THE YAQUINA 110UTE. Crescn PaciSo Eaiiroai. : a t gon Development Corcpany. Steatn ship Line. J 125 TJLES SHORTER. 20 nouns less tide Uian by any other rt ate. vik -mm thmuirh mniillllir and . V. l;..rVMv, TVkrttan id and all polnU th Willamette VUoy to an fro in Hm W I Swaawewwa Item tuber the Orfgn racin. Popular Snramer Cxcaraawna Yaavlam. Low Katie) Ticket are) ., good ry ne.tUy 0d Saturday Iron A1 mnj, OrvallU d Philomath IW mak. do connexion at AJben with traloa oftujrgou iboiuo .... 1 TIMK (oPt Sundays) Lotto Aloany l9 . , UnCnrallll 1:10 r, a. Arrtr Yaquloa, l. f. a. L.oi Yeeatna, A.B. kmn Albany. 11:10 4. a . , VDiinf and Oorvallia. The above tTIn" C01n"?i' Y equina with th. Oregon Development Compny Um of Steamship", between imniDt ton ib r "w ,k saoa vtma. j ;ukuru.r, 1" lln. wednoatot. taoa ea ratscteoo Willamette V(UIT. M'" ' . . , e. W ao Twawlay.oct . t. rxM th ittaht to lmmti. Valley point. ronueku with the train, of th. Y aqua rout at Albany or Corrallls, euoV II U.a UuM lo s.u Frencusoo ehould arrrJ W irrtv at Yaquina tba .venlng befor. Cat. or aantng. A mm r.U" Uwnt( ticket Ag-t. A ' T ' "'ll Vl " U ?mCrn .it Ftoowk, um. A.0.r.a"P Af . , " OXERLAHD TO CALIFORNIA Southern Pacific Ccnpaiij'8 Line. IttMbWMi Albany rruwUea. M mt BU r.rtU.J aa mmm rraaatota. h'J! ( JTll .tor. a. t a Lf rortlsad r ITranclCW VfAi A a t 46 a a T:0 r a :4 a a 00 4 a I L ttWri L l:Wf I Af FortUaa Arl libra AlbMjr L I U:Ji a a uauHW aaiaca. Mi r a L ra I At 140 ra I L M r a I Ar Albuy AlbMf - , A I JO a a Lt J !:& a Arl sa L tra PULLMAh BUFFET SUEPEBS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, rr AecmM4t at aeeaalaM rauca .era. attacked ta bpraM Tralaa. - U 8. P. Cot tvrj kajaiwctloii Jll tb 4ulMnuMiaKSi0a WWoi trooilowtol 4Va .Ua MUla. K1WU5 rOBTLAI Ala) CatTAlU. MuL nkia Atn (txptamUy.) MO a a I Lr U.ra Ar Portland CwriU ai i aM r a L 1 1J0 r a axraan nu) u.t (Ejpt aady. IL PnrtlAful Ar I :00 a a I i.4 Ktuora Ar McMinnnlle To au pomw ' VIA CALIFORNIA, for all InlonaUioa rrtlnf rate, BttM. . til oa Cnp.nT Apral M Alny. - ijij.r Aaa'tO. F. aad Ar PIANOS. Tkoaa wUhlox a ftrt-claa tnatraniu. abould eall at Mra. U. B. Hyman'a id - n. r thnu nj!aoratl He aim A ni.RHM. my mi. ant rksb ton, K- poully mad and ada td to aund tba ST mat on tha Paotfla Coaat. E rery piano fully fowiaotaad for & yaar. Tba lijaat abaat-muaio for aala, Matic and painting laaaoD elreo tbare. Alao tha plar. to gat yoor new Sawlag Machine. Fancy work aad dreea matting dona to order. Plrat dooreaat of Yonnai'a old stand, Albany, Oragon FOSHAY & MASON, aiati'' Aa aaranv. Druggists and Booksellers, Aganta for John B. Alden'a poblloai Kmn, bU3b wa aall a, onbllahar prleaa wit. poetageedded. ALBAHY, OKEUOR City Meat Market. SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. Kaap a full line of ,-neite of oil klnda, in a cool pUc", coinpltly pro tactad; and alwaya fraab. aIho liv o-)nntiy on hand aalmnn ud uttr flh. O D HAWINJ A'ood aiwed on abort notlna, any w hare In the rliy. KKuUr prlno. rlr lod at KrownoU A NMotrd'. " promptly atlendml d O bo. II. Wti,i. r-orbrnenpurMi't at the PortUnd Bolnc tollcjf.. Forttand.CrKon,oratthCapiUl Bii hir s; tcc Sulrm, Orryon. IUjIU chuo! are oiMitr the nikiagnnrntof A. P. Armstrong, have naiiio courM of tudieaand name rte of tuition. 1l:)iiiea, Nhortlinnd, "rritin)t, Penmatmhip and KnglUh Uepart mr'nt.. Iy and cvnm cwiion. Mudentd mitud at any time. rorjointCaliiloKr.e.addrcf rrUwi4 au tf, AR (JaaiUI Kwir.n U!ln. lurtiiiud, Oregon, vtt bulciu, urtun. University of Oregon. : EUGEN.E, ORECO. Next aeielon begin on Moulay, tba ICth of 8p:mtr. 1H, Free aobolaMhlpi from atery roui.ty in Tba State. Apply to )n,r Ooun y Superla landnnt r'r. tuition after Jo,.iarT l'i 1890. f our nouraaa y C'(rsli a',. Hcinufitt, I ll arary and a abort ICiigli'ti tVinrao lo will b tbere U no l.tin, (JUeea French ir Gorman, The Engll-h ia pe-ainirently Buaiaia 0urse, Kor catalogue u' jlhar InffjrnjatloB, addteaa i. jaas)K, rraei.l. Pooiiiy Wanted. All klnJa of poultry, alire or .!re-d, jrentad at the Wlllantutta I' Miking C'oui f any'a 8 lore, Albany, Oregec 0. K. Paint Shui Housa and Carriage Painter Decorator and Paper Hanger Piano Varnlsnijnr. , t ? All ir, guaranteed, S B. YASSAUO. SuanoMora to lnry Saaaeo. ;; " - . . - ar STE WA U I' A SOX liOnSE AILKENTS. MB.. Kcpncict, Til.. UayttMSsa. My nara eaurht cold rmullt iwcltcd ltmbi; lump betwee. fcra-lettf and In flam maUon. Cur ad her with B. Jaooba OIL L.O, GAUCHER. VTltaboro, T., Jum!0,18M. If bona waa hart t hX enhlndlvtt itiBbrad 10 mocthi; wai cwtA by 81 Jaoobt Oils evtw baa remained pcrmaitcat, ; W. J, CLINK. JOS. CAIRST BIMrsOH, E., lea. raclfle Coast IUood Horas AatocUtlon, aayii "Being guBillar wltb tba remarkable efllcery of BU Jaoobt Oil, I eheerfullr and beanlly Indon. this valuable spccMe for painful allmeaU." . Xtoa. ODES B0W1S, Kx-QoTemor of Mary lead,Jookoy Club. Prait City ran. Hallway Co aayt: Ia any family aad my stable I bare used St. Jacobs Oil wltb satutactory result; and believe It the best remedy fur lb painful sllmeoU ofntaa and bead" At Caroocrr akd DaAUras. THt CHAKltS A. VOOELM CO Battlera.atA Conriid - PR0Phhctt3 or-. ST A ll AAKB11Y JGnniur Broaialbin and First Sts., DEALER IK rd rr.tu, e.".)! ji)siWi Ulsvawr. Orla rrstlt. Tober. Jag, f'eflee. Kt taeas)ertre. Vgetablea. IgWtat, aa'S, Teeu Etc., in fbfit evarytMite; lb. W iJ rarlnty and g'ocarj b rketprlc raid for kept ta a .an or. tllgheM M. (KIDS OF PRODUCE DR.J.L. HILL, Physician and Sun;eon Otnco oor. Plrat and Ferry SureeU, ALBANY- OREGON OR. C.WATS0N MASTOf Physician and Surgeox. Utflo oppoaite ttia ria.-iiccra'.. . DR. C. U. CKAMBERLIfi EomeopatMo Physician and Surgeo: Special attention I o d iseases of the eye. part)rQceoror of Tlilrd aad Lyon St, , ALBANY, OREGON. DR. VV II. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. ajajTOfBca no atalra In tiahan'a Bloek. May be found at bi oliltw aay and night, DR. I. VV, STARR, Physician and Surgeon, Late of BrownsrilU, Or. Office at root4 No. iS and St, Slraban and Pieree'a Block, up ataira. Call. promptly attended In city or country. G. L. OLACKKAN, DI ALKR IN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES' 801PS COMBS ETC. Bi. K.BLACRBC.ii, OKO. W. WBIOHT, DLACKBURN & WRICI1T, Attorneys at Law, Will practice in alt the Coarts of tb. State. Prompt attsotion given to all bnsi. oeaa eotiosted to our care. OtBoe Odd Fellow Temple, Albany, Or. ' J.K.WEATHERF0RD, p" iTTOKNEV AT LAW, AlBAXY. OBECOI. W U BILYEU, AffOHNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in Chancery ALBANY,. OBEGOM. Coll act lojis promptly biadeonalipn'ct UDananeuotiataHl oa Maon.bieterma. ft j;tA T a 1RLICV n :. mm mi PUR A Mi BY P-OSITAY A MASON 0. p cosho Sl son, Real Estat9 an3 Insuranca Igenti. Hi aiu avi 1 1 1 tlleotlone ' and ;' N"trV toinr a attends, t.. . rilffU rt n. given oolvar ai saiisfactioa in tbe vure f Oouorrhma and i.Ufl. 1 prescribe It aad lavl sat la racotnmaiid l" It to all sufferers. 1 arMijk.ij OhnaaiutlJk I. J. BTOXEIt, .D Ossebir, III. rrtiCE, eji.oo. Sold by Sruftlsta. it ! t. W.lit A(eat, RedCrownMills SOM, LANNIX0 & CO., L 510 PR'S. BiwraocaBBfLOTaBtrriaioa o rAarn.taa AITO SAX BBS BEST STORAGE . FACILITIES. Gi!ist "ifio In Cab , to Of"! HII f F ' III l!al ! iiHl XI sialic tri .3 ivTr!7.iiiin rfi)i.i lTOHiTS.Vl f I Maa.SirtaH.rk 11 rli. k. 1 ' o ar . r wal 1 15 i. i,nwT mid h'SRVOUS DBIXrrT ITT T11 of Body and Hind: Krfeets U w JLJ-M ef Erroraer Exwaaaf inOidor Youne, nH..C, ,obl. BAS'Ki f. ' I. Ktoi4. S.W lo SnUrw. And ttrMttkaa A,l lirAj'!'l0ll1 PlNT.ol ioiif, Uniwa b.kii. rioaa 1hfihi m..iu i. a Mm UmfT rrw. l IUM, T.rrtMM, U4 r.r.1.1 fMBl.lM. Von m writ. UkM. full, an. prMh mi4 OMWe) e Uiitkikl CO., Buff Aid, a, f. TIMBER LAND KOTiCE. United HUtct Land Oiiloe. Ungoa Utj-iOr., July 25th,1880. Notioa it hereby uivan that in onmtrlUnua with the bro,iaiou of thtaot o( Congreii of June 3, lS7a,efttled "An aot for tba tale of limber (and i. the ttateaof CalifoiuU.Ore" gon, Nevada, and Waehirigton Tarritgrj," rraak Carlaon.qt Sydney .county of Kitop, territory of Waahlnutou, bee tbi day hind aa thia olUia bie awor. atatemaut Ho l'ittd. fr (tie parch aaeoi tha N K i of section Sa S0,ia towathlp iNo 10 ouh,rMie No 2 eaat. ana will euor proor to enow that tha land sought is mora valuable for its tinbar or stone than fur ioultttral pnrposra, and to Miauiun nu turn in tosata laud before the lURiator and Keueiver of tins office at Ore j fC. "tfte."' u5i"r,d?,tb,a.4th d of OoUiber18Hl. He n sines as witnesses 1 uamtth. jf WevJianoa, J l'eters and J T MurphyjtTTof Sydney. Kitsan eountv. W T. Any and all persons claiming adversely the wii uaaunoea isnus ar requested to Die t....t i . ... ... . (ir oiRims in tiiuoinoa on or Deior said 2tb day of Ootober. 1889. W TliuaNiY, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State Lead Oiiloe. OrvBoa tv. Or.. July SAth. 1880. Noiio it hureby aiven that i. oomDliance with the provision of the act of Congress of Juae3,187S,eaHttd "An aot fnt the sale of timber land tn the statee of California.Ora- gon, is evade, and Washington Territory," William SourlleM, ef Seattle, noonty of King, territory of Wasuiogtoo, bae thia day Aledin this olio hlssworo statement No 1200, for the parehaaa of th N W V of tioa No 28, in township No 10 south, rang No 3 east, aad will oiler proof to show that ine land aongbt la more valuable lor Its tiro ber or st ma than for aurionltural narnoaaa. and to eitablith his olsim to .aid land hfor th IUiiiater and Keeeiver of this oiiloe at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tueeday, tha 22nd day of Oetober, lSStt. He names aa witaca- 1 J II Steven. I E Hutchinson. J H Ja kobseoand John Otrner.atl of Seattle. Kin. oouoty.W T. Any and all psrsoos elaiuiing auverseiy tn above deenrired lands are ra quested to Hie their olaima It thia oilie om or befor said 22ad dsy of October, 1N89. W T Bt Kegiater, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State. l-And Ofllre, . Oregon City, Or., July 27th, 1889. Notice ia hereby uiyett that in cotmili- ance with the provmionaof the act of (Jon- grosa of June 3. 18, H. entitled "An ac t for the iwlo of timber lands in the State, of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Andy W Ikilxchag, of INimhIv, county of Claokaraaa, State of Ore gon, ha. thia day tiled in thia office his sworn atatement No 1313, for the uiirchaae of tha NKKnt S. N'n In Tn N'a VI aouth, Itange No 2 emit, ami will offer J b ,wo ajoritjr 00 aaat ballot In the legis proof to show that the land nought ia more Uture. Toole, itemm-rnt, I elccte.1 cover- vaiuaoio Ionia uuiiht or atono tuan lor agricultural nurpoaua, and to eUblih hla claim to aaiti land hetore the ltegKtr ami iioceiver 01 nil otnee at urttgon tity.ur on Friday the 25th day of October, 18HB. He name aa WitDtnao Bf Kyle, of Kngene, Lane county. If S Bcrgiuma, f eedy, 1 lackamaa County.U liowe and I J Stjuirpa.of Albany, Linn county, all of Or. Any and all perons claiming' adverndy the above dearribtHl lands are requested 10 tiie tneir claims in tuts ouice on or be fore said 20th day of Octolter, 1R8D. : W. T. Biaaav, Jtegiter. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State. Land Office, Oregon City. Or.. July 25th. 1H80 Notice i hereby given that in compli ance with the provision, of the act of Con gree. of Juno 3, 187H, entitled "An act fur tiie aale of timber landa in the State of Californm, Uregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory." Arthur A Waite. of Salem county of Marion, State of Ore gon, has thia lay tiled tn thtaotlu-e hta aworn atatement No 1291, for the pnrchaae of the S K t ol Sim: No 34, in Tp No 10 aouth. Kongo No 2 eaat. and will oiler proof to show that tha land sought ia more valuable for ita timber or atone than lor agricultural purpoaoa, and to eeUblih hi. claim to aaJii land be fore the Ueghtk'r and Keeeiver of thia of fice at Oregon City, Or., on Tuesday the 22nd day of October, lHtj'j. 1 le name. .. witneeaea ; II Slwlton, ot Jordan, Unn county, E E Woodward and C lieall, of Salem, Marion county, .11 of Oregon, and John Garner. Seattle. Kinir eountv. W. T. Any and all peraons claiming adversely the aoove ueacnoeu requtmed to file tlieir claim, in this oflioe on or before Mid 22nd day of October, 1881). W. T. Bibkby, Itegiater. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State. Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 20th,' 1889. Notice in hereby given that in compli ance with the proviaionsof the act of Cea grew of June J, 1878, entitled "An act tor tiie aale of timber land, in the State, of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wtuthing ton Territory," Joreen B Jakob, of Seattle, county of Ktng.Territory of ifanh ington, baa thia day filed in thi. office hi. worn statement No 1289.for the toarebjum of the N E H of Sec No 34 , Tp No 10 south Range No 2 east and will offer proof to ahow that the land Bought ia mure val liable for ita timber or stone than for agricultural purnoae., and to establish hla claim to. aid land before the Kegiatcr and Ucceiver of thi. olliee at Orwgon City, Or., on ToemJay the 22nd day of October, VJ8V. He name aa witnetw. : W KcourficliL, J E Hutch inaon. John Oarner audi E Steven, all of Seattle, King conntv,, W, T. Any and all raon. claiming aAvewely tha aliove deacribed land, are requcHted to file their claim, in tbi. office, en 01 before, mid 22ml day of October. 1880. tY. T. BcBJiBT.Kegiater. mm LAND NOTICE. United State Land Office, OregoaCity, Or., July 27th, 1889. Notice ia hereby given that in comoU- aoce wjcauiti ptoviaion. 01 lite act ol (Jon gre of June 3, 1878, cntiUod "An act for the saje of timber land in the State of California,, Ungonk Nevada and "Washing ton Territ'jrT," Charles Smith, of Sydney, county of KjUap.Tersitory tf Washington, ha this day Clod in thi office his sworn suuement iso. i.t w, for the purchase of the N fc of Sec No. 4, in Tp No 12 south, Uange No 2 eat auid will offer proof to how that the land sought is more valu able for ita timber or stone tlutn for agri cultural purposes, and to establish nis claim to said land before tbe Register and Receiver of this Osce at Oregon City.Or., on Friday the 25th day of October, 188l. He name a vitnesie. : J Ilorsog, 'J T Muqihy, T McGUs.on and J Peter, all ofSrdisey, Kitsap, county, W. T. Any and aU persona claiming ad versely the above described lands mr9 re quested to file tlieir claims in this office era or before said 25th day of October, law W. T. Ih'KKKY, Register. " TIMBER LAND NOTICE- . . United Statea Land Office, ' Oregon City, Or., July 30th, , Notice is hereby given that in mplf ance with the provision of the ac&ef, Con gress ef June 3, 1878, entitled "Aa act for the sale of timber lands in the States ot California, Oregon, NevatU n Washing;, ton Tarrltory," Josephine Shearair.of Port land, county of Multneanah, sUte of Ore. gon, ha thi stay filed in thia office her sworn statement No 13,4, fe the pur chase of lots 1 and x and b. J4 of N E t of liec No a, inTp No scmtii, No 1 east, and will offer preed t. she w that the land sought Is more valuable fer its Umber r stone than fur agwullural, and fo establish her eflalm to said land be fore Hie Register aad Receiver of thi of ficeatOregonayOnon Saturday the a6th da of 0rTyiar jB8$ 1 She name a witnesses : H Viwem,. G Llndley, C I Dlokersn and JH Simons, all of Port land, Muliema.0iity, Or. Any and all 1 persons Oaimiag- advervly the above de scribed lanos are-, ve.ueeted to file their lalms in thiaoBa on or before said 36th day of Oetevbvi$9. , 5 V-, Ti Bvkmbv, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United fcVkW. Lwl Office. , . -Mren, July S7tk,l3 Xotloa lkar.l, ,urn Uiat iii emapilaaea with tha aVaeai loanaaansaaa mOV. lWa f 1 . M e . A . w T . L. . nni S.lH7Sntrtial '-AaaMiia-trnaaMottteibarlaada in Um state oTtai' ifernta; Oregon, hmA,uttl Waatanetoa T.rrltar, rsnry bfmrnn . t'NWKir.untr of aacaamaa jnU ef Oraawi. turn thia day deain r,itofflea bi 3 slatemawt "elftlt, tor th mrhaa ot. NWlta saetioaKaK inaemriilp Malt amiSh ,nuw VetaaaL ami will offer pra. t o UMkt th laad aaurhtS Bmrevaaialka Inr natimtnr nraton. tli., fMP .. 1,imuaS Und iTfT"" T1, lUe'r tWoffiee at Or, Dobhwrfk-J U.1kaniaeewjt. u t Kilt jut Enrene,UneeoierV Oreren. Aav-anSSII n.wuw..rrw,,orAiw,r!.i,inneunty..alief X ahovede.arWral lando are rerrueeted te file their claim, in this of res ee er before said 1S) day ef OoSoher, lag irT'"V,7nf a.r"H' IH. ' " ncajrar, negieaar. BOUNTY fTT 4 FflCIAL ill m PlPlL tor ii TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Montana ' Hki.ena, Muni., Oct. 4. The Initiative retultt are Kill in doubt. The republican claim a majority of one on Joint Ullot, Ihc senate being a tie. This includes line remib ii ... - 1 ... ..ti. 11..... -i' 1 democrat claim alt but one In tSnt county land a snfe majority of live on joiut bailor, which Aptearsnce fsvor a possibly may reach nine. democratic majority. Last night conservative republicans conccil cu the election of I oole, lem., for governor by at, To-dsv this majority is annarcntlv en- Urged to 300 and possibly 500. 1 her is no doubt of Toulo's election by a safe innjorlty, The democrats eacede Carter s majority, by ! 900, i ne reuuoiicans claim laoo. tt'ashlngtoa, i, GbMlf A V. . . V... . I ..1. I. I ... . wrvi va:u .jonn I viuwcy. chairma of the republican committee, tcle grspba Vic Chairman Fairwcather, that the republicans have elected 98 mcinlieis of Hie Icgislsture. The democrats have 7 barely nouga M cau:us. Imaienae EMltrmeat. St Paul, Sept. 4. The PUuetr I'rut special from Pierre, S 1)., snysi The cleclio. ef Pierre as the capital of South Dakota Did " o create a boom which will outrival that 0tahointt last spring. Stranger are jllock ing into the city by thousands. Over $500,000 wonn 01 property ensngctl bands Here to dsy. Lots which could have "been bought a week ago for a I Oo were sold lo day for B1000. A Bar Womaa. Los Anuklks, Oct. 4 At Savsnoh, Mrs Y Qulnn aad anothsr lady were alone ut the house, when the burglar entered the ladies bed room, lb noise awakening them, Mis Quint) asked bo was there. The burglar told the women to keep still, or he would kill tbem. sir tjumn attempted to rise, when the burgtsr bred, th shot penctratinc the head hoard of th bed. The lady then grabbed a iitol lying oa the table aad snapped it at the own, who mane en, and lust as ho waa climbing out of tb window Mr Quinn fired, hitting th man. II then crawled a short distance, when tha lady (tied a second shot, which also lo-tk effect. 1 tie burglar was tracked a short distsnce by blood, bu baa not yet tw a found. lUt.KNA, Mont, Oct, 3, The republican aot by less tha. 100 majority 4 Terrible IMaaater, Mw OatBAN. La., t)ct, 3. The steanr Corona, of th Ouachita Consoldiated line left her last evening for the Ouachita river.with a full cargo of freight and a good utt of laco gers. She esploded her boilers at Kalest river. nearly opposite Pott Hudson, at 11:45 morning, causing the loss of th stcsmer, and about ikJtty Kvea, Tiie Anchor bae steamer City of St l-wii. Captsia J saw O'Neil. a as Bear, and with it crew and boat, saved many Uvea. The surviv ing passengers and crew were taken on board by Captain O'Neil aod kindly cared for. Not appreciated Here, Though, , Hoomc Falls, N Y Oct, 3, It hes ) bee. oflkialty announced that the Walter A Wood srwch nee have 'received th follows wards at the I'ariactpoaitiuai Grand pii general only olject of art, highest awar. oa barvetter and bioiler, gold medal on reap and gold medal oa ntower. No other American inventor or manufacturer of barrel ing mac hints has ever received for aa eskslit at any world fair so msay honors and nssdak as have been awarded to Walter A Wood at the great Paria exposition. BigMea. New Yoaa, Oct. 3. Nauck Brother, the well known gymnasts, arrived here front lirer pootTuesdsy, Their combined weight b loo pounds, They ar under engagement lo two Uostoa manacers. They had a bard lime Us get here, because there wasn't a berth big enough to accommodate them. P. mil ia 7 feet 6 inches high, and weigh 520 rounds, while Wilhclm is also 7 feet 6 indie, and weight 4 So pcaiacls. Tbey bad lo take cafans oa deck, aad beds were prepared tur them on the Boor, Mtralbia Irefeated. StATTLK, Oct. 3. Strattan, tor superior Judge, b almost certainly defeated, Lich!entrg aia opponent. Bow ha 326 major it) ia the re maining precincts can hudty overcome this, Moataaa Kleetloa. IfeLFNA, Mont., Oct. a. Tb. democrat concede tbe election of Carter to congress. Toole, Dem., ia 300 ahead of Bowers, Rep, for governor, with tour counties, claimed by both parties, still nnhcard from. The democrats have the legislature by a small majority. The republicans elect a majority of the minor slate officers. The Iml'trjtdrmt claims the election of Toole Dem., by three lo four, and a majority of nine on a joint battel in the legislature. All figure oa majorities are eslimated.aa the count ui not yet completed in any couatry. I. Waahlagtoa. OLVMrtA.Oct, a. TheWashwigtoaconsiii.. tioa baa been adopted ty 18,000 te 20.000 ma jority. The whole republican state ticket ia elected by 8000 to 10,000, Of the no mesa bers caT tbe tecialature in both bouse the detatv crata have not elected more than 1 C. The pre- bibuassi and womaa suffrage da sues of the con sittatioa have been defeated. For state capital Olyaspia is largely ahead of all competitors, and may have a majority ever all, although belter judgment is that a !a(er ballot will be accessary to decid? iu Aati Maheee. RiciiMONi., Va., Oct. a, Tbeanti Mahone conference to-day adojrtcd a lengthy report, declaring tbat Mahone has deceived the repub lican national committee by false pretenses; that bis plan of organization was hateful and tyrannical; tbat he had driven from councils of tbe party the a bit st mso ia il; that he hss for feited the licht to the confideuca of tha of Virginia, and that hi defeat was essential: to tbe salvation of tbe repubicaii party. Aa Old Mas, . Salem, Oct, a, Mr Syroa. of BulUton. tin iost celebrated the tooth aaaaversary of hi birthday. He came to Oregon in . 1853, and baa ten children, and seventy six grsnd and greatgrandchildren. He took part in the warofi8i2, TIMBER LAN& HOTICE- United States Land Oihce. Oregon City, Or., July 37111,1889. Notice is hereby given that in complioamr with the provisions of the act ofCongresa ef June 3, 1878, entitled "A. ret for the aale of timber landa in the states of California, Oregeai, Nevada,and Washington Territory, "Julius Uar aog, of Sydney, county of Kitsap, territory of Washington, has this day filed in this offic his a worn atatement No 13 15, for the purchase of the N W of section No 4, in township No IB aouth, range No east, and will ofler proof t show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish bis claim to said land before the Register aatd Receiver of this office at Oregon City. Or, eav Friday.the 35th day of October, 1 889. I He aomes at witnesses : J T Morphy, C Smith. T McGlenon and J Peters, all of Sydney, Kitarp eounly.W 1 . Any and all persons claimiaa adversely the above de acribed land are seojioated to file their claims ia this office on or Before si id 25th day of Oc torer, 1889. . . . . . W T Busnsy Register . : : TI?vfSEE LAND NOTICE. .United States Land Office. - . .. . Oregmi City. Or., July 31st, 1889. Notice U hereby given that in compliance with the provision ef the act of r'... r Jeoe 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in theshties of California, Oregon, 3vada,and Washaigjon Territory, "Charles L Cray, of Vancouver, ecanty of Clarke.territory of Washingtn, haa this day filed in this office bie sworn atatement Nei336,for thepurchase of kti 1 and 3 and E i , of N W V "VKcuon io iOra.ln townaiup no 13 sou 1 1:, swsige No " 3 at, and will offer uroof tn i sfkowthat the land aoiight is more valuable for i its timber or stone than for sericultural nurnos. Mk,and to establish, his claim to said land before 1 Khe Registe- and Fceiver of this office at Ore- IS City, Or.on Monday.the 28th day t liber. gg9. Ie names aa witnesses 1 J 8P City, Or,on Monday.the sstli day of Octo- 1 Sweet, '1M lJni3UW, 1 J l..lAIIIB KUU IJ ll jvic- , r 3'Baoe,all of Vancouver, Clarke county, W T. MkTm and all person claiming adversely the fJbose described land, are requested to file their irjSanas in this office 01 or before said 28th day of 1 ajicrftftwr, 1 ooy W T BusSiiy, Register. 'ft ;f-a.f,; CHICK EX 15UIHTIX l'oitoiiire ItoliVrry at Bclo. ; On the evening of Swt 19th, Mr Mark Perry, n of the Hod J II I'ecry robbed the i'os'.olh'ce st Sclo, not of gold or green bscks or postage stamps ( but of 'one of Sdo's fairest daughters. Mnrk Is whole touted, big hearted, generou fallow, full of energy and grit. The brnle Miss Addle e. morn is the dsughtor ot Mr John Mor. rls, present 1 M of Sclo. She is a young lady of sterling qualities, pretty and ac compllahed, and we predict fur them a life um 01 sunsbine and happiness. , Mr and Mrs Enoch Milter, of South Santlrm have our thsnks for a gorgeous beautiful bouquet of dshllits. Some of the flowers were four Inches across and of every conceivable hue .and color, growing on stalks live feet high. Vhe (hewers were the most beautiful we have ever seen. May the lives of the generous donors be a bright as U10 dowers they gave us. Mr and Mrs Lawson (irhras. daughter May and sons Jeaae and Frank attended the State fulr and report having a very picas. ant time. A few days aito white vUltlntr at the beautiful and pleasant home of John VV. tialnes In the suburbs of Chicken firUtle, Mr (Julnes called our attention to a very An. thoroughbred hog of the Yoikshire oreea, Mr dalnes ssvs that the hog was born oil the keJ Ulvor. eaittured bv the Comanche Indians on the plains of Mexico stter cnase ot IW stays. Mat It to new York and exhibited It In Uarnum'a muse um for nearU Ave years, was bronchi t Oregon in .palace car.has walked through every town on the continent, lias climbed the and snuffed the breexet of both oceans, rooted up the soil on the Albany prairie, went down atler fern root in tiie forks of the Hantlain, reached through the lence and took the third row 01 corn drank butter-milk out ot the bottom ot 1 three gallon lug, and for pure blood and racing quality ho has no equal on the face 01 tie giot. it may all be true, as wr, (J alitrs says, we are not a very good judit of line stock. We told Mrtialnes that the animal look a if he tnlttht be a cross the between the Missouri Elm Peeler and Oregon Flrlei hlgtrr. Then he got mad I ana told nte that he did not think that I knew the difference bctwlx a thorough bred pig and a Spanish mule, and that af tcr trading Mr Tucker . lluffalo Pitt threshing nut fit for the hog he did not like to have anyone talk to him lit that way. With a pleasant smile on my mo bile countenance I told him that his d rated ohl hog looked like a hay.rack In full bloom and now w don t speak when we meet. H Baica: iH'er, UE,. MTA1K HAM. . The month ot September was a live one In the 'est .tate market of LlnnCo. The showing Is very nattering and Indicates that Llnn Co doing pretty well. The figures were $109,993. Far the month of September, 18SS, the sales were $73,300, certainty a nattering Increase. The larg est for any month last year was $93,350, th. record for October. Albert Drownetl to J J Dubrullle and A Klein, trustees, 10 acre near Albany..., , $aSo United Statee to" A T Powell .patent United States to Michael Milter. . ..patent United State to Oliver Kanbte.... patent WC Read to J J Dubrullle and A Kictn, trustees, 37 acres near Al bany ., II Dryaut to R A Cooper, one acre, near Albany, , Robert Montgomery to F.phralm Fo. bo acre In Tp 14 S R 3 w.$ J II Wallace to John W Bentlev W half of S W qr bl 78, Ms South A. Albany fj W Matton and O l- Chamhrrlsln to Dora Itentley, S half btk 1 In M it Cs A, Albany Jaa P Lewia to Fphratm Fes, 11 33 acre In Tp 14 S R Iw Fphiatm Foa to N E Fol, 343.33 acres in Tp 14. S K i w Kate Atthouse to II Drvsnt, the 1 L C of Geo L Atkinson. 39 .54 aerea 11 J Healey to J M Mcliots, a.S acre In Tp f 3 S R 3 w,. , Mary I Cleveland to I A 15 Mc . "Donald, 10 acres In 1 p to S R j w ; Clinton Nanney to L 1) Bettlemire sundry tracts In Albany and In Tp it S R4 w S J Archibald to A Snett, 340 acre in Tp 11 and uSRjw A ana M Houck to Frank T liurm ester, lots and 19 in blk 3, llouck'e A, Albany John P Rector to J V. Hotlida, 6 acres in Tp 14 S R 5 w.... . ... John W Rcntlev to C E Hawkins, 1 acre In H's'vd, A 800 3o 350 00 70. 1000 5oo 3QOO I4OO ta.o 1 1000 John I Rector to I L Hoi (Ida, sun dry tracta in l p 14. s K 4 w apooo TUB 1UNHCNUING. It Arrived Among an I'aapprrelative People. The folio Ina is from the iiillsboro Dmnwtrat. It is a very unjust article, con sidering the fact that 'hree of tho repre sentative men of Hll .bora were In Al bany and examined the engine before It was shioped. Nor Is It true. The people of that c't evidently do not know what an engine is. The engine was l remarkably good condition, considering its age, and with decent treatment is good for many years of active aervlce. Here I the article: "The hand engine purchased from the city of Albany has arrived and appears to have caused an immense amount of kicking. The wood work seems to be in an advanc ed state of decomposition, the hose la quite old, and In various ways the concern seems to be considerable the worse for wear. But all these are minor defects that can lie remedied for a small cost. It waa not to b- rs.nectecMhat the Cuncll could hur an cm'n-ly new engine for$Soo, and If ft lakes $300 ti repair It itia sllll a cheap ri. 4 11 i , , 1 mauitii . ut--fuiiuki arwtuiii, uuwever, Immedi'.trly provide an engine house, as the machine will ae utterly ruined In a short time if I', is not removed from its present i;tiarler. The Council mut also previde . 1st erne, a It l rather difficult to pot out 1. lir. withour water, even with an engine that tins so much experience In the butineM." I N'..t on i n- 1 1 v arrfvee .a the are t. ri, l. ia i" with kidney .11 aritiat) complaint in aome form. To those sfllioted with psin in the bssk, lion retantioa of arm, nervous dsbility, iful or ua prssd menstrua aon, we can offer a reaae. that haa been in toutnt use oyer (woty years, Oregon Kiilnay Tea. Thia pre-prtua baa done more lor tuffering bumantb than any other mediatne in the market, fluid by Fohay k Afatoii. , Wright's Myrrh teeth aeap some otf eo Hsror svery tim yog hav "a brush" .with it. Dsatb tc. tsrtsr and deeay. Sold by Foahay & Mason. . '"'', . , arlt Wins. Wa desire to say to nor eltisens, thst tur yearr ws kave been telling Or. Kin, 'a MV Dieooverv fur Con. eamption, l)r Kmr'a Mew Ufe Ptlls, Uucklen's Ar nies Halve ami Kiectris Hitters, and hare nsvsr hand lea remedies that sell s wall, or that hsve aiven atiuti suuveraal aaUifactlon. We do not heaitate to vuar antae them svery kima, and we stand ready So (biuret She purobas pries, U aatialaotoiy results do not lot low their una. That ramsdies have won their ,reas pepaisrity curtly ,on their merits, Fusbay and Uav eea, druggiil. wiaoiseo mero savJ eq 'oajpnqo Pq si neiUIL Jottr3 o Sunia eqe sg eureseq sirs uaq.w, eiJoiseo joj pejjo qs 'pnrg) sa ens nair , V40ie3 jaq aS asv 'vpj eojs iqvjj uqA. ' A Safe Investment. Tsnss which Is guaranteed ta briny you aa'aMirr tory remits, orinuaasnt failures return of price. On this sals plan you can buy from oisr ad rertiead Irrurti" a bottle of Lr. Klna's Hew !a oorery for Oomumptlon, It ta guaranteed to Irina relief in every eaae, wh.n uod ler auy aaTeeUen. ot Throat, bunts or Chant, men ss Censuraptlora. In flammation ef Lungi, Bronchitis Asthma, Wheoiiy Cough, Croup, ete .te. It is ploaaant anelagToaaCn te taato, perfectly oafo, and eaa al.nrab depaneeS poo.' Trial bottles free at foahay A ateioa's. For your watches clocks and jewslru u Freooh'a. Bouatt goods, low pricew and siclc aatss. The leib liae of kid plnves at W F. JIOXIC AND AHUOAI) . THUKSOAr. W A lfumpliry and wifu are viaiting rel ative, ia Puttlanrf. , The "Moiloo" left Portland this tnorclng but will prohsbly not reach Albany. " Mr John QeissmWfor ha gn to Port land to euter tne Meilinal ,CoilK at that oity. ,. ;, , ' Hope are down to aaven cants pound, not enuuith to psy tha expii of picking. Too bad. 1- -' . linn Win ft Parker, f, f, 1). cf Jsokson- ville, is in thaeity visiting his cousin, K and 0 Howard. . . While rsklna tha lesves from tbe mouth a Hume last night Mr (hilT, the cUntrle ght man, caught a tin. salmon clKhteen unlive long. - Ooorg Ynnng, nf Miller,, was in the nit yesteidsy, fur the first time sinoe bi recent para'ytw stroke. L M Parker, of McMlnnville, ha moved to thia oity, and is now hook keeper and aalesman In the store of O W Smith. A confsfltlnnary storn ia to he outmsd In the Vance iilock by a California iinntlenian at soon aa the store can be arranitfd for tbe purpose. - Mr las K Powell arrived home last even ing from hi trip to the Hound of.ontrr. He ha aooepteil . position in 'the Paoifle Nation, at JUnk at Payallun. a thriviua vouna oity eight miles from 1 aoema asa will stilt fur that pi 08 in two or three days. Anirjnuao . Jnsan., William Powell aired ti years and a son of Josh Powell who died some teat a;;o was brought from near Sclo to-day and was adjudged Intan. by the county court this afternoon, II. Is said to have been more or less demented for year. FBIIIAY. Nightwstehmsn Miller went to lVrtlsnd to-ilsy to tk tn tb Industrial Fair, Mr A llacV'.etnan and Al Thorns arrived in the city thi morning from Crook county. Henry Miller, the pinti', is on the street to-day on erutchee, owing to a step be made oa a nail. Mr Fred Bldmberg lis set a ceod eism- pte hy ptauing an eleetite light la front of bie handsome block. Th boiler forth woolen mill arrived ta-dav, one of them receiving a little rough, thougn noi eeiioue usage. Mr Fit L Korea t baa returned from a trip to MeMinnvilla, brinulag with bim Dick Flaherty and two Una colts. The black street ear horse took a short spin isst evening ia order to keep up tb I record of one runswsy a day. No damage Mr Phelps, recently of tb Medford Ntwi ha com to Albany t reside bavlngr sold lost paper. lie ia a eon of Mr EU I beipe Mrs Isaae Uaya haa moved with her family to Corvallia, where aha will reside with her son Logan Hays, W U o pet a tor atg W r Agent. ' A J. ramp, name nnk.own, whit atUmpt- ins to ride the brakes wa, ran over aad killed by th passenger train last Saturday morning at Uleodsie. Tbo Menkers, nf Soio, aad W M Ketch- um of this eity hsv been draw, f rnn Mo. enty to serve aa jurara at tb U S Circuit Court to convene in rortiana this ntootn Mia IWlle Bodice and Misa Susie Alee ander lell last evening toeOaklaod, Cel. Tbe former aeeomoanied by Mra O W Freemen will to Kt pu a visit of several moatbe to Mrs Cat. t Powell. Th. meet at.'hstie Albany youth should b bst.ry this winter. Soarl lo all colore snu rradrs. arranred to protaet tb ebeat and en bane tb general appearaare, are in style and just tb thing. J T Porter and family of Lloa eeonty have removed to Co'ysllis in order to get th superior advsatsiies of oor school. Mr Porter ha purchased the lllnmbsrt residence property. Lnultr. aATcanar. A f:a line of solid silver war at Frenoh'a. Get your school bock and tablet, at Ooiat it .W. A floe line of library lamps aat reoeiyed at Conn Bros. Some line fresh kettle lard at Ileitfht Bro meat market. The Paruii MoMahon show eahibita in Lebanon to-day. Ton. Kay, of the Salem Wooleu Mills, is ia the city. Wkestis upward bound, baioj quoted at 6.1 i cent to-day. Try the Old Nerth SUte emokl tobeeeo for a delicious amok. fSiaty doaen windiw ha.le4 jottrscaiv.d at Portmiller& Irving'. George Humphrey left yeaterday on a trip to Portland and Seattle. J edge Boiae waa in the eity last veu fog from here going to Uarriebarg. A A Ames i bom from a sisit ta via former home in M maouri. Mr A (iroas returned last evening from . business trip to Portland. An elegant line of new design of chairs just received at Fortmiller k Irving' Oo to Bardae for boneet weights, go! gile and lowest living price. Aa elegant stock ef watches, Bold at low and th. lowest, st Will k Stark.. Nio chicken dinner st I lertisnn's res tanraut to-morrow noon. Only 23 cents. The best wsUh in the world for tbe money at F M French'. Each on. fully warranted. For a genuine Soib, Thorns clock, cheap foreash call at F M French' tbe Comer Jewelry Store. To-day is the Jewlah day of atonement and Sa being observed in Albany by our resident Jews. Itarrowi k Pearls have opened their store in the Blumberg Bloek . See their ad, ia another eolumo. There were thirteen eoaobes on th. South bound train laat niaht.and travel la rrttorted uiountinouly large. Three eheep baltnsloe ta Ubbo Peter. Joes aouth west of tbe city, were killed yea- leeoay iy aurejgbl trata. J O Cherry and family, who hav been residing ia Corvallie several months hav returned to Albany to reside, Cal Burkharl has returned from a trio te Southern Oreaon. where he has been iutro. docing hi pstent wsgon attachment with suoeea.1. Tha eAe ct Wills ant Levareds ie beiuer tried before Judo Blaekbnm. It waa hrouitht to enforce a right of Wiy ewued by ftirn.njn wine over the property of Mr Levered go. About a dosen witoeaaes were present. . C0SSCHPTI0X SUEELT CURED. To tub Kiittok wTreise Inform your rend ers tlirtl I ham h to-eienimlytor tlioiiuove named dtscaw. lly its t-nioly 11 mi thounandsof boieleas cases have beotr iierniunently cured. I shall be ttlmt 10 send two bottles of my reme dy rHKr. to any ot your ret dars who haveeon euniptlon If they will sard me their express and pout ofllcK nildies.-i. 1 espretlutly, W. A. SLOUIIM. M. C. invearl et.New Iforav 1IAURIED. BLOUNT MORRIS. On Thursday, October 3rd, 1S89, at the residence of Geo W Harris, In Albany, by Rev Rogers, Mr Fied Blount ind Mist Annie Mori is, both of Albany, . The happy couple left or. the noon train for Portland where they will apend several days. Mr and Mr Blount have the Democrat's best wishes for the greatest of llfea blessing.; s KIZER-CUNNINGH AM.-On Thurs day, Oct. 3rd, 1889, stthe. residence cf J W WIgle, in HaUey.'by Rev A J Wlgle Mr. E. II. Kizer and Miss Lucy M. Cun iRrrretiamrboth of Llnn county. A worthy young couple deserving their share of life joy and blessings. - mam Wtion I say Otra. I da not mean merely to atop them lor a time, and then have them xs- ; turn strain. I wican A HAiUCAi, CUXUC I have mado the disease of TITS, EPILEPST or : rAixiira tncsinaxcs, JVa'tfe-ionfr study. I xvATtRANT my remedy to C11i the worst oases, liecanse others have f ni'sid in no reason tor not now receiving a cure. :tri at once for a treatise and a i'RKK BOTTLH - t ' Inkai T.IHLK Kkmedt. Give Expre. .rrr'i i o-t oiUoe. It costs you nothing log a -trbli ml il will curs you. Address f f'OOT .r'., fie"i e- H . 9 rrli&'Ia-Y 1 aSWBBBBBBBBBar strBja af(BUf - S"BwafBTl THE MAN ABOUT TOWN. . etsaaBMaBBBi " The Man About Town is Informed that sugar I dropping. This Is of much more Interest to our people thnrt a parachute drop, and for live Interest, bolted down I only surpassed by eavesdropping, For sometime sugared dunes nave tasted ar- getitlferously. A deep boss whistle at to o'clock t night made listeners tiiink a river steamer was ppr.achlng i but investigation revealed the fact that it was only railioad engine with a cold. It should be doctored at once as onl v river steamer are entitled to the lower kevs. The man who lost seventy dohar at stud poker hat. pawned hi watch in or-1 der to get out of tpwn. Men who make it a businro to monkey with buzz sawa will eventually get Uscerated. it 1 a lament able lart that often it is good business men a ho do so. A Salem man smokes hops. An Al bany boy hop when he smokes, Tbe Man About Town has always preferred his hops In yeast and on a good waxed floor, The Man About Town gives the follow ing just to stir up some of Albany's citUen who make mountains out of mole hll.. 1 A boy In Meridian Conn., broke the han dle off a tea-cup belonging to a neighbor, I .id that trifle has not only made enemies of adosen people but lea to several assault . - ..1 and battery cases and tnree law suits, Wriiih?e Arabian Horse Mil I men t acts nuiokly and elteotually, and hs no superior ae a remedy lor animate in an easea wiiere a luimeet ta reaulreo 9uia I y r oensy a Mason. - Dr. M. If. Ellis, phyaleian and aurgeon yltany, Oregon. Call made in city ot eonntrv. ' If yoa want a cood silver sUel ecythr.fim st li tb market, u- to aiewart Bus . JF hart the Ejtcu$v$ Control ot o N L fie ' st i; sZ " fj X t. 5 SO c E K T S 9 b. 4ewa'f aeve re efrr a prtrt to ' te f eoas, fortU'JH BIST U ADC. ier,CaaAe CEE m OK HALF POUKSS. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. AL8ANY, OREGON. TIMBFIt LAXD NOTICE. United State Land Office. Oregon City, Or., July 37th, 1889. Notice is hereby given tbat sn compliance with the previsions of the act of Congress of June 3, I878, entitled "An act for the sate of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, Thomas Mcilcnoo,of Sydney, Wy of Ktlsap.terriiory ef Washington, baa thi, day bled in this office , bis sworn statement No H16. for the purchase : of the S E of section , v, in township No j ia eouth,rang No a east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought ia more valuable for ita limber or stone than for agricultural punos es,and to establish hi claim to said land before tbe Register and Receiver of this office at Ore gon C 11 y, Or, on rriday, the atth day of Octo ber, iS.Vj. He namea as witnesses: C Smith. J Herxog, J Peter and J T Murphy.all of Syd ney, Kitsap county, W T. Any and all per sons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 351b day of October, 1 S89. W 1 Ui astv, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Vatta. Statee Lead Notice. Oroeua City .Oregon; Jaly&tb,tHS9. Katie b) hereby eirenUtas In tyHntlln-e with the provletaae of the ertot Canrwaaaf Jane S.lxTe.en tilled ''Aaertfuctaeeeleailtriibee land. In t he .(asm of Vmi Morale, trragoa, bevaoa, aad Watilunoa TiwriUirjr,'," Jarara E H utchlnena.ei ulvmnlm. nmntiieThuniiA lerrttory ot Waehuqrtoa.ha. (hi. uar Sied In thieaV kraewora wstemerit ta lwt, for Uie Ni;chM ot th' . K tof seeooa So ts.ln ioandiip No 10. aouth mu! No I rut, and will offer proof to ahow that Uie Im4 enucht ia more valuablefor Ita timber or etoo Ua fnrarrtcaltural purtioeaa, and ta eaubliah hla claim t aatd Mkod brtaee the Keglater aad Hrci rer of tin. oflicT atOregoBtHy, Oregwo. on Tneaday, the rind day o' October, Isnv. lie name aa wttareeca : J ti Jakebaon' t ritoTeoa,W (iooorSeid sod Jobs Oeruor.all at Keaule. King county, W T. Any and ail poreon claiming ad" I erMly Ote aaoT deerrtbed landa ar requeeted to file their eJain In this e8t anwr elors (aid Knd day of October, las. , WTBcaxar.Begiste. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Vrdled Slates Land office. Oregon City. Oregon, Jnly S7lh, 1S9. NoUeei hereby given thai In compliance with the pnnrtatona of Um ae of Ooneree of June S,ls7a,en titled Aa set forth sale uf Umber land, in theetate of Cal ifornia, Oregon, Nevada , and Wellington Territory, Kred U Aldrich. of Uadiilao, county of Wexford .state of Michigan, hs this dsy Sled in this oBtce hi worn atatement No 1311, for the purchase of thetjW) of aaction No 3t,lntornahip No 10 sonth,rang NeSeast. aad will offer proof to show that the laad sought hi aaure valuable for ita Umber or sU than fur agricul tural purpnaes. and to oatalili.h his claim to aald land hefwrw the Kegieter and Keoeir.r of this officeat Or. ron City, I r. ,oo r'riday.tho M da v of October .1 MSB . He name as witueaaea : 1 1 labell ,R Howe.M C Yerks snd i 3 aq Hires, ajl of Albany, Linn county. (Vrogon. Aavand aUpetaona claiming adversely th. above de erribed laiida are requeued to Sle their claims in this office on or before saida&th day it October, laRD. - . 'I Bt-sssr, Heifitur. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Und Office. orvirwn Vitf , OnKon, July ISth, IW Notice te hereby given that In compliance wltb the provtatona of the net of Congrraa of Junes, IK7M,enllt!ed"An art for tha anlo of llm ber landa tn thn aiates of California, ort'non, Nevada, and Washington Terriltiry," Donald Mu&ae, ot Hrownsvillp, county of Unn, at ale of Oregon, haa thia tny riled In this ollion his sworn statement No lVt, for the pnrchaae of the NK or aoctlon No2U, Intnwnxhlp No 111, south, range No a, east, and will offer proof to show that tho land sought la mt f valuable for Its tliulwr or stone than for aKrlciiittirat purpoaoa, end to establish his elm in to said land before th lU-Rlster and Ucceiver of this offioe at Oregon city, Oregon, on Monday.the 14th day of October, lsxt). llo nnmea aa wlt neeaea t W H Taylor, W Kaat, J U Towsley and H lirennao.all of Albany, Llnn county .Oregon. Any ail peraons olaiminK adversely thealiove described lands - are requested to file tbeir eielme In this offloe on orofore aald llth day of October, lots). v . W T BcaitsT, Register. Guardian's Sale Of Real Estate. ' Notice is hereby given tbat tb ander signed, guardian of the person aod eatate of Otvy Loyd Qnyvf, a minor, by virtu of an order of the Couuty Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered cf reoord on th let day of July, 1889,wi!l aell at public- auotion for cash in hand, on Satarday, the ISth slay r Oetober, Its., at the hour of 1 o'clock in th afternoon of said th Court House door, in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, all the right, title and interest of aaid minor in and to the nudivid d one-ninth of the south half of tbe north east fourth and th northwest fourth of th aoutheaat fourth of aection two, and the eouthwest fourth ot tb northwest fourth of aection one, all in towtthlp eleven, south, rang one, west of th Willamette meridian, in Linn county, Oregon, containing 100 acrea more or less. Dated thi 29th day of August, 1889. : A. C UUVRR, T.J. Stitis, Guardian. Attorney for Quardian. - Btf You Have iXe apvtetHe, ladigreatf on, Flatulence, Sick lleatdwelie, "all rata down," less. tag float, you will lindi fbeyemetfyyon need. Thev tone tin toe xvewbi atomaefa att botldi trto Xlae-eiss? eorirlea. hufferer fror? gne,.al urpriyaiiMl svrraoua w ill f Hs4 tsual Xrwiat Ueut. AlcelyBUgar eoate if fib 3IaC L.- nurnn... i.t.i.ii.. n,..,..!, l. 11 r , J for Infants and Children. 1 "Caetorl is so watt adapter! to childen tbat I Caatarla crtr Oitln, f!oetrwtlAn. t remrniditaeurvtoaoy rwrlrUcra I onr Pvotnacb, Irtarrtwxa, 'KkUo. saoWBtome." IlI Aarm.i iZlT. I XUi'rZl,a' ei t4 U 111 Oxford sSteUit,ll.T. Wttbout iajr1rk mo3k5iiofc Ta. CaaTAtiB Coararrr, 77 Murray Street, X. Y. . Combines the Juic. of the Blue rigsoC California, so lasativ. and nutritions, with the medicinal virtues 01 pisnu known to Le most beneficial to the humsn system, forming the ON LY PER FECT REMEDY to act genuy yt promptly on the KlDSEiS, LIVES ItiD BOWIUS AMD TO Cleansetht System Effectually. SO TT " PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Natural! y follow. Every one to using it and all are delighted with It. Aak yonr druggist for SYKUf J Jfius. manu factured only by the , CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO Saa raaacisco, Cau , LoertnLLS. Kv. Ns Yosb.M. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State. Land Office, Ore iron Citv. Or.. J nly 17th. 1889 Notice ia hereby friven that in compli ance with the provision, of the act of Con grw. of Jone 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the aale of timlier land, in Use State, of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton territory," r red Oilbert, oi reaiue, county of King, Territory of Waahington, haa thi day filed in thi. ollh hi. sworn staiement No l!23,for the purchaao of the H W U of Sec No 22," Tp No 10, south Range No 2 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought ia more valu able for its timber or atone than for agri cultural ptiriceM;a, and to ortabliah bi. claim to said land 1-efore the ItcgiKter and Receiver of thia ofl"H!e at Oration City , Or. , on Saturday the 12lh day of t b-tober,188. He name. a. wittieiotes : K Mans, C F Stoltini!'. F Bemie and B Krohn. all of Seattle, King county, W. T. Any and all ocrHona claminif advcraely the above de scribed lands nrw riKiiicUd to lilo tlieir claims in this oilii-e on or be faro said 12th day of t Hrtolier, 1 HH't. W. T. Dk-sxKV, liegwter. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. " United State. Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 17th, 1SJ. Notice i. hereby given that in com pi i ance with the proviaions of the art of Con gresa of June 3, 1878, entitled "An net for the aale of timiier landa in the State of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory." Murdoch Stewart, of Seat tle, county of King. Territory of W axiiing- tong, haa this day filed in this office hi. sworn atatement No 1228,for th ptircbaae of the N K 1 of Sec No 28, in T .No 10, south Range No 2 east.and will offer proof to ahow that the land soueltt w moru val uable for it. timber or stone than for agri cultural purpoaes, and to CHtablihh hi. claim to aaid bind before the Kcgiirter and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Or., on Saturday the I2tu day ol Uctoier,18S'J He namea as witnerves : F Bense, F Shriener, B Krohn and F Gilbert, all of Seattle, King county, W. T. Any and all persona claiming adverwe.v the aixive de scribed lands are requeated to file their claims in this office on or before said 12th day of October, ISS'l. W. T. Bi uxev, liegister. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 2.1, 1880. Notice is Itereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "'An act for the sale of timber lands in the State, of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," James K McIIorgne, of Brownsville, county of Linn, State of Ore gon, lias this day filed in this office his sworn statement No 1204,for the purchase of the S E i of Sec No 32, Tp No 10 south, Range No 2 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valu able for ita timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, ami to establish his claim to said ):t;id bclMe the Register and Receiver of thin otliee at Oregon Citv, Or., on Saturday the 19th day of October,18S. He names on witnesses : JD Irvine, A V Howe, W C Cooley and A L Baker, all of Brownsvillo, Linn county, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the aliove described lands are requested to file tlieir claims in this office on or before said 19th day of October, 1889. W. T. Bcrney, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States band Office. Oretson Cil y , Oregon. J uly 17th, 18S9. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance wit tithe provisions of the net of Congress of June 3,lo78,enUlled"An act for the sale ef timber lands In the states of Callforula,Oregn,Nevada, and Washington Tenitory,"Bernhard Krohn.of Seattle, county of King, territory of Washington, haathtsdxy ttledln thisotTio his sworn state ment So 1S3, for the purchase efthe N W of section ftoZK, in township no lo.soutn ranfre so east, and will offer proof to sbow tuat the land nought Is more valuable for Ita timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, aod to establish hla claim to said Innd before the Register and Reoelver of th la office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday, the lth day of October, lXStt, He names as witness t F Bense, KOilbert.M Stewart and 1 Shriener. all of Seattle, Klngeounty, WT. Any and all peraons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In thlsotfioe on or before said 12tb day of Ootober.lSSU. WTBi'SsiT, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States band Office. Oregon City, Oregon, July 17th, 1889. Notice la hereby given that In compliance wltb the provisions of the act of Congress of JuneS.isri.enUtlod "An aot for the sale of Um ber lauda la the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Frana Shriener.of Seattle, county of King, territory of Washington, has this day Sled In this offioe his aworn statement No V,for tbe purchase of the 8 W i of section township No 10, south range N 2 east, and will offer proof to sbow that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone ttian lor agricu aurai purpose, anuw establish his olain ilalmtosatd landheiors I before the Reg- tsterand Receiver of this otnee at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday, the lath day of Oetober, lssn. He namea as witnesses : F Bense.B Krohn, F Ollrx.rt and H Stewart,ali of Seattle. King coun ty ,WT. Anyaiidallpersonsolaimlng adverse ly the above described lands are requested to file tbeir claims in this office on or before said l&h day of October, IHStt. WTBcasar, Register. E. J. f.lcGAUSTLAfl D. Civil Engineer ani : Surveyor, DRAUGHTING AND BLUE PRINTS Offloe with Oregon Laad Co. Albany, Or, Sewerage System, and W.ter Supplies a Specialty, Estates Subdivided, Mana aiade or Copied on short notice. . j9J. lIIilTOSY, Anl Coimsslior At Lav att ND IotaiVi Public. .LEAH". C3EC0:V ; Will praiii33 1 all of the Courts ihlsState. All b iness Intrusted to hi vrill be promptly sitsndivl to. Summons, In Hi Circuit Court qf (lit. HlaU 0 Orrgon for Llnn County. Oyncy L Barlley, Plff v. 0 gf 'J hrtley, eft. To fieorge I ISsrtle , thedtfeadaat above nsuidd. In tie name t f the state of Orrron you are her ,y required to appear and answer tbt con plaint of the plaintiff shove named, in the alHive entitled C'curf ,eow 00 lite tbei- 11, asvinst joe oa or In lore tbe lirst day of the text regular term of said Court fa it, OcU.ber.tbe 23ih. A. 1). ard yr. are hereby tiolifkd thst if yon fail tj appear -and answer said comptsitit sa above reqaistd pJsinlur will pIytot Uonrt for the r ief prayed for in raid complaiat to-wit, a diaaointu n cf the bonds of matrimony exist ing between you and plaintiff, and for the custody I the miner thilfi, i-.ine lisrtiey, osined 10 cornplaibt. and for costs and dta- boreem!Ot of this oit.. Thi summon is t'ohhahed by order of th Hon R P Boi.e, Ju.lte f said Court. Made at Chambers ssti 1 2th day of Jaiy, A it, IW). J J WllITAfV, Att'y for Piaintiff. TIMBER LANO NOTICE. UniUd States Land Office, ,. (Jregon City, Or J uly 30, 1 889, , Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provUisonsof tiie act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the State of. California, Oregon, Naveda and Washing ton Teriltory,'' Martha Huckabay,of Port land, county of Multnomah, state of Ore gon, has this day filed In this office her sworn statement No 1335, for the purchase ol lots 3 and 4 and 8 Ji of N W of Sec Na 2, in Tp No 13 south, Range No 1, east, and wilt ofler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to aald land be fore the Register and Receiver of this of rice at Oreeon City. Or., on Saturday the 36th day of October, 1S89. She names a witnesses: II V room, O JLIndiey, l J Dickeraon and J M Simons, all of Port land, Multnomah county, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- described lands are requested to me tneir claims in this office on or before said a6th day of October, 1SS9. W. I. iicnsEY, Kegisier. TIMBER LANO KOTICL United Slates Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 31, 1889. Notice i hereby giyen that in compli ance with the proviaions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sate of timber lands in the State ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing, ton Territory," David McFariane, of Van couver, eountv of Clarke. Territory of Washington has this day filed in this of fice bis sworn statement's 1327. for the purchase of the N E 4' of Sec No 18, in Tp No 13 south. Range No a east, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable Us timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi claim to aaid fane1 before the Register and Receiver of thi office at Oregon City, Or,, on Monday the aSth day of October, 1SS9. He names aa witnesses : C L May, J Sweet, G W Robinson ard D Fitzgib bons, all of Vancouver, Clarke county, W T. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above described lands are requested to file tlieir claims in this office on or be fore aaid 38th day of October, 1SS9. W, T. Bt-RNKV, Register. CATARRH Ely'sCreamBalm Cleanson the Nasal Passages. Al lays Inflammation. Heals the Sores. Sestoms the Senses oi Taato, Small and Hearing. A wartSel ta applied lat aevea oeu 11 a. Is aarrrertbir. Price AOe. at Draeraia by aaaUl. iXX HHXIiiE&&,56 W srren tatNew York. PATENTS Jalned, an. all ether business in the U. 8. Pataa tnce atteadeded to for moderate fees. Our oflioe ieortpoeit ah V. 8. Patent Office, and w can obtain Patents leaa time than thoee remote oa Waahiogtoa. . Send Bwdle or drawifur. We mgy . to patent ability fro of eharg ;aad wenmk charge aniens we obtain patent. W refer hero, to the foatmaeter, th Sopt. of Koney Order Dir. and to officiate eftheU. & Patent Olfloc For oirculax, advKe, teena. and afeieute w actual clieut in your owa State er oounty, wddres c, a. sivowaco., Opposite Patent Office, Waahlngwa, D . OF PURE COD LIVER OIL HYPOPHOSPHTaXS Almost as Palatable as Milk. So dtsgatsed that It caat be taken, digested, aaid aaalmllatcd by th meat eamsltlw atornach, wbea tbe plalai wtl rstaot tM toiermterl end by th cewv lMwattoBi r th oil with tit Hypopb.ea staUtM is match mora etneatctow. . Keaurkakle as a ttsk predaeer. Peneas gala rapidly while taking K. SCOTT'S EilTJLSION is acknowledged by Xysioians to be the Finest and Best prepav. xation in the world for tbe relief and cure of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION. COLDS and CHRONIO COUGHS. Tht ffreoi remedy; for Qmsumptian, and Fbsfino in ChiUhren, Soli by aU Druggist. HOW TO CO EAST. Go East via Mount Shasta Route. Nice climate and eoeoary at all times of the year. See Mount Shasta, Saoramento, Ogden, Salt Lake, Denver. Finest scond-chisa osr. made are run daily. Buy your ticket of me and aave your fare to Portland. I am the only person in Albany that cau sell you a ticket to any point in the Uuited State. Call on tn for ratea. V'. L. J gsrnt. Agent S. P. Revere House: ---- ALBANY, - . OREGON ! CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR, ' Fitted up in flrsf-claaj style. Tables auppliedwlth tbe test in the market. Nice sleeping apartrntnts, Sample rooms tor cotnmert ial travelers, tSTr e Caarh to aad frana the Matel.Tf BAM MAY, . 8KMOBRS MAY te SEKDERS. Doalsra ii General ler&aMiw. CJ0LD fiws TrytUCref Children Crfor