...Auauar ig, .889. 8TITE3 & liter NUTTINO. rrMr. LOCAL mXOHD. From a IIoms Pater. i great Inter est hai been manifested here In the acci dent which resulted In the death nt Paisley, Lake county, ol Mr O Z Morgan, who had many friend In Linn county, we give the following account of the accident from the Lakertew Emmtmrr r- On July 3it ho wa In the act of re moving a long, strong rope from the neck of a wild and treacherous horse, when the animal became frightened and started to run, entangling the loose end of the rope around hi leg, about the pnr, and linn dragging him at a great speed, evcral time around a large corral before the ani mal finally (topped, and he wa rclesstd by hi ten year old on. Ill suffering were Intense and continuous from that time till releated by death. Deceased came from among the older and most highly respected pioneer of Oregon. lie wa born in Polk county .this Stale, on the aSth day of August, 1849. Ill father and mother, Miller Morgan and wife, still live In idnn county, and many other relative reside In different part of the Willamette Valley. He leave a widow and two ton, the eldest about ten year old and the youngest an infant about three "months old. Probably Crkam. Th Dkmockat ha had the pleasure of meeting Messrs C E Harrow and E C Scarle. two live young men recently from Chicago, who are in the Willamette Valley with a view to locating, with the chance in favor of Albany a the lte of their future home. They are business men, and have the cut of the genuine rustler. A Sunset Cox put it we shouldn't be surprUed if they were ome of the cream being shipped from the East. They pronounce this a magnificent and unsurpassed Valley. Ora Hospital. Since the Democrat wa publish? Monday some sctl e steps have been taken towards securing the public hospital to be n anaged by the Si ten, for Albany. The land for the same ha been promised and a deed will he se cured,, which will insure the location of the hospital here. Our business men seem generally to appreciate the value of uch an Institution for Albany and will do their share toward getting it The matter will come up in a tangible form in a short time. and the Democrat will keep Its reader posted about thl important institution. A. S. LooNKr Dkad. Mr, A S. I-ooncy, one of Linn county's best known farmer, died at hi home, a few mile from Al bany last Tuesday at 4 o'clock, of conges tion of the stomach, afte. aihort illness, at the age of about 55 year. Mr Looncy came to Oregon in 1&4J residing for sev eral years In Marion county, moving ilicnrc j character a.id was highly respected by the to unn cpun-r. tie was a man 01 iikhI community. A few veai aco he i 1 I candidate for the State legislature on the Republican ticket, being deleted. Funeral service to-rnorrjw forenoon at 10 o'clock at the residence. "',0! Not All Alike. Albany girls tcream at the light of a mouwe shnuldreid i the following about a Utoollvn eh I hi' Boston tne other day. A thief gnbbed , her pocketbook in a street car the olhor ! evening and ran. Instead of fainting the j and caught the rascal that robbed her fiwvR T Kill viui 'i.;va titc scsavvs s.hmisz iu Mis Schafer will get along in the world. and no mistake. She would make a good resident of this generous Willamette valley even. Oir Electric Lights -The Albany Electric Llirht Co. has beeun the work of putting In a new dy namo.whcn the already 1 very efficient works will become as near perfection as they can be made. Albany's ciccmc iigm nave irom ine siari ucrn a credit to the city, giving the city the best light to be obtained mounted in a metro politan and not in the style of backwoods elite who put a few incondescent lights on post and call it an electric light service. Personal or Cocrse Among its items headed Personal and Social, the Al bany Democrat notice thnfChee Gong will be hanged in Portland Friday." East Ortgomau. Well, wo not that affair on Friday large ly a ,'peronal" affair so far a -Chee Gong" wa concerned, and did it not par take of the nature of a 'social" affair to see Sheriff Kelly adjusting "Chce (ion 3V necktie t .Wats a mailer any way ?" Worse thaw Ocrs. Thire l one pap er in Salem, the new Zmtar ra.t hat does'nt, like come of its neighbor, consider everything there prefection, a witness the - ft j ... plains of the condition of he alleys in that city. Come down here, and take a look at some of the alleys in this godly city, and we'll bet you the oyster that when you return home you wtll conclude that you reside next door to heaven. Fruit Tree Swixdler. Thl ccheme I said to be in operation omewhere in the State. Theiarmer get $500 worth of fruit tree for nothing, but I to give seller one half profits for ten year, or piy full amount in cash I! farm Is sold. A bond I given, and filed. Afterwards a man will appear to buy the farm. But the bond af fect the title, and must be paid. The farmer pay it. The purchaser skip. Curtain down. Farmers should not monkey with buzz-saw stranger. Owly a Celestial Anyway. After all Goyemor Pennoyer has some sand. He wouldn't respite Chee Gong in the face of convincing Chinese affidavits, ahich he knew were unreliable. The Orroniaii on the morning before the execution advised him to do so, and the next morning com mended him for not doing o, which wa commendable on the part of that paper, though it displayed gymnastic qualities of a high order. A Bright Idea Tha Democrat en dorses the following from the Portland WtUm4 : "To cure the tramp nuisance. It la suggested that a State la w be enacted, making the stealing of a ildcon the rail roads petltt or grand larcene.v according to the amount measured by the distance traveled." A Car Demolished. A few day ago a freight train was passingSIstons when a la'ge tree that had been burning at the be fell, trlklng a box car, just missing a brakeman. The tree broke clear through the car to It floor, pretty well demolish ing It. The car went north bound for the hop Mcnday. A Peculiar 8uit. A Seattle firm has brought suit against the company thit told It R a(c, which wa warranted to be fire proof. The content of the sme were de stroyed In the late fire ) hence the claim for damage. It I to be hoped damage are recovered. $600 for a Despatch. - Tin largest amount of money ever paid out for one telegraph message In the h.lstory of the Pacific coast, wa that of Schwabacker Bro the day after the Seattle fire. It amounted to $600 and wa sin order for good. Farewell. Last Tuesday a farewell reception wa tendered Mr O T Porter at the residence of Mr rrank Wood, pre ..!.,- n his denarture for Ala&ka to assume Ids duties as U S Marshal. Ill friend nrtnted him R handstme cold headed i' cane. A Sample. In keeping with the fish tories being told the Pasco Headlight gravely Inform a listening world that peaches have been successfully grafted on the sageorusu For Sale. A young driving mare, well broken and gentle. Inquire of F. M. French. FRIDAY. , Fireman's Toursamist, The Not tit west Fireman' association and tourna ment, by a vote of the director hr-lJ nt Vancouver Monday, will be held at Taco ma beginning on September i6th and lat ing three day. It will be the greatest event In the history of the association, else the following list of very large prlxe l no Indication. Albany should send a team equal to that of last ycar.aml there would be no question as to its securing one of the largo prize : Wet test-First prlxe, $ 1000 ; second, $300 ; third, $lco. Dry test Klrct nrlxe. $oo s second. ?Joo j third, $ino. 1 Speed race r list pi le, $i$a ; second, $100 j third, $50. Association championship race First prixe, $500 ; second, $400 1 third, $100, Hook and ladder race -First prixe,$soo; second, $Joo ; third, $100, Total, $4,300. f Liars Anyway. Those Nebraska, "editors" have gotten home. One Ignor amus gets the Willamette mixed up with the Columbia, or something else and says: "Tte sand along the Willamette drift won than now tit Nebraska, and al though 'sand fences' arc built, they seem to do but Iff tie good. On each side is bank after ban K of rand, which whirls, drifts, and eddies In the wind, making Hie almost unendurable, and causing the rail road no end of trouble. For mile and miles the railroad has men employed who do noth ing else than try to keep the trick clear from Mind, but as our train was stalled twice they proved Inadequate to the task." lie sised 'Salem upas follow j "Salem Is not booming. As fame Thorn remark ed, "It has too largo a southern element to grow fust, and we have too many barna cle.'" Thk Cce Ukokrx. A IMecvllle paper oar In the following manr er : Wc have all along had varying f.tith in the early completion of the O. P. railroad through th! country, and ot late have almost been lifted off our feet a nut.ibcr of times by the boomirg announcements in the Albany weeklies about work going to begin next week, and o on, but now the cup of joy (so-called) is rude'v dashed from us, and our fondeit hope knocked entirely wet and crooked. On Thursday nlght'ot last week a burglar broke open the fire and burglar proof fe of the Oregon Pnrillc company nt Albmv.Kitd took therefrom two dollur. May th f Jill fiend get him !" At.MNY.-The Detroit Frre Vnt whose representative was in the city re cently glee Albany a ood writeup. Though not over drawn, 't Is plainly and lairiy siaicu, ana is sucn an article as 1 should do the city some service Here is the writers summary on Albany. The stcaoy and rjpid growth of this fuvoicd section will find a reflex In Albany, which s and mut continue to be Its chief com. merclal city, ami to the Impartial observer grade and built over by the trect car om. it would appear that she Is hound to rx- punv. perlence In the near future ai era of pros, i The following bid were opened anJ pcrity and development of wi.U h she has ) read for building sewer cross Washing not hitherto dreamed. I ko- of no bet- : ton street at block- j7 and jS : Geo liim'ies ter locat.on In Oregon or in r.'l the west j jo! enterprise which would f,:.d in cheap ' - ,4 ii.ii in hiit iuu ' """ !"'". hhh ui raw ma , tealal and iiccc-d:.llv of markets. ()i k ScwKH Ai.ii The idea sufciro ted by Mavor Cowan last Tuesday at the meet- Ing of the coi.ntil. of taking advantage of ' the wer of the cilv In run In .h hi to ihr 1 .,nt ,lf,.ii" ti cr-. 1. .,w,.i ; . . ' . '. . ? i ! one. so far it ynes.but the truth K thi-rr w, nQl mucll mirgin workon .T,0? or ,hrec ,10.J,nifcti0iar , A00ll; far l : i or in rcc intrjJintruoii jr uot-Aii i co iar in tewcr building. There ought to be some way of bonding the cit y for$io,coo or $3$,. c 1 ii . ooo,w men tonic one lens u can oc unc through San I-rancisco Punks for a low I at 4 or 5 per cent, and mhke the coming generation help pay for I rthc privileges. Where ?wer ore built, prompt conncc- tlons shouli I- compelled without any red , -, . iuc 11114 ic-hii uicT si - nui up iuiiis . requirement of the demand of two or The Astoria Railroad. A private : three thousand people, and that the P. M. letter from Burr Power, who Is on the j doe the best he can under theclrrnm force surveying the Albany and A-lorh. ; He sav the loud comrlalnt from ., , J , . , , . . I Sulem roe fro.n a Salem dude getting in railroad, .ay. the work Is finished to the ; ront of lhe Hlndow when ,herooin ta. farther border of the Grande Ronde user- packed with waiting pec pie and calling vation. The company i within one and j for the mail of every Salcml e In Newport a half mile of the summit of the Coast i Ranee. I le sav the summit at this point is only 327 feet higher than Albany, which ! khuws the great feasibility of constructing a road s.n this line He say there will be far fewer and less sharp curve on this than on the Oregon Pacific The people along the line are remarkably friendly to the enterprise. Held. Last Mnday Bernard Wen sen, with Hon W R Bilyeu and fudge Blackburn as attorneys, appeared before Justice Humphrey to answer to the charge of attempting to kill Nick Zimmeiman with a dangerous weapon. He waived ex amination and wa held under $2000 bonds to await the action of the grand jury. The revolver with which he did the shoo'.ing on of the Sheriff.' He tate. that lie rode ! na f m nr. ah I. i an n n .1 , , ., fl I, rVWU.t. I from Albany to Montague on the blind ; Jcdgc Bomiam. Judge Kelsey ha shown us a letter from Jud: Do.iliarn, consul-genera, at Calcutta, says the Benton l.rmler in which Judjje Bonham stites that be has sent his resignation of the office to Washington, to take effect a soon 1 a hi successor is qualified. Judge Kel say ha been recommended by the Oregon delegation for the office, and if he should be appointed would take Judge Bonham' place till fall While wc should hate to loose so valuable a citizen a Judge KeUcy, he would make an excellent consul-gen- era I. 1 PtaciiAHcn ix Ai.haxy. That cane 1 presertcd Hon S M Pennington, mention of which was made in the Dkmixrat Satuiday, wa purchased of Mr II Fwrrt, I of this city, who carries a large and fine a I stock of gold headed walking sticks a can j be obtained an) where. T.ie statement that it wa a fin a cane a the city can! boast of wa correct. j Talest. A novel method of raising fund ha been tried by a neighboring Sun day chool. Some time ago 250 new ten cent piece,called "talent," were distribut ed among the scholar and teacher, with Instructions to do whatever in reason they could to incrense the sum. Recently the talents were called in, and, not Ithstanding all the scholar did not make return, the sum received wa $537- Tub Mixkh. A Mr. Wtrner, a success ful mining speculator from Montana and Idaho, who has been in Salem after a trip to the Santlam mines, say there will b- a lively camp there within another year. He secured some splendid specimens from the mine of a kind to warm up an old miner. From tub Metolcs Prof Lee, Rtv Rogers and Mr John AHhouse and wife returned from a trip to the Metolj and Intervening country. One of the party pronounce Mr Brown, at the Metolus, one of the most energetic, neighborly men he ever met, and in contrrrt Uan Lpper Soda man too lazy to milk hi cow Another. One. Mr Fred Blumbcrg I making anangement to build another tore ajoining his present block, no un- der .headwav. 11 1 aireaay rcnieu iur grocery store. There I a big demand for tore. Hot Weather Item Keep cool. The finest refrigerator in the nr.arket at Stew art & Son's. Buy one now. All sizes of Ice cream freezer at Stew art U Sox's. Purchase one and manufac ture thl delicious dish at home. Wanted. Girl to do general house work. Call at once at office or residence of Dr O C Aubrey. - Dir)V R))( V 13 AGE 7 FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CHISE.BESTMAr.lUNE IN THE MARK ET forNClb l'llOCr.RMNti. A l.lvrly Mwtlnjt Klotnieut ftpeeehm, Etc, Tuesday evening, Aug. 13th Present Mayor, Marshal, Recorder and A Merman (iradwohl, Parker, Finrkharr, Tabler, French and Dcvoe. The following bill were ordered paid t S W Ross, $64 ( G L Savage, $6 35 ; J Whiteside, $3.15 1 W E Kelley, $47.80 1 J A Varncr, $30 50 Albany Iron Works, $Jo t N I Ilenton, $18.15 J N Hoffman, $ -to ; costs hills, $36.05 ; vY A McClaln, $50 1 N II Allen, $118 ; li M Huston St Co,to. Mr (iradwohl, of the committee on streets and public property reported rcc ommcndlng that the Callpooia street sewer bo extended (o tho Santlam ditch and the linker street sewer to mid way between Jth and 6th streets and to the Willamette river. On luoiion of Parker referred to com mittcc on Health and Police. Mr (iradwohl reported contract with Stewart & Sox for nail at $3 ao a keg. Marshal Hoffman reported the col tec. tlon of about $6,000 taxes, about $1,000 re maining due. Marshal and Chief Engineer reported the examination and cleaning of alley north and south of First street, and tho lat ter that apparatus was In good condition for lighting Arc. On motion of French the Mayor appoint ed the to, lowing committee to sell the old hand engine to the best ad vantagei French, Durkhart, (iradwohl and Chief Engineer Petition of P ! Laporte and olhcrs to open and clear First street, Main to liar. rion streets was on motion of Dcyoe granted. Committee on petition of L Senders akii:g chy to donate $350 towards clock on Musunlc temple was given further time. Petition oHi W Wright and other for side walk at Sth and Walnut street re ferred. Petition of A E Young and other for a sewer through block 21 and 21 from Itroada bin street sewer, on motion of Uurkhort wa granted, work to be dne In twenty i s. I he Recorder was directed to advertise for necessary sewer across street. Petition of P Wallace and oth er for sewer across Ellsworth rctt through blk 50 to Uromialhin street was on mnilon of tiraduohl granted. Petition of R Koldcrwny and other for sidewalk north side of 7th street, Rjllroad to Montgomery was granted. linker sire, t Sth to 91 h, on motion of. Iltirknart, was ordered put on grade with-1 in tod.iv. Street Commissioner wa directed to order the rrmot al of lumber from railroad street, 51 h to oth s'rect. The ci.tvin at First and Washington street Wat orJt-rnt Ai-i-int.-it is nlar.l rn 45 cents ; Walter East, 45 cents ; Jas Lau-J rent, to cents. Contract w a ordered let u George 1 lushes, work to be done in iwenlv 1i.1v. TU Utile IMIchUd. --rr-j ;-r- t:"; II a ill) -ra nf iirfl ftti.l lit tkvr tl twr- fruit Uxstlvo. Kyrup of Fl.. undtr all in,l:ll..ns, m tl ibelr fyjrit remedy. 1 P1'" to th y and loth last. Kun. yH i.iretital in ttetljg on tb kid r. !mm.r . . Nomk I)t hks Tiikrk. Con.ldeiable 1 has -lu-en said nlxiut the Newport post ollke. The Democrat Is impartial on all ubjecl.a.id gladly give the version ol an , . . . """ " T Vs.. 1 accommodation of the P. O. were made . . . .. " IO ,,,e "P"" " ""nK "nu r"an.. no,.,"t re' J4"" lo m,uniii j the crowd and P M got disgusted and put a stop to It. A Nice Reception. Last Tuesday at the resilience of Mr D P Mason.tbe Misses Mason tendered Mis Maud tfoffman.Cor vailis' popular young elocutionist, who Is visiting in thl city, a tea party, which the Democrat I informed wa a very nice and enjoyable affair, entirely beyond the comprehension of the uterncr ex,rxcluded on all such occasions. A recitation, artis tically rendered, by Mts Hoffman, a song by Mis H itchcns.'of Cor vailis, and an ele gant repast.were feature of the evening' festivities. Those present were : Misses Flora and Vesta Mason, Maud Hoffman, Carl llitrhens, Lee Pralher, Grace Plcr, Laura Vanrr, Addle and Genevieve George, Maud and Minnie Vanllorn, Het- M.lcrand Mis Hollenbeck. All or Nr.XT Week Mr E L Power, now of Tacoma, will be In the city all of next week. Ml partie owing him will please call and settle while ho I in the city. He will give grelt bargain In har 1. esi-es, saddle, collars, etc. tare Cnrtaln. Iac Cartalos. I have jut received my fall stock of lace curtain bought direct from Importers, the largest Mock ever brought lo this mark et, and l-t value for the money. Samuel E." 01 no. Money to jnn. At a low rate of In terest, on ood farm property in Linn county, or on best improved city property in Albany. Apply to Blackburn Ji Wright, Albany, "Or m m HlniiKM-r In Kilk Kibbons. In order to close out my Immense stock of silk rihlron in plain and plcot edge I will sell them until my fall stock arrive at 75 cent on the dollar. All marked In plain figures. Samuel fc. Voc.vr;. Why ? Why do you not go to Water loo A a summer reot tti unexcelled. Good level ground, good chade, excellent soda water, good hotel accommodation. Board and lodging from $5x10 to $7 per week to suit customers. Six miles above Lebanon on the Santlam river. I will be at Lebanon every Saturday at arrival of train to convey parties to Waterloo. Good feed stable in connection with hotel. J. G,Gros, Proprietor Waterloo Hotel. Off for tiik Mountains A barrel of tried beef, sq-ne fine cheese and a large In vo ice of choice lunch goods just received at Brown?!! Si Stanard s. Get some. A SnARF Item. The finest line of cut lery and shears In the city at Stewart Si Sox's. Their goods are the very best and will stand the test. Aloany H trit. . Wheat -f5j 'at--l.flii. Butter VOj per to. Kcrs 2K Hay fl.OO. otatoos 75 et ner bushel Bjef-on f jiH. 8Je Apples -76 cent per bu. Pork 60 per 11 jreasod. Harrns hin 12!e, shoulders, fee. sides too. .isi d 00 per lb. 'lour 4.25 per bbl. 'biokens 3 00 per do. Mill Feed bran, 14.00 per tou. aborts, 16. middlings, 20. Chop 90. SECURE PRICES ffO TROUBLE TO SHOW .'MODS AT DEYoii & H0BS0N CHOP WEATHER BL'LLKTIM NO. HU. Oregon State Weather Bureau co oper ating with U. S. Signal Service Central of flee, Portland, Or,, for the week ending Saturday, August loth, l88yt , The temperature has been lower dining the past week '.han it has been fur the five pievlou weeks. No rainfall Is reported. This makes the seventh week of contin uous dry weather. The sun wa almost continually obscured by the smoke front the extensive fo.cst dies, which are doing so much damage In the Cascade and Coast ranges. The shipment of peaches, peart and plums has Increased, Large quantities of fruit are being gathered. Watermelons and CRittnlopcs are very plentiful. Excel lent report arc received relative to the fruit yield and prospects. The wheat harvest continue and I a 111 c quantities are being delivered to the ware house. Tho market has an upward ten dency. Little wheat I being said, but (i cents per bushel I offered In the Valley and 56 cent in Eastern Oicgon. Oats and barley are yielding well, but rather light In weight. Tho report continue to Indi cate that the potato crop will be below the average. Western Oregon, north of tho Rogue River, generally report good yield of wheat, oat and barley a well a fruits, equal to the average. Wheat In Eastern Oregon Is yielding belter than was expect ed, especially so In the Grande Rondo and Indian Valleys. The general yield of wheat In Oregon will equal that ol former years, True, the hot weather and dry wind had a very injurious effect and these caused the shortage In the expected yield. The acreage ha been largely Increased, and It I by thl Increased acreage that the aver age crop will be obtained. Ily the remark, In these bulletlne, that such a county or such a section would have an average yield the Intention I that the amount lor shipment will equal that of former years, ! though the amount per acie may be less ened. In the counties adjoining Sherman and Wco there will not be more than enough weat for home consump' oo. In other I part of Eastern Oregon vielos of from 10 to 40 and some 50 bushel per acre are reported. The general avtrage wilt be from 30 to 35 bushels per acre. In West ern Oregon, so far as can be gleaned from report the general average will be from 35 to 30 bushels per acre. H. S. PAfil R. Observer V 8 Signal Service, UKA KVlATs. mi.r. Cha 1. r lint to John I It bhcruiati rower ol Attorney Anna M I'ouck to Frank Murphy, lot 17 blk 1 ll's A, Albany. ion A llacktemin to Frank Miirphv, lot 3 and 4 blk 7 ll's 3rd A', Albany 375 Soo 335 Emma li O'Connor to J L Cowan, parcel in Albany......,,..,.., S ' iodd to E ) Hyde, rtof lot 71, Sclo.. ," D P Mason to E ( H ide, part of lot 71. Sclo '. D P Mason to E O Hyde, part of lot 73, Scio J II H'al.er to Willamette Pulp and Paper Co, part of D I. C of Wm lilts Geo R Ward loj P Schooling, j in. terest in lot 8, llariisburg. . . . Lee Bilieu M J M V lllly-ru, sundry parcel and lot In Sclo LliilyeutoJ M V Bilyeu, lot iS, 20. and parts of lot 27 and 30. Silo , A S Hasv.lt, Sheriff to II l.ame.S W qrof S W qr, fVc 30, Tp 13. SRjw Joseph Kendall to Argvle Kendall, j 5 I ! 1 3'5 i 100 Utsj JliO 50 itcrts, Tp 13, 8 K 3 w. . .... Robert A Knlghien to James Here ford, one fifth interest In E half of DLC.CP Kilghten Vllelta Harris to Samuel Harris, 1 18 acres, Sec 35 and 36, Tp 13 S R 1 w W C Head to Albert Hrownell, Hj'j acre in D L C of Georgt ('line Eveline Powell lo George Griffin. S half o! N E or Set 1$, Tp 10 8 R aw.... ...... D Morris to Geo A Url'ffiini S half ol N W qr See 3, Tp 10 S R 2 I So ; 5 G A GrllCn to J L Miller, H half of N E qr Sec a Tp 10 S K 1 w. . . Joe Cary to J L Sillier, S halt of N E or Sec IS Tp 10 R aw 200 I 1 J C It llarniscli to K I Iannlmr. K 1 half of N Wqr blk ijj, ll's A to Albany 500 Geo F Sylvester to Hannah M New land, 400 acre. Tp i S R 3 w aioo United States to John Warren.... patent United States to Robert Kobe patent United Slates to Hannah Ncwland. . patent II Bryant to Daniel Hart, 169 acres TpllHltlw iyoo Daniel Hart lo II try ant, 10 acres, DLCof LT Woodward... 1500 TIIKY KEKOLVr.!'. A icc!l train bringing the passengers fromthe teamerWilla.nctte Valley ."arrlv ei in Albany at 6:30 o'clock last Mondiy. The steamer crossed the bar at 1 o'clock, after being outside in a dense fog for two day. To a Democoat man who came over on the special train the passengers expressed their admiration for the splendid treatment and fare received on the steam er. The following resolution unanimous ly passed by the passengers was handed us for publication : Wheeeah, Wc, the passenger ol the steamship "Willamette Valley," on her i 72nd voyage from Kan Francisco to Yn- 3 ulna llay, having been ueiayea tor two ays and night off the Coas of Oregon by a dense fog. hereby desire lo publicly express our thanks to the officials of said steamship for their kind and courteous treatment during this trying time, and ex press our thanks and gratitude to Capt. Patton, the eflicien' master of ald ,vccl, for hi solicitude and care for his vessel and passengers, and Mr Plnce, the purser, for hi kind and encouraging words, and Mr Kennedy, the kind and good steward ess, and all other officers of said vessel. . J. N. Maxwell, J. E. C1iEx0vr.1t, J. I). UUISH,. J. A. Waterman, Committee. THAT HOSPITAL. A couple months ago the Democrat mentioned the fact t'.-.at an effort was being made to secure land for a Sisters hospital at this city. We have been Informed that the effort did not materialize, owing to a little lethargy on the part of owners of land. This is an Important matter and should be attended to at once. Albany has the promise of the hospital, the Demo crat i informed, and all that Is necessary to get it now is to furnish the laud, about an acre and a half for the institution. The hospital, though under the control of the Sisters, would be for the benefit of the public regardless of creed. The reputa tion of the Sisters as trained nurses does not need to be mentioned, a it I too well established. Such a hospital li needed In Albany. and will be more so in the future, as the city continues to increase in popu- latio i.and particularly considering Us loca tlon as a railroad ce'iter and Its Importance as a manufacturing citv. A hospital will be built somewhere in the Valley at no dis tant date, and Albany is a good place for It and can nave It by doing iust a little Business men interested in seeing a hos nltal established here will do well to con fer with MrJ A Gross, who ha already done,and will continue to do what he can to get one here. ff.Kwsrt, practical watchmaker and ; cw elet. Pine line of Guns and good stock of .mmuni tion at Deyo8 and Rob sons special bargains v- HOMK AND ABUOAD MOHDAY. Flki will not live In Astoria. Mr Elllseu la building a lsrusand hand some residence near Ninth strtst and Wuh Ingtoo. Mr Park hurst, th teprMontativ of the I'soillo Iasnratioe Union wat in Corvslli Sdurday. H found tbs walr supply thtri veiy poor. Mr William HUllonisulirr, hut Looglit th IV. I ......I.. I. .. I.u.,.wl '-!.... .7 ..... itig $3000 for 140 acre. The totsl manufaotura of btr In Oragoa for th pt tlsoal year, was G'.'.OIM barral. 0' this ainnnnt, n brewrry brswtd 30,570 iiaircls, MrsJ K Eldorkin I lying dshp-rously ill at Nowpori Mr Piatt Kuiarkln left fur that city on th nonn tram and Mr Kidrrkia I ripfotcd by to-morrows train from Muo kau Falls. Mr Ed Hitter, lbs fsinou driver of Jay Eye Sy, of Cbioaan, and brother ol oar own Put Bithr, of Isiiguat, will tpnd th wintvr in Califurnia fur ths boastit of Jay Ky Nes's hnalih. K J O'Cooner and family wtat to tlis Bay to-uay. G L Blsaktnan and fainily rtoind from JNowport thi noon. Mr A II Howird htniivd from Monroe, Bsnton county, to Albany to retldo. Tho family of Dr S.dffwlok arriysd in th oity front ths Kat Usturday night. Mi lUasuu MoSonnvll and Iswlly rstnrn td yesterday from the mountain, after ao njiiyalil tiip. Mr William Hale, a broadnent lawyer of l.inkvitle, ha bwn in ths city, th auest of hitfather, Mr Milton Dale. Jotd Hudifiistli and family, wr in th city yesterday ou thlr way from Crook to "im oounty, to retltle, Mr W T IIart. of th Albany Ins Works went to Junction to day to hid on tho insebiimry for a mill thei. Mr Will Listsr, editor of th EaU Wiuk- inglanlnn, of Pomeroy, W T, is la the oity, psyiug ooik irom tho lly this noon. Mr Idslor formsrly rsidd at Albanv ami fist. risbort. n Rir, Km tins LiitUr at Htrdat Si Rubsrtson'i. Jas Klaiu i builditiK a lino rrsidsno on hi plao adjiiiuing Albany , Mr Js V Jonas is It ing Mrinusly ill at j Miliars, withuat itiuuli haue of her rtoovory, Psselms ans now st their bwt. "Csllst LsFurrst Thimiptou', sueeeSMtr to Wal-Isoi-, Thonipsoii Co., and proouro some ehnica Crawfutd for eiuning. i .Sturdyviiiing Mr Frank Wood, who: has jdstenmplote.1 tho ton work for tho WuuUnMill wm hnlsmly end hv hi eniployora. Euso Morrison yesterday mrt with a bad wood at accident nesr Salem, curing ton sevrro brolsr and cuts, aun a aomer- i st sifsiiist llir y hut firtunLrly no ttml.s were lost. Another company with a Urga oapittl is being orifaoiod at 8Iin to develop a mw minsi with bright rpecta Tho Albany company i now down oyer lifty 1it and the pmtpect r Inernssmg.. Murrill Fish Is homo frum Sjmkaaa Fslls. J e. W C Twsvdsl and f ti.illv hsva Mtnrawl j from the Day. C J Ktosrtaod family lolt tc-lsy on a trip t ths Suaad Julius Jimvi, It. Miss limit" r atd John Moiri.ou wsut to the lUy to dsy. I'.v T J Wdson and family Ufi this noon on th.ir return trip the Warm (springs. Hun ft A Irviua sb.I If) Vriimn Uft In. da on a trip up lb McKecne. All wthsr fish stinirs will now have ti take rvtirrd Sest. Wm M l(.iv. of th O.wta Psoilio. r 1 rivd in Albsny tins iKarntn from S Msdci.co, Nupori.ittrnlet.t fawen is al.o in town. j Mis Hr'.n O.hnra. .f F.ttitnt, i in tba ,o ! city Hi guest of Mr Jsy Blsia, 00 br way I tc the Ksst, where wi: puJ several 800 1 'k visiting rltt. j Mr IN Msiwall, Attorney for Id North rn district nf Idaho, ha b. in the ciiy 1050 ; to-dy on hi wsy noma from a trio lo S.n ! FraneUeo. rrtnrning l.y wy of Yaqaina. i Mr Mswll is a Mfn-in Isw id Hon IWa 6i ; llsydso. j Avar's itsir Viur rstnrr eo'wr and i 375' tslity to weak and gry hslr. Through its i healin- and clsautiag quslitirs, it prvot lb accnmulation nf dsadrntt and crm all svslp 4U. Thbsl hsir drfiag er rosui, ri uy ir tl mst ononiial Ayer's H.rsspsnl!, by punf ying aod riehiog th biuod, itnpiors tee appstite, all Hi assimilative proeasa, strength s the serf, aad invisorsUs the svsUm. It is, th.rf..r. the best and most tborougVy islisliU li.rsiiv that eaa be fnuud for eld nd young. WKtrSIMPaV. Th "Thnw Sister" and Mudu only go to Ssltm. Pascbes frnus CO to 00 C'bU per box at LsFurMt Si Thompson'. L Rrmlns v ill Lay horses, by, tirrotby baled, d oats, in any qasntitta, paying highest e ib price , Mr Frsuk L Kenton h just reicd a larue shipment of tbs first Southern Oregon maloes brought to th city. Albany's efficient Chief Kngineer and City Council are L-ayiag nothing undone to hsva the eity departmant ready in com of a fir. Mr IWt Mer, of ftUyton, a brother of Mr Shcrnun Thompson, ha aocpud a position a clerk in th atoreof LaFort St Thompson. Messrs Barrow & ScaH hava rented one of the stores in the naw Rlomberg block, snd will opeu a first -class dry gaoda store there as soon a the building la completed. Mr Chas Johnson of Sain, is in the eity. Mi Walter Tormll, of Tseoms, is in the city. J O ami Liura Ooltr, sro in the oity on a visit. MrJ K Flderkin arrived this noon from Spokann fall, and immediately left for the Bay, where hi wife ia 1 ing seriously ill. Mr Ilsrry Jniiea returned Irom the menu taiu lnt aveiiinc. lid reoorta bsvinn left Tom WalLcs thtr iu hilanou spirit, hi health rapidly itnproviug. Jo Webber, Dr Barker, Henry Zoot and R II Rutherford left on th 8.30 train to dsy fur the. Santiarr. mines, with gold in their eye. Wm L Nutting, a Portland lawyer, has been in the city. Mr Nutting i unfortun ate in not having th honor i,f being a rela tive of thi pnga of the Democrat. Mr I Bluui has closed bis clear stor iu this eity, and, with hi fsmily, will moy to Centerville where, he will open a arneral merchandise itore. His brother, L Blum is one of the wealthy and prominent men of Pendleton. Struck Oil At $i.3 per gallon can xri Standard cr1 oil, at the Willamette Packing Co.'s store. To New Comers. Wc would suy that we have no baits to give you, but we do guarantee good values for your money and we kindly solicit your patronage. 11 ROW " ELL Ci STANARD. Thl Trade Mark on a stove means It is the best that ex-, pe.-Jcnce and skill can con trive. Sold only by G. W. femltli, , That Cantaakeron Old Womaa Described In tbe nunery ballad, who lived upon nothing bnt victuals and drink," and yet "would never be quiet,' undoubtedly troubled with chronic tndiicestlon. Her vlotuals, like those of many otbei eldeny persona wnoae mgea. tive powe-.s bay become Impaired .didn't agree wen ner. j a wsus ueiuie ius era of llostettar'a Stomach Bitters, or some ona of her numerous friends aud relatives would undoubteaiy nave perauaaea ner to try the great apeotnn for dyapepaia, constipation and biliousness. This would have been a meaaureof self protection on their part, for she would aoon hava been nri and treated to disturb them with her clamcr. 1 w mow obstinate case oi Indlgsstlon.wlth its attendant heartburn. flatulence, constant aneaaineas oi me atomacn and or me nerves, are complete ly overcome by this sovereign remedy. Chllla and fever and bilious remittent, rheumatism and kidney troubles are also relieved by It, SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT OS YOE & ROB&ON Sptslsl to DsnocaiT. JI'tXlK Tf.IlRY KILLEII, A Oreat rallfnrnla Tragedy. San Francisco, Aug. 14th, 3:15 p. in. When north bound train arrived at La- thropo from Lot Angeles this morning, U H Justice Field and Deputy V H Marshal NagltgotofI to take breakfast. Judge David Terry and hi wife had bonided the train at Fresno and alighted at tame time. Justice Field and Nagla proceeded to the dining room, followed by , Terry, who seated himself behind the justice. Latter had just commenced hi breakfast when Terry slapped him In the fscc, instantly Deputy Marshal Nagle arose, drew his pUtol and shot Terry twice. One bullet went through his Ureas' In range of heart and the other struck just behind the cir. Terry fell dead. After thooll.tg Nagle and and the Justice left dinning room and went back to train. Mr. Terry In mean time had procured her satchel from sleep er, on being searched it was found to con tain a pistol. There was some talk of ar resting Nsgle, but holding hi revolver firmly In hi hand he defied crowd to touch him, saying that he was Deputy United 8tiite Marshal, and had only done hi duty In protecting Justice Field, no one ventured to touch him and he board ed the tialu when it sturlcd for Sun Fran cisco. Constable T II Walker also bonHcd train saying that he would arrest him at Tracy. When train reached latter place Wa ker took rsaglo Into cus'.ody and had him iueed. Mr 'ferry seemed to be great ly affected by the tragedy. When inter viewed the said that she had f?ared that there would be trouble If her husband and Field met. She tried to pcrsusJe him not to go In dining room, but he Insisted on doing so, She did however succeed In getting him to leave hi pistol In car w ith her. She say s that he was not armed when he went Into dining room. Worse tbaa Kami. Lincoln, Neh Aug, IJ. Heavy rains have swollen the stream In Southeastern Nebraska to an unusual bl;hl, Railroad traffic is considerably interrupted, and much damage s 1 wen ill me to property. A Ills California Fire. Tai'lKKK,Cal,, Aug. 13. Adisaslioasfire occurred at 4:30 this afternoon, burning all east of Bridge street and north of the railroad, lo the round house. The Amerknn hotel, Irwin livery i a Mr, the Methodis ami Catholic churches, two school house, Eten lumber yard, Good Templars hail, and tliiity dwellings were burned, rendering mtny famihe home less, law statu! t7$.0oo. Ruaad to llaax. Liverpool, Ajg. 12. Monday, August ao, has been fixed um as the day for he execu tion of Mrs Msybrii V.. Mrlancoln, United State minister, end the memlier of the American colmy at i xm.lon nave ttgncil a petition lor the reprieve of Mr Msyiimk. The tietilumeireulfiltffl In t Ji'i-rtteu A In lliatf ! of Ibe hrisuner hns trerivrti luima sii-nalur. iiidy Jtl-r CaiI r.nsut ac, Ky., Aug. 11, A widow named Gillit and her two daughters, nearly grown, living in MtDowell county, West Virginia, were found dead by the neighbor last Fr dsy. Tbey bad tnt-n criminally assualled and murdered. The Mollis brother were suspected, and a vigilance rontmittec was or ganised to ponish 1 hem. 'l he captain of a boat that arrived down the Big Sandy frum I'ikevilie this morning report that the Hultis brother were captured by lhe commit tce.hung up by lhe beet 10 the timli nf a tree and then shut 10 death. An t'ay Thine. SfcATTI E.W T.,Aug. u, Fifteen prisoners scaped from the city jiil Ut night. AH but three, who were charged with toblery, were drunks or vagrants. Prisoners, as a rule, don't stay in the jail longer than they choose. We're thrvrraa. Washington, Aug. 1 1 Kcptescut&tivc S S Cox h rcturaed from hi visit to the north west. At he i the only Maternsn of promi nence in town, newrr men pay consider able attention lohim. He is very enthusias tic over the reception lie received in the great northwest, and says: " The people out there sre wonderful, and rsecially is this ro of the inhabitant of Washington territory. They are," be said, 'a if you had taken the cream of New York, of Washington, of Buffalo, of all the cities of the l,ai itie brightest Imy 01 th family and sent them out. A Big Jawp. Cincinnati, Aug. 11. Otto Siegler, a boy 15 year old, let himself drop from the suspen sion bridge, a distance of eighty led, into the Ohio river, at 9 o'clock lo nigh:, for th amusement ol bi companion. The thing was done so quietly that an hour later the watch man on the bridge bad not beard .f it, 'l he boy ecaed unhurt. The t'saalCaawi. Scathe, Aug. 11. TH Northway.of the firm of Campbell & Xorihway, broker, has alxconded from this city with 95500. He boucht a ticket fur Alaska and sailed on the A neon to-day, but will be arrested at Port ! Townsend, Two of his victims ate Mrs Comer and Mrs liebig, lodging bouse ketpert who entrusted money to him for the purchase of furniture. Campbell, his partner, loses $4000. Northway spent the money on faio and women. Ferred Him flight . Tat'CKEE, Csl Aug. 1 1. A man uimed Fagan was taken to the passenger train at f t o'clock to-night by vigilantes. I le was cover ed with tar and feathers. Five men were notified to leave last night and all obeyed ex cept Fagan, who boasted that no set of men could run him out ot town. NlreplesMirir. Dr. Flint's Remedy la the best remedy known for Ineoinnla, or aieepieaanesr, which a filial ao many peroi,nd which lead to an many serious nervonadlaeaaea, particularly to lnauiiy. Descriptive treatiM with eaoh bottle; or, address. Mack Drug Co., W. Y. , "Nothing to KijiisI It." "f bsvebeeu soiling Simmon Livr Regulator for the past six years. My customers pronounce It tbe best ever used. One of my customers wboao health ws In a wretched condlt'on from a very bad and stubborn esse of dyspepsia, used the Regulator and was entl.ely cured. 1 am n il c myself for torpid liver, cans ed by olos confinement. I find notblrg te equal it ana nigniy teenmmena us use. Mpecuuiiy, C.P.1I iskt, Druggist, Ealuburg. Va. Sonth Albany . A most desirable and beautiful location for suburban residences, owing to Its nat ural advantages and nearness to the center ol bus ness. Compare the sUe, location, view and access to and from these lots,and you will be convinced of their merits Call early and secure a home befot; the advance In price. Apply to TWEEDAI E & REDFkiLD, AgcntK. First door south of Post Office. LYONS, ' Our new city of Lyoiisis growing slow ly but surely and Is becoming quite a live ly shipping point for the surrounding country. Several carload of grni.i and lumber are being loaded and got In readi ness for shipping below. Mr. Henry Lyons, our enterprising mer chant, is building a new livery and feed stable. . The Hyatt Bro's, whose mill Is located about one half mile from here, tfifve the contract far sawing 350,000 feet ol lumber for tbe new Salem woolen mills and are soon to begin work upon it. Mr J D Montgomery, the genial tele graph agsnt of Lyons, has" just returned from a trtp aoroaa, ana was guiaiy wei- comed by his many friends u t.M , . ' .. . . The three year old child of Mrs. II Massy, of Salem, who is visiting relative near Mehima is very ill with pneumonia. TiriVARE 'ANDIIARD VAltE Oh ALL KlfiDS A1 Dr0F a aonson BROWSSiVILME. Brownsville, Aug. I3th, i8Sy. Mr tackson late of Iowa and w ho has been stopping for sometime with hi son at Crawfnrdsville passed through here Tuesday on his way to Seattle. VV. L. Coshow and family, of Prl.ievllle are vlsltlr.g friend and relatives here. Messrs. R, if. and O. P. Coshow, Jr., left Tuesday for a business visit ct Al bany and Salem. R. II. Coshow contem plates locating nt SaJcm. Henry Blakely and family left Tuesday for a sojourn at the Soda Spring on the Sanllnm. Most of the Biownsvllle people who have been seeking pleasure and health In the Cascades have relumed, but others are going. Senator Wllltolt and family of Prlne vllle art now paying their respects to old friends and relatives here. Two more loads of Ochoco word were brought here and sold to the Eagle Woolen Mill Company last week. Harvest I progressing fine In thl nelirlt- borhood, the yield In many case being better than was anticipated. Waller Goble who for some time has been driving one of W. R. Kirk's wood teams had the misfortune to let it get the better of film one day last week and the wagon Is now scattered nt the base of cemetery bill. Timber grabbing stlil Is carried on with a high hand up the Callpoof.i Lumber men say the best belt of timber in this State Is along the Callpooia and the Gov ernmcnt should see that It is not all lakn by the greedy monopolist. The new school house ' fast ncarlng completion and I a credit to the enter prise of our citizens. Those having In chaige the erection of the building deserve tho sincere thank of the community for j ine laiuiiui manner thry have pcrlormed their trust. Prof and Mr Garland who will Instruct the pupil here the coming year are already here and ore preparing a pamphlet setting forth the grading, course of study, tuition, etc. The Professor cer tainly is a live man and will prove a suc cessful teacher here a elsewhere. The latest Improved seal have Ireen ordered from Chicago and the furniture will be first-clas In every respect. Farmers de siring a good school for the winter wilt do well lo move their families hither. l,YONSVIM.K, Game Is plentiful in the adjoining foot hills, having been run out of the mount ain by lire, t'ougur and (rear are reported seen and sheep are K-ing missed in lhe neighborhood. Mr Wm llialt, w hile working at the saw mill Friday had lhe misfortune it dislo cate his knee, which was toon replaced. I le wa taken to his home near Sclo, and w ill probably be confined ta hi room for a time. Ssturday while hauling hay near Lyons, the team of m llurdge became fright- ened and ran away, throwing Mr Uurdge j from the wagon. No damage, save lhe promiscuous disti (button of bay. Mecr Hia't Si Coof thl place have been awarded a contract of 250,000 feet of lumber for the Salem WoolcnMi.land will begin the Immediate shipment of seme. Negotiation for other large contract are In progress, and our town bids fair to lie a shipping point of note. Trarber Examination Notice U hereby given that the regular public quartely examination of teacher for l.lnn countv, will take place at the Cotfrt House, In Alhinr, commencing at noon, Wednesday, August 28th, iS8 AH teachers desiring examination will please be present at lhe beginning. L M Curl. Co School Sup't. Iiocest Yet. 10,000 rolls of wall pa er, latent varieties, finest decorations just ecilyc.' it Fortmillcr& Irving' Oregon Slate Tnir 1 Twenty-ninth annus! exhibition at fatsui, Otegon. COMMENCING MONDAY, SEPT. 16. Continuing ona wk, under tbs rrai ap inent f I he O reann Sjile Board af Agriculture. OTEE 115000 IH CiSE OtTeiwd for rio'llturl, atouk, dairy, aod mechanical exhibit, for works of art aod fsuey work, and for trln'a of a;ed. HnuniDg and Trotting Races k.cu day. Important Improvement made in tbe premium Hat. Reduced rale for fare and freight on all transportation lima to an from the fair. PRICES OF ADMISSION Men's day tleket 6Cc SSe t2.M .....fl.OO women's Uay ticket- Men's aeason ticket.. Women' sesvon ticket Send to the Secretary at Salem for premium Hat, J. T. APPERS OS, President, J.T, GREGG, Secretary. ojexkinos, w. h m jrnR,j. n. wi rt Jennings & Co. Manufacturers and dealera all kinds of FIR, MAPLE AND CEDAR LUMBER. Mill on HamiltoD,eiever.m.U from Lebuion i'rleenat the 51111 1 Clear fir $11.00: stcond clear, $9.(0 rongh lumber, f(i 50. Prion ol o dr aod miple on application rKtCES AT CO'S.YABI) AT LEBASOX 2 Clear fir, $15 00 ; second clear, $13 00 rough lumber, $10.00. r HE FAMOUS Wire Buckle Suspemkr 1 K For sale only by L. E. OLAiri, r V f j 1 mggyssBMy 1 I kit s J 7 ,i 'iA ! Imih f:i JutvSO, '84 WOOD SAWINU. Wood sawed on ' short notloe, any where in the eity. Regular prices. Orders left at Browne 11 & Btanard's will be promptly attended to. Geo. II. Wakrxn, Wild Lands Stock RroRdftlMo S'r-n, REAL ESTATE. LOANS FIVE AKD TEN ACHE GARDEN AND FRlUT LANDS A SPECIALTY. Choice i csidence proper, y in all parts of the City on easy terms, Agent IfuKliett, II row 11 I'orflnnd, r. ALBANY - FOR THE BEST FURNITURE --CALL ON HIE f , - Albany Furniture Company OI'POMT .slEWART A RCX, BED ROOM SETS, TABLES, CHAIRS, UPHOLSTERED GOODS. WALL PAPERS, BABY CARRIAGES ETC., ETC.,ET iivwiciiN'ts fc 1111311 T.MBKK LAND NOTICE. ' Vnitw! Hal?i Ijtud Of!i-, Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1KI. Nol'ce ! horcby given that in cornpli-atn-i with the jrrovtMioiiMof the wt of ( on gres.i of June 3, 187, entitled "An ar-t for tin-hhIo ol timUr liinibi in the Rate of Culiforniu, (Jregon', Nevada ami Waxhing ton Territory," Alxanl-r V Howe, of lirownaviilo, (wninly of Iinn, Ktate of Ore gon, lion thu day filed in tliin oflico Mm aworn Mtatement No 12tW,for the urcliaM9 of lotn 3 and 4 and K K W f( of H-c No 30, In Tp No 10 ooiitli, Kange No 3 eat, and w fll oiler proof to show that the laml sought w more valuable for iU timlrer or atone than for agricultural rorjoHn,aud to CHtabliidi hiH claim to oaid land Ijefore tho Kegixler and Ketwiver of thiHofi'iceat Ore gon City, Or., on Saturday tho l!Hh day of October. 1 HH!. I le names a witnoMee : J K McIIancue, W C ('ioley, N IJ Ktaml bdi and J 1) Irvine, all of I'.rownmille, Linn countv. Or. Any and all newon claiming arivcrm-ly tlie above ilewTilrcHl a .'li .. .. 1- lunun are requoKico to me tiieir ciaiiiis in thin oflice on or before oaid l!tli day of O-Udier, 18S:. IF. T. Bt RSEY, ltegiU-r. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. I'liiied Slat Itml Offu. Oregon City, Or., July 2;ird, HS!. Notice in hereby given that in compli ance with the proviionnof the act ol Con grewi of June 5, 18T3, entitled "An act for the nale of timber landH in the Mali-.i ol ('a!ifniia, Orerm, Nevada and n 'at;liin ton Territory," Jcnne U Inine, of Drownit ville, county of l.inn. State of Oregon, han tliin dav lii-fd in lists office bin sworn state ment No 1 270, for the pun hane of tin N E I of Se' No .SO, in Tj No 10 nouth, Kange No 3 eoHt, and will r.lU-r prooftofliow that the land nought in inure valuable for its tinitier or xtone than for agricultural iur iHieca, and to eetablihh hi claim to said laud Ix fore the ltegiider and Ilecciver of thin office at Oregon Citv, Or., on Satur day the l!Hh day of Oc'tolrer, 18W. He namea a witneKiea : IV C Cooler, N U Standixh, A P Howe and J K Mclfargue, all of Brownavilie, Unn i-ounty, Or. Any and nil tssmonii claiming adversely the above WmTiberl hinili are requested to file their clainm in this ollu-eon or before aaiu llith day of OctoU r, IW.l. If. T. IU-rsey, Heginter. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Oflioe, Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1881). Notice in hereby given that in compli ance with the trroviaiona of the act of Con greHS of June 3, 187$, entitled "An act for the sale of timber landii in the State of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory." Nathan B Standwh, of Brownsville, countv rrf Unn. State of Ore gon, hax thia day filed in tliia ofl'u-e his sworn Htatement No 1271, for the piirchaxe of the N IF t4 See No 32, in Tp No 10 south, liange No 2 east, and will offer proof to ohow that the landootight in more valuable for ita timber or atone than for akTu ultur.il lHtriKiscs", and to eKtablixh hi claim to said land before the Register nnd lUx-eiver of thin office at Oregon ( itv. Or., on Saturday the l'Jtlt day of i h tober.lSS'l lie names or witnewes : J K Mrllanrue. J D Irvine, A P Howe nnd irCCJey.ail of Brownsville. Linn count v. Or. Any and all persona churning Rdveiwely I be above dencriljed lambj are reiueiteil t lib; their claims in Una office on or beior-? eaia linn day of October, 18l. iv. i. ui rsev, lvegmicr. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State Land Office, Orecon City. Or.. July 23, 1S89. Notice is hereby triven that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of (.on- eresa of June 3, 18i8, entitled "An act lor the sale of timber lands in the States of California. Oreimn. Nevada and Washing ton Territorv," Casiier II llobere, of Brownsville, county of Lmn, State of Ore gon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No 1267, for tho purchase of Ue N E .'i of See No 14, in Tp No 10 south, Kange o Z enr, ana win oner Drool to show that t lie i.imt sougnt is more valuable for its timber or stone than for aoTii-ulhiral ourooses. and to establish his claim to said land Irefore the Kegister and Receiver of this onne at Oregon City.Or. on Saturday the l'.lth day of October, 18S. lie names as witnesses : w ciooiev. K Mcllargue, N B SUuulish and J 1 Ir vine, all of Brownsville, Unn county, nr. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in Una ofhee on or be fore said llith dav of Octolier, 18S9. ''. T. Bvrsey, Register, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., July 23, 18R9. t Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of tho act of Con gress of Jnue 3, 1878, entitled "An net for the sale of timber lands in the States ol" California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Oeorge L Edmiston, of Eu gene, county ot .Lane, Stateol Oregon, lias this day tiled in this office bin sworn state ment No 12tk, for the purchase of the S h of Seo No.UO, in Tp 10 south, Range No 2 cast, and willo fler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber oT stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim io said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon Citv, Oregon, on Sat urday the 10th dav of Octolier. 1880. He names as witnesses : w f.ast, w 11 lay lor, II Brennan and J B Towsley, all of Albanv. Lmn countv. Or. Any ana an persons claiuiinc adversely tho above de scribed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 19th day of October, 1889. W. T. Bi'ksky, Register. Administrati-is Notice, Ih tlie County Court 0 LiH county, Oregon. Ii tbe matter of the estate of W R Can non, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that ths Administratrix of ths above entitled estate filed her final secoont in said matter in said Court on the 7 th d ay of Aa gnat, 1843, aiid that the Judge of said Court has appointed Saturday the 7th day of Sep tember, 13$!), at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said Hay! for the hearing ot all objections tosaidDDal account and the settling of the asm. Dated this August 7th, 18S9. . Lafka Bell Cannon, W. R. BixYKU, Administratrix. Attorney. Ranches City Property r.ftr It.. AND INSURANCE, or respond iter Motirlfcd OREGON TIMBER LAND NOTICE. irniteil 8tan Iind OHi e, Oregon City, Or., July 23, iWi. Notion w hereby given that in compli ance with tlie pro'vittiormof the wt of Co:i grenn rf June .'!, 1H7H, ciitilli-d "An act for the oale of timlrer landa in the Sfafc nf California, Oregon, Nevada and Wahing ton Territory," William C Cooley, of Brownsville, countv of Linn, State of (h-e-gon, han this day tiled in thi ol!ic-e h': nworn trtatement No ia3,for the j.un hio" of the E of N W i and hits 1 and 2 of Sec No :K, in Tp 10 nouth, Kanjre No ."1 ead, and will ofTci proof to ohow that tlie land Mought la more valuabl:! for it tim ber or nt one than for airrhnaltural iKirjyje-s, and to efdablirdi hirt claim to faid laml Ire fore the liegit-r and Receiver of thin i fice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday the Urth day of Octolnfr, 1HWJ. lie nannv an witneftxeii : N IJ Standif h, A 1 Howe, J K McIIarguc and C II lliberg, all .i Linn countv. Oregon. Any and ail ivr- Bons claiming arlvefyely the alrove d neribcxl lands are reqtientcl to file ' tlieir lainm in this oIik on or Ix-fore natd lull lay of (Vtobor, 1S!. W. T. rt KSEV, Keguder. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, Or, on City. 'V , 'ulv 1H-. Notiiv i ln-r .-. ki ... t. L it . i;t-!i- anre w itli tiie provimons of tiie act of Con ftrnfH of June 3, 187H, entitled "An act for tliesiile of liiulser Lindu in the States of alifi.rnia. Oregon. Nevada and f"aihinjs ton Territory," Jamee II Steveni, i.f Tun- wster, county of Xhurnon, lemtory .of IfaKhincton, ban this uay bled in thus of fice hi aworn statement No 12Si, for tl? pun luwe of the S W $ of Sec No 20, in Tp ao 10 oouUi, Hange io z east, ana w ill ot ter proof to nhow that the land eought ix more valuable for ita timlrer or stone tlian ' agricultural pnrpofes, and to establir-ii iid claim to said land before the Keiris-ter" and lteceiverof this olJice at Oregon Ci!v. Or., on Tuewlay the 22nd day of Oetolie'r, 81. lie names na witnesses : J r. Ilutchincon. G B Jakofrson. W Scoorfiehl and John Garner, all of Seattle, King Co.. W. T. Anv and all persons liaiinuitj ad versely tlie aljove deKoribed lands are te que ted to file their claiinc in this oflk-e cn or before said 22nd day of October, 1S8!. v. T. Bi-bnev. Kegwter. limber Lanl H ctlce. - : United Suits Ucd Cffice, Oregon City, Oregon, Jan 2&b, 1SS9. Notice is hereby given thai in compliance with the provision of tbe act of Conres of Jane 3rd, 1S78, entitled "An act for the salt ' of t:mberlnd in tbe State of California. Oregon.Nevada.and Washington Teiritory," APgus S. ihaw, of Mi.! City, county ot Marion, State rt (Jrecon, has this day filed in thi rfijes- hi sworn statement No. 11 CO, for the pnichsse i-f the S E of Section N. C, in Tonl-ip No. 10 south, range No. 3 east, sad will offer proof to show that tht land sought i more valuable, for its tirutjrr or stone than for agricultural purpose. .-l to eatabliab bi elstm t aaid hind before the K sister and lieceirer -f tbia ofSce at Ore- - ft-n City, Oregon, uu 1 aesl)r. the Tlth dajr af KeptesBber, 18S9. Se name ss witcessrs : W. Sims, L. own, J. Boyle aid H.Tarplev, allot'MUI Citv, Marion er-niity, Orecon. Any and all ueri) cjmmire adversely tbe sbovu described lands ore requested to nie ineir claims in tnrs ouice on er Utore said 24th day of September, 1SS9- W. T. Bcrxev, Itegitter. Timber Land Mue, Uuited State Land OfEc?, Oregon City, Or., June 2flth, 1SS9. f Notice ia hereby siren that in corcrli ance with the provin'on of the act.cL.' Congreea of June 3rd, 1878, entitled "An act for the 'e or timber lands in tbe J States o 1 California, Oregon, Nevada and n SHhiogtcn Territory James U. Boyle, of Mill City, county of Marion, State oi Oregon, bus this day filed in this office C his sworn rsUtement No. 1101, lor tbe 1 purchase of tbe E H of 8 W X and lots 6 and 7 of Section No. (5, in Township No. 10 Sooth HngeSo. S east, aod will cCVr s proof to show that the land sought U mom valuable for its timber or stone than f-r ! agricultural f-itrpcreF, and to estshlUh bi claim tn ! ir d before t be tei?i ter nd Receiver of this fiiee at Oxygen City, Oregon on Tacsdaj, tke Tllk star er f tiatnttrr, IKK9 Hf nuui ss luncs : T.V. Hai. t Brown. A. S ana li. lti,!r.,i cf Mill I'ity, Marion ctuniy, ureter in. Any and all perjions elaimm adverse v ibe above cecribed lands are request? OT to filetieir claims in ihix effice on or te- ere tsid 2-Uti day cf seperrber, 18.H9, Kt; Mc8 for Publication. Land Office t Orecon Ci.v. Or. June 2tith, I8S9. Notice is hereby given that th.r i,iinu- ing uH4il sutler has filfd notice cf bis inientlon lo msse lira) pro'if in jmppuji of hU (-)suii, and i.ist sRld prtH f wi: t e n suo iti.iro 11. e i rmrnv Juiftrp, 01 hi his absence, imfnre the Ci.untv Clerk oouuty, at Albeny, Oi er. on, on NsBdar, Asixnst esia, laso, via- Das-Id r Wed lie. Homestead En try ro..475, for the M K ot See. 22. 1 p 13 &R 1 ii He names the fo'.lowia w it, n esses to prove bis continuous residence upon and ctiitiralion of, said land, vfz : J. H. Lewis, 8, Lewis, P. Manoliaand C. Cooptr. all of Sweet Home, Linn coun--ty, Oregon. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance ol such proof or who knows cf aiy substantial reason, under tbe law and lhe regulations of he Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will lie given an opportunity at tbe above mentioned time and place to oioss examine tbe wUnes; of said claimant, and to otter evidence in rebuttal of that submitted bj claimant . W. T. BURJ9T, Register. PATNT3, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE EOBSON'b