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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1889)
Wkt Qtmttat ..Auarjsr 9. tsso. stipes & Salter mm I NOTTINa. rrletr. LOCAL RECORD. Fon Milwaukee. -Last Mondayantect tug of cltUcn was held at llic V C T U Hall to confer with Commander McElroy In reference to tending an exhibit of our product to Milwaukee. After an explan atory ipeech bjr Prof McElroy a finance nsmlttce consisting of E f Lanning.fJeo E Chamberlain and S S Train appoint ed toralie fund to lend a man there and collect an exhibit. Mr Dickson, of the Oregon Land Co.,and Mr Cuslck.werc ap pointed a committee to make an exhibit for Linn county and MrCustck a ap pointed to represent Albany and Linn county at the National ( AR. Reside the exhibit 10,000 of Col. Alley' p.vnph let and 5,000 blrdseye view of Albany wilt oe taken and distributed. Dom't Be Dish kartinkd Linn county farmer ahould read the following from an S. O. paper 1 "An old farmer living near Athena engaged the harvesting outfit to Come to hti ranch (or the purpose of har Vetting and thiethlng hit crop. After all the preparation were made, they began heading the oat, which were badly Injur ed by the hot weather Three load were cut ani threshed and Welded three bushels. The header n then lent to the wheat Held with a like result. The disheartened old man It Mid to have wept like a child, and tent the outfit from the, field w lihout harvesting hi grain." A Sao Drowsiko. A Eugene man In form the Democrat of the tad drowning ottwo prominentyoung people of Eugene, on the Slutlaw.ncar the I'aclrk.a few day ago, word being received at Eugene City Sunday of the accident. Duck Wilson and Mlnnte Luckey, daughter of J L Luck ey, one of Eugene' wealthiest citizen, were boat riding when the boat wa tipped over and the young couple drowned before assistance could be rendered Wilton was a driver In one of the livery stabtes.and it I reported had been going "with the young lady against her parent wishes. Losses. The lot of the Albany Farm er and Merchants Insurance Company by the Spokane Falls fire will be about $10, 000 Among those burned out wa the firm of Montclth & Seitenbach, who car ried a'stock of good valued at f 0.000 or $70,000, about half insured. Mr M Wol erton, now In the city, kes a block or two. The fire I about the worst in the history of the coast. The total lost will approach $10,000,000. Clean Them Oct. Thj attention of the Democrat has been called to the fact that in the alley back ot some of the bus! nets block in Albany arc accumulating it I investigated th more mixed large quantities of bexe. straw, etc. IniS'- view of the fact that there Is a tire epldem-1 ic In the land this rubbUh should he clean-1 ed cut. This I a very dry and risky pe- j nod ami there should he no foolishness. P. S. Since the above was in type a posse of city official have been making a thorough attack on the alley ,and they w ill be well cleaned out. Ovsterville iv A silts. . Saturday af ternoon about 4 o'clock a fire caught in the Williams oannery at Oysterville, on Yaqulna river, from the cannery engine, resulting in the cannery, with its machin ery being burned ; also the Naeby house, Kader's slaughter house and a barn, Jeav Ingonlv one building standing The loss to Mr Williams was abou' $15,000. About $1,000 would cover the other losses. The Williams cannery was being prepared for the fall run, making the fire a very un timely one. " " A Picti-re. Large piles of paper and other highly inflammable rubbish !y!ng in the alley between Flrt and Second Street-. A careless clar smoker passe along and thoughtlessly casts the short stub of his cigar In the rubbish . Igr.Mon takes f lace. A regular Seattle or Spokane Falls fire occurs. Great loss of property. Every, body know tkrn how the fire ulght have been averted, but no one seem m k-ww ntrcu. A word to the wise ht to be suf ficient Drowked On lt Frday evening Isaac Stoats 01. e of the oldest etler Ii. Oregon wa drowned in a spring near Air. lie In Polk county. He had milked a cow then took her I the pi ing to The spring was eight feet deep.and about three feet down to water. While reaching down for a bucket of water he felt in, his hand resting on a plank. The plank broke and he fell in head first and was drowned. He wa born In New York and was 76 year old. Cavoht Accidentallv. Tuedy we mentioned how Johnny Lazybones.lhe young tramp, took to hi heel to obtain j hi liberty, and that wa the last ot blm. But It transpired afterward that it was not. Afterwards Marshat Hoffman while driving towards Salem after the tramp printer, charged with stealing a watch, run aero Lazybone accidentally and brought him back to the el'y, much to hit discomfiture, for he krves liberty.' A Swihdliko Scheme. In an Oregon county recently your.g coup!e with a clerical looking man drove up to a farm house, they said for the purpose of being married on hi p.easant farm, for which they would pay liberally. After marriage and a dinner they handed the farmer $40 and took hi receipt. Afterwards he wa called upon to pay it In the form of a note for $400. SicxiriCAXT. A young man fromSpo kane Fall says a Spokane man told him a few week ago that there would be a big fire there about the time it occurred. Just after the fire, In thl city a woman wat heard talking with a gambler, perhaps her husband, about the tire, wuensne remark ed, "didn't I tell you so." hure enough. . AJokeoxMr. Froma. The follow Ing from an exchange shows how even newspapers will get everything mixed up sometime: "Thomas Froman makes a confession that he and two brothers, Fred and Herbert Rolf, were the cause of the wreck of the O & C. train lat Sunday night near Albany. The parties are under arrest." Bio Fish- The Athland Tiding tells of a fishing trip made by Mr L AUord and five others, ell cf Ahland, on which one of the anies caught a trout that weighed 1$ pounds. Mr L Alfordls a grand-son of Uncle Thomas Alford, ml HarrisUurg. He I DEArt Prof. Krumbeln, the ar tlst who visited this city some months ago and whose artistic preductlans called out much favorable comment is dead. He took a severe cold which settled on his lungs and died in San Francisco Wednesday last. His wife arrived from London in time to be with him at the very last. Bio. People who saw the big load of bl watermelon left at Wallace, Thou p aon & t'o's recently wondered where they came from Vlr 11 Hutchlns, of Lodi.Cal.. the mn wo shipped them.wa in ihe city, nd a he weighs about 350 pound it is no wonder he make big shipment 01 btg watermelon. Will Receive $aooo "Big Jack,"the brave engineer who lost hi life at the Lebanon wltch railroad wreck.ln attempt ing to save the live of the rassenger on hi. trin. wa a member of the A O U W from which order his family will re ceive the turn of $aooo. Build 'Em. What are people going to do for houtet to live in ? I a question asked a thousand times a day.-Astoria Traterijt, Do like people do in Albany. Build 'cm. . Erroneous Figure. The Fortland n I. ..-fc f il, l,l,r U'a.ltlivttun Territory fires has placed the lout of the Albany Farmer and Merchant Insurance Companv at everal time what it really wa, while a certain Portland company' loss has been given at less. Perhaps this was simply accidental j but It It nearly as bad as our Item on the Nebraska editor. Here are Its flgurcsot theSpokane fire hild by Oregon and Washington companies Oregon,$i3,o:x Norlhwet,$3o,ooo Co luinbla, Snjnco t Pacific, $18,000 , Farnv r & Merchants, of Albanv, Or, $66,000 j Mate, of Salem, $Jo,ooo Moment Seattle, $30,000. The amount held bv the Albany company was $19,000 In the city, $5,004) was reinsured and about that amount was In rethlenre property, so that the h wa $10,000 or lest. Crook County John Nutting, Uob llerrlngton and A Robert returned on Wednesday from a search in tne north eastern part of the county for t'.ie remains of George Nutting. They were unable to find any traces of the mU'lng man. They Intend continuing their search until some thing definite regarding his disappearance I learned. Last Mondav Cox Mro started nine horses to Albany for sale. The were line young geklintc.and will be no discredit to 'he stock of Crok county when placed on the market. The oldest cttlxen savs the water In rooked river I lower th-n he hit ever before teen It Water has become so scarce that it Is to impregnated with alkali that mosquito won't biced In it. Was Intkrviewkiv The surveying party nf (tie Albany and A "tons R. U. have passed Sheridan In Yamhill county and are now crossing I Ik- mountains be yond that place. The Sheridan CiumVr ty t "The surveying party of the Al bany & Astoria railroad company are run ning line ii) different direction from here, to find a prae'leal route through the moun tain to the Coast j Is usually the case, no definite information toultl be obtained fram the engineer, hut inaniwcrto the question whether Sherldun would get the road, he said : '1 can't tell what may oc cur, but It seems to me thut the indications are favorable for'he road to strike some where In this iclnlty.' lie state that the route between here and Albanv I an ex cellent one." A Mixku L Matter. "We have no tlced a piece published In nearly every country newspaper in the State, stating that this Is a vear of calamities and direct ing attention to the fact (?) that the year commenced nn rriuav and win end on Frldav. ThU I- a false statement. 'Ibis rear began on Tuesday a.ij will end on Thursday, and will have no more Fridays lhan any other year." Brownsville limes. This year end on Tuesday Instead of Thursday. Beginning and ending on lucsuav gives it 53 lueiuuvs uric ci lucsdavs ne more 1 than common. The original Friday item I weni the round without in . .tigatlon. the T 1 . W!U . V lut,... A.. K 1 : - .... I I. . . - . """B ' ' " HIUrB ; up It ' ' Harvksi- Ckkam A Marion county j correspond ;ut of th? Silveiton Jpr.sys j "Mr Charles and Harve llartmun threshed 30 acres that U-ldcd 51 bushels per acre, i tr u it ...,. .h.-i.-i-..- 1 -i Mr K 11 coi; thre.tiea one lie u of 42 1 ! acres that aviaged 43 bushel per acre. Another field of 35 acres went 4$ V bush- I els per acre." In this connection it mav ! be remarked thot wheat vleld are a tuid deal like real estate spec ulatli mis. You only ; ! near of the big deal. Steam Now D D Pretty man, who has f been for the past few week working m the interests of the Oregon Land Com j panv In collecting specimens of frul't, ! grain, and grasses and ha traveled con- j ., ,, ....... siderably over the counties of Polk. Linn, Benton atd iiarion, says thut he hat not I yet this year seen a threshing machine! propelled by horse power. Steam I the universal m-.tor.-Vo-rW , Same Size The lowest bid for the main building of the Salem woolen was put in by V B Southwick and $8443. This was a very Utile let mill a than i that for the main building of the Albiny mill and would indicate that they are about the aine .lis. A a matter of fact' we understand the n.lll. be of about equal ie. with nra'lv he ne capaci'y A Real EsratE OrritE. Hughes, Br.iwn & Co. hate secured the service f Mr W E .NKPoeron a manager of their Albany real t.laic office, located in the Cusick U'ock,jut north of the Democrat office Mr Vlcl'herton is an e ritcrpiUing gentleman and a rustler, and this office promise to play an important pirtin the transaction ol Ihe valley. Member of the firm recently purchased the Ocean View addition to Yacpiina City, which among other bargain will be placed 0.1 the market. Creameries. Nearly every creamery tarred in the Northwest ha stopped run ning becausclt wa found to be a non-paying institution. Because Albany woi Id not invest in one of these institution!, a creamery Introducer said we hadn't enter prise enough for a pack sadJIe ; but it seems we had some sense. What do Mc Mlnnvllle, Walla Walla and one or taro other places think about the matter. Also Died. Quint Guthrie, the brave fireman, who stood by Engineer Miller, at the time of the railroad accident at this city, died at Port'and last Monday at 5:45. Thus, two men have given their lives for the criminal foolUhr.css of three harvest hands. A Five Dot; Mr C J Stewart ha jut received from St. Pcul a fine Gordon tet ter, full blooded, which the new owner thinks will make a regular Chinese pheas ant chaser when the law run out. A coIj lar 011 the dog neck read "ii G Miller." If the name wa changed the matter would not look so suspicious. Ax Old Thing. Some of the Willam ette Valley papers have just found out that a wnote lot ot i rook ceunly sheep are summering In the Cascade mountains this year. Most all the sheep In this county have summered in the Cascade mountain during the past seren year. Prtneville New$. Wheat Field. Bcunkd. Tuesday a ileld of wheat owned by Mr I D Miller pi Miller' Station caught fire from Dne of the noon trains and about forty acre stacked ready for the thresher, was burned, probably 1000 bushel. 'I he loss I conse quently a big one. CiTiriKO. Some of the metropolitan institutions in Albany are A garbage wagon, A Salvation Army, Hoodlum to advertise them, A street car line, Tin horn gamblers. KiSDKitCAni en. Miss Tot Wheeler hat returned from Portland, where the has been taking a thorough course In Kinder garten work. She is making arrange ments to open a Kindergarten school, .and being well qualified as an instructor wi'l no doubt succeed. On THf R ivr.a. The "Three Sisters" wet down Monday afternoon, sliding ovn the riffl s. The " tlodoc,'' only came 10 Salem nn It lust trip south. This is the lnwrst watt-rin which a boat ever navi gated the Upper Will amjtte. Farm IIovsf. Burned. The residence of John VV (Jarland. on Crabtree Creek, was burned to the ground one night last week, fire catching from a defective flue. Loss about $500. SECURE PRICES. KO l" ROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT DEYoii k HOBSON K Tt.M t.MuV!AL.'ilie fol was tiven l?y the pa en tit wrecked train to the brave engineer and fltman who stood by the trottle until tb engine toppled and sent them to death : Albany, Or., July ao. 16S0. The nassenirers on the 4 . train from Portland, Or., to San Francisco, Cal., July 33. send with their best wishes ineencios ed sum of money to John Miller, engineer, and Qultin Guthrie, fireman, as a slight testimonial for their fidelity and duty in stani'lng by their engine In time of danger and thereby preventing a more serious ac cident and loss of Ufa. May their hours of rmtn and suffering be alleviated by the thought that the many lives they saved are senuimr out to them heartfelt sympatny and assurance of respect and regard for their nob'e deed which, Ilka all such, must bring reward to their hearts. Prognostic ati no. -The Albany corps of engineers, on the Albany and Astorl rallioml.wlll start lit with the survey across the Yamhill country this morning. It I stated that they wlti go within about nine mile of McMlnnvllle. llldt for statUns along the line will toon be In order from Valley towns. Astoria Viewer. Mr Hai r, of the corps Inform the Demo 'Rat thut the most practicable course has been taken, and that It Is a good one for easy hiil'dlng, even In the Coast range, which some have c'aimed would be Im passable. People along the line are gen erally verv friendly towards the road.even the Grande Ronde Indians offering rights of way free. , A Ticki.ino Covtest. Two young men at Fcho, aged at and 35 year respec tively, wlo are working on the Cavincst ranch, had a tickling contest on Tuesday las', say the Ii. O. until one wat almost tickled Into eternity. They poked one an other In the ribs with much amusement, until one noticed with alarm that hit com panion's cyct were fixed and staring and hi limb rigid, like those of a corpse. He was horrified beyond measure, and hastily alarmed the neighbor. Meant were at once taken to resuscitate the young man, suit It was oniv alter a liberal ue ol water and much rubbing that he regained con sciousness and opened his eyes. Akiukxts.-Till forenoon Mr W K Long was feeding hi horse power wood saw in front of the residence of Mr Pur- dom, on Second Street, when hit right hand got caught In the saw, resulting In hi hand being amputated at the knuckle, the four linger dropping off. He wa taken to the office of Dr Kills, where the Doctor assisted by Dr Davis dressed the wound. I About the same time Mr Frank Sutter, who was working for Street Commissioner Hoffman, was hewing a board with an ads when the adi slipped, striking one of hi feet, lulling a four inch gash. Dr Maston intended to the wounded foot. Wheat Yu.Lus.--Mr Denver Hackle- man Informs the Democrat that the yield f w,c4t neio. the Callnooia. where he I ,,. .., ,. " " good. 1 be f .til i proving remarkably wheat I averaging 3 bushel to the acre, while the spring wheat s showing an average ot 33 bushels per ,cre. Oats average 40 bushels per acre. With his new 33 inch Mss.lllon thresher he ha been averaging aouo bushels a day, and Monday ar.d Tuesday threshed 5000 , . . . -Y bushels. Ilk tiavellng cook house ha Kven ,lim tk.e ,4nj, orUcr, M ne attend to. Calluxt Made Ir. A number of ex- change up the country, In atluolng to the terrible death of "Dig Jack" Miller, have stated that he made the famous run from Salem to Portland with the firemen at the time of the big fire In Portland several ',r - ''hi mistake, as Engineer S'"'","1' ho U.n,f,T1"n.,C h1? tie on the Denver and Klo Urande.wa the man no ln,l)c the Umot run.Atorla fj,mtrr Dracoko uv a Horse. Last week Mr () y MofJ,Bf . 0 Mr Mlef Mor8,t ' Shedd. wat dragged by a horse, at hi home at l' a manner not yet learn ed by the Otvoca t. lie was picked up nearly dead and wa unconscious the last ncarti from, wun poor prospect of recov erv. Mr Miller Morgan wa telegraphed far and left on Monday for Eastern Ore gon. Lixn Cocsty. Col. Alley' descriptive pamphlet of Linn county I on o-r tble. It I an elaborate exposition ot the resour ce and advantage of Linn county , without exaggeration, and does credit to ihe leading county in the .inest valley in the Crlted States. Rovce Sc Ilibler did Ihe printing, a commendable job, showing their skill In the art preservative. ,oooof these pampli lets go to Milwaukee in a few days. A But Avta.sua Evidently there is an immense wheat crop around Brownsville j judging from the following from the Timu: "Mr Henry F.utcmau ha a 30 acre' field of wheat that threshed out 41 bushels per acre. The general average of wheat In thl locality is between y and 35 bushels per acre.'- Money to Loax. At a low rate of In terest, on good farm property in Linn county, or on best Improved city property In Albany. Apply to Blackburn & Wright, Albany, Or Still is Maket. The finest lot of blackbcrrirs of the seaso.t was received to day Those desiring to put up berries should give us a call. WlLLAMKTTK PaCKISO Co. A New PAvron,. Rev M M Marling, of Illinois, has accepted Ihe pastorate of the U. P. Church, at Halsey, and arrived Monday to begin hi duties. Without any particular object in view it may be remark ed that he Is unmarried. A Sharp Item. The finest line of cut lery and shears in the rity at 8tewart & Sox'. Their goods are the very best and will stand the test. Ofv- for thk MouttTAisa. A barrel of tried beef, so ne fine cheese and a large In yo ice of choice lunch good just received at Brown-ll Sc Stanard'a. Get some. HotWea hier Items. Keep cool. finest refrigerators In the n.arket at Stew art & Sox's. Buy one now. All sizes of ice cream freeiers at Stew art & Sox's. Purchase one and manufac ture this delicious dish at home. Vf.rt Nice. Don't cook this hot weath er. Drop In and get some of our lunch delicacies. We have just received a fresh supply nf cream cheese, Llmburger cheese, smoked beef chipped to order, etc. Willamette Packing Co. Got It Again. What f Why the fin est lot of fresh smoked beef in the itiarket. Chipped to order. Also a fine supply of our famous gold medal cream cheese. Willamette packing co, Babies. Ihe finest line of baby carr -ages in the Valley just ri je'.ved at Stewart Si Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con sidering the superior quality of the carrl ges. , , " .. BiooKiT Vet. 10,000 roll of wall pa- er, latest varieties, finest decoration just e.-fe it rortmlller Irving' . To New Comers We would say that we have no baits to give you, but we do guarantee good value for your money and we Kindly toitctt your patronage. Browkei.l & Stanard. ThUTrade Mark on a stove rreans It is the. best that ex pcience and skill can con trive. Bold only by O. W Smith. ... . Pino line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyo9 and Uob sons special bargains A !li I low llii! tc ! IHSKUON STATS WEATHER flCMdETIN, Oregon State Weather liureau co oper ating with U. S. Signal Service Central ot flee, Portland, Or., tor the week ending August 3rd, 18891 The temperature continue above the normal. The last three days of the week were much cooler than It hn been for sev eral weeks. No ralrlfall is reported from any part ot the State, except front the mouth ot the Columbia, The sunshine I above the normal, no cloud, being visible. The atmosphere Is smoky, caused by the extensive forest flrcs.whtch a:-e doing con tlderabte dsmogi. Tho effects ot these conditions have been fiivernblo (or harvest Ing operations, but Injurious to com, fruit and gardens, Report are quite full relative to ths yield ot wheat. The Willamette Valley shows from ii to 35 bushels per acre, tome places more. Benton c6unty will average 35 bushel per acre, Linn county will average fretn 30 to 35 bushel per acre. Yields ot 43 bushels per acre are reported from Polk county and 50 bushel per acre from Marlon county. The whole Willamette Valley will average from a to 30 bushel per acre. The Umpqua Valley will average the same. The Rogue river Valley It yielding on an average ao bush. els per acre. Though there are reports as high at 40 buthelt per acre. Eastern Oregon show a larger yield than wa expected. Wasco.Gllliatn. Slier. man and Morrow ceuntlc were badly damaged by the hot dry weather, In some sections of these counties the wheat was not worth culling, Iri others 30 bushel per acre wa yielded. Umatilla county reports yield of from 13 toaS bushel per acre. The general average will equal former years. The best yield so fir reported I from near Weston where a 180 acre field averaged 55K bushels per acre. Indian corn yield 4S bushelt per acre and the vlcld of bar- ley It a high a 71 bushel per acre. In Indian an Grande Ronde Vallevs of Union county wheat I averaging 33 bushel per acre. Rain ha not fallen In Oregon to be ot benefit, tor 75 dys, and the yield re ported do not how much of a failure In the crops. Potato and hop crop are not au average. Fruit crop are above an average. Wheat In Western Oregon h being sold for 6a cent per bushels, In Eastern Oregon from 53 to 55 cent per bushel with an upward tendency In the market price. U. S. 1'aovk. Observer U 8 Signal Service, RKAL MTATK HAtKH. Anna M llouck to Sarah E Young, lot a. blk a, II' Add to Albany. $ E Maxwell to W V & C K R Co rtgkt of wsv for road. , Mr C R Kees to A A Kee. 130 seres, Morgsn Kee D L C . . . E 0 Kendall to W W Crowder. lot "5 1 jo Soo 7. bik II, II and A. Albany. A T Yancey to N C Kngburg.'ioo acre, i j w 1 I nited State le A T Yaocev patent State t Oregon to W 1 llolllday, .1 nan ic 30, it 11 ti Frrd I-ongliurne to lien Iron, 1 let Lynn S'ate of Oregon la Henrv Stephens N halt ec $6. Tp 14' Ii 1 Mose Miller to 1; II HamUch, 1 lot blk ijj H' A, Albany J P Schooling to J L Cowan ai:d J K Weathcrford, 100 acre near ' , 1 4 400 rfarrturg R A Rampev. Assisnee to I I' Schoo.lng, 1400 acrr near llai risbiire.. 1 Cnlted States to Samuel Carroll. . .patent toward iieckwith to J M Kalslon, lot t and a. blk Mhany a,s j M C and W E Curl to Orrln Sloorr. lot 6, bik 17, Albany,. Ashbv Pearce to Minerva J Trainor I4C0 let 6, bin 4$, II' ind A, Albany 30 Edward Coin to J A ISilyeu, pari of lot at, jj and 33 In Scio.... 75 II J Clark to W f Read, small tract near Albanv aoo Total. ...$J7.I5J Gar Fiasr Cmiica, Iut received at L r main a tailoring department a large and - . . : . . . elegant line of piece good for ault and ; pants, never before equalled In Albany They embrace the very latest patterns, are In style and will make up, u utter the skil ful workmanship of Mr. SchiflJr Into the finest suits to be ohtsined in the Valley. Call early and get choice of pattern. Is tii LaAU. Mr. Juli.i Gradwohl leads In his business and wishes It under stood that he wdl carry the finest lok of crockery aarc In the Valley, iccclvlng hi 1- 1 1 1 , . t t Si.h ii- tim. i ii ii- t L.uiA I le ha received a fine lot of Wedgwood & ' Lot Newvacht decorated ware, called ruby ware, handsomest goods In the mark et. Mr Gradwohl make crockery a tocc- tatty and will meet the demand nf the public in an v line. lonot send away for goods but give him a call. Why ? Why do you not go to Water loo As a summer rcso-t it I unexcelled. Good level ground, good sltade, excellent soda water, good hotel accommodations. Board and lodging from $5.00 to $7 per week to suit customer. Six mile above Lebanon on the Satitlam river 1 will be at Lebanon every Saturday at arrival of train to convey pinles to Waterloo. Good feed stable in connection with hotel. I. G.Gaos, Proprietor Waterloo I lotcl. Dr. M. II. EJlia. pbysUiaa and aurgon ylhaay, Orrgoa. Csll mad in eity at ooontry, " To lessen our stock O canned good w will aell ' ing in tbatlinaat remarkably low prices. UriowrrLL & stanarh. Fur I and madeharneea goto E. h .Power Fresh cream cUiejut received at F L Kenton'. . Tbt Cantankaroa Old Woman DMoribad In the nursery ballad, who lived upon nothing bot victuals and drink," and yet "would never ba quiet,' was undoohtadly troubled with obronle iDdtuestlon. Her victual, like those of mane olhni alderl v DersoDt wbooe dilu tive pows-.s hsye become impaired didn't eirree wl'h her ' 1 bin wa bffoie the era of iloateuer'a 8toina"a Bitter, or uome on of her rumerousfrlendan) relatives would undoubtedly hav persuaded tier to try toe Knt HolQn ror (iypepaia. eontlpationand blliouaueaa. Thl would r.ave been a measure 01 aeir protection on their pa-t. for she would soon have baeu cured and ceaJ to dlarurb theui with ber olami r. The mo-t obstinate case or Indigestion, with il attendant heartburn flatulence. ontant uneaalntaa of lb atomaob and of tb nerve, are complete ly overcome by thl sovereign reuneay. Chills and fever and bilious remittent, rbeumatlam and kidney troubles are alao relieved by It. DIED. ARCH I B A LD. On Tuesday. Aug. 6ih, 1889, at Knox Bulte, after an illness of about a year, Mr. J. M. Archlbald,aged48 year. Mr. Archibald wa a pioneer of 1852, and wat one of the noble women of Linn county. She wa a sister e( Clay, An and Arthur Marshall.and the mother of Orris Archibald, Secretary of the A . bany Farmers Co. The deceased leaves a husband and ten children, four boys and six girls, and manv friend to mourn tho death of good wife and mother and gen erous neighbor. Fnneial services were held ai 9 o'clock yesterday morning at the Central I'hnrch, Knox Butte. BORN. HAWKINS.-On August 6th, 1889, the wife of C E Hawkln a girl. t SUPERIOR LINES OF iAQRIOUIr-TURAL IM PLEMENTS AT DE YOE &'ROD&ON IIO.HR AND AMiOAD MOKtUV, Sun Hue Saratoga ehipt at Browaell St Stanard'a. Hast thing out. Froth butter and elilcktus, fresh vegeta blna, fruits, and iNt potatoes at Cardu k Robertson's. The street etr line was iarotd ovar In ib Company to-day If th enntrtotor, Mr. ft they. A gooa tot) mi auar. hick Zimmerman ti leported abtnt th itms thu af:rooon. It- is Uillloalc uow tt tell how his eat will Urwlnt,, An Attoria eat I luilt like a kaugiron, afth snort frost huts, and long hind oum. Jt.hops hk a rabbit wha U ruua, l'euple who insured, in th Ouuidental Mutual Endowment and Hntn Aouitiun of l. n Augslm, ar In th oold. The Com pany ba oollapd, Pat Kllleo, tlifamouprla fllnr, pa, d etirough Albany Saturday night for Han Franeltuo. Killtn la pretty good looking pugilist. . " th eltiaxns matting to-nlabt at the WOTU Hall to euufr with Prof MoElroy in rofarono tomodlng aomrrsod able exhibit to Nation' Knastnpment of th O A It to be htld at al.lwauko. Thorns J(Tron Cllne, of Portland. trent Sabbath lnAlbany. ' F ' Misses Annie and Alii Sohlouwr ar vi. itlug friend in Coryaltlf . Mr Simon Saltanhaoh, of Spakn Fall I in Kurapt on a visit U bit old home la Ur many. Mr Dr Pavla, of tl,l. city, and Mr Dr llsiidr-, of Hiribnrg, returned to day from equina nay, , Jason V'breUr and family icturasd on Saturday from a trip le Crook eounty, com ing by way of the Lebanon waion road. Mr W II Oreanwood, the pbotogrsuber, and wife, left till, noon for Yaqulna Bay to prnd theweek, and will capture torn of ins sot no ( tnti popular resort. Judge Strahan, J J Duhraille. I) b Moo- Uith, V W Watts and A Klit, Mt forth mountain ynurdty. and all other tl-h tori will now b tolipsad. Ciawfirrd & Paxtun leftlo dv fr Ya qaioa ti be gone during th w'evk. They will photograph everything they oaa gtt thtir earner ou from a tea hre to the hlh eliff and price. TV! SPA. . Wheat will U about $ZSO a bith.l in Crook eounty nxt winter. K-v O M Irwin y.tUrdty took charge of th Indian school at Cbsmawa, Mr(Jrorslliol,irdaod W A Itadrr. of Price, Crook eounty, name ever the moun tain, arriving here Saturday. Mr K K IVntland haa anhl hat- r..l.t.nn iuSoietoWII Rmty for $1050. Mr Penttand now ridr in Stlcm. The Sunday Mrturf gives thrilling nuet of a tlrc fight Utwoen Kd llsd, of sniaenj ana a air rsppm, of rartiand. Th Cl.s Davia kilUd at Kpokan Fall wa nut a brother of Dr D-vl. of thin eity, though th Djctor h a brother there by that nm. Hovcr.l more wheat fire are rvportsd la I M ief amy alonj iht Narrow (Jug, and th Urmer tr getting m wl. it at a m'ld tiraiuA. While ruai.luK a trsotmn rkgn ytrdy i In SstititiH i.rrmrt luhn Sm.ta in Iwlly, thouhh no fatally ifjured. The turUm arlilly uu over him. AW Chtrltost and fmil r..rl.. iV.t laoxlts ktnnday, trhsr they will proUbly pttl ih ilrr. Their ss whj baa U erifipl so .ia,i:l reei the bt medi. eai alt.odano while they are si IWtlaod LaksvWw Krumiiur. Ooetan'tbe young too lotg, for all as tui jjlsjr arooidino- to a l'osvnia ed. itr 1 -Th llfchtnmg wind wbtt Um. the tbandar rnlia. th snow flic, tb wavs Lap and the 111.1 uniU. Kn th tree stoot and tb rivr run," A alisatfiarl itiAM mw,.iIm bW..ft t.i not hitting b.r. Khe, with a bright idea in her bead, pretended to It kitted. Horrors. be terned th rv..lrr on himself and blew hi brfio out Kortanate woman, afc U new fi. Mr II V Mrill went Morning. la Pottland this Mrttrt Hoga and VtmlviUck, th real MUf men rlurnd fmm lh IU v I hr thy boeaht ahty arre nl land and : bad a Jnyu titoe. Mr i: K Hat ami ckildns. LVi A Emm, M thi aeon for (Wattle on a yHit tr vrl wk. Tbev ... ...-... , ill h the gawtta r at u i2ard. Mr Fred 0 Pf.iff.r. wifa ! tmA chiLfiM of Coaneil Bluff. r la the eity tb uu l Mr I'faiSW a brother. Mr Charlv Pla.fl.r of th Rev.ra (.uie. Mr Itiffr rtwided in A.K,y f. thrm tear Usvme b-re in I8JHL IU is now paMi.h.r f th Prti Prut, a vr-vnu- pspvr. bil Mr PUirrVr i rnn ning two lar military ttotr. wtOMMPar. drvalli has a floe new book sad ladJsr tmek. Albany KoKin Co, No. I hold it regular aaontbly drill evening " "'tn a year and a day ten people hav leen drowned at Kngernt ' The sir i thickly lolea with smok. waft ed hithrr frorr. burning timtr in the mcma Uio. Tb parent of W A Hill, on ot tb men arretted for wrecking th lbeaon train, bav moyed to thi city. Barney and Rarin,x-AegiaUr. will form s partnership for th practice of law at Ore gon City. A solid firm. Jadg Black barn's new and taaty ri dtnc wcompleUd.snd DC Snell, II F MrriH'ndStraader Froman'a, all larg buildings, are np and under ray. Much injury is Cooe by the as of irri lat ins. RUpiea oomnound taken aa nurmiivM. In Ayr' Pill, th patiaatba s mild bat enroll v camar 110. in t ean be eonndenUy recntninended alike foe th mrwt dtlicat patient wall aa th most robntt. No medioio in the world i in beiUr r pnte or more widely known than Avar' Bar- sparill. A a af and certain remedy for my manneroi uiooa disorders, leading phy-sk-iM and drn;gil everywhere reoommaod I in prtfe renoe to ny other. CbeOongwill b hanged iu Portland Friday . T L Wallace ia oonrloed to hi boms illnes. Mr Milt Vliller. of Ixbtoon. hss ben in tne city. John Schmser sod CC'y left for th lly thi nooo. N H Allen rtrnid last evening from s trip to Portland. Mr Geo Blake, of Arlington ia in ths eily the guest of hi brother in law, Mr Jack Hodgea. Mr Yoisn, the Junior editor of th Eugene Rtguttr, wa in th city to day on hi way fonYaquin Bay. - , , Prof Georg the tinging teaohcr arrived ia New York on July 10th and will b in Ore gon in uutober. , Hon J II Peery, of DotyvilU, it in th eity to-day. II inform the Democrat that in th foot hilli northeast of ttoio wheat ia generally yielding 30 to 40 buthtls to th cr. The attention of those wishing to purchase lumbal ia oslled to tb aivertisement of Ot Jennings & Co. in anothar column. These gentlemen propos to keep a foil supply ef all kinds of ohoic lumber and will Gil all bill on short notice. Tubb's& Co' par Manilla twin, belt quality, at Mtwart at Box'. U.Kwert, praotioai watortmaker and - tw eUi. . "Nothing to Equal It," "1 tiavebeen selling Simmons LIvar Regulator for the past aix years. My customer pronornee It lbs best ever need. One of my customers whose besltb was in s wreiolieO condit on from a very bad and atnubom caaa of dyspepsia, used ths Regnlstor and was entl.ely cured. am 1' 1 rl mylf lor torpid liver, cans ed by clos confinement. I find notblcg to equal it ana nigniy recommend its use. Respectfully. C.P.IIisvT, Druggist, Kdlnburg, Vs. PAINTS. OILS AND BRUSHES AT DBY0B ' EOBSON'b . Beginning: August 1st the undersigned will soil his Entire stock of general merchandise Consisting of Dry Goods. Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, etc.. etc, at cost for Cash or Produce, Also a nice line of Mens Suits of Brownsville WOOLEN GOODS o feood quality at cost. Your chance to buy goods cheaper than ever before in Scio. Come early and secure bargains, WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR PRODUCE. UAKVII.I.K. The binder his been laid away for 1&S9, and the thresher ha been running for the pat week. Mr Bain ford threshed 11 acre that av eraged 3i bushel per acre. Although tpe average Is far below that last I bet ter than anyone expected. Our mail I now carried three timet a week, commencing to-dar. It I carried on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Mr John Smith and wif of Vancouver are visiting friend here. Mr Gilbert lUtnll, of Portland, was here last week visiting his son. Mr Jelin Ham ford and son, of Saeet Home are here. They are working for tit John Bro. on the Bridge near here. Mr Stockton has returned from Soda title. Col Hamilton ha been quite fc't recent, ly, but I convalescing. I see by last weeks I)kmk mat that Ihe Mongolian phearant hid almost disappear ed; such I not the case bee. AHhough Ihe young pheasant are very often mistaken for grouse and killed, this l accidental and therefore not criminal. A Mil l s. The l.silies Helichted. Th plea-ant eflect so-l tb irfeu af sty with which ladte mav use ihe I quid fruit laxallv. Myrcp of Ki. undr all oondltUins. make It their f v. .rila remedy, Ii U pleasing to tb eyn and totha last. Rnile, yeteiTer-tual in acting on lbs kid oeys, liver and bowsla. aMfTIlK HtHTllKkM rtorXDKKV. A horse buy er from Poitland, wa In Ihe neighborhood one day the first of the week. , Mernr Smith, McXary snd Alllngham brother have taken the precaution ot having their grain Insured In the field. One or two fire have already been started by prk from th N. . train and aa everything Is so very dry even small fires are alarming. . Ml Nellie Snodgrsss, ot Eugene.' ha been visiting her r unt, Mrs. It. R. I loll, recently. J M Smith and son, Victor, of Diamond Hill were calling in the neighborhood one day thl week. The bot ot the neighborhood and all Ihe dog they ean muster have made It lively for the coyote the last two Sunday and are golng'to give them another round ne it Tuesday. The dry hot weather was responsible tor several case of slcknes last week. All are convalescent now so far a heard from Harvey and Mack Somcrvllte arrived home from Eastern Oregon last Saturday. They have closed out their business there and will hereafter reside In the Willam ette Valley. Mr Elliot and fanaVy started to Indepen dence yesterday cn a visit. Sleepless aesr. Or. Film's Remedy I th bet remedy known for insomnia, or aleepisaaneio-, wbieb afflicts so many peraAas.snd wblcb lead to no many sertoua nervous dlaeasea, particularly to Insanity. Descriptive LraaHsw with Mob bottle; oi,adJra Mack Drug Co., ti. Y. Hlaaghtvr In Silk Bibbona. In order to close out my Immense stock ot silk ribbon In plain and plcot edge I will aetl them until my fa'.l stock arrives at 7? cents on the dollar. Alt marked In plain figures. Sami-el E. Yocnij. tar Cartels Iau t'nrtalaa. I have just received my fall slock ot lace curtain bought direct from Importer, the largest stock ever brought to this mark et, and best value tor the money, Sami'rl E. oi'xo. Teacher Kxamlnatlon Notice I hereby given that the regular public quartely examination of teacher tor Linn county, will . take place at the Court House, In Albtny, commencing at noon, Wednesday, August a8th, 1889 All teachers desiring examination will please be present at the beginning. L M Curl, Co School Sup't, , i 8ath Albany A most desirable and beautiful location for cuburban residences, owing to Its nat ural advantages and nearness to the center ot bus ness. Compare the slxe, location, view and access to and from these lots.aid you will be convinced of their merits Call early and secure a home befot i the advance in price. Appty to Tweedai.e oc ix edfiald, Agents. First door south of Post Office. - Kid Gloves I Kid Glovr t I , I have just reccved a full line of kid golves branded Our Own. 1 tils Is a genu. Ine kid glove. 1 ouy airect irom importer In New York and "consider them the best value of any clove I ever sold for this price. S button, 3 row of st'tchlng, $1.50 per pair. . . S. E. Young. At Cost. My entire stock of harness, saddles, etc. Call early. Next to Demo Cat office, Albany, Or. E L Power. 7 0-ks euros rheumatism, neuralgia ttoothaob. Foshay't Maaon Agent. aud Struck Oil At per 5 cailon can aest Standard oil, at the Willamette Packing Co.' store. TIF! WARE AFIDHAfiD 17ARE Of ALL tClFiDS Al SM fP, InpT Ktsai .TELEGRAPHIC NEWS " A California fire. SaLMA, Cat., Aug. 6, At 3:30 o'clock this morning fire was discovered in the Kirrsn btkk block. It started in the smithes t corner of the Barcan building, and rapidly spread to all the other parts. The tot il kits is $75,000; insurance, 3, 000, The cause of the fire is not known yet, but it is believed 10 be incendiary. 1 he number of firms or imhvtdusiy that suffer a direct toss by the fire is about wenty live. The heaviest loser is A Bsrcan, a merchant; tost on building and stock 155,000; insurance, $24,000. Three Men Killed -Sr.AiTi.r., Aug, 6, Ai 4 o'clwrk yesterday morning the tug Virginia, while off Blake's, eight miles from Port llbkely, picked up a boat containing the dead body of John McCalt bead sawyer in Ihe Blakeley mill, and the nearly Ufclfs form of Geo.W Curtis, Tbey were taken to Port Blakeley. Curtis is unable to seak and wilt probably die. Sunday morn ing Mccsli, Curtis snd a hall breed whose name i unknonn, left Blakeley to goto Clam It is suMosed that ihe lioat was can- sized in a quail, and that the half breed wat Wist overboard, The keniarky Eltl. isViue.Aug. 6 Specials indicatethtt Stephen G Sharp, the democratic candidate for treasurer, has lieen re elected by a msiotiiy of between 30,000 and 40,000. The demo crats have eight and possibly more seats in the legislature, A flask gospeada. Pomona, Cat, Aug. 6. The Pomona Ur.k suended business to dsy on account of their inability to meet the demand made by a de positor for eight thousand dollars. Confidence s expressed in the integrity nfthe bank officials. and the general opiniua is that the bnk ill resume business in a few days. , A I'lr at Peaalctoa. Pendleton, Or., Aug. 5. Fire broke out in the photograph gallery of Tennery & Wbecle. in Thomrro & Barnhart' brick block, y enter day at a o'clock P M-, bat was gotten under contrul by the prompt action of the fire depart ment before much damage from the flames was lone. Tennery & heeler kt all, but the other suffered only slight damage to goods through ibeir retuovL Kothchild & Beant large stock was badly damaged by fire and water. The total loss will amount 10 prolabty 1 10,000, well covered by iaturanc. There wo an abundance of w ater at ihe time of the fire. Tse Spoksa I'lr. SroKANE Falls W T., Aug. 5. Th en tire business portion of ihe city was destroyed by last night' fire. Twenty five blocks were reduced to ashes. The estimated lost is 14, ooo.oco. The lire started in a lodging house on Railroad avenue. The fire department was on the scene quickly, but owing to lack of water, the lire quickly spread lo an adjoining Irame building, and wat soon beyond control. 1 be city present a desolate aspect to-day Thirty blocks in ibe business center, including many magnificent structures of brick and gran' tie, are now a nuts of smouldering ruins. The loss is estimated at not less than $10,000,000, with insurance of about 1 2,500 000. A Peeallarrtre. SALtM, Aug. 5, Some Chinamen went this afternoon to the Odd Fellows cemetery in an abscure corner of w hich some Celestials are buiied, for the purpose of deposing a supply of food for the hungry spirits, They had some candles, by the light of which the spirits could see their food, and these candles set hre to the dry grass and came near causing great damage. Assistance ouitklv reached the scene and ore- vented the lire spreading through the much oc cupied portion. Several rods of fence, some shrubbery and some boxings round the graves. constitute the damage. . Kpokaae fall Barned. Spokane Falls, Aug. 5. The entire busi ness portion of the city, covering nearly forty block, was destroyed by fire to-night Fire, broke out at 6 p m . in a frame block near the depot. The water pressure was very weak, and the flames spread rapidly, sweeping the entire block in less than half an hour. A high wind sprang np soon after the fire started, filling the air with burning embers,and starting fires in several adjacent blocks. The wind increased in violence, and shifted in all direction', creating a whirlwind of flames. It was then evident that the city was doomed, and the people became panic stricken. The firemen lost all control over the mad demon, Every business house in the city, including eight banks, all the hotels but one, all the magnificent structures except the Crescent block, and every newspaper in the city except the lievitvo is bumed out. The burned district includes all that part of the city Irom the Northern Facihc railway to the river, and from Lincoln to Washington streets, embracing over thirty blocks. r our or five persons were killed, Charley Davis by jumping from a third story, a woman from a second story, and a man by exploding catndges, ; . Cattle Baraed. SissoNs, Aug. 4, A barn belonging to Ollie Nelson at McCloud, two miles from this plsce, was totally destroyed by fire this morn ing. Seven head ol work cattle and a large stock of barley burned. There was no insur ance. The cause of the fire is unknown. About Right. At their piess meeting this month the long-suffering newspaper men at the webfoot commonwealth will discuss the question of "foreign advertis Ing." The customary resolutions will doubtless, be adopted. Such resolutions are like fainting ladles they need carry ing out, AitontiH, Administratrix Mnf iffi wivO In tht Coan4 Court 0 Linn county, Oregon Ii th matter of tbe estate of NV R Can non, deeeaaed. ... Notice ia hereby given to all whom it may concern that the Administratrix of th above entitled estate filed her final aoconat in aaid matter in said Court on the 7th day of Aa oust, 1889. and that th Jads of aaid Court haa appointed Saturday th 7th day of Sep tember, 18S9, as the hour ot 10 o'clock a. m. of tsld davZfor the heart na of all objections to aaid final aooount and the aettlisg pf th am a. Dsted thi August 7th, 1889 : Lacka Bell Cakson, W, R. Biltko, - Administratrix. . Attorney. ...... illllliij TIMBEK LAND NOTICE. United State Ind Offim, Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1S. Ntiin lslieraby given that in Mrnli am aith the provmionaof thnact of Con grew of June 3, 1H78, entitled "An act for tlits Pule of timber lands in the Stato of California, Oregon, Nevada and Waahing ton Territory," Alexander V Howo, of r.rownsville, county of Linn, HUt of Ore mm. has thin day bled in this office his sworn statement No 12GH,for the purcliafte of lots 3 and 4 and K8W H of Kc No 30, in Tp No 10 south, Range No 3 cant, and will otTer proof to xliow that the land sought is more valuable for iU timlrcr or stone than for airricultural purpoMca.aud to establish bis claim to said land bciore tu; Reaixter and Rorei vcr of thi offiw at Or- gon City, Or., on Saturday th-i 13th day of October. !!. I le names a wit aw; ; J K Mctlargue, W C CooUy, N U tanl- J inh and J I Irvine, all of P. J.inn county, tr. Any ami uu perform claiming mlveracly the nliovo lcacrilicl lands are rciucnted to file tlicir claims in thisolli(M) on orlicforc saiil lOttr day of October, 1H. w. 1. lit KKcr, liegiHU-r. f ill BE priND NOT ICE. CniU'd SlaUMt Itnd Oince, . Oregon City, Or., July XJrd, 1SHD. Nutirc is lw-n-bv given that in compli ance wit!i the jirrvitiions of tlieoi-t of Con grcea of June 3, 173, entitled "An si t for the Hale of timber lamls in tlie HtatcH- of California, Oregon, Nevada and M'awhing Un Territory," Jens D Irvine, of Browns ville, county of Linn, Stabs of Oregon, lias this day field in tins oflice his sworn state ment No 1270, for the pun-luise of the N E i of Sec No 30, in Tp No 10 south, Range No 3 eat. and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is more valuable for its timlx r or stone than for agricultural pur- wises, snd io cMatiliHli hut claim to said and Ix-foro the Register and ll-ccivcr of this olliee at Oregon City, Or., n iSattir- day the lwh day of O- tolnT, IRSfl. He names as witnettscs : h t,t ooiey, j Stand ImIi, A r Howe and J K Mcllargue, all of Brownsville, linn county, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above rlescriljcd lauds are requested to file their claims in this oluceon or liclore said 19th day of Octolier, 1HH9. 11 . i. iu sney, ucgisicr. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Oflice, Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1389. Notice is liereby given that in compli ance with the provieions of the act of Con gress of June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timlier land in the Mates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing- Ion Territory," Nathan li Standish, of lirownsville, county ol Unn, Mate of Ore gon, has this day filed in this oflk his worn statement No 1271, for tlie pnrrliase of the N if 4' fA St No 32, in Tp No 10 south, Range No 2 eat, and will oflVr tiroof to show that the land sought is more valnalile for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to cxtablixh liis claim to said land hclorethe ltegister and Receiver of this office nt Oregon Citv, Or., on Haturday the 19th tloy ol Octoher,lSS9. He names as witnesses : J K Mcllargue J l Irvine, A I Howe and IKC Ctw.U v.all of Rrownsville, Unn county. Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely lli above described hinds are requesiol to tile their claims in this office on or (?lore said I'.nii dav of October, 1H89. i . iv nt KNtr, i:egister. "TIMBER USD NOTICE. I'nited States Land Olfif e, Oregon City, Or., July 23, 1 880. Notice is hereby friven that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 5, 18,8, entitled "An act tor the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," Cosiier II Hoberg, ot Brownsville, county of Linn, State of Ore gon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No 1267, for the purchase of tho N E i of Sec No 14, in Tp No 10 south, Range ISO 2 eait, and wui oner proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for airrieultural nuruoses. and to establish his claim to said land More the Register and Receiver of tins oflice at Oregon t uy.Or., on Saturday tlie l'Jtlulayof October, 1389. He names as witnesses : W C Cooley, J K McIIartrue. N B Standish and J D Ir vine, all of Brownsx-ille, Linn county, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this oflice on or be fore said 19th day of Octolier, 1889. m t .. i : .a "tTmBER LAND NOTICE. I'nited States Land Oflice, Orecon Citv. Or., July 23, 1889. Knii.A i herebv iriven that in coniDli- ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory." Oeoree L tdnnston, 01 t.u gene, county of lame, Mateot Uregon, has this day tiled in this office his sworn state ment No 12G5. for tlie uurchaso of the S K i of Sec No 30, in Tp 10 south, Range Nn 2 east, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is wore vaiuame lor its ... . . 1 e ' . . 1 . 1 limner or stone wan lor agncuiiuroi pur poses, and to establish his claim to. said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oremm City, Oregon, on Sat urdav tho 19th day ol Uctoner, ltww. ue names as witnesses : W East, NY II Tay lor, II Brennan and J B Towsley, all of A than v. unn county, ur. Any ana au persons claiming adversely the above de scribed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 19th day of October, 1889. SaTT DTlOE V j UUNTKAC IXKS Kotioe l is hereby el vent bat th undersleo- ed Building Commitxee ot the Masonic As sociation will receive bid at the office of C- E. Wolvertonia the city ot Albany, Oregon, until 1 o'clock, p. m on Saturday, August M 10th, 1889, for laying down and conttrnoting . fo-toement or artificial atone wdewalk in front of the new Masonic ' building aad David Froman'a block, a distance of 100 feet Said walk to ba constructed of tirat-olaas material and to be laid in a thorough and workman like manner- AU bids should spec ify the material to be used. Tne walk to be laid by September lit. 1889. v L.Sbkbeks, . Geo. NV. Maston, ; Oko. F. Simpson, Committee. 1 )R goor" work Oxen, together with yokes su't onoins; are wen Dross cat; its sua will be sold at a bargain for cash, being part of the estate or Jotin KODinett, ae oeased, Applv to John W. Pugh. Admin istrator of the Estafe at Shedd, Oregon. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. V nited States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., Jnly 23, lxs;. Not'u U hereby given that in compli ance with the nrovimonsof the or:t of Con gress of June 3, 1878, ent itle ! "An act f-r the sale of timber lands in the Mate California, Oregon, Nevada anil Waidiin;; ton Territory," William C Cooley, o Rrownsville, cwnty of Linn, State of Or' , gon, has this day filed in this office sworn statement No 123(for the pUn-lmf. f of ihe K of N W and lots 1 an I 2 , Sec No 30, in Tp 10 south, Range No : east, and will offer iroof to show that th land sought is more valuaMe foritst'm ls-r or strne than for asfricultural iwrpr'i- and to entablitth bis claim to f.iul land for th IlezWter and Receiver of this of i fl.-e at Or'-oti City, Ore'in, on .Salnr b.; the l'h dty of 0.-tob!r,lK. He nairi.-f as witnesses : N 15 Ktanrliih, A I J K Jlcllargu" and U It mhertr, a.l Linn county, Oregon. Any and all j r sons claiming adversely the alwvc de scribed lands are requested to nle'thenj claims in this office on or before said l!fJ dav of OcUilier, 18Hi. 4 W. T. Eibsev. Kegihter. f TIMBER LAND NOTICE. ; I I'nited States Land Office, I Oregon City. Or., July 25, 1&'. Notice is hereby riven' that in coint tf. an with the provisions of the act of Con-f gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act I j:f the sale of timlier lands in the States o California, Oregon, Nevada and If 'ashing 4 ton Territory," James Ji htevens, of lum j water, county of Thnrston, Territory f R'ashington,' has this day filed in this of floe his sworn statement No 1280, for tin f tiurchase of the S W t of Sec No 2f, in Tt No 10 south, Range No 2 east, and will of j fer proof to show that the land sought i more valuable for its timber or stone that: for agricultural purposes, and to establi.-i- his claim to said land before the liegmci and lieceiver of this office at Oregon City.! Or., on Tuesday the 22nd day of Octotn-r l 18X9. He names as witnesses : J 1. Hutchinson, O B Jakobson, NV Scourflel.' and John Garner, all of Seattle, King Co. W. T. Any and all persons claiming al verselv tlie above described lands are r queated to file their claims in this office i or lefre said 22nd day of October, 18 V, T. Bt'BxeT. Register, f limber Land. Hotice. : United SUtet latd Cffice, ? Oregon City, Oregon, Jane 29ib, lSSw- ' Notice ia hereby given that in eomplisDC-r with the provision c-f the act -f Congress t June 3rd, 1S78, entitled "An set fer the a of t'inber lands in tbe State cf California Oregon, Nevada,and Washintton Teiritory, : Angus 8. ttiaw, nf Mill City, county t Marion, State of Oregon, haa this day filn in thi olliee ti (worn statement No. for th parcbase .f th S E '4 ol Section N- f 6, in Tuwuarip No. 10 sooth, range No. : eaat, and will offer proof to show that t U. land sought i more valuable for it tiostes; or Stone tfcsn for aimcaltaral pnrpotea, ac to estsblis his claim to said laod before t Register and lieceiver cf this clac at Oie -j gon City, Oreijcn. on - TswasUr. the tltk day T KeiMeather, ISKS H nrne aa witneate : NV. Sima, I Vowo, J. Boyle and H. Tarpley, all ot Mi! City, Marion coaaty, Onteoo. Any and all perset tjatraioe adverse - tb abov deribed lnis re icqaested t til their claims in ihta otLce on or btfe. faid 24th day of September, 1S89. " ,w. x. Brasivv , . - : Register. - Timber Lasi;Eotii-e,v'vi l otted Stetes Land Offic?, - I Oregon City, Or., June 29th, 1SS9. Notice is hereby tiveu that in com rl ance wi'h tbepnvbiona of tbe act tcrea of June Srd. Ih78, entitled 'A' act for the ' of timher lands in tit it- it o- ("lifnrn , Oregon Nevada ati . n Mtnr ictr'ii 'ntuirt." H. RoTi- f Mill City, county of Maricn, Ktats Oregon, baa tbia day fred in this 01".':. lus sworn statement No. 1101, lor tl purcbane of the K JiufSW W snd lot s aod 7 of Section No., tt, in Township NA 10 Sooth Range No. 3 east, and will cm proof to ihow that the land nought I mot t valuabU for its timber or stone than f agricultural j nrpcte, and to establtr- ins claim to sa'd land t e tore tbe Keeiir and Receiver of tbiscflice at Oregon Cit;. Oregon, on - 4 Taesstay, IkeXtttt stay r rrplrmter. IS ' He names as witnesses : W. fcim, I f Brown, A. H. SI aw and H. Tai piey, ail Mill City, Marion county, Ureeon. I Any and all sereon. claiming adverse' ' tbe abov c escribed lands erx request so nietasir oiaims in tbia ciuce on or te- iore aaid 24th day of September, 18t-9. W. T. Bcraky. Register. KoticB for .FnMcatics.-- Laud Office at OrecWchv, Or. Juno2b'th, I!:8n. Notice is hereby given that tho follow Ing namtd settler has filed notice cf h Intention to make final proof In eoppo ; of hia claim, and that said proof vii.l i made tefore tbe Connty Judge, or in h i absence, before the County tlieik cf Lin I county, at Albany, Oregon, t,n . Moarlay, Auxast tOlb, ISsa. via- David T NVed lie, Homestead K ? try STo, 47S5, for theN E of Sec. 22, 1 13 S.R. 1 R He name- tbe fo'lowlu? w i.. nessea to prove his continuous resided., upon and cultivation of, said land, vfy' J. Ii, Lewis, S, Lewis, p. Magnolia act C. Coopt r. all of Sweet Home, Linn coui ty, Oregon. I Any person who desires to protf against the aitowauce ol such proof I who knows tf any subbtantlal reaso under the law and the regulations of ii ' Interior Department, why such pro," should not be allowed, will be given f opportunity at the above mentioned tfr aud place to ciosa examine the iine of said claimant, and to offer evidence : rebuttal of that submitted b claiuiar, W. T. Bursey, Register. Cvpewritlne, Penmanship, Correspondence, I'.r less aua Ltgl Forms practically tauglit at ; iPcvtland Easiness College, 'The tboroueb work done in each of our sevci HwtmenLs Uas eiven this Institution a tr,i: ion suet) as but tt-w schools attnin, seenrirtu tnedrerls of our graduates profitable enn. cent, both as booK-keepers and cteiioKianiir 4tuideita admitted at any time. Cat'Uugue ( I: A. 1. ABXSTJSONG. r-iiipl, Pai1i, Or.