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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1889)
one AS VI HITPOSED. ! Some time ago the Dk.mocr at said t ! "The 7iW--V.foiiMTContInueelcU I tlie democrats "free traders." The Dkat- (k iu hit quite frequently called upon J that paper to explain what it meant bjr the i term "tree trade." ThU It perfectly leg I lilmate and fair quetlon,and ne no can I ii. I mar. thould refute to answer, but the I MmntmMrr studiously avoids the matter and refute In toto to antwer. Now why tiilt refusal f Simply because Itt antwer would prove lit own party to he "tree-traJei-v,' 'or It would prove lit charge against democrat to he false. Thlt.and thlt alene, It the reaton that that paper dodget. It It not candid about the matter." To tliow how literally true the abort allegation! are we give below the answer which the Mauntmnttr made "We will call the democratic partypro- lectlonlsts ' It It will tult our esteemed co temporary better. Timet without number we have proved democracy tobe free trade In all ltt tendenclet.and It t not necessary to repeat the argument. The party l claim again! the policy of republican! and call It the robber tarlff.and sa v It It antwer able for all the evil which hat befallen the country ; and It I reasonable and logical to suppose that Bourbon are free trader the oppotlie to the economical policy of protection, bentlemen. don t be punciu ileut about the matter t but honettly and frankly acknowledge that you favor the natlenal policy of England in preference to me American. Could dodging and vacillation be more complete t Let everr reader Judge for hlmtett. The AtfaafaWer dare not parti cularlxe and tpeclfy the reaton which It would give to show that dimecrats art "tree trader," for.In to well know that exactly similar and equally cogent reaton could be adduced to thow that It party are "free Irader." Let us polntout the awkward aitltode into which It would place Itself It it were to attempt to give It reasons tor charging democrat with being "free trader." It would tay that because the democrat put woo' on the free list therefore, they are free trader. Well, the republican In their senate bill put cotton oa the tree lift, therefore they,llkcwise,ar free trader. The democrat put glycerine and the republican put ottar of rote on the free lUt,therefore both arc freetrader The democrat put ttlt on the free lltt,but the republican! put mutk.crude opium and lemon peel on the free list, hence It .he democrat! are free tradei,toglc' iron rule will measure up the tepubllcan as free trader alto. The democrats reduced th duty on sugar ao per cent and the republi cans 50 per cent,hence the latter are more radical free tinders than democrat.The re publican put tauer kraut and Pologna sausage on the tree list and the democrat put shingle and lumt-r,and thu we might continue to adduce fact that would prove the republican to be free trader by the same logic a demucra' are shown to be tuch,and it U thlt awkward dilemma that ur esteemed cotemporary eek to evade by utterly refining to antwer a very fair question. The Afnriawr,though usually very candid, It not so in this mutter. OlTlUGEOtS roucY. On several occasions the DEMOCRAT hat called attention to the outrageous policy ofhuy- Ing United State bonds hy the Secretary of the rtnsttry at an enormmit premium. Careful calculation thow that the total amount ol bonds purchased since August 3 1SS7 to date It99.353.800. Inconsequence of theprem- lum paid, these bonds cost the government or the people, f JJ1.5jS.3C6, thus extracting from the hard earnings of the people the turn of ftJ.aS4.5C6 at the price paid to the bond ir tskuu. ....t v.. 11. t. 1 i. - - . I Hill. IUII1 tl I VI - Ul nil. holders by the people for the privilege of pay I Jirim A Nhleltl and Rinma Hbl!da. hla And this is don to I wire, Virginia K Hn tenia, Minnie Mtueida, ing off this indehtedxessi reduce the surplus, not becaute the administra tion DixrticuLuly cures to reduce the tleht. This administration would never think " of at tempting to reduce the public debt In. this way were there no surplus, It is an outrage of the most inexcusable sort. WANTED,-Grain and stork farm of all tleaorlpiUiuK. If you want to ll your property write or call on 12, li, nearciwry. Krai f,tn Agent, Albany, Office nn Itrosdallln Mrci-t. tear Flist P. O. boat 84. Summons a Ik Circuit Court of Oregon for Unit l.peerjr. w ir ir uki.1,1. t f v ut.i.,.i. it 1 lnuua and M Young Ler lumband.Marv . t . a. . . 1 - imrri ana J J imrrta, ner uutoanu, Haliitltr, HuU'.d: (Shield, ttalalda Sbleidn.s.n dearth M tTiiolda, Defendanta To said defendants. Miuuif Shield, Shield, Shield, Shield) and Shield. la th nam of th stata of Oregon, yoa treberahy required tobe and annesr aod tntwtr th onmiilatnt Med aaaibis yoa in th above entitled anil in th above oatitlad TV.T.PHR APTTTf! N17.WS " tth. n.t reur iuuuvii.i itrtui the above eutltlvt Umrl, to wit, on Monday th 28th day of October, 1880, and if you fait to appear and antwrr. th t'lmutiff will apply to th t ourt for tb r lief prd tor in their complaint, via . Fur a dor of th Com I to ptrtitiou th real aUU owned by I'lainttfr and Dt-ftudaaU a Untnt in common described at follow, to wit 1 Lot 1 aud 2 and fraotional lot in block 12. in eattarn addition to th eity of Albany. Lino county, Oregon Alto lots 1, 7, 8 and th wt ftlf of lot 2, in block 13 in the eastern addition to th otty of At bany, Linn eonnty, Uresop. Attn ootnnivno ing at th 8 V oorni of block No 37 llaoklcinan a 2ua audition to the city of Al bany. Linn county, Oregon, and rooning thtuca northerly on the wtstara boa odary hue of aid block. 1 1 1 fees J tbtue Mtttrl v parallel with th nor thrn boundary lie of aid block, Gu feet t thtoo louthtrly par' 1 last witn aii wMUrn boundary iiua, lit ft t tbeno wottrrly on th tout barn boundary lino id aaid block, CO fael to th pla of beginning. And tf a partition oaanos bo had wlthoal material Injury to the inttr! f the parties hereto, that th aid real oatato h told at provided by law ami th proooeda of said sai be partitinnnl atoording to the respec tive iuteresisol tbepUint'lTsaad dif.ndnts, and that th costs tod ditbnrneata be t . ed aa by law provided, and foi tuch other relief a to equity insy worn just. This Summon i lol)in-ri ty i.rtlti of Hon R P Uots. lodge tf said Coup, mad t Cham her at Sm, Oregon, SepUrnbcr 12th, 18S9. J. K. WitATiuarottn, Att'y for Plaintiffs. TIMBER LAND NOTIE rutted NWktes t,and t'fflit, orcftxi Clly, Oreipx. July l(tth, Niitle it Ivh thtt 111 winiiillano with the provisions at the tut al Congress nt tune snt, 1K7H, entlWeil "AH tot lor tr.t sue of limnsr in' m mm HUkSreet t'tlUitraia, trsnn, NvU surf Wsahtiif an Terrttnsr," IslU K ihiiilnsnn. m Aintny, eoun tv ol Linn, Hut ol Ontann.tlis tlvls dsy Itlvri In this offlo hU twnrti ttetaiimnt No ISsift, lor tlie pttrvhMe el theH K i of Mrs No H In Ti No 10 south, IUlK N S mss, ana will (tmr iinmi w snow irai eoiurM is more vsliisb's lor IW timber or stone thsn h eurlau tnrel mirnivsos. n so esisnusn n.noiniio tnesid lend More the Kt(latertnd Heiielver ol tills elttee t tlregon fltv, Oio, an Momisy, the ltih U ml IkitnlxP IHMt. lie HS.Uee M WltllMSW t II Hrannsn. W Kut. i It Towslov snd W It Taylor, alt nt Aliianv. I. Inn nnillitv llrvirnn. AnV end til Per sons eiu Mint eovervieit ne eooe iiwnuwi sn. nNiti.tml ulsluisln Hilt ollloe on ur belnre ssia Mlh dsy ol Ui-toiwr, iiwu. Tli T. IH'SBiT, IMflwn PERILS Of OTERfECDIMJ. Excessive rating it not the most striking or the most widely prevalent fauit of the present generation. On the contrary, moderation, and even tometime undue limitation, in dirt I the prevailing fashion. There la still. however, considerable num ber of person who habitually overeat at meal, and to tuch a few physiological hint may not be without their value. Dr Reudon ha been at the palna to make tome careful mvettigationt on the tubject, and hit retultt have recently been publish ed. According to thlt observer, t not un common consequence of overfeeding It the t'evelopmeiit of a series of symptoms in many respect timilar to those of typhoid fever. The temperature rises, there 1st feeling of serious illness, the sleep is dis turbed, the brain Is incapacitated, and in severe cases the disability is complete. The cause of these symptoms is insufficient elimination and an alteration lr the blood b ought about by the impregnation ot the organism with accumulated watte products In addition to thee typhoid tymtoms thrombose occur In the vessels, and what ia known as spontaneous gangrene, or mortification of partt.without any obvious or sufficient cause. Now, these are condl tiona of very marked danger, particularly the thromboses and the spontaneous gan grene. There is danger to life here. The obvious remedy for such a series of evils is, of course, rest for the overworked digesting and eliminating otgans. Bo.h the quanti ty and the quality of the food mutt be to changed as to admit of the performanceof easy digestion, perfect asa'inilation and adequate elimination of watte. Lemon ades and lemon juice are t sid to be of great aervice in diminishing the extreme craving for food ; and this, from a limited expe rience, w? can, to some extent, confirm. Milk, aiso.In moderate quantities Is useful, and in certain cases skim milk would pro bably he best. It Is not always found that the resting of the organs Is sufficient. The fever may persist for a long time,and with it the feeling of very decided illness. Drug of different kind are then urgently de manded,and a competent physician thould be consulted without delay. A Swamp lud UeeUloh, Washington, Sept. 17, Secretary Noble, on a motion for review made by the state of Oregon in the swamp land list reviewed by Secretary ilas on December 17, 1539, tat denied the motion. The amount ef Urd in volved originally wat 91,000 acres. Of this amount ia,ou acres by former decisions were patented to the slate. Under the decision ol ja-uary 18, 1S80, ao.000 acres of this alleged swtmp land was decided to be hilly and moun tainous. Of the 53,000 acres remaining, secretary N-ihle decide that he will not enter tain a motion tor review. Who trill It Be. I)i 1 Park, Md., Sept. 17. It is it Med authoritatively lo night that Major Warner bat not declined the comntitMonerthip, He still bss the matter under consideration. Major Ueorg S Merril of Massachusetts, is be' lieved to be the only other man whom Prcsi dent Harrison ia considering, IUt.TlMORx, Sept. 17. The standing coin milt of the IiOgan Invincible, ol Maryland, largely compose! ol old soldiers, adopted a resolution lo-night strongly recommending Mrs John A .in tor the ollice of commissioner of pensions. liored by a Ball. alzm, ur., sept. l7.Ueo Hughes, a young man working for T I. Davidsoa, near th!s city, was badly gored by an angry bull this evening. I Ie received three bad wounds. one in the thigh, one in the groin, and one in the ttomsch, lr J N Smith was called and is it doubt as lo the wounded man chance. Lik a SottajKe. Auckland, Sept. 16. The Tonga steamer Wainui bas brought to this port the captain and crew of the British ship Canton, Captain Davies, from Sydney, New South Wales, for San rrancisco, which foundered in midocetn The thip wrecked sailors were twenty two Jays in an open boat without food or water. Oa Ihe twenty second day the men were driven lo de peration by hunger and thirst, snd decided that one of thci. number must be sacrificed to save the lives of the others. They were cast ing lots to see who should be the victim when they slightek Wallis irland. The natives of the island assisted the exhausted men lo land, and treated I hens in the kindest manner, The mission boat took thern to Tongs, A Candidate ladictoa. Tlscc.N, ArU., Sept. 16. The grand jury has completed its labors, finding nineteen in dictments, four of which, it is staled, were against T C Stiles, assignee of the suspended bank of Hudsoa & Co. The main charge is Ihe embezzlement of large sums of money of I lie assets. Stiles is now in Washington leHtory, where he is re ported lo be a candidate for ihe supreme bench on Ihe republican ticket, lb Toaraaaieat. Tacoma. Win., Sept. 16. The annual meeting of the Northwestern Firemen's Aso ciation was held to-dav under the chairmanship of Acting President Worsley, of Astoria. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: a r worsier, Astoria, president: I C Kainey, Tacome, lint vice president: T Ducey Victoria, second vice president: E Saneerson. Walla Walls, third vice president; A P Pincos Vancouver, Wtn.,fourth vice president; Charlet Ainertsoo. Seattle, ufth vice president; C w waits, Alrmny.secretanr; W Dugsn.Salem. treasurer; T 1 Hart, Walla Walb, satislician and J N Hoffman, Albany, George A lSur- Danks, lacoma, and VV J Harry, Aston, members of the board of directors. (JaiteSeasatioaal Spokane Falls,W T., Sept. 16. Exposur e in the most disgraceful scandal in Ihe history r . cm vv asmngion were made tofay. On ac count of the terrible fire that occurred August 4. inousanus 01 dollars wortu ol provisions were sent here from sll part of the country tbe sufferers. The supplies TIMBER LAMP NOTICE. Jelled BUtot band llfflce, riramin t ll Orauult. J 11W iHlh. 1PWH. Mntla la harehv Hi van thai in sow iillKiire with the prevision ol the eul el tii rase ttt June rd, litis, entitled "An set lor the sals u( timber lands In the tiauM California, tlrnmiit. Nevaila snd Washington Territory," Justus U Towaiwy, ol Albany, count ol Linn, MUtt oiurevofl, naa inie way men in waimm his sworn statement No IMS. lor the purvheae ol the si ur 1 .jh-i N.. ihi I11T0 No io aoalh. HanreNo a east aud will offer prnol Sj allow that the lend suught Is snore valuable lor Its timber rr alum than lor av Mi.iiluiral num. una. and lo establish hi claim to said land Iwfo.-e the Ki-glrtor snd Kocsioerol Hits ooluest Oruo City, IH-eifuM, on tonuay.itt ism oay oiiw Sober. lHtw. lie nentesaa wuiiraaaa ir. n.fnutf, D Mellae. II lirennaa tnd W II Taylor, sll ol Albany, I. Inn iniiiniv. ikrwnin. Anv and all tteraont claimliii arfraraaiir lha abuve 'laeerlbed land are reuuestvd tv HI their elelme In thlt olllne on or before said 14th oay of Ortober, m. , W. T. Busssv, Regteter. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State band Offloe, nrrin lit v. llmimi. July lath. t&SO. Notice It hereby tfirenlliat In euoiatUuc with th nruvlslonsol tlieaet of Contres ol Jen Snl, s7S, entitled "Aa at4 ha tale el Uuiber land la the (lutee ut iwil.enila, tlraeon, Navads tnd Wehltilo Ter rttory," William II Tay hir. of Albany, eounty rf J.lnn, Mleteof UresiM. has this day Hied In this uffioe his ewurn ataUnwnt No lK.fl, lor Iht purchaas ol the n 1 n naa 1,0 oa, in f,u lu wuii. .....n east sad will offer pronl to allow that the land nuht lessor valuble lor las timber or at n than lurap rieultoral nurpoeet, snd to establish hit claim to laid land balora iha Uau later and receiver ol this ofBo Ursa-ou Uy, Oreon, on atonday Ihe Mth da ol Oo toher, I WW, Me nantaa aa witnesses I J H Toweley, H Hrennan, W KmI eed II Mrltae, all of Albany, Una eottHlv. Oregon. Anv and all verwooe eiatmina ad versely IN described I. His ar rwiueetea to me thalrtlslmtln tliUcltltfonor balorelhit Itlh oay el Uctuber, W. T. Ik sv, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United lllate Land Ofllre, orriron City, wit-gmt. inly 17th, tH. Nullm In lionili ulveii tlmt In ivmiiillniir with I lie nrovlalotia ol th aot of t'liniin-ss ol June n, m, entitled "An Ac, lor the snlnol lliiiocr tttnds In the atnte of liailfurnln, tirn. on. Nevada ana WathitiKton Tt-rrilnry," rrett tnhsn.ot HnnUle, t'ounly of Klnc. Torrllnry l WashltiKton, ha thla dny flli-d In tbla tilnce hla sworn etntoment No. 1 ,221, for the pnrrlmse of the K ) of snollnn No. IW, lit township No. in a. rii! mi. n r, ana will nfrr tiriMH to sitnw Mint tlie land sought is more vnfnnlde .'if II lliiilwir or atone than fnraurli-ull urnl punxisps, and to eaintilisii tun ImIiii lo SHIil ihiiU oeiore tho H-ulsU-r end kneol vnr of this ollice at Ore gon city, urvgon, ou ainrday. tb ll Day of ttrlubrr. tiMO, It tin namoa a wltnesspsi VX Ithmlurr, B Kiohn, M Mewart and K Mans, all ol aratlle, KltiK County. viaahliiRUin Territory. Any and all Pomona olaliulna adversely I tin BlmvndoanrllH-l Inmla are niniiiatid to 111" Iholr claims In thla olllo on or bntorasald lulls day ol uotoix-r, wn. W T lli'Stsr, negisier, Summons, In UU Circuit Comrl elAe SliUtrf Or fit far (A Coeay of Ltnn : Sarah Hioes, PtaiutifT. vs. Thomas Uinee, Defendant. To Tbema llina, th liov Defendant t In th asm of th Stat of Oregon I Yob ar hereby repaired to appear ami answer th complaint of til Hamuli above bsrneu, now co bl with th Clrik tf th above o- tilled Ccurl on or baler th Hist day til lb October term lS!f aid Cironil CWrtoest following th service tt thik oammont uo yon by publiaatioo. to wit i Ibo talk day of eter, laas. and yoo ar hereby notified that if j on fail to epper a no aoawer aia omnpiaios aa Here in repaired, tba naiiitm will saao jaagmeoi asainat yon. and will apply to th Coort for the relief prayed for in tho ooeapiaiot, to-wit i A dioaolntioo of the bond of mat rimony io tiatint between )a and Main tiff and judgment for hrr U aod diabsirso snoot in this anil to no taied- ThU Somrami ie pnbltehed by order ! Uoa R V ftoiee, Jede ol id Otort. tnad at Chamvra, S.lem, Oregon. on Septem ber tb. mv. T. J Stites, Attorney for Ptal-lrf Summons, tin Circuit Cturlcj IkeStaUff Cr- fom,fr Iauu Cuuutjr. r E AUen, Plaint., v. Satan U. Allea, Dei'rodaot. To 8oaa M. Allan, th alee named D feadaut I According to the wheat estimates of the London Miller, Russia will fall 72,ooo,coo bushels below the average, Hungary 36,000, 000, Roumsnia 8,000,000, Germany, 8,ooo( 000, India 18,000,000, and South America and Australia 24,000,000, which gives a total shortage of 166,000,000 bushels. The United Slates showsan increase of 82,ooo,ooo,Canada 8,000,000, England and France 32,000,000, and Italy, Spain, Belgium, Holland and Algeria 32,oooooo,making a total of 154,000-000, for the relief of were taken charge of by tbe Relief Committee and issued to applicants upon orders obtained from persons authorized lo perform that duty. subsequently, it was discovered that crooked nets had been practiced, and thst Robert Inglis, an employe of ihe relief committee who was suspected of stealing goods and telling tbem to tbe grocers and others, had left tbe city. Chief of Police Warren traced him lo Chico, California, and bronght him back. He then made the startling statement that a con spiracy had existed amon the officials and others for theappropibtion of the relief supplies on a large Kale. The Storm Over. New York, Sept. 14. The storm is over. Last night it went south of Florida, Winds have diminished all along tbe coast . Thi y arc running off New England sis lo eight miles; at l'hiladclphia twelve, at Piorfclk eight. Key West ten; they are light here. Total rainfall. 5. 40 inches. a r mated Again Bi'FrALO.Sept, 14. A suspicious character was arrested this morning. He acknowledges he is Tascott, the murderer of Snell. The police believe Ihe right man is captured. A Diaaatroa Vin. I)t lsvn.LE, Ky Sept. 15. Bamburger, Boom & Co., wholesale dealers in dry goods, were burned out tnight. Six firemen were caught by falling walls and killed and more are reported missing. The men were work ing close up to the building, when the rear walls fell, catching them, The bodies of four have been taken out, fearfully mangled. A Darius; Jump. CLr.VEi.AM),Sept, 1 5. Steve Bfodie jump, ed from the back of a tight rope walker on a cable into an artificial lake at Byerle'i Park to day, a distance of 100 feet, Theie were 500 spectators. In th nam of the State of Oiejron. Yoo are hereby rsqoired to apprar and taitfii tie complaint of the above Plait tiff la tbe hove entitled Coort, now 00 Hie with tbe Clark of said Ooort, 00 or before Ike task day r en laker, is, it being th tint day of tk reenter October term. 1839 of said Court, aud yon ar here by notified thst, if ) 00 fail to appear and aoawer said complaint aa hereby renairrd, tb Plaintiff will apply to tb dmit for too relief demeoded tbcrvir, W-wtt 1 A decree gainst von diaanlving and aaaalling tb bond of matrimony now tnbsistiog l eteeeo plaintiff and defendant, divesting out of tb dwfeodant th till to the west half of Block 44, in tb eity tJ Albany, Oreuoo, and veet tog tb him in tb Plaintiff io le, for soch other sad further relief t Plaintiff msv b entitled to, aod for tho cost and disburse ment of tbi snit to K tssed. This Stsuansi ia published in tbe StaTI Riohtr Danocaar by order -f Hon R P. Boise, Jadg of aaid Coort, which tid or der we mad at Chamber in th city of .Salem, Oregnr, ou th ftth day of tt Um ber, 18S9. Black c b St W a tour. AHoroej for Plaintiff. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Mat band unto. Orrgon City. Oregon. July Wth, IM9 Notice la heroby given that In compliance wtln 1 1 provisions of the act of Cougreas of June. PCfH.enlitliKVAo aot for the tale ol tim k.. Umia In ihe elatee ol C'alllornla. Oreann Nevada, and Washington Territory," Walter Kaat, of Albany, owuty uf Unn. alale 01 Ore gon, bat thla day nirdin Ihlaomo bl sworn iimtit No W-Ht. lor the Mirchauasof theaW 4 of aecllou No 41. In lowtiatilp No looulb rang No t east, and will onVr prool to aiiuw that tn landtoughl ia more veins bio lor lie limber or atone than loi agrlrollorel piirMaea,and to e. Ubliah bla claim loaald land bolorellie Hegia-K-raod Hetwiver of thla inone al orgn 'ir. Oregon, on Monday, trie I till day of Itrtober, trvej. lie naaiee aa vHM'-ear i U etcHi-e, M MranBan.Juruwralov wuuW HTay lor. olAiuwny. Uon eaiunly. t'rraim. Any end all p-reoiia elalrnleg advaiSKly toe atne dreerllwd lanile are rminuated In rti.i th-lr In thi olBoc oa or brlor said lltli d l unotwr. Iwel. W T lit asst. Huglater. SherTtriWale, n tktCireuit Car olAi.VMt Orjnvr Li County. Robert H Lollor, atadniinlatralor of tho estate of 3Ha A Adm,decsuiod, plaintiff, v. R II ltuthorford. Hannah B Rutborford, nd Mary it Kut bar ford, Hcfendanla. Notice I bfby given that by vlrtd of an eznonttoo and order of aalo leoood out of tba above itanird Court In tho abort entltlcl aud, 1 wUI, on aloratay. Us Itih slay of ctaawr, !. at tb Court Houec dxir.lo tho eity of Al ba ny, Unn county. th Hour 01 I o'clock p. m. on aala day, aoll at public auction, for cash in band, to the blgboat bidder, th teal property dteaertttod tn aaid oaecution and 1 rdtr of a lo aa follow, to st It: Tba south jalfnf tb southwest quarter, tba noilb half of th aoolbweat quarter of lb nortliwrtt quarter of tn ouihtaat quaiter and tho aoi'th half nf urn oouthesset quarter of aeiion ts, la own- hip V aoitb. rang 1 wta', of tho Willamttt hi. rldtan in Unnconntr.Or gon eptlnii a tract bounded alK-gln nlna?ata point 5.HQ chain north of tbe onlhaat corner of aaid section 8(1, and running; tbenc aoutb 6.00 chains, tnonoo woet 10.00cbalne.tnd the nc nortbotatorly lo tb pl.c of bcglnuloB. togntber wltli tb tenement ana appuru-nattrei ttieio ooto belonging or In any wlsw appertain' log. Th prooeoila ofsa! of aaid prcm lee to b applied aa directed In aaid writ t FiraWTo tb payment of tb coat and dlburmnUof tbl anit Used at 7I t-0, and Bcernlogcoata nn former leoation tid at W 2i,and accruing coata on tbl execution. Second To tbe payment to Ike pla'n Uffa brln tbe atim ol 3,4ilX50, In U H gold coin. with lute rest at tb r te nf 8 per cent per annua, Horn Jon 27, 1&0. and tb further um of U0 attorney fees. Dated tbl l&h da of Kej l. IMS. John ismim most, fiberlff of Unn county, Oregon. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Wntea band firtlcc, 1 ...... 1. 1. t..i. itiIi tiun Notion la.lien-li ulvrn that In rotnpliaiiof with the iirovialona of the ant of tHiiiirrraa til Juiiea, IH7K, nntlllinl "An Ant lor the al ol tlititic. lamia Hi the Ntitlesof uallinrnia,r on. Nevada and Waahliiutoii Tnrrlutry. :dwaril Mans, of geettle. tiniintv of King Territory of Wastilnulon. haa thla day filed In tnii!!o ni sworn emumient no. i,..-". ior the mirchnae of the MK I nf eee Ion No, ti. In township no. lo H, range No. II K. and will olfe r proot to s:uw that the land sougnt is morn valuable for iu t miwror atone than loragri cultural liurimee. and toeetnbllsll hi rUllll tn said land before the lieglator and Kooelvcr of tbl 01110 at Orogou City, or 11011, ot atnr!ay lb Ittfc stay of, Oelebrr, laa. II names aawltueasoai P tillbert, 0 molting, M atnwart, and t Bens, all ol aval lie. King uotinty. Wash nrtnn Territory, Any and all pvrauii olalinliig adveraely the above-deaorilM'd lauds are riuii-'aU'd lo 11 in tneir claims in itiiaoiuoe on or iwior sain utn day 01 Ootooer, urn. W T ilt'sxsv, Hvgtalcr. TIMBER LAND KOTICE. United atatea band orric. omgon city . orrgou. July Joth. iHna, Notice la liorehy given thai In compliance with the provision of the act of t'ongri ssol June a, iir.a, miiieu-An aot rorineaainof tint Iter land in Ihe ateUe of lallrornlH, o.tgo Nevada, and Waalilugton Territory," John w Payne, ol Meatlle, county of King, lorrll ory of Washington, ItaeUile day fliiHl In Una union nia worn ataiemeiit. Mi uu. lor too purahaaeoi then W I of eootian No at. In tuwnahlo Nolo. eouth range NoKeaet, and will orfi-r prool t how that the laud eougbl It more valuable lor lie timber or sume tnan ror agricultural pur tr4t T'"t The LEADING Grocery Store IS- LaForest & Thompson's, 23.ICei" ! grgA.Tr. 2HS 3 C0"W ' gr?Tr..Agls GhOCaaaD)il5' M WHAT KEEPS' THEM IN THE EAO. rhTlr S loci of GROOERIEr? and PnODUCE 1m ivlwojrn Completo- Riece, and to eatebllah hla ciaine u aaiu land .lore tlie Hngleter end Meceivrr ol Ihlaollluo t Oregon t It v,ir-oii,eii Lull dny of tidobcr, lami. lie name witneeera 1 UA ItcnoiHt. r lHM-gl(rn, Jbarntr and J rwatlla, ail 01 Seattle, aingeouuly, waainugutn Terrl lory. Any and all ucraiii. claiming wivcrai-ly the above described lands a. rruin l. d to nie their claim In tlilaulikoeou or Ixnira auld l-Mll day ol October, lii. ' W T Bt assv, m-clater. ti m be it l an! fK' otice7 tolled Mates Land ofttoo. uregou tit, Oregon, Jul 'ilnd, laae. Notice la hern, y given that In compliance with th pruvislwna of the act of Wongreaa l Junes, Is;. emu rd" An act lortneaaleoi tim ber aouain the stali-a of California, Urcgun, Kevada.and Waahlngloa Territory ."Julio tlan Igan.ul tencouvcr.ooonly 01 Clarke, Uirrttory ol Washing on, baa this day Olfii In thla olhoe his sworn statement No Hut, lor Ihe purchaa ol the N t 11I No aj. In township No ti, amilh range .No t ewat, aud will nlfur .roof to show that th land sought la more valuable for lie Umber or atone than fur agricultural pur ponce, and to establish hla claim U aaid laud bclore the hg later and Kxwlverof thla oflloe at uregoo City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the loth day of tielober, Ian, lie name as witneeeca , a W Hobaon and J Sweet, of Van couver, Clarke eouoly, W Tjsnd W b Mary and W eege.ol Portland. Multnomah oounly.orvgoo. Any end all persona claiming adveraely the above dwrilMHl lamia are reiueatei to file their eUlm. In this umce on or before sold lotb day of tfctobrr, mu. W T nrssar, Hegleter. I ,-i CHAS. H. DODD tSu CO, ! IMPORTERS OF Hardware, Iron, Steel, AND FARM MACHINERY, Front, First and Vine Streets, ::::::: Portland, Oregon. Sol Agent for Oregon and WMhlngtort for President Harrison again signified his choice of ihe "frank and bold if brutal method of turning men and wi mm out simply for political opinion," which lie once prayed for as an alternatlvs I the Cleveland type of reform, by removing twenty presidential postmasters on Friday last simply because they were democrats. And this Is how he redeems the pledge to "eatend the reform" of the civil service. Executor's Notice. Notice is bcrly given that th unrfer ined bsa been by tb Cont,ty Conrt of Lin enor.ty, Oregon, duly appointed exeeator of tba lass w ul aod tetambtrtf Lydia looee. deceased. Is te of Linn connty, Oregon. All persons having claim sgsiost aaid tat ar hereby nolirie-l In present tbem to tb no derrgned at hi resideoc ia Hyrecosa Pre otoct. Linn coun tj.Oregoc, proper! vyritil, witt.10 sis rrooth from thu date. Thi 2nd day of September, 189. Isaac HtKiit, J. K. y EATHiEyoKD, Eaeeutor. Att'y fin- E. If any nedoul ti the remarkable growth which Al!any is now making let him keep an eye on the real esttte sties as reported in the columns ol ihe Democrat, This and many other evidences which are daily reported make' he list of doubting "Thomases" extremely small. Albany stands perpendicularly on ber feet acknowledging dependence on no one. The pluck and courage of ber business men end capitalists are placing her in line with the pro gress! ve cities of I he day. Her future is elec trically bright. Now comes the Roseburg PlaimUaUr and says that Campbell, the democratic nominee for governor of Ohio, is a protectionist of tbe Randall school, snd running on a "free trade" platform. Bro Benjamin makes a mess of things. Campbell wss sn earnest supp-rter of the Mills bill and voted for it in congress; therefore he is not a "protectionist of the Kantian .school. ' 1 nat paper further sayi that he is running oa a "free trade", platform, Now Bio. we want'to ask yoo a fair, square question, and we feel confident that you, as a fair square man, will answer it csndidly. What is a "free trader' There, now, come right up to the work snd answer. Summons, In the Omit Court oj the State tf Oregon for th County of Vtnn : Mary Ciocseo, I'laiotirT. TS. David LCros-i n, Dcfeudsbt, In th name cf the state of Oregon yon required to appear aud aoswir tbe con.puibt against too in the above en tt'IedConrf, now on tlie witn th Ulerk f aid Court, 00 or before the THth slay oftUhrr, A. ISM, tb me leing th hrst dsy of a regular term of this Court, commencing org, after th el p' rstton i f six week from tbadst of th publication nf this tnnimocs, and if yon so fail to snseer, for want plain tiff will apply to the Coort for the relief de manded in th complaint, to-wit ,for a deer forever dissolving th bond of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant! aod entreating to plaintiff th custody and control of tb lire minor children of plaintiff ar.d defendant ; and - for a decree divesting th till out cf and from defendant.and vest ing title in fee simple in the plaintiff, of, in ar.d tc one-third (jj) of all the real property of th defendant, to-wit : W of S W of h.o 1. snd E i of 8 K J of cVc t, in Tp 4, 3 of R 38 cast, .f the Willamette meridiau ) slim B JVf N Rtr.d F of S EJ of See 11, in Tp 4. 8 of R 38 E. W M. all situated and being in Union county, Oregon ( and for ($3000) thre thousand i!ollra alimony, and for ($150) on hundred end fifty dollar te defrty plaintiff expense of thi soit and for plaintiff' coat and disbursement of this snit, and for such forthtr relief as may te th Court seem proper. Thissnmmno i published by order ct Hon K P Km-e, Judpe of ihe above ec titled Court, made at Chamber in the city f 8a lem, Otegnn, snd herriug date the 10th dsy of September, 1889. BaACKBCEN & Vv BIGHT, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Executor's Notice. Notice is bn by given that . th onder sicned Esecutor itt tbe I eat will and tease' meet of Iflary ) Oaleilo, di Ceased, ha riled io th Cooaty Court for Lion enonry, Ore eon, hi tioal account of aaid estate. And tbe Con it ha fixed th Un 4ay of October, Ian, at the hear of 1 o'clock, p. m.t Ol ssid dsy for heanrg objection tn (aid final accoant aod for tl a aettlemeot of tb estate. This th 3rd day of September, 188! 8amcii. Nixon, J. K. WiATAfKliroKD. Kxeeoter, Attorney for Executor. Citation. In the County Court of Liu eounty, Oregon. la tb matter of tn estate aod goardian sbtp of Electro St iter, a minor. To lb nzt of kin nd all rroa inter- ted in tbe estate of lb above named n-iu- or. Uieetiug , la tbe earn ot tbe Slate of Oreeoo, vo are hereby cited and directed to appear in th County t.'oort of tb Kiel cf Oretron for tb com 1 nf l.i no at the tJourt room there of in the city of Albany la raid oooaty and State on " Menstey Ihe llh slay ef Oetehrr, IS. st 9 o'clock. . m f ssid day and thrr show esose, il ary tlierelie, why a liceo- shonld not be granted In T J 8tita, guar dian cf said minor for the sate c-f the real estat of said mn o'. d-scribed a foitov. 1 Aa tndivided on third interest of the tract defeated folio j 1 beginning at a point 85 link north 89 east and 30 feet south 1 esst of Hiram Smith's southeast corner of tlie tract id lar.rt I) ing near tbe town f HeriisLury, Oregon; theoee south 1 ! 3 chn and SO links to a poet 1 thence si.u'h SO v. est 2 chains and 56 liobs te a post 1 ll.ence north 1 west 3 ehsia and 60 links to a poat thence north 89s east 2 chain and SO libk to th plac of beajioiaig, containing 1 acre in Township 15 aoalh ranfie 4 srst lying and beiog in the eonoty of Lion and Ktale nf Oregon. ' Done by order cf lion URN Blackburn, Judge nf id Court. Witness my hand and thl of said Court tbi 21st day ol Ao gost, 18C9. E. E. MoxTAurjg, Clerk. TIMBER LAM) NOTICE. Veiled SUUn Laud Onto. Oregon VHy, tirrgon, July 2-'nd, 1)09. Kotlce la liereoy given 10 el tn ounapllaoce Wtth the provt.i.Mia ut the net of Cunareaeol Juue 4, line, ent,toU"Aa ait lorlne aaleoC um ber laud In I he elaU'S ot I alitornlo, oreon, hevatla, and Washliigton Territory , Ueorge w Koteuii, ol Vaneuuver, county ol Clara, terri tory ol waahiniton, has thla day filed in this ufHoe, hla seoru atalement No UI7. fur the pur eliaae ol the W ol aorttoo Jo i. In Uiwealilp No li, south ranae a real, and erlll oiler rrl to simiw that tlie land aouiilit la more valuable lor lia tuute-r or atone loan lorairt eultural iuria-e,attd let ralabllatt tile elaliu to aatd lend belore tu hrejlater aod Hece-ivef ut thla otou etUron l"Hy. umiHi, on Wednee dev. tlie luth day ol (k-tubrr. IMU, Me nam a as w tMoear i i Hantaan and Mweet, ot Van louver, Clarke county. W T.and w u Marye and W aege,!.! fortlaiid.Mulinoniali eiMihly,iren. Any aod all t-raona rlaJnilnc adverwle the above dearribvd landa ar reiueeted to nie meir eiavima i , inia ouireuu or belure aaid lotn day ol October, ln-Jl. W T Bt sssv, Register. l'alte4Kutee Lead t'lBce, onweo Clt. "Irwua, Jutr UMii. IhsO K'4Ips I atreby l Uiat In eumnliaore ena Ute pruviseew el tbe set of I enence ol e une ard. Ia;a.ea- utled" Aa art lur tbe sal el limber Ian Is la tb auua el Uailt .mla, imras, evade snd Weabtoftua Tee- imttnrj n m aaaiiisuin. naa una oay biot! ta Ibis el bis sa-ora etabnmal Su Ull, lur the Mtrvbeae ol tbe N W ot No St, In T(i ,Va 10 a.uib, kaae Ne t eaat, and alll uger prw4 la snve Uuil the lend euught w wore iiisum km ue usuiiar ee aas Hue lor a. rwullural yennaas, sad SeeaubUsb hlseWin bimul laud bal'ir Ibe HeKieter aad Kee iter of l&tedn al Ur..rtiCiy, Orenwu, on TuaaOar. lb th day td Oo- Mrfier. lew. lie names se rHtaae ; 4 w iayne. uarner, u a iwaaettana 4 r viaill. all ol Una euonty, ethitirVm rerritorv. Anv and ail tier- eeta cbilttiiue el.ili Ibe efaunedeenrtbed Uedaar nqnaehid iu nie inetr clainM ia Una enVe ua ut balure said 1Mb Oay d Ortuber, lufl. w. T, Bt astr. Register. V ; i'-: .r-le - ia- -t t-rbafe- nernr kzyj dcal PLOWS. i Je. Tri !e rwrmw. Ties t ee U aa 1 w ' - HmM jwtfte. that the w . . . iu.Mu...iii.iiirttiL w a luiuimn uiea IU, or a tUit:t Mi-i otwlimenl. btetttbeteaeeirU. rsiififPVF ctWfiF PRPSS GRAIN DRILL. J UuW oW V I aaea Case -ttw uunm - ' nrrr.sTC; DISC HARROW and seeders Tie UUirt it l eowSnjt unser leJW. Tbe raost conpleU and ueeas(ul tool for tb, MirvoM la net. Wei sl X.vr r. rlt tine- of nnsartca. nrrlaitf . Fharleea, 31 eantaln Wsrssl e.iM.AM .1 MiUp aarlae lrslrles. k SCHUTTLER FARM VJAGONS. ' Iav, ci Cbsjria's iteit Tooth tliuvoei.. tn Harows, ttrfeotiflc Teed Mltta, rsrlae raaatof atlUs, ;:J"i BW3 ViiEt. ETC., ETC. r rn nsrr,.tW ,n wtint tin K THK4LL, ASmU. Albany, Or Administratxix Notice, Notice I hereby liven, that the under- signed Admin;stratMt f th estate of Kd wad Murray, deetased, ha filed her final aconnt with the Clerk cf the Cranty Coart for Linn eonoty, Htst c-f Oregor, and the County Coart has fixed Ibe llh day f October, I ft, at t'i hour of 10 e'clook, a. m. of aaid day h r the hearing of objection to said account if any Sod to settle said estate. Axnii Murray, J. K. "Weatherkodo, Administratis. Attorney lor Adn.tnistrstrix. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1889. Notice is hereby gifen that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of Jane 3, 1878, untitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the State of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Alexander P Howe, of Brownsville, county of Linn, State of Ore gon, bas this day filed In this office his sworn statement No 1208,for the purchase of lots 3 and 4 and E 'A S W X of Sec No 30, in Tp No 10 south, liange No 3 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purp tses.and to establish bis claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this oflice at Ore gon City, Or., on Saturday the 19th day of October, 1889. He names as witnesses : J K McHartrue, V C Cooler. N B Stand. ish and J D Irvine, all of Brownsville, Linn countv, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 19th day of October, 1889. IP". T. Bubxev, Register. "TIMBER LAND MTiCK, Called States Land Office. Oregon City, Orernn, July Urd, 1XH0. Nolle Is hereby elen that Inonmplienoe with lb provisions the act ol Omitressot June 3,IH7H,enttllcd "An set lor the esleof lie: tier lands In Mm states ol Cal ifornia OrrfMi, Nsvsrta. ami Waslilnirton Territory," Andrew L tiaaer, ol Hmwnaillelemiilr "t Mun, state efOrema, has this day filed In Shis effle h'S soru statemenl No fur tbe pnrenaa of the N E I ot section No i, in tewnsbip ko 10, south rsnir No 1 ,and will offer proof to show that the land sought is re valuable lor it timber or stuns than for sifriciil- tural purnneea, snd tesublisi his nlslm Uisaiil land besore th eti-ftter and Hecelver ol thla offle si Orrifim City, Oreifun, on Saturday, thelflth day of OnUilier, em Me name se wllrraeee : A P Howa.J K atelier rue, II B Blamlub snd W C Cnoley, all of Umwnsville, Linn county , Oriin. Any and 'all persons claiming s i rersely th staove deserlbed Ismla are requested to file thslr claims In Ibis aftlo on er befursssid lBtb dsy of October, lSW. w J oi nssr, ttegisior. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Culled Klalee LaiKl Offiee, tmua city. Oranm. July tiiul. la. Nutlee ts hereby gt'eti Uwt In euaiii lanes with Ui prvviswei of tneacioi conen es ul June 3rd. INT. entitled "An act lor ihe sale ot limber landa In the male el CaluWnta. Oruo. Karade aad WaahiBBioa Temvr." Ianlel Hsnkia, ut Perttaad, eunuty Mult, ntitneh, niate H Dragon, bas Uila dav Sled ta tliH ol Re hla awoin eutesuent No, 1SOI, lur the purebaaeol the K I ul Hee No au In 1 h !( It, euiim Keu No east, and will efli-r fink' la abaw IbaS the tend eeuht ia mar valuable lu Its tiatber or awns thsn lur e rlrnlturai pnrinaee, to vstabll.h bis ialnt to said land beliirsthe llnjl.tef and hcriaraf tbl. nffle at (l-unL'liy. tlrnion. te Wednesday, the loth day of Ovf.liei, lieu, lie namee se .iimhm : J I'lanian and J Sweet, a!, Clark county, Waahti a-, ion Territory, and W U Uarye and W Harr, ol lortUnd, Multnomah eounty, Oregon, an; and all persons elalmtns; ailveraelr laeabove4leacrlnd lands ar requested Ivfil elattns in this uffio oner bef'iressid tiKhday t October, nll. W.T. tu assr, Reg'stsr. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Vailed States laul Offiee, omroa t.nty, inun, July Smd, law. XotUw bi h-reby eiten that In comnltanee with th provision ol the am of Congress ol Juns 3rd, 1STH, en tilled "An act Cut lhalso( timber lends in thshUtes ol tVln.mla.Oreitoo, Nerada, and Washington Tar- Itory. John hwrrt, ol V anenueer. eoni-ty ul C arse. Territory ol Wasbliigton. has this day filed In Ibis iii fliw his sworn stateaient No VM, hit th purchaas of lot I, I snd S of See So Tp No 13 south It ug No feast, and will Ror prool to abow that Ibe land sought Is more v alanine ior Its timber or sums than bar airrteultural pnii-nsos aud to eatehluib his claim to said land before the Reglate and Heeeirer ol this of fice at Oregon CUV, ur,m Wtdnesdsy. tb HHh day ol October. Iiwu. II name as witnesses : J llaiitgan and J It. lieiii, ol Vanroover, Clarke eonnty, W T, and W T Marye and w Hse, uf Portland, Multnomah Bounty, Orrmn.i Any! aod all ieraoiia claiming sd- verrly ineaienreerrimii umu are requeated lo eielnelretdms in this (.flic oa or betur aaid Iflth day ol tier, 1 n. i.iubsst, negier. Summons, In tJte Circuit Court oJte Stnte of Oregon for Unn County. E.rl Race, Plaintiff. v. .'.!-. ; Majtgia M Race, Defendant. To Maeeie M R re, the abova uaim d ile- faodaat. Ia tb bam of the Stata of Oregon, you are brt required to utiprar and answer th oomplaiot tiled in the above entitled Court sgainst you in tho abr ve entitled suit by tb first day of the next term of the above eotitled Court, to-wit ! ou Monday the 28th day of October, 1889, and if yon fail to so appeal aud answer for want thereof the Plaintiff will apply to th Coort for the re lief demanded to the complaint, viz ; For a decree dissolving the bond of matrimony now existing between the defendant and plaintiff, and decreeing that plaintiff bsv the care, custody and control otGeotge S. Race their minor child and for such other order as may b equitsble. This Summons is published bv order of Hon R P Boise, Judge of aaid - Court, marie at Chamber at tb City of Salem, Or., and dated the 12th day of Reps: 18S9. ., J. K. Weather roan, Attorney for Plaintiff. For your watches dock and jewalry gn French's. Boueet goods, low prices and nick tale. limber Land Notice. United State Land Office, Oregon Cltv, Oretron, July 17th, 1KA0, Notice is hereby gi.en that lit o itni.liai ee with th nrovlaloiia ol the Act of Cotigross of June S. 1S7H. enaMrd " An Aot lor the .ale ol limber landa In Ibe Hiatus of Csllfomia, Oregon, Nevada and Vaalilnton Territory," ( bsrlee K kuMng, of Seattle, County ut King, Territory ot Y asinnuion, nas mis uay nisu in tliis office his sworn statement No 12:27, for til pur- clia.sol IheNW ) nf Section So 2', In Towuswip Ns 10 Huulh. bsnits No t beat, and will offer iro ,f to show that the land suugltt is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than lor svrwntllurel purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Vegteter and Kecelver of this oflei at Oretton City, Ore you, cn Sntnrdny, tlie llh Di-y of October. f88. II names as witnesses: F Gilbert, K Mais, U HUwart and U It mini, all ol Seattle, Klujf County, Waaliliiuton TorriUire. Any and all poisons clolnilny silvcrsely th abov. decriled lands are iwiiie-led lo file their claims in inta ulllce on or U. tors suiu uay ni ucuiorr, ias, W I BtJSSST, llegister. Tim'iGT Land Notice. UiiIUkI State Lend Office, Orairou cltv. Oretrun. July. 13. 1839, Notice hi hen-hv ulvtn that in eomiiliatioe with 111 pruvialons of the Act ol Congress ul J tin 8, 1878, cniiti.d "Ao Act for tn sale ol timber lands In tb States at Ollfoniia. Orpeon. Nevada and WaahingUm lerritory," 1 haa. II. Poarse.tif Ku-k Creek, County ot unn. Slate ol Otcgon has tms nsyniwi in mis office his .wnrn statement K. II US, tor the purcliaie of tho NW J ol Section No. St, tn lownsliip No. 10 n, itane wo. s ana wilt oner prooi m anow .on, thu land sought is more valuable lor its timber or sums than fop avi'lmilLiiral tiiti-iKiaaa. snd to establish his c'aim to aaid land before the H winter and Receiver of this office, at Oregon IJitr, Oregon, en Tuesday, the 8tU Dny of October. 1889. He name rs wltnosKes: WWIcirs,!) Smith, W Clark and J; Uogsn, all of Ko k Creek, Linn County, ureyon. , Any and sll persons claiming adversely th above drscrihed lands ar requested to file their claims Iu this offic on or before said 8tb day ol October, ISStf. w i DinsnT, Kegteur. ' XT ISDERQ ARTEN.--.Mra. 11 r Walt Maad ranently from New York, will opa,n a iaiecf. anhooi and ktnaerzarten, in tua W.O. T. U. Hall, Monday, 8ept. 9tb, 1889, 'forms liberal, patranage solicited, SalUfaction guaranteed, Mrs, Wait Mkad. Albany, Or, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Colted IUaUe Land (HBee. nn-gon Cliy. oregnn. July Itth, l. iiotleal brreby given that In nun l'"enoe with the provtsiiMi oi tn at of Ctongree of June a, lfi.nuttHl,Ai act for the aalo ol Urn tier InsMl In lite state of California, fn-gon, end Waatilncton Territory." lluey Hrxnnan.l Albany. couniyol Uon.atnieol un gon. ba this rtev nieU tn tbl omce III awnrn etatement Sa ll. for the purehaao of the N K tnlarwtlon Ko 31, In township No 10, aoutb, rang" bo !. and will odor tiroof io show that the land ami g lit la more valuable for It Umber or stone than for agricultural purpose. andUtestabllen bis claim iomhi inna ueior the lu-gieter and Kewlver of thla oeSna atire gon t:uy, Oregon, on Monday, tbe ltlb day of (ic-totier. w. Mo name aa witn- ear i J B Towab-y, W Kast, l Helta and W II Taylor, all ol Albany, Unn eounty, Oregon. Any and all pereons claiming adversely me above deacrtu ed land are) requested to file their clnlma In this wbee on or befor said llln day of October, " WT Brassy. Ifg'ster. " T1MBKR LAND NOTICE. I'nlUMt mete land Offiee. I tregon City, Oregon, Jutyt'.th, 1 MB. Kotlce Is he 'tby given that ia compliance wlih th provisions o(th art of foojiws of June S.lSTS.en titled (An set lor th sale of timber lands In thectates of Cat llnrnui. Oregon. Nevada And Wasblngtoa Territory." John Caldwelld Vanciuver county ef Clarke.terrtiory of W statement east, and will offer pnaiftu show that the land sought le mute value b'e for Iu timber or stone than tor sgri cultural purposes, and to establish hi claim to said tatMl before the Hegleterand Kecelver ol this offic si Oregon t'lty. Oregon, eu Monday , tb Jlat day of Oc tober, IHml. He names as witnesses t J Fbuilgsa, W B Mayre.W W l'roettol and John 8wet,ai ol Vancou ver Clark eountv, W T, Any and all persons claiming adversi ty the abov described lands are renowned to file their claims tnlhiaoftiueonor b.fre aaid Slat day October ,leW, WTItl'SKSV, Register. in Caldwell,! vanc-iuver bounty ei viarae.temsory t'ablngton Jiaa Ihle day filed ia thi offiee his sworn lement No Itt) , for the purchase of tb N K ef Uon No US, Intownvbip No It, south range hot TIMBER LAND NOTICE. fnlted State Und Office. t iitvKoncity.oreBon, July 23rd, 18M. Notice Is hereby given that In compllaaoo with the provisions oflhn act of Cenisresa of JuDe8,IH7H,enlll lod"An act forth sale ottltn ber lands In the stales of Oaltlornla.OreeonJIevada, ml Washington Territory," Archibald W Pru Allmny.county ol l.inn.taM of Oregon, haathlsdnv nin i In thlsoirioe hi sworn state monlNo VSll, fortbe purohaaeof theM KJ of ai Ion No 82. In township No 10, south range No Seast. and will olTor proof to show that the land sought la more valuable for It timber or atonethnn foragrioultural pur puses, and toe, tablish hlsolalin to said land belorethe Ho;ltr and Kecelver of this oirtceat Oregon City. Ore gon, on Haturday, the 10th day of October, 1SM. lie names as vrltnosscs t W H Taylor. W East. H Urennan and B Koblnion, all of Albany, Unn eounty .Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the aim vedesoribed lands are request ed tonie their claims in thla offloe on or before aid lUtb day of Ootober, lfW8. W T BusnST.Reglster. TlMMiUMrNOTlCE. United Bute Laud Offic. Oregon City. Oregon, Jul) Mrd, 188(1. Notice Is hereby given that in eompllanc with th provisions of the aot of Congress ol June S,1878,n titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In tlie states ot Calitornla.Ort gon.Nevada.end Washington Territory," Andrew Filer, of Buena Vista, county ot Polk, state of Oregon, has this dav filed hi this oflloe his sworn state ment No law, lor the pnrchaas of th N WJ of 8 E i, N KJofS W 1,8 E Jot NW lands Wof NEJof section Ko 10. in township No 10, south rang Not sst, and will ofTet prool tnshowtnst thsland sought is more vaiuabeforu tlmberorston than foi sgrinultural I nrposos, and to establish his claim lo laid land before theitrglsterand Keceivert f this office al Oregon City, Oregon, on Haturday, theluthday of October, IH.ia. He names ss witnesses : W Esat, W H Taylor, H Bren ban and J BTowsley, allot Albany, Llun county, Ore gon, Any snd all persons claiming adversely the above described lands ar requested to file their olsim In this office ou sr before ssid 19h day ot Octubr,1880. WT Utmxsv, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Lsnit Office. OregonCity, Oregon, July 25th, 1880. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance wtth the provision of t he act of Congress of June S,1878,f nlit led "An set lor th sale ol timber lands in the states ot Cal ifornia , Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," William W Proebstel, of Vancouver, county ol Clarke , territory of Washington, haa tbi day filed in this office hissworn statement No 1270, for the purchase ot the S E J ol section No Si, in township No li.souih range No feast And will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for it timber or stone than for agricul tural purposes, snd to establ sh his claim to slid land before th Register and Receiver of this office at Ore gon Citv Oregon, on Monday, the Slat day ef October, 1SM9. He names as witness: J Flanegan, W B Mayre, J Caldwell and J Sweet, all ol Vancouver, Clarke coun ty, WT. Any ani all persons olaiming adversely tb above desrribsd lands are requested to ti le their claims tn this offic or or before said 21 st day of Octebsr, lSkO, W T Bt-imsr, Register, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State Land OflU-e, Oregon City, Ur., July 27, 1883. Notion b hereby Kiven Unit in compli ance witn the rovtaiona of tbe act of i'on grvsa of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the aaleof timbertands in theStaU-a ofC'ali fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Waahiniton Territory," llenjamin F Kyle, of Eugene, eounty of Lane, ritate of Oregon, haa thia lay filed in thia otlice hi sworn rttntenient Ko 1317, for the tmrcliaae of the 8 w of Bee No 2. in Tp No 12 aoutb, Kantre No 2 cant, and will offer proof to ahow that the land nought ia mora valuable for ila tim ber or atone than for agricultural purponea and to entahlinh hi claim to aaid land be fore the Heginter and Keceiver of thin of fice at OregnCity,Or.,on Friday tho 25th day of Octolier, 1889. Jle names oa wit-nr-HMC : A VV lMHchagand li 8 Hereman, of Needy, Clackamaa Co., and It llowe and J J Sijuireu, of Albany, Linn Co.,all of Oregon. Any and al) peroona claiming ad veraely the above deacribed landa are re qneatcd to file their claims in thia ollice on or before aaid 25th day of October, 1880. VV. T. Birnkv, lteginter. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. . United State Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 27, 1S80. Notice ia hereby given that in compli ance with the provision of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the aale of timber lands in the Ktates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Frank I 1111, of Delta, county of Fulton, State of Ohio, haa thia day filed in th is ollice his sworn statement No 1310, for the purchase of tbe N VV tf of Sec No 32, in Tp No 10 south, Kongo No 3 east, and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone titan for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to aaid land before tlie Hegiater and Keceiver of this ollice at Oregon City, Or., on Friday the 25th day of October, 1889.' He names as witnesses : K Howe, M C Yerks, J J Squires and F II Aldrich, all of Albany, Linn county, Or. Any and air persons claming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this ofllce on or before said 25th day of Oc tober, 1880. W. T. Bcrney, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. " United States Land Office. Oregon City, Oregon. July I6th, 1889, Notice is hereby given that in compliance with th provislonsof th aot of Congress ot June 3,1878, emit led ''An act forth sale of timber lands in tbe statee of Cal ifornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory ," John Garner, of Seattle, eounty of King, territory ol Washington, has this day filed In this office hissworn statement N o 1487, for the purchase of th N W foi section No 20. In township No 10,outh range Not east, snd will after proof to show that the land sought is mor valuable for its Umber or (ton thaa for agricul tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before th Register and Receiver of thi office at Ore gon City, Oregon.on Tuesday, the 22nd dsy nt October, 18). lie nanu-saa witnesses : W Soourfiehl.J B Jskob sen, John West and UA Ranaett, all of Seattle, King county, W T. Any and all persons claiming advei aely th onvo described laudsare requeated to file their claims in tbls office on or before said 22ud day of Octo ber, lsutf . WTEraxav, Register.. Administrator's Notice, 1 Notioe is heteby given that tho tinder signed wss by the County Conrt for Linn oonnty. State of Oregon, on tbe 6th Jay of September, 1S89, duly appointed Adminis trator cf the estate of Kuth Bradshaw, de ceased, lata of Litis county, State of Ore gon. All person having claim against aid estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned at his residence at Dayton, Yamhill county, Oregon, or to hi Attorney, within sis month from this date, only verified as required by law. VVsr. Clemmens, J. K. WEATHERyoitD, Administrator. Attorney for Administrator. ThM Goods will ba sold at the lowett price by Main, A No One Ties Pins Hats Caps . Suits . Shoes Boots Jean Cuff Cne Vast. Kolvra O' ovea . Scat U I'll'SeS Ui uahra ' 0' aim Jtl US Kliii'a ColUis f Hosiery KubbfVll Ai'.U'OS Trunks ValisrM Suitings HalfllOM Overalls Silk Hats Clothing Oil Goods Silpl-era Kid Uiovia Umbrella Overcoats Ove-feboea . Uiidmhtita Supei6r-rs Silk Shifts Trout iog Pea Jactrts Windsor Thi Woolen Draweis Jin bbe r C'fc's II a b be r Boots - LeatLe r Coats Handkerchiefs Muckit-toa b Coati Cardigan Jackets Engineer Jackets 1HaAl.SM fl n A J I ew. e, www Tailor Made Sai-a and macy -bar .i-kS toonoojernua to mention. w ir -m Tl !H-i TL 3T-T Ilia O Mick a Pin in the fact that I am cfiV-rinfe better targia thai, any i elae io A.baay Bought at bankrupt tales I can U First-Glass Goods; at or below COST. FOP General luercbendiae ut ail Hud call cn ice. Fartir-'i i .s s-is it. etn, of tbois. Casli for (loods c Country prtdite G, . SIMPSON FOR THE BEST FURNITURE -CALL. OS IHE Albany Furniture Company OPPO-ITK STEWART A SOXI, BED ROOM.SETS, TABLES, CHAINS, UPHOLSTERED GOODS. WALL PA 8, BABY CARRIAGES' .. ETC. ETC..ET HAWKINS sfe FAKREL.L. HOPKINS & SALTMARSH DKA LEI'S IN STOVES; TEH WARE. SHEET IRON, COPPER WARE ETC., ETC. AerenU for "On Time" fieallnp; and cooking Stoves. Job work, plnmMnic. etc, promptly attended to. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE IN THE CITY MATTHEWS h WASHBURN, Carry a flretclasatook of Stoves, Tinware,Hardware,Etc, "Which they are selling: at remark alby low prices. JOB WORK carefully and promptly done at reasonable prices," PURE DRUGS,' Paints, Otis, Stationary, Rc. And Prompt attention DR. GUISS p. a on f I i L i