The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 30, 1889, Image 1

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    S B
2 H ADVANCE; $2 50 A1 END
Iisuad every Friday l.y
Advertising medium
i ti ft
tn 1hp Cflnfra)
AdvertMng rate made known
Vf t v
U M ftiW Ui
s'TliD Favorite
Medicine for' Throat and I.nng Iiifft.
cultiea lis long boen, and still in, Ayer'a
Cherry roctortd. It cures Croup,
Whooping Cough, Jlronchltla, ami
Asthmas, soothe Irritation of tho
I-arj-nx and Fauces, strengthens th
Vocal Organs; allay soreness of tha
Lungs; prevent Consumption, ami,
eveo. la alvanced atncet of that disease,
rtdlevea Coughing and induces Slerp.
There ia no other preimrntlon for dis
eases of tha throat ami lung to ba coin
pared with thla remedy.
My wife bad a distressing conch,
with pains la tha sldo ami lrviwt. Vn
triad varloua inmllclnoa, hut nono did
Iter any good until I got a Ixxtlo of
Ayer'a Chirry rector!, v. hlh hiu cui-oif
lr. A nelehbor, Mr, tiluun, had tha
inoaalea, and tha coiiuh waa re lioved bv
tha uaa of Ayer'a Cherry lVi-toral. t
have no hesitation in rvcouimeudlug thla
Cough Medicine '
to every one afflicted." Kobert ITorton,
Foreman ileatUigkt, Morrillton, Ark.
"I hare bean afflicted with asthma,
for forty years. Ijwt spring I waa taken
with a violent rough, whirli threatened
to terminate my tlnva. Kvery one pro
nounced ma In consumption. 1 deter
mined to try Ayer'a Cherry lVctoral.
Its rITert were magical. 1 waa immedi
ately relieved ami continued to Improve
until entirely recovered." Joel lluilard,
(Juilford, Conn.
" 81 montha ago I had a aerero hem
orrhage of the lunga, brought on by an
incessant cough which deprived ma (
aleep and reet. I tried various reme
ilica, but obtained no relli( until I be
gan to take Ayer'a Cherry rector!. A
few bottleaof thla miHlicine cured me."
Mrs. E. Coburn, 19 Secoud at., Lowell,
"For children afflicted with colda,
coughs, sore throat, or croup, I do not
know of any remedy which will glvo
mora speedy relief tlwn Ayer'a Cherry
Pectoral. I have found it, al.o, invalu
abla in caaea of Whooping Cough."
Ann Lovejoy, 1J3T Washington street,
lloaton, Mass.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
rasrjiBKD bt
Dr. J. C. Aytr & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by all brargteu. Me tl ; als bottle, 1.
Go Ktat via Mount Shssta Route. Nice
climate aud aeeonry at all tirnea of th year.
Sea Mount Shasta, Sacrinto, Ogden, Salt
Lake, Dmver. Kioestsouud -class car ma le
are run daily. Buy your tickets of me aud
aava your fare to Portland. I am tha only
person in AlUaav thstean sell yon a ticket
to any poiut la the Uuited States. Call on
ma for rates.
V. L. Jfctrrft, Agent S. P.
Golden Rule Bazaar.
Hla atock liax i.xt enUro I w thai it itla any on tha Cit. and emmiMa of
Roger Broi. Silverware, French Ohinf and Crys
talware, Boys' Wagon, Doll Carriage',
Fancy Goods, and a general
assortment of Crockiey
anrt Toys.
Ha bojt-llra and esrriei the targe atock In Hi Willa-nV.ta Valley, la wbM
ban been ad-lod a comptet line of
'a Agent for lnsnriz o-ixjpnl with acipilil afrii'.iuj K.m,wt .
p0"lc on parlo Franoala. HUr wird deuU'li gprochen.-
Mitchell & Lewis Co.,
AgricuUaral fmpfements
"U""l ""HliiTii"-"ar--" iH,, inifcii,iw 1 "twit''- '
and Vehicles
ciir Licrch Ltntc C r. 2 1 1 an I BU
ALBANY. - - - - OR
I am now tMrn'ure at wj factory at coit. Pop!i winhinjj turni
tnrx can'do well to loU hern far U.caioB.aa 1 am going tnfteli at cost during
the next 33 dayi. Ciow n't rxmine mygooiU before -,rc'i-i
hero a
FacUiryJat thti rivrr er;l t Lyon Street.
Yoi want the hni nJ mot dur&bte furnturetbiit u mAtiufActurod In ttie;city o
Thomas Brink.
Chas." Metgzer.
deal Estate, F.mploynieni anil Insurance Agent .
A.l comradoitloaa piomptly a'iv,are.I in GernaaDjor Kngllah.
J'. Hix IV,, c. ll.-Twvr, ,if
l inirlnr.r -f
leAVi uiir.) str.r vn
MiLU,U3;iimr miF.iQjjr.?
4M1 All 0" H?V.Y
.i.mii,I 4'til)ii p. It i m'trliiut til
HiN of lit cMii ,rv
Pjt.iems Mad on Short Notice,
II hi Grocery Discovered
lull !! I - -
G&miU fJilODS,
i r,i)7rjr, htc
liti 'k '' in I u i'I ir ,ili." "Lira
tnd It ' nr ill-Hi . I'Im call
n I r I i,l i' ul ail . I prlcea.
'afai'tliiii iruriintO' I,
Produco Taken in Exchange,
Very lt.M Iftilly,
lA-.DUf & R0BERTS0H.
FortmHIar & living,
Prompt; Atlaatioa-First-jlass Eearss
A I'atikxt. The Salem SMe.ttUc
lo get cvr n with ii on tho hopllal qwe
tlon n fcllnw : "from the follow lug ar
tklehilhe Albany I)kmocT It la very
evident Hint If that city h-iJ lopUal
built now It wmlj have one patient Imme
lliU-lv, for the wrlti-r In prenumitbly "tin
d.-r !! wi-nthi-r." Cnttvlnir the Sftitft-
hnnnMnl Item, the 1)kmikiAT blow
off (train n follow, ctr." The writer of
the above hn dnce pneil Ihroitnh Allwny
for N.'wport hi an exmitwUM fo.iuition
A Marvki. One of the tnot retnark-
ahle l)(ht the Ukmih'RAT hi ever ieen
U a hrniu-h of plum(,taVrn frt'm A tree at
the numcry of II VY Selllcmler near Tan
gent, ami on exhibition at Ctirran K Mon
tcl'hV l.Aior thnn a Urge hunch of ban
ana the are n etoely packed a
bunaitn, forming a bunch that U a marvel
to look nt. One can barilly conceive of a
c-jinti oi. ft ul I growing o prollflcly.
A ToMAitnTiHaf. Wednmday morn
ing a (tranger vta cen to take a plug of
tobacco from a box In the front part of
Jullua Joncph'a More j but nothing waa
isld about It. In the evening he tried the
H-hemc again, hiding the p ug Inride of
iiobtrt. He wa reported to Policeman
Miller, whoarrrted him, and found the
concealed tobacco. An examination be.
fore jiMllce Humphrey reulted In hi be
in IT held under $100 liomU to await the
action of the grand jury.
Tiirkmiinu. Mr lcnvcr ltackleman
finUhr hl caon threshing to night
with a record of about 10,000 biithcU
threbed. He U quite enthulaUc over
the die of the crop ; but Mr Hackleman
had the advantage of a very fertile belt
not rnjoyeu by may thrediing crew.
Threhlng I about over generally, and
w hen will the farmer aeil their whtat.
that U a great qucdlon.
StTRiHcit. A man who recently cams
to Oregon from Michigan, brought tent.
firearm and provUlont, prepared to rough
It In the wild wlldcrne, which ha expect
ed to find. AKo two ack of flour in
Older to have (omethlng to eat, beildet
the fi-h he expected 10 snare and the wild
meat captured In the wlldcrne. lie wn
uprised to find plug hat and aclvllhutlon
probably aupcrtor to the one he left. II
at leant came to a Mate where the people
know aomcthing about the country they
live m.
A Goon 9.M.E. F C Madion, a banker
of Sutton, Ncbraika, and J D Fredrick, a
merchant of the tame place, to-day pur
chased of Wm II 1'helpt and V F Seaver
itxlecn acre of the Jo Thempion tract
eat of Salem. The contlderatlon wa
$5,000, or $311.50 per acre. Thl I a
Kood ale and only goec to how that Sa
lem I on a good healthy move. Journal,
A 1ooCat Tair. t)itr.-t Attorney
Hearctt lef t to-day by dog cart convey
ance, for Tillamook, Tl.lamook county,
where hi crvlcc will be required in the
Circuit court that convene Monday. He
will go over the line of the Albany '& A
toiU Kiilroad. It take about three day
to go cuch way and the court remain "in
cw Ion about three day, and convene
once a year.
Nkw'purt, Rev Mr Roerc, of thl
city, iy he ha found a perfect descrip
tion o! Newport In the Illblc. It iln the
7th chapter and 4th verse of Nehemlah
and read: "And the city' wa large and
great the people were few therein;
and t s but ue were not bi-llded." The
hum he hohat U exquUite. li n .
drr. or of t ento
Waterloo Partle from Waterloo
peak in high term of the enjoyablene
of matter there, and of good accomoda
tion for ruitlcator. Among Albany
people camping there and enjoying the
breeze were Mr and MrafehcrmanThomp.
on, and Mr Dr Beer, (nee Ollle Klrk
patrick)and huiband ot iJalem.
A Fall- IjU Friday while wheel
ing brick on the aecond floor of the Wool,
en Mill building Frank Kitchen ailpped
and fell through to the dory below, ttrik
Ing the joint on hi hreatt and face, caus
ing several bad bruie,but very fortunately
not resulting teriouslr. Dr lll attended
Exam;kratkh. Editor Aldrldge, of
the Prineville Xetv ha been in the city
on hi wav to the Editorial Aociation
meeting at the Hay, He Inform the Dem
ocrat that the Item In several Valley pa
pers that wheat In $2. 50 a bushel in Prine
ville, Is entirely erroneous. The pi ice I
only $1.00 to $1.25.
A Versatile Max. Rev J S McCain,
recently teacher at the Sllctx and once In
the newspaper business, ha been appoint
ed farmer at the Chemawa Indian school.
Rev McCain I a man of genius and
whether farnine, Ink sllnclnir or preach
ing will pound the nail In.
It Counts. T II Barne,-an Eastern
man, ha just Invested $25,000 in Salem
real estate. It I such item that indicate
the progress of a city. When Eastern
capital permeates our streets-hi a lively
manner we may look lor some very rapid
trlde forward.
Will Be Fbescoed. Mr H C Hub
bard new drug store In .he Blomberg
block will also be frescoed by Mr Niece
and staff, the San Francises artist. He
propose making it one of the finest In the
Another Real Estate Office, Mr
T L Wallace ha rented the new office In
the Blum berg block, and will open real
etate office. Tom I a thorough rustler
and Is well suited to the business.
Goon. The Salem street car line now
run to the fair ground. This will be a
bonanza for the Company fair week a ,d
is a matter of great Interest to the lai go
public that have been annually fleeced by
unconscionable nacK drivers.
Artistic. Some pantlig of 'W J expert ortUt may be seen at
Ouls & Sons.
Everybody admires the frescoed celling,
just finished at Blackman'a. No finer In
Will Si Stark' window are pretty cood
too. . .
No Team Albany will probably not
send a team to the Tacoma tournament.
This is o be regretted. Last year thia city
had the best team by odd at Seattle and
Portland, and could carry off the honor
of 1889 with the same team. Thers I
some object now, too.
Should Go The Democrat has re
ceived a real live "corop" to the State fair,
and expect by all means to go a it i to be
the greatest In the history of the Asocla
tion at least so far as horse racing goes.
Married. In Olympia, W. T.t at the
residence of Mrs Mary Allen, by Rev A
D Brown, on Aug 31st, 1889, W II Toy,
of ChehaliB, WT, and Miss Flora Rine
hart, of Shedd.
Mill Sold. Mr N A Blodgett has
old his Custom mill property at the foot
of Broadalbum street, to Remington &
Shultz, who will also put in plaining mill
machinery, and use the mill in a double
Eighty one Days. Responding to a
qnestlon asked by several parties, we have
to say that President Garfield lived 81 day
atttr peing snot ty uuueau.
An Indkmtri criiu.K i'amk kt. A Dem
ot itAT mail hiij in nt ortmltlrr Si
Irvlnii't saw one of the '.mtimtnirtihle htirlnl
caskets, which are ntirarilng ho much nt
tendon, Not only l the c.n-ki-i indent mc-
tlblc, being made of cenu-i.t w'iha ;.iKnr
led wwvvn slcil wire fimm- lnitle i( tli
cement, and nrranifed for vmilnx i but,
with It ntu(h outntdc I a very liuniome
piece of work. The general ue of lhrc
ciuli-t will nhviute the objection to n cloe
reldcnce lo cemeteries on mnlmrv
ground. The IhiiIv remain iutnet and th'e
caket Is o a(e that It can be pliu'iil In
vaults ns well as In the ground lliU
caket will fill a long felt demand. ' Fort
miller Si Irving have hern nppolnted
agent here for thl casket.
After Timhkr I.,ni A pntty of
alxiut 30 Mien from the MHamrlle t-umc
up to Ashland last weA and went out to
the Dead Ir.dlan country In eaich of tim
ber land say the TiiliHgt, t'nrlleiln from
there say that they iuveili(agt'd all the
vacant timber and hud concluded to tuke
claims l.t the fine belt of t'mber between
Deadwood and I.o.t Prairie. Members of
the paity told Dead In1II.u1 reddents thai
thev renreented theh'i Mlchliiun lumber
synillcate, which owns tho Immense lum.
ber mill at Tacoma, and that live years
would e a ratlroa.1 to the Dead Indian
country to tap the Hue boJIrs ot timber
out there.
C. P'. The Chinese pheaant of I.lnn
courtly are falling like wheat befote the
binder. No bone I made of the matter of
shooting them at all. City and country
n I in rod bag thctn daily aud the uulvcnta!
verdict Is that there I no better eating In
the animal kingdom. Recently a June
tion Cltyman killed thirteen In threehour
The only arret the Democrat has heard
of is that of a young man named Ittack at
llalsev, at the instance of rartner Collin
The trial will come off next Moiulav.
Too Much for Alhany. -Gllmore'
great New Vork band of cvcnty-two mem
ber and twenty-two soloist Including the
great cornet pltyer, II C Ucnt and Chas
Petit, a number of vocal aitUt aud (ill.
more' Battery of Arlillcry,compolng the
finest little cannon ever manufactured
compose (Jitmorc's Great Band, I soon to Oregon. 1 hey travel In a special
train of four cars. The sum of Sijxjo I
required lo have the hard perform In a
RtsTLiNO Women. Mr. Rev. Roork,
of Salem, and Mr Hall, of Botlon were In
Albany Friday on their way from up
the Santlam, where each located a timber
claim. They had a small dog with them
for protection. They secured a couple
fine claim and anticipate good results
from the Investment. Women can do
something in thl world li they wilt only
get in and rustle, and when thev do rutle
there is always more bustle than with
Don't re Uneasy, The AVts as well
a the iVtfVrt-, of Prinevll.e, ha the fever
lo. Here It Is: We have been led to
believe that the Oregon Pacific would be
finished to the summit of the Caade moun
tain this year. . But it will not. The
truth about thl thing ha not been told,
hence the devil ha not been pu to shame.
Something I wrong an.1 wo don't know
what It i. Keep cool, you unw10l l.1l-
cated serlbes, railroadsare not built In a
day. The steam horse will go plowing
through Crook county ere you know it;
but it takes time.
Never FAit..--The Ortgonim says,
drummer who have returned from up the
Willamette valley report having done a
better bulncs than for years. Crops are
good throughout the valley, and conse
quently money I plenty and everybody I
prosperous and happy, and dealer are
looking forward to doing a large business.
Merchant here expect to have to carrv
many of their customers in Eatern Oi e
gon and Washington till a more prospcruii
A Special Mkctiu. - Lat week a
special meeting of the city Council wa
held for the purpose of taking action on
the petition of Fred Blumberg for the
privilege of erecting 4 partial frame build.
Ing ajoining hi brick just eree'ed Pre
sent, Mayor, Recorder, Marshal and all
Council but Parker. After a warm de
bate the petition was granted with the re
striction that the building have a tin roof.
It will have a brick rear, but adjoin the
frame butcher shop without a wall on the
Struck Copper. On the little fork of
the north fork of the Santlam there ha
just been discovered a mine that I rich in
copper. The shaft ! down thirty feet and
a seven-and-a-half foot vein of copper is
the find. The Silver Dollar I the name of
the mine and It will be further developed.
Should the vein hold cut there I a fortune
in such a mine fc this. Salcn Journal.
Fine Work.- An Instrument cabinet
ha just been placed In the very tasty and
neat office of Dr Ellis. It Is the work of
Mr 0 J Dillon, of thl city, is of solid oak.
about seven feet tall, and Is one ot the
finest piece of work ever executed in AU
bany, comparing most favorably with the
best cabinets manufactured in the East.
The fact that Albany has men who can
do such work is a credit to the city, and
should keep our citizens from ever send
ing away for fine cabinet work.
Bridge Beceived, The Waterloo
bridge is completed, and a great many
teams have passed over it during the past
week, and very certain it I the people of
Waterloo and vicinity and in fact every
one who ha passed over it is well pleased
with It. The honorable county board re
ceived the bridge on Tuesdoy week.
Waterloo Cor. hipresi.
To Hear Talmadge. Dr and Mrs Ir
vine, Miss Lib Irvine and Mrs Henrietta.
Brown went to Salem 1 at Friday to heal
ths celebrated T. DeWitt Talmadge, whs
lectures there to-night on "Blunder."
$1 and $ In the admission price. Such
distinguished men do not visit the Willam
ette Valley every day, but In the matter of
wheat vieids New York otters no com par.
.. "
Will Move to Baker City. Mr.
Frank Williamson arrived In the city from
Ashland last Thursday Mr Luderman for
whom he has been clerking is making ar
rangements to move his stock of boots and
shoes to liaker City, with a view to locat
ing there.
Honest Nimrods. E VV Langdon,Doc
Conn and Fred Piper have returned from
a weeks trip up among the Sodas, where
they had a very fine time hunting and
.ishlng. Here I their exact record, with
out the customary "fish story :" 3 de er
22 grouse and 285 trout.
A Namb Mr T L W allace, who is
about to open a real estate office is 'mntln
around for a name for hi office. In nrde
to make a general sweep he is conslderin
the following quite seriously : "Orego
juana company ana Agency."
Shoulder Broken. While working 011
the new school house at Tangent, Thurs
day, George Mills, fell, striking on hi
head and shoulders, breaking a shoulder
Children Cry for;
i-mtuuiai, 'o 1 1 ii kh P( t n i k m i: .
Newport. Aug 33rd, 18S.
I he follow Ing is the lUt of iicwspnpi r
people w ho came In on y eslentay evening's
srulu 1 I L Campbell, Eugene (.r j II
V Kiikpnlikk, Ml- KlikpiiiHck,i.liiii, n
Kjtrs 1 Frank Davy, Ml mm Gule
Glesy, May Boior, Nellie llowaid, Kuletn
Sturmtt 1 Charles Nickel, Jacksjtn
Time i Frank lleaeh.l.rtkcvlcw ICxuminri
C C Doughty, Mlt- Butler, Dallas ( )l.rrv-
er 1 J H Eddy, IVndi- ion 'J'ril'uiie J I1
Wager, Mr Wager, Pendleton ti. Vrega
!,ih 1 S V I'loed, J K N Ih-ll, Uo.rl-urg
trvn-iv I 1 ) Stite, Aiinny Pkmik sat j
S S Train. Ml Whllnev. Allwnv IternU 1
K t) I'enllatid, Independence li. .W.t ;
M I. ripe, t orvaiiu Lender.
the UkM'iution meet toilnv at 10
o'clock. All emir nianv nlan of enter
tulumciit are laid out by the roinn.lttee of
entertalnment.surti a an excursion to Seal
Rock, Bali t'.hd o;iers.
The vUltlng newspaper people are all
housed at the Ocean House. The weather
Just t,ow I a "thing of beauty and a Joy
forever," being clear, warm, sunshiny and
11 J wind.
There are many people here yet for
thdr health, but not l.all so manj a two
week ago,
Nkwpcjrt, Aug. 23rd, 1889.
This morning at tl o'clock the member
oi the Pre Aoclutlun congregated at
the wharf of l'ic Rcheea and took passage
to outh Beach, where they were mec by
Captain J S Polhcmtis In charge of the
government work,who by special arrange
incut Invited all on hoard hi train of con
stiuetloti car and taken out to the end of
the jetty, w here all were given time to ex
amine Into the l-nportant improvements
going on here to build up the commerce
of Western Oregon. Then w e returned to
the wreck of the Ill-starred steamer, "Ya
qulna Ba.' Many of the more ventur
s')tne ladles and gentlemen boarded the
wreck and secure J souvcnlis of their visit.
Returning we took passage on the ferry
boat and returned to Newport and repair
ed to Tltman's Hall, the place appointed
for the meeting of the association.
Mr Bell, iht Preldcnt,tit his mot suave
manner, ealledjhc body to order and pro
ceeded at once to business.
Much routine business wa transacted
In the way ot report of committee, etc.
Many new name were added lo the roll,
and upon the whole the meeting so far Is
regsided a a success. The following of
ficer were elected this aficrmion for the
ensuing year
Preldent, Chas Nickel, Jacksonville
Secretary,!-! C Pentland, Independence
West Side.
1st Vice-President, J B Eddy .Pendleton
2nd Vice-President, T J Siltes, Albany
3rd Vi;e President, () P Mason, Pacific.
4th Vice-President. J . Campbell, Eu
gene Guard.
jlh Vk-c-Piesldent, J R N Bell, Rose
burg Review.
Treasurer, S S Train.Albany Herald. Ed fiey.
It wd-cU!cd to h-ild ti.e next cIon
of Ihe ttwjclation at Portland the
second Thursday and l-M.Jay tn next Au
gust. The committee on Resolution reported
a scale of minimum rates of Fcrcign ad
vertising, which was discussed at consider
ablt length, amended and adopted.
Thl evening a ball is to be given In
honor of the association by citizen at Tit
man's t tail and at the t)cc'n House a col
lation is to be spread.
To-morrow morning al8 o'clock atrip
to Seat Rock has been planned. Eight
or ten team have been engaged In ihe
eiening a tiip across the bar Is on the pro
gramed a ttmuilioual time is 1 Hiked for.
The people of the Bay ue evefy endeavor
to make the time a pleasant one to the
newspaper people and their lively Interest
Is very duly appreciated.
A meeting of the association will beheld
at Seal Rock to-morrow. Weather very
fine, though quite a rainfall last night.
Some Style. There arc no files on the
Albany fire department, to uc a classical
expression Imported from Athens. Not
only is it a remarkably eflklent depaitment
when It comes to fighting fire ; but a
well the members believe In a reasonable
amount of outside style. The Chief En
gineer wear a handsome $25 gold badge,
the exempt are piorli'cd with handsome
baJges, regular member also have tasty
Comnanv badees. Now come the mem
bers of the Board of Fire Delegates and
present themselves with some remarkably
nrettv Bold bailees, costing over $5 apiece
This ollice has not heretofore been sought ;
but hereafter the contest for membership
nf 1 ho Hoard nromlse to be verr warm
All these thing go to show Albany's
prosperity and are fating examples on the
part ot the leading ciiy in ine bucj.
Shouli Vac ate. An Albany man ha
handed us the following for publication,
thinking It rather of a peculiar affair
"Rev. Frederick Mayer, pastor of the
Evangelical Church, at Lansing, Mich., Is
a liberal-minded gentleman, but his con
cregatlon is shocked to hear that he had
been Investing In lottery tlckets.and oumo
ounded -alien they learned he had bagged
$ooo In recent drawing. Rev Mayer Is
aboid 37 years old and well educated. He
says he bought the ticket just as he would
get married or lake any other hazardous
tj.n ami n was overwnciincu -wiivu .w
ftisraveren mat ne naa won uiit i- -
lie declares that he can see nothing slniut
In ai-nulrlmr monev In this WBV End he his
nut the money in a bank until he can find
a suitable investment, un ine umcr nn
n rhnrrh soclct v sees considerable harm
In the transaction and there ic likely to be
an early vacancy in the pulpit.'
Better Go The Lebanon hoseteain I
still making efforts lo go to the tourna
ment at Tocoma. If they can organize
the team It will be the best in the valley
and should eo bv all means. As Alban
uwmi to be out of the field the Democr a
hones Lebanon will send a team that will
sweeo In the whole $4200. It has the ma
terial for a first class one.
Evew Salem Kicks. Salem is heartily
displeased with tho manner in which
Samuels Illustrated the Capital city in his
Wet Shore for August. Heretofore his il
lustrations otSalem have been satisfactory,
the work having been executed in an ar
tistic manner, but the last effort l a lamen
table failure, and Salem is ready to join
with the many other citie in one great
kick. Journal.
Linn County Houses. Wes Shan.ion,
the horse trainer, went to Salem Fri
day with five gamy horses for the State
fair, consisting of "J. L. C," Mayor Cow
an's Oncco colt 5 Multnomah, owned by
Barrow Bros, of Shedd, a full brother o
Oneco, and three Eugene City trotters.
Perhaps some of them will be heard from.
DiKD.Mr. Claggert, a sister of Hon.
R. A Irvine, and a pioneer resident of Ore
gon, died at Salem, on Friday evening.
Aug. 33rd, at 8 o'clock, at the age of 76
year. Che deceased was a woman of most
estimable character, and leaves raany
itimahle character, and leaves raany
,ourn her death. . ' :
pitcher's Castorfa.
mourn her death.
The following article wa wilt ten by a
former LI1.11 coinity ly, hut wl.o iw
llv-s In Michigan,' He hl head
very level, noiwhl-daudlug hU iilliM, n
criuit In leaving so fine n n. 111. in n Orc
g n to go lo live in Mli liluiiii :
fljilwn Owoteo I'reim :
Oi line we are favored by prelection pa
pel, wl'h such squllm h the ft.llnwhtg !
"With wool tirlnglng friitn live torlylit
cent per pound more llin l,it year. Hie
fin liters thiiulil bu convinced that Ihe pn
Ivctlve polit y favor tlu-lr Interest "
Does tout prove It t Simply bi t nine
wool Is l)i cents higher than lust year It
Convinces an ordiiiaiy poUrtive tariff
man 'that th, whole protective tariff
system Is tight and favors the fiirmer's
Interests t This is the kind of IolIc that
hfcs fastened tM iniquitous pstem upon
this country. Taking I: for granted for
the sake of utgumenl that It did tnskc 'tie
price of wool higher, would il 11 t follow
a a logical scqu-ince that the pi ice of '.I e
4,ojo other protected article winch the
farmer Is compelled to buy is made higher
for the same reason t The ordinary fann
er, therefore, who has, suv co head of
sheep and receive 300 lts of woliccorti
Ing to '.his logic, teceives 5-1 5 more for hi
word than he wt.ulil if the Uw did not thus
favor him. For th'r privilege he must pay
an advanced pi Ice on the Mgar,whlch has
recently been advanced about 6 cent a
pound, on lice, salt, iron, dry goods,whk-h
would doubtless lie not less than from $50
to $75 a year. Indeed the most eminent
statistician place the sum paid by an or
dinary farmer.wlih a family of three cnil
dren, at $158 per year, paid by him by way
of protective tariff taxes. Just what pro
portion of this tax goes Intv the U S treas
ury It may be difficult to ascertain, but If
we conceive that one half goes there while
the other half goes towards assisting th
manufacturing Interest, we find that the
amount paid out by the average farmer 0i
account of t.'.e protective tariff' I tour
-....-I. . I... t.l... 11
(r sip .( mw tuns 1t.viMi.11 I
uiai 1 true men wnere o.h-s ine ucneui io
the farmer attic In? Paying out from I
$60 to $7 to set Si is not -a vci v orofil-
able transaction lo anv one urde. It be a
protective tariff man.
Cuncediog then that the tariff Increase
the price of wool, the smail farmer
decrease the amount of which he Is being
.t.k-.l t.u .1. .... . f I I
""""u si' w uj .i -o mi I
the price nf wool. That l all he fcsln by 1
it It would be far better for him to step
the whole system of robbcrv than to un
dertake any such fire fighting sy stem a
that. Because he ask more thae the real
alue of the article, as regulated by the
law of supply and demand, "he manufac
turers can refuse to buy, and thus reduce
the price whenever tney choose. They
are generous enough to allow the farmer
this sma.l Increase, when ender the same
system they arc able to mke the farmer
pay it all back again upon the woolen
ood he Is compelled lo buy.
Thl may lie seeu by the following table
howlntt ihe differcoce in the t-tt iff on
wool and wook-n g-vnl- i-tr the periods
named, token from the report of Die Chief
of Bureau statistic :
Per rent. Per cent.
876, duty on wool, 4m, woole ns, 72-44
m " - J7 3. " M-49
"'. IJy
The above shows that if ther Is anv ad.
vantage In protection the farmer who sells
the wool receives but little over half the,
,u 1, 1 ...1 u
" ".. v. -.v. ...
compelled to pay the latter for manufac-l
turlna the wool raised bv himself. That
1 4, in iHWhe sold the wool at an advance
of 37.16 pet cent, and bought It back again
In the form of woolen good at an increas
ed price to him of 67.29 per cent.
If the farmer desire any clearer proof
of this system of legal robbery, then I do
not know where he would get It.
Aluch has been said about the ptlccs of
.at u.i ..... it ie. m., a..Ai
Wi J las irs. ww wis tivwii vs
threatened tariff legislation. I It lor that
reason that Mr Carnecie reduced the
i. f. ! t it.
wage of hi j,.ooo workmen, a few day
ago, 25 per cent i Can the condition of the
starving coal miner tn Illinois be attri
buted to the same cause ? Did that cause
potatoes to stllat 15 cent a bushel last
prlng ?
The frantic cflorts of protectionists to
secure the vote ot the farmers in order to
keep the shackles of slavery upon the
masses of the people of this country should
not succeed Let them Investigate these
questions for themselvcs.and they will find
that truth Is on the side of freedom, and
that "Protection" is a disguised system of
legalized slavesy under which the working
people of this country are being robbed
for the benefit of few corporstions,made
up of persons ho have no sympathy for
the oppresed.
Owosso,July 27th, 1SS9.
The Albany New YorkosrW.of recent date
contained the following: A workman in this
city who was complaining of bard times recent
ly was asked bow he could allord to take a
daily paper. "Well," said he,"I hope I shal
never be too poor to take a paper, I thought
I was too poor for ten years after I wm married,
My wife suggested that I take a paper rcgular-
y and I did so, and it was the most econom
ical stroke of my life, It kept me home even
ings, afforded me pleasure and instruction and
was a comfort to the whole family. I had to
stop the use of tobacco for a whole year once
in order to pay for the paper and the result was
that I have not cared for tobacco since, and in
that one item I have saved money enough to
pay for several daily papers. So long as I
have money enough to buy bread with I will
have money enough to pay for my newspoper."
There is one thing that people have got to
Icar1, and the sooner they begin the better
and that is not to handle electric wires. Like
the statute laws, ignorance txcuses no one,
The latest victim is a servant girl at Cleveland,
Ohio, who "innocently picked up a wire
which happened to be heavily charged, and
the shock received may prove fatal. And sli'.l
there is a question whether electricity will kill
a man or not, Accidents of this kind ought
to prove something. - N
The table glass ware manufacturers evident
iy believe that the Republican platform meant
what it said, and they propose to get all the
benefit from (he tariff that is possible. - A
glass ware trust, including all the highly pro
tected works in l'ennsylvanta, Ohio and West
Virginia, is reported as among the latest com
binations which result from the assurance that
the policy of war taxes in time of peace is to
be maintained. Such protection comes high
but if the people like it, there is no doubt they
to can cumnwutw'
! Tm"Pll?r
can be accommodated.
ot tha NowKitpr Aavn
tlslair Ammitv of Hamrs
irONa our auUturiMd .ua,
TEMpnUXCRcOMJMX. il t.y Altrn.y W c T. U
Miss llrnrictliiM.Mire will hegitt a tour of the
slate early in Si-pt. wilh ft view to
new anions.
Mrs kigji, oar state prcsi.lent has Just com"
plcted A tour of S(iilirn Or. having utcan'xnl
four W C T Us, tm. two "VV"
M.t-y Allen 'West, editor of the l''r-u
S'kii'iI, i n-j.v in I'oril 111 1, wlu-re she il
hold a sclw il of M -tin! !', It in Uie i,it mion
of llio union to have her in Albany !f the
leave Hie stti'e. I'he date of her coming is
hot yet ililiiiilcly known,
The Caiholie Totnl AhMii.rrn-e Society, t
its -ceent nrm.iiil meeting, look a : in
advance of nnyiliiiij; yet done by I'rolcsMni
it agreed lo establish in connection wiih the
great Cnlliemd University at Washington I
C a father Miithetv Professorship of Temper
once. In this will he taught the sticniitic
fn:l concerning lite use of stim.tlants and
Tlie()ra;e Grower association and num.
ber of c.ipilali!s of California have been trying
to get at the hot loin of the depression in the
wine market and lo devise ,;in Ux relieving
that industr--. The following plan was the re
stilt of their deliiierntiuns. It wss r-gteed lo
hslill the sut.lus wine in 0 good uniform
brandy and lo otganie a (u"i-any with a
capital stix-k of $l,ooo,osvliviiled into 10,000
shares of g too each. One thousand shares
were subscribed for at the meeting, The com
pany is to be known as the California Brandy
Union. Distilleries will be leased and con
structedin those parts of the state where cheap
grafiesand wines are found in excess. A central
bomlctl wsrelwuse will lie established in San
Francisco. Acenrics will be located in all
the hrge Eastern cities, acd in Hamburg and
1-ondon. Of this year's surplus the company
win buy z, 500,000 gallons, which it will lis
till Into 500,000 gallons of brandy.
A representative of a prominent prohibition
journal, was sent into Kansas to team the pros
peels of fr re submission and repeal of their
prohibitory law. He sought J, Ic. Waters,
fmious of old as the attorney of Toeka
saloon keepers and askrd: What is the outlook
fad- . sifLntiMl. . Tli- iinH.rtM.I I.uvh
'- ' " " "
ajr , t
nKtv'aal . Va Haifa awtimtsrn Vitnltw auKH.lai
womcB preachers, and men who tide in farm
wagons without springs to retain protiioition in
Ksnsa and make it fairly a success, it is to
b?k ,he iibl d kkk seainst imiossi
bilities 10 try to eel il chanced. If the oeonle
of Kansas, especially of Totieka, know what
they are about, in the (ace of disaster elsewhere,
thev wilt make bis capital out of the nresent
condition, Topeka ought to spend 910,000
in the big newspapers advertising it as the only
, -,S) . . . .
city 01 00,000 pcoieon tne cioiie without a
saloon, and inviting people lo com here as a
M,c PUc ,c r
Foot of Morrison St., Portland, Or., roR
St. 11 ! . , - 1 .
ins Aay&ns3 Tiiresiiiig jaasninery
The boat and fa'.t thresher in Atnerl
I rival. Tne AUVANCK thresher baa
I BUff a tnAjnhln llist kfanrla irtthAtif. m
hn REPLACED by any other
maemoeoo me vomt, but ba wpiaced
i - T6ri othor- that it AYR PAII.KD to
fill WARKANTEK. TbeENOINK ia guar-
nra 10 Pull more ibro any other, and
will out travel a:l otbera on tbo road. II
you bear any loud boast a, ple tall the I
partiM ine auvasue l UKKitltK and
KNiJlNK are sold on tbeir merits entire
ly. Aud 1 am wlllinn to prove alt I claim
tu my neta at any lime, un not be bum
bus-ced by buying ear machine until
you son tbe ADVANCE. I also handle
steam n'luic frooda. Iron pipe, pom pa
moweia, e-iers, sprmgtootn narrow
w-j-naoiiiii'a rorges, drill, church, fsrra
I Bn1 kM hiVtl rvAl I as an I ntai s a nlhat asrwkl a I
I 1 MVi V'
i H4
Albsny Branch Uonse ooa block below
num nuaw,
3AS. 12. KNOX,
1.VB.I ,uiiait oil I on
Patice. Brothers, 'c Join i?ajc, tor yout
Produce, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc.
Their iroodc are tue beat and thctrprioee
Conrad Mover.
iOoiner Broadall3in and First
Canned Frnits), Causae Meats,
Dried Fralta,
ia foot everything that la kept In a gon
ml variety and grooorj ore. Hlgbe
c rket prloi paid for
ForisiebyvVill A Stark, dealers In
flee wstohes, jewelry, etc, -
Vj, y,. b,..4
II- . M
jtl - - 1
WOOD SAWING Wood sawed ou
short notice, anywhere In the city.
Regular p'taes, Orders left at Browne U
& btanwd's will bepremptly attended to.
Geo. If. Warren,
. ; J f u psmiHar fflery I doe
t NOTHING U' th Proeww and
tnuTHiso klll In eompoundina a to
1 LIKE IT . ih" nE'Kli',iU tlierrisl vn.
't l ake It in time.' It cheeks
, l iiw-imw Initio on twit, or if
,uey oe adranced will prove a potouietire.
it takes tbeplaeeof a f" ' ' .V-'. .
flfetor and costly nr-; '
erliitlons. All wliofi-od 'FOR WHOtK
umlHUlnry lives will Hod . Btsi(ri-r tJ
andcnrlor tndlo-Kstlon,
cjonrtlpailon, iladMh; niIlonns.
'' """f Mf"'' Iprwsslon. No Umi
SJLi. m. Vf laZ?rTe with fauslnnsa
.whlls taking. Kr children It Is most In
.iHieent aud harmless. So danger from
xrHMiire arusr Uklng. Crs t;lle, tn.
svernova. ll'iwrl Compliant., rrrilw
smhhi and tsverish Cold. Invalids and
dnllrate M-rsons will nod. It tha mildest
Aperient and Ionic they ran one. A lltue
tln at tils-ht Insure refreshlnK sleep
Vfl.X nlrttl vet(tko of the bowel.
A little tHka in th inornlDE sharpens
the aripntile, eleansms the stomach and
sweeten tti breath. ""-''
fa a
Itvm been nrartLrltiw ...l.;. . ;
'1 hir beta
twtnty yssrs sn4 kav I.. .i.u -
i ij f" af. f trf compourHl that wwUI,
and affectively mors th Urer to salon,
and al iht hub time aid (losuut rJ-..L. t
irit Pr lh y.tcm." .
Y L- M. HnrroK, .d., Washlofton, Ark.
M irks of Oennlneneiwi f ,ook fmtherM
Trii.l.-Mttrk on front of Wrarrr,nd Ilia
Heul Mlenature of J. U.yfllu & Co- In
red. ou the side. Take uooUier. - -X J-
Ht !jOS1
Real Bargains.
Notions, Furnshing Goods, etc,
Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silk,
Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie
ry, Fancy Goods, etc
' i iV.ilii.Y tfnfili
I A sjvuuiiihs xvKav
hvriifno.tured bv Julius Joseph,
Imported and key west cigars
California and Tropical Fruits.
McMinnville College.
in tho Cullejjiste Dopartroent
Four Three Year Courses orstudy
' in the Aoademio Department.
" As evidence of the jj-owth of this Oolite
attention is cdlod totnu fact that iturmg the
last, year over eleven huudred doilsrr hv
been expended ia standard book for the li
brary, an $800 piano donated tt the college
and over $3,000 the'pormanent en
dowment. Speoial attention is given to the Academio
Departmrnt which fits young men and wo
men for College, for tesching and for bust-
nes. inus rooms sua rasruntK uibuicu
ia th9CoUe8ebuildiufr,expecos,";low. Presi
dent lives in the building. Fall tsrm opens
Sept. 4th. Send for catalogue. Address,
M-jMinnyille, Yamhill Co., Or,
Vfy . ' ,
-PlMJPfllBTO" Ojr
AWnmy tvAn Works
od Man:r-niirreTN .4
f ., ,.r.ip r-. f,A a ,.,!
, .itftV (r,i: ( , , ,,.,. f:,ri, 1
!. i rf4li.r. rt-V k-op 4 f H
fnt8 an i Tropic! trAit,
ilrv fiOOtiS Store,
o.jBNNiNas, w.h MJrassnsoN.J, n. wir
Jennings k Co
Manufacturers and dna ers all kitn i
Mill on lUmilton,lovenmllcs from Lei.
'.Prices at theSlill
ClearBr 111.00; second elfsr. $9 lo -rough
lumber, (i 50j
Prices ol csdsr aud insple on appliuatr.n
Clear fir, $15.00 ; seooud clear $ 13.00
rough lumber, $10.00.