The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 09, 1889, Image 2

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la time ol public calamity. It U not In
good taste to make prominent the) ludi
crous matter hri almost uniformly at
tend tuch calamities, and fur thU reason;
the Democrat forbore to call attention to
the ridiculousness of the to-called Railroad
Commission coming promptly forward to
take cognlt ante of the wrecking of the
.Southern Pacific train at the Lebanon
junction. We ay "take cognisance" ad
vUcdtr, for that wa all the commission
could do They could come and look at
the wrecked train and examine the twitch
just a any private cltixen could do "only
thlt and nothing more." They could tug
gest thnt th great board In it wltdoin
was of the opinion that a great crime had
been committed, jut a private cltlten
ceu d and did do. But beyond thU they
could do nothing more, except to dtaw their
alary when the quarter la up. Thlt board
It a regular eham far a being able to do!
anvthlntr for the beneRt of the itate. It
wttamutlng to tee the pom pout air Vlth
which Colvlg and Fault ttrode our streets,
accompanied by Ceo. Waggoner, who
adJcvl much to the laughable feature of
the iccne by plainly ahowlng the pride he
felt In holding the office of "clerk." Colvlg
and Faull are the two republican rr ember
of the board, but CIjw, the democratic
member, failed to put In an appearance. It
It aald that he to keenly fee't the rldlcu
louwnet of the farce of traveling over the
country lotklng after railroad without any
power at all to exercise, and all at the ex
pent of the people that h't sense of hame
kept him at home. He mutt hvt known
how unpopular the whole farce U In Ll.trt
county. ThU rall-oad commlsalon la only
one of the 'erltages left le people h the
Ute leelslature. May w never e suohs
legislature again
Thomas C P'att wa tntcrvld In De
troll just previous to Ms depr'.uie l.r
Alaska,and on being pressed tocxprts hU
personal opinion ot Ben I arris in declln- d
to At so, but consented to express hat he
' called the personal opinion ot a prominent
republican In New York. ThU opinion
wa to the effect thal'tht Almighty ' ovtr
t wouldn't make a vest f-r Hr llarri
on " It Is rather a picturesque way of
describing what these republican regard
aa Mr tlarrlaon'a egotiam, and It may be
interesting to note that the oplnltn a here
formulated by Mr P'att wa originally ex
pressed by Stephen i" Elkln After M.
Piatt ha been In Alaska, bv the way .for a
little time, lie my be able to meet a dla
tlngulahed (el low republican tt.ere In the
Demon of Chauncey M Dopew. Vr De
. . . l i it- i
, . ., .. ,.t, i
a trip up In that direction It he can a-range
It The only thing he I afraid ot Is that tr itcntd. soil will oa
he will be ca led upon f r an mant apceches aataralay. tk Tlk day of Beaxeaaber. la,
that the aiten l-iit r.lor l nervmi Lt th Coart HeaM door in the eity sf At
est" i "I'' I 1,1 ' n ': i buy, Lioaeoaaty, Oragoa, at the koar f I
sure . - frr-m J .'' "V,
tion fur cash to hand to highart bidder all
trlP- , th riitht title and interest of Jama U Jar -
-: . kias, the drfeodant aboea) naaued in or to tke
wttK . i c. WorahU ,iou.
. - yr
a . 1 I aJA Wee llaenaaB tB IK
the appointment made by Harrison in this
state are tuch at lo tinge the check of every
respectable repubheaa in the Mate with shame.
Tb broken dowa hacks of th party .those who
are out of favor with the party ia general, seem
to be the nnea selected by Mitchell and Dolpth
fr place pcif and power. The maa who told
his poli; leal influence to Us enemy lor a cold
aneat of pottage, other who are known lo be
habitues of the West dive stand the best
chance o getting appointments in Oregon under
Harrison. No wonder the rumblings of a politi
cal volcano are heard on all tiilet among the
better class of republicans.
An Iowa Justice of the Peace refused to fine J
a man for kissing an Omaha girl against her
will until the young lady was produced in i
court. One look was sufficient. He crowptly j
fined the offender f 50 and sent him up for ai :
months. He said a man who would break Ibe
. ... .
statute lor toe pnvuege 01 auwngsnca a nonie.
ly girl as tnat deserved tne tun exteni 01 me
Jay GoulJ's eagageinents for the dsy are
scrawlesl on a blackboard in hi private office.
Rossel Ssge scribble hit daily proframroe in
hieroglyphics oa hi cuff. John Jacob Astor
keep tally of bis time on the margin of an
almanac' pages.
There ia a prospect of much political fun in
Virginia, Mahonc teem to have Quay's ear
aad will run for governor, and the anti Mahone
men threaten to ate the knife. The Democrats
will ate the ballot and settle Mahone and the
-A Washington correspondent state thai an Indian man ia that town, aa old
friend 'of Presvlenr Harrison and Attorney
Gene a I Miller, who said to have msde a
good living since M irrb 4, introducing efTir
. sekert to (fen. ni $10 (or Harrison and $5 for
A oatfish eras ciught in the afissiesippi rivet
the otW xy w'ueh hil m silver rxm in it
stomich. ' It is prolsrle that it came np from
New Orleans, and the pleasing hope d-wot
npn us that Ben Butler may yet be vindicated.
If this world were made to suit every critic'
wishes hat a deformed, bulging, lopsided, de
pressed, irregular, dime museum after all it
would be 1
The lack of American buyer of the salt
trust securities indicate that American cap;,
talistt arc not so very fresh after all,
BufTUo Bill h s written lo a friead in Colo
talo 1I1 i he ti s ic eived r-ioposalt of marriage !cnj .ef ac my Tarisiennes,
The lxn rm J is I - say. that all the people
now living ii, th- .orl'l,or about 1.400,000,000.
could find standing room ijia the limits of a
leld leu ilet square, and by the aid of a tele
phone could be addressed he single speaker
. ': The Electrician reports a rumor from 'Berlin
to the effect that a means has been discovered
of using ir-c icny for ascertaining the true
north, of the magnetic needle; that, ia
short, tk; new means will be superior to the
compiti, and is likely lo supersede it.
-Js.t..l . JUJ
The Russian wheat crng is the worst for
. iftrn jeart. Tbit fact will eriously injure
Russia's chances of raising new loans of money
thereby probably delaying war operation! for
the present.
AliAninum for dental purposes it said to be
coming into favor. It is pronounced Litter
than rubi er, being bright, strong, odorlcs aad
wholesome, and lest c'ttly thtn gold.
The colored brother hat been recognized a(
last by the appointment of a negro pontrnaster
who cai neither read nor write. And Ibis in a
Republican county of Alabama, too.
More than 43,000,000 copies of the Moody
and Sankey Gospel hymn book hav been
issued in this country and England.
It is not good that repeltor evil that attracts,
but the monotony of good and tlie variety in
There is One Smith'
the United State.
in every 8a persona in
Joseph W Bufke live in Austin, Tei,
when he run clothing ttore. Sometime
ago h becan.e a candidate for Internal
revenue collector of hU dUtrlct and ap
plied to Harrison for he appointment. HI
application win endorse jly only one re
publican in the Mate. Lock Ale Daniel
wu the man that the republican generally
wanted appointed. Degress, the member
f the national republican committee for
Texni, wa the one alone who wanted
Uurke. He called on IJurke one day and
aiked him where he lay in hit tupply of
fall good. Burke tald "sometime in St
Lout and tometln.e in Chicago." "Well,
If I were you," wa Degret' rejoinder, 'I
would try Wannmaker & Co.,ot rhlladel"
phla. I hear they are a good firm to deal
with." So Mr Burke took the train to
Philadelphia. He bought a nice line of
Rood for hi Aunt In ttore and made ar
rangemcnt for a continuance of the friend'
ly re.ationt thu begun. On leaving the
ttore he tald to Mr Koht Ogden, the bul-
nett manager : "tty tito way, Mr uguen
I " candidate tor the Internal revenue
collectorthlp at Autln,and a I am on my
way to Washington I d like to make trtc
acquaintance of Mr Wanamakcr, '.he Pott
master-Oeneral." 'Ortalnly," was Mr
Ondcn't prompt responte.and he tat down
and wrote a letter to hit chlef,warmly com
mending: Mr Uurke a a matt and mer
chant. Burke came to Washington with
the letter, presented it to Wanamaker, and
in a few minutes wa on hi way to the
orlice of the Secretary of the Treasury with
a letter of Introduction from Mr Yana
maker In hi pocket. Though the Post,
master General had never seen Hurke be
fore, and knew nothing about hint, except
what his managrr.Mr Ogdcn, had writtrn,
he commended Burke to Secretary Win.
dom a a moral and religious cnlleinan.a
high toned merchant and worthy republi
can. That was on Friday. The next day
Burke' appointment wa announced atthe
White House. To say that the Tex re.
publicans, ho rela'e this Interesting story
are Indignant at the good merchant from
Philadclphla.would be a mild statement ol
the case.
i t t ,
' ftaj rot
r t:i.i! I
,..''ri'i " nr rMt-
anwil dle.i.
l: u il.
o;M-lpa ru , tx'vii i . riikiiii iiliy rured.
ibid, o ;;l iJ lo m nU two IhUIi. of 111 tr rrine
".y fRRK ativ il vmr rrnilrra wh jiuvpcon
sumotlon If tlH-v i! kt udiiH th- tr xyrea
and ot offle iltr". Itpom-etlu i.
T A. si.iif'M. tf ' f""!
jsm'i rin i ii in
Sheriffs Sale.
In Iht Cirtmi Cestet lAe Orfon A r
M Cosmty Lim i
L Kline, I'laiotiff.
Jsna U .'uukiai, Usfendnt.
Notice U ktial.y gin that by itue as
ao eieeotioa iasuad oat of the above eiroad
Coarl in the ahfT eatitlad action, I dit oa
' th6lh day of Auaost, US9. la Una county,
ureeoa iey o" an in luni lino ion !
I tereal of James O Jenkias, tha dlndant
' "al of James O Jenkias. tha
tUf- ,lmmt j r to ln premissa her.inaf-
1 '""0,,,a .0'c,,., V"' T'" 1
; in wees Ban oi in sooiusaas faaner aaa
I a .1 ) t aj - I 1 A a. lku..t
low 2 and 3 of See 17 aod the northwest
quarter of tj nerheaat quarter an.l loU I.
la)-ABJ. IV1 I 1 . . a t. t IB at
. . ,
at Oregon City, Oregon, containing one bui.-
drael and aixty acres ea! mnt)-six but
dradlha of aa act, the earn being tba dn
utien land claim of Jam Juokio No 3'9i
and aitaatad ia Una wnnty, Oregon. Tn
prooaaila aiisiug from aush sale to be ppld
First to th pa) meat of th eosts aod dl-
Darsemaata tassJ at So aad aceroina:
ooeta. Second to th pavmeot tt the Plaia- ( f Harriabarg. ooouty of List, aUt of Ora
ttff, L Khaa th (urn oi $2311.37 with inUr-: OB . .; tha south K ut fraoti .aal ri..,i...
ttkaron at th rate af 12 per cent per aa-
nam from the 27lh dy of Jot, 1IS9.
i.n na wim s.iwii
Jbrm Hmsllmox,
ShrifTof Lion eoaoty, Oregon,
SherifTs Sale.
l th Grcuil Court oj the Slat Ortjtm !
for th County of Ltnn :
! '
ton. I'laintilT.
; , w E1Uotf Mtnduti
v. . 1 . 1 , , , . . .
t .:.: '.".. r
Coart in tb. abov .otiUleJ Mtits, I will ! ?,.h Ke"'"T th...... H.y. Uooauo.
' j Clam, theoc sootn si'"-,- . ne ceat line ot
. ' aid Have claim to Hi. -I t a wf Lriui,log.
atBrstey. th : y ef aBlea.ker. 1MB. , eouuiafng 114 01 cr-a. Alio lb. lotluw
at th tionrof I o'clock p. at. ef saia day, at ; log described pra.uiaea, teojg sitnetej ia
tha Coort House door la the City .1 Albany, I Lion coaaly, eUte of 0eMoti, to-ait : Lot
Lino coflnty, Ui.guo, sail I .r ctsh ia hand
10 the highest bidder th. real property here
tofore attacb.d ia th. above entitleU action,
and deeoi ibel aa follow to wit : Luis No
5 aod 6 ia block No 3 io town of tibedd Su
tton io tb. eonnty of Lino and Stat of Ore
gon. Tb. proceed aruiug from the isle of
said premtaea to be applied 1 First to tb.
payment of lh Caste and of
ail taxed ot $177 10 aud aeorulug 00a U.
sV-cond to th ps mant tot be riainuff, I R
Uaaa-io th uut jf $1042 19 with lutrreet
baraoa at tb. rale 1 f S ).er eeut per annam
rem tke34 Ji '-y ! June, 183!, ies th
an.f $1)31 68. pruewde ansiug fioin
h aale ut o-1 ,oual property hrt.(or. sold
y virtue ol said eiecution on the let day of
.ugo-a, mJ.
sheriff ul Liou count;, O.ea.n.
SheriiTs Sale-
t th Cirtuit Court pf th Mate oj Orm
for Linn County.
Robert H. Loiler, as adwiaialraturi'f th. es
tate of Mila A. Adam", deoeaacri, plait tiff,
B. H. Kutbeifard, llauuah E. Kath.rford,
sad Mary B. Rat h.i ford, DefeodauU,
Nutice ia hereby given "ihatbjr 11 toe of
aa sttcutiou shd order of sal leaned oat of
ahove-named court iu the above eatilUd
nil, I will, on
atarslay , Ike Ulm Kay ut AafB.I, ISO
At th. Couit llitua. door, io th C') of Al
liany. Linn founty, Oregon, at :u hour ot
I o'clock P. M , 01 said day. ,l at i n 1 1 0
auction, for cash in band, to il,e Unheal bid
der, th. real pioperty iln'.iilel in said exr
catioo and ord.r of sel.i a folionr, to-wit:
th sooth hslf of the eo-ithwett ijoarter,
tb. north half i f th. aoutliwest Uarter of
tb. north est ijiiartrr of the southeast quarts-
snd the south half of the s mthsst
' uaarter of aevtioii 3(J. in lowo-hio U tooth.
range I, west of id WilLiuetiH meridian in
Linn Count), Oregon, tioeptiiirf a tract
bounded aa l tfiin.iii a, a point S.00 chains
north of the aoutlieaat corner ut said see! ion
30, and rnni.iii thenee south 6.00 chainr,
th.nee west 10.W cltainr, and I bene, ooitb
ssterly t-t the pla.w of UKinning. together
tritli the leneniBi ai d sppnrtouauce tbre-
nnto uelonaina- or in anj aiae appertaining,
lb. ol aaleol sanl premises to
ne appiie'i as ui ecteu 111 ail writ :
Fi.-at T the pameut of th. coat and
dialrtirsemeutf i'f this suit taieil at 171 80,
ad aceruiusr -ta on tbiseeeoution.
Second To the payment to the plaintiffs
ber.ia th. sum of $3,102 50, in U. S. gold
ooir, with inteia.t at Ih. rate of 8 per cant.
pr aontiii. from Jun 27. 188!), ami th. fur
ther autn of f 100 attorney fee.
Dated thi 2:h dsy of July, 1880.
Miter iff of Lino County, Oregon.
United BlaU Land Cflloe.
.. .rlco,V nity.' a"00. 18th. IA).
Notice la hereby glean that In compliance
with th. provision o th art of Coniirpss of
Ja ne 3. le7d,entltled,"An set for the aale of tim
ber leads In the slate of California, Oregon.
Nevada, and Washington Territory," Huey
Brennan.of Albany,CMiiity o( Unn .state ore
ron, ba thi rtny filed In this nine bis sworn
stalemeot Ko UtSI, for the purchase of the N K
I of section No 81, In township No in, south,
range No 8 east, and will ofler proof 10 show
that tb. land Bought 1 mora vsluitble for it
Umber or tone than for agrlcultun.1 purposes,
and to establish hlsclalrn to said land liefore
th Register and Raetvr of this oflloe at Ore
gon Cliy, Oregon, on Monday, the Hth day of
October, 18811. He name, aa witnesses s J D
Towsley, W Kast, 0 McKae and W H Taylor, nil
of Albany, Linn county, Oregon. Any and all
persona claiming adversely the above describ
ed lands are requested to Ola their claims in
this oflloe on or before said Htb day of October.
im. '
. ' W T Bcsssr, Rgter.
lot tuch khhl wonts &t the following fiom
the Sunday H'lnme we return our tlncere
Th Albany Dkmocrat nK rf ached the ace
pf vigorous journalism n! Is n entering itt
iolh year, atteng, influcnil . ..n.t with every
promite of a life of continue rvfullites. ft
It a tterling Democratic rv. er (waring every
Inuicat on of proiperity ami lully netervlng of
itt tuccett. '
llanlto hat appointed Mayor W C Kltm
of Virginia Chief of the Division of Railroad
in the Gen jral Land Office. Elam tervetl in
the Confedrate army and i one of the moat
oted ducllittt in the old Dominion having been
engaged in half a dottn duels. 1 hut we tee
that under thlt administration the confederates,
at well at duelluti are getting right into the
saddle. Great are the consistencies of the
administration. -
Urick I'otneroy it described at looking ok
and a trifle worn. .
Sheriffs Sale.
tk Clival Court lk Slat tj
fpfr Linm County.
W V Msndsnhall and bait May. tdminia
trator ot th estate f Kuoch UuH, daces
d, PlaintilT,
Iliram 8iuith and W W Br an: doiotr bust
act uodsr th firm nam in tyl ol Smith
& firism. Iliram Smith .1 W Brasdsld
doioa buainest a paiti."- dr th lim
Bam and sty la of 8imt
Smith, John M W.Ut
doing ' butinea nite
Smith, Waters A
i intos W Bra-nlt. J I
1 Shally and W J K. .
stiald, Iliran
W Brigg
tut name of
rin Smith.
I 'inn iuiue
anuar th nrm liama oi Hib.iri, twaallald
Co., Mary A K iith, Jamrt W har1l.l,
Lydia Braativld, Uliiabsth Martin, Alrasii
dor Soramsrvill. WillouKhby OhurvaSiil.R I'
Caldwell, John Q Vaanbo.Ueo Hsilsy, John
Somuiervill, 11 N Hill, Joseph Suuimsr
vilie, Solomoa Cox, Ssmuol Kisoo. Juha
MoCartnsv. Msory Kansoha, Catharine
Wgta, A Humphrey, Jnhn Cngewell, Jacob
WiU, John Kalaay and John Huroctt, part
ner domit buiinas undar the lirtn name ot
Kalaay A Burnett, Ja E licit, K A Cheat
weth and F M Johnson, doing bnaioaaa en
der tha ttrtn nam of Cbanoweth it John
sua, Damon Smith.John F MoCullay, Nancy
Carron Wilon. John Kaiaer, Win field 8on
mervill. E F Wyttt, Daniel MoClain, O U
Babar, Mack itommervilie, Harvey ai
meiville, U R Ward, Jerry Hay. John Foe
Ur.J D HtiBtt,J II D liodrroB,J B Hill.
M Wiikiot, Samuel Swift. Iliram Smith and
alary A K Smith, hi wile, We.ley W
Brwgasnd Harrett Brivg, hia wife, AO
Hovey aad H C llomi'h'v . , .rtoeis nort.r
tha Arm name of Ho' & iiphrav, John
t Thompson, leas It 1- , laaao Va
duya and
d D K
HI. I, ll..d
Notice U cin tha-, I tutue ol
au eiecutian aud order i f sal iaad out t
tie above named Court to t'-e a ove enti
tied tail, I will on
Balarday, Ike tb stay af AagBat.
,t tha Court Hoj door,
any. Lino Cjunty. 0.-.
I o'ulvek p. at. of aaid u
.uoiloo for cash la bau
.ler lb real property .
cut ion aud order of -is
described IB tin-.
pectivly ....
low, to-witi
i. the) eity of A
'. ai the hoar if
, tell at iab.K
tt-S blgliB.t blU
' d in ald et
real proven)
o war a e1 re
aud le aa (ol
FaiCel "A. It . 1 va.uoirgiua at the
uorlhsaat eoruar of iiae !.. Utvet lot. No.
2. la MoCulley a aldil u Iw tlarrwtura.aasl
raaaing tbeaue north so te.t, loeoc wast to
1 th. nv.r. th.-o. ao-ib 30 iwet bP th- nvr
bank theooe aaal to lb uU of UuiBBioar
. . a . - . .
j KtQ ,Bnrey Ne 40, begiomug at a point 1M
,jeh, aorta. Slfta baka west f the i Mottoo
stake between aeoiiona 4 aud 0. oa atairr. 37,
IB X li, H H west oi the Wf ilUmette luerv
' diaa, running thaao north 8 43'. west 73V
j link t theooa north 1) e eat 7C2 liaka 1
' ibeoot sea lb 4 I'M', west 263 unk . tbenc
i south 13 70 libka, thence eaal 4&$ link W
; the piaoa of Leiuutna, euaUiaiog g acre
mere or leaa. Alau lot No 2, ia bioek Km I,
jandlh aal (of lot No 4, aud lbs touth-
waat V ol lot So 4. in blk No 1. I. iaa a.t.
No I io MoCal.ey' addition to th etty of
t Harruburg. in Ll .0
' with lb leneineul. Ba.eaitamei.ta aad an
- porteoAnee thereunto btlongtng.
varoel B." No. 2. described a follow to
wn 1 1 a LKauoa i-aod Wlaiia iI tleory
Hays aod wife, betog Notitloatioo No 3C3tl,
claiiu No 53, parts of sections 11 aud II,
r 16, S R W, eseept 10 sores io tb west
Lait deeded lu Jvno boo.msi ville : aUO
. commeaciBS at the H E t-irucr jt the Henrv
Hay Donation Ltad Claim, 10 T Itt. S it 4
: west, turning fc 101 rd to th 000 a
ty road, thene northerly a!oi.g said eoaoty
- - 1 . j
1 ruaa to a iwib uwa aaa.
tl tie. rt t ci roar of
.Ithetaid JIaya Danali.41 Uiaiui, tueoee west
li and west L of lot It, iu blk No I. iu Mo-
Culley' addition to th. etty of liairieburg ;
ala thcaoath i ot th W 4 of lot No 3, ia
blk Na 1, la th. cty of Harri-bnrg ; also
eumaicBciag at a point 10 rod 8 of th. 8 YV
oureer of tb. plat ol tb. city of Harriabnrir,
raaniog th.nee) wa 4 rvda, tbence aoatb
32.40 rods, tbenoa 84 roda.theoo. N 32.40
rods, tbeooa'W 80 rods to tha plae. of be
gioomg, oootaining 17 acra more or lea to
gether wUb the ppuiteocet.
Pat eel "C." No 3, eommeiciog 40 red
south of tb. quarter stake 00 the section line
between taction So' and 27, running
Svutb CO rod to a uke. thsoc watt 60
roda, ttence norvb GO rod, tb.Bo aaat 60
rode to the plac ol beginning, containing 22
acre wore er leas. lying and being aitnated
in section 27, T 15, 8 R 4 west, being ia the
county of Una, Ut. of Or.g.a also frao
.tonal lot No 3, in th. city of Harrisbarg.
Linu county, UU of Ore' u 1 also begin
ning 16 chains aoatb of tb -oerter secli. a
stake ob tha north bw..i - . j. of See 22,
Tp 13, ! R 4 wet, sou . N
2S0 a set 6 n.ius ; t. . 3a t 10
eiiaiu aud 20 liuka , t. . .,! 2 aod ou.
ouerwr(V) ciiatu ; ti etv orih evot
uKreea ot. aad X ahain- ; thene. south
eeveuty decree west seveniy-rive link;
tnenc aoutb eighty lii.k ; ibeoe tooth
twenty -nine degree eatt evuty three link 1
theoc south eier.o degraea Mat aeyeuty
thr. link ; thenc. aoath thirty degree
east eighty link ; thano couth tbtrten de
grees seat seventy -on link j aoath
ten degree test two and one-half chain
tbenc aoatb tb;rtn degree, cast ven
ebain aod forty-on. link. ; thane sooth
foar degrees eaat f.or chaiu. and eighty
thre. lioka ; tbenc eaat nine chain and
forty-two link to th place ol beginniug.oon.
taimng NfiMB acre, viore or I, in Lion
coonty, Oregon. Also oommsiiCiog at th.
soothwtsr eornsr of the pio of land owned
bv Thomas Roach in donation land claim No
28o9. Tp 15 8 R 4 wast, running west
to tb. eaat 11a. of th. O it C R R 14 rodt j
theoc .sat to Thooiss Roaek'e west liue 1
tbence south fourteen red along said Roach's
weal line to th place of beginning in Hartij
burg. Linn county, Oregon, together with
1 tua Btpart,enantw. tu. prbvaeil Ol naie SO
be applied a fellows, to-wit : The pro
ceed arising from th tale af th. tract bereia
described marked exhibit. "A" to be applied
first to tb payment of theeiieta of aod noon
j thi writ and accruing costs; next prorata to
tb payment of th following claims witu in
terest .0 scn at th. rat of on per cent per
month from the 20ih day ef April, J882.
I laintir elsim, 3733178 ( tlsaae Vanduyo,
$205 85 ; Holomao Cox, 3179.04 Willongh
hy Cbnrehill. 3223 80 ; K'izibeth Sonimer
ville, 168.67; 11 N Hill. $48f . 1 1;0. . Bailey,
$l2Vil.73; J B Hill, $227.03;D R Bill f 887.33
U.nry Kanseb,1094.69 Catharine Wight,
31120.50. Th proceed of th. tale of th.
1 tract of land marked, exhibit "B" to be ap
plied prorata to the pa) mtnt of tba follow
ing efaimi, with inteieat ou each at the rate
ol one per cant per month from the 90th day
of April. 1882, to-wit s Plaintiff, oleiro,
$16957-19 i Terry Hay, 907.24 i I Vanduyn,
S205.S5 ; Mack Sammervilie, f 147.13 W
Churchill, 1223.86 ; J H U Henderson,
3709.50 ; Q 11 Ward, $IU'j'i,31 1 Solnmsa
Coz,tl79 04Kiixabeth Smnr.rvil'e, tG8 57;
H N Hill. $489 II : O'O ti -iiev, 12US).75 ;
J B Hill, $227 03 ; IV R ill. $087 30 ;
Benry Kansohe, $1694 6tl ' : ..e proceeds 01
the sale of tbe tract ot i..n marked, 11
bibifC,'' tr beapplir.l ,;, to th. pay
ment of the following rl; . - evith , i nt an Sr
on each at tbe rate of on.' i, t per month
from th 20th day of Apri', 1882. to wit .
PlaintifT oisiin, $3273.55 ; .ferry Hsv.
$7.24 , M SommerviJIe, $147.13; O R
Ward, $1889 31, and tha surplus if ba
pplisd to th claim of the Defaodaut, I R
Dated thi 23rd day of Julr, 1880.
John Pmallmdt,
' Sheriff of Linn conpty, Oregon,
United States Lend Office,
Oreeoa City, Ortfon, July ltlh, 189,
Kotlas Is hsreby etvsn that in compliance with th
arvvleions at th sot ( Uonerees of June Srd, leTS,
entitled "A set tor ths sals el timber istt'e in tbe
States el Usliloroie, orefon. nmin .aeiini.
ton Territory." rellK K Koblnsun, af Albany, noun
t ot Linn, met at OwJim this rtsy Sled In this
office hi sworn statement No ISSft, fur th purche.s
ottne K t ef Sea No Be in Tp Mo 10 stiulh, Itenire
No east, end will offor proof to sliow that the lend
eounht I mors vslusbis I r Its Umber or turn than
lor sarlenltursl purposes, ana to muiiinmi
tossld land before Mis Reileterend Keoelver ot this
srttee t Oif iron Utty. Oreiron, on Monday, th 14th
day of Oetnlier, ltttt. It a,nee as witnesses I II
Bretinen, W Heat, i U Towslsr snd W It Taylor, all
ol Albany, Linn sounty, Oregon. Any and all 'r
sons clelnliif sdvsreelt ths shov dceerliied lands
ara reuueetedto Ola thatr claims In this ollliW on or
Stliir seiu mo nay in wnuiner, i.n,
t'slud lUtM Und Offloa,
OrMron Lltv. (r.nn. Ji
Oneonuty,,July ltlh, ISM).
Notlos is hsniby irivsn that In cuii l'iumw llh th
BMtlalonaol thsavtot Cons rM ol Juns ar.l, l;t.
ntlllsd "An so b Ih saia ot Uuibar laxdiln tha
uiaa at Lmlllunlls, Oravvn, Navsda and WMhiiiKtuil
Tanlvory," Ju.tua II Toaraloy, of AIImmv, m.uin, ol
Linn, BMM MMrsfon, nas tnia uar nio in tniaonva
hit SKorn tatamaut Mo KU. lor Ihs uurnhsas ol Uta
N W t olltao Mo , in Tp no iv auuui, lutifa nu
aaat and will ollar pmol w show Ibal kha land aous-hi
laatnra valuabl tor lis Umuarrrah'U than loi ag
rluiiltural uurpoa. and to aalablUh his claim ti said
land bate th Ho-ttr and Haostotrol this ott.i at
Oron Utty, Oraasoi, on Monday, tba lth day t Ov
lobar, lata. - Ha namaaa wlinaaaia f K ttnblii,
UMoHaa. II Braunan and W UTulur, ail ! Altny,
Linn county, Orsaon. Any and ail fwraona tUlomia
advsnwlv iha abuva lascrlbad land ara raitooaUd t.
Bl thalr claims In Ihlsoffio on or bslor said Ittn
day at October, Jut". .., .
W.T Buaatv, ItrnUter.
VliUad Bute ljuid Offloc,
Orrrn City, trn, July lth, UiB.
Nntle la hereby (len that In eon plUiHia with ths
nmvlatoua ot the aol ot Uonfrea i ljunatril, latt,
snUUad "An Sol lor sals ot liuiber laiMs In th HUtaa
I Callornta, Oreenn, Mavaila and Wahliirtn Ter
ritory," Wlllbua It Taylor, ot Albany, county nl Linn,
aula ot Oregon, has Oils day Died in lute office bla
sworn statement Mo U.v .ir the purcluwe ol the N
. . . li . w .i I., - u -.. it a
n M nacc-paa, I'l , i 1. 1 v aimn. .. - t
aaal and will offer pr4 to show that the tend auus-ht
la avirs vatubia lor its umoer or u ma man kit 4
rltiullural tmrutMwe. and to aaUhlUb hie elaUH sail
land belore the KK later snd reeslvsr ol this ottlo. at
Orasou City, OnMft, un Monday tba 14th dat ol Ou
tooar, lamh lie newee ae wn neaaee I o iw.iey,
II it ram nut, W Kat and l MiKaa, all of Albany, 1.1""
auniy,OisiMi. Any snd sll iwreona clatiulne al-
varaaly Ins sb"s described la wa ara rilvaiad to BHf
ihalrclaliiie In this vfltwvn or bttrst iia llth d.
at October, lata. '
w . l. uvassT, jtanuuir.
tTmIElanu notice.
VnlUd stairs Land uatue,
Oi-Kun City, ori-Kixi, July Mil, laao.
K'otlo la lirliy given that in cumo.lanoe
with t nrovtalnna of th act or conareea ol
June. IH7S.entillHl"An not lortuo aate l lim
ber lands in inn atataa oi ,ainornia, rvau,
Nevada, and Waatilnittou Territory," Waller
East, of Albany, county or unn. ataia oi ure
enn, lias this Uny Died In Ihlsortloe his sworn
lalement no ih, iur ine uunwiw oi inn m "
of eeetloti M34.ln lownahlp No 10, south rang
la t east, and wlllorTtfr ttrixtl to aimw that tnv
land smieht la mora vain We lor ll llmtH'ror
aSiia than fol aarteultural purnoara.and to ea-
lablleh hie claim lo u id land beloratlie Heiil.
terand Hewiver t mis umi-e at urt-Knii tny,
Orefon. on Monday, trie I Hh day ol iMolwr.
iwal. Mo names aa wiinmars : u , n
Brennan,4uraraley and Wit ray !, .HAlhauy,
.it county. tnKii. any ami an p-r.i.
ctairoloe adveiaely lit abttte diaeriiMHl lamia
are riuratm te le uieir eiauus in lii" I'Hut
on or belors aald liin day n( octoiier. iw
il Tllvsssv, Hcgtater.
Notica for Publication.
I.unl oItIcb at Oregun City, O".
July I7tn, ia.
Null. a la bertby glv n thti tin 'oilow..
Ina nainetl eel'ter baa AIchI eimliB of tu
Intehliod lo tnk final proof In auppor.
if hl "'aim, an that aald roof 11 1 b
ma'to beiore iha C' "inty "Uk r Linn
oouu-y, at Albany, O.egon, 00
Maaatay, Brauaaber 1MB. !,
vlsttleo W. Iiarrle premp' ln 1 H
. 63i, f f Iha H W Yi ot M tV H .if 4
MTplOSKIw. It name th folio.
lug wltueaaoa U) prove lit continuous
rawldeur tipnu au, rulllva'lon of al
land.vlai II t). IUI .V.IUD.O K
K-xlgera a d W. K. Holgeie, alt ol M lo,
Unn ooun.y. urogou.
Any paraon wb tlealre to r-rotest
against tow allowance of auch prnuf, or
who knowa ir any aubsUn'Isl reaor,
under tba law and the- regulation of lie
interior Iepitment, why aunh proof
ahoolit not torn a lowad, will no given an
opitortnolir at Ibeahove tuentloel lime
and plaoo toamea-exemlne te) wltnexnea.;
r( aald claimant, anw In crTnr virinee
ID rebuttal of tbatsnbmitlexl r.v elaimat.t
SherifTj Sale.
As (As Clseeut CouH e.fAa SltU ot Ortjnno
Linn County.
D. II Cloaa. rialotlflr
J. M, Priler. DetendanU
H OTICE 1 bareby given that by vlnne
of bo oseeatlon and order of sale Issued
oat of tae abov nsmed Court lo the
BbBvo entitled suit, i will on
Balarday th ITIkiasy ef AstBst. IBSB,
at th. Coart House) doir la tha city of
Albany, Linn Bounty. Oregon, at tta
hour of 1 o'clock, p. in. of aald day li 1
at public auction lor cash In band tr. thr j
highest bidder tbe real property deaerib !
ed in aald elocution and 01 dor rf aale a
lollowa, to-wll s The north one-half I
tba donation land nlaiin ol Jnn b
I'oUer and Jan. B. Potter. I lewifo. No
UOeation 0 7051. Claim No 37, Ip 9 X
Klewi In Lido eotnty, !; .11.
Tba .rooed arising fioin th i'
sld preinhwt t b appile-l t Hr l t
tba pay men t of tha mau a.d die
menlac fault (asxl at 4t.lO nnl a ru
t'H o in, and 2 0 s'lttrneye le-.
od to tbe pat inent lo Pialo liT I
n -"im, toa -u nf l 71.25 lib atcti.
ing Inteirerit at the rate 01 li pen-em
annum frorr tba 2Hih day ri Jure, IMkS
Third, tl sn lo Hi. aal.l J
M. Pctter,
Dated thi 15th day of Jntv, 1889.
fiber iff of Linn county, O'egiu
SherlfTs Sale.
the Cirtuit Court of Jut StnU 0 Oregon for
Linn County.
Smith Cox. P alotlfT.
Velego Cx and Herel Cos, Dofundtnta
S la given that by vlrtuo
. tlnn wldBr of a., I.eue.1
Of Bi. eg.C
on' of tb. ab iye named Court .n tbe iwiv
nut'exi anil. 1 win on
atarwaj the ltlh day af gagaal. IKH
at tbCouil Ilrua .or In tba city r
Albany, Unn county, Oregon, at the
hour of I c'olof-k, p. m.of aald ilav sv i
at pudllj anntlun for oath In hand u Ihe
hlgbaat bidder tb real proportr tie
Berthed In tali execution and oider f
ai. a follow, to wit t Beglt.nlnv at the
H Eoorner of the donation land o'aim rf
tawlsCox and wife, tx-ing n'alm r 44
In Tp lO.MItlw. and runiii- thence
N 8 balu to B Stake A' 6S bN
obalne lo a poat and Iron br 2s2s86
Inehe ; tbenoe 8 11.30 cltelna 10 a p'
andiron tar 2x2x20 ln m a ilienre It
4.19 cbalna lo lh real line if Ihe done
tlon land rldm of J hn Y. .SiraitMttTan.
wKej thence N 0 40 cbalna to Iha N R
oorner of aald lelm j thenc W 40 OA
ebain to ih ptaoo.of b tglnnlng ooptain
In 104 in 100 acrea,
T ha proceed arlaing from ths a' r,f
aid prerr.iara to ba applied 1 First, ' t
tha pay trie it I of th coia snd tllsburse
menttol ru'ttaxod at 140.10 and aoerc
Ina; ooata and - V70.00 Att trneya fo
Heo'tnd tn lb. payment to t ho Plaintiff
Smith Cx. 'ba 'antn of 5fi8 82 with Inter
eet I hereon at the rata tt ten w ceii P
annum frnm the I It b day of Marco, 1 l
Dated at .)bnv. Linn nontv. Orngon
Ihla the 10th day of Juy. 1H.
John li.M'ih.
Sheriff of Uni fonnty. Oregon
United 8Ute Und Office.
Oregon City, Orsiron, July JSrd, 1880.
Ntitlo It hereby el-en that loiiiillaiin.. with the
preeistnnsol ths set of Cmgrseul Juttet 187il.eiititk-d
An set for tbe aale of timber latid in he -tHttw of Cal
llorDla Oregna, Mends, and WaahliietonTeriiUir.t,"
Andrew L Maker, of Bra"sville,oiunt ofL'nn, aUle
(Oraeoa, hsa this day died In this ffiee h a
elatetnent No fur ths purenia nl the N E 1 of
section No M, in ic.wii.hln Ko 10, aotith rsnge No i
est,snd will offer prool to shew that the Isnd attught la
mora Tslnaols lor lis timber or stons then lor sicriou .
tursl purpesea, and tsrsutbMsh hiaelaimtoaaldlarHl
before the Reflater and Raeslverol thtanffleattlratrnii
Citr.Oreeon. on Saturday, thelOih day of OiitoBer.
1883. He names sa wltresaes : A P Huwe, 3 K Mcllsr-
Eja, N B Hundi.h and w v Uootsy, all oi urnwnsvlile,
innoountT.Oreeoii. Any and all persona claiming
sd reraelr the above described lands are rquated to
file their claim, lo trill etlioe on or Dtiorasaiu linn day
elO.tober, 188B.
- WTBumbt, Register.
Administrator's Notice
Notice is hereby siren that th nuii(rii(. .
ed h been by th County Coart nf l.iiji
ennnty, Ureanu. duly anpnmld Annimis-
f t tor of tha estate of 8. H. , Ahnnre, de
eeaaed. All persnns hsrins olfim a.' im-t
said estste sre hereby nn'ilierl preaei t
them properly verihW aitliin six nn.i tb
from the date nt this nntiee to the under
signed Administrt tor, at Albany, Liun coun
ty. Oregon.
Dtd July 30tb, 1189.
S. E. Yowa,
L'nlted Wit Land Offlor,
OroKoa City, On-hou, Jtily 17th, Ishb.
Notlee la hereby Klvan thnt In e imiillauoa
With the provision of the not ot I'miitrrss of
June a, lBTU, entllloil "An An lor the tale or
timber land In ttia ntatoa of OftHinrnln, or,
ami, Mevadn and W ililiiKtnn Territory," Fred
tionae, ol Benttlf, Onunty of Kind, TmNlory ol
Waahliigton. has this day flli-d In this oillea
his sworn emtr-mcnt No, l.itlt, tor the nnruliaae
ot tha kk i nt si-rtloti Ko. hh, In Inwnalilp No.
In 8. ranKflo, 9 k, mid will nlTnr tiroofto atiow
that tli land animlit la mure valiittile nr It
timber or stmie than for agriculture tiirnosoa,
and to establish hlactlaliu to aald limit beloro
tha Ki'Kletcr and Kwohcrof this olllta ntore
Son Uity, Orexon, ou
ainrilay, lhe'lIU Day of Ortuber, Ih,
B Hn imini-a na wll.nesstt rX Khrelner, tl
K'Ohii, M Ute v. art nnd K Mnns, allot Hunllle,
Hlnn County, W aahlnKtnn Ti-rrltory.
Any and all ptran cllnilic advoraely tha
nJaive-tltiarrlbed InnU are rqui'te4 lo til
their clitlina In llila oirioe on or Ix foro said Utb
day uf octiiuer, l.tsu.
W T Bl'Mtv, tlrKlaler,
l'nlted Stan Land omoe,
, tirvKoo i n, ur ami July itiii, isw,
Nolli-rt I hereby HI v li thnt Hi oiiiliu no.
WltntllO I roVlalotia III thi urinf llimun u ,,l
Junna, IH7S, ilitlllhd "All Act lor Uio aulo ol
titiliM', innila In thu Niati'sui i,ailiuriln. ore.
gn, Mevail. ami - Waaiinut iii territory,"
r.uwaru lnn, of ScalH", wuiity of Klnit,
Territory ol Wnahlimtou, tins tnisUny 111' il m
ihtaoitiu ' hi swnni ! eiiti-ut, Mi. I,j.:il, lor
the uiri'haa ot Dim KICo a-o Ion bi.u,iu
lownalilp .to. io m, ranae No j , ami will olfVr
lr -oi to show that the land aoiiKlil i. uu,r..
valuable for Its timber or aUme llo.ii lormtri.
ciiliural puriinses, and li In elumi
to aald land belnra the ltslt"r mid ll'Vulvi r
of tin ollluo at orrgon City, ori, in, m.
slnrday, Ike l!lk Day af rl .brr. :in
lie names aswltueaaesi f Ullbi-rt, (: I
aollliig, M Stewart, ami V Benae, all in nciit
tie, Klim ooumy, WaahliiBtin Territ. ry.
Any and all p rami a vluliiims' adveret' ium
AlHive-dravrilMid lands oni H-qutd to Ihf
their elnlma in tin. ulltoe on or oelor said l.'ili
day ot October, m,
WTO" sr, Register
UniUd at tea bnnd oitloe,
v.i.".,u("" J-11. "'. July lHb, I MO.
No.loe Is Hereby given that in cointnlane
fuu the provlaloiisol the no. ol c..i1(,n aaoi
Janes, Wis, anuuou-Au not lorihe ati'uuiit,.
ur laiiua lu th- aut -a in nliiorm. , o, . ,
.tevatia, nud Waaliiogton territory um W
I'ayoe, ol Hnati.e. county it, king, terrnory ,
Waahington. ua.lhiau.iy 0 en hi ibleomoe nie
SWuriiaMteioeiit, U lor Hie (JU.. !!-. ol
tueaw J oi u.n No ill, in tuwiiehiu tin 1".
aoulb rmiKM K,iet, nud win oir. r V.r.M.1 i.i
ahow lliai ine laud aouH 1 1. iuor valuable lor
na timueror atouetiiau lor ntfrietiltural bur
noaea, and to eslabliab Ills claim to sal i land
ueiore tlie Henlalor and koo.ilv.-r
at Omitoii Vll v.oret oii.oo Tu. eday.lne iMt, dav
ol lAAoitcr. lv. a, names a wiloeaa.'a u i
ueunctl, V uvrtfKrvn. J oerni r . j eu. -i...
nil ofaenuie, mne eounly, WaaMin.ton Terri:
lory. Auy and all persons clalmlUa-avPrsel
the nljove dcw-rilied lands a.e rrouvsira u llle
day' trf iMC?lIm "mC' M Kun ,au,
W T Bi sssr, iteglater.
Cult i-d atntt-s Land Oittee,
. Oregon vtiy, Oregon, jU. ?!. land
jtoliee lam-re y given mat lu oomuiaoo
... i T'i - ... ..'I "" 01 t.oiigral
June a. is. a. eutll rd'Anaot lor I no aal. 01 int..
I r Miiualil tttaalatca 01 ,.n,r ..
Nyv da.'.d Waa.ugu.n rriiir."J0'nn io.
V '""'"f 'r.e.iuuijroi Mara,., UTritory
a on. una tins day iil.-o m tnisoffloe
u "'et,NoUt, Iwrlhe ourehne.
tl Ih J a"0i .oo J, lu loii.i,ioA
- anu will oil -r orool
"J"!""A l" M"",t '"" valuaol"
14 tta lluilx-r or al.wto (,MO ,,r agricultural
- , - - ' . oiaim 11 aiu
laud boioro tne l.. i:ii. r and Hwivrroflhia
' mi, or 'g in, on WddOoeday
in- KHU da) ol lolar. imo Ut) bam, a .
tin. -a a U w r4.,.ua and i e-i. ., v3V,
o.uv r,.r.wi !, h i.d W u u,y B..u
W ag .... J.uiii . .. e.mult ,wVo...
!' d lu II
tu.'iroi 1111 Intnl.
1111 In tni. 'tn.
x I J'J a ad iku
day ot uct.iu.-r, imvj.
fulled Mie- L.u.l uee,
treo city. Or. gun. July &, tiav
Nolle 1. nruy given mat ut c.mpitaoe
rtl the provision of ti, a. t .rf Cousr....
Juno 3, la.s, entili.-d -A act ior lite aa.eH lim
la rlaudaln the elates ol I alltornla, Oregon.
haaa, and Waattlngton TcrriUiry." m ,w
HtMwjri ol VanetHirer, oounly ot Clarae, terri
tory 1.1 vtaaltinglnn.liae lots day nied lo Una
ortlce lila aeorn aial.-innnt No uiT. lor tit tnir
enaa .rf Ihe a W ol action No aj, ir, u,ni,a
No- ii. aotilh No 2 and ltl utt't
prowl to stow tltat the land eongbt la more
valuable lor he tttUr or .tun. t,.un ..
eulltiral,d la eaiabiialt bis claim to
seal lanu I" tora 1 .e HcciaK-r and Kro. lv.-r ..f
una olfu-o at Uregon 1 py, umeort, oa Wednes
day, tbe ;ott, ay oi tk-t,Grr, Hie, ii, nam a ss
w tueaars 1 J llanUaii ana t newt, t.r Van
touvcr.tiarae.rtit.iy,W I . and w U arye aud
w furtland.eiultnnruatt -ounty.urrgon.
Any and ail prwu eialinlng auv rei me
auote avaortttetl lao.ia are rruUted to rtle
tiwir elalnia t llila tlceun or Oriore said 1MB
day ol ocuitwr, pt:.
T Beaaer. Register.
" Volte. Butee Lai.d Bice,
u,ei ca , u.esan, Jul) 8CK, IssJ. j
Is sarett. te that ih 4i,l.anta wuh Uta I
prwrMun ut ute eut ol Co-ervaa ol iune ri, 1st, ao- j
UUre- A avt fa- the aa a U Itaikwr hut ia u Uta Btaiaa
diwiwia, utmffn, N.tad. anJ Weahiuru Tr
Ml..," fr-rt Btaea'en, t4 kaua, euai.i. ,4 Kl.m
Tetnue-y S Waaa,uat,, haa ihla oar Bad it, tbl. ,.
an bla K int. tat Ihe imrrlme at
the II W at So l. la Tt Na le, Uui.e Hv
sua a in uiar f 14 alaear tlwt Um latHl eoutbl
la net aalueliJa Un I la Umber or ctuu than . a.-
nctiiiarairnrwa, aae t eaiabiialt auclaial bteatd
laud bdon lie Ua later sad Ilea , er .4 tale u(hm at
Uravltr, Kaau, on Tuaadar. tbe I Ma dat at
lobar, iaae. l tuutio. aa aritaan ; J W r.vq.. J
Ueroee, U A Htiaeit etui J f Waliie, all 01 inwlUe
hmg eututl, Watinvtua Ivrnuxj. Any sod all v,o
eMeUluji.g aliaratlrUMstwe-witMI 1.1.4a
eeOoat iu tie their eiainta le utie uj ea or be m
ea itaa day t l Uetoerr, imj.
W, T. ill S.ST, B -xf icr.
I'ailed elate. Land Odhw,
Ureatatcuy.u ee-at. Ja y ti ut, IseO.
Notice at rwnx.f in Lbatia a)aiaia attb )
tu.imal theartta; .ubarte uijuae Sal, ls7S
eUled"Aa act lurtbeMWe -4 i.utor lu a.
Batea at latiaantia. Ore4., H- a4a ao , W b .u-,,
Tenty.lauie Ka.s n, ut Pu.m , cvuit Mun-a-eaak,
HiaU, ba. tba4. Iwm tbla i4
Bee hw aaora eutaaet.l K, I., U lb mine ul
tbeBKiulBwKeSUIa lt.liiulii.wtui, Ut.-a
eaet, and eld i--r ro.M u, atwa trtat ba tatta auttKbt
le mure aaiuebte lu. Ita timber er atm.e than t as
nealtttmi purraaaa, sd tu , stablUb kb e'aim In aaul
laial Ba4uraihe K.tHraMl H-eviterul iblirfli ai
Oreiritb C'H . Or ua. t e U ditaiay, lbs ttjiti dee ul
IKIubei, iMsil, llensiueaaeaihieMe : J Klaitieai,
Sad J Heart, ol Vsncntlfar, t'latfc euttiitv, VlMn a
trm Terrllorv, and W U Maa and W Baca, at
IVirtland, Multnomah eounly, Urrott. . an; aud all
perwrnealslnlnj; adversely imesbore-doecrthad lands
srercqueatml UiSIa Ih-lr iWma lit l hie effle wner
bclee aald Ifllbday ol Octobrr, IseO,
W. T. IM'sstr, Roy iter.
failed Bute LsmI Office,
Oregon t-ity. urr.,n, July 1 2nd,
olltie la b- leby lven that lu r.m.ltai re wl'h Ihe
! LU. 1", Vt'lutfr
rMt 4 June 3rd. 1ST, ea-
mhrr b-tKla in the 8'atve
Hit Wat.ll.ut.d.
i;rj- a n., r..,,..i.i..,.,ii u. l .KCS a
Tetribrfi id We-ltl'. -t . h h, tl'ad Ii, tin. ot.
R,-e hl m -ui u nt X l.'6 liir n.e furebaae id
bit!, tsi.dt a-S.-N.d r,. K u ao th 11 Ji .
traat. vt lil 4-. lu bo tlutt ll,a lu.d
autiybt la mia-a valuable to iu tinitxr . t-Hta tnat.
lor srimiliiirl imicaw- and t- -ia'.li.h but claim to
aald Is-ilbef.ire the K-flH- and Ha.'eivrrof ti., o
Be" si 0'ti.n tin, O'.nii WrdiKMi.y lbs Itlth day ol
lirU.hrr 1HKU il bamra aa wtinaaaaa : i rianlean
and i Itfba.n, ol Vancouver, t la-Se eo'tniv, W T, and
WT Marje and W Maire, of f.tiaiid slultmiaiab
emtnl v. Ilnrnii. Ai,vt a d ell penona clalnilny sd-er-l.lheab.ivel
.onb-l .uia sre reiuatml tt
Hie their ul line In tbl ffl e mi or b.t.r. ii,t lil.h
lsy4 Out- bi r, ''
w T Bt axtT, Eaida'er.
Tinder Laud i. otice.
L'DlWd Uta re UihI Otn.e,
OfaK.m ' Hi, Orvoii, Julv 17th. lb W.
fotlcelahereb. uUrn ttial hi o ai. lia, on alth the
sjneat4i,tM o tlie Aot ul Uuimrrae . I June , 1S78,
eutiiltd " an Aot for the sis of tlu.ber landa In the
rt la ice of California, Oreeon, Nevada end Waahlneten
Ter.lnay," banes M.,ltin. of Bntttls, county of
Kmf, Turrltory ol Washington, lias the day Bird In
thU olftae hi eenirn atate,.ieiit No Mil liir'theDtir-
ehs-sul iha MV of Beetlon No 12, In Tnwuswlp Mo
.v ooutn, eanv nn a ran, sua win oner pro I to
etioe that the land SuUfht Is nv-re valuable lor ita
limber or sionethsn lur sifrieultur.1 purioaea, snd
t. ea'abtinh bla claim to esLI laml bstore th Hetfiater
sad Keoevsr of this osTee St Orezou City, Ore(uiit io
Satiirdy tne Ifth Dny of Ortuber. IKhU.
lie names a- arilnceeea! F Ollbcrt, K ttsta, it
sua an ai,d U b Mini, all ol Sestllo, Kluj t'uuiit),
W.i,i,iii n Turntury. ,
Ant and a I aiei, cmlm'mr adversely the above
ls.vrtliMi lan,ia art rrque leii tr file their olainta In
ihi Lttlce unoi bi-luiv eai I th ila) of dutobor, 18811.
- - . WJ BtassT,
; Tim'ier Land Noiics.
i;nlt d -t.l a Laiiii Orllo ,
" " Onu -it It' , ort, u, July, IS, 1S80.
Nutio, 1m bnr b, given thai, it, fonvtinhoo with ths
pmviatous eti ths ct ol 'iisre- oi June I 1678
en'itl U "an Act lor ine as e ol tinilier Isim- in ih
Hiateanf C'llfin-nia. Orvgon, Nvms anil Weih nut.,
ei-ntory," haa. H. He i , "I K i-k I'retk. Cunty
of i,iin, S'-ate ol On son haa Hits d.).filrd in this
ottiu., hie r-rii a'siem" t '' HU8 tor ths puruhaw
el tliu liW Jof -t-ctlon No. 4. lu uwiiahln No 1(1
H, Rails e No. 8 E. ui.d sill i lf r proof to show that
tba InnU ao.iKht ia tu'ire valuab e for tie timber or atouv
han lor airriuui ural iiurpnaga, snd to es'sbliah hla
o'slin t said 'and before the HoUter sfid Honlvor
of this Dlhco, st Ortgou City, Oregon, en
Tuesday, tli 8th Day of October. 1880.
Hs names ss wl.nesvesi W Wljrjs, D Smith, W
Clark and J. Hunan, all of Bo k f 'n.k, Linn County,
Any and all ieraons rtsimlrijC ailvas'l) th abivs
diaorlhed land, sra req;irtti mi (II- their i lalm-ln
hi- otllc on or before aald 8th ri) O.antier, lsSil. --
. W T i'ltassY, .
), mom.' n , i t . v ,v
EUri JV1..-F a3J SVLViJ MA
Wallace, Tlionipsoii & iVs.
rhlr S Uclt ol CHI C C K 1 1 1 12
nlwa.vM Oompleto-
G, W.
"Supcrior," "Argand' "Garland"
W rran t e d C5iSf
15 yoal s. AH
sizes an PiSii0M
Rooflngf, Job Work, Plumbing.
Eave Trough. Range Boilers
Conductor Pumps.
Cant a fliei
Stoves, Tmwaip,Haidware,Etc.,
Wl iel tbet aro tetilnit at rm.srV atby 1 w price
eare'ii it inmptly don at fe-v. nai - j r. .
Hopkins & Saltmarsh
yilf (ita for "On 1 Inie" Heailnu and
e ,'iviii p.
l'nlted States Und OrTkw.
trapaty,Ureera, JulyKth, lhi.
Notice la ba thy ftveo that In eompllanre with the
peivtat-ma of the s of Con-res ol June S,ls7s.entitled
"Aoactli.r the aale ol timber landa iu the aulas of Cel
I nrnla, Ornron. Nevsdaaad Wsahliurtno Terrtuwy,"
J..haCaldwrll.ui Vancouver .enuuiy of L'larke.terrltury
,4 Waaltlnctnn .haathleriet Bled in Ihla eCioe hissarora
eia sotenl N ltd. tor lbs of tlie Nil vl
arrtlun Noti. InUiwn-klp Volt, sonih ranre Not
sae, a'ld elll 4ter proof lu shew that Ute land sought
ta m.,re value b'e lor lutlmb r or atone than fur atrri
anaral, ael to e-Ubli.h hie claim to said
aud before the Reg leter aid Receiver of this office at
Oregon City. Oreeoa, na Monday . tne Hat day of Oo
tnuer.lMt. Henameasewttnnaes J Flaniirsn.W B
Mayrv.W W PruerMiet sud Julia'ol Vsncou
ver, Clarke countv, W T, AnyandallperaunseUlmliie
svlrera-ly tb above described lands are requeeted to
Ale tbelr claims la this office ea or nature said Slat dsy
October ,lesU
WTPisxht; Kcajlilor.
United Bbttes Land Offiee.
Oregon City, OrRn, July SSrd.lfitt).
Niiiic Is lu ret y Rlv-n that in coiupiiaao
with til pnivlalons of tlie act of Conureea oi
Juni-8, 87rll'-iitith-d"An net for the sale ! llinber
la da in tnestnlesnf Caltfornla.Ori-Knn.Nevada,
and Waalilmrtoo Territory," Arcblliald W I'ru
slmw.tif A.bany,countyol I lnu,late orOreicoo
hHathlsdnr Olo ' In tlilaofTioe hi sworn elate
nieni S.i 1J72. forth purohaseof IheN Et of
section No H2. In township No 10, south range No
Senst. and will otTVr proor to show that the
land souKht Is more valuable for Ita timber or
atn lethwn for agrloiiltural purpnaea, andtnes
tablish Disclaim loaatd land before the llexlater
and Receiver oflhl offloeat OreitonClty, ore
iron, on Saturday, the llth day of Oct o tier, 188fl.
Vie names as witnesses i W H Taylor, W Eaat. H
Hrennan and K Robin on. all of Albany, Linn
omiiity.Orecnn. Any anil all persona claiming
adveraely the abovr desert bed land are request
uu to n If their eiatms In this onto ouor before
said 19th day of Ootober, 1HSU
V T Bus"sr, Register,
United But. sLsud Off u.
Orsxoii Cliy, Oregon, Jult SSrd. 1810.
Notice Is hereny elvsntnatln cumpiisncewith tbe
pr ivisions of the act td C ngrvse of June S, I t7H,et, tilled
''An s i lor the aale of liuiber lands In Ua states o'
Cali'om's.Or .NevsHaivl WaaliiinfinnTonito-y "
A'disaPibr, i liueiii Vi.ta, euunty of Polk, etate4
Orvito,bi-ib'a.t.. jllrdltitiia .rrlihia awun stat- -racniN'.l'ittM.
f ihepu cbrte
- ot8 WJ.8KJ.. N W and 8 W J ol N K J aeciion
NolO t t. wn-hip No lo,S"Uth raiias Notraat, sun
willoffeipr of to-hnwtiiat thr laud sought 1 m
vuluah s for ita ilmher-iretone thn lot irrl ulluia'
purposes, andtoestablUhhiaetaim to aid land before
the&gi-terend Heoeiver fthl office tt OreKouCi'1 .
On gitn.onSal'lrdav, ihi-19lhds of C-tobrr, 1H89
lie nurse aa w-linetwes : W, W H Taylor. H Breu
hanand J HTnwaley. all of Albany. L'nn cunty, Ort
iron. Auy snd all peivoni olnim, -? dvor-oly th above
rlnsorlbed lands sre rwiim-d ..n, 'hoir claims In
this office ouer before aa id 19 h inynf Ooi.,br,18Stl.
W T Hvsjist, Register.
United Stitas Land 09, iw.
OieifonCiiv.Oreirnn, July SMh, 1189.
Notice Hierehv glveniBtt In eomnll.nue with the
pnnl-.t,.Mf 'hosuttC'Hijr-" f JuneS,1878,enlit!ed
"An sut for the -at- of llranef Jenda in the a ta taint Cal
if, irnta . O-eifnn, Neva I -. atid Washington Territory,"
William W Proehatl, of Vancouver, county ot Clerks ,
isrriteryof Waahingmn, haathlsdat fllwl In thi. cfflne
Me sworn at-tement No 1279, for the purchase ol tbe 8
E t of seotion N't 33, in town-hip No lt.eonth range No
least ,n,l will offer prooftoahnw that the Isnd sought
lamnreeuluaiilefo ita timberorstons than foraarioul
tuml piirMKes, and to eetabl ah hia claim to said Isnd
before the Register anrl lixceiver ef thlsoffloe st Ore
gon Oit i Oi egon, on Monday, t h 21st day ol October,
1 889 lie nsmea ss w i tnessrs : J FJanegsn , W B Mayrs,
J Caldwell snd J Sweet, all of Vancouver, Clarice coun
ty, WT. Any an sll peraons claiming adversely the
above drs'Tlbed landa sre veqneatod to fl le thalr claims
tn tbtsoHios on or before said Slat day of Ootebsr, 18$,
W X Bt'tltlY, Register,
Grocery Store
bet. iMore
then fcuu
dred 7 bun
ed differ-
n t Bty Jes
'o ok s and
ae Mwk of
ennklniv ftnT. Job eork.4pli)tn 'np;.
i attetioru IO.
United State. Land Office,
Oregon City, Ur., July 27, 1889.
Notice) ia hereby given that in compli
ance with the provision of tlie act of Cn
irresn of June 3, 187S, entitled "An act for
the nuleof timberlandii in theStates o(Cii
fornia, Ojron, Nevada and Washington
Territory," lienjumtn F Kyle, of Eugene,
county of Lane, ritate of Oregon, has thia
day filed in this office hia sworn etatement
No 1317, for the iHirchaae of the S W tr of
Sec No 2, in Tp No 12 south, Rungo No 2
east, and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural purposes
and to establish his claim to said land be
fore tbe Register and Receiver of this of
fico at OregonCity,Or.,on Friday the 25th
day of October, 1880. lie names as wit
neae8 : DolschagandilS Bergman,
of Needy, Clackamas Co., and K Howe
and J I Squires, of Albany, Linn Co.,all of
Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are re
qnested to file theirclaimsin this office on
or before said 25th day of October, 1889.
. i. bi'rnky, Kegister.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Or. , July 27, 1889.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of Con
gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands in the State of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington-Territory,"
Frank I Isbell, of Delta,
county of Fulton, State of Ohio, has this
day tiled in this office his sworn statement
No 1310, for the purchase of the N W
of sec No 32, in Tp No 10 south, Range No
3 eupt, and will offer proof to show' that
the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stono' than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said
land-before the Register and Receiver of
this office at Oregon City, Or., on Friday
the 25th day of October, 1 8S9. He names
as- witnesses : R Howe, M C Verks, J J
squires and F H Aldrich, all of Albany,
Linn county, Or. Any and all personB
claming adversely the above described
lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before said 25th day of Oc
tober, 1889.
W. T. Buhnev, Register.
United S'at-e Lend Office.
Oivgn Cli .Oivgon, July I5th, 1889,
N'.t'oe Is hereby giv n'hat Incompliance wiih the
ii' ot 1-ton nl ths ot ol 0n grass of Junt- S,187S,nili led
"An act f, r tha el"f timber landa In th state of Cd
tlnmia, Oregon, Nevada, snd Washington Territory ,'
John Garner, of Seattl-, county of King, territory of
Wsehlngton, haa this dsy filed In thisoffic hiaawom
statement No 1287, tor the piuvhsse ot the N W J of
seotion No 20. In township No 10 .south rang No least,
and will alter proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for ts timber or stone thus for agricul
tural purposes, snd to sttabllsh his claim to said Isnd
before ths Kegister and Receiver of this tdfire st Ore
gon Citv, Oregon.on Tuesday .the 22nd day ol October,
1880. He nsmrs aa witnesses : W Soourfleld.J B Jakob
sen, John Wetland OA Bennett, all of Seattlo, King
county, W T. Any and si: persons claimiug adrei sely
the abevo described landaare rcoueitod to file their
claim. In this office on or before said Had day ot Octo
ber, 18 .
Faahionallo anJ Siyl'uh 8uit, BnaiotiM 8uit, Liaht weiglt
Summer finite. Boy, youth' a and oblld t-o'i eoHa.
Furnishing Goods
Fin- Jin fif lift'', w "' - m-driB-ar riaH-rlpgnn nl Bt.Vr) ; (t'ui
- . rerkr, f.ti) evire. . r. eyrl- f, fi fl Irsr fo- ,re
ail th latent novel'ie.
A leiye in thi department
Staple and Fashionable I'tiea, aroong other)
John B. Stetson hat.
Mrrcbai.1 tai'.o-irg uudr Xpert ttilor. Suit made to order n der ehoie
ortlce at iiprrWalt o ftgntee. Mora good tinned ont than er Wft-re.
J ..
Choice Candy, Knts, Fruit, etc.
Mick a nn
the fac) that I m i-OVrinfc ltter
Buught at bask
First-Class Goods
a-.rl.L COST.
General tueichendiee ot all
kii.d call
( ah fur (Joods o
Albany Furniture Company
- ' ETC., ETC..ET
Paints, Oils, Stationary,
of tLs beat in lb tuBrket.
line stock of he
hrgth than mmy rrae efse in Albany
rapt sales I can il
on me. Partic-lar largains in a ,
Couutry prtdifce
Albany, Oregc.
Etc'and Prompt Attention