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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1889)
ulic ycmottat. Secrettry Noble may lie right in toying that no profanity it ever heard in Mr Harrison's cUnet. The men who fatleJ to gel office are doing mutt of the swearing thU summer, Four woolen mills, three of them in New England, sliut down last week, two of them ei manently, anl thin it the Republican policy of Uning raw material vindicated. Advice fiom Wert Africa confirm previous reports of the shocking privation to which Mr, Stanley hat been subjected. It h taid that hi hair ha turned snow white, that hit clothes are in rags, and that he is w ithout shoe being obliged to use skins to cover his feet, HOUR OF IT, The New York Evtm'afP&t publishes a list of strikes, wage reductions and failures xinc the election' of Harrison,' and the number exceeds that of a corresponding time under Cleveland. I)oe high protection help the country? Col Jack Haverly, who once enjoyed the rer utation of being the Napoleon of the theatrU cat business, is now interesting himself in minhg ventures. lie registered al a St. Louis hotel a few days ago and looked like a row toy in his broad brimmed sombrero. It will be found thai cows will prefer to drink tagnant water, even almost filthy, from pool, rather than to take that freh draw n from the well. It it not the cleanness of the well w ater that the cows object to, but its coldness. Da v by day the fallacies of l'ie organs' of "protection war taxes" are expose J. What U funny about the whole thing is the manner In which tlie organ contra dict each other, and the manner In which an organ often contradict Itself In order to maintain the structure of war taxes on the sandy foundation on which It rests. The Oregon AmA, it sheep organ, y! " Had the Democratic party been uc reful last fall the Mill bill would have become a law, and mutton would have been plenty, and wool would now bring five cents Instead of IS." Now let us see. ' The republican have jeered and hooted at the statement Insisted on by democrat that the duty on wool was added to the price of the home article which people have) to buy. They have tried to ridicule the position taken by democrats that the t a rill la a tax paid by the American consumer whether he used a home article or an Imported article, These republican organs, the M among them, have often made the argument that placing a duty on an article reduced Its pi ice, and caused It to be sold cheaper than If the tariff had never been Imposed Out now the 'iW comet forward and tate that If the tariff had been removed, wool would have sold for 5 cent a pound instead of 18, which it now brings. The duty I 10 cent a pound, and the HUuu argue that removing it would make a dif ference of 1.1 cent per pound, and retain' Ing the duty make the same difference These orcan.111 Indent are be In 2 driven Into knothole from which they will never be able to extricate themtelve. If the price of wool i increased 13 cent per pound bv a 10-cent tariff, who pars this She A small quantity of a two per cent, solution of carbonic acid, sprinkled on sheets, coverlets, pillows and the wall next the bed, w ill, it is said, effectually repel the attacks of mosquitoes, t Increase or tax except the man who con As a futher precaution, the face and neck may i sumes the wool ? It would le laughable aim be slightly wetted with the solution. Governor Hovey, of Indiana, has been asked by Clay county commissioners to issue a proclamation appealing to the people to give assistance to the starving miners of that sec tion. These are the men who only last fall were assured by General Harrison, whom they visited at Indianapolis, that hi election and the maintenance of the present tariff would give them abundant work at high wage. It is not generally knownlhat the young flat fish have an eye an each side of the body, and it is only in the adult stage that the eyes are tab on one tie. There hat been much dis cussion among scientific men at to the mode in which the change takes place, but in the , flounder it hat been observed to travel over the ridge of the head, while in some other fish it passes directly through the soft tissue of the young fish to the other side. were It not so serious a matter, to see the very awkward dilemma Into which these organ get themselves, by the Illogical at tltuJe they take on the subject. In the Cirrmt Cvurl vf tko Uttitr ef f re- gv,jr bounty . W F ItenJeohall and Salt May, idminla- tratora of the estate of Kaoch lluull, deceit ed, I'laintiH, VI. lllrtra Smith and W W Briffg. dolus bual aee under tha ttrm name and ttyl of Smith it Brlggt, Hiram Smith aadJaa W Uratflold, using outmost a partner unuer in nrra earn and atyle of smith & rlraiHehl, Hiram Smith. John M Watera and W W Briggt, doing butlneaa under the firm name of Smith. Watera Mrlga, Hiram Smith, me W Bras field, Julia F MoUullet,lamet t Shelly and W J Bramwell.doiog builaeta nder the ttrm name 01 nmtin, nraaneia Co., Mary A K fcmtth, Jamee V Braatleld, Lydia Braatiald, Elisabeth Martin, Aleian der Sommerville, VTiUouahby ChurohULll P Caldwell, John Q Vauan,Oeo Bailey, John Sommerville, H N Hill, Joah Suanmer vllle, Soloraen Uoi, Samual Niioo, John McCartney, Henry Kantohe, Catherine Wight, A Humphrey, John Conwell, Jaoob Wigle, John Kelsay and John Burnett, part ner dotnit batineta under the firm name of Klty Jt Burnett, Jaa K Holt, F A Cheoo weth and F M Jolmtoo, doing butlatee un der the ttrm name of Chtnoweth ti John on, Damon Smith.Joha F MoOulUy.Naooy Carron Wilton, John Kaiser, W infield Bom merville, K F, Daniel MoUlaiu, O 11 Baber, Maok Somuiervilte, Harvey Sow met villa, Q R Ward, Jerry Hay, John Fos ter, J 1) lUooott.J H D Hendrrton,J B Hill. M Wilkioe, Samuel Swift, Hiram Smith and Marr A K Smith, bia wife, Wesley W BritfK and Harrett Brlggi, bia wife, A O Hovey and II C Humphrey , partner under the firm name of Hovey St Humphrey, John M Thompson, Ivaa U Dawton, isaao van duyn and D 11 Hill, Defendant. Notice 1 hereby given that by virtue of an exeeutien and order ef aale fead out cf the above named Court in the above rati tied auit, I will on aiarday. Ike t stay r Aaiatt, IM. at the Court House doer, in the oily of A! bany, Una county, Oregon, at the hear of 1 o'clock p. m. of eaid day, tell at pablie auction for oaah In band to the hiubett bid der the real property deacHlNkl in eaid exe cution ami order 01 aaie. said real property it aeeoriiwt m time ruoia nra re spectively "A.-B-and "0," and ie a fol- Iowa, to-wit t ricl "A, No, I, eommeaouig at the northeast corner of fraotioual later let. No. 2. in MeCulley'e addition to Harriabarc.and running tnence nonn w teei, meoce weet te the river, theaoe eooth 30 feet up th river bank, thence eaat to the place of beginning. Alee eurvey No 40, beginniog at a point log lio a nonn, io uaae weei ei tne i seotioo take between acetiooe 4 and o, en eiaim 37, in I 19, a K weet el tne rvuiamette iun dian, running thence north S 45', weet 730 linker thenoe north 13s. west 762 linka 1 tbeoeeetHith 4153', west 2t3 iiake t thence oath 117 linka, thenoe eaat 4!igliokeU the place of begiooiof, eontaiaiog 3 tore more or leee. Alio lot no 2, in eloek Ne 1, enu ins f v 1, man nm eoain weet 'i ef lot Ko 4, in blk No 1, in tne otty of Harnsberg, eounty of Uun, state of Ore goo j also the south? of fraetieaal river lot Ne I in Met oliey aldiiion to the eity of Hartuburg, in Li ju county, regoo, toother afgpe Li cJ "' V" The LEADING Grocery Store Wallace, Thompson & CVs. OSa.iP'lS Q'OOlDfS ' ii WHAT KEEPS' JHEM IN THE tEAO. rifi v S Knait of GROCIsi 11 Efi? nnd lJlOTJOL2y im Hlwoj-rt Uompluto. 4:i It is announced that the Shah of Persia ha in hit retinue as he travels about Europe a handsome Circassian cirl selected from his harem, whom he dresxes in boy's clothes. She described as a remarkably good looking young girl, not in the least resembling the ordinary Circassian girl of commerce as exhibited in the New York dime museum. She ha sh'irt hair. very line eyes, and, in fact, the classical coin- j binalkm which goes to make up the Oriental ) beauty. It i tri.e that the present administration ha been too busy in distributing the spoil of government and a'tcndtng toother mat ter of weighty personal concern to devel op the financial policy promised the coun -try in the late campaign. But after four month) of republican administration the much maligned financial policy of Presi dent Cleveland remain undisturbed by hi political enemie. The millions of treasury surplus lie untouched in pet national bank, and Secretary- Windom move a cautious ly a did hla democratic predecessor in purchasing government bonds. While the treasury situation shall remain without change,the only judicious mode of extrica tion from it embarrasimcnt will he In niiriilt.r ft, n.-fh fit rrniii- rtiM-lbm ... 1 , I, ! with the tenement, lioieditameuta and an i marked out o ably and so courageously in ,h.,.- i-i-.- r i NKW STORE. Mitchell & - DEALERS IN Agricullural Implements TEW GOODS Lewis Co., President Cleveland' message. Edwin Booth ha not given up smoking as has been reported. He was observed recently at a small railway station en the Connecticut shore of Long Island Sound dressed in giay and I . a: 11 t. ..:au k r.. ! uiimg u UUILB, Mivii bfar, v,uu luc u v enthusiast. Ilia ce was ple, his eyes were haggard and he walked like an old man. One shoulder was at leant two inches above the other. Judge Daniel, of New York, decides that Col, Dudley must first submit to an examination as to the ground of hi com plaint in hi libel cult against' the New York UorU '.or publishing the "block of five" letter. He has never yet teld under oath jutt what part of the pub lished letter he did or did not write or dic tate. And the New York IIVW want to know if he wi'l take the stand. We sup pose that he will not take the stand nor le. the Mand take him if he can help It. Mr. BUine it evidently in entire accord with Mr. Harrison in one feature of the I Presidential policy the bestowal of office j upon relative and connections, A sec- ' ond nephew of tne Secretary ol State, in Sam WahKee.the riche Chinaman in New W hU brother, ha. ,u.t been put England, i worth about lie want.! uPn ,h' Pf"0 P".-1'-in ,he PPint' logo to China with hi. family foe two yearn, j ment 0 tdarJ cl a, .peclal ami hat been hancintr about the lioston Custom-1 0 v House of late trying to prove to the authorities that he is not a laborer. 1 le (cars that he will not be allowed to kind when he return to this country from China, He is an importer and wholesale dealer of Chinese staple and ha made a fortune since he came to America. become the fa-hkm when the head of the Government sets the example. Will Collect Owing to unaoilab!e ' circumstances I diJ n .1 rot! erf iilir h'IU "i Parcel "B." Ne. described ae follow, to- wit 1 The Donation I -and Claim of ilaory Hya and wife, being NotiSoatiea Ne 303o, claim No 33, part of eectiona 11 and 12, 1 10, 5 it w, exoaiu iu acre in tne west pat t deeded to June Sommerville: alio I eommeoeiog at the S V. turner ef the Henry Hays Donation Land Claim, im T 16, S It 4 west, ruening thenoe E 101 rode to the coun ty road, thence northerly along eaid oouuty road to a peiat due eaat of the N C ecroer ef the said H aye Donation Claim, tbeooe weet to the N E ooreer of the aatd Uaya Dooaiioo Clai, thenoe outn along the eaat line of aid Have claim to the pUce ef beginning, contain lag 114.91 acree. Also the follow. Ing denbed premise, beiog eituated in Linn oouuty, tte of Oregon, to-wit t Lot 12 and west I of let It, in bib Ne I, ia Mo Cull)' addition te the ety of Harnebarg ; ehu the eeuth 4 of the W ) ef lot No 3, ie blk Ne 1, in toe city of Harrueorg j also eomueoeiog at a peiot 10 rod 3 ef tne 8 W earner of U.e pUl ef the eity ef iiarruberr, raoning theeee weav 4 ruda, thence eoatk 32.40 rod, theaoe K 84 rude tbeeoe N 12.40 rede, thence W BO rude to the place at be gluoieg. eootaiotog 17 acre anore or 1m to gether with the apouiteeauot. Pateel "C." No 3, com met. ci eg 4 yeda eonlb of the iiuarler ( 00 the ciUa line between Motions 2(2 and 27, running 4kenoe ecutb W) rede to a stake, tbtuoe west 00 rod, thence nor.b CO rod, thence eaat CO nxLi to the tilao til brainmnu. 04 acree ocore cr 11, ijiug and ueiug situated and Vehicles r Uaacli bouM, Cr 2a l an4 E'U' SPECIALTIES. Fashionable and Sryliah Btiitv, Uunlnonn Suite, Light weight Hamminr Hnlta. Iloya, yonth'a and child Wa'fnita. Furnishing Goods Fine line of light woight tirxlt-iwrar taltiiggan aud rcolin ; torlny, fliirlt reoa wear, tine wirn umputir ia, guarantfied lor two jfar,l r nil the latest novelties. I00TS AND SHOES. A large linn in this drpait merit of tit Leal in Ihn niarket. HATS Staple and Faabtonable I'nea, among otbera n fino , acock of the John D. Ktotsoa baU. Tailoring Mcrcbabt tai!oicg uodr expert tailor. Buita mads to order under abon notice) at remarkable lo fignie. Mora gnoda tnmed oit tban ever bffure. 1889 SPRING AND SKIER 1809 LADIES' DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS, Th largat alock aid Kto eat fairly m prion eoa ,.,. I oarried, nfcd aa gjud valuti a tter tllVml le tbo citiwne ovnnty. have nvet of Lint, Special Bargains In Cashmeres, i ...i.. .. iii....t.- oinohame. cbnbrey fruncl ,.,int. and we-h fabric. A ibe norUtiea of the aeaaon in Mack and . ti. i t: . r...i.o Khnnt th4ie IB IJ COIOrl. will otb avii o.uiun '! j Jaya. EMMHOI DERIES, SKIRTINGS Flonociogx, and all ovora cn cambrij, S'iw nnd India Li3n. bie joat opened ibe largeat ioolce of noveltien in ibia line evur bibited in tbia city, and at greatly redoowl price. rx- L. E. BLAIR Piques, Lawns, India Linens, Nacaooka in white, tern and color, F" ery much cheaper tbn e?er before offered in tbia city, TABLE LINEN, In brown and bleached. Tbia stock I bought io New York at !a than importere' price, and am able to give gocd lu raina. 58 inch x linen bleached at 50 e nU per yard and o'.bera in rojtorlioD. ALBANY, 0 RE C oome ..3srr SIDE TJS, THE FAMOUS Wire Buckle Suspender. at a thai L E Cbav. Src'jr Water Co. For the information of those wlio live Oistance from Albany, it is proper to say the town is pursuing the even tenor of its pro- gressive war. She is on the upward tendency j keeping right on in a healthy vigorous stride . with no boom flag floating or manifoctured ! sipns of nrocran. but like the bv in school ! who wa. called ep by the teacher for whirling j rink, and jet "would never be qniet,' 1. .. ... " T I m U A a I ( in tniwn -1 , m , wwsi. u lite on the lOth-l.Vli of thi month a ader- county of l.iue, elate lOrevao ; lau liao tlked, but I will be round collrcihur the S " o the city .., It,,i.tiar(. , first of next month . Let ever one lie nr.. ' L," VJ' ""ti! ,U.," 1 U ' i narcd to mM mv r.ll 7 1 i nmf l chain, aouth of the Ma.rr swii n . .... i it, th it.irLh Iumiu1j ..I 4 ... 1 I Tp 13, S U 4 weet, aod ruuninf tl-e .ce N 1 29 weet 0 chsioe ; theitc uonti 3H" t 10 " ebame and 30 link . tlioucj wt 'J an t ue That Canuskcroe-i Old tt ossa quarter ) chain j tr-enc i...nh v,o' Descriried In the narery ballad, who ! degreee oi.e aal ettatn. j ihsuoe M.,tn "lived upou nothing but victual and o.greee weet aeveot)-n. ; aU.U V.MMhV H. , UTUU. ill I U aid i did not whistle, it j-Jst whittled So Albany just grows herself, itself. The spectalc of Andrew Carnegie hotmob bing with eminent free trader on the other side of the ocean at a fcut given by himself, whilst his workmen on thi ide of the ocean are mak-i-g a vain protest against a reduction of their wages, must put Pluto in a state of grim expect ancy. As Mr Carneg'c grind exceeding line in hi own mills, be will hardly expect any change in the running when he shall come to lie ground himself. The strangest canal in the world is a canal 1 6 mile long, between Worsley and St Helens in the north of England, and is under ground from end to end Many years ago the duke of Ilridgewater's manager thought they could " live- money by transporting the coal in his mine underground instead of on the surface. So the canal was constructed, the mines con nected and drained at the same time. Ordi nary canal boats are used, but the power is furnished by men. On the roof of the tunnel arch are cros pieces, and the men who do the work of propulsion lie on their back on the coal and push with their feet against the cro-s Iran on the roof. The oldest man in the world, in all praltabil. iiy, is Xagy Fereocz, of IJarcs, Hungary. He wa born in lledrahelz 131 year ago. Twenty yra of hi life he spent a a soldirr and he fought against the first Napoleon in several amous battles, Early in life he was crossed fn love and has been a misogynist ever since. He has used tobacco 104 years and has indul ged more or less in beer nd wine. He is in pei feet health, r-as atl his faculties and can rc call events of his Jiildhood readily. He likes to gossip and hi conversation is very entertain It wou'.J seem at last a if fortune wa nee more returning to Mr. Kate Chase Sprague. Mr, Chase, a she now call herself, had perhaps the greate.t ocial career In Washington than any woman ever hau, except Mr. Dolly Madiwn When Cbl"f-Jutice Chase died hi estate wa not supposed lo be worth $30,000, and Mrs. Chase, who Inherited the bad head for managing hr own money affair which distinguished her father, managed to get rid of her liare of if. long ag.t, ex cept me country place, Edge wood, near Washington. Lately an . electric treet railway ha been extended ut there, the suburban farm ha reached the neighborhood, and Mr. Chane find herself the owner ef one of the most val- liable properties in the District. Her son, Willie Sprague, who went with his father In the Sprague domestic trouble, and af terward married a sister of the woman his father married, has separated from hi wife and returned to his mother. He is a young fellow, not much over twenty-one-, and there it hope for him. Bri.tixg. A fine line of rubber and leather belting kept constantly on hand at Stewart & Box's. AH required sizes in tock. wan undoohtllr troubled with r.hronlo ndiaeotion. IKr vicinal, like those of many other elderly persons whoae rfixe live powe-.a havebencme Impaired .didn't airree with her 1 bia waa befote the era of HrmteUer'a Ktomaoji Bitter, oraoine on of bereumeronafriendtand relative woo Id undoubtedly have persuaded ber to try tbe Krwt upeclua for dyspepale. constipation and bilionaneea. Tola would tave been a uiureof self protection on their part, for tbe wonld vo bave bu cared and cee1 to die'tirb them with ber olamcr. Tim most ot,tinte cave of indigestion, with Ua attendant heartburn flatulence, lonaiant oneaaintM of the atomacb and of the nerve, are complete ly overcome bv tble anvereisn remedy. Chllle and fever aod biliouu r-jiniuent. twenty-nine degree '. aeventy Hire lis;! thenoe south eleven deiiree t toty-j three linka ; thence loath thirty dejnc east eighty link ; thenoe mth thirteen de gree east ceventy-ooe l;uk : thence aeath tmn dflrf-rwee st twA and an. -hvlf l,,u thence aoath thirteen dgnee ee v,n chain and ferty-oae links ;-ihece teolb four daree east fear chain an 1 eight) three linka ; tbcaee eaat nine chaiu and (arty-two liuk to the place f begioniiig.eoa tainiog Mfteea acre, more or lo, in lion ennoty, Oregoa. Also oouiuieaoing at the ootnwett eorner of tbe piece of land owned By Thome Beech in donation land elaim Me 2839. Tp 13 8 It 4 west, rnonina; thence weet to tbe eaat line of the I) 4 O It It 14 rod j thence eaat to Thoniaa Roaeb west line : u I 1 's i I 1 Vliii, 1 I I . -Jl j ! I i z A : W uiuoue rjiniueni, . .u . . ., n reMeTe'd bVIt"' kld"ey tr',Ub"'" ! Tteto uSSl 3 ' j barg, Unn eounty, Oregon, together with j the apparteaaneea. Tbe proceeds of aale to Aloaay Harket j be applied a fellow, to-wit: Tbe pro- ccedtariaing from the aale of the tract herein Wheat-Jj ' Vmtm'Jk: Buttr 15c per lb. Hay -11.011. Potatoee - ij i-u per buxhel Baef -on ftnit. a A,iple -75 cent per liu. ?om Jo per II jreed. SwXlllt i f 4c ahoulders, Ha. aiden 10c ird Oj per lb. 'lour 4.i per bbl. 'blckene 3 UU per dox. fill Feed bran, 14.00 pr ton shortti, 16. middiintf, 'M. Chor W. Sheriff's Sale- In tin Circuit Court 0 the' Hint 0 for Linn Count!. fl'ibert H. Loller, a aduiinitratr-f the e tat of Sila X. Ar'a n, ileceed, plai tiff, - vi, R. H. Kuih'f.Nl, Hannah E. Hutberford, slid Mary f. Itmlie f ird, Defendant. K itiue i- lereby g ven "l hit by viitnefef an eiecuiiou abd ordtr of aale issued oat of tlie above-nan. d eouit in the alove entitled nit, I will, on aalaruar, the ttlb lay ef A . KM At the Court Hnuse door, in the City of Al bany, Linn C -uuty, Oregon, at the hoar of 1 o'clock r. M , or said day. eil at pullio tuition, fir 6jIi in hao.l, to the hijht bid der, tbe real prony lesribed iu (aid ex cuti hi aud order of .le a foiiowr, to wit: lhe south lull of t!iv ao'ithwcst quarter, the uorth half nf thv eootliW'Kat quarter ol the northwest ipiarterof tbe inutheaat quar ter aud in -v,iuth half of thi -utha' quarter of iutiiu 3(i i town-hip 9 south, range I, wtet ft the W.IUinitte meridian iu Liiin Count-, Oregon, exceptiuit a tract bounded a U-g'oiiiiiK at a point P.00 cliaUis north of the southeast corner of itid ec'ioi 30, anl riiiiniiw thenne south 5.03 cl.aina, thence west 10.00 chain., aud thei'ce 1.0. th eaiterly to tli pUe of bjiuiiiny. together with the teoetnenta ami appurtenance thtre uoto belonginK or in anywise appertaining, Tbe procredi of ! of said premise tn be applied a dieotcd in raid writ: Fi.-t Tj the 'pay''nt of the cost and dUbitrsemrntl of thi suit taxed at 171 HO, and accruing; omit on this execution. Second To the payment to the plaintiff herein the um of $3,402 SO, in U. S. gold coin, with interest at the rate of 8 per cent, per an 11 u 11. from June 27, 1880, and the fur tber sum of f 100 attorneys free. Dated thi 24th day of July, 1889. , Jojfw, 'Sheriff of Linn County, Oregon, deecribed marked exhibit, "A" to be applied rst to the of theeoeta of and noon ; tie writ. aod aeeming coU; oext prorata te I tbe payment of the following claim wite in terest en eaeh at the rate of one per cent per j month from the 26th dy of April, 1812. I I laintifT claim, f73.t4.8 ; Uaae Vandayo, e.os nj ; ooiomao Lx, f lill.tH ; WiJIotlsh y Churchill, I223.M j K'iMbeth Srnner ville, $rtSJ57; H S Hill. $48.lije9ltailey, $1200.73; J B Hill,227.03;IHt Hill87.33l Uenry Kanei.e,$ 1 094.60; Catherine Wigle, 11120.50. The proceeds ol the sale of the tract e' land marked, exhibit "B" to be ap plied prorata to the paj mcnt of the follow-- iogelaiinr, with interest on each at the rate el one per cent per month from the trith day of April. 1882, to-wit f Hiutira claim, $(6037.10 ; Ferry Hay, $67.24 ; I Vandayo, 205.85 ; Maok Sommerville, $147.13 ; W Cbnrehill, $223.8 ; J H U needenon, $709.50 ; O It Ward, $1889.31 ; Soloman Cos,$170 04; Elizabeth Sommerville, $6S 57; H N Hill, $489 11 j Oeo Bailer, $1209.75 ; J B Hill, $227 03 , D R Hilt. $687.30 , Henry Kanacbe, $1C94.G9. The proceed fit the sale of tbe tract ot land marked, ex hibit' C," te be applied prorata to tba pey ent of tbe follow log claima with ioterett on each at the rate of one per cent per month from the 26th day of April, 1882, to wit : Plaintiff claim, $9273.55 ; Jerry Hay, fi7.24, M Sommerville. $147.1 t G It For aalo only by L. E. BLAIU, Notice for Publication, Ltnd office at Oregon City July I7tn, mmi, Notice la ber by glvm that tbe follow. Ing named ael'ler baa filed notice of bia Intention to make final proof In aupport of hie claim, and that eaid proof will be made before the County Clerk of Unn oeauty, at Albany, Oiegon, on n4ar, BepUnler leih Is t Geo W, Harrle. iat, Ward, $1889 31, and the anrplo if be applied to the claim of tbe Defendant, I B Dawon. Dated thi 23rd day of July, 1889. - Jobs Skaixmoit,. Sbariff of Line county, Oregon. If you want a good silver ateel eythe,fineat io tbe n.arket, go to S ewart it Sos'r. Wa hare th Exclmiv Control of o tni don't hau to effir a prltt to Mil Vilt O00H1. Jar IU ik$ BEST HADE. mr Co W CSE in CS EALF PtISS. SM.1UEL E. YOUNG, ALBANY, OREGON. pre emptlen D 8 No. 5304. for the M W if ot H W i of Heo. 14 Tp 10 S K I w. He name tbe follow ing wltneaaea to prove bia contlnuona residence upon and cultivation of etd land, vis t B. O. Hall o. V, Hall, O. K. Rodger nod W. E. Rodger, all of goto, Linn county, Orogon, Any pereoa who desire to protest against tbe allowance of suub proof, or wbo knowa of any aubaUntial reeor, under tbe law and the regulation of tr.e Interior Department, why aucb proof abould not be avowed, will ne glv ti an opportnnlty at tbe above mentioned time and place to roaa-exaoiia the witneseev of eaid claimant, and to offer evidence In rebuttal of that aobmltlod by claimant, W. T. Bumkt, . Register. ; Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of State qf Omjon for . IAnn Comity. Smith Cos. Plaintiff. va. Velego 0-x and Serela Cox, Defendauta NOTICE ia hereby given that by virtue of an extcutlon and older of aale laaued out of tbe a boys named Court .n the above entitled auit, I will on kataraay Ike ITth elayef tf. i lit at tbo Couit Hcnae door In tbe city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at tbe hour of 1 o'clock, p, m.ofaald day, baU at publie auction for oaah In band to tbe hlgbeat bidder tbe real property da. acribed in aald execution and order of ae a follow, to wit s Beginning at tbe S E corner of the donation land claim of Lewi Cox and wife, being claim No; 44 InTp 10, 8R2w. and running tbenon N S chain to a stake ; thenoe W 53 63 ebainw to a pout and iron bar 2x2x3(1 ioobea ; tbenos 8 12.30 chains lo a poet and Iron tar 2x2x20 incnea thenoe 4.19 cbalna to tbe eaat line of tbe dona tion land claim of John Y. Mtreitboff and wife; tbenoe K 0.40 cbalna to the N K corner of aald tlaim i thenoe W 40 65 cbalna to tbe place of beglnolng, contain ing 104 10-100 acrea, The pronecda arising from thi ale of aid premise to be applied : First, to the payment of tbe cost a and dlaburae mentaoi rutt taxed at $49.10 and awru ing ooU, and $70,00 Attirneya fan, Second ti tbe payment to tbe Plaintiff Smith Cox, the aum of $508 82 with inter eat thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 11th day of Maruh, 1889 Dated at Albany, Linn enmity, Oregon, thla the 16th day of July, 1889. John Sm ixmon, Sheriff of Lino county, Oregon. 7 Oik enrea rbe-jmatum, nenralgia toothache, Foabay ft Maton Agent. and w Lr .lel U m l" . . !!!. ! I THE LEADER. THE LEADER G, W. SMITH, witfr HEALTH RESTORER. SiNjyjN U S E IT I ll it the 5l IwifUrt lo HrnHIl and lh nui krl tuiriMi l,n!i. I '? it m l i lot 5i iir a lit .!" '.. f'vr. t;iwe aint bkm, I tui Kiuwtn. 1J. Ci"t TMigu and IIph.Iu. 1 1. i. iit C.i"t tn. tifliuut ami Mi it ..ft. a. l i n all loipm ' tr wii ol b -I'lnnlaiMl liirsnpeSJhK. 1 1' tt!,nrr mrn lt il. 1W Hofiuiswim i llw !!' I'jr I'.lK fhliflrr"! riv Ifl H (! lh t at t-iv I -iril t t -; I f w i t . Ml Ivttlt l:.t.' . . . M f v -AiaAiiri-- "Siipcridr," "Argaiitl," "Garland" STOVES AND RANGES. TOWELINGS, CRASHES, ETC All lbe good 1 im di-ct from importers by th Me, and can eel! tbetn much cheajiei tban if t-onibt ot jo'Jbera Uw ! I bnv in qaan titiea in N m Yo-k, and am ' ffering ibem at iric r i'. at ait) an re to aetl the good. Y Ladies Cotton Hose. Timber Land Kotics. Vkilvd aiatee Urul OfW, utcnC1ty, tmt-m,Jui Wb, tM. Molira l txmli i-i tti in e iylt en with the pfoetatob at lb Ait Vutigm U Jan S, 14. enlHlnl ' An AM lor lhe ;! of titblvr tenth in Uie HtUo ot 'iiluruU. Irrem, n4 tt uhtnxtMl Twtl," hsr: V kb4ungr, of Matitle, cwimy ul Klnf, latriUMjr uf W uhtiiUn. hu hM ftlt tu UtUtfAle hi. nt)t Kntff. lb ptr. haof lb NU .,( Mcrtiun So ti. tn Tb. Nj 10 asath. Mange f lU-i. ana ill Sr pm.t Ui tbo that the lantl tmjhl t nn valuable lor lie Umber or eion than for arrieuUnral irii, and ta aaiabllali hi rlalm m aal land Iwlore llw KeiMr a4 lUmiirer of Ihla at ft at Orexix City, Ureue, (n Katenlay. lae I fib Hay of Urtatwr. Ite ntmee at tluWM; f Clibtrt, K Mat. M Mwwart and B KrohB.all of Retule, lilnf tVwnty, Waablnfton Terniorr. Ant ad all sartenn claim !;( aUvrraeljr lite abo oWrlhod land are rUr ted to At their ctalma la ihla uffin) on or brtot sal 1 1. lb daf of Oetobar, Xtei. W T Bt'asar, Ktltr. Tim'ier Land Hotics. I'mIIc-I State Ltnd Office, Oracmi city, Ongan, July, 11. ls. Notlee bi Itartbjr alven Ikat In eompUanoe villi th pravuOons ot lb Act of Conn raw of June I, g;t. nU!rd "An Act for tn sale uf Umber land in tn 8laie ef Calltornla, Onraun, Nemla and Waahlnetoe I.rrtlorjf." CHaa. II. faarae, of Hock Creak. Count r ef Linn, Slate uf Uiegon ha thi. day Hied in tbia Woe hi orn atatenunt Kn, I lux, fur the purchase f tbe W f of Hretion No. U. la Townshlu No. 10 , Kane No. S E, and atllt offer proof lo abeo thai lb laiMl anoghl la more valuable for iu Umber or Hon than for SKtloiliural parpoeee and lo eetablisb bi claim to said land before lite HexUier and Ktceiter ef thi office, 11 Oregon Cltr, Oregon, a Taeaday.the nth Day of October. IRKS. lie nanirt te Unraw: W Wlgja, I Smith, W Clare ami JJ ilogsn, all of Rutk Creek, Linn County, Oregoe. Anyaiid all tjnmi elainilnv adversely the above deaenhad lau da are requested to file their claiiaeln this office en or befor said till day ot October, I twit, W T Brasar, Knfister. Fire Backs. Warran tod for 15 years. All 81 ZCt 8 11 stylos, rr ra aTscw. Tho World's best. More j than hun-i dred 7 hun-j dred differ- j ent styles 3o ok s and j heaters 1 Ate chiaper tbia year tban tvtr befoie. 1 fcavn hi-tcerdtd in tt ting tome good l.araii-8, all ct wbicfc T in flViirg .10 mycasipn.r-r the tame in -Y Hotics "of Final Settlement. 1 tit County Court of Linn eounty, Qrrgon. In the nutter of thecaUte of Jame Shield, deceaied. NOTICE la hereby j,iven ttat lb e unlr iKned, the duly appointed, (jualiliod, ai d aotioo; ailminwtrator of the eatateof Jam it Shield, deceased, b filed hit final acocuot thi day tuch Adininatrator n the above outitlrd Coort aud that id Ccort baa ap poiuted .... Hatarday, ibe leib day ef AMgaal, laee, at tbe hour of 1 o'clock, p, in. of said day for the bearing of objeotioaa to naid final ac count and for the ettlemeot thereof. -Dated this 11th day of Joly, 1889. ll. Bay A)r, Adminiatrator. Roofingf, Job Work, Phimbing. Eave Trough. Range Boilers Conductor Pumps. F. L. KENTON, MISSIS AM (UlLUBEK'S, The above ia an outline if tie -lie- 1 n g-ii:g lodo !iite ani endeavor f. do my .r. . ul M-ciuir.g the treae ii, Li mad adjoiuiog coobtica to All ai.y. md t kt-ep op etith lhe T. of the liroly aoJ prowing tity cf AHi-ir.y. I will have something aay about Carpets, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, SAMUEL E. YOUNG n ' SherilTj Sale, In thi Circuit Court of tin State of Ortgonor Linn County. P. H.CIoae, Plaintiff, va. J. M. Pciter, Defendant. KOTICE la herebv given that by virtue of an execution ana order of aale Uaued ont of tbe above named Court in the above entitled auit, I will on Hatarday the Itlh day or August, ISttt, at the Court House do3r iq the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p, m. of aald day anil at ptiblio auction tor cash In hand to the highest bidder tbe real property describ ed In tald execution and order cf aale aa lollowa, to-wlt s The north one-half of the donation land claim of John B Potter and Jane B.Potter, bia wlfo, No t Ideation No. 7051 , Claim No. 87, Tp 9, S R 2 eaec In Linn county. Oregon, The proceed arlalng fiom tbe aale of aald pretnlaaa to be applied : First, to the payment of tbe coats and disburse menta cf auit taxed at 44.10 and acoru log OMta, and 25.00 Attorney feea 8eo ond to the payment to tho Plaintiff, D h. Cloae, tne ymn of 1178,25 with accrn ing Interest at the rate of 12 per cent per annum frorr the 28th day of J une, 1880, Third, the urpiaa if any to the aald J, M. Potter, Dated tbia 15th day of July, 1880, John Bmailmon, SherlnT of Linn county, Oregon. FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES Choice Candy, $uts, Fruit, etc. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. NEA THE POST OFFICE ALBANY, OREGON rUh THE REST FURNITURE -CALL ON, THE Albany Furniture Company OPPOSITH STEWART A SOX'S, MoJBave in Stcck a ComplEte Line of BED ROOM1SETS, TABLES, CHAIRS, UPHOLSTERED IGOODS.&WALL PAPERS, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., ETC..ET in the fact tliat f am offerinfc bettor bargaina than any one else in Aiban Bought at bankrupt aalea I can ll First-Class Goods t.or below COST. FOR PURE DRUGS, Paints, Oils, Statlonaiy, Etc., and Prompt Attention -A.T DR. GUISS of ho"1 n,e,cb'Bdi8e ol aU k5uda CU on WB' Pwn!ar bargaina ia aam,- (ash for Goods or Country prd8 if; G W. SBIPS0K Albany, Orego. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN, Cany a first-class stock of Stoves, Tinware,Hardware,Etc, WMch they are aelllBg at renaarkalby low pHoea. JOB WORK carefully and promptly done at reasonable prices, . HOPKINS & SALTMARSH DEALERS IN . STOVES, TIT! WARE, SHEET IRO'j. C0PP2H l7APaEr Civ., ClUe Agents for "On Time" Healing and Cooking Storea. Job work, plumblnii. etc prompUy attended to. ; : CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE IN THE CITY.