lie w SOFHMTttY, INDEED, The Tim s-Mount ctinrtr tediously labor through long article, attempting te reply to the Immovable and convincing argu ment In faver ofTaril reduction and re vision, and, la doing a, work In more sophistry and Illogical deduction than we have met with for ft long time. It say the tariff on wool, wheat, oat,potatoes and ther vegetable doe not enhance the price on the home product. It follow thl up with the ttatement that the "duty on wool mp?lt keep the cheap product of Auitra 11a and South America out of the market" Wa ever the public subjected to uch a men ot tophUtry and tubtertuge r It U absolutely un worth of the name of argu ment, and we are surprised that the Mom- (answer, which I usually to candid on other subjects, thould be o uttcrljr desUtut of candor in treating ot the tariff quetUon. But, upon reflection, we are compel!! to admit that no man can be logical and car did while attempting to defend protection for protection' sake. Let u tee. If the tariff upon wool doc not enhance It val ue, then there I no protective feature In the wool dutv,and wool growei would not be affected ky the removal of the dutv. .If ur wool grower are not enabled to ell their product at ft higher figure than they could obtain If the duty were reraoved.lhcn the placing of the duty U ft mere act of foolishness. Tli MinU'r I right when It av tb dutv of to cent a buhel n wheat doe not add to the price of bread tuff, but with equal candor It might have aid, aad thould have al that It add nothing to the price of wheat, but It here again attempt to coyer up ft weak point In It eta argument by MjrUg that "It Imp! act a ft protect too to our farmer and keep the wheat of Maoatob frora lowering the price of the local product.' Now It thl tatment mean anything at all, It mean that our farmer tell their wheat at better price on account of the tarift keeping Manatobft wheat from low ering the price of the local product, and It our farmer tell their wheat at a better price oat accouftt ot the tariff, then the price ( lour ("bread tuft") would be corres pondingly higher, for the locreate or de create In the price of wheat will carrjr with It the increase or decreet of the price of flour.vhlch knock all the prop from un der our cotemporarr. The Mennlaimnr with It usual tophittry on thl question give the tariff credit for tteel rail being o much cheaper now than the were at the close of the war, but ever man who ha been at all obcervant know that the Immense amount ot railroad building which followed the close of the war creat d ft very great demand tor " tteel rails, which In turn Induced capitalittt to engige I their manufacture, which, aided b the new and cheaper method ot production. brouf ht the price down.and thl followed a the result of the demand for tteel rail and not a the retult of the tariff.. When a democratic congret ten ear ago put quinine on the free litt ft howl went up from protectionist all over the land that that Industry would be ruined. What ws the retult t Now we have fifteen lare manufactories where we had but one then and all prospering Quinine tells now for 7 cent per ounce, while then it told for f 5 per ounce. THE LAW OF TRESPASS. Cociplrirr with the request of a number of farmers we herewith append the law of tree pass as it regards inclosed land: Sec 1794 ( liUl's Code vol I pae 91.) If an peraoo other than an officer on lawful business shall go or trespass upon an inclosed land or premises not bis own, and shall fail, neglect, or refuse to depart there from immediately and re main aw oat a peimitted to return upon the verbal or printed or written notice of the owner or person in the lawful occupation of said land or premises, such trespasser shall be deemed guilt of a misdemeanor, and npon conviction thereof shall be punished by fine not less than ive nor more than fifty dollar, and shall be committed, in default of payment of the fine and costs imposed to the jail of the country In which the offence is committed one da (oj each two dollars of said fine and costs. Sec 1795. Printed or written notices, having - at tached thereto, by authority the name of the owner or person in the lawful occupation of aid lands or premise,and requiring all person to for bear trespassing on said lands or premi ea, and to depart therefrom posted in three con spicuous place on said land or premises, shall ' be held and deemed to be snfEoeirt frim facie evidence of notice as treatioaed in section on of this act. Under this statute the notice may be written or printed and no particular form is required except that it must require all persons to forbear totrespasson tb lands upon which the notices are placed and must be signed ty tb owner or persons in lawful occupation o he lands or premises. OCT OF UEAS, Poor Tanner ! He was hounded by the dem ocratic editors till be fell from bis position. Now like wolves tbey wsnt to eat him. 1 bey got bis leg about 2 K year ago, and would like to finish the job. Pendleton Tribune. Bro Eddy, our mental organism Is sadly out of gear, The man who finished the job for "Poor Tanner" wa Ben Harriion, who, by the grace of Blocks-of-Fiv Dudley and Wan aamaker's "I4CSO.000 string "ls president ef the United States, THEN, WHT. The tariff on clothir.g and bltnkel doe not Increase their price. A suit of clothe can be bought at cheaply in' the United Statet at in England. Pendleton Tribune. Then why, in the name of all that It reasonable, sensible, candid and logical ! you want a duty on blanket and clothe for I If the tariff doc not increase the price of these articles, the home manufac turer cannot be Injured by the removal of this tariff, becausi, according to your own argument, he will have to meet the tame foreign competition with the tariff on at. with the tariff off. But this it the inevita ble dilemma into whk't everyone will be placed who attempt to defend protection for protection's take. THE EJECTIONS, At predicted by the Democrat the re publicans elect their slate ticket, congress man and legislatures In Washington and the two Dakota's try large majorities. The democrats have evidently carried Monta na, though republicans claim It In doubt. The constitutions in all four territories are adapted. Woman suffrage and prohibi tion are defeated In Washington. Prohi bition Is adopted In South Dakota and de feated in North Dakota. - , General Meigs estimates that the forth com ing census will show a population of 67,340,000 but it will probably be M welltogonbead with the work. The general may have misted a figure in his calculations. ' . J The Philadelphia "Rword" suggest that anone, who bas th Iel-ureto mak the trip, may v enongb money by go ing to Kuropa to b ly hi fall and winter clothing to pay the coat of steamer pas sage. The average penalty for dealing with home producer i 68 percent. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS The Wasklnctoa Kteetlo, Ol.VMi'lA, Oct. I, 10 P M, Returns to fa received at th headquarter of th republican ttat central committee indicate that the con stitution hat been adopted by a very heavy majority. It it certain also that the republi cans have elected their state ticket, represent tiv in congress and a large majority of th member d the legislature. In all 5164 votes were cast in the city, of which th First ward, or th original city of Tcom,contiibuted 5071 the Second ward, known th aristocratic ward, 1713; th Third ward, or th commercial part of th city, 1771, and th Fourth ward, . L II , " ft - - in uinncr pnu warn, li"j, StATTi K, Wn., Oct. a. The vote in th city it prociessing very slowly, and I at thi time one tilth counted, The democrat have made uch gains in the city that they are now claiming the county, t A M, At republican headquarters it 11 claimed that th state ticket ts elect! by at least 10,000 majority. Heath Dakota Klertioa. Sam Francisco, Oct. 1, Th Emminrr special front Sioux Falls, Dak., tyi The re turn from the elections to-day in South Dakota are coming in slowly. ' TS entire republican ticket it doubtless elected by 15,000 majority, I'roJiibitiou has probably been carried by 10,- 000 majority. It it impossible to determine which town bas been clioten for capital, but probably Mous. taut. - Montana Eleetlua. Hkikna, Mont., Oct, I. Both parti unit In declaring the Australian system a sue cess. The 1W limit th voter to live minute in th voting booth, but thi feature was not observed, fully fifteen minute belug required in torn case. In sum precincts th average tint wa eight minutes, the general average in this city being live minutes, The demxrat claimed th election of their ttat and congtet ticket, but leave the legitlatoie In doubt, River sad Harbor Improvements. Washington, Sept,' 30, The engineering bureau of th war department ha completed thorough csaminalieft into th improvement o tb river and harbors of th country, and the amount allowed to the various sections and states. Since the government ha undertaken the improvement of the river and harbor on th Pacific coast, the total amount of money grant ed there fur improvement, has been $7,681,989 Oregon has received the most of this money with California nest, and Washington territory last, with comparatively small sum. The total amount ppropriald for Oregon improve pnniia 4iy,3i. int aupropnaiioei ui 18SS, 91,173.700, is th largest fur any on 7". 1 1 be following are the total amounts granted for the improvemrnt of rivtra and harbors of Oregon: Cascades canal, Columbia river, 927,500, Columbia river,, Upper Columbia nvcr.incluJing Snake river t 16,000. Mouth ol Columbia nuer 1500,000, Coo bay aad harbor, 8 J 13,750, Coquille river, 175,000. Lower Willamette and Columbia river bc'ow Portland $630,000. Umpquia river, 134,501. Upper Columbia river, $105,000, Upper Willamette river, above Portland. $151,5000, Willamette river, $150,355. Yaquina bay, $385,000. Gauging the waters of the Columbia river, tS, A Twa tinned. J an Li is Osisro, Sept 30. The town o Cambria in the Northwestern part of this cot ft try was almost wholly destroyed by fire this morning. A special to the 7 rUnne gives Ihe following account. At 2:30 tins morning a fire started in the Proctor hotel. The cause is unknown, Th flames spread rapidly, and in half an hour the entire block was a mass of fire. Little water was at hand, and there wat no service whatever, and there was no means of arresting the spreading names. Building after building caught, and in spite of all efforts the destruc tion went on.until there was nothing left which could be destroyed, not even a sbed. The total lost was $ 135,00a A Kailway Collleie. KOME, Sept. 30. Two express -trains run ning in opposite directions, between Naple and Foggia, came in collision while running a high rate of sprecd through a tunnel. Twenty carriages were smashed and fifty person were killed and i-jured. A Big Fire. Butte, Mont,, Sept, 29. A fire, supposed to have been incendiary, Ihis afternoon destroy ed tbe finest business block in this Icily, entail big a loss of $300,000, with insurance about $1 50,000, The tire started in tbe uncompleted building owned by J M Bowers, and owing to high winds, spread through tbe whole block, wiping out the most extensive stores in town and one bank, They Report. New York, Sept, 29. The Princston col lege expedition wh!ch was sent out tome time go for the purpose of examining the fossil de posits in the mountains of Oregon has returned bringing pnach information valuable to the scientific world. Their investigations lay chiefly in the John Day lake region. Tbeir report concludes with this out line of tbe ex teat of the discoveries made : "Could we produce a view of that ancient Oregon when John Day lake existed we should find ourselves in a very strange animal world. There werj little three toed horses hardly larg. er than donkeys, rmnocrn. rsmelc, peccaries and a great assemblage of large and tierce cat' like, dog-Use and hyena like animals, no', to mention hosts of little rabbits and squirre like creatures, Ob, Rome. Dublin, Sept. 29, Archbishop Ilogue, Catholic primate of Ireland, preaching in At magh cathedral lo-day referred in tbe strongest terms lo Italy's treatment of the pope. II declared tbe Italian peasantry were over taxed and in a worse condition than the Donegal and vonnemara peasants: mat tne Italians were emigrating faster than the Irish, and that the Italian government had encircled tbe Vatican with troops, knowing if tbe pope departed the grass would soon grow in tbe streets of Koine. A Bia; Divorce Salt, New York, Sept. 29. Mrs James G Blaine jr., bas snnounced that she will not sue tbe secretary of state for 9100,000 for estranging her husband's affections, but will .instead be gin an action for a limited divorce and to this extent ha retained Delancey Nicoll as her at torney. It is probable that the Main states man youngest son will make a hard fight for his complete liberty. Mr Bhine is now suffer ing greatly with inflammatory rheumatism and is depending on money advanced by Daniel Frohman, her manager, for her living, Summons, In tlu Circuit Court oj the StaU of Oregon or vt uoumy o unn : . , Mary Ciotseo, r'iaioticT. V. David L Cros-.tij, Uvfcndabt, in tne name or tn mat ol uregnn yoa ar hereby rcqnirad to appeal and auswsr th complaint kiust you in th abov en titled Court, uuw on tiie with th Clerk of laid Court, on or before lis tk day eroetober, A. P., 188, tb cam beiiitf tbe lint dsy of a regular term of this Court, commencing next after th expiration of six Week from tb data of the publication of this tnmmpB. aud if you no fail lo answ er, for want thereof, tb plain- tin will apply to ia Lourt lor the relief de. manded in tha complaint, to-wit, for a decree forever dittolviua lb bond of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant i ud eutruatirig to plaintiff th custody aiid control of tbe live minor children of plaintiff and defendant ; and fur a decree divesting the title out of ad from dufeidant,and vest ing titlo in fee simple in the plaintiff, of. in and to one-third ') of all the real property of the defendant, to-wlt : W of S W i of See 1. and E i of S E J of 8eo I, in Tp 4, 8 of R38 east, t the WiJiamette meridian ; also E lof N E I and K of 8 E of Se 1 1, in Tp 4, H of R 33 K, VV M, all situated and beiDir lo Union ooanty, Ureeon ; and for ($30U0) three thousand dollars alimony,and for (3150) oue hundred and fifty dollars to defray plaintifT esrpejsea of this suit and for plsiotitf s costs and disbursements of this suit, aud for such further relief as may to the Court teem proper. This siimmnnt is published by order el Hon Ii P KoUe, Judge of the above entitled Court, made at Chambers in the city of Sa lem, Oregon, and herring dat tb 10th day of September, 18S9. . PtatCEBPRN & WhiOHT, Attorney for Phintiflj ! i-l tun-Si. !-r it. of if vow want to U your property v. 1 . cr cil on iC,G, Jif aidul f y, 1 l 1 ..!.-. Airqnt, Albany, OlUn on liruidsiMn b'.rurt. mar I 'll at P.O. box. S4, ' Summons ii ike Cirtnit Comrt 0 Ortgt fr Linn tar 1 T XT Dki.1.1. sr r m ci.ti.j m v Youur and M Young Ler huband,Mry r uorrit ftia 4 i vorna, nr uusuanu, Plaintiff, . n t ski.ttl. iiu a v. 1 ,1 1. 1. . M DUIQIV Will, W, It, ClUEViUH, Ml, n III,, Jam A Shield nod RmmftHblelds, hi wife, Virginia KNhl!d,Mlnnlhid, Hhl'.d; Hhlnlda, (Shlelda Sbleldt.audSnrah M Shield. Defendant) To tald defendants. Miani Bhioldf. Shield, Bliisld, Mbieldj and MhUld.. In th nam of th tate ot Oregon, vo ire htmby rquird to be and ppsr aad answer th complaint tiled gint you la th above entitled suit in th abov entitled Court by tb lint day of th regular tvrm ot th abov untitled Uourt, to wit, oa Monday th 23th day of October, lgm and if you tail to appr and answer th Plaintiff will apply to tb Court for the re lief prayed tor in thtir oomplaint, via 1 For a dtur ot th Com I to partition th ral tat owned by Plaintiff and Defendant aa tenant la oommoa deaeribed at follow. to-wii 1 XmU I nod 3 and fractional lut S ia block 13, la eatUra addition to th city of Albany, Lino county. Oregon. Alto lots 1, 7,8 and th wt halt ot lot 2, ia block 13 la thatra addition to th city of Al ban, Linn eonnty, Oregon. Aleo oommeao Ing at th 8 W cornet of blouk No 87 la HackUmto ' 2ud addition to th oity of Al bany. Linn eonnty, Oregon, and running theoo northerly on tne waatarn boundary lin ot taid block. Ill ft 1 thane easterly paralto! with th northern boundary line of aid block, 88 ft J tbeno aoelherly para 111 with l4 wtrn boundary lin. 111 feet t thenee wettarly oa the eouthera boundary lirt tit Mid block, 88 ft to tb plan ot beginning. Aad it partition oaanot be had without maUrial Injury to th inUrt et th partis hare to, that th said real tat he told provided by law and tb prood of laid at b partitioned aaoording to the rspo Uv tntrtof tbe plain tilts aad delsndanU, and tbat th 00a la and disbasrnata be tti ed bv law provided, and tor tuoh other relief aa to quit mtv teem just. Tbia Summon I published by order ot Hon R P Boi, ldgoi (aid Cort, mad at Chamber tt 8alm, Or goo, 8eptmber iztn, itav. J. K. WkUTHiuroHD, Att'y for Plaintiff. Summons, l f JU Circuit Cswrt Stait Ortfo fr (A Cosmy f Um t 8raa Hines, PtaiuUff. v. Thomas Hint, Defendant. Te Thomas Hinea, th abov Defendant 1 I a th nam ot the Stat ot Ore 00 1 Yea are hereby raird to ppar and anwr th oomplaint ot the Plaintiff above named. now 00 HI with th CUrk of th above en titled Court on or befere th Ural day of th October Una lsStMl a aid Uiroait 1-ourt.aeal following th sorrioe of this Burn moot a you by publication, ta-wit 1 lb tMh day mt flsr, Ita, and yoa are hereby notified that if 30a fail to apper and answer ld complaint aa here in required, the Plaintiff will take judgment egaioit you, and will apply to tb Court for the relief prayed for in the eumplaint. to-wit t A dissolution of th bond of mat rimony bow xUUnr btwa yoa and f lain tiff and judgment for ber oust aad disbars mens ia this toil to be Used. This Summon is pablisbed by order ef Hoa H P Bos, Jade of said Court, ssad at Chamber, Salem, Oregon, ea Septem ber 9th, lSW'J. T. J. Sttti, Attorney for PuvUtiff. Summons. CirraiV Cmtrt tf th Slat Cr f , Limn Ctmmty. F E Allen, Plaintiff. . Sanaa VI. Allen, Defendant. To Susaa VI. Allen, tb above named De fendant i Ia tbe name of the State of Oregoa. Yoa are btrtby t tquirtd to ppr aad aotewer the oomplaint of th above Plaintiff ia tbe above entitled Court, now on tile with the Clerk of taid Coart, oa or before th tfttb day ef Oetaber, it being th Bret day of tbe regular October term, 1859 of said Coert, and yea ar hare by notified that, if joo fail to appear and acawsr taid complaint aa herby repaired, th Plaintiff will apply to tb Court for th rlif dsmaoded therein, to-wit t A 4ere gainat joa dissolving and annulling th booda of matrimony bow tubsisting betaeea plaintiff aad defendant, diyasUng oat of the dafcodaat the title to the west half of Block 44, ia th city .t Albany, Oregon, and vtet ing th asm ia th Plaintiff ia few, for neh ther aad farther relief aa Plaintiff may he entitled to, and for th oaU d diabarte menta of thi auit to I taiad. Thi Sammon ia pablisbed la the Stats Riostts Dbmocbat by order of Boa R P. Boise, Jndg of said Court, which aaid or dsr wa made at Chamber la the city ef Halem, Oregon, oa th Oth day of Septem ber, 1819. BlACKBOBV ft WbIOIT. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Executor's Notice. . . . Kotio ia hereby given that the Under signed ha been by th ConatyCoart of Lioa county, Oregon, duly appointed ezoeator ot th last will and testament of LydiJoo, doaed, late of Lion awoaty, Oregon. All persons having claim agalnet taid ett are hereby notified t preteot tbm to tb an derignd at his resrdene ia Hyraea Pre cinct, Lioa county ,0gon,properl yenned, within iai month from thi date. This 2nd day of September, JS89. Isaac Mbbkir, 3. K. WgAraBKroBD, Esecotor. Att'y fur Es. . Executor's Notice. Notice it hereby given tbat tb under signed Eseentor of fb last will and tsstft) mnt of Jdary J Uaatallo, d( ceased, baa hi ad ia the County Conrt for Liun onootw. Ore gon, hi final aecoant of laid ata'te. And tb Conrt bas fixed (Is Tin daref Octeber. I. at th bonr ot 1 o'clock, p. m., yf said day for hearing objection to said filial acooaot andfor tl settlement ef tb tstat. Thi the 3rd day of September, Itgt . SAarvat Nixon, J K. WATiXBrouD. Ktecoter, Attorney for Executor. A r m t n i fifrni t itt TTnfir Kotio i hereby given, that h ttadar signed AdministraCig of th estate of Ed ward Murray, deceased, ha filed . ber final account with th CUrk of th County Court for Una eonnty, State of Oregon, aod : the County Conrt baa fixd , th life daw af Or saber. 1MB. at th hour ot 10 clock, a. m. of tsld dy for th hearing ox objection to taid adcoant if soy aod to ssttt said estate. ' : AJftfia Mnea ir ' J. K. Wxathbrboho. . AdmiaiatratHg. Attorney lor Administratrix. . . . . -TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State Land Office, " Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provwiongof the act of Con grew of June 3, 1878, -entitled "An act for the Kale of timber land in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and VVaflhintt- ton Territory," Alexander P Howe, of Brownsville, county of Linn, State of Ore gon, has this day hied in this office his sworn statement No 12(58, for the purchase of lots 3 and 4 and E 8 W U of Sec No 30, in Tp JNo 10 souUi, itange No 3 ' east, aud will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for atrricultural ourryee.and to establish bis claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Ore gon City,. Or.-, on Saturday the 19th dav of October, 1889. lie names as witnesses : J K McHargue, W C Cooley, N B Stand- im and J v Irvine, all of iSrownsville, Linn county, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requewted to file their claims In this office on or before said 19th day of October, 1889, W.T, ucrsit, Rejigtw, , WANTrO.-t.'miii at all (iBstnlpuons. TIMBER LAND K0T1E United Rtasst Land OfBct,' li5 Oity, ONurim, July lth, 1MB. Kntle tt hwir irtvn Ihst in eumiittauna with ttit pmvielims of th of Conirrast nt iuna SrU, 1KTB, tntlUeil "An ta tnr thtiale of tlmtisr Ian is In tht KtatM et I'-illliiriila. tirtinn. Nd and Washing ton TsrrttiMar," FuilK K Mubliunin. of Albany, oiin it Unn, fcU ol Orfin,liM tula liny fllwi In this utftos HI sworn lahwiiicnt ho It SO, fur the purnhsM f 1M 1 1 of ) he St la T Mo 10 simth, Aug He 1 mi, ana win nr prtmt so iiiuo umi mis laml suuM M more vsluatils fur lla Umbsr or sums than fur aerletiHunl purposes, and to wulillnh hs elltn to an J Ian4 tMifiir tlis Hsvtslerand Hwsivsr of this itlseal ttrvs-uiiC'ltr, Oregon, on Monday, lh Ulh Hay ot Oetntise, lrwu, tl nam as wltnmaea I It hrsnnan, W Kwt, J H Tuwstsy snd W 11 1'aslur, all of Albany, Linn ouuntr, Ornrun. Any and all Iwr- 1 eiat-ninf tivri ins sIhivs rtwrilwa lands rnquMtwt tnnla tltvlr eliklroi In this sltlu on or Wtore said ot Ootuhw, IKNU. n. t. nuaxar, H-isier. T1MBEK L4ND NOTICE. UkIumI RUIm Land Office, Omeun Llty, Urunn, July lth. lHHt, NnUo is hsrsby alvsn Uwt In euvpilanve with th preTlslims of lit atttof taiigrwwot Jutis Sra, 181, uiiUtd " An ot tr lh salt ol tlmltor land In tli Htas ot Calllurnla, Orirn, Nala and WaahltiirWn Linn, MUl otOrvrun, ha this day Ulsd In this nHIr ni sworn stawinaui no ixsi, lor in inirHas ui ui N W 1 ufHwi Nottt, In T11 Ho 10 wulh. kalis' No S east and will uffar proof it show that th imi sought I ator valuain lur Ita tlnilwr er sum than lor sir rUmltiirai iiuriHi. sad W ttUlilUli bl elaitn to said land Uhl Ui Hvglstvrand rUulvrul thl olCraat Orveunl.'llyiniruii, on Monday, th UiH day ofOu. turnr, Iwa. H null a vlliinm t K Hublntun, u stuHM, H llnniiM and w 11 Taylur. all of Allwny. Lin uunty, Orvou. Any widali parauna cUlinliig ainrsiy th amy erliid laud are rwitmud to Ale ttMlrehklni In ihlaorBo on er before said 14th day of Otober, 1V, w.t. iiuamr, rugisier. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. ValUd BUta LsimI tNrlee, Orn 1ty. Onwon. July lain. Um. Nalle tahmby ln that In euaiiJIaiie with th provisions of th tut ot I'onrrm uiJuntsnl. 1H7. Mitttltd "A sot for sal ot timber taint In th Mlata of Oaitornts, Nsvad and Washington T rlloey," William II Taylor, of Albany, enunly f Unn. Htatif Orfon, has thl day ld in thl slhiw hi worn Matsmwil N l!:nl, t. h purrhaa of th K W I of Mo M, in To No 1 uuth, llsiigs.No east aad will aftr peonl tushotr that tbe laud sought I valubl for Its tlmr or M mm than for ag rioullursl purpo, and to wlabllah his lim to said laad 4oe th Haguiter and nrelrar of this oMe al UragMi t'Hy, lnguB, o Monday th 141 day ot ita ulMT, UHW, IMMawttDtlllMM J II TuWSlojT, H Itrseinan, W Kwl aad l Sit lU, all ot Albany, Linn euttnty, Orwruat. Any and til verwMM alaimliig ad- vrtly th abov dewrlbad ta4d are rqurtd te Al lhlr etlraa In this offii' so or Uforttbl ltth day w wkhw, isbw. W. T. Ul'SUST, BMglMsr. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United tvt Land onto, - orn city, urvgnn. July lh. 1MI. Notle I hrby given that In eomoltanoe wltb In jtrovlalooa of tb at of t'ongrtm of Junes, lff7Matltlod"An act forth sale of Um ber la nda tnlha stales of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, Walter kjut. of Albany, eouruy of Linn. Mat forw- gun, baa thi amf nimiin thlaomrw ni twora sialament lo i-H. lor in purenaa or in w I of section Keltt.ln tnwnahlp No lu.amith rang K cast, and will otter proof la abw that in land sought I more valuable fur Ita limber or atone than fat agricultural purp,ad to es tablish blaelalm loaald land before lh stogie ler and Meelvr of this onVw at uregan city, Oregon, on Monday, tha 1Mb day or October, iMMta. lie naaaaa aa wllneaw i 11 MrUea. tt tirnsvan.JBruwiey andWitTaylor, nfAlbany, Unn eouuty, Uregott. Any and all persona elalming adversely the abo deaeribed land rerequeated ta Al their claim In tbla onto a r befor said lUb day of October, tfwu. W T Bvasav, stefister. Sheriff.! Hale, In tiuCirenU Court othsStatt Ortgonor Linn Uonntg. Rohett II Lollor, aiadmlnatra'or of the eUl of tfUft A Adams, Jows, plal ntlll. It H Hulherford. Hannah R Ttutberferd, ftod Mary a Kumerrord, Untendsnta. Kotleft Is hat aby Rlrea that by virtue of aa oxMentioD and order of aal leaned out of tb ftbova nand Court In tba abov ntitlaxl uit, 1 will, on tarda. Ihe Mil day ef October, tana, t tba Court House dw.ln tbe city of Al bany, Lion county, the hour of 1 'clock p. m. on ald Jay, Mil at pub! In notion, roroaan in band, totna lug heat bidder, tha ial property described lo ald eiecutlon and crder of follow, Kv wit f Tbatouth 'jalfof tha aouthweat ouarUr. the noith half of tba noutbweat quarter of lb noribwett quarttr of tba ootbeaat quaiUr and tba onttt half of na Doutheaak quarter of auction id. In ownrblp 9 awath. rang 1 west, or tb Willmtta ldridlan In Unnoountv.Or gon, xoepllng tract bounded aa bi-gln nlngata point 6.0 chain north of tha oulbtaat corn a r of said aacllon 16. and running tbenoe aoulli n.00 chains, loence weat 10.00 ebtn,and tht new nortbeiaterly to tb pUot of boKlniilng, together wltb tb Unemnt snd ftppurtnanca there- no to botonging or in anywiaw appertain ing. Tba prweexle faale of aaid press ! to ba applied at directed In aaid writ: rlrt sTo th payment ofthaooet and disbursement or tbla tuit taxed at 171 M) aod BocrnlaaT coat on former axacutlon taxed at 34 W,od aooralog coat on tbl xcuuon. riecond To fhn payment totb plain Uffh herein tba nnt ot I3.4ftt60. In U 8 gold eoln.wlln lotrt at tb r-t of 8 per osnt pr aonust, irom jane 27, iwu, ana tbe runner earn ot i io attorney ro. Dated tbla 120i day of HepL mo, JOHli8MtLLMO), 8briff of Unn county, Oregon. Citation. In (At County Court of Unn uunty, Vrtgtn ' In th matter of tb estaU and guardian hip of Kleua out, a minor. Te tb next of km aod alt tartoa inter sted tn tb tat of tb abov named iti or. , Citetiog . is tn nam oi tn state of uregon, yoa are hereby cited and directed to cear in tb County Court ef th Htat of Oregon for tbe county f Una at tbe Conrt room ihore of ia tbe city of Albany ia taid county and otU ea eadav lb fib day of October, ISaO, at o'clock. . m., vt said day aod ther bow etase, If any there!, why a "licens bunld ant b granted to T J 8tiU, guar dian of taid minor for tb al of the real etat of taid minor, described aa foltowa Aa undivided one third interest of th tract doaibd a follows beginning at poiut 63 link north 69 east and 80 feet tooth r east of Hiram Smith eoutbtaat corner of the tract of land lying near to town n tiarrisburg, Uregon ; thence eon tb 1 east 3 chains and SO link to a post ; tlieuce south 89 est 2 chains and 68 link to post ; thence north 1 wttt S hia and 60 link to a post thoc north 80eat lehaintandCS link to th plae of bagiotaiag, containing 1 aor In Township is sontn range 4 west lying and being In tbe eonnty of Linn and State of Oregon. Done bv order t t II on D II N black burn Judge of said Court. Witness my hand and the seal of said Conrt this 21st dav ol Au gust, isao. t. K. Momtaoob, ' i: - "' -u- Clsrk. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. - United SUtas Utid Offlee. - OreeonUltr. Uravoo. Julv 23rd. thSO. Notles Is hsnbjr glmitliatloenmpUsno with the prorlsiene of tb set of (Jongr of J a a S,ls7S.ntl tM "As act for tb sal of tlojbr lands In Uw UU of Cat kternla Oregoa, Nsnda, and Washington Territory," Andrew L bar, of Browncvllle.eouiit of Lnu, Mat furwon, nastnis aayniau In this oRie hi oru staUnwnt N iMU, fur tb puransa ef tbe N K of saotloa No 82, In tcwnshl No 10, south rang n bo iu, snutn range no i ,ana win orrer proof tashow that lh lane soucrl show that th land aought Is store raloaM for 1U timber or t ton than for urriuul tural DuriM. and t ssUblish his alaim to said land bator the Keglster and Keelvr of this oiliest Oregon City, Oragen, eo aatorday, thelllth day of October, IteS. He names aa witeetaea: A P ilowe.J K sfull&r rue, B Svanduh and W C Cooley, all of Urowiisville, una eounsy, Oregon. Any and all parson claiming adrarsslythe aba described land ar miuaatad to At their claims tn this fl lo en or baton said luth dav w T Huastr, seglstor. Slu&mons, In the Circuit Court of lite Stole of Ortgon for jjtnn vounry. - - EsrlRsce, Plaintiff. ' v. - r . ' v.- Magjji M Rsce, Defendant. To Msggie M Rare, tb abov named de fendant. '. Ia tb nam of th Stat of Orecron. von ar hersbj required to appear and answer th complaint (tied tn tbe abov entitled Court aRainst yoa in the above entitled tuit by the first day of th next term of tbe above entitled Conrt, t-wit f on Monday the 28th day of October, 1389, and if yoa fail to so appear aud answer for want' thereof the Hainan will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in the oomplaint, viz t For a decree dissolving tba bond of matrimony now existing between th defendant anil plaintiff, and deoreeing that plaintiff have ts care, custody and control of Oeoigs S. Rae tbeir minor child and for such other order may b equitable. : Thi Summon is published by order ot Hon P Boise, Jndg of taid Court, made at Chamber at the Citjruf Salem, Or., and dated the 12th day of Sept. 1839. , J. K. Wiethe r ford, , Attorney for Plaintiff, ; TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State Land Offlf", ., Vr,?"n treo, July mit, PL.r ' hereby given lliut In fioriinllance lth V1" J'fovlslon of th not of Omgres of in B. lFRtt. Bill ILi.,.1 Ah la . In. lh. ,ilanl timber innda In the dtntea of falirornla, or, fon, Nevada and Washington Territory," Fred iixum., u, ni.Biue, iJoiiniy ot King, Territory or Washington, tma tbla day filed In tbla nllloe hi aworn atatnment No. 1,321, for tb purelina or tb KK of si.rtli.n No, Jim, In township No. "i rango No. !l If, and will oirr trtMif lo allow thattb Innd aouglit la more vnfimlil or Ita timber or atona titan foragrlctillurat purposes, r. .. '"""n in ciaiiu lo aaiu innti oeiore tb Keglaterand Kncelvi r of this olltc al Ore gon City, Oregon, ou , aiarday, tht lata Day f leber, taw. SUA namns as witnesses) FX Hhrelner, 8 K iolin, m Mlewsrtaiid Mans, all of Hcatlln, King County. V. a.hlngicn Territory. Anv and all mi..i.i,i. M.iwArtinl tl,a armva-diwerllNid Innd are reiinaled lo file llielr claims liuiila olllce on or bolor said Ulh day of octubt r, lusu. WT lieaskY, lierjinter. v : TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Dulled Nlnte Land Oftlee, Oregon tmy, oreg July I7lh, luxff. ndtleo ta h,mliv uIii.ii ii,i,l i m,iiiiiu,iiui Willi the I'tovlaloiiaitf tint net of Congrsa id JilltflS, 1K7H, vnutlcd "An Aot lor tha sail) of tllilbe, lamia In tha Hlnleanf fall turn In. lire. on, Nevada and Washington TurrlM.ry," TerrlUiry of Waatilnulon. lias tblsdMV filed fiJ unniii mhiib. asi a tin 1 1 1 1 i i.niii w ear uimr thlsallliia his aworn tnlttneiil No, I.IWI, fir the purelmae fr tbn SIC 1 .if see but Mo. gj, In lowiiablp I4tt. io ft, raageVo. t g, and will affer I'r'H'i ro annw that. tbn land Highl Is more vaiiiaoiv itir na lltn Mir ti kl.itiM lliut, r.i, . ptilturat imrimava, and to ostaldlali hi claim r.Vr ""7a ''"'"r the1 Kegl.ler and Itecnlver v, uuius at urt'gua city, oreguo, ot, ftalarday th ltth Day mf Oeleber, t. If Barno a witnesses i t Ollbert, 0 V ET'Li'." "n. "'d Ben, all of Beat lie. King County, Washington Territory. Any and ail paraon claiming ailveraelv the abovaiaarriiwt lan.l. aru retiieaUd to nie their elalm la thi-ottiw u or belur tald IMh day of October, km, ,t i .' WT Hussar, Register, TIMBER LAX D NOTICE. United Mates Land Oltlo. Oregon city, Oregon, July Sulh, !. Kotltt I hereby given that lir eoinpllaao wllhlhrovlalonsof the BOI. of Congress of June 9, 1711, ntlllad"An act lor the ule of tin,, bar lands in tba ataUs of lalifornla.OMgoii, hovada, and WaahlngUm Tnrriuiry,'' John W fayna, of heattlo, eonnty uf King, territory of Waablngton, has this Uay Oled In thl onto bl ,wo."J!l!u,m,",,'' "oWt't. forllio purabaaeof tba SW t of aeflllon'Kogi, n township Ro IU. south range Mosat, and will offer proof to show thai Hi land aougbl la mora valuable for lu timber or atone than for agricultural pur poaee. and to establlah hi claim U aaid land before lh Hegleter and kelver nrthlaoflloe at oregou t'liv,oreron,n Tueaday.tba lolb day of OoUitwr, I Ita name aa witness i o A Itennetl, r tterggren, J Uarncr and jywallla. all of beauia. King county, Waablngton Terrl- r.. '.. ' " "." IT."" claiming adversely th abuv deaoribed lauds au requested to Oia their claims In this ofllc ou or tailors aaid 1Mb wine ou or Iwiure said 14tti day ot October, latej. WTBcsasv, Re;latr.' TIMBER LAND NOTICE. fulled Stales Laad Oltle. Oreiruu CM. ilr.,tf,.K Ji tv., i, Motlee lakereiy elver, that in t. till 1 1 1 Ita HUM wltbtba j.rol.lan. of lUe tu ut Ci:reau( June , UR. enllllrtl-An eot fir the aal ol tun. .r wsiuin Mieataiea or Inilfuriiia. Oregon, :",'Z 'erriBejr, Jonn flat! ,WL. '"""enT n-.ruuniy Ol -.larHe, U.rrltiry ol, bsaihladay Died In thlaffle nls swrarn statement Ko U.K. ii.r 1 1,. ....i... .UheN WJol aHrtiooNo ai. lo u.a-n.l.ip ho U. sotitn rua ;Sm east, and will utter tr,f w lira nisi in land sour ht is mora valuable i for lla timber ur alone tnaii fur aifrtcultural txirnnaea, and to eaiablUb 111 claim to said i land before in Keg later and Hemlnr of this wnoaat unon C-lty. orf.u. on Wedneaday. I Ui letts day or UaUtber, !. He name, as wlinaaeea . U W kabwn and i aa-ed, u van-! eHivr, Clark eouniy. W Land W tt atary and W sace.of fnrtland.atuHnoiuan county .ureeon. Any and all neraona elaiuiln advrraely the above described land are riuid tu nla tneir elnims in thi ome on or befum said lutts day ol uetutwr, iww. ; W T Preset, luglster. TIMBEU LAND NoflCE I'nlled Kialo l.and Offir. urncon my, un,,,!,, July nd. Ia9. Kolle ta hereby given that In eomulisuee With the provisions nf tba art nt Conrea of June 4. Hfl. enlrtlnd-An act tor tb sl of tim ber laudato the Mate ol California, Oreon, Keveds, and t aahincion Territory , tieora w ttuiMMii, of yi,c.Mivrr. eouniy ol i larse. u rrt tory of Waabincton, baa tbla day md in this oltlo but sworn statement Mo Uil, lor tba Mr eliaeeolihe Wolaeuoa o4i,ln townahla li. south rau No east, and will offer brouf to st.ow ibat th land aouht 1 mr valuable for lie timber or atone than lor aerl eultural purtMwa.and ta eaiabllab hi claim to aaid land before ta lieister and Mecrlver of tbl office at Oregon Ctty, Oreon, on Vi Mines day, tba itfth day iH uctober, bw. lla nantra aa w.taeaani t J llanlcan and J Ksreet, of Van couver, Clarke eouoly, W T, and W M Mary and W ai..ol l-oriiaiid.alullniiiah rounly.orevon. Any aud all neraons elalniln: adversely the above deaeribed land are rruetd to nia their claims lu thi office oa or before said lwtt day of October, l,y. W T lit r, kKtster. iimdeiTland inoticeT" CUadUtas lantl Ofrke, Uf-itw, Oiy, July totli, lit. If oUee I trby airea UuU la vanliaiM sriifc ike tiewkrionaef U set at cegtas at JunsVd, a UiUd"Aa act fur th i ef Ualw laaj la Ui rMaia ot Oallforeis, maa, Nvd nt Wsabkns-toa te rltory." I net H,rjrm, ef rkatO. eMuiiy .4 kike. Tecntory el Waskteeuw baa ihl day ld la tbla ol See ht. warn utctmt No 1245, lor th bureks of UwNW tafitM Me St.tBTpNelosauik. Ran( No t seat, sad a III uer nn4 in auoa thai Um Uuul suuiihl at saar valuaU tor lla lusher or stone itta tor a. rlcuUundporpoaw, aad U aelaUUk bl ebuai baaU laud belur U Kefletar and Haxliar ef IRIS oAo at Ursjeo City, Ont on, on Ttuedav, the 1Mb ay o W tober, tsao. II nam a witaaMSM : JW pars J (iarnar, U A ttoaaeU and J V W eill, all o kaaula. Huif eouaij, WaehlnctoaTarriha-y. Anj sixl sil "pif. suoscralaUPK adeeeaily th ahoea ilarnurf l.n.i.. .Ti ?! "" ehUm ' eo er before seal tMh day cf October, la. . w. T. Ill S ST, Register TIMBER LAND NOTICE. t oltao Slate Land VfBea, Uremia Cilv.Ommtt. Jula tA loi KntiM hereby girmtrnu, in eutn;llanc ail the woilunof lb act of Cttrt atJttM ard. la! a. nUtled "Aa wt tor Uw eai ot Umber lns la lb eaw or vamurma, i !(', enda and WuhlnL Wn Territory.- ttanM lUukui, of f.niaud. coualy MulV aesub, lltau tt Urc(un, ha this dav tiled la Ihl of. o hi saem uttni.l Ne, Iv, lur tb hurrbaMof mi ipnvii, souut Manea Sin f east, and will 4t-t -ra4 lo abow Ibat lb kutil emtebt I avr ealuabls fo.- lu tiutbsr or suhi ihsn lur m riculuirw barix-H), aad ta establish bt e'sim sn said laud before lh Itf attar a4 keoeltwrut thl.orne at Orraa City. Ore on. ea Wednesday, the Kllh day ot '-"' "- " ' ii m : J Klanttraa Ion Territory, snd W U Mary aad W taae. roruand, Mulinotoan counly, Oreatm. say aud all twraonsalairalnc' advereelr UMstnHbmll u.i. ar requested toll Ihelr elsini ia Ihis erBoe oner eaon sa iota uay Off jotober, la, W.T. maasv, KeylsUr. TIMBER LAND NOTiCE." Valted ittalas lafcd Ofltee, Oregon City, Oreeon, July t!nd, U0. Aouee is rereny iflven that la comiiltenc with tb crmUlnti of th actol L'onirma ol Joo. arrf ihth - tilled "An set f.rt th sal of umber lands io th buie of Calnla,Ora1Nada, end Wshtngin Tar- iimrr. enno owmt, or isnaouver, cuarty ot C ark. Territory ot Ws.bli.rton. has this da fll lo ii.i. J. ot hit swum stalenent Sn u!, lor the purehas of a, . oi ui oot no v p no is soutn Hue No least, end will odor j.rm.l ta show tbat tb land emiKiiv e innr. wuuK tor iu timber or ton than for syriculuirsj rminM and to establish bis clslin lo said ts-wl before th ReeHsUf and Karalvcr ol ihl. i. Do st )ro' Cltr, n-,on Wednesday, th tilth day ef -!. "u,e a wiiooms j 4 rianlcan and J ltnbm, at V ancourar, Clark eountr. W T. and W T afarr and W Kss, ol Portland, 'Multnomah euuii.7, wiTvun.i xojr ana an nsrson clsiiufna; ad' .rij tiiosooTe-ae-Kriuefi tanus ara raquasted to ni ineir cisiuw in viua urnce oa or before said tOlh uay oi tcwoer, isew, ? W.T, Beauty, Egltcr. lSFig - - -1 i A roTlabl IT. S. Standard 8 ton inala only 37. Delivered at vnur nearest rail. ro itl etlror frevof fre!Uton thirty day "I iisrgr soaies t nroporuonati v u- i noe. warrantou nv jeara. F. C. HOFFSVIAN - ' Albany, Oregon. kla oiLBnT, prtAitoiaaiuixRT. ; HISSES CiLBEBT 1 - ''y' '- Tracber ef : Piano, Organ anl EarmoDy. y Boslilence cornnr JfTrson and 4l.h Kla MUiiHela OUbert at IjebaDon, Taun day and Friday. oa. c. a: wfiJTfiEY, Physician and Surgeon. Gradual nf Bellevn Iloimtkl i dical College Now Yerk City. Diseases of woman a specialty. . . rOffioa, Froman's Brick, Albany, Or. - ' Administrator's Notice, Notin is berebv civen that th under- tced has been by tbe County Court for Linn oounty, Oregon, duly appointed Ad ministrator of the estate of Edward 'John Mills, late of Linn county, Oregon, deceased, and qualified a tuoh. AH person having claim against said estate aro hereby notified to present them to . th undersigned duly verified at . Albany, Oregon, within six months from tnis data. . J. O. Writsmax, . J. K. WxtATBEitFORD, - AdminUtrator, Attorney for Administrator THIS LEADER. , TIIE LEADER G, W. SMITH, "Superior," . "Apgand,w. 40arlln(, STOVES AND RANGES. Fire backs. Warran tod for 15 years. All sizes ii styles, Roofing-, Job Work, Plumbing. Eave Trough. Range Boilers Conductor Pumps. CHAS. H. DODD & CO -ds-IMPORTERS OF-eb- Hardware, AND FARM MACHINERY, Front, First and Vine Streets, ::::::: Portland, Oregon. Sol Agent for Oregon , ftoutile. ar Til-5 Furrow. They a j a!m aa DEERE'S NEW loc'- oe ual voern i-r eo uiem work ran not say etMUxn to their prsiM. w lunuab tbeas w lik or without seat attacbnwnt, Ht aUacbnwntt are estra. DEERE POV7"iHl LH7T STJT.K'.lf PLO"WS. BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL. i f!ttik,'t II Trees OrsJa Irra, Bj Scotlcnt, Butkcj Upriiif TcxHh Ilarrowa DEERE'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDERS j The latent hnjetmil impUoMatt fur tow Ins; soaiawr fallow. Th meat exannlets and successful tool far tb - purpoM ta net. Wo alias) aav av tall 11m r Baaalea. 'srrlaarea, Vhaetaaia, Mowsitavtsi Wacnt flalforsw smd other teprtng Vettlrieaw -v ' SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. Usrrene Cbarda-s 8-rlnTooOi Hsrrows, Iorrs Barrow. SdaetUe r4 If ills, rsctae Fanninf at OK HAISH BARS WIRE, ETC., ETC. rvi row arrfftt nwrrTttt it mrw. im Aot.Dt'r, XXATHKt. J.J.DORRIS, ALBANY, OREGON. The Only Complete Set ot Abstract Books and Maps In Linn County. jWOlTU ta tb Court llbu," liQslties iitruttd to my rare ball bav prompt and cartful attention. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. CnltrJ huijs Land one. orriion city, Orecun, July lth, l. Kotlew I hereby Riven that In compliance with the fnvilnaa ol the act of Congress of Junes, liffa.eniined,"An act tor lb sale of tim ber laHl In tha state of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Waablneton Territory," lluej Ureonnn.of Albany.rouiity of Unniato of ur on, baa tbl tav nietl lo tbl orhe his sworn stalemenl Ko 1U, for tha fMirebaae of that N C oi auction $a 34, la township Ko 10, south, ranee Mot east, and will after troof to show that th land sought Is snore valuable for It Urn bar or stone than for agricultural purtioaea, and to establish hlaolalm to said land befor tba ks;uur and Receiver of thi orbc at Ore gon City, ore(on, on Monday, tb tub day of ociouer, lemv. u namea aa wnnrswea i 4 a Towsley.W Kast, U Mckae and W It Taylor, all of Albany, Unn eouniy, I oresroi na. Any and a persona claltnint adveraaly tbe above deaerib ed lands are requested to file their claim tn 1 h la offlee on or befor ld ltth day of October, saw. W T Brassy, Register. TIMBER LAND N0flCET VbliedniateaLand Offie. oreaua City, Orecon, July t5ta. l&M. Notklsb-by fln tbat In eunpllane wlib the protii'isainaituet oiirwai jan titled AOMHInrtbasal of Umber lands tn the suu at ca. Ifornia. Orwna. Nevada jui Washlnirtna Territnrv, John Caldwell, of VaneueTcroaaly of Clarke.tarrtlory al V, shlnrun .baa tbl day Sled la thl office hi swora statement Sn Itao, lur lh purchase ot iha Mil sf asctton No its. Intswrubip Not, south renta Sat east, and will offer prnul to show that th Ian night I rnur rsiustt ir iwumeer erstone t nan lor aa-iT-eutiurnl banwsas, and to Mtehllsh bl claim to said Ian before lh Keg-latar and Heelrr ol thl nfrte at Oregon (tty,Oreta, en Monday , lb Slat day of We Snber.lHe. HanantaswwitaeaM J FaMirsn, WB Mayra.W W Pro betel and John sweat, ah uf Vancou ver, Clark eountv, W T, Anyandallpuaonaclalmina; adrerarly Ihs sbor deerlbd lands are requested to file tlieir Nairn inuiMuniesonor tiur sat sist day ' ' '" WTBVbiht; Ttrlster, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. , United mates Land Office. - Orrton Jlt v. Oreeon. Ju I v 23rd. lHSfl. Kotlce ts hereby given that in ooinpllaace with the provisions of the act of 0oui;reaa of June a,lH78,enUtleu"An act forthesaleof timber land in the state or i.aiiiornia,reeon .Nevada, and Washington Territory, " Archibald W Pru' shaw.of Alhnny.oounty of Llnn.atate of Oreeon bas this dsy file i In thlsofTloe his sworn state- merit No l.'."i. forth nurchaaeof theN Ei of section No tti. In township No 10, south rangti So 8 east, ana win ower proof to snow that to land aouirht la mora valuable for It timber or stonethnn roraftrlenttural purpoaea, and to es tablish hlaolalm losatd land beiore the KeKlster ana Keonver ounis oinoe at Oregon uuy. um- on, on naiuraay, in mn any or ootnuer, l8. bdny e names as witnesses i W H Taylor. W East. H Brennan and K Hobtnion, allot Albany. Linn Albany, oouuty.Orerion. Any and all persons efalmlna; adversely the above described land are request' ed to file their olalmi In this office on or befor aid mn day or October, ikh. n TuassT,, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Bute Land Office, Oreeon City.Oreiron, Juli aflrd.lSSO Notlosls hereby riven that in eomiiHanr with th provisions oi in an oi uonc-rs of i un 3,llTt,nuilM "An act for th sal of timber Units In Ue states ol Caltfornla,Oreffon,Nvsda.and Waahlurten Territory," Andrew nir. of nuena Vista, eouniy or j-oiic, stale or Oregon, ess in la day nisa lit inis omos nis sworn state ment No VIM, for the purehas of ths N W 1 of 8 B i, N E jof H w J,B jof IN w jands w joi n it j or section No 10, IntuwnshipNo 10, soath rane Not east, and will offer proof to shew mat tu land sought 1 ar valuable for It timber er ston than foi sirrlnultural numoses. and to establish his oialra to laid land befor thartegisMrana Koivrtirmi oraceas tntronniT, Oregon, Oh Saturday, tb tilth day of October, 18S9. He names u witnesses : w r.l. n n layior. n orn ban and J BTowsley, allot Albany. Linn oounty, Or. son. Any aiul all parsons claiming auverwsiy toe aoov described lands ar requested to SI thtir talni ia this office ou r tMfor said lut n aay of iwtooer.iSBU. w l llusMBV, Koifistar, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. r United States Land Office. . OregonCity, Oregon. July SSth, 1189. Notlo is hereby Driven tbat iu oomollanc with ths provisions of lh act of Congress ol June S,lS7.entHlsd 'An sot for tbe sal of timber lands in th states ot Cal ifornia , Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," William W proebstel, ot Vsnoouver, ooanty ef Clark ; territory of Waahinjrtnn , has this day filed ia this enSce his sworn statement No 1279, lor tha purchase ef th 8 E t of Mctlos No Si, in township No ri.south ran re Ne 2 east nd will offer proof to show that tha land sous-lit is more valuable for its timber or ston than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish hi claim to said laad before th Register snd Receiver of this office at Ore fnn City J Orotfon, on Monday, the 21st day of 0otobr, 1S.S9. He name as witnesses : i Flaneiran, W B Mavre. Oldwell and i ttwtet. all of Vanoouver. Clarke eonn ty, WT. Any sni all persons oiaiminsr adversely th above desenhsd lands are requested to tl le their claims in this otlice on or bsfur said Hist itay ot October, lets), r i jovhwsx, jef iwar. The World's best, liore n hun 7 hun- differ- sty les o ok s and heaters Iron, Steel, and Washington for DEAL PLOWS. t, an I cota so near aJhaotot perfeetioa. that those wb K THRALL, Agent, AIUdj, Or. Hotlce of Fiial Settlement Kttic i hereby givto that tl under sold Administrator of thesUte of J. J. Davw, deceased, ha filed hi final acosant ith tb Clerk of th County Court for Linn oounty, Oregon, and th said County Court ha fixed tb 5th dy of November, 1889, at tb bonr of 1 o'clock, p. tru, for beano ob jections to said acaouat and for tb sett'e ment of said estat. TbU tb 27th day of Sept. 1S80. i.B. Divi. J. K. WaATUakroBD, AdminUUator. Att'y for Administrator, ; TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State Land Ofle, Oregon City, Or., July 27, 1889. otioo ia hereby itjven that in coranli ftnee with the roviaion8 of the act of fjon frrctM ol June 3, 1S78, enUtled "An art for the naleof timbrrlandri in theStates ofCali fornia, Ortitrm, Nevada and Waidiintrton Territory," Beniatnin F Kyle, of Eugene, county of Lane, btnte of Orepon, has Uiia day filed in thisoilice bia sworn atatemcnt No l317, for the turr lia of the 8 W i of Sec No 2. in Tp No 12 smith, Kane No 2 cant, and will offer proof to show that the land nought is more valuable for ita tim ber or atone than for aprk oltoral purpoex-g and to catabliiih his claim to aaid land be fore the Register and Receiver of this of fice at OregonCity,Or.,on Friday the 25th day of October, 18811. He names aa wit neaea : A W Uolachagand II 8 Bergman, of Needy, Clackamas Co., and H How and J Bquires, of Albany, LinnCo.11 of Oregon. Any and all pernon claiming ad venmly the above dewribed lands are re quested to file their chum., in thisoilice on or before said 25th day of Octoiier, 1889. - W. T. BuRNEY, Register. timber land Notice. ' United States Land Office, ; Oregon City, Or., July 27, 1889. Notice is hereby itiven tliat in comnll ance with the proviioi)8 of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, evadaand Washing ton Territory," Frank I labell, oi Delta, COUntV Of lUlton. State of Ohm l,na thi'a day filed in this office his sworn no isio, for the purchase of the N VV l of Sec No 32, in TpNo 10 south, Range No a east, ana win oiler proof to Bhow that the land sought is more .valuable for ita timber or Btone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish bia claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of mis otnee at Ureeon Uitv. Or., on Friilsv the 25th day of October, 18S9. He names as witnesses : R Howe. M C Yerks. J f Squires and F II Aldrioh, all of Albany, Linn county. Or. Any and all Demons claming adversely the above described lands aro requested to file their claims in this office on or, bofore said 25th day ol Oc tober,, 1889. . V w. T. Bi'KNEY, Register. : timber land notice. 1 1 TJnltad State Land Office. . Oregon City, Oregon, July t5th, Notice Is hereby iriventhat incomnliane with the provisions of theact of Congress of Junes, ll78.entitld "An set far th sal ef timber lands In the slates of Cal ifornia. Oreron, Nevada, and Waahlntrton Territnrv " John Garner, of Seattle, county of King, territory of Washington, has this day Sled In thisofflc his sworn statement No 1287, for th purehas of the N W 1 nt i.wo,m wvni.uip Aia ivjejuia ran re no east, aud willeffer proof lo show that the land aoufrht ia nuir valuable torlts Umber or ston than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish his claim to aaid land before th Hwister and Receiver ol this effiea .t n. . . ; . V m I. . ! I , . . V . - eon vuy, oregon.oq -ruesday,ths S2ud day ot October, 1880. II names s witnesses : W 8courflald. i B J&hok sen, John West sad OA Bennett, alio! Seattle. Wino county, WT. Any and all persons claiming sdvtay th above described huidsare requested to SI their maims in uu sniee on er Deier said lUnd day of Octo ber, .. . - . , W T Biaxsr, Rrgister.. Administrator's Notice, Notice i heieby given that th nnder- isnd was by tbe County Court for linn county, Stat of Oregon, en the 6th Jay of September, 1889, duly appointed Adminis trator of tb estate of Kuta Bradshaw. de ceased, Int of Lins eonnty,- State of Ore goa. : Ali persons having olaitns acsinst said etat are hereby notified to present the same to the atidersigned at hi residenoa at Dayton, Yamhill county, Oregon, or to is Attorney, within six months from this dae, duly verified as required by law. uatea eps. tain, iii. . V. Cummihs, ' . J, K. WtATHlKFORD, Administrator ' ' Attorney focA.dministrator.5 Trousering Pea Jo'.t ifHodnor Tie Woolen Drawers BabUr Ocata " Robber BooU Lestb r Goals Ilandkerebiefs Mackibtos b Costr . Cardigan Jacket Engl ns er Jsikrti Famishing. Goods Tailor Made Soiu snd coary olttr tpirgt too namercus to nienticn. r-ria O 2m O "LH" cl; In tbe faot tbat I am offerin better bargains than any on else in A ibaay Bought at bankrupt aal I can U First-Class Goods. at or below COST. FOP General marcbsndis ol all a.""! oBho. Cash for Goods or Country prtdue . " o iy. skipsoIs AVlbany, Ortge. FOR THE BEST FURNITURE CALL os inn Albany Furniture Company OPrCWITJt STEWART A BOXt, BED HOOMaSETS, TABLES, CHAIRS. UPHOLSTERED GOOD G. WALL PA 8, BABY CARRIAGES4 ETC. ETC..ET .. Hopkins & -DALEl-S IS- STOVES j TiFi VARE, SHEET IHOri, CGPrZa VAR! , ETC.. ETC. Atrnts fer "On Tim" Heating and eookloft Stove. Job work, pamvbia. etc., promptly attended to. - CHEAPEST AND BEaT PLACE IN THE CITT MATTHEWS Cany a flrst-elaa Stoves, Tinware,Hardware,Etc., "WMeh tbey are selllnjrat remarkalby tew prices, JOB WORK . carefully and promptly dona at reasonable prioes, PURE DRUGS, V- Paints, Oils, Stationary, Etc Arid Piooipt attention Thct Good wl)l b sold al the lowt prtos by Blsin, No j Tir I ri- ' H.i ' - ' Cap" 2 Rait ' ' , feboe Boots '. Jeatii , , Cuff - ' - Canes ' mi Tests ; " atrtivr Ol ov s . . floaif Purse Brushes "f Cbain i Cliaium ' .., BhUts Collat HoaieiJ , Rubbe-a Uitteo Trt.tie - . v i . x t Vslbes 8oiting Half tlcse Overa'l ".. f!k Hu Cbtbtng i Oil Goods I Sifppws I Kid Olovea Umbrella f Overcoats " C Oeeeaboes UDdershlrt" f Silk Shirts V. jIIJ 2HI JZ JE2 a nil call on ma. IFartirvdar Kareaio in a .. ' Saltmarsh & WASHBURN, stock of ,i