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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1889)
THE YAQUINA ItOUTE. ! Crtsi Fatlls Eailroad- gou Development Company' Steam- j hip Line, j 123 f.:iLES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by sny other n: ju. Flint-class through pmwn(rr and freight linn from Portland end all point tn the Willamette Valloy to nil from San f ruelsoo, Cal. - Iletueruber lh Oregon lcin rtpnlr Rummer Kse.r.l. to Yqnln. Low Uote TIektei rare now on -.le, Rl ever Wed nesday una Natarrley Iroiu Al hmuft CorvnllU and lhllomlh. lloata make clone connection at Alban with trains of the Oregon FeoUlo Kail road, TlMK Si ' fv.oi Lot Aloanr 1:K Uses Corvsllis I: Wis. a. arrlr VaquliM, k"M . M. Lasv vorva-iie. Arm Albaay, U:W . . ....... . tlhanv end J. it V. Tl" C"" " - , . Porvellle. The above trains oonnectt V equine with tue urenon , y""!"-"'-" 1 . . i uimth m between voinpaoy a u" YSOUina tllll KNeu muv., 1111.1 NO DATES . ran THI'I. W.flsmMt VsU.y, X . J,i',L jo Tuesday, e).lilh. do Wed nearer, bet '"' raoa mm raiavuiu Vallay, Wlowlay..pi U, im rt.tT. .( Jva. ju auiiJay, e Ibe Cowpeny .(Tee the right to ihenire aalUun da lee without notice. N. 1U feernrere front PorUena end (V tllemetle Veiloy poinU oea ineke cloee tonnecU.-n with the trmlne or tbe Yen,ulne ouu at Atbeny or CorTelile, end 11 dea (tned to San Kranclaoo ehnuld arrange W rrire at Yequtne tbe evening before OAte of aalllog. aaeeeir mm r.el.M atee alwaya tee Law eat f fot InlurmaUoa ply lo A R Cft1".' TS1 K. A.. OMf. U.l.r.a.tOs.i 'i..T A. O. F. a- P Af . CortaJlle. 0YERUN3 TO CALIFORNIA Soutlieh Pacific Companj'a LI18, THE M01'XT"SIUSTA ROUTE. Tf n Albany ae Saa irvieUco, IS boar uunn airaiaa 11 iaa R11 r4itt Itetwcee rrlUnl ead rraaUeH 80a A I .00 r. a. Xirm ;i a I Norta Lt PurOauJ Af L Albwijr t Ar !Mui V.aKCieiu Lv 19:45 A a a a T.MO r a bi'AvraMaara4ia ii. Kxoop SuoJjr). emiaa Iti Pwtlaid Ar;6ra limn I L Albany blUKiM L 1 11:3 a a iMrm Ar L 1 liwil uaAa aaxxco. Snra I L ufir a Ar i i0r I L r a I Ar Albany Lebanua Albany UcbaiHMi Ar I a J a a L I 5:4u a Ar t iira L I t:uu r a PULLMAK BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, r.r 4aaadal.a al eeaaH;Uvi raaaea era. attaehetl t Eiatm Trataa. The 8. f. Cat f wry mika miwction "ilh atl the yulv tnln wi lb Im 9iU DttMKia boat luut a4 t trt, "ni.'.. iTeat Bide Mvlalan. IT" IE roBTLtSO A COKVALLIA, 1111, mil AtlT(E(.pt8aa4ay.) T SO a a I L r a I Ar Purtiuxl Orvallia Ar I it: ;u r a Lr I I r a axraw ti aaiir (Kaeip SunJiy. l:Gr a I ! aitH) r a I Ar fort land UcUionxll Ar I 00 a a I.t t i a To all puiute BOtJTII JCTID EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. r. all l....riiii.o rnrllnff ratoa, bum, tie. all nn .lomnanT'. A(at at Al'iany. B.EOiiHUR, K. P.ROOIRS. Hvi Aait U. r. aad P. Ar PIANOS. 1Ii.m wililn m Orrt-le' lntrom Uou Id oall at M i-4. R. E. II.Tinen'e id m mix of Ukmm Cjleoratml 1 1 era ma J lng ptno, excei.ent rich lone. E ia,Hliy tnii'teaod eda ted to ttan? tbe climate on the Paoiflo CoeaU Eery piano fuily miiantaa.l for 6 veer. Tha lueet ht-inuie fr aale. Maiie end peiotiD lemoea gtvn there. Aiaj fie place lo ki your new Sewlfiir Machine. Fanny work and dree making done to order. Flral d.ioreaat of Vonn'e old etand, Albany, UrKn FOSHAY & MASON, Ttacavavi ai tatin i) j urists and Bookscllenia A;enu for John B. Alden'e publlcetlona, hti l: w e( p?kjlrter'e prSoae witi ALBAHT. OUEUOR City Heat 3Iarkcl. SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. Ivexp e full Hn of oieate of all klnda, 111 e pkc, completely pro tecUd; anj elweye freab. Alto have onatantly.on bend eelmop and other flh- HOW TO GO EAST. Co Et via Mount Bhaata Ronta. Kice ftlimaU and ancDnry at all timm nf the year. S Monot Shaara, Sjcramt.t o. 0.i-n. I, ike, D'over. Kinett Moiid cU r. madr ar run daily. Buy your ticket of m and ir your far to Portland. I am th only peraon ia Albaav that can avll r-a a iiclt to an point i'i the Uuited StaU Call nu m f 'r rutea. V.'. L. Jvrrri, Aseot 8. P. Pouiif Wanted. A!I kind of pTittry, aljve or tiro-ad, nautoil wt the Will 1 ti nt FtckltK iVim peny'a Store, Albany, Orf((f,.. BROWNSVILLE. 0. P. CO SHOW & SO 'MS, Real Estate and Insurants Agsnts. Reel etaU and aid 0 ll iM'n and Notarial boainare attended to. University of Oregon. EUGENE, OREGON. Nost eHlon buln on Monday, tbe 16th of Hp:iniLer. 1HK0, Free ecW.arahlpv from every coui.ty in IbeKtate. Apply wi your Couuiy Huperln tendenl. Free tnlli jii after January Jai, ISUO. . Foar course s CUri.l', 8cltn,jfiv Ml erary end e abort KngliMh ;onra to vrbi :b there U no Latlu, Greet Knmnb r German, Tbe EnglNIi la pie-emli,ently iluainoat Coorae, For cwlaiojcue o Hber Inforrnatiou, addree J. ..JOUN-WX, Predei.t. ERANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OF - Albany, Soda Works. And Menc!ax!tur.ra of JHOICE COSFEliTIONESY, We ere bow prepared to e!l et w.SoU elway froah and ui. at Ponliod .tea to doelora. We n'-i tm fi II ief I JJnta and Tropical fruits, IGAR3 AND T03AC00 F0S CHiCKEB cholera. 419 Huron Et, Rfctboygan, Wit., Not. 1 ISSs. 1 hsve vied CUtcoUOilfbr chicken cholera with treat iw im, Every fbwl affected wlta the disease wu cured by It and 1 recommend It u e tut euro. It hs saved as. sosDy dollar. It. A. KCENNK. Breeder of Tine row I. rVcnfleld, Cat, Oct 13. 1. I bar used Bt Jscobj Oil for sotchesd of ehioksns with prompt, permanent euro. One bottls will ear 10 to 15 chickens: to drope turn l hoexet. A AS. BETIIAL, 4V GESSSAl DJt JCCTJTO.VX-Jfi e pUl trmif er oVmff ortmlrd SJ- JiK(x Oil 9 oMiiveCe TVywUfnoiymleae'tomrtd. AT Pnuooirrt ahb Dcalek. TBS CHARLES JLVOCEIEI CO.. Baniieore. K4 DR;J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Olfl(.0 oor, riroteni Karry StreMe, ALBANY- ORSQON OR. CeWATSOU r.lASTOr. Phyuician and Sargoow. Uilloe upHi"lte the Iitmi'M'raT. DR.C 0. CHAaiBERLSN, EomeopatMc Phjsiciin and Surgeon Special attention 0 diseasos of the eye. o)tU.-e ooroer of7h id an ! I .yon St, ALBANY, OREGON. DR. WH. DAVis. PhysiciiJi and Surgeon. ertlffloe un aUIra In Strahan' Block. May be fouud at hi. otlloe a ay and night. DR. I. W. STARR, Physician and Surgeon, Late of Brownsrilla, Or. Office et room No S3 and St. Stral en end tlnroe'e Uiovk, up alalia. Vail rrouiptly In city or country. G. L. OLACKfalAN, Sitctfcr 'o B. If. -rtr . I) A LEU IN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES' SO IPS COMBS ETC. . D K. !. nuccai'KN, UKO.W WUIOUT, 0LACKGURN & VRICMT. Attorneys at. Law, Will practice in all th Court f the State. 1'romot atrriitum yiven to m. hoti oea eoti u.ted tour -tr. OllioeOld Fjil'i T:iil, A!lany, Or. Iff 9 ha9 tha Exclutivt Control of o N L, Y SO C E N T B 3 0. H lal b. 4rVM'C ib r trtftr m prin lo Mff Dill "act.farlUUuBtSTA0e. tfrf Cum aoee CSE 03 OXE HALF PICH3S. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. ALBANY. OREGON. First National .Bank Or A MM XI, OB.V.UOH. prMi.Unt. ..l. rutin Vkoa PrMKWnl a, E, TOI NG CWblw K. W. LA.NMX.V. Ajtcaabir ma. r. ruwcu. T&AlUACn A OKNEKA thanking buelfwa. ACCOUNTS KCPr aubjt U. .bk. BIOHT CXCHAKGK and r raphle trvir, ot 3I Vork, lUn 'iw.1m, ticao ant p. rcr'i- OC'I.LEcTlONr .At'Kua bxirabl Unr. ir.p.cToa j C V , K. W. tana, L K L. run, Wjnaa g TvaLt, Lirm County Hank. Cowan, Ri73ton & Chamberlain, ALBANY - - OREGON. THAK8ACniKiMirai Unkliif bualna. DRAWSmil Unrflw . Vrk itao r i. to i an J p.irtlaii.1. Orcein IX) AS MO..KV.M1 H'iol aacurliy REf tlVK.UKIUiihjrt hk. E. J. F.lcCAUSTLAriD, CiTil Engineer and Sarveyor. DRAUGHTING AND BLUE PRINTS 'lolce with Or.i ii Cj. Albany, Or, Sjerie Sy'-rm n 1 W terjpplioe HpeciaitT. F.titU4 Siibilvl l.. I, Ma nloor Copiftdon nliort notion n;, fi haavtveoontver' al Mtintociioa la tL: dire ' t Uonotrboa aod 'iiitl. I preacrUxltacd tti auf iu rec(.inmnoV )' It to all aufTerer. t.J. K7IHEK, K.DM Oeestur, III. rrtlCE, 81.00. Gold by Ittucfitt. f .!... I ! t! tU, 1116 Oeaaral aaa KEllVOUB I;lBIt.n,iri fTTT? T1 'ikaM. of Body and Kind: EffanU J J AA JLA of Error or Eiscaaca in Cl r Younjf, DMt, l.'HIWII r.,11 hwrf, H-w Im r.l.r,. ..4 Mia irii,i i.ivni-i'ii iii a Piuraof Hun. e.ul.l aaatiil Hum TaKATUKkrHnM-.t. la a da am tMtlrr frM 43 HMM, T.rrlMHM, aa. K.rvl,h ( M.trl. 1 M, arH. full rtplaaattM, and ,r)fl aalM Kit RiOiGAl CO., 'Jf f AiO, 1. 1. Foitmillsr k (nring. L 7 i -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attention-First-class Eearsa SAW LOGS FOR SALE. I'jrtltM desiring to purchase taw log will do well to call on the undersigned who ban about 3,000,000 ft of log, on the CaUponin nlove Urownvlll. FT. F. Men a ill, Trustee. Albany, Or, M 'r'.w t A f vo n,va.X3j f jflw,aiwl n-i M J ' 1 1nn. Clanteal (?4 fv i.aai' a.-k 9 . II' t I I ! ''jV',':''".'jk,'f - -r : TIMBER LAM niti-. ; United SUU Lsr.d Crt'i.-e. Oregon City.Or., July 2ah,l.V:3. Notice U hereby M'vel i etp.f.UK.e with ths provisiou of ths st of Cunfre of June 3, 1878. entitled "Au set for th ) 0f limber laud io the state of Citr.iri,Or son, Navada, end YbiDKtou Turritory," Vrank Cai Uon.of Syduey,emuty of KiUnp, territory of Wahlustun, ht tliit day lid (nVhiaolllo hiaaeoiB atatrmint Nu liiW, fur tha purvhaaa ut the M Klnl ttetinn No !2ti,in town.Mp iNo 10 outb.mug N Seeat. and will oUr proof to anew tbat the lead omht la muru valuable for iti tin.W or none t linn tor axncnuurai ruro, and to aUbti'b hi claim tnaaid UimI twfoie the Uiii T and Kwnwr of thia t.ffio at Ore ttouCitV. Oro, .n lburday.thaS4 h da o( Octolier, 1HS. lte namet at witmitrt i O Smith, T Mov'JIenou, J l'etert end J T Murphy.alluf hydory, Kitatp t oonty, W T. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Uuited State Land Office, Oregon City. Or.. July 23ih. 1SS9. Noiioe ia horehv uivea that in ooinu'latica with the proviaiouaof th act of Congreaa of . ....... .. .t" 1.1 JUO.1, 19i3,n'ltiU At avt to in OI timber Und in th etat of Cali:nrnia,Ure- I William Sourdeld. f Seattle, ooeoty of Kina, Urrltorv ut Wathloirton, haa thia day Hledtn thiaotfioe hWtworo tatemnt No I'-SW, for th purchase of th. N W of eo- tion No S(!, iu townthip No 10 tontn, rang, ta." a. t ... . fe aft . a. L. . t A no a ami win on. r pruji toanow inn in. laud anagnt I moro v iuni tar iu lira oernritin tnan lor ariouiiurai parpoaoa, 1 . n .1 ... .a.l.l,ak lata Ml.i.M .A . i l I .. il L.nM I th. lUji.ter end Uoivr of thi orttoe at Oregon City, Orecon, on Tueaday, th. 22od day 01 ucaorwr, 38. 11. earn, aa altaj. oi w 11 cimiy.h., 1 r, nuiunm.uo, "w t I "arnar,i o. aaie. iviog oouoty.W T. Any end alt peieona elaimieg lvrly the above ilMorioea lead are r nrtetted to tile their elaime in' thi. olliue on or before ttid S.'ud day f OotoW.liWl). , W T Ilt'iUBT. Iterfi.ler, ""tTmijeFlani) notice. " ITnitinl SUt Ijin.l Otlico, , Oregon City. Or., July 27th, IJWtt. Not lets ia ht'tvby given tlmt in rotntiU- anoo with the provinions of tito act of Con- grpiM of June U, entitlei "An net for theeelo of titutier Unde in the Matoaof ('nliforiiia, Ongtn, NovHd.n ami Washing ton icrrttory," Andy W lKiiwtiHg, 01 Nowly. county of t'lackeinM,SUt of Ore- iron, hee thia dnv fllod in thi office hie sworn etntiiunt No 1313, for the purclinrm l .1.. KI l I' C... V.. In 1'.. K'.v 14 eotith, lUngo No 2 ciwt. end will oflVr proof to ahow that the land nought Ut more- viilualile for iw ttuiiKT or etoiio tlmn for agricultural tmrpoec, end to entHlillh hie cluiin to eaia Und U-toro the Hegixter end liotftvr'r 01 mm oince at vircgon t. ity,vr., on Friduv tlio S.ith dev of CMolier. 1H,H!I. lie neinca an witneexf a : B F Kvio. of F.Eircne. Lnno count v. II S I'cnrumn. of Needy, C'liukanuw county, H Howe end I J Stiuiite,tf Albany, Linn county, ell of Or. Any end ell perMina claiming dvcrely the above described lund ere miue.tod to file thoir claim in I hie ollico on or W fore Mid 25th dav of October, 1H. V. f. Ut b.nkv, Itcgi.UT. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Und Office, Oregon City, Or., July !th, 18811. Notice in hereby given that in com pi i am-fl with the uroviMiona of th act nf 'on gresti of Juno 3, 1S7H, entitlod "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Hutea of California. Oregon. Nevada and Wahinn- ton Terriuwr." Artiiur A Waite. of Patera county of Mariim. Mate of Oregon.haa this day filed in thisotnee hissworuetatement No Kill, for the pttrchaoe of the S JJ ,! oi Sen.- No 34, in Tp No 10 south, ltango No 2 eat, and will oiler jroof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural imrpoMes, and to establish his claim to said land Iw fore the Register and Keceiver of thia of fice at Oregon City, Or., on Tuesday the 22nd day of Octolwr, IAS J. He names as witnesses : H Mtelton, of Jordan, Linn county, K E Woodward and C Ileal, of 8aletn, Marion county, all of Oregon, anil John Garner, Seattle, King county, W. T. Any and all persons claiming adveraely the above descnlied lands are rviitMWtcd to file their claims in this ollice on or It-fore said 22nd day of Octolier, UWtf. W. T. Mi'rxey, Keglster. TIMBER LANDlwiCL United States Land Office, Oregon City.Or., July 25th, 1.H89. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of Jtmo 3, 187M, entitled "An act for the sale of timber hinds in the Mate of California, Oregon, Nevailaand VV ashing ton Terriury," Jorgcn tt Jakohsen, of Seattie.eounty of King.Tcrritory of M ash ington, has this day tiled in this ofSco his sworn statement No 12H!,f the purchase of the N K '4 of Sec No :,Tp No 10 south Uange No 2 east and wilt olh-r roof to show that the land sought is more valuable (or its timber or stone than fur agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said lund before the Register end Heeeiver of this ollice at Oregon City, Or., on Tuesday the 22nd day of October, lHM'j. He name as witnesses : W Kconrfleld, J K HuU h inson, John Garner and J K Stevens, all of Seattle, King county, W. T. Any and all persons claiming adversely Uie above desi-ribed Inmls are requested to file tlieir claims in this office on or before said 22nd day of October. Wil. V. T. BraxKr, Register. tTSeTlAKD NOTICE. United State Land Ofllce, Oregon City, Or., July 27th, 180. Notice ia hereby given that in compli ance with the provision of the act of Con gre of Jnne 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the alo of timber landt in the State of California, Oregon, Nevala and Washing ton Territory," Chart Smith, of Sydney, county of KiUan.Territory of Washington, ha thi day filed in thi ollice hi (worn statement No 1314, for the purchase of the N fc of Sec No 4, In Tp No 12 south, Kango No 2 eat, and will offer proof to how that the land sought i more valu able for it timlier or .tone than for agri cultural purpose, and to eatablUh hi claim to aid land before the Kegiater anil Receiver of thi office at Oregon City.Or., on Friday the 25th day of October, 1880. He name a witnewea : J Horzog, J T Murphy, T McGlenon and J l'etcr, all of Svdncy, KiUap county, W. T. Any and all psrwin claiming ad versely the above described land are ro queatou to file their claim in thi office on or twiore aid zitn ciay 01 uctoncr, imu. W. T. IlraxBr, Regi-U-r. TIMBER LAKO NOTICE United State Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 30th, 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States ef California, Oregon, Nevada and Waahing ton Territory," Josephine Shearer,of Port land, counky of Multnomah, state of Ore gon, has this day filed In Wd office her sworn ststement No 1324, for the pur chase of lots 1 and j and S of N E 4 of Sec No a, in Tp No ia south, Range No 1 eatt, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to tald land be fore hhe Register and Receiver o! thi of fice at Oregon City, Or , on Saturday the 36th day of. October, ti : She name t witnesses : H Vroom, G Lindley, C J Dickersen and J M Simon, all of Port land, Multnomah county. Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above de scribed Una are requested to file their slalm tn hi office on or before ald a6lh day of October, - W. T. Buanry, Reg later. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. " 0 nlwd fHstss Land Offlc. Orafron City, Oraeon, July 7th , 1M0 Notlo khmriy iflvm tliat 111 compliance with th pruvtiaoiiaof lh actotConnrruw ul Juii. 3.1S)(,etititlit '-An act tor tii.taleoftlnibwlaoaa loth.ttatnnfCsr Ifornia; ( rtt'Hi , Nevada, and Walili.l.,n Torriw.y,1' Mwnry H Harirmaii .of NiMly,eouiit) nf CcksrnMRaS f OnsjMn, haa tiia day -tliivlln thl.offic hia n vSaUrtMmt Nol3li, for th. purchiw ofth. SWit nstto No 4, In toiru.hlp No Vi aoiuli , ranir No 2 mast, and will offer proof toahowthat tb kuid aouKht io mora ral tub for Its tlinlMir or stone th.i furanciil Uiral purp'nw.arkl lo wtahll.h hi claim tn aaki land hafora Si. Hugaatcr and fUcaiv.r of thia office at Ore Sim City. Oraioin . on Friday, th i&th day of I h-tol-r, aS). ilananiKaaawiUie-ara: A W lo:has,of Newly, UaaSaianunrt B f Kylcif Eiliren, Lan.anunty, MUov.andJ J rkl'iir,( Albany .tion comity, arl of (Irearon. Am ami all pcraons eialiiiinjr advacajsji rh above dn.cra.jd land, ara rcnueaird to flic th'trdiima hi this oftlee on or before tald ar.tti day nf OoUrfmr.-lSol. W T licaxsr, ltxtatr. Children Cry for Any emi all jwraou. eiaiming adver.aly the ,reil i looU hoM of h, , , , aKvedo.or,be, audaare r,uealel to I. ,w.y, when the toowa. 'rtikil, ami Mr their claim, in thUome. on or before said olmiin( ,hitlUn8 he W4 ; t(J ki 24th day of October 1 889 begged her to let go. Ic.t tl,c. he killed .lao! A THi'Rtntv.ngl.t.r. She releated her hold of him and rn tcrcem. FFICIAL ana TELEGBAPIIIO NEWS Ae Klertrle A tr I deal. Salkm, Or., Seit I J. Thomas Itolman, )roTletw of lha Salem KlectHc Light Workt, came very near being killed to rWit about 10 o'clock. He undertook lo fix an are tteet light which wai not hunting well, and in tome way cnught twm of both wire, completing lha circuit and receiving the full bice of tha dynamo. I lit coutin, Mia Victoria t.tmn, wat wiin mm at me unie, anj wiicn he wax nrof i. t. !.. . . i . a a ing fur hehi to neiglilmi Ing house. Awittance arrived and succeeded in releaaing him, when he wat taken to the home oi hi coutin, John 1 loiman, block away. Medical a!unoe wnt tent for and Mr llolmnn waa found all right, except hit hand, which were I 1 .' I- horribly uumcu in-iue the Ulrlke Kntleil. IKN, Sept. U.-fhe Mantlon hou.. commute, announced that the dock director. and men have practically agreed, and that ' at toon at the other intercmt have been arranged ell the men will return, work, on th. timler- . .a ..a m . .... naiiuing innt the ilclcrred conceMiont will Ix gnnud in Novemlier, Kulvra. I'lTTHtttKrt.Sq.t. It. A tnetbl from Hunt ington, W Va tayt: Newt hat reached her. 0f e verrlble encounter among nrgroeaat Ilram we 1. Merrer cniintv A .., r .l....l mmeli had tttn trinklg and engnge.1 in fight. Kinve wet. drawn, a-d Dan Ijimbert and Tom Kadle were literUly cut to piece, 1 nre. 01 metr compaiuon were aerioutly, if not fa-ally, injured. It Tontine'. Mw okk, Sept. 13. Th. aignal ofTicer tayt there will he no let up in Ihe ttorra for the neat twenty four hotir4, h U at ill general OH Ihe eatt cnaat of irgmia th. wind hat duntmaxed to the touth, but remaint high along the coaat. It bad a velocity of thirty on. mile in me coy mi morning! at llloclt laland forty io, 1 nuancipni imrty, iuicn twenty two, TkeTalkrrUv.aeed. ee tt nAtiti.NUT&N, ept, 11. it wat lepwied her. thia motning that CVpora) Tanner had ULn '"vedl and thai after today he wil' cette to lie commiuuiner f prntion. The report tt gencml.y hehrved, but hst not ytt eeeo orKctelly conliimcd. The coramiaaioner w a al.Mii! fiom hit duty 1 iing. 11 ruprcieti at Ihe otlic at noon, 1.01 al 1 n'cknk he r.. nm nuumml II ie belicvcl by ne met he hat been rrnwiv letl.eed ly otheiaihnt he hat lten leniimiaiilv pende until the renuttt of the invettigationt of th cowmitaion to examine into Ihe (Iair of lb. penaiun ollic are mad. known. Big Slot ate. I.KWK.Dci, Sept. ll. Tbcte ar.teventeen vetaelt sahote here, with a full tccr. mote drifting upon the lxraken. The crewt of aia lew of the wrecked vettelt ar. new at the Virgin houte Icing cared fur. A three matt ed choner it athote jut outahl. !e Uy and ia going to piece, with a crew of ten men cling inK 10 in iiKgmg. 1 ne luiiowmc liintch. ,l",c,, Atlantic City, N J . September 10, via Abcos. N J-. iJ" rccrive.l: At lOoVock nla"d wat nearly inuneate.l. The aevereat UorTO 'wen:y hve yeart i raging. The tea l' The velocity of the wied n ocen at in. rate 01 atmy three mile an hour. The wind still blow ftom the north, northeast with little pro pert of changing, "alllvta PaUllrally. llosTos, Sept. 11. Job 1 L SuHtraa friend, rerognuing that lie ha no political training or ex petit nre, piOoe to give him at team one year in thai trhont, the common council, 1 le will be a candid hotn (Ward 10, where hi home i al present, t Urn of bit fiirndaid thi morning that Sullivan would not ally himself with any of the faction in that ward, but would endeavor to unite tbe faction. A Terr! LI Mora,, i-cwrs, IM. Sept 11, No language can picture the lerril I, scene along the coat. Tli wind it blowing atmoat a hurricane, driving tht rain with a fun. that cut like hail, A half a mile bea-.hof sand, betaeca Ihe loan and the com 1, is now a lotting ocean, Inraring wreckage on every wave, Through the nn.l of pray the ballet ed tail and nakeil mint of a score of deserted and dismantled veelt are dimly see, la sit, twenty evn veascl came sthote her. A Uttrr Writer. Sam FsANcisco. Se t. i a.Couniy CWrk Davie received a letter to day, addressed to "Cnpid ' Office, San I tarn iaoo," and dated at Jefleraon. September 8, ih&), in which Ihe writer lays: "I wiaht you wuuM sen, ni one paper of your Cupid advertuernent. Facuae mi. I don't known the name of it yet. I am single snd I like the scontsnre of s good lady. Yours truly. Addicts Conrad Hillman, Jcffcr on. Mcrion county, tlregoa." lf I a . . . ... Arlan Mora Linnsent set. quickly snd .Hec'oally. and , o sui enor a a remedy for ninsls in all ra-a here a oioatst i. -xqnirr. !J,.d ly Foabay k alaaon. . a jjav,-. ; - .1 m 1 When I say CfEB I do not meno merely to Slop lor a time, snd then h ue timm re turn ssain. I MKAM A KAI'ICAi. CblUi. 1 hay. mad. to dleoso of HI'S, EPILEPSY or FALLING SIC2XUXSS, A Mf.-long study. I WAPnAKT mv remedy to Cnua the worai esse, lursus others have failed I no roaaon for not now rerxtvitiz euro. 8ud ut oii- for s treatw and a t sea TtoTTt-e Of my Isral.l.lHLB KSMKDr. (iivn ! t iW'-e. ft coats yon nothing for a .. w... duurva .. -IT, M.C.. l83?tiSrrltwYctX TIMBER LAKO NOTICE- United Stales I jind Office. Oregon City, Or., July 87th, 1 889. Notice i hereby given that in compliance with th. provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An ret for the ssle of timber lands in the tateofCnliforni,Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Tcrrltory,"Julitn liar sog, of Sydney, county of Kitsap, territory of Wsshington.has thit day filed in this office hit tworn statement No 1315, for the purchase of the N W of section No 4, in township No ia south, range No 3 east, and will oner proof to show that the land sought i more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur pose!, and to establish hia claim to snid land before the Register and Receiver of this office st Oregon City, Or, on Fiiday.the astl day of Octolier, 1889. He names as witnesses t J T Murphy, C Smith, T McGlenon nud J Peter, all of Sydney, Kitsap coumy.W 'I . Any ami all pertos claiming odvjrsely the above de scribed lands arerequosted to file their claims in this office on or before st id 25th day of Oc tober, 1889. W T BiKNEY, Register TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office. - ; Oregon City, Or., July 31st, 1889. Notice is hereby given thst in compliance with the provisions of the act of Coneress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the slates of Cahfornia.Oregon, Nevsdo.and Washington Territory, "Charlet L Gray, of Vancouver, county of Clarke.territory of Washington, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement Noi326,for thepurchnse of lots 1 and a and K j$ of N W of section No 18, in township No 12 south, rsnge No 2 east, and will offer proof to how that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purpos es.snd to establish hit claim toaid land before the Registe- and Receiver of this office at Ore goo City, Or.on Mondsy.the 28th day of Octo ber, 1889. He nsmes as witnesses : J Sweet, G W Robinson, D I'iUgibbons and D M Mc Fsrlane.all of Vancouver, Clarke county, W T. Any and all persons claiming sdversely the above described lands are requested to file their claiml in thit office 00 or before laid 28th day of October, 1889. . W T Bl'RNEY, Register. Pitcher's Cactcrla. I KRA'd KSTATb MALKf. I j The week ending WcJncmluy e cuing, ! arpt lilh, watt live one In real eslnte sales, at Indicated by the record In the Recorder's ofllce. There It an lncrcncd activity, and the outlook now that renter energy it being dUplnycd In rttlrond work s that the preaent life will Increase, The recottl only thow s.ilc in which the deeds are actually recotded, and henco do not cover the field held by bonding property, of which there 1 a great deal dune, I (ere ere the talc t A K and Mary M Wider to Win Allen, 103 cre In I) L u of J I? Ilumon i(i4I0 4(H) 3'WO iOO I M K Kan-ell to S f bhen c field, i blk S3, It's and A,.... John A My man to Msrgnact 0 Hunt ?j dim. 7a Ms A r J Msple to W L Maple, rj8 acre In Daniel Moorhouaej DLO. . R W Ureee to L K Hrecse, a-7 Inter. eat In S half of I) L C of J Orsv Tho U Hopkins to ticoO Moon,34 In To llitKlw Ueo I. Illackman to R II Kablngt.n w null 01 N w qr blk 33, I i s and A..., 500 500 1C W Langdon to L II Wltitel, K hull of S liqr blk 49, H' 'nd A.... S U Power to 8nvlia M Ellison, lot a blk a. tthedd 11O 4'N) J Q Cowan to C I) Montague, lot I, a, 5 anu o, oik 4 W a, Lebanon C D Montague to S N 1'atrUh, lot 5, bis 4, iw A, Ibsnon N II Allen to Tho IJrlnk, tract Iu 10 3500 blk 10, Albany F W lllumbcrg to II LCrsnor, por tion one, wall Win Murphy to Win I) Smith, acre in'Tn it, S R 3 w. ....... 45" 600 IJ(KI John I'ugh to Mary E IJrlnk, parcel in blk 1 Albany Henry Lyontet al to K M H'barton lot 6 and 7 blk a. Lyonsvllle, . . Annie and Geo It June to W C 5 50 190 urown, lot 5 and o, oik i, High land Grove laaac llatea to Charley N Mstes, 18 acre. Tpo.HR i w Jemima Ksutou toj W Sconlsnd, 3 acre in u 1. woi jeremwn khi ton , IJSI Jemima RsUton lo W bcanlnnd U , . 1 . 1 , , , i.t. i 1 1 acre in 1 - wui jvciui.h ri ton , Orrtn Moots to M E llllycu, lot , blk 17, Albany Mary I Union to Msrths l.lticli, lot , blk 1O5, H's A, Albany John Elllaon 10 Savlls M Elli.uti lot ( and 6 blk 3. Shedd's Enoch Sliclton to J K Thorns, par cel in Kclo. , , J P Schooling to Wm Lane S W qr Scc6Tp I5.S R 3 w Aahby I'esrce to K It Kendall, hits 1 snd a, blk j6. 11'. and A T C Pecbler lo Nel.le R Feebler, 45 16HO tout) 77S 1 100 I4'X 1 000 lot a and 3, blk U, R s 3rd A, Lebanon State of Oregon to A E iiryant, 40 acre In Tp 13 S R a w 50 United Mate to 1'hUcater Lee patent P O Smith, E Goins, et si to ! S Morrla Tower 01 Attorney State of Oregon to Wm Corcoran, ifK acre I p 9 S K t w S J (i lot feller to David E Junkin, 1 61 sure in Tp 1 1 S R 4 w . . . , Mary Matthew lo David E Junkin alt biUrett In the DLL of Jat Junkin J Sullivan l' K 1 Cptncvtr, small tisct in HsrrUourg State of Oregon lo F 11 Rce., 31O acre. Jiee 36 R i$ S R aw.... Samuel Slmpaon to John If Gallic 161 acre In Tp 15 R 4 R Kohlcr to Geo Patterson, lot 6, 7 and I, blk 33, it and A Albany Jemetery Ataociation to C It Mat toon, lot 1 1, Albany Ccm etcrv grour.d,. Stale of 'Oregnr. to If II Hewitt, 40 acres in Tp 13 H R a w Mary II Rutherford to ll'm A Ruth erford, 115. acre, Tp 9 8 R iw A ilscklemsn to M E Dorrla, el al E H of S E qr blk 37 H's and A E L Knon to Ids A Duncan, S W qr blk 36, H's and A. Albany.. Mar Iksrd Eugenie R Cochran lot 3. blk 7, ii' A, Tangent .... Nick Zimmerman to Robt Johns Ion 5 snd 6 blk if., IP 3rd A.. Flora 1-wta to Leo Cohen, tot 5 and 6, blk 7, IP 3rd A, Albany A G (Jueener to Geo If Qucvncr, 5 aces hi Tp 9 S It 1 w 313 13 13 750 4 00 4000 7S0 S so 7S 3$ 65O O00 JO TAMiKNT. The party which ws. tlvtn by Vi.s T Morgan, at Ucsrd Mro. dry house was an enjoyable affair. A good crowd was pres ent and a good time in general wt had by We underUnd Rev P A M.cs will not fulfill bis circuit down In Polk county tbe coming year a sm aunouncrd by the Conference. Mr Frank L l'ihrr. who has been ing with Mr Mills folk here has gna to Siayton fur awhile. Mr E I. tlryan ha jt finUhrd moving toCorvsllls this week with hi family. While Mrs llryan mb eoitilnu down off the steps she insde A mUtep In some way and fell onto her arm and nearly broke It. The new school hnuae will le finished on the inside loall except the painting. We were misinformed last week about the school starting up th' 15th ef this i.ion'.h, It wl,t open the itrat Monday in October, Instead of next Mr I. F Smith and wife started for Up per Soda Sprinj; Inst week to be gone some indefinite Irngiti of time for ;ho benefit of Mrs Smith's health. Rev D C McFnrtand moves to Cotrslli with the rest of the folks from this place. Mr Dlevin is moving Ms family into town. He I taking charge of the houte formerly occupied by Mr O W Luper while Mr Luper is moving on his farm. Mr Sam Moes sold his one lot in Tan gent to-day to Mr S Mill on which Mr Mills intends erecting a fine residence. That (.'antankrroua Old Woman Described in the nursery ballad, who "lived upon nothing but victual and drink," and yet "would never be quid,' waa undoubtedly troubled with ebranle indlu'bHinn. IUr victuals, llko those of many otlni nUlerly persona whose 1ies. live powe-a havabecomn Impatri'd.dldo't agree wi'h her. 'i his waa Nforo the era of Himtettr'a htomah itlusra, oraotne on 3 of Iw r 1 nmerousfrlontlsand relatives would ui doiibtedly hava persuaded her lo try t.i un-Ht spenllln for dyspepsia, eonsilpailonand biUousuasa, This would have been a uiessureof self protection 011 their part, for the would so no nave bw-n cured and oea ed to disturb tbem with her elatnrr. I he runt obstinate cases of lndlgstiou,wlth it attendant heartburn tlstuieuce. "onsfant uneaslnrs of tbe stomscli and of tbe nerves, ar entnplete ly overcome by this .overetgn remedy Chills and fever and bilious raruiusot rheumatism and kidney troublea are also ellevedbylt. CONSUMPTION SCKELY CLT-O. To rna Editor Please Inforin vtrr yriuU er that 1 have a poslthnisiurtiv lor ii,.ntiov named dlseiwe, llylts timely iifetlnm-BiitUnf hopeless cases have lu en iKriimiirnily nirr.l. I Shull he glad lo send t n butth- nf my iv-iiio-dy to nny ol your remters who ;ihi nni sumption If tui-y will scud iiie.'th-ir vra;. and poit nltleo uddrets. rtlii'iv, T. A. SLOCL'M. :!... m i erl M.. Si v Wlien TSsby was sick, we gavo her Castorla, When sh was a Child, she cried for Caatorln, When ill became Miss, ths clung to Contoria. Wlien ths had Children, slu gave Uiem Castori Wright's Compound Syrup of Sarsspsri la ars.liabls rrediciue for the renovation of the blood Ton aud batlds up the si at 1 in, pure skin diseases, et. Sold by I'otbay Si Msson. ; Go to Hibler A Paisley for your job prit.t In . They do any and all fcio'bi of work in the paolithinn and job printing line. Quick work and 1CW prints. . . 7 Oiks cures rheumatism, neuralgia and toothache. Foshay & Mason Agents. If you havs sny job wcrk to all on O W. Smithwho is prefcaiO. to do it wi ueatners aud disnstT) 9 nd as cheap a anj one, . HOME AM) ABROAD T1IUHSOAV. K tward Jons snd a ifr, of Olytnpin, W. T.. hhi in th. city. Nut very long to rmr city elsoti'tn. If bo w jut a an 1. flics. A full set this tims. Mim Molli. Wood hss seosptwd a p'ttl io 1 Clerk in the store of Mr Phil Cuheo. The Catholic, of thi olty have parohasnd tso ann iissr the Jowl, u oemotsry and will liv it 1 If intoaeemetsry. W A Mslln, a new corner from Ihe East imI Mr F A llurkhart, hsv. formed a part-i.-i i.l.i)i 111 ths sstst. bnsinsss. Nine ttrsst osrs wlil run ia Salem nixi ft k hetwrsn ths elty snd ths fair vioaudt, f.,ur having beea borrowed from Portland, Ths "tin horn" hvs bean ordered by Mmh.l Rons, of Uslsin t lesv. aud they bs um e, torn, probably cumin? to Al bal), V I'nwell, William Cowan, P II P'siflW ml'W II Wartior wr. in Corral lis last eveiilnu and aaw ths boss tsam run. They r.-port it a very rl team- fMIOAY. Mrs Hommervi'ie returned to day from a v hit to Portland. 8 K Young and wifs left last eviiuing 00 a hu.losa trip to 8sa Frsncisoo. A Chinaman ha just died of onnsomptioo at Astoria, not a very common ooeurrsne. in Oregon. Th. Isdise of th. Congregational Church will itiv. a sosist on th svsniug of Fridsy, the '.'(): h of Frut. at their church. All ars lovttid. I).iiil Oaby, formerly of Hui, in thia c.uiiu, l a eandidst. for ths liilatur on Mm t'emocratio ticket in Thuratou ooutity, Wa-liintoo. TmI Piper, e!ty editor of lb. PoM Intitlli grltrrr, of Spittle osrne up last SVStilUtt snd is rn-iicaHiig her for a fsw day, th. gueit of K W J-ancdon. S vorsl Warm Sprioa and Alota ladisnt, eudily dressed iolusoicos osHeoee snd bin. ducking hsv. bea ia th. eity to-day, frtb from in stimulating bop fields. Miss Nellie Csllshsn h none to Albsny o reaid. Miss Nollis is a charming young a.iy. una r,e wm tw urstiy misted ly hot of frisbdi. Itenton Ltadrr. Tb. ssl.of th (loin, property to John $'hmrr msntioned vatrdav. waa mad bv T L Wallao. In fot Mr Wallse. had the property bonded. II. is already getting i tn to ths dsteils of th. teal estate taainess j tik a vetersn, sad promiass to hay on of the oiuoe in timj la tb. Valley. avruaoAT. Dallas Frio, of PemMe.oo, Is in ths eity J. M. Rslstoo and wifs of East Portlaud ar hi to wo. Wm M lltag, of the 0 P is in the eity to ay. Uom S A Dawtoo, has beea to Psudletoo oa a bustnirss trip. 8 M W Hiodmao and family, of Lebaa. oo ar. sojourning at th. Usy. Robert Montagu, of LabsaOa, I ttUtid Ing the College ia thi etty. There are eistt real tat ofBee la Al lauy. A good indication. C Sinidt, of tbe Ysmiin Ilouae, was in ths eity tbis moroiog. Mr J A Giblin, of tha Rasa llocte, went to 1 squioa bay to-aay. Mrs IUr Trumbull returned from a long trip to aqotna May yesterday noon. R Keater, f Center Preeint, has ju.t re turnsd Iron, a trip lo tbe M.lkosp ttortug. I) llacklemau aud Van Thorns hsv. re ta road from tb. musutain wtta aieooid of aio dr. S A 1 1 alia h. moved from Lebsnoa to Albany and will olrk in tiie dreg store of U O Hubbsrd. Mr Harry Joors to-day sold his Mao thiee year old, known a IJaby C. to Mr Booth, tb Ursula Psss banker for 9400. Mr Frank Bormester, of Salt Lake City, arrived in Albany this nooa on a visit to his mother Mrs Do Hormite.- sad sister Mildrxi. The hop hon of P Cnssbire, hear was burned Wtdnosdsy 30. UW pounds of hot-. Loss atwus $3,0U0 Notoeursiice. .Cant Jack Frreat. alter so somuc of sy rl o.oulba, rtarumt to tli city a day or 1 two ago sad ws on ths trU sgaiu this moral g. Thst ear load of Univerasl llesUrs, tbe flnast .toy in tha matk.t, st the deiot es teiday, was for (opsins Saltmsrdi. Call and see Ihtra heicr baying. Tb. CorvslIU ba lal, Mirsbsl IIs-iT-man nd Saututl Gdiaa, of Ni 2's. and W II W.riiarand o.iwr Parkur, of No 1. left this noon for IheTsootiis lournanitol. A tin mler of tax pnyrts prvMoted a .e- I tit ion yssteitUy to tb. County lizard if KiUtlu!if.i, a.sinc that a a'euerti aa!it.g dow n l mad on the ssssaaed valurt if sii inortgtgo so ts to it skti their aapaamciit mors 11. rlv r jrial with llist of otlier io erty. Too loard decided tJ-'Uy nt.i to ma 4 Ih'j rxifcctluc. Asm llaoKKv.Mr lirvan. of Tangeni. aoeil scventv-six years was brought to thi. city on Tuesday with what she suppoaed was' a severe struta but prov ed tot a fracture of the left ann juot be low the shoulder. It was cued by a fall. Dr Farra set the broken limb. (Jasrtlt. Or. M. If. Fibs, phytieisn and surgeon y II any, Oregon, fall, trade ie city ot cuii'rt. Wtiv ?V'bv do you not go to Water 00 A a summer reso't it I unexcelled. j Good level ground, good shade, excellent soils water, gnoti tiotel accommodations. Hoard and hidglng from $.oo to $7 per week to suit customers. Six miles above Lebanon on the Sautlam river I will be at Lebanon every Ssturdsv at arrival of train to convey parties to Waterloo. Good feed stable in connection with hotel. y (i.Giom, Proprietor W aterloo Hotel. tlerli Wins. Ws dcalr i toy to rmrclliaens, that for year s hav lwn salilnj lr. Klnir' NeV IHacnvcry for Con aunipUon. Irr Kimr's New ,U nil. Buck lea'. Ar nica HUm snd Klectrio Ultwrs, sml hsv. uvr hand led ronuxtlM Ikat sell II, or that hav. eiv.n urb onivenwl asU-fa.'ltm. W. df not heaitsl sn ;uar ao We them ovary lima, and stand rawly lo rvlund lh purchase price, If mtlaiactuiy result do not luU low iticlr us. 1 ho. rrnmlina have won their cwst populanty purely on nwrlld. Fnahsjr snd Ma son, drujitflavw A Huh Investment. 1 l or. which ta guarantied to hritiir yon sstlafa. tory r.ul'., or lit ie of fallur s riurn of rmrcbaaa prlc. On thi aaf 1 Ian you can boy from our IS v.rtlsed l)ru;-(;i.l txitU of Ur. kin' N lsv eot.ry forC'oii.umpllon, III fusrsntestl to hrln relief In .very uaac. hsn uetl lor sny afwrtiim of Throst, l.unya nr Cheat, such Co iaurilion, lu (lummauoii of LiitiK. Ilronvhllls Aothnts, WbooiS)t Coutrli. 1 rtHi. Mc, etc lt la pleasant and atrrwsM. lotsalc, rfratl.y ', and ess altars b desnaMl rpon. Tilsi Iroi'lia frsest foahay At Xtsaoa's. If you srs nervons or irritsUe.feel languid, dispirited, or if you have siolt headache, sal low eotuplrxinn,nr olTonsiv. breath, then your livse is out nf order and needs renting. Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonio restores the liver to healthy sotion and tones op the entire sys tem. Sold by Foshsy & Mason. A geutleman who had suffered fcrratsnnoy ance slid pain from bsrbrrs itoh.snd who had been treated by the best phytieisn, without relief, .ays' that two bottle ef Dutsrd't Specific cured him and lff hit face perfectly smooth, without a esr. It nevcrfslis iusltio (lii'i . Sold by Foahsy 4 Msrort..' Bucklen's Amies Sulve. Th. Salve In the world for Cuts, Erulars,, Ulcer, Ball Hhsum, r'.v.r Bores, Tottr, Chapped hand., Chllblslu. I onia, snd all Bkln Eruption, and poattlytly tura Plica, or no pay required, it la ruar. antes! to (lv. ii (wtaatl.tactlon, ,r mon.y refund pit, lilc2i o.nt prbox. For sale by foahay and Mason. .. HORN. KANTZ. On Saturday mornlng.Scpt. 14th, 1S89, In Albany, to the wife of John Kantz a girl. AUBREY. On Thursday, Sept lath 1889 in Albany to the wife rf Dr O C. Auhiy a ten pound girl. MAItRIEO. SLATER BALLARD. On ; Thurs day, Sept lath, 1889, at Lebanon, Mr J B Slater, a prominent real.' estate man : Colvllle, .Wash., and formerly editor of the Miner, and MIrs Francis " Ballard, of Lebanon, Tne Dbmocrat extends con- gratulstii.ns. -'i- i TUB MAM AUOl'T T0WX. ! The Mtn About Town henr people talk- . ..... 1 11.. .1. . . . . . . I ing cunnucrauiY on me airecis anu uy tne streets, not alwsys parUculiuly.thougb, for publication. One man tin the Street Railway Company will h.ive 'tome fun next winter keeping the water and mud off tbe trsek, Another man tayt he wauu to tee them at work on the Oregon Pacific Railroad first and then he'll believe tt. A First street man sny there are tola of di vorces that never get Into tlie Courts, They just grin and betr It. A msn who I around a good deal sayi Unit some of Albany's mamms wouu 111112 tncir eyes 1 out if they could tee how their dnughtert j carry on j he's heard language from ruby j lips mat snocs sensitive nerve. y neigh bor say he would like to kick some of these old fellow who own plenty of prop- rty i but will not pay a cent toward sny enterprise unlet they can see In actml figure the advantage it win be to them-' elves, 1 The Man About Town Is informed by a man en the hitlde that the Oregon Hoc I He will now keep right on kicking up the dirt and laying down rails until DoUe City Is reached. So mote It be. The roud ha gone so far under many disadvantages. The truth is Ihe management here hit been promised that money would be lorincetn- ng 1 but when the men presented int-ir heck the New York omce nna laiieu to fill the Un box, hence numeious suits, etcetera. It Is now understood Ihe box I filled before hand. Some men who want the mod favor from a newspaper never pay a cent into Its exchequer. There are two or three of thi calibre In Albany. The habitual smoker of cigarettes, the girt who chews gum, and the twin ho whittles dry good boxes aliouui start a museum. TWO ACt'lHEST. Lett Friday Mr 0 A WiUcl. of Ti - gent, was doing his evening chore when j a fractious cow gave him a severe kick, breaking one of hi legs. Dr Hill set the bone. 1 On Saturday Mr John A Crawford wr.s j working around the flume In the rear of j the Magnolia Mills, when he fc'l to the ! ground be low, a dlatsnce of about fourteen : feet. He was picked up In an intcnalnle crndltion and taken to his home. Hie I right thigh was broken and hi left should- er dislocated . Dr Maston ca led aud ; attended him. Mr Crawford I over acv- i enty ; but promLes to pull through all right. He has the sympathy f msny j friends, who consist of the whole tit;-. - , Got It Aoais. What f Why the fin eat tot of fresh smoked beef in the .narket. Chipped le order. AUo a fine supply of our istnous gold mcdul cieam cheese. Wll.LAWSTrK I'Al KIKf, (,). BkmksT Yitr 10,000 roil of witlt ps per, Iste.t varieties finot decoration jut reiver t Fwrt mi' Icr.V Irving' TIMBFR LAND NOTICE. United States ijiml Office. Oregon City, Or., July 27th, 1S89. Notice is hereby given thst sn compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, I87S, entitled "An act fot the sale of limber land in tbe state ol Cnltfurnh, Oregon, Nevads, and Washington Territory, Thomas McGlenon.of Sydney,ejnty cf K t.ip,territory of Washington, lis this day f iled in this office his sworn mtemcnl No 1316, for the purchase of the S K ,V u( section No 4, in tow nship No 12 nouth.rsnge No 2 east, and will olTcrprouf to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tiutlwr or stone than lorsgiiculiural puriio c,snd lo estalilUh his claim 10 said land before the Register snd Receiver of this office st Ore gon City, Or, on Friday, the 25th day of (Aio ber, 18.H9. 1 1 names ss witnesses : C Smith, J Herxog, J Peters and J T Murphy, a 11 of Syd ney, Kitsap county, W T. Any snd all per son claiming adversely the a!ve dcsciiled lands are requested to tile their chiims in this office on or Itclutc said a 51 h day of Octolier, 1 S89. W T lit RJiEV, Kegisier. TIMiJKIlLANI) NOTICE. Unttsd Kiat. Umd Notte. 1i),itref.m;Jtiltt'.ih.ti'sfl. Nutlc U horehy iritntluu tn ohoII.- with the rimtiidon. i f tb. a. 1 14 1 otiit irf Ju:,e l.l-tii tnililn) 'Au a-t f,ir the asle.4 niuU r tanna in tho .tun 4 ( .1 if unLa. l'vn, Niia.stl Ua lonjion lrrUotT,' Jaiacs K llooitilnit o.mitl., enitniyrd ThnhUti,' tarru.Mry.4 w,(. tlit.aat S edin In eoflh hta io .UtcnM' t No Itwi. Ii the 1 n.ct.a. i. lh S K uf art-ikm No losnaiiip Sn t". stth rn-ft Nui.ait, a.ulslll otier ro.rf lo .Low I Cat the hand might aa Ml s!uabl.. lis Umb-r ur stou toadt locacric-u!(url i urwK, and m e-uhli.ti bt. rtaim to aid ud lictoni the UrirlsUrsnd Jio,- i.r, f thiaidlie. stOrefiMii'ity, Itregi.n, on Ttmds.v, th. Siii.lil) f IM.diiU', lLnsmassa witrMra: J U3akolaai, J Slaen.,W rt-cmi8ld and J. bt, t..fir,atl .4 iKalttc, King rnnniy, W T Any snd si I imraon claiming ad f .rarly ihr shot. JewiiLni lami. a- rrqnnded lo file tlieir claim. in thi. .Hi ou.. a'o-s said Siml day of October, isaa W T BmsB, RculaUe. United stst. tnd Offlre. Ureg-na City, tlrcwon, Jnly Snh, tS-9. Notice la hereby kiven th.t to eotnplianc ih th. pm brioita ol th. set 4 Conrcaa of Jtioe t, IST8.C11IU led "An set fr thcial.of limtwr landa in th. ataWa of Csl It.MDis, On-un, N.yails, and Wsahinrton TembM.s Prad II AldrMh.of Uadilhkc.countyof v etriml.aUtb.uf klicbiiran, hastbiaday tiled Uithis ufflce hia aworn ttstannt No 1SU, for I he rurrhsMbf IbeSWI ol aectloo No .H.lutos-iuihlp No IU aautb.rsngs NoSesat. sndlll odor proof tn ahow thst lha land souifbl I mn vs'oable tt timber or stoo than for anrul-lu.-aJ poraws. ss4 toestabll.h but claim lonul Ulid befimiths KctrtsUir aad Keceitrce of Una 0,cst tira. f ooClly.Or.;on Krliiay.ll.. silhilor of October ,lss. lawttpM ss siUiMae ; r I labcll .H IIoe.HC Verka snd J J Sulrae, all ol Allisny, I Jtin county, Oreiron. Any and allpoowie claiming adversely th. above m crlbcd lauda ar requested to 81. their claims In thi O0io oo or before said i'.th dsr r-f October, IMS. W T bl-BXBV, llryister. TIMBER LAND XOTICeT I'nlted States Land Office. Oregon City , oreffon, July lSlh, ISSB. Notice Is hereby Riven Ibst In compliance with the provisions of t tin not of CotiKrcss of June 3, t It Vil" An net for tbe sslt of ti ru ber land in th- sttttm nf Oalirnrnia, orr-eoii. Nevada, and WNShlngtoa Terrliory," UoohIU slrHiir, of Hrownsvlli,., count v of Linn, stats of orrgon. has this day tiled la this otficw his sworn stslement No l.'.tt, for tho puruhnae ot the N K J of seotlon No-ill. in township No le, south, range No .'!, oust, nttd will otror proof to showthnt the land smtght I mare valuable for lis limber or stone than for agricultural turiMMH-s, and t establish his clslin to said and Ix-foro tb K-!;titr and llocelver of thi nltlooat oreenn city, Oregon, on Monday .tho 14th day of October, 1mi. lie name as wit nesses i W H Taylor, W East, i B Towslny aud H Urenna.-i.ali of Albany, LI nneounly, Oregon. Any all persona cluimlni; adversely the above described lanUa are miuested ti tile their elHlmslnthlsuittee oaor beforeasld lllh day of October, 1(-SU. , W T Bi-ssKY, Register. Guardian's Sale Of Eeal Estate. Notice ia heteby given that the under signed, guardiau of the person and estate of Oivy Loyd Guyer, a minor, by virtus of an order of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered f record on th. 1st da' nf July, lS8!), ill tell at pub lio auoticn fu cb in hum), on atarday, Ihe leth day or October, 1880, at the hour of I o'clock ia the afternoon of taid tlsy,at the Court House Albsny, Lluu county, Oregon, all th right, title and interest of laid miuor in aud to iho undivid ed one-niuth of the south half of the north east fourth aud the iioithwest fourth of the southeast fjutth of section two, aod the touth west fourth of the "north est fourth of lection one, all in towmdiip eleven, south, range on,weiit of the Willamette meridian, in Linn county, Oregon, containing 1C0 sores more or less. Dated this 29th day of August, 18S9. A. C. Guyer, T.J. Stite, Guardian. At'prney for Guardian. ,-. a 1 To enre eestlveneaa the medicine nnit be more than m puraativo. To be uexw raanent, tt mast eontaln Tonic. Alterative and Cathartic Properties. Tatt'a Pill psaetai these qnitllti la an smiaeat degree, and Spoodily Restore to tha bowel their Mataal prltalti suotlou, o osaentlwl to regularity. Sold Every wUcro. Pitcher's Castorla. lilt s f'.'I.HIITHiU.H t'W 1 ". '- llll IIM I 110 I Ml. . I, 1,1.1 u, 1 1, ,.L,W , ,lULI,.ni .--.- I CG,irCo)Li5 Ua i .-""litmia Mialri'liifti 11. mmm n,i ni Hiilnhir-iiiri - "n IT. n, 'n Y" - - ' ai irfim ii 1 1 ana m S Saaianiimiiinjii unrai,aiiaia.tMM .i .-wS for Infante and Children. '"Caslerta It so wrill adapted to chlldrea that I CastoH errr. 1! CoBIrtt"fi. trromriieridftassupsrkrrtoanypnKrios I g" f?nia, J'larrhma. "f"'1"" kaewa to me.- IUj! I ' d" 111 So. Oxlord fit, UrooaJyn, K, T. j Wltoom injurious inealcatiVsi. Tss C'nrrat'B Coaaa-y, 77 Murray fttrost, V. T. Combines the juice of the Blue Fig of California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants known to bt most beneficisl to the human system, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet ' promptly on the KIDNEYS, LITER AHD BOWELS AMD TO CleansetosSystem Effectually, SO THAT PURB BLOOD, FIEFRESHINQ SLEEP. HEALTH and 8TRENCTH Kstut?' follow. Every one I asing it snd sli are delighted with it. Ask your druggist for SVKUP OF FIGS. Mana factured only by the CALFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., Cam Fsamcisco, Cau Locttmis. Kv. Nsw Yosa, N. TIMBER LAND NOTICE." United Stales Land Oflice, Orc'-'on Cilr. Or.. J uly 17th. 1HS!I Notice in hereby given in compli ance with the iiroviHiona of the act of Con- gwss of Juno 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of liiulx-r larnbt in the r'tatcs of California. Oregon, N'evala and Washing' ton Territory," 1- red tiiltjert, ot hcuitilo, county of King, Territory of Washington, has tins day lilod in this ofllce tun sworn sta'ement 'o 1223,for the purchase of Ihe S W H of Fee No TJ, Tp No 10, sotith HutiL-e No 2 east, and wiil oiler vtx1 to show that tho land sought ia more valu able for its t:mler or ntone than lor njni culturul ptirpowes, and to establish hia claim to said land before tho Register and Receiver of Ibis oflii-e at Oregon City.Or., on Saf unlay the K'tli day of 0-t.i!r,lf5WI. He names us witnesses: K Mans. C F Stoltinif. F IVnso and B Krohn. all of Seattle, King county, W. T. Any and all ts-rsoiiH clauiinu'udverscly the alxive de- scrila'd lands ar reiucstl to file their claims in this ollice on or before said 1-th day of Octols-r, Isn't. W. T. Dibnev, laeginter. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. . United States Land Ollice. Oregon City, Or., July 17th, ISM). Notice is hereby given that in compli' ance w ith the provisions of the act of Con gresa of June .'!, 1H7K, efdilled "An act for the sale of timber lands in tho States of California, Oregon, Nevalaau.l Washing' ton territory. .Mumis-Ii Mewart. of N?at- tie, county of King. Territory of Wio-hinst- long, haa thia dav tiled in this oflii o hie sworn statement No l'-.'S.for the pttr.-hiwe of the N II i of See No 2s. in Tp No 10, south Range No 2 cant, and w ill offer jtroof to siiow that tho land sought is more val uable for its tiniU-r or stone than for agri cultural imryosies, atul to establish hia claim to said bind l-fore the lUit.ter and Iteceiver of this ollice at Oregon City, Or., on Satunhiy the lth day of Oi-tola-r.lSS.!. Ho names as , witnesses. : F lVnse, F Shriener. 11 Kr.tlui anl F Gilliert, all of Seattle, King county, W. T. Any and all tiei-mms claiming adversely the aisive de-wriU-d lands an rrspasti'd to file their claims in thia office on or before said lth day of Octtds-r, Is . W. T. P.cunkv, llegiiiter. TIMBER LAND NOTICeT United States Land OflW, t Itvctiti t "ity , ( r., J uly 1 S8!l. Notice is hereby given that in i-ompli-ance with the provishmsof the act of Con gTeM of fusm 3, ls"S, entitle 1 "n act for the sale of timber lamls in the States of California, Oreit:i, Nevada and Washing ton Territory,"' James K McIIargue, of llrownsville, county of Linn, State of Ore gun, has thia dav tiled in this ollice his i swoi-n statement No 1204,for the purchase 01 me s f. n 01 oc Jol., Tp o It) south, Range No 2 cast, and wiil offer proof to show that the laud eonght is more valu able for its timber or stono than for agri- cnittiral latrtsstea, ami to establish Itw claim to said land before the Register and receiver 01 tins ollice at Orewn Citr. Or. on SaturtLty the 10th dav of October. lStfii, He names as witnesses, : J I Irvine. A V Howe, W C Cooler tuid A L Baker, all ol llrownsville, Linn county, Or. Any and all tiersonn claiming advenwlr the alxive descriljed land are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said Iflth dav of October, 1KSH. W. T. BrnxEY, Regwtor. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. I'niled States Land Office. oreenn t'ltv. Oiviron. Jnlv IT,' h. Noth-e Is hrnby clvn thnt tn compliance wlthlhw provlNlritis otthe nn. or .oo.;ress of June3.IS7i,eiitiiU'a"An net forth." s-ile uf timber lands la the states of t'Alirornls,Or?gan.Kevada, and Washington Torrito-jVO-'mhard Krohu.of SrjaUte.ennntvofKlnir.teiTitorvnrWashtnotnn. hasthisday filed In thlsolfiou his sworn untn. me.itNol.j fat th purehaso oft he X W J of cvttiHi of, in lown-inip.X) in, som tl rans NO 2east, and will o!Tfr proof to show that the land touKht Is mow valuable for Its timber r stone man loragricuittirai purixtsoii. and toostaulish blselalm tosaid land befor th U:glster and Hoeclvf rot thlsoffice st Oregon City. Oretiou, ou Saturday, the litli day of Ootobor, liS!, He n .ntes as witness t )t-nse,Kt:iiuert,MStewnrt and KShrlener. altof KeaUle.Klneeountv. WT. Any and all persons clnimtn adversely tho above duoribl lHndsarere)ueHtd to rlln their eiaimsin trtisoiricoonorbeioresaidltb day of wiuutir, i.v-'. WT BcsxET, Reelster. TIMBER LAND .NOTICE. Called States Land omee. Or,.-AnCllv I lNi.,nn'fth tCiM ......v .a wtwiwj KIVVIl l,Ul. I II COmpilRDOe with the provisions of the actof Congress of J.iriAft 1 , tl I... i 1 .. . . 1. - -.-.,..... ....... n 1 y 11 midui um ber lauds la the states of California, Orepron. Nevads, and Wsshinirton Territory.' Krans Shriener, of bfatt le.eouuty of King-, territory of .. un... , uiHuny uieit iu tuisoizice ms sworn statement No Viai.t'or the purr nase of the " " 4 n".i"'U i.uo.ti WWUSQip HO IO, aOUtU range No 2 cost, and will otTer proof to sbow that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber orstsne than for aericuHural purposes, and to establish his claim to snid land before theHea tsterand Rorplver ft ihlaninM a miwr Orejron, on Saturday, the 12th dayof October, 18SH. Henamesaswltnosses : F Hnse,B Krohn, Any snd all personsclalmlns adverse ly tho above described hinds are requests to file their olnlms in this otHoe on or before said l;!ibdayofo.tober,lt0. VT T Bcrxsv, P.eglstcr. THE PLACE; Lya! . means- oll nn Pane, Brothers. Sttccein c JdAh Fdx, for yo,ir Grocer? es, Produce, BaM Coo-Is, Etc. Etc. Their goods are tho best and tlit Ir'pr'cea teasonable. ',23 Summons. tte Circuit Court of thr Mat uj Ortpon firr Liaii County. Gyncy I lisrtley, PUT., vs. George I iiartVy, Deft. To (.cork I f'artle , the drff iidant sbsrs nainwt. I - t'' nm f tli state of Ori;no yi a i. n-r. y reqitirrd lo (p-sr and stier hi (.'oini'laiiit of t!r pl;.n t fl .b.Vx l:nn. A, in tho si -ve ci.t'tlt i ( ouit, ow 01. tils t he,- n, stei .t Jim ii T Itf-ire ihe I'.r.t r!y rnh.i iiroi f raid loir I to--i , O. t, o 2i b, A. 1). lf II r d )n ara finel y M-tifK 1. il.t if yon fil t J far und ansai r rid r, ii.j.'.nii.t . tl i rj!im d (Irtlotilr will s 1 ly to t.-.e C'nr' r r tle n- l-f prstrrt f.r in aif C"tipl-iirt !-)', a diuointn n c f the bond of ami intoi't txi- inglntwrrn jdii.n l t.lao.tiir. r.nd fur lie cuatody if li t loji.r r I i'rt, l,uir rrh named in eempIsii.L mn lor cot d ids bnrs.tncr.U tl il.i. tuit. This iDmim.iii u 1 nb'i!d b. ordr of the Hon U P IWc, Jon .f i.l Vnrr, atChsiiiletsou I ? 12 h day of Jtdt, A V, IWJ. . J J WlMTAET, Alt'y for P-ainfiff. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Slate Land Office, Oregon thy, Or., July y, 18S9, . Notice is hereby kiveti thxt in compli ance with the provl-i.onaof the act of ton gres of June 3, 1878, crf itlcd "An act for the sale of timber Und in the !r talcs i-f California, Oregon, Navada and Washing ton Teriitory,' Martha lluckabay,of Port- land, county ol Multnomah, state of Ore gon, ha thi day filed in this office her sworn statement No 1325, for the purchase of lots 3 snd 4 and S y, of S XV ! of fee N5 2, in lp No ia south. Range No f, east, and w ill offer proof to show that the land sought i more valuable for itstimbcr or stone than for sgricultarsl purpose. and to establish her claim to said land be fore the Register and Receiver of thi of fice at Oregon Chy, Or., on Saturday Ihe jfith day of October, 18S9. She names as witnesses : H Vroom, G Lindley, C J Dickerson and j M Simons, all of Port land, Multnomah county, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the abovc describrd lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before saiJ 2V.h day of October, 1 JsSy. V.T. HcftXEr, Register. TIMBER LAHO NOTICE. United States Lard Office. Oregon City, Or., July 31, iSJy;. Notice is hereby giyro lha, in compli ance w ith the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3. 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands ia the States ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," David McFartane. of Van couver, county of Clarke. Territory of Washington has this day filed in this of fice hi sworn siatctnent No 1327. for the purchase of the N E I4 of Sec No lS, in Tp No 12 tiuth. Range No 2 east, and w ill offer proof to show that the land sought l more valuable i's limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi claim to said lam before Ihe Register snd Receiver of this office at Oregon City, OrH on Monday the aSth day of October, 1SS9. He names a witnesses : C L May, J Sweet, G W Robinson ard D F'itzgi'b bons, allot Vancouver, Clarke county, W T. Any and nil person claiming adverse ly the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this ollice on or be fore aid 2Sth dav of October, 1SS9 W, T. Bi-RXXY, Register. arc f .W "!',,-f"3 aj.a,aW1i,i,.M 1WI,IB. I l.J I mS A - . '"BSIadi .. .rs" I Irf'1 flftsTX A A m . saaadj , ar" I I'J'.A lit fjiBVF'sv- , ..m- --m-.- -Lai 1 ; V I . 8 ' " ' H tr F - - -a- - -alii FOR salt: by foshay a mason ins COLD HEAD Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses tho Nasal Fassa gos. Al lays Inflammation. Heals the Sores, llestoroa tho Senses cf Tasto, Smell andHeanztg. A pavrrjrlo tt applied tar arts sxmtrfl a1 b aaTeeable. Pries SOe. at Draasta ar hy anadi. KLY BKOTIIEUSyM Warren SCiew Yort. PATENTS tained, and all ethsrbualaees In th. V. &. Fat en fflce attendedad to for moderate fee. Olirrttf.M ia mirktai. . K IT 11 I . . Am.. J 'veesn obuin Psteots less thus than those remote mm Waahington. - soility free of charge ; aud wemavke o eham aoless e obtain patent. ., W refer hers, to the Postmaster, th Supt. oi Mooev Order CSv -.nil tA nrf),i.l. nl K-1 7 a n. Orfioo. Forcircainr. sdvtce. terms, and mtmw actual oliettta la your ewa Stat or eounty, ddre Oitposit Patent Otlloe, Washing ton, D . 7 aa. -ws, nasi . -a, -f ? t. . il 4 -'U Via "WJ p?a) i asB LiUaJ V , aiaU-siii OF FlTjI COD LIVER OIL 22 HYP OPHOSPniT223 Almost as Palatable as Rlillc. fia tIInrV I stl rsl fa. . . - a -mmtmrn. ass !; s43 VdseKCn. lSe.tcdt RAttimllatrd by ths invtt Mnaltlv. ..An. a . , , . . . --------"--" aen na piwla oil cawnot be tolerated ; and by the eom btnation or th. oil with Ihe riypcpSios-pnnv-s la mnch more oUicatiom. Ksauu-Saale as a ISesa prsJa.-cr. . Temas gala rapidly wijjja t&Vxg It, , S0OTT:31Tnnsfnv,, 1..1...1V. ; io cua.uuwie;ii;uu L T Xliysiciaim to be the Finest and Pent prepa. ration ia the wosld for the relief and care of CONSUS1?TtOrJ, SCROFULA, CiMAt, OEBILITY. WASTISQ - - a.- aw r,vi".vrtrt C I (. sfT . . . . ' . iw f j-s art !a mZ fsTftq r.r-;l ATlfiH a-va.L anci -krosu coy. Tht grmt rfrrwiy for Consv?rik Wetting ta CAu'area Sold by iii; and ff JOOD SAVING Wood sawed on W at aKfiTf ti r irta anvwriaM In f frt a fifT 5c yranard proraptly attended to - 1- -W IT. 1 fr- kali ITktow Try the Cure! c&Sj t . : u.x ueo. u. WAr.EEjr,