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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1889)
"f if r 1 V- : 1 J V 1 I v I: V A- r fSf V , Hf.xf ow tTATK SCHOOL Doar J f Sihool l.anj Coomii le tin annual apportionment of fund among the sereral counties . The basis of ap)ortienment it r uCertoni between the ags of fcmr , ) tart in the several counties. The r capital ii $i 40. The following ia ry. 144 persons tijil 60. 3151 person $455 1 40. 529S persons $7417 o tot) persons $3331 SO, . 1 375 persons tioijoo. H persons $4065 60, ' 14a penona S173S 80, y6 persons $Sjo 40. i 4IJ4 persons $57 S7 60. 1761 penona $2465 40. .'1 I426 persons I1996 40, 'y 59 persons $921 60. a 4174 persons $5846 60. ne 1473 persons $2061 10. jh 91 1 penona $1375 40. , SS persons fl 10 J 20. ,Sj6 persona $6770 40. ,694 peraons $7971 60. eur Soo peraons f 1 1 20, .iu 736a perKoi$lo,Jo6 Ho. ow, 1517 persona I2123 80. ,iomah, 14031 persona f 18,643 40. I 3S17 persons IJ943 8 .nan 693 yersons$970 ao. ' imook 836 persona It 1 70 4 Utilla 4,786 eraoaa; $6700 40. 113403 persona I47A4 ao, Wa 1473 persona I2060 So, j .-o 3024 persona $4233 60. ..ihingtoa 421 1 persona f 5S9S 40. lulu'U 3667 persona f 51 33 So. tal number of scholars 93,008 Itetaeeit the f 4 end ao. om thia it appear thai linn county re s t797I.6o anil Albany schawl district re nt 1 272.60, TWlCNTi'-HlXTll YKAR. be Weckljr Dcmocbat ia now enter : upon the twenty-sixth ear of Ha exle. t e. It haa become a permanent a flx e ot the town and county aa any of our ustrial establishment. With the growth ;h town anJ county It haa had Its w(h. It haa. In aeason and out of aei 1, stood up tor Linn county and the aterlal Interest ol all her people. It u!d only be giving it Ha proper ahare of vojjnltlon to say that I haa been a pow iuii:wr mine jn,am .ny tnt of AlUny's Industrial progress. It .a never hesitated to eapouae and defend elntereats of Albany anc' Linn county 1 general. At in me paat, w... .1 uo ... c future, r or una 11 anouia rritnr.snu is a right to claim, a liberal patronage jm those who've Interests are thus pro noted. The workmen al llomeetead must umler-1 and now, and the workmen in the other iron ' nd steel mills will probably underaland nest rear, that the tariff does not bold up their wage. They know that before the election of Mr Harrison they were told by Mr Carnegie j that to prevent a reduction of their wagca they must vote for the Republican candidate and He Republican policy, which was to uphold j .he tariff. They wetc told that if they should ,ote for Cleveland they might there by compass f their own improveriahment sad degradation, Aad they know that immediately after the in- , angulation the same Mr Carnagie set out to re. .luce their wages, decUring that he was ready 10 spend 91,300,000 in tne attempt; that he was successful, anj that as a result of his work a similar reduction in all proliatility will I ma.1 ia nearly all of the mill next year. On Eeneral principles, and in accordance with the theory of good government, tlie four j new stales ought lo be permitted ta liold their j elections without interference from any source, 1 toil iftKa Crmutdiran national rnmmiftce. en. I cou raged end supported by the federal ad mini , tration, ia bent upon nsinj; all means to make . those states Republican, it becomes the duty of the Democratic national committee to see that j the Democrats of the Dakota, Idaho and j Washington are not left to wage an unequal ! battle alone and nnaided. They should have he full and hearty support of the Democracy of the entire country in such a struggle. Si hundred girls employed in the highly protected silk iadustry of Patterson, N J.,havs struck an account of a redaction in their wages, already almost down to the starvation point. To these aad many thousands of others the Tarilfappears to afford protection only to menu" facturers in making paupers of the honest people of this country who are obliged to a ork tor wage. William T Colemaa, ef California, formerly a misfit candidate tor the Democratic nomina tion tor lha Presidency, last week sold bis large mis g interests in Shasta Cat., to aa Kngluvk syndicate (or $2,000,000. The property in cludes siity mine, among them the valuable Niagara. The new owner will work the mines a thorough maaner. Z he wheat crop ia turning out well in Kan sas, Miaaouri aad southern Illinois. Some fields are yielding as much as thirty five bushels to the acre, and some af the wheat weighs sisty two to sixty four pouada to th measured bushel. This is sn extraordinary weight for the American bushel, which it is well know a does not contain so many cubic inches as the Xnglish bushel does. .Some of the opposition journals appear to be very unreasonable. How could they expect Assistant Postmaster General Clarkson to make Republican postmasters at the rate of fifteen aa boor snd not sppoint the wrong Republican at least hatf the time? The perfected Salt Trust, fostered (arlfl snd linked with "British gold,' ly the isth last sndgiestest of the "private affairs' for monopolising the control of a universal aeces sity which Mr Biaine pooh-poohed 11 year. Ohio ought to be good (ghting ground for the Democracy this Fsll, with Korsker renomi nated on a platform that even goea so far as to Indorse Corporal Tamer's rampageous career in the Pension office. Somebody who reiently saw Ex Senator Kid Ueberger, of Virginia, in Washington says that "his face wore a very aolier look," This is un usual, but encouraging. Dr alary Walker threatens to join the Denv cratic party, Don't. Thee ste already enough breackeain the Democratic ranks. When a washerwoman changes her place of residence one may ask her "where she hangs out now" without using slang. All this talk about Tanner having lo go 1 bile gossip. We have the authority of Shake speare that "a Tanner, now, will last you nin year." Society at a seaside resort ia not too particu lar, It is easy to get in the swim with any sort of l).i thing dress. " sv The Ladles Delighted. The pleaeant eflctt and tba perfect eaf ety witli whtcb ladie may ute tha liquid fruit Uxittive. Kyrup of V. under all " eiondltlous, make It their fsvjrlte remedy, It is pleaainir to the aye and to the teste, Kenti, yet eiritctual lu eetiag on tba kid ney, liver and bowels. ! EMQLI3H CAPITAL I AMERICA. It Is not probable that all the rumors ot English investments in this country arc well founded. Many ot them must be sen sational, but at the same time there la nj dxibt that English capitalize are turning their attention to America as never before. There are rumors ot trusts and big syndi cates on every hand, and In almost every case Lngllslt capital I concerned. The pal Icy ot the country, pursued tor more than a quarter of a century .hat been spe cially favorable to big corporations, big monopolies and big trusts, and the English capitalist, ransacking the earth for good investments, has not failed to comprehend the situation. While the orators and or gans of a great pnrty hare keen holding up British free trade as a bugaboo to frighten voters with, the English themselves have Veen quietly taking advantage of the situa tion. It la folly to argue that a country which thua attracts capital l on the road to solid prosperity. It the foreign capital 1st came here," and expended their earn ings here, or added their Increasing wealth to the wealth of the would be an other matter, but they do not. The profits on their Investments go on", ot the country, and stay out. Dividends upon railroad and mining stocks, profits from immense cattle ranches, the earnings ot foreign capital In vested in any form, are paid In coin and bullion drawn directly from the rceourcrs of a country at present ao rich and strong that people are de posed to mock at the suggestion of dUastcr. And yet the condl Hon, in principle. Is precisely that of Ire land, with It non-resident landlords, nd tns their Incomes In foreign capitals. No I country is so rich, so great or strong that ! it can continue Indefinitely to sustuln a I drain upon Its resources that Is not coun I terbalaiicod by an equivalent, Last Sutur j day there were large shipments of gold to j Europe. There were simitar shipments I the week bcfore.and the week before that, j The balance ot trade la against America, ' and that, too, at a time when the clrculat i ing medium of the country U needed to ; begin the movement ot the great western j crops toward the seaboard. The financial journal are not disposed to be alarmist, but there i not one ot them which doe not betray dissatisfaction If not uneasiness at the situation. It Is a grand thing In, theory,' to give capital ao great Induce mcnts that it w ill seek Investment, but In practice there Is gravedanger of overdoing It. To the extent that foreign syndicates and home monopolies have been tempted to grasp the industries of the country, it has been over-done here. True statesman ship would have kept the harrier of pro- tectlan at a Point nearer the actual il.acr-i enM ween ,ne cost of pro,liictlon here j a)J ,b0,d. True ,t,tf,,nanlilp demand ,he lliat p,, i . . o unrca,,n,ble en- connection. It free trade lias ruined Kng- i advocates of a high tarlfl would 1 American, believe when a.t election j is pending, I tow doe it happen thut Kng- lishinen have ' money and to spare wlt.i which to buy up American flour mill, breweries, lead, gold and silver minet.cop per minea and salt works, almost without without limit . As a mined country .Eng land present a strangely anomalous con dition of things. . The UtU o U)e gro;,h 0, , ,ow) b j pJuck iprU anJ energy o ,., pp,, ,, j matte ,-al n,lura ajvanUgea of a lown ,rc ukc, pUlck ,nJ erMrgr , tQ deTelop and properly apply them. The pluck, energy and spirit ol the citizens of Albany are becoming proverbial, hence finding confidence calat that Albany Ik to make rapid atridea in becomi.'.g a railroad center and manufacturing town of no mean Importance. To lessrn our stock canned goods we eg in that line at remarsaniy BuowyrtL L SrAert. low price. for I and rnadeharaeas goto E. I P er Krcah cream chtaaa jaat received at F Kentou's. i That f'aMtaakeron Old Woman ! Deacribad In tba nursery ballad, who 'lived upon nothing but Ylctuals and drink," and yet "would never be quiet,' waa undoubtedly troubled with rbranle ndiaaatlon. Her vlctuaie, like tboao of many otbei ilderly persona wbosa dlKea live powa.a bare become Impaired didn't aareewfli bar. 1 bia waa befoie Ilia era of iIoatUar'e Htotna'a Bitter, or noma on) of bar numerous frlendsand relallvea would undoubtedly have persuaded bar to try tba irr.ait apeciOo for dyapapala. eonallpaUonantl blliooanesa. Thla would tava been a measure of aelf protection on their part, for bo would aoott have ben cured anil cea'l todia'urb tbeni with bar clatner. Tint moat obatlnals caaes of lndlgetion,wltb its atUndaot heartburn flatulenoe. eonatant nneaalntaa of Iba atomaohand of tba nerves, ate eomplata It overcome by tbfa sovereign retnady. Cbllla and fever and bilious remittent, rbeumattam and kidney troublea are alao relieved by It. Sheriff's Sale- In tU Circuit Court of the Suit Orrgoa for Lism Comity. Robert H. Loller, as admioistrator i f ths es tate of 8ita A. Adam, decease. I, plaiiitilT, s R. H. Kuthif..rd, Hannah K. Hutlierford, and Mary B. Ilatberfctrd, Dcfandaut. Notice i l.enhy girn 'Ihatri'y viilne'of an execution abd order of sale issued ont of tSe above-named court in the above entitled aoir, I will, on alaralar, the Hit Hay af lntal, IMS At the Court House door, ia the City of A I, bany, Linn County, Oregon, at lie hour 01 1 o'clock P. M , or ssid day. aei at put lie auction, for cash in band, to ilia Muhett bid dar, tba real property described ia aaid exe cution aod order of eala as foliowr, to-wii: 'I be aoath half of tba aonthwest qnart -r, tba north half of the southwest quarter ol the northwest iiuarter of the ana t beast tpiar tor aod the aouth half of the eiuttiast 'utrter of section in towutliip 9 south, rog I, west of iha Willamette meridian ia Liun Count), Oregon, txceptioif a tract bounded aa brginniua at a point 5.00 chains north of tba southeast of ssid trot ion 30, au t ruuniu theooe south 6.00 chaior, tliSuee weat 10.00 chainr, and thence nottb aaatarl) she plaoe of beirioninc. together with the trBii. t aad appurtenances there unto btlocmotr or iu anywise appertainioif. The twio e-1. of aaU of aaid premises ta ha app'k'd a ill cc'ed in raid writ ; First T 1 the payim-fct of tl.a cost aod disbursements f this suit taxed at $71 80, and accruing jtU on thia earcution. Second To the pay ineot to the plain'iC herein the rutu of $.1,402 50, in U. S. go d coif, with intHiet at the rate of ft per 0 o. par aauun. from June '21, 1839, aod tba fur ther sum ot flOl) attorneya fees. Dated tl.ia '.Ut.Ii daof July, 1889. JOHH 8MALLM0K, Mm iff of Lion Connty, Oregoa. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United Rlat.ta Land Ofltee. okkoii City. Oregon, 4uly ISth, 1S0. Notice la hereby given that la eoiopllanoe with Hie nrovlBloos o, the act of Congress of Jane :t, 187H,en tilled," An art for the sale of tim ber lands In the slate of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Huey Hreuoau,or Albany.counly of Linn, si ale or Ore gon, ha thl Ha7 filed in thl otflc hi (worn tateraept Vo lU, for the purchase of the N K of section So ill, In township No 10, aouth, range No 3 eaat, and will after proof 10 ahow thai the land sought Is more valuable- for It timber ar atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to (aid land before the llegtster and Keoeiver of Ibis otfloe at Ore gon Cay, Oregon, on Monday, the Uih day o: October, 18!l. lie names mm Willi -nes : i B Towsley, W Kaal, D McKae and W Jl Taylor, all of Albany, Una county, Oregon. Any and all persons claim. ng adversely the above descrl Ii. ed lamia are reiuestd lo file their claim In thl oitlceon or before aaid 11th day of October, im. WI Bcm, Bg!f, 1 couragement to eyndlcatee, trusta and mo- ! wit 1 lha Iioaattoa land Claim of Uaery j ha. worked irretrievable tn.schlef i "aSKtl Another thought auggeata itself in 'his j T 16, 8 K W, etoapt 10 aeraw ia th weat Sheriffs Oalo. In Ik Circuit Cttrt of Ih Slat tf f rr f0,for Linn County, XV T Maodenhsll and Sa-u May, aJmloia trators ot the estate c f Kcooh Mou lt, dscaas ad, riaintiRa, VS. Hiram Smith and W W Drig. doing bual aaa under the Urm nam and style ot Smith St Bridge, Hiram Smith and Jaa W HreaHeld, doing business aa partners under tha Kirn nam ant atyla or Hraith itraeitaid, itiraaa Smith, John M Waters and V W Brief, doing bntlneaa under the Urm name f Smith, Watera A liriggt, lit rani Smith, ismts V Braatiatd, Jwha V MoCalle?, lames i Shelly and VV J Bramwsllloing business under tha tlrm name ol Muuth, Hraatteld at Co.. Mary A K Smith, James W Hrasflald, Lydia Brastlelil, hiisabeth Martin, Aleaan dr Sommarville, VilloKh,,y Churchill It P Caldwell, John Q Vauijhn.tKo Hail.y, John ttomuterville, n si mil, Jut(h Sommar ville, Soloman Cos, Samuel Nison, John MoCartnsy, Henry Kansoha, Catharine Wigle, A Humphrey, Joint Cnirawall, Jaoob Wiala, John Kalaay aad John Burostt. part ner doing business undor the Arm name of Kalaay k Burnett, Ja K Uolt, F A Cbeno with aad P M Johnson, doing busies nn def th Urm nams t Cbsnowath & John son, lamoo Smilh.John K MeCullsy.Nanoy Carron Wilsun. John Kaiaer, Win Held 80m mervitla, K r Wyatt, Daniel Mo'JIain, O II Babar. Maok Sonimarvill. Llarrav 8om mairill. Q K Ward, Jsrry Hay, John Faa ... 1 i u.-..t .1 II 1 1 1 a uni mil - s..hv,v m " I"U( w Mill. M WUkina, Samuel Swift, Hiram Kcnthand Mary A K Smith, bia wife, Wesley W Briitgaand liaintt Briogs, bia wife, AO Hovsy and H C Humphrey, partuera under th tirm nam of llovay & Humphrey, John al 1 hompaon, Ivan K Uawson, isaao a duyn and D II lilll, Defendants. Motiu la haraby given that It virtu an ieution aad order ef aal iud out ot th abov named Court in th above atl tied unit, I will on ainrstay. th '! f Aagasl. lass, at tha Court Hoas door, la lb oily of Al bany, Linn County, O.-agoo, al th hour of I o'clock p. m. ot said day, sail at publto auetion tor eaah in hand to th hlght bid dar th ral propeity dasoritxxt in said exe cution and ordar of aal. Said real pro) erty ia deacribad in thra paicala oiarSa.1 ra apwitivaly A,""B,'aud "C," and la aa fol lows, to-wit 1 Paical "A," No. I, eommsaoiog at tha Dortbeaat owner of traotioaal Kivar lot, No. 2, in MoCullay addition to Harriabarg,and running tbauc north SO ft, thane waatta th river, theuo aontb 30 fast up tha river bank, thence Mat to th place of beginning. Also survey N 40, beginoing at a point Itig links north. 3I3 haks wast at th aaotion stake btwn Mttoo 4 and 0. an oiairr. 37, in T 13, S K waat l th WillamatU man diaa, running thane north 8 ii', weat 739 linka : thenc north 13, a Tfl'i links tbno south 4133', waat 263tmka t thsiKw aoath li 70 links, thenoo eat 4H4 links U i the place ot beginning, containing 3 acrta j mora or I. Alao lot No 2, in block N I, I and th east 4 of lot No 4, and tha south west V of lot No 4. in blk No I. ia ta oit ol ilarriabnrg, oounty of Una, state of Or- , th.aooih K of frt....i -..1... No I in MoOnl.ey'a addition to the city of Harnabnrg. U U10c.uoiy.Oregon.lo4-.ther Str Paroal -JLH N. 2. daaoriUd u follow, to. ,ait deded So .'una boot mat villa ; aho eowmaoctog at the t. c-.rowr jf iha flanry JT.i k TV?. L'slli1 ty road, t banc wtharl) alot-g aaid oounty road to a point do aaat ul tb N E ot roar 4 Itheeaul Hay C'laiti, taaooa aaat 1 to tha N K corr ul lha aaid tlaya loaaiiua I .aim, hac B.rtitN along th Cast no ol Mntii.j. ...... ...soapwvv w. iisviff, j ouataiblug 114.91 aifa. AImi tha follow log d.Tibed praibtaea, beiog ailuated ta I jmu couuty, stste of O.'egoo, m-wil t Lai Vi aod weat I of let 1 1, ia blk No I, ia JJc Culle)'a addition to tba etty of llairtaburg ; ala tba aoath of tba W af lot No 3, ia blk Na 1, ia the city of h-trtlsbarg ; also oomsuenctog at a point It) rude H af lb 8 W corner of toe plat of iba eity af U arris bur, rnnatng thaaaa wawv 4 r-us, tbauce aoaib 32.40 rods, thenoo K 84 rods thaoca N 3Z40 rods, tbeoca W bo rd to tba plaoa of ba linnmg. oootaiomg 17 acre mora or la to gether tha appnrtcoaaoea. Paieel "C." No 3, aotnaaacoing 49 rods1 aontb of tha quarter etake 00 the aeetloa liaa between eectioua 'i6 and 27, rnnoiog tbenoa etnth CO rods to a stake, t brace weat 60 rode, thence nor.b GO rode, tbaoce aaat SO rods to the plaoe ol beginning, containing 22 acrea rrore or !, Ij log aod being aitnatad ia aeotioa 27, T 15, 6 R 4 weat, being in the county of 1-inn, alala of Oregoo 1 alao frac tional lot No 3. ia tba city of Ilarriabnrg. Lien county, a tat of Oregon ; also begin ning Hi chains south of the quarter eeetina etaka 00 the north booudaty noe of See 22, Tp 13, S R 4 weat, and running thence N 29. a cat 6 chsias j thenca north 38" west 10 chains and 20 links , thenoo west 2 aad one quarter (X) chaios 1 thenca north aeveaty degree oca aad J ebain ; thauoa south seventy degrees waat seventy-five links tbeaca south eighty links; ibeaoe aoath twenty.aiae degrees eaat Mvantythret links; tbeoce south eleem degrees eaat aeynty three links ; thence teoib thirty degree sast eighty links ; thenca a-tuth thirteen de grace esat aevnty-ona l;nka ; thsooa aoath ten degree aaat two aad one-half cbaiaa 1 thence soelb thirteen dtgrtee esat sevta chains aad forty-oue lioke ; thenca south four drgre aaat faer chaioa an I eighty three Ituke thenca eaat nine obaina and forty-two links to th place of beginning,'oon taining lift ecu acre, more or leas, ia Liaa oounty, Oogoo. Also commencing at the southwest eorncr ef tha piece of land uwaad by Thomas Roach in donation land elaim Na 28Tj9. Tp 13 H It 4 west, running thenca weat to tba eaat Hoe of the O k V UK 14 rods f thenoe aaat to Tbosaaa Roach' weat liue 1 thence sobth fourteen reds aloogsaid Roach'a west lino to tha plaoe of beginning in Harris, burg, Lion oounty, Oregon, together with tba appurtenances. 'Hie proceed of aal to bo applied aa follow, to-wit : Tha pro ceeds arising from tha sale of the tract bereia described marked exhibit. "A" to be applied f rat to the payment of the ooats of aod upon thia writ and accruing coat; next prorata to the payment of the following claima wita in terest on each at tha rata of one per cent per month from the 2(5 :h day of April, 1882. I laintifT claim, S7334.78 ', glteto Vanduyn, $205.85 8olomsn Cox, $179.04 ; Willough hy Churchill. $223.80 ; K'usbeth fommer ville, $087; H N Hill. HSMhOeiBailey, $1219.75; J B Hill. $227-03;D II Hill $687.33 Henry Kaoabe,$16M.b9; Catherine Wigl. $1120.50. The proceed of the aala of the tract c' land marked, exhibit "6" to be ap plied prorata lo the pi) mt n of tha follow ing claim', with interest on each at tba rata al one par vabt par month from the fifth day of April. 1882. to-wit 1 PUintiU'e claim, $161107.19 j lerry Hay,$(t7-54 ;I Vandoyn, i205 ; Maok Mimmerville, $147.13 ; W Churchill, $223.86" ; J H U Headaraoo, r0! M : O R Ward, $1889.31 1 Solomsa Coi, $171104; Kiizabeth Sommerville, $(8 87; M X II. It. $489 II s O,o Bailer, $1299.75 ; J II Hill, $227 03 t U ft Rill. $087 30 , Henry Kanache, $1001 If'.l. The proceeds ol the aale of the tract id land marked, tx bibit ' (','' tr be applied prorata to tha pay ment cf the following claima with interest on each at the rate of one per cent per month from the 26ih day of April, 1882, to wit ; Plain 1 1 IT oisitn, $8273.55 Jerry Hsy, $67.24 , M Sommerville, $147.13; U R Ward, $1889 31, and tha surplus if be applied to the claim of the Defendant, I B Dawson. Dated thia 23 d day of July, 1889. John AiXMOif, Sheriff of Lina county, Oregon. fJt R 8AI.E. - Hour yoke sad a half of JL gnot' worn oxen, toRtiuer wi u jokea and chains; era wall broka cat:.l, and will be sold at a bargain for cash, being a part o- the rotate of John oeaed. Applr to John W. Purb. Admin istrator of tta Eat at a at Sbedd, Oregon. Admiriistrator's Notice, Notice is hereby given that the uoderslga ed hi been by th bounty Court of Ltnn eciuoty, Oregon, doty appoiuted Adminis trator of the estate of 8. H. Althoose, da- aeieed. AH person having olslins against ssid estate are nereny notmsi to pressnt the 111 pnierly verified within aia months from the data vt this notice to the nnder eigi.ed A'lministn. tor, at Albany, Liun eoun ty, Oregon. Dated July 30th, 18S9. S. E. Yocng, Administrator, j. j; DO REUS, - AtBtractor and ' Mivjmvr, fJron$e at tha Court House, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Unttad Rtataa t.smt Ofltoe, Ortu Cttr, OnNroii, July lath, m. Nells la hsrauy ftan that in wmiMltauo with tlie ara-lslon at tlis act at OMiirrest l luna ilrd. IH7H. antlUstt "Aa art tor thoisl ul Urn bar lulls In tlis Slatsa el C'alliitrnia. Orfui, ftsvatla ana Wlnti Sua Tsrritary," fslla B Hoalitsiin. l Alhanr, nouit y al Man, Niata el Or-on, hsa tlla day fllsil hi Uils affln his sworn awtomsiil Ma IHSW, lor tlis pumhssa al IMH K 1 ol Km Noli In Vp No 10 emiMi, Rmk No S ML and will offvr unml to sliow tht tns land sought la Mar valuable Inr It tlmbsr nr avon than rr avriouHiirai puiross. ana to sstsmisn n'soisim la said land bslor tha ItiHtlstar and Kwairar ol this amatOrjria'lly, (rKuii, an Monday, the Itch day of OoVdisr, 1HSII. lis na.ns a wtitisams t II llrsiman, W Kasl, J II Tnwslev and W II Taylor, all el aibany, I.lnn onunty, Orrrm, Any ahit all wr nna vlalttlne advarsclt tha above Uswrlhfd land ar rsquixilwl tnRlallisir claims In this uUl i on er B(ra asia uin.itay m oitoiwr, imw. . 1. ui , i("iiir. TIMBER L4ND NOTICE. fallatl tUtas Und Olllcv, OrmoMi City, Ornauii, July lull, Mi, NuIIm ia haraliy ulvcn list tn mu'iiliKiH'a a ltd tlis nrottaluna al tha aut ol I'snirassnf Jim 3rd. I.'. antltlad "An act Inr til aalaul tlmbsr lanil. In ilw NUis al tali'onila, irifn, ftsrau sua vtaslilngtmi Tsrrllory," Justus II Towslsy. tA Allnny, iiaunir nl l.lnn,ntaia w f traytm, nas tnia uy niu in iinsuw' his sworn slatmnsnt Nn lilt, lur ih uruhaa nl th N W ) uINm No Wl, In To No to analh, llsnta No 8 aaatand will oflsr prtwf i show I list th isnu Miuittit Is aiors taiuaoia lor iu uinnari rsuina limn lor rluuliural iiurmaM. and ta sslakllsh hi I'lalm Ut said land bala.' th KflUr and lUMivar ol this oIAp st Orafan City, oragon, on Monday, tha loll day ol no lo bar, lam It nana a wUnMe 1 If K llnhlnsou, D Mekaa, II llrsniutn and W It Tavler, all ol AlUnv, Una oounty, uraeon. Any ana an Krsnna luinnn' sdrarsalr th above dsaorlliad land are ranueaWd U SI thalrelalou In thl ofllo on or blur said day al Ontotwr, IhB, W. I. aiVSKKT, MintTi TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Uulud aula Und Offlua, ' Orrann I'Uy. Oras-un. July lih. U'I. Notice la brbylvntliat In atai pit too with tha nrovlstona ol tha aol ol lXifr t.JunSrd, lit?, ntltlsd "An act lor aal ol tlmbar Ian In th Mala al Callomla, tiraa-on. Karada and H'aohiiigtun Tr rltory," William It Taylor, ol Albany, county nl t-lnn, StaU ol Oraaaa, haa thla day Rlod In this oinoa his worn ataUmant No 1S3U. lor Ih inwcham id tha W k ol H No a. In Tn Na la aouth. Hsne No S aaat and will aflar nronl to show thai tha land soughl la mora vaiubie ir iu umbar or si m tnaa lot ar riouliurU wifiiims aad la eatabllah his alslm ta said laud baton Ih llaataiar and rsvalrar ol thla outre at Ortu t'lty, ttrocon, on MonUny ilia Uth day of ihj tobar, tuu. Ha nam a wluiissin 1 J H Towalay, M llraunan, W Kasl aad D Ucltas, all ot Allan, Linn county, Oragnn. Any and all rwesoos claiming at varaaly lb above deaorttwd Is ida ar raquaatad to HI thtr claim In thla oRtv on or twfor t il I till day al October, Ism. . W.T. IK ., Kaltr. ' TIMBER, LAND NOTICE. t nttad StnUa I jtnd OMee. Oregon t'lty. oragt.o, July litth. law. Not lo la hereby given I hat la oumpilaaoe with to provtalon of tb aotof Cungreaa ol Junes, IH1S.enl.lled " An not forth aal of tim ber laud In tha alataa of l'all(irnla, oragon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, Walter Kaal, or Albany, county of Uun, eUta ot Ore gon, haa this dny nieel In thUoitlpa hi sworn atateraent No I oil. fort be jMiroliaae of thee W I ol section No SI, In h uahlnNoto.aiHtth rang No I aaat, and will oifer proof lu sow that ta land Bought la mora valualila lor Ita timber or atone Itiau tut agrh-ullurnl pnr(Mtrs,Hiid tn ea tabllah bia claim lo aahl Innd bel.trallM Megls leraud Neoalver of thla unto-t al on-gan II), ttregoo. 00 stiiinlay. Hie nth day ol iiotolwr. v , j: " . " . 7 v. : z :., ; i elaimlfg adveiaely Hie ale iliarnlml Inniia arteiiieaid ta Hie their claim In this ottioe on vr lirlure aald I lib tlnv nt rMitta-r, a-t. w TUvasav, Ueglstar. Notice for Publication. Liod offlca at Oregon City, O. July ITttt, !, t Noll. la brb? given that tba 'ollow. ing nanaad sal'lar baa fllxi noik of bis Intention to ntaka final proof in auppnrt of bia claim, and that aald t roof will b utad bafnr iha County Clark of Mno caunty, at Albany, t.rgor, on Monatay, aeaieasaer lats, last. vltiOao W. Ilarrla pre tnptn D 8 Hn, &30 f ..-lbaS W nlttvnf Mm, UTplOS It I w. Ho nm tb follow, ing wltneasea to bia cuntii Uoiia rwaliUnr upin an..' ru'llva'lnn of aald ' lant.vtg: II It. tli V, Malt, II. K ; KKlgara a d W. I, tt.t igeia, all of Mo, 1 Linn oounty, titpgon 1 y - f.i-mw 1 aB.itl.ftMi lha atlntsnknesi tit tt . h .r ..v ; svajii knows Of anT atlbaUD'I! reaaOP. ! a nder tba law and tba regulation of U.a interior Ivpaitraent. hr aitcli proof aiould not ta a lowatt, will na glvtn an opportunity at tba abova want lotted time ; and placa lo arose exrmlne tha wllnetaea ! nf aal.l nl.lm.tJ an J I n rtfY-.,. avUMlins . . ...... . ... , " , . . In rebuttal of that submitted i clelnuul. TV". T. HUhliStT. Kegistar. . .. .. HOtiCS Of Fillll S8ttl818Dt. a th Coxnly Court of Lin count g, Oregon, i In tba matter of the est ste of James Shields, . deoeaaed. NOTICE is hereby aivro flat thenmlr- sianed, tha duly appointed, qualified, and acting admioistrator of Iba eatatecf Jam Shields, deceased, baa filed his final account this day as tuoh Admiostrator n the above untitled Court aod that said Cturt haa ap pointed nalarstay, tba leih day af Aagasl. last. at the boor of 1 o'clock, p, m . of ssid day for tba bearing ol ohjeeliota to ssid final ac count sad for tba eettlement thereof. Dated this 1 1th day of July, I&N9. II. ligYAXT. a Admiaiatrator. SherifTj Sale. In Ot Circuit Court ofth Slutt o' Orc-jon for Linn County. D. II Cloae. Plaintiff, -a. J. M. Pcitar, Dafendsnta. NOTICE la hereby given that I-vtIhii of an asaeution and order of aala Itaued ont of tba abova Darned Court in tba ebeve eoiitled salt, I will on atarway Iba nth stay af Aagaf, isaa, ai tha Coirt House) do r In tba city of Albany, Lino ooooty, Oregon, at tha boor of I o'cloct, p. ru. or aaid day sell at pnbllo auction lor cash In band to tbe highest bidder tha re! property desert b ed In said execution aod order ct aale aa tollowa, to-wit: The north one-half if the donation land claim ot John li Potter and Jane B. Potter, I la wife, Nn tlflcallon No 76)1, Claim No. .17, J'p 9. H R 2 eaat In Lion coioty. Oregon, The prooaada arising fiotn the sale of aald premises to be applied : f I ret, to tbe payment of tba coat and disburse mania c f auit taxed at $41.10 and accru ing cjata, and $25X0 Attorneys roes Bao otid to tbe payment lo the Plaintiff, D H, Close, tn -u j. of $178.25 wltb acrru ing Interest at tbe rat or 12 per rent par annum frorr tba 2Sib day of June, 18HU, Third, tbe surplus II any to tbe said J M. Fetter, Dated this IStb day of Juty, 1889, JOBM pJMALLMON, Hherlff of Linn county, Oregsn. Sheriff's Sale. I the Circuit Court ofth State of Oregon for Linn County. Smith Cost. LaintifT. va. ValegoCzand8erelaC4i, DefendsnU NOTICE la beraby given thai, by rirtue of au extoitlon and older of aale issued out of the ab.tye named Ccort .ti the above entl'.'ed suit, r will on tatarday the ITlk 4nf af 4ag 11 ihs at thj Cotul Hcuaa door In tba eity ot Albany, Linn countj, Orecon, at tbe hour of I c'olot'k, p. 111 of aaiil day, at publis auction for cash In hand to the highest bidder tba real property de aerlheJ la bald execution and oiJer of aa'e as follows, to wit 1 Beglnnlne at tba - E corner of the donation land claim of Lewie Cix and wife, baln claim No, 44 InTp 10, J running tbenoa N S bains to u atake I themm W S3 63 chains to a pnat and Iron bar 2i'Jx3t) Inohas tbenoa H 11.30 clislua lo a poet andiron tar 2x2x20 Im lira ; tbeure E t4,!9 cbalna to the eaat Una of lha dona tion lanil claim of Johri Y. Ntreitboff and wife; thenoe N 0 40 obaina to tba N E corner of aald claim ; tbatioa VV 40 65 cbalna to tbe plaoe of behoof ntf. oonUIn log 104 liMOO acrea. lbe proceeds arlalng-from tba aa'e of said prerciaea to be applied : First, to the payment of tbe cosia snd disburse ments ol ruit taxed st $49.10 and accru ing costs, aud $70,00 Attorneys fees, Second to tba payment to tbe Plaintiff Btnitb Cex, the aum of 1508 82 wltb Inter eat thereon at tbe rate of ten per cent per annum from the 1 1th day of March, 1899 Dated at Albany. Linn comity, Oregon, thla the lfltb day of July, 1889. John Sm'Llmon, Sheriff of Li in county, Oregoo. d AND, AC Persona desiring sand, tha nrwinlsaanr O loHia or ff ravel F. L. Such in Benton count-, can nrncnra tickets for tbe same at my offiue, Craw ford's block, Albany, Oregon. Cm. K. Woi.V-BTOir, WANTED. A. good milch cow. part Jersey, mast be gentle and a good mllcber. Address.sUtloz prlc3,eto.,Lock Box 73, City. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. ritttwt lte I, and Otlloe, ttrceon City. Urmron. Jul v ITth. 1NMV. Nitttcn ta licivliy alvon that In etmtillnno nnan with the provlslim of I ha act of ('omrrna of J 11 n, ikth, ntitltlca An Ac. lur tha sal nt timber Innds In tlia Slalns of Cnllfornln, oro- gon, Nevada nnd WaahliiRtnn Territory," Fred Runs, of Hi'utt lfl, I'minty of King, Territory of Washington, bus this day lllml In thl onto Ills awom ataUuinatit No. I 'l fm tha tutrahnaa of th SK I of snoiion bu, 'JH, In tiwnslil No. lo It. ranBwNo. II If, and will oifpr troof to abow thnttli Innd aoiiglil I mora valualil lor II tlmlipr or sunn than fur agrlrulliiral tiuruoana, and toestabllah lila claim lo said Ji.nd bnlora tlie llpgistar and ttveotver nt tlila ofltoa al Ore gon t'lty, Oregon, on - ' nmrttnr, lite lata Day ar Orlober, I km. 0 II imiiiPs a wltnrssfsf r X Mhrclner, B K'olm, M btawart and K Mans, all of Hantllo, King i.oiiniy.nasliliigUiii Tt-rrltory. A11V and all tHirstina olutmltitf atlvf.rsata' tha nlmviwlnsiirllifd Inmls are rtimisla ta flla tlii'lr I'lulms In this nllliT nn ur Ufura aald l'Jtll 0m y r 1 iciii r. w T ut'aasv, Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. llliltil HtitlrH Land onto, Orogoii city, uri'gmi, July 171 It, last). Null!- 1 lirrrhy jiivt'n thai In eoinplmnoa Willi till. I MVlslona tif tha not if (Jnnirruaa mt Junail, iHTK.ohtuii.a "An Aut fur th sate of liniur. Iniida In the Htnto of t'Mllfornla. or. Jto. Novniln nnU' Walilngton Territory," auwarit sinna, or aattla, County of King, Territory of Washington, haa thl day filed lit una uiiiko ma awiirii aintntuaut ttm. ,t., 11 r thn imri-lins ur Ilia SK 1 of ao Ion No. 'ii, In township Ho. lu , range No. i K, and will offer prmf tit atmw thai the land sought la mora valuahln for lie timber or atone than forngrl cultural imrrioaea. and to establish bia claim to said land beforo tlis Hexlster uJid Haevlver mi mis union at uregun City, Orv.un, ol aaturday, I be leth lay af Orlaber, Iftae. Iln namna n wltnosso : r CJIIIjart. 0 r tolling, M Htnwart. and I' Rnnaa, ail 01 Heat tlo, king county, Washington Trrlli.ry. Any and all pvrsoua clalinlng adversely the suvfi-uDwriwu luna are rt'iiuealiHl lo nie tbolr claims in this oflloe on or befur aald l.'ih nay 01 wioucr. lanu, W T Bisssr, HeKlatcr. TIMBER LAND NOTICKL tolled Ntala Land OffliM. Oregon city, Oregon, July 9Hb, Ixkw, Holle lalieretiy given that In eotniillaac with lha provlsioua ot lha ait of congresaiif Jane a. m;h, entllled"Ao net for the sale or 1 1 tu ber land in tha elaUa nr 1 alltiirnla, Oitg, Nevada, and WashlagUm Territory ,,! John W I'aynn, of Meattla, couuty of King, lorrilory of Washington, has thl day ll edlu Iblaoftkw bia sworn atnlcmaut, Ku hii.l, fnrtlia purrhaaaof man W ol anttlun No. 'It, In township No U, aouth rango No a east, and will otrer proof to ahnw that iha laud sougi.t la mora valuable for ita timber or sionaliiait for agricultural tuir poaea, audio eatabllah his claim lo aald laud oxfnrathe Uegiaier nod Meoeiver oflliiaomoe at liregnn fit Tuea.lsy.tha l ab day Of ihHobvr, tw. lUnameaa wi oeaaea , o i Kennels, V Herggren, J cnroi r and i V Wallla, all olaeaitte, King county, Washington Terri tory. Any and all peraons claiming adversely tba above described lands a. a raiiueated to nfc their claims tn Ihtaeftloeoa orbetura aald l&tb day olicluUer,ltNi. v. T ftt axtr, Kcglatar. TIMBER L4ND NtifiXET" I'nlted amirs Land onto. Oregon llv, Oregon, July 2.'nd. IHMl. Notlca lbfr. y given that It. cotnollanc ititi he provisions ir th act or I'ungreaa 1. is.s.ciillt cd"A0 lor the sale of tint- ber eoosin the stairs of California, Oregon, hd VVHaliingloaTTr1lory."John I lau- ! It'sn.ol Vancouver, county of ''Urke. territory ot Washlug on, basthls day tiled in ihi ontoa his sworn staiameal No uut, for the purchase ol tha N W I of eeolion No Si. in township Do li. aouth rang .No 1 east, and wilt oir-r proof lo show that Ih. land Mighl Is mora valuable for na timber or auma than for agricultural purioses, and to aalnbllah hi claim to .aid land beloro the ttrgister and Hefner of this orooe ai uregnn 1 uy, Oregon, on Wedueaday, ! tha )nib day of tieiober, twM. Me tiai-s as wllnaaaca . U W Hauson a ud t Scsst, of Van-1 couvrr, f larka county, W T.and W Marye and W eage.of Potiland.Muttaoiaah couaty.tipegou. I Any aad all peraoua claiming adversely lha ' abova deacriued lands aro roiueaicd to rtla tbsir el tints In this om;iuu or baton aald lutb 1 day Ol October, lat. . j w Tin asst. Register, j TIM BER LAND Ncifur i t utted atalr. .-nd OrtW-e, Notlc is lo-rehy giveu taat in coiutdiaoca arlin the nnivlloti ot ll.a art of l'oncr...( Junaa, l cntiiied"Anaclinrlua sa.aof nm. , ur r i,dui ii 1 11 d .inir. , a iM,.rn lm . V a W .1 MM.I U ..llih..l..H fW.ll . - f ! ru,Lroii. 01 aae.uver. eMtaty 01 viaraa, urrt- inp. . t t' a K i r I hm . , time" ni aaortt aiaien.ani jo m,,ulhu pur- ehaae "I the a W of eeotioo, Mo 31. In township No li. aouth ranga .So 3 east, and will offer proof t annw thai too land Bought is mora vaiuaoi ior 11 a iimiwr or stone inan lor agrl cultural t.iiriMMes.ami ta establish his claim 10 "o'd lend beiure iae Vf-K-T and rweiw ol , this omoa at oreKon fny. orogon, am edn 31 1 vst, iae uo oT 111 iruuii-r, I'w, e earn ! lut,..m . i...Wm,. . '. . L"'. ". uay, lite .wo oay 01 1 hioik-t. IW, ! eouver.Clarkeeouttty. W T. and W U Mar aad I aege.of l-ontantl.Mullnooiah mutty,urej(oa. Any anil all claiming alvre!y me ii'lrclatmsl ,thloSnorTe" day of October, !. W T lb ssav, Keglaler. UMBER LAND NOTICE. t'eltej Rule laetl OSea. tween inir, oregoa, July SnU, tase. ,, i NotW U hsreb oa thai la ooenpiiauea nh the pnnleemealUtaarol CenaMealJun SmI, lsfa,ea- 1 utleS" Aa aei lur aal ul umbrr laa la la the aula ol Caiiforni. Oregtitt, Nevada snd Waahlogtoa Tar rllorr." rreH tliexx'en, ot 8atUa, eaontv of King. Tetrttorjr ul WeabingtiMt. haa ihi. Say aiad to this ai Sxa his sworn slate uunl tta t3SI, lor the pareasa. ol lhM I of See .Ne l, lT,No 10 am..!,, Hsng. Ne 1 aaat. and alll oflar urunf lo shoe Utsl ths land auuaM I awe. valuable Uh Iu Uinbee or etoa than for a-rtsolluraleurpu-ia, aad to eatiua aieeiala tusatd land brferslhe RcglaUir aad Has. Iter of toMoObwal liraan C'lljr, tf.Un, act Tuesdar, Ua ISth day ol Ue iobar, law. II. name a witoeMox : J W f.vaa, t tlantar, O A Uiaeilaad J V WaJtie. all ol MaaUla, Mag eoanty, weahlngvai rcrrtlory. AnjraiHl all pr euoa etaiauug atleeratly th ahot'eleseritwd lands are rea.uakl io ale ihelr rial la thl olDo oa or he! or aid I Mi Say if Oetuaer, lata. W.T. Bt'Ssar, Raglelar. : TIM BEIt LAND NOTICE. j t olled KUlos led tlJe, , j ttregoo tlty, Orefn. July find, f Sothutharet.yglveilhatia eompllaoo a lib th protiatuos ef ihes.Hnl tongrvas of June Sol, Is;, enMled "Aa set lur the sals i4 tlother lane's la th i Htatea of rallfonoa, Oregon, Nevada aod Washlnaum i"""t, Mania niasill, ot rentant, aouoiy Mult aoewh, Muta it tii-egoa, has this dat filed la ibis ol fle hi aasra auu-metit Nn ltta, fur the tireheeol iha H E I ol Mas K au In T,. No 12, south Kseg No t aaat, and alll oAVr ,roof to show ihsl the land anughl I Btur valuable lo.' Ita tinibar or stav than tor eg rtetiltursi purooees, and to alahlbh bis e'alm in said land befarath Itrglsierand keorlvarof ihlsogte al trrrgm. tltr. Oreei.. ctt H'cdneeday, lb. ItSth day of OcUihet, isaey He aania as aiUiti.s : J r lMilgsa and i aaoei, of t aneiier, f lark count, Waahi. g ton Terdoa-r, and W H Marye and W Satfe, A rWtland, Mulittoatah oounty, Oresjun. any and alt perautt elalmliig adreraetr ttteaboiraHteserliied land ar miueatnl UiBI rUlia in this eltlee on ar aeforaaatd ttftbuay of lletober, laetl. W.T. tiiaur, Reg'skr. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. l alud Klaus ld Offto, oreaon i'it. (treon, Jaty ml, lest. NolLoe is h.rsl.y glvrn thai In romrhac Hh the pr.Tl.l.m of the aetof CaagrnHi of Jui.s ,1rd, lg;g, so. tilled "Ao set foi lha sal of UnAwr lands In Uia Miats ol California, tlrton, Nevada, end Washlngum Tar lllory," John Haeel, af Vancouver, eoanty of C erbe Territory of -Jiii.e loo. has this ds fllad la thia af. Are bis sworn statement Nn ;ift, l.,r lb nurvhase of fw.a i, anuA ,n nvw a lI no IS SOUta Htag NO t east, and alll olfr proof to show that the land sought Is mora valuable lor It timber ur stone thsa Inr ss-rk-ultuntl puipwes and la establish his rtalin lo aid land before th Hegtstar and Ktctinr af ibis of- flu at OrsK'-n City, Or.on H etlnesday, th Ulh day of ui-wii.r, innv. ,i iwjhw se wiinesse : j r Isnlgao and J Hobaott, of Vsncouver, Clark county, W T. and W T Mary and W Ssge, of Portland, Multnomah county, Uitron-I Anyf si.u all 'neraoua claiming sd varstly thstiova-d.sirilMl lands ar raquesud to Sis ol tlins In this olhc oa er before said lUih day of O.U her, lalrS. W. T.ti axay, Hegiter. Tinber Land notice. I'alUd Htatea Und Offlce) Urmron City. Oreeoti. Jntv 17th. 1m1 on cut Hollo Is hereby glveu that ta ojuipllate with th provision ol th Aut ol Cotigrass of June S, 1S7H, 1 "An Ant for th sal of lands la lb State ol California, Oregon, Nsruta and WashlneUm Terriu-y, Lbarles Molting, ot Seattl. County of King, Territory of Washington, lis this dsv filed lu this urtto his sarom taietnant HmtiT, for Hi pnr chs.sof th KV i of becUoU Ke 4?, in Townsa-lp No 10 Houth, Hang No tt tut, ang will .Her pro f to shoe that ih. land sought ia ranraivaluabl for Its Umber or lion than lor agrteujlursl purposes, and to eaisblish his claim to aaid land h store tha Hegistw sn-l llecclver ot thl ogo st Oregon City, Oregoo, ta Saturday, trie Itth Day of October. 1 8AM. Ha naiiies at witnesses: f Gilbert, E Ua-ts, If NUwart and B Kroha, all ol Seattle, King County, Washington Territory. . Any and all poisons claiming adversely tha above dssvriliod IsnJs sr rnuotted to Al their claim In this otHce on or belot said lith day of Ootober, 1D89. W T Ik'Bxsr, Hegister. ' .. .t..-. 4 Tim'ier Land Notice. ' . I'liiled 8 la to Lsnil Offio, - Oregon-City, Oregon, Juty, IS, 1S8S, Notice U htreby given that Ih compliance uli th provisions of tb Act of Congress of June , mt, en'ltl. d "An Aut for tne sale ot tlmbsr Isn.l. In th Btates ef Cslifortiis, Oregon, Nsvsda snd WaslmiKtori Urrllory," Chs. H. Pearse, of llook Creek, County of Linn. 8 tat ol Oleenti haa this devilled in this efflc his sworn statemsnt Ko. 111)8, for th purchase i .no tt 1 01 ovction xto. V4, in - lownsnip jo. to 8, Rang No. S E, and will nfli-r proof to show Ihsl th Istiil sought is uior vslusbie for lu timber or stone than for grlcultursl purposes,and to establish his olaira to ssid land before tha Uexlster and Kecslvsr of this otllc, at Oregon City, Oregon, en Tuesday, tbe 8th Day of October. 1889. II name ss witnesses: WWiggs.D Smith, W Clark and JJ llogau, all of Ro.k Crsek, Unn County, Oregon. Any sua all persons claiming adverssly th sbovs dr scribed land ar requested to Ills their claims In this offic on or before said 8th day ot October, 18et). W.T Bt'SltST, ' " aegltr. City Meat Market, SHULTZ BEOS,, Proprietors. keup a full line of .-neat a of all kinds, lu a cool plic, completely pro- ' tected; and always fresh. Alao have constantly on and other fish. band salmon Q The LEADING Wallaciv Tliompsoii & C. 3HI lilCsaf-S j.JEa1E1&, r,tf' .)' WHAT KEEPS' JKEM IN THE lEAO. rhlr S toolx o OJfcOOJtaltlKg' and; PRODUCEy im alwoyn Complete m m m THE LEADER. G, W. "Siipcrior," "Argand," aGaIand,, STOVES AND RANGES. Fire Backs. Warran ted for lO XKULTft. All " 8 i Z 0 8 styles. an v 1 ' fag-' . 42A " F- Roofing, Job Work, Plumbing. Eave Trough. Range Boilers Conductor Pumps. F, L. KENTON. DEALEB IST- Choice Cnndy, CIGARS AND NEA- .THE POST OFFICE i ALBANY, OREGO N FOR THE BEST FURNITURE ; -CALL ON THE Albany Furniture Company OPPOSITK 81RWAKT A SOX'S, BED ROOM. SETS, TABLE8, CHAIRS, UPHOLSTERED QOODS..WALL PAPERS, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., ETC..ET . I-IafV.WllVS fc F'-A XtItli:L.lL. PURE Oils, Statlonaiy, Pain's, DR. GU1SS & SON& ae-i-amGHAMTON. A ro'lable U. S. Standard 8-ton roale only 37. Dailvered at your nearest rail, ro id statioh free of freight on tnirty tlaya trial, Larger soalea at proportionately low 1 rices. Warranted five j ears. Artdrsa, F. C. HOFFMAN, Albauy, Oregon I70RSALECHEAP,-t"hav a good apan of horses and a tro horse farm mlitnii urn. intl rf Ihs N.wlAn InalrA which I tffei for sale cheap, Ihe borseai Sire lltJlltiv, irus auu evmf. ' n. wuuisu can safely drive them, Tbey are six and seven years old rospeotirely. Will sell till togitber or will sell the wagon sepa rata from 'the horses. For farther infor mation oail at Dbuoorat otfloe or at my residence one mile north of Albany in Benton county. . , W", H tVARNER. OLD IRON. Fifty tons of old Iron castings, In any quantity, wanted immediately at the Albany Iron Works. Grocery Store IS- O O IS,' 2E"3E2Ea3,3a.r TIIE LEADER SMITH, The World's best. More than hun-! , , a- 1 dred 7 hun-! dred differ ont sty lea ok s and heaters FAMILY GEOCERIE. Kilts, Fruit, etc. TOBACCO. DRUGS, Etc., and Prompt Attention .A.T STOCKHOLDERS MKTIN.-NoHoe la beraby given that the annual meet inn of the etookbcldera of tbe Capital Gold and Silver Mining Company of tve olty of aletn. Oiegon, will be held at the ttfee of the Company In aald olty, on the fteenna Thursday, Ibe Sthcay of Auenat, 1889; at 3 o'ulook p, m for tbe eleoiien of directors and for such other business as may oeme before the meeting J. II. Stbiolkr, --C. - Keoretary. . Sale r, Oregon, July 24.b, 18S9, T OST.-A lataat improved ft Inohestet JLi rifl4,atze 40-03, on the road from Al bany to Independence and within three miles of Albany. Any one will be anlta bl y rewarded for returning It to thlsoffl a Wayn- Williams. WOOD SAWING Wood aawed oa abort notice, any where In the city. Kegular prices. Ordera left at Brown, n Kegular prices & btanard'a will be promptly attended to. ujbo. a, wa&bik, FOSHAY & MASON, Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden'a niiblioatlona. tvhiolt we sell at onbliaher's prices wit. posUgeadJad. ALBANY, UKEtiOX. - SPECIALTIES. mmim FaftbiooaUa and Stylish S111U, Busioeas Suits, Ugbl waigbl' . 8dromer SniU. Boys, youth's and child eo'a ssita. Furnishing Goods Fine line of light wmrIiI ocileiarar la!bn'gj,an snrl wcolrn ; foaictf. Wt neckwear, C. ir 0Kr.rl t, guaisDlf(i for two tear all th latest novelties. iOOTS AND SHOES. A Urga line) in tl.ia oVpartarot of tb Wat in iba market. HATS Kttplnand Faaliionalila i;n-a, among oibers a fin nock of the Jobo B. Stctaon beta. Tailoring Meicbeut tailo'itg nud. r tlpt-tt tailor. Suits made to order nodet short nt'tlca at urrsrkahlr lo flgtiiea. More goods tnined out than ever Ufore. c!( a in the fact tbal f am r SVrii fc bntt-r bargir,a than any one else in Aihaav Bought at hankropt Bales I can asll First-Class Good! ti - low CCST. FOP Cm-rat n eictiBliae of all a '! .ii.da call Cash for Goods sr. TTHEWS Cany a MA Stoves, Tinware3HardwarefEtc., WMaU ibey are tsllios; at re mark al by low pricea. JOB WORK aarafully sad promptly done at reasonable prioee, HOPKINS & - D -ALEk'S IN- STOVES, Tlfl WARE. SHEET IRON, COPFSD WARE. ETC., ETD. Agents forJ-On Tima' Haailog and eooking Stovea. Job work. l-mbla eh?, pronspUy attended to. CHEAPEST AND BEiT PLACE IN THE CITY. LOOKOUT FOR LOW PRICES. . FURNITURE, I am now retai.tr8 tarril'ur at my factory at coat. People wishing furnj tnn can do well to lok here for Wgaioa,aa 1 am oingto evil at cost dotiot ha next S3 dsf-i. Cim an-1 examine my goods before piro'isin-r ,." where Faot'.ryjat thf rier end cl Lyon Street C. J. DILLON. Chas. metgzer. Real Estate, mployment and Insurance Agent . t A.l oommcieatiuas prompt! j asvoreJ in German; jr -tog! lali. ' CFF.CE: ELLSWOHTK BETWEEN FIRST AK3 SEC3K3 STREETS ALB ANYOREGrO N" LJ.BLA1 Pin on ree. rarliclar targaica in a sai Country prditfc , w. sirapsoi aYlbeny, Oregon & WASHBURN, flrat-alaaa stock of SALTMARSH V -