r WOTT V. TKKttY. The Orrgonian lias dcfilcJ its column for a number of Uiuet with a lot of vene mom slime about the democratic party that It a disgrace to decent journaiUm. It seized hold of the circumstance of the Willing of Terry ami rolled It at a tweet mortal under Itt tongue. It no antwer had been made to Scott's slanders against the democratic party he would have straightway tnld they are true, for no one dares deny them. Now that the Democrat has not only answered his villainous false hoods, but paralysed hlin on hit own record, frt files Into a towering patslon, calls names and tayt that because the charges are denied that proves thai they are true. Queer logic, but that Is the kind Scotty deals In . I lere Is another sample : It Teny represented the 'method J and purposes" of the democratic party, then Judge Field being a prominent and leading democrat, Is a part and parcel cf the dem ocratic party, and according to Scotty ts no better man than Terry. Again, when Terry was elected Judge of the Supteme Court of California he was elected on the Know Nothing ticket and belonged to the same paity that Scotty did, and If belong ing to a party makes him the representa tive of Its "method and purposes," then Scotty Is no better man than Terry. The mountain was In labor and brought forth a pismire, and so with the big bully that runs the OrrgoM, and be his name Nooks, or 8tokes, or Slilet, or 8colt, or Shot, or Rot.or Pot, with a P,he has simp ly written himself down an as. 4- nortu INSANITY. It is reported that there are taty four ap plicants fur praulion of receiver of the Koscliurg land oflire. This pell snell rush fur oftice hss developed into hopeless insanity. It's a dis fusing squabble. -SV MU$um, And this from a paper. that four years ago never grew weary ia telling how great was the rush fur office among the democrats. This rush four years ago, ia .he eyes of the Sitttsma was aufficieit to ai-k the democratic party into oblivion, . Well, there were but three or four applicants fur the Roseburg receivership four years ago as against twenty four which makes It republicans about six times more "insane" than the democrats were. There are said to be twenty seven applicants for the office of United State Marshal wearily waiting for Harri son t? tun the "hateu" democrat John Myers out and so it seems in regard to alt the offices. The Slate Dtmocrat publishes Harvey Scott's "fleshliest Incubus" letter and then adJs : "On the other hand.some scraps of past history, If truti. fully told.would plain ly show that Harvey was equally as perfi dious to his friend Holladay as the above letter conclusively proves that he has treated Judge Deady. For tnstance,as it is said, the little episode of Harvey's bank axountbelng enormously Increased from the corruption fund which, on the night before the election, was lying piled up on a table In Holladay 'a mansion. It all the statements made In regard to It be true Harvey Is a fit subject for the hotel Downing, located one mile or to east of here." The Brownsville Timet says. "It should be the aim of every loyal citizen to help the Government to exclude these land monopolies, and if an agreement to the above effect, were entered into there would be no danger of any monopoly gainirg possession oi the land." Our cotemporary seems to think that we have two classes of citizens a loyal and a dis loyal class, We have tut one class all are law abiding patriotic people. The most brilliant rascal of Europe is now sai J to I on his way to this country. I Us name is Charles Hoffman. He caUs himself tuber Baron von IIofTmaek Chevalier von Hoffman or Baron Heari de Courtier. He is tall and 6ne looking, dresses hsnJsomely and lias a military air. He is about 47, He mar ked a Russia princess, whom he deserts d after squandering her fortune. He speaks English, Vreach, German, Italian and Russian, He was bora at Prague The story of his swind ling in Vienna and other cities makes a most re-iaikable tale of crime. The Streator, Illinois, Times Indepcndene k sys that the election of I f arrison and a Re publican Congress has cost the laboring ski f that Congressional district $2,000,000 to late, with the prospect of $1,000,000 mort ing added, and concludes that the result o a. t fall's election is rather an expensive luxury. The Orrgonian thinks that Mrs Mayhtick hould hang. It is her misfortune that she is only an American woman; if she were a China man, the Orefoniam would cry for mercy, Koseburg (erine. If there is snything ia Dr Mtjmn Sequard rliscovery of bis alleged elixir of life, there is 1 ne class of people who will not trouble the . niment specialist for his interference with the natural order of things ; and those are the tirs of old, but very near and dear relatives, whose timely dropping off may be thus deferr- !. ' The ktrjup experimented with in France, to e used on the battlefield to search for the ' .ilied and wounded, is about the sue of xomotive headlight, It has a powerful re cctor, and the light is produced by the com- ' itistisn of two magnesium wires. At a recent test of search lights, for the pur ose of discovering an approaching enemy resited in uniforms of various colors, it was Kind that the red uniforms were very d stinct, ue being the least conspicuous. AnoMl the hardness of the diamond is said be given by German workren lo steel en diving tools. The tools are made white hot, wtged repeatedly into sealing wax until col 1, id then just touched with oil of turpentine. I The present estimated population of the I11ICU JiaiCB IB 1 IIC PIIHWII owth by natural increase and immigration i seed at about a million. The estimated reign population is not far below 14,000,000. Califbrru fruit growers, who used to throw civ tti-ir r.irli nits, are now ppttinrr 6 a - j " 1 1 - 1 for them. 1 hey are worth this for luel. icy make a hot and aromatic fire, At the school election In Kansas the J turns show that over 50,030 women have ted and that many members of the 1--ale sex are elected to office. The sumac crop of Virginia is greatly de ' ed by rain. The introduction of Dongola 'rthcr tanned by gambier, alum, etc., hat . ned the sumac trade.and agents who usually : ke large contracts with Lynn at this time f.i absolutely without orders. A recent discussion about the height of trees j Die fo.est of Victoria brings from the Gov- : ment botanist the statement that he has n one 55 feet high. Thethitf inspector i forest measured a fallen one that was 485 ' t long. , 't is declared that 3,265,309 bushels of pea 1 & are consumed ia this country yearly, j" len you see that this is an average of only ' f a bushel per capita of population, the i unity does not seem so large. ' SCOTT htJUIKM. Notwithstanding the humiliating re buke which Unrvey Scott drew down on his own head by his Inexcusably mean and knavishly dirty attack upon the democratic pai ty,le still persists In repeating It, though it Is such as only cowards and slanderers make. Dlatherskite-llke he attempt to bring In a lot ot rot that has no bearing upon the subject. This man Scott at tempts to hold the democratic paity amenable for all the crimes and wicked nets brought to the door ot Terry. We prove the utter fallaciousnc ot his logic by making up the character of the repub lican party from '.'.It character. At an ex ample t When the"youthful Indiscretions" ot Senator Mitchell were brought to light In 1873 and the moral element ot the party was put to shame on account of Its hideous ness, Scotty hastened to the republican convention to be held In Albany,and labor eJ with a aeil worthy ot a decent cause to Induce that body to endorse Mitchell, which It did. After this, not a prominent leader In the party could be Induced to accept a nomination to congress,on account of the humiliation, shame and disgrace the party was put to by Scott'a conduct. Finally Hiram Smith was nominated, but he was beaten overwhelmingly by a very unpopular democrat. It would have been a slanderous outrage upon the republican party for any democrat to have said then or now that Scott or eyen Mitchell was then or Is now a representative ot the methods, purposes and Intentions ot the republican party, yet that would be the Inevitable conclusion ot Scott's logic or lack ot logic. Every man who lived In Oregon In 1S71 will remember the stupen dou,wholesale frauds practiced that year by Holladay to elect hit ticket. Such bri bery, corruption, Inttmkla'.lon and repeal ing hat never been known In the ttate. Glbb was V. S. district attorney .and such was the wide-spread alarm created by the manner ot carrying the election that he wt moved to make an attempt to prose cute the guilty parties. At that time Scott was check-by-jowl with Ben Holladay and had been one of the chief managers In electing Ben's ticket. Scott and his part ners in the matter grew greatly alarmed at Glbbs attitude, and It wat then that Scott wrote the following letter : (We repeat Its publication by request.) PoaiXAND, Feb. 16th, 1874. My Dear Sir : You will see that I have been and still am making it warm for Deady, 1 believe that it you and other friends of our cause at Washington would acquaint Butler and o her members of the house with these tremen dous facts, Deady would be impeached. You know that the Orrgnia is constantly attack ing tiutler, and you know also that Deady ia tetitor of the Orrgmuam. Now if all these facts were properly made use of we could arar Deady, at least. What do you think about it? All our friends here hope that something will be done to rid the bench of this "fleshliest in cubus." Please show this to Mr Holladay. Resect fully. II W Scott, And this U the man who seeks the graves of such illustrious patriots and statesmen as Jefferson, Madison, Jackson, Monroe, Tilden, Hancock, Seymour, Ic- Clellan, Cleveland, Hendricks and others, and there pours out his slanderous venom to appease his Insttlable spirit ot hate and party prejudice TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Montana Coa real low. Helena, Aug. 27. The democratic ttate convention this morning nomi sated for governor J K Toole, of Helena; for lieutenant governor, 1 toward Conrad, of Billings; for congress, Martin McCinnis, of Helena, Pemberton, of liulte, was nominated for attorney general; tJa Wolfe for chief justice; Armstrong, of Gallatin, for the five year term on the supreme bench; Beck ford, of Missoula for the seven, year term; Joseph A Brown, of Beaver Head, for secretary oftttte; Perry Colliaaof Cascade.for state treasurer; Thomas S Fitzgerald, of Anaconda, for state auditor; J C Russell, of Butte, for sujierintendent of public instruction. Cattle Dyiag. Kansas City. Aug. 27. Reliable r.ewt from tne southern line of Kansas and the past are land of Indian territory say that the heidt of native and Texas cattle mhich range in that territyry arc afflicted with Tes'as fever or some thing. A msn who hu hist returned from that part of the country states that hundred of cat'le are dying in the pastures south of Arkansas City. PI BUWf. -Sax Kbancisco, Aug. 27. The United States ciicuit court wat ofliiia'Iy informed to day that the charge of murder again't Justice Stephen J Field had been dismissed by the Stockton court. Judge Sawyer accordingly dismissed Ihe ha lie is corpus proceeding in the case of Justice Field, Four Boys Kilted by Uahtnlor. Matamoras, Mex., Aug, 27 During a t' lower yesterday Carlos Krsendcz aad three other bojs look a refuge from the rain in a shelter made a sfsci of coin stalks. The Hack was struck by lightning and all four were in stantly kiled. A Big Kartbqaake, London, Aug. 27. An earthquake was experienced on the Russian frontier vesterdav. in t he village of Kheiconsk, 1 296 persons weft ouncu auve. Foreign Wheat. Washington, Aug. 27. The department of agriculture is in receipt of a cablegram fr-ro the European agent in London, stating that in the International grain market al Vienna it is estimated that the wheat crop of F.urope is lower than expected and crops in Russia tnd Hungary arc especially bad. New York, Aug. 25 A dispatch from Rome says King II umbert and Oueen Mar- gherita have ben placed on ler ibe ban of the church, 1 he sentence of excummunication is stated by the Venice (iaxttle, one of the best informed and widely circulated papers of the kingdom, to have lieen pronounced by the pontiff in person on the occasion of a secret consistory held a few days after the He lication of the Bruno statue. A Reservoir tilve Way. Providence, R I Aug, 2s Spring lake reservoir, near F tkevillc, which supplies a whole row of mill villages along the Pawtucket river, burst this afternoon. Down the valley Mrs Creene, aged 60; Mit Hawkins, aged 90, and Mrs Tew' son, 7 years old, were walking through a strip of wood and were overtaken by the flood and drowneJ. The bodies were found in the wood, through which the water quickly ran until it emptied into thv Pawtucket river. A Peealisr Suit. Indianapolis, Aug. 25 There is a report in circulation that K W Halford, the presi dent's private secretary, has begun strit against a firm 01 cigarette manufacturers to prevent the use of the photograph of his daughter Jeanette in cigarette packages. It is said that the photograph of the young lady has already been sent off by some cigarette manufacturers. Under the hunday Law, - 4 Big Hotel. Spokane Fali.s,V T., Aug. 26: Arrange ments were completed here to-day for the im mediate building of a large first class hotel, to cost not less than (250,000, The projectors are Hon A M Cannon, Hon J J Browne, and Clough & Graves, of this city, and Charles II Dood of Portland. liuying Breweries. New York, Aug, 25, Juliu Lesynski hat just returned from the Pacific coast where he hat been representing the great English syndi cate which hat been buying up all our Ameri can breweries. He feels that he has succeed ed fairly well on hi mission and while he did not gobble up absolutely everything in sight he goes to England fairly well satisfied with the terms he is authorized to submit to his English principals. A Negro IiJot. Little Rock, Ark,, Aug. 26. Information reached this city yesterday of a terrible utgro riot at Jordan's Rock, not far from Lockesb.irg Sevier county, resulting in the death 9f seveial and the wounding of many others. MlSiSEAIiH.i, An;;, .'.. j !: 'jtt.'w't special fi 0111 Ashlauil, Wis, t-- ; that lilntk Bart's most daring k-iMstt the mountain mutes of California and Colorado, w etc out doite to day by a lone highwayman, who helii up and robbed the tlflL'o that runs between Gogebic, a station oil the Milwaukee.l.tike Shots it West ern railroad, lust over the tine in Michigan, and Gogebic lake, a summer resort, where the people from the large cities spend the dog days. One of the passengers went down into hit pocket, but, instead of bringing up hit pocket book, he clinched a pistol in his hand and tie gun firing at the robher.who returned the firing One man was probably killed and another wounded, the former lulling lo the ground, where he wat robbed of J7. A Kit AoclOr-at, Strkator, III., Aug. a6, A vestibule train ort the Sante route, running between m Kansas City and Chicatro. met with a serious accident at Kinsman, fifteen miles north of here, this morning. 1 he train wnt heavily loaded with Grand Army veterans, 1 In all probability fifty persons were hurt. Although none were killed outriuht. man v of them are In a vn .hmh.. M...itii.. -IM. . --- - ... . j u,i,viVHI I VIIMIUVII, A ! majority, it ia feared, will die. Cincinnati, Aug. at.. A baseball game be tween Cincinnati and Brooklyn wat started at Hamilton to-day,but at the end of third inning the player were arrested and fined by the mayor nn aggregate of ft 55, KEEPPosam F. M. French keopt railroad time. J. P. Wallaoa. Phvsiolau and Hurirooik Al bony, Or For a Sterling or F.meraou piano eall oa O L Black man. O L Blsokmm is atteot for the Wsbsr piano. None bettor. Buy your thAsta through U the East el W It Inter and save fare Portland. The WseUra CotUne es4 Packard are ! of the bast organs rna.l. I, Biaokiaaa ells them. A tine line of all kind of furniture, plain and upholstered, host stook ia this oart vf Oregon at Fortiuiller & Irvin j'a. If you want a elsan iaid Hon amok ak for J. Joseph's bonis msdo vhlte labor! clears rorsaloby moat cigar dealer ami athia Joaapha factory. J .V Anhi l., r n iun1 MniUotir inJ.. pruiwOLl FjiIo TemuU, Al bauy, A lioo lias of buggy dusUr itndlly nsts at i nompanu a uvwrmaji , the l ading harness asaiare. An slesnt line of siA tbU spreads, ia beautiful designs, jaet isoivl at Fortiuiller irvtog s. 0 oanaUoilea Star torn stoea for 60 eenta atCMeysrr, and. all other,' canned jiood cheap lor cash . Dr WriahtsniaajV Soversien lm of Life, for diaeaaea (c)- to women, at Dayoo Ac iuMoataal IWoa!) 8Uru.rU a. I Baltimore, aeaL Call ami xassia Z. T. Wright' stock of lubricating oil. Also steam good of all kinds. Keep tkw celebrated. Powell Might fewl Lubrioaars a,'id nil cupe. oaos'iaatiy on nana. aiso Trte n. Littaml rorot puuipa, iron uiim ntf aoi sl y, ISraneU llouao one block aboilbnv IismWork. Got It Ati.ux. -What t Why the fin est lot of fresh smoked beef In the market Chlpp d to order. Also a fine supply of . . 1 i . . - iiur iuiioui goiu meuai cream cneee. WiLLAMRTTK Packing (X SUnnhtrr ia hi Ik Kibboaa. In order to closo out mv Immense stock of silk ribbons In plain and plcot edge will sell them until my ta'.l stock arrives at 75 cent on the dollar. All marked In plain figure. Samccl E. Yot'N'O. This Trade Mai k on a stove means it is the best that ex-, netlrnce and skill can con trive. Jold onlv bjr G. W. bmltli. The best IUad'r. bo ot kid v t W. F For Sale. A young driving mire, we rokea and gentle. Inquire uf F. M. I renc The Ladles Uellgkted. The pleasant effect and the perfect eaf ty wttii wblcb laiivt inav as the liquid fruit laxative. Kyrop of Kl under ail condition, make it ibelr favorite remedy, It la pleaainft to lbs y Mnij to the laate, seen tie, yet effectual In acting on tbw kid ney a, liver and bowoU. Absolutely Pure. Tlila powder nnver verlea. A marvel of rpnrky, Mrength and wboleaomeoeae. Xmro economical than the ordinary kinds asxU cannot be aold in competition with arrolutudaof low tH, abort weight alum or pbosobate ptwdera. Mold only lo cans 'ruwal Baking Powder Co., 1M Vail tu. 2K.Y. D, W. Cbowlet A Co , Agbfita, Portland; Oregon. THE FAMOUS. Wire Buckle Suspender I - 1 - 'hi f--'- " I ft -v- a T MHeMefllg For aale only by L. E. BLAM, SAW LOGS FOR SALE. Parties desiring to purchase saw log will do well to call on the undersigned wrxj has about 3,000,000 ft of logs on the CaJapoola above Brownsville. H. F. Merkill, Trustee, - Albany, Or. AtJStSOK;S NOTICK. -rotlcela here by given that the Board of Eooall aation will attend at the oftice of the County Cierk, in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, on Monday, tbe Oth day ot Hep temoor, 1680, and publicly examine the aaae-Minnt rolls and ootrect all errora In valnatlou, daoriptiou 01 qualltlea of land-, lota or other property. . Z. B. Moil, . ASMMBtr. mm (, 5thM ( )) -f Ma. IT, '85. V f V Ots. 22, '85. IW Juiv20, '88 ' r.rf LAND NOTIC 1 11, u4 .kr. i.ti,t (ilth o, tii-ir'ti City, OrnKOii, July lttth, m, Nitl is tirety irtvfii llul 111 iitiijiHsiie with Hit nmvlniowi o Vim sut oi omariiMi i una ant. IH7M. witlUod "An sit turtle tsl iif ttnilier Inn ' In the Ntie of tisllfornts, Oret'iiu Nsvsds suit WssIiiiik- Un TorrUnry," reltx K Hubliitun, uf Alltsnr, couti l of l.lnn, 8tUolOrrn,hsa tills day fiteii In this nrtlo bis sworn statement No litSS, fur the punhst et thus E I of B Ni84 In Tp No 10 south, ftniire No I Mt, anu will ener nnioi to snow uist tne innu souvht Is mors valuable lor It timber or sums thsn for svriRUltursI puriosea, and to eatsbllth hit olslia In esid land before Uie Knvlettr and Iteoelrer of this efflee at Oregon CI tv, Orou, on Momlsy, the Uth dsr of Ootilr, ltw. He osmes ss mltnnsH'S I II llrennsn, W Km.t, J ft Towslnv snd W It Taylor, sll of Alheny, 1.tnn oounty, Ureiron. Any and all wr sons elalninc advermlt the above denorlbrd Isiid are reiuetel to rile their elslms In tills ortto on or beror said litn uay 01 iiutoier, new. w. 1. ill !r, K"(wor. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. lilted NUtoa Uind Otflce, Oreaori City, orason, July lHth IXNU. Nolle is hereby Kiven that In ooirillui-e with the nnmelotie 01 Wl eu m vwl rvm n wn eru. lem, utlUed "An set for the sale of Umber lnil In ttie Mtsuie of California. Oregon. Nevsd snd Waahlnictoii Territory," Justus II Towsley, of Allnny, eountv ot l.lnn, Htat n! Oregon, ns this day Rll In thlsnnVe hi sworn staunneut no insx, tor tne punmiwe 01 toe N W I otNne No JO, In Tp No 10 eotttli, lUnv Nut east and will nRer prtMtf tJ show tlwt the aud souvlil Is mora valunble tor Ita timber rreume than for rtoultural pun1", and to eeUbllith hi rtslm to aeid luid be(o,-th lirleternd Heoelverof tbl ottliiest Oregon City, Oreirou, on Monday, the Uth day otOe loher, ltuul. II naihSea wltniwais I f K Kobliisun, 1) MoRae, II llreniian and W II Taylor, all of Alliany, Linn eountv. Oregon. Any and sll persons Halm and sll persona ilalinlng advene! the above ieeartlied lend are reuueatrd to le their claims In Ihlsoltlos on or befor eaid ltth day et October, lSsU, YT. 1. UI RHIT, WIWHi TIMBER LAND NOTICE. fntled Ute Uod Offlo, Orrrn ISly, Oregon, July 11th, 1MW. Nolle I hereby given thai In iu1Iuh with the provlelon of the t of Con greet f Ja Srd, iHiS, entitled "A art ior sale of timber laoibi In the Mute of Calfonii, Oregon, Nevada and Wsahlngtfn Ter ritory," William 11 Taylor, of Albany, eouiuy m 1.11m, HlaU of Oregon, ha this day Hied in Mile oltloe hi worn etatemant No 1S., the purrhaee of the N W t of Hee No M, In Tp No Id south. Ktuga No t t tad will offer prool to show that in land touglit I mora valubl tor iu umber or t in man for g rWulturai purpoMS, snd to eatablleh hie claim to emid land before the Kev later and reoelver of title orftoe at Oregun City, Oregon, on Monday the Uth dav of H- tober, laaw, lie name a witneaee n iuw.ioj, II Brennan, W KM aad U MkIUw, all of Albany, Linn eounty, Oregon. Any and sll person claiming ad versely the abnv deeoribed la.tde are re Heated to Ble their claim In this olBvs 00 or before IM Uth day of Octolier, I.hsu. w . t. 111 aasr, nogi.Mir. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Vnlted MtHt. Land onto. Orin city. Oregon, July ltth, IHMB. Notice I hereby given that 111 compliance with tae provlalon of the aut ot Cnngrva of June. llH.eolilltHl,'An et forth aale of lim ber lands mine aiaira ni- anmriua, regnn, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Walter Kaat, of Albany, oouiity of LI 11 11. elate of one gun.ha. thiadny n led In thtaoltleo III sworn aiMtement tin liH. for the vurchaaa of the a W t of sretlon NoSl.ln VtwnshlpNo lu.soulh range No a real, and will otr-r prd lo snow-that too land sought Is more valuable fur lie limber r al'ine than fot agrtculliiral purMa,aiid to e. tabllah III claim loaald land belurvlhe Kegl terand Hoeelver of Mil ome Hi uregun I liy, Oregon, nn Monday, tne uth day ot mt otter. nmi. lie name aa wilneaara : l McHen, II Hrrnnan,JUrowley aiidWH Taylor. oiAlbany, Lion eounty, ureat.n. Any and all preon clalinleg adveiaely me above deaeribed land arerequealed I Hie their claim Inlhi oiHee es or iMlor said Uth day ef octnlwr. Iwe. W THvsskv, Hegialer. Holies for Publication. Ltnd office at Oregon City ,0- July I7w, 1HU, Noil.-e la hersbr alven that the follow, log named est' ler baa fllod uoitteof bla Intention to make final proof in eupport of lit olalm, ana that aald proof will lie made before iha County Clerk or Una county, et Albany, o.Bon, on Meaday. a.pleieiber lath, iat, vtaifleo W, Harris, preemption I) 8 No. 6301. for the 8 W M ol S W t',,f Sea. U Tu 10 S It I w. He name the follow ing; wltneaaca to prove bla continuous raiileur orKin anrt culllvailon of aald land, via i It U. Hall o. V. Hail. . K. K-nlgara ar.d W. K. Ilodgeie, B ut Holo, Linn county, tJrogon. Any ptraon who desire lo pmtttat againat the allowance uf aucb pro.f, or wbo knowa of aor substantial resaor, iii.l..lli. Itv inill i. ..itiil.ltiiH. ..r tlm interior Depaitment. why auoh proof abould not be mlowad, wilt ne Rlvn an opportunity at me aoove mentioned time and plaoe to croaa-exewlne the wltneeaea of aald elalmant. and In otter evtdenee In rebuttal or that submit led tv clalniar.t, W. T. lluanKT. ltrgleter. Sheriffs Sale im Ike CirtuU Ccuri cflkr StaU-ef Orrgon for th C'oay pf Linn t L Kliee, Plaintiff. va. Jarre 0 .'aakios, IMendabt. Notio is hereby given that by vir.ue of aa execution isaoed out of the above aimed Court in the above entitled action, I did 00 theCth day of Augo.t, IS9. in Lioo county, Oregon levy npoo all th right title and 10 Ureet of Jam U Jaokia. the defendant abava iiameo, in or te the premise hereinaf ter dseeribsd. aad wilt on aaiarday, lh Urn )y ef arvieaabcr. Iswe, at tbe Court House door ia the city f Al bany, Lian eounty, Oregon, at the hoar of 1 o'clock, p. m. vf .aid day aeli at poblie aoc lion for cash in band to highest bi'Mcr all the right title anJ Interest of Janiet fi Job kint, Ihe defendant atovw named in or te the following' described real property to-wit t Tbe west half of the touthaaat quarter aad luuSaad SefSee 17 aod lha northwest quarter of til northeast quarter and lots I. 2, and 3 of Sec 'JO in Tp 12 south of Rtng 4 we', ia the district of land aabjot to aale a' Oregon Cily, Oregon, containing on baa drad and liity aere and ninetj-ns bun dr.dtbe of ao aoi, the ine being tba dn nation land elaim uf Jm Jankiu No 37-M end situated in Line oointy, Oregon. Tae proeeed aii.iog from ah .ale to t-e appbd first to lh pst mat of tha coat and di -bareementa tssed at $-'2 8.1 and avcruii.g ooU. Second to tb payment tt th Plan tiff, L Klin tbe .am of $2311.37 ssith ieUr eat thereon at the rat 1 f 12 per cent per ai nora frlm tbe 27th day of Jote, 1H!. Dated this 7ih dr) uf Augu.t, lHOO. John Snalluon, Sheriff of Linn eounty, Oregon, Sheriffs Sale. In tht Cirem.it Court oj (ht SiaUof Orrao for th Count 1 of Linn : 1 K Danson, I'laintttr. vs. V Kllis-.n, Def.u.lsut. Not.ca it hcrsLy kln that by Tirtu of an execution irsncd oat of the aLor named Court iu the abov autitiled aotioo, 1 will atarstay, tbe III day af ae leutber, l at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m.cf said day, at the Court House door in tba city of Albany, Liun county, Orgot, sell for cash in baud to the highest bidder th rual property here tofore attscbid in the above entitled notion, and deaoiibed at follows tn ait : Lots No S and 0 in block No 'A iu town of Sliedd Sta tion in tba eounty t,l Linn and Htt of Ore gon. Tba proeyed aroing from the cat of said pn inise to bo ajiplied 1 rkt to th p)tnent of th- e.t and ditburscinrutt of tiittaxd ot $177 10 ami aoorulutf coat. Second to tba p4, merit toth l'laintiff, 1 It Da sou tho .urn of $1042 19 with iuterent Iheieon at I be rate f 8 per cent per annum fri'ih the 24th -lay uf Jane, 1869, Is tbe earn of $!W1 68, the proceed Busing fiom tbe sal of personal property hertttifor.e sold by virtuenf said execution on the 1st day of August, 1889. . Jontr Smallmox, Sheriff of Liun county, Oregon. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State. Und Office. Oregon City, Oregon, July llrd, 188!). Notice I hereby glen that in compliance with the provisions ot the act of Cungreeeof June 3,lH78,ntitli-d "An act forth, .ale of Umber land. In .li..uuj of Cal ifornia Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Andrew It liaker, of Drownerllle.aouMV of Linn, .Ut ofOreron, haethis day filed In this efliee bis sworn tateiuentNe 12W, for the puronns of th N B i of Miction No 82, In township No 10, south range No t eaM.and will offer proof to .now that the laud nought Is more .Billable fur lie timber or .tone than for agricul tural purpneee, and teotab'lah hiaelalintoaaidland before the Hegitter and Heceivernf thlaolfioattlregon City, Oregon, onhatnrd.y, the lit! h day of Outober, le8U. He name a wlteeeaee : A P Howe, J K Mullar gue, NB tltsndi.h and WCCooley, allot Hrown.ville, Linn eounty, Oregon. Any and all person claiming ad reraely th above described lands are requaated to 81. their claims In this effice on or before ssid ltttlt day of October, 1880, W T Duascr, Regl.ter. Administrator's Notice, Notice is hereby givtn that the aodecaiga ed baa been by the County Court of Linn connty, Oregon, duly appointed Adminis trator of the estate of 3. U. Altliouse, de ceased. All person having claim agaioi aid estate are hereby notttied to preset: t them properly verified within tix tnontht from the date cf tbia notion to the under signed Adsniniatritor, at Albany, Liun coun ty, Oregon. Dated July 30th, 18)9. S. K. Youno, ' Administrator, . TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Vnlted Rtiiies I,nnd oniee, Origin t'lty, Oregon, July l.'tli, Vl, Kollno I horoliy Riven Hint In p iiiduiiifi' with the provisions of Hie act. of riiiijsn o( Juno a, 1WH, entltlpit "An Ao for tn. mloi.l Umber lands In th itrtlfsof Ciiiltornlit, nr.'- Ritti.NevndannilWHthliiKton Tnrrliory," Krrd miao, of Hvnttlo, County of King, Tmrllnry of WaalitiiHton, tin tills day fllfd III thl olllce bis .worn statement No. 1,221, for the puri'iinsu of the bK J of otlon No. al, In township No. 10 8, raitKO No. II K, anil will mr prool 10 show Ihnltlio Innd aouglit Is mora vnliillo nr lis Umber or atnnr. limn foraKrlcultural pnriMian, and to oalnbltsh lilselalm to said I'Uiil bi'inro tlm Itogtstor anil Hoeulverof this ullU'e nl ori gon Oily, Oregon, on niHrday, the iSKn t)y r Orfxtirr, Ixaa. Bile iiarui-s ns witness 1 P X Niirrlinr.il K'olin, M Mtuwarl nml K Mane, all ol HniUlc, Klnir County. Wnatiliigton Territory. Any and all H'roti.eiullulnK adverse' llio nlxivp-deaerlliiad Innils are roqiireteil lo tile their elnluis In thl ollloe on or before said l-lh day of ovlolHr, Iwn, W T Bi sstv, Heitlsler. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. . UnlttmatraLandomM, Oreeoii I'll v. Iireirnn. July 17th. I Mil. Not lee, Is hereby invert that In eomidiniiee With tlm irtivlsliiiianr lha aot of tlonuri nl Jun 8, IH7a, elilllled "All Aut for ill" sale or Union, land In the Htate of Owlllornln, ore on, Nevmiii and WaahliiKton Turrluiry," Kdwartl Man, or gealtle, County of lilt'g, Territory of Walilnnton, ha till duy fit. d 111 thl online hi aworu atmoineiit No, I, iKil, lor th purebaae or the kK or see Ion No. U, In townehlp l(o. Id rt, raiiaw No. il H, and w III olO r prMif to show tliul the land phiikIiI I iiion valuable for It timber ur atntio limn I. r Butt on liu ml puriMiae, and to eatahll h tile eliilm to aald land bnfnre lha l(elt r and Itecelver of this ollli'O at Oregon City, Orc;:iiii, 01 atarday, the tltl, stay mt Orleurr. Imo. Iln name a witnessed F tilllu rt, t." f Moltlliit. M Mlewart, and K tie nan, Mil ot enti tle. hliiK bounty, WahliiKtoii TerrlU ry. Any and all persou olulmliitf adversely lh alHtv-detrilNd luiiil are requested to II in their elnlin in thiaoilleeon or Iwfore aaUl U1I1 day of October, lm. WTDvasar, ili-tLl-r TIMBER LAND NOTICK. United MUte Land tiltlne, Oreuon city. Oregon, July h, IN,!, Notlne I berehy given that In compliant Willi lha provlalon. id1 the aot of C'onuri aol J 11 lie .1, l7n, entitled" An at for the sale ol lim ber land In tho aiatva of California, M a , Nevada, and Washington Territory Joiui W I'ayne, of Neattle, eounty of King, territory M nMiuHKHiii, una wiie nay meu lit tuteoiiioe lite ewnrti vnleuinnt, No Uil, fur the purulrnxf of t the a W i of m-iHion No HI, lu townahln No I '. ' antith range Notleaat, and will oirer iMt lo ' show Hint the laud aouunt lainora valualilv lor tia limber or sinoatrial! for aurloultural ptir-j poeea, and to eatabllah hi elaiui Ul am land ' before the Hegleter Blld Keoelver of thl ollleu ' at Oreaon t'ltv.iireton.am Tueaday.tbe Ldu dny S of ItvOiU-r, Imii. lie name aa wlliieeaee ; iuj he nn 11, ' Uvrgtrren, Joarmr and J KWallia, all ofaeattln, Kinaoouuly, WaahlnKton Ti-rri- I the above deaeribed land ma reiiuealed lo nie 1 firr. aut anu an ueraoua oiaiiiiiiii; ativfr.i iiieireianiiaininiauuioeouorlMiloruSHld iJill day of ovtnber, Itvai, ? Wt Biv, Heulaler. j TlMBKIl LAND NOTICE. t l United mate. Land oiriHt. Oh'gou city, OrKon, Jul gjnd. IH-a. Not len a tterei y given 1 1ml m cumoliauee ! Willi the j.rovl,.n. of thaai-t of Longreaa ol j June a. linn.enlit rd" A 11 ait for the aaiv ut lint lier .auualn Iheatatva of tnlllornia, Oregou, Nevada. and Waaningtua Territory, "John Hnn luan.ul Viiiioouvrr, eounly uf 'larke, urrllory ol Wwdiliig on, baalltla day tiled In thl office) hie .worn alatement No UlM, for lite iiireliae f 1 eewiun no dj, in lownablp ao li, aoulh raugn .No if east, and win offer proof to allow that the land auughl I mora valuable for Its Umber or atonn than for ngrleullural purpoeea, mttA lo e.iabll.h hla claiui lo .aid land before the Kegialer and Keeelver of Ihla office at Oregon I lly, oregmr, on Wednesday, lha IWh day of ovuiber, J. Ha name wltneseea . U W NhOwmi and J Hwert, of Van eouvrr, Clarke eouniy, W Tjind W 8 Mary and W rage.ol I'orlland.eltiitiioiuaii mmnly.uregini. Any and all ueraooa claiming tutveraely Ihe above diHirribed land urn ru-alcd Ut tile their el .title In IM i.m.u on or bf ore ld mh day of ticuioer, iww. T th v, kegialer. TIM BEU LAM) NOTirK." l olled Male Land oe. uregoH fliy, Oregon, July Knd, Iwai, Not tee la hereby given llial in o oiliaiice Willi the provialoo of (tie ail of Congreee of June a, 17 , eiilill-d"An aut lor Hie aa:vo( tun tier land III tbe atjaU-e of California, Oregon, Nevada, and aablngton Territory," timrce W Kobaun, el V.imnitrr, caniaiy ul Claran, l. rrl U.rjf ot Washington, ha tbla day Died lu b)a oiuea in .worn aiatemnnt No ;IT, lor I lie pur- So la loulh ,mug Stt 3 mu4 mM uaf j pr.d to a bow thai the land Bought ia mora vaiuaoie ior ne tun oer or atone loan lor agri cultural urttiecs.and laeaiabllan hi. elailn to said lattVi Oeiore tne Hrgieier and Knvlirr of tlileoltlee al Oregou I'lty. Oregon, on Wednes day, the iulfa day of itl r. lawi. It. Unii aa w loeeare i i Hanlgnn and J Mweel, of Van couver, Clarke county. W T. aod W u Mary and W aege.of fortland.Uultnoinali eouuly,urriinn. Any and all perenne elaiinttig udvenvly Ihe aU described lands are reueated to (lie their claims lu I hi. ofticvon or twlore said Iwh day of October, W T Ui sjurr, Rrglater. 1 IM lT-OoT MifiCE. t ailed Kutee Land Offiee, awegua I'lty, rtregua, July SoOi. tm. Nolle. Is hereby giiea that la eumpltanee wilh Ihe pmMune tf the ae 4 feogreae of June ard, la; a, mm ItUed" Aa act fur the esle ul Umber lea la the ntatas id UalHornle, Opjgua. Kefed end Waahiragtub T mury," VrmA IIi-,-yi, uf MwlOe, etnuity uf King, TerrHory of Waahmglua, he Hit day BUal la thle Dee hi .aqra rtaUawnl Sn l?t, fur Ui. urrluae nf Hell I d ea o Si. la Tp e tu euath, kwige ha t eael, and atll ulfer pe-W to alto that the land eutigM I. mure vaJuaiU (m iu Umber or turn, than fut af rUrull oral uriae, and to aeUblMi hlerlalm tn aid lead Ufore the keguter aad her Iter uf thl ogWe at Orerfuallly, rfa, un TtMelav. lh. IMa day uf ite tuber. Iiho. He uauwe ea aiumem : t W farne, t Umnwt. U A Henaetland J Wallhi, all of ftoaule, king eounty, Vte,hllxU rcrrtlory. Any sad ail br auoaelalaiing sdejely tae abuvelwnbnt tandaare rUud lu ate their claim la thle ornoe oa or before aod UM dey 4 uetata-r, t, H. T. It) stv, ilegtOef. t'ntled Hutes Land otTloe, Urrgua Uty.Oregua, Jaly tlnd, lual. Jiatlee la kwrauy gUea that la eumpllauae with th pruttMuneof Ibeaetuf Congrree uljttoe aed, IMTs, enldM "Att set furtbeeale nt llaiber lam1, lo Ihe Wata uf t 'allium la, tieagun, Kda aad WaMnnetun Tef rtbwy. Iwnud Hwain, uf I'eeiland, eounty Mull- anviah, male at 'rnm, be. Ihu da Ble4 la llil uf B-e ht. eeura staleanl Irtd, f. tbe luecliae t4 the H E I of Hoe So JO la Tp So 1 wrath Kaoge Nn t ea.1, aad alll uflrr r4 l.t aw that ihe lanu auugbl I KMe valuable fw ita tuber ur be than l"t ag riculture tHtrineaa, and lu .etaldtoh Hi. e'alut tn satd laud before the RrgUier and Hovlteruf ttiiaumee at OregunLity. Orrauu, tu WarfiMutay, Ihe lnday uf OctobM, liuw. He eaaieeea aitninn : J Kianigan aod J aaaei, f Vaoeer, t'nufcenanty, abii g. Im Terrlbay, and W U Matye and W Hagr, ( I'urtlatHl, Muiiwmtah eouniy, tfrcgun. an) end all perwaieelaimlng advure.lt tttealje-dem'd uiailt are reiieeled IvAl ih'ir elalnu In thl. kltlc uu or btfure Hid loth day ut(wli, l-u. W.T. lusk.r, RegeWr. T1MIJEU LAND NOTICE. Vnlted Rial UimI Ofltce, Oregun City. Oregun, July J?nd, l. Noline U hrehy gia that Iu enmbllano !'h the ..Knlml nltlui U4J IWnM.J Jtm. hi 11 mm. ) mini "An et fa thenleni umber lend In the Htle of Cadfornis, Oregon, Nevada, end Washington Ter ritory, John Hwr-rt, nt Vanouiiver, etmety of C ark a, Tomiory nf Waaliibgum. baa thl. day (tied la thl of Roe hlsewnrn eUlement Nn VUb.Uir the pure hue of Ma I, X ami 3 nf Heo So Tp No U south Ktage Nn t east, snd Will oder pnx.l to ahow that the land eiaight le Bva-e valuable for Ita timber or clone than for aintenllund putaua and tn eetablub bla claim tn aaal la-d befjr Ihe Hrgieier and Heoeiver of Ibie of flee at Dregi CUv, Or.on Wednemlay, tb pith d.y of OcUiber. Ihsil. It. name mm wttnw.f. : J Ktanlgan end i K'.twon, of Vanenover, Clarke county, W T. and W T Mary and W N.ir. of Cortland, Multnomah oonnty, Ortron.t Any) and all (wntoti claiming ad ver'ely Ihealmve-deMirllMxl lands are reituuiteil to die their ul law In Ibis t Wee eu or bl said l-h dayuf OcbUr, laftl. , W.T, Bt sssv, Ilegl.'er, 5iib8r Land Notice.. VnlUd HUtcs Land Office, Oroiron t,'ltv. Ori Oregon City, Oregon, July 17lh, lKfO. trehy given that In oniiillatos with il Notice I hereby gl.en that In minllet oe with 1 he provUioii of the Act of CtMigreM t Jane S, lm' entitled ' An Act tor Hi te.'u of timber land, in Hi Htaleanf Osllfnrnla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," tharle btoUIng, of 8ml Ue. County of King, Territory of Waatilugtoti, ha thl day Hied lu tlila oltle hi. .worn etatomeut No 1227, fur the pnr-cha-eof the MV 1 ot hectlim No 22. in Townawip No 10 Houth, kange No t Ka.t, and will otTor pro f to how that th land eooght ie mere valuable fur lu Umber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to en'.Wi.h hi claim tn said land before the liogltter and Receiver of this olTc. at Oregon City, Orcguu, tn Haturday, tne Utk Day of October. 18ti. He names a wltneaaa : ' P Oillicrt, E Ms-w, M Ht.wart and II hrohn.all of Seattle, King County, Wellington Territory. " Any and all peieons claiming sdvcrscly the above dcucrihed lands ant requu.tnd to HI their claim in thl- office on or brlore aald l.lh day of October, lsDd. W T Ht sxsv, Kegi.ter. Tim'ier Land. Mice. United States Ltnd Oltlco, Oregon Cltv, Oregon, July, IS, IS), Nolle fat hereby given that in ooniillauce a ah th provision of th Aut of Cm if rem id June 3, 1b7S, eniitltd "An Act for tn sale of timber tamlain the mate, of California, Oregon, Nevada and Waah ngton territory," 4 hs. H. Penine. uf Bunk" Creek, County of Linn, State of O'cgon has this day filed In this office hi .worn statement '" 1 IU8, fur the purchs e of tho NW J of Section No. 24, la township No 10 K, Range No. 3 K, and will r Iter proof to show that the land sodght i. more valuab.e for It timberor (ton than for agricultural purposes, snd to eatalilish bis cislm to uld land before the Kogtster and Hoeelver of this office, st Oregon City, Oregou, en Tuesday, the 8th Day of October. 1889. Ho nsmrs ts witnesses: W Wlggs, 1) Smith, W Clark and i, ilogsn, all of Ho.k Creek, Lino County, Oregon. Any and all persons rlalmlng sdvoraely the sbiv dricrllied lands are requested to hie their debus In this office on or before said 8th day of October, VY T Buassv, Hugisur. J.J.D ORRIS, Abstractor ' and Conveyancer, jeerOfTloe at tliRjCotirt Honae, The LEADING LaForcst & H WHAT KEEPS'JHEM IN THE tiAD. rh - I r S tooli: o ( Cif 1 1 0 OK III Et? txntl In filwtiM Complete.?. THE LEADER. , G, W. "Snpcrior," "Argand," "Garland" STOVES AND RANGES. Fire backs. sWarran t od for 15 years, AH sizes an styles. Roofing, Job Work, Plumbing. Eave Trough. Range Boilers Conductor Pumps. WILL BROS., Dealer In all tba Loading ( t s, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos, A f nil Una of abaft rr nalc, musical merchandise, ammnniilcn. flablng UihU, eto. Warranted rasora, butct ar aod pocket knlvr. The beat kind ol as arinf tnsch Ir nrrdltr. Oil and f atiaa for all rracblnra supplied. Itepalitag of sewing matb-nta, muslral Instmrr.f uta, auns, ric, ntatlj t'or.n ALBANY; - - - 0REC0. TOBEH LAND NOTICE. foiled HUU Land OfBee. Oregon City, Oregon, July imh. I.W. Nrdlea la hereby given that In compliance with lha oriivl.l.jpa o. the act of Congreaa of June a. Ikf s.eniittVd.aAn art for the aale of tim ber I Bade in the stale of California, Oregon, Nevada, Biol Washington Territory, lluay brennan.i.l Albany .eounty of Une.alato of ore goo, has Ihl -lay tiled In this olftoe his ssrorn atatement Nn li'll, for the purehaaa of the N K I (deed Ion Nn 31. In Uiwn.hip So pi, south, range No I eaat, and will alter roof 10 show that lh land sought I mora valuable for IU timber or some than for agneullural purpose, and to eatabllah bl.elalm to aald land before I lie K-giaivr and lieoelver of tbl othes al Ore gon ( ity, Oregon, on Monday, tne Htn uay or iietoia-r. i"eo. ne naraea aa vrtin-eaea 1 j hi Tnwaley, W Kast. I MeHaa and W II Taylor, all 01 Ainany, l.lnn eouniy, uregun. any ana an p.'raune claiming a,lversely Ihe above deaerib ed land are reoeatod to lla Iheir claims In thai orboe on or before said lllhday of October, WT tirsasr. Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. I'ullodXlaU. Land OSIee. Oregea City, Oregon, July I'.Ui, lHwa. Notice la he shy given that In enaipltance with lh prnvialntiaid thaitdt'ungrebf Jun S.liCS.entltlod Anaet for theeal of Umber land In theetaieeof Cal Ifumie. Oregun. Nevada .and VYe.hiugta TerriUry." John 'sldwetlaof Vancouver .eouniy uf riarke.terrtlury ot WMhingbin Jiaa Uiia day filed in Oils off toe hi. sworn statement No ta , fr Ihe purehaa ot tbe N K I vf section No at, tntowmhip Noll, south range Not eael. and will offer prmd tu show that the land sought im more valu.b'e fur lu timber or sbine than fur agri cultural purpneee, snd tu eelabllah bis claim tn said bind before the Itegieter and Iteeeiver uf Una offiee at Oregun I'lty, Oeetun, en Monday . lh Slat day of Oe tnber.lHK. HeiuuneB witneaaa ; J Kbuilgaa, W II Mayre.W W prnebulel and John Hweet.al1 of Vanenu ver, Clark eountv, W T. Any and all peraone etalmlng adversely Ihe abuve duanrlbed lamt. are requcated tu file their claim In Ihu office on or btfur eaid Sl.l day October .11WMI, WTBt asar: Kvglater. ' 7mbeiT1Iani notice!"" fulled Ntatea Land Office. Oregon cuy. Oregon, July 23rd, Notion I hcreliy given that In Compliance with the provision of Ihe act of Congres of June 3,IK7,entltled"An act forlhesaleo! limber In nda In the atatea of Calitomla.oregon .Nevada, and Washington Territory," Archibald W Pru shaer.of Albany. county of Llnn.stale or Oregon, haalhlsdav tllo 1 In thlaotTlce hla sworn stale- mom No 1J72, for the purchase of the N Ei of sectlou No .12. In towns 8et. and will offer 1 11 Ip No 10, south ran gu No 8caat. and will offer proof to show that tbe land smight Is more valuable for Us timber or Mtonellmii foragriculttiral purixiaeB. and toe, tabliah his claim to said land before the Keglater and Hecelver of tills office at Oregon City. Ore- con, on Hat utmay, tne ivtinuay ot oototwr, imt. no names aa wicneHaes 1 n tur ivlor, V. East, H Kronnan and KJtoblnion, alio 'i 1 Albany, Linn eouuty.oregon. Any and all r .Oregon. Any and all pei rsona claiming adversely tho above desort bad lands are request' edlofllettielr claims In this offiee on or before said ll)lh day of October, ls. , W TBcasaT.aeglslor. TIMBER LAND NOTICE ; United State Land 01T1?, - " Oregon City. Oregon, Jul) 23rd, 1 WW." Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with he provleionaof thesctof Cnngressof June8,lST8,en( $ 'An act for th sal ol timber Isnda in ths statoa of Callfornla,Orrgon,Nevsls,snd Washington Territory Audraw Filer, of Uuena Y l.ta, eounty of Polk. Mat of Oregon, has this day filed in thl. office hi. sworn state ment No Vm, for ttie pttrchss nf the N W J ol S K 1, N KiofS Wi.SElolN W JsndSW jof NK Jot section No 10. In township No 10, eouth rangs No 8 east, sad will offer proof tn.howtnat the land sought la mors valuab s for its timber or stons than fui agrlmiltuntl l.urpocea, aud to eetabllsh hi. claim to laid land befor the Kegi.ter and Hecelver cf thl office al Oregon City, Oregon, on Haturday, thelilthday of October, 1889. He names as wit neaee : W Kast, W H Taylor, H Bren ban snd J BTnwaley, sll of Albany, Linn county, Ore gon. A ny snd sll pareons claiming adversely the above deeorilied land, are requeaud to Ale their claims iu this office ou or before ssid Ittt h day of October, MS). WT Buansv, Hegister. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Htates Lsnd Office. Oregon Cltv, Oregon, July 85th, 1530. Notice la hereby given that in cnmpllanoe with tbe provision of the set of Congress of June 3,ltl78,entitled "An set for the sale of limber lands In the atatea of Cal ifornia , Oregon, Nevada, snd Washington Territory," William W Proebtel, of Vancouver, county of Clarke , territory of Washington, hu this day died in this office hi. sworn statement No 1278, for the purchase of the S E J ot section No 82, In townrhip No 12, south range No Seast .and willolTor proof to show that Ihe land Bought la more valuable for its timber or stons than for agricul tural purpose, snd to satabl ah his elaltn to said land before t be Hegister snd Receiver of this office st Ore gon City 1 Oicgon, on Monday, the 211. day of Oetolier, lNtif). He nainua as witnesses : J Flanagan, W 11 Mayre, J Caldwell and J sweet, all of Vancouver, Clarke coun ty, WT. Any ani sll pemons claiming adversely the above deaeribed lands are requested to file their claims In this off ic on or befor ssid 21st day of October, ltetf, WTUi'ixrr, Register. f'"l Grocery Store is- Tliompson's. 1 Mm THE LEADER SMITH, The World's tci. More than huti dred 7 hun dred differ ent sty les ok s and heaters SAM), dC.-rtiaona loam or (travel fr.m debiting r-and. tbn Prtuil-bBOl K. U Much in ttentou eountv. ran rroenre tlckeu for tho same at my office, Craw, ford 'a block, Albany, Oregon. CHr. K. Wnt.VKHTOjr. OLD I RON. Fifty lona of old Iron 1 nutting. In any quai.llly, wanted lmmediaUily at tba Albany Iron Work. DR. C A. WHITNEY, Physician and Surgeon. Gra?nst rd Hel'ette 1! 01 pi! si dirsl College Knar Yeik City. Disease ot woman a sjeiislty. ftdrOttioe. Fromaa'a Brick, Albany, Or. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Vnited States Land Oflutf, Oreeon City, Or., July 27, 1889. Notion ia hereby iriven that in compli ance with tho proviaiona of tbe art of Con mviw of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the aaloof tiinberlandH in theStates olCali fornia, Oregon, Nevada ami Washington Tprritory," lk-njumin F Kyle, of Eugene, county of Lane, Htnte of Oregon, has thia dav filed in thia oflice his sworn atatement No 1317, for the purchase of the S W t of Sec No 2, in Tp No 12 south, Han (jo No 2 eaHt. and will olTer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establiHli his claim to said land be fore the KegiHter and Kceeiver of thia of fice at OreuonCity,Or.,on Friday the 25th day of October. 1881). lie names as wit- nerwes : A W Dolnchagand II 8 Bergman, of Needy, Clackamas Co.. and It Howe and J J Squires, of Albany, Linn Co., all of vregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands are re quested to file theirclaims in thisoiTice on or before said 2nth day of October, 1889. W. T. Buhnky, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, Oreeon Citv. Or . . lulv 27. lftno Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the proviHions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale ef timber lands in the Htates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Frank I Islxsll, of Delta, county of 1 ulton, state of Ohio, has this day tiled in this office his sworn statement jno 1310, for the purchase of the N W U of See No 32, in TpNo 10 south, Range No 3 east, and will offer proof to show that tne lana sought ts more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before ihe Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Or.j on Friday the 25th day of October, 1889. He names as witnesses : K Howe, M C Yerks, J J Squires and F K Aldrieh, all of Albany, Linn county, Or. . Any and all persons ciaming auverseiy me aoove described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 25th day of Oc- tooer, JSEtii. . - W. T. Burnky, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office. Oregon Clty.Oregon, July 2Ath, I8S9, Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the prorlaioiiiof the aot of Congress of June S,lt78.entitled ''An sot for the sale of Umber lends In the states of Cal ifornia, Oregon, Nevada, snd Washington Territory " John darner, of Seattle, county of King, territory of Washington, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No 1287, for the purchase of the N W J of section No io.la township No lOjouth rsngeNoZesst, snd will offer proof to .how that the land sought is mors valuable for ita Umber or stone thaa for agricul tural purposes, snd to establish hi. claim to said land before the Register and Reoelver of thia effice at Or. R3' gnn City, Oregon.on Tuesday .thefcind day of October, IHoO. He names as witnoseea : W Scourflelil.J 8 Jaltcb sen, John West snd OA Bennett, all of Seattle, King eounty, W T. Any and all persons claiming adveiaely the above described laminar requested to file their claims In this office on or before ssid 22nd day of Octo ber, 189 . . WT Bt-BSlY.Register .. 5 SPECIALTIES. Fathfonable and Stylish Suitr, BoaineM Saita, Ligbt weight Saromor Suite. Boye, yootb'a and child Wa eniu. Furnishing Goods Fin line ot light fifM or.i!iegr necliwrar, fifi wiin nirdiir, all the lateel BOOTS AND SHOES. A large line in this department HAT? Htaple and Fashionable Pnes, among others a b'ne atoek of tbe John B. Htoteon bats. - Tailoring Metchant tailo-ir g 111. d.r xptt tailor. Suite made to order onder abort notion at n markable low figuter. Morn goods tinned out tban ever In-fore. Stick a Pin in the fact that f am .fl" iii It ttter targaitva than any one else in Albany Bought at bankrupt aalea I can noil First-Class Goods """ a at or below COST. FOP General ruetcbandiae ot all kinds call on ire. Tartiinlar bargains in a at fih is, Citsh for Goods o Country pre (life G, W. SIMPSON A.Uaoja Oregon. FOR THE BEST FURNITURE CALL ON THE- Albany Furniture Company OPPOS1TK S1EWART 4 SOX'S, BED ROOM SETS, TABLES, CHAIRS, UPHOLSTERED GOODS. WALL PAPERS, BABY CARRIAGES1 ETC. ETC..ET MATTHEWS Cany a fht.c?aaa block, of Stoves, Tinware,Hardware,Etc, Which they are telling at remark alby low prices. JOB WORK - carefully and promptly done at reasonable prices. Hopkins & Saltmarsh STOVESjTIf. V7ARE, SHEET IHOri, G0?PEI1 WARE ETC., ETC. Agents for "On Tim" Healing and cooking Stoves. Job work, plnroJn etc., promptly attended to. CHEAPEST AND BEaT PLACE IN THE CITY : - PURE Paints, Oils, Stationary, Etc.. And Prompt attention -sVT DR. GUISS Ci SONS- talbtfggan tod eoolrn ; poiy, )m! jjiitfsiit'fd ftr two jini novel tie. of the tc-tt ia the market. L. E. BLAIN. a earn, i WASHBURN nDiioo