The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 02, 1889, Image 1

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    S B
n e n
t ij ,11
- ftt " i
KM! i if s i !
U the Lest
AdvertliiiDg i
In the C
tX-Onri-r-!aH v:
""" - ,1 mil. ."
Issued every Ftid ) ,
Advertising rale ti-mln known
NO 1
Foot of Morrison St., Portland, Or
Til boat and TmImi (li.nshor in Aincri-
e-n, ana machine, that stand without
rival. The AHVANO; threahar h
NKVER baen KKPLAt'En t hut other
meehlna on tho Coast, Lit Im replaced
wTri nw mm iiavk e A I I.Kll to
All W ARKANTKK. The KMJ1NK Is guar
awtewd to n 1 1 more than anv other, and
Will out travel a:l rubrr on tha foml. II
you hear any hnd lvtta, p!ee t.-n the
parunama advai k i llrtKHKK and
K3Ui:K are sold on tlu-ir tnrilta. e.iitra
ly. And I am wilting to prove all I rNlin
in di neia al any lime, r n-t I o l.mii
ouggej t boring anv inaohlno un'il
youwtth AUVANOr, I aln I si dle
attain H'tlng goods. Iron pip, ptmr.a
moweia 'seeder, n;iringtinh hirr.w
biarkatuith's f-irg, drlil,- rliuii, l.rin
ana aencoi rieii, an hiiiiv other s.we'al,
Albtny Uran-h II .u- one bN- below
Ruaa Huunf,
A Hew Grocery OiscoyeiEtJ
ftrong'a oi-l ooruer. oj.pulio MiHrrlJt
er; fit . v I
full Una of
n ) M) ; i r 5
"Qulok aalaa an I inVil proil'4," "Lira
od lot Ilea,'' t onr inotut, Piense call
tod examine our gi il. an I k "l prhte.
ft -Csfaoilon guaianteod,
Prodijca Taken in Exchange,
Very Keepe-sl fully,
O.P. C03H0V7 & SONS,
Rsil EsLata ail Insurauss Agaut?.
Rail astato -id an 1 C ilHv.l n and
NoUriil,buMa:a auen led to.
0Mrataa hEavonS LOILITYi
PTT T T Trtiw f iiy a4 Sia : ZlltcU
V MJ J i JT f Erwer Zemnim Oii-tr lit
!. tklm lilKAnD frt n.Mw Urn Im twtr u4
Ill m l.l IMrUWllk riKToaf kubl.
iwwii mine aoa tm ar.
inu mm i !. Thiimii... 4 rniir.nii.
'fin HUtm hum, a. f.
Golden Rule Bazaar.
Hia atocic iaa beati enlargaJ ao that it equal any on tba Cot, and aonatxta of
Roger Bros. Silverware, French Chinr, and Crys
talware, Boys' Wagon3, Doll Carriage-,
Fancy Goods, and a general
assortment of Crockiey
and Toys.
Ha bujfiiraet aud oarriM tha largeK atoelc in tha Willa-ntO Valley, to wbkl
baa been addod a complete line of
( Agent far Inanran m nptnlta with a eapiUl azraxttin f75.000,o(l.
fM"A on pari Franc!. Hier wird deutcb geproelien."Va,
mil 1 Tl WWII MWUW IIM.I.,l",i f . -
Mitchell & Lewis Co.,
Agricultural Impicments
vMXA- . "J1 .
. f fe j t .
Wt- cOif ( i
and Vehicles
tur btencb bc'nac Cor. 2nd ami E'.U 1
ALDAflY,'' - - - - OR E'
Blood Diseases are "cured by
the peraeverintf use of Ayor'a
This nicaiolno U an Altfratlvo, and
rnusra radical changa in tho jrstoin.
The procrM, in nomo cam, may not bo
qultn ao rupid as In otliom ; but, with
lrsltoco, tha rcault la cartalu.
lvrad tlipso toxlimonlala :
Kor two far I mlTorpil from a aiw
vera pain tu my llit ntdn, and Imd
ihrr troulilrn mimed liy a toruld llvrr
and ityMtwla. Aflrr Rlvlnn apvcral
md lei ncs n lulr trinl wliliout a ruro, I
lM'Kn to tnkn Aym'a Sraprllln. I
aa greatly lriirli'd ly the tlrnt bottlr,
and after taking live tiottla I wan rum-
Jlptdy fun-d." JdIiii W. Uinauu, TO
jiwrvnre t., Lowell, Mum..
Ijwt May a Ihikh i Hihiim le lirokn out
on my arm. The ikiihI r'in.Hllr hal no
(iTm-taiid I ii!Hiiilltid to toy bod lor
right Mkn. A frli-nd iiKliH-tMl'iiK) to try
Ayer'a Sursajxirilla. than threu
Uttli- brnlml the mrr. lu all Oiy exjm-rii-mo
with iiKMlicint', I never aavr luura
Wonderful Results.
Another market! effect of the hue of tM
iiUMlii'ine wwa the atreugthenlng of my
tight." Mr. I'urrio Adaiaa, Holly
ISjirmgi, lxu.
" I had a dry -aly humor for rear,
and aiiftYrett terrihly ; and. aa mv broth,
rr aud alKter were nimtlarlv allllcteil. 1
preaiimo tlm nmlmly ia hereditary. 11.1
winter, Dr. lyron. (of reru'an.llna.
I la., ) rtH-oioma-iutcd me to take Ayer'a
HarMiparilU, mid Midline it for a year.
For live montlm I t.n.k it daily. I have
not bad a bhiinli iiHn tnr UhIt for tho
last three month." T. W'Uey, ltd
t'haiubem t., New York City.
Laxt full niul winter I wa troubled
with a dull, heavy pain in mv aide. I
lid not not ire it much at tlrt, but it
gradually grew worse until It became
uliuoKt iinlH-nrahle. Ituring tha latter
Jisrt of llm time, limrler of the atom
iieh and liver im-rc itacd my trouhlea. I
Wean lakiii'.' Aver' riarHiiorilla, and.
after faithfully trontiuuiug the line of
this inedU Ino lor im.iiio niontb, the nain
diHappeared and 1 waa completely
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rairAr.KD by
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt.
lTlee (I ; i lm. fj. Worth 3 a bottle.
Comer Eroilalbia an! First Sts.,
t'art rrditi,
Dried Frlt.
CxaaeJ te(
I'lg' m
10 f-t evtryt'it'14 it kapt t a eo
mi variety and grocery "tore, Ulgtie
a rkot prin paid for
Ui!lnr4otl in all Ih Conrta of tba
State). IVomt't attention given to all imi
na eu.ruve-1 to our cr
Oflloa Od I rellowi Tom pie, AIbny,Or.
OtiKoox. At Albany U the center d
Votoiu Oregon, the (ollo-ving rcmorki
by lite celebrated Frftik I'Ulcy will be ol
gient Intercut, and particularly la our
Kitiieni reader, of w blob we have iom
jn nearly every Slate In the Union, all ln
erculed in the State, either on account of
having relative here, or bccaime ol ex
cited Interest. "Oregon It more beautiful
than Cttf.furnU Oregon
produce applet tuperlor to any that come
to our market ; they are bard, crUp, lu
kcloiunnd iulev. There! l vat wealth ol
pro lit to the Oregon farmer l( be will tend
u Ms butter a n J clieeie, bU chicken and
egg, lU app'e and elder, atd all the
lenscr proc'iu tlon ol hi Industry in good
and cleanly condition. The avemgo Ore
(on kbeep l, we think, belter bred, larger
and finer fleeced than our Calllurrla flock
Oregon n to uppleineut all that Cali
fornia Lick, ud each State appear to the
oilier a urn krt Id which to exchange It
production).. There U no rlgor.ui clbnate
In Oregon, nod, though It grander moun
tain range, with their loftier peak wrap-
Ced in mantle ol eternal mow prctent a
indeape that U ino.t attractive, there i
very little ice or mow in the tower valley
Ore'gon U a country of frequent rains and
aUiund rivulet,' brook and larger
trcaiii. In every part of Oregon, In the
lecxrr and greater vallev. all are abund
antly "uf.piicd with living ttream ol the
Mutt that furninh roritant ample power
for running nil kind ol mill and tiiachln
cry." Aiimit Ir. The Eugene Vr4 give
the fallow Inj; peculiar cate t "Mr. I. N.
Duckworth, an old pioneer and highly re.
peeled cltUcn ol Lane county, who live
near Elmlra, came to town lat Saturday,
bunted up County Judge Scott and a.ked
that be be committed to the inane ovluin
at faletn. He aid that be w aware that
Mtnethtng wa wrong with hit mind, and
that he haj been unable to leep for Mini
time past, and that be wa ifrld that be
might become inane and might commit
ome violent act, therefore he w Uhed to be
cured. If poible, before It wa loo late
st hi own cpene, t he U In good finan
cial condition. The County Judge cauld
find no law Impowerlng bim to have him
committed, a be talked ind acted l.t a
rea-onabie manner." Hence he will go a
prlvMe cltien. He wa recently thrown
om a wnsjon and injured, which" he glvet
he cause of bit lnanity.
Isirwr VNOIM.V. A photographer In
m Oregon city, boe name we will not
a n de r, recently wa about to take a pic
ore of a party of young peop'e, y a lo
ral paper when one mUviilevuut Mit ca
mlly remarked that the wat certain that a
aiouie bad crawled over her faot. The
picture, which lm tince been aetelopedrJ
bow the party of acared girl Ir. itm of
the t.tot laughable potlliont liriaglnabte.
One dream af Uvtliuet i teen ttanding
in the center ol the table with her foot in
a cut gtat dih of nalld and her tlrctt rl
ed rcdicuomlr high, while the expreuton
on her face would lead erne to believe that
be bad ecn a ehot Only the nauehtv
Mis who mentioned the presence of the
rodent rrinnl.i seated, the balanre being
up in their chair with tkirt considerably
DaOkK Hi Nn k Sam Kerr' thresh
ing outfit wa at w ork on 'he Mtltsup farm
near the WUIamet'e river in the vicinity
ol Fairfield, say the Salem Statuma, and
mine trouble existed about getting a u.
fit lent amount ol water, so It wa deter
mined to procure a supply from the river
Reginald, the 9 year old af David
lies, mail carrier between Aurora and
Fairfield, wa around with the threshing
crowd, in boy style, and mounted the wa
ter wagon with the two reen. The road
proved to be one of those dangerous wash-
out. rough, rocky and uneven, but thev
maue the trip to the river without a ml,
hap. Obtaining their load ol water thee
turted back, all riding. The wagon cap
lzed. the boy striking on hi head and
breaking hi neck. Beside thi the heavy
wagon fell upon him. breaking hi thigh
nd atherwise mangling him.
Tmf. Towk Cow.-The following will
be ol interest to the people ol Corvallis, In
dependence, Eugene a ad other placet lack-
ng enterprise, to pas a "cow ordinance :"
A E Cltrk, a prominent, practical and
wealthy citizen af Fort Dodge, Iowa, exas
perated by futile attempt to circumvent
he wily town cow with ordinary meat.
ures, went before the district ceurt ol hi
county and asked lor an Injunction against
the city council ! Fort Dodge, rettralntng
It from allowing cattle to roam on the side
walk surrounding hit property, which
wa granted. Loaded with the in unction
he, at lac account, wa patiently waiting
lor the eity council and the town cow to fly
Into the face ol providence, alia dUtrlct
EuuKmc Mesar. John 7)ay and
Henry Lorctz went to Albany I onday to
leok after hop picker Mr Little
ackman hat gone on a couple ol montht
islt with friends near Albany A
movement i on loot in thi city to get up
party el mnsiclant and go to Newport
about the first ol August and give a
concert A bate ball nine Irom this city
went to Springfield Sunday and crossed
bats with a nine there. I-'our innings were
played.when the score stood 5110 13 in
favor of Eugene and the other ' nine
gave up.
A Mfctnt-ixK Co. The Pacific Medi-
cin; Co. 1 the name of a new corporation
just formed in Albany, witli Dr. G. W.
Gray, Mr J. It Hugh', Dr W. H. Roland
and Mr. Peter Hume, at incorporatort.
Dr. Rolond is already the inventor oi a
catarrh and other cure and the Company
will push the manufacture.
Am Ashland Association'. The reg
ular meeting' of the Duilbing and Loan
Association a held Monday evening
and loan to the amount of over $1100
made. A loan ol $779 wat made to T. II
Mc Bride at 43 montht Intrett in advance
and one ot $448 to R. .K. Sutton at 34
montht advance Intrett. lidtngt.
A Hotel Man. Mr Charlct E Lelond
ol New York, one ol a famoui family ol
hotel keeper in that state, hat been engag
ed to assume the management of Portland'
magniheient new hotel, "I he Portland,"
which it is expected wilt be ready for but!
nett by Christmas. Leland i a good
man tor the position. -
Go tub Roustdh,--The suspender and
hairpin item are going the round of the
paper. A all the papert ol a State are
not taken by most people, and generally
only two or three, very few know what
lott ol fun tuch item have at they get
twitted and bent and remodeled in order to
appear original. , ,
Too Hbavv. The biggest porkej
heard of recently it In Lane county, and
weigh 1,007 pound. -Astoria Transerif
No one up this way ha heard of him
though we know of hog in the valley
hat w 1. 1 approach It.
Continub .to Rule. Canada thistle
continue to reign n Albany, in several
placet 'in a rid loutly promitcuou
manner. .
Dr. M. II. E11U, pbyiieian and surgeon
ylbany, Oregon. Call made ia city 01
to Mo Mpima
jjakk or.uaa-tiUN ihe ttuckltolder
tt . . x ... . . .
ol Albany new bank metrical Yhurtday
and elected the following Dlicctors: II
Bryant, J. V. Blaln, M. J Lnutih g, t". II
Stewart, and 11. F. Men iil. The tllrector
at a nicclliig Imntedhilelv afierwanU
unanimously chone the following oompc
lent omcerti II. Itryanl, President ; Jay
W. Blaln, Vice t'retldcnt; II . V, Merrill
Cashier. With a large capliut. and among
our llvectt btislnc men for ofllcers and
dlrectots, the bank wilt start nut with the
confidence ol t ie people ol the cou.iiy
It will be a lht-clu bank In every re
tpect, A location U bring taught lor
uttRuie cang oince, and the hank will be
formally opened a oon n posjlble. Mr,
Bryant, the Prcldent, i one of the beat
buslnet men In the valley, I known for
hh great promntno In nit nmtter In
trusted to lilm, In acquainted from end to
end oi unn county, and will make a re
liable, popular president Mr. Ulni U a
pioneer resident of Linn countv, one
whom everybody like, I solid financially,
and will help glte tone to lUe bank. Mr.
Merrill, for year the cashier of John Con
ner' bank, and tha r lrt National Hank,
a well at ol hi own tuccessful bank, ha
had a ripe experience In the busiaes, and
I noted lor nl absolute trust orthlnrt,
correctness and fal hful attentlo.t to busl
ne. He it a bank cabler all llir aigli,
which nien a good deal The Hank ol
Oregon will be a Mil Id inilluilon.
II k CARart t The following the
E O U warning for nil farmer to be
careful ol Tire, though we have teen some
field of wheal that would put a fire out:
" Dan Cieaney, living on Dry creek about
six and a half mile faoni Walla Walla,
suffered a lo ol 51x10 bushel ol grain In
Hack and Held Maturdav, by fire w hich
started In some unacountahle manner.
The grain wa insured at S per acre.
Two thresher crew were at work but were
unable lo arrest the progress of the flame
until the above lo wa sustained," The
Mil'on IMlyUtgtrl I its name.
Rvsmko with Wokk. The wheel f.r
the new street cart have been completed
by the Albany Iron Workt and art ready
lor the car. The other Iron work, aft ol
which I being done by tltl company, I
nearly finished. The work l equal to
the best done anvwhere In th; Eal Mr.
Kiier. the head machine!, wa for vrar
foreman In one of the Chicago an4 N'orth-
western shop, and probably ha no tu,- "J w b l,er al Uuttevllle, wa appoint
rlor on the ceast. The work have a btg ed ' "saln n Monday, August 5th,
contract for the new woolen mill, have
completed the lllumberg front, and have
large order ahebd. Nineteen men are
now employed, good work I being done
and the eomr any I growing In popularity
A Fly Irast The following Is said lo
be an excellent remedy lor driving away
flic. It Is at least wotthy ol a trial :
"Take one teaspooulul each of black and
cayenne pepper, pulverU and mix In a
tmxll quantity ol molasses and set It In
your room. It will drive th flic .away,
and '.hey will not return a Jong a yJu
keep this In your room. The mixture mav
be placed on a dish or tin pan. Try It if
you want to get rl.t 01 Hies.
A limn. There I a big
bitch In the
tale ol the Narrow Gauge line to the
Southern Pacific, and a the Dcwcat
intimated same time ago, no sale ha ac
tually been made at all. $100,000 more
wa wanted, and the debt were bought
up at a discount, and Huntington refuses
to do any more than he agreed at first.
Perhaps alter all the Oregon Pacific will
get the road, and there l no question that
the company would like it.
A Fine PLAtc.-Cioverdalc
to become one ol the finest place In the
valley. Consisting of over 500 acres,
most of it ha been or will be sown to
clove; arrangement are being made lor
the construction ol an Immense stock
farm, and beef cattle and r orkcr will be
raised for the Albany and other market.
Tn! is an enterprise long needed here,
and no one I better fitted to make It suc
ceed than Mr. Such.
D10 St iT. Suit to forfeit the land
along the Lebanon. Eugene and The
Dalle military wagon road are being be
gun, at authorized by Congrett in March,
j. 500.000 acre are Involved in the matter.
W C.Johnson, of Oregon City, will assist
District Attorney McArthur. '
Whv Not Stay Thw Mr. Wllcot.a
New York lawyer, while in Port'and re
marked : "I really had no Idea that Ore.
gon wa tuch a magnificent country
While coming up the Wl.lamelte Valley
everything I taw teemed like a vust pan
orama. The broad field ol golden grain
looked to rich, and the hills verdant,
while the air wa so fresh and Invigorat
ing, that I ielt a it I could stay there tor
ever," Notorikty, It I human nature to de
sire, notoriety, and the brain of man i con
tinually taxed lor mean ol being known.
Tanner lasted, Sullivan ought, LYIson In
vented, Kelley motored. In Salem they
amputate a hand ; in Corvalh they run a
foot race ; in Portland they murder a
neighbor : In Seattle they fire a city ; in
Roseburg they run for ongrcs
bny well, trial's where we are,
in Al
and it
won t do to make any remark.
Orr to NtwroitT. State Printer F. C
Daker and wife will ttart out thlt morn
ing with their horte and buggy and drive
to Albany . There thev will take the train
for Yaquina and will also ship the rig, to
they will be enabled to take In the pleas,
uret ol the tea shore during their si a y
Stat4mn.n& that accounted for the
pectacte presented on our streets.
A PaxttAR Bird. Fridaymorning Mr.
Aaron Cohn shipped to Portland a coop
ol fo wit w hich bore unmistakable evidence
of being a cross between a hen and a
Chinese pheasant. It wa a pecular look
ngbrd. but being part, spring chicken
wil lof course properly pas for such in
Portland market. It may be relied on
that they will make savory fries.
A New Thing, Canned shad Is the
laett. No josh about thi. Columbia
cannert take fat shad, rip out that part that
hat the mott bone, steam them and :can
the shad, and when theple I opened the
thad ting. It it immense.
AttoriaH. ' -
Bsex at Salem. The up country pa-
pert thould look out for Sidney R Ellit,
who It traveling at agent for the Carl A
Gardner troupe. He perjured htintclf in
A ttoria. and skipped out in, the morning
before the proprietor! of thlt paper could
have him arretted. Help him along.
Astoria Transcript.
At Wholesale. Mr. W. II. Crable,
of Mill City, who recently came from the
East and went into business at that city,
wat in Albany Thursday, and bought a
large bill of good at Stewart & Sox't
wholesale department. This firm maket
daily thlpmentt at wholesale to nil part
of the valley.
A Mill Wurneu. The hardwood taw.
mill of J C Round, located near he mouth
a! ih Xnnllam In a btff bodv of nih onH
ot the saniiam, in a Dig ooay ot asn ana
maple, burned early Thursday morning,
Wlin a largo iju.muij u i.nini,
i ... i, .. r i.nv.i..,nn t,..k,.
T. - .... i ffn rr a i w,ii ani rnA n i
one of the kind on the Willamette. There
was no Insurance on the building.
A Bio Yield. Thirty acres of Mr. L,
C. Stratton's wheat, at Miller's, averaged
At bushel to the acre. That is certainly n
big yield, and will partly offset tome of
the t.tiail -yteia reponea.
Tubb'& Co'a pore Manilla twine, bett
quality, at Stewart & Soa's.
Pitcher's Castorla,
Lkihxov, Yesterday a barndoor fell
011 the little grand child el Clay Powell
who reside about six mile north ol town
and broke itt left leg belo the knee. Dr
I' It Dullard wat called and tet the teg
. Dr L Foley I now the father ol a Utile
girl, which arrived last Saturday morning
The mother and child are doing well.
Then hat been a tramp In our tnlilst for
the past two nr three davs. The flrt we
htve been cursed with lor the past i
A H'te newsprint! lu lust been found
on the north tide ol the tlver and but
short distance we.t ul t'lu Montague rest,
dance. This spring wi'l ccrtalnlv prove a
great convenience in tuosa camping on
that side ol the rlyer. lUfrrt.
Not Much. The Albany and Falcm
paper are wrangling eve." stele n Item
Let i'o brothers, There I nothing In It
there I not a paper printed In Oregen
but what swipes everything in the wny el
nn ttem tiiMt it can get Itt crtnaert on
The Albany paper are ni-t wrangling
about any thing. We never quarrel. The
TrtMHnft I rlght.tbough, about nee . It
i the newspnpett business to get it where
ever it ran. The Dkmockat never kicked
yet at having an item stolen.
Ot h Krmiht. Al North 'lerch one
can only bathe. At C afsop I afforded
bathing, illiliig,elinitil ig, moonlit grnrei,
etc, and close by U as jood hunting at
tSere is in America. Necaulcuin Is the
only p'aceon the northwest coast where
one can catch clam in the morning and
hoot an elk In the afternoon A,aruin,
Of course our contemporary doe not
mention Yaqulna ;out there yau get balli
ng, fUhlng, clamming, moonlit groves,
deer and dear, water agate, clarified
00 ne, tmcoth brache and near bv the
festive' seat, to say nothing ol deep tea
fishing, w hale and tea monster.
HopGrcw Asmx iatiojc- Pursuant
to adjournment there was a special meet
ing of Willamette Valley Hop (J rowers'
Association yesterday to consider the plan
and devise mean for the formation ol a
mutual protective fire association, to aid
In Intuslng against la of their hop by
lire. A board consisting of Wm Wells, ol
Ouena Vista, V Rlgg. of Crowlev. II D
Mount, of SUverlon, J K Groves.ol Dalit,
?"r ," MP "'" P'oper In
ib-lnglngabout the formation of thi coin.
Canv. It is Intended to have ll ready for
usiness by the time the first hup are
picked, which will be before the first of
Nor Giilty. Marshal Hoffman, ol
Albany, arretted In that city last Tuesday
one J. Jones an a warrant luiued here
charging him with larceny by bailee, tayt
the Eugene tir4. It appear that be
procured a picture ol Cha. Croner to re
touch and tailed to tetitrn It although re.
quested to do so, hence his arrest. On
trial before Jutlce Hendersun he produced
;ne picture, wutch wa at the resldfnee of
Mr. Ham. In this cltv. when he wa dl.
Ncko A Uto Put mi. Considering
ISe fact thai Salem ha a Cow Ordinance,
the following sounds rather peculiar: " A
prominent cillen of the south end of the
city request the SUIttman to keep the
cuw question agitated until person are
either coaxed or forced to keep their bo
vine from becoming an unbearable an
noyance to their neighbor. He I not
the olv one. either: there I a great deal
I of comnlaint. esueelallv In tht end of the
Antagonistic- or Coi Rev Dri
ver had bo sooner arrived at hi home at
Eugene from his evangelical trip through
the East titan the cattle in the field began
attacking him. He went into hi pasture
and visited hi fine Jersey bull when hi
lordship made a dash for him, striking
him on one of h's arm w ith a horn, lac
erating the flesh on hi forearm for tlx or
even Inches.
RokKuiau D L Arnold President of
the State Agriculture College at Corvalli
will addrest the citizent of Roseburg on
the tubject ol education at the court houte
on Monday evening next.... Last Thurt-
day the new wa ree'eved that the vehicle
contaieing the Horner ptcature party wat
I upset near Lard't on the Coo bay road,
and that Mr Horner and the baby were
more or let 'seriously huri.ttvirw.
Astoria. J. D. Robb, lor eme time a
resident of Facet Grove, I In the city.
If enough incouragement I guaranteed
him lie think of establishing an academy
here.... A gentleman in thi city yester
day, from HiHsboro, state that hi place
stands ready lo subscribe a bonut of $15,000
it the Attorta South Coast railroad
would build their line there. Punmr.
Like Savino Service. Maj. T. J.
Blakeney and Capt. J. V. Wright of the
Pacific Jeast U S Life Saving Sutlont
were in the city yesterday en their way
from Yaqulna Hay to Coo Bay, leaving
on the evening train. They located the
new ttatlon at the Bay on the South beach,
and will locate one at Coot Bay and three
titer places.
AnothrrFaiLURK. Continued repertt
L, cr0 y,e)d$ of klndt come to the
democrat office. Here It one. A 45
acre field just harvested on the farm of W
vv Crawford, Kinney wheat, yielded 1400
bushel or about 3t bushel to the acre.
The more account ol such failuret re.
ceived the better. .
I tie, .number 1 here About one
hundred and fifty people came down on the
boat last night. There are now at least
fifteen hundred ttranger on Yaqulna Bay
At tne present rate 01 arrival ana Depart
ures, there will be not let than three
housand here at the height of the aeaton.
Thought So. We got Tom Buford ap
pointed collector of custom at Yaqulna
City Inttead of agent at Slletz. We tup
nose he don't care, to he cret annAtnted
joml Priett still officiate at the alter of
Yaqulna, where long may he wave,
Beyond Dallas. The Albany survey
ing party have patted Dallat on their way
to Attarla. The present line goet between
Independence and Monmouth and close
to Dallas, which no doubt will be about the
course of the permanent line.
A Bird in It. Steve Charlton hat the
finest agate tetting for a ring we have
ever teei:. Hit wife picked the stone up
while hunting for water azatea. It hat a
perfect picture of a bird in It. Steve tent
it out to Albany and had it polished and
tet in a ring, Republican.
, Bucklen's Arnica Solve,
Taa bat 8!v tn th world for Cuts, Erul,Sors,
... - a.i. ui..,, w I, T . - 1
hnd,'chtlbltna, Coroa, and all d'kln Kru'pUon, sod
wiimvj tora rua, r pif nquimi, niagmr
i . . .lt0aailsfatieii. or monav rafuud-
I !, Price 2u snu psr box. V'er nl by Fuhy nd
t """.
. A Wo"'" Bl
1 inothtrwoniUrtul d'saovsry ksa beo atade
and thai ve it isay in una wmnty. uiaeaas as.
tenad Its olutuhes upon hsr sad for am ysara sk
I uudermmsdsnd donth amQ Imminent,
wtthitocd lu ssvsrsst taats, but bar vital orrsai ware
man ths ih coughed isessesntly ai.d ton d sol alasn.
h.m bounht of ua bottla of Dr Kina'a Maw Dlaoov-
n far Consamptloii and waa ao rauth rslUvad oa
taklne flrs (lose that tha aUpt alt mirht and wlttj
oh. hnitle haa bem mlisouloualv aured. Her aame
laktrs LuthrLiit.M Tbu write W 0 Hamrlak and
Co . of Bheioy, v,.- u i-a mt asm si -
Itiay snd Manoy'i Vrug Blors. 1
II A lilt I'JtKMSKl).
The xllcy ol civil tervlce reform U
more fiuly carried out by President flarti
son than by hi predecessor, President
t teveiand, the republican did not pre
tend to follow any reform notions 011 the
(iiei-non 01 civil appointments, while Mr,
Cleveland mid the demoerat did. The
people can r,ow see the difference between
one who metend and one who nets, and
lietween bombastic bluster and honett
work, MoHntmu!1!
Carefully collecied IdCl in regarii lo re
movals during tin; fiist four month of
Cleveland' administration compared with
removal madu by lUrrWon In the first
lour month ol hi term show that the
latter exceed the former about twenty per
cent. So much for civil rervlce reform
under Harrison. The Mtnnttniur, wdh
an utter disregard of n truth that I befoie
the eye ol everybody, say t: "The re
publican did not pretend lo follow any
relorm notion on the question cl civil ap
pointment' Didn't, eh? W hy does the
MoMnttiiurcr thus Insult t lie Intelligence of
the people by attempting to make them
believe what all know to hc-unlrut? Lei
ut look Into the pnltntti of the republi
can party oit the civil service reform ques
tion, and then let the public decide a to
.ow much, or rather bow ,ltt e, truth there
In the aliove statement of the Aoh it-
The rriiublceti party lu lis national
platform on which Ilurrl'cn wa ceded
ha thi to say on the subject of civil er-
Ice appointment: "The reform of the
civil service should be completed by the
further extension ol the teform system al
ready established by law to all grades ol
the tet vice to which it I applicable," and
that the spirit and purpose ol the reform
should be observed in all executive ap.
polnlmenu." Could any language be
plainer than tl.U? Compare this with the
quotation above from the MvuHtmitrer and
it will be seen Ihttt that paper Im put itself
uto the deepest kind of a bote, ou. ol
which it cannol possibly eicape. Xt trust
It will. In a manly way, confess It mUuke I
about the matter, and publish the above
quotation from its party platform, a well
a the following liar rlson' letter ol
accentanee. w hich I a rllmdier- In
pointmcnt. to every grade and depart-
rncnl fitness, and not nattv sen Ice should
be the essential and discriminating test,
and fidelity and efficiency the only ute
tenure of office." In view of the above
every one mutt concede that the republi
can did prelum" 10 have some very teform
notion on the question ol civil appoint
ments, but ihey dH not ctrry them out at
rhe Roseburg Jtrtiru-)':
It Is estimated that 1 1 ,000100 grain
bag will be used In harvesting this year'
crop In Oregon."
From thlt the tut mer should learn an
important lesson. The material out ot
which sacks are made I oil Imported,
none being grown In this coun.ry. The
duty on the raw material is 35 per cent.,
nd on the sacks 40 per cent. This add
at least 2 cent to Ihe price ol every tack
hich Ihe farmer bu) or use. Thi Im
pose a needles tax of $140,000 a year on
the farmer of thi State or that one neces
sary article alone. Farmers, what do you
think of this? This sum would meet the
ordinary curtert expense af the State for
a whole year. And all thi I dene In the
name of " protection." Well there may
be p-olection " In It for somebody, but
there is none for the farmer, and we can
only pity the farmer who blindly vote to
sustain this unjust policy
According to a writer who seem lo
know, the Persian -Shah wear a mi'lion
nd a half dollar worth of jewels when
dressed. Yet, despite M wealth, it it
our duty to Inform tbe representative of
the effete East that it I easier for a camel
to find a needle in a haystack than for a
man who goet ta bed with bis boot on to
take much part in the good thing to be
had In the world to come. He I having
hi Inning now.
A New York woman who 1 tulng for a
divorce, ttys her husband ha only bought
her one new drea in eighteen yeat. She
must he an actress and she it lucky if she
not obliged to pay for her hutband't
clothet. The man who won't buy hi
wife at least two new dresses In eighteen
years doesn't deserve to enjoy matri
monial felicity.
A money-order convention between Ger
many and the United State wat recently
signed by the'German Minister and Post
master-General Wanamaker. It Increase
the amount of the money order that can
be tent from either country to the other
from $5 to $100,
The wheat crop 1 turning out well in
tranaa M!mitl and Southern llltnnta.
Some fie! J. .re .teldln a. much a. thirtv-
five the acre, and tome of the
wheat welih to tixtv-fovr
pound lothe meatured buslicl. Thi. i an
extraordlnarv weight for the American
huahel. which Iti. well known doea not
contain to many cubic inche. a. the Eng.
ttih niiihM dnea
If Satan ever laughs t must be at hypocrit
ei; they are the greatest -dupe, he has; they
terve him better than aay othert.but receive
wsget , nay, what i still more extraordinary,
they tubmit to greater mort ideations to go to
hell than the tincerest Christian to go to
When the Seminole Indians of Florida
elect a chief they choose the biggest
fighter and most kiiccetsful hunter of the
tribe. II there happens to be a tie between
two cand'date,4helr method of deciding
it I to have each candidate place a live
coal on hi wrUt. The one who flinches
first looset Ihe office.
Albany seem not to turn her face to
one tide nor the .other, but forge, right
along in her course of progress and growth.
The outlook for continued growth ana
prosperity it all that could be wished for
by the most ardent, K ; ,
. ii ! a " t '
One of the Urgest fields of . potatoes' ever
raised in Plymouth County, Mass., it being
cultivated by Walton Hill.owner of the Webster
place, Marshfield. The field contain! thirty
tix acre and the yield will exceed 3000 bushels
, H - 1 f
The first tale of New Jersey wheat of this
year's new crop wat told in New York Satur
day. The lot consisted of too bag. and brought
inety-fiye cents a bushel. ;
An English syndicate is still busily engaged
in its attempt to secure possession of several
Minneapolis flouring mills.
It U stated that since the introduction
natural gas five hundred shade trees have
killed bv natural eas leaks in the parks
Allegheny City. :, " -:.-
pitcher's Castorta,
A : tmokele . powder lias been invented
which at Hie tame time it mic!e. Capt
.Nome, an hngltrhman, it the originator. The
powder is gray, in long thiend like a whip
eotdj and the War I epttmcnt lis about de
ciJcd to adopt it.
Kvcn the spoilsmen are Iwginning to protest
against the family unapllicory of distrif-utlng
offices, 'i'hiise hIio get the goxl placet , have
to mimy rclntives that there arc no subordinate
positions left fur any one else.
Secretary Tracy intend to have each United
Stale nun fitted willi salimjiinj diving
outfit. When the Sim in iliswier occurred
the American officer bad to rely on the F.nglish
mn of war or the ncensiry diving suits, All
the Kuruean naval set vice ciry divers ho are
practical men.
.ear Wallace tays there 1 more happine
for him in a day' literary wk than in ft gen-
eration of oliik. Tint mark the tliflcrencc
between the mere carthlv and the I eing
who lives in ihe cIo.k' amid the stars.
W hile you are inveighing g imst
this bo
woik to
weather don't f.get that it fiirniJics
the j ore.
A representative ol 1 French ndiciite
ha been looking at a lland near San
Francisco with a view totsiaWlshltuf there
frcg faun. According to bis estimate
an enormou fortune await the man wlia
take hold of the venture In ihe right way
In Canada two hundred people bate
been poisoned by eating zinc tinctured
Ice cream. Th? mai who has no Ice
cream in hi stomach, and Is not moved
by plcirfcs and church fair 1 Pt for pleas
ure, ttrate"em and work.
During the past fiscal yxr thi country
exported $120,321,237 worth of bread-
stuffs. We do considerable lo keep the
people of Europe from hunger.
The Hiitish Admiralty have ordered two fast
cruiser A new type, to l named he Andro
maclie and Apollo. They will have a disiilece-
men' "f 3,4" ,w nl ' 'of '"'J' kooU
P" nw"- "eir armament win conttst 01 two
'" Utech "".M"" firing
"u" "' B "peio...
Aa extensive tract of country in the IjinJe.
n 1-ranee, is now devo'ed to the cultivation of
pines ,n'l large number of young tree are an
nuaily shipped to Engtsnd to be converted into
paper. Immense quantities of older pine are
sent over too. for use in prapping!:h coal
Corporal Tanner ha that far Uid all the an'
noyanre w itb which be ba been beset tu tbe
wkked Iemocralic press, and it may be ad
milted that they have not lent him much en
conragement in fcis lawless raid upon the treas
ury. But unlet there it a good deal of lying
around Washington, tbe doughty corporal wilt
be blaming men high in hi owa party long tie
k-re the present administration ftiit out its
1 he Kailioad Age give , the approximate
mileage of railroad construction dating the first
tix month of tbe present year, which it esti
maiea at 1522 miies or lew itian nati nut or
the tame period of 1S8S. More than half of
I 'be new construction it in tbe South. The Age
estimate the total mileage for this year at from
350010 5000 miles.
I Sir JametCaird in.a recent
upon East Indian wheat says
both from itt Urge population, which it every
year rapidly increasing, and from its compara
tively limited extent of futher available wheat
land, cannot be depended on for Urge and con
tinuous tupplies of wheat to Europe,"
Tbe Emperor of China is anxious to encour
age the building of railroad ia Hit kingdom,
but he U surrounded by many obstacle. Hit
priets(tro!ogert and advisert of various kinds
ate afraid of western civilization and they em
ploy all manner of device to keep the young
potentate from acting in a progressive way.
The astrologer never find the start favorable
to the granting of a railroad franchise. Tbe
Emperor it not more superstitious than other
educated Chinamen, but be ia obliged to con
form to certain ancient custom or stand ia
danger of a rebellion.
The negroes of the south are not all pleated
with the attitude of the present administration.
The Birmingham,- Alabama, Conrir it a paper
owned and editor )y a colored man, and it may
fairly be presumed to represent the tentiment
of th negroes of that section. In a double-
leaded editorial last week it said: "Let the
colored race give Btnjamin Harrison a receipt
in full for all cUimt they have on him. and in
189a let the elf respecting negrotit of the south
thaw this man that they liaverighlt which even
a president of the United State must respect,
There fran,t 01 thenew Admin
I . i.vl; t i: r..- .k.
amnB.. ... .
rcstgnatton ol a dawned clem, oi excellent
atamiing, out a imocrat m, uuuor
I . ir ..-- a a .. la,.-
" i-""
er any charge, against him: "No, none at
! only we want your place." This i. far
1 1 . oi . .1 . . . , n n
1 liCltC' llian 1 na.laalC cam buuui ininviuit
the service, nut it is an open violation ot liar
- 1 rison't pletlte made in his letter ef acceptance
1 that J'in apjioinlmentt to every grade and de
sol partment, fitness, and not party service, thould
be the essential and discriminating test, and
fidelity and efficiency tbe only sure tenure o
Tudee DanieU. of New York, decides that
Col. Dudley must first submit to an extmma
lion as to the groulxls of his libel suit against
the New York World for publishing the "blocks
of five" letter. He has never yet told , under
oath just what parts of the published letter he
did or did not write or dictate. And the New
York; World wants to know if he w ill take the
stand. We suppose that he will not take
standnor let the stand take him if he
During the Cleveland administration, when
ever an American fishing vessel was sciied by
the Canadian authorities, the Republican press
throughout the country sent up a howl that the
rights of Americans were openly violated with
out protest from the government that should
defend them. There is a marked change in
the tone of these same patriotic organs this
summer, hewever, as illustrated by the case
the Mattie Winship. This schooner was seize
a short time ago for illegal fishing, and there
has not only been no protest on the part of the
government under Mr Blaine's brilliant policy,
but there has likewise been no clamor en the
part of the organs which erstwhile were so anx
ious for the rights of Americans, Instead, the
Boston Journal sagely remarks that "Schooners
which indulge in inshore fishing must take the
risk which violation of the law involves." Ex
actly, and the same principle held gooa wken
Mr Bayard occupied the position of secretary
of state.
. it peenllar efficacy 1 due
uavuiwiI " much to the process ami
NOTHING 7 atkill In eompoundlng a to
i LIKE IT .-9 th ineredlenta themselves.
f J.llkolX , Um9t jtcbacha
,, . " lsae-lnth ontset. or If
.they be advanced will prove a potent cure.
Mis stailiilrf ittat'It
It takos th place of a -..,
aietr and eostly pre. ,
cripiloii. All wholViid t'fOII WHOIC
e(i.-iitry live will nud V ,...,. ,
It the liest preventive of J 'NrlT &
andenrefor Iixll-Mtlon "r. c
CmsllpatUm. Jleadaeba, Ttlllonsnes,
file and ftlental ltiprelnB. n Um
at time no Interference, with buslnes
while taking, sir children It linot lu
nooent aud harmless. Ho danecr from
exposure titter taking. Cure ;lle, Il
arrbms, llowel Complalate. reverlsh.
turn and feveriah Cold, lnvttlid an4
OeltcaUi K-rsofi will Hud. It tha mllrtMt.
Afierlent and Tonic they ean Use.
A Utile
Heu m nivriL. iiiatirea r.rrMiiiti.
no a tiaiurai evacuation of the liowels.
A little tnkeu In tlie mnrnlnv ali.m.n.
the appetite, cleanse tbe atotnacb and
weeteti the breatti.
"j.- a rnrafGiANH oprwiow.
V -I hiv twn practicing mcdiciiM fat
twnnr year sad luv unn bna bl ta
p. P" " "I etsW com wund Out would,
lis mmon Liver kmilaisr. nrantjti
I sad nVcuel mo th Liver tu ,
,f and at th tarn tim aid fimMad of wnk.
sincl Ih digeUve and auiaulative
fw-t o i!hi tytum."
'- L. at, Hottok, n.u., Wathingtoo. Ark.
Mark of Oennlneaemi Look for the red
TrHle.Mrk on front of Wrapper, and the
Hejl and Wtrnature of J. H.'Miiu C'oln
red, ou tbe side-. Take 110 other. -
have Dought the largest and best stock c
my goods I
ever brought to Albany
invite every one to call
sluck. -'
we carry a full Ha3 of C M, Henderson & Uo
The Red School House Shoes are the best
in the world.
tff-srirtiiravit'as,; .
Look out for Bargains
in. the next 30 day-.
The Leading OasU Dry Goods Store.
Plug and auiokUg tobacco-, Meeraohevuni and
smokea arti-ilea Renrllr. Also nlwaa
f bice lint ol
California and
Yon want the best and moat corable
Thomas Brink.
And Solicitor ia Chancery ;
Collections promptly madeonallpo'nt
Loans nescotiated on trfMionableterm.
U F j IV,. c I
Al ba 1'
-MililirHTi!ll-f '
1 y- -
I in ,
MlllMA2HMay 1131
Avg ALL mn OF
km LiSHT wof
a 'Id tn
'CASTI333. I
I iti n olt .
jntl o" mv-lilne-v
PaUerns MaJe on Shor.
Aibanr 'odfi W
- c.n-l Manpewttt'iirs-r ,
mil m?Zhm
M,' are aow orcp,r! to
' , awsy fr -ah no ,i!ir
fm lo deai"r ICfuVi i(.
fints and Troplcai iv:
and I would respectiV
and look through :
avrr cm. n en di:kson t : co':r
car3RA?3 eicrrs x s.ic
by Julius Joseph;
briar pipaH aud
baa oa band
Tropical Fruits.
furntnretbat is manufactured In ibe.oity
if--fii CMICAM
.T-,myv -r itttv AT T.AYl
Lilt jf l, L i A . -
, I