The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 30, 1889, Image 3

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tttlDAY.. AUGUST 80, 1889
8TITE3 &
Kililar Ml
Wi ll B A Won ok a The Salem States
ta give an account of a trial race be
tween J. L. C. of this city, Combination
and Dill R. In which, though the At
bany hone lost by a length, by breaking,
it Is shown that he It much the best an J a
remarkable younn trotter. The Stairs-
mm av s .Bill R was driven by Day
Roblmop, J. L. C by Wcs Shannon
and Combination by John Tender. The
horaea were tapped off on the firit trial at
ter the nrenaratory work, with Billy R at
the nole. ILC second and Combination
third, with a comparatively good start
Combination being perhaps a half length
In the rear. Billy R gained gradually on
)LC until the three quarter point was
reached, when Shannon could be seen to
let J LC have his head, and from that on
he made a fine finish to the draw gate,
when he broke badly, 'losing by about
length In 3:53, with Combination about ten
or twelve lengths in the rear. This cannot,
howevc, be taken as any mark ot their
speed, as neither Bllljr R nor ILC .were
urged in any manner. J l. m is ownea oy
J L Cowan, of Albany, iie was sired by
Oneco, arandslre Altamont. He Is a four
year old and has had hut three months'
work. Taking Into consideration the fact
mat lour years old la ine on year tor an
horses, and that he ha the staving qual
ities and easy action of his sire, it I but
reasonable to expect him to be one ot the
coming wonders ot Oregon.
(iITTING ExciTitt. Regarding the Ah
bany and Astoria railroad, a Mr Falkner
tells the Polk count Observer the people
of that section are becoming somewhat
excited While coming out he met the
surveyors just this side of the summit ot
the mountains, making for Do'ph (the
forks ot the Big and Little Nestucca wag
on roads.) From Dolph the will go down
Three Rivers to the Big Nestucca ; fol
low up that stream to Beaver Creek, and
up that branch out Into Tillamook coun
try, to Seaside, near Astoria Dolph is
within ll miles of the thick) settled por
tion of Little Nestucca.
Albany Too. The three slor brick
building which are now being completed,
and which would be ornaments to any city
t on the coast, are being built by men who
have accumulated fortunes by following
business vrcatlons In this city. There is
' " 3j
not another point that can make the same
boast In the northwest, for In almost ever
town the enterprise ot the present season
has been impelled by the introduction o'
toregin capital Dafles Times-MottHtntneer.
That Is just exactly the way the many new
brick blocks In Albany have been built.
Home money did It in every instance. I'.
Is now time for some otiulJe capital to
, come in.
f Tm Cou.aoa. The Albany Collegiate
Institute will open its fall term on Tues
day, Sept. loth, under very favorable aus
1 pice. This College has obtained a good
standing in the Valley. The course given
Is a thorough one, and the school is for
tunate In possessing so able a faculty. Al
bany is well situated for student to come
from a distance, as well as from the coun-
"-""Tlry. No place in Oregon ofTcrs more ad-
vantage a a home for students. The
Democrat heartily commends this CoU
lege to oung men and women desiring to
y obtain a thorough education.
Killed Three Hears. Tuesday mom
ing Morri Swank returned from 'he
; mountain and report having killed three
bear. He had siiot a cub.anj hi dog wa
after another one when the old mother
bear made her appcaranc. but only to
meet her doom, his unerring aim toljof
previous use of a rifle. He then killed the
other cub. Judging from the claw of
one of them It must have been a large one.
Brownsville Timet.
Comes to Albany. Ed Moyer has
; accepted a position in the Albany woolen
mill, and will leave, with hi family for
that city, about the first of next month.
Ed i an A No I citizen, and the people
here, hate to see him leave, but wish him
and hi estimable family prosperity, and
jsrplentv ol It In their new home. Urowns-
Th O P. Van Cleve, of the Sclo Prtu
ha alway had the Inside track on O P
ltem hence we rive the following Item.
'Aealn It Is rumored that when all the
' bridge, cut., along the line of the O P.
are located and the cost of the -same pas-
ed upon by the proper official the Man
ager will be ready to contract 'the "entire
""TtneUrSnaka river."
Red Roses. Undoubtably and unques
tionably the Red Bose tea sold by Conn
Bros under their own brand, I a fine a
,:, any thing in the market Do not dispute
the statement until you have made a tilal.
It I a pure Japan tea and a luxury at any
one table. This firm keeps first class
groceries, and whether In tea or other
good propose giving the best in the mar
ket for the money.
EvaDino te Law. It i to be hoped
P -egon never get a bad A Connecticut'
ivre the law prohibiting the sale of cU
rette to boy under 16 year of age ha
' jut gone lnt3 effect. Certain dealer have
gotten a drop a-nickel ln-the-slot ar
rangement, whereby a person can drop a
penty and receive a cigarette. Toe ma
chine I placed outside of the door where
lite dealer cannot tee who buy.
A Lively Fellow. A very live mem.
ber of the editorial party at Yaqulna Bay
wa Harry Jane, who occupied a room
with one of the member of the party, and
any amount of fu.i was had at hU expense;
but his late wa finally tealta and Marry
Jane I row simply a myth not to be men
tloned under penalty of banishment for
Card or Thaxks To the many friends
who so kindly tendered their aid and lym
pathy during the recent fatal illness of
our son, Jay Moist we desire to tender our
most sincere and heartfelt thanks and It is
with feeling of deepest eratitude that the
sjame are hereby tendered.
'ir Mr ajsd Mr Joseph Moist.
Dxo'xt Locate. Nine of our citizens
went down below Ashland, to file on tim
" V-r land, thefore part of the week, but
. ( er arriving there found the timber too
1 , or to locate. This wa a big expense to
the boys as the fair there and back was
$13. Brownsville Timtt.
The Right Man On Saturday, Aug
t 31st, Frank Crabtree will take charge of
l' the house at the Findley Soda Springt.and
1 propose offering first-class accommoda-
j tlon forthe traveling publlc,and will make
I v t pleasant for peeple spending the fall and
I winter there.
V Another One. A frame building Is
I being erected on Second street, opposite
the former residence of Mr George Slmp-
on. ana win soon m uttupicu b k
. t,. 1 i.j
eery store,
This will be an innovation in
business matters in Albany,
A Y. M. Party. A few evening ago
a very pleasant party wa given at the
residence of Judge Flinn In honor of Ezra
! .M Horton.who ha become a cltlzenjhere,
It wa peculiar from the fact that all the
' iuest were young men, and nevertheless
5 )' , enjoyable.
!. B Careful.1 The Democrat I, in
, . formed that ome very careles hootlng
I " Is being done in Hackleman' 4th addi.
lion. A day or two ago a girl came very
i-y near being shot. Some arrest are prom-
1 l.ed.
The Same Way. The Yamhill X
A'rrVr clve the following account of the
forircrv In that cttv by a matt who went
by the name ot Ripple In Albany, being
the man who forircd the name oi All
Marshall to a check end sold It to O Satin
gcr i "Last Thursday a man named Rlpl
kec, who had been working for Hilly er,
went into Apperson' store and. did some
tradln with Beverley. He tendered a
check on the McMlnnvltle National bank
tor $ jj.a5,purported to be signed by John
Henderson. lie was pnld the difference
in cash. Shortly after Clyde Apperson,
assistant cashier of the McMlnnvltle Na
tional bank, dropped Into his father' store
and on being asked It John Henderson did
business In the hank answered no. Vr
Apperson on tills became suspicious, and
mcctlnir the fellow on the street invited
him Into the store, where he told him the
check had been sent out to see it It was a
forgciy or not. Rtplkee said he did not
want any trouble over the nutter and paid
the money back. He subsequently lit out
for Portland, Marshal Kaufman after him.
Ue was captured near Carlton.
Tub Pi'hlic Sctiooth. 1 he public
schools wlil open on Monday, September
9th, and every boy and girl In Albany ot
school age. not otherwise engaged, should
a'.tend.and begin promptly at the ringing
ot the bell. An elliclcnt corps of teachers
have been engaged r.nd It Is to the Inleiest-
of all to see our school'placcd In the front
rank, and in this matter students and par-
ems have something to do as well at
teacher. Following U a full list of teach
ers, in the order In which they are placed
over the different departments Prof
Valker,Priiifll,MIs Brink, MUs Robert
son, MIm Morris, Mis Grav, Mr Aiken,
Miss VilKht and Mrs Tlwatl. The new
teacher are Mia Grav, a graduate ot the
Stale Normal school. Miss Wrliiht, a crad-
uale ot the Ai(ii-uluirat College, and Mrs
Alken.a daughter ot Mr Shannon.the gard
A. B. I. A. The cxpoure ot the
manner of transacting business by the
American Building and Loan Association"
of Minneapolis, by larbor commissioner
Tobln, of California is beginning to bear
good fruit say an Ex. Its East Oakland
btanch ha closed Its books. Th amount
of stock Mibscr' bed for was In the neigh
borhood of $5.1,000, but the loss to num
bers, say the local manager, through the
pavment of assessments and Initiation
fees, will tint amount to more than $800.
They get oft easy. It 1 safest to deal
with only home companies. .
Were is Prieville. -Last Saturday
Win Hong, general manager ; A Hackle-
man, director and Col Kclescn, chief ei-
glneer, were in Pilncville. The object of
their visit was only to view the line qf the
road as etahllshed by Col Eclesen, and to
look at the country through which it pass.
es. Little amid be learned from them re
garding when and where the road would
be built. These gentlemen a-ert thM work
III be kept up on the line i t construction
In the Cascades, though we were unible
to learn when thev expect to have the
road completed, to this side f tht moun
tains. eettear.
A Stamhiy. Without George BcUhaw
f Lane count the Oregon Stale fair
wouldn't amount too much. The follow
ing from the in.inl, will be good news to
all : "1 ncteGcmge ItcUhaw, who has
taken the firt prize on wheat at the State
fair, as well as the Centennial and other
exhibitions, is now engaged in preparing
an exhibit of R'ains !or the forthcoming
State fair. This will be the largest and
best exhibit ever made by him. Il will
contain over 300 varieties of wheat, both
In the sheaf and in jars and will weigh
about 1500 pound.
Good News. It has been tunpccted
that the Chicago & Northwestern is in
terested in the Oregon Pacific, say the
OrrgonlaH and now it Is said to be a cer
tainty that It ha advanced $5,000,000 to
construct that road eastward from Albany
Five million should build a of deal road
on the route from the Cascade to Boise,
as the roid will pas the head waters of the
Deschutus, and sweep around the south
ern base of the Blue mountain. No
greater work can be done for Oregon than
the construction of the Oregon Pacffic, a
the whole state must feel the benefit to
come from that road.
The Tolrxamext. There will be ra
cing at the Toco ma tournament and no
mistake. Jack Gillpin.Jack Gibson and
Eph Cameron will run in the East Port
land team with several other professional.
Harry ;Bethune, champion of the U S will
train the Tacoma team. II II O' Dell will
train the Lebanon team, C'orvalll will be
composed of the fastest runner in the
world, and Astoria and a few other place
will send electric teams. And where I
Albany' 27 second team.
Talk is Cheap When you hear a
min say that he used to fresco in the East
better than thoe San Francisco fellows,
and If it wasn't for a job painting a barn
he'd show them how, or the man say that
he can run a newspaper better than the
editor, or the - chap that vould'ntj wait
on customers In any uch style, why
look out for h!:n, gel some other fellow
to daub your fence, etc.
S. O. Peach eh. L Martin shipped a
fine car load of pe&che north on Tues
day's freight of last week. They were all
picked the day before and pckcd during
the night all hand working until four
o'clock In the morning. There I lot of
trouble In sending such perishable goods
a peaches by freight train, wlthough a big
saving In chtrges. Ashland UecorJ.
The Banner Run Steele Bro., of
Suver, in this county, have made the ban
ner run with a thresher this season. In
thirty day run they threshed 60,000
bushels of v heat. We have heard of no
better ri-n. West Sid. Denver Hackle
man, of this count, made about the same
run, the best reported here.
That Hospital. The matter of aland
for a Sisters Hospital at this city will be
easily disposed of. In addition to the scv
eral piece heretofore mentioned Mr Mil
ton liale hat offered to donate a piece from
hi property just south of the ciiy ,250x150
liet.ntccly located for. the purpose. Our
citizens may depend on the fact that the
hospital will be built.
1 hey w eakexeo. 1 he vailey paper
are whooping It up for the boy that were
going to tramp It to Frl.coon a wager, and
are making preparation to tooin them
along the line; but what make thing
look bad I the fact that all hand have
weakened. Astoria Transcript.
A Museum Stewart Brother & Stern-
burg, a new Albany firm, are making 1
collection for a museum soon to be open
ed in grand style in this city. They a!
ready have a real live garter snake, a mas
todon snail and several other curiosities;
Acquitted. James Black, the young
man arrested at Halsey for killing a Chi
nese phearant, s tried Monday and
acquitted, the fact not being established
by the evidence.
New Bank. Mr T L Jones and R A
Booth of Gran's Fas will soon open - a
bank in that place. Mr Jones passed
through the city on his way to Portland
on business connected with the bank.
Taking A Vacation A warrant was
Issued Saturday for the arrest of Titc Mar
shall for atsull on A B Bond ; but THe had
started on a vacation down the road and
was not arrested.
D.$rm ii)350X ARE AGENT
tOl'Mll, 1 !: i :.iv,
Present All olliccr and member.
Committee on ways and mean reported
against contributing $350 for clock on Ma
sonic temple, which was adopted. M
Gradwohl, of the committee, reported In
favor ot an appropriation ot $400.
A report by committee on health and
police recommending extension ot sowers
wa laid on table.
A report wa read showing that the city
.would be In debt $4500 at end of year.
Street commissioner recommended cer
tain Improvement. .
A petition for electric light on Callpoola
street wai read and referred.
A crosswalk wa ordered at Walnut and
8th atreet.
Crosswalk wero ordered made In the
future ot 11 Instead ot S Inch plank.
Ordinance In reference to salary and
duties ot Marshal wa read and referred.
Amendment to ordinance prohibiting
team standing unhitched on street wa
read and referred.
An electric light wa ordered placed
near S P depot and committee n streets
and public property wa ordered to locate
three more lights.
License to tell liquor were granted
Watt Montetth and J A Gross.
Bids for lateral sewer were opened and
contract let to Jas Laurent at 55 cent tor
ewer at Ellsworth, between Cth and 7th,
across Keriy, between 3rd and alb, and
Into Brnaaalhln sewer at block il.
A bill of $jS6ln favor ot Oregon Pacific
for transporting destitute Celestial to San
Francisco last wlntcr.wae referred.
1 he following bill were ordered paid 1
U L, .Savage, $8.50 1 B M Huston & Co.
i8 7S : F E Allen. $10.10 t F Bender.
$ t I Chlswell. $3 50 ; C Dose, $3.50 1
w vtirtmastcr, io( r Kelly, $t. 10 ; J
Cunlne, $3.50 J TunelU $J j S W Ross,
4-7S; J N Hoffman, $&: J Whiteside,
$4.50; J Law, $6.7 j'j Jkeps, $3 50 J
Warncr,$ ja Santlam Lumber Co,$UJ. 30;
lust bills, $51.40 WIS Miller, $70 1 J
Jones $70 S t-'ol F A Co, $37.
UR.' EST AT a, 8AL.&.
Jacob Strellel to Kate Streltet 3 t-6
acres In Tp ll g K 3 w S
Lcrenxo Hasbrouck to Cyrus O Pat
ton, 3uo acre In Tp 14 S R 3 w
EJ Daly .to Peter Bllyeu, 7 4-5
near Sclo
E L Brvan to F B Jenks, ji acre
Intp US R 3 w
B Johnson to II It Spiinger, lot 3
and 4 blk 3,Shedds
Andrew L Baker to John B Moore,
NJiolNEqr Sec 15, Tp 14 R
4 w
J W W Crowderto Robert 11 Uabing-
ton, lot 7 blk 31 IT 2nd A, Ai
blany ,.
Carrie R Howe to L II Starr, lot 4
blk 11S, II' A. Albany
I L Cowan to John Wlther.ipo acres
Tp 14S R 3 w
L W and I E Knapp to Eunice
Rhode. 5 acre, Tp 14 R R 3 w
Thomas Morgan to Susaa D Kee
ner, 1 35 acres, Tp 14. S R 3 w
Peter liilycu to Sarah E Daly, 7 4-5
acres near Sclo
Geo A Dyson to Margaret E Wlhon
parcel In North Brownsville..
R Koehler to Peter Black, lot 7, blk
78. M'sS A. Albany
1 coo
I'nitcd States to James fiunlsucker, patent
11 i ana a Johnson to v c. Curl,
lots 55, 56 and 87, Sclo
G t Simpson to John Fox N E qr
blk 104, H's A, Albany
John 11 Burkhart to R T Hedrick,
10 acers,Tp II S R 3 w
W D Mitchell to E y Langdon,
Truster, blk 49 H's A. Albany.
Map of Highland Grove filed.
Five Horse Thieves. Knox Huston
ha Informed the Ocheco Review that five
horse thieves from Gilliam county passed
through the northern part of Crook coun
ty Saturday, Aug 17 going west with four
teen head ot stolen horses. Mr Huston
aw two of the thieve on Currant creek
early Saturday morning with a pack mule
and several hone. John Bogg, an ex
convict, and t o of the Breeding boys are
aid to be In thr party. They were heard
of last encamped on the Mc 'kinzle river,
and are supposed to be heading for Lane
county, where Bogg's relative live.
Sheriff Sloan, of Lane county, ha been
asked to intercept them.
Another MilLvD C Cox, ." A Cox
and C II Hobcrg, under the name of Cos
Hoberg & Co have purchased two fraction
al lot of A Hackleman near Wheeler'
lumber, yrd paying $1050 for the same,
and will begin to-morrow to build a large
team planing mil', and sash and door fac
tory. They left Tuesday for Portland to
buy the machnrry for the mill and it
Is proposed to have It running at an
early day. Mr Cos has recently come to
Albany after a trip over the Sound coun
try, and likes It better than any place yet
visited. W A Cos Is superintending the
construction of the Woolen Mill, and with
Mr Hoberg are former residents of
Brownsville. The Cox Bros. wer once
neighbor ot Dr Ouiss In the East.
Scalded Tuesday evening George
Brandenburg a little boy wa getting up
steam, at Harrisburg, In a little a'.cam en
gine, when It exploJed, scalding him in
the face quite seriously.
Only $1.50. I have a fine tock of la
dles and children's fall and winter trim
med hat, which I will sett at $1.50 each.
These are hat that usually tell at $3.50,
$3 and $4 each. Must make room tor my
fall opening. Call early and make your
Ida M. Brush,
1st floor Strahan's new brick.
Money to Loan. At a low rate of In
terest, on good farm property in Linn
county, or on best Improved city property
In Albany. Apply to Blackburn & Wright,
Aioany, ur
Vert Nic e Don't cook thl hot weath
er. Urop in and get some of our lunch
delicacies. We have just received a fresh
supply of cream cheese, Llmburger cheese,
smoked beef chipped to order, etc.
All Night. Mr Ivancovlch keep an
all night house on First St between Ells
worth and Lyon, at which Is to be found
fresh oysters, porter house steaks.
and egg etc.
Hot Weather Items. Keep cool. The
finest refrigerator In the market at Stew,
art Si Sox'. Buy one now.
All lze of Ice cream freezer at Stew
art & Sox'. Purchase one and manufac
lure this delicious dish at home.
All Persons. Indebted to the late
firm of Brownell & Stanard are requested
to call and settle at the store of C E
Brownell without delax or make some
satisfactory arrangements.
Abbey's Addition. 54 lots in this ad
dition to Albany, near Hackleman's 3rd
addition, for sale, at $50 to $135 a lot, at
Curran Si Montetth .
Utter List.
Following I th list of letur ramalhine In th Post
Offio, Atbsny, Linn county, Orfon, Au281h, 1889
Persons calling tor the letter must five the date on
which thev wer sdrertised : '
Busch.Mlts Lena
Brown. MrsFannie E
Curl,Mis Liza
Dllly, Mr Wm H
Searl & Dean
Isbell, Frank J ,
Mver, F
Watter. H II " '
R. THOMPSON, p. ll.
Dixon, J R
Horn.Mr Laura
Madden, Pat
Rutherford, Emma
William, Joe
Fin lino
good stock
of Guns and
of Ammuni
tion at Deyoe and Bob
con s special bargains
Oregon State Weather Bureau co opcr
atlng with U. S. Signal Service Central f
nee, Portland, Or,, for the week cmJIn
Saturday, August 34th, 1889 1
The temperature for the past week ha
been about or slightly below the normal
ranging from 40 to 00 dcurees with the
mean about 66 deirree. Shower of rain
tell In the Willtamctte Valley and along
the coast on Sunday and Monday. In the
outhern part of Benton county the rain
fall wa very heavy on Sunday, accotn
panted by hall. In Linn county near AI
bany, hall about the te of a pea fell.
There I no report of any rain In any other
part of the State during the week. The
shower were beneficial to the grasses and
late gatden product. Little, if any, dam
age wa done to the lacked wheat or
wheat (lacked In the field. The atmos
phere wa considerably cleared of smoke
by the shower and they had a tendency to
dampen the forest fires. The sunshine
wa about normal the mornings In We
tern Oregon being cloudy or foggy for 1
tew hour 1 In Eastern Oregon generally
cloudless sky prevailed. The wheat
harvest I about finished lit ali section of
the State and report continue to be re
celyed "wheat I turning out better than
wa expected." The larget yield per acre
I reported from Hubbard, Marlon county,
where 68 X bushel per act e were obtained.
60 bushel per acre were obtained In Linn
county, and near Weston, Umatilla couna
ty. These are the highest authentic yields
o far reported. The Rogue River Valley
ha a much larger yield than w as expected.
The Umpqua Valley will export more
wheat this year than last. The whole
WIDUmette Valley will have more wheat
to export than last year, the same for the
Grande Ronde, Indian and other Valley
of Union county. The wheat In these
section I ot a good quality, average
sized grain and plump. Morrow county
will export more wheat than ever before,
though In quality slightly poorer. The
Increased acreage wa very great there.
Wasco, Sherman and Gilliam counties
will have a greatly reduced yield and of
very poor quality, though even here there
are exceptions. Umatilla county ha in
place good yield, in other very poor.
Some claim for thl county that there will
not be over one-fourth the usual amount ot
good milling wheat. Future figures alone
can determine that, some Held were not
worth rutting for even hay j some yielded
8 bushel per acre, but most field averaged
more. The total number of bushel of
wheat produced thl year In Umatilla
county will most likely surpr'se those who
have been predicting such a wonderfully
short crop. The price of wheat I gradu
ally rising, hut little I being sold. 60
cent In Eastern Oregon (at Pendleton)
and 65 cent in the Willamette Valley are
at present the maxlum prlee offered by !
buyers for A 1 wheat.
The present outlook for the hop crop
place It at about So per cent of an average
crop, but better In quality. The fruit crop
continue to yield enormously. Peaches,
pear, prunes, etc, are very plen'lfiil. I
The hay crop I generally short In East-1
ern and extreme houthcrn'Oregon. Good J
crop were had In the Willamette and
Umpqua Vallev. ami a'.ng the coast.!
The liver are 'falling rapldlv. Water Is
becoming scarce In Eastern Orego:, evtn
the Snake River Indicates a failure.
B. S. PAot r.
Observer U S Signal Service.
Ato:37Monday the wheel of a trect
car and the rail of a line met for the first
time In Albany, In the presence of several
hundred people. It promises to be the be
ginning of a new era in thl gem city of
the Valley. The move ha been made
and Ihe city mast now keep up with the
car. The people ot Albany are proud of
their new cir. Manufactured by A 1
Anslyn, of this city, they are the equal If
not the superior of any car In Oregon. In
matter ot detail and finish they how fine
workmanship. Mr Anslyn superintended
their construction. The Albany Iron
Work manufactured the wheels and other
Iron work ; Mr George Vaalo did the
painting and J F Whiting the lettering.
The car are twelve feet inside, being half
a foot loner than the Morrison Street
cars In Portland. The cars have been
housed for the present, and It will be sev
eral days before they will be run regularly.
At 3 o'clock the magnate of the road
ar.d newspaper men were given a ride
over the line of the road, much to their joy
and admiration of the car, railroad track
and everything concerned with the mat
ter. The Democrat hope to see these
treet car a paying thing from the start.
ik) wb Vast o:;t.
Several weeks ago the Democrat pub
lished a letter in reference to a paper mill
at thl city. The writer wa foreman of
an Illinois milt, and U anxious to locate
here. Mr E J McCaustland.lhe surveyor,
wrote the gentleman, and has received an
answer. An oppnrtuni'y Is offered for a
good Investment on the part of our busi
ness men who wish to build up the manu
facturing Interest of Albany. Mr Tucker
the gentleman referred to, put the capital
tock necessary for a first-class mill, with
a capacity of five or sis ton In 34
$30,000. He (Imply suggest the forma
tion of a company and offer to superin
tend the business.havlng had year of ex-.
perience, and can give good leference.
Xhl would alve a big market for the straw,
that now goes to waste.ata fair recompense
to the farmer, probably $3 to $3 a ton.
Does Albany wish to keen the bat! tolling
already started and keep adding to its
manufacturing In'erest. Here I a chance.
Sunday morning about 4 o'clock the
aw mill of Jennings & Co., on Hamilton
Creek, eleven ml.e Irom Lebanon wa
discovered on fire. The main building
wa entirely consumed. The engine
house adjoining, containing the engine
and boiler, fortunately wa saved, a well
the adjoining lumber, by hard work on the
part of the mill men and neighbor. The
fire wa undoubtedly the work of en In
cendiary, evidence 1 of kerosene on the
timber being very plain when the fire wa
discovered, the mill wa only recently
built and 'stalled. Another mi'l fof
Jennings & McPherson was burned at the
same place in April, mere was .10
suranc:. The firm Intend rebuilding.
Mr. Ludwlg, the very man who bored
W S I-add't famous 1800 feet artesian well
haa been in Albany, and left some samples
of coal which he struck on the farm of
Mr Pretty man, across the river in Benton
county. While boring for experiment he
struck an eight Inch seam of fine coat, and
believes that by going down ft sufficient
distance laree seam of valuable coal can
be reached. It I to be hoped thii will be
done. " , '.
Babies. The finest line ot baby carr
ges in the Valley jutt rr celved at Stewart
& Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con
sldering the superior quality of the carri
' Biggest Yet. 10,000 rolls of wall pa
r, latest varieties, finest decoration just
iver t rurtmiiierac irvtng a
A Sharp Item. The finest line of cut
lery and shears In the city at 8tewart &
Sox'. Their good are the very best and
will (land the test.
At eight o'clock Saturday morning the
committee of citizen ot Newport took
charge of the member of the Press Asso.
clatlon.puttlng them In carriage and,go!ng
to South Beach, set out for Soat Rock.
There were 45 person in the party, and to
av that the trip wa a pleasant and happy
one I only drawing It mildly. The drive
I ten mile do a n the bcoch,the trip being
made In one and A half.hourt. Arriving
at the Scat Rock House the party was met
by mine host and hostes,Mr and Mr Bra-
field, original proprietor of the place,
Here the view out to sea I truly and mag
nificently grand and splendid. The mem
ber of the party enjoyed themselves In
various way on the beach and clambering
up the steep declivity of the huge black
mountain-like rock along the beach both
north and south ot the hotel. At noon the
party tat down to a splendid repast spe
cially provided for the party. Thl I one
viinemosi ticiigutiui piace around or
near the Bay. At In If past two o'clock
the party bade adieu to the proprietors of
the place, all mind being ever crowded
with pleasant recollection of a few hour
spent at Seal Rock. At 4 o'clock the par
ty arrived at Newport and adjourned for
upper, After supper Ice-rresldcnt Win
Hogue,of the Oregon Paclfic.klndly placed
the tug Resolute" at the service of the
association for a trip across the bar of the
harbor at sunset. Thl wa much enjoyed
by the party, a number had nevtr made
the trip before.
The association met at eight o'clock In
lite evening, the occasion being a meeting
at whlcn the public were Invited. A large
concourse of people met and were enter
tained by speeches, essay and music.
There wa also some business of the asso
ciation transacted, of Interest only to the
On Sunday evenlnir the party made
their way to Yaqulna City, and Monday
at seven o'clock entered the special car
provided tor the association by the obliging
manager of the Oregon i'acffle and came
to Corvallls, where, by Invitation, they
stopped over to visit the Agricultural
College and other polnta ot interest In our
sister city. Here the member of the as
sociation were provided wl'h carriages to
conyey them to Ihe callege, and were
otherwise hospitably treated by the good
citizen of that place.
At three o'clock a special train brought
the party Into thl city, all feeling lhattho
meeting of the atsoclation had been a
The following Is the apportionment of
chool fund for the August apportion
ment. The amount of State funds appor
tioned 1 $7971.60. Rate per capita, $140.
The amount of county fund wa $ 1993,90
and rate per capita 35 cents
2 -? - ' t
"a y.&
3o 5.2-50 50 39
3 64 112.00 51 34
3 59 10325 53 169
4 7 "24-25 53 35
5 5'A7S 54 38
. 33 -S7-7S 55 7
7 43 75 25 56 55
8 115 201.75 53 28
9 40 70.00 9 31
33 595o ( 48
11 A 11559 61 23
13 5 10335 63 3j
3 ' iy5 63 30
4 S S2-5f 64 35
15 60 105.00 1,5 31
16 169 295.75 66 34
17 99 173-5 1 4s
lH o 105 00 6H 31
19 5 "925 69 t(
20 73 117.75 70 50
2 37 64 75 7 42
32 U IOCXju 73 19
23 9 33 25 73 ja
34 5 96.35 74 tu
35 3H 6650 75 45
26 M 154.00 76 33
37 39 6S2 ,7
2 49 Hl 7 3
29 35 25 79 9
30 13 33.75 hi SH
31 43 7525 82 46
32 59 OM5 3 34
33 37 '4 75 4 52
34 47 825 5 16
35 3S 66.20 86 13
36 ;S 13650 7 39
37 81 M 75 83 36
3 37 "475 89 4'
39 54 94 20 90 3
40 39 50.75 91 39
41 143 3503., 93 34
42 174 3"45 93 23
43 57 "4-75 94 59
44 9 3325 95 67
45 3 54-25 96 23
46 37 47.35 97 23
47 21 36.7s 98 31
4 53 92.75 99 4
49 5 101.50 100 33
lot 33
295 "S
61. 3J
84 00
33 25
59 5"
50 75
57 75
The farmer are busv haulina off their
wheat, the yield la much belter than thev
Mr Edward Albright sold hi ranch of
15 acre for $40 an acre. Mr Burton of
Iowa I the purchaser, Mr A and hi
family have gone to Ashland, where he
ha bought a small fruit ranch.
Mr Crosier of Missouri I visiting Wil
son Caulter. He Is looking it the country
and may locate among 11.
Mr Robert L Smith died at her resi
dence on the morning of the 23rd and bur
ned in the Oakvllle cemetery on the day
following. Mr Smith wa one of the
first children born In this county Her
father, Dr Meaty settled In this county In
1846. c . -
Mr Wash Eazy will start east In a tew
days. He expects to make an extended
tour through Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois,
Indiana and part of Dakota. Mr E came
to this country in 1876 aud bought a farm
near thl place, which he would have sold
two years afterwards, but he ha been
offered $40 an acre for It and refused to
ell at any price. Mr E wa the first mall
carrier on the Pakvllle and Shedd route.
The bridge on Muddr is ncari.ia com
pletion. Thl will be one of the finest
bridge In the county.
Wliat la The Uw
Scio Auo a6 1889.
Edifort Democrat : -
A great deal ha been sold here about
the new school law, and as usual much
difference of opinion exists, especially
about apportioning school fund by the
county superintendent. Now In my dis
trict we have some chool money on hand
from last year' apportionment. The new
law approved Feb ai, 1889, provide that
the entire school funds received annually
by each school district from the appor
tionments from the county and slate funds
made by the superintendent hall be ex-
huted within and durtnir the year for
uch apportionment were made and hall
he extended lor scnooi purposes uiur.
Nnw what 1 ask IS this: 1 our uisinci
1 . . ... . It . ..! . .
cnmnelled to oend thi year the fund
which It had on hand before thi law wa
fThls new law applle only to fund that
have been apportioned to your district
since Feb tu 1880 and not to fund that
.nnnrtlnn-dta vour district prior tO
r.-r Hai. Thi ii our understanding of
the law. Editors Democrat.)
Estiiays, On next Saturday
o'clock, I will ell at auction to the
iuj.i.r of th .lev pound three
nt !
cm uiuvi-i , . . .
nne cow. about years of
taken up In the city.
Dr 0 Willi Prloe, ot 8tt!e, aptnt Sao
day.ln Albany. ,
Prof Frank Staoard, Colmrg' new tsoh
er, ha been in the city.
Salem like ttreot eat so well that another
liasj is to be established.
MrM II O'Connor, anattsobeuf the tttuU
ttMiary, I in the city to day ,
Win Mack. Frank Crt, Turn Ho.lue.
Frank llolman and J II Cuttor left (0 day
for tha monntsins.
Fred Mill ha returned to Albany afUr
a iuvri ilo tilp of ivr a year through Colo
rado and other Mate 0'l teintorfm,
1 Ah, there, vhlski, gt a tliave at Oil
on simp next door to IV.tofliof, Only 15
cent Mhampooing 15 cl
umpM ma La iiiaaone are 10 nuns 10
nan Krsoonon to oiglit. It would he a good
time to arrest tha mss hofure th Hht be
Mr K T T Fisher went to Brownsville to
day todivld up th Wilson firm among
four or Ave hsirs. It consists of aboat four
hundred ors,
Mr j L Fanning hss teiurnid from an ex
tsmUd trip thrntigk the Kst aoeompaniod
by bar brother, Mr JeiseGilJiland, bn will
remain for toinetime. .
0 Krsuss rstumod yesterday from Al
bany. II went to Albany with the inten
tlon of taklug a g,Kd bunt op near Stda
Hprlngs, bat wa taken sluk and omntelkd
to return bnoie. HUituman.
Mr. Wayo William ul arty, nflndc
peadonoe, wre in A I bar-y to-day 00 tneir
way home from a trio to t'as hud as. Tbsv
reported a hat time, killing smong other
gm eighteoo dear.
Th street ear will bogiit running to
Hsnrv Jorsl Mt on last nluhts trsln ti.r
Chicago to be gone about a month.
O T Doaalas. of Ksstsrn- Oreufn. j
log hi brothor, L L lUgUs, at iUrrisbutg.
Mi Minnie Courser h-ft vostsnUv f.r
Chicago, whrro she wiil reside with her par
ents. Th first woman to rid 0 tits stiretcara
were a married womao. an old n.aid and a
chool girl,
I-M 111 Chnoif who hia mh In tha Inn.
dry and iiieroautile l-asioaat in Albany for
eight or ton years, left this Boor, on a visit
to fait former bom in Cbina, going in the
Canadian Paeillo Co's.stesmsr "Partbia"
wbieb will Mil from Vancouver, It. C. on
Sept Oth. H intend 1st it ruing lu about a
Mrs Julia Barrows will leave on to-niuhts
train for bar bom in Oakland, Cat. hh
will be tooompstilod by hor father, Mr John
Smith, wbotxpsot to aaske bi future b-m
with bar. Mr Smith I no ibty-sveo
years of ace and though be has resid.d here
ovar lnlrt)-llT yaars hss neyer seen tb
I aolne Ucean, 1 will now have an ouoor-
tnoity to do so.
W Crason and J 11 tViri. t.f L bsnoa
iw in tha eity.
('si:t K J unitK lvft this boon u a trio
to Vwtoria, B. c.
Mr I, Sooder Ml Yrstddav on a vi-it
to friend ro Portland.
There sr tt'eiitv-eiitht teschr attend ¬
ing pol.tirt semination tins wotk.
Go to I) Willie fi.f hiilirat eiilit. a.un
ggod snd liivtst litiiiK xics.
Th t'tiiostfo C'umtdv C'jtnuanv h lust
no is iiea a weK ega(en(.i in f. att.'e.
J 8 Aolonl( hss bjnll ttio vnnt lot
opposite tb Ht. Charles llutcl for $2."0O.
Mi Ii 1 McClsio returned !o-dy from
Ashland, accompanied lij Mi lla Winn,
of that city.
Niek Zitnmermsr, recently she t ty Ber
nard Wt,n, I no the stiets -.,,,. J
doe not propose to dn J rt if be ... wp
la's ro(t (love con Its. In n FVenctMt
last utfcbt La Klabrh ktxwktd net lin.ry
by a chsree blow va 11. 32nd if oiid. Tb
rest of tb tima Ifewpsey did the knocking.
M (Wtor busines sgi-nt Lea Johnson'
Mack Baby Hoy Minstrel i in Ijwu maks
ieg arrangement for th Company to p
pear here on Tunday evrniny, Kept. 3rd
Tb Company leaves ber for Salem where
Ibev play a two aigbt rgtgemeat, then
to I'ortlaod.
Safferer from It digestion, luea of appv
tit, liver or kidney eotnplaiiits.rlteaauni
or oeurslei. would do well to give Ayer's
Serrll a tri J. For all soch disorder, 1
ne mediotoe is so effect! v aa thi, benj
faithfully i.d peiaeverittgty used.
Capt K I fanning lis returned fro 8a i
Fianeiseo, where he took a S'lQantity f t-r
fur tha Albany Mining and Milling' Co. nd
report some gnoit assay of $40 to the ton of
gold and silver. Mont asv will be mail,
unly a m!l amount Hmk( done while he
wss to th city.
"Some year ago Ayer's Cherry Pec tor 1
eared me of asthma after tha brat tnediaa)
k ill bad failed to giva me relief, k few
week ince, being agsin troab'rd with the
diSM, I was uromutlv rr.evel by the
ssme remeddr ." F8 llssvlrr.ediior Argn$,
Table lUik, Neb.
Yesterday afternoon Mr Julio Fo sold bis
residence property Jiul caV of tie Dkma .
cmat nffioe 00 Seomid street to JuHg Ktra
haa fur $4000. Jadga Strshan already
owoe the property lying between It and tb
Democrat oQloe. Mr Foe purchased of
Uoorge Simpson hi former Sad street prop
rtv paying (3000 for the same.
Wheat, C3 cents,
13 oeot shaving at Viereck's. ;.
8 tiokeUforfl at Viereck'i. '
Refrigerators at Stewart tu Hox't,
Knots and shoes at cost at Itead'r.
Saratoga chip at C E Droaoell'r.
Io cream f reecer at Stewart & Sx'.
Try th full cretin cheat at V E Brown
ell'. New cream oheese just teolved at Courad
Forssle, cbesp, onnd hsnd organ,' Mr.
3 chairs running steady at Viereck' shsv
log parlor.
Best roaatJcofTee in the eity at Coarad
Just received new table linen at W. F.
I W Starr, physician andsnreeon. Albany.
Oregon. v
Good cooking stove nulv tlO at Houi! m tt
Saitmarsn a.
Side addle and ladies riding unroinslec a'
Thompson Si Orermau'.
Tbomusnn ft Uvermsn, agtht for the great
L'ynsmiia noggy whip.
Pesohes from CO to 90 eoote per bra at
Laforest & Thompson 1.
Call at F M French' for barjsins io
watches, clock or jiwalry.
Chcioe large yellow Crawford peache,
at cent par nog at u & urowoell .
J W Bentley. best boot and alio maker in
eity, opposite Fortniuler & Iring
A large and tine lino of wiirivilir
jast rsoeived at Fortmiller ft Irviug'r.
W have the bnst $1 CO kid Ktnvo
brought to Albany at W F Read'.
Now i the lime to save mnney hy lnniiitf
boot and shoe stent f W. t Jtesd.
A boy wanted to learn the barter bust
no at W B Oilioa' shop next door to l ost
utnea. . , .
The beat watch in the world for th
money. 4eth 1 hoina makes them, F M
French tell them.
lAdiet boes. men thoa. misses shoes,
ohildreus hoer, men boots, boys boots,
less than cost to make roeni for other good
at U is Urownell a.
Go to Hiblor ft Paisley for your job print
lntf. Alley doanyamt all Irindsot work
the paolLthing and job printing line. Quick
work; and lew prices.
CALDWELL On Saturday, Aug ssth
1880, two miles west of Albany, the in
fant son of Mr V 11 Caldwell.
MAXWELL. On Sunday, Aug. ayh,
1889, at Yaqulna Bav,Mr. Maxwell, moth
er ot Mrs'. A If, Blevlns, of Tangent. The
body wa brought to Albany for burial.
In the death of Mr. Maxwell the com
munity lose a good citizen.
. , LYONS,
Hop picking In thl vicinity will begin
about next Monday.
About 90,000 feet of lumber went to Al
bany on Friday's train,
The stage between Mehama and Mill
tity ha been discontinued.
Mis Delia Caple,lster of Mr E M
Wharton, left for Columbia City to-day.
RevFS Haskell the blind i.rrb..r'
uenvereo iwr exeneni sermon in rox
.1-11 .
valley tchool-hotise, Sunday,
Mrjones, ot Salem, owning the land ad
jacent to Lyons on the east, is havmg an
"minion 10 town imu out,
Thomas Nlcklcson, engaged In hauling
lumber from HliitH mill, had the misfor
tune to cut an ugly gash In his foot Thurs
day with an axe.
Mr J C Lyons, I building a residence
In town, which I now well on toward
A Npeclal, having oil board 2nd Vice
president Nash of the 0 1', and Mr R K
Olcott, a rnlnlnv expert from New York
came a far a Lyon to day. From here
the parties will go horse back, taking In
ma several mine 01 me antim.
Why Why do you not go to Weler
00 A a summer reo-t it I unexcelled.
Good level ground, eood shade, excellent
oda water, good hotel accommodation.
Hoard and lodulnu from S (.00 to Sv ncr
week to suit customer, bis mile above
Lebanon on the Seutiam river I will be
at Lebanon every Saturday at arrival of
train to convey parties lo Waterloo. Good
feed table In connection with hotel.
I. G. Gross,
Proprietor Waterloo Hold.
Honth Albany
A most -desirable and beautiful location
for suburban residences, owing to it nat
ural advantages and nearness to the center
ol bus ne. Compare the size, location.
view and access to and from these lots.and
you wlil he convinced of their merit Call
cat ly and secure a home Iwfot 1 the advance
In price. Apply to
Twrkoai k Si Kroini.D,Agcnts.
First door south of Post Office.
"Nothing to Kqnal It."
'f btrabeeu selllnir Simmon Llvjr
Regulator for the past alx year. Mr
customer nronounco It the best vr
ti tod. On of my customsn wboa bealtb
was In a wretched condition from a, very
bad and stubborn case of d vsrria. nnd
lb Regulator and wa entl.ely cored. 1
am M i (l mylf for toroid liver, nana
ed by cloao confinement. I find notblrg
to equal it and. nigbly lecotoniond lu use.
C.P.If it , Druggist, Kdioborg, Va.
Dr. Flint' Kemod v lth tt nnitde
known for Insomnia, or stepl)nin,
wblnh afltlola so many peraooa.and which
lead to mt many awrlou nervous dliwtmm,
partloulatly to Insanity Descriptive
treaiiae with each bolUe; ot, ad drew Mack
irug uo., . t.
tre t'artala Laee Curtains.
I have just received my fall stock of
lace curtains twmht direct from importers,
the largest stock e cr brought to 1 hi mark
ct, and best value for the money
Tkat raslaakeroa Old Woata
Described la the nursery ballad, who
Itved upon nothing bat victual aad
drlolt," and jet "would never be quiei,'
wae nndoiil.tdly troubled with ehronlo
indtgastioii. Her victual. Ilka tboeo of
many otbei nlderly peraotia wboeo Mtm
livo w:s bayaboobttte Impaired didn't
agree with hor, 1 his was lfoe the era
of Hi-alUr'a Moiua"tt Klltra. or wirtie
oiu nt beroumarousfriendeand relatives
would undoubtedly bav persoaded ber
lolry tha Rroat nclllo for dyspepala,
ooasllpationand billousnes. Tbla would
r.ava bean a mewaorsof self protection on
their part, tor h would aoon have bwu
cured and evaded to disturb them wltb
ber clamcr. The moat ottlnat esmm of
indlKwetioD.wltb 1 1 atundant heartburn,
flatuleneo. Monataot nneaslnea of tha
atomacb and oft be nerve, ai complete)
ly overcome by tbU sovereign remedy
Chtlla and fever and bilious remliunt
rbeumatlaoi and kidney troubles are also
olieved by It.
If yoii want a good stiver steel eyhe,fiuet
in th maiket, a to Stewart St Sox's.
Albany Uarket.
Bi-lter ?Oo Mr lb.
ftn !rt
ouuoo 75 eta per bushvl
Bc;f-on Uma, S'ic
Amplest -75 coot" per bu.
Porkflko per It. Jrel
Uv ens ham li'ic
abouldera, bo.
aides 10c.
nt fk per lb.
elour-4.'ZS pr bbl.
"birkena S 00 per dor.
ill Food bran, 14.00 per ton
snorts, is,
middiins, 20.
Cbof n.
OTICK Alt persons Indebted to tb
lat firm of fWrdue A Robertson
tit please call at the store and fettle
their soeounta without delay.and greatly
bllg J nl. UAKSUK,
bucceasor to isardue ot Kobertson.
KlNDERQARIKN.-ktrs. Walt Mead
recently from New Yotk, will open
e select school and klnderearten. In the
W.C. T. V. Hall, Monday, fept. Oth,
1X80, Terms lilxiral. ratrensae solicited.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Albany, Or.
70 It 8 ALB CI1EAP.M hare a good
work borse fire rear old and pant.
welah about 1050 peunda.wbtch I will
sail for I'iO. For further Information
call at tb Dkmocrat off c or at my
realdenoe one mllo narth of AlPanr in
uenton cwtinty.
w, IX, WltXIB,
rhu-4neMpuru't at the Portland Business
Icri. foreland, Oregon, or at the Capital Bus-
lllcHH V.OUCJ7C. Mtlcra, unvan. iwn khuuii
under ihe nianngemeutof A. P. Armstrong, have
wms course 01 stuuica ana same rates 01 wuiuu.
11 11 Mi 11 cs 8, shortliaiiu.
tVwwrltlnir, Penmanship and Knglish Depart
ments. Day and evening sessions, huxienisaa
mitted at any time. Korjoint Catalogue, address
rsrusss aswaww inrv, nu vi",i
lortland, Uregun.
v sa
slctn, Oregon.
i 1-
A rollabl'9 U. 8. Standard 3-ton scale
only f37. Delivered at your nearest rail-
ro a elation rree or rreigut on tnirty nays
trial. Larger aoalea at proportionately
low f rices. Warranted fire 3 ears.
A(iar88, .
Albany, Oregon .
NERSHIP. The partnership hereto
fore existing under the 6rmnnme of Wallaoe.
Thompson & Co., wherein T L Wallace, W
3 Thompson E LaVorest, of the city of Al -bany,
Lion county, Oregon, were general
nartner. is this the 7th day of Anaus. A.
D. 18S9, dissolved hy mutual concent, T L
Wallace, retiring. Tbe business will be con
duoted at the same place by W S Thompson
aad E l.s Forest, under the firm name, La
Forest & Thompson, who Will awumeall li
abilities and collect all aeoouuta due tha
Dated thia 7th day of Augnat, 1889.
T. L. Wallace,
W, S. Thompson,
E. LaFobkst.
s ROBSON'b',
Wild Lands
Eroedalbln Street, near Democrat ofllco,
Choice esd ence properl
ua easy
Went Nhwrn l.sasfl Ac
p H (f
ll till (yl
Choice Candy,
United h'tatca I-und Odii-o,
Oregon City, Or.. July 23, im
Notii is hereby given that In eompH
an; with the iiroviijnsof the wt of Con
tin. of Juno 3. 1878, entitled "An act for
tin? nolo of tiniU-r lands in the Htattw of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Wanhing
Um Territory," AluxamltT 1 Howe, of
lirowiiHvillc, crMinty of linn, State tit Ore
gon, has this day filed in this ollice his
sworn htatenienl No I'iiiH.for the iwirdiane
of lot 3 and 4 and K J4 H W ?4' of Kec No
30, in Tp No 10 potith, Hange No 3 east,
and will offer proof to hIiow that the land
Miiight in more valualde for its timber or
stone than for agricultural mrp wca,aiid to
establish hit claim to said land Ijcfore the
lU'git;r anl Hweiver of thisolflmat Ore
gon City, Or., ou Saturday the l'.Hh day
of OctoU-r, IK). I le names as witnewea :
J K Mcllaritue, W C Cooler, N Stand
ih and J D Irvine, all ot Erownavilie,
Linn county, Or. Any and all pernona
claiming tulveraely tlie above deeribel
nivU are requested to file their claims in
this6iliceonorlefor said of
OctoU-r, 1H8'J.
W. T. IU ksev. Register.
United State Land Office,
Oregon City, Or., July 23rd, 1H8!.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance willi the provisions, of the act of Con
gresn of Jnne 3, 1878, entitleti "An act for
the sale of tituhcr lamia in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada anil R'anhing
ton Territory," Jesws I Irvine, of Browns
ville, county of I.inn, State of Oregon, haa
this day field in this otlii-e his sworn titate
ment No 1270, for the pnrrluwe of the N E
tf of Sec No SO, in Tp No 10 south. Range
No 3 eait. and will oiler proof to ahow that
the land nought is more valuable for iU
timber or Ktone Uian for agricultural pur-
Kwes, and to extahlkh hia cLaim to miid
and lefore the Reginter and Iiocciver of
this ollice at Oregrm City, Or., on Satur
day the 1Mb. day of October, !(!. He
names an witnewea : tr t onley, 11
Siomlmh. A 1 Howe and J K McIIargue,
all of Jtroa nsville, Linn cotinty, Or. Any
and all iwrsona claiming adversely the
above lemTilied lamln arereiueHtedto file
their claims in this oil 100 on or before aaid
Rtth day of October, 1hx).
It . T. UfENEV, IteglSUT.
United States Land Ollice,
Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1SM3.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of Con
gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," Nathan ll SUu.lish, of
Brownsville, countv of Linn, Sute of Ore
gon, has this day filed in this office his
sworn statement No 1271, for the purchase
of the N W H of Sec No 32, in Tp No 10
south. Ranee No 2 east, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or etono than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land liefore the Register and
Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Or.,
on Saturday the liltli day of October, li!9.
Ho names as witnesses : J K McIIargue,
J I Irvine. A P Howe and IFC Cooley .all
of Brownsville, Linn county. Or. Any and
all persona claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their
claims in this ollice on or before eaiu 19th
dar of October, 1889.
V. T. IVrxey, Register.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1889.
Notice is hereby given that in com pit
aneowith the provisions of the act of Con
gress of June 3, 18 8, entitiott "An act for
the sale of timber lands in the States of
California. Ore con, Nevada and Washing
ton Terntorv." Casper 11 tioberg, of
Brownsville, county of Linn. State of Ore
gon, has this day filed in this office his
sworn statement No 1267, for the purchase
of the N E ii of Sec No 14, in Tp No 10
south, Range No 2 east, arid will offer
roof to Bhow that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register aud
Receiver of this ollice at Oregon City, Or.,
on Saturday the lth day of October, 1889.
He names as witnesses : W C Cooley, J
K McIIargue, N B Standish and J 1 Ir
vine, all of Brownsville, Linn county, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above described landa are requested
to file their claims in this office on or be
fore Baid 19th day of October, 1889.
W. T. Bcbnky, Register.
United States Land Office,
; Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1889.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of Con
greBa of Juno S, 1878, entitled "An act for
the salp of timber landa in the States of
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," George L Edmiston, of Eu
irene. count v of Lane, State of Oregon, has
thia day filed in this office his sworn state
ment No 1265, for the purchase of the S E
of Sec No 30, in Tp 10 Fouth; Kange No
2 east, and willo tier proof to show that
the land sought ia more valuable for its
timber o1 stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of
this office at Oregon Oity, Oregon, on bat
nrdnv the 19th day oi October. 1889. He
names as witnesses : W East, W H Tay
lor. H Brennan and J B Towsley, all of
Alhanv. Linn countv. Or. Any and all
persons claiming adversely the above, de
scribed lands are requested to filo their
claims in this office on or before said 19th
day of October, 1889.
W. T. Burnky, Register. 1
WASTED, A first-class girl to do
general bousawork. Call at real
denco of K. N. Condit, on 7th Street.
City Property,
y in all parts of the City
United Statea Ind Office,
Oregon City, Or., July 23, 188!).
Notice ia hereby given tliat in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of Con
jrrewt of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada ami Wanliing
ton Tcrritor-,"' William C Cooley, of
Rrownnville, county of linn, State of Orn
gon. has this day filed in this office his
sworn statement No 12G3,for the purchase
of the U 'A of N W M and lota 1 and 2 of
Kec No 30, in Tp 10 south, Range No 3
east, and will olfer proof to show tliat the
land nought ht more valuable for it tim
ber or atone than for agricultural mirposM),
and to establinh his claim to said land be
fore the Register and Receiver of this of
fice at Oregon Citr, Oregon, on Saturday
tlie 19th day of October, 1 889. lie names
as witnesses : KB Standmh, A I Howe,
J K McIIargue and C H Hoberg, all of
Linn county, Oregon-. Any and all per
sons claiming adversely the above de
scribed lands are requeetetl to file their
claims in this office on or before Bail l'.'th
day of October, 1889.
W. T. Bcrxey, Regititer.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City. Or., July 25, 18S9.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance w ith the provisions of the act of Con
gress of June 3, 1873, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands in the States . of
California, Oregon, Nevada and If'atdiing
ton Territory," James II Stevens, of Turn
water, county of Thurston, Territory of
Washington, haa this day tiled in tins of
fice hia sworn statement No 12St, for the
purchase of the S W of Sec No 20, in Tp
No 10 south, Range No 2 east, and will of
fer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than
tor agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver of this office at Oregon City,
Or., on Tuesday the 22nd day of October,
188!. He names as witnesses : J K
Hutchinson, O BJakobson, AV Soonrfield
and John Gamer, all of Seattle, King Co.,
W. T. Any and all iiersons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are re- -quested
to file their claims in this office on
or before said 22nd day of October, 1889.
t . T. RfKJiEY. Register.
; Timber Lanl lotice.
United Sute Ltd Office,
Oregon City, Oregon, J one 29tb, 1SS9.
N-itio ia hereby given that to compliance
nh the provitiotia of tbe act of Coiureaa of
J ,s 3rd, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale
of t'mber lands io the Stales of California.
Oregon, Ntvada.acd Wsabinatoo Temtory,"
ADiO s. fehaw, of Mill City, county of
Marion, State of Oregon, haa this day filed
in thi office bi swoin Utemeot No. 11C0,
for the purchase of the S E of Section No.
6, in Townuhip No. 10 south, range No. 3
east, and will offer proof to show, that . the
land sought ia more valuable lor us itutrr
or stooe than for agricultural purposes, aod
to establish hia claim to said land before tbe
Register and Receiver of this oCice at Ore
gon City, Oregon, oa
Taesday. the t4th day ef September, is 9.
He names as witoesse : W. Sim. I
Btowd, J. Boyle and H. Taruley. ail of Mill
City, Marion con uty, Oregon.
Any and all persona clairoinz adveisely
Lthe above described landa are requested to
010 ineir ciaira in (nia omce on or beiore
aid 24th day of September, 1SS9. .
i . Regieter. -
Timber Land Eotiue, ;
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Or , June 29th, 1SS9.
No'ice Is hereby given that In conspli
ance with tbe prevb-iona oflbe act of
Congress of Jutie Srd, lt-78, entitled -An
act for the sa of timber lands in the
States ol California, Oregon, Nevada and
fsasbinftton Territory ,' James II. Boyle,
of Mill City, county of -Marion, Slate of
Oregon, has thia day riled in this office
his sworn statement No. 1101, lor the
purchase of the E X nf 8 W and lots 6
and 7 of Section No, . in Towncbip No.
lOSonlh Kange No. 3 eff-t, and will effer
prwf to show that the l.nii noucht U wore
VHlnable lor Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes', stid to establish "
bis claim Ut sa'ri Isnd l eforo ll:e Feci ter
and Revel ver of this effice l Oregou City,
Oregon, on
Taesday, ihel(B day T Sepleaubcr, I8S9
He names as witoosses : W. Sims. I
Brown. A. N. 8f aw and H. Thi piey, ail of
Mill City, Marion county, Oregon, .
Auy and all persons claiming adversely
tbe abova described lands are requested
to fllettieir olairoa in this ofilce on or bo
fore said 24th day of September, 1889.
. - W. T. Bcrsky,
Administratrix Notice,
7h the County Cottrt 0 Linn county, Ortgon .
Ii tha matter ol the eatate of W R Car-
non, deceased.
Notice ia hereby civen to all whom it mnv
concern that the Administratrix of tbe above
entitled esUte tiled ber final account in said
matter in said Court on the 7th day of An
gust, 18S9, and that the Judge of said t'outt
haa appointed Saturday the 7th day geu-.-
tember, 1889, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in.
of said dayjfor the beating of all objection s
to aid final account and the settling of the
Datd thi August 7th, 1889.
Lack a Bell Cashos,
W. R. BiLYu, Administratrix.
IOR 8ALE.-Four yoke and a hair of
; goor work Oxen, together with yokes
and chains; are well broke cattle, and
will bo sold at a bargain for cash, being a
part of tbe estate of John Kobinett, de
ceased. Apply io John W.Pugh. Admin
Utrator of the Estate at Sbedd, Oregon.
11 1 01 11
Frail, etc.