The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 23, 1889, Image 1

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Issued every Prids) I )
Advertising rain mad kuown
K If. I'r i
v.. 'I. Sni VHT -t
. Mnuf-tir.-r f
iKK uwv.i 2 ii ;r vn su
mill m m mmwr.j
Mnll '.!- id ,n ! I ) rfl"vrlti,i l
.10(1 oi ill l-'Mn.rv
PaUerns Made on Short Notice,
A How Grocery Discovered
AT -
Strong' it I niir. n.:ttl' s-,irt;
i ic ' . . v . i .
full linn i t '--
QlS)?Jin, ETC
"'4ul.-k l - -i I .in l r.r id'" I.iv.
illii l llv," Is i:- ,n ut . "-.
n I t tiini niir 4 I, i . : yrUvn.
& iUraotion euaran:.!.
Produce Taken in Exchange,
Wry KHV(XK.Ifu!lf ,
Fore tie by WIIIJ Scark, dealers in
flue wrtohes, Jewelry, ir
Golden Rule Bazaar.
Ills atock Iia Imcj enUre J so thai It equal any on the C-Ht, au I oiisita of
Roger Bros. Silverware, French Ohim and Crys
talware, B3ya' WAgoas, Doll Carriage ,
Fancy Goods, and a . general
assortment of Crockiey
anrt Toys.
He bujt Jin and eerrie ths UrgsK stock to ie Witlainn'.U V!ly, l. wlil I
has been ad lod a eompleU line of
e Agent for Insnraiet OTipmUt with a m;ittil af c''Xiliix 7),iK)),iM'r.
"Icl on narle Francala. Hier wird deutcli geprochen."Y4
Mitchell & lewis Co., .
Agricultural Implements
and Vehicles
our bit nth bone Cr. 2 id aal K lie
ALBANY, - - - - OR
I am now retailing (urn: ore at toy factory at cost. Penidi- wishing furr.i
Inn can do well to look here for 1 am i;oing to adi at cost duitng
the next 39 days. Cirm and rxsmtne myvfU hafore p irchsin mU t
Factoryjat th river eod of Lyon Ktreft
Chas. Metgzer.
Real Estate, Employment and Insurance 'Agent;.
A.I commdcitli,.! piomplly anav.ere.1 in Gerroaor KngUsh.
Yoa want the beat and mont durable rnrnturetliSt Is manufactured In k
Thomas Brink.
la desired kmt ad ui trod by all. Araorif
the things which niay tMt lo dune to
enhance personal
V ocauiy in ma owiy
' t IKS nf Arn'a 11.1
Vhjor. No matter
what tho color of
, ( rS ration gives It lus
tra ami pliancy tuns
adds greatly to Its
charm. Miould the
I.. I.....I.
J dry, or turning gray,
Ayer'a Hair Vigor
will restore the
color, trlng out, m
now growth, and
KsnJor the oll sott end shiuy. For
keening the scalp vloan, ckI. unit
' healthy, there 1 uo letter j'rciuirallon
10 ua market.
I am free to eonfow thnt a trlat of
Ayer's Hair VIor hai rouvluced mo
that it Is a gemiina article, lis nntt has
not only caued tho hair v( my wtlo and
tlaughur to l
I Abundant and Glossy
tut It has glren my rather stunted uina.
tache a rarw'talli lonuih ami aniK'ar
uoe." K. ilrittou, Uakluud, Ohio.
" My hair was coming out ( without
any axalUnr from my wl(i, lther).
I Uled Ayer's Hair Vigor, uiilug ouly
one bottle, and I now have as lino a
bead ot hair as any one could wtnli lor."
H. T. Scumtltou, Dickson, Teun. ,
I hare used Ayer's Ilalr Vigor In my
family for a number ot years, and re
rard it as the bst hair preparation I
know of. It keeps the acalp clean, tho
liair soft and lively, and reservea tho
original color. My wifo baa usud it for
a lonir time with most aatUfactory re
mlU." ltenjaiuia M. Johnson, M. l.,
Thomas Uill, Mo.
P "My batr'was becomlnir harsh and drr.
bnt after using bait a bottle of Ayer's
(Hair Vigor it grew black and gloasy. I
Icannot exnres the Joy and gratitude I
1feel."-Mabel C. Uaxdy, Uolavaa, IU.
Oyer's Hair Vigor,'
vr. j. c. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mate-
Sold tf PrussUts and l'crfuiucrs. -
tio Kmt via Mount luu Kouie. Nice
c!itut sod fcTUKiy at all tiiit the year.
See Mount Sht, Sjiuikiuei. sOdnn, Sjlt
Lake, DjuvrM. Kimvsiki hi-i-i cr inailc
are ran daily. Huy iur tiei ul me ami
tare c.ur fra to ('.. tlaixl. . .m the only
piuu in A' tht..u mI u u a Uckct
to any Niut I'l the I'nitrd S..i. t'.ll oe
ma f. r rates.
V". I.. Jr.rr, Avnt 8. P.
4 .t J
I Mm
f A tii.oRioi'H Vai.J-k Y. Joaquin Miller
the grent wrilor, has lehirued Kast end
! a.iid l In-following very truthful ud nice
tiling ixKuit the Wlllamelle Valley! 1
cinic down the great Willamette valley In
a hull ttiv from Kngrne City,' And J
came (if An ihrmigli one ronllnuotis and
uninterrupted Kden. Three railroads run
diw rt thW vnltcv, which la nnre than one
liutulreil tulle long six' about fiftv wide
mid two rallrondu rros li, or are rronnlng
It. Tin re l a Ircnu'iuloim hullulng liupulne
nirendy here, brlh In vltjr and country.
LlitU' town litoti.tut nil alonjr on clll.ei
hand; and inunv it one of I bene .uilden horn
little t,M ih U ilixllned lo nerve merely an
hUiIoii f"J' uecoiiiitiodatloii triilnn for
iimnv rm to tonic Still, thev nil liave
line ktiiitt lumber, and fiom one In a docr
prellv i liiiM h kiMies pointing heavenward
inrotijii the 'eontliiuoua wooiIk. a not
aide fraitii'c nil up and down IliU cotitln.
umi liniM.f i tliil towns Is the nchonl
nueant the eluircli eiitilce At some
b aci-i w.m ! rot see more than kit houses i
out one ut init, it ml the hlggrit anJ the
he!, U n ki hiMil Ikhkc; and perhnp two of
I lie live buildings are cliurclieii
Uut ion do mil often And a town o small
an thttt iiuiletk it he only of IliU year's crop
ot newly planted towns
1 1 (mu:.-Hnce the DitMot a.T started
the hn I in rolling several days sg th
l.okpiul cltcmc ha been moving right
alon, and last lhurday ihe land was e- J
cured for the purple, the v lllainclte
Lind Co., lormally making an offer ol a
blick or more as a site for the bospltal. I
Mr l.tmc Mlktns has aUn offered a block I
for the loplinl , and It is quite probable I
tnU .will be accepted, on account of Its I
nearness to the titr. A letter from UUhop I
(iros refer to the Albany hrpltal, and I
all thnt l necckkurv now I lo kclecl Ihe I
location and eret t the luwoltnl buildings.
the former of w Incb will he done within
a few week. SiMcrs will tc here for the
purpose of complc'lng the arrangements
within two or three weeks. Mr J A (iros
, i . i i.ii - n li-
line garden pixipeily.lf necessary lo secure I
It here, so that the n.atter ol a .lie for it Is
iliioM.'d of. Itelng the oniy hospital in the I
alley south of Ti.r'land It w ill prove Ol I
great advantage to Albany.
Or. ami G. W.Orenon must wake -P
and show tier rustle and bustle. Wah I
mgtuu show ea her bustle
were big. ami the whole tcriitory ooomca.
Cities sprung rapid1 Into inctrrpolles I
and railroad stated toward a hundred
- .1
points. Oregcnwlth better climate and
more advantage, soit of slept and w inked
at the fun ; and now the truth I. she Is
bclns! outrun in the race. Knterprise Is
the watebward, and the cities are the cen
ter of it. Oregon cities must do something
enthusiastically. All eyes are on Albany.
Next to rortlaml Its prospect aie the best
and It must hereafter lead and not follow.
It I for Albany. Salem. Eucene, Corvallls
and the other cities of the Valley to put
the spurs Into the horse and bilng him to
the front. Considerable being done.
particularly by Salem, and much by Al
bany ; but the bunle need to be enlarged.
Tiik Blow Rol'TK. A subscilberl
who ha recently croed the Cascades by
this route, speaks of it as follow. : -The
mountain grade on this route Is very good.
with one exception, and that Is, it I not I
I wtjj cno.,gti. The trees are not cut out
wide enough in places. It Is a hard rub
fur a wide tread wagon to pas between
the tree. Some large rocks and stumps
remain in the center of the road, which
make It very rough to pass over with a
single horse ri. This should be looked
afler, a the toll I quite High. The Road
Co should be made to comply with the
charter In regard to the width of the road,
making it site for the public to travel
Like Astobia. Mr F O
prictor cf the Frrit Prtmt, a tier man pa
per published at Council Uluff. lowa.calN
ed at thc7rtiii-r7i office Ibis morning
Mr I'felffer has been In Ihe newspaper
business for a great many years In Iowa
but he think be would like to make As
toria his future home, lie ssys that rea I
estate here I very reasonsble compared to
what it is in other towns in the northwest
He is looking over the field to-day and If
he can be suited he will invest In this city,
with a view to bringing
his family here I
and coing into business. -
Tranierifl . Mr I
rfeiffcr will be remembered as the brot.ter
of Mr Chas I'fciffcr, and wa recently In
T11 a a a IUi Hoy. Three boys distur
bed the Mill city school a few days ago,
thiratening to whip the teacher, etc,
Two of them named Hobson and Smith,
were arrested and fined $10 and costs
apiece. -Tlte former liquidated but the
other was unable to do so, and Is now at
Salem in the county tail, on a sentence of
twenty-one days.
- -
New Gkockrv Stobe. The Oregjn
Land Company has rented the room in
1 -
Froman's Block, now ocenpied by Fort
miller & Irving to R G Watson & Co late
of Memphis, Tennessee, who propose to
lope about Sept 1st first clans grocery
store. These young gentlemen come well
recommended, so we are Informed and will
fit up at once one of the most tasty and at
tractive grocery stores in the city,
O.xlt One. Our exchanges.ln order to
get even with people who do not even
read a paper, are publishing the following,
L which the Democrat appropriates and
doctors : "There is only one man in Al
bany who does not read the Democrat,
llis forehead is so low that when no weeps
the tears run down his back."
A Comely .Sioht, Our market is full
of fruit. Luscious, mouth watering
palate tickling, nose agitating,
grapes, apples, plums, prunes, 'pears end
melons attract ine eye in xront 01 every
grocery store. Great Ceres would be plea.
sed at the sight.
Bio Yields. -George Wells, of Buena
VisU,had twenty acres of wheat that turn-
ed out over moo bushel, of grain, and the
80 acres of J J Russe!I,n Monmouth, pan-
etas! Miit- an nuseiw lis.ltai 4 -k ttsst)
ned out an average of 38 bushels to the
acre. Dallas Itemizer.
Difference op Opiniom. Just a little
difference of opinion between the Walla
A'alia Journal and a womtn by the name
of Clara Po'in', has resulted In a libel suit
for $10,000, The Journal called the wo
man a bilk and she begged to differ with
Hops. Hops are said to be looking
I well, and a good crop and good prices are
anticipated. Picking will beeln in about
two weeks, and already contracts are be-
Ing closed for pickers. White people will
be employed where possible In '.his coun -
Bow Lroced,
A Pittsburg physician
recently in Oreeon City went home nd
said that most of the people of the city
were bow legged from climbing the rocky
streets and the adjoining bluff. -
To Bp. Improved. The druir store of
O L B!ackman is belnir frescoed bv ,m
I " '
artists In the buidnexs.from Ksn Franrl.
...... " , 7" ;: " '
1 uiiu win ucun tiuuicu ana improved gen
erally, making it ene of the finest in the
Born. On Aug. uth. 1889. to the wife
of t.harlts House a girl.
The Seavy boys have informed the edi
tor of the Junction Pilot that they have
made an average of $i a week catching
1 roue.
A RoTTrv Afri.K, XiveiKl uionih
go the DrMimmat ineiil lone J Iho fite
utnt Mr Apple lm1 luen tniuie n J 1 nf
nenr Diikcr City , It tin i i cmlun for
punning generally. I. mm trnni.i e"
that the Apple iii rnt'en ne. 'I'lu.
iriTi exii.uinn i ne tnuuiiiit.i "rinilmu
oom appellants anil appellees verv tc.iicc
Judge Apple opened a butcher kIioo and
the scales but seldom ued In weluhlng
rquity were olten hiled with choice hit s
ced from the epellous csreamtes olilnlnrd
irom one Air lavinc. of lllluard,
On a day when (he cah drawer contained
something over $!,, Indue Apple con-
ciuueu i inn the time not ripe foe lilm to
drop cn a lltt.e racket olten practiced by
hank enahlcra and s he h now In Canada
w here If he In not eaten up by remorse he
will likely remain until he linn irrnw n mrl-
low with nue." i
All Km n)Ns. The Dkmihum U nu
lled now the Nebrak.i unin who ws
In Alhauy and told us that lo Id knowl
edge only seven of the evcuiklon were edi
tors and the rest were real ela'e men nnd
merchants, was nn Infamous liar, nnd we
are glad lo be able to put Mm dow n Hist
way Mr Vecl, the i halrmnn ol the ex-
curklitn after giving his own rronality
says i "A for th; balance d 'my Hock'
I know mokt of them per.i.imllvtiiul every
one of them U either an owner, editor, or
reporter of the rerpectlve - )iuirnala they
claim to have represented, and for further
V" " "V' Snn u,r,"" m,n-
"Hm" m ?' " -hc"
rota lsrAMs A Hie Dumiimat
publUlieJ the other It nUo pulilUhes lldv
from The .ille 7. IA : A mo.t ahurd
and ildiruloiu Item I gnlnt the round of
the pres that the remain of four dead
Infant were found In the reervolr In this
city. Che fact id the matter arc : That
I,U! '"' ulr cleaned, and
further that nothing of an unclean nuture
hat ever been discovered In the reservoir
Mmt, ' '
nf aft Mi... r a t . 1 . . l...ll.. 1 I . 1 1.
I, ,,,.. ..... t, 1 ,.l
J , , , ,' ,
that when Justice llumprey read In the
USMoca at the account of the shoo'lng of
luih-e Terry bv Ilennlv I S Marshal
N'airle. he was considerably dsiurbed. a. It
lndlcmled lhal rvrn ,,,,, ' . .... ,u
.,.,, .u' i .
fred Informed him that he was Uo a
Deputy U.S. Marshal, Representing both
sloes of trc great tragedy be certainly
. . ec seenre
"Nittt WK." June 14th Wm. M.
Hong, A llacklcinan an J Engineer Ecklc
son left for Fastrrn Oregon by way of the
Lebanon road to look over the route of
Ihe Oregon Pacific aero Ihe mcuntain.
They are invited to call on the l'rlnevllle
papers and esc their mucn'y perturbed
mind, and to tell them that "nel week"
though an Indefinite period ot time, I
beunu to come.
Stats Fair The prospectus of the
State fair appeal's elsewhere. The pros
pects are that It will be one of the livest In
the history of the State. The amount of
Drlc will be an aurance of a bit? alien.
da txMhlu on, k.
. keeping with the races It will be a fair
(ar ,h( Sm(J to prol(J of , e, u4 j(Mt
this time show what Oregon can do In the
way of Ane product, In cereals, fruits.
vegetable, etc.
A Cm rat P O. The Hum .Vra.
thinks Ihe postmaster there should i.ave
belter pay for attend. ng to Ids olliclal du
ties, which are thu described. "In the
summer the matter I dumped Into a large
gnndsbox In the midst of a blinding c'oud
of dust, out of which It Is fished, piece by
piece , till the task I done ; in inter It s a
little more so, If anything, a It i mud or
1. aivi
Fa lot n Zonkb. On August Jrd, i!.V,at
Enterprise, Orthere was born to the wife
of August Soisberg.a daughter. The fath
er I slxty-cljht years old and wa born
four and a half degrees north of the arctic
circle. He is active. Intelligent and very
industrious for a man of hi age. He soon
leaves forsndia to look after an estate lelt
him by a brother who died a sea captain
An Imbec ile. A large number of AI-'
bany youn j men are invited to peruse the
following, and then go to bed and dream
M . . .. ... ..
over the matter : A young man, of New
York, J') yeais old, has grown to be imbe
cile from excessive cigarette .making.
Three packages a day was Ids quota when
he was taken in charge by the authorities.
Up to six months ago he was bookkeeper
for a responsible firm, at which lime two
packages of the little roll of vile tobacco
sufficed f qidet hi nerve.
JSi;i!ien Death. Stephen Castlcmnn
died very suddenly on his farm about nine
mites east of Eugene Thursday the 8th
He had been feeding the threshing ma
chine only fifteen minutes when he quit
and began talking with lames Tucker,
I le spoke but ale words when be placed
his hand on his breast and exclaimed "O
my '."and fell oyerdead. He was 30 years
of age and leaves a wife and two child-en
Eugene Htiptttr.
Watermelons. Twelve car loads of
watermelons were shipped from Grant's
Pass during the past week. It takes about
1 200 to make a ear load. This would make
the receipts about $2000 a week says a lo
cal paper there. Some school boy can
thus figure out what they cost apiece by
the wholesale at the home ottne producer.
Some Difference. In a recent letter
from Missouri the somewhat startling an
nouncement Is made that eggs are selling
at five cents per dozen and butler at seven
riinti nr nnunrt. Tn Alh.nv ecrir.i lr 11
I eenU ,nd butter 2 cents a pound. That's
the difference, you see
A Pecchar Fact. Broderlck.the man
I who was killed by Judge Terry, the man
who WM kllled b Marshal Nngle.stas the
"8nai purchaser zv.u.ny a nana en-
,t purcna!ie by Albany. So It
I . .
I Kinc which is nun iui saic. uc prcscnicu
1 whom
han ft
Got a Bargain. Thursday Marshal
I Hoffman sold at auction to the highest
biddei a bovine of the male gender.receiv
Ing $10 m for the same, Mr William Mey
er being the fortunate purchaser. Some
where tnere Is an owner bewailing the loss
o such an animal.
Too Be Envieo.-.A newt postbflke has
been established at- Anderson, Josephine
county, ur, wttn Mary Anderson, at post
rnUtre" .ln MarJr Anderson is now to
I ha ariiilal ta tsm rieanl nn.l rr 1 Blnsa A m
7l " rW ' 3
1 '
am Office. me fclectric light Co s
I ol,,ce ym be located in the upera House,
the room at the north east
corner being
used for the purpose, a door having been
made connecting it with the street.
Badges, A recent order of the S P Co
compels all employes of the railroad to
wear badges, which accounts for the im
I ..a..as4 . A s. 1
K"' - ' K". jesierana
' MSS Barker
Ax Eve Lost. The three year old'ton
of Frank Titus, of Scio, will lose an eye
A knife In his hands slipped and w.'nt into
one of them, putting It out,
- 1 Wright's Myrrh tooth soap oamea off con
I qneror every time you have "a brush" with
Death to tartar and decay. . SrJdby
1 eoanay ot mason. - .
I, -"" ";:T .. , . -. ...ssssmsssisssssassassssssssssassssi
.Ulmily Takes Ike Lfsd in ths Valley,
All any I a great Irndu center.
IVi'l'le come here from far and near 10
bnv their good.
'We have some rustling, criterpi Uln
biiines men, as our advet Using column
It take pound aftvr pound of ore goods.
ctothlnvf, boot snd sh -, ImrJware, etc
to supply the market.
Talk l cheap, any p,i;icr can ts.l bu
figures count The freight handled
whnl tells Ihe story, I it lug; July there
wa handled at the .Soul hern i'arlflc fri ljjl,
house alone 3,jo4,uio pound of freigl
A ild.! lie freight hand ed by the Oregon
i'aclflc and OKA' N and the record I in
creased wonderfully ; but Ihe record of the
S P I sufficient for the present article.
Coniparlor are odious i hut here are
some. At Corvallls, a local paper boat
01 txxj.rnxj being handled ry the N I. At
Aaiem, we are Informed the amount was
a third le than here, but we hsve'nt Ihe
exact figure. Enough said.
Albany Is also a great tiavetlng renter.
inning Inly the ticket sales at the Albany
office were approximately S10.000, which
aim p.ak for itself. i,,'
Rahiioaii Mattkbs. The Ittiittttr
ay the surveying pony that has been
surveying the route for a railway from
Eugene to Florence ha returned. They
succeeded In finding a route on which It
will Ik reasonably easy to build with a
maximum grade of forty feet In the mile.
One tunnel only, of about a 'housand feet
in length, will be necessary.
Salem seems loo well satisfied to sit still
and seethe survey for a rallroid from the
valley to the sea run from Albany to As
toria say the Jomrtml, Really, that outlet
to the sea I omehtng that should deeply
Interest this city. She -anls that railroad
and ought to have It. but falling to move
in ihe matter she will lose it. It will be
a good many years before more than one
line of rail runs to the coast In that direc
tion an I the valley cliy that secures the
first one I fortunate. Thu may suggest
something to Salem for Albanv'ls a'ready
rustling to try and get the roatl.
TmkSaxtiam Mi.vrm -Near'.y every
miner who come from the Santiam mines
is loud In his praise of these' mines, where
the prospect (re pronounced unsurpassed
and equal to the mines nf Montuna and
Idaho. 1 be Albany mine Is now down
nearly fifty-five feet and expect 1 strike
rich ledge at seventy-five or eighty leet,
when matters will bourn. There Is a b!g
future lor the hantiam.
Mr W r Read returned last Friday
from the mines, and is quite enthusiastic
over the (outlook. An old mine has been
retunneled deeper and an eight foot ledge
of gold and silver ore struck, mostly of
the former, of great richness. It Is
thought It will pan out $1 So to the ton, and
already the Company Is (earful lest so
much gold Is secured that with the present
facilities it will be imposible to bring it
lo market.
Ct act hit a koi . There; Is quite a
contrast In the appearance of the curcubi
taceou fruit brought to the city from Cali
fornia and Southern Oregon. The former
ha a pale ca.t, like Caetar's countenance,
hlle the latter resembles Jaob cattle.
Both though have a One Inside and are
about 95 per cent water, accwdlng lo rule.
Just what the other live percent is we give
up ; hut It Is les colic than i generally
claimed, and wl.h salt I a healthy bever
age all together, A Democrat man once
knew a Doctor who made hi breakfast on
half of a melon , taken with salt, and noth.
Ing else, a long as melons lated. He is
dead now. Lest a false Impression follow
it may be remarked that the watermelon
did not do the business.
OtR Street Cars. The two street
cars are finished, and the Dkmo a at after
inspecting them J able to pronounce them
a credit to the manufacturers, a welt at to
Albsny. It I a matter to be proud ot that
Albany use its own street cars. Mr An-
iyn, who ha been so successful with these
cars ought to be able to co.npcte tor some
of the business of the Northwest, where
street cars will spring up in every enter
prising city. None anywhere are better
manufactured or present a finer appear
ance than Albany's. The track Is being
graded, and will be ready lor the cars in a
few days. Tne date for starting will be
formally announced, and everybody will
he expected to take a ride.
That Was Hut. Down at Needles, In
Han Bernardino county , on the banks of
the Colorado, the mercury stood 1 1 8, 119,
119 and 117 on four days.ending on Tues
day of last week, the lowest temperature
on last day being 95. 80 says the Signal
Service report. Good advice I to keep
away from such a place. Dctter advice is
to buy ynur groceries at the popular store
ofConnOros. They keep everything. In
season, In groceries and produce.and carry
a fine line of crockery ware as well. See
some of their novelties. It pays to keep
cool and a Rood way is always to trade
with Con Iiros.
We Smile Now. Albany people can
look on and smile now at '.terns like the fol
towing from Ihe Pendleton E O, but
that city, Corvallls, Oregon City, Eugene,
etc., they must Ute some what sour
Who ha got charge of your street? said
a strarger to a Pendletonian the other day.
The latter replied : "The town council
ad the cows; and just now the cows seem
to be runn'ng things. And as tbey sep
arated the stranger kinder laughed to htm
self and as he walked away he said
don't want to settle In a town where the
cows run things. 1 here Is too little pro
gression in a place like that for me.
What. .
Whai has become of the Washington
grade suit ?
V hat's the matter of trying to get a pa
per mill here.
What's the use of kicking because some
one else prospers as well as yourself.
What's ahead of enterprise anyway
business and society. The man who doesn
advertise Is simply a wall flower at a party,
What will the quacks do after Aug 23,
when the new meaicai law goes into et
What is a ghost.
$1300 Loaned.- At ths monthly meet
ing of the Albany Bnildlng and Loan As
sociation last evening two loans were made.
after some sqlrlted bidding, one lo Mr
Charles Wagner, of $800, at 51 months,
and the other to J R Stewart of $400 at
44 months.
Thrown from a Horse. Jos Bodera
while riding a horse yesterday afternoon
was thrown off and dragged by one of his
feet some distance, receiving some Inju
ries, which have already run into brain
fever. He is fct the Wavcrly boarding
A Big Yield, Mr Elijah Wills of Sy
racuse precinct, informs the Democrat
that efght acres of his land yielded 480 bu
shels of wheat, the remarkable yield of 60
bushels per acre, the largest yet reported
In this or adjoining counties, tits oats
average 50 bushels per acre.
Pitcher's Castorla;
J li
it J R Ik
Kill IV
The. Orr;ouinii of ft,itidsv said
"What Terry, (Judgi Terry who wn slit
down the other day bv a United Slates
Marshal,) has been, well ri-n-Mi,l 1I14
cliuracier and hlstorv if I'e democratic
parly cf Ihe Unllcd Siale . On Filday It
said : "Judge Terry.lhrouglioul hlscareer,
has been an expression and embodiment
of the character of the democratic parly of
our day. No man has more fully repr
seined lis Intentions, method and purpos
es." As If to tnnkt tl.i foul and dirty
slander complete, and thu satiate his
greed for the defamation of the good name
of thirty-five million of as luinest and
taw abiding lifnen a our touutry can
boast of, llMtvcv f'colt proceed to t I
what Terry "ha hern." It dvcilbe him
"an able hul exceedingly Infamous man,"
a having fought a duel a the outcome of
a conspiracy lo murder his antagonist and
not to satisfy hi wounded hoitrr,a a man
who came Into "new arid disgraceful no
toriety by marrying Sarah Allhea lilll.lhe
mlslres cf the .ale Senator Sliarjn," as
being "Imprisoned for contempt of court,'
a be'ng "a notable type of a class of In-
trllectual desperadoes," "a corrupt shield
ivciuhi uesper.itors. voi m 11 siiieiu- i
of Ihe murdc.ers. gamblers, and ballot
, ..... . m . . .... .
oox stuiicr.,wriose inuri.rr 01 ruuor james
King In Vav, 1S56, sounded the tocsin
that lolled the general aim 111 for the or-
anlxailon of Ihe Igllunce ( ointiilitce,"ele.
le was f uriher described as being a man
ho, "after Ihe war, returned to San Fran
clco where he has sleadlly added lo the
load of his Increasing Infamy," a one who
'always spurned law when It gored his ox,
ho always enforced law when It gored
his neighbor's heid,Ha ime who "brought
his haughty, passionately rannfeal temper
hh him to California, and in bis old age
has brought him down finally to the
blcody grave that usually lies at Ihe end
of life's lane '.or those wl.o know no right
but brutal might, who know no higher
philosophy of justice and equity than to
make every honest but helpless man's dif
ficulty the tyrant' opportunity, "and much
more of the same sort. Sco't, af er draw
ing this picture of continuous criminal
life, says this life of Terry"wcll represents
le character and history of the democratic
party of the L'nlteJ Staies.'and thal'-Joilge
Terry throughout hi career has been an
expression and embodiment of the char
acter of the democratic pr.My of our day.
No man has mote fully represented its In
tentions, methods and purposes." Lan-
guagefail. to express the mcarness and ecnlm. UuesofexcesMvedHnking-oftav
.Mas il.HullM sf at. aa..lsv tiAi.UL I.I I ' I
JV y ss IS T Wt wW vwtw B
thut voiunlftrltv kUndcr ftnti ilcUtne the
haiacterofover half the people of his
osnrnunlr, llil. i.,wiliU t,..rt. I
j . .-,., .
I.. .. ..I.v. ii U n.,t nw Ui... .1.
once like a ravenous ghoul and jackal has I
this same Harvey Scott gone lo the grave I
o some great patrlo-ic democrat a Tildcn
Hendricks, Seymour, McClclUnnd, with
brtlt.l '.MfS i.snsft I l,rli- rms Ins In lk I
world again. Dug their bone from their I
last resting place and, with appropriate I
animal glee, chuckled a he threw clod at
them to make them give out music tol
charm hi brutality. Such I this man
Harvey Scott, ho knows no decency. Is
devoid tf truth, honor, self-respect and all
uch qualities a charactetUe a true man.
Ml VII IiWri RltKI
(tome time since the Democrat made
he statement that fact were rapidly com
ing lo light that show that the republicans
have a scheme on foot lo repeal the tax on
whL'.ky and tobacco and continue the war
taxes on the necessaries of life that con
tribute lo Ihe happiness and comfort of
the poor people of the country. This
scheme seems to meet the approbation of
the Afonmlainrcr. and It makes a feeble de-1
tense of It by sayln. ma, "the Income and
Internal revenue taxea weie the war tariffs
and the people have .right lo ask that
at - fc . j... . - i .i h B im,
.iici.wrarmi.i.,7 ssiwiv.
Now these were not tariffs at all.but there
were war tariff taxes levied upon the peo-
pie oy way oi nign tamt auues upon
.... ,M ...
Imported articles that constitute the neces-
series ot life. It is these high war tarifl
taxes that so largely affect the poor that
the people have a right lo see decreased
and not the taxes on whisky and tobacco
as these articles are not necessaries of life
for rich or poor but mere luxuries, whose
use could be beneficially dispensed with.
It ia evident that the idea ot free whisky
and free tobacco alaim the Afonnninrrr
for It seeks to break the force of the Dem
ocrat's statement by saying t
"If at the next session of congress,every
cent oi revenue Is taken off tobacco and
liquor, it will not cheapen the price of
these articles to the consumer, as soon as
the government abolishes this tax the dif
ferent state legislatures will impose a
greater one in the shape of license.and the
money derived mtretrom win so into tne
treasuries of the states Instead of that of
the United Stales."
And, pray, how does our cotcmporxry
know that the states would impose a great
er tax in else the general government
shou'd remove It ? Talk about sophistry
What could be more sophistical then that
cunning dodge. No, we denv the state
ment and it remains for the Mountains
to Drove It. But if this were true, yet so
far as the United States could go it would
be making whisky and tobacco free while
keeping up the onerous wtr taxes on the
necessary comforts of the poor. So far
as the states aie concerned they can tax
these two articles of luxury whether the
tax Is removed by Congress or not, and
Intelligent people can see thlt notwith
standing the sophistry of the Monntatnecr,
It looks very much like our cotemporary
would be put to the test of supporting the
scheme of free whisky and tobacco and
taxed necessaries ot life. So blindly wed
ded is it to high protection that Ifwill not
'.'.esyate to do so.
Ween Mr Cleveland became president lie
found a Republican in every posUflice. When
Harrison crowded with h!.s tribe into the White
house he found half or more of tne postoflfices
still held by Republicans, and 13,000 changes
were made in five months, as against 4000 ;
the same time under the Democratic adminis
tration. "Ornanied creed," did IVm Piatt
say? - - - ' " -
Emma Abbott's 94,000 dress 1 described as
of saffron colored velvet, embroidered with
pearls and diamonds. This plan of decoration
of course onens the way for raising the cost of
an actress dress to practically unlimited figures,
William Walter Phelps has one taste which
will make him popular in Germany, lie likes
beer. ; When he lived in Washington he always
drank a bottle of the best imported beer before
retiring at night, .- - . . .
The name of Russell Harrison is upon .
ist of those who have ascended to the top
the Eiffel Tower. ; .
Children Cry for
,'i III
K.lllil l.y Albany W, V. T. V
L,.... i- ... . . . .
iTiiirn nun- in r.ngiitno, having I
visit,, ami established unions in Leliinn.
Japan, Imlia, Africa and Australia. She ha
held upwards 'of 1,300 is five years
since she Kit Boston on this round the world
lr, ' 14 My """ w my 1,fe '! I
.1.. .. .. - -
nuns 1 must keen at It until I 1 .11
ne connnenis."
a leceni mee:uig 01 the Cily C outuM of
Mlensliuig, four snlrn men j renmed n re-
quest Hint ih Ik ense be incirnscd to tuxjo
Heretofore 1 lie license lias licrn hut $JO', A
gunie lo freeze out the small dealer, bin does
anyone iniu-ose these SMloon
0.1..1. - . .. .... ' v "
inn me r.iisuig 01 trie iicens? will lesnen Hie
soieni li-pior Certainly not, they would lie
1 11c i.iki men to nmke such a move if ilwv
11 1 .. . . . .. '
ivei 111.11 result woiii.l loilow.
A henulifiil and instructive tctntieianceslorv.
fiom the ctrtisecrnied j en of Pansy," lias ju.t
leen concluiled in the Vmun Sieuul. Every
mol hers heart who res-Is this entertsintrg stoiy,
must tertainly be touched with earnest nlea she
makes to Iced the vnun n.ln.l. svi.h , t .
kigical reasons, and thus enable them to meet
ienpii(iies, which might obscure ami cloud
their common sense, ,lt give one little extract
,t, ...
u 1 rlcr. a Is the whole rtory, !, say, .
- sum. it, ,iic cunc ui(hi mm nil rum
come (o ine conclusion mat Mi rum
power is, afler all.iloing more, all unconscious
ly, ui swell the proiiiliiiion rtnks than is any
w"it innuence in tin world: lor tl is at work
ruining Ik) ( and w hen Vr boy and Uty
umcneu, men are I lie mothers ami fstheis
going lo discover that prohibition is const it u
tional.l possible, is lo I, tint what an awful
price to y lor knowledge! lanylioly willing
1 ' Ibj 11
re. ix 1, Oswald Mill popular writer and
author of several medical works, has wtitten a
scties of strong articles fcir Ihe I 'aiom Signal,
entitled "Popular Falecies, 01 the causes and
effects of the Alcohol Vice." It is unfortunate
that these papers are published in the Union
Signal, as very few readers outside of Ihe
iijrance ranks will see them. His argu-
ments are fui cible and his statistics are numer. I
ous and conclusive. In support of bis declara
tion that alcohol is the chief cause of crime, he
cites the testimony a Chief Justice of England,
Sir Mat hew Hate, who used these words more
than two hundred years ago: The place of I
judicature I have long held in this kingdom.
he ssys. "have L'lven me an ouuortumiv to
obseive the original cause of roost of the
enormities that have been committed for the
space of nearly twenty years, and ty due com
putation I have found that if he murders and
manslaughters, tbe burglaries and robberies.
ihe riots and tumults, tbe aduUeriei, fornica
tions, rape and other enormities that have!
bapned in that time were divided into five
I.M.I. tJ K.MM M..1.I . a. I.u. I
VTf aW WUAC IWstUlft
I It . a ai . . t I
' rw" uuuisione on me royai
. , .
. --- "7 iiwiuti.. i uu. w
lonnanu inncciions 01 m voice wui re-
mam lo u"
Foot of Morrison St., Portland, Or., I
-iom von
Tha Advanca ttaMiig lacMnery
Th bvstand Csateat thresher In Ameri
ca, ana a maotiin mat stands wit&out a
rival. TO ADVANCE threaber baa
NKVER bMD REPLACED by any other
machine on tbe Coast, hot baa neolaoed
several other that HAVE FAILED to
I will out travel a:l others on tbe road. II
you beai ;n JJLSH,
l uw awAiswn u nn9U xvc inu I
KMUINEaraaoldontbeir merits entire-
I ly. And I a in willing to prove all I claim
'n .fl'a T J not be bum
you aee the ADVANCE. I also bandit
taam fl'Xlug (roods. Iron pipe, pumps
and school belts, and many other special, j
Albany Branch House one block below
bum House,
'Conrad Msver.
.-PROPkiETTa ok-
ftnwnnw Unnitnlhin anil Vinaf Qte
vit'iuci uuau.aaum ami iuoy uuaii
dssstste rraita, Canet Hests,
lSMWsre, tieesawsrt.
Driest Frolta. Vegetablea.
Teace, Clean a,
Kr, 8p'ecR,
CwRee, Teat.
Klc Ete., ;
tn faot everything that, la kept tn a Ren
ml variety and grocery ore. Highest
a rket pr!d paid for
Ly a) . means o&ll nn
Pane, Brothers,
Suae 1 1 'C John J-air, 'er yenr
Produce, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc.
Their soodc are- the beat and the trprioea
rxw RO0Kas FLOUR B7PXR10K TCk amjt.iks
Highest "Price in Cash fo
1 f.r.nlmrn r fruit land. 4 miles weatof
Ti v,ii s '
Albany, for only $25 an acre. WW 1
SOaoreaUdealred, Nloely looatert
on Cooper Turner on GorvalUs roa 1,
Pitcher's Cactorla.
n '
NO 4
' ft iMeullar fflr An
1 notmino ' lmolnh!L.,ys! n.'
LIKE IT ' i J," fnrrsdlenta tbemiel
lake It In time. It checks
.tbey be advanced win nmv. .-.71.. .
Jiiaiee tbeplaeoof a .
clrietor and ntiv nnu '
erlpllon. AllWholiiad fOg WMOIg
aMlvnury live will Cod '. mtu..,- i
It the lxt prevetitlv ut , NlflT; A
and cur (or ledls;.tian, ' -
:nsllDKtUm. .
Mies and aTii iZSIlu'"?,""
-ki1."".?0 tr'r- wiu7 buslnii
onceut aud hsriiilrss. ,o dancer fmm
IH'I W ?; sv iSK
5!SL"! '" Invalid. Md
I ? l",',n Tonic they can m
and a Sii22i in.iu.r.7!-e'v',!Bf 1"P
ISam at tiirhr Iti.n.M 1.1
A little
A HUIe takeu In the , ri "in. Tiharpn,.
' - A rilvmnis..
it twl,. L7.i"i f't,,li Iic.b-for
T. wlr f r n,l ), Bvr km .bit la
k Ki "' ""P.l Ihst wold.
1 1 Ml SI th. ssm nn. SMi (Imicsd of wt.k.
Tl"1'"""." assimuaii,.
power of ih. sy.iem."
f I. M. HlKTOM, m.U.. Wuhifll-IAS Ark
TTlli? r.'"es.i JxxjS for ths r-a
Tral-Urk on from of Wropiwr. and lb.
..-v. m (Me WW VtUBf, - -
it lost
Real Bargains.
Notions, Furnshing1 Goods, etc,
Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silk,
Table Linen, Gloves, Hosie
ry, Fancy Goods, etc
The Leading Jash
Manufactured by Julius Joseph.
Ping and sinokiog tobacco.., Meerschaum anil briar pipj-a
mokea artWea generally. Also ha on hat.
a oiee
California and
McMinnville College.
in the Collegiate Department
Four Three Year Cou re rstutly
in the Academio Deprtment-
As evidence of the Browth of thu (Jolhge
I .! i.nti,.n i. rolled to the fact that durinji the
I iM year over eleven hundred dollarr have
I - ... . 1 . 1 1 r . u I.
kun aTnanrlMl IB SLSDUSTU OUUK. lur sun
brary, an $800 piano donated, to the college
1 s-o aiia mAAAt l -Wm s n t en-
ana over d,vw u,-v -"-.1
Special attention is given to the Academio
Dnnartment which fits young men and wo
men for Collage, for teaching and for busi
ness. Fine rooms and boarding department
iu tho College buildinp, expenses, low. Presi
daut lives in the building. .Fall" term opens
Set,n. 4th. Send for catalogue. Address,
MoMinnyille, Yamhill Co., Or.
! the- e
Advertising medium
In Ihe Cfntral
WillameitP Vallfy
an aerond-clasa mail matter.
. 4- ST
0,.lis nr- rl e iii)i.iii.
' il '
jtns,hKi, K.hsM M.-.ii
Cily Jleat liiricel,
mm ml,t Pronriftnf?.
Ksj a full Ho- yf Anm,ii of u.Ui
in a i-ooi pi! , co-npl-', l v
fei-ted; mid always frti.
-A lo hv4
and other fi.h
Dry Goods Store.
line of
Tropical Fruits.
O JKNSINOS, W. H M 3FHCRt)jr, J. R, Wl 1T
Jennings k Co.
Manufacturers and dealers all- kind 01
Mill on Ilamilton.elevenmllcs from Lebami
Prlresat the 91111 1
Clear fir $11.00; aecoad clear, 0.(
rough lumber, $0.50.
: Prices ol cedar and mile oa application
Clear fir, $15.00 ? second clear, ?13.0!
rough lumber, ?10.00.
A IS .. '1