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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1889)
....JULY 2C, I8S9. 8TITE3 & Killtsr NUTTING. I'm pr Irian. A TmiPAss Cam. Mr Martin Forest- er.ofJTangcnt, was arrested Saturday for treipts on the complaint of Mr Pan IIoucV, on a warrant Irtued by M. K. Brink, Esq. The following vcrion ot the-matter, hlch haa created great In terest among Tangent people, U given the Democrat: Mr Houck rented a part of the large Vernom farm of old lad Ver nom, now'over eighty year old. Running across It from the rest of the farm wa a private road. Thi Mr Houck had plowed up and aowed to wheat In the aprlng. The Beard Bros, had a contract with Mr Ver nom for hauling aome hay from her farm and they hired Mr Forester to do the work. In doing It he drove hi team over the old road, Including the town nhcat, and Mr Houck, who It U claimed did It for the purpose of preventing anyone from j; ci ting out , had him arreMed. The drfend ant claim It la, like neailv nil trespass cases, a matter of tpltc, and also claim that the road part waa never rented to the rtmanltnttt w..ln&a At nil whlt-h llA KAV ... fc ..... .. .... .. snrm ernom win verity I he case wa call at a o'clock beforethe Jutlccand a jury of tlx men . Th W.I. R. CoRecently the Dkmc caat published an Item from the Ett.4 Ortfoman in which that paper ald that aerer&l young men rcpreenting the Wrought Iron RangeCaweredolng L'ma tlllt county, and that they were aharpcra and swindler. The Dmo -rat asked tor a report from tome here who had bought range when the young men weie .in the Valley, and Mr P It Bowman, of Benton county antwert the request and desire u to date that he bought one of the ra tges. paying $73 for It, that he consider It the finett thing he ever taw, and though the price wa high, hit wlf-i save the wouldn't part with it tor twice the money ; that the young men were honorable In all their dealing with him. The Drmocrat it Mint like the E. O. It like to geta chance to pitch into itinerant who take trade from home merchant ; but we try to be honet and gladly give Mr. Bowman' view of the matter, which in fairness the E. O. might well publish. RCTCRNtD WllM Him. -Constable CG Burkhart returned Monday from Blah, Nebraska, with Sylvester Nichols,ihe man arrested thereat the instance of Davis Broa , for taking out of the state six inoit gaged horse, lie was gone just twelve daya,going and coming by way of St Paul. He found that Nicholls had mortgaged the time horse there for $3oo,and had to light a writ of habeas corpus in order to get hi man. The case will come tin before Geo Humphrey, Esq , at 9 o'clock to-morrow ! morning. Fixokr Ampi-tatiu. Saturday after noon Mrs. Rowell and daughter, Olive,! ol Sweet Home, accompanied by l)r Lamberton, of Lebanon, came to Albany, 1 and Dr. Hill in the evening amputated a finger on the left hand of the -oung lady. 11 wa maac necessary or oiiwu poisoning , which had been caused by lU finger be- j ing pricked by a n He previously used to j open a gathering in the ear 01 a brother ol Mitt Olive. A Anticipated, lust as the Demo crat anticipated Seattle i overrun with carpenter from the East who started for that city Immediately after the fire, think ing there would be plenty of work. Owing to the fact that the business portion of the city will be rebuilt with brick and ttone, there li nit much work for carpenter at present. The worst place lit the world for a carpenter to go to is a burned out city. Not Guilty. The jury in the case of the State against Marti Forester, tried before Justice Brink Monday afternoon late In the evening brought in a verdict ot "not guilty," which wa In accordance with the version of the case presented the Democrat. Yet there are always two ttdet to all cases, and probably is to this one. At a rule trespass cases are better not brought, unless there are very aggra vating circumstance connected with them. Tom at Salem. Harry Dunn and Tom McNary will put in Sunday in the city cooler the result of the usual amount of whisky showing ittelf through their well toaked hide. A great man think it would be a good scheme to keep Tom at solid hard labor long enough to get the stuff out ol hit tyttemand probably he might "take a tumble to himself." Statesman. A Sultry Place. A resident of Al bany who recently came from Spokane Falls sayt the weather there it unpleasant ly hot and tultry with night at bad at the dayt. With no water but hydrant water to'drink and that ot a very poor quality, the report brought it that it U a miserable place to tpend life jutt at the present time. Wirs op a Famous Fighter Mrs -Stevens of the GrUmer-Daviet troup in Albany several weekt ago wa. the wife of the famout prize fighter, John C Hcem.n, a fact net known by many. She tay t Kit Tain ought to have won because he treatt hit wife well, while Sullivan it a brute of a husband. ;StillaMytery. The partict wlio left -here Monday to tearch for George Nutting returned yesterday. They made a tho rough tearch through the country where he waa last seen, and no trace of him could be found. They consider his disapperance myttery which may never be fathomed. Ckkoco Review ol July Jo th. The Foot Race A 75 yard foot race wa run at the fair ground Sunday be tween H II O'Dell, of Sodaville, and E G Cameron, of Corvallis. The former led from the score and finished ten or twelve feet ahead of Cameron. Considerable money it tald to have changed hand. Price Raised. la Salem the pricet of cigarettes have been raised from five to ten cent by all the dealer. The price should be raised in Albany. It thould be hleh enoueh to terrorize boy of 18 and upward. Appointed What. Mr. T. Buford ha been appointed collector of custom at Yaqulnacity. We have to congratulete Thomat on getting there. Some of these dayt to be collector of that port will be a bigger thing than it is now. IJtiilon Leader. Come, now wa'nt Tom appointed agent at Siletz. Died. Mr. John Watert, an old resi dent of Browntville, died at her hom in that city Monday morning of a congee- llve chill. She wat one of Brownsville't bett women, and her death it a great lost te toe community. Mat. Dcniway. Mr. Dunr.iway hat been regaling the Idaho legislature la favor of a W. S. plank in the New Conttilution. We mention thit In order that our readert may not lote track of an old fellow citizen. A Challenoe I hereby challenge Mr. H. H. O'Dell te run a 75-yard foot race for $100 te $500, or a 125-yard race, for $100 to $1,000. Race to be run at Albany en date to be named. E. G. Cameron, Corvallis, Or. Sylvester Nicholl. Mr. Sylvetter Nicholl wa taken before Justice Hum phrey last Tuesday, waived examination, and wa held to await the action of the Grand'Jury under $1,000 bend. BieoxsT Yet. io,eoo roll of wall pa per latest varieties, finest decoration jutt receive t Fertmi!ler& Irving'. FRIDAY., .SECURE PRICES. tfO TROUBLE TO SH0W2 .'iOODS AT DEY0 &H0BS0K "Work Stopped. The Salem Statesman In mentioning the fact that work had been stopped on the U. P. Extension with the xccptlon of a few Chinamen, thus plainly ays: " That the obstruction to progress In building the road at the prctent time I canned by the attachment which me hanging over a large amount of property and supplier which belong to contractors There teem to be an unfortunate fatality in the way of that road being built with any degree of rapidity. F.verv year tome. thins occur whereby half the licit work Ing season it waited, and then just about the time a good force of men U accured, the contractor fall, lawault are com menced, the men thrown, out of employ, mcnt, and there U Je,e to pav all around, Everybody In the valley ha a warm lilc for the O. I', railroad In a busbies way. and It I reallv unfortunate that II com pletion ncios the mountain thould be re- arUca by ko many untoward ctrcuin tance." F.I.ttricitv,- - The Albany Electric Llht, Tower and Teh phone C6. met Sat urday evening at theoflico'of Blackburn Wright. Judre Blackburn in the chair and C. IS. Kawltng as temporary tecre tary. . II. Allen, l. P. Mascn,' (Jeo. E. Chamberlain, I". J. I.annlng, J. A. Crow ford, W. F. Head and 1). R. N. Blackburn were elected director. The director elect ed the following officer : W. F. Read, I'reMUent i is. 1 1. Allen, Secretary (ien ...... ' ' tiectiiclun A Sami'LR. The tollwlng from Atorla Transcript give a aa.nple of men we meet In Albanv and nearly everywhere. About one of the smallest business firm In the I'nlttd Slatct I In Ast.irl.i. They are patronUed by nearly every one In the city, and when t'vey want any thing they tend to Portland for It. They have thel bill head printed lit Portland. They bu their clgatt at Portland; take only a Port y and paper, and from present appearance they w ill have to hire their help from Port land. They would benefit Ihl community It they .vou'ld move to Portland. Brfokk tiik Rkixirokr. According to the testimony introduced before Re coidcr llenton Tile Marshall wa walking along First street when a stranger consid erably intoxicated, called him ' Pete." drew hii.i Into Max Baumg?rter' front room, and struck him in the face, when Tite, with a Xullivanlc blow, knocked him out In the first round The stianer dl appeared Younir Marshall wa arrested tor .ighttng and disorderly conduct, and fined $. The evidence -showed self de fense, but m there wa no regular defense made, the tine w a impooed Fivr Tvi. Tuethy live tramp wereeen hovering around the residence of Tho. Montloth, Jr. One of them finally Vied to effect an entrance Into the house finding no one wa at home, when Marshall Hoffman, who wan notified, an. peared and arrested him, as well a four other who centered at the ame place about that time. The tint mentioned, who gave hi name a Gogen, waa sentenced to the callboosc for three davs. while the other were given leg ball, and lied the . It J- I . n An I. a . I.... I I . i tence of live davt. Is Troihlk One John Utilnlan, who worked on the street railway from July 6th id July has been arrested In Se , attic on a charge of committing a rob j bery in that citv on July 3d. He wrllea to jr. W. E. Kellev who had the contract or ,i,e lreet railway work, asking a writ ten statement a to the fact of his work. riS here during that lime. Mr. Ke'ley :im nine. .Mr. ivc'icv , well known wheal collector hat been In the city getting cereal. Any thing left at the Oregon Land Campanya office will be taken care of and tent where it will do good. Our farmer thould come to the front In this matter. Linn i a great county and should be represented. New Co. Articles of incorpor ation were filed with Ihesrcreta'y of slate j The Golden mining company of Albany, ! Or, capital stock, divided Into; one million shares of the value of $100 each Incorporators are E. R. Barker, II. II. Gldding and B. If. Barker. Forgot the Combination. A man in Coshocton, hsa safe that contains $11$. It had been locked up three yeart and he had forgotten the combination. Mean while he is awatlng the return of the j agent of the .itercmpanv. Now nrrr i forget the fact that Conn Brot. gU e splcndlJ . bargains in groceries and crockery ware both in prire and quality of goods. ' People j who trade with them never have cause ! for complaint. i Won 91600. Frank Merrill who recently! left this city with Geo II Lee the reputed agent of the Wallack Theatrical Co. hat obtained more notoriety, this ime at a gambler. He bucked the tiger in a faro game at Slssont aod won f 1600, when the dealer wat about to ab scond; but Merril made him open the drawer at the point of a revolver, when he only found IZ4. . Down. Now that Sandy Olds is to hang in Portland a man who ued 10 know him in Michigan tay he also killed a mar. there. When a man ge down he hat to bear some pretty bl burdens, and if he ever did anything mean it may be assured It will be brought out. A Splash. Several weekt ago an Albany . bicyclist took a header in tho Santiam ditch, and the Democrat imino diatty made the incident public. But for this fact and the detiie to do by oneself at one would do lo other, this item would not appear: Local Editor Democrat on bicycle. Ferry Street. High sidewalk at raging Santtam. Rotten place. Big Crack. Careless rider. Splash. A not he tuit of clothet to-dav. Feom Ashlaxd. Mr. L. Martin cf Ashland, now one of the most prominent fruit rti-.ei and shipper in Southern Oregon Is in the city. Mr. Martin, weare sorry to know, j In poor health. JPerhap our Linn county climate would straighten him up. OnTiiv. Riveu. The Three Sister went down the river Monday, though the water it two inches below low water mark. It takes navigating to run a boat to Albany In the middle of July. Also Arretei. The man who had the fight with Titc Marshal, an account of which wat given In the Democrat, who refuted to give his name, wat nlso arrested and fined $5 and coU. At Coht. My entire stock of harness, saddles, etc. Call early. Next to Dkmo cr at office. Albany, Or. E L Powgg. Babies. r-The finest line of bahy carr' ages in the Valley just r selved at Stewart Si Sox's. Pricet are remarkably cheap con- tiderlng the tuperlor quality of the carri ages. Off for tub Mountainh. A barrel of dried beef, some fine cheese and a large In voice of choice lunch goodt just received at Brownell Sc Stanardr. Get tome. A Sharp IrgM. The finett line of cut lery and shears In the city at Stewart & Sox'. Their goodt are the very hett ana will stand the test Very Nice. Don't cook thi hot weath er. Drop in and get tome of our lunch delicacies. We have jutt received a fresh tupply of cream chese, Limburger cheete, ctnoked beef chipped to order, etc. Willamette Packing Co. To New Comers. We would ay that we have rjo balls to give you, but we do guarantee good values for your money and we Wndly solicit your patronage. - -' Bbownell & Stanard. SUPERIOR LINES OF (AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT OE YOE &IROBSQN ha furnished the .tatement, but it doe 1 s.. ,.7 w..., u, ,- not account 'or Quinlan't whereabout on j olh "X brought ! him In tightly coiwp the day the robbery wa committed. ecd bales, for which the market price in cash will be paid. He also want to buy Specimen. Mr. D D Prettyman the j ottt. Sack furnished. Deliver at stable. liKH.-At 1 it iu Jordan Vailey, I.lnn county, Oregon, July i 4, 1 Mary WilliHii)', ile ol J a me William and Yughterof William and Susannah Savage, Mr. William was born In Cwoper county, Missouri, October tC'.h.iSio, In which slate the resided until 185a in which year the emigrated te Oregon and settled in Linn counly, where the resided until her death She was a consistent, devoted christian woman for over fifty year, being a mem ber, at the time of her death, of Mission Baptist Church, She was the mother of thirteen children, nine ton and four datiKhtert, tlx of the farmer being dead. win 01 in three ton living I our cm ctent Deputy County Assessor, 11. S. Wll Hams. Mr. William wa at the time of her death 78 year, o month and day old. She leave a host ot friend to mourn her departure. II Ah Important Itrm, Tho following from the c'nlem Journal, if true, la more Important to tho public than a foot race or knock out: Luxuriant hair Istn article ot wearing apparel that I not poetcd by all. An old aqunlntance passed through Saletn a day or two since, who, several years ago, had a pule a tllck a a peeled onion, and which it -new covered with thick growth ot hair. On Inqnlry a to the change In hi appearance, he aald It wa all brought about by the vise of salt. Once a day he bathed hi tew remaining locks in strong salt water, and the result wa a full head of hair. He alto laid that ho wa flfiy-four yeart of age, and had never worn classes, which he attributed to the fact thai he had for year past bathed his eyes every innrnld in a weak solution of sail and wa-cr. Crook CWnty. Mr. J. C. Luckey re turned rom the Warm Springs agency last Thursday. He will leturn to the agency in a lew days and take official charge of affair over there .The other day there passed by thlt oflicean immigrant wkoii 'in which were an old man and wile, seventeen children and five dog. . . Wm. Allen returned front llaltey last Monday. He report the early grain In Willamette valley at being excellent, but grain tha was town late hs suffered from the dry weather,. ...L. N. Liggett and futnih have gone to Willamette va ley, wheie Mis. Liggett wIM spend the summer Grassiioi'I'xih. The East Ortgtma sayt L. K King, who It farming land leased of the Indiana on the retervatlon near the agency, sayt a wave of grasshop pers has struck hit locality and cleaned out every green thing In tight Hi gar den looked like a miniature destrt after the grasshopsert got in their work' He tavt In two more davt thev will reach j Pendleton, and warn the people to be P'e- I'ttivu iur nip orri. A Ice Bcsixts. The Al bar.y Ice Company (hipped 10,000 pound of I.- t. Intorir u that he find it Impossible to meet all the demands for Ice. All the townt on the railroad r.t far north at Can by , and at far sauth a Ashland, are mak ing orders almost daily. AnotkrrCiilrcii. Mr.Ashby Pierce who give a couple of lota to the Unlver talUt General Conyentlon tome time ago, Invited Dr. Deere of Riverside, Jal. to spend hi vacation In Albany and upcr intend the balding of a church edlfice.anj h Is now In the city for that purpose. Hay amo Oat Wanted. Mr L Sen- J ... i ,... n 1 .u- -1 .1... Iuu Si lii-LNi v. Hermann Dieikt, the restaurant man, died at 4 o'clock Wednesday of heart disease, after a short illness. Paimtim; Cheap. Between thlt and Thursday, July ajMi, I will sell tome fine fainting at low figures. Call at my studio n Fitnn't block, Minnie Parker. .SraicK Oil At $1.1$ per 5 gallon can bet Standard oil, at the Willamette wacklitg Co.' store. tetter Met. rulleetnc Is lb lut of letter reossuuag la ibt rati Office, Albany, Una eoantjr, OregDe, July 14, UftO ! Pentma aUUiur tar UMea loilm mtut ri Us data ea j which tlwr were advertleaj ; Art J.-lm HrUiow E Hsnlveis II It JuneeCU J , "Xf" " iuil I'rmnk n'ih Mi Mia Jus, t wTaSSwcIw Kadaesi ti II I Htrobhart H Wtiaoo Ulm MatUe W ard alas Bell fLTHOMFVOX.P.M. e The Ladle llrlisbtd. Tbo pleawant eflect aod tbo perfoJt aaf ty with wblcb ladiea may nte tho liquid fruit laxative. Hyrcp .f Kln, under all 00 nd It Ions, make It their favorite remedy, Ilia pleasing to ibo eyo and to tho laato, gentle, yet elTaetual in acting on tbo kid neys, liver aud bowels. IPPCU SODA. July aoth, 18S9. This Sunday morning the sun's rays seem exceeding hot in thi canyon, E ery one In camp here are now in search of botii shade and a breeze. Quite a large num ber of people are encamped here, Browns ville, Lebanon and Prinevllle seem best represented, though Albany and Indepen dence have a few and one family from lone, Morrow county, is here. Some in search of health, some for sport some for berric. There is lots of travel over this road now. Last night three loads of wool on their way tc lirowntville tpentthe night here. Hut the main travel contista of pleasure eckers from the Valiev and berry seekers from Crook county. To the credit of W V Sc C M Road Co. the roads are in splen did condltioa for mountain roads. The streams are all well bridged. If the gov ernment would make one more Investiga tion we think very little fault could be found with the road anywhere. The Wal ton place needttome work badly and It by far the worst place bet ween here and the Valley. On our way here we atopped one day at Lower Soda visiting the new spring which is Immense. The flow from the spring t large and it cooi ana tne strongest in the mountain. We believe pipe could be laid from thi spring to the camping grounds, which would bring the I water right on the grounds in sufficient 1 quantities for most any ute. We understand Mr Crabtree from near Lebanon will take possession of Lower Soda the first of September. ' Mr and Mrs Chas Cochran, of lone', are here in search of health, Mrs Cochran is quite poorly. The many friend of Mrs Catherine Lewis will be glad to learn of her steady Improvement during her stay here. She will leave here for the Va'ley Tuesday next. Mr and Mrt C B Montague after a to journ of over a week here left for th;ir home at Lebanon thlt morning. Mr and Mrt Althouse and Prof Lee, of your city are here to-day on their way to the Palolus. Messrs Martin Payne and D Froman, passed here Friday on their was to the Patolus. The party having charge of the Moun tain House brought halt a deer here yes terday that was sold quick enoueh to make ones head twim at 15 cent per pound, so hungry have the campers be come. Fishing is very good around here. The anglers here have already pulled out nun area 01 the specaiea (Deauue. Yesterday a couple ot small hoy returned about 2 p m.with 101 ot these most palatable animal. Lame game and blackberries are scarce as hen teeth, but the red huckle berries are here In great abundance. PAINTS. OILS AND BRUSHES AT DQY0E c ROBSON'b, ' A PHI.NF.Elt i)V '4M, Mr. Thomas Montcllh died at to o'clock Sunday morning, at hi hom In thlt city of erysipelas, or blood poisoning, after an lllnest of several months, nt the age ot ($ yeart. Thut passes away one of the f. Hinders ot the city ot Albany and one of the prom inent men ol tho Valley, In 1848 Walter anc! Thomaa Montelth came to Albany, baught theclalm ot Mr. Smcad and ap preciating It value at a Mie for a town laid It off In town lots and named It Albany In honor ot their former tradinu; center, Albany. New York, The brother erected the first frame house In the city, now stand Ing at tho corner of Washington and Bee ond tt reels. From that time on Mr, Mon telth was Identified with the urowth and prosperity ot Albany, taking an active part 1.1 the history ot the city up to about 1881, when, from adverte circumstance he re tired from business. In 1850 Mr, Mon telth helped establish the Albany City Flouring Mills, which were run under the firm name ot Beach. Montelth Sc Co, until 1876. Mr. Beach dying Mr. Mon telth assumed tho control ot the mill. Mr. Montelth held several trusts under tho county and city. He wa twice elected County Treasurer In the early dayt ot the county, wat Mayor In 1878 9 and several timet filled tho position of Councilman, He was prominently mentioned for tho of fice of State Treasurer and on one occas ion wat run tor that oilier. Mr, Montelth wat identified with many of the promin ent enterprise ot the city, and hi name win always be remembered in connection with It earlier dayt. .The deceased leave a wife, the noble partner In all hi Albany life, two ton. Arch and Thomas, and two daughter, Mr. I.ollle Plpet and Mis Tiny. t'Ol'SCIh lKOm'.UINUN. Present Recorder and Counillmen, Gradwohl, Parker, Burkhart, Table r and French. In absence ot Mayor Councilman Grad wohl elected chairman. Die follow Ing bill were ordered paid : G R Savage, .50 1 F O Coats, $3 ao ; G W HuKhet, Sa.oo i F Bendell, $3 ro ; F E Allen, $9 jo ; Train & Whitney, $ai.oo ; P W Pinks, $y-.oo. Frank Souter, $3 00 Deyoe & Rcbson, S6a 60 1 Santiam Lum bering Co., $8793 ; M Hoffman, $ 33.00 ; John Chlswcll, $13001 N J llenton, (J4.IS ! W N Miller, $7000 -John Jones, $70.00 ; 0 v Watts, $13.30 ; II Power,! Cllnn f ft tiffin fiitin k'-fl I - " J " " " I J 1 J " $9.50 ; Henry Dole, $7.00 j Frltx llrcnt ner, SiS eo ; John itestner, $S,co ; John Chlswcll. $13.00 ; F M Westfall. $5.60. Bill of JN Ho(Tinautr i6.3u allowed and Hen against the property of Frank Wood ordered taken. Committee on Health and Police repott ed stagnant pent, dish water, etc, In al ley In rear of lot 6, block 3. City Mar shal wa ordered to notify parties concern ed to abate the nuisance. Committee on Fire and Water reported that it had been Impossible to organbo a ! company lor nanu engine anu rejoin menu ..J.-4 1 , I ed that the engine be sold and a chemical engine bo purchased with the proceeds. A like report was read from the Hoard ot Fire Delegates. Matter of Masonic Temple clock continu ed, i.lren. m .,11 llm,r . ..ram,.! L.tin ! Glbtln and bond approved. J' th,r '" ifekt P Time ot collecting taxes wa estended ( o0 until nest meeting, on the nan of Aug ' Mr. Chat. Kitfer returned Sat m day lite following bid tor building IS feet evening from Sooksiis r'altt with berdtogb of sewer Into llsker street were read t Geo! tr Mr. Kuel, wlm bts been aod bow U W Hughes, cents ; James Iturcnt. sto'txits ill. cents. Contract let to Jame Laurent. To' The contract fjr Lmlding tbe street ear be done In 30 day. ; depot and sublet haa been Ut to W. C, Committee on Street and Public Prop- j Cseaell. Tbey will he laotsd ooar tbe Jo no. erty w, Instructed to buy nails and hard- tin of I .yon and Ninth streets and wilt coo wsre at lowest price to be obtained. j sist of a t eo story frame 0020 ud a sUbls Recorder was directed to advertise for ' 20t U. bids for sewer across Washington street between ath and jth streets. City surveyor was directed to place Si on grade ttoket in front ol Mr Thot telth t for tidewalk. Property owners en Flrt street ordered to place street cn grade within 20 da vt. City Marshal was directed to open Wash ington street west of block 100 to city limits. City Marshal wat directed to abate nuis ance in lot 1, block a, E A. KKA' MTATs, tULKH I O Si C R R Co to S I Keenev. S htlf S W qr Sec j, T 14 S K I E, So acre ()4iCRRColoSI) Ke,ney. H W qrof S K qr Sec J9, Tp i, It, 1 E, 40 acre... OicCR K t'o to S I) Keener,. S .V qrot S F. qr Sec 33. Tp 14, S K, ' I E, 4c acres O & C R R Co to S I) Keener, C hail of S W qr and S W q'r of S W qr. Sec. 33. Tp 14, S K I E 1 io acret United State tolametTCart.N W qr Sec. 31, T;i 14 S k 1 V:, 160 Hgi I'JO s ill 340 acres , patent M C Mutnpus f Lor E Hay, Vt acres, llarrlsburg S'heriif deed United State to Card well Clark, 19 acret, Tp 1 1. S R 1, E patent 11 i-ewi to John McNeil, bik 1, IPs A, llalsey T J McClary to Sarah Smith, S E qr of N E qr Sec 36, Tp 9, S R X, 40 acre 350 too j Soo! JIIMullantoE W Langdon, S W qr blk 129. ll s A, Albany Martha M Lines to G W Ruddrick, lot and frac, of lot In blk, 15, E A. Albanv 2000 500 J M Mover to Eugene E Goff.part of lot in blk 1 w A, Albanv AnnaM Houk to John Beat tie, lots 1 and 3 In blk 2, IPs A, Albany J M Ralston to E Goln, lots t, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, blk 21, R't A, Leb. anon Thurston Lay ton to David Lewi. Interest In N half of I) L C of J no Lay ton John W Geary to M A Porter, lots 3 and 4, blk 10, llalsey Anna M Houck to F E Allen, lot 1 blk 1, H s A. Albany S D Ewlng to Wm Rilca, tract in Tp 13, S R 1 W JS Ames to A F Hamilton, small tract In Sec 31, Tp 13, S R 1 E 2JS- 500 400 I 100 Total Oregon Land Company Always to the Front. Athby Si Dlcklnson,of the Oregon Land Company, continue to agitate the quettlon of the necettity of representation at the Milwaukee exhibit of all our product, cerealt and fruit of all kinds that grow to such perfection in Oregon and urge upon our Board of Trade to make an appropria tion to defray the expenses of tending a competent man to represent our county Other countlet are Improving the oppor tunity and securing car loads of tuch pro ducts, and as we have the banner county in the State for all such products, we iheuld have the foresight and energy about us to Improve the golden opportun ity now presented. At the delivery of the car irom uregon 10 us oetiinaiion it iree and we have many farmert and fruit grow ert who are ready and willing to select from their Held and orchards nice parcels and attortmentt of frultt, and cheerlully donate them to the Board of Trade for ex hibition : but if the Board of Trade will not act in thlt matter the Oregon Land Company will receive all tuch parcel and frultt that are brought to them and will tee that they are properly labeled and for ward to the great exnioitton. itutwe nope that the Board of Trade and buslnctt men shall yet lake an active interest In this work and Oregon will rerp tuch 'a harvest of Immigrants at were never be fore heard of in the annals of her his tory. X. TI12WARE AfiDIIARD- WARE Gf ALL rCI?JDS Al OEVOF & ndnsorj j IKOP KCUiKTIN MO, 110. Oregon State Weather Bureau ce oper ating with U. S. Signal Service Central ol flee, Portland, Or., tor the week ending July aoth, t8Sj s The weather all over the State ha been very dry with the exception of a light fall of tain on Sunday and Monday, and In aome placet rain It reported to have fallen on Tuesday. The week ha been especially notablo In the reaction over tho lost tho farmert thought they had sustained In the grain crops, which have not proven near to had a they tnougni oeiore ine Harvest wat well advanced. Tho poorest yield report d Is fifteen bushelt to tho acre, and the bet', average ykld fifty bushels. It I true that wheat wilt be a great deal better In quality than wa thought lat week and consequently a good price may lie expect ed. A very tevero thunder ttorm patted over Pendleton doing considerable dam age to property, but be I ig of local origin did not extend beyond the city limit. Thlt ttorm occurred on Sunday afternoon, the 14th Instant, In the Coast region ol the State a heavy N W. wind hat prevailed during the week. Light ralnt on tho 8th nth and 14th, In the Willamette Valley two or three cloudy dayt being the past several dayt. Fall wheat it being cut. Hay harvesting it almost done. Hops are looking good. In the Umpqua Valley ne rain t'urlng week and want none until crtfpt are harvested. Roguo River Valley reports that the weather hat been benefi cial to fruit. Highest temperature 06 at Grant' Past. In the lake region crop are an almost entire failure. In Eastern Ore- Son dry hot weather hat been experienced ut the condition ol the grain It far from being a failure. Corn It looking well. In l inaiUla county sprlne and fall craln It excellent In quality and yields well. The rain 01 iwa weekt ago have Helped Wallow county considerably, Wheat, oats and barly v. T.I he an average crop In Union county. At La Grande on the 18th, Indie of rain fell. In Crook county fud will he better than last year. Many of the crop that weie sown for the production ot grain will not yield on ac:ount of dry wraiher ; but nearly allot them will make good hay. The condition ol fruit all ever tho State It excellent and the prospect are that this year wilt be above the average In this re spect. Tom A. Carpenter. Ass't. Observer l S. Signal Service. IIOPK AN1 AHIU'tU MOM U AY. W.l!. WaiU' aio lights bave only ISOO eanale power. I Swarms of grasboppcrs have been doing I Pendleton, spearing mnet'y bights. I Mr WK Ittwkiiia, l .lm. basaeoipU4 I a Job of making suivrs in the Mttto peoilea ! tisry st Slem. W S MoKarlaod, a son of W II Me Far land is at Siied'1 on a visit 10 bit oocle Mr nprtager. i'8l;nrwsop.oUhtan,oro.l4 doaema very iotelhg.ot trick., at eule un kimr Tb ftcio I .and Co. it a new firm at Solo aod Hon Jeff Meters and K Mbeltoo are the proprietor. The funeral of Mr Tfcul Mooteila was to take pUoo at 4 o'clock, at tbo family resi dence, Itev I'richsrd modaetlDg the same. On smfKtu.lor is said to b all aoy bard working Isrrrer pio'ettdt to wear no- . T. k.t.m ..Im it.m from iba ' Herald aod tbo Hiuiw. ktr orelit.d it to tb j -' -0'1 t cost. Journal, Sbi't tho latter is troubled. WoJ. A B S'uoq aod wife, of th I'olliod remember 09 scytral oeeiotia of 00 r worthy , Orrfo$, si io tbo oily on tbe r wsy b mo oooUmiotsiy dotng a like things bat It' from tbs Hsy. wbero tbey bsvo beoo having owe egi'stcd us at sli. M't I'oabach, who is looking sflcr her hosbted, tl Mtia )av foe tb fuoth- U W Wrighc, tbe Iswyer returoed Bator day evening from a trip to lleppner. Mr F I. Such, lb enterprising proprietor of Cloverdate, arrival ii Albany on thlt I moroltig s train from Su r raeieoo. Mr A 8adr is tipeeliog a 1 0.000 poaed 1 ihipment of wool from I'rioeville. i a great iniy di the rperiy owners st Salem ara tskn g their fence down. I Mra fir. Wallaaa and ehtldran went no to . Trrstiar. Tbe green Uge stamp is to go, stamp either carmine or n.etallio red A sill tsk it plac. Mr S P Putnam, an infidel lecturer talked to an audience of aluot bfly at Robert's bridge last Sunday. Th SPUR Co have agreed to pay tbo damacso caused by tbo big wheat tires on tbo Went Hide last week. Walla Walla is arranging a bievel tourna ment Wsr tt a torn over tbo Urmocbst's Mao About Town would eater. AtlObill wsslnatin Albaey this motoiog trobhl .i one of tli -tores. It will bo a rsi favoa to th uoer tf it is returned to tho Democrat tifflico. Appearances trj sometimes deoeivinf. A wominwiUia babe solioitiog alms ascites compassion, and should do so ; but it is veil to 10 vtstlgat such cases before doing too much. Notwithstanding ws bsvo several trans continental linsa a largo number of people ertaa the plains as they did la tho days of 62 ; but there are 00 savsgo Indiana now and plenty of land marks. 1 An illustration of wbst Albaey is ss a trading center was msdo to-dsy by ship ments of goods from tho ttoro ot Stewart k Sox to nearly every plaeo on tho Oregon Pa cillo. Tbi firm is doing a rushing busioss. A Prohibition paper in Pennsylvania af ter loo slocttnn sid, "Titer was great re joining in hell over tho election.'' For enter oris this item beats anything ever la tbe N Y World. I Dr. Sedgwiok recently from tho Kisthaa looaUd in tbts city for th prsetioo ol modt- eioe. lie is a graduate and of many years sxperienoe. Ho givas special attention to ohrouio disease acd diseases of children. Oflioo room 23 and 24 Pisroe's new block. Will attend all calls. Di Tats went to Portland this noon 00 a tbert trip. Mr John Itotn, Jr. hat retained from tbo Belknap Spriogr. r; Mist Amelia Senders went to Ilarrubnrg to-day on a visit to relatives. Mitt Maggie Whitney, nf Eugene, titter of Mr Whitney, of the, it in the olty. K vV Laogdoo and family, J L Cowan and T J Stitet returned yetterday noon from tho Bay. - Messrs F fi PfeiftVr and Joa McDonald left a few days ago on a trip to tbo Fiodley Springt. Mr Wm MoKinn'in. ot tbo Caseado Moon tains, is in tho eity, at muscular and- good ntturtd aa ever. Mr John Quits left tkit noon on a two wsoks trip for San Franoisoo, going by way of Ytquio Bay. County School Saperiatendent Curl aod amilv left a few days ago on a raitiosting excursion nf several weeks to the uionntaiua. John C Nutting left Albany yeattr day mornii g for Crook oounty, where hs goes for the parpots of investigating his brothers strsnge ditsppsaraooe. L N Liacett and family, of Crook ooanty, arrived in tho city to-day. Mrt Liggett will remain several months j but Mr Liggett will return in a Urn day. Hon F E Hcdgkin, th irrepressible in turaneo mto, wat in tne city 10 day, wan the same gsiial bearing as if there had been no Seattle and Klisnsbnrg nrc a. DEYOE & ROB302T ARE AGEN? FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED. SEWING MA CHISE-BEST MAfiHINK INITHB MAAEET Beginning August 1st the undersigned will sell his entire Entire stock of general mercliandise Cousislhi of Dry Goods, Clothing, Cienls Furiusliiiig Goods, Boots and Shoes, Ordcciies, . etc.. etc; ; at cost for Cash or Produce, Also a nice line of Mens Suits of Brownsville WOOLEN GOODS of good quality at cost. Your chance to buy goods cheaper than ever before in Scio. Come early and secure bargains, WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET. PRICE- FOR PRODUCE. lot Watton. Lead machinist in the Al baoy Ifjo Worktfca rsiud hie position with thit company, anil alter a trip to thn Bay, slatting to morrow, will g' to Tjcm j, where bo has accepted a luerativ Hitini with Cbsrry tc I'atkrt. it a enutl fvl- ow and deserve to tueored. WKUXMDAY. Hugar it enormously high. Corvallit Is lisvinif a Krett time six ut the purchase of a ho ears. The Kt fortUnii Vimli'itttr tried ritnu ing a dsily for a weekly and ttnpped. Mr J J I) rri bat 1iuo the work f making an slM'raet ot the rived in the Clark's o'fJee, a long job Mr Antoneile the rutitraetor. I in S ,n rVaocUoo, On hi return, we are iuf'-rmsl, more men i l l put t wurl.. The "Moduo" odious tit iiaviiata lb Willamette si.d does not propose to ! out Jnna he Ik. Tl.. Ui.t.. Mr Tho Alpbiu, the sg f Mil: r,tyt look cot for neit winter j lit ws pfoinie-l n-t to pot it in the !) bat an i of entrs ill not. Io another column will be foetid ibo pro feattnna) eard nt J J iJo-ri. abstractor and oooyeysoeer. Mr Uortit loiicits th patron sg of those who hsye basineas io bis line. A 000 arm4 man ha been, io the city giving a street etbibitiuo with trsinwl ca- at torn of lbs porf Mm meet til dogs. Mr William MeKinnoo, now In tbe c.'ty reports another find rf good ool near hit bop 00 the IUan'ia wsgon ra.. There is 00 doabt st all tbst tbe foothills aod noun, taint sre foil of eoal the some day will be a groat bona dm to tbi cooatry. Mr I! t Merrill went to Portland ioi'.ty 00 basis. District Attorney Ifoaiitaitd ll.n Wit tlilyeo wtio in Salem ntrrlty. JodgsMtrtbao retorne-l last eyrt ing from a rostiesliog trip to Portland. Th family of U K Ahby ba moved froot llarrisborc to Albany. Msrsbsl Hoffman went to Kugsn Cityaa last evsniog'i train on botinsse. Mr T H Cone, of Ashland, arrived io too city this mnroisg on bis wsy to Portlatd. Mr R L Pewtr left this nnos foe Tsemoa kit folvro home. Mrs Power will go after awhile. Tb store hero is cbarj of bit a remarkably floe see betof a time. Kvr. thing packed fall f faople. Capt 0 II Irvine, Kerj,eot T J Overman, Corporal M Fresefc ul Mr C2o K Fih test so mortow momiog for Pia Lake, sod will bstiege thttrost and 'Vmb" io that Io eality. Jsa F Powell, Wait Monteiib and Jack Mther left to-dsy for the Clsnd MarsQebl j rancn oeyonu uawsviue, wnere lie r.ot s sjnieg a honed Mr.MaeH Moateith, Claad Maosiioli snd Fred Il are a!ra ly there. having LutKaooihtr eautr. lAONSVlU.K. Weather hot. Time fllct -weie gone. Harvest In full blast. Our hotel ha changed proprietors, W. J. Macker retiring and Mr. A he I taking charge. MUtCapletnf Columbia City, I visit Ing her sister, Mr Wharton ot this place. The Mehama hotel la continually crowd ed with pleasure seeker. Train are to run three time a week to the front Instead ol twice as formerly. John Robertson of Spokane, it sojourn ing In thlt vicinity for the present. The china gang at the front hat been called in, and the work of surfacing track suspended. Sunday was the last day of campmeet Ing at Mill City, conducted by the Rev Jones, and Yaqulua Is Io be the next place of holding another. J. D.HIatt fi Co have moved their saw mill to near Mehama, and now propose sawing clear lumber for the valley market, Thtworkot getttnir out encine wood along the line of the O. P has bscn sus pended, presumably on account ot a sur plus. The school exhibition rcccn'ly given In the Fox vsllev school house under the supervision of 1. D Coffer, wa a succes. The Drama of "Punkln Ridge" being the crowning feature, ON THE SOUTHERN HQCNOf.KY. Harvest it now claiming the attention of all our neighbors, and reaping, binding, heading, threshing, are the chief, and al most the only tonics of conversation, ran grain Is yielding very well. Mrs. Osborn and daughter. Beulah.and Mr. Frawk Tllton are now convalescent from attacks of the mca!es. Mrs, Kate Coldron has gone to stay awhile with her mother near Eugene, in hopes of benefitting her health. , - Hon.. Enoch Coleman retorned from Smithern Drrvon lost Wednesday brine- Insr with him about twelve hundred head of sheep that he purchased there, , Mr. Boyeman and family have moved down to Laie Creek to harvett their grain there. They will probably be gone two weeks. Mrs. W. II. IL Grant und children came up from East Portland Saturday to spend a month wtin ncr tamer anu sisters. Mr. Grant accompanied her and whl re main visiting four or five day. J. D Kenned v. of St. Paul. I In the neighborhood on business, . "Nothing to Kauai It." f iiavAheen "aalTlna Simmons Llvsr Regulator for tho past alx years. My nnatnmsrs BrODOUUOO it the best- ovr nam! una of mv customers whoe health waa in a wrttolied condition from a very bad and atunboin case of dyspepsia, used iha Haimi later and waa entl.olY t'urad. 1 am tt myself lor torpid liver, raus' ed by oloa e confinement. I find tiotbirg to equal it and highly leoominond ks use. nospecuuiijr, C.P.HiBFT , Druggist, Edinburgh Va. V L Kenton has a supply of tine mixed piokles put up in pure oidnr vinegar. Try thsm Pino line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoa and Rob sons special bargains at 0 tfU T IL TELEGRAPHIC! NEWS Mill lie favrftt'KBtrd. Wawinoton, July aj..Sci teiaiy Noble bat issued an o'der directing Dr George Win gard and II D Bruce, of the board of pension apals, and Judge Frank I. CampM!, of the assistant attorney gencral't office fur the .inter. iir department, a a commission, to forthwith enlcr on an investigation of all reratingsof pen sions made by the pension bureau .iuring the last twelve nunth. I'ur- t'ire. SihkaM', FALMjuty aj. Great alarm pie vail in the mining csmj-sof the C'cur d'Alene on account A furest fires in the mountains. The citizen have organized and are on guard duty day f nd nielli, Tbe tnioke is intense through out the valleyt and extends over the I'atouse country. Tbeie is no scarcity uf water, and cflutls are being made to utilize it i advantage in ti e event of the fire descending the nwntntains to the towns. Apportlosanral. Wami-kotox, July 2. Captain Willard Young, in charge of river and barl-or improve ment io 0regm, in his rejort to the cbeif of cnginecrs.reeotumenJs the following appropria lion lor continuing tbe work nest yeai: Caquitleriver, 75,000. I'ntrtnre to Coo bay, 250,000. Vstjuin bay, f 75,000. Tilamook bay and harbor, 150,000 lite Ka ads y Law. Cincinnati, July ai. Never since the be ginning of tbe attempt to enforce the Sundav law were the taiuont to generally and tightly closed a they have been to-day. There have been fifteen arrest made. The drug store etc not T)itted to sett anything but medi tine and soda water. Not a cigar or a l jg of tobacco could be bad, etcept clandestinely. The cigar store that are newt stands wete al lowed to keep open lo sell papers. The barber slioj-t were shut up lightly. Tb I' roper Krualt. Sr. 11, July 21. The lttf14U'$ Kiiks riltc, Mo j( ial tayt: About two yeart ago Jamet Sylva and Miss liuckile, daughter of a well known rtiuen of KirWsvilie, were married and removed to Keokuk, la. About tit month tgo Mr Sylva returned to the f arentsl roof, laying her husband would out support her, Sylva a-Tived ttut morning, and wnt to hit wife's father's house, lie asked hit wifi, "Allie will you re urn to me?" 1 be young woman re plied in the negative, whereupon Sylva bred at tier, and the fell. Sylva then turned the weapon upon himself, snd tent a ball into hit htain. I le will die, Mrs Sylva was not hurt. Ssotki r Oast, Lancaster, O., July Jo.-r-One of the moil disastrous tlornit ever known in the Hocking valley culminated yesterday in the breaking of Sharp dam at Sugar Grove, on the Hocking canal. The dam held in More a large body of water that supplied the lower levels of the canal, Heavy rains had filled the reservoir to itt banks. when suddenly the dam gave sway, and the water went out through the valley, taking with it every movable object. For twenty mile the soil i plow ed up. Trees, fences, crops and hun.tred of head of live stock were twept aw ay. No lives were lost, because tbe bouses are situ ated on a bluff that ovrrlookt the valley. Hut the canal for mile it a wreck, and thousands of feet of railroad track are washed away. A Tare out t'lio. Tacosi a. W T.. July 12. Fire slatted at I ;45 this morning in Dougsn & Brigham's car' nenter ahon,on the west tide of Railroad street between Ninth and Eleventh streets, and wat undoubtedly of incendiary origin. Four build' met, exten ing from Railroad to C streets, w ere totally destroyed, but fortunately no wind was blow ing, snd the !re wat confined to the our Imilumgt. AS Odd Will. Nashville, Tenn., July 22. An odd wil bat been filed for probate here. Mis Mary Ann Schaub died without relatives. ' She had sur rounded herself by a number of dogs and catt. and bad accumulated propety valued at about $6000, and thi the leaves in trust for two of her favorite dog. She providet that a sufficient turn shall be reserved from her property to maintain these dogs in comfort as long as they live, and especially orders one bed and clothing for their occupancy. Against Kightlnp. Indki'EXIience, July 22. The city council is to take measures to place heavier penalties on persons disturbing tbe peace, at wat done by the Smith and Kays on .Saturday. .Mucn indignation has been expressed that the fixe im posed wat only S3, when the offense called for tsoeach. The cituent are determined to maintain law and order, and are taking proper ttept, Aa Agtat Mlsslac. Livingston, Mont.July 22. It is reported here that the agent at Laurel ttation is missing. Thit station it at the junction of the Rock Fork with the main line. C A Lewis hat been agent there f t tome time, Since 9:30 last n!ght he hat not been seen. Hit looks seem lo ) all rieht. a.' id nothinc unusual in hit conduct . has been noted. Sleeidewuess. Dr. FI I ill's Kennedy la the best remedy known for Insomnia, or sleeplessness, which atlliota so tuanv persoTis.ano: which leads to ao many serious nervonsdlseasea. particularly to lna.nliy. Desortpuvo treat.isA with each bottle; or, an J rest Maoa Drug Co., H. i. Son til Albany A most desirable and beautiful location for suburban residences, owing to Us nat ural advantages and neurnets to the center ol bus ness, compare the size, location view and access to and from these lots,ajid you will be convinced of their merits Call eat 1 v and secure a home befot : the advance In price. Apply to TWBKRAI.R iY KROFIt.D,Agent8, First door south of Post Office. Hor Wk.vuier Items. Keen cool. The finest refrigerators In the market at Stew art & Son's.. Buy one now. All sizes of Ico cream freezers at Stew art & Sox's. Purchase one and manufac ture this delicious dish at home. ' MARRIED. SMITH SHAMBR.OOK. On Wed nesday evening, July 17 at the residence of MrThos. Comlelat Sclo, Dr J, C Emtih, ot Jefferson, and Mrs. E. E. Shambrook, a sister of Mrs. Cornell, were united in mar. rlage, Rey. B. F. Moody officiating. 1 1 yCCmTuls SIN. JSP Absolutely Pure. Thla powder never varies. A marvel ol purity, strength and wboletoroen? More eeonom'cai than the ordinary klr d and cannot b sold in eompHlriti will multitude of low lt, atort weiitbt slum or pboenbato pewdore t-old only In em riovwi liaklrg I'uirilir IX. , It war n.. N. Y. D, W. Crow let A Co, Ag.ta, Port!n0; Oregon. JOST A latest Improved Vlndio'r J nfls, alzi on the roa I fr m VI- .ny to lndptnden inl wiMt himo mile of Albany. Anv ohm wiilb-i ta bly rewtrded for ro:nrii:n ; l " tsi'.fii Vt AttfS W1MU4MM. lfO.'il SAtVfVI. W00.I mi If abort notjeo, anywhere In tbe city. Keeiilar priiw irdeM hift at Browne 11 A blanaro'a will boprrmptly attended So. t.KO. 11. WAKKKI. DISSOLUTION N'meK. - Notice, la I.eroly icivrn that tho c-vptrtnersblp heretofore esittintt between C, A. Chess mma and W. W. CheMitiian, doln j; husi ni under the firm nuns of Cnnaimsn Bros., ha Mil day Iwen iUiko1v.I, C. A. Cbensman bavioK eoid hi Interetl to P. U IW-aUy. Tie MisIim-sm win eonumie under tho name t.( Cviinan A lieaitv wbo will collect all aoeounts and pay all dbtoftbo lit-ictoforo oxbtting firm of Cheoetnaa Krtm Poora, l.tnit t.. r., Jun nth, W. W. CnssHMaN, C. ., Chmak. S,iKD-Aft fets-iaa - HoaUioa; aaod. lonui or kmvoI fr-iin th prmioof F. L.Huch in Henton eounty, nan procure ttckrtsfortbosamoat my om.. Crew. fordV I lock, Albany, Oron. fit". B. WOI.VKtTo. OLD II:S. Fifty tona of old Iron raeilra-a. in any iiutnttr, wanted tmmedistdy atlho Albany Irtu Works. A reliable. U. S. Standard 8-un .cale only $37. Delivered at your ntnon il ro td etstioh freoof fielchton t urty days trial. Larger scales st pTop rikmately low j rictia. Warranted five ura. Address, 'F. C. HOFFMAN, Albany, Oregon J. J.DORRIS, Abstractor and . CaiiTcyaiicer, trOllico at the Court House, ltOR SALE. Four ika and a hsir or goo;1 work Oxen,l t-ther wl.h yokes ami chains: are wail broke cattle, and will bo sold at a bargain for cssb, being a part of tbe e-stata t.r John Kooinoti, ao- ceased. Applr to John W. Pngh. Admiii' lair tor nf the Ettale at Sliodd. Oregon. O BALED BIDS, Bids will be reco.vea atth4 0in ot linrkhart & Keeney onntHta Knvero Hause. for clearing I lie small brush ont from 100 acres oir fir Mm tar north of th O P K K switch in Beuton conuty. UEil, 11. lVKr. I, IITANTKI).. eirl to T( house worst VV iii amiiall fajilv. Inquire of Mr H, C. Hubbard ou Third street, one ttoor west of comer ot Washinxton aud Third. FOR UEl ONLY! 1 DftITIT Foe LOST or rAUIPO E itJHOOT) j A F U5I I lltVoaaaral and KERVOUi DiJiiUTY; atTTT X Veakaaaa ef Bedy aaa atina: JjfMti J U XtX ef Error or Exmmm in Old "r it.unv. fcki us.i i''wHu uku s a eKns.i wior. .kMlBllv aw lallli Run imi"mi . - - ia.a "jr;nu ntESiV erie. mUicaiM., ii-fttiW a. i. vr"yJJ-'rXlMtnS s..wht ii the i .... pAM,fieiiin f-jrresoonnenee. iui ies mm rw j --- DnsMnnn Hrisinesa oqiawviv. The tliorouttli work tione in eae h ot our suvera! . .nh hut fi-w m'houls attetn, securinc! tC uiirtretls nf our jtraduntea protttablo employ- neiil. hoi It i3 nooK-seetwra him 'ini"h unrieiits HOiiiltted tliiuy time. Calalognu tree. A. P. AKHSi KOXtl. PrlBtlrtl, rortlaad. Or. E. J. FtlcCAUSTLAflD, CiTil Engineer and Surveyor, DRAUGHTING AND BLUE PRINTS Office with Oregon Laid Co, Albany, Or, Seweraee Systems snd Water RuppMea KnanlaltT. estates suuuiviunu, made or Copied on short notice. : City Meat Market, SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. Keep a full Hue of meats of all kinds, in a cool pica?, completely pro tected; and always fresh. -i5SgAmDlt-- Also have oonstantly.on hand salmon and other fish. IBs SheriiTs bale Iu Ih' C'lrruil Court of the Kittle of OiftJii f r tli County of J.h.n ; J W Curies, Plaintin". vs. C li Ke, A A Kimn, S-,:t, G K-c, M Know I ton and H. Koowlion, )tUi-i'mt',t Xotice is bfrwlry iv'n tht by viitn an exect tioo aid ;di-r t4 fa'e ixrned -nt 1: .i . t the above mined lourt in the 1 W eiitil'nt suit, I will on ftat artier, Ike laih day r Auct. IXSO- at the Court House door iu the city cf Al bany, Lion county, Oregon, the boor f i 1 o'clock, p. m. of sid day -ii at al.lie suc tion forcah in hat.d to I ifciit U-i.irr tb resl propt rty lieacriUd ii. -xctttu.u ai ! ordr tf st I s (l!ow, to-wit : ('niimn c ing at tl,e suntliweel c-rr er of ti e donatic u , tsndc'aim r-f Morpsn Kei d Mary Hut , bem Nntificaiioii No. 2-.j, io Vi sooth of range 2 Wrst in Lit,n (!uny, Ort- I eon, and rnni.ine tlirisce east .hu;t ; thence corth to tbe north bcmndiry of claim ; I hence writ 27 chain to a jor ' ; thence sooth to tbe p'ace of befticnUif, cur taining I3U scree, mote or lesr, acd lyivg Sbd Leinsio Linuiou.ity, Orrgon. The :. I eeed arising from the sale rf said prni.inr, lo le appli'd ss follow : I"jrt o the I av - f meii f i he nm of f25.CO Affn' .ss fi-rs, and the eit- arid rlilr no it nl y . at 48 CO aid thrc- srid X n-t j Hiti-1 in ui- ! Fr&n?A to tte pj utctit t her' J W Cusick the tarn d 2177 ('. with sccroicK it. I ere ft tfcer?on at rr tc -f ten por cent t-er ar from the '2-', U d f Jooe, Third, the tcrp'na if nv to tbo said C R K-e, A A Ke, Kellir C K an1! M E Knoltc. Dated this 9:b dr of lu'.y, 1SS9. JOISS etJALLJiOS, if Slier:ff.f Lien county, Orecco, United Sutes Ucd Office, Oregon City, O.egon, Jooe 29:h, 18S0. Notice u hereby fiven that in ccmplicr with the provbion ef the act tf Confrreirs j Jane 3rd, 1S78, entitled "An act fr the t of timber land in the States cf California Oregon, Nrvada, snd Washinttoe. Tel ritcry, j Apkus S. Sbsw, nf Mill City, county Marino, btate i f Urezon. has tl.ui riay in Ibis i ilice bis sworn statrmect No. 1K . for the purchase r.f tbe S E 4 c't Section Kf G. in Towns! ip No. 10 south, ranee Ko. . east, and will offer proof to show that th l.nil utBnltl M niMm v&tnat.1 f . ita M : i ! , . ft"- - - I or stone than for tericoltural purpose, s. " lo establish bit claim to tiia lana wicre m Register aod Receiver ? this ciiee at 0k .; goo City, Oregon, on J Teesstay. Ibe efth atajr r tH-pCewber. He names ss witnesses : Simn, ! j Brown. J. Boyle aud H. Tarpley, ail of Mil Citv, Marion county. Or escn. Any and ail persons claiming sd'eisi! the above described lattd are rerjaete.l t j (ilo their claim in tir.s tituce cn or tc fu; f a d 21th day of StpttnnU r, 1S.S9. W. T. Urnsj.V. KegUu-r iegUwr. Timber land Mkz. United Smtea Lard OrCcn . tlresnn (htv lip . Jun "!h. ISS'J f Voileo ! hereby fKnithatin compli MB i'n I tie trf vkkds or the act ! t'. i. arcs of June Sid. lt-TS, entitled actforthe ka'o of timber lands in te I State ol California, Orea;or, Nevada a nhiDt!tnn 7ernn?r," James u. Jioyi' of Mill City, county of Marion. Slato I Oregon baa this day tiled In this ofi':f bis worn atatemnt o. 1101, lor t; purchase of tbo E U ufS W M and lot-' aod 7 of Section No. ti. in Township I' ll) South Rantro No. Z east, acd vrill t proof to fchow that tho land sought is n-.4 vaiuaDia tor ita timtier or stone than ! agricultural pnrpoees, and to etat!r , bts claim to said lata neiore the Kfeiti.: and Kec-eiver of this t fnee at Ore sou Cn Oregon, on Teetdav, the t4th stay of Srplriuler. IK Bo nausea aa witnesses : W. fciini", J? Brown. A. H. Sr aw and 11. Tai piey , ail Mill fity, Marion counly, Oregon, Aiiv and all person claiminz adtersc l the abovo described land a are reqwsf to filot.'.cir claims In this cilice on or ti ore Nsid 24lh day of Kepten-ber, 1SS9. . v a. ntKmii, ' Kogistcr. I Kctice for Mlicatioii. N Ijtnd Offico at OrPEon Chy, tr. Jure Stitft. 119. t Notice is hereby isivi n ,ht th f . Ing narped settler has tiled wiiN i f ititftiillcn to ir.ase finni pro-f Mtpr 4 of hiJ claim, and that !ftid proi.f wi l A made w fore the County JuOse, cr m . absence, tefnro the t'liiuty Owe t.f I.i-J county, at Alhaoy, Otet. on, u f Meaday, AuumU SSlii, ISS'J. via Daeid " wtd lip, Horuostini ,' try r. 47S. for Ibf r. i ct See. S2, " I I3H.R. 1 K llei'KUies tho fn'.hie. ni yi neSHCM lo ihovh l:i.t ooi iitU!fl;S rsut?, upon ami u-ttsaiioi: f, a;) fHtsd. J. H. UN. LfWis, f, ai3e!i:cua ; IT. Oxii T all rl Sw t llOll.K, i-ir.i; it'., ty, Oregon. . Any iu sti who - :iMeHic i t j ftniit th all-iwmn o i l such rn , , wbo knows r aiy suiinutiai rn! under the law aid the rrulaiious r1 Inlerior Lterartinenr, why tui-h .', should run I t alios ed, will I kKj;: ; opportunity at tho shove mention i 1 1 ana jiibcw la ciohs txBinnm the wmej of fakl claimfcut, and to otter evuitr . rt-Duttal of that eubn ittctl b ciia W.T. Luknsv, , P.etm: For saie by Will Stask, dea)ci flue wrtcbes, jewelry, ec, WANTED. .Gill to do Renwra. work m city. Steady placet at Democrat ofiice. . LOST.-Oa July 4'.h a h:dU watch, gold chain and iPoV'ei.v d. Howard will bo paid for ita rt s this'otliae. .Winn ' v i't- . awt - "'''tin