The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 13, 1889, Image 4

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Crcon Pacila Eaiircal.
a-on Development Company's Steam
.can by any other Kale.
through nesseiiiger
f rtnoleoo, Cal. m
Ueme.uber Oregon
I'opaUr Hammer erio
Yql. Low Iff Ticket. r
now a. W ,
i -1 HfttartUy lre Al-
ba.y. C.rvdlL Philomath.
no.U mak. does wJ? trains of tueuregon
-Tr,. ..-U.IHTI.K. fsen ').
! Sloan 1:00 .
Mr tu a a.u,
t Yanuln. :
arrir. Yau.tti,: f .
O. A 0. trala. eonne -"sot .1
.... - .1
tu. Th BOOT) !.- --- .
Yaouin. wih. - , - h botween
Company . "- "7-00.
Yaonlna and an Frncl3o
n. v.ari-
eriii.iM.tsVl.. M"d;, P
".sues rssstwo
wutMMW vir.y,
bUBday, "h
"bTco.npaoy .-rT- lb , Hgbt to
,h.n mluSs aU- "Vo'rUdl nd
rVUlAmett Valley If JllffiLlS
sonnactL-o wltk ibe traloa of tho jaqu
route at Albny w''Vm Jo
dncd to San, Kranoiaoo ahould
of aalilug.
iw r
. - Kl uh!
roeloM-AO-- apply I S 'ft . r.
a r. av. TT."CTi c nitk.
Southern Paciflo Company's Lino.
Albany and rrwmoa,
. una Rr AIVf
.00 r. tv
.44 a a
10:44 a
A a
I:M r
loxu. ruunu tai bailv itUen aa4ay).
aiu.ii I l;" WC "
l44.a L
i wrk Ar
L I 11:14 a a
tl 3UO
lbbasoi aaAVca.
:ura I L
wira Ar
L 1 1:6. a
r I .&ra
L :uura
l.jtfpa I L
M r a I ar
Tourist Sleeping Cars,
Wmr AxaaaaaaJalt". -"
(era. atucke4U tT-lre Trala..
Thttr. Cut fT ik.aMMMio ita all tha
nuW tniiu M Um ra Hun Ui.Uw" bwakwtwl
f airaat, "TlU ,-
H A aide MvlaJoa.
St ft KUf rriA CTAIU.
Vau TtuaaAUttKajaptSaadaj.)
15111 I L.
13 ra Ar
Pun land
Ar I . su r a
L 1 1 JO r a
ainaMfaAU xu.T (Kxejp" tfuadty.
r Ar
Ar I -.00 A
l.T I Hi A B
rriiroixtjU TicuetH
To all point
fur alt luloraiUloa MMlnf raUa, Bttot, at,
ail oa OomiMtiT' Am at Al wy.
a. KoauLxa. P. bxmiebs,
uZvLfmT A.. I O. F. aa4 P. Ar
OregonSlate Tair
T nt7 nl-ii aann il .taibltlaoiat
iSaleUl, Oregon.
Ooitln iltioni wfk, nnlr the'.ntn
ajcrnent of the Oreuon Sat
Board of Agrboltur..
om H5000 is cm
fionv.l lrarirt i!tiirf, af)ok. d.Iry.
ao l mwdniol eibtblu. for work of
art an I fujy w-ra, and for tria'a pi
tanning and Trotting EiceE
Import .lit im.irovementa made In Ibe
premium lift.
Rill il r. tt fteet and frUlU
on all trtopirU'.loo lin to an from
Men, day ticket .
Women' day ticknt ...
Men'a aeaaon ticket .
Wciiwi'a irvnn ticket.
2 0
. ..w. t 00
Seed to the Secretary
at Halem f r a
premium II. t.
J. T. APPETf S, Prl Inirt.
J.T.OREOO, KeereUry. .
Albany Soda Works
A. ar- i pr-IMf".' Vi ; 1 Wi.fl.
ulway fr.'i ! jtm l n.l
' k tit Iri' Yf k-fc o r
tit and Tropicoi splits.
riltui nr. In rt 'iiM-a vla ThIiIw
.ipp:i.-d with lwt in the nurhft
Nliw MlmtHiiir apart nnnta. Hatupla ro.nn.
rir ciii-riiiAl traveler,
nrrr an I fr .n. tie Wtirt. "M
Pouiiry Wanted.
All kind of poultry, alive or .Ire b-t,
eautnd at the WllU'ii-r'.l f'l'U Com
pany' Htorn, Albany, Oregoi..
University of Oregon.
St. til'in tibiriii. on Monday, the
I fit h orHt p erriLir, IHH9,
Krrt wn rnlilpi from every in
thestatM. App'y mvour County Mn pyrin
tnfr'l Kim liiiti in after J.nuary la',
our i'ourH i l!tarhlca', Solon tl Co, I,lt
rrry r I a h'Mt KnH.h . (JotirHo In
whl l there li ii" Ijvtln, (ireaa French
tr tier 111 vi, The Kui(li-h I pe-mii.erit!y
Bii'.hi""'. V. Hir-e. For clalone. o
thxr inf 11 iiMik n, aildreae
J. JOflNVlN,
lliy "JO, 1681
Mr nre caught
eoldi result s weUed
limb; lump between
fore-leg end inflsm.
nation. Cured he
with St. Jacob OIL
Juno 0, ISO,
My horse was hurt
on hind le stuttered
10 monthi; u cured by Bt Jeeobe Oil : cur.
aa remained permanent. W. J. CLINK.
jos. cairs BiMrsojr, ej., see, rcifl
Coast Mood-IIor. Association, Myii "Being
familiar with, th remarkable efficacy of 8U
j.oob 0!U I eheerfutly and heartily ludor.
thU valuabl iptclfle for painful ailment,"
Bon. ODES BOWIK, Xa-Oovernor of Mary
land. Jockey Club, Prest City rasa. Railway
Co- mti! "la my family and y atiblaa I
bar wad Bt. Jaooba Oil With aatUfaeWry
results, and UU.v It th bMt remedy ft ta.
painful allmont of man and beaal
At racoowTi andDiaum.
Physician and Surgeon,
.iti.o-oor, Ftralnmt Tarry sirwwa,
ra r. f u.HTOnn f.f H OTHTI
Uit U lift I OUll titw
Phyaician and Surgoon.
Oittc) pxwitn the lJlll'l;ri,..
Eomeopatliic Plijslcian aa3 Surgeon
Spooiitl Attention 0 diseases of the eye.
iwotfloo'eornerof Thud nnl Lyon St,
PhySlCi'Ul and Surgeon.
ey-v)fnrt no nUlr lit Strahao'a Block.
May be found at ble oinc aayj.nd night.
Physician and Surgeon,
Late of Brownsvilb, Or.
OlBce at room Noa.
and Pierce'. Hiock,
promptly attends in
13 and Sl.fctralan
ud atalia. '.'all a
city or country.
Siucts-or 'o B. W.Laafdo.
i:EO. W WUK1I1T,
Attorneys at Law,
Will practice i l H the Court of th
Sut.. I'.ompt all iKti'Ju given to ad bu.i
o. eotio.iwl t.nur e.w. i
OtBoe O ld FellJ Tn(le, Albany, Or.
Ci?il Engineer and Surrayor,
Oflloo with Ore 1 La-.d Cj. Albany, Or.
8ewerae SyiLrm. and W.ter HuppUee
a opeciany, Minn ouujmunu,
sad. or Copied on abort nor loo.
First National Bank
OF Af.HtXl, OKEtiOS.
PfMaot. fLMOl
Vic PrwMsat . B. TOl HQ
Cahiv " W. LANODON.
Ami Cutucr JAB. f. POWaXL
ACCOC!T8 KErT (abjatt to lMck.
BIOIIT EXCtlAXOB and UI raphl truMler, tot
a wm fort, &aa rrandMO, tloag aad Pw
' OOLLECTlON'r MADE oa b.wmbl Unu.
t, Toma, E,W. Uhmni,
L K Bui.. L. Ku,
W.ui.a B TvaaaLL,
Linn County Bank,
Co van, Alston ft Chamberlain,
TRANSACTS a inml bauttlnc baataatt
tvt aal PorWanJ, Orr a
LOA2f MOnET ira MfOfad aneority
RBTKIVE dwalU tubjaet n bck.
.a Fraa
City Meat Market.
SHULTZ ES03 Proprietors.
Reop a full linr ( .neata of ell kind a.
In a cool tl-c. oinplxtely pro
tected; and alway freab.
Al livr) jnLnty,on band aalmon
and other nih.
Go K.t tU M'.mit SWi.U Hoate. Nice
climate au l Mtc-oKry at ail time of th year.
See Moaot Shasta, S-usrameuto, Oden, Salt
Lke, Denver. Ki iit nond-cl.t c.r. made
are rnn daily. Buy your tickets of me arid
av your far to Portland. I am tbe only
penon io Albaav th.tcm sell yoa.a ticket
to any point in th United Stav. Call on
nw fir rate.
V.'. L. Jtstrru, Agent S. P.
rr . jr. is : m.
1. 1 'v
1 Wit
Th'o wUhlnir a Ar.tclae lntruraent
tiouldcall at Mr. B. E, Hyman'a rid
ee one of tboae Cjleorated Ifemme A
Long plaooea, excei.ent rlcb tone, Ea
pwltlly made and adaited to Hand tbe
elimate on the Paclflr Coaat, Erery piano
fully Kitaiantesd for 5 year. Tbe Ir.teat
liH.t-iuinilo for aale, Mnxlo and painting
loHMine glvn there. Alao tbe place to get
your newRewiaic Machine. Fancy work
and dreaa makino; done to order. Flrat
dooreawt. of Vonng'e old utand, Albany,
Tf H-.tAi. A aVAIt-B
uiuiristsand Booksellers.
Anciiu for John B. Alden'a publication
hicli wb aell a publlaber'a prloei wii
1 1
Tl.Mi;i:U lANlM;i'lCK.
Or.wi Uty.Cf., July CMh.lSS'J.
Katie U hereby )ivo tlt in cuttillaiic
with tho nroviaiuii i Ute ut r( (ui;ret of
3, l78,irtitlut "An aut tor tliu at of
titnlier lianU iu th Utttf Califoruia.Urt-
i'iiik CiUn,of iyduy,aibty of Kita.p,
irriury of WaaliiiiKt'iiH h tbi il.y ftkd
tnuuaoiuo lima oi n utattmHit No l'Jiw,
th uurchaie il th NKiol taction No
town.hlp iNo 10 juth,rnK NoSeaat,
will oiler proof to know that Mm laad
oiKht i mora valualila, fur Id timber car
ton th.o roraifitruiiniai purpocr., and ao
eatablUh bit rl.itn lai.d t-t-iito iha
lUaUtvr and Konvir of tin ilito ! Or
gon Cityi Omeun, rn S4th day
ol OotuHar. 1H3D. IU naiiiM witntHM i
0 Smith, T MoGUnon, J Tatar ad J T
Martihv.all of aytlnty, Ktliap ronnty, W T,
Anv ami all paraoti olatmltiu dvrl Uia
abov dooribml land ar ruetad to flla
thair oiaiint intntaotnc on or bvitira aaio
24th day of Ootobar. 1 880
W THURNKV,Krgiatar.
United StUa Land OlHc.
Oreuon City. Or. July 23in, 1880,
Kurioa i hoiebv s(n that iu eomptlaao
with th provi.tom uf th act of fjonitr of
JunllS73,nMlLd "An aot foi th tat of
tlmbvr laud in th atti ol taliforula.Ura-
aaa. Ntvada. aad Waahinston Territory.
I William Suoarrirld. of Seattle, oonnty of
Kinir. tartttor of Waahinatoo. baa thi day
Hied in thiaomoa buiworn atataineni no
loon (.. Ik. iinntli... nf tka N W U" nfaaa.
tion No 26, in townehip No 10 aontn, range
No 2 et. and will off. r prouf to.howinai
th land nought ia mur viluable for it tim.
ber or at ra than for artonltnral porpo,
A u..kl:.k LI. .l.i... .a ..l.l I. ...I k.f..r.
ik. " T3a" u " ti F.Tffl.- .t
0r. "city, Oraton, on Tu.aday, the 22nd
day of Uetobar. I8. Mnamee a wtwe.
ua . .1 14 NtAvan. I It II nlDhmaon. J DJ. I
kobaanaoit John 0rnr,all of &attl. King
oonnty.W T. Any and all rona claiming
advarasly th above detoribeit land are re
queued to tile their claim in tnwoiiioeoa
or before Mid 2Jad day ol UutobaMiMU.
W T Bt KNicr. Uexi.ur,
United Slatt Land OlIW,
Oreiton Citv. Or.. July 27th. 1K80.
NotiiH U hereby (riven tlmt In omipli
with the proviniona of I he act of Con-
of June 3. 1H7H, entitled "An act for
the aalo of timber lundit in the Rtatca of
California,, Ort'ittm, Nevada and Waahlng-
ton Territory," Andy w IWih-Iui, ol
NceuT. county of iitu-kama,Miti of ur-
gon, has una uav niea in tin ouico ma
worn atatpinent "No 1.113, for tbn purchaae
aoUth, Kangu No 2 eant, and will otrvr
g . I ..... I I .1 . I . ... .
nrtxn to auow tuai 1110 hiiiu kuukiii ta murv
valuable for iu timber or atono than for
agricultural purptMca, and to eatabliaii hi
claim to aaid land before tho ltegixtor and
Receiver of thin oflice at Oregon City.Or.,
on Friday the 25th day of Oetotwr, 1B811.
lie name an vritnciotes : B K Kyle, of
Kcgvne, Lane county, 11 a liergtnan, 01
Neetly, Clackamas county, K Howe and I J
Stuirea.of Albany, IJnn county, all of Or.
Any and all yerMMi claiming adversely
the alrovo decribd land are miuetted
to file their claim in thbt olllco on or be
fore (aid L'5th dav of October, 18HU.
f. BcaxBY, Kegi.ler.
United State Land Office,
Oreiton City. Or., July iMb. 188U.
Notion ia hvrebv eiven that in
ance wiUi the proviaioni of the act ol Con-
grew of Juno 3, lsH, entitled "An act for
the aale of timber btnda In the Htatea of
t. auumiia, wregon, cvaua ana aiitng-
ion xemtory, - Aruiur a aite, 01 oatem
connty of Marion, rotate 01 urcgon,liaa Una
nay niea in una omce niaaworn latemeni
S ,,or WrS !"'."r ' l1? 0 w
aec co t, in ipnoiu aouin. iune ivo s
eaet. and will otfer proof to rdiow that the
land nought U more valuable for ita timber
or atone than for agricultural purpoeea,
and to extatjlwii inaclaitu to aaid land be
fore the Kcgiater and Kooeiver of tlua of
fice at Oregon City. Or., on Tuoeday the
Z-nd day ot uctorwr, imj. lie name aa
witneanea : II ahelton, of Jordan, Linn
county. K E Woodward and C ileall. of
Salem, Marion county, all of Oregon, ami
John Garner, Seattle. King county, W. T.
Any and all peraona claiming adversely the
above deecribed land are requested to file
their claim" in thia olfice on or before aaid
21'nd day of October, lMH'J.
W. T. bi awir, Regiater.
United State. Land Ofliee,
Oregon City.Or., July 25th, 1889.
Notice iii hereby given tliat in compli
ance with the proviwonaof the art of Con
ktciui of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
the aale of timber landa Ui the btatea of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Waehtng
ton Territory," Jorgen B Jakolwen, of
Seattle.county of King.Territory of Wash
ington, ha thia day lilerl in thia olDce hi
.worn atatement No l'JM'J.for the purchaae
of tbe N K M of Sec No 34, Tp No 10 eouth
Kange No 2 eaat and will offer proof to
ahow that the land aonght ia more valuable
for ita timber or stone than for agricultural
purpoaea, and to eatabltMh hi claim to aaid
land before the Kegirdcr and Receiver of
thia oflice at Oregon City, Or., on Tuerviay
the 2-ind day of Oetoljer, lHH'J. He name
as witneaaea : W 8courfleld, J K Hutch
innon, John Garner and J K Htevena, all
of Seattle, King county, W. T. Any and
all peraona claiming adveraelr the above
deacribed land, are requented to file their
claim, in thia oflice on or before aaid 22nd
day of October, 18X9.
W. T. Bcbmet, KegiMter.
United State Land Oflice,
Oregon City, Or., July 27th, 1889.
Notice i hereby given thut in compli
ance with the provwion of the act of Con
gre of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for
the ale of timber land in the State of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Welling
ton Territory," Charle Smith, of Sydney,
county of KiUap.Territory of Wathington,
ha thi day filer! in thi office hi tworn
ttatement No 1314, for the purchoteof the
. i ot ace ho 4, in Tp fio IZ touth,
Range No 2 eat, and will offer proof to
thow that the land ousrht i more valu
able for it tinilier or ttone than for agri
cultural purpoe, and to etablih hi
claim to taid land before the Regiter and
Keceiver 01 tin oirice at Oregon City.Or.,
on friday the Z5tn day of October. 1RK9.
He name a witneatea : J Horzog, J T
Murphy, T McGlenon and f Peter.
all of Sydney, KiUap connty. W. T.
Any and all peraon claiming ad
versely the above deacribed land are re
quested to file their claim in thi onice on
r before aid 25th day of October. 1889.
W. T. Bt sney, Regiter.
United Siatee Land Office,
Oregon City, Or., July 30th, 1K89.
Notice i. hereby given that in compli
ance with the provision of the act of Con
grct ef June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
the .ale of timber land in the State of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," Jotephir.e Shearer,of Port
land, county of Multnctnah, ttate of Ore.
gon, bat thit day filed in thi office her
tworn statement No 1334, for tbe pur
cha.c of lot t and i and is of N E U of
Sec No , in Tp No 13 touth, Range No 1
eatt, and will offer proof to thow that the
land ought I mor valuable for it timber
or ttonc than for agricultural ' purpote.
And to ettablith her claim to taid land be
fore the Itegitter and Receiver of thi of
fice at Oregon City, Or , on Saturday the
26th day ot October, 1889 : She name a
wltneatet : H Vroom, G Llndley, C J
Dickeraon and J M Simon, all of Port
land, Multnomr.h county, Or. Any and all
perton claiming adversely the above de
scribed Uno are requetted to file their
ctaimi in thii office on or before laid 26th
day of October, 1889.
W. T. Burniv, Regitter.
UnlUd State Land Office.
Oregon City, Ortfon, July 7th ,1880
Kotio krhmby givanthat ia eornpliaae. with th
pruriuon. o th. 1 aofConirreMofJurM3.1g7Sntltll
'Anaotfur th. ol Umbtr land. In th. .UtMolCai
IfoniU; Oregon, Nevada, and Waihir-trtoo Twritory,"
Hmry 8 llarirmau .oINMdy.eountt of C ackamaatate
ofOrron, hn. thit d.y lwl in thi.oBic bl. .w.trn
atalnint NoUli, lor t h. purchiu. olth. NW4
Mtloa Not. InUiirn.liip No IK uuth .rang. Notteut,
ami will offer proc to.howth.t th. lana aouifht 1.
mora r.lumb for IU timber or .ton. lha.t for ariu.
turn I purptMMtnl to wtobllh hit claim to aaid land
bflfur. th. befAt and Kcoeiv.r of thi. off ie atOr
m City, Or('X " Friday, til. t&th day of Octobar,
IH. Ho naaw. MwltnM. : A W Dolidtmgfit Nwdy,
Clvkaaiatooaniy, B K Klejf Euran., Laneeoanly,
Hllow.andJ J Hatiira. Albany ,Linn enuuty. all uf
Oreuon. AiiT.nd .ll liaraon. elaimine advmwly the
almv. dwcribml land, ar nqunatrd to SI. their claim.
In thi. offia. ea or bdor uud tMh day of OoUibw, IM9.
W T UL .N.r, Hi(litr.
Children Cry for
h - ana
1 Jill jMiIvA 1 11 1U IN h W M ordinary ice evaporiation of Uiiuid
Ofllrlala. n
Salem, Or., Kept, 6. Manager Kochler, of
Southern rcific, ccme up on it inecinl
train to-dy and t.wk a hck for Maclny, w-ere '
he met Receiver .Scott and oilier officials of
the narrow gunge, and it ia reported that llie
aoumern radio took control 01 tne narrow
KUAce line and tlmt in:h wia llie purmne of
the mcetinc.
Negro Trouble.
Atlanta, (in., Sept. 6. Wednenlny night
nejjio boy wai lynched for rnpc at Point,
near here.
The necroei held a hiam nieciiuir lntt night
to tliacua the mntler, and the w hile., becoming
cared, tent for the Atlanta police, Mo troui
ble eniucd, but after the ollicei. returned to
the city a number of whito men, who in.lcnt.
iiy, it it (aid. it unknown, went to difP-rent
cabin and teverly whiped fourteen negroea
I'rauiy iiiyniiiiiig.
Macon, (in., Sept. 6. There waa remaik
able ditplny of electric force in Southwctt
Georgia thia morning near Albany. II. II,
Kouae, John Mtivers and J. v , Miitor were
inttantty killed, l hey wete on their way to
market with cotton, and taught refuge from
the ehower under a tree.
An Awfal ttlmwter.
Antwerp, Sept, 6. Dynamite exploded
day in a cartriga factory in the vaciuily of the
X n rtr,l
. k"11 """ny r" nd doing much
-i- i1- ".
ki .-....!; xt'xvii.apuu Kl ua
fire, cunning a panic in the building, which wat
The lalett CRtimate ia Hint there are 3CO
killed an. 1 looo wounded.
A Fee.l'ar Aeeldedt.
!e.tttie, W. T sept. 6 John XcUon a
telephone lineman, w climbing pole thi.
sflrrnoon, with a wire in hi hand, and when
about twentyhve leet bom the ground the line
Wame caoaael with an electric power wire.
Nelano received a current which burned hit
nrt finger nerty off, which threw him hriek
mg 10 me gtouuu,
The Ticket.
Walla Wall a, Sept. 5, Following it th
ticket jutt nominated ly the Republican of
ForCongreta, John 1. Wt'.mn, of Siokane
For Governor, K Feny, of King.
For l.ieulcnuiit Governor, C E Laneton. of
ror hecretary of S:aie, Allen eir, of JelTer
For State Trcuer, A l.imldcy,of Ctaike.
ror Auditor, . M Kced, of I hurtton.
For Attorney General, W C Jonet, of Spo
kane. For SuterindePt of Public Inttructirm, R 11
Bryan, of Chrhaiit,.
For CommUtioner of Public Land, W T
Forrctt, of Lewi.
For tupreme judge, K O Dunbar, of
Klickitat, Theodore I. SuUt, of Pierce, Juhi
i P Hoyt, of King, T J Andera, of Walla Walla,
I Elmore Scott, of Gaiiieht,
WAttUNOTOX, Sept, s The opinion here
,em ,0 qu aclrl Corporal Tanner
have to reiwe from the pentioa office. Ilu
met unpardonable in, it b aaid, it hi. ttlkt
lienet, and for thi. it it believed, be will
have to go.
Tbe thing, it U tai.1, that the
ha to cmr,lain of it that be talk too much
od bout tunkient diretion, and U con
trolled by tentiment and imuulae rather than
by calm rettoa.
Attemttfd Jail Break.
Seattle, sept, 5. A desperate attempt
wa made to murder Day Jtiier Patiick Farralt-
er thi morning, at 8:15, by the priaoocr in the
county jail, Tbe jailer w attacked and
aeverely wounded with a razor in tbe hand
of one of th pruonera, and wa alto kicked
and pamraeled by other.
Three of the priaoner. B.rney Martin, jame
Man tna i.narie uum, got outMde the jail
gronmii, uart wt tnol wnii. getting over
1 be. fence, and tbe three prianner wrre captur
ed a few minute after they had etcaped.
Tbe affair cauted the wildcat etcitemen'.and
there wa danger at erte time tr.t the incented
ciiiMna anight T) neb the depcracort, but cool
counael prevailed.
Meat Daring ea Gerard.
IJSK villi, Or., Sept 4. Latt night about
12 o'clock the driver of the notth bound Utge
on the Ayer liakville line watttartlcd by the
familiar co-nmand of "Halt T coming from tbe
butbe by tbe waytide. He bad often declared
that no "d d robber" could bold him up, but
be held hi hand up a high a be could.
After robbing the epre bo of fioo, and
the tingle patacnger of t $0, the robber climbed
on the bind boot of the ttage nd ordered the
driver to go ahead. Soon the rattle of the
touth bound Mage could be heard 1 the robber
commanded a hair, and ordering the driver to
day where be wa, tlipped awy in the buthe.
The driver littened: th rnmm.n. I ll.lri
wa borne to his ear, the wheel (topped, end
then he heard blow of the on the etpres
box. The aouth bound stage wa presumably
robbed in llie tame manner the north bound.
J Li L
When I eay Cera a I do net mean merely to
top them fur a Umo, and then have them re
turn Main- 1 MKA A KAlilCAti CL1LU
1 ha mad. the dUanaae of
A life-lone, ttndy. I wahbawt my remedy to
Ct'aa the wont eaae. Iit caase other have
failed I no reason for not now rerrdvinr a cure.
tendatnnn f ir a treatuw and a I- ae iiottlb
ot bi lNrr.l.lBia Uauaor. Uive Kxpreae
v.-l r-t tirtlrii. It cta you nothing for a
r. nud it will cure you. Addrc.
. a JOT, M.C.. I S3 PtAiti 8T, Hew m
United State Land Office.
Oregon City, Or., July 27th, 1889.
Notice it hereby given that in complince
with the provision of the act of Congreu of
June 3, 1878, entitl-d "An ict for the tale of
limber land in the tateofCalifornU,Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory, "Juliu liar
zog, of Sydney, county of Kitup, territory of
VV hington,ha thi day filed in thi office hi
worn ttatement No 1315, for the purchase of
the N W of section No 4. in township No
12 toulh, runge No 2 eatt, and will oner proof
to thow that the land sought it more valuable
for it timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, tnd to establish hit claim to said land
before the Register and Keceiver of thi office
at Oregon City, Or, on Fridny.the 25th day of
October, 1889. He name wiinesu : J T
Murphy, C Smith, T McGlenon and J Pcier,
all of Sydney, Kittap count), W l. Any and
all persons claiming adversely the above de
scribed lands are requested to file their claims
in this office on or before stld 25th day of Oc
toler, 1889.
VV T Bl'knev, Register
United State Land Office.
Oregon City, Or., July 311, 1889.
Notice it hereby given that in compliance
with the provision of the Bet of Congret of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the tale of
timber land in the itale of California, Oregon,
Nevada.and Wathington Territory, "Charle L
Cray, of Vancouver, county of Clarke.territory
of Washington, ha this day filed in this office
hit tworn statement No 1326, for the purchase of
lot 1 1 and 2 and E i of N W
of tection No 18, in township No 12 soutL,
range No 3 east, and will offer proof to
ihow that the land (ought it more valuable for
it timber or (tone than for agricultural purpo.
e,nd to establish his claim to said tana before
the Registe and Keceiver of this office at Ore
gon City, Or.on Monday.the 28th day of Octo
ber, 1889. lie name a witnesses 1 J Sweet,
G W Robinson, D Fitzgibbon and 6 M Mc.
Farlanc, all of Vancouver, Clarke county, W T.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above detcribed lands are requested to file their
claim in thi office on or before laid 28th day of
October, 1889.
W T Burney, Register.
Pitcher's Caotorla.
A Ureal Scheme.
San Francisco, Sept. 4. An ice k atlng
rink ie toon to be built on ICiutith and MntUe1
ttrectg, thi city. The building i to lie 90 by
feet, and in this will be a iinooih flour uf
ammonia on a water tight Riwr having; rnmu
rt.i.a A ...U. ,.fl... ..I,,-. -Ill tu. 1..1.1 lt.
. wi. u fluo,iej wUu l0 ,h, ,1)th of
aeveral incite, liquid ammonia will be forced
o l ie pipe, and the vaporizing will cum
, JT,, V 7
A Steamer Wrecked.
1'omt Townsknd, Sept, 4, The ttennior
Ancon, In getting wy from Lorlng, in Nairn
bay, Alatka, ran on to the rock at 3 A M
Wednesday, the a8th ult., Hopping nearly
amidthip. Only a portion of the paftengcu
were aware of the accident till near 4 o clock,
when he 1kbU were ktwered and order given
to take the ladle athore. Good order prevail
ed among the pattengertand crew, and within
an nour all were t.kea athore without accident
The .learner broke in two near the walking
beam, becoming a total wreck.
Walla Walla, W T., Sept, 4, The 10
publican convention to nominate the find lit
of tlate officer for the new ttate of VVaihinglon
attembled in .mail t opera route thit morning
at lo. Kerry wat nominated for Governor and
Wilton for tongrettman,
Cold Weather In Minneaarta
Sr Paul, Sepl. 5. During the patt twenty
our hour the thermometer he fallen 30
degree, 4a being regi.tered thi morning.
(Juil a cold tntp ha been experienced all
over the Northwett, culminating in a tcvere
frutt at Cheyenne.
The DtulntM I'art In A.h.t -I.OM,
ftpeeial to bteucair:
Linkvillc, Or., Sept. 6111,1887. About
3 o'clock llil. morning Are wa dl.coverrd
in rear of Forbc.' taloon.thlt city. Fltimc
tptrad rapidly until atinoid entire Lu.luc.
portion of town wa deatroyed, toetht-r
with number of dwelling. Burned dl-
tr let extend from Llnkvllle bridge to I'.
S. Signal olTice, one tide of which burned
out. Principal bu.lne. hnue burned
are : Llnkvllle and St. Charl Hold,
Ream. Martin & Co., Baldwin Si Forbc,
G W Hmith, tUlph Robert. Egut Si Red
field, merchante 5 Wright", an J Keler'
drug tore 1 Forbc. Si I tattoo' aaloon i
Klamath Har building ; Parker & Crn
ton, lawyer, J W llammackae, lawyer ;
Seamen' barber ahop and R T Baldwin'
hirne hop. Estimated to. U $joo,ooo.
It I tcttled beyond doubt that Are I work
of Incendlarle.
Sept. 6 about 10:30 o'clock tbe Ore
gon Pacific' f jundry at Yaqulna City wa
dttcovered on nre.probably catching from
a big; heat on In the uiouldlng room dur
ing the afternoon and evening. The buck
et brigade wa promptly on hand and by
bard work tuccetticd in aaving the ma
chine thop and adjoining building.
Great atalttance wa rendered though by
the very fertunate abaence of wind. The
foundry, thoagh, wa entirety burned, en
tailing a loa to the K. K. l o. ol io,xio
er $ 1 .ioo. 1 he fire cauted considerable
escltement, and at Imctit looked at If
there would be a general awcep ol thing.
Tbe foundry wa a detached building and
bad already proved too .mail for the work
arid the management at thi time had be
?;un preparation (or a new and enlarged
oundry building. Tbe clearing of the
foundation of llie new building ha al
ready been begun. The cupola, cuke oven
io. wrre not damaged.
A Burlington, Whs, man wa In Albany
last winter while on hi way from Port
land to A .bland, and now, write to Sec
retary Blaln, of the B. of T. from hi borne
for further particular, Indicating a tmall
fever, A few extracts a 111 give an Idea of
how a penon, jumping through a coun'ry
can be linpeed with It. lie.):
I wa favorably Impressed with what I
taw. 1 taw mud and water standing in
your street and g alter., and tbe road,
leading out Into the country were quite
muddy, caused by the rainfall you had
(.bout that time, which added nothing to
the look of thing there ; but served to
assure me that you do have more rain thin
in California or Southern Orrgon. Either
there I little or no gravel there to improve
the road with or they are n.,t so thorough
ly worked a they should be. There were
two thing e.peclallv that impressed me
favorably with Albany. One wat tbe
competition you now have for shipping
by railroads and steamboats and not Oclng
confined lo the S I R R, as are Eugene
and Ashland. The other wa the i.iag
nificent expanse of lcrtlle land stretching
out a long way from Albany In each di
rection. After having through
Washington Territory, Oregon and Call,
fornla. 1 mut say that I regard the Wil
lamette River Val.ev the very bct Urge
tract of arable land 1 saw, and Albany I
surrounded by what seemed to me the
best of '.he Valley. I called at the mill at
the end of the business street, and saw
some as plump and while wheat a my
eye ever beheld, and the miller assured
me It wa nothing unusual.
When Itaby wa tick, w gave ber Caatoria,
When she was a Child, tha cried for Caatoria,
When (lie became Mlas, sh clung to Caatoria,
When abe had Children, the gave them Caatoria.
That Cantankerous Old Woman
Deacribed in Ibe nursery ballad, who
"lived n;i-Mt nothing but victual and
drink," and yet "wonld never be quiet,'
wa undoubtedly troubled with chr.inln
iniilue.llon. Her victual, like those of
many otbei elderly peraona whoso dlxe"
live powe:. haye become Impaired dldn'l
ee-ree wl'h her. 1 bin waa befoie the eis
of HosUittor'a Stoman .Bittern, or aome
on j of her nuine rnn friends and relative
wonld undoubtedly bave persuaded ber
to try lli uriht .peeltln for dyspepsia,
conotlpailenaiid biliousnesa. This would
have been a measuteof self protection on
ibeir pat. fir she would aoon bave btcn
cured anil cea'ed to disturb them with
ber olamcr. The mrul obstinate caaoa of
lndlga.tlon,with Ha atUndant bearthurn
flatulence, "onstant uneasiness of the
stomach riu) of the norvos, ate complete
ly overcome by this sovereign remedy
Chills and fever and bilious remittent
rbeuinaiUui end kidney trouble are also
elieved by it.
To Ttta rr:Tr!-rv :-f- r -i y t-r rr&.
e: l'-.;!t. I li.iv.. i .ii-iin,. ii'i;,i 1 1.. -:t -ova
lllllll. a lU,-;i..v. ):, tr iu-,,-,1,- i.M' 1, im; ,,'i.iN of
kopelMi :;n !...' .. ,: 1 i-inciri- i.i v n:cd.
I Stud, tl-t (fli.t ul' u,t ! .vn I- l.i iv !' itn , . .- ...
illll'll!,. it U. y . , , ,,, ,; V( u. ,
And iii out.. !ili;c -. i -('( ''il v,
A. WV 1 ' . I 'l ....... y v.v
HUSTOPf. On Thursday night, Sept
5th, 1889, to the wife of Conductor Ed.
Huston, of the Lebanon branch a glr!.
DAVIS. On Friday mornlng.gept. 6th,
1889, to the wife of Mr J K Davis a girl.
bath morning, Sept. 1st, i8S9,ut the Evan
gelical Church, by the pastor, I B Fishen
Mr Samuel R Maelhlger and Mln Iuise
COX. On Sept. 3rd, 1S89, a few mllci
from Albany, to the wife o'EG Cox-a
boy. -
SUEPPARD. On Tburtday morning
Sept. 5th, 18S9, In Albany, to the wife of
Mr D Sl.eppard a girl.
Mr J ick Dsrmw L lilliug the position
liiMht rk at The OfHje.
Tur-.dy night tho ttore of TancltnrliSt Co
t J-rbiraon wi robbed of several revolver,
tliri W Blt hae been aotniriatad bv thn
Di n iKr.t. of Spokane oouuty, W T, to the
1 11 i iiinoi Bupartor Judje.
Mr J Brandt, Sutieriatendant 8 P went
ouiti tmterday to mtict the U 8 11 It Coin-
iiiik.ioiiar with whom be will go north in a
y or two.
llcv K A Otrri.on. of the Denver Confor-
thin M K Church South will prub in Tal-
guiic, ounuay tne sin at 11 o uioek, a. m.
ami also in the evening.
T 0 Abbott, once a rr.idnnt of Albany i
build eg an $80,000 brick in laooma. He I
now a lawyer aul ha a good praotiue I bat
tpecuiaiiuD am tne butiue.
Mr J B Sitter, of Colville. W T, i iu tbe
The Albany market i lull of eaughaaugh
Mi Maud IliifTintB t fie Opera Honie
Mjm Kate Prio retnrntd fiom a trio to
Yaqnln Bay to-day.
Mr IInd and Mr O.terlioodt ar build
in4 neat cottage on Kir.t itrtet.
nertLaoaa, Moomoutb' U.t blcyoli.t.hs
been in tbe etty for a day or two.
I'mf Bauer, th writing matter, ia Al-
btny Utt year, bow baa a elaaa at Astoria,
Albany, growingbealtlilty.if not boom tag
I; , mid no br.ta band. What' tb. matter.
Two ear for tbe Gray's H.rbor k Paget
H unil It It passed through Albany to-day.
hiring Auuutt there wr lar..t fsitnrel
In Or.(on ( llabllilio , $50, 1 21. U.I. AeU,
Mr Ilainei, of Eugene, lias been lo the
city for a day or two, leaving on th. noon
train for Brownsville to look altar a small
fai m there,
Th. meanest ha aaain turned op.
II euod a deaf and dumb girl for breach of
promise on th. ground thst sileno give
YeaUrday J.D Haddock wa taken to the
insane asylum from noanDurg. lie nva
fa.tidtou Oreeoa virl and it un
balanced biin,
Highland Grove is tbe mm of a new town
00 the O P in thi oouuty, two miles sooth
ot M chain. Uo H Jouee ia th. ownet and
already baa ol.l a large namberof lot.
HuperinUnd.nt Brandt in oompaoy with
th U 8 It It CommUaioner pad thioogh
the citv thte afternoon. Yiraterday wae
.(ut aaamining tbe Narrow Gauge, an on
enviable task.
Mr K L Tbompaon baa porehaaed ef Mr
C H Templeton tbe barneaa .hop property
now oce a nied by inompeon uvermn,
and he now ba siity feet front at that plaee
on whiuh be oouteuiptaU ertotiog a two
story brick.
Fine ebleken dinner, at Mr Dierk'a every
S G Don it and wife, of Lafayette, ar ia
tbe eity.
Mr Chat Kb-fer left to-day on a trip to
A Sell lef yaaUrdsy for Crook county j
with a bt load of freight,
lisle Itaekeneto and wife are bom.
a trip to tb. Warm Spring.
Dr W C Neogo and family hsve return
ed from a trip to tb. mountain'.
Mi S A Gross lr to-nUht oa a two
week trip to the Klamath Hot Spring la
Northern California.
Mis Aaea L Hoatt, who haabtea attend
ing th Holme Ba.toet College at Port
land for aome time, ia in tbe city.
Clare B Irvine, rseently with tbeeer-aoi
hi bee added to the SUiteimom reportorial
force, at Salem , A live youog man.
At tbe II Si L eamtioe: brat ev.uing a body
of men waa aelected to nan., a chemioal tu
gins if percbaawt by tbe city.
Tb frame ef the new UuivrIit Charcb
attheeormrof Elisaerth aed 4.b Street
ia op and work U bein( io.hed rspidly on
the building.
Js J Cbar'ton aed Frank Piopat ha),
on Moeday for Princeton C-ultg, tb. form
r to remain on yaar tb latter two, when
t&ey will graduate.
Mr J If Geiaentaner, who ha been run
aing tbe (arm of Mr J B MuFariand for sev
ers! )eart leavee best weak fr Kooiville,
Tenn.. to reside He oa ts a Isrei nsr that
Mrs J as baa movsd from Peoria
to Albany to reside, ia oiL-r to obuia our
nperior school privilege. 'Iter son will go
to tbe Collrga and a lilt Is girl to th public
Mr EG Bard!er, tbe new real estal.
man, has return d from a trip to PortUbd,
and will be ready foi bnainea in a lew day.
He Uu that no application h len mad.
by Linn count v focapae at the Exposition
at PottUnd. It would be well if this lead
ing eonoty were repreaented
Advlre to Kothera.
Mr. Winslow'a Nootbinx Syrup, for
cbildrnn teetblug, 1 the prescription of
one or the bewt remain nurses ana pnysi
clana In tbe United Mates, ar.d baa ten
used for forty years with never falling
aueeews by million of mothers for their
children. During tbe process of terthlne
iu vslue is lucalcuable. It raleavea tbe
child from psla cure, dysentsry and (liar
rboea, griping in the bowel, and wind
collo. By giving health to tbe child it
rest tbe mother, price 20& a bottle-.
1888, I88O.
rir.l Term Ar pleas ber II Ik. lass
A lull eorpe of Instructor,
Courses ot study arranged to inmt lb
end of all grades of students,
Special rsasresw oj'wtd to $mlent
from ubroai.
Tuition ranges from $5.50 to f 13,50.
Board In private faiui'lea at low rates.
Room lor self-boarding at amaltex'-ense.
A careful auparvHnn exercised over stu
dents away from home. Fall term open.
September 7ih. For circular and full
particulars address the President.
Albany, .Oregon
Our Lady of Perpetual Help,
Condnoted by the SUH .of St, Benedict.
Tbl Academy is incorporated and uu
thorized by tbe Stale to oonfot' acadenifo
honor. The o-iurne of study Is complete.
Matbematice, Literature and Muaia are
ipeeialiie. as alee the Normal Instruction
ef asplrnnUi for teachers' certificate. In
dustrial drawing, vocal mualc In class and
II klnda of needlework form, no extra
char (ro. Tbe nieclpllue of the aubool ia
gentle btH firm. oojent belnu to form
not only refined yountr ladles, but noble
nd UHofuI members of anolnty, Puplla
limitled at any time and charges proper
'.loued. Pupil of any denomination re
ceived. Tuition In eeleot day ecbool range from
5tofl0. . V
For terms of Boarding School or any
nartict Iara apply at tbe Academy, or ao
ss Slater Superioress.
Ire. ,
And Solicitor in Chancery.
Colleellons protuptly wade on aii pn'i t
Lwns nountkted on eaaonable terms
h -i.iif.rEj And rounsellop At Lav
n jr Ma Donrts
inoi iricruitod to hi
.111.- o:se
will be promptly aUtadsd to.
W havs ih$ Exchthi Control ot
H ui
1 b.
;r- 'mi
teiiKin W
j-v 4 ft kanm ta oWr a Br If to till thit
Co: for IU thi BtSTHADt. ir Ca Arts
Ml m OXE KrtLF P0UK3S.
WOOD HAWINU.wooa awea on
abort notloe, anywhere In tie city.
rUirular nrloee. Ordera left at Brownell
A fetanard'e will be promptly attended to
UKO. 11. nthHIK,
United State Land Office,
Oregon City, Or., July 3r, ii8
Notice I hereby klven thnt In coinpll
ance with the proviTonof the ect of Con.
grc of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber land In the Niate of
California, Oregon, Navada and Washing
ton Tenltory," Martha Huckabayol Port
land, county 01 Muiinoman, state 01 wre-
con. ha tbl day filed In this office ber
swor n statement No 1325, (or the purchase
of lot 3 and 4 and H ft of N W ol fee
Jio 2, in Tp No 12 south, Kange .No 1.
east, and will offer proof to show that the
land sought I more valuable for ill timber
or done than for agricultural purpose,
and to her claim to taid land be
fore the Regitter and Receiver of thi. of
lice at Oregon City, ur on &ataruay ue
16th day ol Uctooer, 1999. ne names a
wltnesse I II Vroom, O Llndley, C J
Dtckcron and J M rjlmont, all of Port
land, Multnomah county, Or. Any and
all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are reque.led to file their
claim in thi office on or before said 26th
day of October, 1889.
W. A. UCRKXT, KCglstcr.
United State Land Office,
Oregon City, Or., July 3, 1S89.
Notice I hereby glyen that In cmiii.ll-
ance with the provision ol the act of Con.
gressof June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale ot timber ianu in tne ntnte 01
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory." David McFsrlane, of Van
couver, county ot dame, territory 01
Washington has thi day Hied In thi of
fice hi worn ctatement'No 1317. for the
purchase of the N E )i of fiec No 18, in
Tp No 12 touth, Range No 2 cast, and
will offer proof to show that the land tought
(more valuable It timber or stone than
(or agricultural purposes, and to e.tabli.h
hit claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver of this office at Oregon City,
Or., on Monday the 28th dsy of Jctobcr,
1889. He name a w itnes.c : C L May,
J Sweet. G W Robln.on aed I Filxgib.
bona, all of Vancouver, Clarke county, W
i T. Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above described lands are requested
to me their claim in tni oflice on or re
fore ald 2Slh dav of October, 1SS9
W,T. Btastv. ReeUter.
United State I .and Office.
Oregon City, Or., July 271b, iSE?.
Notice is hereby given lhat n compliance
with the provUion of the act of Congreu of
Junej, I078, entitled "An act for tbe sale of
limber binds in the ststesol CaUfurnia.Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," Tboroa
McG lenon, of Sydney, iinty of K is-ip.tcrtiiory
of Washington, has Ibis day filed in thi oflice
hiitworn statement No 1316, for the purchsse
of tbe -S E of section No 4. in township No
12 south, range No 2 east.snd ill offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable for
ill timber or stone lhan iov agricultural purpos
es,nd lo establish hi claim 10 said land before
the Register and Receiver of thi office t Ore
gon City. Or. on Fiiday, the 25th day of Octo
ber, 1889. He name a witnesses: C Smith,
J Herrog, J Peter and J T Murphy.sll of Syd
ney, Kitsap coun-y. W T. Any and ell per
son claiming adversely the above desciihcd
lands are requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 2 St h day of October, 1 889.
W T III NEV, Register.
United Sisl. Land Koiit.
UraoM. Cv.ururan:2nlvl5tti.lKia.
KirtWs. Is bwvbjr xi.f Out In cntnulUs' viihtti
prorueun "i i!w srl or CirvKroMof Juu. 2, U7..ulitld
"As set t' lbs ssls of uaiUr land, is lb. MaU. of l .l.
rota, UTsun. n.tsda. siki waainrton TTitorv,'
itmm E Hutd,ipu.uf ohmi't.. aoahtv of Tsunioa.
Umtoey uf Watineioa.iusr tbltdar S sd intaaoffir
kl. .rn rUinwBi No itmt, ttt 1I1. pn:rruu ul lb.
S K uf ttcomi N t.i luamhip Sa lU.aouth rmaf
KutrsM, and sill t&mt bronf to hw tusnhahuid
sousat la not valuable fur Its limber or sum un
fnr aa-rteultural pnqioM, and to MAbiub bla rlaim lu
aid huhI Svfnr ih. KestalM- and Kmnr .4 tbi. offlre
atOraun-lty, rea-n. on Ttt-ausy, tba tinA dy of
-. us Minw a. .iiunM. : i u i..ntMa.
J Slvras,M' Scour Bold and Jin UanMT.slI of HiwUle.
Klttf awnty, W T Any ami all penm daimlne ad
X mlr he .U Uwrntml land ar.mianrted tu III.
war Maim, in ll. cflto. on l Dint aaid rind dav c
OctoWr, Ivm.
W T Btbsst, ttrcister.
Vnlled 8tstM Land "dir..
Orejron City, ttttgfm, Jsty 17th, lane.
NotWIstMreby given Ui.t iu emii.m with the
rmivw.m. oi utt set of rnirnmi of J tine S, 1 n. &,.iiui led
"Aa set for tbe tsls of llmrwr lad. in th. at cl.
Ifirnis, Oragun. Nevada . and Washington Turrtutev,'
l-'rad U AtdnrS.of (WlllM.oounly ot W..tiHd.Mslaol
MtcBirrsn. astni.eay nied in this oSics hi. .worn
Malnuent o l.tll, forth. punbsiwU tbe M W I of
actum so Sl,tn township No lu amilb.ranjr. NoSouO
sndwill offer Moot In .how that th. land souirht i
nur ra'asbl. fur lu Unsber orstrnw than tor azrirul-
tunu pur)iw.. aul vootalli.n hueiatm loaatd laud
befura tb. Keviater and Keoir.r of Oil. oStesat Or-
mflCilff.llr.IiM I'rlthkV tim Mhibv .4 fk4h-. luidl
Us nsniM sa wilnsaas : P I Ismail .K Ho.M c V.rk.
M i squires, sll of Albany. Uno county. Ores on.
Any and slinsmms claiming .dverwly lbs sbovsas
srribrd land, sre ruealed to file olutm. In Ibis
ooiosoaor belureisudsua davttkitober, laaa.
W T ih sxsT, HegUUr.
United State Land Office.
Orvaon rite. Ore-eon. Julv 18th. 1SK9.
Notice is hnreiby eiveu thnt in compliance
with the provisions of tbe act of Congrwis of
Junes, PCs.enllt!ed"An act for the .nit- of Um
ber lands In th states or t'aliforntn, Oretron,
Nevada. Snd Ws.hinirtoo Territory. " Uonsld
McKae, of brown. vllle, county of Una, suite of
urr-non, na mis day men in tin. oflios bit
sworn siar-emeni ioiU, rorlne purchase of
the NK J of swtlon No2U, lntown.hlp No IH,
south, range No a, east, and will otrVr proof to
show tbat tbe land sought Is metre valuable
for Its Umber or stons than for agricultural
purposes, and lo establish his claim to said
land before the Kculste-r and Keceiver of this
ollloe at Ore-con City, Oregon, on Monduy.the
Hth day of October, is. He names ss wit-nr-ssr-s
i W U TajUor, W East, J B Towsly and
It Drenna.i.all of Albnnv. Linn countv.orecon.
Any all persons clalinlnK adveraely the above
described lands are requested to tile tholr
cimina in tnia umoe on or oaiore sam inn uay
01 October, 1W8.
W T Bt'BSsr, Register.
Guardian's Sale Of leal Estate.
Notice i heieby given tkat the nndr
signed, guardian of tha person and estato of
Olvy Loyd Gayer, a minor, by virtue of an
order of the Comity Court of Lion county,
Oregon, dul oade aud entered cf record
on tbe 1st day if July, ISSO.will tell st pub
lio auoticn for cash in band, on
atwrday, Ibe CtU day or October, ma,
at tbn hoar of 1 o'clock 'in tha afternoon ot
said day,at the Court Houae door, in Albany,
Lion county, Oregon, all the right.titie and
interest of said miuorin and to the undivid
ed ons-nintb o! the south half of the north
east fourth and the northwest fourth of the
toutheatt fourth of aeotion two, aud tbe
touth west fourth of the noithseat fourth of
leotion one, all in townthip eleven, outb,
range one, went of the Willamette meridian,
in Linn county , Oregon, containing 1 GO sore
more or lesr.
Dated this 20th daycf August, 18S9.
A. C. Guykr,
T.J.STiTEa, Guardian.
At'orney for Guardian.
till s
A torpid liver deramgres ibe wboleaytta
ttiu, sad produees .
Sick Hoadaclie,
Dyspepsia, Ccstiveness, Rheu
matism, Sallow Skin and Piles.
There, la rso better remedy forties)
com inou dlseasen thsa 'A'uft'a I.lvep
A-IUs, a.s a trial wlU prove, Price, SOc.
1 Hold EirerywJiere.
P-f-ilii-imii.inwiM-! -fi"-' - -r-T- -fill i'-i,
for Infants and Children.
' 'TatortAl.towea4ptdtocliIldeethAt I Caterfa etirr Colin, Corwt'paiiTn,
t rv,mmcad it a wpertor to any praaoripUon I 22 VZ-JXTZZZ d
saowatome." It A. Aacaaa, M. I Z.l' PrumWm
Ul So. Oxford Bl., UmoUjrt, X. T. Wuluut icjuriTo neiietiom.
Tan CnrrACa Ccarx.T, 77 Murray Struct, JC, T,
Combine! tbe Juice of the Blue Fig of
California, so laxative and nutritious,
with tbe medicinal virtue of plant
known to be most beneficial to the
homn system, forming tbe ONLY PER
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on the
Cleanse tbs System Effectually,
Naturally follow. Every one I wing U
and all are delighted with Jt. Ak your
druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Maaa
factured only by tbe
Sam rsAJiciscc Cau
fcoewvu-ve. Kv. 5iswYoa.M.
United Btatc Jjind Oirice,
trn-OTin Citv. Or.. July 17th. ias9
Ncit'u-fl in herobv iriven that in compli
ance with the provision of the art of Con-
rrmua of June .1. 1H78. entltlOl "An IH'l vn
the aale of timber land in the htate of
California, treiron. Nevada and Wfudiine-
ton Territory," Fred Gilbert, of Kealtb?,
county of King, Territory of Washington,
ha thia day lilcl in thia office his sworn
atit'omr-nt No lirt.for the trurcharJC of the
8 W H of Sec No Ti. Tp No 10, aouth
Range No 2 eat, and will offer proof to
show that the land eouzht is more ralu-
hMm fur ita tirnU-r or atone than for agri
cultural, and to rauMudi hi
claim to naid land lfore the Register and
ltoetdver of this office at Oreiton City.Or.,
on Haturday the 12th day ofOctoU-r.lRHM.
Ho rtmiiea as witneKses : r. Mana. C r
Kt,ltin... V lkme and It Krolm. all of
.Seattle, King ctjunty, W. T. Any and all
in-won claming adversely tne aiwve oe-
sx-riljed lane In are reuuesUMl to file their
claims in this oflice on or before said 12th
dav ol October, 1W.
W. T. Bi bxbv, Keglntcr.
United Ktat-s Ijind Olfioe,
Oregon City. Or.. July 17th. IS89.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the iirovuoon oi llie act ih Con
gress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act lor
the sale of timber lauds in the States of
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory." Murd-h Stewart, o( Heat-
tie, connty of King. Territory of Wanhing
tontr. has this dav tiled in this olfice his
sworn statement No 122K,for the purchase
of the N E H of Sec No 2X. in Tp No 10.
south Range No 2 east.and will otter proof
to show that the hind sought is more val
uable for its timber or stone than for auri
c-til tura! jiurpoHos, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Rccicter and
Iieceiver of this ollVe at Oregon City, Or.,
on Saturday the 12th day olOctoJer,188N.
He names an witnesses : F lSense. F
Shriener, It Krohn and F Gilbert, all of
Seattle, King county, W. T. Any and all
jiernon claiming adversely the above de
scribed UnlH are requested to tile their
chums in this office on or before said 12th
day of Octolsr, l!W .
W. T. P.t KNEV, Register.
United States Land Olfice,
Oregon City. Or.. July 23. 1839.
Notice? is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provision" ol the act ol Con
gress of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," James K Mcllargue, of
Brownsville, county of Linn, State of Ore
gon, has this day tiled in' this office his
sworn statement No 12U4,for the purchase
of the S E li of Sec No 32, Tp No 10 south,
Range No 2 east, and will oiler proof to
show that the land sought is mora valu
able for its timber or stone than for airri-
t ulturai numories. and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this oflice nt Oregon City, Or.,
on Haturdav the lth ihiv ot lMober,188S.
He name as witnesses : J 1 Irvine, A
P Howe, W C Cooley and A L Raker. aU
of Brownsville, Linn county, Or. Any
and alt iersons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their ctaimri in this office on or before said
Hh dav of October, 1SS.
W. T. Bi-KNEV, Register.
United Btatea Land Office.
OrreonClty, Ort-fcon, July lTlh.lttsa.
Notice is hereby Kiven llml in eoniplianee
wltbtbe provisions of the ant of Congress of
JuneiUa7&,enUtlcd"An act for the ale ! timber
and Washington Torrlto-y,'"Uoruhnrd Krohn.of
Seattle, county of Kin tr.territory ot Washington,
haslblsday filed In tblsotTioe his sworn slate
meutNoliiH foi the purchase oflho S W J of
section No iS, in township No lO.south ranre No
2 east, and will offer proof lo show lhat the land
souk hi Is more valuable for Ita limber er stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
hlsclalm tosald land before the Heglster and
Kocel ver of th is office nt Oregon City, orvtrun, on
Saturday, the litli day of October, WS9, He
nmioj wlluessi Fllens,Foilbert,USuwnrt
andFShriener. all of Seattle, KIdr county, WT.
Any and all persons elaimlnr; dvrely the
above dosoritxHl lands are rtwiuvsted totUethpir
claims in thlsotriceon or before said lilb day of
W T Bt'axKT, Keelster.
United states Land office.
Oregon City, Oregon, July 17th. 1SS9.
NoUee is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the aot of Con Kress of
Junes, ltrm. entitled "An act for the sale of Um
ber laud in the state of California, Orefron,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," Fran
Shrlener.ot Seattle. countyof King, territory of
Washington, has this day flledln this otTioe his
aworn atatement No l'M.forthe purcnase of the
SW Jot aeotion township No 10, seuth
ranee No 2 east, and will offer proof to show that
the landsoHKhti more valuable for its timber
orstane than for agriou'lural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before tneKeg
Isterand Keceiver of at Orcpon City,
Oregon, on Saturday, the 12th day of October,
lSsii. He names as witnesses : F Bense.B Krohn,
F Gilbert and M Stewart.all of Seattle.Kiniccr.un
ty.WT. Any aiul all persons olHlminjr adverse,
lvtho above described lands ara requested to
nle their claims in this office on or before said
IV T Dis.vtT, Register.
i hereby certify lhat Dr. 1. N." W oodle
haa successfully operatod on my rldgling
horse,. ISAAC HAYS.
For further reference in regard toridg
Ings inquire of VVm. PeUtrsou, Dave Pe
terson, Lebanon : John Uarrlman, Alfred
Wolverton, Albauy ; Sam Gaines, Scioj
Wm. Foster, Prtueviile. I praotica veter.
Inary medioine in Albany and country
surrounding, Oflice and residence comes
9th and Washirgtsn Sis. -I.
Veterinary Surgeon.
0. P. C9SII3W & SOiS,
Esal Estate and Insuranoe Agents.'
Real estate siid aad Collection and
Notarial busings attended to.
. Summons.
In tltf. Circuit Court 0 the StnU of OrtptM
for I Aim County.
Oynoy L Bartley, Piff.,
- v.
Gtorg I Bartley, Deft.
To George I Bartlet , tbe defendant above
I . it nam A the state of Oregon yea
sre hereby required to appose arid answer
Ibt corrvdairit of tb fdiiintiif r-bov nsmed,
in the! ove entitled Com I, now on H'etlu i
ki, u' Jus )oo o or l f;re ibe tirtt rlsy
i-f thn ..t r-tfi'l' 'rrn "f ni Court to-
vr., 0,:ldr,t!ie Sih, A. V. fi d y a
are litre!.) 1 otifiii ii.ut if yon 1 1 sf pesr si.nrr l c-n. Iiii.t sM.te r. uir(l
pl.lntm will ply ; fjoots lor tue f-
nl iir.ytl lor 111 sM compiem li--wir, a
dissointir a of the of matr)ninr,y tsii-
nii? Itwrn vmi n l idsintin. siirt for ire
crtstody of the minir il i'd, Lbe Eri5r,
nsniei in oompistru. siki ir cc. '
bursomenls ef this suit.
this suminw. ie i'.,lilil.rd dt rl
tbe Hon R P Bi.tse, Jode r.f aid Conrt.
Msds at t;t smUrs 00 t 12th !y of Julf,
a v, mo.
t 3 vniTr.
Att'y for Plaintiff.
Timter Land Sfotice.
United stales Ixir.d f 'fT-ce,
Oregon City, or- June 2ib, 180
Notice la hereby given ih&t l.i compli
ance wtlb Ibe provivions of tbe act of
Concreseot Jane 3rd, 1878. .ntttleri "An
aot for tbe aale or iiinlr lanoe in lb
Htales of California, Oreon, Nevada and
wasbioKtoa Territory ."rrank K Stevens,
of Montno, e. only of Chenalls. Teirt
toryof Wssiiingtoo, baa thia day filed in
tbi office hi aworu atatement No. 1070.
for tbe purehsse of the 8 W M ;t Section
No. 22. in Township no. 10 houltj Kange
No. 3 eat, and will offer j-reof to ebow
that tbe land ooe It I more ai liable for
itatlnberor atone than for agrleolturai
purposoT. nd to establish bis rlaim to
aaid land before tbe Register and Re
ceiver of tbl cOiee at Oregon City, Oi.,
rrtatay. Ike Setb star af Seteaaber, last.
lie tame aa witnesses t Thrs Keane.
II. Martin. O. W. Bali and John Weal.
a'l of Mont-H.oo, Cbsbalie eonoty.
Waablngton Territory. Any and ai: per
aona claiming advenely the alove de .
scribed lands er rcooeated to file tbelr
elaloss In tbis flice nn or before aaid 2otb
day of Keptem U r, 1 9
Timusr Land Eoticp.
Ucltfd t-ta'.ea Land Cfn .
Oregon City, Or., June SOlb, 18S3.
Notice ia heieby given tbat In CO tup II
ance wl!b tbe provisions of Ibe act of
Congre-acf Juoe rd, 1878, enlilled "An
set for tbe sale of timber landa in tbe
Stateaof California, Oiegon, Nevada, and
WaablngU.n lerritory," Thomas U. ,
Keane, of Mr.n:inno.couD(y of Cbebalie,
Territory i t Washington, has tbl oy
nled In thia r flice bis aworn statement
No. 10.7, for I ho purchase of the 8 K 1 of
Section No 22, in Towntblp No. 10,
fkrath, Rar ge No, 3 ea t, and whl offer
proof to too that tne isndaongnt ts mors
valuable for iu timber or atorse (ban for
agricultural purposes, and to eatabliab
bis claim to caid land before tbe Hegiater
and Receiver cf tbi. tfSee at Oregon
City, Oregon, on
Friday, Ike task day ef September, IS.
II. ntmesas witne-ssee: 11. Martin,
F. K. Ktevecs. a, W. Bell and John West-
all of Mnntesano,Cbebalia county. Wash
logton Territory, Any and all person
claiming adversely the above dtiserite
landa are requested to fi'e tholr claims 1
tbis efflce on or before aaid 20th day o
(September, 169,
W. T, Be RJKT,
Ely's Cream Balm
Clejiseo the TTasal Passages. Al
lays T"fil""T"BH"T Heals the Sores.
Bstores the Senses of Taste, Smoll
and Hearing.
A yjeleJe Ie applied lal. eaeb antitt and
I wrveable. Prie&Oo. stt UrwiMU mr by
a JJ. ELY Bl aOlliKKiySe Wsrrec bl-New Tot.
talasd, sad sll othar boaiaeaa in tha C S. pataa
mesattrndsdsd to for moderate teas.
Ouroffle is ooposit the V. 8. Patent OfBes, and
w ran obtain Patrmte less tim than thoss remote
rom Wa.hinrton. .
Brad modi ordrawinr. Ws av ' to patant
ability fraa ot charge and wsmake e cbarg. uleee
we obtain patant.
W refer hem, to the Postmaster, the 8opU el
Honey OrdarDiv. sad to orBoais oftbsU.B. Patent
Otfioe. For eirc alar, advice, term, aad efereaee
o actual clients ia yoorown State or county, sddrese
C, A. SNOW & CO.,
Opposite Patent Office, Wsshiagton, D .
Almost a3 Palatable as MUlc,
So dts;jitsd ttiat It cam be taken,
dlgeatett, mni aaaias listed by the sweat
semaltiT atoaach, wasa the plaia all
cannot r tolerated and by tbe eewa
blnatioa, of tbe ell wttit tbe bypopttwa.
pbitea 1 math more efticacisat, -
EfiBaxUbl u flesa prdirer.
PeoBi g!n rapidly wklle talfeg U,
SCOTTS EUTJLSION ia acknowledged by
Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa
ration in the world for the relief and cure ot
2a ereat renwdy for QmaumpHan, and
Wanting in Children. Sold by aU Druggists.
iOOORSO ACRES.-100 acres of fine
1 tarminst o r fruit lend, 4 miles westof
Albany, for only $25 an aore. Wi) I ae
50 sores If desired, Nioely looatei Ca
on Cooper Turner on CorvalUa ro I,
m Big u has given nnlver-
sal satisfaction in the
1 TO S ll&VIL
cure c f Uonorrnaea and
Uleet. I prescribe it and
feel sate in recommend
I'": It to all .ufferer.
. JCaotnatlJpr.
Dseatur, III.
"ls Bold by DraesUta.
'IH'I. vr..!njie !(.,
I . t i. m i J
11 tts3l3i
ABfY I J I m JL.USA OP I " L- ,1
IttTTI Tt ftkaou of odynd H-od: l.'fecta
r?V5 F.S'IOSTorrmr'l K vT.nrm
W W JLvJhJ of f -rontcri-xooBeinn t idr i ourir.
VotHNt, Bobi AA m tR'l rrJ. liovr f. Vnli'f. i
6tiiwfie V hib. I w ' ' Pi!"of ii'i
dtaeMtiutel; ar.Jii.-ff ( 1 -m': -! . J ! na to ei-r
Km tdumPr from 4 i Hi t, frrnri' sin-kii . wt
9mid wrllatliTM. . f . d... , ' a
(r(ti tv)-fl t'A.t iJr.ti lwr!. t -' t Tirg il
fi IltFir'