The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 09, 1889, Image 1

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    S B
1V ll
I ttiv t vat
Adr)rtlslBf fatdlam
In the Central.
Iv .
4M Aiitrtr I
i K
H I I HI '
, 1
Iaausd vry Friday l.y
Advertising rat made known
Foot of Morrison St., Portland, Or.,
so. ant roR
Ihs Idraoca Throa'iinj HicMaerj
Th best and fastest thretbe-r in Amerl
r, ana a macntn that stand without
rival. Toe ADVANCS thresher h I
NEVER barn KKPLACKD by any other
tnehtnoa th Coast, but bs replaced
vrl ttiet that. MWK KUt.KO lo
fill V A R K ANTKK. The KNOIN E It guar.
nii m pun nior) man tor oilier, and
will nut travel a:l other on tha road. Il
you hear any loud rmwvt. plea Ml the
ru in AUVANCK T IlKN-HKK and
KMirlNK ere. ol1 on Iheir merit wntlra
ly Arid I Km will In a in prov. nil I rUlm
mi ini nni i unv uiu, i no( t l.fin
liuirtfi lit ItoviriK mrhn .
Ju M- Hi. AIV. r I r-l-f. I,.tl
attain trtlu eon-l, I run p,w pinn- a
diowii aoeder, aprlngiix.ili hiriw
bUekamlthS'forsTM. itrltia. cbnrc),. frm
od school Nils, au.l uiauy i.-tnrr eotai,
Albany Branch H&ust one bhvk below
A r;iblt U. 8iudrd S-lap va)
mils T lislla.l .i Mil
ro ul at.Unh fr of firUtu on lalrty rtays
trial, Ijtrgrr aoalea ! rrcporili.rmlelT
Albany, Oregon
Ahtractor and Conveyancer,
jaVOfflM at tha Court llouvi.
Mitchell &
and Vehicles
tor lunch hece C r 2vl 1 H f
ALBAWY, - .... ORE
Ton wnt the tear an i mo-t durable fuminretust s iiii'iufH.iUirw I in tbucity f
Thomas Brink.
Golden Rule Bazaar.
Ilia stock lias boeo anUrgeJ av that It eiN any on tha CmH, an J oonaiits of
Roger Bros. Silverware, Preach Qhmt and Orys
talware, Boy3' Waoa3, Doll Oai-riagef,
Fancy Goods, and a general
assortment of Orockiey
ancl Toys.
Ha bnyc'lirect aud oarriei tlia iaravt Mtoclc la the VvMU-ntit 'llov, nli(' )
has been sddod a complete line of
'a Agent for Innrsne3 oomptal.wi with eto'ttt a.j rsil;t,q .
loi on parte FrinoV.. Hlnr winl deiiicli upro"hen.-Sai
Look out for low prices.
I am dow retaking Inml'mo at wj factory at cost. Pcop! wikbtnj; furr.i
tnrt can (In well to look here for ba.aiiiil.a 1 am i;oics to 8kH at cont during
the nsxt 30-dajr. Cnn and rxtnine nyyivi h-J-im p-troWi-'! 's
wberrv - . " ' vN
Factory 'at th- river erul t.f Lyon Street. "
Cm. Metgzer. . .
Real Estate, Employment and Insuranca Agent .
AJ cotnincioiit.Je pioojptly aUsv.are.1 fa GertnaDjorEDgllsh. . ;
Blood Diseases
the persevering1
are cured by
use of Ayer'a
TbU medicine is an AltoraUv. and
eatuea a radical channa lu the Ttom.
Tha procesa, In Mint raaot, may not b
qulta ao rapid as In other but, with
traiatence, tha roault la certain.
Itead those testimonials :
" For two years I snlTerod from a
era rln in my riulit aUle, and had
Mhor troublrs canard by a torpid liver
and 1yrYila. Attor clvlng aeveral
medkhirs a (air trinl v lihout a cure, I
Iwtran to tnk Aycr's rinraMnarllla. I
M greatly U-tiolllml by tlie llmt botlln.
ana hut lukinj live ixittlfs I was cum.
lotely cured. " Jnlm W. llouson, 70
awrenre at., Lott-uU, Mm..
Last May a Inrun rnvlmnclo broke out
on my arm. The ukiimI riiueIUa bad no
((Toot and I wan routlnotl io my lied (or
Ught wroka. A fri.nd imluml me to try
Ayer'a Karnaiwrllla. Hum thrro
bottles brnlod the aore. In all tl!y expe.
rlence with uiotlicino, I never saw wore
Wonderful Results.
Another marked effect of the n or this
intHilcioe was the atrcnithnintr f v
alRht." Mra. Carria AUauia, ilolly
KjM-lumi, Ttikaa.
MI m trv I... .
nd suOptoiI terribly t and, as mv broth'
an aisier were similarly allllctea, I
firesutna the mitltilir I. h
winter, lr. Tyntu, (of Feruandina.
f la., ) recommended me to take Ayer'a
Rareanarilla, and continue it (or a vear.
For tire months I took it daily. I "have
not bad a blemiiili upon my body for tho
lnat three nimitl"T W w'll n.i
Chambers St., New York City. '
" Last fall and winter I was troubled
With a dull. lirar italn in mv l.l r
did not notice it much at first, but It
gradually crew worse until it became
almost unbearable. During tha latter
part of this time, disorders of the stom
ach and lirer increased my troubles. I
began taking Ayrr's Kanaparilla, and.
mtttw fnUl.rnlt.. 1 . . I I .
ivuiiuuiiiK iuo una oi
this medicino lor soma mouths, the pain
disappeared and 1 w.
cured." Mrs. Auirusttt A. Furhuli.
Haverhill. Mass.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
Price tl ; six bottles, a J. Worth t a bottU.
CiTil Engineer and Surveyor,
OflLHi with Oregoa Laid Co. Albany, Or,
lewis Co.,
Wik TnitY A at. Considerable Inter-1
ct N bclitsj taken In the joun culprlls
inn in e.ui'y jdl with jjltMimy pro,.
; ect In fo;. thn,it itecount ( rash
ct In lamt erliirf wltha switch tht cau
he hf-sof human life the Rolfc bovs
t; J. A rt.dfe, of Sweet Home,
Titd j tin.y-two yearn of ae and was
inui 1 li d niout a month ago ; Herbert, the
principal criminal In the matte', Is nlxtemi
U iiin ,f :uc Mr. Rolfe, their father.who
was ufiklntf In the haive-t Held with the
bovH, UeilH'il U a unod hoy und the
pi l i; nf I I. mother, and was much more
uipiii-d til I.U t'oitdecl than lie would
have been for Ms older brother lo have
taken tV lend hi the matter. The horse
Iiimiii)( rpiMide occurred In 1884. Her
bert was the hoy takliff a rlJe with Rev,
Stevrnt. belnjf eleven years of e then,
and Fred iliil the .ti.-u.linu Hill claims to
be (1010 AmoiI.i. He l about 1 went r four
years of n)e.nud many think he was most
I ) 'I he ihrec'thotiKh Iflrjj lit the
name bu i --t in.l a good rh.ince of sinking
or unlmn.ln,: together.
A Nkw Company. Articles lncorpo
ra'Iii( the itts'o-jrg and Lebanon Flume
Water t hnve hern fl'ed. In;orHirators,
OJennln-.i W 11 MclMierson, and J ft
V Itts. The capital stock ha been placed
at : 30,oco, divided Into shares of $25 each.
It l proposed to build a flut.e from Wlrts.
burt on lln nllton creek to Lebanon, a
ilUt.mre of teu miles. Thl Is an Import
ant eutcrprLe for Lebanon, and will give
that cltv 11 uood water power on the com-
plctlon of the tl uine. A canvus will be
mde for taker of stock.
A I'ottrAL Law-. The foliowihg order
1 been U.ucd by the postmaster general
and will Interest all: "Any postal card, or
envelope, or any out.ldn cover, or any
thing which retlects injurioutly upon the
conduct, .r U plainly calculated or Intend
ed to Injure the feelings or repulatl.l of
the person to ivhoin it l directed or which
threatens hitti, U unmallable. It Is allow
able for a person to send a rrquest to call
and settle, hut anything further U liable to
result in a heavy line.
A Small Fiki. LaslTbnrsday abou' 9
o'clock Revs. I'omann and llanlciter were
passing the residence of Mr W T Hearst,
on Washington strect.when they dUcover
ed the house to be on fire. Rushing Inside
the rear bed room, on the first floor, was
founa to be hi flames, the lace curtains, '
wood work of the w indow and bed clothes
being on tire. Several pails of water quick
ly applied, prevented wiiat might have been
a serious Ore. I he tire probably started
from a match that had beeti it ruck, and
. ...... . I
1li. Ir.-A newspaper has to be toldo!
tunc items 01 news tne same as human be
ings in order to know them. Remember
this, and when vojr wife clubs you with
the b'Oom, oonie In and tclt us ; If your
neighbor starts for Swedunk drop us a
line ; if your finger get amputated In the
hash machine don't forget us : whatever
happens remember that the local newspaper
nevtr intenlianallv omits anvthlng unless
it wants to, cr gets winked at.
BrinuoN Yoi'K Samplxs. Arrange
ments have been made wift the railroads
to transport dee of charge to Milwaukee,
on the occasion of the meeting of the C.
A R., all samples of Oregon products
which may lie contributed for that pur
pose. Let all farmers and others who are
dialled to contribute specimens of any
anicie mac wouio oe creoitaoie to our
young commonwealth send or leave the
ame with tne Oregon I .and Company In
t his city.
A Pom Advertih Mcsr, The prices
chaiged by fruit ve.tdors on the Southern is a bt slam on this great fruit
country and It will do no harm to agitate
the matter some. The railroad company
cannot afford to allow peanut vendors to
charge such prices as fire cents a piece
for prachts, sold for $1 a box, ten cents
for Bart'et pears and the like.
Sex Stroke. Mr Tmshnell, of Irvine,
was in town Monday and Informed us that
Mr Isaac Cook, of Junction received a
severe attack ot sun-stroke Sunday after
noon He was s1 ill unconclous at noon
an.iinecnanresothtsrccovery weredoubt-
. . . . . . . I
tut. lie is a well todo tanner residing
near Junction and hat many friends
throughout lane county who will be pain-1
chout Lane
edto hear of his
misfortune. --bugene
In The Watkr. It is reported that
four dead infants were discovered In the
reservoir of The Dalle waterworkswhich
as been undergoing a clcanlngout protest
Thlt Is a sufficiently horrible atory, but it
comes from a pretty straight authentic
source. Our Dalles exchanges have keot
mum," although the people of that burg
re contdderablv excited over the matter.
as well they might be. Pendleton R O.
wy.L Come Hear. A gent'eman just
in from Crook county tayt that The Dallet
ill get very little if any of the wool trade I
from that country next year, as there It a I
very good wacon road leadlne to the Wil I
lamette v alley and wool there commtdt a
much better price than east of the mourn I
tains. The prospect of the wool trade o( 1- .r.u r-.-. i.nn...un.-n.
'-". in me imurc , not a cnecrmg 1
nn. 1
j irnniuimrr. I
Ah Accident, Last Thursday whl.el
hewing timbers on the ttreet railway Jlr.el
it. . 1 - r w . . ss . 1
mc u oi jos. neece snppeo ana struck
one of bis legs mat above the ankle, cutting
X ,a . I I , . . I
.on. .iic uuhc, severing a muscie ana a
vein. Drt Masten and Wallace attended
him and dressed the wound. The accident
will keep Mr Reece from work for some
First Valley Melons, Mr William
Peacock handed the Democrat Thurs
day the first Valley water melons bsoufjht
to the marker. Though small they are of
good quality, Mr Peacock it nearly al
ways first to the city with this fruit, ar.d
has the Dkmocrat'h thanks for the re
membrance More Evidence.-! he Oregontan tcllt
about tome of the Nebraska editor losing
diamondt while out here. We'll bet our
old hat 1 hat if they had such thfngt with
mem tney were borrowed lor the octasion.
Editors as a rule don't 'have such things.
ieister. Another piece of testimony to
prove that they were real estate men and
M etropolitan. The contract for erect-
ing a second story to the Linn county Bank
ana rcmoaeiing tne isank omce. lias been
let lo I F Conn. The aronrletors oronose
making their oflices like those in lrge
cities, with separate receiving, paying and
casiucr oepartmencs, win closed counters
A uio i'vmv The Water Works at
Salem are to have a ten million gallon
pump. If it should burst some day there
would be a Johnston at the Capital. Al
bany thinks St Is '-some punklns" with two
million gallon pumps. "
A FALL.Thursday Peter Ruitner.a
carpenter, engaged on the new residence
of H F Merrill fell a distance of twenty
feet bruising and laming hi shoulder and
arm but not otherwise tnjunng htm. .
A Business Change. Mr. Fritz Huff
man has sold the City Restaurant tb Mr
Dellman Lampmnn. whohas taken charge
of the same. This Is the oldest restaur
ants In the Valley.
Born. To the wife of L O Ralston In
this city August the ist 1880 a boy.
Weight oM ' pounds. Lonner say 'it
quite a lad."
A KKCvtt.oi'Kii.. Nearly
every dny some one approBcbcs one or the
other editors of the IH .m k.t mul
'questions like the fullottti i 'Vicn wits
It that yotiniz Uolfc, of Ito-Tm shot
Rev Stevens' hor.c ?" " A l.w ws the ex
act dale that water was UlTM ll Itltll I III'
Ssn tin m Dlich ?" au.l diuctis of t.tlu.T n'tn.
liar qnolluiH. From w lili h It nppcari
inanlfeKt Out the Dkmocrat oltlco It ic
Kardcd as a stsndlnK encyclopedia of use.
ful local Inf.irmalioit Well, without be
ing" eipttsttcut or lili headed" the Dkmo
CRAT professes to be and l prepared to
settle many (uctlons like the ahove and
It wonld he a pcor newspaper weie It not
prepared todtiso. Since the terrible wreck
on the Southern I'sclilc la.t Su; day quite
an anliliitlcil dl.putc has been mlnj on
smoii) crrlnlu ,-tcoolc a to liowr long "lllg
Jack" lias been In the srrvlrrof the O & C
and S 1' rulirond ondout of thl la Krian
the question nf main dUptile t "When was
the OiN: U railroad completed to Albny f"
For the information of alt we have to nay
that the firt train arrived h Albany n't
I : 30 o'clock, p. in , December 8th, 1S70.
Three hundred people from Portland, Sa
lem and other point., In company wlih Hen
llolluilny en me In on tli. first train. A W
Slannrd. of llniwnsvltle who w then
Mavortif this city wflooined the party on
Its arrival to which J II MlMicll mniiean
appropriate trnoniie. Mrs Dunlway and
lr Lorvea made .wimble remarks.
Alhsmv ma Point. Every day the
preliminary surveys of the Albany and
stotla railway line eic being pushed along
he projected route from the valley to 'he
ea, sorrowfully says the Salem JoitrmiL
Salem Is not l.itere.tlng herelf,seemlng o
rest comfortably, satloled to see the road
make connection with the great Willam
ette valley at Albany. Salem acts as If
she did not care whether the rood w as ever
built or nut. Hut really the sentiment of
the citixens c I the ct pllul city U unanimous
In a dexlre to have the road cnmehere.The
advantages offered by Salem are many,
but unless backed bv a spirit of enterprise
and get In and work ihey will not amoun.
to much when placet! in competition wiin
the rust'e and go ahead.ttlvei:e of her
neighboring cities.
Took thk Lxau. Professor McElroy Is
telling the Salem papers that Oregon's
display at the National tenchers o.mkIs
lion at Nashville was a grand one and sue
ceded In attracting general attention as
well as bringing fourth volutns of Interro
gations. People were astounded to think
that such was the product of Oregon,
which Is generally looked upon by ea.tern
ocopte as so iar oui wet mat 1
0ff J,,ce u distant but a brief
benpte as so far out west that the jumping
pan. lie
thinks the advertisement has been worth
thousand, of dollars. In so much as It will
no doubt be the means of Inducing many
people to come here tt at lea.t Inquire for
A Tvpical RcvoxT. With the summer
touri.t all goes swimmingly until he
reaches the Newport whsrf, where the
vampires extract fr.xn him twrrily-five
cents w harfage for every plrce of baggage
In other word, he pays hi fare and for
the transportation cf his effect, and then
when his destination (s reached an extort-
tlon Is made for permitting him to land.
Salem Jomtmul. In this matter of charges
the Dkmocvat has been requested to
touch up several various kinds of unusual
charging one undergoes between Albany
and Newport. Our columns arc open for
communications on all subjects.
Thkoruinum-A theory presented by
Mr Northruj In the train wrecking case
was that the three young men on bring
refused a ride oil the Lebanon engine
tampered with the switch for the purpoe
of getting revenge on the conductor of the
engine; but Mr Houston states that they
did not appear at all aggravated, nor did
they act a If they had been drinking much.
It Is evidently a esse of'purc cusscdnc.,"
one deserving of a striking 'f not strang
ling example. Speaking of Ihcorlcs.thealr
is full of them.
A Rksoxt. II A Thomas te-
turned last evening from S-idaville, where
he had accompanied his family says the
Salem Journal. Thcv will remain camped
. . . . a a . s tt. I
tnere montii or lo.tgcr. i .nmawjnc
are quiee a number of Salem people who .
praise that village as a resort. Mr Tho -
mat thinks there are at least one hundred
camper there and all seem to be enjoylrgl
tnemscivcs in a thorough manner.
Suva a Siuea to It. Io reference to
the Nebraska editors the Dkmocrat simp
ly stattd that a former Nebraska man who
claimed to know the situation said that
only seven were editor and the rest real
estate men and merchants. Major lien
dershot beat forth the remark that nearly
all of them were editors,and we hope they
a-ere. The public now hat the statement
of two men on the subject, and the Drm
ocr at isn't afraid to give several more
sides to the matter If tliire are any. As
for the excursion party not stopping at Al
Bn7 " never troubled ut at all.
LxaRNINO THE ART Mr. Skinner, a
gentleman in the fifties hat bought at the
Thomoson & Overman aarncv a new safe-
. , . . , . . . . .
Vllltc IIS uccil wtiu.uiic in. incifu, luii.iu
leraoie uneasiness at tne intrcpru rim tcinc
. . . ... .. .
rltout manner In which he ridct over the
bump and gravel on first street
R-Trj.tD. Mlrs Frances Gilbert who
hM been taWng her v(lcatloi, with relatlvet
at Lebanon ha rctu, this city and
It prepared to give letsont In music to al'
who desire to avail themselves of her val
uable tervlcet. Shortly her father and
tlster will remove to thlt city where they
will make their future home.
Eastern Oregon Crops. John S Nin
ton, of No! In, wtt In Pendleton to-day
lie thinks the crop average in that tection
will be about ten bushels to the acre, which
is rather disappointing' considering the
prospect offered in the spring for a large
yield. Some ftrmert, banking on thlt
rosv-hued promise, presumed too much
u' on their credit, .and now nnd them
selves In a sea of debt when thev expected
to be landed high a-d Hrv on shote by good
crops and ortces t'enaieion is ",
National Banks - The report of the
Eugene National Bank thowt $77,406 77
loans and discounts, specie, $33,393.35.
Deposits $64,601.30, the totals being $137,
687.88. No National Rank In the North
weit ln tt place of the size of Albany makes
such a healthy showtna as the First Ma -
tionat Bank of this city, whose deposits are j
about $175,000, and loans and discounts,
$154,306.63. -
WHoht' Command Hvrun of Sirsanarilla
srs.liabi mediciu for the renovation of the
blood Tone and bnilds on the system,
cures skin disestes, etc. Sold by Fothay &
Mason .
The Verdict Unanimous,
W D Suit, Drueslst. Dlppus, Ind., tsstlfles; "I
esn rnoommsnd Kleclrla Hitters ss the vary host
rem d v. Evf v bflill slu b. irWn rllaf In ever.
ass, on msn voon ut Dottiso, .no was euren
dniKeit, Bell.ills, Ohio, sfflrms : Ths bssl fsiiing
meuioin 1 nsv ever nsnaiea :o ray za rmrr x-
psrsnos, IS Eleelrla timers." I hnunsno, of others 1
have added their testimony, so thst ths verdict Is
unsnlmoiu thst Eleotne Bitters no ours sll Aiss'sos o
tb Livsr Kidneys er Biood, Only a bsu dollar
bottls st t o. hay ana vsson's Drug etors. x
A ceutlemsn who had auflered oreat annoy
ance and pain from barbers itoh.aud who had
been treated by the best physicum, without
relief, says that two bottles of Dotard's
Specific cured him and Jett bis lace perfectly
smooth, without a scar. It never fails in skin
diseases, sold by Fothay at Mason.
The case of Herbert and Fred Rdlfe and
W A Hill charged with wrecking the S P
train on Sunday evtnlrg near this city.
c imeup for preliminary examination In
Jiiitlce llutrj litey's court ft n Atg. is:
the accused being represented by Judge
Whitney, and the Stale appearing by II II
Hewitt, District Attorr.rv and Mr North,
rup, of Portland.
The defendants waived examination and
asked the court t nr. la an Order that
they be admitted to ha J. The court refut
ed 'a sllov, the defendants to waive ex
amination stating that If the parties were
guilty they should be In jail and If not they
should he allowed their liberty.
IV V II Davis was called and testified
as to the defendant's calling on him lor
professional service Hunday. Next saw
1 till alunday iiioinlng, who had a lame
wrLtatid wanted treatment. The Dr't
testimony was substantially as heretofore
Mr DcCtnrk testified that he was on the
train when It was wrecked, lack Miller
was badly burned and died next day. He
examined thetwltch after the accident
The pin was out and nut removed. Search
has been made and the pin has not been
found. The switch was locked after the
accident. Removing the pin would not
affect the switch except asloonc rail. The
result of removing pin would be the wreck
that occurred.
Thos Froman Ustl.led, am acquainted
with defendants. Have been In Foster's
and my employ for ten days. Left my
place Sunday, at 3 o'clock to go to town.
Had conversation with 1 1 Ml Wednesday
morning about wreck. Hill told me that
there was a man In my employ who ceas
ed the wreck. Hill said they took the pin
out and removed the rod and put a stone
between the rails. He and Fred Rolf went
on and tld Herbert to come on. Herbert
came on and said he had a pin of tin S P.
They told him to throw the pin away
which he did. Hill's arm was not hurt
when he left my place Hun Jar. Fred told
me he ki-ew nothing about the wreck lilt,
said It was Dert that removed the pin. Hill
said tha thev asked to ride on the Lcb-
non train but they were not allowed to do
Morgan Richardson testified that he be
came acquainted with deft, a week ago.
Saw them jut before they started to Al
banv Thcv returned about nine o'clock.
Slept w I' h Hilt Sunday night. Know noth
ing about his getting his arm hurt that
night. He wus uneasy and restless alt night
Did not know his arm was hurt until we
went to work next morning. Don't think
I heard any of the boyasay anything about
the wreck. Had worked for Froman and
Foster 8 days. J (III did not complain of his
arm when lie returned from Albany. Leb
anon engine passed 15 or 20 minutes be
fore the boys returned. Froman's house Is
two and a half miles from the wreck.
D I) Montriih testified that he Is not ac
quainted with defts. Told Hill lo tell me
all about the matter. Tell the truth. Fred
told me he knew nothing about the cause
of the wreck. I arrested Hill. He said he
hated to glv. the boys away. The younger
Rolf talked something about breaking the
lock ot the switch. He took the pin out
and removed the rod Hill said he hurt
his arm by rolling on It. Talked with young
Rolf but I.C denied everything. Hewitt,
Hoffman, Uurkhart and I went to the jail
and talked with Rolf. Rolf said Hill took
the key or pin about half out and he.Rolt,
took It and carried It on up the track.
C O Uurkhart testified that he arrested
Herbert. Told him what the arrest was
f?r. Herbert sa'd he knew nothing about
the wreck. Said they stopped and crack
ed lissel nuts on the switch. Talked with
him last evening. Said lie bad nothing to
do with the wreck. Afier ismlnutct talk
Montelth told him that his statement and
the other defts. did not ag-ce. I ferbert then
told all about It. Hill looked at the lock
and said they could not break it. Hill took
the pin paitly out. He, Itcrbert.took ll out
and carried It and threw It away. He said
1 here was a rock dropped between tne rails
but he did not kmw who did It. .
Mr F.d Hutoti conductor testified that he
saw defendants 61st Sunday night at depot
1 oung Rnlle asked to ride to rromsn s on lite
.', 1 an m v ji
.e.siMM I an lsu.t at A o.a?
hwtlcii would
nofwolk BOtJ ,)ie l( rakemanand I examined it
and removed a stone. We saw nothing wrong
e,cn t the sine. Talked with defendants
about 8:W to 8uo. Passed over twitch at Q:lo.
Thos llogan fireman testified that be passed
over l-ebsnon branch Sunday evening and
Monday morning. The state here rested and
defendants announced that they Had no witness
es. After brief artntmentt 1-y counsel, the del U
were held lo await the acttoa ol the graad luiy
on the charge of Murder, without iail.
rout i.rAn.
Nick lUrawrrraan Cat Hbst TwU-r.
About six weeks ago a young man about
twenty-one years of age, going by the
name of Barney Wilton, a professional
waiter and dishwasher, canie to the city
and tecured a job with Hermann Dicrckt,
for whom he worked a short time and
then began a service at the Waverly House
run by Zimmerman & Garrett,' remaining
there until Thursday evening, when Mr,
Kick Zimmerman, one of the proprietors
discharged him, giving as a reaeon that he
suspected him of stealing a lady' watch
and several pieces of jewelry. In settling
Wilson claimed that $19 was due him
but Zimmerman claimed the amount was
only $17 and refuted to pay more. Wilton
left, and did not go back until Friday
evening, In the mean time having tried
get the account collected by the Justice
Courts, though nothing was done by them
About 6:1 5 he appeared at the hoiuse and
tried to get a settlement again, Zlmmet man
offering him a check, which he refused
and theo asked to be allowed to get some
things In the room occupied by him. Mr
Zimmerman and J R Wyatt.were talking
in the hall at the time. He went inside,
got an old shirt and some cartridges, went
to the rear is thought to Insert the
cartridges In a revolver, came back will
his right hand on his hip pocket and said.
Now come out side and call me a t ol
b ." "Get out of here, said Mr. Zim-
merman.stepplng towards him and In front
of Mr. Wyatt. Then Wilson told him to
back, drew the revolver and fired
1 "." e "
raun twice, once over the heart, ranglnj
towards the left shoulder nnd the othet
time ln the left arm. Wilson fled toward
the eastern part of the city, and was seen
I trolnnr cast the residence of J R Stewart
I the last time during the evening. Several
officers followed in his pursuit, Zimmer
man walked a block or two alter a doctor ;
but fell down and was taken back home,
when Dr Ellis soon arrived and attended
him. One ball, a thirty-two calibre wat
taken from the arm, nnd the other wa
probed for but not found. As Mr Zimmer
man has been spitting blood It is thought
01 1 the luncs were toucliea, ana at inn present
I """"R " - -,
the chances are aeaitut him.
Young Wilson was about 5 teeto incne
In night, weighed about 145 pounus, war
smooth faced and one fineer was missing
Nothinar is known about his past. He
claims to have been ln Albany two years
asro. The revolver used was of German
draaoon make, and was me Wilson had
traded for.
President Harriion now regard Corpo-1 meani a better rorket for American wheat,
ral Tanner as a surplus" that he mustl
soon rid himself of. . 1 IO,CjO U0jpjtQ
AUGUST J), 1881).
1 hat the enemy of man Is man.
That 1 lie fairest flowers fade the soonest,
That knowledge leaves no room for chances,
That pride It never so offensive at when In
ch tins
1 list when men are lonely they Hoop to any
That a sealskin ticque duel not always keep
'In heart warm.
That the darkest cloud often contains tht
most fruitful showers.
That the pure worship of a pure .heart is an
'nsplration and a song.
1 list an otten enemy is te. lis respected, a
secret one to be suspected ,
That there maybe loyally without luve, but
never love without loyally.
That a golden key will often find the way te
unlock many a secret ihawer
That death is a sleepless mtfcsengtr and life
a wakeful handmaid of creation.
. That the finest feeling velvety paws cf the
kitten often cover the thtrrest claws.
That "doing as well ss ynu know how" is all
right If tou alwsys knew how to do well.
' That who are honest and earnest in
their honesty have no need to proclaim the fact,
That it it often more diflicuit to oMilertl
tracct of spilled Ink than drops ol spilled blood.
That it may hcwclt to lest the condition of
a cat's claws before sirok ng its far the wiong
Facts are rapidly coming to light which
unfolds the republican scheme of reducing
the surplus In the treasury. This program
Is no other than that of doing away with
the taxes on whisky and tobacco, and keep
ing tp the war taxes on all the necessaries
of life- sugar, salt, lumber, wool, woolen
and cot'on goods, tin, and everything else
nrarly that contributes to the comfort of
the poor people. It will yet he free w his
ky and tobacco, and taxed necessaries cf
life. Again weak how do the farmers
and laboring men of the country like this
picture i
And now the republican papers. In their
plteful animosity against C cvelsnd, have
started the dastardly false report that the
ex-President whl canvass Ohio with Forsk
er.the latter being the republican candidat
for governor. These republican brethren
have accused Cleveland with many, many
missdeeds, Including Maria Halpin.but the
unklndest cut" of atl I this statement thai
he would reduce himself ! such personal
degredatlon as to canvas with such a We
Ing as Foraker.
The meaning of the extra eslon of
congress Is that the republicans wl.h to
force the organization of the house of rep
resentatives, and then hold the session In
their hands for two distinct ; one
to organize the Federal supervisorthip of
elections so as to "fix" the south at Wash
ington, and the other to spend the long
session In mere twaddle, to avoid the tariff
issue. Mr Harrison has a pharisaical pU
ky.but under It is the determination to be
re elected.
The Orand Lodge of the AOL' W.latc-
ly held at Portland, dedded that a Benefi
ciary Certificate made payable to any one
other than one or more of the member's
family, one or more of hi blood relations.
or one or more persons legally dependent
upon him. Is Invalid and will not be paid
upon the death of him w ho took out such
certificate. This Is a highly important
matter and should be looked into by every
member of the order.
David Kimball Pearson, the Chicago
philanthropist, who ha given more than
$ 700,00- to colleges and societies. ' or.e of
the busiest men in Chicago, In spite of hi
69 years, lie spends hi time between Ms
city office and a beautiful .uburban home
at Hinsdale. Hi wife l thoroughly' In
sympathy with hi lilcss and plans of do
ing good with his money while they are
One of the anti machine Republicans of
Ohio is General John Realty, wbj generally
speaks his mind. At least be did on Thursday
but in a speech at a picnic. He said Foraker
it sending thousand of pictures to Ohio voters
n which he is lithographed along) ide of Wash'
tngton. "The only way I can account fur
this," said Deatty, "it that the 'lioss' wants the
people lo see the picture of a man who could
not tell a tie and at the same time sees picture
of a roi'n w ho could." These mther cutting re
marks would seem to indicate that tome of the
Ohio Republicans have found Foraker out
The next thins for them lo do is to kick him
1 he number of modern inventions that ate
expected lo "revolutionize the world" are on
the increase, but the world'seems to wag along
about the tame at usual. It it a big wotld,and
the procett of revolutionizing tt it a very tet ious
matter. The invention of men may wotk
change in certain localities, but it Uket a Ion
time to hav this tame change felt the world
Over. The process of revolution has been go
ing on for sgetand by degrees, and the addi
lions and discoveries of modern science are
only steps in tbe ladder of progress.
Reliable sources state that the Manitoba aad
Canadian northwest wheat crop is almost
failure. Members of the Toronto Hoard
Trade have received information that ihe total
yield will be little less than half last year's crop
wd the disaster is so widespread and serious
that there are thousands of acres that will no
e cut at all. The damage is tbe direct result
f drought.
The wheat crop in Hungary is below the
iversge, and is in poor condition, owing to the
shrinking of Jhe grain in the ear. Tbe rice
stop is poor, and the barley crop is very bad.
lorn is in good condition. The vineyards
make an excellent showing.
Georgia has Ihe largest watermelon patch i
the world, It is owned by a coinpany.and con
tains 800 acres, The company will ship about
soo ears, at a nrofit. it is claimed, of $1 50 a
T ' I - -
car, 1
Prince Bismarck takes more pleasure in re
counting the dueling and drinking feats of his
itudents dsyi than in relating any of his
triumphs in the field of statesmanship.
Governor FiUhugh Lee has accepted the
wperintendency of the Lexington (Va.) Mili
tary institute. He will not, however, take tne
dace until his term of office expires on June I,
The Prince of Wales, despite his rank and
income, doesn't disdain to turn an honest penny
by breeding short horned cattle, which are sold
at private sale.
fi Oflicial report are that India's wnaat crop
i is 16.000.000 bushel short this year, This
s . . .
m;ucktion3 for sicKitooua.
A large, sunny room slwiuld be selected
for the Invalids Ifwhhcut a carpet so
much the belter. Sunshine ns a disinfec
tant Is worth bushels of chloride of lime.
The bed linen should be cha'iged at
leat once In Ihree day 1 the blanketsonce
a week, those tln.t have been lemoned be
ing hung In the open air for few limns,
then thoroughly aired in a warm rjum.
The room should bo kept thoroughly
ventllaled and at temperature not lower
than (H not higher than 70 degrees. If the
patient Is kept warm Air may te freoly ad
mitted without the least d-cr.
The carpet of a sickroom should be
lightly brushed once a day with a welled
broom. The furniture and wood work
should be wiped with a damp cloth. Dry
dusteVs and feather hrushesare sorw than
The cross sheet thotild irn arhtlilv b"
kept free from crumb ni;.! wrl'iHf,
these artt a frqtrei,t cn- t-f ,( -.r.-i
Whenever the. ir-iin y on.. !.. -. .in
patient's tVJ ll !:'. : hr :' MUC'
bathed with alcili jl,'lni.ulily drivd, snj
dusted with powdered oxide of aim-, -
A sheet folded once IcngMtwLc, laid
across the bed, with the upper ed'e just
touching the pillo nnd the end tightly
tu.'ked under the msitrese,will he found
to add greatly lo the patient's comfort. It
docs not wrinkle like a single sheet, and
crumbs may be readily brushed off it.
The nurse's dress should invariably be
neat, Usteful and pretty. Slippers or boot
of fell should be worn. To be continually
smoothing the bed, pestering the patien
orlth sympathy and say Ing a dozen timet
an hour, "now do yau eel now r I
enough lo drive a sUk man w lid.
Mea's for invalids should look ts tempt
ing at pos.ible. The tray should be cov
ered with the whitest napkin, and the sil
ver, glaw and china should shine with
cleanliness. The patient should not be
disgusted by a display of too much food,
and should not be corsuited beforehand as
to what he will eat r drink.
In bathing the invalid, never uncover
too targe a surface at once. Pin a blanket
round the shoulders, fastening It behind,
nd remove the night dress under thatPut
the hand under tne blanket and sponge the
kin, a small portion at a time. A wo
man's hair should be combed every day if
she It able to bear the fatigue. If it has
become tangled a llltle sweet oil will loos-
Household troubles should be kept far
from the sickroom. Above invalid
an apparent convalescent should be
saved from his ft lends. One garrulous
acquaintance may in half an hour undo
the fcood of a week of tender nursing. In
long illnesses a small bed-table will be
found Indispensable. Every cup, glass.
spoon and utensil used should be taken out
of the room and washed a speedily at pos
sible. At to walking on tiptoe and whis
pering, nothing can disturb a sick person
If toe) r ttervoutor irriuLle.feel lagguid.
distiiriud. or if too have tick headache, sal
low complex ron.or oueesiva orssin.toea year
livr is out of order and Deeds rooster. M.
lientey a Iaidehim Tome restore the hver
to healthy srtion and tone op tbe entire ys-
U n. Sold by rush) at Mason.
Wire Buckle Suspender
Sheriff's Sale, j
Ih the Circuit Cerrrt oftkt State 0 Oregon fbr
tht County of Ltnn :
J W Cuaicx, Plaintiff.
C R Kaes, A A Ke, N.llt C Kses, M E
Knowlton and Ii. Kaowlton, Defendants.
Notice is hereby given that by viitae of
aa exseation and order of sale issued out of
tb above ntmed Court in the above entitled
suit, I will on
alardajr, the Itth slay f Angasi.. 18.
at tbo Court Hons door in tb city of Al
bany, Linn eonaty, Oregon, at tb boor of 1
o'clock, p. m. of taid day all at public auo
tion for oaah in band to hiahect bidder th
real property described in said execution and
order sf sale leiiow. to-wtt : comraeuc
ing at th southwest corner of tbe donatton
land claim of Morean Keeaand Mary Kee ;
being NotiBuation No. 2305, in Township 12
onto of rant 2 west in Linn oounty, Ore-
son, and ronuloE thence ast 27 ehaio
thenonorth to th nor- boundary ot said
olaim t thane west 27 an am to a post
thenoa sooth to tbe o)ac of besinnins, eon
taining 130 at.-, more or les, and lying
and being in Linn t ouaty, Oregon. Th pro
ceeds arising from tbe sal of said premises,
to h applied as follow : First to the pay
ment of the sum of $25.00 Attorney fees.
and tha eosta and disbursements of suit taxed
at US CO and thootand expense of mak
ing tuoh ssla. Second to th payment to the
Plaintiff. J W Cusiek the sum of $2177 06,
with sooruiog interest thereon at th rste of
ten per cent per annum from tb ain asy 01
June, 1889. Third, th surplus if aay to th
said U K ie. & A tvet, nsme u ivees
ind M E Knowlton.
Datsd this 9th dry of July, 1889.
Jons Smallmom,
Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon,
Kotice of Final Settlement.
In (he County Court 0 Linn county, Oregon,
In the matter of the estate of James Shieldr,
NOTICE is hereby eiven that the umlr-
I ft at "' .V
; ii V i j:- oifeiYOcr'- iw;4,i.y . ---
NTv L ,.:.,.fy
For aalo only by I
sinned, the duly appointed, qualified and;
. .1 .... . JT .. I
aoUOS. a.nminunrinr 111 r oe ramn i j ni es
Shields, deoeased, has tiled his filial account
this day ss snoh Adminstrator n the above
"::.r.jr. . .-a .i... ..iA o.,.n,..
BBji v..-....-. - f
atarday, tne loihday f Aniwsl, igsa.
at tb hour of 1 o'clock, p, in. of said day
for the bearing ot objections to said final ao
oouet and for the settlement thereof.
Dtd thi IHh day o July, 1889.
H. Bkyakt, .
' Administrator.
pitcher's Castorla.
NO 3
t M
jMiitnt vtotysast
tf.i fcs MMlLf SStOrCiNX.
Prr. CM E Dollar
Tho najorlty of tn 111 of tbe fcamuua
kod arise from a dlssassd Uver. Hlxo
mon Mver Iteenlator lias been tb mean
of ro. uirlug more people to lieaUn and
bapplnos by giving theru a bMltliy
Liver than aoy otbor agener on earth. .
. cave oought thejlargest and best stock ci
- -t--
ever brought to Albany
invite every one to call
vre carry a full Une of 0. M, nenderson to Oo;s
The Red School House Shoes are the best
in the world.
Look out for
in the next
rhc Leadiiig Cash Dry Goods itoyc.
Manufactured by Julius Joseph,
smoke artitlea generally.
' a nio
OaHfornia and
JOST. A latnst Impr3ed Wlnnhe.wt
i riflt, siZ9 40-65, on the road front Al
ny to Independence and within three
miles of Albany. Any on will be anlta
bty rewarded for returning It to thlsof&
axab William.
TOOD SAWIN'i vVood attwed on
abort notice, anywhere in the city.
Kegular priop. Urderx left at Brow nell
V Mannrd' will beprcmptly att.-ndfd to
Geo, U. WA.fvv.-srt,
- ..
. . , ..
I T?'R SAI rHE r: he f
1 1 8in of horses and a to hon, frn
- , on ew .nd of the Newton uake
wnlchi;nei ior sie eneap. i tie oiw
ara ceiit-e. true and soniid. A woman
can safely drive them. They are six and
aeveu years old ropcflreiy. Will H
till t-s;itber or will sell the wagon sepa
rate from tbe horse. For further infor
mation oail at Democrat office or at my
residence one mile nor Jt . of Albany in
Benton county. m ;
W .H, (Vabnsk.
awtort a too P-mt omat Albas?
swooBo-eiaaa mat tnatur.
o laiKiKoa. w.jr
mjp , risr,
Jennings & Co.
MSDUfHcturer and desjer alt ktoda of
Milll-otd on Hamilton CawrV. Il l tt.e I
miles from Lebsooa, J
Prleeaaf. t& Kills f
Clear fir 111 00-
sooad lajy $3. CO
rsa h lumber, $ AO.
Pria of e-dsr and rnspl appiieatU
Htlr-ES AT no's TARJ) AT Iftw0 J -
0-r fie. !., 00 .f c;t.d .-Isar,
4 '.it
r HAT.
For f-irlif rtttr-t'i hi rffgwrdi to riif--lr.a
frmtil e 01 W'n, I'etrson. Inv f
troti. Ilnon j John Hardmao. lfrd
'Aolv.rton. AlUny j St am Gains, dtt
Wro Polr, Prints ill., I praesioe vrtr.
loary tnevUoin in Albany and onDtry
sorroonrMn-. (.fflo and resident 00m
h and Wssbrra m sta.
VaxoHrnry Surgooo. -
and I would respectfully
and look nronsb xay
SO day.
Meerauhaum and briar pipe
Tropica Fruits.
,rLD I RON. Fifty tona
of old ires
kltr. wanted
f castlFtra. In nor quantity, wjt4
I immediately at the Albany Iron Worka.
SAND, AC. Persons desiring aand.
losra or (travel fivm tha premisaaof
F. L. Suoh in Benton county, can croonro
tickets for the tame at my offloe, Craw
ford' block. Albany, Oregon.
WANTSD.-A good nMoh see. part
Jersoy must totrratf- a t a good
nilcHer A t diva .Mating ir:o ;,-',..,I-k
B'ix"3 City - " -
fIsfir'ITae-Bf IT To wefrsn'
SEEi1Z BEOS,, Prsprlstcrs. "
Keep a fell Une of meat of all kinds,
In ccol, eompleUly peo-
' tectad; and always Ire a. .
Also havn contanUy.on hand a&'.ujea
and other I to.
.- -1