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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1889)
YAQUINA ROUTE, Pacila Eaiircai, ; DwVe-lopmnnt Company's fcUeaua hip Line. i MILES SI10ETES1. i noons less Tins any other rcuU. class through iiKWtiRr end linn from Portland and all point VUUmuiu Valloy to and from Man , Cat, trwber tha Orf P"" !ar Snmmer fiEC.ratastB J a a. Lo K( Ticket mf a le, gostl TtryvWa y nd Halardsy A torUta fa.d Phlloiah. s malt clot connection at Alban sins of th. Oregon I'aeMa Uallroed' IV. Hi'HKOVILR. (eacept Sundays.) u 'ImVuiIiiIi ,. i ' ; L .-. mnnik't at Albany and Cilia. Tb. aoov. trains conn at n with th. OrvRon ...!. in-of HtiitahiiMi between n end Man Fraurlsoo, 8A1L1NU MATES . rune iMil. u V.H.J, T-dy. .'"J;,, ,u. v(.y. wc Ta. t rndr. iN t iha Haht to Z aalll ua date without notice. .... rm forvland and .'Sr.i. MB make do- cneu njr 7tT v.nulna tku witb the treine of the J , at Albany or 0"". ",l"l"to ItoSaaFranolaoo ho1uUMrrr'?42 , a at i " in . A mtnL A IhaaJtV: Of W C II ' lP" ,, , g UOiitk. j A.O.F.arir Af. . tnmllia. ;QYRLfN3 TO CALIFORNIA Itlisni Pacific Company's Line. ;IE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE f bt Albany ad 8a rrnoico, Uweea rrtU4 aa rra-eUee. 1 I tob a I runlanii AllMDy Ar L Lf 10:41 an L ar u a 1:00 r .ruiuautuii aaiar Kzopt Sowlay). Purtla4 Albany Karma Ar 4ra Lv 1 1I.S& a a L 1 uujjna aatxca. ra I ""I L. Ar Albauy LebalKHI Albany Ar I J a Lv I a at! ir r i I Ll :uorn Ar FUUWAH BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, I r Aaeaaaatati el ieeeewl-CIa raaaea j cen. auaehiu ExrreaaTraia. a. a. r. Co- tm " i f utt, "-lUaa.", j WTeat MtU1. itwui rTiA Mm ceiituu. Mais tu um (Kpt8nady. j)aa I . Lr Ar Cortlaad Ar Lv ) r l r nrun nui n.v (Eu jpt Soaday . . I t a Lv r Ar Portland MoMiaoTtll Ar Lv :O0an tttis riiroutflA 1iclcetR To all point BOXTTH JNTJ 2JABT VIA CALIFORNIA. tie all MnrmxUrm rvrvdlng rata. auae, itm. B. KOltHLEK, E. P. ROOKRS. Ass'tO. F. and P. Ar Ubo-anporw't at the Portland , o 1, Portland. Crrfton. or at th. Capiul i o ntMrt balem, twreon. Both nhools ar .kr the mwanffrmrnt ol A. P. Armro..e. h .sjeouricU studies and same rates of tuitwa. r.:iiiies, Wliorthand, moiTli.yandeer..nltri.a bladenUad m. ud .1 any time forioinl Culogae. edjjrw pu.i ft u rapi IwtUnO, orrxuu. blem, OrcgXA. fail of Oregon. EUGENE. OREGON! - I Next eeMlon begins on MouJay, the Ifilli of 8pernlr, 1HH9, Krne ecbolarsblps from every eoui.ty in h8Ut. Apply to yoor County Superln n lent. Free tuition after Jsnaafy s iti, Koor eourae : Clalral, Sfllentlflo, Lll rary and a abort KnglUti Coura lo whijli there I oo Latin, Orelt. French r Oerman, The Kngllh I pie-einlneotly kowioees Course, For cauloguea o Hhur Information, ddre j. n -toy, I'redetl. PIANOS. Tho wishing a flrt-r)law nrtruma-i lahooldeall at Mr. B. E. Hymnn'e rna mm one or tlioao uieorana itemine . Lon f plaooes, exoeiint rlob toiwt. V. rw.lully marlo and adatted to staud the llmt on the Pacific Coaat. Eery piano fully Kitatantead for 5 ywire. The li.leet he(-maaio for eale, Mnsle and pelntlnjr lesnooe given there. A lo the place to get yenr new SewioK Maoblne. Fancy work and dree making done to order. First d,KreJitof Youoji'eold etand, Albany, Orej?on . ! FOSHAY & MASON, i .muuM as anan iirugmtsand Booksellers, Autafor Johl It. Alden'e publication, rbwa wo 11 a piblWher'e price witi Aoatsaaiind. ALBANY, .OKBCJOU City Meal Market. fiOLTZ BEQ3,, Proprietors." ktp a full lin- of .-nonla of ll kinds, in a cool plic, coinplft'ly pro-s lwtd; SDd alway froab. v aUo Uhvii o-jiisUntiy.on UnL aaliiwn n l other ' ( Pouiiff All kind of poultry, alive or drontKJ, vaiiuxi Kt Ilia YVllUinuUo V icklnn'ffiin pau y a Htore. Albany, Orcgt (.. (4 URIAH ICS : yriiWAitr a pox 7" ZXXl LOGS FOil SALE. Parties desiring to purchase 1ogn will da well to call on the uiideiiined who t about 3,000,000 ft of logs on the C'.ilapMiia above Krownvill II. F. Mkhrii.1., Trn4!c(f. Albany, Or." f 4' wiiort iuf,: i,nywh-r In tl:t ily. ir irii.i t l iV! t lli-oH(. . .s'i.trar.i'- " ifrnmtclv Hft..ttMl ( l o. II. WI.8M, FCH CHICKEN CHCLERA. 410 Huron Bt, Hhbayt"a Vlt, Not. U IS X hare vied Bt Jacob Oil for chicken cholera with (teat uo eea. Every fowl MfWtjwt with . Bon. and the disease cured br It snd Incmmndtt Mature euro. 1th" rca .many doll.. It A. KUKNNK. Breeder of Itn Fowls. Bakenflold, C5L, Oot 1. 18. I bare ad 8k Jacob Oil tor eorehead of thickens with prompt, permanent cur. One bottle will cure W to 15 chlokn ; to a drop Wheel. JA8.BKTUA.U r C.ViSii JWKSCTIO.YS-in.. p of tread r do sntis-nfcd w St. Jaw 00. .0 Itojbvl twaaot swallow ore down lAttAraat. Jfi am earn awoi aoa w (A. OC 0 ottMtfetM. IVy villjtnally ml and ewd. At Datwnrre CAtK. mCHAHltS . VOCELEI CO-BaBtaer. V DR;J.L. HILL, Physician and Sur(;eon, O.n.HH-cor. Flratnnd I'.rry RtrU, ALBANY- OREGON I 0 iavah 1 00 WA lOUi- r.iASTUil Phyaician and Surgeon. Office oppoelta the Jtauottr.. DBeC, U. CHAnSERLIH, EomBopatMc Pliysician and Surgeon Special Attention 10 diseases of the eye. fTrUcioorner of Thti und IronSt, ALBANY, ORECOH. DR. W II. DAVIS, PhysicUn and Surgeon. -afane uo etalra In Ktrahao'e Block. Vay be found at Ida offic aay and night. DR. I. IV. STARR, Physician and Surgeon, Late of Brownsville, Or. nmA at mom No. S3 and 8t.Strahan and Ploroa'a Block, up atalr. Call promptly nUtndad In city or country. G. L. CLACKMAH, SHctnw toE. W. Lanfdon. DPALKJl IN DRUGS. MEDICINES CHEMICALS, CRUSHES' SO (IPS COMBS- . ETC. D. R. V.BLACRCCRX, oro. w. WKioirr, BLACKBURN & WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, Will Dractic in all the Courts of th State. Prompt attention, given to all bi- neaaeoUested tooer care. Offio O-ld Felloar T.rap'.e. Albany, Or E. J. McCAUSTLAHD, CM Engineer and Snrreyor. DHAUCHTIKC AND BLUE PRiKTS Offlos wltb Orajoa Lad Cj. Albany, Or. 8eweraie SyaLrma and W-ter Suppll a specialty, Kataie huooiviuaxi, s tiade or Copied on abort notice. J. VHITFs'EY, And fonnsellor At 13 Lai Public. .LEA V rVllI fin:. J 1 , GHECON, all of the Courts (nets Intrusted to hi .llUfStAlS. A.I t will be promptly '.tended to. Foiimiller k living, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. . Prompt Atteation-Fint-class Hearse fi I 'tti hHit:vn nnirtr- Crml -v' T1 '..'iuw:.ioa in Ml 'l TO S L.Ta.l iir . f CjuurrluM ,n4 ,1 , , , i i.Uvt. I prctKriba Uaod . f , ' fw.-lifluracoinmand :U :7Li tt all iffcrara. ' (1 HMMWl MA t,J.tiT0V:il,.D, ra.iS5Jriwt Sold by Dracglst, f mt . Hll. vT -f,-le Axeetv Ely's Cream Balm Ooennca the TTasal Paaeageal Al lays Inflammation, nealatna Sores. Bestorcs the Boobos of Taste, f3meU find. Hearing. ; , ,. A Particle la applied Into Mr a nostril mad b aerarable. Prlr ftOc. at Uhrna.lM ar by SseJt. KLY BKOTIUOtByarrenBt.Jieir York. EedCrownMills S6M, LANNlSa ,4 CO., k HOPE'S. SW rBOCMJt FTOCB Bl'ri&lOS rOh PAMTMSS AVO BAKIXS CSX. .j . BEST STORAGK ?ACILJTIES. Highest 'JPric in Caib fo A r Wol 1 1 C & Gnl and KiiVOUS VhllLVY 4fTTTf T"knwot Body and Jffmd: Effect J J JLh Ad f K rror. or Ekw-imi in 0 dor Ynjr. i WV Sob HAlHtl(t fully HMltfrvrt. II'ms ,i llnte n4 tornthm WKAftt.liMifKVtrMt'U HUHH fA HI 8 of JUlir. AMe.utlv sisrttillur HIIIK TKKA't kHT K-( tn tlf. Vlra iewXlfV tVooa 41 Klata. TrTllr1ea, v4 Koreas m CnmitriMb YeM rst srlt. Uieis. Hoot, fait tv utntniUnt mm A uronfa aiir4 Stm. ,Maw mfi.CAl ca.,BuifAia,i.i, HOY? TO CO EAST. Go Et via Mount Pliant Route. Nice olimsta and snennry at all time of the year. Sao Mount Shanta, Ssrirameoto, Ogden, Salt I,ke, ijnvar, Kimiitso'ind-clas cr mad art) ran '1 lily. Buy y.iur tickot of me aud aiivo jMir fare to Portland. larfi tho only poraoa in Albany that ran sell you ticket to any point lo the United States. Csll on mo for rates. VV, L. Jkstfr, Agent S. F. pStn""' owl i .'"'J' rami COLD i SfmM HEADs yW TIMBER LAND K0T1CE. United State Land OUio. rKa City.Or., July 25th.lS8D. Notice i hereby vn that in complianc with thproviioo ot the act of Cotiurei of June 3, U78.sutittd "An act tor the vale of timber laud in the state of Ciiforni,Or- Nevadat and Washington Territory." Frank Crls,oI Sydney ,ooauty of rvit.ap.l territory ol Washington, na tnt day Wed; in thi office hi sworn statement No 12i)6 tor the purchas of the N K j of teotion No nJ I- tnM...kln til lO MMtk Km O A . . will ofler proof to how that the lead tonght i more valuable for it timber or tone than foratfiionltttra) parpoae. and to eatablMh hi olmra toaaid land before the lURtr and Reoelver of thi oflio at Ore uon City, Oreirooi en Tburday,th84th da of October. He nam a witnreerit U Smith, T Meuilenoe, J 1'eter and J T Murphy.ellol Sydney. Kitaap county, Y T. Any aud all pron olainilna advrely the above dtiortbed land are reqneeted to file tueiroiaime tn tnu omo on or beiore Mid 24th day of October. 1889. W THCRHiT.KegUiar. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. . United Stat Land OUIoe. OreKon City, Or., July !I3ib, 18S0. Noiioe i horeby aiven that iu oomuHanoe with the proyiiioo of the not ot Conor of Jun3,lS7!i,enitUd "An act for the ealeof timber land in th tat of California.Or' on, Nevada, aad Wellington Territory," Williaut SottrBeld, ot Seattle, eounty ot King, territory of Watuiotftoo, ha thi day tllrdin tiii office hltiwora ttmrnt No i29o, tor the parch 2 eMt.d wf rcbaa ot the N n of ieo towmhip No 10 loutb, range I will oflr proof to how that the land ought is more valuable for iUtim- oerortn than for agrteultorai pnrpoeee, and to ettablUh hi claim to id land before tn Kitr and Kvoeiver oi thiaooioeai Oregon City, Oreaon. on Tudy, the 22nd aay oi uetoner, 139V. ne nam aa witnea I J II vHtevan. J K ttutohintoo. J J- kobeenand John Utrnr,all of Seattle, King oonnty.W T. Any and all puraone cUiining drrcly th above deenrtred land are rj qomted to file their oiaima in thi oflio on or before said !od day ol Ootoln.r.1889. WTBlMiT.IUniktrr, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State Lund Oillco, Oregon City, Or., July 27th, 1889. Notico ie hereby eivoo that in coinnli- anco with the provieiona ot the act ot Con- greaa ot June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tlse sale ot timber lanU In tho State ot California, Orcjn, Nevada end V-'aelilmr- ton Territory," Andv W lHilHtliag, of exy, county oi ciiwKamaM.Maie oi uro- gon, liaa tlua dav tUfti tn tins omce nia sworn atatvment "No 1313, for the purchuae ot the N K H of Sec No 2, in Tp No 12 south, lUnge No 2 east, and will oflcr proof to ahow that the land sought ia more valuable forib timber or atone than for agricultural rmrpottes. And to eaUbliah hi claim to eaid land txjiore tne JtegtHtor ana Kewiver of thia office turteon City.ur., on t rtaay ue n aay oi uctoixv, ihhii. He names aa witneio : B F Kyle, of Knsmne. Lane county, II S lie reman, of Needy, Clackamas county ,K Howe and J j So.uires.of Albany. Linn county, all of ur. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described land are requested to file their claim in this oillco on or be fore said 20th da y of October, 18.H0. w. r. Bi-RxiY, Hcgmor. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or.,Jnly2oth, 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the (xoviions ot ttie act of Con gress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale ot timber lands in the Ktatos of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Arthur A Waite, of Salem county of Marion, State ot Oregon,has this day filed in thi office his sworn statement o, for the pnrchase of the a Jb ti ot I Sec No 34, in Tp No 10 south, Kange No 8 eot. and will oifer proof to thow that the land sought is more valuable lor its timber or stone titan tor agricultural purposes. aud to establish his claim to said land be fore the llegistorand Receiver of this of fice at Oregon City, Or., on Tuesday the 22nd day oi Octotxr, 1S3U. He names as witnesses : II Shelton, ot Jordan, Linn county, E E Woodward and C eU, of Salem, Marion county, all of Oregon, and John Garner, Seattle, King county, W. T. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 22nd day ot October, 1880. W. T. biKXEr, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, Oregon City.Or., July 26tb, 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions ot the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Jorgen B Jakobsen, of Seattle,coanty ot Kine.Terrltory of Wash ington, bos this day tiled in this office his sworn statement No 12H0,(or the iarchase of the N E H of Sec No 3 t,Tp No 10 south Kongo No east ana will Oder proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and liertiver of this office at Oregon City, Or., on Tuesday the 22nd day of October, 1889. He names as witnesses : W Scourfteld. J E Hutch inson, John Gamer and J E Stevens, all of Seattlo, King county, W. T. Any and all persons claiming adversely tho above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 22nd day of October, WW. . W T. BvtJiKY, Register. TIMBEH LAXD K3TICE. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 27th, 1889. Notice is hereby given that ia compli ance with the provision of the act of Con gre of Juno 8. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Charles Smith, of Sydney, county of Kitsap.Territory of Washington, has thi day 111, in this office his sworn statement No 1314, for the purchase of the N E M. of Sec No 4, in Tp No 12 south, Kange No 2 east, and will offer proof to show that the lund tought i more valu able for it timber or stone than for agri cultural purpose, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City.Or., on Friday the 25th day of October. 1889. He names as witnesses : J Horzog, J T Murphy, 'f McOlcnon . and J Peters, all ot Sydney, Kitsap county, W. T. Any and all person claiming ad versely the above described lands are re quested to file their claims in tbit office on or before taid 25th day ot October, 1889. W. T, Bi'hkky, Register. TIM3ER LAND NOTICE- United State Land Office, Oregon City, Or July 30th, 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of theact of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Josephine Shearer.of Port land, county of Multnomah, ttate ef Ore gon, hat thit say filed In thit office her tworn ttatement No 1334, for the pur chase of lott 1 and 1 and S of N E U of Sec No 3, in Tp No 12 south, Range No 1 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought It more valuable fer ttt timber or stone than for agricultural parpeset, and to establish her claim to said land be fore the Register and Receiver of this of fice at Oregon City, Or. , on Saturday the 36th day of October, 1889 : She names at witnesses : H Vroom, G Llndley, C J Dlckerson and J M Simons, all of Port land, Multnemeh county, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above de scribed lanos are requested to file their Jatmt In thi office on or before taid 2.6th day of Oeteber, 189. W.T. Burnet, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE, v mitsd Statai Land Off lc. - Orrn(Xv,r(OD,Joly mh.lMe Hotte lshmbf (iventhat lit eompliaae with tn PKurtstnnsof i Ml ot () ol iani .lB7B,ntttl AnaetSr Ore nt iibr lrm i th.ttoteo!C;" HWnia; Oron, Mra4a,and Wuhlr.fton Tsrrttm)-," Wirf 8 Bnwmui .! of 0)ekamM,nMa f Orfri, hotbi dT Sated in thlolTic hi mrftrn mtemt NoKlit, forth pnnhu o( th Nff(rf MtraNo2, intirnhlpNollauWt ,ruif KeSwalv, od will eflr promt U ihowliiRt tlisixnd nrht is nrsValiidb Inr iu nn.r or lum. th.i srrlrail tnml pnrinMa.M4 torM.S)iah hi t mid huid ' U c Hovmtr and Hanirer I W i-e at Or. y,n crw, Ontn , Friday, the IStls af f OetvlMr, (.Mmiii. B f Kyif.ot eeii, LtuKaantf, Klle" JS-jutr,! A Ib. ,Mnn eaunty, all ol frfrn. AtT and )1 norma mmitUnt ulnn.iT tk MMMdnoAri )tkNrtiatitril tiMir clEtivia In Uiitoam r Mraat tn flr l 0aiMr.MS, W T r)i;ar, B'guiMr. raousii rr 1FI0IAL : and ' IAPHL vllITY a . TELEGRArillO NEWS A liemarkable Hone. TekKK IIai'TK, Iml Oct. ii. A mile in two minutes and twelve seconds is a great feat for an sged horse at any gull. When it is don by a three year old stallion at a trotting gait, It meant a record that will stand (ormnny days it means the acme of physical endurance, courage and alt that goes to make a King of all horses. Axtel trotted it In this time to day, making the half in It05 and the mile In lt4 breaking the record for three year old and stsllians of all sges. Mr-fuse th lienor. Nitw York, Oct, ll. An evening pspcr saytt Tammany offered to make ex l'le-lJent Cleveland a candidate for congress in th ninth district to succeed the Inte S S Cox, but Cleve land declined, The same paper says thM Kv nn wJ VHiuuung now nnmsu r uie posi- wowuunai oiorir. Citv o Mexico, via Galveatun. CX t. 11 S Th. A7 ArW.1 savs that th momi.r t.un.1,1 - - - - -- , , E used In draining the city bring up many arms and legs of children, us nui vmrciii un me an cm iimi I excavating unucr an old buiuung here a initio, cwiainmi; jw,vw in gnm u uorarmFU vj 1 f iiiv woramcn. A Itlrh TUIrf. San Hkknasdino, Cal,, 0c. ie. Thectty police to-night arrested lor the tlw-fl of a rJl of butter an old man named Walton, who had on his person certiheates of deposit on various banks segregating nearly t?ouo. He has long been suspected a a petty thief, A Portland Harder. Portland, Oct, 1 1. Thomss fi McDcvitt, deMt master of the Ok&N Co., and his ton, Tame M McDcutt, 15 yeatt of age, wets not ny jt cvjiihs a colored poner oi a run man car, last evening. The boy.s wound is not dangerous, but not necessarily fatal, white Mr Multev ill's wouml ia not serious. " Taa K eff Wectloa. Astoria, Or,, Oct, 10. The following officers were elected at to -day's session of the grand lodge of Knights of Pythias of the Oregon jurisdiction: Grand chancellor, Oil Irvine, of No 7, Albanyt grand vice chsncellor, A A Cleveland, of No 17, Attorias grand prelate, C t. Itayard.of iSo o, 1 he Dalle; grand keep r of records and teal. Ward S Steven, of No. t, Portland (this ninth ie-clectUn;) grand master at arms, Adam Crotwnan, of No a 7, La Grandet grand inner guaid, Uustal SchoUe of No 13, Portland ; grand outer guard,Chatks Fellows, of No a, l'otllsnd. Tae installation wilt probably take place to-night. Judge Denny. Washington, Oct. 10, It teems there art till those in the official circlet of Corea who hold that Orrgon't iormer resident. Judge 0 N Denny, i the csum of much ot the inteinsl war and strife that bat been beard of in Corea by tome lime past. I r Allrn, foreign secre tary of the Cores n emliessy, expects lo start soon a busincai trip lo Cores to mallets in the legation. Sneaking of Cores he says: "As to the new minister and prince Pak, there is a most cordial frutodtmn existing between them, more to than the case witb bis predeces sor, I think all present discussion springt from Ihe meddlesome c ivily of s ciiicn of the I ntted States in Ihe empWy of iheCoresn gov eminent. They are Jutt about finding him out. and will no doubt suun dispose of his peculiar sent ice. Ksllonol Crange. , '""-J" . 1 ' , . . . , . ? . " overseer .uui I rjrorri of Husbandry, issue tb Itinerary of the visitors from the Kaletn states, to the meeting of the National Grange in Sacramento ali lorn ia, in November. 1 be price 01 tickets to Chicago from lloston will be fl 8 from thai point, ami to San Francisco and return 1 1 00, tickets good (or six month. The itinerary, tt arranged, give every desirable opportunity lor tight seeing slong the route. Center Ktna. New VotK, Oct. 10, Tb. cornsr none Juf the Pnlitier building; Ihe new home of the WorUl, wtt laid at I o'clock thit afternoon. Colonel Cockerel), on behalfof Mr Puliuer, mad a brief introductory tpeech,and Chsuncey M Depew delivered Ihe formal sddress, Kw Lawyer. SaI-XM, Or., Ov.t. 9. To-day, bclor. the upreme court, the following ttudenrs psed examinations and received certificate to prac tice law in all th count of the ttate: 1 xxi is li Tarpey, Salem. M E Brink, Albany. Victor C Ucllinger, F L Keenan, George F Holms n, W K Smith, G M Miller, Simon J McN.II. Will 11; Walker, F R Osborne, Mitchael L Bergman am Charles llcsver.Port land. George W Colvig and ' Robert G Smith, Grsnt's Ps, Alexander Smith and C E Khvtt.lliil.lwro. W H Parker, Jacksonville. ' D C Browncll, Llnkvitle, Charles E Lockwood. Eugene. C A Reed, New Jeisey, Probably Xot Trne. ' Chicago, Oct. 9. A dispatch from Mil waukee says that a privative letter writ'en by President Colby, of th Wisconsin Central, to the stockholders of Ihe Northern Padhc road reveals a gigantic railway consolidation schema that will connect the Iwo oceans and revolu tionize railway traffic, It it the consolidation of the Wisconsin Centrsl and Northern Pacific systems, An amicable traffic agreement wot the first ttep, - A Kanaka Baratd, Soum Bkno, Ind., Oct. 9, Tbe magnifi cent stone beuse of Clem Studcbaker, which cost about $300,000, wis almost entirely de stroyed by Are this morning, The residence was one of the Urgest and costliest in tbe world Tbe intericr wtt hnithed in the costliest of native and foreign woods, while it was furnish ed in the richest style throughout, and the art gallery was tilled with rare works of art, and these are all destroyed, - ' A Democratic Victory. . Indianapolis, Oct. 9, The completed re turns of yesterday's municipal election show s sweeping victory for . the democrat. They elect the mayor, clerk and a majority of the council, while tbe board of aldermen it now a tie, , Tbe republicans had a majority in the last council and board. Tbit it the first elec tion of a democratic mayor in fifteen yean and the democrats are jubilant, . j . s Poor Kansas,'.., Topeka, Ko., Oct. 9, The governor has endorsed the appeal from the people of Stevens county for aid, and urges that a hearty resronse be given to the call for food, fuel and clothing. The farmers of that county have t uffereu four successive failures of crops, and they are with out meant of support for the approaching win ter. . '" ' 4Y A BlfCateh. - .. San FXANCisco,Oct,9. The whaling bark Coral arrived from the Okhotsk tea to-day, with eleven hundred casks of oil and thirteen thousand ponndt of bone. The ciptain reports that the bark Stamlioul, which wot still in Okhotsk when tbe Coral left, bad caught six whales. .- . , TIMBER LAND NOTICE. , United States Land Office. Oregon City, Or., July 31st, 1889. Notice it hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congrese of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the tale of timber in the states of California, Oregon:, Nevada, and Washington Territory, "Charles L Gray, of Vancouver, county of Clarke.territory of Washington, has thi day filed in thi office hi 1 worn ttatement Noi326,forthepurchaie of lott i and 2 and E i of N W of section No 1 3, in township No 12 sooth, range No 3 east, and will offer proof to show that tbe land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purpos. es,and to establish his claim to said land before tbe Register and Receiver of this office at Ore gon City, Or.on Monday,the 38th day of Octo ber, 1889. lie names as witnesses : J Sweet, G W Robinson, D Fitzgibbon and D M Mc Farlane,ali of Vancouver, Clarke county, V T. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 28th day of October, 1SS9, WT Burnet, Register, '" QltchQfQ Cnctsrla. t'OUNTV COIKT rilOCKKDlNOS. (f.;n. N. Blackhurn, Jutlg j B. W. 0oo.r and 0. W rhlllltx, 0ommlalonr.) t Ell 1'lummer, Allowed 3000 feet ot lum ber for road. 11 L Robe, W A Templeton and ElU Lewi were griuUcd ctiolurlilp to the Stale University. Lee Applewhite, N M Clum and Otto Stone appointed to scliularhtp In the AgricuHuial College, In the matter ot application of E M Whorton and other, dUmUsed at cost petitioner. The Stayton bridge was accepted. The tax levy will be placed at seven teen mills. The following claims were allowed; John tVicr, jjnlior n.;o li K Moniaguo, clerks fees. 7. B Moss, assessors fees. ........ l7-7 "'u''4? H Farwcll, salary as treasurer. . , . L M Curl, postage etc, 83-33 3500 ' salary a school sun't III.B9 jonn a irawiord, water rent. w Crawford, )umbcr for road.',' I5.0O 34.08 1. 00 3 Harris, wild CBt Clp. . Jul us water, seeing pauper 8.00 600 Una Uuncan, work on b-l'lte W Kecce, miodnir Wm Hue 10,00 )Y W Cm wford.ltimbcr for road GaIni for roluj 31. OS Albany Electric Lljtht Co llnht 26,00 Sam Oourly, rcpal.s on scraper, . 350 Ans Marsnall, naCKS, , I iM) 5.00 3500 m E llrlnk, dls't attorny fees j Miner, tx urtilge R W Moses, lumber 3.35 19.79 4 S& Moycr Uros, r.. U ' II ...... A F Hamilton, aid for poor 1000 OO Wlckson, paper 7-8S U 11 Montague, lumoer... 1 F Hide, aid for poor Sam Mav, sld for I'Ha lirlgg.... 57-70 1000 10.00 State v NlcholU, Justice fe..... 3.35 State v Hlack, fee U.40 14,00 I4.OO Fee Inquest I K Martin. Innlty. wm rowcii " Feet state v Martin. . ........... R R Humphrey, lun-bur Fortmlllcr & Irving, coffm and box Fees, stale vt Krkhbaum wis '444 15.00 134S E E Montague, postage, 5.00 JohnSmallmon, sundry expenses. sheriff Ices........ iohn J Davis, keeping poor. ..... t Koldcway, stock lnpcttor...,. 54 7 3'.S 6.35 Fees, state vs U W Noah rial.... 4-iO lOOO 36.00 9-1 0 I It nixwslcr, kecpl.ic poor W II Davis, tried, serv's. prlsonrcs lames Watch,. V W Spink, lumber. sO.oft 15.00 F I Miller, supt Staylon bridge. . . 135-00 ( W I lunsakcr, lumber 3.00 KEAt. t'-HTATK H.11.KS. The following deeds have been filed for rccerd in the County Recorder office tlnce 3 o'clock p. .n. yesterday s WJ Stewart toj II Ilsteman, lot - a ....... m 7 ana o, 01a iv i:aiey Robert Cary to Ci F Cofley, 144 7J0 35OO 300 16S acre in tp 10, a k j w. . I Ioin and fe I Lanoln to Arch- buliop w 11 uroa,3 acres in tp id. S R 3 w A Hacklcman to A F Krumrel.lot 7, blk ill's 3rd A lo Albany J Isom and J Lannlng to J E Sor bin, lots 9 ana m.nia 19,11 1 410 A to Albany 4OO Margaret Bear 10 Frank frUby.lott 3.4, 5 ana 0,01a 31,10 iiaiey..3 Lee Itilyca et l to E Oolns,sundry parcels In Scl? , , . 7S 400 Fiank FrUhy to Caleb Gray, lot. 3, 4, 5 and r, oil 3i,iiaisey . 7S Annie W and Geo II Jones to W J rcnnlngton, lots 4 ana 5, bin 3, in Highland Grove, so Tho V Madill and wile to J Thomas, lot 3 and 4,blk 4, C Ac M s A to Albany.. J... 00 J II Mc Mullen and wife to t UHrt- Mi I'ower 01 Attorney El Daly and wile to I 3 Morris, parcel In Sclo. 50 M II Shelton et al to U W Taylor.a acre in sec 10, S R 1 w.. 300 United State to D W Allinchatn.. Patent THE MAX ABOUT TOWS. Many new comer are often surprUedat old Oregonlant enjoying our rainy winter weather so much ; but the truth I It I the healthiest scsson of the yetr, and the new comer himself In only a yeai or two discovert web growing on hi own feeling In the msttcr.and he learn to rejoice with old timers In the gladsome approach of winter. Recently we mentioned the Eugene young man who wanted his baggage check ed to the city, meaning Eugene. The f7ur gets off the following little pleasant ry, which Is very humorous considering the fact that the amount ol freight receipt at Albany are nearly double what they are at Eugene.a good Indication oi the bunlnc s life of a city t "The oung man had spent several day's In the Albany village and it was so lonesome and dull, when compared to the rustling little clir of Eugene.ihat he could only compare the two properly by asking for hi baggage "to be checked to thecltv.,,, Biookst Yet 10,000 roll of wall pa per, latest varieties, finest decoration jutt erelvet it Fwrtmlller fc Irving' Not on person in fifty arrives at th. ag of forty, who i not troubled with kidney or nrinary complaint in some form. To tho. afflicted with pais in th. btck, noa retention of srine, nervont debility, painful or sup pressed menstruation, w. ean offer a remsdy that bat been in constant na nyr twenty year, Oregon Kidney Tea. Thi preparation ha don. mor for suffering humanity than any other medicin. in tb. market. Sold by Foshsy Si Msnn. ' 3 Merit Wins, ' Wadctlrd tosay to onroUtan, thst fr ynart w hr boon -1iiiiir Dr. King-' N.w IHaonvam for Can. umptWrt, Or Klriu'i Nr Ui Fill, Uuokian's Ar. ulc Sato and Klwtria 111 liana, an-t h new hand tad nmmllrt ikal acil wall, or that bar (lvn such uniruml Mil' l:lin. Wa do not hilaU tn guar aula thota rry tim. ami ra ctand mdy M rotund th purchaa prtna, II mil.iin-l.iiy renin do not fol low thvlr U-. TIwm rrmMiliM hvo won their rrrat popularity p-irt-ly on tlwir ttwriu. fuabay and Ma son, drujfa' Ifyoa wants good ilvcrstealeythe,fiucst in th market, go to Stewart & Sox't. If joa huve any j-ih wtrk to dt call on G W. Sinilbwho i pr,i ,d tt do it with -neatues and dianat - sod a cheap as any one. ' . .'-''. Go to Hibler & Paisley for your job print in. Tbey do any and all kinds of work in tb puhiUbing and job priutiog line. Quick work and lew price , - Dr. M. ii. Eiii, pbytieian and urgeon ylhany, Oregon. Call mad. in city ot oountry, " Bnrklcn's Amies 8lve. Th best Silva in th world for Cats, Ulcere, Salt Kheutn, "aver goree. Tetter, Ch; tuuida, Chilblaina. Corns, snd all Hkln Eruntlou. and pocitively turea Plies, or no pay required. It U mar-ntee-l toirir perfoct aitinfattloii, or money refund el. Pi iu U cent per box. For al by Fuahsy and kUtoa. A large stock of gold and gold f l'ed watches at F M French', at greatly rei'uood pi loos. - . . ' A Safe lavestmeat. Ior'ehich la fruarantccd to brinif yon astlefaa tory rwulu, or In eeee ol failure a return of purchaw price. On thi nfe rlen you can buy from our ed vrtid DriiKifl.t a Untie of Dr. Klnir'a New Die isovery fori'oiiaufriptlon, It I guaranteed to brUijr rallef In every eaau, when uted for any affection of Throat, Lunya or Choot, eurh sa Cornuruotion, Jo flatnmation of Lunge, lironrhltla Aethma, Wheopfnir Cottgli, Croup, eto ete. It la pleasant andst-reeab) to laiito, pt-rfoctly aa'o, and can alrfoya'oe depended upon. Tiial boltlis fre at Foahsy et Masou's, For your wetohos clock and jewelry French's. flouest goods, low price aid niok tales. . : v . better List. f Following la th Iet of latter remaining; in th Poet Office, Albany, Linn county, Oreeon, Out loth, 18St, Persona calling for theee letters must civ the data 00 which thef ore advertised s . Bennet, William Hamphrey, W B Uendtsraon, L A Lami, Geo Redaald, Harvy Stjiwart, Charlie H Turpin, W P DeWitt, W M Card, Willi Holhib, Kum rlonucratin, H W Nicliolla, Thmuna T Wjm ten, ,loaepli Hmall, Kz-i "V hittin, 'Ihomas " W&Mt, Airs J J '' R. TUOJiWOS, P, an ALBANY AND SALEM. Oitioa CoaiparUoas Te Raleia. Recently Ike Journal, ot Salem, claimed that the Capital Adventure Co. had paid a remarkably big freight bill, and the Dem ocrat, always In for a IrWindly contest, asked for the figure, ssylng that Albany was In fur a freight contest. The Jimrnal, much to our surprise, give the flgure,and we blush for the Capital clty,when wo tee the amount. The Jonrmtl say 1 "The Comilol Journal was only throwing out bait for tucker when the Item was written, and, of course, Albany was the first to nibble. You want figures, Mr. Dkmochat t Here they are, The Capitol Adventure company above referred to paid $387.(0 trclifht uoon one shlntm nt of dry coos' alone, nrobnblv more than anv one of your merchant pay In tlx monihs What bluster, Now as a matter of fuel single shipment of goods Is not what ludl cute the business of a place. The bul nest oi a year It w hst tells. Hometlmct s Arm gets a big shipment, and that is about all It buys lor a season. The live merchant gelt goods continually. i lie yearly freight bill ot S E Young is probably sev eral times that of the Capital Adventure Co. He has recently paid at high at 6oo In a week for frclgnt ; hut it wa not In one thlpmcnt. At nearly at we can learn there have been many cases here in whicn the freight bill was over the Salem figures. Fortmlllcr it Irving a snort lime ago paid a hill of $446 on one shipment i Uitrrowt iV Hearles. 'xjo. w r Kend tmid over kt a few dav airo on a small shloment ot dry KOods, and the - list might be con tinued. Though Salem claims a population dou ble that of Albany we Invite the Journal lo give us some figure on the amount of fre Ubt handled at Its southern I'actnc pi flee alone. That indicate the business of city In tlrong term. Here are some jor Aiusny, During September 4,8i..Vio pounds ot freight were handled and the receipts for freight and panseger fare were 914 poo, Uurlnir August the amount of ireignt nana led was about 5,300,000 pound, and tne re celnis forfre.uht and fare were i 0,500. wurtns ihe past year tne receipt at tne Albany office were approximately $150,000. l .els near irom aaiem. TANUHNT. ' j Last Saturday the band boy dressed In uniform and with their Instruments In hand boarded the evening train 'or the purpoae ol serenading their former teach er, Prof Slbblta, at Junction City. The Prof wat taker completely by nurpruc, and right royalty did he entertain them during their ttay. E I. ilryan has sold hi farm adjoining Tangent to A C Ohllng. Rev. Ilourd. of Wctton, ton ot the pas tor of the church at thi place, filled the pulnlt last Sunday in Ms father t riace, preaching a very able sermon from the 17 vera 01 tne 5 chapter ot sna conntniant. The Question ha been raled here a to which U the greatest wrong, the killing ot Chinese pheasant or playing croquet nearly alt of one' time. Quite a number are eolns from thi vi cinity to the Mechanic Fair at Portland, Matter George Thoma. of Portland.ha been vUltlng relative In and around Tan gent lor several day. The familiar face of Squire Maine of Newport he been teen on our street thi week. He taid that Newport wat loom ing. Of course It would look that way to a man who had prospect upon a nui. The public school It progressing under the able management of Prof Mitchner, there being 60 pupil enrolled and other to come. Several change hare takea place here till fall. E L Ilryan having held the office ot S S, Superintendent and school m living in CorvalHt, tell two vacancies, the Sunday school filling one by electing J U McFarland Superintendent. Mr Editors I it not the duty of the remaining two di rector of a school tllstrlct.when a vacancy ta made In the call a tpecial meet ing to nil the vacancy. The welcome rain has come at lat In copious the w,-r and the farmer are happy Wild gcee and ducks can be teen al most anywhere new. To FASMEaS AMD Hoskkmcm. Gal brailh Bros, pi Jantsvlllc. Wit., offer for tale at the Live Stock Exchange, Cor, Fourth and Ash St., Portland, Oregon, choice collection of their celebrated Clyde dale,Engllsh Shire.tlackney and Cleveland Bay Stallion, at moderate pi Ices, and on term to suit purchaser. These horses are all of the highest Individual merit and most fashionable strain of breeding, bvery animal satisfactorily guaranteed. Ac -Inch light roadster, 1SS0, for sale heap at Thompson & Overman's. This Trade Mai k on a stove Is the best that ex- peiknce and skill can con inre, sotu mj oj v. it Smith. Hotel Arrivals. St Charleo. E G Bcardaley,S F T Sim, Mill City W ; Moore, SL B W Noye,Mas C Schmidt, Yaqutna 11 W Perrlgo.Port A S Canney, NY H Calvin and wife E D WIIes,Corvalli U Williams ' Revere House. J R Dixon Portland Fred J Klitsch W T Geo H Fos John Dupev City AS Rand ,, , " lleniv Lang " Mrs Leonard Werx" P J Du Flor Henry 8 Ellis S V Joe Durbln II Smith S P Munkcr Sclo u s nam tuy J William 8clo Frank Cummin -WQuInn Prlner R Altman Moun E Hartle Ph Vann Lebanon I G Bush Ky Geo Flnley Crawtordtvllle : , Rush House, W Rims, Milt City T B Barnes, " O J Richardson A M 8tewart,Port N Peterson, " John Peterson Carl Jepscn G J Fostcr.Scattle Jennie Johnson . Mr Peterson J Ballhoute, wife 11 Woodward W II Gill C Raifsnidcr.wlfe II G Paul HM Myert O E Kellogg,'d A L Sawyer, Albina J L Hennest J T Hughes, Ruthl'd James Noel and wife O Otborn v Peterjepsen Mist O Fos Mrt Thompton Mrs Hanson -Thot Sloan, Haltey P Eastman, city J F Evans, S F II F Dletzel, Dallet R J Monroe ' 'When Baby wot tick, we gav. her Caatorla, 'rThen sli was a Child, she cried for Castorla, 4 Whan ah becam Ulas, h clung to Caatoria, When th. had Children, she gav. thm CattorU, C05STJ3IPT10X SUEELf CtRED. , To th Editor Plena inform your re6 era that I have u positive renindy lor the abova named discuss. ly Its timely use thounandsot hopeiess cases lutv. heeit pernuinently cured. I shall be Kind to snnd two bottles of my reme dy rues to any of your readers who have eon-' sumption If tlicy will send mo their f xpresa and post offlce udlriHS. HeHpcctfully. T. A. SLOOUM. M.t:..131 feurl st..huw Iforlv MAURI ED. LOONEY ACKERMAN At tho residence of Mr Lebe Ohlipg on ,Vednes day Oct 8th 1889 Mr Wm H Looney and Miss Kate Ackerman, both of L.lniv Co. KEIIL GLASS. On Oct 8th, , 1R89, at Blodgett Station by Eld. A J Jarningan, Mr George Keht and Mist Barbara Glass, both of Blodgett Station, - . i;ohn. HAMBRICK. In Albany, Oct rath to the vil of John E Hamb: ick, a girl. ,f . . - HOUR AND ABK0A1) Til URSOA r. My D L Croaseu i in Portland, ttr 3 W Watts, of Yamhill county, is in the city. Sladr, ths world famous tuiritualiitio mi- dlum it eoraing thit way. A double wadding l reported a on ef tbe ooiai event of ueXi week. Mr. and Mrr. Frd Itlonnt returned last nli(lit from tbeir bridal trip to Portland. Cot Hogg and William llotg ar in th. city to day, It now iu ordur for divr minor to blossom Int. laois. M. K Drink, ot thi city, Was admitttid to the bar Halurn y.sttrday, with eredit, it. will i.i h hi. -r to tn. profession. A Uontixti'iuiit hustle factory, employing 600 gtri ha beou obliged to shut down tin acucuiit ol tb. lloklen of lasbion, Mr Allun Mnsiigr,uf Glen Rock,IVnn, sniviul tit Hie city law day , This i Mr MoeMtfiger' third trip to Albany, thi tim. witb s view ( remaining. Mr, K. II, M,!l ireeiyed a dispatch from Kilii.i uv, )tcrdy evcning,stst)iiig hat Mi iltfiiiih tr, Mr. Oley 'Wood worth. wa quitw il . MrQ'tii-nty Prooat srriv,,! this Bono front tb K. ot P. meeting at A4ria. II reported a very wt time, to muoli water fur enjoy iimiit, proving a datnpener on mat tars thre. ThDalle ha eome intrt th. procottina of progres and passnd a tmw ordinano. Al bany' ordiuauo. i itrictly enforced, and w. ar now in a p-ttion tu recommnnd all onr ntiiihbois to do likwie, Uon t be fossils, raioAV. v . Mii Lnla Webhor rtstarned Utt evening irom a yilt to I'ortisnd of several week. Mr Frank Wool has raosived an order fiom Tb DalUt fur a ear load of hi Benton couuty ttone. A butines meeting of the Y M C A will beheld stth hall to night at o'clock. Memlertand all intrstcd 0 d-. ring to join th. society ar invited to atWnd . Lt evaoing wbil otoaiog barn di or Mr J It Mullsu bad one i-f hi hand mahd in a arioo manner, Dr Kill w called aid attends;) him. This (tn 000 Mr Mtillan wat reported Utter snd will recover. . wdnmdy .veuing a lamp ispl idtd in the rettdnnoe of A K Pike, nr th. Red Crown Mill, raining a valnab. I iano be fin. it eould b. extluvuithr d. Tb. plane was on trial and belonged toti U lilsckmsn C H Udwrman aad S V V Carter has packed th remains of thair boot and shoe toek and wilt leav. to-day for th. new Ple of basin at Baker City. Tbey are nlerpriaiaa and progressiva young men who til do w.ll lor thtlr community. Ashlsna Kteorit. ATCaftAT. Plcaoty of freah bntUr at C E Browi.e.1 A On. lin. of solid til vr war at Frenoh's ' A fin. line of library lamp just receive at Conn Uros. Try th. Old North Stvte mokloe tobacco for a duliciout smoke. Mr J. Irvine, of th Fork ot tb. San Uatn, u in th. city to-day. Sixty docen wind w .hades iokt-ecoiv- rortmiliarJi Irving . Aa elesant Ho. of new desisn of cbsir 0troeiv4 at rortmtller A Irving . Uo to Bsrdn. for honset weishta. itood guoas sna lowest lit-tag prices. An .levant stock of watetta. sold at low ana tb. lowest, at Will Stark . Th. boat watch in th world forth monev at F M French'. Each on. fully warranted, j For a Kvauioe Se-'.h Thooit click, eheso for eaah call at F M Freojb th Corner Jewelry Stars. th. "WillamstU Vallev" arrived at tb. Bay last sv.ning. A J Fet vUrd v trchad fonr Iota in Pipe S. A , paying tGUO for tb. same. Ths eiaat tuiritualiatio medium. Dr Chaa Slade, 1 t rw in Salem to-morrow evening. Mr L Sender isshipuinii a tare, ansntitv othsy to Seattle, sending It entirely by water. -Dr Black and wife, of Salem, eim neon tb. noon train and are tbe gusvti of Dr Ir vine. Hon I D vVbitmaa.of Med ford. wa in th. city yesterday afternoon. Tb. Dkmocrat oekaowtedges a pleasant call. A eon tract for eighteen mile nt crsdin? ea th U. P. exteoaioo bo. ben Ut to Or- mond K Cook, Colorado contractor, who will bring their plant her. and go to work as soon a possible. In another col a mo will I found tb. sdv. MllS hilt & Co, cigar dealer. Thi firm is jot opening np a atw tora, and being ttranjjor msk. a loeeist reoamt to alt to colt and give them a tiial.a they propoiw to ao ssqaar. oaatnaa. Th. Bank of Oreuon. thro 0.2b. theaoarteav of eaabter II F Moinll.soods ue lithograph 01 tn. thriving city cf Albauy and tt en viron. It is av tocxolain th oroauaritv of tb. bank by th. steady eneriaw that sr. at work in th. Northwest. Amerka- lhtmkr, T'i .. .... . . .... ana area 01 tne CUtlctl Sitatas IS a little Wgar than that of tiure f ir the United SUU being, at th ecntu of 1880, 3,602,990 inar. mil s while the Dominion oi vaaata, by th. cnaui of 1881. comprised 3,203,343 sonar mile. Tho total tree of Knrep. is only a llttl. greater than eitbar of mm. yaal American eoantrto. bein-j tt- snascu ai j,-.u,ww square miles. 13 oeot thaing at Vierock's. 8 ticket for fl at Viertck't. Boots and shoes at cost at It aad', Saratoga chip at 0 E Browo.ll'.. ' Try th!fatt erstm oheene aS O E Brown, ell'a. New cream cheese just reeeived at Coarad Meyers. 3 chairs running steady nt Vioreok' thtv- tag parlors. Best roast oofJae in the city at Conrad Meyer. Get your school l-rn-ki aud tablets at Gaits k Son'. J W Beatley. bets Wonu shoo makerjin city, oppoalt Fortinillur St In Alargatnd tin lin.. .f ini slid jutt received at Fottniiiier A Irviux's. V W. have tim Ut $1 50 kid glovo ever brought to Albany at W l", Read's. . Now is the vim tos-vvo innnvr h bnyinff ooot oun inoc at C'itt rt w. t , Jlitd . I Ad tea shoes, men vljr.ii-. misses ahoee, ohildftnuah ws, ui-iin hoot-, l.oya boot, tt lea than ooit mi muia room for other goods atCEBrowudl. " Call and examine Z. T. Wright, ttock of lubricating oil. Also steam good of all kind. Keep tho celebrated Powell Sight feed Lubricator and oil caps, constantly on hand. Also Trabern. Lift and Form pump. Iron pipe stpaoially, Branch flouta one block ably Albtay IronWorkt. The bet: Read's. line ot kii glovj at W F. Final Settlement, ' Notice It hereby given that the under signed, Administrator of the estate of Geo. VV. Perry, deceased, has filed In the county court of Lin.i county, Oregon, his final account of taid' estate and the said court hat fixed Saturday November 9th, 1889, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day tor hearing objection, to said final account and the tettlement of said estate. Thit the 9th, day of Oct. 1SS9. T.J. Ml'XKERS. if5 VOICE SS ni W tlalfi WTliMi Woa sit arrk Ohio T!rt lit. of Mr. tiarri. Halssm. ilhitt. wrltMi "WM mi work on ferro fm w t month 5 I row ttar in rncy $ 'or K. a Alloa 4 Cos I hums and pukil- . altrttia a u ,1 nfl.ii .t. takIiaa . A ' tgnt& , W. 11. UABSISOM. William Kiln, HArrlsbanr. Ia., wnitit -I nt f nevr knowtt ifAityOilnf to U Ilk yatirttibHru. YeatrUAjr totk order ous;U to pay ovar riiS.,' W, J. KU itaka an order for your album at aim oat e-Yswy hous 1 visit. My prom oriRii c muehfttefW ifor a tniria day'twuik. Othara are dutrt auke as well i W hava ant anttnoi tn ariosi a,tr tniCta from lhir Utter.. Kvprv (m who takaa ltoW of thi imiTid bucinaaa 9ila or frrand Brottttv, (hall we start VOU in this bnsiness. Writ to ua and laarn all aboath ftr Tr.ur.if. turtinfr many i wi will start yon if you don' delay until ai'UHiBi irwiv iriiti oi you in your pars or uia lkoki.l yoti will ba abl to pivk up troKI fest. eir If fail Ots aitvuuiu e( a tbrcetl maituikrtiirwrt ula 1 tsA.ibsUlik in fuHintrv. Iv.tti aloltu.r IhoCusri Albums arato t mui to tb Fuople for WH aacls. Iiouoft In iioyal Crimson 8ilk VWt luaii. Chanrnngly dsonitd inaidea. Handsomest olbiuns In the world. Largest bins, (srestest barpahia vr known. Afrenta wantdtl. Libsfftd itrms. Uif money for a (roots. Any ouo can bouu sur.sful atfftit. Stills trasif on si frtit little or no uiamg neecssary, whtiwtt at.own, ovary est wants to jur ehasa. Agents Uhs choBsandi of ordart with rapidity nsver bifim Vnown, Great profits await srary workar. Astintt ara Piakinvfuituntw, ldiemaka as muh as man. Too, wAder, eaofloaa w-oli as any on. Full Inforrnarlonand tonus fre. to tho who wilt fur aame, with panioniars aad tarms fur otif Rtt y It U. 5s, liooks aud PartMicai. Aftsr yoa know iL tiHtidyoti coiKJitia to go n ftinhar, why no hann U dons, -AdikM ii. C, ALiUEH CO., AU.fA. Ht3M IZftui -ri.'wi l 111 1.11.1 mi .iiijiim.ii,.l.iun,.,,iim.aii ,11 i., I i iiiiinji.ii.ii.n i.ii.ij.i in- in .., .,...,. ,. 1 M.ii. II in I -, in, 1. ,,..., ,n,i ..ii.,,, 1 . 11111,1 ii.ilniii.iB-i totl-liiiiiiiMililuiinninliiinliimwl for Infants and Children. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmma '"Ciart! well antr to elUMresi that I Caartwrta, ermw CoV. ConlnaMm. t rodornroemd It as suparlce to any prwacrt pUon I ow.tom..- It A. Aoonsi, IsX I in$o.Qxtor4lL,litvoklrii,K.r. I Ta L- aTJ 1 JT. 1 MS. Combines the julc. of the Blue Figs of California, to laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtuet of plants knows to be most beneficial to the hnmsn system, forming th ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly oa the KIDNEYS, Lira 1HD BOWELS AKDTO Cleanse t&8 Sy stsm Effectually, tO TT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING 6LEEP, ' HEALTH and 8TBEN0TH Nstarally follow. Every one is aslng It snd alt ore delighted with it. Ask your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by tbe , CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP C04 tan f taacisco, Cau tectartkLS. Kv. Now Yoss, M. TIMBER LAND NOTICE- United States Land Office. Oregon City, Or., July 27th, 1889. Notice itbereby riven that in compliance with the provisioni of tbe act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An ret for the tale .of timber lands in the ttatetott,alilomi,uregon, Nevada. snd WaUiintton Territory. "IuUu I iar- tog, of Sydney, county of Kitsap, territory of Washimrton.hat this day filed in this office his tworn ttatement No 131 5, for the purchase of Ihe N W U. of section No 4. in township No 13 south, range No 3 east, and will offer proof to show that tbe land sought t more valuable for itt timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim 10 taid land beiore tbe Register and Receiver of thit office at Oregon City, Or, on Friday.the 35th day of Oelobcr, 1889. He names as witnesses : j 1 Murphy. C Smith. T McGlcnon and J Peters, all of Sydney. Kitsap county.W 1 . Any and all persons cUiming odvsrsely tne auove ae scrilied lands are requosled to file their claims in this office on or before at id 25111 day 01 uo tot-er, 1889. W T BUENEV, Register T1MBFR LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office. Oregon City, Or., July 27th, 1889. Notice is hereby given that sn compliance with the previsions of the act of Congress of June 3, IS78, entitled "An tct for tbe tale of timber lands in the states ol Calilorma, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,"' Thomas McGtcnon.of Sydney, county of K.itsap,territory of Washington, has thit day filed in this office tut tworn statement No 1 1 lb. for tbe purchase of the S E of section Nw tn township No 13 south, range No 3 east,and will offer proof to show that the land sought it more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purpot- es,and lo establish his claim to taid land before the Regiater and Receiver of this office at Ore gon Ciiy, Or, on Friday, the 25th day of Octo ber, lodo. lie names as witnesses: 1, smitn, J llerrog, I Peters and J T Murpby.all of Syd ney, Kitsap county, W T. Any and all per sons claiming adversely the above desciibed lands are requested to file tbeir claims in this olnce 00 or before said 3 51 n day of October, 1 0S9. W 1 WURNEV, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. I'olUd Stale Land Ntir. Orea-on City .Orewun: Julvi'.Ui.lSSH Sotie ia hereby artven that ia canoUan- with h. rrurtalon. at U ad of Conirrwa. of June 3, 1374 en tit ad "AaaotfurUxaaleialllmbrr trjidalatlMatataaoKai If onua. Onaroti, rievada, and Wathtuctoa Tarritory. Jasae EtlutcbJnaoa.of Oi)-nnU, county of Thuratonl Sanitary of W aahtnirtna.hae thia day fl:ed in Uuaoffie' hit awora atataomt No 12x0. ror Ibe pnictiaae ol lb 8 K uf aaeUoa No tt. In tuamblp Na tO.aouUi rani; Sm a Mat, aad will offer proof to ahow thai Ibe but aoatrhl a mm yajuabiafor iu limber or atone tba loratrrieullural purpoaea, aad to atabiiah bi daim X eaid auid bWsr lb Ketriaivr aad Kereivw K thi otfie atOragueit ity, Oraeou, on Tuesday, th CSndday a Octsbaa-, I'M. II name a wtUMwew : 1 B Jakohaoa J SMTtns, W Soourfield and John Oartwr.all ol SeatUe Kin: county, W T. Any and all paraona daimlnf ad" h araolr be above deai bed lamia ar requested to 01 thaw claim mubiotfte onor !or I lid tiai day at October, 16.10. W T Beoxxr, Seglttar, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Vnlted State :aij uau. Onuuu City. Oregon. Jnlr t7th.lSS9. K otic Ij hereby riven that in compliance with tb Tjmyialoriaor the act of Con-tree of JuneS,laT8,eouibd Aa sot for the fate of timber lana la th uue ot Oal- Hnmla. Orrcun. Nevada, and Waahinrton Territory .' Fred U Aldnch.ntOadUhw.eoanty ol Wexford tau at aticbiKM, ha this day Sled ha thia affios bia ewora aaatetoant No 181 1, forth purcbaa of theSWf ot eetlon No si.lntownaliip Ko 10 oatb,raiur Mo3aa aad will ofler proof to show that th laad aoua-kt i aanr va'aabl lor it timber or Man than for aitrtoul- wai purpnasa; aaa vo estaDllaa n II claim to said auad kefsretb Register and Receiver of thia offio at Or Voa City, Or. ;mi Friday, the S&ih day vl October ite Barnes aa witaeea : F I iabell ,R Howe.M C Yarke aad J i Suulro. all of Albany, Linn county, Oregon. Anyaiid all person elaimina-sdyerMly the abovede crtbod lands ar requested to fl ie their claims in this onics on or Door awu aatn u.r r,i ocioocr, issv. W T BcaNST, Hc-iatr. Guardian's Sale Of Real Estate. Notice is hereby niven that th. under aigned, guardian of th. person and estate of uivy iya uuyer, a minor, by virtu, of an order of the County Court of -Linn coontv. Oregon, duly made and entered cf record onth. 1st day of July, 18S9,will sell at pub ic auotion for eaah in hand, on Satarday, the IStlt ay r aetaber, issa, at thn hour of 1 o'clock in ths afternoon of said day,at tbe Court Houte door, in Albany, Llun county, Oregon, all th. right, title and interest of aaid minor ia and to the undivid ed one-ninth of the tooth half of tbe north east fourth and th. northwest fourth of th. aoutheast fourth of section two, and th. southwest fourth of th. northwest fourth of action one, all in township eleven, south, rang, one, west of lb. Willamette meridian, in Linn county , Oregon, containing 160 acre, mor. or less. - ' Dated thit 29th day of August, 1SS9. A. C. Gpykr, T.J. STTTE3, Guardian. Attorney for Guardian. CT3 T1 n ft Vs Ml r, El 8 VI u trtlmvilatr- tbe torpid liver, atronrtti ns th.tlirBtlviorrwna.i-BTUlwlui Lit. i Itowsls. atud vr uaeiuaUKl mm sua IfiTI-EILIOUS KEOIOIKE. irn malarial ttlstrleta tbeir Ttrtnes art) -widely rweearnlsmi, a tiiy poaaeats p ail 1st r jroprtta f alriiiK tttesystM f r tttt ytoiaon. 2 IvK-avn'iy- tncaf coated. 1mm am nil. momf&actm, Sold Everjmliere. ,001c, $A Mtwray St. Xexr York, evere House: ALBANY, - - . OREGON CMS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR, Fitted up in' flrst-claas style. Tables .supplied with the tesi iu the market, Nioa sU6pii)T Rpartroents. Sample rooms for oououiBrnial travelers, tff'I'r e Cone l att:I frow tne tfetel.Trt Bywnacto. Marrbrea, Jt-rocta-Uow. ' tiUfT. t oawU- Wttjawattojarions atedk tatofc d CssTetrs 6otnsjrv, 71 Murray Btxee, K. T. a Summoris. In tin Circuit Court of tin Stale oj Oregon fnr Linn County. Oyticy L Hartley, Plff., (1 O 4. '!irtley Duff, To Ucirge I Bartlet , tbt defendant above uoinwt. In th' nam. i f lbs state of Oregon yea ar. tier- iiy reqnired to appear and snswer thi ton plaint of the plaintiff above nmd, iu the ahov entitled C on w on tile thet- essiiistton om or Ii for. the first day of ths next rrcUi nrm rf taid Court to- It, October.tbe 28lh, A. V. 1SS0, and yr are hereby notified that if yon fail tj appear snd answer said coaplaint above reqnired piaiotifi wm af ply : ti.e Lonri lor the re let pray d for in euKl complaint to-wit, a ioinlun i f th. Ixitidaol n.atnmony estat- ing betw.n yrin snd pUintifT, cud for tbe custt-dy t-f ihe miner l.iV, Lime Barlley, named in c-iriplaii.L red for cott and dia- bnraemebta (if thi suit. llii mmmont ia puhlishr-d by order of th. Hon K P Boir. Judo f rsid Court. Msde st ( han.lei on 1 2" 12th day of July, AD, 1889. J 3 WllITAEr, Att'yfor Plaintitr. TIMBER UM NOTICE. United State Land Office, r Orcgon City, Or., J uly 30, 1 889, Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with ihe proviku-on of tbe act of Con gress ot June 3, 187a, entitled "An set tor the tale of timber land In the Hate of California, Oregon, Navada and Washing ton Tenltory, ' Martha lluckabayof fort land, county of Multnomah, state of Ore gon, ha thi day filed in thit office ber tworn ttatement No 1325, for the purchase of lot 3 and 4 and 8 of N W of gee 9 2, in Tp fco 13 south. Range rto f, east, and wilt offer proof to show that the land tought it more valuable lor itt timber orttone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to taid land be fore the Register and Receiver of this of; nee at Oregon City, Or., on Saturday the 36th day of October, 1889. She. names a witnette t ll Vroom, j Llndley, J Dlckerson and J M Simons, all of Port land, Multnomah county, Or. Any and all pertons claiming adversely the above described land are requested to file their claims in thit office on or before taid 26th day of October, 1 88y. . W.T. licRJtET, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 31, 1889. Notice is hereby giyen that in compli- - a ice with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June j, 187S, entitled "An act for the tale ot timber land in the Mate ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Welling ton Territory," David McFarlane, of Van couver, county of Clarke, Territory of Washinirton bat this aay hied In thi 01- fice his sworn statement No 1327. for the purchase of the N E M of Sec No 18. in Tp No 12 south, Range No 3 east, snd will offer proof to show that tbe land tought It more valuable Us Umber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi claim to taid Ian.' before tbe Register and Receiver of thit office at Oregon City, ur., on Monday the 2stn day ol October, 1559. lie names a witnesses : C I Mav, L Sweet, G W Robinson ard D Fltzgib- , ns, all of Vancouver, CI arke county, W-' 1. Any ana all persons claiming adverse ly the above described landt are requested to file their claims in thi office on or be fore taid 38th day ot October, 1SS9. W, T. Burxey, Register. tf have ih Exclusive Control of o II I Y hi ft d t j z u a . m 8 SO c E II T G 3 Is. jlesf rfwa't aaw prtn tt 9 tM C todt, for tUUi STXAD. rCaAaM CE KS3 tU EUf KZIZ. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, ALBANY, OREGON. Li tat-, .i tVV-jl J ' f .jiawl When I say Cues I do net nvean merely to stop them fur a time, ami then have them re. turn acrain. 1 mkaM A KAl'ICAi CtliK. X have made Una duoaso of FITS, EPJXKPSYor FAIalanfG SICKirE'SS, A llfe-lonp stodj. I WATtnAtrr my remedy to CP MR the worst raise. Jiecaase other have failed l. nu reason for n now receiyins; a cure, aadatnuric for a treatise and a FREeliorTU of ;, InfuiUBLR Kent tor. Give llKpreaS ui --l H!i'-. It cost yon nnthini; iit a . iai, "' tU cure you. Address C.."r..OT,a.C!3PKriST,KT- PATENTS taloed, and all ether bus! aesa in the TJ. 8. Pa taa mo attended ad to for mooerat tee. Our offlos is oppoait th U. 8. Patent Office, aad w ean obtain Patent lota tim. than those remote rotn Washinirton. Bend modi or drawing. V adv - to patent ability free of charge ; aw) a smak o chars- unless obtain patent. W refer here, to the IVietmasUr, th 8upt, of Money OnlerDiv. and to ofiiciais of the V. S. Patent Olfico. For circular, ad view, term, and eferenea o actual olicnta in yourosm Stat or county, widrea C A. ' SNOW & CO.. -inA:fsi IVlant fA. W..kln A. Tl ' VKvwr vita-, i ssjtaaaaaiaj vaa aV lli GF PURE COD LIVER CIL S gYFOPE:OSPniTE3 Almost as Palatable as nillc. R c?lsgled tbat it. can bo taken, dlc. led, aad aaatml'atcd by th. moat aenaltiv atomaeb, vy jen the plain oil eawatot tf tolerated and by tho coia. btaatlon ef tb. oil trith the hyponoos pultoa t mnth laoro c tHeaeloua. Eeasrktblo as a -fiesii pitrdaecT. Persons gsSa rapidly trille tatlag li. SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged by Physioiaus to bo the Finest and Bent preps, ration in the world for the relief and cure ol CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, CEfaSRAL OEBSLITY, VVASTiKQ D1SSASES, El ACIATiON, COLDS end CMRCK.'O COUGHS. Th great remedy for -ibnsumrttan, and Wasting in ChUibren.'. .fibii hy all' Jkvvjist SAM MAY. G. SK.VDSB3 MAY SETOERS. UttAuiU AAA UwiatWACll iasviVl. aU iX aJ. ULi. U laf ' Cr . 1! a aaW l...-, A n t 1 l i t mm