1EAM Uim CJ!5r AH) SAW
,tool A'U ill .t psM
l of n Mnr i
Patterns Mad rt Short Notioe,
i.yal . tuus oe.ll nn
Pante. Brothers,
Prjiuc8, Sited Goois, Etc
Their good are tne 1mh1 ami
lh( Ir.pilce
The best
liaiof kit glVM at W F.
Golden Rule Bazaar.
His stock has Ua enlaced ao that it -tiali any on the Coast, aud oonalsts of
Roger Bros. Silverware, French Ohinf. and Crys
talware, Boys' Wagons, Doll Oarriagef ,
Fancy Goods, and a general
assortment of Orockiey
and Toys.
He bnyt liratrt a nl earricH the largest stock
baa been addod a istmpleU line of
's Agent fr itisarane eompanles with a e-ittt axt raj(iZ ?3.iX9,ors .
?9lci om pari Kraoeaisw liter wird deulch geprochen."Vs
Mitchell & Lewis Co., .
iigricnltaral Iniplcincnts
I' ii iiiiim M jm,lf- j r-m-
and Vcliicjcs
t;. our listen bentc t. 2nd ail E !
Smoke ; the cigars . .
Manufactured by Julius Joseph,
Ping and smokij tobacco, Meerschaum and
smokes srthl genurslly. AlfcO alwsa
a Ttic Hie of
California and
The Hazelwood
JL ed by SeaUls in the late fire, was
aucn as to renaer tnoas no aomsiou
nod dependent upon the charity of the
world. The immediate v ants were tend
ed to, and the world at larg nobly re
sponded to the call for sM. But at the
present time the prospects for a long win
ter stares bard in the face of many hun
dreds: aickness frem exposure are cer
tain to occur, and the following plan ba
been devised to assist in oiring for the
unfortunates who may need medical as
sisUnce, by giving to the different bopl
tats a handsome sum of m jney.
- The Baselwead Laad Company
ba generously determined to donate the
nroeeeds of two hone and two hundred
lots to the hospital of the city, and has
purchased this property with a view to
(Upetngof it at a small advance over
cost and devoting the net proceeds to the
charities above mentioned ; and pro-oses
t Issue Hornets to ae soio xor z ou eacn
for the purpose of raising money to help
esrry on the work. They have placed
tickets on saiethrongboutthecoontry.imd
upon Deoemter 3L,iasy,a com rait teo con-
istlng of twelve prominent citi ens will
, SEATTLE,. .- -v
Fine line
,'cod stock
of Guns and
of Ainmiini-
inn ?,t Dcyoo- and "Rob
mmw iiiimiiiiiiimi im . mm mi in am
asomanua prompt treatment. 1 The re
sult of neglect may be aorloua. Avoid
U1 harsh and drastic purgatives, the
tendency of which is to weakon the
bowela. TI test remedy Is Ayer'a
Mil. Being purely vr-gotablo, their
action is prompt aud their eCtoct always
bonrflclal. They in u admirable
Liver and Aftor-dlnnor pill, and every
where endorsed by the profession. tmy
" Ayer-s run are btchly and nnlver.
ally spoken of by Uio people about
bora. I makft dally tun tl thoia In mr
practice." Dr. I. E. i'owlor, Brldgo.
port. Conn, .i a. - v. ,
'I fan recommend Ayer'a Tills nbovn
all others, having louff prove! Uitilr
value as cathartic for tnvscli and
family." J. X. Hess, LolOuvUlo, Ta.
"Tor several Years Ayer's mite bare
been used in my family. Wo find Intuit
aa LiiihTTiM. rrw mm - . .....
ara never without them In the house."
Moses Grenlor, Lowell, Mass,
"I hnvonaod Ayer's P1IU, for liver
trouble and indignation, during many
years, ami have always found them
prompt and etticlont In tholr action."
L, K. eiuith, L'Uca, N. Y. -n,- , L.
I anffered from constipation which
Miimett such an obatinatw form that I
feared it would eauae a stoppage of the
iHJwela. Two boxes of Ayer's Iflls ef-
fectod a complete euro." 1). Hurke,
wKWi we.
.vT 1 hT ncJ Ayer's nils for the part
thirty years and connlder them an in
valuable family medicine.'' I know
peuor remeay lor liver troubles,
and have always found them a prom;
l w uyniiriwia.- james ui
Middle st, liartlord. Conn.
"Ilavfnitbeen troubled with eoatlva.
tieas, which seems inevitable with per
sons of sedontary hubtts, I have trletl
Ayer's litis, hoplnj fir rolluf. I am
Clad to 'say that they have served uia
better than any other umUoine. I
arrive at this conclusion only after a
faithful trial of their merits." Samuel
T. Jones, Oak st., lioston, Mass &
Dr. J. CvAyr tt CoLowsIIMms.'
iebl by all Dealers la Uedlcla
in Ui
Willamette Vatley, to wbk-
briar pipes nd
ban on bald ''
Tropical droits.
Liiyd CompaiVY,
kake aU ilie numborKol tickets sold and
filsce them in' a box, they will then be
boronghly mixed and a boy blindfolded
wiilDlacehU hand in the box and draw
outone unmbor. anJ whoever holds the
corresponding number will Jbe awarded
one bonne ana mo pair oiiois upon wntcn
it is I uilt. Then tbo tu. ti number jrawu
ihall be awarded a lot, then the tenth
numbers lot. and soon, every thirty
flftb number drawn sball be awarded a
lot antll the two hundred and sixth nam
ber shall be drawn, which shall entitle
the bolder to the corresponding number
wbicb shall fee drawn, te tne remaining
houae and pair of lots.
All the above property is guaranteed to
be free of any aud allleins. mortgage or
anything that will impair a title. A war
ranty oeei aourinK a perfect . title win De
mads to every lucky ticket bolder who
wins a prize. The tickets are only placed
at $2 SO, and beside a standing show to
get a beaut if al heme worth f aOUS or s
worth z50. you are aiding one of
grandest charities which has ever n
of you aid. Turchaiey ur Uo'tiU '
agent or traveling , ct 17 1 lie t
roper credentials. 03 d art 1
with the Pugst Sound 3 atloatl Bv ic
foe WlutiroHonTaml indlirr-ation. anil
; Sworn In. Tim Drmocsat Iim eena
copy of the Amskm, publl.hed at Silks.the
capiul of A Imk ll bear date Oct. 51b
and given a column account of the wear
ing in ol the new Markhal.MrOT Torier
of tnl cltv. on the ml IntUnt, Alter that
event hd taken nlnce In tUi Court, ft tur
pi Ue reception v tenoeid Mrl'oiicr In
the Mlllmore lloune, which pronoune
d a fine fflr. (Jovvrnor Knupp dcllv
red the addi ct of welcome, to which Mr
Port-r rtt.pondcd.aud ceclic were mad
by severs! of the guvtl prs.cut slid
umptuou ippst served. The following
r Mr 1'uiter nnivilntmcnU ! Deputy
A A Mcvci-.wl) J had ulicidv ei vtd ciulit-
een innnlh a nucii t special ucputyjonn
llanlon, reuppointed 1 prWon guri.,Ucn
r L Bahrt, John A King, Erwln Anders
deputy at lunenti. Ma Endeiman ; dfpu
ty at Ounnt.t.ka. Nry It Antony. All
hav been re.iJcitu tlicre for lom'u time.
and mo.t have ben In the ri vice.
An ExMfLK Hie following from the
Salem irtthou what can be done in
this glorious Valley In the line 1 "S
A Clark and son shipped two car losdt oi
dilcd fruits from title place to-day, one car
coiulgned to Helena, Montana, and the
other to llutte City, Montana, Mr Clark
ha shipped in all five ear load of dried
fruit thut f ir tliU teaon,a',I leciucd from
forty acre of fruit tree. Slxtv thoutaml
pound have far been dried from this
number of acre. Mr Clark could have
found a ready market for double the
smount ot fruit be will have for tale. Ill
fruit farm I a ucce and It fame It te
coming known far and near."
At Laruk. -The darkey Glbb, who
killed Jas MrPcvl tat Portland, ha. not
been found. It ccm a mighty coy thing
In this country for a murderer to escape.
The trouble In Portland U that the tatcally
police force h been waiting for bigger re
ward. In the name of Ju.tice what are
police force for anyway. In Portland
they term to be to collect toll, and keep
their hand behind them for more. It I a
burning thame that in a progrelve count
ry like thi crime can repeatedly go un
punished it doe in the Northwc'.
A False Statkmsxt.- The Albany
and Salem paper have stated recently
that owing to Eugene not having a public
hall, it hat been decided to not bold the
GAR encampment here next prlng.
Thl it all fatte for nothing ot the kind hat
been thought of. Thus erroneou.iy tatet
a Eugene paper. The Albany and Salem
papers did nothing ot tne kind, eugene
ws mot backith enough to make it II
llceme extortionate, csutiag Its theater to
be transformed Into tore,and the paper
referred to simply invited the G A K to
meet in entarorUins cities enoueh to hav
large theater building for the purpoe.
M too, PfcTC.' The following start-
ihng statement I made in a Salem paper :
'The Capital Journal prnpoe to voice the
sentiment ot the people at our next coun
ty and state election and In a manner that
will ctu.a cold drop of sweat a Urge a
good ilced fat bern to tand out on a few
politician forehead.' The Dsmochat
would ju.t like to know a paper that
doesn't propose to yolce the tentluient of
the people. All of u are going to do it and
keep your eye on the fact.
Makrieii Aoain. On Wedneday,Oct
33rd, st thehome of the bride, 130 North
Eighteenth street, In Portland, by Rev T
L Cole, Edgar L Eaton to Ettella King,
daughter of Mrs M King. We understand
thl Is the M r Eaton who resided in Al
bany about tan year agotfte rward geing
to California, marrying, getting a divorce,
coming north, being in Albany last year
na locating In rortland-
Will Get There Mr Johnson, editor
of the Tillamook Watchman, wa In At to
rla recently and to the ' Astoria Pitnuur
laid that the people of Tillamook have
every a.turance from the Mbany k Ato
rla railroad, which hat completed aturvey
to Tillamook, and for which he ald the
Chicago & Northwetern company ha
furnUhed the mouey, that an early connec
tion by rail with Atoria will be made.
New Bricks. Next spring promises to
be the liveliest on in building in the his
tory ot Albany. Among the brick now
in contemplation 1 s bl one from the
Tweedale block to the O F temple, a three
ttory brick with sn elevator on Dr Mak
ton's corner, the -Orcgen Banks block, a
block on Hubriull and Klinet forty .foot
purchase, JonRT Schmeer brick livery
stables and probably eight or ten other
Increased Did It Baker City has
Incressed about Sioo.oao In taxable
roperty during the past ytur-Ex.
Such item Indicate nothing these day
under our present miserable system of
assessment, with property at the same
value In ajplace like Baker City an atsest-
ment could be Increased that amount with
ease that would astonishing. A
fluctuation In assessment Is nothing with
change of assessors. A man like Parker
of Astoria can make things bubble though.
A Trade. ThursdayMrs.Cheadle sold
to A. Klein and J. J. Dubrullle.forty feet
front, off . the west of her First Street
property, the keeping the house, and col
lecting the rent for tlx month, they get-
njr lust dirt. They paid for the property
by transferring tsooo worth 0 property
n tne eastern suburbs of tne city .including
the three house just built on East First
To be Abandoned It teem pretty
certain that Fort Klamath I to be aband
oned, after all the talk otherwise. A Bid-
well a soldier, on hi way home Sunday
said that the military telegraph line wa
advertised to be told toon, which will end
the matter soon a the corporal guard
there now is removed. Lakevlew .xmt
Lots or Booms. Over thirty boom
have been tent out during the past week
and abont twenty-five men are employed
all the time. Aberdeen Herald, Albany
ha its hands fnll of one boom, and about the
same number of men are employed In run
ning it; but It is a good healthy one, and
every pody 1 spiked tor the business.
Late Now. It I reported that train
on the Southern Pacific have order not to
run over six mile an hour when approach
ing a (witch, remaps thai is the reason
they are late as a rule these days.
An Elephant, All the country be
tween Lebanon and Albany is being plat
ted a apddltion to the latter city. Eugene
Register. It is thus that a little enterprise
get voiced about and soon become an
elephant. ;
Would'nt Dare To. A Seattle paper
publishes the mortgage recorded. In Al
bany ii would cause a perpetual row for
the editor. That' the difference twixt
Sonnd cltiet and Willamette Valley cltit.
Ice The Albany ice work will soon
tart up and fill their house for the winter
consumption, manufacturing probably . 135
ton. The season wa a good one, the sale
of Ice through the valley being large.
A Bis FreihtBiix. Speaking about
big freight bills one Albany man paid $16,
o for freight during the month of Sep
tember. It wa on wheat. Can Salem
Crook Cotcrim 0 0 MoFarlauJ, tf
Ivlntnath alienor, formerly of Albany, wsi
her !at week looking aftsr stook interest.
Ed Smriil hat gone to AH.aity to rwud
in winter.
J M Fauittit rvturnrd th fimt of tlio tk
flow lirownsviUe, whom lie hmt bno with
two load of wttol, llu sulil it for 1U1 entt
a pounci.
E1 tJro, tit SiUm lmlolmr. nooirp.l
abont 150 head of be f from ll'iti Allen tni.
week. Mr Cross ! dfivsn in the urili
hothmxl of 30 lf from Cr k county to
Salem this Sanson,
Agtit Lackey wm over from Wans
Spring this vteolt. Its y svrj thing en
thsaiit'iioy i ruunina smootiilv.nitd hi n-
sitiun Is p!4nt one, tlmuuh th work
0nauect1 Uh th'o'it's ollU is Siiink-
lit rdU'n. US Iuio'nr (1iny visit.
d the auuo ritiuiitly.aud Mr Luekrv vs
xprsssed bimnvlf well setinilcd with the
sl'air of the agency,
Th ditharneof Geiiro Nuttiim last
May. which Is seDerallv
ln tha work tf an iti. i still a mv
tsry.siul th partins who art most iiitTted
in disoovering his nmnlarrr have a'ni!oii.(l
the 'vh nlir'-ly, When tnch srluirt s
thoss niitioi)f,l a' vau h committed
and th r)o.t iitv-tiatii'n fails to dmoov-
rrinopsipstratois it teems tUre I li'.t!
piotection to life or property Rrtiew.
Fa 1 say. That Friday l an unlucky
day U a very foolish Idea, and 's one that
should be done away with by Judge, let
ting days promiscuously for hanging pur
pose. . Beside the fact that the Weekly
lbmockat ana nieti wectiy puprr are
published on Friday, lite following are
worth considering, and as well would Indi
cate that It I a lucky day, or rather that
dayt have nothing to do with It.
W ashlngton born on F: Idav.
Queen Victoria married on Friday.
Napoleon Bonapart born on Friday.
Battle of Bunker Hill fought on Friday
America discovered on Friday.
May flower landed on Friday.
Joan of Arc bnrned at the stake on Fri
Battle of Waterloo (aught on Friday.
l!ttle destroyed on Friday.
Declaration ot Independence tinned on
Baltic ol Marengo fought on Friday.
Julius Ctessr sssastlnatcd on Ftlday,
Lee surrendered on Friday,
Fort Sumter bombarded on Friday.
Moscow burned on Friday.
Shakespeare born on Friday.
King Chartna 1 beheaded on Friday.
Richmond cva:uied on Friday..
Battle of New Orlean fought on' Friday.
A Great Feat The 'Modoc' left for
Portland yesterday morning after an up
river trip unprecedented In boating on the
lllsmctte river.say t the Stattgmait. For
ty-eight hours were consumed In the round
tiip between thl point and Albany. Per.
hap no man could have cone over the
route at aero stage of wa'er but Capt Jim
Smith, whose twenty- fivey cars' experience
n logging, steamBoating and towing on
hi river wa brought Into play piloting
the boat through deylou channel pre
senting the only passageway, Capt Smith
is niitng the berth ot the regular chief of
the boat, Capt Bell, who I lying on the
malarial bed at Portland. Ills Illness,
however, I not regarded as serious. The
feat performed by reaching Albany with
the river at the ,ro tc I something
nevei before accomplished by any vessel
on the upper river. . . .
A Good Example. A a meeting of th
hambcr of Commerce held last evening,
wa dicldcd t" print 15.000 copies, of
5,000 of each of the daily paper, with a
rite up of the city a endorsed at a pcevl-
ous meeting. That is the only war to
properly advertise the city. Th cast U
flooded with descriptive circular of citle
and towns. What the people of the east
went to see Is the paptrt published in a
city. Capital!! form an opinion of a city
from the appearance of It papers. A let
ter received at this office yesterday from
ohn rumore, 01 urn a ha, requests u to
send him s copy of all the paper published
here and says : "1 don't want any clrcu-
rsor picture book. 1 want the papers
published In your city and all ot them."
Astoria lrantcnft.
A Probability. Certain purchase In
Astoria In the Interest of the O R Si N
make it Icok a If it were the purpose of
hat company to build railroad to that
city, and thereafter make Afctorla the
termlnu ot the steamship line, leaving
the trip to Portland out. The people of
that city at least are building high hope
on the possibility, and It 1 undoubtedly
only a ouestlon of time whet thl will be
done. But Portland no longer depend on
the river for it life, it vould probably
continue to be the main distributing cen
ter. Gilmore's Band. The Democrat ba
ecei vd the following with a request to
publish It and a everybody know Gil-
more' band beat them all for reputation,
ha no hesitation In doing so: One of the
series of Monster Musical Festivals taking
place throughout the land this year, in
celebration of the Twentieth anniversary
of Boston Great Peace Jubilee wilt be
held in x post' Inn Music Hall. 1'ortiand
isov 4th and 5th conducted In person by
P 8 Oil mo re, the most popular and suc
cessful of all musical leader, assisted by
hi fined bard In the world and its great
soloists, several celebrated royal artists,
grand chorus, anvil chorus artillery ac
companlment, etc. i
Same Experienck. A few week ago
we citled a case from Albany where
tramp painter had painted a house and
received hi pay but did not ' pay for the
material used, and the man who told the
material took a Hen on the house . A slml
lar case has just come to light here, A
tramp came here and painted a house and
received hi pa and then skipped, owing
S30 for material used. Mow the man who
furnished the material has taken a Hen on
the house and the owner will be obliged
to pay two price for hi painting. It will
pay to be careful who you employ. tu-
gene Jtegtster.
B & L Associations Rrently ten
thare of the lecat Building and Loan a
toelation ef Astoria were (old for $300.
The seller received what he had put in
n monthly due and 31 per cent pe
month. The association there ha opened
its sixth series and I proving a fine thing
for the city a well a for the member,
both bo rrowersand lender.
Fire and Hammer, W T Ellis, editor
of Fire and Hammer, and the man who re
cently caused such a dltturbance at
Brownsville, hat removed to Eugene with
a whole car load of trapt and will locate
here for a time, &y the Register. - He ha
ettled in a barn near the Unlvertlty, where
he will probably conduct a holiness rlvival
and job printing house. He wa put in
iail at Brownsville and now boatt of a
$10,000 damage suit against the town.
Not Alone. New York tax'rate thl
year ic $1,95 on $100 and Philadelphia ii
the tame. Much of the best real estate In
New York U assessed for taxable purpose
at not over one-third the value placed on
it by the owners. This thowa that Oregon
It not alone In this kind of a way of assess
ing property.
An Historical Man Geo P Baker,
who recently moved to Forest Grove to
make his home, coming from Michigan, U
the Baker who discovered Jeff Davis in
his famous disguise, and hence has a rep-
O REG 01,', FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 188!).
That-' UuiLtiiNO Association. Th
Minneapolis Tri'tune h tU to tay ot th,
American Building and Loan Association
of that city, of which there are member
In Albany, and which It being generally
tpodi 'It I the business ot reputable
and honest urgan of local op'nlon to see
hut establishment locating themselves
here and thriving upon the good name ot
this community shall not go up and down
the land pushing Imptcper scheme with
out being called to explanation or account.
It I the belief of many quarter, East and
west that the Ameriran Building and
Loan association ts a scheme lo defraud
the poor and unwary , The least rejnita-
me nnit cl the business 01 nut 'American
Building and LoMn association' I lit cx
pence. This American association
exlns aolely and purely because It can cob
led under guise of an expense fund an
enormous sum of money that gov pre
sumably, In the pocket of the managers.
no other financial institution ever or
ganised on earth, net even the worst of th
boga assessment Insurance"- lO.npsnlrs.
hire ever asst. believe made such exorhl.
lant charges: for"
Duo At 3 a in. at the Pioneer House
'11 this city, Mr J L Crowaer died of lung
fcr after an Illness of about a week. Ill
body vai taken to Salem on the Boon train
by J B Guls where It was burled. The
deceased wa a young man, unmarried
about thirty year of age, and came from
Salem here, having resided there, though
only a lew week. 11 originally came
from New York with a sister now In Sa
lem. his only surviving rrlntlv.. hr. I la
wa a machinist by trade and had secured a
position In the Albany Iron Works, work
ing one day when taken til. del report
d a steady man, having been In good
health previously and wa member In
good standing In the order of Odd Fellow,
who took care of him here In bis last sick
nets, and his remain after hi death.
Ths DeRNRtt FAeronv. The question
at lo whether the Sugar PI ic and Lumber
Company will rebuild their Urge factory
at Grants Pats I one which I tlll caut
jng much anxiety at that enterprising
young city, according lo the latest report
from there. The lost of th company I a
very heavy one $60,000 with no Insur
ance, but if the factory should not be rebull'
tbelosstothe town will be Mncslculsble
Th cltlaen have subscribed a cash bonu
of $9000, or offer to take ficvooo stock It Is
aid, a an Inducement to the company to
rebuild. Albany and other town down in
the H'Ulamette are making overture of a
bonus to induce th company to move thi
ther, It I said. Ashland Tidimgi.
A Surprise Party. When thenlor
editor of the Democrat went home last
Friday about nine ocleck from a meet
ing of the O T encampment he w con
Iderably anrprlsed to find hi residence
full ol fifty ortlx'y of hi Albsny frhnd
old and young. As It was hi fiftieth
birthday th truth soon became apparent.
II had been surprised In a genuine old
fashioned manner. An evening wa spent
In a nnnr only experienced at the
home of newspaper men. Not a single
cry for "enp" being heard during the
evening. A feature ot the evening wa
nowcry speech delivered by Mr V t
Tweedle,fotlowed by the presentation to
Mr Slice of a handsome gold headed cant
on behalf of the guest.
I!oas Timrvk's. &hciirT SHban cap
tured three horte thieve Monday on
warrant from Umatllia connty, say the
Eugent (imarJ. They are charged with
stealing 13 head of horses, one of which
from the description belonged to Sheriff
Sloan. Their capture was effected at a
logging camp up the McKenxle and they
were completely surprised. Their name are
K May, John Bingham and I w fanning.
The sheriff took them to Albany Monday
morning and turned them over to US
Marshal f M r arris who took them to
Pendleton wheie an examination will be
held before US Commissioner. Officer
had been on the track ot the men for 30
Axitt.Asn, Here I what an Ex. say
about Ashland: The boom booraeth no
more In Ashland, and the time I dull
The landlord walleth ani taketh strong
drink In hi anger, because "To Let" ap
peareth on numerous houses wlthtn the
city. Also the real estate fiend sltteth In
sack cloth and ashe and I down on hi
luck, for verily, he hath no silver sheckle
to rattle in hi pant' pocket.
The Fiptm TriaL. W II Metigerand
Cary Buck made their fourth attempt last
Friday to leave for the east. They succeed.
ed In getting far a Tangent, when
they found their tickets to be incorrect and
had to return to Albany to have them cor
rected. They left on the nvn train a-
galn. Mr Metxger will go Into buslne
with a brother, whl'c Mr Buck will well
ha Intend to return to Albany and make
tnt nts nome. 1 ne rett t a cret- .
Theatrical, Eckerts operatta com
pany will play In Albany Nov 4th and 5th
and the Chicago Comedy company, now
up theUolumbla for week beginning Nov
nth. The latter has been doing a sue.
cessful business, and will bi given full
house. Eckert is a firtt-clats theatrical
manager and will give tome live operatta,
A Horse Talk, A good juke I .told
on nlghtwatchman Witter of Eugene. . A
few nights ago, he discovered a'stray hone,
IJe secured the horse and led him to tht
pound. Mr witter went at noon to c
what he had captured, when to til great
astonishment he feund that it was his own
horse which had escaped from hi pasture.
A Genctir Bilk. The latest swindle
n Astorlan is a bilk who answered to the
name of Chat. Trcnlow. Last week, en
tht ttrengthof an alleged membership in
the I. O. O. F. be got $5 from one mem
ber, $3 from another, a ticket to Portland
from a third, etc. During nl sojourn
there he blew In his ubttancein Paradise
Lott. and claimed to be unfortunate. A
the papers there want him advertUed well,
we give the anove in our cetumn.
After Seventeen Years. Mr Pceb
ler, who run a blckmlth hop In Albany,
and who left for Umatilla county seventeen
vears airo where he ha run a farm near
Weston, ha sold out there and haa return
ed to Albany, which he Intend making his
Svo An Acre. Last Saturday Mr
... .. .. .
Jason Wheeler old to Dr Scroggln, re
centlv from Mitsourl I3H acre ol choice
fruit land off hi farm near the city, recel
vlnir Saooo for the time. The Wheeler
farm la among the most desirable land ad.
loinlne Albany and will go up with the
market. ; :: ; ,:. ..V: ,"
Lebanon. Mra 8 W Hindman 1 now
In LaGrande visiting her daughter, Mr
S E Howard, v.: .Mr' Phil Smith took
charge of the St Charle hotel Tuesday,
and It nv getting It fixtd up In firit-clas
style. Fxfrm;-:,;:,
At the Hub. - Friday Mr II Bry
ant told to Mr Tucker, of the Fork two
nice lot adjoining hi home property
Consideration $ son. Mr Bryant ha alto
made several tales of acre lot. -
Open Them. It i about Ume for the
ttreets leading into - the country to be
opened, particularly Ellsworth and a few
others. Why can not this be done. ,
A Strickino Likeness, The last West
Shore hat a line ficiure of Marshal Hoff
men, of thl city. By mistake though the
name of Wallls J Thompson, of Tacoma,
Wltli If AVX T 00.
, Secretary Wlndom has finally decided
th question as lo the admission, re of
duty, of argentiferous lead ore from
Mexico. Lead mine owner alt over the
or months, have been Insisting that sec
retary Wlndnn should change tho dipart
nenta! ruling heretofore mide and direct
custom officer to require thj payment
of the same duties on lead ore containing
liver or gold at on lead ore. People who
have been observant of the course of thl
administration on th tariff question hav
noticed that it ha resolved all doubtful
questlonsln favor tit higher dutles.But sere
tary Wlndom decide thla quest lon'ln favor
ol"free trade at republicans arepleascdto
exprtss It. lie y argentiferous
ore must be admitted free of d.uv. In
quisitive peo,)l who alty de-ire to
know the real reason of an an or djcUlen
of a public official will hi delving into the
matter to find. Wlndom' real reason for
thlt decision, Ot courts they will not be
content to accept the reason which he,(the
secretary,) gl retthe law and custom
ot the departineut for auch decision, for
they know the secretary chlerfully disre
garded the law when he approved the de
clslon made byjtlie collector of custom of
Philadelphia om month ago Increasing
the duilc on worsted goods. It may be
that the real motive of the decision of the
secretary may be found In the fact that he
own a la-ga Interest In th railroad In
Mexico to the United State. If hi deci
ion had been otherwise th it railroad would
have lost much freighting business to do
In that line. Mr Wlndom' decision on
the Chinese question hat aroused a great
deal of feel'ng on thlt coast and thl de
clslon will call out much aggressive criti
cism. It does look now like Wlndom
would do, before another year roll around
a Tanner had to go.
Candidate for placet on the republican
tate ticket at the ectUi next June art
bobbing up all over the state. Here are,
ssrne of them: D P Thompson of Portland
E L Smith and Ex- govt nor Moody oi
Wasco and C C licekman ot Jacksonville
all want to be governor. Bob Ifendrick
of Salem, Peter Ilun.e of Brewntvlll
and T W Cusick of Albany all want to be
state treatursr. J F Halloran of Astoria
and Frsnk C Baker of Salem would bt
willing to be sUtt printer. Judge Black
burn of thla city would accept the ermine
peeullarjto a judge of the eupreme court.
The certainty of election will bring out a
rich harvest of candidate.
A .reasonable compromise I always
cheaper than litigation.
People more stubborn than wise cause
nt-half of all the litigation,
Deed for the conveyance of real prop
erty are too often drawn by unskillful
If you reduce jour contract to writing
put It alt In writing.
The failure to take a receipt to for mon
ey paid cause many a law-suit.
Be cautiou In dealing whh the man
who think It unnecry to give a receipt
tr money paid him.
Never attempt to do business unless
yon hare time to do It properly.
President Harrison bas appointed Green B
Ratim to succeed Tanner In the pension office.
Raum la a politician of very strong prejudices,
but astute withal. Ha is very much like
CUiksoa, and it is safe totsy that the office
will be run, politically, for all there is in ii.
The numerous railway accidents in Marion
Linn and I-ane counties lately breed the sug
gestion that a director or some other official of
the Southern Pacific company be placed vn the
cow catcher to kick the cows and sheep off the
track as th train approaches them.
Near Olden, on the Ozark mountains in
southern Missouri, is one of the finest fruit
farms on the continent. It consist of aaeo
acre of bind, owned by a syndicate formed of
mem beil of live Missouri Horticultural society,
and planted to 61,000 peach, 23,000 apple and
tooo pear tree, with 40 acre in small fruits.
The enterprise is a grand tuccets. Twenty
men were employed to thin the peach crop tint
tpring, and it is estimated that not less than
1 1,000 butbeU of fruit were thrown down to
ensue the deveiopewent of what remained.
A Berlin corretpondent writes that Bismarck
ooks with foreboding upon bit death a the
probable signal for preparation for war. A
young emperor, say the writer, who think of I
nothing but machine gum and tmokelets pow
der, I on the throne. The jingle of spur and
the rattle of musketry are In this young man's
ears all daylong and echo in his dreamt at
It la mentioned, as an Illustration of
Bismarck's simplicity of life, that the
number nn the door of many of the
bedroom In the hotel that wa on the
estate at Fredericksburg, when It wa pre
tented to blm by the old emperor, are
still to be seen, though it is many a year
since he had the structure altered for use
a hts own residence.
The election oi Scth Low to the presl
dency of Columbia college placed another
tariff reformer at the head of a great Insll-
tutlcn of learning. Mr. Low delivered a
Republican tpeechlnElmh in the course
t which he said: "You eannot hope to
keep the tariff at it present mark any
more than you can hope to keep the ocean
The "spared monuments" still continue
In office. Cannot tomethlnz. be done to
prevent Democrat from drawing fat sal
arletf Republican office seekert cannot
exltt on wind In cold wather, "
''lofting to Eqnal It."
T utvabean selling Slmmoua Liver
Regulator for the past aiz years. My
customora pronounce it tne beat ever
used. One of my customer whole bealtb
wa in s wretched condition from a very
bad and stubborn case of dyspepsia, used
the Regulator and was entirely cured. 1
or and was entirety ci
nmnHil mvself for torp
my self lor torpid liver, cans
ed bv olos confinement. I find nothtu
to equal it ana nigniy reoommona 11a ue
. nsspeoiiuuy,
aPHissY, Eli v -rg, V
MerU Win.
Ws astir in ssr to onr elUsens, tlist tor yssrt
h.v. bean lelilnir Dr. Kln&r's Ne lltscoverv far Con-
sumjit'inn, Ir Kiug's Nsw Lit Pills, Bucklon's Ar
ksa Saiv and Rlsctrla Bittnrs. sn bavs nsvsr band-
led remiie tbstsell ss well, or thst hsvegivsn such
nniv.rial sstlttsctjon. Wa do not hesiUU to iruar-
antes them every time, snd e stand ready to refund
tbe mlrcbsae price. It Hlisisetoiy results do not tak
law their use. Those remedies ntvewon their great
pifHi'.rity purely Jon tiieir merits, Foshay snd Ma.
son, druggist,. . ;
7 Oak eurea' rheumatiam, neuralgia and
toothache. Foshay ic Mason Agsnts.
, it e.
V. f ARHEI13 SCAD. -
"It it an insult to common sense to affirm
ihat the tariff enhance the price of wheat,
corn, oals, cattle, hoga. horse or males, poul-
"7, mmcr, cneese, mux, hsy, fruits, vegetab
le, eollon or tobacco leaf. The price of the
larmcr product is fixed by the foreign mark
et,and the price of nearly evervthina the farm.
er f uys is determioml liy the tariff and it In-
citlent, -Ii is an ugly iruih, but it can not lie
wipeu om. ,
We yrnture the opinion ihat every rrpubti
cr newspaper in (he ttatc will denounce the
"" ne --iree iraue euusions of some
democratic newspaper wmking in the interests
of England, an, all that -,Well, nw iwppose
that my republican firmer in Lion county
hould candidly set down and carefully weigh
the slule-ncnl made in Ibe above extract could
ht deny the truth of it, notwithstanding it
may have Iwen wiitien by tome democrat ? No
honest man with a ipark ot intelligence will
deny. ; But hold; let ftce. The alwve ex
tract it taken fiom a recent is. ue of lbs Chicago
irwon of the most loyal tepubliran papers
is the country, Well be it a tepublicanor a
democratic spying, it Is true, si gospel truth
- g.'iL..j. ..... j
i, HKALTil MilTI. i
Rice Is' quickly digested.
Too much food is weakening.
Good rooking i a foe to loieiniernce.
Uiliout pctsont should svoid in'Jng eggs,
Dy;tj,ia and skepticism are often associa
ted, . ' . ' !- . s- - ...
Typhoid fevcr is a disgrace lo the nineteenth
It It better no! to eat anything whatever be-
twein as: its.
Sore throat is often the sequel lo sn over
loaded stomach. .,.,,.. ,
Too much meat and too much alcohol are
wearing out the American heart.
The strength is not infrequently increased
by reducing the amount of food taken.
A feeble liver cannot dispose of malt liquors
and a strong one Is better ofl without them.
The smount of water required every twenty
four hours by the adult tyitena, is estimated at
five piuts.
It has been observed that people who suiter
front nerve exhau'tion drink bat little water.
It is suggested that auch persons drink mote.
Typhoid fever is seldom spread except .by
polluted water, Ice, milk a ad meat. A patient
m a hospital has never been known to take it
fiom another sick with the disease.
The Rose burg riaindraler sayt: "We ven
tare the assertion that the Democrat, with
til its cry of "down with the robber tariff,
dare not say that it i in favor of the removal
of the tariff on Southern products. What say
you, Bro. Democrat," W are now.and have
bven for years, in favor of making a reduction
of the tariff duties on sugar, rice, oranges,
wool, iron, coal, and other southern products.
If the rUnndealtr thinks the Democrat Is
not open a ad candid a to It tariff view then
it arrive at that conclusion through ignorance
of the Democrat's method of treating the
The profit in telegraphy a harvested by
that bug monopoly, th Western Union Tele
graph Company, sre exorbitant sad unfair to
the public who support it. The revenue of
thi company last year wu f 30,783,19; ex
prates, 114.305,151, leaving a profit of 96,
11 8,043, or nearly thuty per cent, of the grots
income- The number of messages sent last
year is 54,108,826, costing on an average
about thirty two cents each. Twenty year
ago the number of messages was 7,934,633.
Tke stock of this company bas been watered
to many timet that it would be difficult to as
certain its actual cash cost It I high time
that our Government assumed lbs telegraph
business of the country at a branch of the pos
tal service. The actual cost of a telegram
would not then exceed tea cent.
Clifton R Breckenridge, member of congress
from Arksnsas, replying to the question at to
who would be the leader of the democrat! in
the next lower house of congress said: "By in
heritance, tradition, usage and everything
commonly governing in tuch cases, I would
say that, so tor as the Democrats shall need a
leader on the floor and in council they will
find bim in ex speaker John G Carlisle. Hit
position as f peaker of the bouse, hit pre emin
ent abilities and great experience, the confid
ence rejosed in hi sagacity and bis unswerv
ing orthodoxy, all declaie that be will lead the
minority in the fifth first congress-" This it a
iutt tribute to one of the greatest and best
democrat! in the country. T
There is a beautiful custom in some of the
northern part of Europe. There the white good soil, increase a shilling in value I
every year. The tree are generally cut down
at the aee of twenty veart. as they are then
supposed to have attained their full growth.
When a daughter is born in the family of al
respectable farmer, th father, a soon a the
teaton will permit, plant a thousand young
trees, which oi to constitute the dowry of the
miden,"which grow as she grow and increase
in height and value i her virtue! and beauty
Russian officials have recently collected sta
tistics concerning the number of beggars in
Russian province and cities. Russia has about
350,000 beggars, all of whom carry on begging
at a business with the indorsement! of village,
city and church authorities. Upward of 3200
of them are of noble blood, .149' r the
clerical calling, so we-e one merchants,43434
huckster and small trader and 181,933 peat-
ant. : ' ' '. '
A clerk fa one of the departmenU in Wash
ington hai discovered that "soldiers in the late
war were killed in their first, third and fifth
battlet more than in any other, After a sold
ier it killed in three battlet he ought to have
experienced enough to escape death in all the
subsequent engagements. .
Williain Kelly, a Montana man, bad alway
declared that he wanted to die in his boots, A
few day ago he wat fatally gored by an old
i lame cow.and when dying he felt 0 chagrined
about it that the boy pulled hi boots on.hred
their pistol in the air, and made hit last mo
ments as heroic as possible. ;
If the Infamout forgery and conspiracy
against the Democratic candidate for governor
in Ohio shall result in the defeat of the Windy
Foraker. all will aeree that some good has
come out of the great wrong. ,
In Cashmere 30,000 shawls are made year
ly. It take three men a year te weave a pair,
It takes ten goatt to furnish the material for
one and s half yrds square.
Aceerding to official figures, the ea tire yield
ef wheat in Minnesota for 1889 was 45",498,305
bushels, making the average per acre .15.50
bushels, ' -
-s.,, . .....v-.
lit fSllR"
, j,,
a evwsevt vsotrrsaiss rawiur tscotetac.
m . ma ' i
Priry, OH E Dollar
TToo majority c tha tu ot Use bumaal
tody artoe fawn a sUssaaad XJvar. film,
toons L4vsT Ileguhitor bas been the maans
of restoring more people to bealtb and
bappineoe by giving tbem a bealtby
Uvar than any oibnr ag eney on eartb- g) j
, ,1). ....
tr ' -"-is!,
M lost
Real Bargains.
Notions, Furnshing- Goods, etc,
Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silk,
Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie
ry, Fancy Goods, etc
The Leading -Oash
nr vies g i ?jAi? 1 a 1 1 ti 1
ink ni ssiv -
1. ''s"rv"'v'ivj
Lookout For Low Prices.
I am now retaiiing f urnttnre at voy factory t cott. PeopU wishing t. u.
tnrt can do well to look here for bavftaw8,a x nm , v
tho next 50 daya. Como and ex i
Factory at the river end of Lyon street.
" ' f Dealer In all the Leading
Guns; PistoIs,"Sewing Macbincs, Organs and Pianos,
machlce needier. Oils and extras for all rraehloea supplied.
Repairing of sewln,? machlnca, musical Instmmei ts, guns, ete neatly don
f I
'""ft I 1 1 V,i, 0 aje at Albany
aK-ond-la mail tnatter.
first National Bank
tV A. til, ORCUftX.
u ri.ivv
........... h, e, yn tu,
-.K. W. I.AWijoo;.,,
.......iht. y. rowei.b
rtcs Prsfkisiit ....
TKArrACTS A OENEUAt-lwnHins Inwlima.
Acxmnrni Merr suhject to brk.
iflOHT eXCIf AffOE -ft.l tr rsrMe Irsnftr, ,i
I fork, Hon IVaiiriKX, wcio mad I'cn
CObLgCTIO W If A DK on fev.jrsbl tctrc . ' .
. nssorcnui, - . ..
i, K Toirs, K, W. L(K)S, '
b E Ruia, ' b. Yux,
Vium K Tt'aaau,
Linn Couniv Rank.
Cowan, Ralston & Chamberlain,
TRAXSCTSK"fcrtl banking bosliwat.
DkAwmoin DHpriM n. t- r,.
Mo snj portten.l, Ormrvo
LOAN MOrfETun aipiorai Mearily '
fcWtrVEO,iU.jh)t rbwk.
Hank of Oregon.
.....J. W. BLalN".
11. F, MCKHIt.L
Vi- Prllnnt
Cablpr.... ..... .
Siabtnxchanga and teleirranhh: IratiK-
foi 1 Vorli, Sn Franc loco am!
Portland, Ors.n.
CollMiion insde on favorably tern:a.
fit lost
Dry Goods Store.
vi f a -
nine roygoooH o4l.. "--;
' .
3 ,1
'appears under it.