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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1889)
THE YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Paclfio Eaiircai, ijon Development Corcpany'a Steam hip Lin. ' .25 TJLES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME haa by any other re Jle. Plrat-class tlimuRli paBBOURsr and VelKht line from Portland and all P'n, in th. Willamette Valloy to snd from sn Kr.nolsGO, Cal. Keratruber the rg rclO Papular Hninuier F.ienrslona to Y attain. Law Bat TlekeU r Bale, d Tr Wed stead; nd Matardey Iront Al bany, -rvllla ! PhllomMU. Boats make oloe nn"?Uon'.Vrd with tralna of th. Oregon Paollbl lUllroad, TIM BtMIKtH'LK. (except SnnAays.) LM Al.MUlV l0. ,:(... Yenalns, : A.N UK I: tar. a Ijeave t,wvnia.i"..H Arm Albany, 11:10 a. a. Arrin VaUUilUL. 1:30 . " r, . unnnAAt at Albany and V. v. ti . . . at fnrvallla. The aoov. iram wu UoVeiopuwu. mpany'aUnaof Steamships between Yaontna ana t5u . StILING DATES mo ". Willamette Valley, "I'v. AJra- jrt Thunder, Aut, Mnd. , BluivUv, Attf. lsi .sua sab wwi Willsanott Valley. Tuesday, July ash, , Thumlay, Aiif. Sth, uo Sunday, Ail. WOi. Oo Tuesday, Au. s"- Tba Company V-rfW h. right . in... without notice. to ' TT iilZlZaZZ Portland and tVUhsrneUe Valley point, can waken c ose onnectljw with tba trains of tba Yaquloa routa at Albany or Oorva'.lla. and If des tined to San Franciaoo should arrange to arrive at Yaquin ma .venm of sailing. saeairr aad v..i.k iiiM always Uwmi r for InfurmaU. apply to """r"lh' "v ticket Agent, Albany, or W C Bltatf. J';. r. Am. oregv oeveSMsseM w,. " I ".T. ' H raneuwo, .t. - A. O. f.antlP. As. Corvallls, OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -nVIA-. Southern Pacific Company'a Llna. THE MOUXTliaASTA ROUTE. r M )m Albany and gaa ftwitoo, M boar kK. r.rtlaad a r.-cUo.. uji I .00 r. . tin U 4 I North Lr Lr Ar rurUand Albuiy Dm r.auelri Ar 10:41 A a 44 a l oo r a UXuruuMltntM AH.r (Kxoapt auaday). too a It l:40ra f L t:M)ra Ar rurtland Albmy Einrm Ar S.t&ra Lf 1 11:36 a a t I a oo a a uuo BBASCO. Albany Lebano Albany ArAB Lv t:&A a r ! L tuura Mlra I Ar :ral L M ra I Ar PULLMAH BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, r.r AMaaaidalM l o4-CIa. raaaea can. attack4 la aUpraaa Tralaa. I. .11 . v.. tv. n p. CttdrryaukaaeMiMev"" - - ; tAini J. ti. t-t b.4. IH.tak- (ro- luot o if atraat, "rUaa-.. A eat aid. MtI.. ra-KTLAS ASa CTA.ll, IT"U Mail Tin (Expt8ooay.) "Tlirouirli r17icltetK To all point SOUTH TTI EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. n nil InlarnaUo rwardlni- rata. all oa Omnnany'a Anl at Al ny. liaoarar AaatO. V. aod P. A Peoria Ferry. 0. SGHLAGEL, Prop., mousDTaiP bat Doable toan, Via i :o(?le team, lie ; bonaa or cattle, 5c, CRoaaino os wat : Double team 25c ; eingie team 15o. Pcl) rate on large drove. Farmer wHI flol tbe ferry road in a line condition, i hav ing been thoroughly recontrucUd, nrwl ed and graveled, OR HEN ONLY! AFwSITl, t o!ralia3 WEKV0D8 IiUUlTTi riTTTJT' Wnkuwol IWyu jia:iia niriariiV.iBTiuriiB rT.i ol.t. mIiwmw v"T-r-- FOSHAY & MASON, WWHOrLAl aTAU Droggistsand Booksellers, A Kent for John B. Alden'e publication, hich w aella! onblihra price witt poaUgeaddAd. ALBAHT. OUEOB. Revere -House: ALBANY, OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFER rAOPRlETOR. Fittfri uo In nrirt-clftna ?yl". Table aupp'.lei aitb the be-t In tbe market. Nice aleeplo((Prt'n,,nl"' fmple room rbr comuiwroial Irave'.er. r.lf a balva onlTer. m.1 .niJatwalua In (U enr ' t UODurrno! aud fti.lriM. I prescribe It and tevi w(e lo rceoinineiid. n It lo all anflerers. ; 1 urSMtrkftj. I. i.Wf.U, .- NNw rnicE.ti.ool . V. yrCi -l i t)ld by DrogclatC OlnaiaaaU,t' Deeatur, ill. t si ' University of Oregon. EUGENE, OREGON Next etion tH' on Mou lay, tue lOtb of Sep.embcr. !, Free aoiio'arahlp from every coai.ty iti Iberitate. Apply to your Coumy Uuporln tendont- Free tultlou after January J', 1810. Kour court f Cial-a', Scientific, I .If erary and a abort KnglUb t.'ourae lo wblb there I no LAtin, OreeK French ,r(iorinn, The Kiiitlhh ia pieemiieiitly Basineaa Curae, For CMUlorfue o' Jtber Infoimatlon, addre J. .JOUJHOX, . I'readei.t. PIANOS. Tbonn wUhlir a nrit-!!" lntru'M. should cll at Mr. B. K. flyman' i irt aee one of tboae Caieorated llemin s Look planoe, exii.ont rich tou. En nenially nme and d-i 'ed to ttanif tbe climate on the Panlflc Co ant. Kfiry rlano fully iuiutel fir 6 year. The ii.ieot aheet-mnnio for ale, Muxloand palntinir losaoD Klven there. Also tio pla lo jjt yonr new Sew Inn Mclln. Fanoy work and dreM making done to order. First dooreawt of Yumig'a ol 1 i;tand, Albany, Oregon. iinmnm baii.t (Eejp'.SuiAy. Zwtm I Lr P.tUd y I KOO r Ar MrM.nnvUI. I lOamwl 1 J MMlulaif i AlX Ii omit Cc;;!;ti f ittoat It SprtlDti Strtlnt, BruUes, Wound Th th. . Volr Co.. Bait. Ma. For Hire oP .vTrHnUTKrrtiRM dfEiM. TuEekMAYDCKjERiGjj'SMia-Mo- DH; J.L.HILL, Physician and Suit;eon, OtOco-oor, Flrxtand rarry StraeU, J ALBANY- OREGON OR.CaWATSONfilASTOrJ Phyuician and Surgeon Oittca opHMiu llio iwmtocrui. DR. C. U. CHAM BERLIN, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Special attention to diseases of the eye. mioa'coruoror'Abud anl Lyon St, ALBANY, OREGON. DR. Vili7DAVli7 Physicitn and Surgeon. aatnimfia uo atalr In Btrahau'a Block. Vay be found at bla otllca aay and night. DR. I. W. STARR, Physician and Surgeon, Late of Brownsrlllj, Or. omca at looma Noa. 83 and St.Stratao and llerce'a Itiouk, up alalia. VAlla promptly attr-ndod lit city or couutry. G. L. SLACKftlAN, Smewor 'o E. II. La f don, DI ALEK IN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES' SO IPS COMBS ETC. P K. K.ttLACkBrKM, ;ro. w. wkiumt, BLACKBURN & WRIGHT, Attorneys at. Law, Will practice in all th Cnnrta of the StaU. l'romiit atUoti'm Rtvea to all bo.i oaa entia.teil to our cm. Otfioe Odd Fel!o Temple, Albany, Or. E. J. McCAUSTLAflD, CiTil Snginacp and Samyor. DRAUGHTING AND BLUE PRINTS Office with Or t i U;JCi. lbtny, Or, SeweraieSyxtem and W tr "uppllea a Specially, Katale HulHllvhled, Mna oade or Copied on ehort no km. " BROTOSmTZ 0. P. COSHOW 8l S0?iS, Real Estate anj Insuranca Agents. Ke-tl entite a'tid an I C illttlon and NoUrUI buaioena attended to. First National Bank OF AMIAN1, OREUOSV. rnatilwit ..L. FLWS Vk Prealitoat ....... H. E. Yol .SO Caabler .K W. LANUIMN. Ant CaWuor AM. K. POWELL TRANSACTS A O E.N'ERA L banking bnalocm ACCOCKTS KEPT auhjatl to theck. SIGHT EXCHAXfiE an) tr' r.hlo trwi.r, wl Sew York, Ha VrvuAxn, Ucau an.1 V' UK". OLLECT10 HADE on fsiralile term. naacvu. . . -t T. Ywf E W. Lamdu, L B Hijix. ru. K Ti aaakb, ( i'" County I.!k. Cowan, Rilston & Cham'orrlain, ALBANY -- - OREGON. TRANSACTS acmanl banking timtoM. DBAW8IOI11 IXttr.'iiMi .V.r Turk Xan Fraa M- anl Portianil, Orayjn L0A5 MOrfEYun apptorcd aeeority RETEIVKderMMiUaabject check. 1). F. fiiERRILL - J3 A. 2T HZ. 33 R , ALBANY, - - - OREGON. 8ll eiubanf oa Ne Turk, Sea KraneiiKio and Portland. Bay note., U', entity e'tr warrant. IU danuaiw wibjocl to etuKk. Interact allowed on time dtpuaita. Collection will rwrif pOMnpt attention. Corraoiden. mAMtfl. yireaiu. Marine Ituurane roir.panlM. AlolaeaLiri-.r (,,a',trl t ijr.ati. (!nmny Loan aule on J ar n pr , Wlies I say Cons I do not me jn merely to str Hu m lur a itnm, r.nil tlicn b.ive tliom re U.,n (pin. I Mt.l A KAl'ICAl. CVIUL 1 luc e r-iiio tba duioaso of FITS, EPSXEPSTtT or FAILING SIC2TJIES3, Jlfe-lrmj study. I warraht my remedy to Cuh the worn coses. Icsnse other hare '.".llcl l no reason for not now receiving a car, .it in-j tor atreatiae andra?KKK iloiTLS 1 if." liFf.i.IB,B Kkmbov. Uivo Ezpre -.1 l .i-t ii;'if. It co.u yon nothing tut a flmi It will cure you. Address -?OOT,M.C, IS3PAin,ST,KrA'YcW 0, K. liiM 81iojv rfouse and Carriage Painter Decorator and Paper Hanger Piano Varnishinar. All vor. guaranteed. U B. VASSAL! 0 (3 jcivivm to Henry 8aesens ) AM MAY. O. SENDERS MAY fc SENDERS. Dealers In General Merchandise. HARRISBURQ - - - 0HEC0H Will 6ny Grain, Wool and all kinds Pro3nc3 T9 jt a TIM unit tM : .nii .;. UnsUit Mt- Laft-l 0 : e. t)r?n" 5. iy. 'r., July V." Kotica in brily tvr-n thui ia cuinpltmica ith th pravitionit ( ot of i'unurest of Jana.1i lS78,entitlinl "An m t ir tit la of tiinbor lamU la tlia Utoi tali("rat,Ur on, Kavada, aud Waiitiiiigtou Torritory," Frank Carlton, of Sydiu'y.onunt jf of KiUnp, I. rriti-ry of Wa)iliiKt.n, ha thi (Uy ttled n thfaoinoa Maaworu cutrment no Vim, fr tha puroliaa of tlia N E of arotion No 2(i.ln inwnahlp ho 10 south, rn8 No 2 cant, and will ollr priNif to abcw that tha la-id onght ia mora valualil for it timbar or itona than for atriioullural purpoaci, aud to tabliali hi claim toiaid land before tba lUgUterand Uicrivtr of thi ollloa at Ora got) City, Orrn, an Thtiraday.tlia 24th day nl October. 18Mt. II naniKa a wlturaio i I) Smith, T MoJIono. J Pstara and J T Murphy, all of Sylnry, Kitaap county, V T. Any and all peraona vlaimiug advrly tha abova ttaaonhed lanti ara rqiiatal to HI thair claims in tliia olllo on or bafora laid 24th dayof Ootobar. 1HSII, W I HUbniy, lltglatar. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State Land Ulllre. Oregon City, Or.. July S3ih, 1880, Noiio it hoioly given that in eoinpiaao with the proviaiona of tba act of Uongree of June :,KS78.euMtl.d '-Au aot fot th aal of timber land in tha ate to, of California.Ore son, N'vada, aad Waahington Territory," William SuoortUld, of Seattle, county of King, teriltorv of Waabington, ha thia day bird in thia otllo hi aworo utinnt No Vi'M. tor tba uarchaaa of the N W of ieo tion No SO, in townaliip No 10 aoutn, rang No 2 eat, and will oner proof to show that tha land nougat in more valuable tor It urn beroratmo than for agricultural tturpoa, and to ntabliih hi claim to aaid land befor. tb lUgi.ter and Keoeiver of thi ollioe at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tueeday, th 22nd day of October, 1980. II name a witnr ea i J II Steven., I E Hutchinson, J H Ja kobeenand John Uarner, all of Seattle, King o)uuty,V T. Any and all person claiming advtranly tha abova deaortlHrd land ara re- qnr.teil to Hie their claim in this ollioe on or before said 2.'ud day ! Outober, 18S0. W T Bl'MitKY, lUgi.ler, United States l-and Dlllco. Orinn I'ity, t)r July S7th, 1SH0. Notice ia hereby givt'it Unit in fointill a mt? w ith the proviMitma of the art of C on BTviut of Juno 3, 187S, untitled "An act for the aalo of timber land in ho StuUa of Caliorniu, Ort'on,Nevtiluond Waahlnx ton Territory," Andy W lKilmhnK, of Needy, county of (.'luckitinaa.StHto of Ore gon, haa thia day filed tn this olllco hi worn Atatemont No 1313, for the jnitvhiute of the r. oi Nee ro 2, in inno l south, ltanue No 2 emit, and will oflV proof to ahow that the land nought is more valuable for it timber or stone than fur agricultural purpoeee, and to Htablih his tiuim to Haiti land lo(ore the HegiHter anil ltoceivvr ol tbi olliee at tiregon I tty.Or, on Friday the 2oth day of OctoNr. 18,si. I ie name as witiienw : B F Kyle, of Kngtne, Lane comity, II S Bergman, of Needy, CKirkania county, H Howe and I J Squires.of Albany, Linn county, all of Or. Any ami all peroii cluiiuing adversely the above deH-ribtxl luiuU are rettieatei to file their rlaima in thi otlieo on or Imv fore taid 2'th dnv of October, 1HH. T. Bi skv, ltctrUtcr. ""TIMIVeH LAXDoWEr" " United States land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 25th, lswu. Notice ia hereby given that In compli ance with the proviHion of the act of (.'on greiw of Juno 3, 187H, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the State of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Arthur A Waite. of 8aliu county of Marion, Mate of Oregon, ha this il.iy HUhI in thiaotlice hi sworn statement No 1-MM, for the urvliam of the S K f oi Sec No 34, in Tp No 10 south, Kango No ' eaut, and will otfer proof to show that Die land sought i more valuable for ita titntier or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to eetabliah his claim to saici land tie fore the ICegister and lteceiver of thia of fice at 0reirn City, Or., on Tuesday the 2'nd day of October, 1&4D. Ho names as witnesses : II Shelton, of Jordan, Linn county, V. E Woodward and C lleall, of Salctn, Marion county, all of Oregon, and John Garner, Seattle, Kinir county. W. T. Any and all tiersons claiming adverwly the almve described lands are requested lo file their claims in this ollw-o on or Utlore said 22nd duy of 0-tolsr, 1HH1I. W. T. bt'RXKY, UegiMter. tTrarrLTNNWt'E7"" United Status land Oflice, Oregon City.Or., July 25th, 1K80. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the proviHion of tlie act of Con gress of June 3, 1H7M, entitled "An ait for the sale of timber land's in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Jorgen B Jakobsen, of Scatttc,cotinty of King.Tcrritory of trash ington, lias this day tiled in this olllce his sworn statement No 12W),for the purchase of tlie N K v4' of Sec No 34, Tp No 10 south Uange No 2 east and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and lteceiver of this olfice at Oregon City, Or., on Tuesday the 22nd day of Outober, 1HS0. He name as witnesses : W ScourOeld, J K Hutch inson, John (iarner and J K Stevens, all of Seattle, King county, W. T. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are-re,ueMted to file their claims in this oflice on or U;fore said 22ml day of October, W). W. T. lit kSEY, ItegUter. TiYBEaliWoTlcl. "" United State Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 27th, 1HH0. Notii-o i hereby given that in compli ance with the provision of Uic act of Con Kre of Juno 3, 1H78, entitled "An act for the ale of timlier land in the State of t ulifornia, Oregon, Nevalaand washing ton Territory," Charle Smith, of Sydney, counljr of KiUap.Territory of Waahington, ha thi dny filed in thi oflice hi sworn statement No 1314, for the purchase of tlie N fc M of Sec No 4, In Tp No 12 soulh, Kanze No 2 eat, and will offer proof to how that the land sought is more valu able for it timlier or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Hegister and lteceiver of thia office at Oregon City.Or., on Friday the 25th day of October, 18H, He names a : J Horzog, J T Murphy, T Mciilenon and J 1'etera, all of Sydney, Kitsap county, W. T. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above dccrited lands are re quested to file their claims in thi eilice on or before said 2.rth day of October, 1889. w . T. ui'rnk Y, Keglter. TIMBER LAND NOTICE United State Land Office, Oregon City, Or July 30th, 1889. Notice is hereby given- that In compli ance with the provision of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sate of timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wa.hing. ton Terrltts-y," Josephine Shearcr.of Port land, county of Multnomah, state of Ore. gon, has this slay filed in this office her worn statement No 13J4, for the pur chase of lots 1 and i and S !4 of N E Ki ol Sec No 3, In Tp No 1 J south, Range No 1 east, and will offer proof to show lhatth. land sought Is more valuable for It timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land be fore the llegister and Receiver of till of fice at Oregon City, Or , on Saturday the 26th day of October, 1889 : She names as witnesses s II Vroom, G Lindley, C J Dickerson and J M Simons, all of Port land, Multnomah county, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above de scribed Unos are requested to file their !alms in this office on or before said 36th day of October, 1S80. W. T. Bus vk y, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Off le. Oregon City, Oregon, July 27tli ,18S0 Notice Is hereby given that ill compliance with the provisions of the act ot Centre of June 8.187SntUled '' th.ealeuf timber land. In the states of Cat ifornlaj Oregon, Ne.ada.aiid Wa.hlnirton Territory, Henry S Henrniaii ,of Naedy,eount of G"ackama,aUte of Oregon, has this day filed In thisofflce his .worn statement No 1311, for the purclisM of the N W J cf section Sn2. In township No 12 south , range No! east, and will offer proof toahowthat theland sought U morevsluab e for iu timber orsunethsa for agricul tural parpnaMn J to eaubl ih his claim to said land before the Ueg-iater and Receiver of thisoff ice at Ore iron City, Oregon . on Friilay, the 86th day of October, IMS0. He names as wIIiiwms ; A W ols:hsrf Needy, Clactamase'nmiy, H Y Kyleif Kngone, Uuie oounty, H Howe and J J Su,tjirer,of Albany ,Llnn eonnty, all nf Oregon. Any and all fwrsons clainiliiu advenwiy the almvedorrribed lande are reutMeted to file their claims lo tbis offiee on or before utid ifith day of OcVober.lHHO. : - W T llcaHST, Reifister. Children Cry for TyOUHlY mm. " null 'if EE. Strenhf it MRhllniC Chic ai;o, Aug, ij. This ss a great ilny's iwrt at Washington park lo-day. Axtcll, the phenomenal three year old, trotted to bent his own record, and did to. making amila in 3:U Axtclrs mil dins of a second oil irnm mi formar record of Jili V. notwithstanding the fnct that even that was better than the bcxt frevious performance by three or four year onl, t it also within J' of a second ol l'ntnm'i 1 1 1 3 v, which stands as tne Iwst record lor a stat ion or any age. A Colll-lon. Pendleton, Or., Aug, 33 A linlrmis wreck occurred yesterday ofternuot on th mountain division of re Short Line, near McArham station, clore to tha summit of (he Blue mountains, No 8, n east going freight was tale, and with a double headed attached, was tolling un th. mountains at the rate of fifteen miles an hour. Mioiuy niier tne icmi inn engine bad rassed through the tunnel a shurt distance this side of Mcnchum station, when it struck a West bound freight. Me Connell the fireman was caught lctwccn the engines and instantly killed, In I lie collision th. two omuwing enmncs were wedged closely together, wh'le the second engine No 8 crowded forward and pushed the tender in front to one side and rested square on ton of the boiler of th. leading engine, in th. reaction it rolled lo one luie.smi turn nccu Usrnhsrt. who had been caught in his cab lik. a ntous. In a tran by the ctiisb, and narrowly escaped bis fireman's late, Will be in.trtliutr.l., Aug, 33. Senator Mitchell is in the city, talking with prominent republicans regarding ttroetHtctiv. appointment. He has been interviewed by many friends of Hon John W Minto and Hon A N Gilbert, candi dates iroin Marion coumy ior Liuieu oiare. marshal. I le says the live prominent ollicrt in Oregon to be Idled will probably be ilistri huteU over ilillerent sections ol tliestnie. Ilrats Albany. Spokane Falls, W T Aug. jj. S O Fulton, assistant general traffic manager of the N 1' k K, authorises the statement, that sinre August (th, the day after the lire.Cjj cat loads of Ii eight have been received at this point over that road. This represents nearly 1 0,000 Ions aside from fify six raikwds of rails and iron lor th. Spokane Kails & Northern railroad. Thia was all merchandise, building malciial and supplies. flruukts Urn. lMKPKNtENCr, Ogll., Aug. 3J, Ftu drunken men were arrcMed here this evening! The marshal had two of them when the othet two came un with clul and tmSeavured . to make him iclcaa 1 1 win. 'I lie mandial knock ed one of (hem ilon and with help lodged all lour in jaii, Mr JUybrlck'aHcBtciire t'uuunatrd. lXJMxiN, Aug. 33, Mrs Maybikks sen tenc has been commuted 10 itnal servitude for bfe. UettlBK Sad. VlCToaiA.B C. Aug. Jt, Theie i a genera' feeling of indignation here in regard lo the futber seizures of British schooncts in I'-cluing Sea, ft om the fact that nly Iliitisli veatel. have been searched and their skin conftacatcd and but one man placed aboard each lo take the vessels lo Sitka. Tbe general belief is that tlie Ainctkan autlKMtUe are simply carrying un tins practice for the punioee of acquiring the akius and frightening the sealers out ol the scft, solely n bchslfwflhe Abuka cointrercial company's interests, and not becauae of a bcliatf in the jurisdiction of tbe United States. H,alr Kaork. 4 Oat. Seattle, Aug. 31. last night's primaries wtrc the death blows of tbe political boe of Watson C Squire and F. I Ferry. Their defeat was so ovciwhclming that their adherents have no hoe of mustering any formidable opposition to Hoyt and Kinnear. The Timtt, tbe organ of Squire, announce that his parti sans wilt accept the result and vote the repub lican ticket. The excitement in this city did not abate to. day and nothing else was spoken of. Toe Trice of New llpa. New Yobk, Aug. 31. Tbe firt bole of Califurnia bops, consigned to Messrs Ulicnthal tirus arrived here on Aug 16, and was sold to Messrs Gray A of the largcat ale breweries in Brooklyn, at 3$ cents per lb. Twraly Footlab Wears. , Sax Francisco, Aug. 3t. A girl of 13 years, born in San Francisco of a while mother by a Chinese father, is the authority (or a statement that there is a colony of nearly twenty white women married to Chinese living in Chinatown here, Too Many, San Francisco, Aug. 33. Yesterday about 1600 crate of cantaloupe were landed at the wharf. Commission merchants tried bard to get 50 cents for them fiom dealers, as at that figure there is a small profit. It was impossible, bowev-r, to secure that figure, and nearly all that were sold were at 35 cents per crate. When Itelry was aiek, w gave her Castorla, W hen aha waa a Cbl Id, lw erld for Castorla, Vt'hmn sb beosma Mbw, she clung to t'aatoria. When ah bad Children, sb gave them Castorla, Advice t Xothrr. Mrs. Wioslow'a Notihing Syrup, for children teething. Is the prescription of one or in Deal tumain nurses sou pnysi elans In the Unttext M laics, ha been used for forty yean, with never falling auoccwa by minions of mothers lor iheir children. During the proorss nfleelbinf lbs value la Inoalmiabie. It relcave the child from pain curea dysentsry and dlar rboea, griping In the bowfcls, and wind oollo. By giving hlth lo the child It rests tbe mother. Price 2Ae. a bottle. better List. Following I the list of letters remaining in the Pjet OtBce, Alhsny, Una eounty, Oregon, Aug 15th, US Persona calling for these letter muat sire the dale e which they weresdverUseil : R. THOMPSON. P.M. TIMBER LAND NOTICE- United State Land OfTice. Oregon City, Or., July 37111,1889. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 187S, entitled "An ret for the sale of timber lands in the slates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wasliington Territory, "Julius liar rog, of Sydney, county of Kitsap, territory of Washington, has this day filed in this office hit sworn statement No 1315, for the purchase of the N W of section No 4, in township No 13 south, range No 3 east, and will oflcr proof lo show that theland sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish bis claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office t Oregon City, Or, on Friday, tbe 35th day of October, 1889. lie names as witnesses : J T Murphy, C Smith, T McGlenon and J Peters, all of Sydney, Kitsap count j,W 1 . Any and all persons claiming adversely the sliove de scribed land are requosted to file their claims in this office on or before si id 35th day of Oc toter, 1889. W TBlrney, Register TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office. Oregon City, Pr., July 31st, 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, "Charles L Gray, of Vancouver, county of Clarke, territory of Waxhingian, has this day filed in this ollice his sworn statement No!326,for the purchase of lots 1 and 3 snd K ' of N W of section No 18, in township No . 12 xoutL, range No 3 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purpos es, and to establish his claim to said land before the Registe snd Receiver of this office nt Ore gon City, O'r.on Monday.the 28th day of Octo ber, 1889, lie names as witnesses : J Sweet, G W Robinson, D Fitzgibbons and 1) M Mc Farlane,all of Vancouver, Clarke county, V T. Any snd all persons claiming sdversely the above dei cribed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 28th day of October, 1889. . - ' WTBurney, Register, Pitcher's Castorla. worrit or tub t'obUMtu . Ilwaco, W. T Aug. 18H1, 1SH9, After cxaitilnlnjf, this portion of our country, cmbtaclng the mouth of lb Col umbia River and its surroumlh'iiV comparing the present with the iohl lit tles ot the future In rcgnrd to them we m reminded of a remark imidc- by M r New nnl In speaking of the greut 1 Is. h going on In Kastcrn Asia "tbnt ii I- nu error to stqqrose tbnt revolullniiS will 1 obittener dcRlgns they aro liiniigtn..!nl 10 retard human progress ."Although be speaking nf political revolutlfliis, ibe bleu may bo applied to commercial mailer. I'm years it bus been the pulley ol PoUImiuI to mke that city the only shipping tU pt l in Oregon. Aiid with a master hand .he bus maintained her policy and built up a ildi and flnuiUblng comirtcrclal ccnlir, not withstanding t lit re was a possible locilum for a city tit Astoria nearer the ocean . lie milts than Portland. This purpose lo center In Portland Ibe shipping Inter. t I the Columbia River caused tbe levy I j he lumle upon sea going vessels of eviry c'mractcr tbnt engaged In this tiadc, n river tux that has been regnrded inii t burden mid an Injury to our vi inn, net . l'.very effort has been made Ihitl oiilil be, to keep the river open for tbe .co'tniim dutloti of ships engaged In our linpi it mitt exort trade. While for forty yew !. t land has captured this business, for 1 1 r,ii yems pnat It hnsbeen evident that In time ' a great revolution would take place Ii. lie! shipping bushes of the Columbia Uiin ,! It was Impossible to Ignore longer Ii; natural and less expensive claims ol A ; lorlato that wbl:h ha rnrkhed PorlUind i despite tbe protest and punishment of llm -v . who could not help themselves, but v. bo ' bad to supp.rt this Portland scheme ' While we would not detract for a u. , incut, from the good name and fame f ' Portiund which she will no doubt main t. in whether she retains tbe shipping or ire, we nitist admit tbnt Ihcie I a revoUii ' going oil very Impoitant to Portland iiu.l to Ortgon. It I tbe n Mural result of tbe workings of rival seaport. Seattle i" .! Tacotna have laid cldltut to the Coltimbl:i ' River trade and have succeeded to a great ' extent. It la a matter ol tlgulfkeiit concern to : Portland when wheat lo-say Is worth $1.25 ' more per ton at Tacotna than It l lit Port land. And this stale of thing mtii I'c met In tbe Intereat of Oregon and e 1 e t 1 ed. 'I here I one uny to inert It and Ii1.1i . I to have tbe sblpi log ol ccreata made si the moiiih ( f Ibn Columbia River. Una: will be done. The jetty r.ow being built has caused a change in tbe channels of tbe river and has already dCrprned that leading to the sea a few feet. Four thou sand feet of jetty have been built since tbe first of April and the work I very rapidly. Tbe rock that are used for tilling are quarried above Vancouver on the Columbia river, '1 bis wot k le carried on by tbeU. S. Government and wl't be prosecuted to complcle success. These stone run from soo pound, tbe lowest weight used, to six tons In weight and are handled by hydraulic power bo far as the Colombia bar Is concerned It will soon become ol Miiliclcnt depth to admit any claas ot ship that may engage in the trade of the Pacific Ocean. In thia respect then Pugct Hound will have no claims over the Colombia River bar. This will not only secure tbe building of the A Si S C R R, but will force as a rival of that railroad the extension of the O R & N, or some new road down the river lo Astoria. On the Columbia (here la a railroad sixty miles cat of A.torht which croaars the river nt Hunter Point. This is tbe North Pacific. .Soon there will be a ral'.road down the river to Atori. It I needed now. Pit land will yield to tbe great demand and It will be built. From alt these change a revolution will be made In tbe shipping Interests and channel of the Columbia River as well as in H commercial depots. r.vcrythlng on tbe river from Portland to the sea points lo Ibis change. On the nortn aide st Hatter's Ilav the channel K shoal ing, siippoecd to be the effect of the jetty In cutting a more central channel. Never was greater lnteret taken In these matter by residents and Government, than at the present time. The old plan ere paaalng away and very Interest I centered in the new. Yoc. ilUiiWSVIi.l.K. Itaows'svtLLK, Aug. lyib, 1SS9. Mr Chas Pretlnburg, of near Fussil, Is heie with some horses. Mr Belcher, of A .toils, came In on the Narrow Gauge Monday In search oi desir able horses. ' Mr Douthlt, of Princvllle. was vUlting old friends in this place last werk. Mr F J Klctsch, for a number ot year night watchman at the Woolen Mill., but now of Ka'.ama, W T. paid old friends his respects last week. Mr M E Willsou. our genial snd popu lar landlady left Thursday for her old home In Minnesota, mid to visit relatives in Iowa and Dakota. The Mlsc Buddener, of Por'latul are vUlting wtih Mia Idella Statiird R II Coshow left Monday for Salem, where he will make hi home, lie has accepted the position of Secretary to toe ,'homas Kay Woolen Mill Co. Mr Donald McRca sold hi reidenecon the south side to Mr Walter. Mr McRae wilt soon move to the Sound. Dr I W Starr at this writing Is looking after bis intereits here. The Doctor has many friends here and always receive a hearty welcome. Mr F C Stansrd has been tendered the prlnctpalship ot the Cuburg school, . and went there Monday evening to confer with the directors. Fiank is not only a good and succc.iful pedagogue ; but a" de sirable addition to the society of any town. Rev A LeRoy, pastor of the Baptist Church returned from Aetoria Thursday, where he had been spending a portion of tbe mouth's vacstlon granted him by his pastorate and resumed his regular duties, lie preached two excellent seru ons Sun day. Mr Stroud, of Ochoco, brought down a load of wool last week and sold It to the Eagle Woolen Mill Co. Being of a bibu lous nature he soon became "loaded." One day he was very free to show his coin and In the evening was seen deeply hitcresttcd In a game of poker with one of the local sports. The next morning he awoke minus $160, and accused his bed compan ion of robbing him. He made considerable complaint about being robbed ; but he was doubtless ''robbed" In a poker game. Vve hope the money was hi and that he has no family to support. Saturday noon after a successful run of about twenty days the Weber boys dis missed their threshing crew.havlng finish ed up st home. Nearly every one in this neighborhood Is now through threshing. UaOWNSVILLRt Aug. 20th, 1889. J M Moycr left Monday noon for Lower Soda where he intends spending a week rusticating, J M Waters returned Monday from a trip to Tacotna nnd Seattle. He speaks in glowing terms of the life manifest hi that portion of the northwest. I noticed in yo'ir issue of Inst week an item praising a party on the Metolus and crltlsing a man at Upper Soda. - With all due respect to the source of your Informa tion and without intending to question their honesty, ennnot refrain from pro nouncing the statement n great injustice. Several times we have spent the greater part of two weeks at Upper Soda and have ever found the man a very accommodat ing and pleat ant gentleman. MOIST. On Friday morning, Aug 23, 18890! eonsumptlon, after a lingering Ill ness, Mr Jay Moist, aged 19 ycor u mos. Jay was a son of Mr Jos Moist, and was born in this county, where he spent his life He was of a genial, agreeable tempera men and leaves many to tegret his death. 7 0-kscores rheumatism, neuralgia and toothsobo. Fosbsy & Mason Agents. Children Cry for llOtfg AND TIIOSMOAY. Kev V. 11 Walloon is is th city . M' llyman went lo tne flay fhia noon. 1 !' l,-fTi,llflt. r,f I'ritiKvilla i. ).. (!. count t T!ii"VmBnwitt Vn iey" arrived t Ya rpVim I't'y lat svnliirig. iVmcy Commissioner Phillip, of The ." ii-, U in the cily ti.-ilny. It Ceniann is hnrne from a several vttl, lip to St ulhtiii Oreeon. M ' 1 hit Wagner wsnt to llsrrtsliurg ', ' ywar old Otu oo'.eiilt bill ! in u ti h i ".lit 111 ns. tlifil a few d,tgi', !is ii. 'i or neauy fiuuu. Nn .V K Oillettwho went to Alaska re ' ii g totlie Hound emititry, where he i l . I for several wckr, is Wk in Al 1 'i' y. ih centitr 1 f prop. rily. ' J M Ritstnn l,ss tniiycd from Letiaecn l'. s I'orllstitl, where he will hsoonnrot- .1 i'i a NstUnsI Ilsuk to U tatablished. 1'irtUinl gain a live, enterprising m man and gnml cilir,i . Mrs f II Montr lib, Mrs Walter .th and Mr F P NutiihK s.nt to Mo 1 v..ii(s this nioriiing to atteed the wet!- v of Mr John Simpson and Mi. Mary M ..teitn. I'M I BAY. Mr B F Sox went In Heattbt yesWrtlay. Htm K V Miller, of Ibanen, is in th. . 1 to-day. At Perrv IUad, of Crtiok county, is in the 1 . y on Dutinsa. Use P lull. rd and family rttiirntd ytwlei i the Pay. at Mr llermni Fliotlta i forty ie . ;! irent siylta. ' May, of Solo, ore a esmli'lat for , Jteeordur, is in flip ei.y . - 1. lower aim wile left this moruing t.., ti. ir nrw nunie at I st oma. .lunge Htott, of Portland, ie in th city, w "iniiK v niAitm iu ma workman ill t uit. I" ot" Crawford luft fer Y.tiuina ". .day, with bis earner el lusde-l for e i .and thenke. .lrs Jeiinit Ifultiimbeck, who lias liean in city tomotiine the guest of her anob, J W Cutlek, has gnuit to Sal. in, previous to .iruing to her borne in llliuoi.. Hn y warm fiieod iu Albany. Hon It A Irv in. received a dispstch from 10 to-Jay that hi sister, Mr Claggert i '? ; s dangerously ill, and left on tl.noon t -' i.-r that ilk was also notilird 1. M . a.d tegrsph of th illness of hi daughter, V K Slausoa at her home in F.s.t I'urt - SAT If It BAY. Ur I W Wa.U ka been in towa. Il iu J P Schooling, of UsrrUbtirg, is t-j u. in O P IWkhsrt aod s-ife went tli roati tin moimng. r Irtln will exchange pulpit with IU A M Acheeoo to-moriew. M J MonUith and wib. le't thi noon 01. s month trip to Sodatoo. Al Ioa Arfived in Albany thia noon frtm Kllenabwrgb, W. T. Th tim for starting th. strtet cirs wss poatpooea a a til Aluuday. J w r...:..L ...1 :r " . t. 1 . . , ' woe "sue iunto' M- 1 sweet, t. v Kouioson seu 1) litzglll day 00 a several days trip. bona, all of Vancouver, CI srke county, W ir ueere win preaen at th w WT U Hall ; to-morrow moromg at 1 1 o'clock . '411 Downs, of Kalem, lets bean i th eity aetting up a m onumor.t fur Sai.'wr llro. Frank 0mpbII is bom a'Ur n aUenoe of a coup! year in tb East and en th Sou ad. Th bodies of Albert Wilson sal M Luckey dmwxed at th month of tb. His slaw have bn foued. Mr Hv K Trumbull 1. and two chit.. dren, of Purbl.., Col , are in th. city the guest of Prof Lew. Mr Jess Besid, of th Ferk. whose tread make torn of vor sidewalk. besd.Sas boon in th. eity to day. Rev TO firownses, President ot tbe Me Mionvill Colieij, will ooc.pyih. jolpit at th. Ilaptist Church to-morrow. lhorm contrirplstinf electrie ligbU. Mr N II Alien, of Una eitv is ncffutiatintr 1 S'iib the fwopl there witii a view to iatro- dusing light in tbst city Th Albany lee Work shipped aot thrr car load of io to Eugme ) Urdv . Tber. is a big dfutand for Albany ie all thronih tb.Vaily. Th little child (f Mr B F Winemao, who died vrstcrilsy murniny, died from cholera infantum and lied hrn ill f. r a dav or two. The funeral occurred to day at I o'clock st Mr vVmeuiao ' residence on Third Street. Or. M. II. KUis, physician and Vltany, Oregon. Call made ia oouotry. Burgees city ot A Hefe IsveatatrBf, le ore torn tetaarantted to brine Joo aatiafae tory tevul-s. or to aa of failure a return of purchaae price. On ihie aste bUa yosi can bur from nor ad venuwd !riru4 tmtle nf Pr. kinee Kew IHe eovery f,n-Coet.ttipo,, 4 Ul ruranltd so brtn rrlW la etery osar, v.ha ui kit any affeftkm ot Throat, Lung or Chert, .fob a Co3auraiti. In SnmaOMS of Lung. Iiiunrhilts AMttnut, Whouiig I'otWb, Croup, nc,, tc. tt la pleeieuil and agreeable to Urte, tvttwtly sale, and tan al -'at . bm depended upon. 1 iw Nina iree at reeiuy m name's. If J'0 have any job wcrk t- d-, call on G W.Sntith who ia prer-it t . to do it with n rat tints and dtsi-ati, ltd as ehrsp a ny on. If you want a good silver steel eyihe,fiuest in th n aikt t, go to Stewart & Sox's. Bneklen's Ara Ira Sltlv. The bit S d In the w.irij tor Cuts, Eruter.,8jre, t'bwrs. Salt Itheum, r'evor tforee, Tetter, Chapped hand.. Chilblain.. t.rns, and sit Skin Kmptlun, and p-Nllltcly turns I'lwa, or no pay required. It Is ruar antee l So gle paiirelaaluifacUtMl, ur money refund ad. Price Weenie per bx. for sale by Koaliay and Mason. Wriaht'e Arabiau llorae Liniment acta quickly autl elleelually, and has no superior as a ismedy fur animals in sll casts where a inino-et ia required , Sold by Fosbsy & Mason. Au ounoe ot prevention Is better than a pound of cure. Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier expels all impurities ot the blond snd should bctused in all diseases of th stomaeb, liver and kidneys- Take it. Wright' Compound Syrup of Srsspatilla a re. liable medicine for the renovation of tbe blood' Tone and bnilda up tbe s stein, euros skin diseases, etc Sold by Foshay & Mason. . Portland, Or., Jan. 12th. Ilavintr s severe bsok sche laat summer, I tried the Orrgot Kidney 'lea, I nsed one car, which effected a' radical cms. I would rev ommend it tn all who are sfllioted as so un failing reined). Jirui'sAcu. Soltl by Foshay & Mason. If you ire nervous or irritable, foel languid, diipirited, or if yon have sick headache, sal low complex ion.or offensive brath,theo yonr liver is out of order and need rousing. Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonio restores th liver to healthy action and tones np the entire sya. teiti. Sold by Foshay Si Mason. Kid Gloves 1 kid Gloves 1 1 Iliavejustrccc line of kid gloves branded Our Own. This is a genu ine kid glove. I buy direct from importers In New York and consider them the best value of any glove I ever sold for this price. 5 button, 3 rows of st'tching, $i.5 per pair. 8.' E. Young. Merit Wins, We tletlre to say to our eitlsens, tbst for years w have been setlinir Pr. King's New btsooverv for Con sumption, Ur King's New Llfo Pills, Dunklen's Ar nloa Sill v and Klectrio Bitters, and have never hand led reoHHlies that .ell as well, or that have given suoh ealbfaulion. We do not hesitate to (ruar snteo them every time, snd we stand ready to refund tne pnrtinsse prme, 11 sattsisctoiy results tlo not fov low their uso. These remedies nsve won their great popularity purely 0:1 their merits, Foshay and Ma son, druggists. Not one tifrsiiq in fifty arrive at tho.f of forty, who is iet troubled with kidney ir urinary coniplii.itiia iu somo form. To there sfllictnl with pain in the back, con r.tenticn of urine, nervous (iebilily, painful or tufir prcsred iinitstruationr we can effer a remedy that 1ms belli in constant use oyer twenty your', Oregon Kidney Tea. This prepirstion lias t'oiie moro for buffering humanity than any other medicine in the maiktt. Sold by Fothy & Mason. - . Our Hue of choioa teas nnd coffees is un equaled in town. ftrtOWHELl, 6 SrANLAUl), Pitcher's Castorla.' Wo have ih Excfutfoe Control ot o K 3 ' a as jf h us X u. 0 7: hi n, wl a "t F Rlitb' And don't Amw re offer a firln to Ml thlt Ooodi, for Iti ill SL8T MADE, tvry Can hold CUE O OXE BllF PO'JKDJ. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, ALBANY, OREGON. AlY OAHRiUiEi AT 8TB VV A HI & EOX TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United .Mule Land Office, Oregon tily, (Jr., July 30, ttiXy, Notice Is hereby fclvcti tbnt in compli ance with the provlionsof the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tbe sale of timber lands In the Slates of California, Oregon, Navsda and Washing ton Terillory," Martha Ihtckabay.of Pott land, county of Multnomah, statu of Ore gon, lu this day filed In this oflice her sworn statement No 131;, for the purchase of lots 3 and 4 and 8 , of S W if of fee 3, In Tp No 13 south. Range No 1, east, and will offer proof to show tbnt tbe land sought is more valuable for li t timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land be fore the Register and Receiver of this of rice at Oregon City, Or., oi, Saturday the ui tins ui- 1 loin uavot uctoncr, iihso. Mic names as t 1 witnesses : H Vroom, i Llndlcv, C I Dlckerson and I M Kimone, all of Port land, Multnomah county. Or. Any and all persons claiming adversel v tbe above. described lands are requested to file their I claims In this ollice on or lief ore said 36th ! day of October, tSSo. W.T. Uobncy, Register. J MBER LAND NOTICE. I United States Land OfTtce, (Oregon City, Or., July 31, 18S0. Notice I hereby gly en that In complb sice with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An set for the sate of timber lands In the State ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton territory, ' uavid Mcrariane, of Van couver, county ol Clarke, Territory of Washington has this day filed in this of fice bis sworn ststement No 13J7. for the pen-base of tbe N" E Jf of Sec No 18, In ft No 13 sauth. Range No 3 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought I more valuable I' timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said lane' before the Register and Receiver of this oflice at Oregon City, Or., on Moodav the 3hth day of October, .uu.. 1 1 . ,tt a.... V.y "." -" y ', mm.7 t. Any arid nil persons claiming adverse ly the above described lands are requested to file their claim In this onlce on or lie lore said jSlh day of October, 8 W.T. Bcsxev, Rcglatcr. " ti it t v 1 1" 1 a v 1 1 VVr 1 1 TIMBHL LAND NOTRE. - United Stales Ind OiTice. me Oregon City, Or., July 37th, 1880, perwjrm 1 Litiiing adversely the above te Notkc i Hereby given that sn corupliance scrilswl lantls are requested to file their with tbe provikns of the act of Coheres of i claims in this ollice on or Udore said 12th June 3, IS78, entitled "An oct for the sab; of timber lanOs in the stales of California, Oregon, .-xevatta, ana Washington Ierritory, I nomas McClenon.of Sytlney.rsAinty tf K isap.tcniiory of Washington, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No 1 3 16, for the purchase of tbe S E of section No 4, in township No 12 south.range No 3 east, and will offer pi oof 10 show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural putpo es.and to establish lus claim 10 said lanti before the Register and Receiver of this office st Ore. gon Cuy, Or, on Fiiday, tbe 25ih day of Octo her, 1SS9, He name as wi.ncaw.-s : C Smith, J Ilerwig, J Peters and J T Muqmy, alt of Syd ney, Kitsap county, W T. Any and all per son claiming adversely the above des.-iit.ed land are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 2 5th day of October, I SS9. W T lit km: v, Register. VulUd Stales Land N'lliv. Oreiron Oiv.oreBon: Jtilvi.'.lh.l3. Votlo ts hereby (iventhal la eitllan' wlththe prtnuon.t.f itw acof (ions-reaanf Juitea,I7S.etitlilcd 'An sri f.w the rale ot UniUr th.taUr.M Cl If uraia. Ofvcun, Netada. and W Mlimirtun Trrritory,,' Jetnee K Iluo-blnwHi,, Olympis eunnty at ThuraU. iarrllory of Waahlnj,-uni,bBr thi. dav 6;rl in ill.. ..flic hi. .warn etatcinext No I. rib. pu:chaiw ol ibe S g I of sertiwii Xo til. In loan.hip No 10.-Miih ran No I raat, and will idler iro4 t .how tt at the uuid eougbt ia en. Its Umtwror Mum than lurae-ricttltarat purw, and to nubiiab hi. cndui to said wnd nohiro th. Ket,ter and Heceocr i-f thu i9in stOrctal1ty, rnii, onTinwlav, the ;.'; of October, Hew. He nameeaa witiowa : t It Jmk.4i, 1, W Sho Said and John Unur,ail id SmUle. King eounty, W T. Any and all -r.n cbiimli.s ad t atari v the.bove dew-rtbrd land, ara rrqirr.u.1 lo file their claims la this cBie rm or e'v .aid !td day ol October, laea. WTBrsxxv.KvgUtei-. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. flitted Slate Land tTire. Orejpui Clly, I irejon, July STlIt, tKstl. Kotleelsbereby given Hut In compliance with the prvlic.ii.rf tbe act of I 'oiigTeaartf June 3.lB?H,etilll led luTHHifuiH iitaacti- ni,oi une..iars,i!ttuiiel Aa act for ibe .ale of iimtMi.d. in ihc.uic.rfo.i- il'irnla. Orernn, Nevada, and WaabinefaMi Terrilorv Ired II fadilbe, county ol Wetford.atale of Miehlu-an, haathisday lll.-d Hit hi. offi. hi. aworn statetnent No 131 1, forth urrbue ot tbeSW) of section No SJ,ln lonnuhlp Xo Hi eoaih,ran?e Nolull. and will offer proof to show that the laml south t ia snore va'uable lr lu timber or stone than for agricul tural purpose, an4 toe-tahll.h hi. claim toasid land br tore Ibe Kesia'-er and Kerelverof t.fficeal Ore gbo I'ily, tr. ,on Kriday.the 21th dav of OcUibrr JM. He nsmes aa wluieea : I I.hell .k Iluac.M f Yerks ami J J Ntiuires, all of Alliany, Linn eounty, Oretron. Anvand allpersuns claiming adversely tb. above ue. srrlbed land are muraled to Sle their claim, in this office on or before said S.itb dav t f Ortobrr, 1 v. W T Besxar. tiegister. Notice for Publication. United 6Uies Land Office, ) tlregon City, Or., Juue ,20, 18h0. J Notice la hereby given that in coin oil -ance with tbs provisions of the act of Congress of Juue 3rd, JS.'S, entitled "An act for the sals of timber lands In tbe State of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory " David Hemliey, of Portland, county of Multnomah, Mate ol Oregon, bastbU dy tlleJ lu this oflice bis sworn statement No, 1032, for the pir r hase of the 8 K J of election No. 12, In Township No. lo suUth, Range No. 2, east, and will offer proof to show tbst the Isnd sought Is mor valuable for its tim ber or stone than -for agricultural pur poses, and to establish bia claim to said land bsfoi-e tbe HpgUttr or Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oiegon, cn Tarstlay, the Illh .lay r SrwUiatier. I88 lie names as witness : John W est and O A Bennett, tf Taeoma, Pierce eounty, W. T., and W. II. Requa aud C. G. Ty ner. of Portland, Multnomah county, Or. Any and all persons cfalmlng adversely theabovedescrlbed land, are requested to Ala tbelr claims In this offiee on or bo fore said 17th day of September, lfiSt). W. T. Bupnky, Register, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. I'd I ted States Land Otlice. Oregon City, OreKon, July lSlh, ISS9. Notice Is hereby Riven that tn compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8, 1878,entlt!ed"An act for the sale of Um ber lands In the slates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Donald MuKae, of Brownsville, eounty of Linn, state of Oregon, has tills day flleitl tn this office his aworn statement No 1231, for the purchase of theNKJof section No2u, In township No IS, south, range No 8, east, and will ot'or proof to show that the land Bought la mere valuable for It timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to aatd land before tho Register and Keoeiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday.the 14th day of October, 1RK1). He names s wlt nessea t W H Tnylor, W East, J B Towstey and H Brennao.all of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Any all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to (lie their claims InthiMQiflso on or before said 11th day of October, 18W). . W T Burnrt, Register. CH3 BR BTtlmnlafea the torpid liver, atrengrth bs theli(reUveorrans, regrulatea Uim bowvbs, Kud awe naequaled tta sa AHTI-11LIDUS OED!0!H, tH malarial ellatrtet. their Tirtnea sir Widely reeofrnlaed, an they ttoaaess pe xtliwr properties in f reel agths ayatona from tht poison. Ieaily hosrae :oatdl. Itoa. ausavll. rlefi&eta. Sold Eveixwliero. Office, 44 Murray St, New York, 21 : '-niriiim -iihihii-i -i-mf 11 - -11 "i ' 1 -r- " - - a r mi mai 1 1 1 m " - for Infants and Children. ' "Castorta Is ao well adapt! toehndree tht 1U So. Oxford St., broottro, V. V. Combine the Juice of the Elue Figs of California, to laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming tbe ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the .mo nanrnr a KIDMlS. LlVtii AflU DUWiiLS ADO TO Cleanse tne System Effectually, SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. Ask your dreggist for SYKUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by tbe CALIFORNIA. FIG SYRUP CO., Sam Fsamcisco, Cau Lotnsvais. K v. N Yosa, K. V, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Ktitfes lnil OfTice, Oregon City, Or., July 17th, 18S!. Notice is hereby iri veil Unit in compli ance w ith the provisions of the act of Con gress of Juno 3. 1878. entitled "An act for tlie sale of timber Iambi in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Fred Gilbert, of Seattle, countv of King, Territory of ashtngton has this day filed in this ollice his sworn nta'emcnt No VJZi.for the rmrchasc of tho S W H ot Hoc No 22, Tp No 10, south lUtum No 2 east, anil will oflcr proof to show that the hind sought is more valu able for its timber or stono than for agri cultural !tirtorcs. and to establish his eluim to saiti laml U fore the Register and Rocetver of this oflice at Oregon City, Or. i on Haturdav the 12th dav of October,lS8. He iiatnesus witnesses : r. Mans, O r ! V,Ung, V Ilenso and Krohn, all of ! battle, King county, W. T. Any and alt lay of OctuU-r, 1S!, W. T. I5t iisky, Itegixter. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Ijind OfTice, Oregon City, Or., July 1 7th, 1SS9. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provision of tbe aet of Con gress of June U, 1H"8, entitled "An act for the sale of timU-r lantls in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Murdoch Stewart, jf fieat tlo, county o King. Territory of Wmdiing- tong, has thin dny tiled in tlun oflit-e lus sworn stutement'No 122S,for tlie pur.-hase of the N E 4 of Sec No 2S. in Tp No 10, south Range No 2 fa t, and will otfer proof to show that the land sought is more val uable for its timltcr or stone than for agri cultural jrtirptwcH, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and lteceiver xif this ollice at On-gon City, Or., on Saturday the 12th day of lh-tolier.l8S!. Ho names as witnesses : F Benee. F Hhriencr, IJ Krohn and F Gilbert, all of Seattle, King countv, w . T. Anv and all tieronn claiming adversc!v the alwvc de- hcrilwd Luitls are requested to file tlieir claims in this otlice on or before said 12th day of OctoU-r, lsso. V. T. Evrsey, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Ijhk! Oflice, Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1883. Notice is hereby given that in eompli anixi with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lamb) in tho State of California, Oregon, Nevndit and Washing ton Territory," James K McHargne, of l'.rownsvilic, countv of Linn, State of Ore gon, bus this day bleu in thin oflice his . . I v- .,.-. . , i sworn statement No lit4,for tlie purchase ; of tho S E of Sec No 32, Tp No 10 south, nan g ro . cnxi. mm w ui oner proot to show that the land sought is more valu able for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his clnim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this otlice at Oregon City, Or., on JMitunuy tne tuy ot ietobcr,lS8:). lie names lis witnesses : J 1) Irvine, A P Howe, W C Cooley ami A L Raker, all of Brownsville, Linn county. Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the alxive described lands are requested to file their claims in this ollioe on or before said P.Uh dav of October, 1SSSI. W. T. BcrnkV, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. I'nlted Slates Land Oflice. Oregon city, Oregon. July lTth, 1SS8. Notice Is hereby given Ihnt iu compliance wlththe provisions of the ne& of Congress of June3,lST8,enlllled"An act for the sale)? timber lands tn the states of Callfornla,Oregsn,Nevada, and Washington Terrtto-y,"Bernhard Krohn.of Seattle, countv of Klnfr.terrltory or Washington, basthlsday riled la thlsotTioe his sworn slat, meat Noliis fot the purchase oflhe N W 1 of seclion No is. In township No lO.south range No 2 east, and will offer proot to show that the land sought Is mora valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hlsclaltn tosatd laud before ihn Keplster and ltecel verof thlsotTioe at oreKn City, Ongon, on Saturday, the dny of October, lNvt, He n.meaas witness 1 F Bense, FUllberl.M Stewart and F8hrletier, all of Seattle, Klngeounty, WT. Any and all persons claiming adversely the abovedoscrlbed lands are requested to tile their claims In thlsoiTieoou or before said Uth day of W T Bi-brbv, Reclster. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United states Land OITIee. Oregon City, Oregon, July 17th. i8S3. Notice Is hereby el von that In comDliauee with tho provisions of the aet of Congress of tfuiiea,in.a.rmuuea 'Anaciiortne sateor um ber lnuda ta tho states of California, Oregon, Nevada, ond Washtneton Territory.'' Franx tlirlener, of Seattle. county ot King, territory of Washington, has t bis day filed tn thlsotrioe hts aworn statement No 1'iJ.l.lor the purchase of the S W J of section No2S.ln townshin No 10. aeuth range No 2 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber orstene than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to sid land before t he Reg ister and Receiver of this office at Orefo"!! City, Oregon, 011 Saturday, the 12th dayof October, lSSli. lie nnnicsns witnesses : t Bense. B Krohn, F (l 1 1 bert and U Stewart .all or Seat ile.Klng eu n ty.WT. Anyatidallperaonsclairaing adveree lvthe above described lands are requested to file their clnlms In this office on or before said 12th day of oaober, 1S81). VTI Bcrxst, Register. RedGrownMills SOM, LANNIXG & crj'., t 01R'S. SEW IR00S3 FLOUR BOTEftfOR Kfc rAMXI.IES AND SARKHS CSS. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Hig-hest 'Price in Cash fo Wheat City Meat Market. SHULTZ BE0SM Proprietors. Keep a full Hoe of meals of all kinds, In a cool piece, completely pro tected; and always fressb. Also have eonstftutly.on' hand and other fish. salmon Mki rmL 1 ii oei I Caatorla tmnt Colle, Cogstloattnn. WUbouS uijurfoos soodicatioa. Taa Csstacb CoarAsr, 77 Mnrray Stiwt, If. Y. Sctice for PDblinat'on. Uriitotl SMa'e. Land Offlee., I f;rrgon City, Juno 20, JHM; J Nottoo in hrroby glvnnfbat In coinpll siioo Willi tho provisions .f fho act of Congress of June 3rd, 1K7S, ftntitlod An set for tb sale of timber lands in lbo ftat.s of California, Orion, Nevsrla. arrt naiiingion Terrliory," vtliliain 11. I .iiiii. f Forth tid.eomiiy f.rMoiinotn'.n, M .. of Oiotcon, ban thi ftay filed tn ibi i lll-o liH swern rt(eici.t ? for tt is port mri f 1 bo K -t N W J cml brlM I "! 201 F'rSfrn No. IS, III 'Jown- sbtpN i. lOwmth. lUrifl No fast, sod will .fi.-r proof l .how liar tbe isod Miirgiit f hi r vsinaOlH for lis limber of suii.ethsn tor srieoltural pur rt.cei, nl toeatablkll his cIhIio to .aid IhMl h fnt the Register and Keoivr of tt.lm fll out Oregon t-'ity, Oregon, ,n Tarailay, fhe 1Kb day of Srpiriribrr, Dot. )fo name a wltne-iw-as John Ket and O. A. Innelt. of Taenms. Pbrco v,urity, W, T , snd V. Hersbey sikI C d. Tyrer. of Portland, Maltnornab coon ty, Oregon. Any and all person cianoliiff sommi Iv the boe described land aro request ed to file their claims lo this r.fllce on or before said 17th day of Hprmler, 1M!, W. T, J5tJIJr.T, liegiftti r. fimoer land Sctica, United U!rs Lend Office. Oregon City, Ur.. June 28ih, lfie Notice Is hereby given that l.i eompll- anee with tbo provisions of tlo act of Congress ot June 3rd, I7o, .milted "An act for tba sale or timber lands in tbe Hiate of California, Oretron, Nevada and waabington Territory ,"Fraok l Slovens, of ilontcsno, ccunty of Cbeosli. Teirl toryof Wkshington, baa thia day filed in this office bis aworn statement No, 1076, for tbe porcbsse of the W M of fectlou So. 22, lo Township No, 10 Sooth hsneo No. 3 east, and will offer freof to show that tbe land soagbt I more yalnable for ka tl Jiberor atone than fur agrlenltaral pnrpoo and to establish bis rlaim to naid land Mot tbe Kegitter and Re ceiver 01 mis cuice at vrtgon wuy, vi.r on rrlday, I be 24h day T Srplranbrr, IR. Ife came as wilneses t Thr-s Keaoe, H. Martin, G. W. Pall and John Wi, a'l of Mori lens no, Chehalls coanty, Wasbirgton Territory. Any and aU per son claiming ndrencly the above de scribed lands srs r queued to file Ibelr elaixa In tblsr flice 00 or btfore said zotii day of September, Jftt-'J VV, T. BCKsltT, Keguiier, Timlier Laci Botici. United states Land OfTie. Orrgon City, Or., J one mb, 18e9. Notice is beiehy given that in oomplf ance wlih tbe piovo-ions of tbe act of Cor.greof Jut. 3rd, J873, entitled "An act for tbe sale of limber lands in tbe State of California, Oregon, Nevada, snd Waahington Territory," lbotnas . Keane, of Momoauo.ccnnty of Cbebaliv. Territory of Washington, baa Ibis cay filed In this cfllco his sworn statement No. 1077. for the. purchase of the S K of Section No 22, in Towns-blp No. 10. Month, Rasgo Uo, 3 ea-t, and will offer proof tn time that the Wnd songbt Is morn valuab!e for its tiiuber or ston Ibsn for agricultural purjo-e. and to esuti';b hi claim to said land before tbe F agister and Kfceeiver of this flice st Oregon K-uy, iregoo, in rrlOay, I aetata Ujr r Seplrsler. ias. U mines sv witnesfKa: H. Martin, F. K. t-teverji. (J, W. Hell and John Wo, ail of Monteaano.Cbehaiia county. Wash Ington Territory, Any and all person claiming adversely tbe above djcrH- lands are requested to fi e lhtr claims 1 this c filcfl on or before said 20th day o September, T89. W. T.Bfrhkt, Register. COLD HEAD- Try tha Cure Ely's Cream Balm Q causes tho Nasal Passages. AI lays Inflammation. Heals the Sores. Bestorea the Senses or Taste, Smell and. Hearing. A article Ie arrplle Imla esrA su tl mmi ta aarerabie. Price Mc at trraieslMa mr br saatU. KIABitOITiEBSWarrenStKew Yoric PATENTS talaed. an all ether bnsiBeaa In tha Tli S rs.ta Bee attendeded to for moderate fees. Our office leoppoai tbe U.S. Patent Office, and we can obuia Patent less tim than those remote rom Washinrtoo. Send modie or drawinr. We acV - to patent ability free of charge ; sno weaiake o charge unless w obtain patent. Wa refer here, to tb Postmaster, th Snpt. ot Money Order Iri v. and to otBciala of the U. 8. Patent Otlice. For circular, advice, terms, aad ference o actual elieuts ia your own State or eounty, ddres C, A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent OIBos, WsabiaftoB. D . OF PORE COD LIVER OIL HYPOPnoSPSLlTE3 Almost as Palatable as Milk, Bo dl.gwleed that it caw bo taken, lUceeled, wnd assimilated by the anee seai.lttve stomas Ii, sarttea th plat a nil raeiaint be tolerated t ami by tbe com bination of tb oil will, tbe bypopheaw pbite la sasicia more efflcsteiows. . Eartole as a -flesh producer. Ptrsoni fain rspldly wLUe t&ktag it. SCOTTa EMULSION is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa. ration in the world for tie relief aad cure of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. GENERAL 0EBIUTY, VVASTIKQ DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CROHIO COUCH3. Thi greet rerordy for tbnsamp.'ian, and Wasting tn ChUdrvn. Soil b,j all Lrwrqista. ' . ' STCCKMENIAND FARMERS ; hereby certify that Dr. 1. N. V ootlle has successfully operated on my ridifllnir horM. I3AAC HAYS. For farther reference in regard to ride Inga inouiro or Wm. PeUrsoo, Dave p! terson, Lebanon : John Hardman, Alfred Wolverton, Albany ; Sam Gaines, teioj vV m. Foster, Priueville. I praetica veter. Inary medioine in Albany and country surrounding. Office and residence oorntv 8th and Washlrgian Sts. I.N WOODLE, Veterinary Surgeon. 1' OO OR f0 ACRES. 100 acres of fine tannin:? o r fruit land. 4 milea westof Albany, for only $23 an acre. WU I te 50 acres ifriasirui, Nioely lonateri Ca cn Cooper Tamer on CorvaHis roa I, OATOI1WH awa an . i .a warawa t flV&, E j 1 I 1