ItV'tV til JM A. 7 7 X s X. S'.B TO DEMOCRAT, ADVANCE ; $2 53 Al END OF YEAR. S2.IM Issusd every Friday I) BTITE8& NUTTING. Advertising rates know n I? K. Sox IV. I. Sr.wnr. S Albany IRONWORKS. MsnuCtHllrrri i-f 1EAM CllSr AM) SAW MILL MACHINERY IR3M AMO ALL KINDS OF H;AY AND LICHT WORK, IN IRON ANO BRASS .CASTIMS. immUI attfttl i pl t r"vriii 'l ,lnd of m sehlnory PiUerns Made on Short Notice, A Hew Grocery Discovered AT Croon's nut orar, ip,inU SiMsrtM in . tfn , V I.'. full line ol FPESH GROCERIES, CANNED UOODS. DRIED BRUITS, ETC (JuMt art I mvl i.roflts," "lv ni let Uris" t our ui'Xi'i. I'lms oil ol examln our an t an I . ! prl.ia, Uafotlon cuaran'swd. Produce Taken in Exchange, Very ltpMfii!ly, ARDUF & ROBERTSON. For aaiaby Villi Stark, dealers In flue wrtchss, Jawelry, etc, JUUUS GRADWOHL'S Golden Rule Bazaar. Hi Mock !iaii Umi eularitl that It svjuaN any on Ilia Crt, uJ oookM of Roger Bros. Silvarware, French Ohinr and Crys talware, Boys Wago3, Doll Carriage.' , Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Orockiey and Toys. He buji llrect and earrie th largK st)clt baa been a ldod a complete line of FAW1ILY Agent for lnaratti e -npnl m with a e spttil a f ru i'.ltij 73.tKM,0Pf . fVlel on oarle Kraneaia. Hlr wir.l dented gpro:hen.- LOOKOUT FOR LOW PRICES. FURNITURE, I am now retai.ifg Inrni'ttr at xcj tun can An the nxt 33 ell to look h"r for b.'air.ii, Ci'D' si I .gi'iitr.0 where Fectoryjat th rivt-r cf Ly C. ni:av stori:. Mitchell & -DEALERS IN Agricultural Impieiucnls EO1 JE, . - sir-v fJf. wi'ii si 1 1. s.fcW-; sttfmr- and Vehicles cur branch Lcnsc Cor. 2a I ami li U m m m m COME -A.TTX SEB.TJS, ALDAfJY. . FURNITURE Yo'i wunt ihe best and most durable Thomas Brink. PURE Oils, Stationary, Painis, VOL. XXV Beauty I desired and admired by all. Among tb thing which umy bout bo done to jT 1 ... Hthnnee personal f X? beauty la the dully b?" Jf rhk ''Y ,"" Ayr' Hair f fT t V.x Vigor. No matter 4 what the color or tlia hair, thl prepay ration glv It a 1m- r f , ftiww. Should th f IH 8 f ' ! SO lmlr im thin. rCf dry, or turning gray, Ayer'a Hair Vigor will restore tha rolor, bring out a new growth, and render th old aoft and shiny. For keepiug the scalp clean, foul, and Lonllhy, there Ik ho Ix-tter preparation la the market. "I am free to toiiFom that a trlul of Ayer'a llalr Vlaor ha ronvlmml iim that It U a waiiliie artH-lr. It icm h not only eaoMst thu Imlr o( my xvUo ami tlatighter to bo Abundant and Glossy, lint It lian Riven inr rather atitnted inu tat'hn a reNpeetahlo huiRth aud apiH'ur. ancc." U. llritiou, Uakland, Ohio. "My lialr wm romiuK nut (without any axsUtance from my Mlfo. either). I triett Ayer'M llrtlr Vlor, u-tlnu ouly one bottle, aud 1 now htive n lino a bead of hair aa any one rould wUh (or." It. T. 8okiutttou, ln kon, Tunu. I hara used Ayer's Huir Vljjor In my family for a number ot yearn, and re card it a the bent huir iromratlon I know of. It keep the e. al eleun, tlio lialr soft and lively, and renerrea tlio vrlslnal color. My wl(o Iiuk uix it for a long time with intrnt miftat-tory re sulu.' 14enjnrulu M. Johuou, M. 1)., Thomas lliil, Mo. ) " Mr hair was lieeomlnc linndi and dry, ,ut after ujtln half a bottle d Ayur'it :llalr Vlr It rew black and Khwy. I 'cannot ex pro the joy and crulltmlo I feol."-Mu,bcl C. Uardy, UuUvmi, 111. 'Ayer's Hair Vigor, fHtf?' raarAnito a Or. J. C. Ayer It Co., Lowe!!, Mats , 8oU ly lru)ists and rrrfumvrs. E. J. fclcCAUSTLAND, Civil Engineer and SnrYeycr, DRAUGHTING AND OL'Jc PRINTS Office with .;;.! H .d C lbany, Or, Sewerage Sytrit ml W ler Supplies a NpecU't.. l-'tHt SuhilivUiiHl, Maua maile or Copied on t-hcrt notice. in the WillatnetUt Valley, to wbl'l factory at Proi,!- wishing fn i i 1 am going to li al co. nyg'.od bf irn p irc-in U Strett. J. DILLON, NrBV GOODS Lewis Co., furnturetuat is manufactured in the.clty go DRUGS, Etc.. and Prompt Attention DR. GUISS &, SOWS. Kmk-kki) Off Tit Tr.u k. The Call (omla overland pacngcr ttsln wnsaltout n hour Inte this morning, ssys the Sslcm Journal, an J hcn at the f Fsir ground crossing they run Into the one Imriewsgon offlitnltl grnllemsn, Jitme Tucker, who va roinlng to Sitleni from his home near S'lvertnn, to market n lew lioxesof plums and near. At the ctoln( the engine drin k the hon.e and light wagon , and kttK'kcd thorn fottv vaidK, when they allijl.te.l on ehher hide of t lie (tack, filty feet npait. The content of 'he wagon were c altered from the crowing to where the w.i jon w a J.-poilicd, lit a demolished condition, while there wa not a Mrlng of name left attached t the hore, which wa khled ou'rltfht. Mr Tucker, who wa driving, vn Indeed fortunate, escaping lth noihlng more than flenh wound shout the liead end face, lie wa lowed high Into the air and iruck the ground not far from where the wsgon fell. I Imv Tvkkv The DttMirvr give all side of qni'otion when podble. Here l the ay a Eugene psper take a certain wrileup, poitlon of which were copied In the PiU'H : "Not long since there w a mnn here representing the St I'aul Jmh hhI t ' Vummtrf trying to raise a fund to give t'.it. city a write-up In Ids paper. Our citizen didn't ee fit la pay him what he dctdred hut Albany did. Now come the paper m lilt a highly flavored article for AH hi ny hut caMlng a slur at Eugene. The article xlmplv khow the llltlenesss of the witter, lie cull the hankers of this city (lngy hecue tfiev didn't psy him tor a worthies write up. Titriw lsrv A gentleman who know Mr. Kolfe, the mother ol tlio two boy In jail f-r train wrecking, say slie U ne of the best, purest christian women he ever knew. Sweet liome people kpeak best of the y'oimgci of the two hy and think probably the older one wa most to blame. Mr Kolfe stand well In hi com. munity. Parents are certainly imforlun. ate to have boys grow up to bring .th shame on them, for he crime committed Is ot ethst ciinnot be loo severely punish ed. There l n leoi here for Albany parents tiio think their boy arc doing pretty writ. Iin"r iiKTrra Tmini.s. and Green Mori is who wei't to Eastern Ore gon last ear in order to better their con dition, have returned to Linn count, re j ilclng to jet bick to the land of plenty, where crop never fail. Their Eastern Oregon crop thl year were a complete failure, practically, a they only got four or five bushel of wheat to the acre and the hay crop could not be found w ith a niL-ro Cope. "Leave well enough alone" Is good motto. C'mi:s EaoM Astoria Some people have wondered whereat! the money come from used by the Insurance companies In paying off risk In the recent big fire. Toe matter I now settled by an Atorla paper : 'The Insurance companies will have an opportunity to pay "ut some of the exor bitant rate charged Astoria. They have made enough in Astoria the past five year to pair the losses at Spokans and Seattle and have a surplus on hand. In surance here I ten per cent, taxes four prr cent.anj money I loaned at eight percent." Do.n't ExAiiofcKATK. Mr. I'ague should be careful, If he expects to furnish correct reports, to ascertain the truth, and In doing so to take with some grain ol allowance the highly colord statement of some local paper. In hi last report he says : "The general average (In Umatilla county) will equal farmer ears." This Ism gross ex aggeration. The yield this eai per acre will be but about half what it is ordinar lly. Eatl Orrgomimn. What 1u You Car. You read Shake speare. W hat do you get out of Shake speare ? All your brain I able to hold It depend upon your brain. Thus soars a well known orater. You buy your gro ceries of Conn Bros, Albanv. Whatdoyou get. All you can carry, ol the bet quality, itt me least money. Your pocket-book I doesn't have to be huge. Try them. K Commosj Occi brrnck. . A blcvcle blcvcle rider a few night ago, riding a i ..inrl, i Columbia, stubbed hi wheel at a crossing while coin twelve mile an hour, was throwe fifteen fee', on the hard sidewalk, scraped hi nose rd, causing an abrasion on ore ol hi arms and wrist, and disrupt ing a kne?, besides tearing hi rlothes pro miscuously, lie considers It a close call to getting hurt a little, but fortunately was uninjurcu. A Prevaricator One of the biggest liars in the world is the telcgianh. Here 1 a case : "The St-te Insurance Com pany of Salem lost but 4,350 by the big Spokane Falls fire. The Albany Company lost Din 1 0,000. j iiese um were salt! to oe much larger but the telegraph wa In error." Soi.n Oi-t. Mr T I. Wallace has sold hi interest in the firm 6f Wallace, Thomp son & O., to hi partner. Mr W S Thompson and Mr E La Forest, who will hereafter run thl popular store. Mr WaU I lace retires on account of poor health. e hope to see him vigorour and in business aatn, tor lie l a rustler. A Bio Footing. The losses to Insur ance Companies on the Pacific Coast since june will loot up over $6,000,000. They lost $2,830,000 by the Seattle fire, $60,000 in Vancouver, $400,000 In Bakers- held, between $400,000 and $500,000 in ciienstiurg, and about $2,5oo,'xx in Spo kane ran. A Grindstone. -Fred Grimmer, while working In the Red Crown mllls.Frlday afternoon had a grindstone drop on one ol his feet,mahing it quite badly. A year or two ago Mr Grimmer met with an acci dent at the same mill. This time he Is fortunate in carrying an accident policy. PHiLO.sormcAi.A little Baker City girl lias figured It out that Sullivan Is a very had man, and when he dies will of I course go to the bad place. Then, she says, "he'll whip Satan, and everybody win do giad. ' No Oxioatioj There. Albany has given nothing yet to Spokane Falls. Sa- lem gave about $b and Eugene City about $800, two of the banks giving $too apiece ! and the other $50. Not much oxidation of despair to that by a long sight. Foot Race Two foot race were run at Newport Tuesday afteinoon. One wt between Langdon and Willlams.the latter winning by about two fest. The other wa run by E G Cameron, of this city.and Williams, wnicn was oeciaeo a lie. fro bablv all were chuck races. Cleaning Up. Several of our most en terprising business men, following the sug gestion of the Democrat are cleaning up the paner and other Inflammable trash In the alleys next to their places of business. "A stitch in time save nine." Cheeky. Wednesday morning five miles this side of Salem two men in a hack, in broad daylight, near Lewis Pettyjohn's farm residence,stole several sacks of wheat and drove off with the in. Might as well have taken gold. Wanted. A boy named Ed Furlong is I wanted by his parent in Eugene.and Mar shal Hoffman ha been telegraphed in ref- , erence to him. Haven t seen him- ALBANY; OREGON, FRIDAY, -aWMsiwssMwswiwisswisMPSias A niw mi -1 ne audition i our rcau- er is called to the new advertisement f W E Mcl'hcrson In thU Is.ue. Mr Me-; rher.'on hi resident of Albany, laving Invested to a consl.lenible extent lu re mid contemplate selling ever fool t propeiiy ... .HI ... I .1 I that he now ha In the Eal and replacing It with land In and around this clty.t elng atUficd.uftvr a lour o almost every Mute In the Union, anil rjntto n lengthy stay in Southern California and visiting almost every city and town of any Importance In Washington Territory and Oregon, ihnt the Willamette Valley and that part of It around Albany especially lesd them all. He Informs us' that a large number ot hi friends and, acquaintances In the East are now making preparation tit come 16 the Willamette Valley and to derive the benefilof our fertile land anu delight ful cllmate.and most j: them are we.l- to-do in thl world'jt, they will be quite an acccptablc'acqnlslilon lo the val ley and to Albany In particular. Ai t. Kind. -It lake all kind of pen. pie to make up Die world, ami they are; all mUed In together. Don't espect lo gel along without thu mixture el'lher here or elsewhere. The following will he lead lly retognled as residents of Albany : Rustlers, Moshacks, (ict-up and gels, Kicker, Streaked lightning, Squealers, Wide awakes, Sleepers, Don't know, (t tics so, You be. vOms, I'll be there, " May be, One center, Don't-care for a-doll.irn. Put me dow n C'ANKn. Isn't It funny that when a tough cittaen get Into a street brawl and get "caned" the episode Is ihe talk ol the town and cxrllcneiit knows t,o iMiunds.biit when a highly respectable gentleman gets caned, It often happen that the pnbllc I never made aware of It. A case hi point. The three daughter of Hon S M Penn ington, of this city, Mr Dr Hill, Mr Rich ard and Miss Cella Pennington, knowing hat their father's birthday wa approach ing, sent East some week ago and pur chased for that occasion a fine a gold headed cane a the cite can boast of. Mr Pennington, although sUtv-five year of age, has always bail hi prrjml ce against canes an account of the dudlstlc way In which the v are often used, hut Id ureiu dice are all removed. Tossy that he I proud is drawing it miutiy A mm a On sat Tir. rapt. Irvine, Sargeant Overman, Corporal French and George Fish returned last Friday about 9 o'clock from their trip lo Fish Lake, and have so manv and varied experience to relate of such a monumental nature that we refrain from glvlna more than one. One cold, forsty morning, on .awakening they found the lake frozen solid. Cutting a hole In the Ice (hey were surprised to see school after school of fine trout approach Ins for air. Rushing for the hole ther crowoeu eacn otner upwards onto me ice, and In this mariner they caught I J,o, though some of Ihe parte put the figures at 19,000. Any wsy they brought home a nogsnead ol trout apiece Oa.v.M.a Monga DkaU. Mr. Orange Morgan, who was drigged by a horse at Paisley, as narrated by the Do Ar, died on Sunday, Aug. ath. It seem that he had a lariat around the horse's neck aud was going toward ll.when hi feet got caught lnthc lariat and the horse rrn, dragging him for a long distance, bruising and breaking hi bone In a frightful man ner. lie wa about tcyear ol age and wa a man of exemplary character, lie leave wife and children. Mr. Morgan had accumulated a property valued at $ to. 000 or 4C,ooo. in the stock business. TAMr. Here U the way they go for tramps at Walla Walla according to a Pendleton paper : "The cltUcn made another nid on the tiamp at that place last night. Four parties of twenty-five mtn ac, toured the suburb, armed with ciuos, anu icai me tramp irom tneir utiar .... ... 1. ii 1. 1 t. r,w , trine tuinnt, At is estimated that no tramp, seme of wiiotn were doub'less fire-bug a well, were driven outol the city. Wiimk it Come Fxom. Mack Mon tellh and Fred Ross have returned from a trip of several week to the Sulphur Spring btyond Ga'.csvllle. They report forest fires beyond Galesvli! in darion county, covering considerable territory Some of our superbundance of smoke came from there, and some ol It from farther north, even from the Columbia Forcible Si-aiSKLisu. The Aleany water we rks since the new pumps have been introduced are doing seme excellent work in furnishing water lor irrcgating lawns. A sprinkler in the yard of a Dm. oca at man throws water over a space, the diameter of which Is thirty six feet by measurement, and without the assistance ol wind. The whlrlaglg has a four font standard. Beat Albany The Capital engine was out testing a lot of old hose last even ing. They bursted about 15 sections out of 26, leaving only a limited amount of good hose on hand. The test was made at the corner of Trade and Church streets and was witnessed by a number ol admir ing spectators. Salem Atatrsman. Everything Fcli. There is not a va cant store in Albany, and, In fact, there are several applicant who cannot be sup- piled, and others waiting for blocks to be completed before they can begin business It Is the same way with residence. Failures. During July there were only six failure In Oregon. Liabilities, $5,179. In July, iBSS, the liabilities were twelve times as much. In Washington Territory during July, 1889, there were thirteen tanures. wttn $51,205 liabilities, which exceeds the taiiurcsof i8B3 by St3. 000. That's the difference between Ore gon and Washington The Oldest O. F. An Eastern paper says: "ine oldest living udd f ellow in the United States is James S Irwin of Buf- I falo, who has been an active member of Niagara Lodge, No 25,fr foity-five years, and ha been U ecretary for forty years." Father Armstrong,ol Salem, now 83 years old, beat this ten yeart.havlng become an O F In Genesee county, N Y, In 1034. Have Not Registered. It is report- ed that quite a large number ot physicians I throughout the state have failed to comply - w,h the law oassed bv the lat leaUlatore. which require every physician to register In the county in which he practices. The board ot examiners intend to compel them to comply with the statute or else take In tr.eir shingle. Salem Afafi-smaii. Wisit People. Eastern people know all about the great Northwest. A paper there says that ' Spokane Falls is a small place situated near the farm el Noah Arm strong in moniana, ana mat niuton l a large manufacturing center near the Turn Turn river in tdajio." Assigned. The Democat i Informed that O II Blount, of Ashland, has made a general assignment for the benefit of his creditor withj R Baltimore, as assignee, Children Cry for TUB MAN AUDIT TOWN. The M. A.T, ha jut read ilu follow Inir I mm the renilleton It. (. and won. Ur If ll Isn't, simply a specimen of r cin, for Pendleton Is quite u town I'omllcUin I a city of 4,500 people, and yet there U not a real lala agent In ilm city if there Is, ha hasn't life enough ' lo let the fact he known In piinter's Ink. A live, active real estate agent, who knows hi business, w ill d well here " The M. A. T. observe Prof Langsford, the aesthetic music tsarher in the city. The Prof comes under the follow lug eer llflcaieof hi family phtslclan, Dr W P Via, of Brownsville t "To whom It may concern ! I'rof Laogsfjrd, Is now under my treatment and I think a few day's rest advisable." The Prol I getting the rest he deserve What Prof Ltngsford needs Is j a good wife - , tSrowiist (lie ha lite M. A. T's sympa thy. It lm a new band. This sympathy, though, will devetopeinto congralulntlou, a soon a the discords taper Into harmony aud iihi.Ic. The M. A. T. who read aud heat about the whole of Oregon, through those .Tion strous powers, t ie pre. and earr, is pre pared to remark t tat Albany has the bilghteat prospect of any clly in Oregon beside Portland. He know of at least one man who flies so high rs lo put our future population at loo.eoo. l)le not named. OIIITUAItY." Saniatuha Jane Archibald died at her home naar Albany on Tuesday, August 6th, tSH Mr. Archibalds maiden name was Marshall, bring a sister of A II., ( lay and Arthur Marshall. She was born In Sangsiiion county, Illinois, January J51I1, 1H41 and while yet young moved with her parents to Iowa from which Stale with her parent In iS she cro.sed the plain. On A, nil nth, tScSshe wa united In mar riage lo I esse M Archibald who survives her and mourns the loss ot a loving wife. The fruit of this marriage was eleven chil dren allot whom except one are living. For a long time he had been affected wlih throat troubles which terminated In eon- SMiupllon, Mr Archibald w as confined to her tied since last November, and though very much weakened yet he was cheerful d rational I the hour ot death. While siill very young she united with the Christian Church and lived during the re mainder ol her lite a devout consistent christian, In addition to the family, a large circle of friends mourn her depart- c. S. W110 II111. Is. A there ha been con- sldcrable specu'aticn a to who W A Hill. one sf the train wrecker, I, we give the following from the Brownsville Timri We were acquainted with Mr Hill who clped wreck theoveiland train andean say it I our belief that thl terrible crime can be attributed to intoxication. Young Hill wa not a tldou person, when ohcr. and though he wa known to get on a "drunk" now and then he wa considered no worse than hundred ol other young men. He ha fine parents, who recently came from Kansas,tnpping at Woodburn, I where we formed their acqualntance.Ther I "iu'vu rtsiorm, wnni lore were linns at the time of the w reck. The v moved to , ... , . , - 1 Mhany last week, and (.HI likely make 1 iha their future home." I Lur iv the Fog. Mr W II Green wood and wife have returned from tlte Bay. TheDKMot Rsr i told of a foggy experience by tt.em.and Mr J G Crawford and daughter, and a niece of Mr Pax'.on. One day at 1 o'clock they ta-tcd for Ya quina In a row beat An awful fog settled on them, and it look them lour weary hours to find themselves, to the fright ol the ladies. No scene were taken, as a mountain twenty feel off could not have been seen. Tknt Stoln. Last Friday the fam ily ol E E Parker arrived from the moun tains. They left thtlr tent, a new one, on the Iron porch. In the morning it had disappeared, all but the post, which Mr Parker would like to have the thief call and get, as he hat no use lor them. r.nrklra's Am Ira 81 vs. Tha bast Ostv In ibs wtwtd for Cuts. I'lsar, Hall Hhauns, rr Bor. Tattsr, Cbappad nana. Ubllbialna. Coctia, aMI aU Ski a ErupUna, an poattlstlv turss flia. r it tt rolril. II t rwsr inlrl la at P(stMrtatt. hsmht rafumt. !. rijss Si trnnH par bis. For sals bjr Futhar aad ataaaa WrlBht'eOmuoaod Hvruo of Swapwilla are.lishi oiedieiua far tW renovation ot tb I dioou i ones aaa rmtitia an tne sitn, 1 a. . ... o.i i i. 1 .1.-.. . I vses mm ita sa oh( s ;, pwm WJ I wiiibj mi MSSOD. Th Verdict t'aaalxaa. w 11 ton, DruireWt. fttppa. Ind., tMtlla t "I mm rvwwnwMi k-.w w-. iw iisini M WW tut an. ratter. Kttrj bKll soUt bs f'rsn rslist to wmrf esse. On man Vwh sis Isattl, sad ws mr4 at rhsumsltsm of 10 ' Un41ng." krsbstn llsr, driislt, HsIUIIIn, Ohio, sfflnns : "Tb twst ssUIng miHiiein 1 bs vr Ssntiisa :n bit w vr' x- txtrMtw. I Klxtiis HUt!.' TIwiussihI ot OLbsrs has willed ibsir usU ninny, so that tit vavdis I unanimous thai Klartn Ultur do ur all rtlssisa lh Llvr Kldneji or Biafxl, Oalr bsH dollar (kUU si ruilutv ml Duw i Pruf Hlur. t A gentleman who had tnflered fiiestsanoy snce and psin from barbers itch. and who bail been treated by th beat phyaicae, without relief, say that twn bottle of Dotard' Specifla sursd him and Isft bi fa per f sell y smooth, without a sear. It ovrfil in akin diaeaara. Sold by Foshsy k ilason. A Woman a Discovery. "Another wonderful d'soovsrr hs beta rati a -id tlist tnnhv s 14; In tb'a cmntr. Dttt Is- tenaa ita ciuuins upon ar snn ror ssrsn yssr n wlUislAod IU avrat tu. but bar vital orvant war unUcnntQed and death aaamau tnimlnsot, Foe thss mon ih h eouiihed mccaeantly ai.d eou d not SIMD. H.w bsuebt ot us bottl ol Dr Kini't Nw Dlsoov- orv for Ontituniotlon nd ws o much nllevtd on Uklrtir first dot that til nivht snd witti on bottle hss barn mlieukmljr urd. Hr nam I Mr LuUfr Lnt,- Thus write w u tiamrleK snd Co , of Shslby, N C.-Osts t's trial botUsst Fo shsy snd hssoii's orug ator. a IJ.Kwert, practical watchmaker and 'Ctrl lei. Wriahf. Arabian Horse Lininaenk acta quickly and sfleotuslly, aad haa ao superior ss a remedy for animal in H eaae where a I Mason. inimsps is require "w,u An ouno of prevention l better than a Douod of cure. Plunder1 Oregon Bleed Purifier x pel all impurities oi the blood and should b used in ail disease of tb stomach, liver and kidney. Tsk It. A dry. backing ouch ksep th bronchial tube in a tat of constant irritation, which, If not spesdily removed, may lead te broa. chiti. No prompter ratntdy an be had thaa Aver' Cherry Pectoral, which is both nodyna and txpestorant. - Portlaicd. Or.. Jan. 12th. Havine aaavcr baek ali Itst summer, I tried th Oregon "Kidory 'lea, I used one car, which effscted a radical cure. I would He ommand it to all who sr aflliUd aanan failiott remedy. Jtrircs Aes. Sold by Foshsy W Mason. IF vou r nervous or irriubie.ieei rauBuia, M , , , ,w , . , . . . 1 it 1 dispirited or if you have sick headache, low compl.xioD,or offen.iv.,tb.n yonr t ... i. nnk nf nrdar and needs routlnff. Dr. Henley' Dandelion ionio restore the UV6r to. healthy action and tones up the ntire y. tern. . Sold by Foshsy Si Mason. Pitcher's Castorla. in n iy p AUGUST 1 , 1889. A I'MYKKKITY. le U a generally mlmliu d fact that any pr-ijivt that smacks of novelty, no mailer how unpractical or chlmeilcul, v. Ill find plenty of active and ardent snppoileis I ills a financial scheme of the hurdet Rlnd.slmple.lm'rcdulou Investors vie with each other In their Iran Ic rndenvor lo be come wea thy. I ll bean Indus trial question, It I Immediately declared to bsthe only roi.d to the inillcnlum. If it be a proposition for a new edncal'cnal plan, It U hailed a the acme of t.atlonul great ness. We do rot ren embrr who first ug. gested the Idea of e iinlloiml university In this sounlry lo tie iiiriui,cil and supported by the f overnrr.cnt.lHit unless some better reason for the tabll; hment, of such an liisjtullon than those that have thus far been presented, con he given,! he plan must fall to maieriailae. The flrt rtason g.ven by Hie advocate of such a uiilversli v I "that a country so twipuUiu, wealthy and great a thl hou:d he independent in Its educational roomers, as well as in other hlngs rl Enrol e, and thnt It young men should not he ohllgrd logoiibrcad lolhc great school rt England and (iermany,lo complete t'iclr education In any branch ol science." Ptlde In one's countrv I al ways commendable and particularly it jt be a progressive one. Independence Is a thrilling word. It I a reminder of the day ol '76, and ran alway be relied upon for arousing exultant erthuslasm In the average cltlxen of thl coi.nlry,but when it come to taxing every citlcn foi the high er education of a very few It behoove the people to do a Utile sober thinking before they shout for Independence. Are the tax payei of thl country reudy lo bear the expense whlcH wealthy men now are under for the education of their son In Europe t Moreover, we no not Imagt ie that the forslgn nrlversliie are so very far in advance ol some In this couuii v. lobn Hopkins university In Baltimore was found ed on the same plan a those cf Germany and probably afford equally g wd advan tage. ThU opinion will doubllcs he eouted by who can see ability only where it Is flavored with the foreign accent. Again it i proposed that the instructors shall be those who hate become eminent In their seveiat departments In the already existing universities. They are ot to everjheir connection with t'Hr respec tive schools, but simply detailed" to duly tiere for a port'on of the mrhosfl year. We Cinnot understand how such a professor Can give better Instruction in one place than In another, if he give his bet I as he I commonly supposed to do The location of tSIs Institution is to be In Washington, because the upieme court it there, and there congress assembles. InaJditlonto these, the national museum, tb- patent of fice, the government lahoraioric, the na - tionaland congressional libta'lc arede. clared to afford unusual advantage for students. We presume tnat the decisions of lite United State supreme court are in alt the law schools ot this country or can be secured, so we canhardly see any ad vantage to Ihe tudent In being abk to gaxe upon the official robes of thl august body. Just what advantages they are expected to ilnhv h-i,,,. .rt r,l in i!. .im- ,11- . ,i.. I, I. ll " ,he flaUon1 conrc' hr J kte; 1 -i x -J 11 oe eloquence ana logic mey eck, tney mar a wetl attend the csrn of a high school lyccum . We were not aware that tkere was any patent r.fllce connected w Ith the university at Heidelberg or Lelpsic.and as to the laboratories and llbrarie,we ven ture to s-y that thev do nt much excel those of Harvard, Columbia, and Cornell Aside from these objection there I alway the danger that such aft Institution may become a part of the political "machine,' in which else lu usefulness would be de stroyed. 'o,lf the government I to assist In the education ol Its cltlcn, let it reach out a helping ha id lo those whu are strug gling In the lower walki ot I'fe, and leave the higher education to the numerous ofTi clent Institution already established. Does it never occur to those who prate about removal In the civil service that Mr Cleveland was removed because he was a democrat and for no other reason, by the edict ol the people ? Docs it not neccta rlly follow that when the lieauol a ucparv ment la placed there because ol hi politic hu subordinates should be of the same po litical famllt f Pendleton jnle, Thu It will be ftecn that the Tril', '"boring under the Influence a ht of candor.unwHtlngty "lets the cat out ol ,u. ,,. cv,iuii, r nr.. - - - . s . . I -. vr......s wearisome, laborious effort to prove that Harrison I carrying out hi and hi party's I pledge to obey the civil service law, the Tribune candidly admit that the removal are made because It party wants all th offices, Ict nil organs be thus candid and democrat will "prate." no more. Governor Lo wry ot Mississippi has caus ed the arrest of Queen and Crescent rail way officials for assisting In the violation of the law of the stale and protecting the criminals of the buliivau-Kiirain prize fight from the olhcer of the law, The promoter of the salt trust have been discouraged. Their scheme to Involve both side ol the Atlantic In a grand com blnation has broken down tor want of cap Hal, due to the growing hostility lw trust so be it ever. . . Secretary Noble' house In Washington the Tiffany mansion, is one ot the most luxuriously furnished houses in the city. It I contain among many other interesting things, a valuable collection of ancient or mor, Mr Thompson, postmistress at Louis ville, Ky., ha a salary of $4000 a year. "B ul ",c " . a-s t . . . a, 1-11.. servant, and has held her place forlght I years. She is a daughter of the late Alex- ander Campbell. Crazy old 'Lish Applegat: is to be ap pointed an Indian agent. But.cra.y as he 1 ls,he Is sane enough to serve under an ad ministration which believe In '.axing the I people Into prosperity. East Oregoniau. , The LaGrandewrMihp.s been sold to II Fatlerson and M D Scott, of Dakota. The Democrat wishes them - success In their new enterprise. an I If voa want a eood silver steel revthe, finest in tne niwisei, so uw.i'i 1 00s r. Tubb'& Co' pare Manilla twine, best quality, at Stewart & box's. Not ens person in fifty arrive at the age of forty, who is not troabled with kidney or . I l ni. 41 .... . . 1 Hrtuary uonipiaiuta tu audio luim, j.u siiuav 1 .,. , ;, : .v.. k-b.,.. I alIUIUwU w 1 vil ftjaiw ass t its waves a ojvib v vou 1 svru f urine, nervnu. debility, painful or uav prMMd,In,Bitra.tioii, wVeu offer a remedy I r. . ; . .J that haa beetftn constant use oyer twenty' v;an. T n-i.:. yisaia, unguu iviuu.r ts .ma irpu.,ivu ha don mor for suffering humsnitv than any olbtt medioma in the market. Sold by Pothay ii Mason. t I The lKMix k, r,lin been hander. the follow. Iitg vividly written lrll:r from MrsO .S Pollock, tf Hie Albany Collcgc,lo the Pacific Art,,nli,f, f Santa Rosa Cal , ami our readers may he assured it is worth perusing, An stingy is due you for the tardy a' pear ing of the Mission report, wliicti I trust you will find in the impossibility of settling myself down 10 wriiiur, after my arrival at Kanaka Fiat, until I had ret 1 11 ceil lo route degree of order, the confusion ol en old bsclieioi sanc tumfor you must know that I am spen.ling the summer with my dear old bachelor brother at Ihe Kanaka Flut Mines of Southern (Jreenn and 1 hat now as I sit writing lo you I can look j uui ui ine cm. in w in.M.w anu see trie iauuiul Hogue Kiver alley stretching f ir awav in its cultivated lietils and town dotted loveliness. crowned by the snow capped summit of Mounr l"tl in the Cascade range. My brother is sevenly two yeai old. sn I i among the few now left of the "old 49 em," anu us 1111 hu ol Ibe o'd miners, he cling Willi tenacious affection lo the lialat of mining life, and lo tit gulches.hill sides and cicek bottoms, which in year 004 yielded a in li haivest r the goklen ore. How shall 1 descrilie his utisiel.ilv v..i r,, n forluhle.doinicilc? It was built thirty year ago, by a Sandwich Island miner called "Kanaka teorgc," of immense split fir log. It reverses sn ine arciuiecairal design ol the present Jay for its door is narrow and low. its fire place wide and liich, its hearth of mammoth dimen. ion, and its only window of liliputiau sue, consisting of an 10 pane of glass, secured by "daubing," in a chopjied out owning lietween two of the fir log. l ite well smoked clap imam of the roof show how often the delicious venison and bear meat steak have numbered to the hungry'i the heavy pole rafters still show signs of the game that rewarded the unerring shot of the pioneer hunter on these still densely wooded Oregon hid. Upon my arrival at my old bachelor bio:hei's cabin, I found most of his possessions on the floor even his spectacles, pipe and tobacco pouch, as soon as I bung up my bonnet, nana satchel and Iraveliiu? wrans. I r.inned no my skirts and went to work to assort the mis cellaneous mats of "floor deposits." Soon the pants, coats.shirts and overalls were separated from the shovels, pkk-axes sad panning out pans; the former being deposited on nails on thewalls.aijd the latter in onecomtroflhecabio he newspapers of the late dates were folded and placed in one pile on the table; the fryi g pant,skiels and i-ots on the hearth; the hatch ets and axe on the wood pile, and the numer ous pipes and tobacco pouches on an improvis ed shelf under Ihe 8x10 window. Duong this process of assortins. which oc cupied several hours, I noticed that my old bachelor brother wa- quietly, hut restlessly ubstrvant; and at last, when all thing were arranged, "decently and in order." and I looked up to him for unqualified approbation, ne sam rainer noiciuliy. "Well sister, I won I know whirr e to find my things now. I always seep em rigni down in the Hoar, so I can bud era easy:" v. ill all young baclkrlors com lo such a slate? Well. I went to woik and scoured, sweot. dusted, psiercd, hammered, darned, patched snq menuca until ucn a transformation was effected in the old bachelor quarter, that my 1... in.. 1 . ' , . 1 . i -1 .v wn, .vmv siuauin sbiiij) iuu snonc UJn ll. The British seem bent on accomplishingwitb money what they failed to accompluh by arms the subordiaation of American institutions to English commercial interests. Already owners of millions of acres of soil, they are seeking t buy up and control abeut every leading bne cf manufacture in the country. This accomplish ed, America wilt become a dependency as be- lute tie revotuiioa. Photographs of the flight and explosion of ilynsraite cartridges are among the achieve ments of the instantaneous method of photo graphy. Lime has of Ut: been used todrv frost out of ihe ground. It is wet slightly and covered over with blanket and other non conducting materials. I T. WRIGHT Foot of Morrison St., Portland, Or., aoebt row- Tho Ad?anc3 TiiresMng MacMnery The beat and faateat thresher In Amerl ea, and machine t bat stands without : rival. Toe A OVA NCR thresher baa NEVER been REPLACED by any other machine on the Coast, but baa replaced several others than HAVE FAILED to fill WARRANTEE. Th ENGINE Is iruar- anteed to pull more than any other, and will out travel a:i oinera on tne road. 11 you bear any loud boasta, please toll the parawa me auvAntG iiiKctui'.H ana E WIN E are old on their merit entire ly. And I am willing to prove all I claim in ni v field at any lime. JV not be hum- bunged by buying any machine until you aest the ADVANCE. I also handle kteam A'tlug good. Iron pipe, pnmpa moweia, sneder. aprtngtootn narrows blacksmith's rorse. drtlh. church, farm and school belts, and many otber special, Ilea, Albany Branch House one blocic below Russ House, JAS 12. Iv IV OX, . Jlnnager. THE PLACE. l.yal . ninans oil I on Pane. Brothers, Groeer?6S, Prota, Baked Goods, Etc.- Etc Their good are the boat and thr tr.prioea leaaonable. . I HOW TO GO EAST. Go East via Mount Shaata Koote. Ivic elimata and scenarY at all times of the year, See Mount Shasta, Ssorsmento, Ogdeo, Salt Lake, Denver. Finest soond-olsss ears made sr run daily. Buy your tiok eta of trie and ave your fare to Portland. I am tbe only prr ton in Albany thatean sell yon a tioket to any point la the United State. Call on me for rate. V.. L. Jestfr, Agent S. P. WTLL BROS, SaT s ,j f VvS, f :: .m ; . , 1 :,n - . 1 Vt- DAalers In all the latest improved PUn ja Organs, Sewing Maohlnns, Gun. Also a full line of warranted Razors, Butcher and i-ocket Knives. The beat kind ol tewing machine oil, needle and extra, for all maohtnea. All urVtlng neatly and reasonably done. Pouiiiy Wanted. . All. kinds of poultry,' alive or dressed, wanted at the Willamette Picking Com pany's Store, Albany, Oregot. DYSPEPSIA. IS thnt misery expert I Ilfiily lvni hwhf eiiilKillrnl MrriiiiKii. The stomach 1 : iiie re leneed when mml awarn that wo p)mmmn .. ..i-. iiii.-i, nsiomneh. rtwrvolr In,... ,.ii. very I,rn ;,il ssun must l. iiourl.i.l., win. 11 1...... .'y'"''i tlom imritsyinploiim. J'vsM HkV"ior-tlM wiiital ioweruurt h bllfm tVr m-'rument ft tier tnay take, The underlying eauM it - ' V-., (Will, in the JLlWEit. and ons thin moiwl oue will remain a dysp,.pl? ' wuj wm ' M " will eorrac Aeldlty of th Stomaeh, KspeliVnilgMka, AUay Irribstlon, Assist DlgMtioa, and, at the same Urn Mart the lAter to worlclnr. toon disappear, "My wife w a eonfirm,d dplic. Se i'Z t I1H to try Simmor, Uf 'J1 reft fori rrlirf it b.. h".wi may all who ui ,h,. afflicwd in any k..i... Wntent beal-h will f wb, iTll See t.'iat you get the Genuine, w,ln rta on front of Wrapper, sf . n. ZEIUM Co., 1-kJUdelphJ, p.. it Host TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY LARC? STOCK OF FALL AN3W1HTER C3333 I WILL SELL MY ENTIRE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. AJV COST. "SALE, AND TKEYIMUST CO. Real Bargains. AT THE SAME TIME DO NOT EORCET THAT I HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF DRY GOODS Notions, Furnshing Goods, etc, WOULD ESPEMALLP CALL POUR ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING LINES: Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silk, Table Linon, Gloves, Hosie ry, Fancy Goods, etc ALL AT LOWEST CASH PRICE RESPECTFULLY, Me Leading ;nsli SMOKE THE CIGARS Manufactured by Julius Joseph, ALSO IMPORTED AUD Plug and smoktog toUcoos, Meerschaum and smoke article generally. Also alwa., nice Itn 01 California and McMinnYille College. TWO FOUR YEAR CQ'JPSE OF STUOY " in tho Collegiate D.'pattment Fonr Three Year Conresf Study in the Academio Department. : As evidenoe of the growth ot thi Collsg attention i called to the fact that during the last year over eleven hundred doltarr haye .vnandod ia standard book for the li brary, an $800 piano donStedl to the college and over $3,00Q added;to thefpermaneut ea dowment. , V Special attention ia given to the Academi Department which fit young men and wo man fnr nolleoro. for teaching and for busi ness. Pin rooms and boarding department in tha College buildinp, expenses, low. Pr dei t live in the building. Fall term opena Sopt, 4th. Send for.catalogue. Address, rEES. T. C. ECTSCN,' 1 M-sMinnyille, Yamhill Co., Or.r I! vTHE DEMOCRAT In (hp bful Advertising oedfuOT In the Central WnitmtlpV8IIry ntel; th Pm omiif Albany'. "vinrt-nlaxsi mail mstffr. mm m "w r"j, KK 8AI.K 8Y Kir.MI AY dr J At'ON POSHAY & MASON. Ttaiav ww srn 1 Hgjrwfgnnil Honksdlers Aej-nt-for Job-, ft. Atden'a publication. al.Htvy. MttK;iig. 'AHY , OAHRIUJE.S AT H TEW A K T it HOX THIS WILL BE A CLOSING CUT COME EARLY AND CET Dry ods Store. I SALEK IN- KEY VEST CIGARS briar ptpi-K and haH on hand Tropical Fruits. ' When I say Cteb I do not mean merely to Stop them fur a time, and then have thorn re turn a un. I hkan A li-WUCAL CLiUi 1 havu made the diaeiu ot - . ITT13, EPILEPSY or PAIXHJG SICIINIISS, A life-li v(t study. I warrast my remedy to Cork tins wem cwses. Ut cause other hnvo 'l!el is no renson lur not now receiving? ncr.nv siudat i-o ti-ratreatiKuanda t'K&u llori'i.c t..v vbM.I.IBLB ltKMBUY. Give hxp'C- K iilii'. Jt cwts yon noiinuj iut u, , . 1 11 ill euro you. Adilress CT, r-l.O., IS3 Peaei St., KrYcr.!'. e-!-.T y S . I l. l T.: ,1: t It lost