The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 23, 1889, Image 2

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dm gmtitwL
The Democrat's lance-thrust penelrab
ed tender ipot In Harvey Scott's mental
organism. ThU man with a reptltlan
tongue and heart filled onljr with male
volent bltterness.aller having basely sland
ered over halt of the sixty fivt mllllnni of
hit countrymen amlbelng righteously and
justly denounced by the Democrat for
hit ci line, like kicked cur.puts on a meek
look ol humility and prate about being
subjected to much vituperation by demo
cratic papers. Does the ex-collector of
customs suppose that he can slander and
rUIUy half the people of the country with-
ut being called to account for It t No slrj
Republicans at well as democrats ara con
demntni this brutal assault. Scott says
the editor of the Democrat gets hla poli
tics Innocently. Of course he does. That
8cott gets his politics Innocently admits of
grave doubts on every hand. Ills bitter
warfare on tha whisky element some
year? ago, followed by a very sudJen
somersault to Its defenie.caused people to
think that the change, Instead of being an
Innocent one, was a very costly one. His
abrupt change from hla free trade view to
a monopolistic tariff was never regarded
as an Innocent one. That Terry was a
democrat, we do not deny. That he was a
bad, dangerous element In society, no one
will dispute. Every one knows that the
democratic party has bad, dangerous men
In tt,and that the republican party has bad,
dangerous men In It. That the democratic
party has such men In It, need no further
proof ihsn the fact that Terry was a dem
ocrat. That the republican party has lis
bad men, dirty slanderers, foul-mouthed
defamersand vllllfier of decent people,
needs no further proof than the one cold
fact that Scott Is a republican. Dut can
any democrat be found who Is so mean
and despicable as to charge that Scott.wlth
all hi misdeeds, fault, defects In charact
er, Is a representative of the methods In
trillions and purpose of the republican
party t We opine not. Ha Scott forgot
ten the corruption and brlberle practiced
by hi political party In PortUnd In 1871 r
How he trembled a an aspen leal wticn
he contemplated the threatened prosecu.
ion of these briber by CIbb, U S district
attorney, before Deady t How In trepida
tion of spirit and fear of an Impending
crisis he wrote the following letter to
Mitchell to Induce that gentleman to help
tear Deady off the bench In order that
these bribers might not be prosecuted !
FoaTLAxn, Feb. 16th, 1874.
Mr Drar Sir : You will see that I
have been and still am making It warm for
Deady. I believe that If you and other
friends of our cause at Vahlriston would
acquaint Builcr and other members of the
house with these tremendous facts Deady
would be Impeached. You know that the
OrtfouMH I constantly attacking Butler :
and you know lo that Deady is editor of
the Ortfoman. Now l all these facts wers
properly made use of we could tear Ueady.
at least. What do you think aeoirt It f All
our friends here hope that something will
be done to rid the bench of this fleshliest
incubus." Please show this to Mr Holla
day. Respectfully,
II. W. Scott.
Scott was then editor of the BuUrtim and
W Lair Hill of the Ortgnim. The latter
paper did what It could to prosecute the
bribers while the former threw everything
n theay of those who were prosecuting.
And this letter writer I the man who now
set himself up as a censor of the conduct
of decent people. A more fearful lie was
never breathed by human lip than when
Scott said that a murderer, a bully ,a duel
list, "an exceedingly infamous mn," was,
throughout hi career, an -embodiment of
the character of the democratic party of
our day. To say this of Jefferson, Randolph,
Madison, Pinckney, Monroe, Jackson.Cal
houn, Cass VanBuren, Pierce, Cuchanan,
Douglas Breckinridge, Tilden, Seymour,
McClellan, Hancock. Cleveland, Bayard
and hosts of other able, honest, patriotic
citizen whose characteristics cover more
tha.i seven-eight of the page of legisla
tion by the national government.lsto write
down the author of such sarins onc '
the dirtiest dispensers of slanders In the
country. This ghoul In human gabhas
never been known to let any pion.inent
democrat escape the nastv virus of his
fangs and at last with overpowe ring bit
terness and party prejudice and party hale
he seeks to accomplish at one fell stroke
what he has long tried to do by piece meal.
Dut the great name of the democratic par
ty I Invulnerable against his pigmy at
Whrn the governor of Mississippi said
he would prosecute Sullivan and Kllrain
for prize fighting, the Statnmau and Ore
goniam, following the example of the lead
ing eastern republican papers, made sport
of his threat by calling; it "democratic
bluster" and other choice terms taken from
their peculiar vocabulary of bil'.ingsgate
The governor meant, however, that the
crime should be duly punlched. John L.
ha been trted, found guilty and given U
month in the penitentiary. Thi "den.,
cratic bluster" prove a terrifying reality
to John L. and a veritable boomerang to
the Stnlrtman. Oreronian and other or
gan. These paper would tell the political
capital they made for a song to be sung
rest summer.
The Sundat WtUom says there is no
truth in the statement going the rounds of
the pre that a new democratic daily pa
per I to be started In Portland with Mr
Hearst of the Examimrr as one of the pro
prietors. This Is much to be regrettet.
The party by all means should have a first
"class daily to cope with the Orefouia
that daily misrepresents and villifies dem
ocrats from the highest to the lowest.
Col W F Sanders attorney of the N'PRR
who resides at Helena Montana ha resigned to
become a candidate for United States senator
from the new state of Montana. He is a lead'
ing renublican.
Over two billion cigarttte were manofactur
ed in this country last year. The consumption
of these unwholesome instruments of public
discomfort increased 288,789,260 in 1888 over
The author of "Home, sweet home, as
everyone knows, died without a home, Now
George W Allan of Ohio, the author of ti e
homestead law, has no homestead of his own
and i dying in poverty.
During the last month 24,716 immigrants
were landed at Castle Garden, against 28,690
in July, 1888, Every month this year has
been marked by a gradual decline in European
Abraham Lincoln was the tallest president
si this country, being six f'-et four inches,
Benjamin Harrison is the shortest, as his height
only 5 feet 5 inches, The difference between
the two men, however, doesn't stop here.
"lie that careth not tor his own is worse
tha-' an infidel," and it may be proper to re
.mark that President Harrison is a believer.
It is now said s special session of congress
will be called to meet in November.
At a meeting of representative of Uie Grange,
PioliiliitioniMs, Union I.nW men, and Knight
of Ijilwr, held in Sntcm August (lie 101I1, Dr
J F Henriret, of Ilnrrisliurg Ofstrkt, Master
Workman of the K of I., was m.ulc chairman
and G M Miller, of the Pacific Kxpress was
maile Secretary, Aftcrconsultntion the follow
ng call for a stntc conference was issued t
Whereas notwithstanding all the work
heretofore done in the way of agitation for re
form, the power of the saloon in pol tics is ion
tinualty increasing and has become a menance
to the nation's existence, the )ower of trust
and corporation has become an intolerable
tyranny, the encroachments of land grabbers
have almost exhausted the public domain and
the corruption of the ballot lias rcmlcred our
elections little less than a disgraceful kite, ami,
Whcreasth dominant political parties have
demonstrated their indisposition and their
inability to effectively oppose these evils which
destroy and imperil the life.liberty and property
right cf the people, and none of the minor
political organizations have been able to com
mand aautiU-ient vote to gain the confidence of
the people who earnestly desire a better state
of thing, in their final sucrtss, we lielieve the
time has com for a consolidation of all reform
forces in a combined movement for thi over
throw of these evils.
Therefoie, we, as member of these reform
organizations and of the preliminary conference
convened in Salem, Or., this loth day of
August, IS&), earnestly invite all who are to
sympathy with the said union reform movement
throughout tne Mate 01 uregon to unite in send
ine delrcate to a union reform conference to
convene at Salem, September 14th, 1889, at
1 1 o'clock a m,
The said conference shall be composed of one
delegate from each voting precinct in the Slate,
to le chosen by a union primary and one dele-
call from each l.jtior organization, rruhimtion
party, and Union cluh.aiul one additional dele
gate for each 100 n.embcrtof suchoranUntion
or club.
The object of this conference shall le to
consider the practicability of a union ol all the
attove named Reform forces and of all rituens
not identified with these orcaniitions, but
who are in lavorof l ler government, in 1
noliiical party that i-lolce itself fur the settle
men! of the Croat questions now i rcssint' for
settlement by legislation, and of all kindred
questions that may arise; anil if such consul ul a
lion is screed niton, to adopt a platform and to
provide for thorough county and precinct organ-
Ifsiion of inesiaic, 'icfuiiui j tu me iiumiii
lion of stale and county union tickets,
J KIUnhssx.
District Master Workman of 1 A aiS.Knighls
of I-alor, Cliauman of Preliminary Confer
C M Mii l RK.
Rep of Piohil.ition Putty, Secretary ol ricliniin
ary Conference,
Master of Patrons of II ushandry.
t; K II MiLt r.a.
Chairman State Central Committee, Union
Labor l'ary,
C W Hkown,
Chairman Stale Central Committee, Prohibi
tion 1'arty.
I M Pavn.
Worthv Foremin District Assembly K. of
Ashi.kv White.
Rep Grange and Prohibition Party.
fonts: Albany
A most dcirable and beautiful location
for suburban residences, owing to its nat
ural advantages and nearness to the center
ol bus ness. Compare the size, location,
view and access to and from these lots.and
you will be convinced of their merits Call
earlv and secure a home brfor . the advance
In price. Apply to
Twkkdai a d Rrurti.n.Ajjcnts.
First door south of Post OilWc.
Fresh oream
olues just received at F L
Wire Eiicklc Suspender
-'ill "'-;' 4,
1 zj
For sale only by
L. E. BLAIfi,
Parties desiring to purchase saw logs
will do well to call on the tindeislncd
who has about 300200 feet of logs on the
Calapoola above Brownsville.
H. F. Men a ill, Trustee.
Albany, Or.
Sheriff's Sale-
l tU CircuU Court of tU SluU QJ Oreton
for Linn Co-iHlg.
Robert H. Loi:r, as administrator -f the s
tata of Hits A. Adams, deceo'od, pUictiff,
R. H. Huthmfjrd, Ilsnnah K. P.otherford,
sod Mary B. Unboitird, Uufcudants,
Notice is lirrly pivrn viiloo of
an asecotioa shd order of ) iuued oat of
the sliove-nsmeil conrt in tbs above entitled
so it, I will, on
Istsrdir, tbe fllb Iy it kmn1. ISM
At the Conrt House door, in tbeCitj cf A1J
bany, Linn (Vinnty, Oregon, at tt.c- hoar ot
1 o'clock P. M , or said dsy. w 1 at pull 10
anotion, f-r cah io hand, to the richest bid
der, the real pioperty dea'.-ribcil iu aaid tic
enti'io and ordtir of sale s fidi.iwr, to-Wit:
7 bo south half of the itbwest quarter,
tha north half cf the southwest quarter of
the northwest qnsrtor of the southeast quar
ter and th south half of fie southeast
quarter of aecti'iu 35. it twDhiptf south,
rvoge 1, west f ihe WilUmelte meridian in
Liun Countt, Cr'", xc-ptini a tract
boanded as b giunina at a pnmt 5.00 chains
north of tlia rouihpt-t orner of ssid soe'.ion
38, sad ruonini llicmw south 5.00 chainr,
tfenuo west 10.00 chainr, anil thenoa north
easterly ihn plant; of beginning, together
with tht ttfueinrnr.s i.l appurtenances tlure
nnto btnM(intr (r in anywise nppertaiiiio(r.
Tbs K.! t lif . (.'i,f njid premises to
bs applied as ii cc'ihI iii mi I writ :
First T th-.i 1 aviiienl of the cost and
disluremei.t i'f tfliit Mi( taxed at f71 80,
a::d accroinit .r- ti on thi esreution.
Second To th iiMf-rt to th plaintiffs
herein tho torn cf $.1,402 50, in U. S. gold
eoii, with intiet at the rate of 8 per out.
per sduuii. from Ju: 27, and the fur
ther sum nf f 100 aitomoys free
Datrd this 21li i-y of July, 1880. .
John: 8mallmov.
Sheriff of Linn County, Oregon,
I'nlted States band Offler.
Oregon City, Oreiton, July lath. 18S9.
Notice 1 hereby given that In comollpnce
wltb the provisions o- the act of Congress of
June a, )Bt,onuu-a, An act lor ine sale of tim
ber lands In the slutus of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," Huey
Brennan.of Albany .county of Linn.stato ot Ore
Ron, has this lny filed In this oCico his sworn
statement No 12A, for the purchase of tbe N E
of section No IU, In township No 10, south,
range No 8 east, and will oiler proof 10 show
that the land soiiKhtts more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish bin claim to said innd before
tbe Register and Receiver ot this oMco nt Ore
gon City, Oregon, on Mondsy, tbs 11th day of
icxooer, inoii. nu iiniiina nm wiLn-.asea t 4 if
Towsley. W East, 1) Mcttae and W H Taylor, all
of Albany, Linn county, Oregon. Any and all
persons claiminK adversely tbe above desert b-
-'Vy M. . 17, "85. V ,''
J t"J t:t- 9-l vv 1
ea lanus ara requMBLeu u me meir claims in
this olfico on or before said lllhdayof October,
W I Bcaa av, Bg'atr.
OLYMPtAS.MUi.lCAY, 1,1, !,, Ft I
male Kpwialiiit. Jini jirni'iii.l oi tbe
Pan! no (;int v-.r tha 1 . twntjrHv
years. A ill lime iirrotml to the study
of female troubles.lhpir catwe and entrant
have thousands cf trxlimonlala of
permanent cur from the beat people on
Ihta coast, A poiUlve guarantee to perm,
anently cure any ease of toma'a weak
neaa, no matter now lonn standing or
what tha stags may I a. Charge reason
Die ana within the rason or all. For tua
benefit of the very poor of my sax who
ara suffering Irom any of the great rnul of ailments that follow In tha train
of that terribla disease known as female
weakness, and who are not aula t pay
for treatment, I will treat fre of charge.
Consultation by mall, free. All corres
pondence amour eonDdeniial. Medi
cines parked, boxed and sent by s
Dreea wim onarrsa Df e raid for "Home"
treat mens, with speolilo directions: for
use. u you ere anneritig rrom any re
mala trouble, periodically or oonatan tly
Kant Portland, Ol.
For Sam. A young driving mare, wel
broken and gentle. Inquire of F. M. French,
Sheriff's Sale.
Im ti Circuit Court of Ih Slut tf t r-
W F Usndenhall and Sent May, idmiais-
trators of the tatate cf Kucch lluult, decsas
ed, Plaiutiffs,
Hiram Maillh and W V Brians, doine busl
msa nndtr tha firm nama and stvls ol Smith
5i lirigK-a,IItram Smith aud J as W BraatWId,
doioit buaiasts as partner audar tbs Brra
asm and style of Smith & Hrastisld, Hiram
Smith, John al Watera and W vv ttrtggs,
doing business ander the firm namo of
Smith, Waters ft ttritfin, Hiram Smith.
lames W Brsstiald, John F MoCullev, lames
M bhslly and V J nrainwsll.doinu business
ander the Brm nsms of Smith. Hrastiald At
Co.. Msry A K imith, James W,
l.ydia liiaahsld, fclisabath Martin, Alesan
der Mommsrville, WtllooKhby Cliurchiil, K P
CsMwsll, John y Vsuiihu.deo Usilsy, John
ttomutervtlle, tl W II III, Joseph So in me r-
vil!e, Solnmeo Cos, Mainusl Nison, John
MuCartnay, Hear Kansehe, Catheriue
Wigle, A llamphrvy, John CoKawall, Jacob
WiuIk, John Ksiaay and John Uurnatt.part
ners doinif business audor the tirni nama cf
K sissy Huroeit. Jaa K F A Cbeuo
wath and F M Johuaoo, doiug busiooaa an
der the firm asms of Chsnowsth St John-
son, l)amon Smith, Joha F McCullsy.Naocy
. w.i... f..k. v . Wi-a.i.i u
vvi.u i inuviv twin
mervilla. EF Wyitt, Daniel MoClaio, O II
Uabar, UacR Wommervills Harvey 8m
met villa, O It Ward, J.rry Hay. John Fua
ter.J I ltnnatt,J II 1 llonderson.J B Hill,
M WHS Ins, Samuel swlll,lliram Hmitkanil
Mary A K Smith, bin wife, Wesley W
BrifKS and llarrstt Brings, his wife, A (1
Hovey snd H C Humphrey, partners sixl.r
tha ttrm name ot llovey .V Humphrey, John
M Thompson, Ivan K lUwaon, Isaao Vau-
doyn and D U HIM, iMandsnt. j
Notioe Is berahy civea that by virtua of
so eiseutioa and order cf il Usaed out of
tha above named Court ia the abova aati
tied sait, I will on
Salarrfajr, lha ttih stay of Aa(af. lass,
st ths Court House door, ia tbs eity ot Al
bany, iaan Coouty. Lf.egon, at tbe boar of
I o olook p. m. ol sid dsy, sell at pablio
aoetioa for cash la band to tbe highs! bid
der ths real property doacriheil in said ese-
eatiou sua order ( sals, oald rwsl property
ts described ia three parcels marked rs-
spectively ' A, "B aoJ "V," aud U aa ful
lows, to-wit t
PaiCel "A," N.. I. oonmiHuoiun at Ihe
oortbeast eorosr of fraetiusial Kiver lot, Ho.
2, in MoCutlsy's addition tu llarrtabarg.aod
running tbeooe aurtb 30 feet, tbeore wast te
the r.ver, theooe soatb 30 test ap th river
hank, tbcace east ta tha pta of beginaiag.
Also survey Ns 40, begiouiUK at a point b
links north, ZIH hake west i,f tbs sootloa
take between secinms 4 sud 5. on utairc 37,
id T 15, S It wast ol tbe Willamette meri
dian, ruaniug theace north 8 45', west 739
links I tbeooe north li'. wet 702 links t
tbeooe eooth 41 U. wet2C3lioks thence
south IS 7 huks, thenoa e 4S9 links U
lha place of btfiooin, oontaiaing ft sorts
mora or less. Also lot No 3, tu block No 1,
and tbe east lot lot No 4. sod the sou th-
weat U of lot Ko 4, ia blk So 1. ia tbe eit
.f Harris berg, ooauty of Linn, elate of Ura-
goo ; also tbe sooth ot fiacti..iaal river lot
No 1 ia McCnlisy a addition to tbe eity of
Harrtsborg, ia Lisa ooouty.Oreeno.tOwethar
with the leoemeuts, heieditameats and ap
porteaabeea thereunto belonging.
Faroei "B." No. 2, deaenbl as follows to
wit I The Douatioo Land Claim of Usory
11 ays aad ife, being No'.itioatitio No 3&3o,
claim No 53, parte of sections 11 and 12,
T H, SJ It VV, 10 seres ia tbe wast
pait deeded to .'vnu boo.merviile ; also
eoeamanoing at tha 3 U cruar of tbs Henry
Uays bonalioo Lsod Claim, ia T 18, S U 4
west, turning thence E 191 rods totheeoaa
ty rood, thenoa northerly along said oounty
road to a point due east t f tbe N E ot race of
the said Hays lsUon Claim, thcuce west
to tbs K E oarutr ol the said tiaya Duoatioo
Claim, tbeuee aoatn along ths eaat lias of
said Hays claim to tbe place of begiouiog,
eontaiblag 114.91 sors. Also the follow,
log d .sen bed pre.nue., being sit sated ia
Uuo ooauty, state of Q.etton, to-wit : Lot
12 sad west L ol lot 1 1, in blk No I. in Mc-
Cult)' addition to the city of llsiriabarg ;
alsj the south of ths W of lot No 3, ta
bik Na 1, in to city of Ilarruburg also
oomiueaciag at a point 10 rods 8 ol tbs & W
career ol the plat of tbe city af Uarrtaburg,
running tbepce wast 4 rods, Ibeoce sooth
32.40 rods, tbeaea K 84 rod, tbeooe N 32.40
rods, theace W 80 tnds to tbe place of be
ginning, eoqtataiog 17 acres more or leas to
gstbsr with toe spparteasnoes.
raieel "V." Ho 3. eommeceteg 49 rods
aoath of the quarter stake on tbe seetioo line
betwsen sactions 2tf and 27, ruamog tbsaoa
suBtb U0 rods to a stske, thence wast 60
rods, tiisoce north CO rods, tbsaea eaat 60
rods to the place of begiouioe, containing 22
acres wore ut lying apd being situated
in seetioo 27, T 15, 8 B 4 west, being ia the
county of Lion, state of Ortgeo also frso
ttonsl lot No 3, ia tbe eity of Hsrrisbarg,
Linn county, state of Oregon : also beana
piing 16 chains sooth of the qoarter secti a
stake on the north beaudaiy line of See 22,
Tp 15, S R 4 west, and running tbenee N
29. west 6 ehkios thenoa north 38 west 10
ohains and 20 link , tli.noe wsat 2 aad ooe
quarter ) chains j tl euce north seventy
ueitreos oi.s and ehaios ; tbenee south
seventy degrees west sevnty-0ve links ;
tbeooe sooth sigbty . links j theooe south
twenty -nins degress sast sovsnty three links ;
tbenee sonlh eleven degrsee eaat seventy -tiiiea
links t thence touth thirty degrees
saat eighty lioks ; thence south thirteen de
grees sast seventy-one hnks j theuce south
ten degrees ssst two and oue-half chains t
thenoa soatb thirteen degrt ss east savtn
ohains and forty-one links ; tbsnee south
four degrves east fear chaios and eighty
three links i tlisuos east oiue cbaius and
forty-two links to tbe place of bcgiuniug, con
taining Gfteea acres, mors or less, ia Lion
oounty, Oregon. Also commencing at tbs
sooth est onrner of tbe piece of laud owned
by Thomas Itoacb in donation land claim No
2850. Tp 15 8 H 4 west, running thence west
to ths csat line of the O ft O B K 14 rods ;
tbeuee eaat to Thomas Roach's west line ;
tbenee south fourteen rods along said Roach',
west lino to the place of beginning in Harti
burg, Linn county, Oregon, together with
tbe appurtenances. The proceeds of sale to
be applied as f( l'ows, to-wit t Ths pro
ceeds sriaing from the sale of ths tract herein
described marked exhibit, "A" to be applied
first to the payment of th cists of snd upon
thi writ aal aceraing Cost) next prorata to
tbs payment of the following claims witu in
terest on eseh st the rste of one per cent per
month from the 26th day of April, 1882.
I laintifTs olaim, 17334.78 s tltase Vanduyn,
$205 85 j Solomsn Cox, f 179.04 j Willongh
hy Churchill, $223.86 Kliztbeth Sonimer
ville, 68.57; H N Hill. $489. 1 1; (is .Bailey,
$1299.75; J B Hill, 8227 03;D K Hill $687.33
Henry Kansche,$1694.fJ9; Catherine Wigle.
$1120.50. The proeeeda of the sale of tbe
tract of land marked, exhibit "B" to be ap
plied prorata to the psj mtnt of tbe follow
fngclaim with interest on each at the rate
of ooe per cent per month from the 2Gth day
of April, 1682, to-wit i Plaintiff's claim.
$16957.19 : Jerry Hay, $67.24 ; I Vaaduyn,
1205.85 ! Maok 8mmerville, $147.13 ; W
Churchill, $223.86 ; J H U Henderson,
$709 50i O It Ward, $1889.31 ; Solomsn
Cox,$l79 04; Elizabeth Snmmerville, $68 67;
H N Hill, $489 11 ; Qeo Bailav, $1299,75 ;
J B Hill, $227 03 j D ft Hill, $687 30 j
Henry Kansche, $1694.69. Tbe proceeds o I
the sale of tbe treot of land marked, tx
bibit 1 C' tr be applied prorata to tbe pay
ment of tbe following claims with iotenst
on eaoh at tbe rate of one percent per month
from the 2flih day of April, 1882, to wit. .
Plaintiff's eisim, $8273,55 t Jerry Hsy,
$67.24, M Sommerville, $14743; O R
Ward, $1889 31, and the surplns if he
applied to the claim of the Defendant, I R
Dated this 23rd day of July, 1889.
John Smallmoit,
Sheriff of Lino oonnty, Oregon.
United ftUtss t.snd Offie.
Iinvn City, Onuron, July lKlh, 1KW.
KIIm t hcrsti irimn thst in eianiillsnes with ttio
pruvisluns ol Uis sut si Ciii(rss nl June flnl, H1H,
sntlUsd "An aat tor ths ssl ut tlintxr Isn In ths
HMt tl Olllnrnls, Drtpin. Msvsils Slut Wishing-
Simi Tsrrltury," t olls K Htiltliisan. ol Allisny. ttntin
T of Linn, Stats of Orctn,hs this rlsy nisii in this
olHo hi sworn Statamsnt ha ItM, tor lit pumtiMs
of tla I of No In Tp No 10 south, rUntf
No 1 salt, and will sltor proof to slrnw thst tin Isnd
snukt Is mors rslusbls lor Its tltnlwr or suin than
tat sHoiiltiirl purHMs, and wi Misiiusn niseisim
to snld land Mors lbs Hoirlstsr anil Hseelver ol this
ms st Orsvoa I'iiy, Or von, on Mundsy, lbs 14(h
day of (kisiibsr, Wm, Ms hum ss wltiiMaw t II
Mrsnnsn, W Ems, J H Towslsv slid W II Tsjli.r, all
of Allwny, blnn oounty, Orvifim. Any and all per.
sons siaiiiuif aovsnicit ins snov aiwriimi isiius
sr rsquostsd toltlsttistrelslmsln llils orttow on or
baton said 14th dsy of Uttnlwr, IHNU.
W. T. Uiisksv, Hnglstsr.
Valtad lutes Land Office,
Orwron City, Oraua, July tilth, ISHtf.
Natl as is hsraby glvea that In enviilialice itli the
proriiluns ol tits aul nt t;u im nt June SnJ, 1H1M,
eniltlad"Anaittiirthesaleuf Umber laniltln Mi.
SUuas of Uaillornia, tiragan, Nsvetle and Waalilnstou
T.rrltory," Justus B Tuwalay, of Allwiiy, eounlv ut
Linn, aiats ot tlregnn, has this (lay flltd in thlantni-e
his sworn statemsut Nil UU tur Ihe purvhase ul the
K W of Mm No tu, In Tp No ill south, lUiiir. No S
east and will offer proof U show thst ths anj auiiuht
tsnwre valuable for Its timber rr stone than for sg
rleulturaj purpnesa, and to esUlill.h hla claim to said
land beta. Ut. Krgistarsnd Haoalvar ot this oMoeat
0eont.'tiy,trairon, on Monday, the 14th dsy oltHh
tohar. IHHtl. He nansas wttnnare I ft Kotilnsnn.
I M.Raa, It Hrennan sud W II Tavlur, all of Albany,
Una eounty, ttnwon. Any and all iwrstms claiming
ariraraaly the above 'Isanrlbed bunt are rsiUu.-d U
flls thalrelainis In tlilsolttoe on or before said llih
day of Ontobar, 1SWJ.
W. T, IH assy, llpglsler.
t'nlud lUtas Und Offloe,
Or.gin Ky. inetn, July lh,
Notloe lab.raby given that In eonipiluios ltb the
nrovMuns ot tbe aot of Vanerasa ol June Srd. Is. a.
entitled "An aut for sale of timber lamU In the Htalm
ol Cailornla, llraeon. Havana and Wa"hliirV,n Ter
ritory,' wuilam It Taylor, of Albany, wmniy of Linn,
HtaUof Oregon, ss Oils day Sled in thi. offloe bis
sworn sUUtneut No UKI, lor the puoitus. of Ih. N
W 1 ol be. No M, In Tp No 10 euuili. HsnvS No I
east aad will offer to show that the land sought
la avtre valubla tor lis Umbaror stme tliau turag
rteulturaj uunuaa. snd lo establish his claim to said
land ball ira tbs Has-latar and reuelver ul Uila oitto. al
Oregon I'lly, Oratoo, on stondav the Uth dav ot thf
lobM, lass. He eaaies as wllman J II Tuwalay,
H Bianpan, W Kasl sad U MrHae, all of Albany, Ll'iu
Mimv, Orae. Any and all parsuna eUliiilne ad.
Veraalv tlM abive dasarlbad la Ida are riKOaatad lo fll. claims In this oltltt oe or ktforelhls llth dsy
etUoWber, I Mo,
W. T. Ili sssr, RagUter.
t'nltrd StoUta Land otnoe.
urvgon City. Oregon, July ltth, 1M0
Notloe la hereby given that Incompliance
with Lie nrovlalona of the aut of Conurcaa nt
Juues, priS.entitled"Ao aol fur the sale of lim
ber lands In the slates nf t'allfnrnla. Uroa-nn
Nevada, and Wnshlngtoo Territory, Walter
but, of Albany, rouuiy ofLlnn.ataU r Ore
gon, naa una uay iiifu in nusorai nis sworn
statement No li.ll, for Ihe iturolmae al the S W
I of section NoiH.ln township No lo.emilh range
No S eaat, and will 4fTnr rnl to snow that ine
land sought Is min valuable lor Us lint unr nr
atone than lot agrlcullural porMiara.Knd In
Ubllah hla claim laaaltl land beliretli. K.-e la
ter aod Meealver nf this iiSm at Oregon My.
oreguo. on Monday, Ine I lib day of notuber.
Inks, lie names a wltmsara i It MrHa, N
brenaan,Jtiruwaliy andWH ray tur, nl Albany,
Linn eounty. Oregon. Any ami nil le-raima
claiming adveiaely ihe above iteacrliied lautla
are reiiiieated U nie their ela'ma In thla Mtti.v
en or uelnre said tub da v i.f nmiilr, Immi.
VY TIH'SKSt, HcglsU-r.
Notice for Publication.
' Lsnd office al Oregon City, O.
July l?ttt, IHrtl),
Holloa la bar by given that lb follow.
Ing namexl aol'ler baa Iliad noilie of Ida
Intention to make Anal proof In aupport
of blaolalui, ana that said roof will ba
uiaila before t ha County Clark of l.lnn
oount , at Albany, Oiegon, on
Meaday. KeplrastN-r IStts. lass.
vlStOeo W. ilarrta. rreampttou It K
Mo. WOt. lha HV i( ol M W i of So'.
MTplOMIllw. Ha n.ttias tho follow
ing wilneaaoa t prove hla ronlinuon
raaUlenra upon aiut coUlva'ion of aul. I
land, via I II O. Hall . V. Hsi,tl K
llodgera ai d W. K. lUelgeia, all ol N. In,
Lisa oounty, Oregon,
Any pirsnit who dmires to pmtoel
sgaluat Iba allowance of am b trwif, or
who anowe of any subatanilei reaor.
under lha law and lbs regulations of ll.a
interior Oepeitment, why auch proof
enould not be a lowed, will na glv-n an
opportunity at the above inantionod lime
and place to erosa-exsmlaa tha w llnosaea
(f aald claimant, and to offer evidence)
In rebuttal of lbalubmltld hy claimant,
TV. T. ItirtaNKT.
SberifTs Salo '
Im IA CTree.' CoH of ti Slulr of Oi tgom fur
fAe CVmsfy of Llm t
L Kline, Plaintiff.
James 0 auk lot, DsfobJut.
Kotioe is given thst by virtue of
aa eseeation usued out of tha above aimed
Coert ia tbe above eulitlcl action, I did on
tbe 6th dsy of August, lSSO. In ljonooonr,
Oregon levy "poo all the rilit title and In
terest of James U Jubsias, the defendant
above named, to or to the piemUee ber.iaaf
ter described, aud will op
aatarelay, itss Tib day af aesHesaber, lasa,
st tbe Conrt Hoose door iu the city t-f Al
bany, Linn ooiiaty, Oregon, at the hoar of 1
o'clock, p. in. of said day at puLlie aoe
tioa foroaah ia hand to highest bi-lder all
the right title aad ii.Nreet of J.mea U Joi
kins, tbe drfeadant alOV i named in or to the
folloalag described real pptty to-wit t
Tbe wast half of the soothes! qnirterar.d
lots 2 and 3 of See 17 ami the northwest
qoarter of the ooribeaet quarter and lota 1.
2, aad 3 of Sea 20 ia To 12 south of Rtnge 4
wee ia the district of lands .object lo sale
st Oregon City,Orrg"0, containing one lint
dred sad siity sores sad ninety-sis ban
dredths of eoeote, tha same lieing tea do
nation land olaim ol James Junkiue No 3794
aad sitosted ia Lion ooaoty, Oregon. Tbe
proceeds si Isiog from sash ssle to be sppled
first to tbe ptj meat of the coste and dl
barse meets Uted at $22 85 and aocraing
coate. Heooad to tbe payment t- the I'laio
tiff, L Kline tbe snm of $231 1 37 with inter
est thereon at tha rats 1 1 12 per cent per ab
sent from the 27tb day of Jazr, 1SH9.
Dated Ibis 7tb drj of Aogvst, ISS9.
John Mmallmom,
8hsri(fof Linn county, Oregon,
SheriiTfc Salo.
Im tk Circuit Court oj lit Stat e Orfjon
for the County of Limn :
1 It Dewsce, Plaintiff,
YV Ellison, Dt fcnJant.
Notice is hereby glv.o that by Virtoe of
aa eseeation iseoed out of tbe above named
Conrt in te above ebtitiled action, I will
alarday, Ihe fist day af Sealembrr, issa,
at the boor of 1 o'clock p. m.of eaid day, at
tha Coort Honse door in the eity of Albany,
Liun county, Or goo, aell for cash ia baud
to tbs highest bidder ths real property here
tofore attachi d iu tbs above entitled action,
sod drsotibed as follows to wit : Lots Ho
S and 0 in block No 3 iu town of ShedJ Sta
tion io ths comity of Linn snd tttatef Ore
gon, The proceed arul.ig from the aala nf
ss id premises to be spplitd First to the
payment of the casts aud disbursements of
suittaxtd ot $t77 10 and soorulug cost.
8eond to the payment tothe Plaintiff, I R
Daason the sum of $1042 19 with interest
theieon at ths rata rf 8 par cent per auuum
from tbe 24. h .ty of Juae, 188!), lets tbe
earn of $931 68, tbe proceeds srising fiom
the sals of persoiiid property berukifore sold
by virtue nf said exeeution on the 1st dsy of
August, 1880.
John fc'MALLMon',
Sheriff of Lion county, Oregon .
United States Lend flca.
Oregon Oitr, tfreeon, JulytlM,1889,
Kotlot Is hereby alien thatlncninpllanaa with the
provisions of the set of Onngrusol June .,lH78,eiitltld
"An act fortheasleofUinberlandsin thesutesof C'al
ifornta Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
Andrew L Baker, ol Brovnsvllle,omintv of Linn, state
of Oreeon, has this Uay filed in this off ine his sworn
statement No 12tf, for the pnrennae of the N E I of
section No 82, in tcwnshle No 10, south range No t
east,and will offer proof to .how thst the land sought Is
more valuable for its timber or stone than fnrnirrkml
tural pnrpases, snd tarstablish his claim to said lsnd
before tbe Keglster and Kecelverof this off lost Oregon
City, Oregon, on Haturdsy, the 181 h day of Outoher,
1889. tie names as witpnses : A P Howo.J K MclUr
gue, N B Huuiduh and W C Cxilty, all of Mrownsville,
Linn county , Oregon, Any and ali persona claiming
ad reraely the elmv. described lands are reqnrMwl to
Die theircUimstntbisaffioeon or before esld lltthday
Of October, 18S0. ., r
W T Busrst, Register.
Admiisistrator'js Notice,
Notice is hereby givto that the oo4ii'i(o
ed as been by the County Conrt of Linn
connty, Oregon, duly appointed Adminis
trator cf the estate of 8. II. Althonse, de
oeased. AU persons having claims against
said estate srs hereby notified to present
them properly verified within six months
from the date of this notion to the under
signed Administrt tor, at At)any,Liun ooun
y. Oregoe, .
Dated July 30th, 1889.
S. E. Younci,
- ' ' Administrator.
United Stntrs Lnntl office,
ori-iron run orfgnn. July ITtii, (Min.
Notion ts beri'liy ttivi'ii Unit, lit e mtilint.o.-'
with the nrnvlsliuia nr tha act ..r i'nrH nr
June , IN7K, eiil ltifd An Ao. for I In mlo ..I J
iniiiirr innus in ins rllnt.oa nr fivilfnriilii, nr.-.
gun, Nevada and Washlnalon Torrltiiry." rnl
Brinan, nt NeatllM, Cntiiily of King, Tmrllorv nf
Waalilngton, hns this Uny filed In llils iil
hla sworn slulimii'iit, No. l,22t,fnr Urn pnri'hnae
of the SK of srM Inn No. iM, In I.iwiikIiIi No,
iu 8. rnngn No. a K, and will nfTfr i-rom m nlmw
thattlin Innd aniiuht la mora vltrliii .nr Its
timber or atone tbnn furngrlculturnl 'iirjm..
aiidtoestnbll.h hiscialiit to snld Inntl liBlnre
Iho Keglster and fteoolvvrof this olllco nt tin -gun
City, Oregon, on
aianlay, lha lata liny af Ori..ler, Imm,
B He names ns wltnrascst r X aiir'tmr. II
Kiolm, M Mtewnrt and K Mans, all of ni nit lc,
King County, Wnahltigtnn Territory.
Any and nil tM-rsiuiN elnltnlng ailvrrsely Hit-alHtve-ih'sorlliid
IhihIs ara requnattid to 1Kb
their clnlma In this nilloe on or borore snld Uth
dny ot UcUibi r, Ihsu.
W T llt assr, tteglsli r.
United Nlntcs Lsnd onion,
M I'regnu my tin gnn, July ITth, l,H,
Nolle is hcri-hy given llml in ciiii.liiu,.
with the iMvlsliiiisnf the act of tiongh-as ol
June a, HTit, nntitlcd "An Act for thu sitn ni
1 1 Hi be. lands the Nlatea of Calllni'nln, or,
goa, Nevada and Washington Territory, '
fcdward tlans, or Hanttle, Comity of lil..g,
Territory of Wnshlngton, hna this dny (II. l in
this online hla sworn atntnmnnt No. l.a.H, lor
the piin-hnae of the SK I of eo Ion ho. 'ii, In
townsliln Ho. lu M, rnngo No. 2 , and will uxh t
prnnf to show that the land sought is tinint
valuable for It timber or atono tliun tornurl.
eulturnl purpose, and toestabllsli bla cl.iiii
to said Innd before the Heglator i.'ul Kihi Ivi r
of this ollloo at tiri goii city, urogon, oi
alurday, lbs inh Uay sr luli.ber: I1M
lln nainea aswltneaaest Y i-IM.-ri.C Y
lolling, M St o wart, and V flenaa, nil oi arm
tie, King County, Washington Term. ry.
Any and all persona olulinliig adv. r.cly
Blxive-dnaeribed liiniU are reineird t.i ii.e
their claim, in this ollloc on or bofore s.ibl 1.". h
day ot UoUibcr, su,
WT Ittiassv, Hi gili t '
United Mtales Land tiftlon.
urrpiii i:ity, Oregon, July am,, jsta.
Notlna Is hereby given tlmt In coinpiUi.ce
w,th pruvlalimaor lueadl of Congri .-as oi
Junes, licit, entltWnV-Ao iMftlor the sale ..Ui,.
br lands III the atifU. of C alir.iriilu, O.ib., .
Nevada, and WaablngUiu Ti rrlUiry,'1 Jm.n W
rajrue, ot Beatll.n wiunly of King, lorrin.ry ul
Washington, has tins day filed in thlsomou M.
sworn aiNUimeiil, No la lit, for tha purotnwiit
tltu K W t ol si-otmn Nuai. In lownabln N, 1 1
south rango No t east, and will otrr pr-x.i '
show that the laud aougnt la mure valual.l.. ., j
iiMu.r.r .uiii.imii lor agriouitural ti
p.ea. and to ralnblisb hi claim to aalu In ml
before the Ki-gll.-r nnd Keoeivcr of tills .ill,.-.
at Oregon Cltv.oron,oii Tut aday.the Mh tn
... , uaioea aa Wlllie.aea t At
all oia,..itl.. a.n. e. u 7 ".' "J"'. ' !
wniieiu s uuruereit. lumt. u u- .... i
UM-y. Any and all rsoiia clalinlng adver l
the above downiK-u lands ate rr.iin .t. d to nu
W T tit sssr, KegMtr.
I'Ultxd Mnli-s l4tud ontee.
w . u,T'"a W,K'. July 8JU.I, tit-it
Nidtco la Mere, y glveu that It, ,.iM.imi..
Willi lite provlsl.i,. of lima. I nf
Junes. lil.S.enllt i.r Anait lorthe aut., .,1 iin
ber auo. 111 tbe iaia ..r l alifomla, or mi.
Nevada j.ii.1 Wa.lilngUtM Terillory,"John flao
lga,oi VnnoiHiver, eounty ul ''lurae, territory
d Waaiiing on, ha.thia day filed lu this oftioe
bis sworn tl.iVt Ni, IJ1M. lurlha .... ..i... -
of the t (nf aeotl.Mi ho u. la low.i.hln ko
IX south range ho i eaat, and will ofT-r tJiaif
lo allow llml lit land sougbl Is moro valuable
lor iu timber or stono limn for agrieulturul
purpoana, and to 1,1. elnin, u,
laud bel. re the KegiMer and Keeeiver nt thie
olttee at Oregon fity, r..g.,n. oil Wedneada.
Ihe Hah day nt owtxr, line, lln names aa
wltneaara . O W nbiii and J hweet, van
e.uvrr, l !arkeeom,ly, W T.and W II Mary, and
W enge.of rortland.Mu)Uioiuab eounly.ore.nm.
Any and all neraoua elniiuing !vnrly Hie
above daeriia-d are r-'ii.'uu to 11 1
their el inn. in mis mi or bf ore Iwh
day ol IJCtober, IIV.M.
W T lu st. lul.ler.
foiled Mate tinl ottlee.
urrgou 1 Hy, on-gon. July 2.'nd, s.
hotlm U tn-rel.y givei, (,ai 111 nnuiiliaiK
with lha provi.lous of tim ,,r CouKreauf
June 4. .!t, iilit. d"Aiiai-t lorlhe aa:d tim.
brrUhdalu Ihe auiue ot alifornia, Oregon
Nevada, and W eahliiKton Ttrriiari" i..,.no. in, ol Vancouver, oounty of Clarae, tern.
liry . V .Illusion, baa tin. day tiled la Una
nftkw hi. aatoru Mateineot ), (il; ,r l(,B ,,1)r.
eliaae ut the of ft ton Nu JJ, 111 Uiwnanii
No IJ, auutli ralite So t al, and lll orfi r
proof to abow that the land sought la more
valuable for lis timber or atone than lor agri
cultural urMMw-a.and le eMal.luu hla rlalln lo
aald land belore KegMrr and Kewlver ut
Ibieoftlce al Oregon l liy. I'reifon, on Wednea
day, the ;! day u4 Oetowr, tivsi. 11. nam- a aa
w tueaat-s : J llamgan and J (tweet, ol Van
touver. Clarke eouuty. W T, and W H Marye and
w I'urlland.aulllioinah ru lit y. Oregon.
Any nod all nrnone elaJmiug alvcrely the
alaivo deserilKHl lauda are rv.u(ated to Hie
their claim. I , thla bffleoon or bviure aabl liMU
day of tKtober, l-i.
W T 111 a. It i-g later.
VultiKt Kt.iei Und 'rtt,
Orrr mo tlir.Oreeqn. Julv Smb lui
N"tlr U tureby (ir.n that in wotluuKie nh the
hrotUt.Kt.ol Uariuf I'oagTMiaf Junaanl. !.
Uile4"Aa art fur Iba asl. uf UDilr but ta Id lb. auui, 1 mrna. .V.vb.U artd Washington Ter
niory." leal Ufesistaa, ut ScatUa, ouuttly ul King,
TarrtUrfy ul W'Mbtnguai. tut. this day Died In thi. oj
fk bl. .warn .ujettwiil X.. mi, t. tb. tturrlwa. f
tbe li W I ol Hm Ko l. In To Ho to soutb" Htna No
t asal. aod slU og.r prw4 ia aboe that tb. Luul mmghl
I. aver, valuabl. t-H II. InnbOT or mom than, iur mf
nctillursJ rurp".., and lo ariablbib hlaeUHa tMtd
laod UtR-u Kociswand llae Iter o thu mi
og tliy, in.i, cm Tunuav, the 1Mb day el tlo
fcilar, iwj, II. iuuua tliwn., : Jw -,,o J
llartMr, U A Itnneiliotd J Y Waltls, all of IwaUi.
King eininty, HaUilneUw rerrttory. Any snd ail rr
Sun. rialiuiug Sitv.rwly tb. abov.ta-nbat land, ara
niuartd lo 01. Oerir eUltn. la tb onto, on or balers
aahl IM day U October, l-i.
'. T. lit sssr, Rgkrtr.
l' hi 11 8!aU l.m.1 OMr.
Ot.aua .lty. O-r.nti. July JJnd, Imo.
S rtlcU bvn.iy ei'eu Uiatin etnrftaue eith the
provutune of lit. act i oegne. of June Srd, tifTa,
nt-llvl "An art tur tb. ami. nl timber lam1, ia tb.
HuMea of t alifornia, Oregon, h'.vada and W utiles Umi
Tnt.Hy." Oaiit.1 Ituikin, of Iwibuel, eounly Hull.
neeutb, Kuu tf orevuo, hut thi. d.v Slwt la Utt. of
Bc but eora iuini,t .., l;(n, f, tb. trobaa. at
lb. b K I of UK No So n -, .s j .uih UnRa No
eaat, and ill ttrr proof b. .let ihat tit. land aaUKbt
k) more vatuakl. fo. Ita lOubrr or .unto lhaa for as
rUniltunu partwmi, aud tu .atablUb bis claim to aald
land btrforalb. ftTgilerand hoorit.rof thla office al
Oregon City. Oregon, rn WeUheal.y, the llh day nf
OrtobM, lwJ. II. MUteSSS ItnraM : J rianigan
and J Hwrnrt, ul V.ncmrer, f 'lark eounty, Halii. e
Ion Tnnurr, and W U Mar. and W a.g, i
Porlbuui, Mulinonish onunty, tnnron. 411 aud all
persun. claiming advmclv lueattovedaicrined Uods
ar. nejueed lofll. ihlr claim, lu this tfltue oner
befor. wild lab dsy of trtf.bcr, Im-tl.
W.T. lit sssr,
Vulted Butt baud OHee,
Orsii t iiy. Ornfon. July t4, latt.
Notice la h-r.l.y given I bat lu eompllat.c. with the
.rol.i"ns of tbe act ol t'oncrtK. of June Srd, I NTS, an.
tilled "An act Im tha rale ttl timber land. In the Males
ol Ca lfornia, llreunn, Nevada, and VYanliingtnn Tor
siutry," John bereft, "f Vsuoouv.r, enutty uf C srka,
Tarrilory of Hathlt.ston. baa thi. day Bled tu this nf
fl his svnuTi .lateaeint No tu, for the purchaes id
hda t, S and ol .m Nj S-Tp No 13 south Ittttifo No
t ut, and mill filer pnatf to .how Ui.t tb. land
atMight Is mor. valuable tor iu timber or .ton. than
fie' airricultural niuii.o aud Ut establUb hi. claim to
aald la nl belore Ihe IU gi.U' and Itecelver of this of-
Hoe si Orwon Lltr, or.on w Mltifwi.y, tbe lflth day of
October. lieW. lit names as witnesaas I J llanlgan
snd J Iti.baun, of Vmcouv.r, Clarke count r. W T. and
W T Marys and W, ul Portland, Miiltnoroah
county, tlr.emi.1 Any ai.d all t.runs elslnting ad
v.nely tb. above-di ntribnd lands are requested to
flle their d dm. In this otllce on or bcfire Slid lU:h
dsyofocbUr, 18e.
W. T, Brssitr, IUgUicr,
Tkbep Land Notice,
United Stales Und Ofllce,
Oregon City, Oregon, July l"th, IS81).
Notice Is hereby given that lit 0 . mi: I it o. Willi tin
provisions ol the Act cf Ciuigms i f June S, IhVh,
entitled "An Act for the tale of timber lends In tiio
ht.te.uf California, Orei(vi e'ovada and Washington
Terrltnry,1 1 hsrles f bbMling. of fktattle. Cnuiily ol
King, Territory of VVasbluglusi, is this dsy Died lu
IhU olfloa hli .worn statement No 1227, (or tb. pur
chase of th. KW i nf Section No til, In Towiuwlp No
10 South, Kange No t Keat, and will offer (iro f to
shoe that tlie land Sought Is more valuable fur Its
limber or sbine than for sgrlcultural purKtacs, and
to establish his claim to said laud before the Reglttor
snd of this otTc. at Oreicon City, Oregon, cn
Saturday, the llth Dny of October. 1KD.
He names as witnesses P Ollbert, E Mais, M
Ruwart and 11 nihil, all ol Seattle, Kin County,
Washington Territory.
Any and all persona elahning adversely tha above
tleuirllicd lantls ara raquc-tcd lo flle their claim. In
thi. office on or before suit! I th dsy "f OeUiber, 18Hi.
, W" r 111 KXv,
t tlcgl.ter.
Tiin'ier Lani Notice.
United Status Lsnd Offlo
Orcrou City, Oregon, July, IS, ls80.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provlitiiiis of the Act of Congr.. ol June it 1D78,
ni It I. d "Au.Aelfortitcaaleof tim Iter lanu. In th
Slates of Ciifortils, Oregon, Kcvsila and Wash ingtop
Territory," Chaa. H. Peunic, of Ko"k Creek, County
of Linn, State of Ocgon has this in this
offlcs hla sworn statemsut ' II US, for the purchase
of tho NW J ol election No. U. lu Township No. 10
S, Kange No. S , and will i ffer proof to show thai
Ih. land sought is uire vlub e fur its timber or stone
than for agricultural nurpises, snd to establish his
c'slm to said land before the Retflstar aud Receiver
ol this office, st Oregon City, Oregon, en
Tuesday, tbe Sth Dny of October. 1880.
He names es wltnctret: WrVlgirs,P Smith, W
Clark and J; Hogsn, all of Bo.k Creek, Linn County,
Oregon. ' .
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
dt scribed lantls are requested to Hie their claim, (n
this oUlc? on or before uid Hth day of Oittolier, lbe9,
. WErsar,
HugisUr, .
Physician -and Surgeon,
Graduate of Bellevne Hocpital Medioe
OoDege, New York City.
. Diseases of wotnaa a 'specialty
taTOffiee; Fromao's TSriok, Albany, O.'s
Lal'omt &
rii'rir stocicoi Ce-rtooisriiKf?
In alwnyrj Complete.
pswj tVlf fy f' pf'f
"Snpcrior," "Argand," "Garland"
Firo backs.
Warran tod
15 years, Ali
sizes an
.if f oi
Roofing", Job Work, Phimbing.
Eave Trough. Range Boilers
Conductor Pumps.
Sftn 11111- V... an, I a l,lf t.t
erxN work Oxen.iocftbor rlb vokee
ait'l rhaltia; ate vratl broke cafle, and
wilt bo sold at a bargain for roab. ttelug a
part o: lha oalata f Joha Koblnatt, lo
erased. A r-jtl- to John W. I'lir-li. Ailinlu.
Utrator l it a ICMais at Sh wl l, nrr g n.
SAND, AC 1'etaona desiilng aand,
loairtoi grasol fr.'tu lha pretnbesol
F. U. uvh in lieuton county, ein rot-tire
tti kts for the saino at my otB.w, Crav.
furtiV IJ t k, Albany, Oregon.
Cuae. K. Wolvkkto!.
A ro'.Ubtt U. H. Standard S-ton seato
only fS7. Doilvereil at your nearoal rail,
ro ul st.tlnh free of fielgltt on thirty days
trial, Larger scales at propoit lonsteiy
low 1 rlnen. Warranted five jeaia.
Albany, Oregon
f lilted Kutcs Land Off ice.
Oregon City, oergtn, July Jllh, 1SM9.
Notice la he 'cliy given ihat lu compliance with ths
tnl.l m. ot th. a it of CHtgraw of Jun S.l.tTS.atilitled
Anacttiirlhasale of Umber land, in tbe stale, d Cel.
Ifttmia, Oregon, N.vsea .and W.htngton Tomuiry, t'ldll, Vsnoju.r.ui.tT of Clarke.terrlUa-y
ol Washington .ha. thiadaf Sled In Oils office hu tmra
ta' Nnliml. lor the nrch.t ol the H K J nt
Section No Si. InUiwiwkio Noli, smith range hot
eaat, and ill offer ftmof lo show thst the land sought
ia emr valuab'e tur lu timber or .ton. than for agrl
colltiral .urfwM, and to entahlii his claim to aald
land tha Reg-tater and tUocivar of this office at
Oion iHy.oregtm, on Monday , tb. Slut dsy of Oc
tnbar, a. He name, aa eritneaeve J I'lanlgso, W II
tdayre.W W Pnioii.tnl and John Swmi.sMoI Vancou
ver, Llarke enuntv, W T. Any and all peraone claiming
adi ersrly tha above described lands are requeirWd lo
Ala their claims hi tins office on or bt fore said tint day
October .IBM!.
WTBvsjst; Register.
United mates Land OITloo.
orogon City, Oregon. July 21rd, lAsfl.
Ntitlre ta licrft y (;Ivmi that In ctimpllaaee
with tho provisions of the act of Congress of
Jtin3,lri?N,nttl led"An act forth sale ot timber
In tide In the stales nrt.'allfornia.Orc-Ron.Novatla,
nnd WashlugtonTerrltory," Arohlttaltt W I'ru.
ahnvr.of Albany,enuuty ol Llnn.atate ol Oregon,
hnsthlsdav din 1 In IhlsofTlee hla sworn state,
mi-tit No l.TJ, fur the nurehasool tlieN KJof
anotion No!. In townshlpNolo,aouthrangu6lo
3enst. and will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Ita timber or
alonellmii for agricultural purposes, andtoea.
taliliah hiselatm to said land belore the Koglstttr
and Receiver of this otrioent Oregon City, Ore-
f'on,on8utiirday, the tilth dny of October, lHftl).
le names aa witnesses 1 VY li Tuy lor, W East, U
Urennan and KHolilnion, nil of Albany, Linn
onuuty .Oregon. Any and alt persons claiming
adversely the above described Innds are request
ed to ttlothetr clnlma In this oldoconor before
said dny of October,
W TUussbt. Register,
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, tlragon, Jul) S3rd, 1K89.
Notice Is herahy given that in compliance with the
provisions of ths sot of Congress of June S,ls:8,er titled
s,An act for lha sale of timber lands In tHeslstesof
Cllfornls,Oregon,Ncvads,and Washington Territory,"
Andrew filer, of buena Vista, eounty ot Polk, state ol
Oregon, has this day filed In tills office his sworn state
ment No -m, for the purchase of t he N W J of 8 E t, N
KJofS W bJiof K WJsndHWJol NK Jof section
Mo 10. In township No 10, south ranae Not east, and
will odor proof to show tiiat the land sought is more
valuab eforlts timber or stono than foi sgrinnltural
purposes, and to establish his claim to laid land before
theUrgielerand Kecelverof this office at Oregon City,
Oregon, on Hal'irday, the ltllh day ot October, 1S80.
Uenamossswltnemios: W Ksst, W H Taylor, HBren
han and J fi Towsley. allot Albany, Linn county, Ore
gon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
uciicrHicJ lands sre requuMd to flle their claims in
this offloe ou or before ssid I9t h day of Oetober.l 1189.
WT Bt'SssT, Register .
United State Lsnd Office.
OregonClly, Oregon, July S6th, 1S89.
Notice Is hereliy givonthstln complUnce with the
proviilons of the act of Congress of Jun. 3,1878,t nlitled
"An aut tor tbe sals of timber lands In the states of Cal
ifornia , Oregon, Nevada, snd Washington Territory,"
William W Proebstel, of Vancouver, county of Clarice ,
territory ot Washington , hai this day Hied in this elf ice
his sworn statement No 1279, for the purchase of the 8
li , of section No 82, in towmhtp No 12,aouth range No
2 east , and will offer proof to show that tbe laud sought
is more valuable for Its Umber or stone than fttr sgrioul.
tural purposes, and to Mtabl h hut clsim to ssid land
before tbe Register and Receiver of this office at Ore
gon Cit-1 Oi egop, on Monday, tha 21st day ot October,
ISHSi. tie names as wltnessrs : J Flanagan, WBU&yre,
J Caldwell and J Hweet, all of Vancouver, Clarke ooun
ty, W T. Any ant ail persona elalmlng adversely tbs
above described lauds are requested to A le (heir claims
lu this oflioe on or before said 21 st day of October, 189,
VTBpssst, Register.
J&&mbfm!!t 5e.
Grocery Store
The World's
test. More
than hun
dred7 hun
Oied differ
ent sty les
"o o k s and
KHRSIHP. The partnership hereto,
fore existing under the firm oame of Wallace.
Thompson & tV, wherein T L Wallace. W
8 Thosoo K I Korea t, of the city of Al
btoy, l.o n chanty, Oregon, were (reaeral
ntrtners, is this the "th day of Angus', A.
D IS'J, rt:.i.lved by molnal cntuent, T L
W.tlaoe, retiring. Tha bosioeee will be con
dacted at the same place by W 8 Thomt-eoa
aad K fKuiet, under the firm nsnie, I
potaat A: Thomjen. who will aasorae all li
abilities and eol'ect all acoounU doe the
Da'.td this 7th (lav of Angaet, 1689.
T. I- WAtt-tt K,
W. ti.Tll)!4r0.,
E. LAKogKfT.
OLD IRON. Fitly tons nf old Iron
pasting. In any quai.tltv, wanted
immediately at ibe Albany Inn Wot I. a
llistractor and ConYcyancor,
jErOfQoe at tbeCourt IIo:ts;
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Ur., July 27, 1889.
Notion is hereby nven that in fompli
ance with the provisions of the act of Con
srreHa of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An art for
tho naleof timberhtnati in theStatcs ofCali
fornia, Orpuon, Nevada and Wanhington
Territory," Benjamin F Kyle, of Eugene,
county of Lane, ritate of Oregon, has this
day filed in this office his sworn statement
No 1317, for the purchase of the SWlol
Sec No 2, in Tp P'o 12 south, Range No 2
eaHt, and will oiler proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or atone than for agricultural purposes
and to establish his claim to said land be
fore the ltegitder and Receiver of this of
fice ot Ore(pinCity,Or.,on Friday the 2.Mh
day of October, 1880. He names as wit
neHses : A W Polsehagand 11 8 Bergman,
of Needy. Clackamas Co.. and R Howe
and J J Squires, of Albany, Linn Co., all of
Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tbe above described lands are re
quested to 'file theirclaimn in this office on
or before said 25th day of October, 1889.
VY. T. Bi'rnky, Register.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Or . , luly 27. 1889.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of Con
gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," Frank I Isliell. ot Delta.
county of Fulton. State of Ohio, has this
clay tiled in this office his sworn statement
JNo tain, lor ttio purcnase ot tbe
of Soc No 32, in TpNo 10 south, Range No
3 east, and will oiler proof to show that
tho land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of
this ottice at uregoit Uity, Or., on tnday
the 25th day of October, 1889. He names
as witnesses : R Howe, M C Yerks, J J
Squires antl F II Aldrich, all of Albany,
Linn county, Or. Any and all persons
claming adversely the above described
lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before said 25th day of Oc
tober, 1889. -
V, T. Buhney, Register.
United States Land Offloe. -
Oregon City, Oregon, July 25th, 1889.
Notice Is hereby given that lneompllsnm with the
proTudontof the act of Congress of Juoe J.1878, entitled
''An set tor tbe sale of timber lands in the states of Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory ,"
John Garner, of Seattle, county of King, territory of
Washington, has this day filed In this office his sworn
statement No 1287, for the purchase of the N W J of
section No ,in township No 10,oute range No 2 east,
and will .nor proof to show that the land sought 1.
more valuable fur its timber or stone thsn for ajfricul
tural purposee.'andto establish his claim tosaidlaad
before the Register and Receiver of this office at Ore
gon Cltr, Oregon , on Tuesday, the i2nd day of October,
18S0. lie names at witnesses ; W Soourfleltl.J B Jakob
sen, John West and, all of Seattle, King
eounty, W T, Any and all persona claiming sdvei sely
the above described lands requested to file their
nairns in this office on or before ssid 22nd day of Octo
ber, 1SS8 .
W T BatsReguster.. .
FahhionaUe and Stylish Suits, Business Suite, Light weight
Summer Suits. Boys, youth's and child -en's stilts.
Furnishing Goods
Vtoe Hn of )tftit weihltt tittjiivat Isll.tiffao ! fi'!in j ? o-ii-t), bills
' iiffk tir, firn a ire im rrdt in, ;tiaiaMii) fniao jmii
all the latest uoveltiis.
A targi litu- in 1 1.18 di trla.ent uf the In st in iliet oiari-u
Staple and FaahionnUo Isom, arocng otben. a tine rtock of
John li. Htotson hats.
Mordent tai!oii g uudrt Hi nt tailor. Suits made to order nmler short
notice at it traiksl.lrt !) fjuit-c. More goods tinned oot than ever be-fore.
Stick a nn
in tfcr feet that f am tTrtii n be-trt-r largair. than any una ebt io Ai aoy
nought at bankrupt I ears sdJ
First-Class Goods.
at or below COST.
Central Buerchettdiae ot all kinds cs!l on aa. Particular bareaina in a aam
Ofehooa. '
rash for Goods or founfry prtdite
Sloan), Orego.
Albany Furniture Company
Cany a first-class
Stoves, TinwarejHardwarejEtc.,
"WMch they ara telling, at rtruaraalby low prices.
carefully nd promptly
n-- - -
AffenU for On 1 Ime" Bealing and onoking Stoves. Job work, plnrablng.
etc. promptly attended to.
Paints, Oils, Stationary, Etc!, And Prompt attenon
on mE-
stock of f
- 4
done at reasonable prices,
, ,. a
. !
! t
- i
' i