IN3TRCCT1VR PIQCItES. The Treasury statement lor July opens th government account (or the fiscal year 1SS9-90. The statement shows a total debt, principal and Interest, amounting on August t to $(,646,777,310. Agatmt thlt were held a retcrve, avaltablo cash items and net cash In the treasury .amounting to $ S8! '3.377. leaving a total debt, iew cash In the treasury, amounting to $1,077,663, 933 Thlt represent an apparent Increase I $ 1,01 7,31 a tor thr month, but a decrease ! $83,7834.5 a compared with a year ego. The net cash In the trtaaury amount ed to $65,857,090, a decrease ol about $5,. 600,000 (or the month and olover $ 40,000, 000 a compared with a year ago. The gold coin and bullion In the treasury mounted to $3.7SS7 decrease c( over $i,7co,ooo for thetnenth ando( about $15,(00,000 at compared with a year ago. The treavury'e siNct holdings amounted to $186,159,140, an Increase ol about $a, 500,000 (or the month and o( over $357xv 030 at compared with a year ago. Gold certificate! outstanding amounted on Au gust 1 to $113,541,409, an Increase o( $(, 748,650 (or the month, but a decrease of about $13,400,000 at compared with the tame date Ut year Silver certificates outstanding amounted (01159,557,113. an Increase ol about $1,450,000 for the month and of over $55,800,000 at compared with a year ago. Tne recclptt (or the month of July amounted to $3i,SS6,joo, a alight de crease at compared with those (or the pre- ilnr month and a alloht Increase as , .lW .... ti,. compared wtln Juijr last rear, ineex- r ... ' pst.diturea, on the other hand,how a very ; considerable Increase as compared w Ith the 1 figures (or the preceding month. They 1 amounted to $41,993,593, an Increase of j over $18,000,000 at compared with the preceding month.when ependltures weie unusually light. As compared with the month of July last year the increase Is a Utile over $5,850,010. These arelnstiuc tire figures. The surplus decreased during July $5,600,000 and the expenditures In creased over $5,850,000 over that of July a year ago. If this policy It kept up there will be no eurplut at the ecd o( this admin Istratlon. It the reader reflect. WELL SAID. E G Ilursh, of Baker City, hat been ap pointed special "pension examiner,' rather a email thing In name (or the amount ol extreme organ grinding and political misrepresenting that Huish has done ; yet lie may do well at lL II any body In thla part of the country was in the arar.or In sight or hrarlng of it, or had anv relatives who were sergeanta, orsut. i .1.1 l .k.. nr ...! r. m on his big ice anywhere along In the six ties, and has been a good rvpublioan and will promle to conilni'e "o be to. Irt him , put in nu aim at once iot a pension nou full 'arrears " utt Or.-gmw. A QIESTIOX . , .... , It is very evident that the nest presldcn- tUI campaign will be (ought on the Usue ol protection and free trade Mtmnlatmeet. We repeat the question heretofore asked the Afoanajmr as to It meaning ol the term "free trade." Republican paper al most uniformly decline lo de6ue the term "free trade" at used by them,and thus show a lack of candor about the matter. At po- Utwm- ," as Iliely aa we know how we ask the .Vim tainetr lo define the term "dee trade, used above by it. SLETMiK lUHXCIt BLOW" M G "Lane," a brother of Jim Blaine, who! bat a rather cnerjuered recor'i.hs t teen appoint-; ed head teacher sttheCh-mtws In.lian trhool. I Thus one by one the relatives are gathered in, But it is said "Lane" is a good teacher; and after all, he is no doubt an honester man thsn his big, booming, blow hard brother. East Orrqmuan. The weekly Dcmockat of Albany, Or., has entered upon it twenty-sixth year. Twcptr-i.Jjc teara of continuous life to a newspspcr in a new state like Oregon is something for the owner to be proud over, erven t'touph their paper was not one quarter as ably handled as the Ur.Moca at. LGrande journal. Thanks,genllemen. We hope the Jomr .nj and the writer will live ong enough to see the former arrive at the dawn of its twenty -alxth year. When Majer Gen C M Wilcox, formerly of the Confederate Army, was made Chi-f of llie Railroad Division in the General Land Office every loyal Republican heart was expected to swell and almost burs, with indignation al such a wanton insult as this Democratic surrender of the Governvent to the rebellion, and the idea wat held out that a Republican Administration would displace every such traitor with a Union veteran. Well, by Mahone's order, Wilcox has been removed and a truly loal veteran hat been put in his place. But the truly loyal veteran in Ibis instance happens to be rl C Elam, one of Mahone's rebel heroes, a claw of men who are fast ornamenting their belts with the scalps of all the Democratic Union soldiers appointed to office by Cleveland. Notice has been set red upon Ihe Adminis tration by the G A R bosses that Tenner must not be interfered with. It it taid that Tanner will attend the G A R Encampment at Mil waukee, and that he will probably be chosen Commander in Chief. In this event it wi'l be ia order to turn the Pension Bureau over to the Gran I Army gentlemen, together with the Surplus and the keys of the National tmoke house. Private Secretary ilalford is said lo be some what surprised that he did not receive a collide degree this June, Col Lamont was made an M A ly Union College, and it wat thought that Halford would receive the ame honor from some other ambitious scat of learning. His whistling ability may yet bring him the degree of Doctor of Music, however. 1 Ie need not be discouraged. The rule of nepotism still prevails in the National Administration, A nephew of Mr Blaine has just brcn appointed Assistant l'ott master at Augusta by the reinstated Joe Man Icy. The Hjrrison Administration, taking i s cui- fmm its -.hief, evidently regards t ulil'c offi e in -hi s'i ne Mr Blaine r'.'d I, !(- :; "i l 'i ',y li 'e "fMrS," Th i s ir- i . .y.i'g th.t . Attorney G.;n?rai M .ier is io he nominated for the vacancy on the supreme bench. It is hardly to be doubted that the p-esiderit would like to clothe his law partner with the highest judicial honors, but those who have made a close study of the temper of the senate say that if Mr Miller is no'iiin i'ci he will surely be rejected. Tin .' , Okmocrat is now entering its 26:hc, fall oi" vigor and vinegar and suun.-H , D-'iaotratic as ever in policy, May ( Y. i t ivle'orate its centenary. Jacksonville Wh;n all the Democrats are out of office and their plsces Sl'.ed with supporters of ihe ad mi-.Utration we may expect a strong declaration j 1 f.vor of civil service reform fro-n the Repub lican ixni-, A TRIP TO KASTERN OREliON. I have been requested by parties living in Eastern Oregon to write up the country as I saw it during my travels through that pait of the state that lies between the Dulles on the north and Warm Springs Reservation on the south, and the Deschute River on the tt and Cascade Mi's on the west, The first place of any o( that the writer passed through after leaving the Mountains was Juniper Flat, which is almut 15 miles long by 8 or 10 miles wide. This part of the country it the Post dry and desolate that the writer ever traveled over, not a tfrar of green grata could be teen along the road at far at the edge could grain, no garden, and no water, you cannot get a drink for your self or hettt after you ' leave Dear creek until you 'each the Deschute River, a distance of 18 miles, unlets you get it out of a barrel where the thermometer registers from IlOtol25 and it takes considerable gall to ask a man to let you water your horse at hit barrel that he hat hauled perhaps 6 or 8 miles. I left Hear creek at J a m and reached C L Mou it is at the upper end of Juniper Flat 2:30 pm. Alter partaking of some refreshments I started and traveled 6 miles to get a drink for my self and torse, In this whole country known as J uniper 1- 1st there is not to exited 3 Inmiliet, but who have to haul water from 3 to II miles, the petile who inhabit this wild waste are sociable, kind and oMicinc but have a far away look like the man tha it watching for hit ship to come in. 1 hey seem lo have loncine eiDression on their countenances. which plainly show to the writer that they are not contented, but longing for the cuod old Willamette Valley. Tlute ia no grain to he had in it, all being burnt out from the scorch ing rays of a clear sun, Mr Green Morria cut from 85 sires of Spring wheat the enormous amount of b lua of hay . Mr CI. Morris cut I n n iwu 1 1 v. w ,uu v, . . . .. ...... w . - from 45acrcaoffaltwheat40ioniofhay ,nd he U the only man on the Flat who had any ' hay to siakof. Wheat would run fiora 6 to 10 inches in height. The!w titer many a field of w heat that wouM not measure 8 inches in . . .. . . . . . . lHht. Not Ineing altogether stuck on the juni(er r Ut 1 tnM ,y y northward, crossing the white river at Tygh Valley, after siirnung 1 fin iiugt ii reacn-i me loning country south of the Iialles, whivh is a very dry and dcsoUle country. At the town of Athens seeing a large windmill pump slopcd In water my horse and self hut when I called for a glass of water was informed that it wat hauled 8 miles and had been standing in a barrel over nighl. I wat alto informed that they made daily Iripa with a four horse team to supply the store and for family use. After leaving Athens I traveled ten miles and reached Dufur on 15 mile creek, which hat alwayt furnished a large quantity of water but at the f resent lime ia just barely running. At Dufur paid ft. 00 per bushel for oats and had to Sheriff's Sale. CVW Cenri eiAe Stntff Orgn for tkt Cesmy ( Lin 1 L Kline, Plaintiff. James O .' unkins, lMcdnt. Notice ia hcrehv uivou that l.v viitue of an execution iaauod oat of the above osmed I'oartia the alM-v entitled artino, I did on . , theCth day of Angust, 1S-SI). in Liuo eounly, . ' 0"'a"& levy all the liht title and lu- ' I . r. i ol J int i Jinsins, tne oaienuan. ,u. nsm., i or n h i.ieunr. ner.inaf ter d.aenra. aud v ill on . Hiara.;, sac in way as cattsorr, I .k. u .1.. i ik .1 i 1. as sanrwie rw suerw s ve ae - vi i e w . b,oy L,0 counift Oregon, at the hour nf 1 i clock, p. m. of Mid day aril at pebfie sur ; tioa lor cash in Hand to bighaat hiHdrr all j the right title an. I ii.Ura.t ol J ism O Joi -I kins, the defendant atov-t oamrd in or to li e ! following decrilie ral prwpwrty Wt-wit : Th west half of the soutbeaat 5U.rter.ud iM o od 3 of See 17 aud tne n..ribw.t uart,r 0 ..r:haaat quarter and Ui I. i, and 3 of See SO in To 12 south ef R.nge 4 araa ia tha !iatrit of l.uHa anbtct Co aaia a Oregna City.Orrgon, cootaibiog oo hni. - dred and'aixt acres and ninety -six bun - drfdlba of an acie, the sain being tha dn nation land claim ol James Jnnkins No 3791 i and situate! ie Lien coaoty, Urgoo. Tiie I proceeds ailsiog from uh sale to be applad j -irat to ,b4 pa, ,en of th euti, aod dtk. . bursemenU Used at tt5 and aceraing coaU. Sacood to the paemeot the Plain tiff, I. Klme the auia el $231 1.37 with inter eat tbareon at tha rate cf 12 pr car.1 per nam from the 27th day of Jac, ISS9. latd this 7ih dry of Aagv.t, ISSir. Jonn .Sh.i.lmuh, Hlinff uf lion ewnty, Oregoe, Sheriff's Sale. i ,i . . tr. . r o A Ctrt., Court cj Ikt Afafeo Or.,jn or fAe Count,, of L,m : 1 K Uon. l'lintilT. r, I W Ellison, I).fndant. Notice ia btrtty glvso that by virtue of ; the said Hays Lunan..a Ciaiut, tdaooe west aa execution isaued oat ef the stove named j to tbe N Eeorncrof thassid ll.y llouatioa Court in the above eotitiled action, I will j Claim, thence eontn along l ba et line ol oa ; taid Have el.iin to the place of le.iut.log, alaraUy, laetib day af V.lraibrr, last, eonUiefng 114 01 acrt. Also tbe f-lluw- at the hoar of I n'einek p. m. cf .aid .lay, at ' ," ittcn """r,- U,0 , tha Court ll,u.. do.- in th- city .1 Albany, , jl" -'. ,0';,,"0 -,' - Una coubty. Mil fu, cLu I. band '? "w". I l? ,u bl N We to tbe high..! bidor the real proparty here- i S"11?..' d,T? '? TV. V" V' tofore stischr .1 io the above eutitl.d action, I f ,LJih,,0O,h, 0,,lb" . w' 1,0 3,,,B anddeeiibetaa follows to wit : LotsNo!Uk N' !? te o.ty ol Uarruburg j alo a ..i it v.. -i ; . I oorooieBcioc at a point 10 rods 8 al tbe 8 W lion io the coumr of Una and SUUof bra- goo. The an.log from tbe sale of said prvmiar to lie applied t hVat to the payment of th easts and disburterneots cf (untaxed ot $177 10 and ac.rrnlng aoste. tWoond to tha pa, o,nt tothe Plaintiff, I R Dawson the sum of $1042 19 with iutrst thereon st the rate rl 8 par cent per annum from the 24th -sy of Jane, 1869, lost the .am of $931.58, iba proceed a' from tbe sale of paranoid property ber:t:ifure aold by virtu of said execotioo on the Ut day of August. 18H9. JOHX SN W I.H05, Sheriff of Lion couuty, Oregon. Sheriff's Sale- In th Cirtuit Court of tkt State oj Ortfon for Linn feint y. Robert II. Lellcr, as administrator ( tbeea- tat of diia A. Adam. deceae-t. pUii tiff. vs. B. H. Kntbarfurd, llaunah K. Katberford, I vnd Mary B. Hi', Defendants. Notice ia hereby givi n "thstjhy virtue of exvcutioa ahd order ol aal issued ont of V airfivc-named ennrt in ll:e above entitled air, I will, on saiarday, tbe tttk Day af A (, Irae t tb Court (louts, in the Cl i f A1J uy, Lion County, Oregon, at '.be bnnr ol 1 o'o'ock P. M , ol siii day. .u.l at poll c suction, I .r cash in banji, to the l.labtst bid der, tbe real property dravrihed in said ex cation end order of sale a fallow., to-wit: Jbeenuth hslf of the sonthwest quarter, the north half of the rnithwet nasrter of the northwest qnsrter of tbe south! qusr. tar au.l th s-mth ball of the southeast quarter of sectiou 3d. in town-bip 9 sontb. I, west of tha Willamette meridian in bu.n toon'j, Uregor, i-xoepring a tract boande.l as UgiuMng at a Kiiit5.00 chains north of the southeaat corner of said section 30, and running tbenu sontb 5.00 chains, tbenee west 10.00 chainr, sou thence north easterly to tha pUce of betlioriing, togethsr with the tenement and appurtenances there onto b I. ii 1 is or in anywise appertaining. The of sale of said premis to be spplied di ected in raid writ : th 1 a. mil. l ,.t the cost and disliursemei.ti .f this '.nit tsxed. at71 80, aud aceruiug -o-t on thie execution. Second I'o tiie piviiier-t to th plaintiff herein the U'n of $1,402 50, in if. S. gold onir, with ii.lere-t at the rate of 8 per cent, per aouun. from .ur.e 27, 1880, and tha fur thersumof (100 attorneys fees. Dated this 24' Ii day nf July, 1889. JOHIt SalALLMOX, Sheriff of Linn Conoty, Oregon. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. roiled BtaUi Land Ofllee. . Oregon Uty, Oregon, July llh, 1HH9. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions o tne ucl of Congresa of June !i, ls7M,entlUed,"An act for tbe aale of tim ber lands in tli elates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," lluey Brenoari.of Albanyx-ounly of Llrin,lHl of Ore gon, ba this nay filed In this oirlce bl sworn staUiiueut No 15JI, for the purchase of the N E t of section No U, In township No lo, south, range Not eital, and will oiler proof 10 show that the land sought I more valuable for Its limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bl. claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this olflce at Ore gon Cliy. Oregon, on Monday, the 14tb day of Octolier, IfcM'J. He names aa witnesses : i B Towsley, W Bast, D McKae and W H Taylor, nil of Albn'nv. l.lnn county. Oreicon. Any and nil imtmiii claiming adversely the above deserib-1 ed lands ara r(ue.led to file their claims In ' thl oltli:e on or liefore said Htb day of October, 1 119. '. i W T Braxsr, B'glster. 1 plead ttaivali.ui fur my hat ie l.:fire I routd get them at that nice, at Tjrgh Valley a,4 per It was chaired fur 0M1, alto at tha Summit house, and hay told from $19 to I.10 per ton by the feed. Now in conclusion let me say to those who contemplate leaving the Willamette Valley to make ilieir sinUe in the country that l nave lust civm a brief account 01, that they had better leave well enough alont, for there are more letving the Eastern Oregon country than y.u can imagine and jui locoing there r.Tw. Ii. Senator Ingalls, of Kansas, is trending hit vacation in the collection of liSraiy, All In galls needs at a ttttesman Is usi tng dictionary and a large volume of win I. t J . ...T-- And now Senator ttlaii the protective tariff, lie ial for New England. wne back 0 reeraw mater LOSSUXi tiOJ t.. To Tim Huron-rim rs UihI I lmve 11 posltit. liami'il ilUnaxe. Ily tti in.' liofl-- vases linte. Ik 1 ,, I shall b glad to a- i.t . fly man tunny til . tuiniitlttn l( liey w. 1 . -and post utneo atl.trr . T. A. Sboci'M, M. . Il 1 . vMir read r iiiKnbrtve .Mi'inif nlly cured, liny reine- ! have rtHi vli' ir prva o'thiiiy, rl M..New Vork- Sheriffs Sale. at tir Circuit Court of tk Stat cj rr fen,fr Linn County. W F Mendeuhall and halt My, tdtnioit tratort of the stlate i t Kim-h IL ult, dscttt ed, rialotiff. vs. Ilirara Smith and W W Brutf. doing butU naea nn.l.r tha Hrm nam ttvla of Smith & llrigge, Hiram Smith and J W HraaHelJ, doing buainett as partuvr under the Uun name sort style of Smith St ttraattalil, Hiram Smith. John M Water and W Briggs, doing buslnees under the Hrm name of - - Smiib, Waters Mrlnga, Hiram imlth, Jm-s W Bra.H.l.l. Jul.u r MeCulley.lsme M Shelly and W J Brroeil,d.iiig tutinesa under the Hrm name ol Smith, brattiald U Co., Mary A E smith, Jamsa W IVa.rl.ld, I.ydis Uiastialtt, tuissbath Martin, Alrien der Somm.rville, Witlouiihby Ctiurohid.K P Caldwell, Juhn Q Vaavtiu,0o Uailay, John 8ommrvill, II N HID. Js).h tsunmer ville, Solomon Col, Hamual N1100. 3oho MoCartn.v, Henry Kaowha, Catharine Wij1a, A Hno)(il.fy, John Cuswall. Jaeub Wuk John Kalay ami J hu rlaritt.uait nra doing husinvse uuder the rtriu nsm lt Ketsay A Hurnett, Jaa E II It, K A Chuo weth an I r M Jiilinsou, ' 'nj Uusinaaa un der the Hrm name l Co . otb & Jahs sno, Dsmno Sinith.Juhi. r' I'ull.v.Nauty Carron Wils..n, John K-t- r, winii.ld rkm merville. E K Wyitt. I c'JIain, 11 Baber, Mack Sommaevi. . liarvay metville. CI It Ward. J y. Juhn Ko. Ur.l D U U . too. J B Hill, M Wilkiet, Samuel Salt ,.i - m Mmiihand Mary A E Smith, bt., Vely W iBrissaend Hairatl Btivg, Ins wife. AU I Hovy sod 11 C Humphrey, pattuar. nnd.r ! the firm name ol llovay itaa.phrey, lubp M Thornpsnn, Ivan R lwson, Isaae Van- duyn and D K III. I, IWendaot. Notice it hereby given that by virtue of , aa execution aid order e( tale iisned oot of tna above named Court in the above enti tied tail, I will on SalaMay. Ike ttlh aUy af Aagait, IMS. at the Court Hone door, in the oily of Ativan)-, Uon c mntr. O.-egoo, at the hoar o( 1 o'clock p. in. ol said day, sell al pablio aaotiua lir cuh U hand to the bigbe.l bid der the real property rleaorihad in e- vution a u.l or.l.r ol aalo. Man! i.rjt ert j ; , d.seribvd in ll.r.o p c-' 4 maral r- ''A ."'H" au.l ' c', m la aa I ul i ' - luwa. I falCal "A," N . 1 ' I liug at the Lorihaaat cori.rf of I . Uiver !ol, No. j V!, in MoCullay a a.l.l. I . rrwburg.attd ouoiog thouuo o..r-t 3" . .au.- w aat la tho rvr, tbeuoe aoutl ?; up lb" river Iwiiik, taooce oaat to ih ! Ixgiauiog. Alao ear ey Sm 4U, -- -t poiat llili lu ks north. 3I5 liak. i the aeeitvo .take betweeu asetiuae t -. oo uairr. 37. to T IS, S K weat mt tow .' iUmlt iun- 1 dute, rnnmug th.ooe sort, r 43'. west 73 1 "nks theooe north 1J, .wat 762 links j tbenoe south 4lA3, weat 263 link j thence oath 12 70 links, Ibenoe east 4W link t the place ol beginning, eonUioiog ft serve mare or lass. Also lot Nu 2, ie biook No I, and tha east 4 ol lot No 4, and the south west V of lot Ko 4, ia blk No 1, ia tea eity v( llarhsberg, coonty nf Linn, slate of Ore gon : also tbe sooth K ol (recti nsl river lot ', So 1 in Mo.'ul..y'a a.tdition to the city of Hatriabarg, la with the UoemauU, b.ilitiut tils ax.d ap parteoaoees theruoto belonging. Paroel "0." N. 2, ilacnb..i as follows lo- wit i The Doo.Uou Land C ai.u . f Uuory ; Hsyssnd wife, Lemg Notineation No dC3tl, , cUiim No S3, piisi,f aeutioos 11 au.l 12, i 1 ,8 8 " w xpt III acre in Iho snl dteJ v ,aa bun.m., . ,Uo eommeocing at tb. H K o r.r jf ibe H.nry In. Ld Uatdt, la T 10. 3 It 4 ; west, lamiug tbenc K 191 rnt to Ih ooun- j ,h,nc? ' M'd ocanty road to a wmt duo aat of tha K La mar of rar of tie pUt el the city ef Harrisbnre, runniog thecse weal 4 rods, tbencc auntb 32.40 ruds, tbeaoe E 84 rod.tbeooe N 32.40 rods, thence W 80 rods to Ihe place .( be ginning, containing 17 acres n.ore or leas to gather the appurteuabo. s. I'sicel "C." No 3. oon.iovt cing 40 rods oath ol the quarter auk ou ib aection line betwero aectiooe 26 and 27, running tbenoe Scuth Ml rod to a stake, lu.oo west GO reds, tatnee north 60 rods, inaase east CO roil to the plaoe el begiuninii, ooutaiauig 22 acre rrore or lie, lying aul liaing sitnated in section 27, T 15, 8 R 4 w st, being in tbe county ol lane, state ul Oregon ; also frac tional lot No 3, in tbe city .4 llarrisburg. Lion bounty, state of Oregon j also begin Ding 10 chaius sooth of tbe quarter sectii a stake on the north bunudaiy line of See 22, Tp 13, 8 H 4 west, aud running tbenee N 29" west 0 chains j thence north 38 west 10 bhsins and 20 link , thence 'Vest 2 and one quarter (V) chains : U-ence north seveoty degrees ols and V chains ; tbenee south seventy degrees west aeventy-nve links j thence south eighty links j tbenee sooth twenty. nine degrees esst seventy Hires links; tbenee sou lb eleven degrees east seyenly three links ; thence louth thirty degrees east eighty links ; thence south thirteen de grees esst seventy-one lioks ; thence south ten degree east two and one-half chains ; thtnoe sooth thirteen degrtes east seven chains and forty-one links ; tbenee tontb four es.t four chain an I eighty three links ; tbenee estt bine chains snd forty-two liukt to the place c begioniug,oon tainiug fifteen acres, mora or ', in Linn county, Oregou. Also orni.c cing at the southwest oorotr of li e pie,- f laud owned bv Thomas Roacb in floni-t 'nd claim No 2859. Tp 15 8 U 4 west, ro- theuce wet totbevaatlluei'ltb.O H IS. 14 rod; thoce east to Tboatae . west Hue ( thence touth fourteen r ,.. . said BoacbV weat Una tothe place ol Le.t .itg in tlani). borg. Linn aonnty, Oregon, togutber with tbe appurtenance. The proceed ol nale to oe applied a fellows, to-wit : The pro ceed arising from the sale ef the tract herein described marked exhibit, "A" to be spplied first to the payment of the easts of and upon this writ and aeoruiog costs: next prorata to tbe paymant cf the following claims wit. 1 in terest en esch at ths rsto of ou per cent per mouth from the 2Gi.b day nf April, 1882. I leintiffs claim, $733478 ; rl.ato Vandoyo, $20c.85 ; Solomao Cox, $179.04 ; Willough by Churchill, $223.80 ; Eizibeth (!rbimer ville, $08.57; H N li.ll. $489.11;Ue ,Biley, $1299.75; J B Hill,$227 03;D It Hill $687.33 k'enrv KsDcne,$lC04.69; Catherine Wiglc, $1120.50. The proceeds of the sale of the tract cf laud marked, exhibit 'B" to be ap plied prorata to the psj mcnt of ths follow ing olsiinr, with intsrest on each at the rate of one per cent per month from the 26th day of I April, 1882, to-wit t Plaintiff's claim, $10957.19 ; Terry Hay, $67.24 ; I Vanduyn, t205.85 ; Mack 8 rramerville, $147.13 ; W Churchill, 8223.88 J J H D Henderson, $709 60; O It Ward, $1839.31 ; Solomsn Cox,$l704;Biistbcth Som merville, $68 67; H N Hill. $489 11 t O.o Baile -, $1299.75 ; J B Hill, $227 03 1 D R Hill. $(!87 30 ; Henry Kauscbe, $1694 69. The proceeds 01 ths sale of the tract ct laud uwkid, : ex hibit ' C,' tr be applied prorata to the pay sent of the following claims with inlsrcst on escb at ths rate of one pr cent per month from the 2Cih day of April, 1882, to wit $ FlaintifTa ciaim, $8373.55 ; Jerry Hay, $67.24 , M Sommervilie, $147.13; G R Ward, $1889 31. aud the surplus if any, to he applied to the claim of the Defendant., IR Dawson. -Dated this 23-d dav of Julv, 1889. Job if 9atALLacoir, 8heriff of Linn county, OregoD, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Vnltsri ttatas Land Offlos, Unrw CHy. Oramm, July Imh, tW. Nalloa Is hsrshr iHvsn thstln enmiiilsnr with ths prar1slonssttliaSalCniierMnluna 3rd, tH7S, sntlllad "An ani lor tha sals ul llrnhar Ian is In tin Hist ol California, Ofrn, NsvsUa anil Waslurif Sua TerriVory," t'sllx K Itulilnann. nl Allisnr. onun tr ul l.lnn, Htate ol Uragon.ihsa this day in this office hi sworn Nu lita, lor tha punilian at than X ol e No tl In To No 10 soutli, Hi.t Ko t sast, and will tiff r iiruol to show thst llw land sniiKht I Itior valuable lor IU timber nr suina than Imv ariaultural purpoM. anu to aiinin n'Biiiaini tn said land bfor. Uia Uuetataranit ll.inlv.r ol thla mas at Urrnun City, Ureiron, tm Monday, the 14tli day otOotnhar, USU. II bs.nes as wttnnssns 1, W gt, i To.l.r and W II Taylor, all ol Albany. Linn ouunty, IJrvgon. Any and all M-r-sons alaliilnt advarwlt Ih. abova dnrlb.d Isuds are raquMtm totllstholr olslm In litis oil) .' on or bclor said Hth day ol Ui-bihar, I WW. iv. r. uitaxar, nK"r TIMBER LND NOTICE.- Valtad SUIa Land Offle. Uneontlty, Ura. 011, July tHth, Jaw. Natles it harsby alvao tliat In oiiu'i.iiami. wltlilh. prevlrions el th aot ol Canirawnl Juiih rd, Idi'H, ntltlad "An sot for th asl ol llmbor l.i.dt In Hi Btas ol valllornla, Uragon, Nvaila and Waaltlnnton Tiritry," Justus II Tuwalay, ol AIImiiv, eauutv ol Linn. Dial 01 Dragon, ha thl day 1)1x1 In thl. offli hi warn tattul No ISM. lit tha puisbaM ol tfc N W I olMoo Mo to. In To No 10 aoulli. KatmNu i sat and will offar imel u show that III. ai.U wmikIiI la mora valuable lor iu uniuarrr Rt. il than lot - rtcullural nuriwaaa, and to MtablUh hi. Maun to aa.d land bafa.-stha Kmlatarand Hownvarol ilil. olB.vat Oraon:lty,ureuu. n Monday, tba 14th nay olo tobar, INMi. Ila D.H.M .1 wlttiMai If K Kobtniun, U Unkaa. It Hrannan and W II Tailor, all id Aluaiiv. Linn oounlv. Urwon . Any and all iwrauit lUloilim advanaly ih. abov 'taaorlbad land ar riHu.wd tc ni. oiatiua in mi enioe on or norur asm iin day ol Ontolwr, taw. w. t. uvsxar, itruiai.r. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Uultad Mtat Land Offli. Orrimn I'ltr. Iirrvon. July ISlh. iHjll. Nolle laharaby )ln tiiat In aon-ulluio with Hi. UrovlaliHia ol tha aet ol CiHivraas nJantnl. I Nit. iiIIUmI "An set lor sals ol tiuilwr lands In tit HUla ol Callomls, Unwon, N.vaila and WahliigWn Tf rltory," William ll Taylor, at Albany, anumy .( Linn, HUUof Oruon, ha Ihla day Hlad IH Sbla ultitti hi. wont MaWnuint No !;. lMr Ih urvhaa at Ilia N W lolHwNatt. In Tu No Id auttlh. Hnir Not sat and will ogar pronl to (how tint Ih. Una Bought uwn valubla lor It Umbaror .1 hi. IIi.b lorair- rleultoral purpo.i a. and tu aalabllah hi. ol.lm to .aid land Wfur. tha Haelator and raoalvar ol thl oltlm at Oragun I lly, (miMi, on Monday Ih. Ulh d.v ol On lobar, lHMU. II Mnwa a. wllniiaii J U Tuwal.y, II Hiaiinaa, W lUat and U Ui lt... all (4 Albany, Linn oouutr, Ur.(oa. Any and all iMfaona slalrolne ad vocacy tna abov dyaonbad l.jd. are rao,tlMiMl to Bl. thalr claim In thl olBo on or Ufur tills I Ith daj ol OotuUr, ISM. w. t. urassr, iui.ur. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. I'nttrit lnti-a Ijind OIHo. or-una ouy, urvgoo, July lull, Vnllee la harty glvvai that in vnti.lnuee with t .e provisions of the sot of Courc. of Junet, !TlM,iil.lluU"An nH l.u'lhasalanl lira br lands liitho tta of I allium!, I'rvgon, Nevada, and Wa.ninxlon -rprrltory," Vt altrr lwl, of Albany, roomy of Linn. UuU ol urw B-n. ha. thl. day UU .lin tblaonV lil. .worn aiat.mrnl No last. Ir lh Hirlina of tha w j I ol awllon .No.1l. In tovnaiiipNo lo.aooih rang Nw l oast, ana win oiror pn.l in u.w uni tn. land aiHight I mora vaiual.lM lor ll. lliitOxr or Bt.auo I ban 1 aarivolluntl orxMM-,aiid Ut a. lal.ll.h Itiaelaliii land uwlon-the Mil , trraud kaoaivvr of this ihHom at ur-ifou -iiy. i.rrRon, on Monday, tna luh day oi (MuWr, I WW. lla bsbih a. wild. ..-a ; l ali'M.a. n krnaan,Juruwnjr andMii fay lor, oiAibaoy, Lien ruunty, orvtton. Any anu all p-raon clalnllrg adria..y Ilia .but. OraoriUrd lamia ararwiufrtwd la niw ibvir vlaiitt lo Ibis ofUoa oa or Lwiure aa Id I lib day ol tHHoiwr. iwei. w T Bvastv, Mpgiater. Notice for Pablication, . Lod oftlje at Oregon City, O'. July 17m, Iho, Notice la beribr glrxn that the 'olli.w. Ing named aei" Ier hua filed noilia of bin Intention lo make final proof in support of hi. claim, ana that said roof will be uiadebeiore ihi County Clerk of Lino court'., at Albany, tnegon, 00 Sf aaelay. Sepleeaber ISlb. last, etatOen W, Harris, presinpilnn I S Mo. 6304 f . Ihe 8 W H Ol M VV i of He II TP 10 "s ll I w. lie neirtes thw follow I tig wltnranen to prove bl ts.ntliiuons j realdenre upnii so. etiUlve'lon ,.f wat t Ian.l via: II 11 II. 'I . V If. ll 11 ----- b---"i Lino 0.IU01V. tirCKOIl. j Anv u.rsnn wl. d!re lo pmteat galn.l tha alliwance nf aucb fr.n.f, or i of enysubwuinui rr,, under tha law and I In regu.allona of kl e interior liepailinnnt, why au.'ti prnft ; aSool.l uot bw a lowed, will oe gi v n ani e,Prort..olly .1 the atiov. manilon-d tlru. of mild claimant, and lo offer evidence, to rebuttal of that submitted be elalrtiar.l, TV. T. liuanxT. KeRlstar. -s-wsawas aa aaraeaswawaawaasiaBaeBSBBBSBBiavBBie-aw .aaawam w 1 1 SherifTs aale, M Circuit Court of th .Vfte or Orttjou for Linn County. P. If Clone, rtaintitr vs. J. M. Friter. Defon lanta WuTICK I hereby Riven that by vlilue of ao execution and order of sale I. sued oat nl t j aliove ranted Court in tbe above eutltled auk, 1 will oil alarway lbs I7ll 4y af a a. u.l, ISaw, at tbe Coon House dosr lit tbe city of Albany, Lino eounly, Oregon, at tha hour of I o'clock, p. Ul. mf said day eel! at public auction lor cash In hand tc tbe big beat bidder tiie real properly cleacriii cd In aald execution and ordor ef ante a. loliowa, to-wit : The north one-half f tha donation land claim ot John It I'oUer and Jana It. Poller, Me wire. No. Ildratlon No 7651. Claim No K7, f p 0, 8 It 2 east In Unn cointy. f regn, Tbe .roceda arising fiom Ilia sale of eld premiaae to ba appile-l s Hr-I, to tb payment of lb c-oaia and di"urae meota i faint taxed at 141.10 nnd a-rro Ing e ml, and fiVOO A'.torneya fee nod lo lb payment lo tha Plaintiff. D n. Cloae, town of I17H.25 wltb atcro ing lolereat at tbe rale of IS per cent tx-r annum frorr tb 23th day nl Juoe, IHhO Third, the surp.u 11 anv to tbe said J f Jttier, Dated tbls 15th day of Jutr, 1889, Ji.HM MMAl LSilS, Sheriff of Lion county, o.-rgin SbprliTs Sale. In the Cirtuit Court of the StiUt of Omjon for Lhtn County. Smith Cox. P aibUfT. va. V'elego Cx and Sereia Cj, Dcfcnd'.nta NUT1CR la hereby given that by virtue of an ax-e itlon and o. der of aala ia-uerl out of the abujre named O urt .nthe almve entll'od suit I will on at IhjCouii II nan d-wtr In th city o Albany, Linn rmunly, iroi-on, at the honr of I c'clm k . p ui of aald day. ae at publls euotloo fur ceah in hand to Ihe highest bidder the real property de scribed In tall execution and oider f eale aa followa. to wit Iteglnolng at tbe H K oornrr of ihe dooailoo land claim of Lw Is Cx and wife, being: olalm No. 44 In Tp 10. MK2 w. and running thence. N 3 helns to Hake ; llieoce VV 53 63 chain in a 't and Iron bar 2x2x30 Inches th.noe H 17.0!) chains to a pool nd Iron lar 2x2x20 In. bis ; tbenee E 94.19 their to the cast line cf tbe dona tion land fl'.lrn of J thn Y. H'.reltboff and wife; N 9 40 chains tothe N 15 corner of said ilelm t thence W 40 66 chain to tha p ace of boglnnlog, conUia Ing 104 in 100 acres, I he procoi'ds arising from thy ia'o of aald prerr leea to be applied : First, to tha payineiil of tha co.'a snd disburse-me- ta'oi e u t taxed at $19.10 and ac. -ruins coi. an. I 170,00 Alttmsya foee d the- naytnent to tbe Plaintiff tmlth Cx, 'he sum of 4508 82 with inter e-t thereon at tbe rata of ten ni cent p-r-a Dim in from tha Htb lUy of March, 1889 dated at Alb.ny, Linn ooniuy, Oregon, tbls the 10th day of July, 1889. John Hat Li.idon, Sbrrlff of Linn county. Oregon. . TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Ettstes Land Office. OregnnCltf, Orciron, July 2Srd, 1S80. Notles Is hereby nlven that In oomplliin with th provision, uf the act of Uongredof JuneS 1878. entitled "An act lortbesaleof haiJ.te.ot Cal ifornia Oregon, Nevala, and Washington Territory," Andrew 1. BAker, of Brow'isvllle.anuntt of Linn, state of Oreron, has this day filed In this offie h'i swnrn tatement No 1409, f'r tk rmrcn-uw nf tha N E 1 of section No 32, In tewnshlp Nolo, smith rsne No i set.snd will offer proof to show that th land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone thsn for strri.m' tursl purpose, snd tetstabMsb hi. alaimtowidland before lb Hegistcr and Het.iv.rnt thi.oflicstOregon C'ltv, Oregon, onHsturdsy, th lih dsy of October, I8ft0. H names as witremea : A P Howe.J K Holl.r- f:i. H B Blandish and W C Coolsy, all of Brownsville, inn eounlv. Orecon. Anv and all persons claiming ad rerselr th abov described lands are requested to fll th.lrcl.lm. in this ff ic on or btfor. said 10th dsy oflMober.lssy. W T Bvasxr, Register. Administrator's Notice, Notice is hereby giv.o that the eudersigri. sd bss been by the Comity Court ol Linn county. Oregon, duly appointed Adminis trator of ih estste of 8. U. A'thouie, de ceased. All persons hsving claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them properly verified within six months from tbs date of this notice to the under signed tor, at Albany, Linn ooun ty, Oregon. -Dsted July 30th, 189. S. E. Yooko, . Administrator, TIMBER LAND NOTIfF. United Rlatra Land nrflae, ! Orpgon City, OriK'i July l"i h. IH. I Nittloe I hnrnhy glvnn Unit in c iiiiiliiiin' i llll the nrovlaliina .if tha nut nt I nn. r ..r 1 Junes, 1H7H, untlUil "An Ao, for I He ! id , timber land In the Males of l.'niln.ritlrt, nr.'. I en, Nevada and WMthlngtnn Torrin.ry," I rnl! nnnan, oi nnauie, ion my or King, rotriinrr i.i , " iiiiiKinn, una tin utty uifil tu ini inn" his sworn slUiinint No. 1,221, for IIih .nr.tini of Hie kK of strUdii No. W, In tn i.Mi Nu, In 8. rango No. si f, nnd will oif.-r imi.i i.i aiiow that Mm land aouuht la mora vmIii iIi!.. .m ll. thnlirr or atone tlinn forntcrli-ultuinl i j c t . b.ij. m painoiiHii run riiiuii to nnki mini ticiniv the KnlalT and Kcolvcror thla i.llli-u ul i)n -gun City, Oregon, on aiarilay, tk I '41 a Day ef Orlober, I km. fife namp aa wltn. ! I1 X Hiir.'hi'r, ll K ohn, M htpwnrt ami K Mans, nil ol h"i.ill.', King County. Washington Tprrllory. Any anu nil persotia (ilalmlng mlvprscly tho aliovn-dpacrllipd lands are rpiuip.lj'a In 11 In lliplr olniins in thl oflloo on or bnfore nlU Ulh day uf uutobrr, lniW. W T Hi by, Ui-Uli r. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Vnllail Ntnwe Land Offlne, Orngoii l ay, OrrKon. July ITlli, Ihhii, Nollrw hrrpliy glvrn Hint in ioniimiiei Willi Kin rovi.lolis ol thl art of Ui.h(;r n ol JuiiaH, IH7H, until .-a "An Aot lor llto ol imilH'. luntl in thu HinlP.of Calllornlii, nr.. gon, Nevniltt and WH.iiingUin Tirriiory," Kdwnrtl Mhiin, or Hi-nltlo. Uounty ol king, Territory of Washington, lint thl. tiny Ml .1 hi litis oin.ia lil sworn atHlnmoul No. I.'ll, lor the purt'ltn. of the KK lof .o loll No, U. Ill lownalilp Ko. lu H, rangn Mo. 2 a, and will uif.-r rof In allow Hint tho land aomtlit u inurf valunblo for II. llinhfror atonn ll.iin nr'i pultural iurmwra, and lntslnlilli)i Ills cl.Hii tosal.llnnd liplora the lloglsli-r mi. I U 'tcivi t of thla olllox at urngon City, onx in, in. alnrtlay, I he lllk y ef VrUbir. DINS He namaa wltnp i t t'lli-rt, i; I Hlollliig. M Blnwart, ami V Hnniw, all ,ti hhhi io, nini vuuniy, naaitingmn lerrit. ry. Any mid all paraons elnlmlng a4vr-i-!y Iho aiMtve-dPBcriUMl liin.U ar r( ,t i,, n. Uioir olaiiui in ihuoflioe on or Uoioro :iil i.'iii ; day ol (Mtohnr, lw, , WTIlvaasT, ItigMir TIMBER LAND NOTICE. I nltiHl HtaLrs Land Offla. tirpgon city, urvgoa, July Jotti. mv. Ntrtloe lalinljy glvnn ibat In o.iiiii.ili.n,.. ?'lhu,?J.,r,'v,l,",0' tbeae. of t-oniirvMof i Jun.i, IHTH. ntitlMl'AO aot lor Hialf..l Cm ! lMr laiida In lh alnu ol . alllorulo, o.. K ;l Novaua, and Washington T. rriu.ry," Jonn w i l-ayiia, ol noalllw, county oi King. Uirntory . I ' WaahlngUin. haalblaUay ft k1 In tblaoniit 'ol. ' .worn .irtloinoMi, Nu Uii, lortbe .urclni..-.,i ' tho WJ ol amnion Sul. in town.blp No i, ' eoulhrango Noilnaat, and will offpr rr ot k, now that Hi Innd i.r: ll ttiuonror .ton. timu foragrlcullurul Mii-poM-a.andto rst.oitah hi. claim lo au Uuu orlorw tho and Iwooivrr of bl. oili.'. ' niiiiwa.mCllv.un-.on.eiriMBday.iha imu dm ' oltHJtoorr, ItSI. li.OMII.r.a. Wllll...-. ; u kunm 1 IkMvgruii, u.rm r and J r Wniii., all olaeatllo, King anility, Wuhttigton T-rri. ' ....j, .. un iHTao''rv i priiMia lands a, a rnuru-e lo n.p . ,.h"'r J-'"'.'"" "'"'i.olJlwoon orbsioro miI liih i day ol iK iour, IN.ii, W T Di'axxr, tli-gMrr. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. f 1 t'nlld SUt.'. Land tifTlne. ' Oregon Cliy. Oregon. Jul) gjd. !. I Ncglt-a I. m-ro. y given thai In vooipiiauee wlimliw J-Miviaiamanl Ihe aet ol oU4r.-..ol June a. ILS. enut."An act lor the .ale ot Uui- oer anu. lit ib.lati of talltornia.urogon, Nev.dM.aud V.a.lilui(loa Termor) ."Julio riau igan.oi v nnvouver, county oi .large, u-rni'.ry ol W a. lung on, lis. Una Uay in this wfftiM ,'"i""r2,,i""ato. lor Ihe purebaM V! lh" T1 " So . " townalila sn IJ. .Hilb range Ma Jeaet, and will offur proof lo ahow tbal in land sought la mora valuable for it Umber or uu umn lor agricultural purpose, and lo eeiebli.b In claim lo aid land be .,m tbe m-gi.t. r and Receiver of Una onto at Oregou I lly, Oregon, on HViinwta", the lun day ol (Miobtrr, luaj. lie nam-, we witneaaea . O W Mabaou and J aweet, ol Van couver. Clarke eoiiniy. W T.and W H Marye aud rage.ol l"i,Hlaiil,tlu)tnoiiiali eounly.oregon. Any and ail praooa claiming adverwly u.e BlHiVe dearniNul Unda arj rnUwted to Ou. their el; on or uei ore Iwli any ol October, livi. t iii sssr, Regi.ier. j fiuStlVrrKhlTi.TiTa' i ... , ? I nitee Mate, tsiid . """ "y. "regon. July SSnd. Ilea. - - r"' - .'i w loiiisroa of Jon a, l. eniiUed'-naniortlin . tun- lTr ua ' stale i California, Oregon, Zl?' ,,,"" tiirriiory." o.favV Wftof t,tn hi. aworu aiatAio..nt ,s ui:, (Uf u, ,. ebae oi tn w,ijj. la uiwn.t.ip ,';."u" range ho t a.i. nd win orlor i Tul'orVlLTT cultural iuruAe.and taeaiabtlali In. claim to IU lanj Lel.ire ti.e keciater ami u.u.r ..l at Oregon ttiy, niveoii, t.a Wednea day, ihe ;igh day oi iwir, w, He nam a a w lti.u.1 i t lanlan and i Mwwt, of Van couver, Clarke eounly, W T. and w U iiuryo aud aeiie.of piMtlaud.Uuiinoitiah -vunty.orefun. Any and all r.u. eialming adversely tne above deac-rilml land are rueml to nio heir elaiin. ibiaomoeoa or bviure aald iutn day of October, I-. W T Drassv, Register. I'uile-lSute. Land trOee, Orecen Cm . 0aaia. Jul. nit. A I" s rebjr ivaw Out la n,.liaJK w.ib lh pro.Ut'HM ef th aet al let.ereai olJune Sfd, UTS, an litleu" An art I tb eale uTumbr but f in the tub ol Callluo-ts, Ork-..n. Kevad. end Wellington T-r- ','t v, 0a., evwttf 4 Ktto, Tnu.r at WnhiDia, ba. u,m da; Bled In Ibi. el BV hi. .worn .uuaevni tin li, , the parchM ol Ihe H W I of Mee So it, in Tp Ne 10 nu'li, bu.-. No at. wi will ollar pried to that Out tb- land tmieto U mure valuable lu. iuualw w .toue th.n lw -. rtmllaralrurpna., end W wrtahluh hi .U.w to aud htud btler ihe lUfiae and Km I roe . tut office al Or4Htl'Hy,OreMu, tm Twailav, th 14th day ol Ho Uitmr, Itta. II nam-aaa witnenMM : JW I'. tne J (J.raer, u A Honaetisnd J r Wain.. .11 rd MaatUe. King county, Wa.blnuw fcnilor-. Any and all pee aua.euua.iug adv.rwlj th. aeuve-dnrnbed bind, are io ie UMir clainn ta Una orho oa or be.or eald lith day ct Oetobrr, 9. ' w. t. Bi'tsrr, BegUier. T1MBEK LAND NOTICE. Vailed State. Land OrHee, OreeiaiUiy.O v.tu, iuif find. IMd). N'lticel. beretiy gi'mi. that la eui.iHlaa.ue a lib tbe imiviata. ol Ui act of ul Julia Snl, ty, enUJed' An eut uribasl ,d .Imber i.i.h. q ihe Mtaie. ef t all tonne, Oreou, Setrada ani W.imiun T.iluiT." Itaniei Kuikin. of Hrtl... ., eoat Sluli wnnab, SM d Oregon, h thl. d. ai.d In U.l. ut Bee hw S.., l.4H, f, the ntrciMet OtabKiof HecNeSUIalc.Svli.KHtin Ibu. Hot ea.1, and III uner ('Itm Ui Hhi. tbal ihe lead etmebt is ne .ainable lu.- lla limbr or .una than f.-r ag ricultural puruum, snd to ..lal.ll.1. til. c'altn H said bMMl betoralh. R-vi-terS'Hl Iteoriterid tlil.nrBe at OrepHt cut . Or.. on. in Wnlmwday, the ir.tb da. i4 Oebdtet, ISCJ. He name a. aitneew : J Vuunui and J Sweet, ol Vaneuurer, f.'arlt eounly, Hubi, Ion Terrlw.ry, ua H v)i and W Hu, at 1'urtlan.l, Mul WHn.h county, Oregon, ahj aud all permm.elali.ilnj adverwdr UMianotre-dearrihMl btnd. ar. reuunrtH to ft I thlr rl.ltn. In ihut title. vnr bef-irsid loihd.y nfOciolwr, I vol. W.T. Uiassv, Hejf slcr. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. t ailed Stale. U,.d Office. Oregon City. OreMi, July t.'b't, 1S. Kntle b) h-reliy given Dial in ...ii.pii.. ee wl'h th .r'iv.i.wi. d Ih set nf Ciiff ran of Jim. Ird, UTS, an. tit led An act ful the asle id I a.ber l.n.n in the btaie id Ca lf.-raia, Oregon, Ne.ada, nd Wabini,t" Ter . Ium." J'.hn hweel, at, eon. tt ol c a- ke. T.rrili.rj nf V. ahin(tNi, h.. ihia day Alwl In this ef Boa bis rsr.n-n l.lun.etit Sn IM, Utt llie i-nrchaea d tola 1, 1 snd S .d Hvs S J Tti No U K mf Saa.t,SiMl will (lor .r.M4 to -how that the hud angbt ie more valuable lot lu timber ..r mt,m than Inr airrieuliural uui .nd t-. emi.ll.h hi. ld !"! before th lb cl and Kecetrer ef thl. ol- Hre st oretrMt Cttr, or.oa IVednaad.y lb luih d.y al Oebiher. Inea. II-nsmm s witneue. : J ri.i,u.n snd I H'.lnon, ot Vsnuiuver, Lbtrlt comity. W T. and WT Man and W Haire. of l'..rlln.l. tlulinnm.h eounly, Orrmn.t Any and all iron claiming sd- er.ei.r in. .w.u pvrioci tantts are requeued la Bis their al lnt In litis ( fflj aa or before atld Iflih dsy of Ocb htr, ls ... k.o. ...t, negi.,.r. ' Tiirbep Land notice. I'ultod Stales Land OMIcs, , Oregon City, Oreiron, July 7tb, 19K9. N'.tloe Is hereby given thst In e ininllat o with His pmviiin. uf tbe Act nl Oi.irrees i f June S. 1.7s. et.tltlrd " An Aet lr the .ale of limber lami. in tbs Mates ol California. Orciron. Nevada and Waablneten Territory," barie V blolliug, of gealtl. County of Mug, Territory of Wsshlnctun. has this dsv Bird lu tbU ofno. hi. .wnni Ute..iiit No 127. for ths pur-eha-eof ib. K W .f bretlon No tl. In Townswip Nn 10 H-.uth, t-ang N t rJMt, and will effor pro f tu .hoe thst the land s Utfht is m r. lor It. timber nr .ion. than fur airrii'Ultnr.1 pnrpoa., and toerabliidi i.i. claim .- i- helure the Megltter and tteoelrer ul thl odot at Ore.i city, Oregon, tn Kutnnla)-, the ltth Ijay nr Oitulirr. 1S8U. II nsines a. wllnnua: F Gilbert. K Mats, M BUwart and U Kmhn.sll ol Seattle, Klin County, Weahlnglon Tarritory. Any snd a'l peiaoiu) Claiming adversely th above. doMiriiMnl Ion.:, are requested to fll thalr claims In thla olflo on or before ali 1th da)' of October, lsotl. W I Buaxsr, Ueifl.tcr. - Tim'ier Land M e. United HUtj Lm.i Offle , Orea-.u it., ur,-n, July, 1?, 1S89, Niitioa i herrb) given tiiai it. uiii.lmi.eti witb Hi, pri.vialons ol ths Act ol Cuiigrtm. id June 3, 1S7H en' III d "Au Aut for t lis asie uf timber Ismi. in the stales ef Csllfornis, Oregon, Nevada snd Wash nirtur isrriuiry." ( haa. H. Purse, of Hu-k Creek. Cuunty ol Linn, Htate of Oiegon has this dsy filed in this ernes nis -worn Bistemcnt r . uua, mr vne purvnoee ef tiie NW 1 of Section No. 84. la ownshlii No. 10 8, lUng No. S E. snd will ffer proof lo show that th. Isnd io jirht i. mors valusb's fur It tlmbernr stone ih.nlnr sgriouii ural purposes, snd to astablish hi. e'slm tn said Isnd before ths Hegl.ter and Kcceivw of thu oflie, st Oregon City, Oregon, n . Tuesday, the 8th nay of October. 1889. lis nsmra as wlinestss: WWIggs. D Smith, W ClsrkandJ Hogan, all ol Bo k Creek, Linn County, Oreron. Any and all eraons rl.tmlng adversely th sbiv oisorined lanns ar requmted to me tneir claims in mu oraceon or briorsaid nib usy or ootnner, isn. W I BURXBY, ' Hegister. J. J.DORRIS, iDbtractor and Conveyancer, fJ"Offl at tho Court Ilouue, v;b The READING LaForest & U WHAT KEEPS! JKEM IM THE J.AD. rh- I r S toclc o i G TL O CE Hi Kfi unci PRODUCE n nhvnyN Comploto. n m m THE LEADER. G, W. SMITH, ,AT,BAHY MtSupcrior,w "Argand," "!arIand,, STOVES AND RANGES. vMi!iM Piro backs. Warran tod for 15 years. AU sizes an stylos. Roofing-, Job Work, Plumbing. Eave Trough. Range Boilers Conductor Pumps. A ro'Ubl U. H. Klandar 3 ton scalo only 1 17. Delleereil at your nearest inil rtl sttfob free of ft elitUt on talrt Uy trial, ldtr;rr scales at proportlonatele tow rksea. Warrants J five jeirn. Artdr-aa. F. C. HOFFMAN, Albany, Oregon I:tuItHU.KCHrCll I hsee a trool . apan of horses anil a .o hre farm w.fjon new, ami of the Newton make wblnh I (0e for sale rtse ap. The bnrses are grill e, true snd sound, a woman eau a'.v drlea trie n. Tliny are wis and eiTeu y-ar .. roxleaiy. Will U ml fvtheror will anil bn wuoi se.a r on from thahnr Kor I'lrthe Infor. mat Inn ceil at Oajxt rt otiW or at my of Albany In llen'm ron n t W II. Allrir.K. OLD IlliN -Hfit o.,a ( old lrt.n raitllrRa. in ant q.iai.tilv, wanted iiutnetliataly at tbe Albany Irtin Works. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. " l" oiled elates Land Office. Oregon City. Oregna, July Iftlh, 18W. Notice la he -eby given that la ontnplunc with the provuil-ma ol the s it uf Congreesof June ,ln7Sntltled "AneelnTlbeaaieotlimbKr land. In th. slatas id Cal, Oregon, Ncvsd jnd Wsdiingtun Terribly," John Caldweil.ol Vaneouversdinty of Clsrke.lerrtlory of Wa.hlngbm .haalbhiday filed In Ibi. off we bw .wars .ia em.nt Nnliao. lie- Ibe porch., of tbe N It 1 ol M-tiu No SI. tniown.hlp Noli, annib rang Nl eaat, and will rdler prid to show th.t tbe lend sought is morevslusb'e for ilatlmb.r orstuti than for agri cultural pufioe. and to etanlth his claim tneaid and baf.ire the Regular snd heceivee o Ihia tdflee at Oregon City. Oregon, on tl.mday, lb Slat dsy of Oe- b.ber,lHNi. tienameaa. wiinreaea i e rianigM, a M.yre.W W Proanetel and John aweat.al1 ot Vancou ver. Clarke eouxtv. W T. Any and all Hereon. claiming silver ly ihesbovo deseribed lands are rr)ueated to Bis their claims la tht office on or bifor sld Slst day October JseO, n i Dl bust; n eg liter. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Vnltcd Mates Land OtTIc. On-gon City, Oregon, July S3rl, WS9. Kntlca ia herebv given that In comnllaace will, the nrovlsiona of the aot of Conirresa of June 3,ihH,entllltKl"An act fur the sale el tlrnlier lai.ils In lite states oti'aiiiornia.oreifnn.NPvnua, ami Waaltlneton Territory." Archibald W Pm. Albnny.courity of Llnn.slale of OrcRnn, htiathlsdnv Oln i in tbisonioe inn sworn state niotit Nn l.TJ, fortho pnrclia.oof the N K) of ancllnii So .U. In township No 10, south range No Scnst. and will otter proof to show that the Inud sought la mora eaiuaoie lor its umuor or HiA iethmi foraarleulturat purpoaea. andtoes- tablisb hlselalm to said land belorethe Keglster and Heoeivcr oitnia omoe at Oregon city. ore. gon.oti Saturday, the Uthdny of October, 1SW. lie names aawiinesaea ; n n i ay tor, n caei, a llrnnnan and K Robin on. all of Albany. Linn enmity .Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely tne above described Is nds are request ed to nietnuir einirns in tnts omoi on or oeiore said llb day of October, 19 W TBussiT.ReKUter. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State Land Off ic. Oregon CUy , Oregon, Juh S3rd, 1SS9. Notice l harehy elv.n thstln cumpilanee with the pv .visions ol the act of Congress of Jans 3,l!78,.n tilled "An s t Inr tha sale of timber lands In ti.e state, ot Calliornis.Or g-.t.,N.vals,snd Washington Terrltey n A. die. Pifor, . I Buena Vl.U, county ul Polk, tate.! OreHon,k''tblBdv filed lit this unV. h. .wur .ial -ment No 1260, fr the purchase of t he N W 1 of S K 4, N e. ol 8 W i, 8 E or N W J snd S W J nf N K of wcliou No 10. In township No 10, south ratine No g east, and will uffei proof to shew mat the land sought Is moe valuab s for Its timber or Um. thui fot .grinulturml l urpoioi, and to establish his olslm toiaidland before th Kegiater and Receiver rf till olHoe at Oregon City, Oregon, on B.l'inlay, the lllth day of October. 1880. He name, u wltnewos : V Kast, W H Taylor, U Dren hsn snd J U Towsley, allot Albany, Linn county, Ore gon, Any snd sll parsons outlining sdvarsely the above described lands arc requested to Die their claims lu this office ou or before said 191 h day of 0ctober,lt!8U. - W T Buhnsy, Register, . TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office. ' OregonClty. Oregon. Julv I6th. laSfl. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions or t ne act or congress m j tins s,is7H,enlitld "An act for tbe sale of timber lands in the states nl Cal ifornia , Oregon, Neva-la, snd Wsshinglon Territory," William W Proebstel, of Vsncouver, county of Clarks , territory of Washington, ha. this tlat fllad in this office hlssworn statement No 1274. for the purchase of the S E i of seotion No 82, In town.blp No 13,soulh range No least ,and will oiler prooltoshnw thst the land sought ismorevalushlefo lu limber or stons than forsgricul tursl purposes, and to estsbl ah his claim to Slid land before ths Rezlster and Receiver of thla office at Ore gon City t Oi egon, on Monday, the Slst day o October, 1889. He name, ss witnesses : J Flanagan, WB Mayre, J Caldwell snd J Sweet, all of Vancouver, Clarks coun ty, WT. Any an J all persons claiming adversely tb above described lands are "equested to fl Is their claims Id this office on or bclor said?'"' i of October, 18J, WTBtimrr.IUfistsr, La Li IJ ' L AM Grocery Store ! IS- Tliomiisoii's. ; i rm TIIE LEADER The Wsild'f i best. Moro than hun dred 7 hun dred differ o n t sty les "o ok b and heaters NOTICKOK0tOLUT10N OF PART hER&IUF The pi.riberrl.ip lieretu f re est tine nnrtrr the firm name of Wallace. Thr ?' n A: .'oH wh.rein T I. WIIae, V 8 Tbor Iton K LaKorest, tl the city ef Al tsey, I.irn coobt:, Oregon, were general t artnei, is tti the 7th dy of Angus', A. 11. ISe'J, tiia. lvtd by mutual consent. T L Wet'aes, retiring. The buaipeea milt le con dacUd st the same place by W $ Thr-rni sno sad K LFrct, under the firm name, Ia Fereat A: Thon'tiaun. who will aasnme al li abilities td eoliect all accoobt doe the firm. Da'ed this Tlh.ilsv of Angnst, 1SS0. T. L. WALLacit, W. S. Tiiovrxos, K. LAFomurr. 17s.'R 8 A I.E. - Four yoke and a lislf of 1 gory work Dxeo, toctln-r al h joke nnd cbaln; ere well broke eafle, end will be aold at a bsrirain fir e.ah belne part o. tba eedate of John Roblnatt, de eeaeed. Appl to Jibn W. Pnpb. A din In lura tor of tte Estate at Shtdd. Orrgm. SANP, AC Pei none deelritif sand, loam oi lira vol fr.-m the preinl-oa of K. I. Mui-h in Itenton county, ean l rocure ti.-k- U for the same at my olHoe, Crew fordV l lock, Albany, Oregon. ("new. E. Woi-VKnTow. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Ldtnd Office, CWon City, Ur., July 27, 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the proviniong of the act of Con trrefw of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the Bttloof timberlandri in theStntoa ofCali fornia, Orejfon, Nevada and Washington Territory," lienjamin F Kyle, of Eugene, county of Lane, ttnte of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No 1317, for the purchase of the S W of Sec No 2. in Tp No 12 south. Kan ire No 2 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable lor its tim ber or stone than for aericultural Durnoscs anil to establish his claim to said land be fore the Kegister and Receiver of this of fice at OregonCity,Or.,on Friday the 25th day of October, 18S9. He names as wit nesses : AW folschag and IIS Bergman, of Needy, Clackamas Co., and It llowe and J J Squires, of Albany, Linn Co., all of wregon. Any ana ail persons claiming ad versely the above described lands are re quested to file their claims in thlsoilice on or before said 25th day of October, 1889. w.l. bubkey, Register. TIMBER, LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or. , luly 27, 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the State of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Frank I Isbell, of Delta, county of Fulton, State of Ohio, has this day hied in th is office his sworn statement No 1310, for the purchase of the N W U of Sec No 32, in Tp No 10 south, Eange No 3 ea?t, and will offer proof to show that the land soucht is morn valnnhln. tnr u timber or stone than for agricultural pur- fnj.Tvn, .,. iu enawinu ma trial at to Btull and before the Register and Receiver o. thin office at Oregon City, Or., on Friday the 25th day of October, 1 889. He names as witnesses : R Howe, M C Yerks j J Squires and F II Aldrich, all of Albany, Linn county, Or. Any and all persons claming adversely tho above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 25th dav of Oc tober, 1889. ' W. T. Bi'rnky, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office. OregonCit.v, Oregon, July 25th, 1833, Notice is hereby given thst in compliance with the provl.ionsol the set of (Jong-mas of June 3,1878,entltled ''An set lor th rale of timber Isnds in the states ot Cal. Ifornla, Oregxm. Nevada, and Waehinffton Territory John darner, of Seattle, county of Kliia. territory of Washington, hss this day filed In thisoSio hlssworn statement No 1287, tor the pun-hsse of the N W 1 of section No 20,ln towimhlp No lO.south range NoSeaat and will affer proof to show that the land sought is' more valuable for u timber or stout than for agricul tural purpose., and to eatablish hlselalm tou d land before the Register and Reoeiver of this office at Ore gon City, Orean,on Tuesday ,the 22nd d.y of October Isaa, He nams as witnesses : W SoourfinM.J B Jakob' san, John Went and OA Banmtt, all of Seattle, Kin county, W T. Any and all persons claiming sdveiBely th abeve described landsar requested to SI their claim, in this office on or bclor said iiai day ot Ooto. bcr, 1838 , . J WTBram.RerifUr,. SPECIALTIES. (ran ftj)nojpT(p III Ii ii!) ii Hill lu viB Pa.hional.le) and Sty Huh Bnitr, Business Suils, Light weight H jiDnier Suite. Boys, yooth's and child -en's snitev Furnishing Goods Fitir line of Iij.Lt wiil.t iitJeiwi n I i rkwar, htf ut t rii r, all Hi? laleet BOOTS MD SHOES. A large line) in this department HATS Staple and FahiooabllDi, among otter m 6oe stock of tb Jobn B. Stotaon Lata. Tailoring MeicLai.t iai)o"icg uiidr tipeii tailor.. Suits made to order tinder abort notice) at ipffsrkablrr low Ggnn-e. More gooda tamed out tban eer before. F. L. KENTON. -DE a t. FRESH FAMILY GEOCERIE Choice Candy, CIGARS AND NEA- ITHOPOST OFFICE ALBANY.IOREGON Stic in the fact that f tm ' flWinfc bettor bargains that, m.j .aie lee in Atrair Bought at bankrupt s.le I can m,ll , First-Class Goods .t cr below COST. FOR G n. rl tn. icbndie t-U liuds call ofshoee tell for Goods o' Country pndite , Gf W. SIMPSOK MA ITHEWS Cany a first-class stock of ' Stoves, Tinwarf,Hardware,Etc, "WMch they are telllBR at remark alby lew pricea. JOB WORK carefully and promptly done at reasonable prices, HOPKINS & SALTMARSH ; ; DALEllS IN - . . STOVES; TIN WARE, SHEET 1001,, COPPf 0 WARE! :;-:;:'V;:.-.;:v-. ' etc., etc. Agent for. "On Tlme'Heaiinp and cooking Stoves. Job work.fcplnnibin,-. etc., promptly attended to. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE IN THE CITY sHiirgan i.d c..-fn ; fOsiuy. th'vin gnsuti'i l frriwo jeers novcltiei. of tb best io tba market. L. E..BLA1 - piir, insr- 1 Nutu, Froit, etc. TOBACCO. on n:e. Fart ic-lar bargains i n a cam,' Albany, Oregos. & WASHBURN,