SEPTEMBER C. IS89. 8TITB3 Klltnrs i & HUTTING. I rsprlrlnrs. LOCAL KKCORI). Tut Rowexa." Tblt Httlts fishing craft lie on hi tldct on the touth beach ot Yaqulna Bay, no serious damage having been dona to it. It could be gotten off without much lroubl. The boat wat built at Coot Bay, and named after a woman there. By carelets teamanshlp It wa taken out too far from shore and put Into Ya. qutna Bay In a very recklet manner. The tailors didn't eem to know much about running even a square ended icow, No, a'a New Officer. At a meeting of Linn Engine Co. No. 3, lick1 last Mon day the following officer were elected for the ensuing year : 1) R N Blackburn, President ; Dr M II Ellis Sec 5 I) J Du brullle, Fin. Sec , O C Will, Treat J N Hoffman, foreman t John Kobenn, it Assl 1 Jas Callahan, 2nd Ass't. N Hoff man and 8 J Gulsa were elected delegates 10 me in W Association 10 meet in la coma. Mas. Drmphey at Wiuioit. Visitors teturnlng fi-om Wllhott aw Mr Jack Dempsey theie says the Salem Jimrmtl. They tpcak of her at being a modest lad ot refinement and Intelligence. She avoid ed apeaklng about her husband's engage ment with La Dlanch, and from her gen. era! conversation it wt Inferred that he disapproved of sparing matches.and would prefer to have Jack eek another cc po tion. Mrs Dempsey Is highly thought of by the other sojourner at Wllhoit, be cause of her good, practical sense. Ax Olij Story. We were looking for the firtt esse, and knew that it would oc cur ; but hardly expected that the victim woutJ be one of the mol astute real estate men '.n the I'niled Stairs. Sunday afternoon he took a ride on the street car, and nM having the change dropped a fifty cent piece in the box, and It jingled down ward out of sight. Then he tsked the driver for the changc.but of course did not sjet it. Suddenly it dawned on him that he had made a traditional blunder and he held his peace. Legal Matters. On next Saturday at t oVJock p. m. i6.m;6 acres c f the I) L C of as Junkin will be sold by the Sheriff on execution, In cae of L Kline against Jas G Junkin. On next Saturday at 1 o'clock p. m. In the case of I R Dawson against J W Elll son the Sheriff will sell 2 lot in Shedd. The final settlement In the cta:c ot W R Canon will be heard next Saturday at 10 o'clock a. m The Y. M. C. A. Noel II Jackt.travcl Ing Secretary of the Y M O A for the N. W,,gave two very ear:i-st aJ Iresset Sun day, one in the afternom to yn.ta men alone, and in ihe evening before a union meeting of cltixent al the Opera lloue. Mr Jack U quite enlhusbntlc over his work and is an able talker. A subscription was taken up.restilling in $319 being rii:d for the work here. Farm Fires. A number of farm fire have been occurring in different parts of the county. A small fire set on the farm of Mr Mose Parker spread and burned aeveial bushel of wheat and some fence. Another one on the farm of W K Temple did more damage, burning wheat and fen ce and very nearly capturing Mr Tem ples barn, which was only saved by hard work. School Book. The time for getting the new series of school books, under the recent law providing for a change in cer tain branches, expires October 1st, and all hangea have to be made by that time. The earlier the book arc secured the bet ter. Don't wait till the lime la up. We make this statement In response to an in quiry on the subject. TiiotiE Suits. U. S. District Attorney McArthur has just completed preparing the paper for the suits to be brought ask ing for the forfeiture of seven! wagon road grants, one of which is the Lebanon road. Thee will be long, tedious trials and probably it will be several year before the trial are completed. Ax Example Needed. Complaint is made to the Democrat office that there U a great amount of petty stealing of peach es apples, etc, from the grocer, a very contemptible, mean practice. Mar-.hal Hoffman tells us that unless the business la stopped an example will be Made of a few chronic case. Not Corvallis. tiundiy two Cor vail I men were In the city pretty well loaded with tarantula essence. Forgetting themselves and becoming a little hilarious" one of them braced up and In a loud whl per said to hi companion : "This it not Corvillls ; let's go." And they went. Call For It. A registered package sent from Albany to Mrs C W Jones, Elk Club, Neb, has been returned to the Al bany Post Office jt being uncalled for,and waits the sender. It contains three handkerchief s,a comb,a thimble and some money. The sender will please call at the P. O. for It, at once, as it will be sent to the dead letter office In thirty days. Blockades. The Salem man who klckt because one of the streets It block-, aded on account of a couple bricks being built, should be given a free bath in a mud puddle. Albany Is blockaded In te olaces that wav. and we are anxlou vera! severs! more blockades, and Second 'r Is waiting for the fun. Street Took Up. Tuesday Marshal Hoffman took up an Iron gray colt that had strayed In from the country .following a farm team ' In. The owner should speedily call and get the animal before the auctioneer's hammer hangs over him. Another. Rumor. It Is rumored that besides buying the Albany Water Works and Santiam Ditch, the citizens of Albany ' would like to see Mr Hoag push the Ore gon Pacific with electric speed toward Boise City and as well permanently locate the machine shops here. Another R. E. Office Mr E G Beardsley, a new comer,has rented an of fice In the Cutick Block, just north of the Democrat office, and will open a real es tate office. A Newspaper Qucry. In all papers that belong to the State Press Association the patent medicine ads. wi'.l soon go ; but what about the patent outside concerns that are srenerally full of patent ads. One patent is nearly as phrsicy as the other. At His Old Ttade Mr W R Graham, Albany's old tailor, has rented his former office In the Cuslck Block, and wilt return to the tailoring business, In which he was engaged for so many years In Alba-.iy, Lots op Wheat. The warehouse of Smith St Tallman is crowded ull of wheat, and the firm has mad; ar rangements to ttorea quantity at Yaquina liay. Died. Mrs. Johnson, an old lady, died at the house o' Mr J II Upham, on Water Street, Sunday, Sept. itt, and wa burled this afternoon. Remember It. Maud Hoffman, at the Opera House, Friday night The elecu tlonary treat of the season. Reserved seats at Blackman's, 50 cents ( gallery, 25 cents. An Increase. Saturday E W Lang don sold to Dr J P Wallace a half block a theeattend of Third street for t'7- Two years ago the Doctor was ouered th whole block lor 1400. Friday., Struet Limits.- At the hut meeting of City Council four more electric lights were ordered by the city. One was tli reeled to bo placed In front of the Depot The others were to be located by the com. mlttcc on strccls and public properly. The Democrat la Informed that the roirmlt tee has selected the following places for them ; one on First -Street, at Jackton.lhe sircct leading to the Woolen Mill. One on Montgomery, about hrce blocks south ot the one already on that street, and one In the First Ward near Thos Hi Ink's rest, ilence.- As the lights are to be spread out and limited for the present some are ad vocatlng that one of these new lights should ho placed near the O. P. depot In stead of so close to those already running Hose TRAMs.--The following ft given a Astoria's hose team for the -Tacoma tournament, many ot whom will be re membered as member ot the famous Res cue No a'a t J Harry, (Iro Noland, Peter Grant, Nuce Grant, Jm Hay, K 7. Fergu tonj W llarc.Frcd Pracl.W F. Warrcn.Ed llnllock.R Ebcrman.T RawIlngs.Ed Rcrd, A Gragg.C Duval, W Kyle. Tacoma's hose team No. 1 u!uk tip of men, any of whom It is claimed, can run in eleven scc onds, ts alv.-n as follows: Charles McAlee James Freeborn, Peter Stinger, Samuel Anderson, I U llofW, Fred Session t, V M Sltver.Abbott (iihletts,Thnma Meyer. td ractioiigui, Kay Koicrt,v J rrauxon and I II Chandler. Two other teams are being organised In Tacoma. The Same Pai l. The following from a Washington paper Unlmut a former Al bany gentleman, well-known by resident here during the day of '7$ and '70, : "Monsieur Paul d'lllcrrr, of Mie Seattle delegation o Walla Walla, ha gone to hi old Lome In Walla Walla to work up a bosm for Klunear torUovernor before the arrival of hU delegation there, lie was on the cars east bound yesterday with R O Dunbar, of Klickitat, with whom the Se attle ginc ha formed a combination, and was cliculallnif all sort of stories about Ferry and Squire. Mnnlctird'lllerry a veiy small man, but not any smaller than his colliagiies will look when thev come back from Walla Vlla next week'." A G-Aiikii Citv. J M Colvcr, who ha just from Albany, says tat the Improvement that are being made in Albany arc simply wonderful, says the Ochoco lie says fire proof build Ings arc going up In I.Kalitiet that a few years ago were the residence part of the cl'y.and everything denotes enterprise and Improvement. Only a few years ago Al bany was a sluggish, dull plare.but now It is the most no-ahead city In Wllhinette valley. This change hat been brought about simply by her cllixens showing p'en ty ot "nterprlse by using their own wealth to advantage and offering Inducements to foreign capital To locate in helr midst. Vert Polite. Minor Jackson, of Brownsville, for. nerly of Ai:nur, adver tises In bis home pjper In th following very aesthetic and original t-ianncr : ' I hare been the barber here fo.- ten vears. at the old stand, M Mil" street, down from Main. I villi give ou a first-class shave for 15 cntt, and hnlretit for 25 ct Sham pooing 15 els. iVmH-' mustache to or der. I will l- pV.wJ io have ihe public patronairc I n-11 tlie chief luirber of Ihe city. If you want a clean shave call on Minor Jackson, ami he will aecommiid-itc vou all in very polite manner. Please cal' nd see me soon. A Favir Sciioik. Otir people have been surprised at the immensity ot the watermelon that can be purchased for 25 cent. Here' the explanation. By an ar rangement wli'i Ihe Southern Pacific Southern Oregon dealer are alloweJ to take a -ar load of melon to Portland, ttap anywhere and leave a many a th?y de tire at an v place for local 'buyer, who take their melon from the cars. In this way car load rates are secured on small shipments, a big advantage to grocer. AstAtt at Salem. The Gold Moun-; tain minin? eamnarv of Ikls rll are now 1 o 1 J . receiving their assayer't apparatut and will soon be prepared to assay mineral brought to them. Already they have re ceived several samples of ores from the Santiam country. They will soon make a test of torn? of that rotten quartz and tee what It really doc contain. Journal, Thit should do away with the necessity of tending to San Francisco, where (hey timply look at a piece of ore, make out a certificate and send in their bill. Waxted Gold. Friday, when Frank Albaugh, who was robbed of $1 too, called at the Silverton bank to get hit checks ca bed the cash le insisted upon giving him a certificate of deposit or a draft on Salem bank, at the bank wat running low on gold, there being so many farmers drawing pay for their wheat, but Albaugh demanded go!d, which wat finally given him and, well It is too late to scold. A LateTiiinu The latest thing In hotel bills of fare not yet introduced In Al bany Is an edible menu card. You select the dishejyou want, and then while wait ing for them you amuse yourself by leis urely eating up the bill of fare, it acting at an appetizer. It -is the schen e of a Lon don confectioner. He makes a thin sheet of sweetened dough, and after it has been baked he print the menu upon it in ink made of chocolate. Dolble Names. Mrs Mackay, since hei residence In London, call herself Mrs Hup.gerford-Mackay. The passion for double names in England is new as g relit as in 8paln, where half the people are call ed after both their fathers and mothers. In Albany plain Conn Brothers suit the t people. This is a popular firm with one I name and one price for their customers, j Call on them f r good groceries. Two Kikdergautenk. Next Monday Mist Tot Wheeler .will open a kindergar ten school at the residence of A. Wheeler She will be assisted by Miss Helen Craw ford. Mr Wait Mead -will open a school at the W CT U Halt on the same day. Each school wi,l have twenty or thirty cholart. IHHtVAV of the worlo. A person who recently arrived from the Willamette Valley, says he met not let than forty teams going into the Valley to winter, Yv e are betting right that more than this number can be seen on their way back to part of the State just as toon as the mountains are passable next spring. I'rineville JVeivt. A Hoke Cart. The Lebanon hose cart was taken to Corvallis last Monday and will be uted in the Tacoma tournament One of the best teams ever organized in the Valley is being gotten together and if the Washington cities get any of the prizes it will be because of some cyclone speed. Fine Hops. A bunch of hops from the yard of Mr S O Wallace, of Lebanon pre clnct.wa laid on our table to-day by M Brice Wallace. Larger, healthier looking hops the Democrat ha never inspected The Linn county crop Is proving a good one. Growing. Leer Johnson, the minstrel expressed considerable surprise at the rtpld strides Albany has made since his last visit here. He thinks Albany Is "getting dar Ell" in good shape. p Abbey's Addition. 54 lots in this ad dition to Albany, near Hackleman's 3rd addition, for sale, at $50 to $125 a lot, ct Curran & Monteith's. D3r0'3& immARE AGENT FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VEUTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CHINE.BEST MACHINE IN THE vV ill (.;..-.; r S pfog nostlcntlng genius who penetrates Into the very bowels ot the most intricate and ab struse scientific problemt.lnforms the per ambulating man of the Democrat that he will go to the Mastodon Centennial cele bratlon to be held In 1891, whether at New ork or Chlcauo.lf It demolishes Ms new est clay pipe. Swlke hat already begun a bank account for the purpose. Two Lost Boyb. About to Wednes day fivo year olds Ullyeu and Seal wand ercd away from home and were lost to their parents for about three hours. They were finally found atier a long hunt near where the O 1 crosses the s r inspecting the ties on the track, and taken home In a nack. Coal Ft mo. While E G White and W C Ilurch, ot thli clty.were hunting recent ly In Lion county they made a discovery of what they consider a rich coal deposit and brought some specimens home with them, w hich I pronounced the genuine ar ticle. Thev do not with to make known the exact location ot their find until furlh cr Investigation. Stotrtmnn. A 11 ii Sale. Wednesday Mr liar per Ci a nor sold to Mr D 0 Monteilh his properly at the corner of First and Lyon Street, 110 feet front, for $19,000. A few months ago this property was bonded for $iA,ooo and the advance ot too forfeited. Harper continues to own the same amount of procrty facing Second Street. Dreams, There I evidently some thl.ig In dreamt after all. A Walla Walla woman dreamed of finding a pot of gold In the cellar, and next day she went down and nojted around and found keg ol beer which hci old man was keening- on the sly. A Brownsville Trial. G W Wright, Esq., wat called to BrowntvllleTucsday to defend the Martin boys, who were ar retted tor an assault with a dangerous weapon on James and George Keeoy, Mr Wright succeeded in securing the dis charge ot the Martin boys on the ground of self defense. A New Wav. Malheur countt girls have a new method ot discovering their future husband. They count the number of gentlemen who tip '.heir hat to them.and the hundreth man Is the fellow. One girl tried It, but it didn't work. The hundredth man was a corn doctor who has a wife and seven children. Publishes Them. Thr Salem StnU$ publishes the Louisiana lottery read ing notices, for which the Democrat has been offered a good price ; but though It doesn't pretend to be particularly virtuous, It won't do that. Patent medicine adsjire enough to make It feel ashamed of Itself sometimes. No Longer .'That question mark no longer belongs In place of the name of Mr Hub Bryant. That gentleman has sold his law books, retired front the legal butt test and It now simply President of the Bank of Oregon. He will now make ihe banking business an Issue. The law firm U now Hewitt & Irvine. The IIalokv School. -The Democrat has received a neatly printed copy ol the rules and regulations of the Halsey school, which shows that it Is Ihe Intention to run a good scIiojI in a methodical. Intelligent manner. TImm Brandon, T J Black and s j C Smith form Ihe board of director and F S Fields Is clerk. Mr G F Russell will fill I Ihe position at principal, with Miss Anna Godley at assUtanl. I Mome lloisr.t Needed. Something must be done. There are not neatly suf ficient house In Albany to meet the de mand. As toon as it I known that a place Is to be vacated there ire a dozen applica tion by renter. And yet house are up all over the city. Son Spring. Mr Frank Crabtree 1 now ha charge of the Findley Soda s,i. .ml 1. nn.n.n.J i f.,rni.k ik I public with firtt-clast accommodations, ' Juring the fall and winter. All Pekiovs. Indebted to live late firm of Browaell Si Stanard are requested to call and settle at the store ol C E Brownell without delay or make some satisfactory arrangements. . Biggest Yet. 10,000 rolls of wall pa ri latest varieties, finest decoration just c?lvet' tt FortmlMer Si Irving' This Trade Mai k on a stove meant It I the best that ex-, ience and skill can con trive. Sold only by G. W. Smith. Got It Agaix. What ? Why the fin est lot of fresh smoked beef In the market. Chipped to order. Alto a fine supply of our famous gold medal cream cheese. Willamette Packing (. A Shaep Item --The finest line of cut lery and shears In the city at Stewart & Sox's. Their goods are the very best and will stand the test- Money to Loan. At a low rate of in terest, on good farm property in Linn county, or on best Improved city property 1 . 1 1 a t , . , 1 1 l . . W.I..I., in iAiuaPT spp!y 10 Albany, Or Babies. The finest line of baby carr eges In the Valley just ti :eived at Stewart & Sox's. Price are remarkably cheap con sidering the superior quality of the carri age. Not Ire. There will be a meeting; at the various oting placet In Linn county, on IFednes ay, September nth, at 1 o'clock to elect delegates to the conference of the Labor Parties. Prohibition Parties and Grinsre. All in sympathy with the move cordially nvited to be present. JA. KNOX, Chairman Linn Co. Prohl. Cen. Com. Kid Gloves t Kid Uloves I I I have iust received a full line of kid tcloves branded Our Own. Thia is a genu. ine kid clove. I buy direct from importers in New York and consider them tne best value of any gloye I ever sold for this price. 5 button, 3 rows of M'tching, $1.50 per pair. ti. c. rouNo. Laee Curtains Lace Oartalns, I have iust received my fall stock of lace curtains bought direct from importers, the largest stock ever brought to this mark et, and best value tor the money. SAMUEL T OL'NG. Only $1.50. I have a fine stock of la dies and children's fall and winter trim' med hat, which I will sell at $1.50 each, These are hats that usually sell at $1.50, $3 and $4 each. Must make room for my fall opening. Call early and make your cnotce. Ida M. Brush, 1st floor Strahan't new brick. . Dr Wrtubtstnaa's Sovereign Balm of Life, far diseases ptcnliar to women, et Deyoe Si Itoheon's and Brownell ft HUoard's, P J Baltimore, agent Call and examine Z. T. Wright' stock of lubrioatinaoils. Also steam goods of all kinds. Keep tbo celebrated Powelt Sight- feed Lubricators and oil caps, eonstantly on hand. Also Trahern, Lilt and Foro pumps. Iron pips esoeoislly, Branch House 00 block sboyeAlbsny IronWorks. Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob son s special bargains WEATHER CHOP M'Ll.ETIN KO. M. Oregon State Weather Bureau per atlng with U. S. Signal Service Central of fice, Portland, Or., tor the week ending Siurday, August 31st, 1 SS 1 . The temperature has been bctov the normal. The nights were cool and in '.he best ot the day the thermometer ranged from 6k to 00 degress. The rainfall hat been about normal. Showers of rain oc curred In Western Oregon on the adth, 27th, 30th and 3tt, In Eastern Oregon In R few place uliuwcrs were experienced, n condition ot the weather at present seems to presage an eai ly commencement ot the rainy season. The sunshine hu been about or below the normal, The rains have cleared the atmosphere ol the smoke, In many parts ot the State and to a great extent quenched the forest fire. The weather condition were favorable to the grass, late garden products and late potatoes. Farmert In ssctlons are beginning to work their summer fallow. The hop pick ing season hat commenced, the rain will retard this operation. The general outlook It that there will be only aim tit a two-ihlrd crop, but of good quality. At Eugene contracts tor hops al 10 cents per pound are reported. The wheat output of the section east of the Cascasdcs will be about 70 to 80 per cent of the average. It It ic- ported that from Athena more wheat will be shipped than Inst year. Union county will have at much or more wheat than the average tor shipment. The best wheat ot Eastern Oregon comet from the section of the country adjacent to Athena and Mil ton and from the Grande Rondo Valley. Western Oregon ha generally good wheat especially so on the "west side of the Willamette River. The ncnera! average ot wheat Is poorer In quality than former ly, showing plainly the effects of the hot, dry weather. Kastern States averaire about 1 j to 30 bushel of wheat per acre. Uregon, In Ihe warmest and driest year on record yield on an average In western part ol Slate from a.c to 30 bushel per acre. In the Eastern section from tS to J J buthelt per acre. the oat crop It not an average. Hay In tectlont It plentiful ; In others somewhat tea ice. Grapes will be about or slightly below an average In yield, but they are very fine. Ttie Delaware, Concord, Mut cadlne and tllack Hamburg are the varie ties that are o' the mmt value In many! sections of the Slate. The pear crop is good, same for peaches and plums ; they 1 are however, slightly smaller in alxe. The dry weather and Codtln moth Injured the ppte crop to some extent. Tnere It no chance In the condition 01 the rivers reported. In tectlont of East ern Oregon many of the tprlngt and creek are furnishing a xooJIy supply of water, lit other section they are absolute- ory. II. S. Paul e, Obscrvrr U 8 Signal Service. MKT AMiMtTKI). Tke Or jo Prvss A.rltlns at Newport. Oregon. Tht 7W--AVf 'r publishes the following witty take-off on Ihe Oregon Press Association : The Orrgon Press AsmhU'Iiwi has met and meted a doe for patent medicine men which will be a disgusting to them a their medicine Is to other people. There were several remarkable feature In (hi meeting, the most remarkable, however, belonging lo Hob Johnson, of !ht Corval lis 7'ufml, Brother Bell avorldupol wat largely ! added to, a free dinner make Mm smile. He increased hU physique so much thai j he cannot sit In the Vreldeni'a clialr for ! the coming year. CHa. Nlckcil. of tne j Jacksonville 7'iWi, will wear a hole in his pants this year holding the seat. The meeting wa noted tor its good speeches and essays, at least the speaker essayed to make them. The Albany lleraU Introduced a Train 01 thought hlch we thought It never possessed ; we arrived at tills conclusion by reading the paper. The Salem .S7orsm Introduced a speaker named Davcv ; 1,1 other name should be Jones. Mr. Mason, of the W' Vm"", was1 there with hia emblem : ot course. I. wat i a Masonic emblem, a red noec. The Beach wat used quite frequently ' Inr a Is.vll k XII. . Wklln The oenlleman who was lo furnish the ! 1 - .1 . . hTL. . . . . 1 1 1 1 , 1 z uuicw n j oc s ouriwiiip snu MirriaKC j of Newcoapcr," from appearance would 1 rather furnish one op "The Courtship and j Marriage of Fish," especially the Bast, he , seems 10 kr.ow something ot thit subject or at least should, as he spent his time ; fishing for one. 1 L Campbell of the i'mard broke bis , bottle and then attempted to Bag Pipe's but It would not work. He Is a Scotch man. ! I Mr. Seal baa now come to the conclusion that the proprietor of the Ocean House Is hard Case. The Doughty warrior of Ihe Dallas Oh trver was there and carried dismay and food for the Ashes wherever he went on the briny deep. F.ddy-fie the audience again If you can. Rata ! Weather Summary of Meteorology for AOS',! ISSO, from observations taken at Albany.Linn Co. Orrgon, by John Briggs,vol. observer for the 8igosl Service, U S. Army. Highest barometer on the S'.li, 20 29. Lowest barometeroo the 30:h, 29.77. Mean barometer for the month, 30.04. Highest dsily averageof bar. 30 21. Lowest daily average of bar. 29.83. Highest teoiperature on the 10th, 13tr,iS. Lowest temperature on the 19, 2S, 29, 52. Mean for the month 63 04. Highest dsily raogs of thrr.oD the It, 37. Lowest daily ranged ther. 00 tbe 31, 13. Mean temperatore at 7 a, m. daily 5C..C Mean temperature at 2 p. ui. daily 79. Mean tempeiature at 9 p. tu. daily 58.41. Prevailing direetiona ot wind, N. Velocity or force, 3. Total rainfall or melted snow, 1.17. Depth of snow at end of mouth. 0. Number ot days on which .01 inch or more ram fell, 4. Number of days of cloudiness average S scale of 10, 3. Of 93 observations 37 were dear. 7 cloud 5 fair, 4 foggy, 3 rain, 3 baxy, 3 overcast, 33 smokey. Light frost ou the morninsi of 0. Temperatore 2 7 1 on atersge of 11 years. iLsinisuTu.oo oa average et Jl years. m es 1 11 M. F, Appointment. The M. E. Conference In session at Portland have made the following appoint ments of Interest to the Democrat's read ers t Albany, Samuel E Memmlnger. Brownsville, If B Ellsworth, Corvallis, II P Satchwell. Grant Pass, T L Jones. Jacksonville, Walton JSklpWorth. Halsey, D T Sommervillc. Lebanon, G H Colder. . . Shedd, II Gould. Columbia Chapel, Farvlew and St Johns, N M Sklpworth. McMlnnviiie,U V Kound. Salem, William Rollins. Set wood and Oswego, II P Webb. Rev S P Wilton remains Presiding Elder of the Eugene District and Rev M C Wire, of the Portland District. Albany people generally will reget tee ing Rev Webb taken from our midst. He hat made frlendt here unlvertallly. Card of Thanks. Detr Editur : Allow me t a thank the Oregon pres attatlnaslon wile at Yaqulny for ther goodness to me and 1 will alius remembur ther goodness to me wile in mi nour ot truoie, l did try tu snun tne biznes but it wus unlukcd fur, and com on me all of a sudden hopin yu wil help me to lick that feller down ther I am ever Yours Obediently, Harry Janb. SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW .'400DS AT DEY0JS & xlOBON HOME AND A BUD Alt MOHDAT. T li wait and Air v u tttijucr came Hp iron Kaiem tins noon, The SiatoroAcailemy opened this morning with gooi attendance. 0 to Usrcluo fur hoiifltt weUhts. Pood 8' 0 Is and lowttt living prlcnt, M Philllpl arrival In Ihe fiiy from Sisters, oros.i the uiituutsln thit morning. W K MoPherann list mnvM bit real ettate 1 HI t' op).)ttl the IVsttifUoe, Dick Vox ami R V K returned 011 Saturday from tbeir Hantism homesteads, Mrs A i Clifton, of Spnktna Fall, Is in the ully the jjuksI of her father, Mr K A Parker. F.thel Ilently, danghter of J W Huntley, naa r'liirnmi from a two months visit Yamhill county. W 11 Rarr eame over from the Nriluora yesterday, and left again tn-daj. He rrpurt sceaay progress ana easy routes. Albany Knitine Co. No. 1 and Una Kn Bin Co, hold their regular mooting to bight The latter will eleut officer. Jas F Powell, Sttunlsy evening severed hit connection with th Kirst Nttioual lUnk and sxpeot soon to go 1 o Tsoctna and enter one of the bank Of that city. The reuular outline i.f the Y W C T U'a will hn lii'lil at their hall to-ninrinw nleht. Snpt 3rd. Al! members aru reqaettvd to be present. Miss Ltars Onltra hss resigned her immi Hon as intruetn- hi muslo lu the Aibaoy C'olleue and will devote all her time to Imr Halem olast. Miss KateCoslinw, went to Albany Wad Mitdsy morning She is thinking of staviue more mn inter, aim Dnymg trie advan tage of "dity society.' Her many friends regret to see her leave. Timet Tt' a.lDAV. Il rained jesterdty morning at Yaquina Bay. I.iw Johnson's minstrels to ulgi.. (Jo and laugh. A trunk factory list been established at Th Dalles. Albany's city assessment has been retarn sd. 8alom Journal Yes, severs! months sgn, and taxes are nearly all paid Hey II 8 ilaqlsiter, of Atlanta, 0., has hteti appointed preacher in chary of bt. Paul M K Charuh, H enr of 2 id and Moot gmnery Sl. Uov D II Cuinaun on eooount uf hi wife's kesHh gne to Ivt Angeles Cotf'ruos wnKsi.tir. 1 hia afUrnmm )(( rrt John sold to K W J.inirt.m two lots in li's 2d A, Considera tion JV0. State fair uus week from Dei'. K (1'iiu and wife. f Sji, are in the oily. Mrs (I W Wright, it visiti-i; l:t patiaC at lirowusvlllr. N Cm m, of Brownsville, bss (mho i tk I oily to-day. The Supreme C'teit eoiveae4 stj SslTA yesterday, Kitty dosen imluw shade ju t reelJ at Foitniiller& Irving'. Bishop litrruvr, of the M K Church Sonlh, is in the city. Mr I. K r.Um weut to Browosvil! to-ly to liMitt aftrr hi farm there, A thrt.l-jpipsl ilcpirumnt fr tbe Willam ette University is twins rrDi'0.1, Jsi k iMnpsry Mt f ,t Cortland last oi;ht ai.l i,l ut ihii.u,h Albany tomorrow ini-rtiH't. t 1. Cit.i-n nd a.-o Johe, eie rtoantly in Chicnf, whnie tiro foriurr 5m-i;ii prs- CfCHlmtt lllf a lllVi.tttK. 'J 1. 1?" is !iig k'Hi-l icllitiiusrt work on the Mute f ir uruiin.) track gooig in 2.60 without any sttra It'iri. Waiter Parker and W II Wrnr hve brn elected diistr tit ti e N W tourna ment frtm Aii-any'o, Ko. 1. Miss S.m ('..hrn, the t-ccoirplisbr,! 7 ml M hen. 1. home Kom a t1i.ilt st lb M.t.epoiia, Msoy jreng ebiblrtn beeome pieitivty ret - ulsive with sir rye. re ear, and scald Saeb lllictlutis msy xlily re- moved by the u of Ayei'e Ssrstparil! 1 eung and old alike experience the woe dwt fa! benefits of this htrdiciue. "It coc right to the spot," si I an old gsntlomso, who foand 'greet benefit id Ayer's Sartaptiills. Jf wit right. ! rntsi.eiitt ul the stomach, liver and kid neys are more speedily remedied Ly this medieine Uun by any oher. It rea-hea tbe truatle directly. MrJ PlUil an.lti.ler. Hhoda, left thi noon for Clorada S urine, for tbe be or tit of tbe former's beeltb. The Dkmotkat hope to set tbe dry. brtcine atniMtdtera of Colo r-lo gt into Johnny' longs and make a tew man of bint. vVtteat, C3 eeft. IS eeet shaviuc at Vierctk's. 8 ticket fur l at Viertck't. Kefri-rstot tt Stewart ft &x's Boot and shoes at cost at Hind's. Saratoga chips at C K Brown)!'. j Ice cream fret sere at 8twa t ft Hex's. Try tht fall cream cheese at 0 K Brown -! ell'e. V. M-Mm ..Um- .!- A.ftW.I - fTn. J Meyers. Srhsir at Viereek'a shav ing parlors. Beat roasl'cofTca in tie city at Coo ltd Meyers. Call at F M French's for bsrgsioa la watches, clocks or jiwetry. Che ice large yellow Crawford peaches, 3 eent per box at C E Brownell'. J W Benlley. Iictt boot and shoe maker in eity, opposite Fortmiller& Irjiog's. A Ursa and. line line of ii de w a .C just received st Portniiller ft Irving'a. W have the bost $1 60 kid clove ever brought to Albauy a'. W F Head 'a. Now ia the time toaava money by baying boots and shoes at 0 st cf W. F. Bes.l . Go to Ilibter ft Paisley for your job print iii. sney do any ami ail kiudtof work In the peoiUhing and job printing line. Quick work and lew prices. KF.EProTEI. V. M. French ke-ips raitroaatime. J. P. Wallace. Physician and Surceoo, Al bany, Or For a Sterling or Kmerson piano ea'l on G L Blaukman. For atbt, obeip, aecood band organ, Mr. tiymau . (J L Blackniao it eont for the Weber piauo. Nona bettor. Biy voir tiaket thn,j2h to the East of W I. Jester sod save fire to Portland. The Western Cottage and Psukard are two of the best organs made. G L Block naa tells them. A fine line of all kinds of furniture, plain and upholstered, bos a took in this part of Ureit'in at rortnullcr it Irving s. If you want a clean and Gne smoke ask for J. Joseph's home made white labor cigars For sale by most cigar dealers and at bis Joseph's factory. J.V Arjhi itl 1, a 11 Siur Manufaotur ingUo., oppnito Oil Patio Temple, Al bany, A tine Put of buggy dusters sndfly nets at Thomvs. o Overman's, tbe leading harness dealer Ao elegant line of silk table spreads, lo beautiful designs, just received at Fottmilter ft living's. 5 cans Gjldon Star tomstoei for 50 cents at 0 Meyers, and all otberj canoed ; goods cheap lor caali , Just received new tablo linen at W. F. Read's. I W Stsrr, phyticisn andtnrgeon, Albany Oregon. . Good cooking ttove only $10 at Hop's, .a ft Saltmarsh's. . Side saddle and ladies riding uuroingles al Thompson & Overman's. . Thompson ft Overman, for the great Pynaintte buggy whip. ' A boy wanted to Uarn the barber buti nets at W B GilsoVt shop next door to Fott Ullice. The best watch in the world for the money, aath Ihomts makes them. F M French sella them. .adies auoos. msut thods, mitses shoes, children! shoes, mens boots, boys boots, st loss than cost to make room for other goods att;JS brownell . SUPERIOR LINES OF tAGRIOUInTURAL IIVI P LE M E NTS AT DE YOE ROD&ON BEA'i ESTAT BALES. FS Powell to f W Cutick, bllt jo li's 2nd A, Albany..,,...,..,. $1100 United States to Robert and Re becca II Wilkinson. .potent J M Thorp to A J Wlglc.alt Inlerest In certain timber........'...'.. i A J Wlgle to Paul Belts, all Interest In certain timber , . 35 Unllet States to Henry if liodekcr, palent Geo V. Moon lo f B Hopkins,!; acre, TpitHKi t J W Cuslck 10 David Link, blk 50 Il's and A, Albany J15H W A Peters an to F M French ..... Lease United States to Franklin Propst,, patent Mary 11 Kutnerloni la k 11 Kutner. ford,... Power of Attorney Ashby Pearce tfi K S Stralin, N K or blk 44, It's ar.d A, Albany.., fion John Fox to R 8 Strahau, 44 feet in blk 8, Albany 4000 a nackiemnn to l' J i.Mortc, lot , blk 1, Irs 3rd A, Albany 300 Joseph Moist to M K Dorrls, lot 7 and 8, blk 33. Albany 1500 Arxniea llarvey Hunt to v 1 uuck ett, lot 5,blk it,K'i A, Lebanon 415 j tr Jones to Isaac Meeker, Dl. t, of Isaac Meeker, quit claim... 50 Isaac Hates to ciinrie Batcs,i9 acres Sec at Tp OS K i w. , 300 II B-yant to P W Qulnn, 80 acres, To 13 8 R 4 w . 1700 Matilda Churchill o Rachel Arnt. plger, 1 acre, Ilarrltburg.... W Lanudon to J P Wallace, 500 1700 8xj 1000 1500 Ux 400 half blk 40, )'s and A, Albany B J Lannlng to C B lisrnlsh, lot blk 111, li s a, Aiuanv Alexander Pairlshlo Geo Fiy, tot 1 blk 18, R's and A, Lebanon... K W Langdon to Sarah ( Barne, N half of lots 1 and I, blk aH, IPs and A, Albany Mary K Farley to Elisabeth Simons sundry Iroclt, N Brownsville.. Win II Mooie to Daniel O Moote, So acre. Sec taTn it B R a w II Bryant to Ida S Gcddcs, small parcel In Tp 9 H R 2 K Robert Johns to K W Ijingdnn, lots 7 and 8 Mk 3fJ, jr. and A, Al bany.......... 800 400 3000 3.1 5 Andrew Cowan to U M Wettfall, tract In Lebanon N J Warmoth lo Auston Bend, part of 1) L C of F P L'avcness Chris Hardman to Louisa B Elcht- cr. small parcel in Sodaville... John A Crawford to Harah M Dodd er, N W qr blk 67, Albany.... UN THE HUt'TUEKN HUL'XDAUY. W II II Grant and family returned to their home In East Portland last Monday, The Misses Jones have a fine new or gan. Mr Luckey finished bating hay last Thursday, having baled about 135 (out In this neighborhood and a greater quantity near Eugene. The threshing it alt dne In thit vklul ty and grain nearly all In the warehouse. Hop picking begin next week. Fifty cents a box will be paid for picking. J D Morrow, jr., has ren'ed the Batter place. AU the young men ate interest d In chasing coyote, while one old bachelor seems to lie In pursuit of a wolf ait by him self. Last Wednesday a stubble fire burned several rods of fence for Mr Willoughby, and was only prerctiu-d from burning his house by hard word. On ihe same day Mr Bozcman lost a siring t fence by a burning straw pl!?. James Holt and family were in this neighborhood taut Thursday. An effort I being made to have a ttnn of school at the Ward school botisc. A yet theie hat teen 110 applicants for the position of teacher. Mi Jennlj UowUby, hi has been spending the summer 'with ftiend here, will return to school In Eugene Ihe first ot next week. Mr and Mr Jasper Wilkin aretho hap py possessor of a daugltter.born Aug. 3tb. Misse Laura and Belt Ward were visit ing their tlster, Mrs S M Bramwetl, thi week. TAM.ENT. Taxoknt, Aug. 3it, 1SS9. Mr K L Bryan and family and also Rev P A Moses aed bis family Intend moving away this fall. We are sorry to loe such good people. - " . We had the pleasure to step In and take a peep at Beard Bros dry house, they are doing a lively business. Little Roy Reel, a nephew of Mr B S Mills, wlillc playing wltnsome other small boys about a new hay press In someway got one of hit feet caught in a lever and received a pretty bad bruise on the side of bit foot. Mr George Mi l who fell oft the new school house several day ag- is on our; ; street again. j The new school house is 1. earing com- plctlon and it behove t ut lo hac a good school here thi winter and well attended. Mis Vary Leslie, of near Sodavllle, is working for Grandpa Beard. Mr B S Mills has also got back to Tan gent. He ha been away most all eum- merdown In the lower part ot the county and he reports that grain down in that section of the country turned out well. Born- -To the wife ot Foote BIcvin, a bis girl, on Aug. 30th, mother and child doing well. The familiar face of Mr Anderson, of Albany was teen here In Tangent on Sa turday. . Mr Mart Forrester will start his new hay baler on Monday. Mr Sam Mote t has accepted a position In Mr ScUlcmirc's ncrsery. leepieBrsa. Dr. Flint's Remedy la the best remade known for Insomnia, or 'slMpieasnesx, which aflliota so many persona, and which leads to ao many serious nervouadiaeaaea. particularly . to insanity Detorlptive treal 119 with esou bottle; 01, address Mack urngua, is. 1 , Why ? Why do you not go to Water- 00 As a summer reso t it Is unexcelled. Good level ground, good shade, excellent soda water, good hotel accommodations. Board and lodging from $5.00 to $7 per week to suit customer. Six miles above Lebanon on the Santiam river. I will be at Lebanon every Saturday at arrival of train to convey pttrtlee to Waterloo. Good feed ttaoietn connection wttn notet. J. G, Gross, Proprietor Waterloo 1 lotel Letter List. Following IS the list of letter remaining- In the Past Offlot, Albany, Linn eounty, Oregon, Sept till, IMS, Persons calling for these ietten must Kiv tn dst 00 whleh they were sdverUtod 1 Bidwell, F.d Booner, Thorns -Coraiae, W M Garcia, Ransom fteuoet. K M Mourner, Kugece Dudly.Frsnk lUrrison, O W Kaogar, A More, Sarah J Mo wat, lea Miles, A Petroni, P Suooafrauk, Eli Spenocr, LG R. TII0MPS0 N, P. M, Humphrey, Dexter Miller, Artbsr J Moore, w a " ' Mo ten, Wn A ; Pairs, Nils Smith, John Stevens, William Smith, James Albany Market. Wheat-63o. Oata-tOo. Butter-2uc per id. reus 5t Hay 11,00. Potatoes 75 eta per buaual Beef-on foot, Siic Apples 75 eent per bu, ?o-K 6jo per IY dressed. Bacens haim li'-Jc, shoulders, be. sides 10c. jard Ooperlb. our-4.25 per bb). "blckeii 3 00 per do. Mil Keed bran, 14.00 per ton shorts, 16. middlings, 20. Chor- 9.0. mmm AnoiiARD- VJAIaE Of ALL KINDS Al COILNTY UOl'ttT PB0CEE0IXC8. (D. ft. S. j tl. W, Cor and 0 W, Phillips, Cumniltslnnert.) The bridge at Crawfordsvllie was order ed repaired under supervision of Com mlssioner Cooper. Davl Bros, were directed to give pike for repairing Powers slough, , A Road was ordered established as op plied for by J T Hooks and others. In matter of application of S M McLane and others for county road, T P Goodman, u 11 m ine and a m Shelton were ap pointed viewer). Fees County officer al. owed. The following bills were ordered paid i form Binulimon .$130.48 K K Montnaue. Clerk's fee 83,30 A EL&T Co II Farewell, salary John Usher, janitor, K R Humphrey, lumber,, J F Hyde, poor fund..., Davl Bros. .lumber........ .... ,. Cruican& Mcnzcls, mdse. J Myers, aid poor,.... A F Hamilton, aid poor A Wheeler, lumber 35 o. 8333 31.76 injoo 1300 3.00 10.00 3fi J J Davie, keeping poor.,.,,...., John Bryant, digging grave...... 3. 36 3.00 8.00 l V Crawford, aid poor H W Johnson, rebate taxc Dr W II Davis, service prisoners, Mr H J Saltmarsh, aid poor. ..... II J J Italy, lumber... State egt Wcnsen 39.00 f-ojo Ifj8.70 73S 10,00 J5. 4r'-S" 76.00 33.50 3.5 6.00 6,00 3 35 8o State sgtjamrs Patterson Chat Jiiu'tis. aid poor J N Hoffman, aid poor. lames Welch, aid noor, ETT Fisher, surveying L M Curl T I Stites, examining teachers.... I J yornn, examining teachers. , .. S (i (iourley,repalrlngscrapers, , , B W Cooper. examining brldue... (i W Phillip, examining bridge.. M k, jm biockburn. expense arc t. B Davidson, poor, A I'KllJtT'lxa CITV. The Itcst litfslni-sa Crater lu toe Valley. A new real estate man say he hat been all ovei the Northwest, and find no place that tultt Mm at well as Albany. A great many are coming to the same conclusion, Let the teal estate men come on. They create business. Albany I tbe coming at traction without a doubt. It Is getting there In a mild, gentte kind of a way, w'.th both feet, to use a Chicago term. Every carpenter In Albany, without an exception, I busy and the city is full of them. A Dkmoi rat man looked for the exception to do a little work and failed to find Mm. They are at work on Tbe Woolen Mill, The Blumbcrg Black, The Linn County Bank, The Masonic Temple, And several dozen residences. The painters are there too and else where. It Is all over ihe city. A spirit of thrift Is upon us. Can we keep up with the gait, "Nothing to lol It." I IttvnliMti nailing Hlinmona Llvr Regulator for the past six years. My euetoiiiers) pronoun. It lbs. 11 vr used. On of my customer who b-alib in t wrdHieit ondit-oit Iminavrry bad and mituboin eaint tf dyepfpata, ti)d th Kgtilur and wa anll.eiy eured. 1 i' 1; tny-sdf lor t-.rpM liver, raua J by floe e oonrmcioi-lit. I find nnthirg ti equal it and lilirbly le.-oouucnd iu use. ts.pH-tfally, C'.P.tluxi, DrugKbsv, Fxilnburg. Vs. Advice to Motbera, Mre. Wiofclow's Kootblng Syrop, for children loethlnir. Is tho preecr limn of one of th best fomaln nurs and pbyet elana In tbe Unltad stata, atd has beo ol for forty yrt with neverfallinir auooesut by mitllona of motbera for their children. During the prooa of larthlnr lit value la Incalcuabla. It releavea tke ehild from pain cures dysentery and dlar rboea, (rHping In the boweJa, and wind 00; lo. By giving haHh lo the rblld it rests tbe another. Price. 25c. a bottle. HAUHIE'I. WILLIAMS BURR 1 S.-On Sunday Sept. lit, iSivj, at the Rus House, In Al bany, by George Humphrey, Esq., Mr John Wi'lliamsand Mis Rosa Burris.botlt of Mltlert Station. Tbe Ladies Dtlishted. The pleasant effect and tbe perfest aaf- ety with which ladies mar ate the liquid ! fruit laxative. Syrup of, und. r all I renditions, make It their fWrorlt remedy, J III pleaatnft to tbej eye and to the taxte. I gentle, yeletfcrtuat In actlog on tbe kid i neya, liver and bowels. idministrator's Sals Cf Real Prap - erty. In tbe matter of tbe estate of Hamuel Mek, doeaeod. Notice la hereby riven that by virtne of an order of the County Court of Lane county, Oregon, made and entered in saitl Court on the 2nd day ol Stptmbr, 1889, 1 win awn at to uotn noose floor in Eugeoe City, Lane county, Oregon.on Meads-, the 1th day af rtUer, IS, between tbe hour of 9 o'clock a. rn. and 4 o'olock p. m. lo-wlt, at 10 o'clock; a, in. of aald d i ,ai publ io auction to tbe nlgtt est bidder, for easli, the following de- t crtued real proarty belonging to aald eat t, to-wit: lit Uonatljn Laod Claim of Thomas M Weger and Mary Jane We- ger, til wire, uouncation DumtersuiS7, claim Not, In secllona 2.', 2 and 27, tn township 15, south of range 3 weet Wil lamette merinan, eontaiuiui: euou-iuu aerea.ln Linn county, Oregon. AIM) the north ball (H)oi tne nortbeaatQuaitetlM) of aeclton 8S, lowusbip IS, south of range 3 v. est, Willaoiotto meridian, coutalniug SO sores tn Linn county, Oregon, Dated sJeptenaber 7ib, 1889. A, a. Meek. Administrator 01.' the estate of Saaaael Metk, dceeaaed. Guardian's Sals of Eeal Estate, Notiee.ia hereby aiven that tbe under- sigr.ed, gotrdisn ot the person and catate of Almona 11 Daniel, a minor, by virtue ot an order of the County Court of Lion county, Oregoa, duly mad and entered of reecrd 00 tbe first dav ot July. 1SS9, will sell tt pub lic auction for cash in baud on he.Mh stayer October, isss. at tne hour of 1 o'cl ck ia the afternoon of .said day at tba Court House door in Albiny, Linn county. Oreeon. all tne liuht title and interest of said minor iu and to tne undivid ed two-ninths of the south half of tbe north east fourth and the northwest fourth of the toutbett fourth of Seo two, and the south west fourth f the uoithwett fourth of See t, allinTp lltonth, rsUk'a 1 wc&t of th Willamette meridian in Linn county, Ore gon, eontainiiiff 1G3 acres, mors or less. Dsted this 29th day of Aaeuit, 1889. F. M. Damicl, T. J. Stites. Guardian Attorney for Guardian. DFL C A. WHITflEY, Physician and Surgeon. Graduate cf Bellevue Hcipiial dical Col'oge Now Yerk City. Disearca 1 f woman a specialty, WOffioo, Froman's Brick, Albany, Or. A reliable U. S. Standard S-ton tcale ouly f37. Delivered at your nearest rail rotd Btatinh fres of fieigUton tnlrt.y days trial, larger - scale st proportionately low j rices. Warranted five 3 ears. .' Address, F. C. HOFFMAN, Albany, Oregon PAINT 3, Of 03 AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE as ROBSQN'S, K B!SGH.W0H Groceries. SQUARE C It BUOWNELL. fnewrsorto BROWNELL Woold respfcliulle imnonnct Ibat be in continuing lh boslnr-sa at the old tlard and that he la bolter than nr prrpsred to till all order with artorscy at,d d apatcb and at prlres CO o OnVrrd In tbe fown. Whit j thanklnn the citizen or Alba ny for I belr vary titmrsl patronaao In th pat-t I onrnani'.b solicit a' continuance of your fnvois, sssi-.rlng LOW PRICES, a iipeil-r qntllty of pood and CJoitrtioitft'X'i'ecitinont Vrry Respect fully,. Yours for )5nlni, c. V.. nitOW lBI.I.L. Atrbift Prlrckiiiirn, Salfsaiun. o SMALL GroceneM. Hank of Orpgon. I ALBANY, - - - ORECOH. Sd APITAIi, eBO.OOO. President II. BBYANT J. W. W.AItf. .11. V, MKllKII.L. Vloo I'resiJent. Caabler fSlabtxcbaneeand tolctrrepMe Iran fer ! New York, Francisco and Port end, Jrex n. Collection on favorable terms. tot W-.tneespufsa'ts at the Tortuiod Business 0ll1!t PortUiKl. Ovrxirtt, or at the Capital Bus iness CoUrsre, hsU-m, Of eaon. hoth sehwrfs are aadrrilw roensaementul A. V. ArmsUotiR. have ms course of studies and some rstrs of tuiliun. M 11 ul lie , Hhortliand VerillnE. Kenmanhip and English liefiert tnrnt. Isy ami eveninit scions. Wwlmls.l mittrd at any time. oriointCtaloue.dlrre rsrUseS Ea4Mi WIW, n u ii lorUuud, Oregon. vs ttalem. Orcguo. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Rate Land Office, - Oregon City, Or., July 23, lft89. Xoticw is hereby given that in compli ance with the proviniotinof tlie act of Con grww of Juno '.' 1878, entitled "An ai-t for the Hale of timber bin. la in the Ktatc of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wanning ton Territory," Alexandi-r P Howe, of Brownsville, county of I jnn, Htate of Ore gon, ha tin day bled in thi office bin worn Htatetnent No 12l8,for the imrchufte of lot 3 ami 4 and E 'A H W )i of Kec Xo :X, in Tp No 10 south, Range No 3 cait. ami will oiler proof to nbow that the land nought i more valuablo fur its timber or Ktono than for agricultural piirp wen, and to establish hi claim to aaid land lic-fore the 1,1-ginti'r and Receiver of thinoffic at Ore gon City, Or., on Faturday the lmh day of October, lSK'l. 1 Ic name- a witnrw : J K Mcllargue, W C (Vki1-v, N li Staml inlt ami J 1 Jn inc, all of Brownvil!e, Linn ronntv, Cr. Any and oil ierhonn claiming aiiverM-ly the ulmve il-Tibd land nre repieftel to file their claims in thi ollii-e on or iwfore Maid litth day of C toU-r, IKS'.l. W. T. Birsev, Itegicler. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State Lttvvl OHu-o, Oregon City, Or., July 23rd, lRSll. Notice in liereby given that in compli anoe with the provifiotiBof the act of Con gress of Juno 3, 1S78, entitled. "An act for the Kale of timber lands in the State of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Jesse D Irvine, of Browns ville, county of Linn, State of Oregon, baa thi day field in tht office his eworn etate ment So 1270, for the ptirrh.ute of the N E H of rec No 0, in Tp No 10 south, Range No 3 eai-t, and will offer proof to show that the land nought in more valuable for its timber or rtone than for agricultural pur- JjOM8, and to eptablisli hi claim to said and Ix-fore the Register and . Receiver of thia office at Oregon City, Or., on Satur day the 19th day of October, 1839. He naine a witnesses : If-' C Cooley, N B ianSB - niwiincntyor1 ! and all persons claiming auvereiy tne above lecni?tl land are requested to Die thfir claim in thia office on or before said liith dav of Octolier, 18K9. IF. T. Bt'RSEV, Ketfirfer. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State Land Office, Oreeon City. Or., July 2-1, 18SU. Notice ia hereby given thnt in compli ance with the uroviuion of the act of Con gress ol June li, isi, entitled "An act lor the aale of timber lands in the Mates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Nathan B Standiah, of lirownsville, county ot unn. Mate ot Ore gon, ha this day tiled in this office his eworn etatement No 1271, for the purchase of the N IK of SecNo 32, in Tj No 10 south, Kangc o 2 east, ana will oner proof to show that the land nought is more valuable for its timber or stone man lor agricultural purposes, and to establish ltis claim to said land liefore the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Or., on Saturday tbe 19th day of October.lSSO. He names as witnesses : J K Mcllargue, J I) Irvine, A P Howe and W C Cooley .all of Brownsville, Linn county, Ur. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to tile their clahna in this ollice on or before said 19th day of October, 1889. lr . T. 1H RNKV, ltegisier. . TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1880. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of Juno 3, 18(8, entitled "An act lor the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Casper II Hoberg, of Brownsvillecounty of Linn, State of Ore gon, has this day bled in this onice his sworn statement No 1207, for the purchase oftheNEAi ofSecNoU, in TpNo 10 south, JUange JNo Z east, ana win oner proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for UK1 ll-uituiat tu jvrra miu ru vc ...- mn claim to said land before the Register and niswiAtiUiitMl Mmncnn ami -s act i Yil 1 1: ft It 1 d Receiver of this office at Oregon City.Or., on Saturday the 19th dayof October, 1880. He names as witnesses : V C Cooley, J K Mcllargue, N B Standish and J D Ir vine.' all oi Brownsville. Linn county, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this ollice on or be fore said 10th day of October, 1889. W . T. IUirsev, Register. TIMBER LAND N0TIC3. United States Land Oflico, Oregon City, Or., July 23, 18S9. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con cress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States ot California, Oregon, Neva.1i and Washing ton Territory." George L Ldmiston. of Eil gone, county of Lane, State of Oregon, hijs this day filed in this ollice his sworn state ment No 12G5. for the purchase of the iu i of Sec No 30, in Tp 10 south, Range No 2 east, and willo ffor proof to show that the land sougnt is more vaiuanie tor its timber o stone than for agricultural pur- Ces, and to establish his claim to said d before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Sat urday the 19th day of October, 18S9. He names as witnesses : W East, W II Tay lor, H Brennaa and J B Towsley, all of Albany, Linn county; Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above de scribed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 19th day of October, 1889. W. T. Bt'KNEY, Register. educate & JTANARD, PROFITS. KTOTICEORDIS-WiLUTIOS OP PART Xl NERS1IIP. The Dsrtnnrshio htrreio partnership I fore existitif under tbe firm name of Wl!a. Thompson & ?o, wbrrein T L Walljce. W H Thompson E LsPoreet, of the city of Al bany. Lion county, Oregon, were genrsl part nere, let bi the 7th day of Angus', A. 1). I8&9, dissolved by motosl com en t, T L Wallsce, retiring. Tbe basines mill be coo d acted at f be same place by W 8 Thorn f sr.a ad K LePorest, under the firm name, S-J-Forest & Thompson, who will auume all li abilities and collect all accounts do t'.e 0rm. DaUd Ibis 7th day of Angatt, 18S0. - f . L. WaLLScK, W, S, Tiiomwos, E. LAFoaiwT. J.J.DORRIS, IbstractOT and Conveyancer, e"0fflc at the Court flout, rLD irtOS.-Flfty tons of old imo cinsctlty, wauled J caaling, in any Immediately at tba Albany In n Work. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. l"nited State Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 2.1, 1SK!). Nutice is liereby given that in compli ance with the provision of the act of Con gress of Jnne 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the State -of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," William C Cooley, of Brownsville, countv of linn, Htate of Ore gon, has this day filed in thi office his sworn statement No 12G3,for tbe pun-ha.-- of the E K of N W M and lota 1 and 2 0 Sec No .10, in Tp 10 south, Range No :: east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its thit her r stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be fore the Register and Receiver of this of fice at Oregon City, Oreeon, on Saturday the liith day of Octotr,"lHKf. lie name as witnesses : N B Standish, A P Howe, J K Mcllargue and C II H'jbenf, all of Unn county, Oregon. Any and ail ier sona claiming ailverself the above de srriUiI lands are requested to file ' their claims in this office on or before said l'lili day of Octolier, 188!). W. T. Bi-rxey, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE, United State Land Office Oregon City, Or., July 25, 18S0. N4ice is hereby given that in eorni-li-ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1873, entitled "An act for the pale of timber lands in tbe States of California, Orepon, Nevada and IPashing ton Territory," James II Stevens, of Turn water, county of Thurston, Territory of Washington," has this day filed in this of fice his sworn statement No 12S0, for the purchase of the S W of Sec No 2(5, in Tp No 10 south, Range No 2 east, and will of fer proof to show that the land sought ia more valuable for its timber or storse than for acricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of thia office at Oregon City, Or., on Tuesday the 22nd day of October, 1880. He name as witnesses : J E Hutchinson, O B Jakobson, W Scourfield and john Garner, all of Seattle, King Co.. W.T. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands are re quested to file their claims in this office on or liefore said 22nd day of October, 1880. V. T. Bi'bn'ev. Register. iimber Land Notice. United Stales LaLd CfSce, Oregon City, Oifgoo, June 29tb, 1SS9- Notice ia hereby given that id compliance with tbe pros-biona of tbe act tf Congress cf . Jcne 3rd, 1S78, entitled "An act for tbe salo of timber lands in the States of California. Oreeon, Nevada, and W'tsbinttoa Teiritory," Angus S. Sbaw, of Mill City, eonnty cf Marion, State of Oregon, has tbis day fi! 1 in this etfice bis aworn statement No. 1K0, for the purchase of the SGVof Section N. 6, iu Towust-ip No. 10 south, rsiige No. 3 eaat, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valaacia lor its tinicer or stone than for agricultural purposes, ad to establiso his claim to said land before the Register aod Receiver cf this ctSce-at Ore gon City, Oregon, on Tncsttay. tke Mist slay ef September, tSS9. Ha names as witnesses : W, Sims, L, ttrowo, J. Boyle and H. Tarpley. ail of Mill City, Marion county, Oregon. Any and all persons denning adversely tbe above described lands are requested to nie their claims in this otnee on or before said 24th day of September, 1SS9. W.T. UlRNKY, Register. Timber Land Notke. United State Land Office, Oregon City, Or., Joue 2Mb, 1880. Notice is bert-by siren that in coturfi v ance with tbe prevbion of tbe act of Cor.gress of Jnne 3rd, 1873, entitled "An act roc tne Wo or timber lands in the Stat8 o 1 California, Oregon, Nevada and nashinftton TerrHarvy' James H. Boyie. of Mill City, ranntv of Marion. Sletn nf Oregon, baa tbis day fi!ed in this office n)a aworn statement No. 1101, tor tbe purchase oft he K ii of S W U and lots 6 and 7 of Sect ion Ko. 6, in Township Ko. 10 South Range No, 3 east, and will effer proof to fchow tbat the land sought is more valuable lor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and lo establish bia claim to said land before tbe BeeMer and Receiver of tbis tlBoe at Oregon City, Oregon, on , Taesday, tbeXlth day eT September, 18S9 He namea as witnesses : W. Sims I Brown. A. S. St aw and II. Taipley.ail of Mill City, Marion county, Oreeon, Any and all persons claiming adversely t.he-aboy described land aro rquesteii to file tbeir claims tn thia office on or bo fore said 24th day of Sepienr ber, 18S9. ' '-. , W. T.Bobmt, Register. ; : Execunx Notice, fa ft CoHnt, Court 0 Linn com;, Oregw. I? the matter of the estate of W R Cai -non, deceased. . Notice is hereby given to all whom it my concern that the Executrix of the abovo entitled estate filed her final account in said matter in said Court on the 7th day of Au gnt.t, 18S9, and tbat the Jude cf said Court baa appointed Saturday the' 7th day oi Sep tember, 1889, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day 'for the heating of all oljectioi s to said fiual account and tbe settling of the sarna. Dated thia August "th, 1889. Laura Bell Cannon, W. R. Bilvbu, - Executrix. Attorney.