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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1889)
Qtmttak TIX ELY I Tli Koscburg AVtwtv reminds the peo pie of the pledge made bjr the republican Isadora last (all on the Chinese restriction uerlon. It very truthfully avs: The present administration Is sucesi- fully evading the Chinese exclusion act much to the disgust of California Repub licans, and If the worktngmen of Oregon know their Irlends It will be found that thrv ire alua rfUiriiateti with tha nartv of false pretenses The San Francisco Call, one of the very ablest Republican papers nubisihed ears that either Mr. windom.or the administration must go. 1 he cause of this assertion Is the ruling ot Mr. Windom as secretary ot the treasury that any Chi naman possessing ticket from China 10 an Atlantic seaport en route through the United Bute, can land at any faclfie Coast port. This is the very flimsiest of evatlons of law. It shows the delermlna' tSon ot the Harrison administration to nullify the law ot the land In order to at low Chinese Immigration. The Call is rtirht. Mr. Wlndoiu mul co, or It will be cold day for Harrison. TheaJmlnts tration of UroverClevcland was thorough ly In harmony with the people of this Coast on this proposition, and it was only by the most snevtal promises that Mr Harrison secured the vote ot California Oregon has never been aroused on the question of Chinese Immigration as our sister state has been. In (act when a great party submits to the dictates ot a mlscrabl set ot Portland rlngaters, it is not w ise to expect, any appeal to reasoning faculties to be heard. The Chinese question was settled right by President Cleveland, only to be eirerruled by hit Republican sue cessor. W hat do the people propose to do about It t Under all circumstance the tempera ture ot the healthy body b about the same not varying much frer 99 degree. If, from sickness or any caue,the tempera ture rise a tew degree above this point, death soon occurs, and one of the most Important matter In case ot fever I to due the bodily temperature; but, usually, the wander! ut vital processes rag ulate the Internal fire very accurately, and the bodily temperature la constant, whether exposed to the rigor ot an Artie winter, or to the extreme heat endured by the Iron smelter In their da lly toll. The nation I congratulating Itself on the splendid corn and wheat harvest And well it may. Agriculture Is ever the basis of national prosperity. Bour.tlful crop however, often benefit the railway magn ate, the merchant, the broker and the mechan'c more than the farmer. Notwithstanding the magnificent outlook for breadstuff and provisions a toquan t ity, yet statistics show that on liberal estimate of the crops ot 1SS9 the total value ot them by the Chtcaga market price I over $330,000,010 less than that ot last year's crop at the same date. The professor of geology in the Univcr aity ot West Virginia declares that the ru mors ot failure of natural gas are Idle, and have no foundation. From hi protracted study and investigation of these region, aided by the best scientific fight on the eusjec, he assert the production will largely Increase for year to come. , The republican of Montana have de vised a scheme to steal eleven members of the legislature from Silver Bow coun ty all of whom were defeated. They have thrown out one precinct which gave 175 democratic majority. This Is an outrage that every honest man should and will denounce aa a crime whose perpetrator hould be given Imprisonment' for life. TUB. (ilUNGK AND THK AIMIN1?TIUT10N The grange, a an order, does not take ptrt in poliiio , Political discussion at it meetings U forbidden by grange law, and the law is scrupulously observed, for the reason that the mcnilrthip is so equally divided in most sub ordinate bodies that discussion or aa attempt at combined action in favor of a particular can didnte would almost certaiuly end in dissolu tion. Hut th o.swler of the grange, a a rule everywhere, are intelligent, thinking and independent men, and while they do not carry politics into the grange halls, their influence in colitics as free citizens I by no mean to be despised, At an illustration,!! may be recalled that in the early days of the order in this state, a ceitain governor took occasion to advise farmers to keep out of it. Th grange now aumben more than TO00 member in Mew Hampshire, and it may be safely asserted that if that governor were agnin a candidate, h stand an excellent chance of being defeated by grange vote. The members of th order would not carry the matter into their meetings, but they would exercise their right as Individ uals to work and vote independently and effec tively, The tame punciple applies to the grange throughout the country, and the fact it of some interest at this time, when it is one of the most Open secrets that the order at whole It greatly displeased with the 'deliltcrate manner iu which President Harrison hat ignor ed it. The president, in making up hit cabi net, had a iplendid opportunity to gain the good will, if not the support of every member of this farmer's organization which extends throughout the entire countiy and count up a6,ooo subordinate granges in the several states and territories, One of the most popu' larand influential men in the order ii the oa tional master, Col J II Brigham of Ohio,whose vigorous addresses on the occasion of hi visit to this state last August made so favorable an impression. He ia a practical Ohio farmer. who left hit Urge farm to serve thiougliout the war, and retained to hi farm agaia at the dose of the struggle He it a man of marked ability, a farmer, a soldier with an excellent record, and a Republican. Th grange gen- (rally throughout the country desired that he should be selected to fill a place In HarrUm's caouaei as secretary of agriculture. lie was ignored, however, and the feeling throughout the grange waa fairly representented but week by Hon John II Trimble of Washington, ' sec retary of the national grange, in an interview published in the Washington Post, when he aid: "We do not hesitate o say that the ad ministration hat ignored the right of the farm er, and has done the fanring community groat injustice in placing a po'.itican who never was a farmer at the head of the department of agri culture, That department wat made a cabinet office principally through the effort of the grange, and when the new administration came in we felt w had a right to suggest the name of a proper person to fill it. Col J 1 1 Brigham our master, ex Governor Robey of Maine, and Hon J J Woodman of Michigan.were suggest eJ by the order and their appointment urged, that of Colonel Brigham' especially. He wat a gallant soldier, a practical farmer, and a Republican whose loyalty to the party had never been questioned. The other possessed meritorious qualification, which nude their candidscy equally prominent, and yet I very much doubt if Harrison ever considered the application made oa their behalf. He deliber ately ignored the entire order snubbed it, la fact." The grange.a an order, will andoubt edly adhere to it course of leaving politics outside of its place of meeting, hot tltet it no politician so bindly arrogaa I as tote the significance of utterances like the above Manchester Union, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS 1 we, NEW ADVEimSFSMENIS. From a recent study of the bone of an thro bold ape. It appear that tha gorilla and chimpanzee approach nearest to man, but In different degrees, tee orang-outang holtilng the third place. But great differ ence exits between the proportion of the human frame and those of all the ape. Sam Kewilolon. Nashmlu, lennOct. 15. The negro democratic state committee to-dtiy adopted a set of resolution setting forth that the repulw hcan leader of the North are miareuresentinc the two races of the South by incendiary speeches, wholly uncalled fori that the com mittee states to the collored people of the coun try mac we tning will do the negroes ot the South and North more rood than anything else ia a dtvlson of the -negro votei that the educated negroes are doing better in the South than in th Norths that the best thing the Southern negeo can do ia to cease hit war policy on hit white neighbor. . Th Montana Uectioa Hklkna, Mont., Oct. I J. Th ImlffJ- out (Democratic) tayt that there have been no new developments in the SilvtrBow content to-day, save that instead of the Republicans getting in the cntirt legislative delegation, tliey only get in six member, hut that num ber it tntlicient to overcome the Ilemacralic majority shown on tha face of th returns, The opinion of lawyer it that the Silver How canvasser had no authority to go back Of the returns, and that the court will decide in lavor of counting the ballots at retutncl by th judge of election, A HorrlMe AreldeaU Cincinnati, Oct. 15, The most appaling accident ever known on the inclined plan railway f this city, happened to day between 1 1 and I 0 clock on the Mount Auburn in clined Plane road. It lies at the head of Mam street, and reaches to the hight of be tween $o and 300 feet In a square of aooo feet. The car are employed, one on each track, drawn by two steel wire cable wound upon a iirum at the top of the bill by aa engine located mere, 1 lie cable refused to work, and a car dashed luowa the Inclined plane, killing five passenger end seriously injuring three. A JDyaamlt Paekage, Milwaukee, Wis , Oct, 15. A package wat received at the postoftice yeeterdry, ad dressed to W B Necvea, a well known milling man from Grand Rapid,' which was found to contain an infernal machine of cunning con' true two, a loaded and cocked pistol, ten dynamite cartridge and a 10 a quarter of a pound of powder. It ia deemed a miracle that the package was opened in such a way as Bant 'o'k of 8nd "ffood In tlit Val- lv. and tba mrml reastinaia tirloxe. both In Intvltm and aoiltntt. I have on hand all kind of - FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, B33XS, PICTURES, CLOCKS, CR3CXF.RY, ETC., .ETC. On door want of S IS Young' old store. L. GOTTLIEB, 123 First atreet, Albany, Or, EVKIUL SMALL TRACT of land Inquire of U, Bryant. W7 near town for aalo on y terms, SAW LOGS FOR SALE, Parlies desiring to purchase taw loirt wilt do well to call oit the undersigned who hat about 300,000 it ot logtonthe at Brownsville H. V. Mer ill, Trustee, Albany, Or, Notice.- Having disposed of the lbany Canal, water works and other proper ty I am proceeding to tetlte up ail my business, and hereby give notice to all par ties knowtnuthemseTvet indebted to nicJo call nlttie M 11 Ollice and settle. Joim A Ceawkobu. OLD IRON.-Flfty tonal of old Iron (mating, In any quantity, wanted tuimadiately at tba Albany Iron Work. H. S. ELLIS & CO, lMIsrirrsd Dealers 6f Fine Clears and ' Tebacre, Oimtu!tji ttavAra tri.iiwn Sim Franrlu'n auii Portland uapnr always on file. For sale Will, Stark, doalen In fine wetctw, Jeweliy, etc, ' WANTED,-Grain and stock farm of all descriptions. If you want to I aall your property writ or call on 13, (), rsaaruaiey, neat maate Agent, Ainany, 1 umoeon itroaaaibia street, near mix !.0. boxSs. Summons n th Circuit Court $f Ortgon for Lin teNory. to ir tr cki.iit. sr n cili-i.i. m w Youua and af Yanng Lor husband. Mary KDorni aid i J iwrrta. her buatianil. FlainUOa, va. T J Shield and Julia Shield, hie wlfj Jama A Shield and Km in a Hblald. bla wife, Virginia KSbttd,MlnrloHbie!da, noieuia; etnioiua, nnioid A roltabli If. H. Htandar.l 3-lon suala only f:i7. l'oilverd at your nearest rail. i roid atatiuh freo of rrolbl on tnlrty day trial, larger aoaloa at proportionately lowiruieM. )vrranteu nve jear. Attdreaa, F. C. HOFFMAN ' Albany, Oregon, HRLA OIt.RT, raAMCfaOtLBKftT, HISSES GILBERT , . Toaebera of Piano, Organ and Harmony. Roeldeno oornar JelTerMn andeih h'ta. Mine Ilela (Mbort at Lebanon, Tnuri dayaand Friday. DR. G- A. WHITNEY. to fire it off. The police have taken charge of soiems.enoc.rau a. oiioiae, iwrenaania. FhySiClan aUQ BUrffeOll. - - a 1. t I j. Jl i. tit 1 1 1 1 it, but there ia no clue to th sender, Broolkya aa Tap. New Yoek, Oct. 1 5. The defea'. of the St Louia Brown to-day at Cincinnati make it impossible for that club to win the champion ship, and at the season closed to-day ilrook ly wia tba pennant. The club returned home to-day, and was welcomed by aa en thusiastic crowd. Thrown Oat, Sax Francisco, Oct. 14, The jumm r'j IJelcna, Mont., special tayt: Ia counting the To aaid defendanta, 'Minnie Shleldr, Shielde, Shield, Shield I and Shield. Ia th nam of the ttate of Oreeon. yea tr hereby required to be and appesr aod anawer the oumhiaiot ftUHt against yon In the above entitled suit in th above entitled ' 1 Court by the hrst day t tha next regular term of the above eoUUat t ourt, to wit. oa Monday tb SSlh day of October, IWi, and if yon fail to appear and answer th t'iaibtiaT will apply to tb Court for the re lief prayed for in their eomplaiot. via t For a deer of th Cooit to partition th real estate owned by Plaintiff and Defendant Graduate of iWllevo Hospital Cot'ege Now Yerk City. l)iae of woman a spiilty. garOlAoe, Frmnaa'e Hrick, Albany, Or. AOCVMSCT, HKSTMKMI, J. J. DOIMUS, ALBiMY, OREGON. ABSTEAOTEB, vote In SUW How county toy ,H. boar, of uTrdV.T'.Vhr f?' bstract - , a-.L. I. . . ... .1 iTaaI m A a. A Wl va m I a I I a a at Mi dele. The Financial Reform association of England is raising a load protest against the growth, "enormous growth, " they call it, of the British pension list, which amounts to nearly 8,000, 000 annually. After these gentlemen get through wrestling with that "enormous growth" we wish they would come over here and strug gle with the demand that will be made upon the Fifty first congress for $110,000,000 for pensions. Dr Busey says that school children should aiag an hoar a day, at a preventive of consump tion. Vocal music it gymnastic exercise of the lungs by developement of the lung tissue itself. Lieut Finiey finds that there were 141 tor nadoet ia Illinois in the fifty four year ending with 1888, The montS of greatest frequency wa mon th being free from the storms Tailor Made Scit. W. R. Graham ha received a large and choice stock of suiting, purchased in the East at bottom prices, and I now located at hi old stand, two door north f the Democrat office, where he is prepared to make suite and do a general tailoring business in a satisfac tory manner, his many year of experi ence in Albany apeaking for tils workman ship. Call and see hi suitings and get prices. A Sharp Item The finest line of cut lery and shear in the city at Stewart & Sox's. Their goods are the very best and will stand the test. ' . - - In tut Lead. Mr, Jullj Gradwohl leads in hi business an,d wishes it under stood that he will carry the finest stock o crockery ware In the Valley, teceiving his goods from headquarters, and keeping up with the times in all the latest novelties, lie has received a fine lot of Wedgwood & Cos Newyacht decorated ware, called ruby ware, handsomest goods In the mark et. Mr Gradwohl makes crockery a spec ialtv and will meet the .demand of the public In any line. Do not send away for goods but give him a call, ' Aeviee te'Uothera. , Mre. Winelow'a 8oothJng Hyrop, for ehildren teething, ia the psusurlniion of one of Mie bt rwinal nurse aod pbysl in to she United States, ar.d lia ten uoed far forty year wlm nevar-fliEing iiotiim by million of inoth for beir ebrldren. I)iwie; the prooea nteohlne is value la rnotfUiuatAe. It reUavii (tie ehild from pain cures cayaontery aod dlar rhoea, rMplnir. In Ih bows, ami wind eoUo. By pmg health to fhe rfUld It reab tb mother. Prioo 25o. a boMS. That Caotankuron Old Woman Described in tba nursery ballad, who "lived upon nothing bnt victual and drink," and yet "would never be quiet,' was undoubtedly troubled w!lb cbronfo indlvehtlon. tier victual, like thoe of many olhei elderly poraon whoro divrns tlve powe-.a hayebnonie Impaired .didn't ar,ro with her, Thla waa tefoie the era 01' lloatottor'a htoma"h Bitter, or nooie one of br nil msroni Mends tad relative would ondouCtedly have persuaded hr to try Ui irmut xpaoifio for riyipep4, autipationaod biliouaneea. This woiiau have hoew a m.aaureof eel protecHnuon their part. f-r h would eoon ha bea cuted and oeatoil to disturb tha wlrh her olam-r. 1'he most ottHtlnat. oasea of IticUswUon.with im t hndsnt hear flutulenoe. oonetant nnean c Hie OHiiaoh ad of the nerve. nv oomrte Jyovercjorna by tbie lovwuigii remedy C'hllle and fttver end bUlous aem4tMit i4ieuinu(itn and kidney troubles are ateo e!iv!d by i, - ' -; , , The address of George William Curtis before the annual meeting of the National Civil Ser vice Reform League strip the pretensions from the Republican parry of fidelity to reform and make a clear and startling exposition of the shams, hypocrisies and broken pledge of Mr Harrison and his Administration. Mr. Curtis doe the work with his accustomed skill in political debate a skin that loses nothing in force Ky winning style and moderate statement but his speech is nevertheless a crasher. The fact are with him, Republican and Harrison pledget on the one hand, and per formance on the other. The falsceood and treachery, he says, are wholly without (preced ent in our political history. Railroad managers sometime forget their obligations to the public. They arc not grant ed valuable frtnehiscs simply to enrich the projectors, but also to accommodate the people along the line. A Western railroad recently undertook to discontinue its train service over an unprofitable branch, but a Federal judge in Iowa decided against it. lie ruled that rail way companies have no right to suspend the operation of non paying branches. The exclu sive right granted to build the road carries with it the paramount duty of keeping it open for the public convenience. This establishes a valuable principle of railway management ia the public interest. AlUaey Market. Wheai-ASH. Onto UXc. Bauer 25c per lo . Kgga-Zk Hay -0.00. omU) 7 J rOt per lisl;l' Beef-on fuot. Applea 75 eootn per bu. ro'R oho per 11 jreeatto. Baron lis 101 12!c, auouldera, B-s. aidon lOo. -rd (taper lb. Plouri.Z'i p.r Ml. 'tlckena 3 00 por rtrr. till Feed brau, 14.00 por ton. aborts, 18. middlings, 20. CbOf. V. 8laaghtr ia Htlk Ribbons. In order to close out my immense stock of silk ribbons In plain and plcot edge I will sell them until my fa:I stock arrive at 75 cents on the dollar. Till marked In plain figure. SAMUEL E. YOCNO. Hotel Arrivals. Exchange Hotel. Barney O Connnr C B Hall MeGuIre W Wood Port lard F M Dodge D C Shell City os Meyer K W Holbreok T M Tooher Harry Squire A A Elliott J Jackson Rush Hover.. Tohn Kearrev J A Bhaw.Miil City P E A Thompson, M Felchtlnger, Clones. McMInn John Quinn to Lanuts, ciiy - C II Hoberg, K Warner M Shelley J J Martin.St Paul ID Bowman, Sa'em P Raber, L Meplle TH Westorneet,Tex E T Shana, wf, N Y WTHeald.Cal Z Badura 7 O-ks cures rheumatism, .neuralgia and toothache. Foshay & Mason Agenta. INI Jin St Charlks. eal Portland P Santer llasklns. J Werthelmer I R Stearns W Wester -E T liarne S F GeoTurrell C Syfers M Miller Chicago F Price Milwaukee D Duncan Boston R II Miller Salem F E Austin J Sturdervant Wl IJI D Crockett Euene C E Moore ChicaSo I James Haswell an, wife Westerly R Rbveue Hot'tiK. J Myers, Sclo D Myers, " J F Thompson, Cor E Reynolds, S F W E Keyst.n, " A H Emaund, " F RosenHleln, " J McCallom, Port C Anderson, J H Englehart," " Geo McCain, F W Hoffman, ' -W Mauler, W E Clark, Mr II W C II Cates, Col L Moore AH Puper.Lebanon F Johnson, city Wm Harris, Yaqulna D Freman, " CH Luedors, Salem D II Bond G G Glen, canvassers threw out a precinct wtuch gave 174 democratic majority. By this action the republican secure tb entire legislative gmtioa in that county, numbering eleven bers, giving them a majority on joint ballot ia the legislature. Return oa their face how that the democrat would bad fiv major ity oa joint ballot, wita one member a tie. The ground oa which the precinct was re jected are that there were three instead of ,five judges of election: that the count waa conduct ed by three judges in secret, the clerk being excluded, and that the return showed more vote counted than polled. Judge De Wolfe hat been appealed to by the democrats fur a writ of mandamus to compel the board of can vassers 10 couni in me rejecicu precinct, oaeere Uected, Astoria, Or,, Oct, 14. The annual meet ing of the Astoria & South Const railway directors wat held at 6 o'clock this evening, The following offerer were elected: William Reid, president; Dr Alf Kinney, first vice president; C II Page, secood vice president; 1 w case, treasurer. Aa Was Ex peeled. New York, Oct. 14. John L Sullivan ha spent the 10,000 that he wia in bit fight with Kilrain, and is now dependent oa hit friend for support. Big vYIaalaga. New York, 0U, 14. It is estimated that J B Ilaggin't turf winning for the season will aggregate 1 250,000, Ilaggin has, with th exception jf Dwyer Broa., probably made more money than aey man oa the Casters track. Hit pu-tet will act over f 125,000, aad hi winnings, backing his own horse cannot he less than aa equal amount. Tbi put Hag- gin in the first rank among Pacitic coast track men aad thrown to the tear, E I Baldwin, United States Senator Hearst aad Porter Ashe, Starma. Boston, Oct, 14. Dispatches from Nan tucket, Chatham and Vineyard Haven report a terrific storm nging. Considerable wreckage nas been picked up off Nantucket, one body hat been washed ashore. Ia Boston harbor this afternoon tha captain a"d one sailor of a fishing schooner were washed overboard and drowned, A Coast Storm. San Diego, Oct, 15, From 10 o'clock Saturday night until yesterday morning jtf inches of rain fell at Encinitas, completely In undating the low laada, and doing consider able damage to roads and crops. The storage reservoir of Thomas Rattan, ia Cottoowood canyon, broke, aad a nuge body of water rusbed dowa the valley, carrying everything before it, On bent of the railroad bridge was carried away aad tba fill badly damaged. A Paageroas Xlsaseat, Chicago, Oct. 13. Wbea the stars aad stripes were raised at the socialistic mass sacet. ing here thit afternoon, it was greeted with hisses. 1 here were probably a thousand men and women in the halL Tb baancr was brought out by the janitor, who fastened it so that the folds of the flag fell 00 the stage at the feet of Ibose who were to be speakers, and as be did so tb hissing increased in volume, -The red flag wat then unfurled and fastened on the opposite side of the platform. Im mediately the hissing ceased and was succeed ed by a loud burst of applause, Seattle Happy. Seattle, Wa., Oct. 13, News that the Northern Pacific railroad had removed the ok freight discrimination against Seattle by taking off th 4 cent arbitrary rat to and from Stuck Junction, wa not les gratifying than surpris ing to the people of this city, in anticipation of an early connection with the East by other means the city had ceased all agitation of the question, that formerly so vitally affected its commercial interests, and submitted quietly to the imposition of additional rates until relief should come. Creasing Wlm, Dennee, Oct. 1 3. The crossing of two wires in the telephone exchange this evening started a fire which destroyed "the entire ex change, rendering tome 1500 wires perfectly useless. The loss cannot be estimated to-night. The Tabor block, in which the exchange is located, is damaged f icoo; insured, Will Be LoU of Bngar. ' San FANCisco,Oct, 13. The Examinrr'i special from New York says that Claut Sprcck- els't big sugar refinery at Philadelphia is sbout complete and an idea of its immensity may be nad from the insurance on tne building, fl, 800,000. It is the largest sugar refinery in the world and its capacity is 4,000,000 pounds or 115,000 daily, It it fitted np with over two hundred Wtsting bouse engines. A Shooting Affair. . Chehalis, Wn Oct. 13. At tha house of a man named Bamett, a mile from Olequa, last night, a dance was given and wat attend ed by a large number of half breedt and Indiana. Many being drunk, a general row occurred, in which several men were hurt, Ed Patterson, son of a prominent white man living nea, and Robert Welch, son of a Northern Pacific en gineer, were present. Tbey left about 12:30 and were followed ho Henry Julius, who lover took them 100 yards from the house. An alter cation occurred and Patterson shot Julius in the kft breast and abdomen. Julius will die. Patterson went home.and has not been arrest ed, but will be. He claims he fired in self defense. .'.'' , : ' Ahi. Persons. -Indebted to the lata firm of Brownell & Stanard are requested to call and settle at the store of C E Brownell without delay or make tome satisfactory arrangement. , ia block 13, in eastern addition to the city of Albany, Linaooanty, Oregon. Also lou 1, 7. 8 and tha wt rail of lot Z, in block 13 ia th eaetera addition to th elty of At baay, Liaa eoeaty. Oregon. Alan eommano- ing at the 8 W corner of block No 37 la ileeklemao ' 2nd additioa to the city of Al baay, Una county, Oregon, and running tbeaoe northerly on the western boundary line of aaid block, 111 feet J thsac easterly paralUt with th aorthera boundary line of aaid block, 64 feet thenoe eoetherf para- uai wtin Sam western ooanuary line, ill feet t thenoe westerly oa tb eoethorn boundary lite of said block. 66 feet to the plae of beginning. AB4 u a partition eaoool be had without malarial la jury to th inter! ef th parties hereto, that the aaid real saUte be sold m providad by law sod tb nroceed of aaid sal ha partitioned according to the reepeo tive ioteresteof the plaintiff aad defendants, and that tb cost and disborsmenU be tax. ed ae by law provided, and for each other raliof aa to equity ny aaem lust. ini Memtnoa t published by order of Hon RP Boise, ladgeot aaid Court, made at Chamber at Salem, Oregon, September -n, insy. J. K. Weather roan, Att'y for Plaintiffs. Summons, In (A Circuit Ceerf of Ik SUUtoJ Orgo for IM Vountg of Limit 1 Sarah Mines, Plaintiff. V. Thomaa Iliuos, Defendant. , To Thomas Hino, tb above Dofeadaat ; la tba aame of the State ot Oregon : Yea are hereby reoaired to appear and anawer th eomplaiot of tba Plaintiff above named, aow on 61 with the Clerk of th above en titled Court 00 or befer the lint day of tb October term 184JM said Circuit Court, next following the service of this Summons oa yon by publication, to wit 1 tb talk ay ef e later. ISA, aad yoa are hereby notified that if jon fa tl to apper and ana srer said eomplaiot aa here in required, tbe Plaintiff wilt take judgment agaiaat yon. and will apply to the Court tor th relief prayed for in tbe eomplaiot. towit 1 A dissolution of tbe boada of mst rimony now eiutinp hetwea)on and Flaio tif and judgment for ber ct and disburse aseate in this suit to he txd. Tbt Summon it onbtisbad by order of Boa & P Boise, Jo age of ttid Court, made at Cbamtwra, Salem, Oregon, on Septem ber tb, 1889. , T. J. Stitbs, ; Attorney for Plaiutiff. Summons, at th Circuit Court of thtStaticf Crt- gon, for Linn County. ' E Allen, Plaintiff. . va. Susan M. Allen, Defendant. ;. To Susao M. Allen, th above named De fendant 1 , In the name of the Stat of Oregon. Yoa are hereby required to appear and aosewer taeoompfatntof tne above i'laintifl ia the above entitled Court, now on file with the Clerk of said Court, on or before tbe iSth slay el October, laee. it being the tint day of th regular October term, 198 01 aaid Court, aod yon ara here by notified that, if yon fail to appear and answer aid eomplaint a hereby required. the Plaintiff will apply to tbe Court for the relict demanded therein, tn-wit ; A. deoree against you dissolving and annulling the bond of matrimony now subsisting between plaintiff and defendant, divesting out of the dareoaaot the title to the west ball of Block 44, in the city t,t Albany, Oregon, and veat ing the same in the Plaintiff in fee, for such other aad further relief aa Plaintiff may be eatitled to, and for the costs and disburse ment of tbi suit to be tsxed. This Summon ia published in th State Riohts Democrat by order of Hon R P. Boise, Judg of said Court, which said or der wa mad at Chamber in tb Uty of salsm, Oregon, on the 6th day of gsptcrn ber, 1889. , ,, Blackburn & Wright. Attorneys for Plaintiff.' Books and Maps in Linn County.' fJTOfllre in tba Court IIouae,"S Bualneaa entrusted to ray ear shall have prompt and careful attention. CHAS. H. DODD & CO. -4 IMPORT EflS OF it SaEdwaw, Iroa, Steel, a innei rrv . ws eJS. HllUwkCI Real Qstato Agent, Conveyancing of all ind done In a ra liabi mtawr, All buatneee will roeolva prompt aunilon. OQloson Itroadalbin treettitir K.r., AlUia, ur4j, AOfVDEIY OF Oar Ladj of. Perpetuil Help. ALBANY,'- - OREGON. Con d 11 eta J by the SlU. of t. itenedJot, Thla Academy laitewporatad and an thortaod by tha Huia to 00 n fur academlo honoia. Tbe 00 una. of atudy tsooutpleta, Malhemattoa, Iitoraiur and Muaio aie tpoi-laltiea, aa also the Norma! I nt ruction f aapiranta for taaohars' eenlfloatme. In dueirial drawlnt. vocal mualc In ulaaa and all kinds of needlework form, no extra chare. Tha oisclpllno of tha school fa gsntlo but Arm, oojeot bolng to form aot only refined young Indies, but noble end useful membera of aoclety. Pupil tduilttod at any time and chargna proper Monod. Pupils of any denominatloa ro eetvad. Tuition In eolectday school ranges from I to $10. KorUrais of IVjardlogHch'X)! or any nrtlotlara apply at lb Academy, or ao adaa ti later buportoraea. Executor's Notice, Notice is hereby given that the under signed ha been by th County Conrt of Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed executor of the last will and testament of Lydiajones, deceased, lateof Linn county, Oregon. . All persons having claima against aaid estate are hereby notified to present them to tbe un dersigned at his residence in Syrscute Pre ciuct, Linn county .Oreyon, properly verified, within six months from this date. This 2nd day of September, 1 S89. ',' , J. K. Weathebfobd, Exeootor. Att'y for Ex. . ' Hotica of final Settlement, :; Notice it hereby given that tie nnder tigned Administrator of the estate of J. J. Davis, deceased, has filed his tinal account with the Clerk of tbe County Court for Linn county, Oregon, and the said Connty Conrt baa fixed the 5th day of November, 1SS9, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p, m., for hearing ob jection to said aciount and for tha settle ment of said estate. , '. This the 27th day of Sept, 1389. J. S. Davis, ' J. K. WiAinsEFORD, Administrator. Att'y for Administrator, Summons, In (Ae CircU Court 0 Ae Stat Oregon for the County of Linn: Msry Uiossen, Plaintiff, v. David L Cro-.u, Defsndabt, In the nam ot th '.t of Oregon yon are brby required to appear aud anawer the oonifilaint a est as: you ia the stxive en titled Court, now on tile with the Clerk of said Court, oooriwfore tba tHIb star f ruber, A. B). lass. tb auta being tb Hi st day ef a regular term of tbi Conrt, eommrneioir nest afu the expiration cf ais week from tb data of tb publiestion ot this sotnmots, and if you ao toil to, for want thereof, tne plain' tiff will apply to the Court for tbe relief da manded in the complaint, to-wit, for a decree forever dissolving the bonds of tnstrimouy existing oeiween piatntin and 0t sonant; and entrusting to plaintiff the custody and control of the five mioor children of plaintiff 1 , ,r ana osianuaui 1 ana jot itccree aivesiing tbe tit le out or and from defendant, and vest ing title ia fee simple in the plaintiff, of. ii and to one-third of all the real property of the defendant, to-wit 1 W i of S W of See 1. and E 4 of S K of Seo t, in Tp 4, 8 of 11 3S east, of the Willamette meridian ; also K l l N K and KioiSKt of Se II. in Tp 4. S of 11 3$ E. W M, all situated and being in Union county, Oregon ; and for ($3000) three thousand dollar alimony.and for (1130) one hundred and fifty dollar to defray piatntin expeoie of tbi suit and for plaiutilf costs and disbursement of this suit, aud for such further relief as may lo tne Uuurl seem proper. - Tuissnramuos is published bv order ot Hon U P rJoise, Judge of the above entitled Court, made at Chambers ia the city of Sa Ipim, Oregon, and bearing data tbe 10th daj of September, 1S89. bLACKBURir & WaiOUT, " " ; . Attorneys for Plaintiff . Administrator's Notice, Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been by tbe Connty Court for Lion county, Oregon, duly appointed Ad minittrator of tbe estate ef Edward John Mills, late of Linn county, Oregon, deceased. and qualified as snoh. AH persons having olaims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned duly veriHed at Albany, Oregon, within six month frnm tnis date. ' Dated October 4tb, 1889. u .. J, O. VVeitsmak, J. K. Weatiiebfohp, Administrator. Attorney for Administrator. Summons, In the Circuit Court ofilte Stale of Ortgon for . Linn County, .' Earl Race, Plaintiff. : vs. ' ; . ' ': Maggie M It ace, Defendant. To Maggie M Rrro, the above named de fendant. : : . i ''." ' In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the eomplaiot filed in tbe above entitled Conrt against yoa in the above entitled anit by the first day of the next term of the above entitled Court, tn-wit 1 on Monday the 28 tb day of October, 1SS9, and if yon fail to so appear and answer for want thereof the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in the oomplaint, via : For a deoree dissolving tbe bonds of niatrimony now existing between the defendant and plaintiff, and decreeing that plaintiff have the care, custody and control of Geotge S. Race their minor child and for -such other order as may be equitable. This Summons it published by order of Hon P Boise, Jadi;e ot said Court, made at Chambers at tbe City of Salem, Or., and dated the 12th day of Sept. 1880. . -...C," wcKJfc JlJI J. K. WKATBERVOKD,' . " " Attorney for Plaintiff AND FARM MACHINERY, Front, First and Vino Streets, :::::: : Portland, Oregon. . Sol Aizonta for Oregon und Washington for L .- Kmj iiai miiifif -tr- 1 mi " f M f i g"i&Jfe DEERE'Q NEW DEAL PLOWS- Int-ts, Dout-te, or Trlnta Furrow. TUr a so simj U uul eome so nmr aliwlut wirfectlon, that the wk SUn r sn wwnn wom out imi; viMwgn in irwjr prM. nvt wilb or ltliout smt attachment. Heat attacbnwnle ars extra. have used j BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL. x Duaksre Hoe rrsas Grain Drlit, Buekey Mm, Boeksjre Spring Tooth iiarrewa. DEERE'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDERS Th kAsst Imieevsd Imphmient ft sewtnf soniRxr hdlew. The bmm! eenpMe and soaesasful tool far te, purpose la ns. . Ve bleo have fall Una f ItocElea, Carriasea. Phsetana, MraaUla Wagam iftllVf mnm aaw4i vtMVsT myi wmf w; as m -vw SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. Lawreao Chsplo's S(io Tooth Barrows, Ilscre Barrows, adeatioe fsed atUls, Psoiae raoniag MUls, Mm RARB WIRF. FTC . FTC. awn row nrrnn rutrruin vn mm tm If"! VB " nw e eeeaep ua wp mw ww E. THRALL, Agent, Albany" Or. NEW DRUG STORE. On or about October 21t T will oeoupy tha woat room of the Bla merg Blook wlti iKKWAri) COM PLKT 1C STOCK of . 1 Drugs and Druggists Sundries. Tba J eoplo of AlUry are cordially nvltad to keep tbelr eye on the data olnf day and Inspect my atoi k. H. . HUBBARD, Prescription Druggist. SOME BARGAINS. Ill eon ell onder cultivation. 60 acraa i . . oftltoelty. Prloa tO per ao-w. O thor JT u'l' r Iot W! Inveatmant. land In aim ooinmuolly boij I aT IIM SJJ fe .. wol? J.b.' ". . P acre. Thla la a rar bargain and will b ,T. .1 "r ?umm' mna w,u "r a taken aooo, , - man iwo yeare utno. 1 1 all V . J I within mil., iil") Good botol In a tlirivl a r 1 1 1 ftrat'a 134 ner aero. Other land insimeoomrj,tbrfc'n- Xl'.uio:nt asr:y. iy oeiaaijoant iwjperarre, . W have one tbooaand on hundred land one jutt auoh bar gains aa tLe above. Koo boom on eacn. renun ror Anyone deeli Inn to invest In Albany or ' r... rw nie i 1 izue oiiuwiusD oouoty real estato ab MLl I. Till. I , . - .. j I ""i"",7 wuir.ii. iwsisu, inaanaeaii on uu n s uns vsrgsin, should by al WALLACE & CnSiGK, Blumoerg Block, - - - - Albany, Or A Philosopher always . Thinks. It j fl; Think of L E BLAIN whai during the wet, coo', aalrmn and winter weatberyon need 11 overcoat jRab ber Goods, an UinbreHa or COTKIXC, FUBNiSHIKG CQ30s AXD . BOOTS AND SHOES CEKE RALLY. or want a stylish anit made ly a . firt-e'as uilor, THEN CALL Oil Illf.l. Ere fit And have a complete line of Ladies' and Gents' Rubber Goods, Rabber Coata, Rsglana Circulars, Newmarkets, and Silk an 1 Gingham Uoabrellaa. Pikes to suit the trade. Rnbler Boots, Sand a' and Men'e Robber Over alls. We aell M. D. Welts & Co'a celebrated custom made BwU and Shoes, and carry tie Latest Style. These gcodi we purolase direct from the man efactoiera in Chicago. Good Value and Square Dealing. We invite yjir patronage. . BABROWS & SEARLS. BBitttnWg Bleek .V MATTHEWS WASHBURN Cany a first-class slock of UfC'Ul1- " tsS J 1 il 1; Stoves, Tinware,Hardware,Etc, WMch they are eelllnit at remark alby low prices, JOB WORK carefully nJ prompU j done at reasonable prioea, HOPKINS & SALTMARSH DCALElS IS STOVES; Tin WARE, SHEET IRON, COPPER WARE ETC., ETC. AronU for ''On Time" Healing and cooking Stove. Job work, plnrnblna,. ' etc promptly attended to. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE IN THE CITY f, FOR THE BEST FURNITURE call ox the- Albany Furniture Company . OPPOSITK STEWART A SOX'S, . v BED ROOMiaETS,-TABLES, CHAIRS, UPHOLSTERED GOODS. WALL PAPERS, BABY CARRIAGES1 ETC.1 ETC..ET PURE DRUGS, Pain's, Oils, Stationary, Etc . And Prompt attention 3. GUISS ; SON liC u a y Pi 11 ei Ml in the fact that I am offering bettor bargaite than any one else in Albany Bought at bankrupt Bales I can nail ' FURNITURE. Yon want the beat and most durable furnturetbat la manufactured lu the.olty go Thomas Brink. First-Class G-ood Si 'ot below COST. FOP Albany tluis&ries. We are permanently located ou tbe old Cline homestead J mile fiom Albaoy 00 Coryalli road, an d have en han a large stock of " Choice Fruit Trees of our owa growing, which we w ill eell 1 lowest Iiviqa rates. Patties contemplating planting trees nil couaolt their interests by exauiiuiog our stock and prioea before purchasing. jiYMtX 15R0WKKU, Albany, Oregon. Us J. VIIlTnEY, i-wUitl And tasell3r At Lai aa ND 4otar. Public ALE All, 0?ICCN, vVJII nrar.l))! all of the Coorta lihleStato. All b - loess Intrusted to bi aril be promptly attended to. General merchandise of all k Jurist call oa tue. ,rarlir!r bamaitia ia a sam of Hhoea, " ! ;. Cash for Goads or Coaatry prcdite Albany, Oregos. r DOLLARS REWARD. Lost, r dia-l .1 mori'i lockPt, frii'ay night, between Hevere Mouse arid Oregon Faoiflo depot i Will pay the above reward to tbe finder, Leave at H 8 Ellis & Cos store, opposite Kevere uease, i.n.'sTiiATiirr.ror.D, . mil.. . . 4TTOKNEV AT LAW, W K BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW Aad Sdici br- ia Chaar ?ry aldaxt. - oiii:Goar. CollecUoae pro nj-tly awes on all point Lransaototiated ia eaaoBa ote terms.