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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1889)
71 5 f i t 0 1 THE YAQU1NA EOUTE. Crr;a Pacific Eaiircai Development Company' Steam hip Lino 20 nouns less ti?..e cun by sny other rt-ta. F,nwli. through ntiKr na freight line from Portland and . nt tus wuiuMtit Valloy to and from Frtncieoo, Cal. r,PaUr Inane Erl v.ln. Law Uete Tie-vew rw now o ! Wd b,It ftd tor4y lrt bny, rvUU a PhUmlh. r,oU mekoelos conneollon. ' J60, au uX. of MwOioRon Paoltto Railroad, V . Y . 1 -rtf. w. at . . . ni. I lOr.M. bin ..-, Am Albany. 11:10 4. . . AtlL Ilk -111 o A C. tralaa oouneot at Albany and f?rvUt The sbov train connect at viquln. wltl. th Oregon KPwiopml "mjwuiy'.Un.or 8Un.hl between Yaquto and Hn Francisco, KULIMU DATES. rana vtsrt. 2 Taae,T,AMuet". IKOM m raaacnco. Wednesday, Jul . Th Compoy rrm lh right to thkoir MllttiA, dktmi without notlo. tonowUMi with ih wit erf th V qulM VrrivtMU Yaolu tho Toing bofor "W Of MUiDg. Mtutr r.ii lwjr a. a r. acm . 0YERLU3 TO CUFJiMIA Southern Faciflc Companj's Line. THE MOUStISaSTA UOUTE. eiuroxi nruaa t. r North ,00 r. a, t -.45 A L Lt At fonuwl Albany Ar 10:45 A I 6:46 A a T oo r wurwmuTuii au.t .mP oaAr). few a a I L l40ra IL t:40rk I Ar Ar I S 4ra AlbM L I U:34 a usao aaAXca, rsora IL rotri I Ar llAOr 1 1 liSSfK I Ar Albwiy Ubuoa Ar 1 1:30 1 L I :4& a AlbAiy L, 0ur PUliyA). BUTO SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, re A raa4lw. at eMs-Cla rata altaeke4U Eaawea Traias. Th.8. . Stf wry auks, wntweiioa j tWtri.-s..UMEIWa InrW Cralool Jltht M4e MtUUt. VTWIC rTlA!lk AS cwatTAtti. Mail tsm Anr (gsatBamUy.) r T 11 l li.-tf a I ' Ar I a r a Lv 1 r a nrsan nm OAat (luo1T- iiO rati. SjOOra I Ar PortUod I Ar I 9:00 A a Lv I S.46 A a TUroiijjli Ticltet To a poioU botjth -Arrx east VIA CALIFORNIA. or all biformUim rervdln ntM, aswa, M., U oa rvmoMi.-. Ait At Al wiy. a, koilulcr, ROOR?-. Maot A-1 0. T. d V. Ar University of Oregon. V FIir.F.NE. OREGON. Neit eBlfn begin on Monday, toe itthofSepiembar. v . arahina fmm avarr eoui.ty In L 1 . . uimtm Anntw tn vour County Sooerin f tandenl Frea tuition after January 1st, f 18''Ja Koor eoarves : C!slflal, SclsoU flc. Lit firary and abort Kngllah Coarsa in wbt .0 ther 1 no uwm, urs. cicu rOermta, The BniHH is pi einiu nuy Hu..n-n C ara. For o-sUlojues 0 tttisr lnf-winuun, addres J. JOISSOX, Frestfezt. " Severe. House: ALBANY, OREGON j CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. TUnita- l" flrjla-a aTl Tables 1 . 1.1. .Ka mj In th market. ' Klo lilnaspart.nfit. wampl" oirna k Vir nii-r"i ffrr ' ' f alt- t ' el.a Pouiiry Wanted. ' All klnde of poo'try, ally or dres-ei, wanted ktlho VHU-iua HkCkin IJom- nant'a Hv, lha'iy. OratiCi. Eed CrcwriMill? wtWhux'ka rut; euraaioa Tot raan'-iw (" BE8T8KA-,' tfU)ILITlS. F-i" n Cain tc SI i(H ' Peoria Ferry. J, CH -AGBL, Prop., ACLUDTH :ATS Double team, 35a ; a nl team, 26 ; oorses or csuie, ;, (nuaataa one wax : Ma am ojin ainria team 15c. Soecial bh on larite arove. rsriur wn umi ,!je ferry road in a floe condition, i' bae- -jj ben thorougtily rscoostrucied, grad - at)d graveled, ft AM MAY. NDR l AY k SENDERS. Vpe.alers in General iBtcnafldisB. .innissuRG - - checcm .'lilHay Grain. ui all kinds 1 ProflncB i(OOa6' AORm tuVaore ol Que I hr al i(i r fnnt land, 4 miles weto) ihany fjronlyli n ajfs vVt I 1 ila'TH. I Uiri, I'wly lentil CmI )t CKr rum' on 0rrll't r I, rf" i . 1- . DALL ntson it 9 M o fiprklm, 8tr-tn Bruit., Wound fluj l rwA mi Motor Tta CM- A. Voflt It C- U Ml Qj vtv-w Cures? irrXniiTKrrtiRM Df PAV- iJ l' JLl . DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Suit.eon, Offtco cor, First and Ferry Street, ALBANY- OREGON OR. C WATSON HASTOH Physician and Surgeon. Ottloo otpolt tha Demorrnt. DR. C. U. CHAMBERLIN, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Special attention 1 0 diseases of the eye. vr-t ffio Vr D.r ofTbud ami Lyon St, ALBANY, OREGON. DR. W II. DAVIS, i PhysicUn and Surgeon. aafOnina uo atalra In 8trahan'a Block, j May be found at hit otfic aay and nlgbt. . - , . 1 . " STARR - ' ' I Physician and Surgeon, j Late of Brownsrills, Or. Office at tooina Not, 83 and M.Strakan and nerco'a Block, up alalia. Call, promptly attended tn city or country. G. L. GLACKMAN, Di ALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES' CHEMICALS, BRUSHES' SO IPS COMBS ETC. j . K. WE ATHERFOBD, iTTOHNEY AT LAW, ALBA ST. W U BILYEU, ATTOHN BY AT LAW And Solicitor- in Chancery UBiMT. oreoom Collections iroioj.tly uad onaii po'nt 1 IVoananavotiatadon tAaonabletorma. I sj, w. wRtoarr BLACKBURN & WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, Will practice in all tb Courts of the j State. Frout attention given to all bosi- ; ness euvrastod to oarctr j Offloa Oil! Fellow Temple, Albany.Or, 1 I T. J. STITES. ( " " ATTOHNEY AT -AND Notary Puhlic. 4 .1 i r, j 2 1 i i- LAW i 1 i I : , HOW TO CO EAST. Oo East via M jout Snata R00U. Nice aod ttoanary at alt timea of the year. f Mount ShasU, Sacrament", (Men, Salt Lake, Dsuver. Finest seoood-clM ears I madsars run daily. BV ysr tickete uf me j ai.1 av your frs t Portland. I mtla nly person io Albaoy thl can sell yoo a ' ticket from Albaoy direct to an oiot in th United Sute. Call on mi for rate. XV. L. JaxraK. Avra 8. P First National Bank ; OF ALBAN1, OBEsjIOSI. . mifenu. ?"J"Jr.h' VleePreaomt Ant Csebter.. E. W. I.ANIIKy. ..JAH. V. KlWKLLi TRANSACTS A GENERAL banking burin ACCOC2TTS KEPT eubjett to .beck. SICHT EXCHANGE and trJ rphle lfn'.r, ' a New Tork, oea KnticMco ilofi nJ COLtECTIOKf MADE on fsvinbl tenci. tisscrotA i, B. Tome, E.W. Uo. U E BtAia. ! '"s. WAUIM E TVMSUb, Linn County Bank. Cowan, Bilston & Chamberlain, ALBANY - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a aenersl tanking bnuoeai. ijraw atom D tv?r .j t- Tfk ft.o i anl Portland rjf LOAN MOrfEY uu apiovei aecurlty RET EITK deoMita.iUjt . eh-ck. , II. F. MERRILL. 33 .A. IST JZZ H2 Ft , ? AL9AMT," - - OREGON. Bell exohn. o.i Ne Turk, 80 Krnno and Portland. Buy sotea, Bu'e, rMy e'tjr warrant Re salve dKNiu tbj.t to check. loureet allowed on time deposits. Collection, will r-weiv. prompt atUntln. Cnrreetx mdene illclted . rire and Marine Iiuarane mir.paulr. Ateol'ieal uen. of l..n'ir l.i.s'.-nn'. Cmipany Loan atixleouj aria ir- , :l aewlMe.Mnehlai i! ."cj'Jli' -'b. nll M.. IV pic fait. ) bt twiBc-tssicha attcflsi tm ttrrtj.w.tki all tb itaU-liasestt, witi io tewtl f rr cmifii iih of mt tosHly aod vtiliibi art ewBipica. la rwtuni wa tMii ittai yom lww wDll ww fte-M. o inam n mtf cat; at yam kotw.aia1 after 9 m mm ibm li a oa ii vctmtw your awa profrtnf. Tbia f rand mariiriM at itarle' Ilr tM vsiHcrr paiama. iteb twt nisi out : tfoft latimtfl run out it tan id tor f V.I. wild tha , a4 now atHt lor MroeifwtM. tawuat um itM worWL Ail im rUt iotwrtuticdta ' ',,u" wm e-aro A-c iba niaj-ana iit ia iba world, and th 5nt una ofwwr til 0'wn ar(ar raowa Hwa-iiwr in AtaTwa, Ut tv: dk iO A l iO, A-tuaU, MtM- I 1 f r 1 "'y u 1 L (J I Y' " 9i " oui pnnn I X'- . M a'ti aM'al''H-r. "eVttr-l lLljU 1 if .7 row i ad. l!arvr Ha4tawl4 utigeiita aUXM.wiifci - and caart of )! lia, itnm Jrroii Im va lo. calii can aorimi otto frt- loarttta'-r wrtli our larraandval- nnbto lino vt lItMOatoo)l4 ptamplfi. Tit to (, vtsli liio watch, wo acitat , and afior yoo Mo (bom la your hmno for 9 ojumtUa attd tteowo tkmn IO thooo .to auity UAtva caiis-a, tn. y ioeiio ytmr ot prtrpenr. i boo wUo rlio at ofMO ran bo our of foeoivVnti tbo Watl-el tVlsJIOtfia aJ; C'O), fl aUii: .lartiuai,UaUas, 2 (MfeBZSSV ffnr !tmtn t r i 1PEE, hr 87. An Albany Pioneer Won. Mm. Klllwih (Event) Smllli, th wlf ol our venerable townnmin, John Smith, departed thUtlto calmljr and peacefully yetterday at 3 o'clock p. m , at the rei denct of her daughtcr.Mr Dr. Tate. Mra Smith wat born In Crh Pa., on the 13th of May, 180 J, and lwri reached th advanced aire of 87 year, & u ;nlhi and 6 dav. She hnJ been . in i. w delicate health for ome time it, vet wa chcer ful and happy until Thursday' morning. when the wa mUihI with paralysis and lept away the remaining hour of life like the tweet ateep of an Intant, to awake to a higher and better lite. Her parents f mi grated to Monroe county, Ind., where she was married to Mr John Smith on the Jit of January, 1813. Very few couples Indeed are blessed a they were j for sUty-tlt years and tlx months, hand In hand, they trod the pathway of life. Their home was tn Indiana till 1853 when thty made the weary journey "the plains acrosH and, without taking up a donation claim, settled Iff the town of Albany, of which they have ever been residents. Of their si children three only lived to come with them to Albany, Mrs Dr Tate, Mrs Walter Monteilh and Mrs John Harrows. Mrs Smith enjoyed during hr declining year the kind mlnlstratlona of Mrs Talv, tn whoie home she dled,and of Mrs Montehh who was close at hand to answer every call. Mrs Uanrowt was summoned by tel egraph and arrived this morning to attend the funeral. Mrs Smith not only enjsyed the love and affection other own tawlly but of a very large circle of friend among I the older resident of Albany lier'a waa a home everopen to the calls of hospitality and many a pleasant social company graced her board. Her kindly hand often minis tered to the sick and suffering ; and her 1 memory wilt long be precious to very I many In Albany. In addition to her amU able social character she added tne one, --e"OT VTv lrebyterlan Church of Albany, and her na,ne WM (gned to the call for a pastor in June, 1857. One by one our loved ones are taken, one by one the venertble mem- bcrtof the pleasant social circle of Albany Is gone. May they all be n-thered Into i unbwken tamiiv of n. good - THE MAS ABOrt 1WX. A boy presented an order to an Albany grocer from hi mother for two rails of eggs and two dwaen butter, and of course got w hat was wanted. There are A great many places for peo ple to go In this world. The aid settler goe to the mountain ; the dashing wld- : ow goe to the seaside ; the newly married couple go to the photographer ; the hen- pecked husband goe crary ; the flirting , girl goe to the train nights, and the edl- tor and tramp go to bed hungry. 1 i of life I. spent tn teHing I our friend, what they already know, and i the man hoi not willing to be told some : thing already in hi head tnd j'"t as if it were A new deal should travel thi mundane sphere Now n-'at ojr ear are principally regalled bj poured into them the hconc exprslon, It l j hoi," one disagreeable at rtr4 ; but always I bearable if followed by 'lie rcir4rk, "Come over anj ut , jrj), ln,t hake. Fostlasd, Or., Jn. 12tb. Havidi a savers hseli scbe last saatatay, I triad tba Urrgno Kidney Is., I OMd oe eae, which sffteted a'radical cat I would n mmimI Is to ail. ho ar. afflicted as an as failioeremml). JrucaAm. Sold by Foahay AC Masoav A dry, bsekiag aosgh k th breackisl tuboa ia a stats ef sotuitaat irritatioa. which, If not speedily removed, may. lead to brssw cbitis. No prompter lemedy aaa U had Usa Ayer'a Cherry Feetoral, whkh io tiolb aa : -aodyae and espeetoraat. m a riot one persoo is nity arrive at tb aaa of ,ortT bo U Dbt trobblad with kidney ar nrinary oreplaiou la son form. To these sRUctsd with psia ia th bseb, uom retaatios) of nrtne, asrvoss dsbtlity, paialal or tsa- prsssed msoatraatioa, we esa offar a raassdy that baa beea ia aoastant aas y sr twsety yssrs, Oregon Kidney Tea. This pre para tie , naa done more tor in tiering humanity ska i any othsr medietas ia the msrk.t. 8U by Foshay it Mason. , . Waea I say CtTKB I do not mesa ssvsiy to stop them for a urns, sad then hsvs theia rs tura stun. 1 kba A UAUICAX. CVHX. I havs made tba eUessas ol FITS, PPHaKPSY or ' FAIXXNG BlCinTEZS, A llf-k(r stsdy. I WABSAVT my rseasdy t Ccsa the wont eaaee. b eaoss others aav f.ilerl ia no reason for not tu receivine aeara. head Momn for atreatiM and a r asa IMTTLST ot my Kbmrot. ttiv Kxpreas ani J'rt-t oinra. it eou yon nothing lor a irUt'., end it will cure yon. Address POOT, M.C., !S3PtAn.8TltCYniK -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attention-First-class Heana Hik u .veotiotyer t it:..nioa la ta ':-ir: 1 1 Ouaorrscse sa4 viun. Ii itsertbeltssa ivt i suit to rscommsndV Jr it to all sufferers. - I TO t D4T3. f euatatrlMw.. I vraeairkrih. 1 I , ... t.J.T0SEB, .!.. Oesetsr, 111. rnicE. ai.oo. : Bold by Drofjlsta. trie. t - f .lit tie ttttt. ST0CKMEN3AN0 FARMERS 1 READ- i hereby certify Hint Dr. 1. N. W oodla basauccessfallyoperatod on my ridKllog horse, ISAAC HAYi. For further re fere uc lu regard to ridg iogs inquire of Win. Peterson, Days Pe terson, Lebanon i John Hard man, Alfred Wolverton. Albauy ; Ham Oalues, Holo; Wm. omt, Prinevill.. I practice veter Inary me-llclne tir Albany aod country surrounding. Offloe and residence oorne. .b and Waahlrgt Mi Sta. I. K WOODLK, Veterluary Burgeon. jomi Sraiafls, FLOBIST,- - - ALBANY . OREff ' . POSEH A ff EClALTV, CeuieU-ry lot ;l i i'. I 1 1 1 '. 1 1 1 1 1 I Li LJ U TD Fortmilleil living, LEGBAPHIG NEWS I'leW rpe. Indkfsndknci, July 19, Three hundred acres of wheat belonging to A Nelson and the O'Bryon Bros., below Independence, was this afternoon destroyed by lire, lh afternoon freight from Portland probably set the wheat on Fir is racine below Dixie, and it is rumored that serersl houses ar on fir. One thousand acre or more have been burned over, and the I'.ola huts are now on tire, WA.iiilNOfONjuty 19. The presitle'tt made he following appointment to.dyi Indian asentsi T L DufToid, of Oieton. at the Silets natat f In Oreooni John P McOlinn, of Washington territory,' at the Neah Hay agency, Washington territory, I Big Storm. St, TAlrtJuly 19. Advice fiont many and widely aeperated point. In Montana and Dakota report severe storms of hall and rain yesterday. 1 ne w earner nas been eceivcly hot in placet, and crops are burned up by the heat. In other place much damage has len tone by water. 1 ne stream are rising- and serious over flows si feared. Crltlclatdllla Massage. ChkYKNNK, Wyo., July 18. Joe Friedman, a butcher at Carbon, Wyo.,killed William Mil. f lerwlth a cleaver this morning and mutilated tne noay terrimy. triedman escaped to a passing freight train, but was thrown from the train at the demand of the police and wa ar rested. Miller had made some comment upon the quality of Friedman's sausages. Uke a Monk Clark, Nkw Yok. July 19. The Sftrtig Extra this evening prints an item to the effect that Charley Mitchell, the English pugilist,' with Mike Donovan, has skipped to Canada rather thsa run the risk of arrest in this city, v. here he has lew friends among the sporting men who would help him at a pinch, He decided to cross over into her majesty's dominion, Tw 0U Malda. IVmnt PLKAtAMT, Va., July 19. Anita and Mrrism Boggs, maiden sister, committed sui cide Tuesday by taking arsenic. They lei a letter saying that there were nothing in life fur old maids. , A raraser Killed. Orecon ClTV, July IS. EUai Edwards, a farmer living five mile tsulh of iown, waa killed laat night by th kick of a horse, lie had beea working ia the harvest held during the afternoon, and wa watering hi horse when one a three year old colt it auppoaen to have kicked him. lie walk aboat twelve rod up th hill to a email gate.aad called to hit bioth er in law that ha waa hurt, lie was helped to the house and in fifteen minutes lie was dead. .Several rib were found lo tie broken on the right aide, but death is suppoaed lo have been caiuca ny internal injuries, lie was aa es emputry neighbor and ciiuen. A tSreea Haaksr. LANiNa,Mkh., July it. A sharper named Streeter worked the gold brick dotlge to a auc ceasful issue here last night, upon William Ue- Kellopa, a wealthy gentleman, of retry, Shia wasse county.and president of the First Nation al bank of Contorts. An ar.Hinlroent waa made last nighl, and a aa result McKcllop waa mad the owner of two supposed goM tmcks, valued at 9 10,000 and th sharper waa richer by R4000. When Mc Kcllop grandson wj shown the bricks, the iranu wa tiiacovcrnd. After Theau NiwYoaK, July 18. A detective from Mississippi arrived to-d.y with a requistion from Governor lwry, cf Miasitsippi, calling for the arrest of Charlie Mitchell and Mike iJonovan. lie ha no requiation fur Sullivan, Kilram or Mukloon. Search is being made fur inem. Haifa Mlllioa. JoiiNTtnvN,I,aJu!y 18 The diatiibutkm of the f jO,ooo, which the state cooimUsioa said should be made to the flood suflerers.brgsn lo day. Judge Camming began with the Suih ward, and aspect lo be able lo pay out lo the claimants each day until he get through, lie will lake th district by want lo enable him to handle the matter systematically. ' A Gaaiy Dervish xXDO, July 18. In the com rum t this af ternoon Sunaope, secretary of etat for war, read the reply jf Nad ct Juou, the dervish lead, er ia resnoase to the demand of Gen eral Creoiell for hie surrender. Nad el Juan (ays: ''Vour force is nothing to mc. 1 have been sent to conquer lh war id, sad I cannot atop now. I call upon yon to surrender. 1 will pro tect you. Remember Hicks and Gordon." General CrenfcU state that the dervishes are well fed and ia good condition, AtMPX. Waihixctom, July 17. Th civil set vice commiation to-dy mad puMk in second re port in the Milwaukee postomc investigation, It ia very voluminous, and detail at length the substantiation of the charge against Postmaster Paul, and concludes aa follows: Mr Paul has grossly and harstaally violated the civil service taw and haa done it in a peculiarly revolting and underhanded manner. His conduct merits the severest punishment - While he retains his position, it ia hope less to effect an honest ad ministration of th law. Hit futher continu ance io offic would be a great misfortune, and we recommend his immediate removal. " The Bswkiss Harder Trial. SALEMjuly 17. The I law km murder case wa given lo the Jury ibis morning, with im partial instructions by Juug Boise. The jury is Hill deliberating, and the general belief is that no verdict will be reached. It is rum -red that five are for acquittal, two for murder, and five for manslaughter. . Rerve These Right. . Pendleton, July 17. Nichtwatehman j Durban surprised a amber of tramiie attempt, j ing to break into a builJIng Monday night. On 1 ma epproscn iney nett. lie commanded a halt. i ney otun t halt worth a cuss, aod he fired three shot. One hot took effect in the region of the kidney in one man who will probably die. Durham surrendered to the authorities, area rkarvMl .lik : l. . t .... .niuii win, a uaneerous i weapon, and held in the sum of $1000 for ap I P11? Monday nighl. Bail wa immediate. ly lurnianed and lulura resumed his duties. Jast a Ee port New York, July 17-A report ia current in democratic political circlet that a deal hat been made which shelves ex President Cleveland per. manently, and places ex Secretary of the Navy William C Whitney in the lead aa the demo cratic presidential candidate for 1892, Last week there wa an influx of democratic leader irora vow to see Colonel Urice, chairman of tne aemocratic national committee. Their Salaries, Bismarck, Dak., July 17. The committee w . . a on executive nas agreed on itt report on the salaries of the ttate officer, but will not aub- mu n 10 tne convention for several days. The salaries recommended areas follows: 'Governor, 3000; lieutenant governor, $1000; auditor and commissioner of insurance, $2 506 each ; secre tary of state, treasurer,superintendenl of public instruct lon.'commiMioner of schools and public land and attorney general, $3000 each. The committee also recommends that the railroad commission consists of three member?, who shall be elected, and whose salaries shall be $3000 each. "Whao Baby was atck, w gav ber Caatoria, Wnen ths was a Child, she erled for Caatoria, When shs became Mies, sue eluiij to Caatoria, When she b4 Children, the gare them Csatoria, W?ht''. 4rbi- Hors Liniment aot Huicaiy ana eneotnally, and haa no snpwrior aa a temedy for animala ia all case where a mmwt ia require Sold by Fosiasy & This Trade Mark on at atov n-eans It is tha best thaC ex-, pe.ience and skill can con trive. Sold anly by G. W. fsmltli. J Tubb's& Cos pure Manilla twins, beat quality, at 8twart Sc Sox'a. Wright's Myrrh tooth soap eomea oaf con queror every time yon hsv "a brush" with it. : Doath to tartar and decay. Held by Foahay & Mason. r. Dr. It. E. Elite, phyaieian And Albany, Orn. CaJla mad is eounsry. ureeon oity oi Children Cry for, TMK 2iKRKA8KA EWirolil, a aaajawasaBBaaBt Flfty-etghr, including their wives and liters and couslnt and aunts, hty passed through Albany on their return trip this noon, A Democrat man talked wlih sev eral, and all seemed delighted with th Willamette Valley, which they pronounc ed the flnett In the world. Just whnt it will be when they-gel home and the poclry ot It gets threadbare Is the tub. One ot the nicest fellow In the crowi', a young man w ho "never take soup," It Mr t.1) Dennv,ottlio Red Cloud IK'mmra'.. Dr. Dennv tutpect a distant .relationship to our own Denny family, Including Judge O N Denny, and says likewise lie ha done China. Mr I) V Tabler met hi old f rler.ds Atlee Hart, of the Dakota Cl'y and V W Spraaue of the Ruslivltln Sun, and others khook tin 11 lend they knew some thing about. As the train was late and the stoppaue fclimt only a limited number were nre.cnt to arret the tuiltl shovcrs. They took win them some of the Hoard of Trade's blrtUi-te views of Albany and lit erattiro of a rc lined and enterialulnif char acter,and tlmuiih. their tarry wa short they will not frMet entirely the railroad center ot the glorious Willamette alley. Th 1 arty it oompd of thef illnwir.g t Brown, K A, Nebraska City Praia. Hubeua. Mr I) l Norturk Daily New. Burr, W K and mother, Kiverton Kntsr priss. Utumsr, Johuaud dsugl.t.r, Omaha Hall way New. . Uavidsohn, Sol and wife, Nebraska Tri bune, Omaha. Denny, L 1), lt.d Cloud Democrat. Davsuport, A U and a If, Houth Omaha Stockman. Kowlsr, L D, Sutton Advertiser. Oarrety. J K, mother aud eliitd, South Omaha Drover' Journal. OoaUrn, It M, Wayne Hill Herald. iiart, 4itae, lUko's City Etuis. Hubuer, Chsrtes, Nebraska City New. lisdde. Frsd. sud wife. (Ira id I.ltnd lu- dependent. tiosulaod. I S. and wife. State Journal Lioooln. Jbnon,T Ft. aid wife, Stock lum tie- porter. Kutililey, J h aud wife, Weeping Matrr Rexublican. Kobn, M. wife and dauithtar. Cei.ital City Courier. Iewl. II P. Omaha World. Mulluu, J T, and wife. U.naha Bss Mttlbm. 0 A. wife abd diuuhter. Linot lu Call. Martin, tister.David City Press. Parker, J I., wife and child, r sirlleld Her ald. rrk)n, J O, and wifr. People's Advocate, Homervilis. Purcelt, K II, lUykiti lUcord.r. Polluvk, A I. D.nati Mercury. IbMwr, r K. We.teru Lincoln. Hobintun, K J, aud wife, Ituthville Htaud ard. HpreKae, Y W, and titter, Raanvill Sun. btavens, Mrs L A, North Platte Tribune. Stnaebill, U L, Omaha Herald. Warner, C A. Stockvill KaLar. Warring, U Abalins lUfleetor. Walker, II C. DouKts KoUrpri.s. Weasel, L jr, chairman. Capital City Cou rier, Lincoln. Weetsr, J C. sud sister, A'lianoe Amu. Wild, I A, snd wife, Wilbur iUpuuliosa. WiUoo, C, Moamaub, Herald. HKOWMIYIU.K. Will Morrow, of Sclo, I at wor. In the tlnthop (or Mr ( A Dyson, Dr Jes.up and family, of Salem, are the gueatsof Mr () V Coahow. Mr II J C Averltl departed yetterday morning for Coos bay, to t Uit bla son. Mr Arthur Volgamlre and Ml.s Annl Ketallng, of this place, were married la.t week. Mr R N Thompson and family departed for the soda tpHng. on the ijih'ln.t, tn be gone a couple of week. The F.agte Woolen Mill, have bought the gri.1 mill lure. Yetterday Mr Kay departed for Salem to .tart il.e' r.ew buflding for the wWen mill. . . . . ........ addition and wilt build noon the tame Im mediately. Me.r Burtch and Wh'te have leased the Brownsville warehoun'.on the narrow gauge road.and will buy wheat this fall. CITY. . a Farmer are all buy haf vc.ilng. Thi place I booming, new houte,.torct and hotels are being built. The reader of the Dkmocr at probably would with to know where thi beautifut little town called Mill Cltv k It I loca ed about 40 mile eat of Albany .near the foot hill of Marion and Linn coumiea.and in the most healthy portion of thla State Everlasting water power, game and fi.h are plenty. Person wUhlng lo enjoy health and live in a mot dellgiaf ul, tunny .bright locality, pkturctque and lovely thould settle at Mill City. Pure mountain wa'er from numbcrlet spring supply all with water. School I progressing nicely ender the management of David Warner, a compe tent teacher recently from Plymouth, Ind. About a dozen of our toung ladies and gentlemen attended a t:ltool exhibition at Fo Valley last Satmday evening. All were highly entcrtal.ird. Newt ef ihl place will appear once a week in the Damn gar. i Joa LAXto. At the mcctleg ol the Building and Loan Association lat Friday $1100 was loaned, Mijud Rots taking $Soo at jS month interest in advance, and Mr. J R Stewart $400 at 37 month interest in advance. Thi Aaaociatlon is making a fine record and is gaining the confidence of everybody. Will Make Am Abstract. -Wm. E Con ncnily of Kanaas City, Kansas, was in the c'uy Friday and is so well pleated with Albany that he haa decided to fettle here. He w 11 bring hi wife here next week and settle down at once. He proposes to go to work at once making a complete abstract of title in Linn county. Mr Connelly was county cteik four years in Kansas, which gives him experience it title matters. A Woman's Jilteevery. "Anotbrr wonierul "soovery t-es ten nude and that t -o v a ladjr in tble court?. I'ta f.e lenaa it e 'ife-hee up.. a ber and torev.n yesra the wlUutooa It ee.eie.1 lew., bat her vital organ were undenomeU ami death seewen linminent, For Ihree nap ths the enaibed Inceeesntly ar.d eou d not tleen feoe bourhl o us a bottle ef Dr Klns-'s New lifacov- alorCafitUBiptloa and at so much relieved on ing flr.l doe that tbsiut til 'ight and sit one bottle ha ber n eured. Her name It airs Uaher Lot.' Thus writes W U Hamrlok and Co , ol th.lby, K C. Ueta l-se tnal botUe at Fu thay snd atasou' Drug store .The Verdlrt t'naniuiott. W D Suit, Druireltt, Blppus, Ind., Uitlflo.: "I esn reoommtnd Eiectris bitter a tb very beat reaiedy. Every bottle sold bts gven relief lu every eats, Ons man took tix bottlet, snd wat cured ol rheumatlam of lOyeat' aundlng." Abraham II nr., drtiurnt, Hellvllle, Ohio, alflrni. : ' The best telling uedlcine I have ever handled in my 0 yean' es rerlenoe. Is Klectrlo Bitters." Thouaincf of others have added tnelr teaUnmny, an that the verdict I. unanlmnu. that Electno Bitlere dn cure all dlie-aei ef he Uver Kiilneys er Biood, Onlv a half dnl'ar s battle st Fothty and Vttun's Drug Btore. 2 If yoo sre nervous or irritable, feel languid, dispirited, or if you have tick headache, (al low ootnpiexinn,oriiTeiiiv Ireath.theo your livr is out of order and needs routing. " Dr. lieuley'a Dandelion Tenia restores the liver to healthy aotion and tours up the entire sys tem. Sold by Foshay ii Mason. Wright' Compound Syrup of Sim pat ilia ar. liable rredicine for the renovation of tne blood Tone and builds up tbe ayttem, enret tkin diteaiei, rte. Sold by Foshay & Mason. ' A gentleman who had suffered great trnoy ance and pain from barber itch, and who bad beeo treated by the bett physician, without relief, sa a that tn bottles cf Duttrd't SntciHo urd him and left his face perftctly smooth, without a ctr. It neverfalla intkln diseaaea. 8old by Fothay A Mason. If jon have any job wtrk t) d call on G W.Smilh who ia preot w.. tj do it with oeatrtesa and dianafh. anrl as obeip as any one. fiacklen'a Arnica Salve. Ths bttt Silv. In the world lor Cut., Kruiaet.Sires, Uloera, Halt Rheum, r'ever Bore., Tetter, Chapped hand., Chilblaiaa. Cornt, and all Skin Eruption, and BKMitively cures Piiei, er no pay required. It ii euar ateed to give pet rrt satisfaction, or money refund i, Prle. Hi eeuts per box. Foe atl by Foshay and Meson. Pitcher's Castorta, rreui,,fcj.,B fu, ... Thi. will b.! H0.UK AND ABK0D ttiunatiAy. Oroute and pheatantt now. An Ohio wants to trsds 0O.0OOoli:sr for a Ltna oouuty f.rin. A email firs la said to ba burnina lu ths mountains beyond Oateavillr. 110 exouralonUta went to the Bar yetter day from Albany and Corvallir, ., Mr L Miller and family have moytu from near Tangent luto Albany to reside. The lntf show last oisht is reported coou, though the attendance ws not Isrtfr. Pasture wilh pnori shade anil running water for cows. t T II Wallace, full Btritr, West Albany. A snohB Is a in 10 who resd . th eify is- ttlna him anv .... ..- nets rltiht altiim without Its eos thing. There are aevotal along Kirnt street, Poor fellow. (1 01 lulman, recently of Dakar city, and reading olerk in tha lastlrgislature, ha lo eated at Kiinenecity, where h will practice law, A man is tu Orrtf.m liitrixlutiiatf the caotu hede. Seems as if we hsd seen an article eomewhere headrd "llewsr 1 f Ids cactus hedge,' Key Wilbur V Craft snd wife, amoue lh moat prominent Habhath Huhool worker ia ths world will be in Oregon aoon. They will be at Coryalli one day, afternoon and even' ing, and probably an excursion will go from tlii oity. ThsItsvUH Deers, D D. ptttorof "AH touts" (Univerali.()cliureh,!liveride, Cel., ill preach iutn W U I " V roatna Sunday, July 21st. at 11 o'ulook Siil.jfot. ")tilit- aoutnsas. Pesos and Joy cordially iiivitnd. llio iiublio are A prise tiuht ia to take plao at The Dalles on tiaturday lietwcsn Jim Kithrr snd K tiriines. Hkamnkawa rnlet are t eovero aud the riufcvato a mile in circumfereoe. That is the kind of a lljht fur Kilraiu or Mitvhell. W C Taecdale and family ar doing Ya quiua Hay. K L Power went down ths load this morn- Inn on business. L K Blsln aud wife left laat svsniuK for 8n rianeiaco. to he jihi s couple Weeks. Mr J.ihu Althou.s and family llt Alhant tu-dty tor ths mouutaira tu be gons several weeks . Mr I .met Cr tl.t -as. of the "Forks," sa 1 in ths city to-day paying bla annual vis t, whiatt be a. beii dmng for great many veara. Jutltt Btrahan, Wm M and aeveral other prominent men returned from a rusti cation trip to Ihe front on th O P list .yen Ing. Mr Hughes, ofiPorliaod, is ia th city with a view to estaUishing a branch real estate cflloe, Mr Hughe ia a -r in the busiovsa. A very eulov able serenade party waa given last evening at th retnlencs of Hun Geo K Chsmberlaio, notiosabls for ths very Hoe rendered. M... Delia M Angle, of lh Watoo Acad emy, ia which tb is instructor of vocal and instrumental inutio, iaio the city the gueatof Miaa Lss I 'rat ber. Jay W Blaiu'and family relnrned from a wsk'B stay st Mrhsms last evening, aod rs port that a quiet but plesasnt pise for a short acjtern. Th hotel aeeommodatiosa are food . They will leave io a few daya on a month's trip to Yequioa Bay. fR IDA V, A wonsn trsnrphas teen in the city, Attoria has a lady barber aud otner eigne of a eomieg boom. Too much irrigation ia bad for las-at and health. Steep over the fact. 400 busasls of nsw oats were bought in this city a fsw days ago for 18 cents a bushel. Lest night waa oos ef lbs wsrmset in ths history of ths valley. Warm nights ais rar thing here. People who have been tbrouuh Ihe va'Uy remaik that Albany apptars ths liveliest ol any place in ths vsllry , J T Apperat n, th- tew rcgi.ler of ths Oregon City Isnd ortice hs iccctvsd Lis C"Oiiiiusi.n and w ill aeeame hi ditltc n Monday. a i.. i. r-i... i l.. i.j I n M' . ,w infer. VI'.HI.I .- m,,,vu m. good newe to any one who ever read "Otickorihe Deed." tbe W F. Ilawkiii. the murdervr of J II Ogle, triad st Salem thi week, wss fonod guilty ? ef murder in lbs 3d degias aod will join J Saunders for life. I Miaa Maud Hoffman, of CWvaili, who re- , eiled in that ity on Tuesday evening, wtil be in Albsn) in a tbort tims and give an so-' terteinnient The leader spesks very high. ly of her ebauonry poct. Superintendent Downing, of the ttate penitentiary, at d Su-iermtcudeot Itne, ol be stats asylum went brugh Al I any yettetdey on s trip totb Mctilua Th Ru.tiant have found tist wi.lve will not pass under telegraph wire. The gov ernment has uulte-d this discovery in clear ing many of the nittricts by erecting many wire, throua'hoot the regione infested with the brute. A long nd hi iter Irgal wsr in likely to grow i'Ut of the Johott4we, pa, eslsmity. A mercantile firm i to toe the Sunt a Ft ra Fishing O vh, which mamt-ioJ th dani that did thsd.mse, for floO.OOOsod it U said ths plsiotiff have p eoty of mean to to earry on th suit. The oit sill t-ettt ette ami will lie fought t th end. If it i aecee.'ul it wiH make the club It .hie for si leaat $.",0,000,000 in damage, and the mem I era of li.a cluh eiog a '.I wetltliy men cnii'd probably pay it and it i t tie hoped all bate to. Major E-kleann. of the O P U. taye th preeent i he final eorvey for that rrv-il, and tbst it leavee liurna outldby tnt mile Born IltrdLL ConaUbls Pork hart left St Paul yeeterdat afternoon at 4 o'c'oek, with Sylvester Kick oils and will be iu Albany probably on Monday svebing'e train. There ar five girla in on of ths Hum. phries families of Fleming eonnty, Ky, and their name are Arkaoaa, Louisiana, Ten netee, Florida and trgiuta. Tb reenter Jtireting of ths Building A Lost Association wi.J lie held this svemng. It does are n'-t paid to day it wilt east 10 cent a thar extra to-morrow. Ssndv Old, the murderer of Kmii Web ber, in Portland, was found guilty of mur der in the First degree and wilt hang, which will attrv him light. Mb Lulu Clark, of Spcksns Fall, is io tbs eity. Mr Aaron Sender and Ed Sohmeer at rived lo Albany thia morning from Crook county, having left Prineville Tuesday morning. M rt J L Cowan, and son. Williaor, Miaa Lee Prather aud Miss Aogle left thia noon for Yaquioa Bay ou a camping expedition of some time. Ther will b life at tbe Bay for awhile it least. Mr Ted Corran, cf LaCatna, arrived in the city last evening and will go up tbe O P into the Caaosde mountain in th intereit of the large lumbering com piny which he rep recent. 8ATU KBAT, The Surreme Court Judge of Washington will get $4000. ' . The funeral of Mra John Smith wa to take place this afternoon at 4 o'clock.. Key Priohard will hold his Ust aeryioes to morrow previous to a four week vacation. John Curtis another fool of a convict at the penitentiary haa hacked off his hand to get rid of work . ' A fine buggy whip was stolen a dav or two ago from the abed of Mr Chat Metzger. Please return and receive reward. Mr Uhbe Peters fall wheat will average about 28 buthela to the sere, and (Jbbe aaya be ia satiaSed with that kind of a failure f f eropa. Marion onuuty oou Id not be hired to find a man guilty of murder in tbe tint degree. They seem to want tn Gil tha ptolteniiary there. . -., ' Hawkint, the murderer of J H Ogle, at Salem, was denied a new trial. He should be tatiiHed. Hanging waa what he deserv ed. Five lot were cold yesterday in Mrs Houoks addition to Albaoy, F E Alien tak ing two for $2-23 t J Beattie two for the atute prioe and O T Porter one for 1 100. Tha Democrat, Salem's new paper apo.r edto day. lcahnun.i iu weir writ teu uewt items aod editorials and it lluely gotten up; but seems to lack the advertising patronage that nialibi a paper fat. . . The count now going on at th San Fran cisco mint reveal the hot that a lack con taining $1,000 in silver weighs 859,375 ounoes Troy weiaht, or about sixty pounds Avordupois ; $100,000 weighs C 000 pounds, and M.Oqp.OQO woigli about - thirty . toot net.. Dr Will Jacktoo, ' well-ttuowu as "tbe dentist," with au emphatia on the "the," is atort of a vaiiety iruD. Basides runoiog busities that csn supply yon with any- ! tbina from a jewsliarnun, he (lithe un ice cream and runt a telegraph office, deal in 1 county Scrip and the u 1 only know what 1 not. Duo is an all around clever genius, j aod once owned a newspaper along with hi ! cumero'i enterprises, but a penplo think; running newiors It tuuli a soft snap Due old It out. Athland Jicronl, Tudg Strshan i riutiosliim atthe I'.iy,' Tom Buford, of Ysquin City, I.m J,een appointed agent at th Hileta. Ml.trt Helen Ctawford ami Jane Mi. nit left to day on atrip to WaWilon. Mrand Mr Harry Uphsrn and dur,ter,cf Portland, ar in the oity. fur a ktveral week tsy . Mrs fir Hetidiix. of Hairi.buri'. Mis Dr 1 M, Hbert llmwa. Mr. T J 8tits i Mr ni """ ' Va- Uuioa Pay. Mr John liarrnws. of Oakland. Cal.. ar rived In Albany this mnrninr in rt.i onte to A telrursm snn tnucing the iIIij'.m of 1 r mother. Mrs Mttilth, who die'l yttterduy. Mr J VV Cuti k snd family returned lat veiling f rem their trip to Fiih Like, sud report a pleasant experience. They brought home with tnem the usual fl.h atones. ;i2f) fine beaniies In cue day wat ths recprd of J w and Kd. Mr K I. Power returned tlilt noon fro 3 Tsuoma, where lis Lougtit out the Tacoma Haroet Sc S iddlery shop, one of the best i k ths city, and wilt move to that city nest week. Mr rover la a nrt-oIa harness maker snd an A 1 him and desirvet suooist n his new Held. Caarea Dlrertsry. U. P.CiiPROH. Preaching every Sabbain, morning and evening by Rev. f. U, Ir vine, D. D. Sabbatb rtubool at 2:30 r. at Prayer meeting every Wedneasday evening. Evahoklical Chow m. Preaching on Bab Ssth at 11.00 a. at., aud 7 r. at. nahtwUi iohool 10:00 Prayer meeting every Wed aaa. lay evening 7uK Rev. Fihr, pator, AHa iuvlted, M. R. Cuoai.-H.rtourH. Preacbiog every Mabhatb niornimi at 1 1 o'clock a. m, aud 7 o'clock r M. Hebbatti Huhool at 10 o'clock 1 A, M. Prayer oinrlihg Wednesday evonio at 7 o'clock. Ilev, l. II. Ciiiiiaiiu, Pattnr. VI. E-t'llUKint. tVwMjiiiiiU evury Mal.lialli inornimi ami evoning. Song service in ths svenl ig before sermon. Mtbbatb Mcll at 2.-30 r at Prayer masting every Thurs- day 'sail, Usv, II ?. Wobb, jaetor, j Pasest TKitua Cituncik S-vic svery ; Sabbatb morning and evening Jn Cburcb ' Our. Broadalbin snd KifthKts Sunday School j iimne Jiately after the morning service, j Prayer Keotiug every Wednesday evening ; Uev K It Priubard, psttor. j Fitter BaitistCuc;m. PreachinK every j 8ablath morning and eve' Church on 5tb ! Street. Sabbath School imme'Iiately after mominK aervices. Prayer meetina aver' ""burtdty evening at 7:30 o'clock, lit v. Trumlicll, paator. Cono n so Altos At C o fecif. - bervicese ery Sabbath moraine and evening. Sabbatb i School at 12:15. P-ayer meeting on I Wednesday evening f each week. lUv. Itoger, Pastor. J Chairtia! Cut ni ti -breaching every first j Sabbath in month, morning and evetimi, t ! llo'el"ck. Sa'.bath Sahool at 10 'clok,A. ' at. Key Humphrey, Pastor. Catholic Chusci!. Service every Sun- day at 10:30 A. u. and 7 r. at. I jist Sunday of the month service st Kugene City. Uv. j Louis Metayer, Rector, ! ALBASY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY. OREQON-' 1888,1880. i rir.1 Terse Oaea srpleatber lilt, tass ! A lull corps of instructors,- CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, ! COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Cnuraoa ot 4udy arranged to tnt th nand of all gradoe. of students. Sfrrial luauermmf ejrrrd to xtutfmtt from ahtocul. Tuition rant-ws from 'i.Ui ts I?,W. Board In privet faiofiaa at rain. ' Itoorua lor self boarding st sins!) ex-in. I j ra csreini aiixirvi4ion eAert-iaoij over a:U' j dottt sway from home. Fall term opens seplwtnoe).- 1 1 11. rof circular ami ran particular add .- the Proaidnut. Btttt. SISKKT . OlilT. Alt -any.,OrMs"'wt ACADEMY -tF- OnT Laflj of Perprtail Help. ALBANY, - - OREGON. Ondnntad by lbs Mlt fif St, IV.tiftdiot This Acatiemy Is ncorriorataiJ and ou- thorixrd by tba Slat to confet aeadeniic : nonora. Tbs e-inro of study is eouip:te j Mstbematloa, literature and Mutia ie pelal'is as alaalhe Normsl Inatnu-il- n i ar aeplrsnta Tor lasohers cenlfirt In j 'imrlal drawing, vtwtti nitmle In I'lass and all klnda ofoaeUlawoik 'or to, no extra;' r.harga. Tb aieclpllne of the hi hrwil m , tfrtilio bnt firm. ooject tlnir to form ant only refined young ladles. Out noble itd naafui memlx-r of ''-lrtjr. Pup il itmlited at any Urn and charges firnpor. .ionad. i'upilaof any denomination re reived. Tuition in select tfay iclirv.l ranges from &totlO. Fortaroaa of ttAarllng; Keh ol or ant psatct lar apply at Ilia Academy, or ad ireaa Sister Superioress. Votice for FoblicattoOe United Staffs Laud Oftt. ) OreRon City, June 2J. issti. J NoUoa is h.retiy given that In eouip'l ann with the provisions ofiho act ol Cna rest of June Ard, I fi?r), entitled "An act fur lha sale of timber Isnds in lbs tst.e of Cslifurnia, Ort-g-io, Nevada, and Wathlnptnti Territory," WlllUui U Hequa.of Portu nd.cotiuty of M uitnoru-h, Si ate of Oregon, ban tbla day filed in this otHne his aworn ateteweiit So 1033, for tha purchase of tbe K li of N W j and Iota I and 2of .""ttetlon No. 18, lu 'lown ahlp No. 10 south. It tigs No 3 cast, and will offer proof to show that the land aougbt la m ire valuable for It timber or atoue than for agricultural purpoes,and lo establish bis clalut lo said land lv fore tbe Register and Kocelvfr of this fU?e at Oregon city, Oregon, on Tatsnay. Ibe i;ia stay or fteplrtsbrr, IS, lie nameaas wllneacs: John West and O, A. Iivnnett, of Tacoma, Pierce oounty, W, T , and D. II ere bey and O - Tyner, of Portland, Multnomah coun Any and all neraona c'aiminir adverse n ly Ibe above described lauda am icquptt ed to tile tbelr claims' In thla olllceonor before said ITtb day of September, ISoO. . W. T. Burn by, Keglsttr. Notice for Publication. United SUlea Land Office, 1 , OreRon City, Or., June ,20, 18K9.J Notice la hereby given that In ccmoli snoe with tha provisions of the act of Congreea of June 3rd, 8'.8. entitled "An act for the tale of Urater lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory " David Hershey, of Portland, county of Multnomah, State oi Oregon, has thla dy filed iu tblsofllee bla aworn statement No, 1032, for tbe p-ir chase of the SK 4 of Section No. 12, In Township No. 10 south, Hangs No. 2, east, and will offer proof to show that the land aougbt la mors valuable for its Um ber or stoQe tban for agricultural pur pose, and to establish bis claim to said land before tbe Heghtt r' or Receiver ot tbla office at Oregon Cily, Oifgcn, cn Taetday, the ITIk tlay r September, IttK He names as wltneat : John W ef-t and G A Bennett, t.f Tacoma, Pierce county, W. T , and W. H. Kequa and C. O. Ty ner. of Portland, Multnotnah county, tir. Any and all persons cf aiming advt-tsely theabovewdeseribed lands are requested to file tbelr claims in this cltlre rn foresaid 17th day of September, ifc'ftt. . ' W T. P.ufNgy, ". Kfgistct, If You LHlave Ho appetite, Indtg-estlon, Flatulence, ilek Headache, '-all ruu down," ioa tag flesh,yeuwllltlail IftS Hill the yam ady yon need. They tone tip tha weak stomaeit sad build up tha flagging enerariea. Sufferer from mental or physical sverwook will rind reUsf front tiieaa. JUleelysaajar coated. ' SOLD EVERYWHERE. . Children Cry fort 3!C I 'r 'aaoejav. iiitaas- wi r '-mem '-aa. -- - t for Infants and Children. ' "Catortalssowtlsj1apted toehndrenthat I Casterta enra QtMH, ConMrrjatloa, t reeornmeod It aa superior to any prascrlDtloa I """r Htonvtco, biarrhnaa, Kruetetion, Ummu to me." IL A. Aacaaa, . I ltiUfS,?m' 111 Bo. Oxfwi Bt, iirobklyn, S. T. WUWtojurioua asdicaUcn. , Ta CesTAta CoMrAav, 77 Murray Street, tt. Y. rr,rrrz w ; .""' - ar ;, . , r.,1MI ... A Uvhe lo Motlirm, Mre. Winnlow's Hoothlni Syron. for cblldron tei ihinir, U the proscilpilon of one of tits lient ffiTialo ntirsos sou phyal- cians in inn united maios. atu nas oeen iiM'd for furty years with never falling aucccfts by mililori of mothers for their children. DtirlnK the prows of teething Its value U iticalciiable. It r el paves the child from ialn cures dyaontsry and diar rhetes, prlplnp; In the Imwels, and wind coilo. iiy iflvlng haHh lo the rh lid ii rest the mother. Prica 2fj, a bottl. Combine the juice of tie Blue Figt of California, so laxative And nutritious, with the medicinal ylrtue of plants known to be mot beneficial i fothe human ayttem, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LITER AHD BOWELS ASOTO CleansetmSystemEffectually, IO THAT . PURE BLOOD. REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Vaturslly follow. Every one b using it and all are delighted with it. Ak your druggist for SYKUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by the CALIrORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., Sam FaAMCitcc, Cal. LoettrtLLS. Kv. KwYos.K.aV ti, J. WHITNEY. iiioLey Anfl Counsellor At Ut otnr Public. ALBAir, CRECOH, Witt oru.j i all of the Courts .hls-ttato. All b loess intrusted to hi will be prompt! y attended to. rjew ujiij -iniMM iwijntwaaaewAwewRwaffwwM11" js "aV si . FOR SALE BY FOSHAY A MAeoN FOSHAY & MASON, vtxsiAit ass asrui . Drnggistsand Boiksller Agents for John B. Attlen's iutll-mt i.i a, woicn w anil a- cniHlur j'T) poaugsajl a t.HSI. Oitihl , Do ftm feel auIL tsagnle. low-eplritsd, life, less, and Indescribably miserable, both physi cally and mentally! experience a sense of luilnees or bioatlnc after sating, or ot gone- nna, - or ernpiwee or eiomaoa ia im morn ing-, toneu coated, bitter or bad taste tn inouth. irree-uiar appetite, dlsztneas, frequent beadachea, blurred eyesight, " floating speck' before tb syea, nervou proatrsUoo or ex- naueuon. irritaiiiuiy or samper. bo fluabea. alternating wita rnui e aeoaarjona. iiiun bltiug, transient pains ner and ttxtre, cold fet, drowaineas after meal a. wakefulneaa. nr evoaauona. an disturbed snd unrefreshing Bleep, constant, indescribable feeling ot dread, or of tmpeno- H1K UUMUI.J . If you bar all. or any considerable nnmbee of these symptom, you are suffering from that most common of American maladies Billpu Dyspepsia, oe Torpid 1.1 rar, associated with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. Tbs mora complicated, your diaeam baa become, the greater the number and diversity of symp toms. No matter what etatro It has reached. Dr. rierees lioldeu medical Discovery will eubduo it, if taken according to direc tions, for a reasonable length of time. If not cured, complication multiply and Consump. tion of the Lungs. Skin Diseases. Heart Disease, Kheumatlsm. Kidney Disease, or other me maladies are quits liable to set In snd, sooner , or utter. Induce a fatal termination. Dr. fierce' Golden Medical Slew 1 eovery sets powerfully upon the Liver, and I through that great blood -purifying organ, . cleanses the system of all blood-taints and inw ! purities, from whatever causa arising. It 1 j equally efficacious in seting upon tha KloW strengthening, and healing tbelr diseases. As sn sppeUzina;, restorative tonin, It promotes digestion and nutrition, thereby building op both flesh and atrength. In malarial districts, this wonderful ucdiolna haa gained great celebrity in curing Fever and Ague, ChiUs and Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases. Dr. Pierce's Uoldeu Medical Die. cover- CURES ALL HUMORS; from a common Blotch, or Eruption, to tbe worst Scrofula. ralt-rheum. " Fever-eores,' Scaly or Hough Skin, In short, all disease caused by bad blood are conquered by thie powerful, purifying, and Invigorating medi cine. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heel under Its benlau influence. Especiitlly haa it mini- f8ted it potency In curing Tetter, Edema, r.r?aipeias, uous, farotinoiea. ors Gyes, bcrof tilous Sores and Swellings, Hip-joint Disease, "Wbtta Swellings," Goitre, or Thick Neck, aud Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents la stamps for a large Treatise, with colored piutoAjfm Skin Diseases, or the same amount - -st J Sa r.'-. f -r . r . ' ' ! t 1 Illy ABLSv tor a xreause ou scroiuioua -anecuons. . "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroughly cleanse it by using Dr. pleree'e Ooldeu Medical Diaeo very, and good dig-eation, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital atreugth and bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, which Is Scrofula of the Lungs, !g arrested and cured by thla remedy, if taken In the earlier stages of the disease. From Its msrv velous power over thi terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now world-famed rem edy to the public. Dr. Pleroe thought seriously of callinjr it bit "Consdmption Curb," but abandoned that name as too restrictive for a medicine which, from Its wonderful com bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive properties, is unequaled, not onlv sa a remedr for Consumption, but for ail Ciirouic Diseaaea of the Uver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lungs. Spitting of Blood, Short, ness of Breath, Chrooio Nasal Catarrh, Bron chitis, Asthma, Bevere Coughs, and kindred affections, it la an efficient remedy. fn6 bvDruggiat. at ,1.00, or Six Bottle t sr Send ten cents In stamps for Dr, Pierce's book on Consumption. Address, World's E!$pssarj Ks.lcal tal.l'sv CS3 lOain St, BtTFAL, N.y. Pitcher's Castdrla, Timber LaM Hotice. Vnltod Hate Land Office, tlregou City, Or.. Jane 11! b, 180 Notice is hereby given that J.i compli ance with lbs provisions of the act of Onitrensol Jiuie 3rd, 1678. .rilHIed "An act for the sslo of timber lands in ibe Sistes of California, Oretron, Nevada and li 'ton Territory ."Frank 13 Stevens. of Moiiteserio, c only of CherisU. 'ieirl w rycf Wbshlngton, has thla day filed In ttiis on .-e lite Bworn lu.inr,t No. 1070 rtbi- jr"Mnm uf lUf n W i '.f -e'-non i. i't. in Townidilp r, lo rxiutti i w N'. 3 east, and wi'l oflf-r trof l- rlie list tlift lurid aooal tl. Mie ta nM (or lis tl uler(ii sioun thin f.r grh-Mitiir ptirposo-!, slid to ft ammo hie Uim U Mild land lK!fra the Hgist-r oi Ke rwlver of this cIMfif at ur-tfun f.'ity. Oi.,. OB rMa, Ibe Ssib day ar rrptr mber, as. lietairiS'SS wltneaM-s ; T s Kmn-, . Msriln. O W. Hail a. d J'.hn Wei, i ' ri M'iii'e-.iio. . I'h -a it- i'n.t A. ifK.. TcrriKTV Ant a ti .r- 'peli i 1 . vereit ne t- ii. i . r irjiiK-ir-d io fl if.rr hI-jib in IllO im j$ e-fji,. I r, le Kegisier Hotice for PnWicaticn. Lattfl OfRre at Oregon Cltv, Or. Jun2fKb, ifsm. j Xotica is hereby glvn that lli follow- Ing named settler l as filed police cf bis Intention lo uiaks float proof In tepport of bis claim, and that aai prr.f will l;e made beior-ihe uounty Jo'igeortn uia abaence, t efore tbe County t lerk of Linn county, U Albany, Or., on . Headay. Aaga.t tC4h. ISHS, vSass Martin II Oaylord. lioo.eateail Kntry No, 4902, for the H W i ot See 8. Tp. U8R1K, He names tbe following witnttse 10 prove nut continuous resl- denceupon and cu III vat ion of said land viz: a. M. nsrris, m, a. riiKgeraid, u. Fain nil and O. Oaylord, all of Lebanon, Linn county, Oregon. Any pei-aon who nesirce to p tot tat agsinitt tbe allowance of such proof, or wbo knowa 01 any substantial reason, under the law and the regulations of tbe Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be gtvea an opportunity at tbe above mentiooedtim and ptsce 10 crow, examine tne witness of aaid claimsuf, snd to offer evidence io rebuttal of tbat tutmltted by claimant. W, T Bcrhbt, Timber Land Boticf- United Mate Land Offiae, Oregon City, Or., June 2Qtb, ISS9. Notice is beieby given that in eompli ance with tbe proviaions of the act of Congress of June Srd, 1873, entitled "An set for tba talt. rf t'.mber lands in the r'tstes ol CaliforuU, Oiegnn, Nevada, and WabingUn Territory," Thomas OV Keane, of Motitrtano.rcunty of Che ha! if. Teirttory of W l.ington, haa tbia ray filed in this 1 ffk- his sworn ststemebt No. 1077, for ! j.ttrchsss of tha . K J of Sect ion No if Township No. 10. South, Ran go rto, 3 ea f. and will offer proof to boow ibat lha tend sought is more valuable for its limber or atoiw than for KmTiii.ui.i . 1 , r w.i.a ... r.unw bi e'aitu lo aid land before the Hegiater and Keceiver of Ibis fliee at Oregon t'rlday, lheSih day r aeplraaser, lase. YIe mmeaa wituesees: II Martin. T- . . . r . ... - . . r. - etevet.., i. r . iHJiiano rfoun nm alt of Moniesano.Cbebaiia county. Wash ingion Terribiry. Any ard ail persoa c'ainiioc adveriwly tbe aboxe d.ecriio lands ere It queted to fi a tbr rlsims I this, filce on -r tfirairi 2nth day on Septenrlier, Iff 9, V T, B bk. Bel er COLD II. HEAD. W - 1 Try the Cure . CXT a , st Ely's Cream Balm Cloaiisea tLelasal Passages. Al lays T"flammnrirm. Heals the Sores. Kestores the Sensea of Taste, BkioU una Aiearmg. A particle ia awaited lata eavch awwrrfl aad ta amvniklc Price 50c a Pratwa er by aaaii. KLX BKOTJEEadWsrrenoUew York. PATENTS tained, and at other buajnees ia the V. 8. rates fnce at tended ed to lor moderate feea. Our onto, ia oorweit th U. 8. Patent Office, and weoan obuia PaUnls teas time Uuui tboe. ramota rom Washington. Send modi, or drawing. We at- to patent ability free of charge ;and wmak e charg unless we obtain patent. We refer bere, to the, the 8upt- ef Honey Order Div. and to otBdale of the U. & Patent Othcc Foretrcular, advice, terms, and efereaces o actual clieuta lu yourowa Sua or county, address Ca A. WW1CO Opposits Fatent Offlos, Wasbington, D OF PURE GOD LIVER OIL HYPOPEOSPHITgS Almost as Palatable as Milk. 8a dlsgwlaed tha It east be taken, digeited, aad aattaaflated by the aae.t tsatlttv atoaaach, when th plain all tasaot be tolerated aad by tbe eone blaatlaat of the oil with, the hypophoa pliitea ia Dnoh naora eiiicacioaa. . BeBAraable as -fesk predurer. -Persons gtii rtpldly while taking It. SC0TTB EMULSION is aciaowledgedby Fhysiciaus to be the Finest and Beet prepay ration in the world for the relief and cure of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. GENERAL OE3ILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS And CHRONIC COUGHS, rfte jreof remedy for Consumption, and Wasting fat CAicrren &H bv U Druftqista. BR0WNarILLE. 0. p. cosHow a SONS, Eeal Estate and Insnraasj Aaints. Rsl autft a ui vi I ),i, ,. n,, Notarial.buslno s attooded t-. -. " PIANOS. Those wishing- a fl should osll at Mrs. B. E. Hrmau's 1 -id see one of those Celeorated Heinuso txjug piauoes, exoei.ent rlcb lone. E- pe-iaUy made and ada, tt tt kiflflf? t haw fill mate on the Pauifia Coast. Erery piano fully guaiantead for 5 years. Tbe li.teet sbeet-musio for sale, Musio and painting lessons given there. Also the place to get your new Sowing Muchine- Faucy work and dress making cono to order. First door east of Young's old stand, Albany, CATAfiwH I Srtcijnn BA fj S9-. 1 urejron. - . r . . .-- . . - . i .