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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1889)
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 20, I8P9 ariTj si Rlitr aa I NOTIINQ. I rsprlrtars. LOCAL RECORD. Union Pantr. Fifty-nine delegate, representing the Prohibitionists, Granger And K'. ( L, met In Salem Saturday and organised under tht above name. Dr J F Hcndrea wa chosen Chairman Mil S M Miller, Secretary of tht State Central Committee. Following I the substance of their declaration of principle : Alarmed by the agjresalvenea of glunt trusts, monopollct and the liquor trntlic, working for the paupcrlxattt n and degra dation of the producing matte, Iter pro pose to have all cla legislation In the In terest of capitalist repealed ; that the government thould prohibit the liquor traffic thould Uue money In nccessiry quantity wllhwut Intervention of hank; hould "regulate corporations and prevent unjust exac'lon and discrimination ; hould restore to the public domain all un earned land grant, to be reserved for act ual settier, prevent corporation from holding land and alien from acquiring It ; thoul 1 require ten year' reldence and knowledge of our institution a condition of ctlUenhlp, and provide that cltlaenshlp, character and intelligence thould be the qualification of vote t (hould declare trust conspiracies and punish them accord Ingly ; should provide for arbitration to ore vent strike, protect employes, provide equal pay lor equal work lor both sexes and foster labor, agricultural and co-opera live association ; and should not permit Issuance of non-taxable bonds. Thiir Own Ixsi-maxci It I the custom for large ateamshlp companies to carry their own Insurance on their steam er. It U done In this wav. The cost of Insurance l figured tip, and Instead of pay. lng It to the insurance companies it it put , I nto what Is called the insurance fund. The experience of many companies Is that this Is the cheapest way of insurance. The meth od is pursued In part by the Pacific Coast Steamship Company, which owned the ost ''A neon." A.Hori,n. IIarrisburg. The town ot Harris- burg i located in Linn county, on tne east bank of the Willamette, and ha been for years an important river shipping point for the product of that portion of the val- ley. In common with other town in the valley Ilarrisburg ha taken up the line of march ana I pushing to the front. A new grist mill and a new aw mill are the most tangible evidence of this, but the apirlt of progres I In the air and making Itself felt la numerous other wav. IfVa oiere. HiWox. At the race In Portland last week a little girl about 9 rear old, cried out in a shrill yolce, "Tom Daly Aa o'.d gentleman heard her. and bought four mutual. Tom Daly won the race and the mutual paid $114, making the old gentleman a wins. to the tune of $436. It I said he re ar.led the child by giving her $ 100 for the tip." It ImtrrkstsHim. The Walla Walla Staittmmn who man own lot of property at Yaqulna Bay, says, and probably correctly : "The Oregon Pacific railroad will be ex tanded OJ mile east of Albany this winter. Connection with the Chicago & Northwes tern Is b'Jt a matter of a few months and then another ti ancontinntal road -v ill ter minate at Yaqulna Bay." Bouoht Somk Lor. lion R A Irvine ha just purchased of Mr Mady.T L Wal lace, agent, a half block just east ot the O P railroad, between First and lng $2500 for the same. Mr Mady paid $400 for the whole block. Mr Irvine also purchased ot Mr lloa two lot on Third street, paying ooo for them, and was offered $1200 the next d iv. Doomed. The sales of cigarette through the East have fallen off enor mously, and even in Oregon people are coming to their senses and discarding the little nuisance, which cause the smoker to absorb overdose of carbonic oxide ga resulting In deoxidation of hi blood and a general disability, which, when translate.!, mean suicide. A Curiosity Ji-a At Wallace Si Cus slck's reat estate office may be seen an an cient appearing jar, with a bronxed putty surface, a number ot curiosities stuck to the putty. They consist of pear head, petrified wood, piece of qua'tz, etc., and nreient quite an attractive appearance. Mr C C Hainan, U the author of the jug, and made the collection entirely from the Bantiam in the vicinity of hi home. Fiaer Day. The attendance at the State fair wa about 1000. The exhibit Is fair ; but not enough There were two race. 1 he running race, inree-iounns mile, was woo by Raindrop, lime, f io'A. The three minute tiot wa won by Lad Beach. Stemwinder won the fifth heat in To-day will be the 1 1-16 mile run and the a 140 trot. A Musical Class. Next Monday evening, Sept a3rd, Prof W II Young, formerly of Ohio, will give a free musical service at the WCTl Hall, after which he will organize a das in vocal music. He will be assisted in the co.icert by Rev Prichard, Prof Lee. O II Irvine and sev eral other. Prof Young is well spoken of aa an instructor. Kicked. Monday Mr J W Morgan was driving a horse, generally gentle, when a cross walk board tripped him and hebecan kicking over the dash board quite fiercely, In the course of which Mr Morgan wa hit on a leg ana one wrist, the latter being sprained, rious da.Tiage. of his No se What we Need.--A new thing in the East U a professional superintendent of wedding. She bosses the whole business and In fact Is an expert In arranging mat ter In rtvle. What Albany need i a uperintendent who will bring some of nr ntrl bachelor, of arhlch there are a large number, to their senses, regardless of style. A Swicide Frank Bell committed ulride at Salem Saturday evening. He did It with a revolver in a luse of ill fame. One of the limates whom he had trtl nn the downward couiseatSanTose, Cal, had proven untrue to him. lie was nrohshlr disrupted with hi miserable. contemptible life. ,The Salem StaUinuH mention Jimmy Fennell, of thl city, a having been with Bell just prevlou to the act, A GaEAT Scheme. -The poorpeopleof the Northwest are continually In hot water over schemes to get some of their hard earned money. Here I one being worked at Walla Walla. The New York Life Ins Co, a very reliable concern, offers to build a $250,000 brick hotel there If the people of tlv-city will take $1,000,000 lninurance for ten yerrs. What next. This Way. Dan McCalder I home from a trip to the Astoria Si Coast R. R. and report the road progressing along the Coast. The present contiact will make it about thirty mile long. Eventually It will cross the mountains and span tne Wil lamette at Albany. Deprkciatino. In 1888 the gross value of property In Polk county was $4,165,385 In 1889 it Is $3,638,480, a depreciation of ct je 003. What is the matter over there, and what kind of an aseorhave you any- way. State Fair Agent Jester sold 5a tick Bt.t fair, larirer than usual CIS w - a thefirstday. The attendance promises be the largest in the history ot tne Assocta llVtis Notice. Four family horses, well bro ken double and single, for sale at city A Way out or It. The Astoria Trim urit fixe up thl railroad business as fol low. "That Is the racket that has a clear and healthy ring to It. Some time spirit of rlvaly, when not carried beyond the bound of amicable contest may spur communities a welt as Individual up to better accomplishment. But the admon Itlon, "Keep cool," is alwaytin order, It I the quiet, steadily flowing water that always float the largest vessel. Above all hould the policy ot building ourselves tip by tearing another down, be avoided. That Is a system ot envy that will befea. It object in mist Instances! the malice that in its passion stab I'self to death at the threshold ot public sympathy, It doe not seem to us Impossible that Al bany and Salem both mluht act the benefit 01 railroad connection with the Astoria tea board. Salem hat been for tome time agitating with plaulbllltv a railroad from there Into the foothills of the west tide district, and with such a line, forming a junction with the Albany-Astoila road, wouiu give the capita! rlty a combination of the west side project and tea brd con nection at once, with an ctiua opnortun Itv to compete with Albany tor the traffic which the new it stem would Jcvclon. Why not?" Cmook Coi'nty. Henry (Jtlmet reach ed here Wednesday with a load of Web foot oats. He thinks there is money in Importing oats, end will return alter an other load. Mr James Elklns and family accom panied by Mis Addie Clay pool started for Albany last Monday. MU t In v pool will remain about two month In Albany visit ing relative and friend. D W Cluvool started Inst Tuesday tor Albany with two fotir-lioisc team after supplies. Roe Smead and (amity have gone to Al bany to spend the winter. r.l Cantrell, who mysteriously disap peared last May, has been heard from, lie 1 In Oregon, alive and well This fact kettle forever that Cantrcll wa r.ot mur dered, a somii believed, -IMnevUle pa per. The Toi-r namkmt. The Firemen' Tournament legan Tuesday at 2 o'clock, with the wet test. It proved to be a con test of profcsionls, the fastest runner in the warld being secured for the different team. John Fox, of Astoria, II Plirmr.of Petaluma. Cal, and H Hippie, of Portland, were appointed Judge ; F Casey, of As toria, (tarter, and CT Uhlman, of Tacoma C W Watts, of Albany, and JC Rainey, rf Tacoma, tlm-keepcrs. Following was the record tor the well et : CorvallKao II 20; Astoria, 34 1 -10 ; Walla Walla, 3S ; East Portland, 37 t-io; Vancouver, 11. C., 3" a 5 S Seattle. 36 1 10, not allowed ; New Westminister, 3$ a-5 5 Victoila, 33-5. A Sir prise Party Last Monday at the residence ot Mr II A Stanard, Mis 1 tattle Chesney wa given a surprise party which proved a very entertaining and en joyabte affair. The evenim; wa spent in lively games and conversation, and wa not without It subtanilal part, lite at tacking party wa compo-cd of Misses Clara Read, Cclia Pennington, Annie In grato, Augusta Bridgeford, Frankle Hop kins, Alice Blake. Linda Miller, May Mill and Messrs Quince Propst, Walter Wiles, J R Wvatt. 12 J M'cCaustland.FC Stanard, F L Kenton, A'dilo Hammer and Mr Crouch. On ecu Salt. It I n.t generally known away from home that Lake county now supplies her home market with stock and dairy salt of a good quality say the Lakevlew Etutminrr. I J R Jones i the propletor of the la It marsh where Warner lake once spread her waters. Mr tones grinds and sacks the dairy salt on the ground where It 1 scooped up by the wagon load and delivered to the different merchants of the county. The editor of the Iixiimmtr uses this salt on his pota toes every day. Mare Stolen, CC Doughty, of the Oifrvtr, was in town Wednesday even ing on horseback, and he tied hi horse, and about 8 o'clock, when he wa ready to start home, he could not find his horse. The supposition is that it wa stolen, as none ot the halter remained on the hitch ing post. The mare I orrel In color ,and ha a white stripe In the face ; weighs be tween 950 lbs and 1,009 lb ; ha scar on the left hip, and I about 14 year old. Anyone finding or hearing of such horse will please liform C C Doughty, at Dallas, or S Doughty, at Monmouth. - Wttt Sid. Ral Estate Fever. Nearly every body in Albany has the real estate craze, and the fever very naturally it for making a small fortune out of the business. If property her were assessed at the resent round sum asked the city would Hare an Income sufficient to put an elec'ric light on every corner. A It is we are nearer up to the ttandard than any of the neighboring I counties, and pay more than our share of state taxes. Bto Words. Corvallit send word chat the boy are raising $4100 to take with tnero to bet on their team at the Ta coma tournament. Good enough: make it $6,000. The Corvallit department will tend a splendidly trained team, and their $6,000 will come handy. I low about East Portland? That has a team that is giving the Astoria team more"" though t than Corvallit is. Attena. A Different Climate. Mr J A Gross has returned from h:s trip to Klamath Springs, Cal. He reported the thermom eter tlowo to 39 degree abeve on the water, and expected to find his flowers here. frozen to blizzard, but found this a different count n. entirely on returning. Another Whale A party of Butie- ville folks will arrive in the city Monday Ith a "stuffed whale" which they will have on exhibition during fair week. It is known as Batchellor's whale and wa capt ured several years ago by some parties of that locality. It I some 60 or 70 feet In length. Salem Journal. Fresh Paint. The Revere House cor ner it being painted and put in band box style. Thit includes Conn Bros grocery store. Where there I fresh paint ontside there it a large and varied stock of fresh groceries and vegetables on the Inside and tome remarkably gjop grocery bargains are offered. The O. P. Extension Quite a num ber of men left to-day fr the O P front to begin work on the road ea it. The read will be pushed as fast as men can be secur ed, and railroad men generally connected with the work say they believe It Is permanent move eastward. In The Spring Among the new bricks that will be erected In Albany next spring will be one on Mrs Mady's proper ty , now occupied by the city restaurant, and orobablv one on each side of it. - The old fra ires are slowly fading from First Street ; but none too fast. Another Addition, The Willamette Land Co., is laying off their porperty just east of the city Into an addlton to be called East Albany, and the lots will soon be pu 1 on the market. The lot will be 50x100 feet. - A Demand for Them. The Demo crat notices a large number of stoves leaving the Albany tove tore,the change In the weather evidently creating a great. er demand tor them. A Good Book Mr Jo fait I canvass- lng for a book entitled "Royal Treasury or Jewel of the Bible," a very nice book de ervtng a place in any uorary. on 1 ' ' ' to fUK lilt WLVf D-lUll AtUl 1M.T r ,tniir TTinTI I IU Tvl XT1 1 - E'CAL-FEED SEWING MA f HINE.BEST MA CHINE IK THE MAftlET Don't Lims If.- T!outn! vt doltaia have been spent ), The Dalies and certain Willamette VatUy t r, thin full- by resl dent ot this county, for supplies, and thou sand more will be spent tor the tame pur pose before the advent ot winter. It I very questionable whether, In the long run anything I saved by trading for cash away from home. It one's time I worth noth ing, he may savetomethlngby buying his winter supplies In Albany, but how tar does the money spent abroad go toward building up our town t Better do youi trading at home, except In cates where an Individual has monopolized the business In a certain line of trade and wants unrea sonable prices for all he has to sell. Prlne vllle AVw. As we don't like It when people go to Portland to do their trading comment would be out of place 1 but real ly such places as Portland and Albany are built up by becoming trade centers and ome peapie 111 go away irom noma It they maelne thev can do better and it Is every city's business to take advantage of the fact." Not hi no Is It. There U talk ot a street car line being extended down r irst street to tne woolen mills, then out to East Albany now being platted by the Willamette Lfnd Co., and also out Ferry Street to South Albany and EtVlns' addition to the city lUrald. The Democrat is requested by a direc tor of the Street Car Company to say that 'here is nothing in the abeve. The com pany at the present time has no such ex tension In contemplation. Tappikd LaCirandr. Hon S A Daw son, of this city, who was recently In La Grtnde left the following taffy, according to the 'immul -. "I was In LaGrande In 1S64 when there was net a dozen houses here and have been here a great many times since. Since the railroad came tn the town has been building up rapidly and I think that with the country tributary here that you shoulJ have a town of 5,0x10 people within the next two year. The people of the Valley thould doall they can to help the lumbering interest along. I undestand that tome are fighting against one company here, and they are making a mistake In doing so. Second Day or State Fair Attend ance about 4000 people. Including fakirs. The races were the attraction. In fact this I what It is, a horse race, and a successful one.' The running race one and one-six teenth mite, was won by Coloma. Time, t : ;4 . In the a-40 trot Lady Beach won In three straight heats, the phenomlnal Stemwinder running down to fourth place. Time, 1:27 ; j -.20 and arajtf. Coquette was secortd. Both Lady Beach and Co quelle are A Itamonte hot set. Haven't Tiixm. There are several metropolitan institutions which Albany has not yet obtained, tor Instance. A Pawn Shop, A Cleaning House. A Real estate exchange. A Hoard of Immigration. A Stock Exchange. An electrle fire alarm. Blind policemen. "Call Again." The Democrat ac knowledges a call from a couple, young men, who tailed to leave their card. In a tew moment they mattered the whole butlnet,read everything In type and took the entire circut In. We mention this call simply a a sample. At IlARRitBLRo. Miss Henrietta Moore, the eloquent Lecturer ot the W C T U will lecture in Ilarrisburg, Tuesday evening Sept 14th at 7.30 o'clock P M In Brown Church All are cordially invited to attend, and none should lose the oppor tunlty of hearing this talented lady lecturer. They Comb Back. P. W. Starr.of Lot tine and hi estimable lady called thl week to pay up and bid u "good bye." Watt claim that be I not at all displeased with Wallowa or hi success ; but that he'd like "to wander bark again, to where the old home stands," somewhere In the ro mantic Willamette Border Sigumt. A Polish Man. A man canvassing the rlty with a piano polish It reported to the Democrat as being very ungentlemanly In his manner of forcing hi polish Into consideration. We know ot one case where he would have been kicked Into the t.-et If the man of the house had been at home. For Killino Chinese Pheasants. Mat Drummard, ot Corvallls, wa tried on Friday for killing Chinese pheasants. A friend (?) gave him away for the sake of half of the fee ; but he didn't get It ; the jury disagreed,and the man who made ene mies was the aforesaid friend. All Night. Mr Ivancovlch keeps an II night house on First St between Ella tort and Lyon, at nich I to be found fresh oy tters, porter house steaks, and eggs etc. ham Money to Loan At a low rate of In terest, on good farm property In Linn county, or on best improved city property Albany. Apply to Jlackburn Si Wright. Albany, Or Adbey's Addition 51 lota In this ad dition to Albany, near Hackleman' 3rd addition, for sale, at $50 to $135 a lot, r.t Curran Si Montelth's. Banc One of the A nest lots of gun and revolvers ever received in Albany aie now In stock at Stewart Si Sox's. Hun ters thould call and see them and get price before buying. Sod Sfrinc. Mr. Frank Crabtree new has charge of the Findley Soda Springs, and Is prepared to furnish the public with first-cla accommodations, luring the tall and winter. All Persons Indebted to the late firm of Brownell & Stanard are requested to call and settle at the store of C E Brownell without delay or make some satisfactory arrangements. Sick. Schlosser, the man who has been Incarcerated in the county jail for months In default of giving bouds to keep the peace is seriously ilL , " A Sharp Item The finest line of cut lery and shear in the rlty at Stewart & Sox's. Their goods are the very best and will (land the test. A 54-inch light roadster, 1889, for sale cheap at Thompson Si Overman's. If yoa'want a good silver teelcytb,finet io the market, go to Stewart & Boa's. Babiex. The finest line of baby carr'--get in the Valley just rr celved at Stewart Si Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con. sidering the superior quality of the carri ages. Struck Oil At $1.35 per 5 gallon can aeot Standard oil, at Ihe Willamette Packing Co.'s store. Biggest Yet 10,000 rolls of wall pa per, latest varieties, fined decorations just eretver 21 rurtmtuerac irvmg s .. . . mmm Blangbtvr in Hllk Bibbona. In order to close out my immense stock of silk ribbons in plain and plcot'edge I will sell them until my fa'.l stock arrives at 75 cents on the dollar, -All marked in plain figures. - v Tbe beet line of kid glove at W F. Read's. Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Bob son s special bargains BURNING TIMBER. Ne, 8's Steamer Takes a fast Hide. At 4:30 o'clock last Tueitlay news was received from Yaqulna City that the sur rounding timber was ablnae, and that the city was In danger of burning, asking that one of Albany's steamers be sent to It re llet. Chief Engineer Stewart I m.ned I u Up started with No. a't steamer tor the depot, and at 5:30 a special started on Us relief errand, with about twenty-five mcn.among the number being a Democrat man. At Corvallls another car with a Corva'lls hose cart was attached and away tne train sped passing the special at Harris, and running over ihrce cows on t'te way at a diversion. Yaqulna City was reached at exactly 8i3. Fortunately tho steamer was r.ot needed. There being no breeze Ihe flames, which had been covering hundred of acres of timber Isnd.hsd subsUled.but were burning slowly yet perhaps only a wilting a brexe to be dangerous. The smoke settled low along tho Bay and could almost be cut. The night was spent mlserabty.few getting enough sleep for even a Bounrparte, The fire extended all along the Bay to the sea coatt, and Newport at well at Yaqulna Clt y wa continually threatened. Bycrly's mill, back ot it, with a large number of logs, wa burned, and the Catholic Church and several dwellings received a close call. At Yaqulna City only a Celestial's shanty was touched. The experience wa an exciting one, not very much appreciated bv those having property in (eopardr. Manager Hoag wa present, and treated our firemen royally, furnishing them meals, bed and tree '.ransportatlon back on the regular train tor those who desired. Returning the train left the Bay at 10:05. At that time the citizens of equina generally had packed their things ready to leave at any lime, back of the Yaqulna house timbers falling dangerously near to the building. All the way to Philomath burning timbers were passed, and this accounts for the abundance of amoke a Albany. The re turn trip was made In three hour. TMR ASSESSMENT ttJI.U The following I a summary of the ass essment roll for Linn county for the year 1IW9, is equalized by the Board of Equal ization : No acres nf land 463 o,6 ylu. s.7SCat Town tots $708,463 I mprovementi $ 28.633 Merchandise and Implements. . . . $958,603 Money, notes and account $$46,098 Houshotd furniture, carrlag,etc. $193,247 No horse and mules....... 73S0 Value same $311,411 No cattle 1934 a Value same.. $221,935 No shep 36,908 Value $52,226 No swine 597S Value same $13,147 Gross value of all property. ...$7,897,111 I ndebtednes $ 1 .794,31,7 Exemptions $465,349 Total taxab'e property $5,639,813 N polls 1755 Compared with last year we note the following Increases and decreases : Increase acres ot land 109,651 Increase value town lot $51.99 Decrease Improvements f 190 In. mercar.dlse and implement. ..$361132 Increase money, note and acc't. . .$31 120 Decrease household furniture, etc.. $1879 Decrease no horses and mule Increase no cattle Jo-Si Decrease no sheep. 3278 Decrease no swline ..10 Increase grot value property ....$244291 Increase indebtedness $161332 Decrease exemption $9959 Increase total taxable property ....$18456 Increase no polls ....7 ON THE MUlTIIKKN ROL'Xmur. Sept. 16th, gSo Hop picking it finished In this neigh borhood; (he yield was not nearly swgood a usual. We had two or three frost last week and Ice made It appearance In some place. Nearly every one went to the lore race near Ilarrisburg !ast Friday. Mrs. David Alllngham and three tons and one daughter were visiting In the neighborhood last week. Dr R L Wllloughby and family of Trout Creek, Crook county, are visiting relative here and they will remain about two weeks. Mr. J. O. Douthlt expects to return to his home in Crook county next week, having rented his farm here to Mr Elliot, recently from Missouri. Several of our neighbors are Intending to go to the State fair next week. A family have moved Into the old Wheelan house, hope they are not afraid of Ihe ghost. Mr Bowlsby, of Eugene was vlnlting friend In this vicinity last Sunday. Miss Clara Phillpet entertained her frienda with asocial tinging on the even ing the 8th Inst, which wa enjoved by all present. Miss Philtpot will attend the Sis ters school In Albany thl winter and the singing was farwell party. Mr Simpson ha gone to Silver Lake with a load of fruit. The Henry Hayes farm wa sold at euc-, tlon last week for ten dollar an acre Walter Brown being the purchaser. The Hand Enoink Last evening the Cltys hand engine, newly painted, and looking like a new machine, was given a trial, In accordance with the contract w ith lhe city of Hlllsboro. A paper was placed 1 TO feet from the nozzle. A stream was thrown, covering it and going fully twen tr five feet beyond, a 175 feel throw, the rebulrenents calling tor iso. iiiuooro . a..,.. gets a bargain In securing the engine and 500 feet of hose for $800. Ilstile Field Stephen I Field, with two Deputy Marshals passed through Al banv Wednesday for Portland, but like Demnsey and other celebrities they were slumberintr and missing the beauties of the finest Valley in the world, and failed to see the best city in it. Girl Wanted. A girl to do work In 1 small family. Inquire at O C .Awbery's near corner 3rd and Montgomery streets, Lee Cartaina Lace Certain. I have lust received my fall stock of lace curtains bought direct from importers, the largest stock ever brought to tuts mar a et, and best value xor me money. SAMUEL c. iwa - Kid (ilove I Kid tilovr II I have just received a full line ot lid gloves branded Our Own. This Is a genu ine kta glove, i ouy oirect irom importer in New York and consider them the kiest valne of any gloye I ever sold for this price. S button, 3 rows of st'tching, $ r.50 per pair.. 8. E.Youso. Utter List. following I th list of letters remaining In tbe T.nt Offioa, Albany, Unn county, Oregon, Sept 18tb, 18S person eslllnr for the letter must giv the dl 00 whloh thev were sdverUseJ : Aim. IVmDP Burge.s, CC Claypool, Mr Annie Carey, Robert Corwin, WM C-meron, Eph Craln.Wm J Cummlng, Ed Gllson.J Hes. Mr Marth a E Miller, McCrow, Rob't , Rlgg. Susan Smlth.J R Stone, OB' Taylor, Henry C White, Grant iryatt.saloon ke per Wright, J J H. THOMPSON. P. M. SECURE PRICES. JIO TROUBLE TO SHOW SOODS AT DEYoi & ItOBSON REAL ESTATE SALES, A Lively Week and Upward Prices. The past week ha been a busy one In the real estate market, The following la the record, which, on examination will speak for Itself and show the prevailing prices as well as the extent of the traffic : Henlnmln Cleaver to Frank O'Nell, Lebanon mill and mill site, ,. .$14000 Aioany v-ememry Association to Mell Young, tot 4, blk 17 In Al bany Jemetcry grounds, ... ... ij United mates to Wm A Paul, ., . , .patent United States to David Prlne patent King Prairie Si Quartxvllle W R Co to F E Austin, the above named wagon road 400 Edward Albright to Geo D Barton, 15 acres In Tp II S R 4 w.... . 67 1 Sarah M White to Harriett Leonard .tots' arret In Tp 11 S R a w. . . 6eo Johnson White to Harriett Leonard o acres In Tp ta 8 R 4 w 1 Otto Fox to Richard Warner, 161 acre In Tp 11 8 R a w ttoo John B Hughe to Mr Lou Arm strong, parcel in hi a 51 lis and A. Albany.,. ioo D D Monteitlt toS Eima Starbuck, 345 acres Tn ll H K 4 w 600 A Hackleman to Andrew Skaar, w half N Eqrblk37. It's and A, Albany ao Andrew Skaar to Rasper Vorndran w half N B qr tik 37 it's and A, Albany 8 to Mary Beard to Ben S Mills, lot I. ' blk6. B'sA.Tangent , O A HalltoW A 1'nuland OMNel- sou. lot 1 and 8. To II H R a w lion Jas S Dlckton to llarlus Dickinson, 10 acres in ip 11, a k a w. , ... ao Emily Powell to C C Lcc, 166 acre InTp 10 H R v E io o W A Paul to O A Hall. 87 acres In TnuSRaw io T J Wilton to 0 B Watson, 17 acres W TpiJSRJW 1200 Leo Cohen to W W Crowder, lots 1 and J. blk tt. H't trd A.AIbanv ml C 11 1 loss to R A Irvine, S E qr blk Ill- -.! . Alt its inu n, ntwnj, , . , .... iuw J J Clark to W W Crowder, S E qr tm 31. II and A. Albany Soo IO0 40 as 1 3500 1000 1200 200 503 956 1 a5o 30 5000 400 400 350 100 32oO C II Hoag to Horace Far well, N E qr blk 36, It's and A, Albany.. 1 1 tram Williams to John A Clem- acre in Tp 13 S R 4 w Henry Lyon to Wm A Hadden,lot a in blk 1 in Lyons, J W Jenkln to G W Jenkln. 60 acre,Tp 11 S R 1 w Margaret Mady to R A Irvine, E halt blk 121 II A. Albany.... J II Uarrettto W R Uarrett.53 acres InTp.USRiw F A Blackburn to D C Schcll, par cel In blk 34, Albany John Cary to Clay Myers, Interest In lot 33, Sclo., A Ifred Fluerald to Elisabeth Rlt- ter. 1 a acre In Tp 11 S Raw, J 11 Johnson to Elisabeth Rltter, 7634 acres, Tn iii S R a w J W Jenkln. to O II Jenkins, 6.1 acre In Tp 1 1 S R 1 w, C L Morris to Eugene Helm, 103 acre Tp 1 1 H K I and a w Murv Heard to Geo F Mills, lot 10 Ilk 6, B'.A. Tangent 6 Goln to Pau.ine Sthmeer, N W or blk 102 It's A, Albany.... .. J 11 Lame to E A Bassett, M W qr of W qr.Sec 30 Tp 13 S R 3 w A S Basseit to K A lU.sett, S W qr of S If qrSecso, Tp 1 8 R w Geo 0 Henderson to J II Boles, lot 5, blk 15, li t 4th A, Albany... A llackleman to Mary Chamber, lot 5, blk 1, Abbey' A.Albany R Koehler to D B Montelth, parcel In blk 3, Albany TASttENT. Mr L F Smith and wife and Joseph Simpson with 1. 1 family just returned from a trip from Cppcr Soda n a hunting tour ai d nad the good luck to kill two big fine buck deer and Mr L F Smith came back greatly benefitted In health. Several started to the State fair 'from here this morning. Mr Blevlns Is moving with hi family j 10 Tangent where he will tend hi chll 1 dren to school. Mr Dave Vernon, of the Albany 1etatJ has been here smiling around some of the nice young ladle ot Tanger.t. We hope we will be able to see our Tangent Sunflower blooming In the sub urbs of Tangent before many days are gone. We hear that she I on her way home. Dr George Houck and hi brother John, both of Portland, have been- visiting Uie past week with their parents and relatives In thl vicinity. Mr and Mr S Bond.of llalsey.and Mi. Ollie Cummlngt, of the same place, who have been visiting In thl vicinity fur some time, left the first of the week for their home. Monday two young men passed through our town with a large open spring.wlth two horses attached. They said they came overland from S. F. and were bound for the State Fair and were going to run at the fair. G W Luper ha left Tangent.aftei a resi dence here of two or three ycar.and gone on the farm, J B Morgan ha rented hi farm to hi son Aliord and moved to Tangent to get the benefit of the school at this place, Mr Weher and family of Eastern Ore gon.who have been visiting In thl vicinity for sometlme.lctt last week for their home, where he has considerable stock interest. L Wheeler, of Lebanon, it visiting In and around Tangent. Anyone visiting the poultry yard of Grandma Vernon can have the pleasure of seeing tome fine young China pheasants, also some it ulnea pigs. The Beard Bros are doing a good busi ness with their dryer, wniie tooaing through their establishment the other day we were shown a very nice sample ease with tome very Bre samples 01 umereni - . - rw . Kindt ot irults. une 01 me nrm intena starting east of the mountains soon as a drummer for the house. S II Moses has bought the house and lot of Mr Aaderson,sltuated on Third Street. Consideration, $300. The warehouse at this place U full and overflowing. Mr. Henry Pape.of Jacksonville ha been secured to tak.e charge of the Benton Leader, Mr Pipe, who ha o ably wielded the editorial pen for several years retir ing. We hope to see rape ao as wen Pipe. MARRIED. MILLER REED. At the Evangeli cal parsonage, Tuesday Stpt 17 1889, M Hcbert Miller of Turner, and Ml Belle Reed of Millers Station, Rev I B Fisher officlntlng. The Democrat extend thl worthy vourg couple it best wishes for the happiness and prosperity they deerve. DIED. WILSON. On Monday morning Sep, 16 1889, at SodaviHe, Mr Samual Wilson gcdajyears. HAMMACK. At Tallman on Monday morning Sect 1 6th 1880, the Infant child of E E Hammack, age nine months. Aimiy Uirket. . Wheat-63.', " ( at--iOo. Butter 200 por It). rgg-2ic Hay 0,00, Potatoes 75 fits per bubl Bef on foot.3'ii Aplea SOcenta por hu, ?orK 6'Aa per It Jresawn. BarcnK han,12Vc. ahonlders, ttv. aides lOf. . jerdOsperlh. lour4.25 pr bid. hlekene 8 00 per dor,, ill Feed bran, 14.00 par ton, short, 1. middling, 20. ' Chor- 0. SUPERIOR LINES OF .AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENT8 T OE YOE &1RODSON HOME AND ABROAD. moday, State fair week. 0 W Walt Iffs yesterday morning for Taooma, Mr J R StookmsD sn.l ilsnahtrr rt era ad Satnrday from a trip to Tillamook ocanieltet Wnn are huiMiua have tt pty (inntrtot pi be of $24.60 a Ihotua'id fur brick laid in the wall. The prasant arm M the Alny bay It stilt. Stork like htl soon on tvtry eorovr morning and evenings. Mrs Weluli. of Kansas, daughter it 3 8 Clark, aenior, arrived by the through train this morning oo a visit to bar rslsilves here wnuin she has not seen for fifteen yar. The weekly Weit Shorten hand, it will beau improvement on ths monthly and msUe a good start. Blng the only one la the Northwett it slioa d receive a lU pat rtmag. ', TLWallao. andEl Cusluk, both live young, have farmed a ptrtnartbip In the ra! estate butlne, Mr Casiak hsying resigned as bank-keeper in the Linn Conoty B.ok. Mr and Mrs A B Stansnn and Mrs E I. Thompson earn op from Cortland last tveo lng. Mr HWu on will write tin the State fair for the Ortjonlan, wbit Mrt S. will re main in Albany. . Mr Jack Cnmmfnn, an old Iowa neigh bor of Mr H 0 Hubbard, I in tka eity. on a tour for a Clluton wholesale drag hnuse. Me I vtrj much pleased with thit ulurioui Val ley , County Traasnrer Farwell bona lit two lota last Waduetday nn st Third trt near tba ditoh pvie 11000 for thsin. Yesterday he Mated 91200 for them . A lawsuit io Iiwa over five est vt. worth 43 hs already cost $30,000. Itwaabfitun in 1874 It has hea tried lya tints and been before tb Su Drama Com t four time and it I said la no eesrer eadwl than io the beginning. Tb Orfmmliin' msnuUctanng edition is one of tb most eredittble eyrr issued by that paper, and is elaborate 10 its detaila of the manufacturing interest of 'hit eity. It hows an inveatmont of tt2.000.000 atid aa out pot ot fi 18,000,000. One-third of the fmU in the country Ihlok they can bst the lawyer in expound ing law. One-half think they cso best the doctor healing tb sink, Tro-thlrds of thtm thick they eanbeatth minister rraehiaf the gospel, end all of their think tbsy cso beat the editor io rannlng the paper. W L Litter, the formor proprietor of this paper, aeoompauMnt by bi family, ielt on Wtducsdsy 1 trsia for Ilarrisburg. Or., where tby will spend the wititxr, Mr and Mrs Lister I 4V nisny fririiHs in this eitv who join wi-h the E, W in wishing them eeevs io their Pr horn. ..'amhiH'jIvnian. Cat Humiihrry, who hta ftnished.hi Is. hnr a rr,'il'r -f the Coear t'A Irti Indian Commissiuit aed tbrmith IVudlofon tbi morning en rmtte for AINsny. Durum In short stay In Paudlelon, Cap h l a otrdial greeting and a heartv Knpnf the paw for hia ouotarou f'sndl- Inu A" O. Mi Emma C Ilium is tisaing at ll.e mi dene of her hrothsr-in-taw, Mr 1 Blum. f I'eadUton. Mrs (Mum is talented artist and specimen of her wnrk in craven and oil exhibit! at Portland and elewhr haya teorivsd t(, hithe! praise from art eritios reniiletoo fc. (I Charles Levis, f HarrisLnir, i la the eity. furt-tw tioVvti w r sold to the State fair to-day. Mr Ry Haesaker, it ia tb city the gaeat of Dr It U Hill. Mr Ham May, of ifarrishar, la iu the eity this afternoon. Ah Ls, the -Sso Frtuoinr. M xuoliae attorney, ia doinrf Albany. Tb total asamtift Milton ia 1130.000 and it baa a daily paper. Mrs H Flindt and children of Medford, are in the eity on a visit I friend. Mr John Hommerville, Etat Portland wealthy beaker, la irf the city. Mr 0 P flsdsr, of Portland, is ia the eity the gust of her daughter,, Mr Wm llempb rey. Mr J II Simpson, of Corvalli is la the city. Mr if. weat to Portland on tte mora log trsio. MrO M Coffey lasves Ui- nor row nioro ing for a two weak otitinj at Koappa on tbe Columbia, C W Watta. of tltt city, yesterday was elected Secretary of tb N W Firemen's Association. i Pendleton hsa hired a man to drive down a'J the projecting nails ia tbe eity. An en- Urpr itiog act. Mr Frank Barn) ester Has purehaasd fonr lot tat HcuoU'a addition to the eity. Con sideration $400. e'ottio Stephen. J Field, will paaa throagh Albany Vo-morro morning oo hia way to Portland, wber ha will bot.l a short station ot Court. An "Inquiry Sochi" will he giveo at tbe Cngrefuonl Ch-irolt on Kri Uy tveaing the 2Vh. Something new. All wi l be oordiaily welocmed. Wall Wall ia a eity ofpro'wt.iy 6.000 and 1 jost taekliog the eew ro.tin. At- nany baa oompletely disposed ,f the matter ia a very empha.lo manner. Mr Cntncey Lnekwood who has been op erating, lor Wm tlttrpphrey, returned to bis borne at Salem yesterday, eutng on his bi cycle, making the trip in f..ur boar. Mr Jolio Cron,ho hs been at Helena. Montana, for rtveral month, ia expected borne in a few day. 1U ha not been at Chicago, aa stated by the Democrat. WEIiKKabAV. Get your school bock and tablet at Guiaa U Koo . Uaraille addition ta Albany is a new east end attraction. - bitty dnaen wind w sbsde Ceivid at r 01 1 stiller & Irvtog , The beet waKb in ihe world for the mon. y at P U Freaeh' Mr Oeorge Simpeoa want to tb froot to day on a baslDoa trip, Aa elegans liu of new designs of chairs Juat recti red at Fortmiller Irving a. Oo to Btrdae for honest weights, good guode and lowest living prioet. Bargains in watchesaad chstns at Ft eoch't. "The Corner Jewelry Store,' Mr John Brigu haa sold to Mr I) B M in tsitb the south two lota of hu h'i v prop erty, vxinaltieration 11000, Mr Geo S Rovee left tni in iruini for the front on th O P with a Ure number of book under hia arm. II 0 Hubbard audi Jaok' Oummiotis left thit noon for th By, with t tie ioteutioa of captering a Toledo troat. Tbe SeoreUry of the N W Firemen a As- aoeialian will receive $101 a year hereafter. The nam tournament will probably be held at Spokane Falls. A special train arrived io the eity last evening from the Bay with a load of "Wil lamette Valley" peaaengei. .. YetUrday CO Rawlinga aud 7E Allen purchased of Redfield & Tweedal a half block in their tonthera addition to Albany, pay iua 1600 for th atme. . . Rev H P Webber' and family left tbi morning for their new home at Helwood, They take with them the beit wishts of Al bany people generally. ... . 10 aod 20 aore tract of good land, 4 mile fsom the oity, 30 per acre. E O Beardaley, Keal Estate Agent, Hroadaiuin street near First, Albany. tylvettar Nioholls, who has boon iu the jail awa'ting the action of th grand jury for selling six moitgaged honor, was bailed out yesterday, and is now on our street. The oon tract for a boat for County Treas urer Farwell baa lean let to D.C Soholl. It i to be a little lea thsa four storle high and will be erected on the two lot just pur chased by Mr Farwell. It i astonishing bow rapidly the feeble and debilitated Rain atrength and vit;or when taking Ayer'a Sartaparilla, tor what are called "Droaen- down oooiututtooa, notbing else ha proved so effective tbi wonderful but perfectly t medioine. Boils, pimples, aud skiu diseases of all kinds speedily disappear when the blood is purified by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It haa do equal a a tonio alterative, the re sult being immediate aod aatiafaotory. Ask your druggist 'of ud 00 other. TI7H7ARE AnDHARD WARE 01-' ALL CI?iDS Al nl qf & nousori NACSM, imcHAKUCD. Speolsl to Dkhocsat. : ( Sa FRANcmto.Sept. ldth, 1 889. Unit ed Stale Circuit fudge Sawyer this morn. lng decided that the Federal court had urlsdicllon In the case of U. S, Martha! Nagle, charged with the murder ot David 9 Terry , that the shooting of the latter wat Justifiable and commendable, and ordered Nagle discharged from custody. The de clslon cover sixty-five page type written legal cap. Hlreplfssnrs. Dr. Flint' Itemed- la the beat remedy known for Insomnia, or aleepleaaneM), wbhth a Allots eo many persons, and whlcb load to ao iiany aerloue nervous dmes, particular!? to inanity Descriptive laeatiae with Moh bottle; oi.adJreaa Mack Drug Co., . Y. lll) Absolutely Pure. Thla powder never varlea. A marvel of purity, strength and wttnleaomenesa. More economical than tbeordinar kind and cannot be aotd In competition with multitude of low test, abort weight alum or pboanheUt pewder. Hold only In cans. Hovel Baking Powdsr Co., 10$ Well et., i, w, ; row let tt Co, Agtnta, Portland; Oregon. IjO MVL OH KAP.-f have a good 7 w irk h .r rive ye ir 01. 1 nn I peel. welg'H aho'tl I0VI uiinje,wblflh I will sail for fill Fr f.irtlmr information call t tho DKMniAr offo at in rMnoM one milo tiarth tC Ali-any In Benton county. SV. If. W.KXIR, s: AND, AC.-Peiaotsa dealrltg sand, loMW orgravol the preiobeeof K. L. Sueh in Ueoton county. e n crocure llrketa for the same at my office, Craw ford' I lock, Albany, Oregon. ('. K. WOIVKHTOW. IIKLA OILBSJT. rRAMCM OILBKBT. f.HSSES GILBERT Teacher of- Piano. Organ an! Harmony. TWMence ooraer JefTirsn a at 41 b 8ta. Mis Hela (JHbert l libmon, Tours Jys and Fri'Iaya. E. U. 0EARDSLEY. Real Estat e Agent, Conveyancing of all kind done in a re liable manoer. All bnatnea will terelva prompt attention. Office on Broadalbin btreet near Klret, Albany, Oregon, A large stock of gnll and sold filled watcbe at F M French', at greatly reduced pi Ice. ' It' EL ESTATE WASTED.-Bualneaa property, city !, aere property near ttiecity ana larni cr an Orscrip font waLttAi, Ii. a. Urardslkt, Itoal Katate Atent, Albany, Oregon. OlSlce on Uroattalbio HUeet nsar First. OLD IRON. Fifty tone of old Iron casting, in any quantity, wanted immediately at tbe Albany Iron Worka. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Btates Iind Office, Oregon City, Or., July 23rd, 18S9. Notico ia hereby given that in compli ance with the irovitioi8ot the a-t of Con preaa ot Juno 3, 1S78, entitled "An art for tho aale of timU-r land tn the htatea of California, Oregon, Nevada and If'aahlng ton Territory," Jcum V Inino, of Browns ville, county of Linn, State of Oregon, has this day field in Una office his sworn state ment No 1270, for the purchase of the N E H of See o SO, in Tp AO 10 aootti, lianeo No 3 eat, and will offer proof to show that the hind nought ia moro valuable- for its timber or atone than for agricultural pur poaen. and to eet&bliHli his claim to aaid land before the licgwter and Uecciver ol this office at Oresoo City, Or., on Satur dity Uw 19th day of Oetol)er, 1SS0. He names as witnenaes : ir utooiev, n a Htandmh, A 1 Howe and J K McIIargue, all of Brownaville. Unn county. Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described UukU are requested to file their claim in this otiiceon or before said 10th day of October, l8ft. w. t. lii'KNKY, ltegiwer. Gsirdiu'i Sal3 of Beat state. Nottcsvu hereby aivea that tbe under sized, gasrdiao of tbe person and estate ot Aimona K Daniel, a minor, by virtue of ao order of the County Court of Unn conoty, (JregoD.duly made and entered of recent on the that day of July. 1889, will sell it pub lio auction tor cash in band on Ihe ISih day ef Or later, 1M, at tn hour of 1 o'cl.rak in tbe afternoon of aid day at the Court House door in Albiny, Lien county, Oregon, all tn light title and iutere.t of aaid minor io aud to tne undivid ed two-ninths of the sontb half of tbe north east fourth and tbe northwest fourth of the aouthest fourth of See two, and th oath- west fourth of tbe northwest fourth ot See I. all in To II south, ranee 1 west of the Wlllsmett-i meridian in Linn county. Ore eon, eoetaiaina ICO acres, mere er lea. Dated this 29th day of Aoeust, 1889. , .. F, M. DaRitL, T. J. Ptitks,.' Ooardiao. Attoroey for Guard inr. ldministrator's SaU Of, Real Prop- in the matter or the esUte of Patnue Meek, deceased;. Notice la hereby given that by virtue of an order of tbe County Court of Lane oounty, Oregon, made and entered in saki Court on tbe 2nd day ol Sptember, 1889, I will sell at tbe Coart House door In Albany( Unn county, Oregon, on Monday, the 141k stay of etefeer, last, between the hours of 0 o'clock a, m, and 4 o'clock p. ra. to-wit, at 10 o'otock a, in. of said d i ,at publio auction to the high est bidder, for cash, the tollowlnir de rnrthnd roal orooertv belonging to said est te. tc-:t: The Uonacbn Land Claim of Thomas M Weger and Mary Jane We- r. hl wife notification cumber 30S7 ni.i.n KoK. iii see'don 25. 26 aud 27, in Inirnallln 15. SOtlth Of railCC it Wt V II lamette mendlau, containing 50-100 nm in I.lnn county. Oreiron. Also the north half (H)ol tbe nortiieaateuauerj of section 85, township 15, eouth of rauge 3 westWlnametie meridian. iootaioiuif 80 aorea tn Unn county, Oriron, Dated September 7th, 1883. . a, a. Mifk, y Administrator of the estate of Samael Meek, deceased. PAINTS. OILS. AND BRUSHES AT DEY0B z ROBSON'b pi lit ifroceili5M. SQUAKE C IY. BUOWNKLL, Hnccetaor BROWN KLL k Would reapectfolly imnonnre that he la continuing I hi bueinrss at tbe old Slard and that he in better ibsn r.rer rrpare d to till all orders with an urtry and de spatch and at prices 35UJ3VXIXC. ZSX3ZOXt,ZI tV o CV3 f CJ C3 m mi C-3 O C3 OfTbrod In tbe town, ew i Whilj thanking the citizen of Alba ny for their very liberal patronage In ihm past I earneatlu aoliolt a pontlnuanco of your favors, eeenrlng LOW PRICES, a npei-r qiOltyof goods and CotirteouDTreattncnt Very IloapadfuWy, Yonrs fur BuelneSe, c. e. nnows ELL. Aicliif IfVcktni n, S!ercnii. O rocene. SMALL THE LEADErC G, W. ALBAUT- ".Superior," "Argnntl," "Garland" STOVES AND RANGES. Pire backs. Warran ted for 15 years. All sizes en styles. Roofing-, Job Work, Plumbing. Eave Trough. Eange Boilers Conductor Pumps. F.L,KENTOH, DEALER TUT PS P I P E i SI IS lb E Choice Candy, CIGARS AND NEAR THE POST OFFICE1 ALBANY.IOREGON TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1SS9. Kotife is hereby iriven that in compli ance with the provisions of the art -f Con gress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An art for the sale of timber lands in me r-t;s 01 California, Oregon. Nevada und Wanhingr-; ton Territory," Nathan II Standish, of! mownsville, county 01 unn, riaie 01 re- i gon, has tli'ts day tiled in this ufiee hi sworn statement Nol27l,for the pun-hone of the N W M ct See No 32, in Tp No 10 south, Ilange No 2 east, and will offer proof to show that tlie land sought is more valuable for iu timber or stone than for atrricultural purpoees, and to establwh his claim to said land before the Rejrister and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Or., on Saturday the 19th day of Octoher,1889. lie names as witnesses : J K McIIargue, J I Irvine, A P Ilovte and W C Cooley.all I of Brownsville, Linn county, Or. Any and 1 all persons clarming adversely tne aiwve dem-ribed lands are requested to file their i claims in this office on or before said 19th dav of October, 1889. If . T. Ucicey, itegister. TIMBER LAND KOTICE. United States Land Office, Oregon Cilv, Or., July 23, 1S89. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act ot Con of June 3. 1878. entitled -'An act for Hia aalo of timber lands in the States of Cnlifoniia. Oreiron. Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Casper II Hoberg, of Brownsville, county of Linn, State of Ore gon, has this day tiled in this office his sworn statement No 12C7, for the purchase of the N E U of Sec No 14, in Tp No 10 south, Range No 2 east, and will offer proof to show that ihe land sought ia more valuable for its timber or Btono than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hiB claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon t. lty.ur., nn Kutimiav the lflthdavof October, 1885K lie names as witnesses : j vooiey, j vtT a-. 1 T K Mcllargne, N 11 Standish and J U ir vino, all of Brownsville. Linn county. Or. Anv nnd all nersons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or be fore said l'Jth dav of Octoler, 1 880. W'. T. Bt'RNEY, Register, TIMBER LAND N0TIC3. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Kevada and Was1nng ton Territory," George L Edmiston, of Eu gene, county of Lane, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn state ment No 12G5, for tho purchase of the S E U of Sec No 30, in Tp 10 south, Range No 2 east, and willo ffer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber ot stone than lor agncuiiunu pur poses, and to estaonsn ins ciaun to eatu land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon city, vregon, on nrday the 19th day of October, 1889. He names as witnesses : W East, W H Tay lor, II Brennan and J B Towsley, all of Albany, Linn county, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above de scribed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 19th day of October, 1889. 3 W. T. Bcknkt, Kegtster. NOTICE. All peraone Indebted to tho late firm ot Brdue & Robertfion will please call at the atore and settle thtir accounts without delay .and greatly (-uiiirs J. M. BaRDUK, , Successor to Bardua & Robertson. Ett.w, to HTANAKD, VRCFITS THE LEADER SMITH, Ihe Woii'JV trtt. Mcrct 1 1 , ft n l ii r -c red 7 hun c if.d differ- e e 11 1 sty Jes o c k s and heaters Unls, Frnit, TOBACCO. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1S89. : Notice is hereby (riven tliat in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An art for t he sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," William C Coolev, of P-rownsville, county of Linn, State of Ore son, has this dav filed in this office his sworn statement So 12C3,for the purchase of the K Sola W 3i and lots 1 and 2 of Sec No 30, in Tp 10 south, Range No 3 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable lor its Um ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be fore the Register and Receiver of this of fice at Oregon City, Oregon, on c-aturday the lth day of October, 1889. He names as witnesses : ND Standish, A Howe, J K Mcllargne and C 11 Hoberg, all of Linn county, Oregon. Any and all per sons claiming adversely the above de scribed lands are requested to file ' their claims in this office on or before said 19th day of October, 1889. TV". T- BntXET, Eegister. TIMBER LAND NOTICE, United States Land Office, Oregon City. Or., July 25, 1SS0. Notice is hereby given tlwt in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the State of California, Oregon, Nevada and II "ashing ton Territory," James II Stevens, of Turn water, county of Thurston, Territory of U'ashington, has this day filed in this of fice his sworn statement No 126, for tho Snrchase of the S W of Sec No 2tS, in Tp o 10 south, Range No 2 east, and will of fer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Or., on Tuesday the 22nd day of October, 18). He names as witnesses : j K Hutchinson, G B Jakobson, W Scourfield and John Garner, all of Seattle, Kins Co., w . T. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands are re quested to file their elaims in this office on or before said 22nd day of October, 1880. Y. T. BVrxey, Register. J. J. D ORRIS, Abstractor and Conveyancer, rOffloe at theJCourt House, DR, C A WHITilHY, j Physician and Surgeon. Grsdnsts of Bellertie Hoipital ' die College Now Yerk City. . ' Disewwuf woinaa a rpecisltv. f t rOSicr, Froman's Brick, Albany, Or. A reliable V. 8. Standard S-ton ce!e oaly 37. Delivered at your nearest rail I ro d atatloh free of freight on thirty da v.-' trial. Largr scales at proportlootitelv? low j rloes. Warranted five 3 ears. ' j Address, ! - 1 F. C. HOFFMAN Albany, Oregon i WANTED. -Oiil to do gfineral hoi!s work. Apply at residence of V in lortmillcr. E So etc. stables.