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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1889)
aquixa noun:. i FaciSc Railroad- inpnnt Company's Mosul ship Line. ' I r.r SHORTER. LESS TIME v oilier role. through passenger and front Portland and all polnls oimtw Valloy to and from fo 'al. abet 110 Orel IMa r Niiiuitttr eStcar.Iotia la . Low HAt Ticket mr at, Ka every Wtjsl nl Jnturly from Al orTttllla Philomath. ak. close' eounotlon tt Alban tofUisOregoa PajIiIo lUllroad; ; .MIK(l'l.K. (enel Sandnjra) i tee e. . ,,f Yeeloe, .IS... Lear. lrrJlia,lU M ,. ut, tun r. Um Albany, U;w a. ' mla connect at Albany and 4. Th. above train connect at s with tha Oregon Development v'.LIneof Mteamshlp between i and Han Franclaeo. VtlLlMU D.lTr.W . run Tael'lSS. te Valine, Hamn'ar, Aae. Sr4. TmI, Attaint lata. Thuredev, Ann, . atetunla)', Au. SIM ran aa raaacteio, Valley. Tutr. Jul? t. . Tharenajr, Aug. Sih, , Sundae, All, lstli. , TiimW. Au, ttlo. Com nan r '.MfTM tha right tol aatllug dalna without nollcp. I. ftftNttngara from rorJand aoa j nftUo Valley poloU ean niaka rloa vti?n wilU Uia tralna or lb Yaqulna wt Albany or Corvallla, aud it Uea- : - at Yaqulua tha availing before ito ! i0- 1 arr aa4 F.rlhl Rate alwajr Utwealf "t..n.iUn a,nljr t A R Cbpmn,rrih anJ Act., UNM UripaMbt Co., !" M.trj m rrMdmstl. C. i!. Ht;tl, A.Q. F. andr. AtM . OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -sVIA- tto Pacific Company's Lins. IIE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Mm. Albany ltd Sss Trvaam: U boura . uufouu uraiM 11 sis Kr sist Jlweea rrtUa4 aa4 'raarles. m l? r. a. L PrtlJ Ar10t4i in L Alb.ny Lv I A a lta Ar ! rior Ll:la a L pa Lv Ar Ll Lvl 3 i r a 11 t a a to Albany Ewm I r uuwi tsssca. Lv Ar Lv Ar Albany Lbuun Albany Lbna Ar I l A a 1 L I I.Ua a : ',41 r I MTU -rl t L t isi r a : PULLWAh BUPFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, f.rtMsMitslis .1 iec.BM-Ue rasaca Cera, attache. t Eiarea Tralaa. 5k im.-tom 1 )- A eat list aVtelalaata EtCK rTlAS A -TAt.lia. Mail tsais taut (Exjapt Suwlay.) 3d A a .l .if r a Purtiand t'arv.lllt Ar I Lv r a j I 3r a i uraaes tiai aaitt (EJP-- unlay. Mir "I Portlauil at.Mlnallle Ar Lv I t un a a & a voe Ar ThroutiU Ticliettx To all puinu SOUTH JNXt EAJ3T VIA CALIFORNIA. fi all Intaratli'i. reyariiinf rsMt, ataf, etc., j ail . rwwil Al at Al "y. . , Manatee Aeat G. f. s4 P. Ae UniversUy of Oiegon. EUGENE, OREGON. Neat session beglna oil Monday, the ! I4tb of September. 189. I Frao aeuolarahlp from every county in j Ibe Slate. Apply to your County Superln ( tonrt.Dl. Free laltlon after January la',; 190. I rourtourtta: Clarsl-at, RelenUfic, Lll orary and a abort F.ogllati t.'ounte In wbi .b therelsno Latin, Oree. French '. rr Oormin, Th. Engliali la p.e-f mlneutly Buaioes Course. For caulonis o- t'.herlnfoimatk-n, addrevi 1 J. joas-iix, Preti'eLt. i Eevere House: r ALBANY. - - OREGON CIIAS. PFEIFFER PPsOPRlETOR. Fluoi op la firA-cl atyl. Table kuppltod with th. boat in tb. market. u"JaJefl atofeplog apartmenU, Ham pie rooms at Lravalera. !or coinuiercial travelers. tr C.aetaa4 freaa Ib a.lel. join 3ia:, ' OSES POSKH A FpKCIaLTT. ALSAItl fVinotcry IV, 1 1-. J . I I . t I 1 J. WKITKEY. C 1 . '4jf..e And foimsellor At Lai NT) .olak1 labile. CP.EQCN, ALBA' Will pr)i'iJ I 1 all -u tne uourta thljState. All b lues intruated to bi trill b promptly iLtended to. Peoria Ferry. gO. SOHCiAGBL, Prop., KOURDTtlP !AT Ooub!. tet-n, ;, 2.'e s borate or oattle, 5", CReialHO OMR STAY I Double toana 25j ; lngie tm 15a. Special rate on Urge drov.s Farmer, wll Roi the ferry roAil iu a tt.-ia oonditlni, i bar ing been thoroughly recaoatrtu.-tod, grad ed and graveled, tOOOHTj) AHUKs I'll aire of fine) Mr oh(ir fruit land, 4 mile, weatof Albany f ir o il v !' " wl ' fcOaoreal d.sirsl, Nliily l-tt-t C i n Coo or Turnsrou Corill' r 1. PIANOS. " 'Uio' wiahlnir a flretnilasa inttrom.ntj houldcsll at Mr. B. E. Hymen's fid e on. of ttioso Cjl.orated lietnm. cfc liog pianoos, .zcei.eitt rich tone. Ee- ro.:aliy in te and ad ed lo stand th. t-liiiiates : lb Paclflo Count. Erery piano ; fullv Bi'.s'eii'eid fur 5 vr. Tho 14 eat ; alicl-iiiii-ie for ailo, Mu -ie and palotiDg 1 loeaoB ;iv-ii there. Alao tie ple 10 get , eour .t.wiii Maoblue. Fancy work tii-i drei-t mtkiiig done to order. Firat , iiooreati of Young's old atand, Albany, j On ;?u. j xtkoBsOil TIIXJ VETERAN'S FRIEND. fdP I) fcf Cores w Wounds. Bruises, Strains, Aches and Pains Rheumatic, Neuralgic tP Sciatic, PROMPTLY And PERMANENTLY. AT ll!ViOlTS ASD Hf.Al.KItS. THICNAaUS A.VCCEUI CO..BIUir,la THE PLACE. .vt iuan UI on Pane, Biolheis, Groeers, prn(1npa RlVfll Rlfm2 KtC. Etc. V. .1 DR.J.L. HILL. Physician and Sun;eon, OrBco oor, Ftratand Tarry Street, ALBANY- OREGON 0R.Ca7ATS0Hf.1AST0FJ Phyuician and Surgeon. Utiles oppoit thm Democm. 1 DR. C. U. CKAftlBERUH, ; Homeopathic Physician ani Sargeon ! Ipecifcl attention 1 o diseases of the eye. j 6T,ffBeo"eornerofTh!id an I Lyon St. ALBANY, OREGON. DR. VV H. DAVIS, Physicim and Surgeon, ' at)fnrs ao nUira in stranan-a inoca. Vay be found at bla offlo aay an I night. DR. I. W, STARR, -nd Surgeon, UteorBrownsrillj.Or. . ... ,,...,, u,... w.r,- illm.k. uo alalia. Calla j promptly aiundwl In city or country. L. QLACKfeUN, u. SMnri'or E. l.-fe'if'. in aLeh in DRUGS. MEDICINES' CHEMICALS. BRUSHES' SO IPS COMBS. ETC. First National Hank OF ALIItKl OHVMOM. U FLIVS a, IS, Vol SQ , r w. LANOIiON. AN. r. POWELL PreeUMt.. i Tie. rraatOent , ' CaaKlar ' Aea'tCaiiae... i ,TRAACT8A6KSERALankmjlaa j ' ACCOUNTS KEPf entijact l elwck. I RIGHT EK'HA50E ul te' raAia tnaefer, ol : a e York, Ran rrtn-rfa..-., ieat' sn-l " I ler3. I COLLECTIOSr MADE an la.-arabl. Unca. I tisecTota ' ..P. Tor., f. W. Lasases, L K Bum. L. Puss, W a Me E Tt-asau Linn County Hank. Cowan, Ralston & Chamberlain, j ALBANY OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking bortaee. DRAWStOHl OHPM-m T-rk ae Fraa 1 ei.tnl Portlan.l, Urajoo I LOAX MOsiETiai appfored security KEretVEilepoaitoubjeet ehatk. 11. F. MERRILL, J3 -A 1ST IK IU ZR ALBANY, QRECOH. ! (ell exehanee e.i Ne York, Baa Kranciaxo tnd PorUtnd. Bay note., Suve, e'ninte an.t e'ty warraii. Ra aaire depoaiu aobject to check. lut.reMlloml m tim. depoeaw. Collection, will resale prompt atunttin. CerreendeneenUelted. "' Ptr. aoc Marin. Inmrane eo)ianiea. 1 Aleoloeal aeen. t !. a'n-l I irj.-. . 1 1-. Cm, any i 1 Leara etade on l-ar.n t: ,ie Pouiiry Wanted. All kin J of iituUry, alive or lros n I WAuted at the Willtnietto rn.kliu (Vim pany'a Store. Albany, Oregc... Lrr!ttt)latli thatl Iwi'tfiiMi your rma hntfwny. Team tM naVhttM r immrir tyf ibt tlnfrr paUcnta, k ditto imv run out . be-tora pirMi . nm ni n mi4 tor WW' wiin ItM , MMl KlW !( fOf a Ik w or lL AH W r vital naturrd. rlclB. toer jrf'tti f.ti-n. i f wtv- write imm trnd mo t rur aVf ib bf f -wi . km lbl worltl. fattd ih finrM nottor wtrrli vf to'tTh n er bown Unit ihvr m Ameriem, IKlKaVlU, atfa t40, Aatiu., Ma,ie " r-'C -!: tai ',' ,: j- '' 11 '' .!. if. Ct'fc tWiirV '"J ' 'J . V Jr'Ki' ii. M' iibtr..pja :r z, Pu. t : "' r '.'M VjJwrtclv-r-taMitiwi i ft I iKJf - . r.'i'j if.f et x'ur mini r ' r.'tT, '.i:-'T t'Wh'f wiih ir lfiT 1U lin ,f IItip'riol4 fH,itmlf T1i ttiwfyla, T'iI It IU Wttttll. Wei t4 l"1. snd etfttyr you hmvm hrtA trie-. In yonp t,r-m fr-r 9 i.t,titti n.t ttowa thm t tbfl ji U:f tJ rtislf itit-y txrmn four wtj pro pert. Tho) tjtU Vf.ll fit eMWal HI) t ttr ol reJlllJ fbej Watth find hitfattfA, Wcjuy tvtl oiprt, freight, K, Addrtai ttUatv. U C., 13n H 13. tf rUuatlP M.u I A.M MAY. ' O. IIXDIII MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Etrcnandiso. HAREISSURG - - - CRECOH Will boy Grain, Wool and all kinds Produce WANTED. .'Jlrl to do general house work in city, Steady place. Call kmoohat otn-.-o. irw .r 7 rrf .. fer-Mnel.leie' TP.TITl s J-.Sna R f.oa..MMwat.,1.1. mi 1 'rn-? -atoia--a. . wiliaea! fi eeiean. 0'-l---.--sSfcNMrt. ta ara lora:.ijr,ilt. ..r, r" :ZZ-irXTv b Mwae-mark'-M aiula Fvr-rr I t 'Si- mviA. wlia all lti aft.ilimmi. fe1i Jfc?5 sel.iaiMutreee.ron.i i I IZll-'l Zy J -'ir onr oa v.ta.i.M an . 1-,. I I V ,& inuaylr.. U mm w. aMl (hat yo j JZ i? it 'j -1m. hal mm Bttt. Xo tho lx ? I SFV -?li-e '" " ' Svm..iMl .(In 4 sianra IIJUIJ r (jjWoiiL f f u? Paper. VU t MJHI a MILL CITY. . Mill City I Unity Improving. Many stranger are coming to this place ML Carrie Sutton of Lebanon iint opened a Ui vtomakln pAi lur here. MLt Vailct lately ot Mohamad quite II I MLt Addle Cushuian it here from Drownevltle, and It Improving very much In health. l)r llught hit moved into hi n w drug stoic Mr. Thomas U building quite a new residence. Mr. lonee the Evtngcllst ha doted a tcrle ot three week tuccctsf ul meetings winning many toult for tne cauie. Mr U D Buler tiasiireaeutcd her hut band with a fine girl baby. Mrand Mrtllall have returned (rotn east oi the mountain to their home In thlt place. Dr. and Mr Still ot I'ot tlund are camp ing Intnclr beautiful park Mr Crable one ot Mich, wealthy clllen ha jtmt arived here, and anticipate ot building a line renlJence Mr Badger proprietor ot the leading hotel ha purchated lour more beautlfu lot and toon wilt erect a line new build ng there on. We understand that a Cul capl'adtt coming to our mivltt to erect a Urge taw milt. A reward ot ten dollar ha been offered j tor the arrest ot two young men for throw Ing ttonc with a tllng at tome ot our ciiUrim on lnt Sul)ball evening. On lat Monday a pecular h'.id wat kill ed by Dr Still at (hit place. It n.ratured from tip to tip of It wing ( fect 4 litche. trom It bill to it feet, a feet 6 Inche, tnd wttof a ilark dove color. Prot Warner't tchxl wat vUltedby two wood ratt to day, which cautcd consider able commotion" among hi puplW, and after a fierce ttruggle, the prof and tchoS art tticceded in killing the unruly vUltor. There are not enough hounet In thlt town to upply the demand. The Albany Dkmockat I read with much Interest. We consider It a picy paler. KREtMltoTKU. X.w good tt VV F Uead . F. M. French kop rilroil tima. Bargain in boot and thoea at Heads. J. P. Walaoa, Phyuician nnd Surgeon, Al bany, Or For a Sterling or Kmrrsnn piano call on U L Hltckmsn. O L Blavkmao i aiot fr the Waher piano. Nous belt" Biy yoir lij'e'. t!i'..ig'i tithe Rttjof W I. fetter and atv fr lo Purtland. . I have reduced prices on alt heavy wear in buota and she. Call early t W Y itsad'a. Tha Wettarn (VitUiM and Packard are two 0f the best orgsna mad. I, Biauk nan : tells thsnu A tin lino uf alt kin It nf fiirniturr, plain an I uphotstvred, Ih- st-uk it tbit part of Oregon at Furtnitt er A living'. ai vi.ii wiiib 1. iii a 1 11 .... .i.i'p w iur 1 v. . . . . . . - 1 it l t- I 2 J. Jnwth'e liom- mkl. hite la'w now jj - - moat -iar duaura and at hi i ectory. J A rohiS.I I. t (:. Moife.ur io C., ojio- ill I Full Tun l-, Al ! I any. ' A Koo line of liiig.-v du.Vra ami fly oela at Tbo-nu"iA OeKrinan'e, tho harneae deelen. All elegant lioe nf tii tab!. ).de, is lietatiful designs, just received at Fort miller k living', 5 ean (S Mn Rtv torn toi for .V) cent at C Meyers, and all othw, canned, good, cheap for caali . Dr Wrightamsn'e Sovereign Palm nf Life, for disease ptonllar to women, at IVyn. Si Roheon e su'l Itrowe.ll Stanar t . I J Baltimore, agent 1 Our tine of choice tcvt anil e iifeoa U un- I eqiated in town. ' BkoWMKi.I. U SrAMAKD, A sealed pack: ge all the ty f.ixn Krain ', bury, Auttria, in which wasaqueen bre,aiTiv j ed Saturday in Mechanice Fall, Me. The bee wat alive and welt afier the arduous trip Ufa hart tha Exclutiva Control ot O N K 3 H Ul X u. U tt mm b J ml 3 L Y SO C E N T a ii;n;iif?iiviii(' An4 don't e to cftr m prill (e aeff thlt Poodt, for IU Vtt B$T HADC. Ciwre Com AeM ' m m OSE HJLF pom. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, ALBANY, OREGON. IUitf.ALF-The undertlgned baa for new and In uood runnliiar ..r.ler for aale cbI'-' Iri'l'iiro of II, Bryant, Admlnl- 1.1 ami 1110 o.b-i ut aiin. a.ji9iu, deceaaed. Whn 1 137 Ovrtn I tin ftt mznn merely to top them f.jr ft int nnd th?n i.tvj tlmin r turn utrnin. I MKaM A UAiXCiU. CtUii X bftvc BiaUo the dimtmo of - FITS, EPILSPS or FALLING- SIC'iOJESS, A !lfc-binjr tud7. I vtakhakt my remedy to t'DKR tlx won't C'ihcs. lit I'.iitiso otliera have failed U no rcison for nut uoir rcreivme aeure. icn.'l ti-e for a t;-elic and tl liet fioTTLR -f mv I '.1.1.1141,18 UkmeiV. Give Uxnreo f' : iHi'. It oi.te you nuthing for - . ; it will euro you. idUrca 'OT,M.C, iC3PcAa5T,RtHY0W WTfsL BROS, DeKtlorw In ilt!i-i ut'.jt lmprovB.1 Pt.djt Urgc, Stwlng .Unguium, Uuua. Al.o afullllneof wtrrantel Kzora, Butcher till rocket KiiIvhs. The bait kind of owing iHvhln. oil, noodle and extra, Cor all inmitiuie All trrs'Ttag neatly and rmsoiiablr dona. . 1. 1. MirrHots, Prjf . Passts, Vm tni. B. Coot, S e. ' O 11. llnjalt fiaa The'Jregon Land Company V;anlzt for tit. purp m ot buying and eelllnf real estate, -.he Will .mittt Vall.jr in til of th leading- newat ( ot the L'nitod State., Kmploytng Haelrni aeiii. to itlrect e:ne eoeker. to th. Wlllam ett. Valley, and h .in. , rent, in all the principal hgwna nt Jaarion, Pullc, Linn, Benton, Claekamae an famlilll eoiuitie. to aid in locating' iinmivrant. 01l in tht Tat Uullilintr one door eat ml fltw rt A So'. H0DSO!f CICKl.VSOX, Htna(trt. 0, K. ('.tint Slifiiv. House and Carriage Painter Decorator and Paper Hanger . Piano Varnishinir. All yore guaranteed. S B. VASSAU.O- , (.Sjoneitor to Fnry Saeiens. I IJBl& muvrn, .era P"V'T smk. ' rl LT Ll B rn TELEGRAPIIIC NEWS A It R Areldcnt. Wai.Ia Walla, July 16. About 1.1$ thlt morning the touthlmund OKiN pnwnger rtn through a burnt bridge a thort distance wett of Riparia. The engine and baggage car fell in tint, the ptuenger roaclte Mopping on the htink of Ihechatm. llnclneer (leoice C Gra ham wt teverely tcltdeJ, tnd otherwite inur ed. An extra engine came to the amhUnct and drew the remainder of the train back to Kiparia. The wreck vtt then cleared away. and the track tcpnirtd, the train arriving here at 4 p m tlii evening. No other Injuric are rCoitil, WUIlt n-owlng th I'lalim. MiNNKAPOt.m, July a6. A parly i.f eni ltr era have juit unearthed a nuiuSrr of hutunn tkeletont buried in Chalk HluflVi, ten mile et of Vankton, Dk., on the Nehtatka'tide, r ifty tkullt and aoo heaaieu tkeletun eie found, which the loctl phytklant pmmmnce to he the remaintof white people, thildien and adultt, The tndicatinnt are that they have been buried lor loriy or imy year. WllfCut Htt.t. Nit w York, July a6. The olRcialt of the Pacific Mail Stetmihlp Company have notified the Trantcontlnental Attoclation that unlet tha tubtidy fiwn the railroad It inrretned thee will cut rate and take all the frieght they can g.t. It it thought that thit it a prcliminaiy tteplot waragalnvt the Canadian I'tcllie road. A Cod Hank, vvAiiiiNiiioN, juiy ao, 1 lie nth comajti tion hat lieen advitetl of report of the vliwror en of a cod bank on the Pacific coatt eight miletotr.Nettucca. Or., tixtv five milr touth of the Columbia river. The tame advicct ttate that true cod have never helore been found touth of I'uget tound. Wert aad Wan, MtWiokK, July aO, (ireat excitement wat cauted at South Oraage, N J., Wedntt day by the elopement of Mitt Minnie Daly, pretty girl iSyeaitold, with a full blooded Imliin by the name of "Big Arrow," who for the patt i yean hat been at an InuLn m hool. A Bay ManUrer Mason Cirv, low, July aC In Klk lown. hip, Clayton county, Wednetday night Utt Wenley Klkint, and eleven yer old ly, ntur dered hit father and Mep mother. l'ing a tille, I'tuloa Matter. Washington, July 35.-1 he committee up pointed by Secretary Noble lo Investigate and report upon the manner oftherotingof pension ! in the pension bureau duiing the last year is busily engaged on the chm. A statement i being pretarcd at the penion office of the oumber of cski made tecitl during the fuur months of Ttnner't adminUtration. It is stated that these number no fes than looo. Natioaal Uraaav. SN Franciko, July a$. Fiom a piivnt dispatch received thit afternoon, doled Paw Paw, Mich, it it stated (hat al the meeting of the etecutivecommittce of the National Grange Association to-dty it wa unanimoutly voted to hold their nest annual tetsion at Sacramento, Cab, to commence November 1 6. Arrangement will be made by the State tirange Society and Ihe California Slate Board of t rade to enter tain the visitor. A Ploawer I lead. Salem, July 35. Martha 1111, aged 84. a pioneer of 1846, mot her of ex Sheriff Ijiik Hall of Polk county, and grandmother of Sheriff i .rattan, 01 this county. dieil to-day at Ihe i home of her ton B F Hall, of CrtMnn. ' Klrark Ity Llgbtalag. j Ri tir l..1 tI.J, M.,.;. . ii i lit 1 1 r. July a5-Jol.nMo,tty a foreman on Ibe Montana Central railroad.wtule ; .. u L - . c . . :t . vi .... pwimi, .imiui ii r mora liifo i Klk Park station.was mink by lii-htnintf tlut . noon to-day and instantly killed. He had 0 spike maul in hu hanU anJ vas standing about s 'en feet from his men when lta etoke ilcsrcml- : A Poor K lag. ClttCAiMi, July a5. J C Stateihoue, jr., a wealtl y merchant of Honolulu, and a member of the privy council, it line. He says that King Ktlthaua't hnanchet aie not as iioor at hat ien repotteii. He ttartt for the Paitt expoai lion in a few week. II had money enough tome weeat ago, but uecfcled lo wail and take a large torn. 1 lta income ia f and hit debt are ft 20,000. A Rig ntorm Sr. Pai l, July a$, A Moriiatoan, Minne- Ca tiiecial tayt: A severe hail and electric ; storm in this vicinity thit afternoon di.l great 1 . ... . ... uamagr. .-wrerai ouuumgt weie wemotiatieo. At Anoka the moat terrific thunder aad rain atorm known for years wa experienced. Big Urala Fleet. Sax Francis. o, July 24. For the cereal year ending June 30, 1 8S9. there were loaded and cleared from San Francisco 381 tailing vettci wim nour and grain. This 1 ninety three more than for the previou year. Most of these vessels were laden with wheat, and cl:.ued for Europe. There were three full cargoes of barley to New York, four foHctrguea of wheat to Rio de Janeiro, three to Callac.and one to Vtlptraiso.snd six full cargoes of wheat, one oi barley, and one of barley, wheat and oatt to Australia, and one catgo of flour to Hong Kong. The other 260 vessels took flour and grain lo Europe, These 281 vessels went oat under charter! varying from lot to 43s fid. Twe Railroad Ofnrlala Arrestee. New OrLCAXs, July 24. A special agent j for the ttate of Mississippi unit here this 1 morning from Baton Rouge, having an order j from Governor Nichols in response to the re quisition from (jOV iAwery, of Mississippi, for the arrest and delivery of k Carroll ana Kdward L Tyler, rtilroid officer. They will be arrign cd at Purvit on the charge of aiding and abet ting the recent prize tight. Ciaaky, Indianapolis, July 24-Robert Marvel, aged 85 yean, of Pike township, hat complet ed the fortieth day of hit nbstainment from food and drink. Hundreds of curious people from all parte of the country have visitted his house, and the medical fratenity have thoroughly awakened to the marvellous nature of the caie. Dr Htshy tayt that thit marvellout fast it even more wonderful than that of Dr Tanner', Marvel it growing quite weak, and owing to hit age the probability it that he can not tur vive much longer, English Wool. San Francisco, July 24 A special from Titttburg aayi: At Ihe tuggettiou of the tur veyor of the port of Philadelphia, Ihe Pitttburg ppraitert have decided lo admit English wool at 10 ceott per pound.inttead of 30 or oocentt, according to classification, at eeretofore. Thit will make Engligh wool cheaper than Ameri can, and raiset fear that the local wool industry will be tuined. The Hamoan Treaty. Xkw York, July 24. The lleraU prints a special from Washington fliis morning to the effect that the Samonn treaty may he rejected by the senate. Kid lilovet f Kid Uloyet ! J I have jutt rect ved a full line of kid golvet branded Our Own. Thlt It a genu ine kid glove. I buy direct from iinportert In New York and consider them the bett value of any g!oye I ever sold for thit price. 5 button, 3 rowt of st'tchlng, S1.50 per pair. . 8. E. Youko. When Baby was tick, w gave ber Caitorfa, . Whan th. wat a Child, tht erleU for Caatoria, When the becam. atlas, she clung to Caatoria, When ke had Children, the gave them Caatoria. Tb Verdict Cntdiliaeas. W D Suit, Druv!. Bltipus, Ind., tettiflea! "I ean reoommend Eleoirie Blturt a the very beet remedy. Keerjr bottle sold bss g-iven rell.I In every eaaa, One nian took ix bottle., and waa eared of rheumatLin ot 10 yean' Mending-.' A hraham Hare, drug rl.t, tellvllla, Ohio, alilnns: Tht beat aslllng nedluiut I have ever handled In my 31) eeara' ex perience, la Eleetrto Bitlaie." Thouaanef ol othert bare added tbelr teitluimiy, ao that tbe venliet it unanlmoue that Electric Bitten do eurt til dim .a. ef he Liver Kidneys or Biood, Only a ball dollar a bxtlt tt Foshay and V aeon 'a Drug Store, . t A gi nileman v. ho had suffered gteatasnsy tnce siid pain from barbert itch, aud wbo had been treated by th. bett phytii-lae, without relief, sty thtt two bottle of Duttrd' SpeeiSo eared him and Jef hi face parf ictly moth, withent a tear. It neverftifs intltin elueMe. gold by Fothty Is Masos, A 1,1) ANY TOO. " Kapld Stride Biting Mail. , i Albany I growing too. And more too. It progrett I a permanent one. There 1 no Jump but Ihe gftlt It a healthy one. It Indlcatet tomcthlng. Tha eyet ot the East are on tit becatite we have the thape and location. But we are no dude. , We are becoming a railroad center. The Southern Pacific troverte the city trom niriltward and sniilhward bound, fit well a sotitlienxtwnid bound r far a Lebanon ml tomcilme farther. The f )regon Pa- clllc Mrlke u fresh from the biggest ccan, pne 11 fifty or sixty mltet and piogree, tlmiigli tlowly, SURELY to ward UoUr City and a connection with the C & N W. The preliminary aurvey 01 the Albany and Astoria R R It being made the right (it way Is being obtained and the road Will Be Built. The will make a pretty fair tlxsd rail- rond center ot tt. Ntcvv nuii.iuxuit. ti.u la nrovlmf a health bulldlna year. A arum number of eleittnt residences, ot Improved architecture have hern construct, cd, noticeably I hot of W 8 Thompson, I Beam, I N Smith, Geo 1 lochstedlcr, John lonet. LWrt Shult Bros., George II Warren, W K Eiack, etc 1 Many more are being planned for this year. For manufacturing purpaet are tne large Ice factory, now doing a freezing and rushing business and the Woolen Mills. A ttreet car line ha been built, the car are being manufactured entirely at heme and the ahop and tble are under wav. , Tha Vanca agricultural warehoue, the Ma.oalc temple with It lower anU town clock, the Blumberg block, and the Sen. der' brick are among the brick built or being built, and other are being planned. A new bank, electric llttht company, pat ent medicine company, large mining com pany are among the new corporation. Albany will M,et there.' NOT HTPI'KI. Ai.owv, Or., uly 2511. K.Ltjn Ihuty litmtrat 1 Referring to an article published In the SUtriman yet- terday and copied In Ihe 'Vree to day alleging that work had been stopped on the Oregon Pacini Itallroad, we beg spaca to sn'v that there Is no truth In the state ment The statement that the obstruc tlon to the prngre ot the work I caused bv attachments on Urge amount ot prop eity and supplies which belong to contrac tor Is very unjust to u. There are at tachment on property and supplies be longing to Searle & Dca'e, ami othert who were contractort last year, but there rn no tarhment on our oiant, proper lv or tiionlles. We have a hundred and fifty white men at work, and will put on i...n...l ami f.fiy Chinamen next week on account uf white labor being to scare. The work it going rlghi on, and will con'lnue to do to until our contract It completed. Retpectfullr. your, Axtomu i k U Dok. Contttt'-tor. . Wriithi'a Compound Hyiup of Sueepaiill are.tiahi eredicina for the renovation t tne Mood Tonee and builda up tLe tetein. .kio due..... etc. Sohfby F.ah.y A UaUn. An ounce of reveetton It ttl.r than a O..UO.I nf cus 1'fundei'a ttreeun Blno.1 Purtiirt expelt alt un Uriliet ol it. blood : ami tbou'd be used ia ad diteaaea of Ihe . ttoeia--b, liver and kidney t. Take!'. Mvliwain can (is yoa the be.t fitting - uil yea ever s-no, at ptieettotuit eacn and eviry ore. Wriahl'e ArtLiau Horse IJuimsnt acta i ouiukly and fleotuslly. aad htt no tuprrior at a rereedv for aumala in all eaaea where a inimeet ia r.cjoir..' Sud by Foshay Si Maao. WrigSt'a Myrrh tooth top eome off con qosror every time yoe) hav. "a brush" with it. Death to tartar aud decay. Stl t by foahay Ac Matou. PoRTUyn, Or., Jan. 12tb. Havine atevtre Uck aehe last summer, 1 tried th. Oregon Kidney 'let, I used one ear, which effected a radical cuie. I would res. ommend it to all who are afflicted aaan un failing remedy. JiLltsArll. Bold by Foahay tt Mason. If joo have any job wtrk !o I call on G W.8 nilh who ia irL.A t. do it with oaatneta and diiaV-h, and a cheap at any- one. A day, hacking et'Ugb keep the bronchial t ibe in a ttate of eonsUot irritation, which, If not speedily removed, may lead to bron chitis. No prompter temedy ean I. had than Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, which it both an nodyn. aud tspectorsot. Nt oue pereoi in fifty arrive ofjforty. wbo i not troubled with kidney or urinary complaint in sure lorm. 10 ttioae tfllioted with ptin in t) o btck, lion retention n nnne, nervoua dtoi iy, ptiniui or tun pr eased ineoetruatiun, we can offer a remedy that haa been in eonttant u.a oyer twenty rears, Oregon Kidney Tee. Thit preparation has dune mote for suffering homtnity than any oth.r medicme in th. maiket. Sold by Futhty St Mason. If you sr. mrvoueor irrita1.le,frel languid, dispirited, or if you have tick I e.dnolir, tal low eompleiini-,or effective l.retth.then your liver it out of rrder and needt rousing. Dr. Henley 't Dandelinn Toole rcttorra the liver to health v action and tonet up the entire tya tern. Sold by Foahay ii Mon. Attest Ion. We have juttreccived fine astortipent of parlor furniture direct from the East We have the latest design In mahogany frame, marble, (Ilk enmh and silk plush upholstered, and in walnut suits, assorted upholstering All at price that command attention. We ask tha you call and ex amine for vouraelf. It is no trouble to show goods. We also expect by the last of the week or firat of next a car load of bed room suit in walnut, oak and antique. Dining suits, center t.ihles, extension tables, secre tarlcs, warjrobe and everything else that It kept in a fli-t-clatt furniture ttore. ALBAxr Fl'rnitvreCo. ' "Will Collkct. Owing to unavoidable circumtluncet I did njt collect water billt on the 10th- 13th of thlt month at adver tiatd, but I will be round collecting th first of next month. Let every one be pre pared to meet my call. L E Gray, Scc'y Water Co. VI my Ui-XK. Wheat-Cis. . tiaU-'.Ck-. Buttor Ho per lb. Ptrgs J8t , Hsy-,0t, Potatoes 25 ots nor bushel Beef - on foot, 8hi Applet 75 cents per bu. Pork 60 per U uresmd. Barons ham Wfo, shoulders, 80. sides lOo. !td 9o nor lb. s' per bbl. bickens 8 00 per doa. Till Feed bran, 14.00 por ton - ahorts, 18. -, middling. 23. . CbOf . "O. ; HARRIED. SLOAN READ On SaturJay, July 27, 1889, at the residence of Mr." F. E. Robinson, by George Humphrey,' Esq., Mr. John M. Sloan, the best looking moulder at the Albany Iron Works, and Mis Myrtle Read, daughter of Mrs, V. E. Robir.son both of Albany. , LOG AN COX At the Revere House Albany , Oregon, July 27, 1889, by George Humphrey, Justice of the Petcc, A. II. Logan, of Jefferson, and Mitt Ajrnrt Cox, of thlt city. MOMft ANO At'.ItOVIl ?lllRDAV. " Tba Wkkklv DtMOI BAT 1 lut twtntv. (lya yr of aa Tht funtraloi Mr fi lisld till afternoon xl 3 o'uliitiK, Th new msdiual law onr Into a t nn Aiig 2.1rd and will ornbabtv ha euh rced throui(h the Sftte. The Dttna esUta I tha huaviat Individ- nal ttxpiy.r in UinatilU county atij $51, 0.12 is the aiuo nit of tlieasttinint. f Nearly douhU the tiumlier of p'ople are at Ytiiuina this teaMiii thin hsve evr brn there lef rj tt mm tint?. Ills ) are full of usinport. C'timitrcd kh rui i-fN (t.nn ( l:cr !!. the eroi vrospcci ii the Willamette, of which Inn ouunty it the teutor, ate much better than ayheie e.'.e on th Cuatt. Dtvid K Marti... the brutal murderer of Chat K (Jrant at 1 aounit, ha been arretted, j On account of the prmnloonoet f the ptrtiei tne ease u attracting oonnderaMy attsutlun. Billy P'eilTa", who wat to lung mall agent on our railroad, It now handling mail tack between Wallula and 1'ssoo up tba Colum bia. Dsltai Uemlvt. Billy it in Albany ai present. Cl Alley expert to have hit Lint) ccunty pamphlettiut by the llrtt of nrxl month. It hat Iwu prepared at grent (ittu and speak in strong language for l-inii county and etch of it toua. The evils rs.ultina from habitual eottive ur.s are mtay and wriout t but the use of harsh, drastio purustivet it tiuite at dgntter nut. Jo Ayei a Pitta, however, the tatint hat a mild but efft-otive ape'ienr., tu potior to all otUrs, espeeittly fur family use, Thoustltdt have been relieved of (iidig tinn ami loat of appetite by a tinttla buttle of Ayrr't Marsspaiill. The use of tlii mad tuiiie. by utving time end reiittth tt th assimilative nrKii, ha ins 'a imiumeranls eure of ehronie dytprpait. Pilot $1. Worth f .1 4 bottlo, Jay W Rlatn and family Inlt (0 d.y for tlieU.y, C W Vi.nd I) B Moi.teilh atedilag the Biy. Mr J K Knox went to th Biy jttterdty on iiusine.. Mr 8?a!, the commercial mu. ia home fiom a long tuulhetn trip. Use Tiuml.nll It home from hi trip to th luy. Jiit family though remained. Mr J GroM. of the Wateiloo IloUl.witb hi family left for Ysqnlo Bay to-day. L W Deyoa and family aud (ieoreo War ner and family btv returned from a prolific ftahiug trip to the mountains. Mr W M Wotverton and if -. of Sookai a Falls, haabeen In the city. The three W0I vorton brotlii-rt trein to be efjtuga fine rem. ton. raiPAv. f 000 people at Yaquina Bty i the verdiot. Blotter Herman it expected in Ail any ia a few deyr. New wheat ia 2 cent t tt Olympia. Al bany can raise Una jatt 10 Ornte. Mr W 8 Thompson aud wife have moved into their new and elegant rttidnnc on 4th treat. Oppoeite the I'.nss Ho.t i a (booting gallery, betber ahop, aa tiling establish ment aad Stlvaiiou Army. j Tba "Three Sitters" arrivH in tb. city j tht morning -from Portland, well loaded ! with alley height. U(.lvertloit church terticea will beheld in tne W C T U Hall, Sunday at II a. m by Key ll Deere. Bev I D Driv.r it on Ida way to hit borne at Ettt Portland, havine: delivered 200 lee. tare and talk intho East. K -Sheriff I C Dick.v hs I mo in the city on buainewa. Mr Dickey i. to en-j aeoted with te brick d-paitniei.t at the " pu." j Sheriff CroUan, of Salem, came up to ! Albany to.dsy. and In company with rep- ! rearntatives for the plaintiff in the cao i of FleUchner. Meter A: Co. agaloat Searle j Ucan, went to the front on the O. P. to 1 aell certain attached property lying In the ' vicinity 01 Mill city, in Marion county. Cop Cherry i in the city Mi W U JeaU-r and aitter Isft to-day for wimiiau. ..i?U,, J V ,sJbr,'.. " Woolej Mill to. cam. in from Browosylll. tfcia morotug. Rev Rominger i in tb eity ou hi way to California, takieg hi regular o.mmer va- c,Uo (J Q Cherry baa moel to Cor va Hit to re- tide, and it connected with the fuondry at thateify. CaptN U Humphrey left 00 this morn ing'e tram for Coer D'Aleo.. where he will be uia hie do Hot at Indian Commistioner.Tba other two C'jmmieaiobera wtirj nu bim at Portland. Mi. Minnie Parker, the artuit. hat r.- tarncd to her boo a in Portland after a r..i. dene. her. of (everal month . Tb many friend, whom aha nta mad. in Albany j will hop to e. her bereagalo kl, l..i .... vv f ia doiug AlUny. Mr Par ton immov'e ia mw .ii.tuvi. .11 eara , uqt 1. in earn in disposition at when head miPer of the Magnolia Mill. Jttdjt Stott. of Portland, who htt beta rapretentina th Plaintiff in the Workman 1..1. I.- ...J : . . .t- ( j divorce sou, being tried before Jude. Pow .. j ll. returned home tbit morning. He will tt tbe age , return nest week and tie eaaa will l.a nnn- J tinned. SATfRUAT. The air i full of 0 P rtilroad rumor. Tha hop crop promiee to be large aud of a good quality. To-morrow the regalsr quarterly meeting eervioetwi;) b. held at the M K Church South. Tb Ht-rmaun Dierk'a restaurant will be continued under the management of Mrs. Dirrkt and will open on nest Monday. 11 A R.iwmsn, the painter .of thia place, hat secured the contract for painting the two new churches at Uiaot'a Pott. Ashland Tho Hormann restaurant will be open to the general puhie next Monday. Mrs. Dirt-.kt hit .mployed first clasa help and firtt cite meali can be had. Mrt. Diercks feels that her thanks are due to thot. who to kindly lent their aid and sympathy ou the occasion cf her late' aad bcreaveittiit. Rsv Whittletty, of Portland will preach iu the Congroeatinnal Church to-morrow morning, and J-'ey Itomioger, of Ktat Port land, in tha evening. Mrll M Kibtir.ton, of this city, owned the lumlmr slid adjoining timler. toiijh nf which wa burned with the milt at the mnuth of theSintiim Oi Thurtday. There will be ttrvioet to-inorro-7 at th. Rtptitt ohurch morning aud evening. The Young Poople'a Mitsioitary meeting will be held at C;4 n ni. Msj. Strong h-s opened a chioken and feed market on Pir.t Street, eppotite Stew art k Sox's, He will he located fiermanont ly next dmir to the Democrat tlfice iu a few weolte. It wat lift to L Stmueltof the UW Short to perpetr.ii the crnulest joke of the teston on Ashland. This jot:, cost tho town foOO. Tne town would gladly civ. him another $500 if he will tupprei thnee cat,Ath land Retard. vVhnt,G2 cents, 15 cent shaving at Vie reck V 8 tiokett for fl at Vierick'i . New dress goods at Mcllwaiu't. Itefrigeratorsat Stewart k Sox's. Ice orcatn freezers at Stewart k Sox'a. New inyoine cf fine gold rings at French a Now cream cbeete jutt received at Coursd Meyers, For tsle, chetp, teoond hand oraii, Mrr, Hyman's. 3 chairs runniog steady at Vicrcck. ha tog parlors. Best roost'ooffee in the city at j Conrad Meyers. .., ' ( ' I W Stirr, physioian andsurgoon, Albany, Oregon. Good cooking ttove only (10 at Hopv .a h Saltmarth's. . The best wttch in the world for the money at F M Frenoh't. - , Side saddles and ladies riding uurcinglca at Thompson & Overman's. Thompson k Overman, agontt for the great Dyunuiite buggy whip. . For a number one guality of koiyet fork and spoons call at FM Frenoh't. TubS.'t pur inaiiill l.ind ng twine in large quantities at S ewart Sc SoxV. The choijett line of table luxuries can be found at Browne)! fit Stintrd's. J W Btntley. butt hot t and tht maker ia eity, oppoil.e Fortmilier Si Ir,in,'t. A large and Una Hoe of window ehtdet juit received at Pi rtmiller k Irving'. Money can't buy better oof and lioe than Itlcllwtin It aelliue, brctus better gnodt are cot manafectured. Some fin California che' te, a barrel cf H'j'ilra drip eyrup anil eoiri fine comb honey Just rroiv. t BriiwntU A Stantrd't. Qo to llil.ler A Paisley for ) our j ib print luy They lo any and all kind of work in th puviltMna and job r ii.ting line. Q.iiok work and w p'iwt. Call ami extmlne Z. T. VS'rilit's stock of lubricatiiiyuils. Ahn ttetm goods of all kind. Keep tliu eehibrated Powoil iigtit feed Lnbrioafott ami oil enpt, caiitiaiitly on baud. Also Trnltern, Lilt and Korea pump'. 1 rMt )! e pB')i!ly, lirsiiiili Wotisn ore bl. ck tivr'Al!iiiiy li-nWrk. Joint M Wuttre, of Brown. villi-, in the city. Pnil ('o'li-ii and d 111 .'ti tor went to the Bay to oay. Jlon Jeff Myer was doing Albtny yea terdey, T J Bleak, of llslaev. hi. been in the city to-day. Hey I I) Driver ht atweutrJ a call from th Heattle M K Church. Hon Jeff Meyer, ono, of Hcio's greatest rnstlt-rt, i iu the oity to day. Mr J U (irma and wife of the W.trrleo hotel left for the Bty to-day. Mayor Cowan wwnt to the Bay ilii coon. Also T J Ktitesof the Democrat. Oeo U Keenoy end I) C Wood wort h wrot to the Bay thit noon on a several dy Hip. j JudiiaMtrahan, Diatrivt Attorney Hewitt and J K KHorkln, went tj tha racing Ya quina to day, CnSionaaod Mrt Mary A Fiei-land, were oni'ed in mrrig4 as Aahlsnd on Wednvsdsy, and are now visiting ft Jlsltey lo thit county. llou Binger lli-rmtnu went tonlh laiji evening en hi way to his home at UofcLr, He will return in about a month aad spi'rd several days in Albany and vicinity. Mr Iviil Lwia, a former and old reel den I of Linn county, now a reident f Wl law, Mod., it in th city. Mr Iiwis it now tetively engsged in miuing mstlers. Duiing iSSSthe people of ihe 1'niicJ Slalei consumed 75,845,251 g.illon of Um il'.ed spiritt ; 3f'33S.co8 gall ni of wines and 767,587,057 j gallons of mall liquor, a total of 879,767,476 j gallons, 14.30 gallons for eveiy man, womtn j and child. lii i.E atAZAAb' Cts'it;ort a tang Ways at Julius (iri lwii !' I have made arrangement for buy ing good direct from the factories In Europe and will tell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast, The following are some of mv rnh retail price : dozen unbundled '.eacups and taucere, 3$ cts, doxen unhandlcd coffee cups and sau cer, a $ eta, dozen handled coffee cup and sau cer. ,o ct. doxen seven Inch dinner plates, 45, ct. j Theae goodt arc all iron tonc China and j not a cheaper grade of goods, I hav: alto J added good stor k of roccrlra, which I( ask people t call and examine and judge i for themselves as to quality and piices. I It s CaAUwoiti. , Ikarefe) Blrerl.iy. U. P.CucB'.-iL Preaching every 5bbba!n, moruing and evroing by lltsr. , (i. Ir. vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2;30 r. M Prayrr meeting every Wed neasday evening, Kvaoklial Ciivkcii. Pre ;bing on Rab Sath at II OJ a. H., and 7 r. u. fal.UUi , ichmil 10.0 Prayer meeting every Wtd- 1 j ooaday ev.uing H'M, l:v. Fubcr, nUr, -j Alttrtr iuvile-1, j M. E. Cucacu.SoPTH. Preaching every Sabbath nmroing at 1 1 o'clock a. m. aud 7 o'clock P. 11. Habbatn School at 10 o'clock j a. l. Prayrr meeting Wednesilay evening' j 1 st 70 clock. lUv. u. ll, toiiiaun, 1'astor. j ,1. E-CllCftctt Prwsching every Sabbath mornioe and ev.oiai. Sun acrvic. ia tbe eveui ig before tnrmon. 8aUath School at 2 30 P M. Prayer meeting every Thurt- j dtytrtnia. IUr. 1( r Webb pastor. j Prkksi rruiAS Cccrcil S-vic every j Sabbath morning and eveningin Church ' cor. Broadalbin and FtflhSta. Sunday School immediately after tb. morning terrice. J'ryr KecUng .very Wednetilay evecieg K U I nchard, paator. Fiasr U.trTtirr CuoRtil. Preaching every Sabbath morning and eve' Church on 6tb Street .Sal.bath imme-liatoly after "oruing eervicea. Prayer meeting evee- Thuradty evening at 7:.i0 o clock. Btv. I rumoell, pastor. mmm. 1 CoRaWATto-iAiChCaiM.-hervteteeiv ) naouatn morning and evtoing. ' School at 12:13. ayer meeting on wdntaday evening rr eacn week. UtV Kogert, Pastor. CUBisnAM Ctll'RCil -t'reathing every lust Sathath iu month, morning and eveniui-, a HJo'clock. Sthbath School at 10 'c!-k,., St. Kay Hamiilireya. Pastor. Catuouo Cmi'mch. Service every Sun! day at 10:30 A. w. aud 7 P. M. Utt Sunday of the month service at Kugeue City. Ilev. j Louis Metayer, Rector. ; Notice for Publication. United Si a! oa Land OIuca. , 1 ore rod City, June 20, lHiii. j Notice) Mb. reby glveu that In coinp'l a no with the provision of the act ol Congress of June 3rd, 1878, entitled "An act for tho sale of timber lands in tbe Stat. a of California, Oregon, Nevada, and WaaiilnRton Territory," William 11 Itequa, of Port), nd.couoty of M ultnomab. State of Oregou, bas this day filed in this oftW bis sworn statement No 1033, for the purchase of tba K of N W J and Iota 1 and 2 of Section No. 18, In 'Jown ahip No. 10 south. Range No. S eaat, and will offer proof to show thot the land sought Is in ir. valuable for lta Umber or atone tban for agricultural purpoeea,and to establish hia claim to tald land b fore the Kegiater and Keceivtr of this oillce at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, Ihe 1:1k day er Replember, I HAS, He names at wllneaea: John Went and G, A, Beam it, of Tacnnia, Pirce ooonty, W, T , snd D. Hersbey and C O. Tynor, of Portland, Multnomah ooun ty, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adverse ly the above described lauda ar request ed to file their claims In Oil otllco n or before tald 17th day of Nepiember, 1889. W. T.BrRNRY, Regidttr. Kotica for Publication. United Stales Land. Ofllee, ) uregon City, or., June 20, 18f-0. Notion Is herety given that Iu com oil -a 11 co with tho provlsiona of the act af Cotigrest of JntteSrd, 18.8. entitled "An act lor tbe aale or Umber fund in the Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Washington Teirttory " David llorshey, of Portland , county of Multnomah, t-'tate ot Oregon, baathl. dy filed Iu this office bis sworn ataternentNo, 1032, for Hie p-ir chase of tbe SIC $ of t-ctln No. 12, in Township Mo. 10 uurt, Knnga No. 2, east, and will oiler proof to dbow that tbe land sought is tnorj valuable for its tim ber or stone than - for agricultural pur poses, and to establish bis claim to said land before the itf-gl.-tir or Receiver of tula office at Oregon City, Oiegon, on Tuesday, Ibe 17lh day er September, I8 He names as witness : John Wett aud G A Bennett, v.f Taoonia, Pierce county, W. T., and W. II. Requa and C. G. Ty ner, of Portland, Multnomah county. Or. Any and all persons cf almlog advemly the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or bo fore said 17th day of September, 18i0. , W T. Bupnkt, -' KegistcN trtlnawlatea the torpid liver, strenKth. na theditreativo organs, res;ulatea tliet bowela, ttud are uiac,uuld ua ta HfiTI-BSLIOUS F'EDICIHE. bTb malarial districts their rlrtnes ara Widely recognized, aa tliey poaaeaa peei Hilar properties la freeing; tbeayatent from that tol won. J:i-c uii' I r HUgtxf ;oated. loa small. 1'rtcof i5cis. Sold Everylieree Ofiice, 44 Mttrray St., New York. Children Cry for 1 a &M f lull 1 mmiiriii nni I in al I in" urimin rn" ,...- for Infants and Children. ' "Caatorta la ao well adapted tocUldren that f recommend it aa auperlor to aay preacripuon taowa to me." 1L A. AaoBca, H. 112 Bo. Oxford St., SrooUyo, N. T. A ilr Ire lo Jtolhiri', Mr. Winslow'a Kootblnt Hyrop, for children ter-lhlnK, la the) proaerliitlon f oneofllin bst ft-tnato nor ami pbyal clans In Hie Uiillnd Males, ai.d baa Irf-eo used for forty yotra with neeer falliDg aiiwoaa by million of toother for fheir children. Imrlngtho proraa of toelhlne lta value U Innalnuablo. It releave the child from pain cure ilyeoot-'ry and dlar rho-a, griping In the Inwi-ls, and wind coilo. By lvin h-Uh to the r-hlbl M real tho mother. Prlco 25e. n hottl. Comblnet the juice of the Blue Fig of California, to laxative and nutntiotts, with the medicinal virtue of planta known to be most l"!1 human system, forming the ON LY V tK FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LITER AUD BOWELS ADO TO Cleanse the System Effectually, V THAT PURE CLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one it using it and all are delighted with it. Atk your druggist for SYKUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by tb. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP IU, Sam FtAWiisco, Ci loewen t, K r. X YoB . For halo by Will Btark, dea'era in " fmo wrlchca, jewelry, .ir. ALBANY C3LLE3UT3 ISSiKDTE Albany. onEaorj 1838, 1889. rtral Teran Opea Iwpieruber lltr. lass , A lull eorpaof lntrwf-r.- ' ... CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITtRASY, COMMERCIAL AND KOHMAL" CLASSES. fUurana ot atudv arraiieed to nibot tb j nond I of all grade of student. SfKial induct Hunt 1 ojrred lo UtultHlt from cbroatl. Tuition rant-eis from fi.M to il?.tt. ffl - .R I k4b 4..m il I.v . lAaaa a-a tr. ai ! IHUI Til I Ll III IV flLCf Iftnil tejeae- aVt, lPW ... j Koom. lor teU-bosrolog at ainallex'.nae. 1 A caroful supervision exerolaod over stu- aeata away irom nuius. ran lerm ii("-u Septnatr 7th. for circular and foil particulars addr tho President. StKV. Ll.KKRT J. IOBIT. Altany,.Orfn -ACADEMY -OF- . Our Laly of Perjwtaal Help. ALBANY. - - ' OREGOf.. Cftu.fnated by tUo Si-At or m. Bonedict. This Academy it nco.)orRted and iiu thorixrd bv the State to confut academic nonoi. Tho o ltirse of sitid.y 1 complete, MstUematics, Literature and Miisio aie spee-lal-.iea, aaalaetbe Normal lnetrnetlon wraeplrtnis for tsachors' certlflcates. ln- rustrltit crawinr. vocal music in nass ana til kiutlsof iiemllewo; Ic lorm, no extra tbarsrt. The aiclp)ine f the school is gAnile luit firm. oojort to form not only reflned younu; iaob, but noble .ind imf-fiil inenuiTs of a-al;ty. Pupils ldmi!tod at any U m and charts propor tioned. 1'upiUot' any dduomioatiOQ re ceived. Tuition in .elect day school ranges from 5 to f tO. For terms of B iardlog Sch ol or any particr lars apply at tbe Acad i.-ny, or ad lres Sister Superioress. t FOR BALK BY FOSHAY A MASON RedCrownMills S0M, LANNING & CO., l OPR'S. IIW tROCESS PXOOB 8UPUI0R 10k VAMI' tSS : ANU BAR Ilia UBS. ' BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Sihest "Price in Cash fo Wheat Fortfliillei . & frving, A & a ft ' 9 V,. W -I'UNEKAL -MRECTOKS.-Prouipt Attention-First-class Hearse Pitcher's Cactoria. . erf rn , v ! t- j 'mttTZsr- '-' ' i? - "mr - W " '-' tV rwtHa wt fSolle, Contlpatln, fW fttoinacb, Piarrhosa, Ju-ucMtion, JUUa Worms, give aleep, as4 promote I WUtoS ugurioua aedlcatkw. Taa CescTACB CoaeAirr, 77 Murray Hlrwt, H. T. Timber Land Notice. United ftn'.ea Land Office, Oregou City, Ot., Jooo Mh, 18? Notice) It I.oreby given that I.J com pi I anc. with tbo provWIona of tho act of Congres ol Joe. 3rd, If) 78. m1 tiled "An act for the aa!e of timber lands In the Niatew of CaiifnriiM, Orogoo. Nevada and. tVali!nejton Territory ."Frank K Mtovena, . 11.1 -ina ci iiniy or ( Lentil", jeiri lory of tVtiMiiloKtoit, fins tbia day filed in thitiil!! '9 !)! .worn atelnneril No. IOTA, it the ..arcbiaor.fiixi H W J rjf Section ,n Township No, 10 hontli i'.aDgo No. 3 1 4t, and ri;i offrr roof to ahow 1 1. nt the li-n-i aottRl 1 1- more ja'nable for ita ti it her in aloiio tlun for Hgricultnral piirposir., ni'd U rsabllsb hi. rlnirn Ut Mid land tf Turn the KfgiMrr tnti Be coiverof till tJIbw at n &n City, Oi., on . Friday, Ibe Keib day of y'eplea.ter, nA. Ho Dame, aa wltnwioe ; Tl; K-anr, II. Martin, O. W, l;ail ar.d John West, I or Moiilario, (li-hiis coiinty. WaablrRlon Territory. Any and ail j-er- tona clal-jiin ad ten el v He al-ovo hjo acribed land, r rtqiioided 10 fiio their claim In tblsi fflcn 00 or before said Vwb day of .r-pteiii U r, Ihy'i . J. Ut?RT, Begtt-ter. Notica for FnUication. ti.d Ofllco at Or (ton Cliv, Or. I . June tMib, iHHfr. Notice- ia hr.rebv civen that tb fdllow- fnic named strttVr I as filed r.t'.- of tie fntoution to tcake final proof in r up port of bi claim, and that said pr:f will be made befor. the County Judgo or tn b; abeenco, tef-retbo County Clerk of Linn county, .t Aibaey, Or., on Headar. AZI 3lb, In, via: Martin B.' Oaylord, Horr.fKtead Kntry N. f'r the H W ot . 8. Tp. IS Mil IK. lie name, the following wit nessea to prove ma coniionona rei tletice upon and culiivation of aaid land viz : N. M. Harria, M, A. Fitzgerald, O, Patnell and ti. Gaylord, all or Lebanon, Linn county, Oregon. Any person who (fesirc-. lo prottst agalnut tbe allowance of stu b proof, or who knows ot aoy rubatar tial reasnr, under the taw and tho regulations of the Interior Dermrtrocn', why oh prorjf should not bs allowed, will bo given an opportunity at the abort) mentinnftdlina. tod plane to crr-. examino tho witness of aaid c'.aiman. ami t-ioflf-r viderco In rebuttal of that ml mitud t-v i-laionant. W,T Prp.kT Kelt-ii r. Timber laud Mice. United Ma tnd Offi.ta, Oregon City, Or., June tab, 18M. Notice I beiehy given that In eomp'i snce witb tho provision "of tbe act cf Congress of June 3rd, 1&7, entitled -'An act for tha tale of timber lands in tbe States of California, Oiefmn, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Thornaa O. Keane, of Mi nirseno.county of Chebalb-. Territory of Wsl:ington, bas tbia nay filed in tbia cfl'u-ei bis sworn statement No. 1077. fur the purchase of tbe SKJ of Section No 22. in Township No. 10. South, Rapro No, 3 --t, and will ciTer proof to soow that tha lnd sought Is more valuable for its timber or stonu than for agricultural rurj-osee. and to establlab his claim Co said land before tbe Register snd Receiver ct Ibis tfllce at Oregon City, Oregon, c-n Friday, Ibe a,h day r Keplember, laJta. lie aimetts witnesses: H. Martin, F. E. Stevecs. O, W. Bell snd John Wen all of Montesano.Cbebalis county, Wash ington Territory, Any and all peroon elaimioK adveraely tbe above d merit-, landa are requested to fi'e tbetr claims 1 tbia t Aire on or before said 20th day o September, IW9. V. T.BrRWKT, Register. GATA COLD IN HEAD. Try the Cure Ely'sCreamBalm Cleanses the Nasal Passages. Al lays TriflBTtTrnBticin. Heals the Sores. Bestores the Senses of Taste, Small End Hearing. A particle is applied tat each aaatril aad ta asrrewble. Frio. SOo. sut lrfcua .r ay sasui. ELY KKOVHEHSe WanenStKew York. PATEIITS tslned, and all ether beaineat in the V: 8, Patea See auendedad to for moderate fees. Oar office tsonpoeit the U.S. Patent Office, and w can obtain Patent leas time than tboe remove rom WaahinRton. . Send modi, or drawing. W. a- to patent ability Ire. ot charge ; ami at make e charge unlee. we obtain pateot. W. refer here, to the Poetmaater, the Snpi. ai Money Order Die. aad to offltaala ot the U . a Patent Odtoe. For circular, adnca, terma, aad atereoce. o actual elleuta in your own Stat, or count j, adtireea C, A. SIVOW&CO., OiPoaive Patent O.-fice, Washington, D . OF PURE COD UVEPi GIL M2 hyfophosphit: Almost as Palatabioas fsSSSlc. So rtiigalaed that It can W taken, diyaated, aad aaatmtlated br . ami ..ualUve itoaiMh, whea the plalat oil faot h -tolerated! aad by th. com bination of the oil with th. hypopfcos phitaa la maeh more efiieaclowa. ' Beuarkable as a fiesi predaeer. : Persons gala rspldly while tatlaglt, SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world for the relief and cure of CONSUMPTION. SCROFULA. GENERAL CESILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. 2h4 oreof renvdy or tbstanpiion, and irasktut in Cfttrfrgn. ly all Lruijaistt. Bl( G haaf tree anlvtr-' sal aatlttaction la the caret I Gonorrbeaa and Oleet. 1 praeerlbeltand 'HOI DATS. . 1. 1 IM M j artealitrta. SetMltnkalSi feat aalt tn rwoinmandj 1"1 It to all sufferer. Crnainnati. i.J. STOKER, Oeeetur, III. PRICH, 81.00. Vrt. ,2Sark Sold by Siuffltta. t Im lv W ..tenia A(t. STOCXMEMANO FARMERS a hereby certify that Dr, 1, jjf. Waodle has suooossfully operated on my riddling uore, ISAAC HAYS. For further refnrenoe iu regard to ridg Ings inquire of 'm, Peterson, Dave Pe terson, Lebanon ; John Hardnaan, Alfred Wolverton, Albttuy ; Sain Gaines, Beio; Wm. Foster, Priueville. I practit veter. Inary medicine In Albany and country surrounding, Oiase and residence cornet 5th and Washtrg'.jn Sts. I.N WOOELE, Veterinary Surgeon. EH 81 f On. I t