1 t. v r ) ? J SU3. DEMOCRAT. C2 IH ADVANCE ; $2 50 Al END CF YEAR. IssasJ every Friday ly OTITR9 As NUTTING. rtlalng rates made known K f H x t "r.wtr 8 Albany IRONWORKS. -Mmiftolnrtr f- TEAM UZm CH13T AH 3 SAW UlllMOlNERY m mm AHO ALL Kl!.3 OF HEAVY AMI LIGHT WOHX, IN ROMANO BRASS CASTINGS. fA4l '!. ill m pM d of in vMnarv re-mlrlng l PttUerris M4 on Short Notice, THE PLACE. jv4. . tit (i otll on Pane. Biota, A wr a 'f rAa .Vr, 'r Groeer.'s, Prjluca, Baked Goads, Etc. Etc. Thtvlr g-fcvlt are In ta and IIm (r prW munniblc WOOD SAWIXJ. wooj aawatl on hnrl notlea.anywhera In the elty. Rgnlr prion. Maoerd'i-'." Order let at Rrowna kl promptly attended id Gn. IS. Warrbm, m Gradwohl's Golden Rule Bazaar J I la stock Uaa bmn anUrj(.l thai U -Ui'- any ou the (.'. and ooualataof Roger Bros. Silverware, French Ohinf and Crys talware, Boys' Wagon3, Doll Oarriagef, Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Grockxey and Toys. He bays iirsot a id oarrie. Ui lnr atock has been addod a eompieta lino of FAMILY GROCERIES. a Agent for intnranei com pan 19 with a ei?tUl are'Uiu2 ITS.OM.V. 0Tlc on parle Franesia. HWr wird dentoh geprochen."a NKW STORE. N EW GOODS Mitchell & Lewis Co.,' -DEALERS IN- Agricoltnral 'implements .,g. ,, yaasaaaaaaaai p I " ' ' '"--l? ii i aw Jqly-MiisOiiaiii iaitiiaeiriiii,.,Vi.nk'irf" I :j--,:JrMI and Vehicles titi-th our ALBANY, To wao'i the best and moat durabl FURNITURE Thomas Brink. WILL BROS., Dealers in all lbs Leading - t ; ., . ..... "... - , . , .,' ....... u. ..- ;! (V'.: Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos, A full line of sheet inusic, musical nurcti-indlse, amrannition, flhlns tackle, etc. Wsrrsctrd rs.ors, butcher and pocket knives. The beist kind of sewing rnaeji ipe needier. Oils and extrss for all nracblne supplied. ' - Jiepalring cf sewing machines, mtulcal instrnments, guns, cto neatly doao " ' - JL. ' ; " " '. ORECOn, VOL. XXV. iTIieHeaclien , - - - , TTho advised bor Pur.Ua to strr.nirtl.nn their minds by tlio una of Ayer'a Bar. nparllla, appreciated tho truth that bodily health ia essential to mental vigor. For pcrtoui ot delicate and fooblo constitution, wb.olhot young or old, this medicine Is remarkably beucilclnl. l)a ure yoa cot Ayer'i SarmparUlft. . , Everv nrlnv ami ,,1l T t.L. berof hottlra of Ayer' tSnrsnparilla.en.l am greatly benefited." Mrs. J ami II. Juutiimn, Btouehaiu, Mass. . "I have, taken Ayer'a Raranparllla. frith great beiir-tlt to in v general liwilth." MiaaThtrcaL. Crcrar, Palmyra, Md. " My daughter, twelve year or age, bat suffured for tho past year from . General1 Debility. A few weV attire, wo lwgnn to rive her Ayer'e 8rnparilla. llerlu-althhaa greatly Improvisl." Mr. Harriet II. llattlo, South Cliolniatord, Mom. . "About a year ago I began nalng Aver'a Bamaparilla oa a remedy for iMiility and neuralgia, resulting from malarial exnoaure hi the army. I wa in a very bad condition, butaix bottle o( the Bar. nparllla, with ocraalonal doara of Ayer'a rills, have Rreatly improved my health. I aut now aide to work, and feel that I cannot ay too uiurh for your excellent renieille." F. A. llukbam, Bouta Moluncus, Me. j My daughter, alxteen year old, la wlng A.wr'a Bnrsaparllla with good ef fect Iter. 8. J. (iraliain. I'nltod brethren Church, liuckhauuon,'V. Yi ".r suffered from vY'- v-- :y!, 4 Nervous Prostration with Itime bark and headarhe, and hare lwn niueh beuctitixl by th iim of Ayer'a farsaiarillit. I am no w n years of affe, and am ontiafled that my present health ' and prolonged life ore duo to the nao ot Ayer'a 8maonllo." Luoy Moflltt.' Kiilingly, Couu. j Mrs. Ann II. Farnaworth. lady 79 years old. So. tV'oMlatock, Vt., w rites t After eevrral wwka" aufferiutc fnm nervous proamnion, I prorurvd a bottla ft Ayer'a Maraaparitla, and rwfora I hod taken half of It wy usual health returned." . Ayer's Sarsaparilla, . raarAaao by Dr. J. C. Ayar It Co., Lowetl, Mass. rrkl;alx bottle, 3. VTerth 1 a beuto. In the Willamo'.U Valley, to wb r?m f-'a-j 1 Ji -" -e 1 bcrtc r. 2nd aid on farnturstfast Is manufaotured In lhe;Uy r rt- V LOCAL RECORI). L. M4tin Dsau NcwswaareeclvcdJ htre laat week Hint L. Martin, for a num ber ol year n ranlJent of Albany S J tiled at hit home at Aatitntid. an Tuesday. Mr N II Allen, hl former partner In bualtteas here, waa at hi bedalde at th time of hi death. Mr Martin wa at one time a mem bcr of our City Council, and hit many f lend here who will regret bearing ot hi death He had been In the fruit bualnea at Aahland, and U reported to htve been doing we'l. The Ashland Zi'erertf says i "Lcrov Martin died at hi residence In the aouthern part of the city at 9:30 o'clock p. m., October 15th, from pneumonla.after a hort lllne. anedsl year. 11 month and two dav Mr Martin ha been a reaident of AihUnd for several yt.ar a ml leave wife and three children, together lih a lame concourse ot tiieiul to mourn liu tudden ilfioUe. . HI remain were Inter reJInthe llargadlne ci-metcry tod.iv at tl o'clock, under the au.plcc of Ahlnd lodire. Na Wk A O U W.of whl.'h he a mein'er In good Mandlng. OriNtDTimit Kri The Sioux City Urtl get aurprt.ed s follow at an Oregon exhibition at the Corn falace Ihere: "O.te of the feature of the Corn Palace thla week I the Oregon exlilblt from Salem, the cipltal ot the fai oft Wealern state. This exhibit, while ent here by the Oregon Land company, and preumnbty in tl.e Intereat ot real ettate, U of the mott cedluble character. It com prime seventy-five different varieties of wheat, the quality ot which It I ssfe to siy csnnot be excelled In the world. The fruit Induatrv which I a leading one of the H'ldametle valley, l represented by superior collection ot apple and pear, which like moat all the product at Ore gon where the climate I mild and the teaaon ot growth proportionately long are superior in tte and flavor to the tame varictle raista la any other country. Hut what I moat urpriing to one acquainted with the toll and climate of Oregon I the display f dried prune, which are simply unapproachable In eUe and flavor. Sample ot wheat and prune are distributed to all applicants. Xoiato Abroad. The following Is from f ie Ameikan bultolng and Loan Association Xrmt, of Chicago, and show that Albany I known abroad, nd also that one of our citizen I doing hi share to ward getting the gem city of the Valley advertised In the East : ''e are Indebt ed to J IT Illaln, the secretary of the Al bany Building artd Loan Association, for a bird eye view ot the fl urlhlng little city of Albanr, situated on toe east bank of the If illamctie river, about 80 mile south of l'otlsnd,and 2C miles frsm Salem, at the junction of the Oregon & California, and Oregon & Pacific railroad. It ha a pap ulation of 4,000, and I already an impor tant manufacturing center. It has excel, lent educational advantages, is lighted by electricity, hss two daily papers, and in every wsy shows unmistakable evidence ot becoming one ot the chief cities of Ore gon." Doow.si.The1o!lowlng account of a drowning accident In the Siuslaw river i furnl.hed the Eugene AVi) by special correspondence: A sad accident pecurcd about a mile above Acme at daylight last Wednesday morning resulting In the drowning of Alfred LIndgreen, a native of Norway and about 25 year of age. Llnd- green and Robt Cooper were In a fish boat sailing up the river and Llndgreen, who sitting on a pIe of netting In the stern of the boat steering, wa struck oa the head by the boon a the sail jibbed over to the other side and knocked him overboard. He came to the surla-.e but once saying to his partner"! am co'ne down" and before Cooper could rescue the drowning man he sank out of lght Mr 'Llndgreen wss msrried about two month ago to Ml Lsura Young and they have since been residing t Acme. The young widow Is almost prostrate with grief ver the un timely loss of her husband. Thb Milk Was Colo. Albany people who have been at the Industrial fair have remarked at the slutted cow that gave milk. Among thoe who approached it wa a Walla Walla editor, who give himself away as follows : "At the Portlsnd fair thev had a stuffed cow which they milked ?) whenever a person called for a glass of milk,freh from the fountain head. The whole hing looked so natural that many who drank the rnilk.bcHeve to this day that the cow wa a genuine Durham. The Jturnnl editor himself preed forward to Invest a nickel, and after drinking the milk, right from the cow, a he supposed, he looked at the maid, with rosy cheek, and lei a sort of quizical way asked, Hwh at makes this milk so cold r "Oh." said the little vlxon.with a roguish leer in her left eve, "don t you see.the cow stands on Ice." We saw the joke and pulled out to make room for another greeny, for they were quite abundant, and most of them came from the bunchsrrass country. Yaquim, Bay Dsir Time was when the name of Wells Fargo was a guarantee for quick dispatch but of late yeara they have grown very careless and don't seem to care a cent whether their express mat ter gets through or not. . On Saturday tbe proprietor ot the Statttman brought on their express over the Oregon. Pacific and O & C lines two fine deer. They mut have arrived in Portland the same evening yet the deer were not transferred a couple of block to the N P exprei office and have not arrled at this writing. To spend week killinz deer and then have them spoiled through negligence of an ex pros company 1 too Dad . W VV Statesman. At Live CrTiE. Mr II M Perry home from a trip to Washington. He wa at Seattle, Taeom,,E!lentburgh and other place. ' At the latter place he wa aston ished at the Jife displayed. Fifty-three brick were in course of construction and everything was bustle. Wood worth Bros formerly resident! of Albany, were doin probably the. best - drug business there "Jim" Gilrnore,an old resident of Albany wa on the police force and wa attendin to the duties of the position In good shape, A Good Idea, The county assessor of Umatilla county, B A. Marquis, has ad vanced the idea that the Interests of all the counties and of the state would be ul served by a meeting of the assessors of various counties at some central noint Portland for Instance, In February of each . 1 . year, iwr uic purpose 01 agreeing upon method or rate ot taxation. t. X Shark. One of the "sharks" travel ng with the Farini-McMahoa circus, wa arrested at this place Monday, by the sheriff of Marion county, tThls thief had been "stealing" from different parties at different places in that county and war rants were sworn out for his arrest. - Had the sheriff arrived soonsr some of our boys would have saved money Brownsville Timet . . - . ; J,ilij I i 'C 'i V" Away From Home. Four cars on ,the side track at the dept,are marked"Hoosoc Tunnel Route. Fitchburg," That is a Massachusetts road, and this shows how freight cars become tramps and visit all parts of the world. Really though, Albany Is the present attraction. In a Republican City.-A H Weatlier lord, brother to J K Weatherford. of Al bany st as elected to the Legislature frdm Columbia county, W on the Democratic ticket, although the county went Repub c a n on the state tickec by about twenty . , . Children 'Crfar-, ALBANY, , wot surKRANUATED, The hand en. g!ne so'd to Ulltsboro, will riot be superan uatedfora lartfe number of years', but give the linker City ltttilh lunny ver slsn of the matter ail the amti Albany sold an oldjkupcranuatcd Are engine tor fSooto !!i!lboro,and when It arrived Its appearance was so repugnant to the town dad that they turned up their note and said the wood-work w decomposed, that the lio.e wa old and In vai-lou ways kick cd at their folly nil of which remind us of the fellow who purchased a $ suit ot clothinv at a hnnd-me down shop for fl. After taking the good home he found them to be peopled with moth. He took the suit back to the shop an 4 demanded his money. "Vy mine friend, vat Is de matter mil you t Don't dtm clothe lit you?" "Ye the fit I alt right; hut ihrv are full of ntoth " "Veil, mine Jemlna Ciionltt, vat can ju expect for de money, you dond aged tin suits of eluding full f butterllic for two dollar ; don., t tit " ' Valuaui.r Addition. G W Wright, Esq, ha laid ' off lolo lot and block, Wright addition to Albii'ny, coutprMiiu forty acre In the eatru suburb of the city. The Willamette Land Company, of which Mr A ll.ukUninn U President, ha laid oft Into lot and blocks, "Sunny NIJu" additlon.comprUIng 13c acres Immediately adjoining "Wright's" addition. These ad dition are composed of the most beautiful high and dry lot sk and are destined wt no distant day to he among tltemos' de.lrahle resident portion of the city. The O P R R t.'o have brtuuht 30 acres lying on each aide ol the above named addition and It I rumored that a motor line will soon he built to "sonny Side" addition. Lot In these addition will soon be placed on the market. IU Ft'LL Faith. Mr Harry Glddlngs, deputy recorder of the Quartivllle mining dUtrlct No 3 .arrived In the city thl morn Ing and will remain a day or two. Mr Guiding ha had wide experience In 111 In. leg, commencing at Deadwood In the Black Hlll when he wa quite young ; afurrward In Alak,nd lnce last April In the district In which he I now Interested. lepltiihi faith strongly to the (Jusris- tile mines and Is fu.ly confident of seeing them make permanently rich r.f 11 rn. I. gold and sliver. Mr Giddlng I an Intel- ligent gentleman who seems to understsnd hi husinee thoroughly, and a talk with I rcany iniercstmg. 1 nusij tiTvui. 1.. r..-.u..r at. m. .u.n. 1 as In Albany on his way down the road sou )(vfl sf ie r avewfl imi - s ss at w nd will return to the mines In a few days. Rainfall. A correspondent hands In this tor publication. The following named places are designated to show the average nnual rainfall In the United States. It ill be seen that Oregon is quite Innocent of the charge that she has more rain than her share . Here are the reports t Inches Inches Neah Bay, W, lit San Franclsco.Ca), at Sitka, Alaska, tj Dallas Oregon, 4$ Mt llernon.Ala-, 66 Sacramento. Cat, 31 Ft Tonson.fnd. T.57 Ft Colvllle.W T, 9 Cleveland,Ohlo. 37 Fl Blls,Tesas, 9 Washington.!) C, 37 Ft llridger, Utah, 9 Ft Garland,Colo, o I3tate and territories run from 30 to 40, In F.astern Oregon the rainfall 1 much less than in Wcfcrn. Dallas I In Western Oregon. A Forcer v. A young man calling himself Charles Whitney, ho had been working for W C Meyer near Ashland fo 4m time, and after having finished hi ot wa paid OR, brought an order to U II Blount, the clothier and hattej, a few days ago, purprtlng to come from Mr Meyer for $1) worth of good, which Mr Blount let him have, a Mr Mever was perfectly good for the amount In a tew days, how ever, Mr Blount spoke to Mr Meyer about It, and much to hi astonishment that gentleman declared that he never gave the young fellow an order on anvbody but had paid him off In full In . hard cash. Ash land. RectrH. Mr Meyer Is a stepfather of C B Winn, of thl city, ami Mr Biount Is I former resident ot Aioany. A Base Fabicatiox. In order to bring disrepute on a nelgbor soon to be In direct railroad communication with It the Astoria Transcript publishes what the records will show to be an unmitigated and base fabrication, and unlet a retrac tion follows war will be declarrd on the salmon eaters: "An Albany man has taken aut a license to marry his mother-in-law- And yet we talk of the decline ot heroism. Bad Cow. Last week when all honest people were happily retting l. thearms of Morpheus, one of those cows that had to go" quietly entered the yard and garden of J, W. Bentlev and ate up hi vegetables and fruits- Mr. Bentlev doe not talk loud about the matter but he eed only to be seen to see that he I disgusted. - Some Rei-orts An Idea of what the present real estate market of Albany Is may be had In the report that Pat Quintan has been offered $8000 for his block at the corner of 5th and Madison S' reels, In the Third Ward. Mr Cheadle, who Is rusticating at the Industrial fair. Is said to have bonded her 13a feet front at the corner of first and Baker Streets, rather beyond the present business limits, for $20,000. to a syndicate 01 speculators. A Law Suit. The second suit of Mil ton Hale against Frank Hughes was tried before Justice Humphrey and a jury the 16th. The plaintiff asked for a judg ment of $25, and the defendant .put In a counterclaim for $ico damages. After being out until 3 o clock In the morning the jury Drought in a verdict ol $1 dam age Irr favor of the defendant. The first suit was decided In favor of the plaintiff. ........ AJf absurd lure. A lew petsons were present last evening at the Congre gational church to listen to a lecture tip'on- alleged "Christian Science'' by Mrs E De Prans, says . the Astoria Transcript, 1 ne lecturer psssetsses no aoiuty, but as the subject requires none, it Is presumed she filled the bill. Of att the dogmas of the nineteenth centurv the ouackerv of cure br faith euphoniously styled "Christ ian science, 1 the most absurd of all Oldest Grave. Probably the oldes giave of a white man In Oregon I one In Astoria, on which is chiseled on a rough sandstone slab the name of Alexander Mc. Tavlsh, drowned in crossing the Columbia In 1814. The deceased was one et those Scotch members of the Hudson liar Co. who led the van of civilization on in Die northwest, Arrived but Smei.led. The two deer we brought back from Yaqulna in .order jo give the boys a . venison feast arrived his morning two days behind lime, but they were condemned at tight as they smelled so badly on account of the delay , . 1 . . 1 , .. .. . . J oy nreue rargo in net irantiemng them when they arrived in Portland on Satm- day evening W VV Statesman. - Electricity Both Dalla and Inde pendence, in Polk county, are to be light ed by electricity,-'incandescent.' Polk county's assessor should also be lighted by electricity, at least a dynamo be placed under him, judging merely, from the last assessment roll. ' ; Another Add..- 7l.att week H Bry ant filed a plat of Bryant's Addition to Al batty, located just east of the city. It con ststs of 132 lets, some of which will scl for $150. : OREGON, FRIDAY, Leave Them A lone. Astoria Is at present, and has been for a year pst,sffllct ed with a gang of drummers and first-class nuisances who bung shout the hotels lo take orders for stills of clthrs,shlrts,ovcr costs, rlc and undermine our tailors and merchant with their worthless goads that can find a market In no other way. It Is strange also that there ire so many suck, ers that lll allow thmele lo be taken In by lite leeches, for it person with sense enough to go to bed atone should know that !t I an Impossibilit y tor one of these tramp to furnish equally as good a suit for one-half the money a a' our own tailors and clothiers can witn all the competition there Is here. TrauvrlM. The Die mo. t-K at has repeatedly advised our clthtens lo leave these feltows alone, and as several are coming this way we repeat the admn Uon. R. R. Contractors, In our Issue of September 10th we stated that work was to be ptikhed on tho Oregon Pacific to a point fifty-thiee milt east of Gutesvtlte and nlneytwo east ot Artttmy, tsklng the road to the end of the eight mlie on the summit ot the Csscades, graded by G W Hunt. From the end of Aiilonelle's con tract to the Hunt grade Is a distance ol thirly-oue mile. Ormond, Crook Si Co., ol Colorado, are to do thl Intervening 1 grading. Messrs J 11 Ormond and C R Griffin, of the firm, arrived on lst Friday train, and their Urge plant, consisting of seven car load nl tools, animal, etc , I expected here Monday .and will be put lo work a fast a men cut be secured. It I proposed to continue work all winter, II weather permits. Five hundred to a thou and men will be required to attend to the Dusiness A Good Example The assessment on property In Clatsop county was recently raised about 300 per cent, enough so as to dumtound some of the tax payers, the as sessment on the property of many being raised from two and five thoussnd to twen ty to thirty thousand dollars, fomeof the mosvbacks made a fight before the Board of Equalisation. The J'ummr says 1 "The board ot equatlxallon adjourned yesterday sine die.wlth Instruction to clerk and as sessor lo make corrections, such a were allowed, and present It a corrected lo the county i-ourt. The assessment roll will Vmn? " " ". ,7 " Uctifm ot n'V 7 " the satis. A Lively Place. A live, bustling . lh- nBm man,mn miiu Tl. .ht r - - , t m .as mciu 01 J recetveo recently won the Inside, and looms, carding machines, scourer, etc , msy be seen In the different department In a torn down condition, ready to be put together and placed in po sition. This a large force of men Is dot ng and the scene a presented to a Democrat man wa a bustling one. All the windows and doors for the mill were at Grants Pas mill, just ready forshlpment.when burned. Hech.tedler SI Sears will now do the work i thet! as it would not be advisable to allow the weather to gel hold of It. The City's Case The Injunction suit ot A. II. Marshall against the city ot Albsny, was being argued Friday after noon before Referee Irvine, Messrs Wol verton and Blackburn appearing for the Plaintiff and 1. K. Weathertord for the defendant. Thirty or forty law books full ot authorities were slung by the erudite attorney at the head of there! eree, wtio will be fully prepared when court convene on the morning of October ism to render an intelligent and conclu de decision In the case, both a to law and facts. A Live Skew a. An Albany man In Salem found It full of life. A prominent cltlsen wa standing on a prominent street with a cow with prominent hip hone, a rope being tied to the cow's neck.the other end being held by the man. lie pro nounced It one of the most affecting scenes he ever witnessed in a-booming city Really, though our neighboring city I up to snuff, and Is holding her own In good shape with all the towns bclwetn Albany ana romano. Gardkx Land Mr. Archie Hammer Friday bought 30 acres of the Volley farm, adjoining Thornton Lake, paying $55 an acre (or It. The property Is near the 200 acres recently purchased by Wen Vance, for which he paid S40 an acre, and also admlna Frank Woods stone quarry. The land and that In the vicinity Is reported as being very fine garden land- it is on tne rise in the market. It Pays That It pars to advertise Is proven by the Pasco scheme. One thous and persons have purchased there thl month, and nearly every reader In the New Empire I compelled tea, "Keep an Eye on Pasco." Sixteen men put $16, 000 together and bought a tract of land, not having the least faith In the place, but thev are selling at an advance on the strength of advertising which the place la receiving. He Arrived. A San Francisco dis patch: TEgertson Hogg, president of the Oregon Pacific, is at the Palace hotel His trip here ia supposed to be signficant In view of the letting ot the company' con tract for further building recently and of the avowed Intention of his company to build from the DesCchuttes river, Ore., to Boise, Idaho. Still Another Addition. Mr. G, T. Cotton has piatted a city addition just this side of Lebanon. It was his Intention to call it an addition to tnat city, but since the addition have been reaching out so far from Albany, with rounder prices per lot.the Democrat Is informed thst he has to Albany. iiiitiL 11,11 Minrn in mil iiininn aurii inn . . , . . ,, , . . , , . .... Up AN3 Dowif. The following stale ment shows hove the North Pacific tail road runs up and down hill, above the level of the sea and distance from A Ins- worth going east as follows : Papa mile., 1185 feet Rltsville, 85 miles, 1406 leei: narnson.oo miies.isoa icei.sprague.i,. u.i,.,. v...in... i,... i MMi.ir oRmll.. ,aift Chsonv. ill mtls 1077 feet Spokane Falls, 149 miles, 1573 feet. 1.-- ....... j . v.-..vft. ... Forks has placed on our table a sample fine grapes of his own culture which goes vo inowiriai uregon can produce line trutu ot tnat Kino, une grape in particu r wss ramarVah a for Its and' hnut. being twice tne size of the others of '.he same variety.- ; B St 1. A At the meeting of the B Si L k last Friday $1204 was loaned to Ever ett Knex of Knox Butte at 51 months in A terest In advance. Parties desiring to enter the new series should do so at once The G P Fire. The Ashland Jtectrd puis the loss by the Grants Pass fire at $20,000, on which there was no Insurance. Hochstedler Si Sears had a large order in fat dressed lumber to be used for the wool en mill, and the fire will cause a slight de- on some of the wor.. ' Manslaughter LousStlmpson.an old resident of Albanyhas been found guilty of manslaughter at Whltcom. The crlm consisted in shooting a man while in dis charge of his duty ss marshal of that city It Is thought that he will be pardoned BlKckman.s Add. G L Blackman Is having a survey made of his ten acres on the Jason Wheeler farm, and will place the first twenty lots on the market at $50 a lot, the cheapest In the market, Children Crjtzf, l OCTOBKR $251889. OK EAT EXCITEMENT IX ARTOUIA. j "Behold, how great a matter a little fire J Kinuici n. J lie cuiJ.cn 011 nor in are rngniy excited. Not brcauie some great crime has been committed that aroused public Indig nation. There has been no great public calamity to disturb the usual equanimity of the people of the city cry (he sea, and yet, for the last week, they have been seen to collect In sqund on tl.e tie-t corner, In hotels, saloons, oilier, place of business, and, In fart every where where do congregate, mid engage In etr.ijit in tense discussion, fo rlvlted h i p ititic attention In that city been fixed upon tlin matter that newspapers ihen hmc sent out reporters to interview leading till. ten, one by 01. e, In order to .place before the people the concensus of public opln on on the subject tint', now absorb the entire attention ot the las pnyernof Astor- la and Clatsop co.intv. And, pray, what I the cause of all this huhhit'- Why, the gentleman whom (he taxpayer! ol that county, acllug In their sovtrrln capacity, elected nsses.or, hn aclunlly assessed the property in tint county In accordance with tlx? requirement ol the statute and the oath ot offi.e required of him before he culd enter up tt the dla chargeof hi duty, V hen he came to asses a house and lot he would inakt Inquiry a lo how much they cutild t sold for In the usual course of business and he would assess It at that price and so he did with all other property, strictly obeying tbe law and hi oath, and thl is what disturb o many people. See the result of, hi obeying the law. Last year the total aseed value of property in that county was $1,000,000 and now it is $6, ooe.ooo nesily. And lids noise Is made by a class of taxpayers who, year by year have been escaping taxation. Thlse or should he elected by the people, whether nominated by any political party or not. Every assessor in the state should follow hi heroic, brave excmple and we hope to ee them do It next year. LAND Otlt'E CHANGE It I learned on good authority that Henry Rlnehart, register, and J. T. Out house, receiver, of the LaOrande land office, will next month be relieved of their fflcial positions, and I -on Cleaver, of Baker City, ard A. C. McClelland, of Island City, will occupy their place Mr. Outhouse has tendered his rcslgnatloa lo the Secretary of the InUrlor, to take effect neat month, but Mr. Rlnehart Is not of the resigning kind, and will hold in his nrrnmn,t t until officially with his commission, Union RsfMUa Another ot the of proofs Inst may be ad duced to show that the principle of civil tervleerelorm has no place at ail In the I policy ot this administration. The Orei some days ago said the democrats In Virginia would noldebate po- lltl:sl questions with the republicans In i's telegraphic columns on the same day appeared a statement that republicans el Virgtnlra had declined to debate with the democrats. Tbe other day M. D. Harter thejmillionalre manufacturer of , Mansrleld Ohio, challenged Murat llalstead the great republican leader of that state to debate the tariff question but llalstead de clined giving as a reason, the frivolous one that the public are not Interested In the question, when, as a newspaper man, he must have known that It Is discussed from every stump In his own state In the campaign now going on there. . Rumor in political circles ssys that their Is a probable change to be made In the office of U. S. district Judge and that Judge Deady'a visit east Is very signifi cant of It, Judge Sawyer Is nearly seven ty years old and will soon be retired from the Bench, Judge Deady Is looking to that vacancy and hopea to fill It In which vent Mr. C. A. Dolph of Portland Is to succeed Judge Deady. This accounta for the resignation of Mr. Dolph from tha attorr.yshlp of the rail-read corporation f the O. R.&N. a tew weeks since. The whirligig ot time turns things tons turvv It ha knocked the bloodv shlrtlnto smithereens. Evidence: Tesll- monlals to the prowess of Billy Mahone, as a confederate brigadier, are being clr culated In Virilt.la to induce voters to vote for him for governor. Billy is the republican candidate. In the estimation of Quay Dudley and Harrison a man's politics covers a multitude ot sins. An old observer of presidential life In Washington says that each new president begins his term by spending more money on hospitality during the first year of office than during any of the succeeding ones. Thr expenditure decreases gradually, it U aid, until the fourth year, when the ordir I nary president begins lo think more about I ..vtnff in, tha eomlnir ralnvdav V... j, ... . j ' 1 man iwmi ipcnuins u iui uinno cepllons. A Chinese banking house is soon to be opened In New York city, and it will be the first ot interest of Its kind in the U- nited States. A smalt rate of interest is to 75 1 be paid to each regular depositor, and the money is to be let out on a larger Interest .Tw ""- - where the present rate of Interest is be tween 10 and t per cent, for small loans I . . ... 1 , ' A, on good security, ints oanaing sxneme ...... .... ,u. r-ui... i.,i- 1. ofl . . ' 1 ' jt j, whispered around that when the - i ... ,,, ...... . . "P"11""' "'; """" " w" clave at Washington,' they will know I which boys they are. -And the democrats who are anxious tu surrender their places will have the opportunity to do so, . Chauncey M. Depew, who Is in train ing for the next Republican nomination for President, Is said to have an income from legal and railroad associations of over $125,000 a year; ft Tli re e thousand three hundred miles of main line track, according to the "Rail road Age" have been put down within the teat nine- mrnths. ' . 3 -v.- Directly and indirect'.? the .United State railroad give, it is said, employ ment to about one eighth of the total popu lation of the country. ?. , , i -., There is a movement on fixt to establish a Daily and weekly Democratic paper in . .Port land, From all indications it will bo done in no distant day. ' " ' ; A fioe line of library lsinps just received at Conn Bros, ..,.. Harvard College is the oldest, most amply endowed, and most influential seat of learning in tin United Slide. The germ seed ol tbis literary fountain head was planted eventefotc our form v( conslilutionfil government was dreamed of, Harvard ba' had many bright mindx.ln It life of two hundred and fifty ycats, to preside over i destinies.- 1 hese have kept it in line with the best and most i itclligent con census of public opinion, Among the n,t prominent of tkese weie t-UUnrd Evercttjared Sparks, Key James 1slker, hut no greater scIkiW, no (stronger o,icl rc.iwner, vr ot cupicd the chair in I Inward hall than Pre!, dent 1', the j rcs.-iit iiieiimUtii, Formerly an earnest republics lie lin seen bis parly, since the war, drift into a party of extrav-igarit expenditures of pulili., money, as a means of retaining itself in jxiwerj he I1.1 seen it diift into the linnds of (he tiowetfiii innnird coroo-a. tLins rtf tti nttftl(- Mitiifh ia .jhii.m Cr fi.n. f able legislation received, have uni ed thei. immense influences lo keep it in oweij hc ha seen it licomc tlie willing instrument in the band of I lie tariff and hit! monisHcs of the country lo ptomote and increase the powr Wiiicn lliry wick) over tbe masses of the peo ple; he has seen 1. denwuti.e silver at the dictation of the money lord of Wall street; he ha seen it grasp the sjioil ol office during tbe last twelve yens of iss reign with the avidity (hit characterize the giaing of tlu Iropliie of wsr iy the victor, and then go bt fr lite people pledged, not onl to carry out faithfully an J honestly, but to extend tbe prin eijii-m of civil service reform, only to nototiou ly violate this pledge when it wss restored lo ower Is it any wonder, then, that president Elliot is no longer a republican? Is it any mat ter M surprise, then, that be should stand up in Fanuel Hall and declare his devotion to the principles of the democratic party, and bis purpose lo support the ticket of that party in Massachusetts next month? No surprise at all. It is tbe ontyxourse left him. ' fsCOTTd CANDIDACY. The Altunlaiwftr, speaking of Harvey Scott's candidacy for the United States senate ssys "This is a matter that des Dot concern tbe papers of Oregon, and Mr Scott, as on A met lean cituea.has a right lo devote his en ergies in any field of activity he desires," That Scott has a right to become a ca-ditate for the United States senate, no one bat dis puted aor will any one do to. But to say that his becoming a candidate is a matter that doe not concern the newspapers of Oregon Is a pro position that every newspaper ia the state 'ill deny except the Mtuidalmetr, It can not forestall the very energetic criticism that would inevitably follow his candidacy in this wsy. Many republican as well as democratic papers will feel aod say that bia candidacy concerns them, Scott is the lost man in the state who, through friendly organs, should plead exemption ftotn public criticism, . Sir Edwin Arnold lectured to the students I snd professors at Harvard college on Tuesday evening in the Ccltege theater, in Cambridge, His subject wss the philosophy of the Brah mins, and in the course of bis remarks he said that In India, with 200,000,000 inhabitants, there never occurs a marriage of inclination. Yet Ihere are more happy marriages in India, more happy homes, more pure domestic reli ttoes than in say other part of the world. A class of idlers is growing up in this coun-1 try who seek to make idle self indulgence a test of social snperiority as it is in arutocratic countries. It reflects tbe arrogant spirit which I insults capacity, endeavor and benest toil by I setting up inherited wealth as a proof of sup eriority and scorning as inferiors who work for what they enjoy in life. -The Uead Ts Braves." A golden Casket of unique brlil'ant- and beautiful christian treasure, gath ered from the richest mine of religion. science, and philosophy; sumptuously illustrated with a magnificent galaxy of royal steel plate engravings. - No other book of modern times deals with such living subject, displays such ge.iuinc j genius, has such a significant, striking and attractive tt'le as thts new book pos sesses. It contains the essence of a thou sand tones boiled into on;, and explores every field of human experience, tha'; cn engage, fascinate and enarm own tne highly cultured and the man of the world. J U JiV.f .?,e Lbi J1''.8 Co., ot Philadelphia, Pa., and sold by aub- sorioUoA only. Mr. L. McFarland. wno Is the authorised agent tor this section Is now canvassing lor tu we neartuy rec ommend this book to our readers. Lr CartalB. Laee Certain. I have iutt received my fall stock of lace curtain bought direct from Importer, ! the largest stock ever broughtlolht mark et, and best value tor the money. - i SAMUEL fc. YOUNG. Go to Hiblor & Paisley for your job print iue.. ihey do anv ana an amaeoi wore in 1 . .. ft 1 . L 1 I the paelUbina and job prii.ting line. Quick work aod lew prioaa. . Backlea's Arates S tlvs. TS bt R ilv. In th world for Cuts. Kruirs.Sire. Utoar, Halt Rh.om, Fvr Sores, TsUw, Chsppsd bands. Chilblain. Conn, and all 8kla Krvpttoa, snd positively ears Fuss, or no pay rat) ul rati. It I ad. Pi to x enta par box. For sale by Foshay and ntsl Ul bmv pwranswitscwiu. or rmjih A Sale Investment. ' ' I or which 1 guaranteed ia brtnr Ton satisfac tory ruhs, or in caw of fallur a return ot purees prie. On this sf plan you ean boy from our ad rartiasd Drucirtst a botU of Dr. liintr's Kr His- T'eXr'n". vTfrtioT 4 in mat, uinys or vnesi, tucn as uoa.ura S.mmstion of Limes. Bronchitis. Asthma. Uongh, croup. ic .to. u pisaaani anamgreeaoi. talasto. psrfsstly '. and ean olway b dspsndeS I For your watches eloefes and Jewelry gn Freneh's. Honest goods, low pries and ; mtk tslst. HALt "Night. Mr Ivancovich keeps all niirht house on First St between Ells worth and Lvon, at v'hlch Is to be found fresh oysters, porter ' house steaks,' ham and eggs etc. A large stock of cold and sold filled watches at F M French's, at greatly reduced puces. . . .. Dr. M. Fl. Ellis, physieian and aurgeoa V If any. Uregon, , tils made ia . city 01 country. . '-: : , , ,; s. .... . . : . . . Struck Oil At $1.25 per eallon can aest Standard rv-' oil, at the , Willamette Packing Co.'s store. . . Abbey's Addition. 54 lots In this ad dition to Albany near Hackleman'a 3rd aJJltion.for-saW, at $50 to $125 a lot,' t Curran St Montcith's- ;' r; , . . :--r 1 ' fNothiag to Eqaal it." ' "I UsveheeB. aoUicg Simmons LIvar Regulator for tbe past aix years. My customers pronounce it the beat ever naed. One of my customers whose health was In r wretched condition from a very bad and stubborn case of dyapppsm, nsed the Regulator and was entis'wry cured. 1 Rirt'H-.ttt myself lor torpid liver, caua ed by eloa e ooSr,Pioent. I find rothia to equal Hand hiplily tecommend its u i:'pectt'iil!j, i C.PIIrsY, iliu .-rg, Ta ' ' VO;I3 . i pefflillaf effleney t dn L' siatuisim4 M mucb to tba process and ""OTH'r,a" skin in eompoundiDf a to " lU Ki IT iA ih" IneredleuU Uiemselve. W. . J.-v? 2"1 ln Um,h 'ftcbscka 7. ll Z ! lnth outet,or it ithflytae adyanced wUl prove a poteatenre. Wm tMJilislWiillt It takes tbaplaeeof a iZZ'f'y.W: stortor and costly pro-.'' '." 1 .snrlntlnn. Alt whor..ul lffOB WHOM ' iwl.:uury IIvm wilt Hud V. , tlucri- a 1 Htlie beat previ-ntlvo ot K M iandeiirs(irladls:Uon( f ' ( misUpsiUon, llctulswsbe, - ntUonsnMS, iflims and Hmtsvl IMipresslnn. No Um or ttmn, no LtiKirferptine Willi bualoes whlla taking. For ehlldren It Is mot ln iHKnt sud harrnl!s. No danger from xposur arur taklne. Come Colla. Iri IwrHam, ltwl Comp1stut, Vwrl.h isms and tovariah Colds. Invalid and idatlcato person will find It the ralldcsit Apnrlent and Tonic they can ext. A iltll itaken at nisht Insnrr refrmihinc aleesi and a natural evaluation of the bowel. A little taken In the morning ahorpene aha appatiui, cleanses tu stomach axid SWeUu tbe breath. --- pgt a vamctAtrn ovnnov. I 'l ksv beta prsclidnf awdiciM fee ' ? f 0 twtotf ysars sad bar. aever beea sbl t ' : t 1 P" "JP vft compoosd that would. , t A hk Simmon Liver Kf,ilw. pfossptly I 5 I ad ffsctivssy morm ihm Uw to aetloa,' i and tha sam tin sul (InsMad efwsak - fcX9' "ri aadassimdsHve i 9, pow.rs of lbs syum.M , Hisnrosr. m.o.. Watklaitaa. Arkl V Marks of Oranfmra Ixiok forth;ra Trade-Mark 00 front of Wrmprwr, and Uto htmi aod HlKnsvtura of J. ILefllu to. In nswHwaiuo, , aaaeuooiiMir. TO MAKE ROOM FOR MT LARGE STOCK CF FALL AHD WINTER GOODS WILL SELL MT ENTIRE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. A.rr COST SALE, AND THEY'MUST CO. aJKeal Bargains. AT THE SAME TIME DO NOT EORCET THAT I HAVE A COMPLETF STOCKCF BUY GOODS - . . 1 xNuwons, jj urnsningr Goods, etc, WOULD ESPECIALLY CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THE FCLLOWIHC LINES: Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silk, Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie- ALL AT LOWEST CASH PRICE . -RESPECTFULLY, The Leading ash Smoke ' the cigars : ; . Manufactured by Julius Joseph. -ALSO IMPORTED AflD KEY WEST CIGARS Plug and Kcnrktag tohcoo, Meerschaum an.i briar jiipea and smoker aitWIes generally. Also always has on hand -" - ' . r raiee line of ... s. 1- . 4ilifornia':and Tropical Frnite. : LOOKOUT: FOR FURNITURE, i am now retailing iam;!:ur at wy snrt can do well to look here for bavgaine.a 1 am irotnar to sell at cost drin an I the next 30 days. 1 . ..1 ... (joonw and ex-tutmu mvifOTia before - 1 where. Faotory at tWriver anl of Lvon Street. ..;-,, C. J. DILLON. McMinnyille College. TWO FOUR YEAB COUCSL Cf STUUY y in tho Collegiate Departments Four Threw Year Couraesof Study lit the Academio'Dapartmont. A evideaoe of the growth of this College attention i called to tlu faot that da ring the last year over eleven huudred dollorr nave been expended ia Standard book for tha li brary, an $S0O piano donated to the oo!!og and over $J,000 addedta tho'permanent en dowment. ...,..( j Speeiol attention i given to the Academic Department which fit young men and wo men for College, for teaching and for bust, nets. Fine rooms and boarding department in th College buildup, expense low. Presi dent lives in the building. . Fall trrm opens Sept, ath. Send for .catalogue. . Address, Frc t r p """.it hi iiOi I. U. Liiuii i'iviw MoMiunviile, -Yamhill CoOr. .KiTHE DEMOCRAT - HI', - -j ;t ' i .. I the boil . Advartlsing taedium In the Central WinatnettfValKy. ilrl t t . P ,..) nioat Albany, $ , Rsaetond-claasioall matter. - First National Bank OFal,RA!1, ORCUOiV. rsst'tmit... Y Frsssdrnt . Osshlsr....,... An't CsshMT... I. ri,tSTN If. E. YOt fin , ...K. W. LANOfio.N. . .-..JA3. t. OHELL TBARSACTS A GF.XKRAt. tonstrv,, ,wUmm. accociitu r err wtijsst u hHi. j Mil Ifork, Si Prsneirae. itouu smt K.w COrXKCTIOIir lADKoe fsmt.l tm.: ' 4. . t, K Bum, (,. Vunt, - VaMftM K Ti'aaau, IJnaCounty Bank. Cowan, Eakos & CliaiaDerlaifl, ALBANY - - OREQOIJ. TUAK8ACTS -ors) tnnklnir twsins. ORAWI-MI UlV'fK X, Yirk ai Purttst'l, Or. IXiAH HO.ETm affMmd rarf t f ' RBf KtV.lj,iuii,j-ct tS-k J .ik of Oregon , AL5AKT, - - - OREGON OJ.T&X'Xr AI,, 9 s 0,0 00 Pra. Idnt...... Vuv f'rewi lnil.. .. .II KPYAKT j, w. ULAirv. F, MKr.lt! IX Cvihifr ll Slabtaxefcantre and f!egn!t'hl franx fer 01 New Yrk, tn Franniaco and Portland, Oraxon. ; . Collection mad on favorably fermx. THIS WILL BE A CLOSING CUT COME EARLY AND CET Dry Soods Store. B E ALE K rs- L factory at cost. Poopl- wiahinc? tu.n . e pnrclisinjr a.- ojsssiaiH, w.H.MOPasusjx, j. b. vi k Jennings k Co. Manufacturers and coalers all klaa o FIR, HAPLE AND CEDAS LJIBIB, Mill on IImiUaa, eUvenmiles from Lelian " ' v Trlees the Mill , Clear fir $11.00 r rough lamW, $6.50 second clear. $6 O') Prioss'of cjdar aud msi U on applicatmc ' PRICt 8 AT CO'S YARD - ,KBA?!o.S Clearfi", 515.03 j soaj 1 1 &!or rough lumber, $10.00 . . W ERIGES