The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 02, 1889, Image 3

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    Sfoc gcwotrat.
8TITE3 &
Si I tars
That Nibraska Exct aatox. It turns
ut a good joke, the whole business.
Though going by the mine o! Tre"
Association, the Dsmocsat it Informed
by a Nebraska man, who know the situa
tion, that there ere only seven nrwspaper.
men among the sixty In the excursion.
The remelndcr are real estate men and
merchants. Even the Chairman U an
Omaha real estate man, and there were
(our others from the s.nne cltjr. The
whole crowd I working for Nebraska not
Oregon Even the Nebraska newspapers
ridicule the "press" part of It, II this I
true It Is a shame for our people to be Im
posed on In such a manner.
GoiKO, About three hundred China
men have engaged passage 'or their na
tlve laud, per ship "Colotna," sail
again In October, tays the Portland HW
nwM, Of those who depart not five per
cent will ever again return to the United
States. At the rate Mongolian are Icav
Ing the country there won't be 10,000
Chinese on the TaclAc Coast In ten years.
The limited number now here have be.
come extremely Independent and demand
outrageous wages for their labor. China
men who six years ago readily accepted
$15 per month forthcir demand
$30 and $40, and become Impertinent
should their rould be employer even hint
at a sum less large.
Boomixo On 1 as. No city can afford
to boom too much. There Is nearly all-
ways a reaction. Loon at Nansas eity
A year ago It was the liveliest city in the
United States. It had a great boom and
thousands of people settled there. Rea
estate sold lorjgllt egded prices. Sblendld.
business blocks sprung up as it by magic
Peple were wild then. To day they" are
long faced and sad. The town is as "dead
a dnnr nnil " The boom has rollasrieJ
and al! the rustling real estate agent nave
movea to mncr own. line going
1 . . . 1 . . 1 1 ' 1 : 1 1 t
about the citv a vtaitur notices in
lota and many amusing sign nailed over
them. One of them reads: I nop a load
of earth In here and see the lot fi 1 up.
Sciu. Work on Mr. (loins' new brick
block was inaugurated . Wednesday alter
noon' the boy putting in a quarter of that
day, and Thursday evening at quitting
time the four bricklayers had laved twenty
six thousand brick. Will Cox, contractor
' Joe Clark, John Davidson and George
Hay ford are the bricklayer. . . . Rob Carey,
nearSdo, came very near having his house
burned Thursday mOrning, the fire catch,
ing from a defective flue during the ab
aence of the family.... Messrs. Lee Bil
veu & Co. will soon commence the erect
Ian ( a large livery stable on Main street.
Mre Kate C Lonswav, who has been visit
in her mother, Mrs Dr. Martin, in this
V. T. Ve. i
A MiN'isTsaiAL RtxBi'Tiox. " Last
, ' , . , I
tIAnsI I hiirch .rit n vrv ninvnm re- :
., . , , ... 11 .
ceation at the residence of Mr W r Hearst,
to Rev Rogers, local pa.tor. Rev Romin- !
ger. ot East Portland. nd Rev Whittlesey, I
, . , , . . . .
f Portland, the latter two being In the
, ... ., ,. . .
city on heir .urn mer vacation. It was a ,
ery eajoyabi. event, maoeuonb.y 10 u; 1
the fact that all three of the ministers are
ingle, and the op'nion generally prevail
that It I not goad for them to 'be alone.
A nice lunch wa served and a good time
generally had.
Jack Ditn. Jack M titer, the engineer,
on the llllated train, died at his home in
Portland last Monday of the effects of the
scalding received in the railroad accident
al thla city Sundiy night He gave up
hi life for th? passenger he wa
conveying, brave man. Jack Miller ha
been on the road ince it started In 1S71,
first In the shops, then as fireman, but
most of the as engineer. He was at way
at hi post ot duty, was a temperate
faithful servant of company and people.
He wa known a Big Jack.
A TuaasHaaBcaxaD. Yetrday after
noon about four o'clock, says the Salem
Journal while Noah lierren was threshing
grain on his farm four mile from this city,
the machine caught fire and was burned to
the ground before the fire could be stop
ped. There were about boo burhels o
grain In the sack near the machine, but
by the prompt action of the hands It wr
saved. The machine burne so rapidly
that even the rubber belt could not be
saved' The fire quickly pread toward the
fence and burned about one hundred yard
of it down. IO about $800.
Tats K. or P. Columbia Division No.
4 Uniform Rank K.of P. was organized at
the'K. of P.'Hall Saturday. Grand Chan
ceJlor W F Hume assisted by Dl Greene,
of Satem.'conducted the ceremony. There
are twenty-seven members, and all appear
ed In new and handsome uniforms recent
ly ordered from the East. After the or
ganisation of the Division a fine Ice cream
lunch wa served at Mr. FriU Huffman's.
Following are the officers elected :
I F Hall, Sir Knight Captain.
Oeo W Hochstedler, Sir Knight Lt.
Qutncr Propst, 8ir Knight Herald.
A W Hammer, Sir Knight Recorder.
Geo C Will. Sir Knight Treasurer.
Walter Parker, Sir Knight Guard
W A McCIain, Sir Knight Sentinel.
Water Ag at es. M r. Alia n Slauson, vf
the Ortfomann a fine article cn his
outing nt Ysqolna Bay, describes water
agates as follows: "The! are little oval
semi-transparent stone, with a tendency
to flatness and a rough exterior, having a
little drop of water waited up inside.
Holding one up to tbe light you can ee the
water meve a yeu turn the tone.M Now
the truth I you imply ee the air in the
water move, the drop being nothing let
ha atmosphere.
RtVEXGEFUL Ten years ago a man
near Lexington Ky. bad twenty tour
-sheen bitten by doc. Cince that time he
ha poisoned and hot over thres hundred
canines, and I ui! engagto in mat gio-
rlaua work. Peoole who b' y their ero
ceriea of Conn Bros, of this ;itv. never feel
revengeful, for they obtain the best bar
gains, good treatment and first class goods,
Looks Suspicious . Mr T L Wallace,
has sold to Mr C O Cahlen the Inside lot
to his fine residence property at the cor-
..r nf Filsworth and Lvon street. Mr
Chln will bultd a fine rcldence on the
lot thlumme, and. a he Is now unmar
ried, the act I causing hi friend to wink
Tjulte loudly.
Amother Pioseee Dead.- On Satur
way evening, July 27th, 1889, In Albany,
after a lingering lllnass, Mr. Ellis Knox,
died at the age of to year, 6 month
Funeral eryices occurred on Sunday af
ternoon, after which the deceased was
buried in the Knox Butte cemetery. Mr.
Knox was a daughter of Mr. Martin Payne,
of thia cltv and came to Linn county In
iSct She was a woman of most estimaote
character, a member of the M. E. Church,
and leaves a husband, daughter and son
and many friend to mourn her death
Chinese Pmeaats. '-China phea.
ante are not a numerou In grain field
hi season as last This doe not seem to
be much proof o so fast an Increase as was
dc mu.i j.. w.
first thsuiiht ."Silverton APftal
ot the Linn county farmers tell a different
j .'tOODS at
Two Enp. -Three men, Morrison, Sttl
(en ton and Sundberg.
They lived In Dakota and were farmer.
A trip to Washington Territory could
not be resisted,
They found an over-boomed country and
ought return tickets.
They are convinced that Dakota Is the
oetter coutlry, and will contentedly re
And raiNehard whcit, accumulate riches
and tell their neighbor that the coast boom
is a delusion and a snare. Jamestown, Dak.
The above Is taken from a paper pub
lUhed at ihe present home of Mr II K Sox,
a former resident o( Albany. A few day
ago in speaking of a small yield of fifteen
bushels to the acre of wheat, a new minor
sslJ, you shouldn't grumble, In Dakota.
where 1 came from they am thankful if
they get four bushels to the acre.
Wiikat Wheat icports gen
erally contain only the big report .and
hence are onesided ; hut they are Inter
eating. . Here are some Mai Ion county
yield gathered bv the SMmhii : O A
Harold, who resides on Mr Ottsh's farm
near the fair grounds has finished thresh
ing and hat an average of 33 bushels per
acre, machine measure, which means about
35 or 3 lumhcls by weight measure. Phil
lip Painter, who resides "ear Rrooksthrcoh
ed 43 acres yck'crday that made a total of
1000 bushels, or a fraction over 46 bushel
per acre, machine measure. The hent
was of an excellent quality, sound, pNunp
and large grains.
Tint Cknh's. The following Item in
reference to the V. S. census, Is going the
rounds of the pro and Is In order : It I
nut generally known, at It should be, that
the statistics which will be gathered by
the enumerators In the housu to house visit
In June, iSj, relate to the yea? beginning
Jnne it, !$&, and ending May 31st, iSyo,
It is especially desirable that farmers
should keep an accurate account of their
productions during the census ear, so that
they may be abe to render reliable returns.
Instead of trusting to their memory, which
is liable to br at fauU In many things.
Assvrkd The OrfnM cornea) out
boldly and says the success of the Oregon
Pacific Is assured. For several years it
management ha struggled against failure
and disappointments, never losing faith in
the greatness of the enterprise wiilch !
..-r,.. .
comes the keen
satisfaction of bring able to show to the
most pessimistic doubter the great possl-
billi'le which are plainly before It." We
are glad this great paper' -a awakened to
its senses in refcrenceto this road.dcstined
to become a great one.
From Mklmnukam IUy Mr E J
O'Conner, the contractor, returned Mon
day from Ik-liingham Bay, wncre he hsa
just finished a contract on one of the rail
roads leading into that country. Railroads
are heading for that Hay from alt direction
backed by unlimited Eastern capital ; and
yet they have no batter local prospects
than here. Capital is simply offered a bet
ter chance there. neillngmVn Hay Is hav
ing a big boom and is attiacti ia considera
ble attention. Mr O'Conner roiitcmrtlates
biduln on other rallru id co. tracts la that I
COuntrv. 1
A Tiikshix Ttsr. Mr Win Crane,
j of this cifv, has invented a combination of
a Pitta Thresher and. 1 hca.ler, which prom
ies, if successful, lo revoluti mUc the sys
tern of harvesting here. It heads the
.... , . .. . .. .
h''.''''" "
w,lh whca' he,rou.,a. Where twenty
men are now emploved five or tlx onlv
, . , .
will be needed, sav'ng several cents on the
o lhreihin p..blIc ol ...
machin wil be ,adc on ,he farm of ,
Roberts near Rolert bridge on Aug. ft.
Every farmer should see it work.
Who Rcx TnicM.-Soine one has taken i
the trouble to determine what nationalities
are conducting saloons in Seattle. It is
fniinil iKat r, 1 1 1 n I rnm lim.lrit unjt luri-nl.
nve license issued previous to the fire,
three fifth of the number were to Ger
mans, the remainder being made up from
Swecds. Norwegian, and Iri.h.whiie there j
two or three American..
Good Yield. Mr Denver Hackleman
inform the Democrat that the yield of ,
wheat are good wherever he ha threshed,
with one 01 two exceptions. Mr Ehret's
wheat averaged 35 bushel, an eight sere
field averaging 47 bushels. Win C Mor
gan's averaged 35 bushels. Not much
failure to these, lie pionounces the gen
eral outlook a excellent.
Oar.Gof. A great empire State of the
Pacific Coas, containing 96,000 square
miles. Its climat? has no superior in the
Unit efl States. Its productiveness places
it In the front rank of the old or n w wor d.
Rich in natural resource, a splendid grain
and (lairying country. Horses and rattle
show to Ihe best advantage. Nature seems
to excel herself in generosity in fruits and
dowers. Grasses of all kinds hop. fla,
alfalva, etc. St Panl Jmrnal of Commrrct.
A Wheat Fire. Sunday the wheat
field of Mr Ed Looney caught on fire from
a passing engine about 2 o'clock, and three
or four acre of w heat in the sheaf were
burned. Dr Hill and Steve Phillip! hap
pening along helped fight the fire and keep
it from several buildings and a pile of
threshed wheat. A it wa the damage
amounted to $40 or $50.
Astoria Railroad. Surveyors fiom
Albany passed with'n a mile of town and
headed off for a gap between Dallas and
Fall City. If the road I to go to Astori a
it seems though this is an out of the
way route. Our citizen should meet and
carefully discuss the situation and all act
togather. "In unity I strength. Inde
pendence IVtit Side,. -
Wool Sold. All the Crook county
woo! has been shipped lo market, and the
greater portion has been sold. It is im
possible to give the exact amount of the
wool clip of this season, but well posted
person estimate ic at 4500 sack or about
1,350,000 pounds. Jieview. Of this about
50,000 pounds was brought to the valley.
A Bridal Sehexade. Wm Frumm
and bride lan Monday were given a sere
nade at their residence on First St-ect.
Some quite lively .though discordant, pieces
were played on tin pans, horns.ongs. gal
vanlzed tubs, cowbells, rtc. An hour was
thus passed in a very hilarious manner. .
The Firemex's Tourxmkn-t. The N
W. fireman's tournament is to bs held in
Tacon.a about the middle of September,
and the money 1 nearly or quite raised for
the event. There will be $3000 in purses,
and Chief Raincy of the Tacoma depart
ment propose making it the greatest
tournament yet held In the N. W,
Every Day. Excursion tickets are now
sold on the Oregon Pacific every day, and
will be until further orders. They can be
bought at Albany, Eugene, Portland, Sa
lem, Porvallis and Philomath. It will no
ionger be necessary to wait until Wednes
day or Saturday.
A Fisger. The Senior Editor ot the
Democrat has returned from the Bay
with his right hand in a big sling, caused
by an axe slipping and striking a finger
nearly arrputatlng tt.
Nothing Serious. A postal from F
V French, at Sweet Home, announces a
mall break down on Capt Irvine (Id's of
one of the wagons; but otherwise thing
were serene and the party was having a
jovial ttme.
Died Mr Mary Crow, died at her
f , t . V !,
. ..main svere hrnuorhl Hnwn tn Alhiinv
far interment.
Fine line of Guns and
good stock of Ammuni
tion at Deyoe and "Rob
I son s special bargains
I1 turn MsaOaya fatly.
Ennliirpr sntl fireman l'erbap Fatally Injured
The Cans a Misplaced Mwltea
Last night the California espies left
Albany about 9 o'clock, an hourlate. The
Lebanon train, which usually lcarcs Im
mediately after till train left before It at
about the usual hour. The witch at the
branch, about a mile south of the depot
was turned and locked In the uiual man
ncr t but the bar that draw the rati
must have fallen to the ground, for after
wards the !n wa found gone and the bar
lying on the ground, probably falling just
a It was locked, lor the rail of the 1 witch
weie thrown side ay about halt the width
of a rail, so that when the California train
came rushing along at about fifteen mile
an hour the flange of the engine wheel
struck the middle of the rail, derailing the
engine, tender, baggage and front Pull.
man car. They run over the tie about
a hundred feet when the engine and ten
dcr toppled over toward the outh, falling
down a small embankment almost on to
their t"p. As (he struck the
witch the engineer, Jack Miller, put on
the nlr brakes, reversed the machinery to
the last notch, and with the fireman Clint
Guthrie, bravely went over with the en
glne, though thev might have jumpcd.and
were buried under It, the wood from the
lender piling on them and the steam rush
Ing from the engine scalding them tn 1
frightful manner. At the Mine time the
cold water leaked from the tender tank,
pouring on to them. The frightened pass
engers, none ot wnom were at an injured,
rushed from the train and the engineer
and firemen were soon pulled from under
the engine, scalded and bruised In a fright
ful If not fatal manner.hoth externally and
Internally, Four tramp were on the blind
oaggage, only one 01 whom wa Injured
One of the others, though,' was missing
afterward. The jar to the passenger wa
not great except In the front Pullman,
wnrre cnnaiueraiiie screaming wis done.
wrecking engines were brought from
Junction and Salem, and by too clock lo-
uay mc track was cleared and the morn
ing train passed north, and the California
train with another ci'glne, tender and mall
car at 10:30 went sou'h.
The unfortunate engineer and fireman
were fust taken to the Depot Hotel where
ut Maston, the f V surgeon of this city,
assisted by n phvsiclan on the train, at
tended them. They were placed on board
the Portland train and taken to their home
In that city. Brave men, may they re
cover, though the chance are against
them, Mr aliiler, though wa in the most
precarious condition .
The train was under charge of Conduc
tor S W Cor.ser, who did everything In hi
power mr inc convenience ot the passen
gers, and to alleviate the suffering ot the
injured men.
It was aid of Jack Mllltr, the engineer,
that when assistance wa offered him he
said, no, leave mc alone, I can get out
without any help." Mr. Milter Is a heavy
man, weighing about 250 pounds, end, In
haling some of the scalding steam, hi in
juries are liable to prove serious ones. j
The cause of the accident will be thor
mighty Investigated, and the responsibility
or ln .P1"' " 1 ac nere "
' fiuit is wsiuic 11 waa uunv
maiitiousiy iv tramp ; but not probable.
A ladv on the train sent a S JO
piece to the fireman, and requested
ner name be kept Irom the public.
The accident eauacsl conidrabl sioita
nici I at this city sod bnodrssls of paoble
visiud tho of the wreck, where the eu
KUie and tender ear h, well brokan op, and
lha mat! ear aomewhtt dsinagvd stands
Sip lust thrill
Fiat at Dallas J Wednesday at
1:15 o'clock afire was discovered In the
rear of the Bank building, at Dailas.and be.
fre 'he flames could be extinguished the
" le had beensustalned.a glv-
en by the Oiuritr in an extra which
readied the Dr.wovaAT office less than halt
a day after the fire started : Crlder Bros.,
grocery men, V','xx 1 insurance (1.000. The
Dallas City Bank loses its fixtures and will
have its business Interrupted. J D Ellis'
building, occupied by barber .hop, post.
mce iJ bttj, $1,500 j
I no insurance ; J II La ton.barber, $
insurance ; p j liayter, ftjoaa, Insurance
; U S i;rant,$joo ; Kenton & Trultt,
drv goods, $100, Insured ; Fault &
Sirs. $ 1, coo. Insurance $500; Gene Hay
ter's store. $500, fullv Insured ; A K Wil
son, $300, insured ; J5 F Vaughn,$50.par
tially insured ; Nat Holman, $50. Total
loss about $ 1 1,000.
TheSame Moy. Several years sgo Re
R L Steven, then of thla city, waa riding
near Sweet Home when he look a small
boy into ride. A brother who .aw the act
claimed that he thought bl brother wa
being abducted, took a gun and shot the
horse dead. I le was arrested tried at this
city and acquitted. He was one of the
Rolf boys now under arrest for murder, in
tampering with the switch that caused the
railroad accident resulting In the death of
Jack Miller. The Rolf boys are not very
ongni, anu are said to be 01 an ugly dispo
ine noose hang, over them.
Why .'Why do you not go to Water
loo As a summer reso-t it Is unexcelled.
Good level ground, good shade, excellent
soda water, good hotel accommodations.
Board and lodging from $4-50 to $6 per
week to suit customer. Six mile above
Lebanon on the Santlam river I will be
at Lebanon every Saturday at arrival of
train to convey partlea to Waterloo. Good
feed liable In connection with hotel.
J. G.Gao,
Proprietor Waterloo Hotel.
Get First Choice, Just received at L
Blaln's tailoring department a large and
elegant line of piece good tor suits and
pants, never before equalled in Albany
They embrace the very latest patterns, are
in style and wilt make up, uuder the skil
ful workmanship of Mr. Schifiler Into the
iinest suit to be obtained In the Valley,
Call early and get choice of patterns.
Furnisher Work.-Joe Sage says that
the people up at Albany made him haul
$12.50 worth of gravel on the streets In
front of his lot a year ago, and , this week
tney made mm remove It. lie says they
soou'd not wait so long next time, but
every six month haul gravel on the
streets, and then give men the job of re
moving It Urownsvllle Timet.
A Partial Runaway. Tuesday eve
ning Mr Lear wa driving a team along
Fourth street when it became frightened
at an upheaval of crosswalk atWahlngton
street and attempted to run away, being
(topped bv a ost after running several
feet. 'Felix Hamilton the ten
year old aon of A J Hamilton, who was
riding on the rear axle for (un, was thrown
violently to the ground and badly bruised
on his face.
A Doggone Case. Mesr John Rob-
son and Dick Conn 'eft Tuesday on - a
pleasure trip to the Sodas, and some re
markable alories are looked for. Just after
they left a fine yellow doif belonging to
a welt known citizen was missing, and the
Democrat! informed that there is a
strong suspicion that thy "got away with
him." The matter will at least be
thoroughly investigated. ,
Slaughter ia Silk Ribbons.
In order to close out my Immense stock
of silk ribbons in plain and plcot edge
will sell them until my fa'.l stock arrive
at 7 cents on the dollar. All marked In
plain figures.
Samuel E. Youho.
Albany tha Leading Oaslnaas Center,
' The St. Pti Journal 0 Cmmrc,ftUo
representative wat In the Valley tevei at
week ago, write up the country, In a
pointed, pushing, discerning manner, one
to thow that he understood the situation,
Ihe following extract from tins paper
Issue tf July aolh, will sliowt
The rVlllamette Valley Is th principal
valley In Oregon, and comprise the wealth
iest portion of the Stale. There ere four
prh.clpal clliei In this Valley Salem, the
capital of the Slate ; Albany, Eugene and
Corvallls, all located on the Willamette
Albany ha a population of 3,500 lo a,-
000, It has several larue business house
and some very gucd brick business block,
two (ubtant!at bank, four very good ho
tel two pronounced first class. Albany
I th county eat of Linn county, which U
regarded a the banner county of the State,
located on the east bank of the Wlllam
ette river, and is the center ot a tpleedld
agricultural country, divided from Benten
county by tSe river.
Unquestionably Stewart Sox's la the
leading house in Oregon outside of Port
land and for all I know, can challenge that
metropolis of thn State.
Wallace, Thompson Sc Co' Is the hand
somest fitted tip grocery store In Oregon,
not excepting Portland, the counter and
shelving along costing $1,500.
Mr. L E Blaln Is established since 1S76,
and outside of Portland, carries the largest
stock In hi line,
In com Darin note with other cities of
Oregon, outside of Portland, It I notice
able that while Salem I the capital and
much larger In population, we have met
many more commercial traveler In Al
bany than In Salem, and all seemed satis
fied with the result ol their trip. These
drummer know their business, and Infer
ences can be drawn a to the relative mer
its of both towns commercially weighed.
There I a good deal of that dash and
push about Albany that hi distinguished
Seattle and Tacoma, whose Influence com
pelled Portland to establish an Immigra
tion bureau so as to draw hither a fraction
at least ot the bulk of Immigration from
ne r.asi, heading lor tho Hound.
Albany has nothlns to fear In the future.
It la the distribution point for a large re
gion of country as rich and fertile as come
within the vision of ordinary mortal In a
I h.'ivescen more commercial traveler
drummer" at one lime in Albans than
In Salem, Eugene and Corvallls combined.
In our experience through various cltle
and town we have come t cross real estate
cent that wou'd fi.l the requirement of
life more suliably thin a real estate
agent. CorsallU in this respect I not an
rhl writer has written up the Indus
trie of over forty citte and town within
the pant twelve inonlhs.and nowhere have
we met with sa parsimonious a commun
ity a In Eugene. Banker, we find, every-
wnere encourage progression, buitene
tone. In It three bank Im proved a pain
ful exception. Two ot those bank are re
ferred to hereafter ; the other seems to be
covered with Ihe oxide ut despair.
Three Men Tampered wilt
th Kwltrb tut
Vlonday W. A. Hill, an engineer in
charge of Tho. Fro man' traction engine
went to Dr. Davis' office In thi city with
two harvest hand, and had the Doctor
give him chloroform In order to dress a
wound In hi left hand, received while
working around the engine. While under
the influence of the chlorofrom 1 1 111 talked
considerably, among other ti.lngs saying
"that boy did pull the phi out." This
forenoon he went lo the Doctor's office
again, when Ihe Doctor told him what he
had said. Hill then confessed the whole
business and said that one of the other two
men with him had turned the Lebanon
switch Sunday evening in order to run the
regular train on to the Lebanon branch
just for rite fun of the thing. The result
wa a terrible catastrophe, costing the
life of at least one man, and one that will
terminate In the men going to the peni
tentiary for life If not to the gallows. Hiil
was arrested by I) B MonUlih and placed
in the county jail.
A Democrat man called on him, when
he made the same confession. He a'd the
three were at tne switch, when Ihe young
er of the other two, celled Fred and llert,
of Sweet Home, said he wa going to turn
the switch In order to make the train go to
ward Lebanon, and he and the ldcr one
cold him he had better not, and went on,
when the boy soon followed, and aald he
had the key, which they told him he had
better throw away, and he threw some
thing In the dark. This wa before the
Lebanon train went out.
The two other young men, Fred and
Bert Rolf, of Sweet Home, were arretted
In the harvest field, and each claimed to
have nothing to do with the matter. A
preliminary examination waa to be given
at 2 o'clock yesterday.
A Credit to Albany. Nothing ever
manufactured In Albany has attracted
more attention than the two street csrs be
ing built by AJ Anslyn at his shops on
Second Street. Pelng a job that reqnlres
expert workmanship some peopl" are skep
tical about a home Institution being able to
compete with the large Eastern factories ;
but Mr Anslyn is doing this In fine shape.
The cars are now on the wheels and far
enough along to show a splendid job.equal
to anything sent out from the large facto
rk. Two or three weeks will see them on
our streets.
Lao Broke!. Mr E B Davidson, Wed
ncsday fell from the building built for a
brewery jutt east of the Albany Iron Works
snd broke one of his lees, which Dr Mas
ton set. Ed haa had hi share of bed luck
in this world.
Tbe attention of those wishiua to purohsie
lumbar ia called to tbe aivertisement of O.
Jennings & Co. in snothsr column. Theis
sentiemen DroDose to aaep a iau anppiy ri
all kind of eboiee lumber and will fell all
bills on short notice.
tare Cnrtalns. Lace Curtain.
I have just received my fall atock of
lace curtains bought direct from lm porters,
the largest stock ever brought to this mark
et, and best value for the money
Utter List.
Following la ths list ot letters remaining In ths Post
Offloa, Albany, Linn oountjr, Oregon, July 11 ,
Parsons calling for the letter) must glv the date oa
which that wers ad vartlssd :
Arnbrecht, Henry 2 Baker, Tho C
Birney, OA
Carter, Mr C IJ 4
Finn, BK
Hobley, T 2
Hamilton, A
LDft, O W
Mack 17. Norman
Payne, William
Porter, John L "
Wills, Mia Kittle
Mahoney, Walter
Bippe, John
forter. jam
Watson, von
- at Workman, AT
The Polk county papers had rather qnar
rsi man ear.
Tha Astoria Tfantrrljit oalla tbe Captain
oj sue salvation Army thsra the big, laxy,
copi'ir ooinrsa grsassr.
Tli report of th First National flank ot
Primville, how lose and di.oouota to
the amount of $(55,857.03. and SOU fi 1030
J ihn Nutttno. brothsr of Oeoraa Nattlnir.
atrivod Thursday, and with A Hubert and
Hub llsrriuflwo.will msksa thorough March
lor the missing man, Uahoco Jievit.
Wlnal It 03 cant In Ssl.m. What has
become of IWvalll with It usual bnoiniig
tart on wheat. Too muoh of a trip last
year parhapr,
The B. 0. man of Pendlntoa ranently
esma nar reoeivtng a first ol thrashing at
tne nana 01 tne uarstiai beoanse be as id
that "he aleepath," A polloe oourt eaaa fid
Mum and do one was burl.
' Everybody should Warn so ltn,"J the
fiiamt ot the aaason agaio. So they houl(l,
lut yon just watuh the papers thla summer
nu now many swimmers are drowned.
Ihe man who can t swim takeano risk.
Supsrlatsndsnt MuK'r.iy is xpotsd
home to day. Irom th National Tohtrs
Ike Fogal, wall kaowa in Albany, who laft
Portland ssvsral month ago for Nsw York
City, to reside, has rsturosd to Portland to
rosuls.sod aaya be eaanot be hired to reaide
anywnare bnt to Uregoo,
The Van Horn. J K Kldarkln. I W
Custck and wifa. I L Cowan. Mr Alklreaod
wite, u s smith and family, W V Croaby.C
W Watt and I smily and Mis May Hidtoot
returnea irom isquma jwy K-U.y.
J It Baldwin, a lawyer, disd at tbe 8ilea
in aunaay.
Tbe Wkkkit DxMCKaar la lust ient
Bye years of aie.
Whett COo. a h jsh.l at fkio Kollar Milla.
thaaame as at Albany. frrnt. Albatrf
beats that 2 Mote.
It iselaimsd that a Polk coiotv field of
whsat opposite Xslem ) lalded 60 baibels to
the acre maebine measure.
A $30 gold watoh owoad bv Un H
Dieruks wa rstiM efl last evening tt the
Revere House and woo by Marry Williams.
A Rslem taper boast of a thrashing oat.
lit in Marion county moving 400 y aids and
setting in eiht mianle. Quick work.
A rsilrosn brdlea this aide of Hslans waa
partly burned yesterday afternoan. esusln
a delay of a ounpte of boars to tbe night
Oeo II Andrew, wbo swindled Geo W
Johnson, of Ksltm oat of 1130 on a forged
eheek, haa just been aent to tbe pauiWotlar
of W T for a like ofTaose at Tsootna.
Tbe new rsUoeeof Hon L II Montsnye
has Imwh enitlsted and is nearly ready for
oeeopstiey. It la tastily painted, nioalv le
eatsd, and will be an ornament la theetty.
Quint Utttbtie. wbo was in the railroad,
'i.lrnt at this oity. was raportd to be im
proving this frawa,aud his friends in Al
bsny bop earnestly for bis raeovary.tboagh
Ihs ehauMs are sgsiast him.
When it enmea to paring taxe Marion
county i tlow.which suits it but in drawing
chvl mnnoy it U right on hand. Ita share
is $IO,aa.iO f Line oounty'a $7071.00,
which is about the proportion lbs -mrnt
should figure up at.
Wr' R Wyett r-tjad fro-n Milt City
this noon, bating been there with 8bsiff
t'roisan f Msriun county, tslliag the plant
of rWatte k Dean, on an aitsehtnMt iaatud
; by Fiisehort Mayer k C. Tbe property
was bought in by tee plaintiffs.
J M Ralston, tha banker, is la tea a.
Fatal Schlosssr and family have returned
from tbe monntaina.
Mr A Wolvertor, ths frr,!s home from
a trip through Eastern Oregon.
Mr ilartigaa, the railroad buildsr, la alto
is tbe eity, and will soon ge to M out ana.
Rsr I P Martin, praaehaf is ebarge of
! barton ebursb, will start in f day. for
bis home at Kncsvitle, Teaa.
Mr Bishop, of Spokane Fall, wife and
istor are vuuing Mr and Mrs J A Hymen,
of this city. Mr Bishop is a brother to Mrs
Tbey bsva ) raca ia tbe vary streets
of Cove, Kastarn Oregon, even on Snndays
Crawford & Paxlon have taken some tine
vi of tb(rcksd train, whiob are being
sold vtry rapidly.
! Yssterday Mr Aat-oslia bought E L
I TkonDsoa's fina Imttr tJ tha H.llf.,a n4.
Stock, paying $330 for tha same.
I!v John Y Davore died at Taeome ea
Sunday. He waa ones stationed at All any,
whsre there are many who bave kind rtfnev
breneee fur bira.
Wai:ao, Thompson & Co. to-day rsoeiysd !
anoUisr ear Isvtd of water melon, wbteb are
going like lee oream at a church fair. Tbe
first ear load was entirely exhenated.
The remaina ot Jaek Millar were bieagkt
frotr Portland to Harrisbgrg to-day and
beriad in tbe Maanaie Ceasetary, reyeral
relatives being bniied there.
Trsins on tbe Soatbsra Pseifie ere awing
drap d in mnnrnioc ia respect to tbe mem
ory of Jaek Miller, tie brave engineer wbo
mat bia death Sunday night.
Tbe engine room ot tbe Eagle Woolen
Milla at Brownsville caught on fire Taesday
morning, and ths roof waa soon on fire hnt
by hard work the flames were xon extin
Prof Russell, of Hatsey, ia in tbe eity to
day. Hon S A Dawaoa returned frosa a trip to
Portland to-day.
D V fj Raid and family have retaraed
bom from Yaquloe Bay.
Mr L E Blaie and wiferetaroed this mora
lug from San Pranoiaoo.
Frank Wood, Jr., and family will leave to
morrow moridng for the monntaina.
Mr McDonald of tha Bre-wnavilla Tint
waa ia tbe eity vaaterdav. Wa ackaowiadea
Mr Lonner Balaton and wife, of Arlino-.
ton, are in tha eity, visiting at their father's
wr '. imam uaisCOD.
Bev 8 a Irvine. Prof Condit. ltav and aX ra
Webb. Mra Brown and Mis Lib Irvine
went to Corvallia yeatarday to bear Ra and
rs i,riEs on Sanday work.
Mr Smith, frrmcrlv of tha haidwara firm
of Smith k Wasbbnrne, retarnad lat even
ing irom a tnp thronub Eaatern Waabington.
He was st Pjckane Falls, Colvills and other
plaeea -
Ths viciasitod ef olimata ara trvino- La
ths most eonslitntionr, especially to people
having impure blood. For all snch (and
may oonstitnte th majority,) ths bast sie
gnsrd ia Avar's 8areaDaiil'.a. tha naaof which
sleaoss the blood and atrsncthsns and la
vtgorates tb systsm.
Ths disteotioa ef thastomseb which snsay
people feel after estinr, may be dee to Im
proper maatioatien of the food 1 bat, la
most earea, it indioatsa a weaknees of tbe
digestive organs, the best reined t for whioh
is one of Aysr's Pills, to bs tsksn aftsr din-
as r. .
Died. Mrs Kendall an old lady aged
about seventy five years died at Halsey on
Monday. Her husband Is also seriously
111 ana is not expected to live.
wanted. A girl to work In a smsll
family. Inquire ot Dr O. C. Awbrey at
nisonice in jaa renow icmpie.
BtoossT Yet. 10,000 rolls of wall pa
per, latest varieties, finest decorstions just
ressjiver at r onmtiier ac irving'a
Struck Oil At $1.35 per gallon can
3tU Standard "' oil, at the Willamette
Peking Co.'a store. t
Orr for the Mountains. A barrel of
tried beef, some fine cheese and a large in
voice of choice lunch goods lust received
A Sharp Item. The finest line of cut
ery and (hears in ths city at Stewart St
Sox's. Their goods are the very best and
win stana tne lest.
H-Kwert, praotioal watchmaker and
sli. '
of., of a nonnon
Consisting of Dry Goods, CloJIiipg, Genls Fiiriifsliiiig Goo'd
Boots and Shoes,, etc., etc. 7
at cost for Cash or Produce, Also a nice line ot Me
Suits of Brownsville WOOLEN GOODS
of erood aualitvat cost. Your chance to buysroods cheat)
than ever before in Scio. Come early and secure bargains, i
N It Doty to J II Walker, Iraf, in
SeeioTnSRtw t to
J II and Nellie V Walker le VY lllam- ,
ette fulp and Paper Co. tract in
bee ao To o S R 3 w to
Stale to C II Dairy mple, lota 6 and
7. 6.8s acre 8 so
Chss II Dalrymple to C II Cation,
lots 6 and 7, acres no
Lee atilyeu to li and M H Sltelton,
74 acres swo
Mary A Welch to J M Raiston.isJi
acres in 1 p 1 3 5 rt i w ....... . ioso
M Ralston to J L Jowan, ' i Inter
est In blk 3, Lebanon., yo
M Ralston to J L Cowan, tract In
blk t, Lebanon o
M Ralston to ElUabcih Wallace
lota i and a. blk (i. Albany... 3500
M C al to Lee Itityeu, tut aS
and part ot 3c. scio.... .... . .. 300
M C Clll lo Lee Uilveu, lot 1 and
- N half of 30, He (o , 300
II Bhclton et al to Lee tiilyeu.tracts
In Sd , 2500
II Shelton et aj to Enoch Shetlon,
tracts In Kclo.... 600
Elisabeth Wallace to C () Cahlen,
lot a.bik 51, Albany 900
David and Eunice Rhode lo .Sarah
A McDowell $ acre (no
John Schmrer and wife 10 Amelia
Muller, tracts tn Tp loand 11 S
R 3 w and tracta In Albany .... 5000
Amelia Muctlerto Pauline Schmeer
same a tract above 5000
W W Crowder to F Wise At Co par-
celtn blk 15, IT jnd A 90
J U Uurkharl to Mary II Hoffman,
49 acres.... .'500
W E Price to T V Sluman, lot 3,
blk 7, Sodavide $0
Dr. Flint's Remedy Is the beat remedy
known for insomnia, or sieepieasn,
which afflleta so mane persons, and wblcb
leads to no uianr aariou nerTousdlaesUMM,
partteuJarl? to Inswnity Ix-acrlptlve
trawl lae with each bottle; 01, ad drew Mack
Drag Oo , K. Y.
llor WeaiMSR Item. Keep cool.
finest refrigerator In the n.arket at Stew
art & So'. Buy one now.
All sUc of ke cream freexer at Stew
art AT Sea's. Purchase one and manufac
ture thi delicious dish at home.
Baaie. The finest line ot baby carr .
age In the Valley jtt n ;eed at Stewart
& Sot'. Price are remarkably cheap con
sldcrlng the superior quality of the carri
ages. Hibler & Paisley have given their valab
liaSmeot tbe name ot Ibe Athaay Prir.tinaCo
aeder whioh bead they wilt do boins
Vert Nick. Don't cook this hot weath
er. Drop In and get some of our lunch
delicaclea. We have just received a fresh
supply of cream chee, Limburger cheese,
smoked beef chipped lo order, etc.
Willamette Pa kim; Co.
Will Collect, Owing to unavoidable
circumstances I did njt collect water bills
on the lot h-13th of this month as adver
tised, but I will be round collecting the
first ot nest month. Let every one be pre
psred to meet my call.
L E Grav,
See' WatrrCo.
Tnbb's St Co's pore llsoilla twine, beat
quality, at Stswart & boa's.
Dr. M. H. KHia, phyiieiaa and ur;eos
slkany, Oregon. Calls made ie eity as
Fsrmar. if yoo want the beat basoesa si
band made, call onB.L. Powar.aast td.Deas
oerat roee.
Hoath Albany
A most desirable and beautiful location
for suburban residences, owing to Its nat
ural advantages and nearness to the center
ol bus ness Compare the size, location,
view and access to and from these lot,ond
you will be convinced of thrtr merits Call
early and secure a home befoti the advance
In price. Apply to
First door south of Post Office.
"Nothing te Eqaal lt."
"f bavebeen Bailing 8lmmons Llvar
Regulator for tbe past alz yeara. My
enstonoera prononnos It tb beat ever
need. One or my customers wboae bealtb
waa In a wretched condition from a very
bad and atnbboin ease of dyspepsia, used
ma tipguiaior ana waa enii.eiy curea. j
am H'ml mvself for torpid liver, cans
ed by eloa confinement. I find notbirg
to equal It and highly leoomtnend Ita use.
O.P.Hi sr, Druggiss, Kdinborg, Va.
Don't fal oexsoatoi Mill wain's eiroett
foa will S thsan front 19t15 par can
obeapertba any other p'aie ia to wo, taking
n considers on tbe quality.
At Cost. My entire stock of harness,
saddles, etc. Call earl v. Next to Dkmo
crat office, Albany, Or.
t, Lt f OWER
This Trade Mark on a to ve
mean It Is Ihn beet that ex-,
Denence and skill can con
trive. Sold only by G. W
July 28th, at the residence of the bride'i
parents, near Shedd, by Geo Humphrey,
Esq- Mr William Fromm and Mies Mln
nie Arnold, both of Linn county.
SAN WA. Oa Tuesday evening, July
30th, 1889, In Albany, the Infant daughter
of San Wa. The Infant was taken out ot
the back way by the undertaker and burled
wlthoutceremony by the Celestials.
tMiiijUirAvnaiNR in the
August 1st the
stock of general merchandi
Trouble Brewing,
Saj Frascim'O, jy 30. The steamer
Dora arrived from llebring sea last night, and
brings the first detailed account of the raptuie
of the British sealer Black I )i.imond by the
United .States revenue cutter Kkbard Rush.
July 11, the Hush overtook the Iflack Diamond
and ordered her to heave to. The captain of
the Black Diamo of refused to do this. There
upon the commander of Ibe Rush ordered the
towering of the tiorts and the turning eut of the
guns, which caused (lie schooner to heave lo.
Natural (ia.
Kli. Msat-atJ, W T July 30. The coa
company, while engaged in boring br coal at
Roslyn, at a depth of 480 feet struck a flowing
well, which throws s volume of water furtv feet
above the surface. With this stream is s
strong flow of natural gas, which burns with
great briliiancy.and is attracting crowds of peo
ple to ftitntf tbe grand spectale.
A K Y Cyeloae.
I'ot '(.IIKtfcftU, X V., July 30. This mom-
ng a cyclone slntt k Et'.is Corners, Lister
county, destroying a large amount of property
ar.d injuring a number of psrsons, Matthew
larcourt s vineyard wsi cannpletely ruined and
every tree in his apple orchard was rooted up,
trees being carried away as though they were
Hates Item,
Sai l: w, July 30. Sheriff t'roisan returned
lo-day from tbe extension of ihe Oregon pacific
railroad.and repoitswork being pushed rapidly
as possti'ie.
htate Superintendent McElror and wife re
lumed this evening from Nashville. Tenn .
where they attended ihe con vent km of lite Na
tional Teacher's Association.
A ill Moaopel y,
Xaw Yoaa;,July 30, The IfVWtbUmoin
ing ssys the Standard Oil Company basbfoght
up all tbe white lead companies in the United
Males, tne estimated amount being 160,000,
A X S riooO. -
l'LAiNnr.Li, X J., July 30, The greatest
fiood ever known here occurred ibis afternoon
At 4 o'clock, at Strong brook, above Green
alley, a mill dam cave wav. carrvine ith it
Coddmgton's ice house, many barns and seri
ously un-lennining the wilt.
Daacer tbesd.
ticiOfcIA, July 29. Tfce greatest excite
meat prevails among those interested in the
eling industry. The British sclnmner Tri
nmph arrived from Behnng sea this afternocn
with nt as of the cspture by the Ametkaa
cutter of the British schooner Black Diamond
ia Bchring ses. The Triumph entered ISchring
sea July 1 l;ea tbe 13th il was sighted by ' the
revenue cutter RuH, whose captain boarded
and informed Captain McLean be had ordei
lo seise any schooners found taking, aeats in
Bchring sea. The Triumph, not having taken
any, was allowed to depart. The commander
of the Rush informed Captain McLean ihat two
days previous be bad captured tbe Black
innroonu, with 130 shins. A prue crew was
put aboard her and she waa aent to Ounalaska.
The Diamond is owned by Guttman & Frank,
of ibis city, and is valued at about fio.oxx
The triumph considered it better to leave for
Scalers are ftc.hline.and trouble ia antidnat
ed. Tbe cutter only has crew enourh lo nut
wo or three aboard tbe seized schooners leav
ing ihe captain of the schooner in charge. The
schooners will be immediately re seized and
beaded for Victoria, American prize crew and
all. Here they will be handed over to the
naval authorities to deal with tbe matter,
The Triumph has 800 skins. The news of
the cepture has canted great excitement, and
futher news ia anxiously looksd for. Some of
the vessels have tough crews aboara", and trouble
is airoost certain.
Bealaager Defeated.
Paris, July 19, Returns from the elections
bave been received from 813 cantons. In these
468 renublicans, 345 conseivativca and 1 1
BouUngists were elected In nineteen a second
ballot will be necessary. The government is
jubilant. The result is not known in 1 200 can
Ions. Boulanger haa been elected in only
twelve, Tbe conservatives gained twenty seals.
Wilson, son in law of ex President Grevy, was
defeated. 1 he Boulangists are depressed by
Ihe result of the elections.
Wheat Mattma.
Pomona, Cal July 29. Private letters re
ceived here to-day from M G ArnoKi, aow in
London, and who tas great grain interests in
the San Joaquin valley and Oregon, state that
he baa never known in the past thirty years so
great interest in American and particularly in
me racitic coast wheat crop as prevails abroad
this season, London train buyers, he writes.
openly say the shortage of wheat in Russia and
India will be greater than at any time within
ten years, snd that the American product will
come into large demand. .
: forest fires.
Cltico, Cal., July 29. Large forest fires
are raging on the Humboldt road, eighteen
miles from Chico. The fire has burnt over
district of four miles in lenght and ia sweeping
everything before it. Much valuable timber
has been destroyed. People sre fighting the
fire, and expect to get it under control to-day.
Saenld Win
OMAHA, July 29. Suit was brought to-day
by the widow of J A Little, of Sewickley, a
commercial traveler, to recover $50,000 from
the South Fork Fishing Club, the millionaire
owners of the South Fork dam above Johns
town, Pa., her husband having lost his life at
that place during the flood caused by the break
ing of the dam May 3!.
Wharfage. - - They charge 25 cents
wharfage for baggae dumped on the wharf
st Yaquina CHty, simply awaiting removal
to the Newport steamer. Rather extorl.
oate that, Like all summer, resorts the
great game Is to make money.
To tti'h rotTott Tlwe Inform yr-i'r re-ifl-ers
ilmt 1 lmve it luw'tln'l rmt-ily l.u-U.';i'.mivh
iianifrt dlsn.-i-se. liy Its tluieiy tiNe tiou-aiiU.s((
hopeless eases bave been perniiUH iitly cured.
I shall he Kind lo si-nd two bullies of mv reme
dy rKKK to any of your readers who have con
sumption If tlify will aeml mo their express
and post office uiltlresn. liespectfiilly. -1'.
A. SLOCUM. W. C. 181 1'eail st..New fort-
To Nw Comers. We would say thai!
we have no baits to giye you, but we d
guarantee good values for your money
and we kindly solicit your patronage.
Browsell & Stanarj).
undersigned will
Browxvili.K. The Brownsville brass
band wax fully organized and lias employ
a teacher.
Mr EDMoyer liassohl Ids In'cresl in ihe
aawrrii! and planer to hl broiher II 1)
Mover nnd will go down to Albany and
put in ihe machinery In the new woolen
Ucv W R ttislion, so long connected
wi!i Ihe B W M Co., residing in Portland,
will soon take a trip east for a few weeks
and then return to work for tne Eagl?
Woolen Mill of this rltv and art a their
agent In Portland.
In tiik Leah. Mr. JuIIjs Gradwolit
leads In hi business nnd wishes it under
stood that he will carry the finest stock of
crockery are in the Valley, tcceiving hi
good from headquarter, and keeping up
with the times In all t!ic latest novelties.
He has received a fine lot of Wedgwood Si
Co' Newyachl decorated ware, called
ruby wsre handsomest good in the mark
et. Mr Gradwohl makes crockery a spec
ialty and will meet Ihe demands of the
public In any line. Do not send away for
good but give him a call.
NoTicK. All parties having accounts
against Hern an Dicrcks will fplease mail
ihe same to box 305, Albany Oregon. All
parties knowing themselves to be indebt
ed to Merman Diercks wilt please settle
snd save cost.
Teacher KxamlRalioa
Notice is hereby given that Ihe regular
pub'ic quartety examination of teacher
for i.inn countv, will lake place at the
Court House, in Albany, commencing at
noon, Wednesday, August 8th, 1SS9. All
teachers desiring examination will please
be present at the beginning.
L. M furl,
Co School gup't.
7 CLks cures rheumatism, neuralgia
toHhache. Fhay t Mason Agent.
Absolutely Pure.
Thla powder never vsrlt". A ,narv. I
DuritT. atranrth and wbo)chort-na
More economic! than tbe ordmarj kinda
and cannot be so lit in oomr-iilou with
multitude of low text, aboit weight alom
or pboephato pawdera. 8ld oalrin cant
Royal Baking Powder Co., let Wa! tt.,
N. y,
D, W. Cbowlet fc Co , Agents,
Portland; Oregon.
. ... -i
Jennings & Co.
Manufacture snd dealers in all kinda
Mill lHated on Hamilton Creek, t birtten
miles from Lebsnon.
rrlresiat the Mill
Clear fir $11.00; second clear, $9.00
rough lumber, $6 50.
Prioaa ot etdar and miple on application
Clear fir.: $15 00 5 aacond clear, ?13 00 ;
rough lumber, 810.00. '
Wire Buckle Suspender
' lr 5 1 ,
For sale only by
Mill!, Mi, Hi
Wolfe. '
1 feJ vJt-w-i,
tt' ii' Mi iiraasilt'' Tfagg&aelgjA
pa.TWSjawi siaaaavwpkasr
i. PtsTSo Ny
I M- t7, '85.
Otc. 22, -85.
LJ Jliiv 20, '86. -- -i
sell his
. " Sheriffs Salt
J lltt Circuit Court of lit 8Utl.rt.ft
Ihe County of Lii.n : ,t
J W Cnaica, Plsintiff.
C R Kee. A A Kee, Nilie
Koowltou and II. Koowlton, tJef
N'ticishrrb7 itiven that by f
an exeeiition and order of sa'-a iff
tbe above oimed Conn in the alnv
suit, I will on i
aatarday, Ihe latb day af Ae't
at tbe Coort Honse door ia tbe cit .
bany. Linn eoonty, Oreeon, at tbe r
o'chick, p. m. of said day seti at pot-t
tion for cash in hand tn bithest t $
real property described in said (Hit i
order af sale aa follow, to-w it : Ct
ing at tfee son theai corner of the
land c'atm of Jlorysn Kresand Slaif
beinj NotiUcatioo Ne. 345, in Toi
sontb of range 2 weat in Lion eoum .
gon, and raotiing tbetice east 27 f
tbeoce north to tbe eorv Lonntlsry 4
claim ; thence west 27 smaina to c.
thane aontb to tbe p'sce of begiuni
taining I3ac-ea. more or tear, ar
and being in I.inn 00 aty, Oregon. :
oeedsariaipg from tbe sale r,t aaid .-"
to tw applied as follow : r irst to t- ,
me nt of tbe torn of f 23X0 Attorney-'
and tbe eosta anddisboraemeotaof tu.'
at $48 GO and theecsts and expenses (
ing seen sain, rieeond to tbe payntcni: -
Plaintiff. J W (Jnatck tha sum of
with accruing interest thereon at tbe. "
ten per cent per'annam from the Z'llh
Jnne, 1SS9. Third, tha surplus if aiy !
aaid V It Kee, A A Kev, Nellie U;
and al C Knowlton.
Dated ibu 9th dry of TnW, IS63.
JOHS SatALlMi!' i
Sheriff of Linn eoonty, Orr;
' '
TimlJ3P Laai Hotice.
United Statee 1 srd Office,
Oregon City, Orr goo, June 29tb, li
Notice is hereby yitea that in eempi.
with the pro vi, ions ef Ibe act of Coor
Jane 3rd, 1878, entitled "An act for tr
at t;mber lands in lie State of Calif '
Oreiron.N vada.and Waahinitoo Teirisi
Argaa K. Shaw, f Mill City, count f
ilarmn, biatea-l Uietop, baa tl.isriav
in thiatflicebia tworn statement No.' .
for the pnrchaae of tha S E M of Secto r. ;
6. in Townatip No. 10 tonth, Tanga N-.
eaat, and will oner proof lo rhow that
land Bought ia more va'oabla for ita tin -
or stone than for agricultural porpofts,
to eatablisb hia claim to said land before f
I Register and Receiver tf this Oce at (t
gon City, Oregon, en
Tnesstay. the tlth slay af Keptemher, (
Ha namea aa witness : W. Siruy, !
rtroivn, J. Boyle at-d H. TarpVv. aJloi Y:
City, Marion cennty, Oregon.
Aoyauoail persona ciaioupa; advert
the above deecritcd lands ate requested j
tile I heir claims in this riBce on or Ik i t
i aaid 24th da of ?epteaWr, 1SS9. "
W, T. Krp.y,
Timber Lani MLe, 1
United tstotwi Land OfQcs, I
Oregon City, Or , June 2tb,
Noi Joe is her by civfii Ihat in comp:f who the i n vi. inrta of the act
Congress of Jane Sid, 178, entitled
act lor the aas of limber landa in tt
Ststea o I California, Oregon, Nevada au ;
vsasbtnston 7ertlttrr." James tt. Bovls
of Mill City, eoonty of Marion, State
Oregon, baa tbia day filad In this effis ;
ntaaworn statement No, 1101, lor tt
purchase of ths E H of S W H and lols :
and 7 of Section No. ft, in Township N
10 Sontb Range No. 3 east, and will cf.e
proof to show that tbe land sought ia mor
valuable for its timber or stone than f
sgrlcultural purposes; and to eMablbt
ma claim to said land before the lteptH
and Receiver of this office at Oregon City
Oregon, on J
Taesdaj, the SSIIs stay at Krptetirr,
He hsmea as witnesses : W. Sim. I '
Brown. A. a Slaw and H. Taipleyta!i c
Mill City, Marion oounty, Oregon, '
An V nnd all Mtions elalnrtn? aHriCtTt
the above described lands ars requts!;
to Glet.Vir claima In this oflioe on or Lb ,
ore said 21 Ui day of Septetrber, 1SH9.
W, T. lit7RKV, '
Register.' ,
Hotifie for Publication.
Land Office at Orecotv Cii.v, Or.
June 2titb, ISiii,-" ' :
Notice is hereby irivn that tbj follo!v-
Ing uaastd reitler has filed notice cf .
intsntion to maao final proif in niptsat
of hU claim, and It at said proof wl.l la i
made tTore tbe County Jutige, 01 in tils j
abence, before the Ccunly Cifik cf Liuu
county, at Albany, Oregon, -n T
Monday, Aagwst teib, 18S!. ' I
via David T Wed.lin, Homestead Kn-
try JTo. 47S5, for tbe SEI l Sec.via,--TpA
nssuiB Id nrsvs hia r-nnrlniita VABi.tir
.!--'- -uvuip,
upon ana cultivation or, said land. - viz :
! J. H. Lewia, S. Lewis, P. Magnolia acd f
I C. Cooptr, mil of Sweet Home, Lion couu-
IS, Oregon. 1
Any peraon who desires to protect 1
agninst the allowamro ol such proof or 1
wuoanowa or any substantial reason, ?
under ths law and tha regulation!) of the f
Iuterinr Department, why tuoh wrootf
should not be alio 7 ed, will lo ch tnaiA,
opportunity at the a tvove mentioned tiuio
auit placs to ciobs examiuo ths smiicssm
of. "aid claitnaut, and to ofler evidence in
remittal or i bat Btibioittod t claimant.
: -.. Register.
rvoftwrilinir. Peniiuuishlo. Corresrjoiidinp. Rrsi
I lesa aim t.egiu ruiius prvtiuany iuiir.ii( ,ti
. FctlOQd Business College,
"Tlie tboroueh work done in each ol our seven;!
i-wnrtraentB i,ds Riven this IiiMiiution arjM;tu-
iou such as but few schools attnin, securing to '
.nndrotla of our Rrailuatt-s prolitab. enmloy- T
uant. IkhU mh tok-keprs te!!osrr;it!'':'"'"
-tuuenls Hdnutled al miy time. Catalogue live,
?, A. PARHSICOSU. Priuciiwl, PertUad, 'r.
- .- - : j
CiYil Engineer aM ; Siirvejor,
Oflloa with Oregon Land Co, Albany, Or, "
i eweraee Systems and Wster Rurplie
a Specialty, Estates Subdivided, Mans
mt de or Copied on short notice.