The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 16, 1889, Image 4

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Crsgca Pacific Eaiircai
gon Development Corjcpany'a Steam
ship Lin.
nan by any otbar rt at.
Pirat-eleM through peasevngwr and
Might l.nafrout Portland tad ell points
n tb. Willamette Vailoy to and from Sen
rniicleoo, Cel.
Ilcnteruber the Oregest FaelfU
riipnUr liMMer Cxearelaaa to
Yaqalaa. Low Rat Tleta ara
how wa le ! Trjr WaI
nriiU; and SUtaraU from Al
bauy, CorTAllla aatl Phllowath.
floata make close otn nation at A J baa
itn trains of tba Oregon I'aolUo Kallroad,
TIMS VH tttV UK. (.seat Snndaya)
Ut Aloany i"00 . a.
Lain rrilU 1-uir. a.
Arrlv Vvpitna, a
t Yaqotna, '4 ,
Law vwrviii.," .
Arm Albany, ti.iv
O AO.trelsa eonnejt at Albaay and
Corvellle, Tha above trains connect at
Y equine with tha Oregon lwfu,,,n.
Company'. Una of Btcwmahlp between
ao.itna and Han Freaclaco.
. flui'ay, Au. nl.
TumW, Autrurt IJth.
Tburatay, Ant, tfnd.
tfelurdft, All-. Slst
WUIaiMUa VUy, Ty, Jaly
do Tnuradajr. Au. ata,
a BuMtajr, Auk, lth.
4U TuaKtejr. Aug. Kih.
Tha nomnanv aafTaa tha) right
ihanita aaillun daUai without notice.
N. It aiManKra frout PorUod and
Ulaineue Va lay polnuoaa iuaka nloae
annneoU h with ibe iraiiie f the Yaqulra
inoieat V.ih f'wraillK. ud ti !.-1iiflt-ti.
Prnoii arraimio V m.n.,a tna -va.iia U;ir ie
r aa4
r uat iwajr
r tlurmUo.. Jy to A K Chamao,rrll(ht awl
rirkal AMnt
4aM AOUiMl t t
A. ti. F. anl F. Am
Southern Pacific Company's Lin8.
. rrvs hour, i
OAuroaau axraeaa t. una Ki aaiw
Hatweea rrtu4 a.4 aaa rraacUre,
1 .-nh ;
- '
tar a
ua a
a:4i' a i
7:J r m
1.111 a aa
Vjil.rMaasaTm aaibT vRcpt JuixUy).
aoo 4 a J L
lWr I L
t:ura I Ar
P. attend
l:&r II
lliii a
axa a
uaaava saAaca.
U I a
r Wlrs
U r.uura
o r I Ar
tS:frra I U
t:Mrat I Ar
Tourist Sleeping Oars,
rer AaeeMadatie el eeeeaeVCteee raawa
era. aUacae4ta Ksstraaa Trains.
Tha a P. Cot Carry eukMaoaMetioa with alt ta.
tl' tnliie m tUa
m tUa Kaal
isioa IH.tata (raaaluuial
if mrt, Jaa.
ffrtl sUe sVtvUt...
CTWtK rKT!A1B AH9 iajAa.llS.
Kail Tsua baut (KaieptSendag.)
ii.if r a I Ar orUui ' I '-w r
airman rt Aia baut (KagJpt SaeJay.
l:hlraL Porttawl Ar I 00 a a
aiMOralAr MiMlim.aia Uv I a.46 a
TliroMiall TiclcetK
T all puinU
for ell UtlnratUloe raln raa, aaaav
a ihniwiT'l Af at Al ""J-
. KOOtBl.
Aaa'l U. P. and P. Ar
a aaaaai
Revere House;
"'" a-uot nn In' flrll
aupplted with the he-t In tne mar net.
Mice eleapioKaparttnenta, Mempleronma
'jot eomtueroial trarelera,
arpr e Caa a. aa I feaa taa Wimi.-i
0. P C33H1W Si SONS,
R8a:,gatj4il insurinsa Agents.
K..' ..I I i I ' "1
K Urlii nualOrt a attnn.lfHi to.
University of Oiegon.
Weat asMi'in oearl'i n Monday,
18th of Sep rtnDT. iw.
Kree en rhlp- from -vory anai.ty in
tbe wtate. Apply toonr Couiey Suoerin
Undent Free tuition after January la,
Poor onra 5 C!asl', Scientific, 1 .11 I
erary and a short Engll t;our, In j
wbi b there Is no lytin. Oree trench.
ar German, The Engli-h Is p.ei-inii.ently j
Busings Cmrae. For. ctJi"X'ie
...... I . . 1 1. r. mil A ra I
,ih., Informatkin. address
J. J03N)N'.
i l.
ol ttue
4 uail-a waatnt
i V.i. I sel
. Ca
r , I,
mil. LAN Ml 4 v. i Kims.
saw raocsas ruioa seraatoa roa samiliss
tro SACsas csa.
Priw in Caib fo
ffliiinillet 4- living,
r ... m ('
Prompt ittention-First-class Hearse
Albany Soda Works.
nd Mancfauturera of"
mm nnn? EiiTiOHEST,
iP,." . .,.(, .rf to sell at whole
r ,ma at PortHod
' keep a full
"roDlOiJ-i fnltl,
419 Huron Ft,,
Bhtboyf p,
Wl., MoV. 1J,
1 have usd
St. Jacobs Oil for
chicken cholera
with gnat euo
na Xftrj fbwl
" tha disease wat
' cured by It and
I reeommsnd It aa a euro car. It baa eared
A many dollar. It A. KUEMKK.
Breeder of Fine Fowl. .
BakertfWld, CaU. Oct N, 1688.
I have weed BL Jacoba Oil for eoreoaed of
aklekaaa with prompt, permanent cur. Ona
bottle will cura 10 ta 11 chicken ; S to dropa
eureaWncexo. JAS. BKTHAL.
bread atom? aVwntra witk SL Jacob OU. Q
to. fnrl eanmA mnMtm ore dowa IA lAronf.
MiM mm torn meal aVwpa vttk (At Ot SM
aoUiitfSisi. IV wdi.Jaatfy eel ed ewrtd.
At Dauoami ahd XAitt.
VUtCHARltl A.V0CCLH CO.. lalllaMra. HA
Physician and Snxfteon,
OlBoo eor. Flrat and Farry HtraaU,
Phyuician and Surgeon.
t)HI(en)Mmlli.MiM lHhio)ra'.
DR. C. U. CHAfalBERLIff,
Homeopathic Physician anl Surgeon
Special attention io diseases ortheeye.
aromcojartrnorofihlid anl I.ynSt,
Physician and Surgeon.
aayonWuotin8trahane Black.
May be found at Jils ntHce oay and nlgbt.
Physician and Surgeon,
Ute orCarownyille, Or.
tltlloo at ioobbh Nos
. . .1 t L. I.
S3 an l Sl.Stratan
tip alalia, t'aila
i ami ri.n-e rn'-..
promptly allaatHl in city .r country.
.Mv.aar ta E. W. jtKfiitm.
Peoria Ferry.
O. ?.0HCiAQBL, Prop,
aoi'SDTaie ATis
TXab!a laaoa, SVj ; a:ole team. 2io ;
horaeaor cattle, 6c,
Double team 2-; alna;ie team ISo. Spacaaf
rate oo lartto drova. Farmara will fia4
the ferry road In a fln oonditlon. i hav
ing beao thoroughly rocooatriiciiHl, crd
1 and graveled,
Tboae wiablnit a flrt-olaa loatromeat
awouldeall at Mrs. It K. If.nnan'a "art
see one of trtwe C'.eorall llamine Jt
1-ong pianoea, excellent rlcb tone. Ea
penlaliy ruadt, and ada ted to staod Ibo
rllmate on the 1'nciOo Coast, Erery ptaao
fully guai anteed for & years. The Ii.let
beet-tnuaio for aale. Moilo and painting;
lesson a given t here. Also tbo plar lo get
your new Sewieit Machine. Faucy work
and draaa making dooe lo order. Flrat
I and drew
loorealof V'Hing'aold aland, Altaiay,
First National Bank
u. rutn
a. a. toi u
AS. K. PoWEUi,
J vioa Praatdwil 7.
ACCOUNTS KKPT aubjt U. .h.k.
SIOHT KXCHANOK and ll r.hiu Irtiwltr, ol
a Sow Vork, Han PrancUm, ikau ao-l put
COULECTIOX MADE on faxmbla ttraa.
K. Ym-M, K. W. L4x.aMi,
L E Bum, h. Ku,
W.uaa K Ti'aaaLL,
Lir.n County Hank.
Cowan, Ralston Chamberlain,
TRANSACTS a general Itaiikiiig boatnaae.
SnanJ PttfXUnd, On-foa
LOAN UOWEYoa appiovad aacarlty
RK KIVKleKiaiia aultjeart rb-ik.
' 1 1
airnnn a
JJ JN iS iiixt,
tWII auhanir.
..w YH-k, Km rraiictano am
Buy uuIm. Ml'., ewaiitr 'ty warrant. Ko
saiir. tliqxiaita atibjatt ta ebrck. IntcrMt allowl tm
time ltml.
Collwtlooa will rnociv. prompt atUnUun. '
CorrMioiKli. aolieiUd.
Pire aw: Marina Itiaurane ton.panUs.
Alyilonl . V 1. 1 a' 1 I iv t ii i . e.m:-any
LoaBa oud. on J'ar n V i".
i hereby certify that Dr. 1. V. W jodle
baa successfully operated on inv rid or ling
horse, I A. AC HAYi.
For further rvrerniuw In rea;trd to rbl(j
ln,a Inquire of Win. Petr-raon, Dare Pe
lron, I etianon t John Hardman, Alfred
Wolverton, Altiany s Ham Oainea, Hcio;
V"m. Fnw. Frlnsvill. I practice roter.
Insry me 'inin i in Albany and country
fnrroundinar. i"ni"eanf yaldence eornav
Ji and Whlrr n Ma.
Veu-r'nary Hiirireon.
D. R n. nr.A rbi cs, r.u: w. waiGUT,
Attorneys at Law,
Will p'anlica i'i all the Court of the
S'ate, Prompt att. utiou given to all l;oi
oa en1;' n.ted r.ianir or,
OffiaiOll F.!bi Tmnple, .AH-an'y, Or.
! M O haaglvan oolvar-
I sol anUafactlon In tbe
I crtrai I Uonorracee and
I (ilei-l. I prescribe Hand
feel cut. ii reeoin eiand-In-
K to all aulTerara.
Dcsatut, III.
rill CE, 81.00.
Cold by Dnjfgifta,
fullf k "1 1., I, W ittvula llMK
F00 m 0I3LY!
JtrbwilllCoramlaaa PEaVOUS LBU,1XY
rtTTT) WhIumh of Body a.4 Kind! EffMU
J - -A.Af.A-S of Error ar tiMKi ia Old or loon,
a .....I, kokl. WiSIKMia n.ll Mm-4. Hn U iul
StraMrUu. wm.tanKi'ii-u ok.s riant .1 Ooutl.
SkMlilt-l. wmtUHw S.a lllkT -! hi . tmf.
Mm imtiTj frm ,1 iim,wi, ..lrl... mU V.r,l.. CmmriH,
l- writ. ShI, t.11 ...Iim.U., M. r ml4
m. Aasraw fan mi,gai 10., ium mo, a. r.
i aS: Ma
S c7.i.S
f fit o.Ta.E
IZ I ureMifSytj
rBj Cluokll Cs.
Tlf n l.'ir-!,!! It
timi;kiuand;:jtk;k. i
UoUd State Land O .
OrKoa City.Or., July 25th,lSS,.
Kotloa l hereby ivn that in eounplltee
with tha prnvliinna of tha ant of Congraia o(
Jaaa.1, lSiS.antUted "An act lor tha aala of
timber land io tha HiUtn! Clifnrni,Or
ann, Navada, and Wahingon TarHtory,"
Frank CaiUon.of Syduyoiunty of Kitaap,
t rritory rf VahinKt o, hi thi dy flltd
n t liia ofHo hiaawnrn utaramant No 12U(t,
for tha purchaia of tha N E J of aootiea Mo
JCln tnwnkhtp No 10 touth.nsa No 9 ,
and will oflar proof to khaw that fha laad
aonght ia mora vatuaiila for ua ar
ton tha (practical! aral nnrpnrra, and tt
aatabllab bit claim toaaid land bal-ra tha
Raaiatar and Raoaivar of thia ntfiea at Ora
goo City, Oregon, an Thoraday.tha 24th day
ol Ootobar, 1881). I la namoa at wltoaaoa i
0 Smith, T MoGlauoa. J Fatara and J T
Murvhv.all of Sydnr. Kitaap cnunty, W T.
Any and all paraona claiming advartaly tha
abova naaoriMd landa ara rqnatd to Hla
thair olaima in thia offica on or batora aaid
Stlh day of Ootobar. 1880.
W T BrRNtv, Rtgtttar.
Unitad Mataa Land Olllce.
Oration City. Or., July 23ib, 1680.
Notioa ia horahy givtu that in euinp'Looa
with tha proviaiona of tha aot of Conjiraaa of
Jaoe 3.18.8.toMtld 'Aa aot foi tha aala af
timber landt in thaatataa at California,Or-
aon, Navada, aad Waahingtoa Territory.
William 8-onrHald. of SaatVla, county ot
Kins, terrlterv af Waahiofftou, hat thia day
Mlrd ia thia office hi awora ataUmant No
I '.'00, for tha parohaaa of tha NWK of km-
tioa No SO, ia towaahip No 10 aontn, ranga
No 2 eatt. and wUI offtr proaf toahow that
tba land nought in mora valuabla for iU tinv
ltr or at oa thao for agricultural parpoaaa,
and to aatabliah hia olaiin to aaid land before
tha Ragi'tar and Kacaivar ot thia ofnoa at
Orvgoa City, Oraaon, on Taaaday, tba 2'2od
day of October, 1389. 11a namaa aa witnaa
mi JH Steven. J K llutehinaou, J R Ja
kobaaaand John Oarner,all of Slaattl., Kit'g
ooanty.W T. Any and all ruta olaiining
advararly tha above dncniwd l'la ara re
quested to file lhair claim in thia office on
or baf ora aaid ftiud day of Oot..l)"r.l8(il).
W T Bi'HMtr. Kaiatar,
United States 1-nnd OllW.
Orvgitu City, Or., July L'Tth, lrWtl.
Notice ia boreby civen that in roinpli
unco with the provisions of 1 ho act of Con
greaii of June 3, 187.H, entitled "An at-t for
the aula of tiniWr litmU in the States ot
California, Orviron. Nevada nnd Vahinir
ton Territory," Andy W iVilachair, of
eon, luut thia dnv tiled in this office hia
aworn statement No 1.11.1, for the purchaae
of the N K l of See No 2, III l t No 12
south. IUiiw No 2 eriNt, and will offer
nroof to show that the land souuht is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural rnirpoMea, and to establish hia
claim to said land before the Itepinter ami
Receiver of this ofhee at Oregon City.Or
on Friday the 25th day of Ortolier. 18.
lie names as witnesses : H F Kyle, of
F.cgene, Ijne county, II S Kerxman, of
Needy, t lackamas county, K llowe ami 1 J
Siiuirt'S.of Albany, Una county, all of Or.
Anv ami all tHrona claiming adversely
thealstve decriliel land are reque twl
to file their claim lit this outre on or be
fore mid 25th dsv ot Ot-toler, im.
V. T. Bi'snsy, Kegi'ter.
1 I'niteil SUtes Land Office,
i Oregon City, Or., July 2otli. 1889
Notice is hereby given that in oompll
1 ance with the tirovisions of the act of Con-
j gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
! the sale of timber lamls in the States of
. t ahfornia, Oregon, Nevada and ahing-
ton TerriUiry," Arthur A Waite. of falem
' iiiiint v of Marion, Mate of Oregon, has tliia
'I ilav filel in thisotfice his sworn statement
No 121)1, for the purchase of the S K 'i oi
s ti-, in i u iv buiiiii, iwautro ;o ;
east, and will offer iroof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its tirnlwr
or stone thsn for agricultural purposes
and to establish his claim to said land be
fore the Itegiaterand lCeceiver ot this of
fice at Oregon City, Or., on Tuesday the
22ud day of October, 18HJ. He names as
witnesses : II Shclton, of Jordan, linn
county, K F. Woodward and V licall, of
Halem, Marion county, all of Oregon, and
John Garner, Seattle, King county. V. T,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aliove dscnhed lamls sre requested to file
their claims in tins ollice on tx before sai
22nd dav of Octnlier, ls.mi,
W. T. Hi bxkv, Register.
United States Un OlU.-c.
Oreirim City.Or.. July 25th. 1889.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of Con
Kress of June 3, 1H7H, entitled "An a.-t for
the mile of timber lands in the States of
California, On-(fon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," Jorgen B JakolsMm, of
Seatt!e,countv of Kinc.Tcrritory of H ah
ington, has this day tlle.l in thia olfice his
sworn statement No 12Hl,for the mn hune
of the N K i (4 Sec No 81. Tp No 10 south
Kane No 2 eont and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said
land before the lexiter an l Itcceiver of
this ollice at Oregon City, r , on Tuesday
the 22nd day of OcUiU-'r, l-v. He names
as witnesses : W ricoiiriicl l, J K Ilntch
inson, John Uarner and J K Stevens, all
ol Seattle, Kinn couhty, W. T. Any and
all persons claiming ailversi-lv the above
described lauds are re,iH-t"d to file their
claims in this office on or Is-fre said 22nd
day of Oi-tolier. lrW.
W. T. Bi Rxr.v, Register.
United State Land Office,
. Oregon City, Or., July 27th, 1889.
Notice i hereby given that in compli
ant with the provision of the act of Con
gres of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
the ale of timtier land in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," Charles Smith, of Sydney,
countjr of KiUap.Territory of Wellington,
ha thia day filexl in this office hia sworn
statement No 1314, for the purchase of the
N h H of Sec No 4, in To No 12 south,
Kange No 2 eat, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought i more valu-
, able for it timber or atone than for agri
cultural iirpoc. ami to etabiisn hi
claim to said land tiefore the ltegiter ami
Jteeeiver of thi office at Oregon City.Or.,
on Friday the 25th day of October, 188ft.
He name as witncs'es : J Ilorzog, JT
Murphy, T McGlemm and J Peters,
all of Sydney, Kitsap county, W. T.
Any and all person claiming ad
versely the above described land are re
quested to file their claim in this office on
or lieforc aid 25th dav of October, 1880.
W. T. I'I'bxey, Regiter.
United States Land OfTice,
Oregon City, Or., July 301b, 1889.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provi.ions of the act of Con
grea nf June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber land in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Wa.hfng.
ton Territory," Josephine Shearer.of Port
land, county of Multnomah, state of Ore
gon, has this day filed In this office her
sworn Ktatement No 1324, for the pur
chase ef lots 1 and t and S '4 of N E i ot
Sec No 2, in Tp No 12 south, Range No 1
eatt, and will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable far it Umber
er stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish her claim to said land be
fore the Register and Receiver of this of
fice at Oregon City, Or , on Saturday the
26th day of October, 18S9 ; She names as
witnesses : II Vroom, O Llndley, C J
Dickerson and J M Slmona, all of Port
land, Multnemr.h county, Or. Any and all
persons claiming adversely the above de
scribed Unos are requested to file their
c'aims In this office on or before said 36th
day of October, 1889.
W. T. Burney, Register.
Cnitad Mtetm Land Oft.ra.
dragon City, (irKon, July 2tb ,1889
' Notice iaharoby irlveo that In ciiiMinr with th
pr-.vl.iona of thsa.Hnf f!ii!fri.Miof -tun. a.lS7ntitlwl
'-An aot Ur themenltlmlwr lanij. In tha eUtesoftfel'
ilamia, Orejrnn, Natatla.anil Waihir.irUm Tarrltoiy,'
U.nryM Hrgiiin ,ol N'aely,eouiit nlf acksmaa.aUt
OreifK, haathia l.y filed In IhisoDic III. sworn
aatnint No 1311, for th imrchnw oflnNWiof
sluNo2. ,rani. NoiaaM,
and will Bur proof toahow that th.l.nU fought I
mora valoab a for It. timber or aton. lha.i for agricul
tural prwo,nd towtab't'h hia claim to said land
befor th Kegi.Kr end He.iviir ol thia uffic atOra
pon City, Oregon , on Prl lay, thi.- ?&lh day of Oetobar,
lb. I'snamnsiswilne-iw.: AW tiu iha;INRdy,
CTuSamuieouiiy, B F K.livl l..i,'t;ij, Latiacounty,
R Howe and J J Hflulre,o Albuiy ..itin eo-inty, all ol
Oton. Any and all para-ina oiwinin adveraely Iba
ilH-e described landar.ri'ji!cs!((l to fli Ib-lr claims
la this oSi. 00 r before sa'il I h il v nt O itober,18W.
WT IJ.'ay, Reifistar.
Children Cry for
AB In.urri'r tion
Sak FaHCico, Aug 9. By the of
tha ateamahip Australian from Honolulu tliii
tvening, aJvicetara received of an attempt lo
evtrtttn tha Hawailnn govemmenl, itmile on
Tiieailny, July Jolnat,
Two hall while llawaiiitna, nniue l Kolert
W Wilcox and Kobeit Hi)'il, with aoo oihen
march on the pataca. The gate wet open,
and A force of volunteer entrietl, and took -
nunilwr of the relx-li prlsonem, among them
lieing Wilcox and lloyil.
Three men were later tried fr trennon,
although not actively engaged in the Hoi, and
the olheia were to be tried ahoitly.
A Tragedy,
CANVONVII.I.K, Or., Aug, 9. Vextenlny
about 4 p nt to rren, J S Cntching and I.
rucket, reaidenta here, got into qunrrel almut
aonie lumlter. Woidi anaued, when CnHiing
called Pucket a liar, whereupon I'mket picked
up a shot piece of acantling, which had a bolt
in ona end, and atruck Catching over the temple
aetunning blow, breaking hia skull. Catching
made an effort to rise to his feet, when Tucket
again struck him over the ear, the boll pene
IraUng the brain,
Tha Wheat frop.
MiNNKAmi.i, Aug. 9," I he whent crop
In Minnesota and Dakota al 1 leach 85,000,000
bushels, and I think will co at liich as 90,000
000, M was the announcement of I lis editor of
the Market A'ersrrf this morning,
"It will be the best crop liarvrat in aia
yea rr,n said Mnnngcr Kobbins, nf tha Notlh
western Klevator Compsny.
Wamiinotos, DC, Aug, 9. It i report
ed that General K Alger, ofMichignn,! a can
didata for commander-in-chief of the Crnnd
Army of the Republic. It is also asserted that
CorHrsl Tanner, commissioner of pensions,
ast ire to the place, but, in view of his present
position, Ms li tends deem it inadvisable for hun
- be a candidate.
IheSafra Jiafr.
Wasiiinton, Aug, 9, Tha comptroller
of cuuenry to day received a li lrgraut from
hr iMeidcnls tf six national banks of Spokane
Falls, V T., recently swep iy fire, savins
that tha banks had survived the iliaaslcr anil
were doing business as usual, ami add ng that
tne saies were an right.
Ike Kentucky Vl rt Ion.
Louisville, Aug. 8 The returns from the
state election up to this morning show that the
democrats have increased ihrir plurality by
18,000 over the election of lo vrais sun. and
that Monday's nwjoiiiy will reaiii 35,000.
The last legislature stood ioj ilrmncriiis and
3a oppoailton. That elected on Monday will
Cnaii of 1 14 democrat and 14 republican,
arai nnrsei'.
SaLKM, Or , Aug. 8, Last evening, white
Uicbler llro. attain Ihicstiing outfit wa at
work for Peter Bach, etwecn Aumaville and
Suhiimny, fire was in some wsy communicated
to tbe straw, and in spin of all efforts, tha
greater part of forty hve arreted gum, beside
the threshing separator, s totally destroyed.
a Effecilveaaleida
Jackson, Aug. 8. John Wetciar, a Ger
man 66 year old, eommilted suicide lal night
at the Weizctar mire by blowing his head off
with a giant powder cap. It Is Uwd that
ha placed the powder on his neck and deliber
ately touched it olf. Drink anil financial
trouble ate believed to be the cause.
A blgTrmla Kobbery.
Dknvkk. Col , Aug, 7. A special letcWcd
here this afternoon says: The Kio Grande
Western train number 3, known a "The
Modoc, ' was held up near Ptevaate List night
by train robbers.
Two of them totrded the baggage car at
Thompson Spring. They climed over the car
to the engine, and pointed their revolvei at
the heads of the engineer and firemen and
compelled them lo stop the train. They furred
the fireman to attempt to chop through the
dooca of the express car. Messenger Willis
waa icady with a magazine shot gun and two
self cocking revolver. The fireman was made
to chop through the boiler iion dour, so the
robbers fiied a doren shots through. Messen
ger Willis lay on the flour end waa nut hit.
The robbers' dared not show their heads at the
broken windows leal they should get shot.
They gave it up finally, and joined two
other robbers back in the other caia. The four
went through the train with their revolves
drawn and gather fooo and twenty watches.
t'oavralJo. Calird.
Seattie. W T. Aug. 7. The republican
Mate central committee to-day called a con
ventien to nominal a state ticket, to meet at
Walla 'Valla, September 4. The county eon
ventkms will be held August 39. Thelle
gates will number 398.
Tha Nrw Jaatlr.
Sax FAKimo, Aug. 6 A sperlal dis
patch to the Examiner from Washington say:
"Tbe nuesiion of filling ihe vacancy in the
supreme coutt crested by the death of tbe late
Justice Matthews has been settled. Secretary
.ouie is tne successiui man.
ltaef II a It ad.
SEATTLE, AugT J. Josei h liradoviuh hat
rought suit sgainst hia wife. Josephine for a
divorce. Tbe complaint set forth that when
'hey were Seattle, over a year ago,
he believed that she was a nuiden, and bad
never been married. He afterwards learned
that the had been married to five different oven,
United State I-and Office.
Oregon City. Or., luly 37th. 18S0.
Notice it hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
june 3, 107s, entitled "An tct for the tale of
timlier land in tb ttatesofCslifornis, Oregon,
Nevada.and Washington Territory "Julius 1 tar
ing, of Sydney, county of Kitsap, territory of
Wathington,hat thi day filed in this office hi t
twora statement No 131 J, for the purchase of
tne nnM sectn fo 4. in township No
I south, range No 3 cast, and will oiler proof
10 siiow mat tne lanci oougiit 1 more valuable
for its timber or (tone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish hit claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of this office
at Oregon City, Or, on Frtday.the 35th day of
uciooer, 1009. ne names at witnesses t JT
uiurpny, , amun, 1 Aiasienon and J I'etert,
all of Sydney, Kitsap county, W 1 . Any and
all persons claiming adversely the above de
scribed landt are requotted to file their claim
in tint ollice on or before tt id 35th day of Oc-
101 er, 1 099.
W T lit'UNEY, Register
United States land Office.
Oregon City, Or., July 3it, 1889.
Notice it hereby given that in compliance
wuii idc provisions 01 tne act ot Congress or
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the aale of
timber in the states of Csliforoia, Oregon,
Nevada.and Washington Territory, "Charlet L
Gray, of Vancouver, county of Clarke.territory
of Washington, hat this dav filed in this office
his sworn statement Nol336,fbr the purchase of
101s 1 ana 3 ana t. y, o N W J4
of section No 18, in township No 13 soutl:,
range No 1 east, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought it more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricultural puraos
es.snd to establish hit claim to said land before
the Registe-and Receiver of this office at Ore
gon City, Or.on Mondy.the 38th day of Octo
ber, 1889. He names tt witnesses ; J Sweet,
G W Robinson, D Fittgibbons and U M Mo
Farlane.allof Vancouver, Clarke county, W T.
Any and alt persons claiming adversely the
above deicribed landt are renuetted to file their
ctaims in (hit office on or before laid 28th day of
icioucr, 1009.
' W T Burney, Register.
We have the Exclusive Control ot
X tb
0 K
'"in. I
And don't havt to eftr a prttt ta nil thia
Qoodt, for lit U B8T HADE. inraOonhoUt
Pitcher's Castorla.
,i I IS I.' ft
KdltsabyAlbsny W.0.T.U i
All the screens and blind were remove I I
from the saloon in Wilmington, on t!e !
iiiuier ute new license law.
The next National WCTU ...MHitio ;
will be held in Chicago, Nov. 8, to it.
Senator Frys predict that within it If )e,u '
a national election will be fought on the 'ic.
lion of lli abolition of the liquor tnlm .
At tli request of the Washington ,V ( I
V President Harrison prohibited the :! l
lnloli'nnt In connection with the niilil.ny vu
cninpment in the District of Columbin.
A t'roviilen - brewer declures thati!iviernl
of the Rhode Island prohibitory Amend' em
is worth at IcnM a quaricrof a nulliun to him.
Mi UIRs is still in Suutliern Oregon. She
has oignnked lively unions at Scottslmig mid
Gardiner. There baa never been nn org.inisrr
of the VS'oiiiitn' Christlnn Temperance Union
In that District before. Mr Kiggs ronsidrr
tha outlook very encouraging.
Miss Kate Field hat resigned her p'xilio 1 m
lecturer & special sgrnt for the Cat. Vulit ull umI
Asciation. Sin has been severely crilliM.?.!
by religious an I temperance people, tin tii
no dwiibt expected, bu. she is wntiiy nvtr
what she terms the "milrageniu 1 tilirHiii
eminntiiig fi sm the piivateoflice i,i the Gover
nor of California." It sccuis that the t lover
nor obiects to the bills sue sent in slu'l lict
Washington "reception." and other eineit iui
mentsor win suppers, such Inipeilennnce
from the Governor, Miss Field will not i!.mit i
to, banc she resigns. j
., ., . ... .. .1 , ,
lion Henry II Meted! in writing on the bit ,
vol in Rhode Island says, "I have been an ,cd I
repeatedly, did not many christian men vote
for the reneal of nrohitiilion. I ansutr I e i
,!..: .1 u .1... 11..1.. iur k..,i 1
U.IHWIIIHM.1,,111 fWJ w. I w".......
n . , , , , , 1
experien.c, uy saying mat 1 nava convi-r.i-.i
w ith a considerable number of professed Chiis-
tianswtto voted with the liquor tellers 011 June
30th, not one of whom (omitting those wl.n ae
moderate driukets)lm givm any evidenrc ol
actual, specific knowledge of the condition U
lntenieiBnce in khotle island or anywb-rr
else, under either license or piuUibition, m (
any desire to acquits such knowledge, Tlicy i
have simply acceid the easy, or the popul it
or the fitshioitable side of the question. I'lob
ably most of them are iniocent of anything 1
that resembles a conviction 00 this great qu?- :
tion among quel ions.
UIkxIc island stands humiliated before h-r 1
sister Stales, bu', Cod lie praisad, oni fouiilii
of her voieia ten thousand stronj; iil slnnd
erect, icfusing to lcnd the knee to the tt-piiii. 1
The w ar has only just begun!"
(0. R. N IU4.kl.11rn. Judta ; R. W. sd 0.
W. I'hllll, I'onnii lulu iter.)
E N McCaw alloa.d io (cct of lum
ber and 25 pound of spike for RoaJ dial
Appllcaiion of A I". Randall to apiulnt
a coiiiiiilaloei to di-trov Canada thi.tle
A,qill:ailonof J R Kbkpatlck foraid ti
build road Into Hlg L'illo:n
County Arif allowed two week
further lime to complete aemcnt roll.
Ordered that two rlccltlc light be put
In Clerk' omce.
Hill allowed :
Peter Hutne, aid Mr Claik $
3 00
ti F Crawford, aid Mr Robert. . ,
lohn Usher, janitor.
J A Crawford, water rent
R W Mnac, lumber road dUt 30..
N II Allen.electrlc light...
J K Da Is, sawing wood
Albany rrtntg to, printing .......
1) A Smith, nail road di.t 52 ....
U W Smith, work on Court llouo
and jail.
il) Walton, lumber, dit to
C Morgan, lumber dUt 3t
U l liar nar i it Co, botiks Clcik...
" u u Kecorde
O W Wheeler, lumber Ji.t 19
. M I7...,.
L M Cut I, salary aa Suo't
Sam May, aid ( ba. llrlgg
J F Hyde, aid J lltdc
A F Hamilton, aid Orchard family
AF Hamilton, nails dial 41
K E Montague, Clerk's fee
II Farwcll, salary a Trca.urcr. . .
John Smallmon Sheriff fees
ohh Smallmon sundry expenses.,
inapp, Itttrrcll k Co. scrapers. . . .
Ko.hayA: Mnon, siatloncry.
J U Fltawater, keeping pauper. . , ,
C B Mon'ague, lumber, dlt 20. . . .
R K Humphrcv, lumber for road.
W St John, building Cyrus Mill
0 9
S3 33
50 so
4) ii
14 ss
4 3i
48 80
f J Davt, keeping cot-nty poor,.
il rarweii, au r. u Datidson....
I I Hoiris aid pauper
I II Wirt, spike and lumber for
bridge l t.fio
Fees State v Hill and Roltc's.... 52.30
" Jamra Lanlg.n......
" " fiylvester Nicholl... 31.12
" fanlr Forrester,... 5395
Fee Hartmu road '24 00
Fee J T I fook road 1 8 00
P Cohen, md.e for poor 725
It ha been ajuite smoky for the past
few day.
Three case of scarlctcnia thl week.
Mr William Sulllvcn I quite ill from
the effect of fall from a step hill, having
three rib broken and other bruiaes.
Mr. Lee Berry t but Uy engaged In lo
cating the many emigrant, that are com
ing tn thi place seeking home, aa there
are thousanda cf acre ot valuable land yet
lo be settled upon within a few mile of
this place.
The sermon and baptizing conducted by
Rev Hulbcrt on lest $ubbatrt wa a grand
School will close in Iwo week, quite a
number of pupils have not yet been ab
sent or tardy.
I)r Hughe Is at Portland on buskess,
but will return next week.
Mr Badger and Mr Rice are building
new barn.
Mr Reins, Mr Work und Mr Thomas are
visiting friends near Albany.
Mr Griggs, of Canada is here trying to
secure a bulk of timber nnd then erect a
taw mill.
Prof Warner will take part l.i the liter
ary exercUca at Rock Creek thia coming
Saturday evening.
The bachelor hotel was moved Into Tom
Sims potato patch the either day.
One of our good fishermen caught ens
hundred fine trout last SaturJay.
Potatoes are a carce article, selling at
$1.25 a bushel.
better List.
Following la th I let ot latter remaining In tb Poet
O.Hoe, Albany, Linn eounty, Oregon, Aug bib, 18W
Parson oallln- for the letten must gtv tbe data oa
which thov wers sdvcrtlwd :
R B St Co
Bed 'oid. J R 7
Campbell, A 11
C01 dell. W K
Haley, Mr Martfca
Larimer, A L
Milcon William
Martirer, Eva
Phelan, Mania
Pi ice, Geo J
Shough, Micbal .
Hike, Mrs MO
Bollard. J II
Coleman, M ra
Duktio, Geo
Lshay. Will
Mscitiey, Norman
Mclotire, O tV
Scott & Parser
Parker, M I)
Binebsrt. P M
Titua, Mrs Ntltie
When ITnby waa aluk, we gave her Castorla,
"When aha waa a Child, she cried for Castorla,
Whew aha bscenie Mlaa, she clung to Caatoria,
WTum alia bad Children, aha gave them Caatoria.
' Want Something to Do,
Independence, Or., Aug. 8 Yesterday
Robert Clow; of Junction City, G W Colvig, ts
Grant' Tast, and J P Faull, of Baker City,
railroad commissioner', annd W H Grondahl,
a civil engineer of the Southern Pocific, were
in our -;iiy long enough to eat dinner. They
were inspecting the roadbed of the Oiegon fc
California, and found it to be in a very good
condition. They are inspecting the nairow
guDgi linet of the West Side to-day. It it to
be hoped that the road will be improved.
Children Cry for.
Mrs S Q Dorrl. of Laf4yeltr, Is in the
; Clf , ...
Mr. Win Furlmilli-r lias retnrned from the
)'" -
due Saratoga chip at Rrnwnell Sc
S.imi'i.l'f. Itest thing out.
tS Watt Miinlalth lis r tumid f rim a
tri '.. theManslleld hot rprings.
I I (av. fiirmerly of thl city lias bran
i -i l-d Walla Fariio'a aeut at Curvallis,
n I run th olllae' in eonneutiort with
tl u I 'jraplt fifllea.
brat for "rjoi It a poor exchange, and
fain,.' should not do it.
T 1 is is now oos Calnstial tora III Oiegnn,
(.'In p Hong waa hanged at l'oilland this at
tr o.ii..
t'l 1 i Kimineer Siawart, iuonmpsny with
Mr 1 the Pauilio lcsaranoa Uu
1111.n11.da ahornuah examitialiunot Albany'
11. fupply to-day and found it good.
.1 C Mejar ami family aia at llm Day.
Mi .1 A Mol'rton and family are doing
Y ipiiua Bay.
F ftsaii, 0 L Brush and A Rhodes.'telt
t-i -lay for tha Hanliarr. uiines.
Mr T L Wallace and family loft this boon
km a trip to the Hudaa b)omi Sweat Hum.
Mr Prof Davis ami children, of Yamhill
" Mity, ara ia the city the suet of Mr L
'l licit.
Mrs C it Stowait bnd son, F.l and Cbar
' y, retnrned to dav irom a s.v.rsl wei-ks
vl tto Mr W II tiaston and family
npr-viile od t uk oi.ouu.
M- I'-mue McKnlgbt left this mnrnibs
1. .oau ..f horses for H-sttl McKnigM
,.( , nJltoon . ,U,,,M , pt.
m () p Cnshow. Jr., of BmwusviIic, has
n - n'i d 011. of Mr Jn Sage residence on
Lv. n atrest. and will mova to tin
. ... rt,
wlim h 'i'l anei th 'ttm ef lion
u-.hnrford and idru th atudy
A man snd w-mian gave aakilfu' juKglo g
ehibir. n t F'-rrv and Ffr.t Str-l tins
tl.rrv tlTi-iuii r. an Wub.w O'Umuni'St
I,v rvvflo at IheOi'- 'a If Ad
n xt Monday.
t'wo vstfs answered to tha roll call bsfore
1! border llatit m tin alt inooo and leoeived
I r sentence.
V i M O Lsne, Jaa G Wains' half brother
in. I -u appointad principal in, tractor at
b I ji.ian school at Chartswa.
I' r Ua navirig room to tent to sladeot
-. ti! t uilnr a favor by eooferring wi'.b Preil
-1, 1.1 t 'ondit of tn Albany College.
V-irrday a yaluabla horse, owned by
rVi.k W.oiwas kicked by soother horte,
n..kii.u it Doors sary to shoot tbe former.
Portland i to bava a Dvn.ncratio daily.
Wllh U W il pres. lit V il i-aditor
In ehnt. It w 1 I lie 0-ckril liy quite a capl
ltv J tl Kosu.iiiik i.alM.ntlo atatt
fliui u- uirr at ll Ouou, lo be called the
far H'ett PrtJnitr. It will be under the
uiDkemiit of the C P Church.
Kid J F Mtew.ri. of Fort una. Cat., will
pi. acb t'i' Cioi.tiati church to thia oily !
at p .,, Suu.i.s E!4 N B Alio i f Ku !
g.---p t'l"- iil r i.o 1 r-seh a' 8 y m M--
P Avn, i-l Corvrhia, cm in ale- day
au.i. IU ttatra tblt b had ju.l ld bi
entire) baud of atock Jan.ea Foeter,
of Huoimar Lske, ami bought Mr F.tei'
fine farm near worvallia. IU allow Mr F.
flO.OOd for tie farm, and est! bun cattlaat
tha lollowiag prior : Cow and clve.l'.'3
two year old., f IS, aod jearling, 15-
Laksvtaw lixttmiittr.
Tbo Kay, wa ia the city to-day.
('has Mealier returned thia noon from II
waeo tfia Shore Samucli sent tn IL. Dav to-
John IluUuo and Dick Coon ratarjed
yaatcrd.y from Findley's, without the yel
low dog. Thry era vary mild is their claims
both baiog modest, 0 right Joaog men, aad
only put the number of trout canght at 430.
vVbeat, 02 Grata,
13 cut shavma at Viereck'i.
8 tick.ts for I at Vtrck .
Rfris-raU'iaatStrwart A !'.
Ruut and shoe at coat at Raad'a.
L-e cream f.erxre at Stewart A $xV
N'Will.ii. rf fit g' Id fit ga at Flel'ih a
The beat hue ot kid glove at W. F.
New cream cheeMi jo.i (reived at Cobtad
For !e. cbaap, aeonnd h n-l cm an. Mr.
Hy mau'a-
3rhaira running steady at VtrecV shav
ing parlora.
IWt roAat'd.ffee in tbe city at Conrad
Ju.t rtoeiyd new table horn at W. F.
; I V Starr, i.hv.ii.n a,Ml.neonii Alhanv.
l J , ew
Good cooking tove only I0 at Hop. a k
Th" km watch in the world for the money
at r hi r retich e.
Another ear of big wst.-rmel H.a at La
Fore.t ThempaaaV.
Side saddle, and ladioa riding unreinglet al
Th.-inio& 0-erman'a.
Tliooipin ft Overman, agent for tha area!
I'ynainlt. buggy whip.
For antmln-r one gualily of re folk
and apoona eall at r M Frent a a. .
Tubba a pure mamlla birding twine in
largo ifUantttiee at Stewart it Sox 'a.
1 he choicest line of table lutoriea ean be
fouud at ISrownell & Stsnard'a.
J W Bentley. Iwat boot and alios maker io
city, opposite rort miller St Iriiug'a
A large and fine line of window shades
joat received at I ortmiller A Irving'a.
We have the bust $1 50 kid glove ever
brought to Albany at W F Read'a.
Now is tho time loaave mno.y by buying
boots and abort at o-wt of W. F. Read.
Some line California chr aa, a barrel of
golden drip syrup aod aomt fine oomb honey
just received at Itrawnell AStaoard'a.
Go to tlibler A Paisley for your job print
ing. They do any and all kind ot work in
tha waulisbiug and job prii.ting lino, (jaick
work and lew price.
F. M. French kavpt rtilroad time.
J, P. Wallace, Physician And Snro,a .
bany, Ur
For a Sterling or Rtnerton pisuo call on
Li lilacs man.
U L Blackmaa ia agaot tor tho Weber
piano. Nona better.
B ly your tto'tet through tajtha F.atf
W L eater and aave fay to Portland.
Tha Wettern Cottage and Packard re two
ot tha best organa made. ' U I, Biaok nan
A fine line of all kinda of furniture, plain
and upholstered, boa atock: in thi part of
Oregon at Fortuiiller A Irving'.
If yon want a oleao and fins amoke atk for
J. Joseph' home made white labor cigars
For tale by most cigar dealers and at hia
Joseph's factory.
J A Ar jhiVtl 1, a ft ! Sojar Vlanufaotur,
iagCj., o,Miii!iOU Faiia vs Taiiiplu, Al
A tino lib ot bugoy dustora and,tly beta at
Thompson A Overman', ths leading liarnei
An elecsnl line nf eii't tablo apreada, in
beautiful designa, just teceived at Fortmiller
A Itviug'a.
5 oant G ildan Star tomvtoos for Ot) cont
at 0 Mayer, and all otherj canned oods
cheap for cash.
Dr Wrighttmsn'a Sovereign lUItu "f Jife,
for (Jiteases pionliar to women,- nt Deyoe &
Rebson'aand Brownoll fe SUonrdV. P J
Baltimore, agent. 1 -
Call and examiaa Z. T. Wright'a atnok t-f
lubricating oil. Also ateani gonda of .11
kind. Keep tho celebrated Powell , Sight
feed Lubricatnra mid oil cupa, oanstantly on
hand. Also Trahern. Lilt and Foroa puinpr.
Iron liipe espectalli , Branch House one
IhtkahnyeAltisnv I'-oiiWurk.
Wiighi." Myrrh tcoth soap e ine elf con
queror evry time you have "a brush" with
it. Dth to tartar and decay. Sold by
Foal: ay & Mstou.
If nn hava auy j ib w rK o i call on G
V. Smith. lin ia pen... ta do. it .with
nt-a tii(;i mid dianstlv sod aa cliucip aa any
one. L fttmdes ill t,uv horse, hay,
baled, and osi. iu any quantity
blKriu.loteb prices,
Pitcher's Castorla.
United State Land Office,
Oregon City, Or., July 30, 1889,
Notice I hereby given Hint in compli
ance with the provllonsof the act of Con.
gresa of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
the aale of timber lands in the States of
California, Oregon, Navada and Washing,
ton Teriltory,' Martha lluckabay,of Port
land, countv of Multnomah, .lain t,1 dra
gon, has this tluy filed In this office her
swot n statement No 132. for the purchase
of lot 3 and 4 and S 4 of N W U of hjec
N 3 3, in I p No 2 south, Kange No t,
east, and will offer proof to show (bat tbe
land sought Is more valuable for It timber
or stone than for agricultural purpose.
and to establish her cliitm to suld land be
fore the Register and Receiver of this of
fice at urcgon City, ur on Saturday tne
lOth day of October, 1889. She names as
witness s ii Vroom, tj Llndley, C J
Dickerson and J M Simons, all of Port
land, Multnomah county, Or, Any and
all persons claiming adversely the above
described land are requested lo file their
claim In this office on or before said 26th'
day of October, 1889.
W. T. murks r, Register.
United State Land Office,
Oregon City, Or., July 3f, 1889,
Nellce I hereby glyrn that in compll-
ante with the provision of the act ot Con
gress of June 3, 1078, entitled "An set for
the sate of timber land In the State ot
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton lerritory, l-iaviu Mcrariane, of V an
couver, county of Clarke, Territory of
Washington ha thl day Tiled in thl of
fice hi worn tiatement No 1327. for the of tbe N B J4 of Sec No 18, In
I'p No II tautb. Range No 2 cast, and
will oiler pi 00 1 to ahow that the land sought
la iore valuable I' limber or ttone than
for agricultural purposes, and to cstsblUh
hla claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver of this office at Oregon City,
Or,, on Monday the 28th day of October,
1889. He name a wltnesacs ; C I- May.
I Sweet, O W Robinson and I) Fitrglb
bona, all ef Vancouver. Clarke county. W
T, Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above described lands are requested
to file their claim In this office on or be-
'ore said 28th dav of October, 189
W.T. IJune.v, RcgLter.
United States Ijind Office.
Oregon City, Or., July 27th, 1889,
Notice it hereby given that sn compliant e ;
with tne provisions of the act ol Co'igrcst ol
June 3, I878, entitled "An act for Ibesaleof
timber lands in the ttatctol Cammm?, Oregon,
Nevada, anil Washington Territoiy,'' Thomas
McGlenon,of Sydney,ceunty of K tsap.teniioiy
of Washington, ha thi day filed in this o!iue
his sworn statement No 1316, for the purchase
of the S F- of section No 4, in township No
13 touth.range No 2 east.and will offer ptoof to
show that the land sought i more valuable for
its timlier or stone than foragriculturnl purpot
e,and to establish his claim 10 said land befoie
the Register and Receiver of thi ollice at Ore
gon City, Or, on Friday, the 25th day of Octo J
ber, 18X9. He name witnesses: C Smith, i
J Hertog, J Peters and J T Murphy, all of Syd
ney, Kitsap coun'y, W T. Any and all per- j
sons claiming adversely the above dcsciilxrJ i
binds are requested to tile their claims in this
otiit-eonot liefoiesiiiil 3S'hdiiyofOcioler,l89. j
W I IK' a key. Register.
ll.tu 1 Bit. U'l N.,i,
iHetw IXtyjUr gim: Joljr
Na'lollrby ul.enlli.i in onunll.n'. rnbli j
prmwiiiiii immKi mrum otJuiwa.m? eniilkd
"Aaan f.thHi.i tlii.U-r lh..tlHl J.
If ..rtila, O'rf on, Nn 4a. and W a l.inu.n Trrriby,'
Jmntm V. Iltji. llimm,o ymH. ewinty -itTharw.n,
to iiory ut nMuum,Mt thl. dav a d in lh-..rtlc.
bi. Uumiil l..r tb. t'U:rhM of Uaa
S E of pteiUm Vi w, q l., nahlp No pi. auuOi ranir
No ...!, and will ofl.r pro.f lu .) that th. laud
.ought I mo,. ,.lu.bM ( jt It. Umber or M.m. Own
for atrlraltoral r-art"' and to Mb!ud) bia rlaim to
Bi ill enuntv. W T Anv end .11 rne imluv -.1
t; itMly lAmsm dcrnbrd lwtda ar. reqiuatod to HI.
Owrtr cUluw la thia .flic t ut
e.'ar aaid Xind day of
Urtutaf, I (MB,
W T BvasKt, hiirt.'.
failed Ital Und OSir.
1 rKrm t "Uy , i "M-ifon. Joly fTth, le.
Notice la hereby elv.o tbat incmpliuu-. with lb.
fem. lNta of Ih. art of I 'ongrMS nf J unci, 1 7s,trtit led
An act tor Ibe saw of llmlwr l"4, in UieMau. of fal-
Ifnrnia, Orevoa. Kevad . and W.bittirtn Territory ."
iim n m.a leaiiiaa.wtiniyoi wenuauof
Hlcklcan. hiaOoaa.y filwl In thia .Sir. hi.
nilearal Mo IXil, Ut 1 Iw urthM.i4 lbSW of
MKtlnn Ka Sl.ln lowiwbip So IU soHh,ranr SoSnxU
and will uSor pt""f Uiabow that tb. laud aooA-ht ia
asur. ta'ttsble Ut iU lln ber or el.ns. Uian tor aerv-ul-
utetl porpoM. a Uitbl,.b hi. claim loui. twid
bvf m u RrglrtW and Keoei,.r of Una oOiro.t I iro
eo City. Or ,0. t rabday mt .Ihm,
H nai aa witovwa : V I U-wll M Hnn.H C Yrka
and J i Squtra, all of Albany, Una county, Umm.
Anyaua aii pawns euuminr aivneiy lb above oe-
ai-rllwd kuid. ar requeued tn Rlalnetr claim la thie
office 00 or beftfaal4XMb davf iictober, Iwa,
w T Hrastr. Uestotar.
Holies for Publication.
United Si e. Land Ofllae. 1
tlregnn Cite, June 20. lhS'j f
NotioH n h-m'-y gtvnn thst In e.unp I
snoe wilb tbe provial-i'va tiflne set ol
Consreas of Juue 3rd. I!M, euritisi! ' Aa
set for the a e of timber landa in ibe
Mat a of California. Orgn, sev.dtt. ard
Wablugtin Territory," Wtiilaui It
Kequa.of I'ortl nd.ooTieiy of Multnoiiisb,
State nf (Hgon, baa thia day filed in thia
offl-w bis sworn statenu nt N'o 1033. for
Hi. purebaan of tbH E X i f N W i and
lota I anil 2of ciicii No. 18, in 't own
ship No. 10 notilh, lUtign No 3 eant, and
will offur proof to show that the land
nought la ui re valuable for Its limber r
siotis than tor Sitrleulmral p4irroee,snd
to ewlsbliah hia claim lo ssld land r
the Kestlaterand Keoelvtr of tbt ofu-.-e at
Oregon city, Oregon, on
Tuesday, the ITifc stayer September. ISSS.
He name as wi(neutea: John Weat
and G, A. Bennett, of Tacoma, Pierce
oounty. W, T , and D. Her bey an l C
G. Tycer, of Portland, Multnomah eoun
ty, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adreras
ly the above deecribed laud, are request
ed to file tbelr claims in this ollice on or
before said 17th day of September, lKS'J.
W. T. Burn bt,
Notice for Publication.
United Statea Land Office, 1
Oregon City, Or., June .20, ISM). J
Notice ia hereby given tbat in com oil -anea
with the provisions of the act
Congrea of Juue 8rd. 18.8. entitled ''An
setter Ibe aale of timber land in tbe
Stalos of California, Oregon, Nevada mid
Washington Territory " David Jlerwhey,
ot Portland, county of Multnomah, Stale
of Oregon, haa thin dsy 11 m l to this ollice
bis sworn atatementNo, 1032, for tbe p-ir
ehaaeoftbeNR J of "ection No. 12. In
Town.blp No lu evUtb, Rarigo No. 2.
eatat, and wtt offer proof to show that the
lamt sought Is uior- valuable for its Um
ber or sui'ie tban for agrioultursl pur
poses, aid to eatabllah hla oialtn to said
land befoie the KegbKr or Receiver of
this office at Oregon City, Oiegon, en
T.rsday, the Kits day er September, im
He names aa wltneaa : John West and
G A Bennett, cf Tacoma, fierce eounty,
W. T., and W. II. Requa aud C. G. Ty
ner. of Portland, Multnomah county, Or.
Any and all parsons claiming adversely
theabovedescribed lands are requested
to file tbelr claims In this office on or bo
fore aaid 17th day of September, 18S9.
United States Land Otfice.
Ore iron nay, Oregon, July 18th, last).
Notice la hereby given that lu compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
JuneS. 1878, en tlt'd"Aa act for ths tale or Urn.
berlAndt in tho tnta of California, Oregon.
Kevad, and Washington Territory," Donald
Ifukae, of Brownsville, eounty of Linn, state of
Oregon, ha thia day died In thia oRlon his
aworn atetemant No 12.', for the purchase of
theNKJof section No 2U, In township No In,
out h, range No 3, east, and will otTor proof to
ahow ttiKt tbe land sought 1 mere valuable
for It timber or stone than for ngrlnulturnl
purpose, andte establish his olalmto said
land before tha Register and Kocelver of thl
oftlo st Oregon City. Oregon, on Mondny.the
11th day of October, Vm. He natnea as wlt
neea i W H Taylor, W Eat, J H Towsley and
U Brenna i.all of Albany, Linn eounty .Oregon.
Any all persons olalmlng adversely tliORlmve
deaorlbed lands are rmpiested to file their
claim In this offloe on or bofora asld llth day
of October, 189.
'V? T Buasar, Regltter.
Thef?ypeptle, the dblJ!t ted, wheth
er from xesa of werfc f sulad a?
roojr, cLrlnK mt expoeure in
Halarial Heioxts.
mm UMIliK,,r and Hmi.w of UiUuSios m tins day tiled in tilts
IX4wr. tv H.baiBMawiiun: J HJ.kuu.. i ? f mcl" T ,--,',or ",e
J V, Hru,a.M ud J.d.n tin-.ll of K!ll. S tV 1 lit NT NO J t N
win rtna mil's nil trie meat arenlal
reateeaUve ever offered, tlio auiteriuir
Try Them Fairly.
A Tlg-orona body, pn re blood, atronsr
Kiervee aod a cheerf ul mind will reaatU
,,i.iI.WiMm.i..i.imii 11. mmmmuLW " ....... .J-j
I ------ ' - a.
for Infanta
' CatltaoweUtxUptedlochlldreiithAt
111 80. Oxtord St., Brooklyn, M. T.
A dries to Mother.
Mrs, Winslnw's
childrnn lei Hi In if.
Hoothlnu? Svrun. for
is the prescription of
one of lbs best fninale nurses ana t'hysl
clans in the United Htates, and has ten
uaed for forty yesrs with never falling
atirsee by in Hi Ion of mothers for their
children. During the prom-as of teething
It value la incslnuabln. It releaves the
child from pain cures dysentery and dlsr
rboea, griping In the bowels, and wind
oollo. Hy. giving halth to the rhild it
rests tbo mot ber. Price 2:m. a bol tie.
Combine! tlie juice cf tne Blue Figi of
California, to laxative and nutritious,
with the medicinal virtuee of plants
known to be most beneficial to the
human tystem, forming the ONLY PER
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on the
Cleanse tits System Effectually,
Naturally follow. Every one U using it
and all are delighted with it. Ask your
dreggist for SYKUP OF FIGS. Manu
factured only by the
Baa Fbahcisco, Cau
todsvina. Kv. t Yoaa, N. .
United Wales Laud Oifice,
Oniwn City. Or.. July 17th, !.
Notice is hen-by given tlutt in cotuplk-
anrc with tlie provisions of tlie.w-t o Cott-
gress of June a, 187H, tntitltil "An act for
tho sale of timlier latiiU in the Rate of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing-
! ton Territory.'' Fred Gilljert, of Seattle,
. . . ..
county oi iving, terrnory ot v tteningioa.
ollice lus sworn.
piirchssse of tho
r m, sooth.
Range No 2 east, and will offer proof U
show that the land sought ta more vulu-
I able for its timlier or stone tliarr fr agri
fculturul tHirposes, and to eetaldish his
claim to said land U-forc the RegiMer and
lteeei ver of thia oflire at t ivKn City , Jr. ,
on Hsturday the 12th duy U (M.iUr,lSS!i.
He names as witnessve ; K Mans, C V
Htolting. F Ik-rote and U Krolin. all of
rH'attle, King county, V. T. Any ami all
s-rsons claming adversely tho love de
srrilietl lands are rttiuesttHl to tile their
claims in this office a or ltf.xi said 12th
dav of Oi toU-r, 1HS!.
W. T. P-t USKY, lU-gihter.
"tTmBEH LNI) aNOTici.
United States I-and Ofiice,
Oregon City, Or., July 17th, 1S89.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with tho provision of the act of Con
gress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for
tlie sale of timlier lands in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," Murdoch Stewart, of Seat
tle, county of King, Territory of Wiudiing
tong. has this day tiled in this ofiice bia
sworn statement No 1228,for the pur-.-hamt
of the X E 4 of Sec No fs. in Tp No 10,
south Range No 2 east, and will otrer proof
to show that the land sought is more val
uable for its timlier or Mone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish hi
claim to suid land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Or.,
on Saturday the 12th day of Octolier.1889.
He names as witnesses : F Bense, F
Shriencr, B Krohn and F Gilbert, all of
Seattle, King county, W. T. Any and all
jiersons claiming adversely tho above de
scribed lumu are requested, to tile thetr
claims in this otfice on or before said I2ttt
duvof Octolicr, lHS'i.
W. T. Bi iWEV, Register. -
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Or., July 23, 188!).
Notico is hereby given that in compli
ance wiUt the provisions of the act of Con
gress of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands in tlie States of
California, Oregon, Nevaila and Washing
ton Territory," James K Mellargue, of
Brownsville, county of Linn, State of Ore
gon, has this day tiled in this ofiice hia
sworn statement No 1204 .for the purchase
of the 8 K l of See No 32, Tp No 10 south,
Range No 2 east, and will olfer proof to
show that the land sought is moro valu
able for its timber or stono than for agri
cultural ptirixwes, and to establi.-dt his
claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this ollice at Oregon Citv, Or.,
on Saturday tho 19th day of Oetobeir.lSS!).
He names as witnesses : JD Irvine, A
P Howe, W C Cooley and A L Baker, all
of Brownsville, Linn county, Or. Any
and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to lilo
their claims in this office on or before said
10th dav of October, lSS'J.
W. T. Bi ks'ey, Register.
t'n lied states Land Office.
orfRon City. Oregon. July 17th, 1389.
Notice ts hereby glvon that In eompllaaee
with the provisions of tho nut of Congress of
June3.1S7ii,enUtlod',Anact for thcsaloef timber
lands In tho states of Calirornla,Oregon,Nevada,
and Washington Terrlto-y'Bernhard Krohu.of
Seattle, count y of Klne.terrltory of Washington,
haslhisday dlodln tblsoirtoe his sworn state No 1- for the purchase of the NWiof
section No an, in township No lO.aouth range No
least, and will olfer proof lo show that the land
sought Is more valuable for ila t imber or stona
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
hlsclalin tosald land before the Register and
Roeel ver of this office at Oregon City. Oregon, ou
Saturday, the lith day of October, ihsii, He
nu mesas witness t F Bonne, Fullbert.M Stewart
andFSbriener. allot Seattle, Ktngoounly, WT.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file their
cla.niH in thlsorTIco on or before said 12th day ot
W T Bt-RNKY, Reslster.
United States Land OfTtce.-
Oregon city. Oregon. July l"tb.'l8.S9.
Notice la hereby given that In coinpllauce
with the provisions nf t he act of Congress of
Junea,l78. entitled "An aot for the auleof tim
ber lauda tn the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," Fran
Shriener. of Seatt le. county of Klnpr. territory of
Washington, has thia duy filed In thlsotTioe hia
sworn st atement No 1'iS.for the purchase of the
8W ot section Noi-vln township No 10, south
range No a cast, and will olfer proof to show that
the land sought Is more valuable for Us timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish hi claim tosald land before the Keg.
lstorand Receiver of thlsotriue at Oregdn City,
Oregon, on Saturday, the 12th dnyof October,
ISMti. He names hs witnesses : F Bense.B Krohn,
F Gilbert and M Stewart.all of Heat tie, Klnir can
ty, WT. Any aud all persons claiming adverse
Ivthe above described lands are requested to
file their claims In this offiou on or before said
WT Born it. Register.
City Meat Market,
SHULTZ BEOS,, Proprietors.
Keep a full line of meats of all kinds,
lu a eool pltce, completely pro tected;
and always freab,
Also have conatantlyjon
and other fish.
hand . salmon
and Children.
I Casterts ww Col!. ConMirwflofi.
Wlteu. Lijuifooa madicaUoa.
Ths Csstai s ConrAST, 77 Murray Street, N. T,
' Timlier - Land Notice,
United elates Lacd Office.
Oregon City, Or.. Jone 201 b, J88
Notice is hereby given that la compli
ance with Ibe provisions of the act of
Congress of June 8rd. 1K78 'milled 'An
set for tbe si tit timber Isnds In tbe
Ntat n nf California, Orejron, Nevsda and
ivm.1i, 1. rfton Territory ,"KrOK Jt nieven.,
of Monicas no. c ontv of Cbenalip. Teirl-
tory of Wksiiicgton. has this day filed In
tbl oH- e bis aworn statement no. join,
for Ibe ..arntisssi-f lb i W of fectlon
o. 22 in Township wo, 10 houto nsnss
No. 8 east, and will offer rreof to show
bat tbe land aoutrl. t Is more ye'neble tw
tin ll.11 ber of stone than for sgrieiiftorsi
itirposo", srd to esisb! lab r.b iHirn to
halo land tiefore tbe Register nd Fe
celver cf this UJlce at Or. goo. City, Oi.,
rrlday. ibe Seib lay ef Sealesber, las.
He tame, as wftneaaea s TtxaKeane,
H.Martin. O. W. Itall end John West,
I of Moniensno. ;hhA-l coonty.
Waabtngton Terrbory. Any and a), per
sons claiming sdverrely H axve de
aerlbsrt lends are requeued 10 nie meir
claims In ihi fllce on or In for. aaid 2mb
dsy of nepteiuber, iHH'J
Mice for Publication.
Lat.d Cfflco st On gon Cl v, Or. 1
JuneitKh, ifi!). j
Vn'l'.c I. "nr.reiv slvrn that Ibe) follow-
Ina named settler ) a filed r -tirw ;f bia
Intention to wake frnal prrxifin seppot
of bia claim, and that said pr f will re
made lieforo i be i;ouniy J es -r in in.
bsencn, eforetbe Coubty Clerk of Linn
county, st Alliaay, Or., on
Header, Aagast ?Glb, lss.
Via: Martin 15 Gaylord. Iloire.Jeed
Kntry No, 4902, for tbe M W J cf Sro. 8,
Tp. 18 It IB. He names Ibe following
wllnesses lo prove bin eontinnens real
deneenpnnand cuhivailon of said lend
via s N. M. HarrW, M, A. Filztferald.'G,
Pamell and G. Gaylord, all of laibanon.
Linn county, Orejion.
Any peiv-n who r'ei-lree lo pttt
again it ibe allowance of sni-h f nof, r-r
who know of any islmtarlUI rra.rr,
under the law snd li e legalstloiie cf thei
Interior Iwperticcnt, WLy stub prc.f
should not beatlowed, will be given an
opportunity at the aimve mentioned time
a1 p' are lo trt't- examine the witnensee
of aaid cleimani, nn.l to offer vidence in
rebuttal of thst f.u! nultrd by claimant.
W, T BuRJir,
Timber Land Notice.
Unltrd etatea Lend Office,
Oregon Cily, Or., Jone 6tb, 189.
Notice is beieby given that in eompll
ance with the jirovixtone of th act ff
Congress of June 3rd, lfc78, entitled "An
art for l b6 ante rf timber landa in tb
State, of California, Oiegon, Nevada, and
Washington Teriltory," Tbomaa O.
Keane, of Monim-ano.roonty of Cbe balls.
Territory of Waabingten, baa tbU clay
filed In this cflice bia sworn statement
No. 1077, for the. purchase of tbe S K of
Section o 21, in lownsbip no. io.
Soatb, Rao go No, 3 eat, and will offer
proof to aeow tbat Ibe land sought fa more
valuable for iu timber or aiorw tban for
agricultaral purjosee. and to establish
hia claim to aaid land before the KeglUer
and Receiver of Ibis fnce at Oregon
City, Oregon, on
rrlday, ihesath day ef Seplerntrer, las.
Ue n imea ova witoefraes : II Martin,
F. E. Steveta. ft, W. Bel! and Jobn Went
II of Monteaano.Cbebalis county. Wash
ington Territory, Any and alt person
claiming adverwely tbe above deecrit
landa are requested to fi e their claims I
tbiac fllce ou or before said 20th day o
September, mi'.
W, T.Bcrijkt,
T1 -
Ely's Cream Bal m
Cleanses the Nasal Passages. Al.
lay InfiainmHtion- Heals tne f3orea.
Keatores the Senses of Taste, Smell
and Hearing.
A ertfete le wpptlesl bate eacki aaan U us4
I eareewblv. Price ftOo. at Drwaiata er by
it. ELY mtOTXLEaSe WSrren bcSew Torfc.
taioad, and all other boalaeae ta tha TJ; 8. Fataar
He. atttdlcd to for modmt Im.
Ouroifio taopr-otit the U.S. Patnt OfBee, and
waoaa obuia Pataaw loa tim. than those raraos
rom Waahington.
Send modi, or drawine- Wt av to patent
ability fraa ot charg ;and wamak o ebam wnleaa
w obtain patent.
W refer here, te th IHwtinaatar, th Sunt, ot
Mo-iey Order Div. and to offlaaia ottbU. a Patent
Office. For circular, advice, term, and efersocM
eactual elieuta ia your own State or eounty, widrese
e, a. snrow&co..
Opposite Patent Office, Waging loa, 1 .
Almost as Palatable as MUIc.
Bo dlsgwtsrd that It ean be taken,
digested, aad assimilated by the ntoat
teiaatUTe atom acb, whta tne plain 11
rsaa.t be tolerated ; and Itjr tho eoaa.
btnation nf tho oil wltn tho bypopk.
pnltea ta mack more etiteaeloae. .
Bern arkable as a -flesh pradatm
Penoas gala rapidly waSe tailn ,
SCOTTSEiTULSION is a&nowledgodby
Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa
ration la the world for the relief and core of
2ne great remedy for Consumption, and
Wasting fat Children. Sold by all Druggists.
Gomel Mever.
Goiw Broa&OMn ani First Sts.,
Canaied rratta,
Dried Fro I ta.
' Coftee,
' ' . Etc,,
Cataae Ueittv
Queens wars
Sp'eca, .
Ta. .-.
Cte., ...
tn faot everything that is kept lit a gen
ml variety and grocery store. Highest
a rket priei paid for ...
E CJ IJ 1 0 ui