The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 06, 1889, Image 1

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if! ffT
a In the IrM
Advertising' raediutn
In f he Central
liKI i
. Issaed every Friday I y
Advertising ratee made known
Foot of Morrison St., Portland, Or.,
AUKvr wt
The Adransa Tiwsling HacMaory
Th best and fiwt thresher lit Amerl
e, and a machine that aland without
rivet. Toe AIVANON thresher has
NKVKK broil HKPl.ACKl) by any other
machine on the C'oat. but has rr plait I
several other that HAVK KAU.KU lo
fill Mr A RKANTKK. The KNU IN K ia guar. to pull morn than inr other, ni
will out travel n:l others on the toad. 1 1
you hearanv loud lti, p!eee (nil the
partly the AOVAM'K 1 UKhHKK mitt
K.NUIN K are sold on their nietlt eiillm
ly. And 1 am willing to prove all I I'laliu.
in my field at any time, V-o tint l hunt
lUKKt by buying any inaohtii ttmll
you aee the ADVANCK. 1 I.m handle
Mlxam fl'tlii srood-s Iran pipe, pum-i
nioweia, eder, Bjirintfioolii harrow
blacksmith's fargf, drill., clinrcti. Irm
and school heiK, an I iiiiny utrn r ,.n
Albany Itrauoh llcuse one htocK below
Huaa lluuma,
i hereby certify tbtt Dr. 1. V. W jodle
baa aucreatifullr operate! on my ridirllna;
horse, 18 A AC II A Yd.
For further rferen In reirard to rlda
In Inquire of Wm. I'eUrwoo, Iate t
terwoD, Lebanon I John ilardinan, Alfred
Wolverton. Albe,uy : Sain Ualnee, Mcloc
Wm. KoHter, PrinevliU. I praclloa veter
inary ine-iictne In Albany and country
surrounding, ottlce entf residence eornes
Ah and Waalilri-jnSta.
Vetecnary HurstM n.
r UUIIOlljailUII J
Deraandi prompt trcatinont. The re
ulta ot neglect may be aorloua. Aroid
all harah aad'dnutlo purgative, the
tendency ot wblch la to weaken tlie
bowel. The beat remedy la Ayer'a
rilla. living purely vegotablo, tbelr
action la prompt and tuelr eiloct alwaja
beneficial. Tbey art) an admirable
Liver and After-dlnnor pill, and every
where andoraod by tha profession. .
" Ayer'a TUla are bluhly and unlver
ally anoken of by the people about
here. I make daily xt ot thetn In my
practice." Dr. I. E. lfowler, bridge.
IHirt, Conn.
"I can recommend Ayer'a nila above
all others, having Ions proved their
value as a cathurtio for mynolf and
family.'.' J. T. Ucsa, LeithsvlUo, l'a.
' " For aereral years Ayer'a Klls liava
been used in uiy Xauilly. Wo find thetu
au "gffiH .
m Effective Remedy
for constipation and indteeatlnn, and
are never without them In the house."
Moaea Greuiur, Iwell, Muas.
" I hava used Ayer'a rilhi. for liver
troubles and ludigvNtlon, tliirtnit tuauy
years, and have always found thetu
ronipt and etllclvnt In their action."
" I auffcml from constipation which
assumed such an obstinate, form that I
fvareil It would cause a stoppaKM ot tlm
lowela. Two Imxva of Ayvr's Tills ef
tncted a complete cure." 1). Jlurke,
ciaco, Me.
" I have nsed Ayer'a rilla for the past
thirty years and consider them au In
valuable family medicine. I know of
no better remedy for liver troublus,
and have always found them A prompt
cure for dyspepsia," James Quinn, U
Middle at., JIartfurd, Conu.
"Having been troubled with costlve
neas, which aeema inevitablo with pr
aons ot amlentary habits, I have tried
Ayer'a I'll Is, hoping for relief. I ant
tlad to say that they hare served bio
etter than any other medicine. I
arrive at this conclusion only after a
faithful trial of their merit." Samuel
X. Joucs, Oak at., ltoeton. Mass
AyerslPills, j
Dr. f. C. Ayer it Co Lowall, Mass.'
s told by aU Dealera la Medlclata.
Track 1. aviso on th O P. lcpur
Sheriff Frank Wrljfhtmait returned jes
tcrday from his trip lo iho mountain up
the North Santhtm, ovs the Statesman and
reports that the e otk of la) lug tiack on
the rx'enslon of the () P railroad U to be
coiuun no d nrly text week. Should
there hs siitlklciit Iron a"d other track
inaterUI oil hsml, and a rciiMiuable force
of men kapt In vork steuddy, the road
can be p'a:cd In itood running wider clear
1 1 the summit before the seswin
a cemloi of Inhor. Au ordinary track
laving una will put down mile, to a
mile sud a qusritr a diiy. and lw ears
;o this kind of work was done until the
middled November. U take. 88 ton of
led. or six carloads, to Hie mile, so the
see tt t no small ninuer v
Tilt OltKt ON KXHttttT Tl tpKMUt'llAT
hat received a copy of the MlUnuhee
AWiWalih the folioa-litK marked arllcle,
whtch explain Itself s "The Oregon del.
egallon, conUllng o llfty-flve ncntlcmcn
and ladles, arrived nt o:Jj jcsierday ii nro.
Ingr over the VIconl.i Central nd, and
their two special cars were lae tracked nt
the old Union depot on Uecd licet. The
Oregon people bring with them an Inter
esting exhibit of their Slate's product,
which will be placed In the Exposition
building, and will occupy a apace of
square feet. Two carload are filled with
fruit, wheat, rye, oats, barley, corn
grasses. The grnln Is put up In pi it sacks
and will be OIti United gratis at the Kxo
sltUin, commencing Monday afternoon.
The delegation ho peaches, pear and
plum In abundance, nul they will be
Encampment week.
rcTJtlLT l llll lvV 1, I" I ...... . . . ,
?:v;!.r.A" : zv:, 'r' , . r .jauk, tot.,, ahov0 .. pi ??
- '"" wheat, oats, barley and giasse In small
A (ioon St'faatsTitNtKNT. In view of I sheave have been neatly arranged for the
i .i , In ttfftrent I inspection Ol viciiom. l us rwinni
thi that were made in aliment i i n,..i,. n,e Ka.t
k .41 I KVBI V V " -
Go to Cardue for honest weights, tood
guod and lowrst liviug prices.
Golden Rule Bazaar.
Hla atooa: 'jaa bwo anlara;! ao that It equala any on the Co, aad oonatsta of
Roger Bros. Silverware, French Ohinf and Orys-
talware, Boys' Wagons, Doll Carriage
Fancy Goods, and a general
assortment of Orockiey
and Toys.
Hebuj JlrifcH...Jarrle4th.UrIr.tolctr IKo Willa.Wt- Valley,
baa been addod eomplete line of
(a Agent for loaoransa oompanlea with a opitl anHU"K irs.OfM.ore .
pmM on parle Frsocais. Hler wird deutch gaproohan.-,
Mitchell & lewis Co.,
Agricultural Implements
from the Pacific t oast, and will prove a
very interesting feature of the Kxpoiltlon.
The dclcKstlon is headed by K U McKlroy,
commander of the Oregon department,
nd the exhibit i In charge of II S Cook."
An Elocutionary Thuat, Ml Maud
Huffman, of OrvallW.who haslieen spend
part of Oregon when Or Lane was ap
pointed Superintendent of the Iinane
Asylum, the following from the Salem
Jrnrf will be full of Interest ; 'Ur W r
freeman, of Walla Walla, Washington
Territory, a gentleman who haviuea
visl'ted the Oregon asylum and expresses. " season. In California will give
himself urprled at the tnorougnness oi i n ciwuuuimry v.,.-. ...
Or Ijiib'. Imnrttvements. and remarked I House In thl elt v on Frldav evening, Sept
the great change for' the better since his I 6lh anJ ie KMOl.KAT hopes will be
x&r ti:r;;-.n . f n w. h.. Tan
. . . i , . . . t . I i. 1 a . L tn.iAH. nnili.1. II.A tu.kfl
enl management, oi any mat no i - ,v ...v
lied." I teachers of California, give evidence of
a...M a..-A Utter written ' tncrlt. Her entertainment In Corral.
Sunday." Aug. S6ih, from Mr Wm Wright, 'ently heartily commended both
a member of th. surveying party of the jr the pres. and audience, some o! whom
Albany & Astoria R R Co. lo Mr John wc.c in-mwH- .y. o. ...
'i . i- ,1.., ik n.n. then In thai tatnment at u Angeies, vai tnc oorna
(uUs states that the party wa then in tne n..tnd i tr ,P.iiiio.. f the
canyon of the great Nestucca River, going I .j. iirUue," said ! "Ml Hoffman I a
ahead at the rato of only about mile a young lady of most pronounced Judgment
day, owing to n Immense amount of nn who combines natural talent with hard
i t u.i .u , . The tudv, the expression of her eyes and face
der bush that had to be cut away. Tht , ' nr.u.n n, ,n irr word. "
route over the mountains had proven to I 4mon other parts, she will present at her
be a remarkable eaiy one, with no tunnels, I entcrtlnment In Albanv the "Chariot
and gradual aacent and descents. Mr. I R.c" tcn ilur In the costume of the
An Albany man who was anxious 1 p When Ui puiy United Slates Marshal
sell his property for a tertian price. u bo Neale killed Terry, Hie Oirgtiiitn seised
lug to'd of a purchaser at lltnt price, said upon the frogle event lih the hope of I
I c knrcd he wasn't asking rnuth und lug able to extort sime poliilCHl cipltal
would wait awhile and think about the from It, but so far, It has mei a hh a dr.
matter. lllustrttes the ti . full .-,,..,11. bmomlnlous .hfial. Not a slnutc
I v -
j republican pnper, (and we cheerful tj nv It
to their credit,) has been found In the stale
of the refc!esliile market.
A like splttt was displayed when U waa
proposed to extend a railroad to a certain
point In this glorious Valley, Everybody
would give th tight of way free ; but
when they thought the railroad was anx
lints they asked a double price, and the
Company got tmd and dropped the mat
ter. " ;
Wright reported the Nestucca a paradise
for fishing, catching thirty fine trout one
morning before breakfast. The patty
was In hlt'h spirits and having a good
time as well as doing good work.
Panra-sioNAt. The firemen' tourna
ment has become simply a contest among
hero ot the story. "Leah the forsaken"
will be a pleasant feature of the entertain
ment. Reserved seats at Dtackman'a, 50 cents;
gallery, 35 cents.
A Naaa asica PaVe. The editor of the
Red Cloud lrmral In mentioning his trip
professional sprinters, and no longer, at 'a j through the Willamette Valley speak ol
it earlier days, I It a contest of firemen, j Albany a follows, which wouU Indicate
A man wl.h a revolver In hi cartridge
belt, on the outside, looks most fearfully
savage , hut he Is not. lie It simply a
Inw abiding, Innocent citlxin. Look out
for the fellow with his wenpon concealed
in the hip pocket. : '
Riding on street car like many other
things, Is a habit, and If It only can be
made fashionable In Albany there will be
no question as lo the success nt the street
car enterprise.
None of u believe In prlxe fighting s It
Is naughty, brutal business with bad In
fluences ; but rea'ly It I very unsatisfac
tory to have Dcmpsey knocked out by a
chance blow when rljit along he hnd been
knocking tlis spots off Lalilanche and
showing himself the best of the two.
M ll to itsawasr,
A HI Hubkwry.
Salkm, Oa,, Aug 31.1 Frank Albaugh,
otncarSalcm, aashcld up lat night by
highway robber and robbed of $1,100.
He had just sold hi wheat at Sllverton
and was returning home, when, near
Drift Creek two men stepped from the
I brush, presented their revolver and said :
"Hand up, your money or your life.'
He gave up. They said they had a no
tion to shoot him for fun and drew their
revolver. Albaugh grabbed It and shot
through a hand. Another shot struck hi
watch, glancing off. The robber escaped.
the Tacoma and East Portland team. par.
tlcularly are made up of professional who
dnn't kmw the difference between a noi
tie and a wheel spoke. Evert Corvalll la
setting some In, and we hope, a our alster
city nas mat mucn cnicrpn, n
several good prises.
No Svaraise.. The manner In which
La nianche knocked Demrtsey out was
The Albany real estate market I brae
Ing up and sale are becoming lively.
New comer are settling with
want property to reside on.
Albany ! progressing progressively
More building U being done than ever
Carpenter and painter are rush-
Ilcsides sales reported recently the Ore
gon Land Co. have within a day or two
made the following sales : Q It Skinner
to E C Phelps, 4 Iota In H'aath A, $170 ;
Frank Howe to L II Starr, house and lot
East First St, $10001 T L Wallace to
Hawkins & FarrelUlot II 4th A,$iooo;
Mr C Ferrell, a lot near O P depot to
Mr Siicneficld, $750 : Dubrullle & Klein
to Mr tierish. a lots U s 4th A J7S.
Several lot have also been sold In Pipe
additUn by F A HuiWhart
yp" r-r
' ' '1 iiiii HI--I.. in in, 111 mH 'n 1,1 JvJc
that we did not escape entirely from notice
Nest we made a short stop at Albany, a
beautiful little city destined 'o be a rail
road center and a rare chnnce fer Invest
ment If taken soon, before the boom com
mences. It was here I met the large heart
ed and liberal minded Cap'. Stone, who
ha an eye for business, and never falls to
see a chance for cood Investment. Thl 1
wa materially exemplified In that he hand- before.
quite a surprise ; but It I getting to be no I ed u J.50 lor a single copy 01 tne ur-mo- ej.
surprise to see the Willamette Packing Cap. may you live ,
Co', .tore f-ll ot fresh fruit, and good, of P""P"- -
all kinds. 1 they are getting quite a rep. , ; -7-
utailon In this respect Just rectlved to. 7"" m -
night from San Francisco a One atock of I lowing despatch from Ixndon.datcd Aug.
era rc. cauliflower, sweet potatoes, celery, I 8ih. to the Enamumrrfii San Fra r.c I
cream cheese, fine comb honey, etc, etc. , . ,he(j,u..on. on. the people of the
Callear,jr' I Valley generally will clap their hands over,
Tn New Paorassoa.-Mrs Sne!l,Pro- . lh nrM.n. .unninlf t,e Nar-
fessor of Domestic Economy In the A grl- row QfM j, a burning shame: MA
cultural College at CorvalllMrrlyed lit AU meeUng 0 ,he bondlioldcrs of the Oregon
bany last! Friday on her wy to her new Rii,wtv Company wa held to-day at the
field of labors, and spent the forenoon In omce of (ne comp,.,, in nundee.ScotUnd.
the city maklnir friend, with Albany peo- By a unanimous vote the .ale of the rail
road to Ki r Huntington wr tiiwno was
approved. The company had lot at tlie
rate of 100 weekly In inte-est and desir
ed to consummate the sale rapidly a
Comino Thw Way. The anlde outfit
.1 . . I I Ul AUIUltlMM m
a..Ht l.ft Alh.n Thurtdsv eveninirforl . I ohn I Ualncs.
j - - J ' the depot are liberal advertiser., dui uicy Lsne
the soldier, nome at aanta n everpaa cer.t. Their advance agent John W Da vis....
where he will re.lde In the future. Mr. contrJlct, or ,jverJuing, the manager to George L Curry
Bryant came to Albany fifteen year ago ply forMine on his arrival with the show state covaaxaaa
..J U..II, ..n mn reoutallon for and the manager rpnu.llatcs any and
...v. ww... -K V J r y . . ,. I fi.i...t,
honesty and .trA.ghtfordw.rdn... of J. I'.T S S. C 'cTbU.
nt ririnler'a ink on these biks should George L Wood.
kick them out of hi office and then ad- J Lafayette S drover
vertlse them In their true light. Baker
City RevtiUe.
In a Month. Cox, Hobcig & Co. have
returned from Poitland, where they order
ed some first-class machinery for their w ou d for a moment penult II col
limns to be used for the base and derad
Ingly slanderous purpose to which the
Ifri-gemaH has been from day to day lei,'.
Many ul these papers have remained si
lent, but the AoKuMmfi', one of the
staunchest and most decent papers In the
slate, has the nmnly courage to condemn
the brutal warfare wlilc't the Oififonian
makes upon more than half the people of
the Union The MnUiintrr say ! '-Da-vld
H Terry who ha gone tv his final a
I count for any misdeeds of which he might
have been gullty.mlght havebern a repre
aentatlveof southern chivalry n ante Mluni
day. 1 but no one but a narrow-minded
blgot,or who ha not sufficient breadth and
depth of brain to grasp 1 question In all It
dclalls.would ever make the assertion lltnt
he was a fair representative of tlie demo
cratic party. The leader of democracy
have, In some Instances, descended from
the old Puritan stock of J
as a cool and calculating a etas, of Ml
vldual. a. can be found anywhere. Cleve
and, Whitney and Endlcoit have no hot.
Cavalier blood In their vein 1 neither did
Jackson, Pierce, Buchanan or Douglas.
White we acknowledge these must
also be admitted that Henry Clay,the great
Whig leader, was of hot. Impetuous south
ern blood.and that John Ilell.of Tennessee,
the last candidate on what Is denominated
the Know Nothing ticket, was from the
same Casallcr race. The life of Terry
will not be made of any political signifi
cance except ty men of very .mall minds,
whose menta vUlon I obscured by preju
dice, ami whose-Ideas of men and lifeaie
ctmtracteJ by extraneoue Influences sur
rounding them. The Northern democracy
wa composed of a different class from the
southern 1 and the northern Whig from
the southern. And to day the different
portion of the United State have become
so mixed that It Is difficult to find a distlnc
tlveclas In any. Northern Puritan and
southern Cavalier have Intermingled, and
French Huguenot and Spanish Catholic,
and these combined although we must
acknowledge the Anglo-Saxon clement
to be predominant make the modern
American. Terry wa undoubtedly a man
. I t..- i.n,nv I..1.I In fitu-tance hla iA j
US and I -- ,
ment, and for making threats against a
democratic justice of the U S supreme
court and attempting to carry them Into
execution he wa killed by a democratic
U S deputy marshal. There can be no po-
Tlie colossal c tucstrian statue bf General ,
Robert E designed by Mcu ie of Pari is
now in the foundry, where it ImsWn enlarged,
section by section, fiom the lile size model sup
plied by the ctil lor. It will probably reiicb
Richmond toward the end of November. The-
pedestal is already in place. . When unveiled
there will le grand ceremonta about the
statue, including a parade of military on I o
veteran of I lie Confederate armies.
Worth, the f.invii man dressmske. of I'url B
is a native born Knglislinmnof striking appear
ance, looking like a Scotchman, and adding to
the likeness by wearing always a Scotch cap,
flit father meant to make a printer of him, bu
he didn't like :h work and manager) to ge
into the dry good trade in l,oti Ion. Thence
he went lo Paris, where he found favor with
the Empress Eugenic, and his fortune was
made. He ha a fine chateau near Paris,
There were 536 vessel of 919,61 1 ton gro
under construction in the United Kingdom a
the close of the quarter ended June 30, Th
total number under construction at the same
period last yesr a 377, of an aggregate o
608,11810ns, Among the vessels amler co
struct km 381 areweel Weainet and 6g icon
ateamers. The increase in the ship building
trade has been of similar jroort.oii at a'lf
the center in the kingdom.
The Gentleman's Msgsiine for 1794 says
that to cure fit a ling should le made out of
five silver sixpence collected from five bach
elors, and conveyed to the band of a black
smith who is a bachelor by one of the five. If
none of the five ustect what the collection is
for, the ring wllj be an Infallible charm.
There is a grim humor about the fact while
Quay.FasKtt and three other "practicar politi
cian were eboaij the yacht Manatee off
Atlantic City recently tbey were relieved of
their watche and .mall change. A. wide
awake men by reputation they must suffer to
think that they have lieen robbed "in block
offive." -
The statement that President Harrison is in
favor of estendine the civil service classifies-
lion lo the bead, of division shoulJ not cause
the spoilsmen to Iom a wink of sleep. Presi
dent I tarrison. course to far shows that he isn't
built that way.
t .!f!PS59
Ilelva Lock wood ha. been visiting the scenes
of the Wbitechapel murders in London, After
a woman baa been through the aew.paper. of
I be United State at a Presidential candidate
no Jack the Ripper can have any terror for
.. . .ifrj?".
3a jrm
a evaiertv vsorrsec
aativvkEsa vasttu seaaieiaL
Q&csn; 6a;,
hrt. OU E Dollar
The majorlijr f the Ilia of the humaa
body arise from a dlseaaed ZJver. 81m
mens Liver Regulator baa been tbe means
of restoring more people to bealln and
bapplneea by giving them a bealtby
liver than any other agency on earth.
a - -
4..SSlP ,
1 1 'A 1 trJk ztn m .
fstl-.J.s, .I'.ti;- iwi:.
1 ,n mi .1 a nam 11 nim 1 iiiii 11 11
Fort sale p.y rosiiAY a Ao
JS -ewjBafflsjessa T 4
Uk -msv. - "" -a . jar .y.e
ft' )i)by VM A KUrk, dealer In
fine wrtcbe, jewelry, ete,
m lost
The re-dine of the llible in the public school
of Minneapolis. Minn., has been stooped. The
reasen given is that there are too. many com
plimentary allusion to S'. Paul in the good
Tanner, the faster, hss been outdone by an
lltlcal significance to any event Connected I o.jnarian of JaJUn who paed tbe sixty-
with thl trageily. I cventh day of hi fast yesterday. The record
of Tanner, the snrplu eater.stand unsurpas-
A good story la told of the .ate 8L M I ed, however.
Barlow' expcrlcnce.scveral year ago,wllh
some democratic friends who had gone to
hla summer home at Glen Cove, on Long
Island.lo spend a holiday with him. The
party wa. made up of the late Governor
Tllden s Charles A Dana, then as now
Oregon Slate Fair
Twenty-ninth annual exhibition at
fair 13, Oregon.
Oar tleverrnra.
editor of the Smn 5 Manton Maible, editor COMMENCISC MONDAY. SEPT. 16.
ofthellVW; Smith M Weed, since be- m.n
VQlUinniDX VP. wwn, wuuo
ajemnnt f f the Oregon fkaie
pie, which I an easy thing to do, a Mr
Snell I a woman ot many apparent charm
of character. She will nil a new oepan
ment In the which should be
come popular.
Fort 11 a Soumib Hosts;. Mr. John
Here Is a list of Oregon' Governor
come prominent In politic ,and one or two
other men of position. After dinner hi
guests made their way to the billiard-room
from tlie be glnnlng.wlth the year of thslr I fcein to play. Uelore long MrTilden
term : confessed to .leeplncs and proposed to go
tsbkitcmiaL w.vravoa. to bed. Mr Barlow accompanied him,
foseph I-ane., 85-5 w,th lhe purpose of returning later to his
Board of Agrieulture.
OYER $15000 15 CASH
all contracts unlcsa
:. Arv a irnnd home where he I The newspaper man
can obtain the rest he needs. Albany I
full of his friends who hope that hie de
clining year may be enjoyable one.
A Vic Pcll. On Thursday I D Mil-
ler'a threshing crew finished the season
run with hi Russell & Co' 36 inch thrc-
I akaasl t-tta-a A t eM t 1 A Aitln fit
order to show what the engine could do planing mill and a.h and door factory .and
the engineer Eugene Bourner hitched to propose having the tactory running by
the engine the thresner, water tana, cooa 1 October 1st. There men are enterprising
house and elj?ht grain wagon and easily Bnd pUhlnt,and wilt create business In the
orfjrl t tt atrhriltiirsl, atook. dairy,
1. 1 ... 1 ..htKlia. for worke of
" v 1 But ihw.i.miv.. " - " ... m
. ttM-53 1 pleasure seeking friends, but when he got I art and fauey worn, and for irtaia 01
9S3-53ln u. .... UrA iheeonetuslon thaLa I apeeu.
.- -
.... i5S 59 1 hU 8ue knew where to sleep, he would
follow Mr itanow a exumpie. iic uio so
and stent soundl v until after daylight the
8tO 61 ,. r In aakentntr he
.sX. heard the rattle of the billiard ball, and
.".m.Ti I concluded that, a til cuests were ucn
nd Vcliiclcs
,t,r bense Cir. t t UN
ss - -
pulled them from a .lubblefield.
It Is Rcmorkd. Tlie Dallas Oburvr
says it Is rumored : That Monmouth I
soon to have a newspaper, to be run in the
most modern style. That it I. now almost
.Unnning and Trotting Eaces
Important Improvement made lo tbe
premium Hat.
n ..... a ..... emM n A frltjhta
l.ainviTr .-iiirovcr ...--- it i " 1 ntii-01 rw.i -
S F Chadwtck ,S7i"E I rly riser, it was quite desirable that their on4i iri-.ipirlf.ton 1, 1,4 .. it from
William W Thayer , I!J I host should get out a Mon a. possible. He the fair.
Zenas V Moody ,"7 Lm ..l ,-nt m lh lillllard room. where I nrtsnvn T SirtP'flCrfrifS a
.1807- . - - PKIbCa Ur HUIslls77IUIf a
the game had proceeded wunoui tnicrrup-1
tlon through the whole night. He found! O
at the door, the only exit, hi taiintui out w ... ,,ftfcll. Mc
fierce bull dog standing guard. The guest I women's day ticket .....
had made, during the nlghtt one attempt . SU
alter anotner togci away anu nu hi u ,
Sylvester Pcnnoyer
I am (now retaiiirg iurns'ore at 077 factory at coat. rcnt wihnmc nin.r
tnn cattdo well to look here for ba.2aina,aa 1 am l?oinK to an at coat rwtii
thenextO day. Cime and exsmine mygoorta before iircliHiog nla-i-
Factor at th river end of Lyon Btreet.
n ttahllihed fact that the railroad from
Astoria to Albany will pasa through Dal- I which a young man named rane will per
las. Thatlt la doubtful if the Narrow hapa lose hUarm. He wa walking by
Guage passe into the hand, of the South- Mf o, a epaialor and in .ttcmptlng to
ern Pacific. - I .... n n m.A . ml sten and fell to
Cood WATCiiaaMr J S Luckey ha at the ground, the wheels of the acpaiator
I tpavsiUni naa Briri r I ti urt 1 n rT hla arm In a.
From tiik MtSEa.-Pr. Darker I down
from the Santlam mine and l consider
ably enthused over the prospect there.
Not only are the quart mine showing up
aa s . . L. f 1. 1 ... lu asam (! 4 1 111
building line In our city. And, by the '- but lhe bjn Aog haJ done hi. duty so sue
way. there I already a big tmpetua in tnia p.acer mine.. '."Z :.i h . cessfully a. to prevent their departure.and
line anu inc iur ihiciiick " " nV Dter. invcinumuiji i" ... . ... u.u ,11
areata, the .uonlv. ... ... -v.r.t hvdraullc there waa nothing else to do through all
v,cw w r '"Zl, .7 " rillfornl. thelongwatche.ofthenlghtbuttorcturn
A Peculiar Acc.oaNT.-At Cham- pl.nt.,h.vlngen .hut out from C.ll
poegon Monday an accident occurred In on account 01 rcccm new .. ...
done there will be a .tir mere never oe.or. fctll,r.t,on 0f republican club, of
On Baltimore ha. p.ased the following reol.
,h. m.iti.r wilt soon be decided. The plan I tlon 1
I to run a flume from the Meadowa, a dls-1 Reolved,That we.a republlcans.pledge
2 on
1 00 1
Ghas. Metgzer.
Real Estate, Pmploymen and Insurance Agent .
A.I oommuiOitloJ pionoptly a aware.1 In Germanor Knglisb.
hi. jewelry the watch carried by Albert r;,;;
Wilson at the lime he wa. drowned, it I
run about ten hour, after he fell Into the a uadmo paper, arc ,
water. It wa. in the water about eleven Px"7 patronized by tne .icepy nome mcr-
day and the .alt water rusted It so badly chanta that one of them has to run a two
that the works are nearly eaten. iis 1 column ad. of it own oom instae ami
Luck v' watch run aboet fourteen hourouUdc. The paper there ore all well
after the accident and i also badly eaten edited,and In fact hre acveral mile ahead
by rust. Eugene uuard. 1 of the unenterprising mcrchant,who need
. I prodding wttn a pticniora.
A New Table The Oregon Pacific! 6 r
Railroad Co, have issued a new time table, A Project. The matter of widening
which went Into effect Monday, Augu.t Second Street foutteen feet and making it
26th. The time on all train, have been an eighty foot .treet I. being agitaico.
i.i-,.ki .knrtened 'fh- nasaenffer I Thla would be a ten stroke for the .treet
w""u J.. 7' . . I ...l .AA t.k Wa.
row leave. Y aqutna a 7 arnv.og 7
Albany, 11 . Returning, leave. Aioany i " w 7
at 1 p. m.. arriving at Yaquina 5:10 p. m. Innocent. "Puck" Hamilton,who was
Sinking With Syncope. An Astoria arrested In thl city for emheiilementand
paper head a long article in the following tahen to Portland, wa immediately di
raglcal manner, which would indicate charged.a there was nothing in the charge,
that all waa not boom at the mouth of the Puck, like all men who have been in the
. 1 a , .!..! . . ...1...
rvdnmhla "Ho ! You dreamers. Wake I newspaper Business, is cnimcu 10 ...0.
... an.l fartnV vnur slothful wavs. the ancr an.
.... w " -- J - J '
town i sinking wiih syncope and need a
dose of electricity."
tance ot ten mile and then do some placer 1 ourteiVea not to support any one for office,
mlnlns on a big scale. J. nt wouiu w 1 euher national, elate or city, wno ts in i-
fiooxxx) betore any mining " 1 vor 01 in. preicni ouiou. tim km
Visions of ten or fifteen thousand miner t tt ,ppHc.tic
Send to the Secretary at Salem for a
premium list .
J. T. APFERSOJf, President.
J, T, OREGG, Secretary.
Partlc desiring to purchase saw log
lll dn well to call on the undersigned
who ha about 3,000,000 ft of log on the
j Calapoola above Brownsville.
rl. r. iuEssii.L iiuiwh
. Albany, Or.
and a Leadvllle are already appearing
of people,
ppllcation in the distribution of public 1 ssR-sSOR'SSOrtOE. -rTo'.loala here
......... wh.r.hv t h. miinniv 01 ao-1 w hv v van tnn ids ui xiu.n
.Al.lm.nli in awnrriMl I n vOulllf men I Ka.i.1011 will attend at the office of the
,..!, from .Phools and collette whtle the County Cterir, in Albany, Linn county,
' ?.... C Tuvnt iiaraw
. btUKnBiU .. I X rC II irOlll t-"truia dtisi vwni-v- ..... - - j - . .. V.l J.- f Can.
... .uaal ... .. in . Avtt I nrfrr. 1 1 . on MaDfiAT. tbe 9tb a?ocoep-
who read tht. par.grap ., w, b red out on uSKr . .nd publicly .x.m.n. th.
how a few year ago fcugeno our" i-T. " nii-d .0 answer aaaeaament rolla ana ooireetau erro
. 7 . inwver. Com. account of age, or have acl to answer dsaorlDtion 01 qualltlea of
iian am at 1 1 iiuiiil: ut a v 1 t iii...J.ia hh aaaii-aakrtr vs in m.f r v - -
plctcly floored the old war horse, ten rce ,n wh)ch they are seeking employ
llavden. in om leaal argument here In Indent,
Daila, Sklpworth made a aupposcd These are candid republican.. They
.....k i iio. Hn. and wa so complete a I were t first In favor ef the civil service
mimic, that the most Intimate friends of w because it operated to keep them and
. a .rA that in tone, gestures, I theh- nartv friend In office. They are
and everything else It was a perfect copv I nQW opp0ied to t because it operatea to
of one of Mr Haydene k.. them out. Brlcflv gUted,they are In
M r Skip wortn u now nw " . . . thlniy Ihat MCure to
them.the office and opposed to everything
that keep them out. " :
Real Bargains.
Notions, Furashing Goods, etc,
Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silk,
Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie
ry, Fancy Goods, etc
The Leading Jash Dry Goods Store.
al AaJillr-
,tioi.t to the South MethodUt confer-
-""--7 111 u.., 1
.no nd h i s 11 ime incuu
m.nvs auirh aver mat comical vvcui.
Dalla. Itemiter.
l.nrt. Int. or ntbar DroDerlT.
, , . w
ti, D. jaosa,
We hava ih Exclusive Control ot
Yon want the beat and moat durable furnturetbat i mannfaotured in tbeielty go
Thomas Brink.
Dealer in all the Leading
Guns, Pislols.Sewins Machines, Organs and Pianos, paent lor fre,8ht
J O 70 road deserves soTie
A Party Last Thnrsday at the real-
rl,n nf Mi IIP TTulbert. a verv oleasant
A Good Beginning. The first day . , , . ho(Jor of MU,
run of Albany, atreet car, for only one M, , RhIner', twentieth birthday. A
ha. a. yet been put to work, wa a flatter- nJce ,unch WM Krved ,nd good Ume
lng one. Over two hundred people paid generally had by the lively company ot
their nickel. The road promise to be I young people preent.
liberally patronlzd, and it will not be aur- . lLLt,8TllATED Weekly The West
pricing 11 11 1 more iuiiii ci lupjivi vt i . , . tm)iv m.nd it l
Iajftvr a B Vy awwww tia " --j v
proposed to give the live events that hap-
Riley1 wood team took a spin through the! pen on the Coast a thty occur. Thl 1
city, doing little damage. They paed an Important etep, and will deserve the
the Democrat though at break neck "uppc-n V me peopic ..
speed.golng toward the western limit of promised
theclt7' Ikklk RpaAiNED. Mr Dr T L Hill
Three Gypsies. Thl 1 a great world had the misfortune the other day of falling
full of different people. Three evpsy for- ,he .tens leading to the torch at her
Ume teller the Albany paper didn't con- J residence and spraining her ankle very
.Mor worth nnttrlnir a Salem nin.rit.vnlM I Rhe will be confined to her
over half a column to. In a very readable hm foraome day to come.
manner ; but somewhat after the fashion Tmey Aurivbd The money boxes for
of Cooper. Indian tale.. the new strtet car have arrived by cx-
A Bad Arrangement That is rather I ores from Syracuse. N. Y.I after having
a ooor condition of affairs on the Narrow I laid in Portland several weeks, and were
Gauge. The road Issue, .cript In payment I placed In position to day.
for work and then refuse to take it In I Went Ashore The fishing achooner
or passage. Such a r. ,.." Pridav 1 1n returning to New-
Money to Loan At a low rate of in
terest, on good farm property in Linn
county, or on best improveu cy i "r1 v
in Albany. Apply to Blackburn & Wright,
Albany, ur
JGet First Choice Just rtcelvedjat L
12 Blain's tailoring department a large and
elegant line of piece goods" for suit, and
nam, never before equalled In Albany
Th-v embrace the verv latest pattern, are
In atvleand will make up, uuder the skll-
I f..i ..,.bm.n.hln nf Mr. Schifller into the
. m a a. . I Li L nViaillne"r' " -
a ..ntLmin who had lunered sreai annoy 1 - i...ul in the Vnllev
anee and pain from barber itoh.and who hail J n , and get choice of pattern.
been treated by tbe beat phy.K-wn, without c" ' r
relief, says that two bottles of Dotards slaughter la 8Hk Ribboti.
:U. mmr hint ann IHIB niBIaUM llfiriVUfcl W I aasaaaaaa
OPCUlslO GUfCU uassa eea-w e . - -
smooth, without a scar. It neverfalia insktu I in order to close out my Immense stock
j. ...... Hnirt tiv posnsv a, u. ni alia riDDon in uiuin anu uiuuv
1 - -.. , ,.
'' I will sell them until my iaa stoca smvci
n... tin. nf nVinioa teas andlcoffee i un-1 rental on the dollar. All marked In
Vu. , . . J-
. o
x u.
Si u
a7"- 4 m
equaled in town.
BB0W!tBLL Hi Stanard,
plain figures.
Samuel E..Youno.
A full line of aheet in Dale, musical merchandise, ammnniilcn. finbfng tisokte.
etc. Warranted razors, butcher aDd pocket knives. Tbe best ktadot aewirt
msoh Ice needier. Oila and extraa for all rrachioea supplied.
Repairing of sewing machines, musical inalrumrDts, rucp, eten rftatly don.
tar and feathes.
A Spreading Fire A fire near Shedd
Thursday evening burned a barn belong
ing to W L Vance, a thresher owned by J
'.V Pugh and some fencing on the farm of
D P Porlei. The citizen had quite an
experience fighting fire.
port from the Pacific by careless handling
wa run on South beach where It was
wrecked. The sailors all got safely ashore.
If von bave any job work to Ht call on Q
I W.Smith who ia prer,sr,ti to do it with
I neatness and disnaW. and a cbeap any
Hot one person in fifty arrivea at the age
of forty, who ia not troubled with kidney or
urinary complaints in eome form. To those
afflicted with pain in the baok, non retention
of urine, nervous debility, painful or sop
nressed menstruation, we can offer a remady
that baa been in constant use oyer twenty
r, Oregon Kidney Tea. this preparation
Anni mnra for snaerios humanity than
or money iwuna-1 -- - . . ,. ,l. .,ut OM,l l.o
IW nl. hv rh.v and BIJV ouirr mmouiuu iu . ..... j
c osnay su a.un.
1 -
Wrioht's Arabian Hore Liniment aoU fraucK Oil At $1.35 per callon can
nnieklv and eileetnally, and haa no superior I standard ev oil. at the Willamette
a a remedy for animala in all eaaea where a I vacVi,1g Co.' .tore.
i.;...nt ia reauired. Sold bv Foshay &l .
Mason. . I fojuenrea rheamatism, neuralgia" and
Dr. M. H. Ellis, physieian and aurgeon
ylbany, Oregon. Calls made in city 01
' m m .
Baeklen's Arnica Salve.
The best Sslvs In ths world for Cuts, Erulaes.Sorss,
tt.... b.u Rheum. ti'sTsr Sorss. Tetter. Chspneit
haas.'chUblains, Corns, snd sit Bkln Eruption, and I m,!
positively tores Piles, or no pay required. It ta euar- J,M
antsot to give poi iw.
ed, rno su psuw l"r
Wrioht's Cotnponnd Syrup of Sraparilla
are. liable tnedioiue for the renovation of tbe
toothache. Foshay ft Mason Agents.
Wrii'it'a Mvrrh teeth aoan cornea nt? oon-
blood Tone and builds np the . system, J .aeror every time you have "a brush" .with
cures skill- diseases, ete. Sold by Foshay & I ft Death to tartar and deeay. Sold by
Foshay & Mm. -
Children Cryfoil pitcher's Castorla
Manufactured by Julius Joseph,
Jv al . means ets.ll on
Paine Brothers.
Smxesxvi 't ra Fox, for yot
Produce, Baked 6ood2, Etc. Etc.
Their poods are the best and thclrjpriooa
a nice hneor
California and Tropical Fruits.
McMimmlle College.
" in tho Collegiate Depirtnient ,
Fonr Three Year Courses of Study
in the Aoademio.Department.
. ..-M.nM. nf the srowth of thia Collsae
attention U called to the fact that during the
last sear over eleven hundred doliarr have
been expended ia aUndard books foe the -library,
an $S00 piano donated to the college
and over $3,000 added;to thermaneat en
dowment. .
e..;.t .tt.ntinn ia eiven to the Academic
Departtneut which fita yorfng men and wo-
. . finiiaoe. for teaehiag and for busi
ness. Fine rooms and boarding department
in tha College buildmp, expenses, tow. -rresi-dat
t live in the building. Fall term opens
Sept, 4th. Send for catalogue. Address,
MiMinnville, -Yamhill CoOr.
Jennings k Co
Manufacturers and dealers all kinds 01
Mill on Haroilton.elevenmlles from Lob
v Prices at the Mill t
Clear Sr $11.00 ; second clear. $9 (b
rough lumbar, $6. 50J
' Prioes.ot osdar and msple on appticam u
Clear fir, $15.00 ; second clear
rough In mber, $10.00.