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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1889)
S B TO CEMOCSAT, C2 IN ADVANCE ; S2 53 A1 iH Qf YEAR. Issued every l'riilsy ly BTITK3 & 3SJ UTTINO Advertising, rate mads known Z. T. WRIGHT, Foot of Morrison St.. Portland, Or., SOB.1T ma The Ataca Tiirjsims Miliary Tha best and fwsttmt throaher In Amnrl- i, u uiaonin mat Miami without a t.'.V.Jna AIVNi'K throaher ha. NhVKRbsmn KKPl.ACKD by ativ nth.r macnineoo tha iiiast. but baa rplowd urn nnr in- MVH P AM. Kit to fill W AKKANTKH Tha KVillvvi ntd to pmi (nir itiaa any other, ami m nuurvsi :i onr on th rl. It you hear any hu I t,i, pia-a tii tlis parti tbw 4.DVANCK i tlKK.HKrt ami KMiiINK ara oll on thsir instil itlr ly. Au1 I am willing ti pcive- all I -llm In m floU al auv limn, rH Im butocmt by h-ivm aty in olilnn until . youstli. DVAVOK. 1 al-o handle atani fl'tdu wl), Iron pip pum-a moweia, avrtngto-itli It irr ,w Maoa.ullu'. f irliu. churoli. (.rm and sobooi hlla, tu tuu,y ii)rr s;wUt. Han, ' Albany Rranoh rioute one !!,., k below Huh Uo-j, J AS 12.KNOX, IMmm Albany IRON W IKS ManufaHttrr. - 1EAMEM2I-US MlSrAN) SAW JILL MACHINERY I.13M A0 ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND UCHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. pc4a aUnUtti paid a rensirimr l wjnda of mtehloerv Patterns Made on Short Notice, WILL BROS, Dwalera la all tb iaU.4 i'opovwl Pi .a a Organs. Srla Mfhlas. Una. Also fullUooof warranto! K"rs, Butcher and t-ooket Knlyo. Tha be-.t kin. I ol wwins; machine oil, an I extra for all machines. Ail t ; .lnj neatly ard reasonable dona. juLiur Gradwohl's . Golden Rule Bazaar., a Roger Bros. Silverware, Franc'a Ohtm and Crys talware, Boys' WAjoas, DdII OarrUge , Fancy Goods, and a general assortment of Orockiey anrl Toys. H host ilroct aod oarrim tin UrH t'x:k lit the" WilU nV.ti Valley, lo wlikl baa boon addod a oomplot line of FAMILY GROCERIES. 'e Agent for insiransi cmpialm with a c;ill a rrritiiic VSMflrr , e4T"lel on narle francaia. Ilier wlrd deuHj Kproclifln.-n LOOK OUT FOR LO f PP1CES. FURNITURE, I am now retailing furni'-nre at ay factory at cost. People wishing furni 1 rio well to look hero for ba.'gaitu,s-4 1 rju ,-oing to eel) at coat riming t 33 dty. ' C)H1 nod rxtrnine nvl. fr-t pij. 1.; '-, tutt can the nxt wbeie. Factory st th rivr r;d of Lyon C. Chas. Metzger. ' Real Estate, Fmptoymenand Insuranca Apt ' jU A-! tioD3tn6iotloai promptly a Hv.m I in OrmanrKoglldh. FFI3E: ELLSWORTh BETWEEN FI35T AND SEC3HD STREETS FURNITURE You want tho boat and fnot durable hoinas Brink. A'OL. XXIV. Constipation. Demand prompt treatment. Tlia aulu of negtoct may b aorloui. Avoid all larsli and draatlo purgatlet, tha tendency of which i to treakon tlia lweU. The boat remedy la Aycr'a rilla. Being purely Tegotalile, their action la prompt and their effect alwaya tieneflclal. They are an ndoilrahle Liver and After-dinner pill, and every where endorsed by tho profession ' Aywr'a lilla aro lilghlr and unlTr nally niwkou of r tho peopla about here. 1 niaks daily un ot tbein tu my practice." Dr. 1. E. Fowler, Urldini. lort, Conn. ' "I can recommend Aycr'a rilln ikn all other, havinit'lontf proved their valua o a rathurtio for myself and family." J. T. UetM, LoithavUlo, Pa, For aerer&l yaara Ayer'a mil have teen uiod in my family. Vo tlud them an - Effective Remedy for ronttpatlon end Indigestion, and ara never without them in tha hoii." Mosea Orculor, Lowoll, Uatt. -1 have oaed Ayer'a JMHa, for liver troublea and iuJijji.xtlon, ilnrinu many yeara, and Imva alwava found thnm ronit undertUicnt in their action." N.Biuith, L Uca.X Y. I suffered from constipation which assumed such an obatlnata farm that 1 feared it would causa m stoppugn of tha towels. Two boxes ot Ayer's l'ills cf fected a complcto euro." D. Jiurko, baco. Mo. " I have used Ayer's Tills for tha past thirty years and consider them an in valuablo lumily medicine. 1 know f no better rcuietly tor liver troublea, and havo always found them a prompt rur for dysiieiwia." Jatuca uinn, U Middle at., llartiord, Conu. "Ilarlnjr been troubletl with costlve ueas, which acema Inevitahla with per sona of sedentary habits, I have tried Ayer'a Tills, hoping for relief. I am clad to say that they have served sun better than any other luodtctns. I arrive at this conclusion only after a faithful triut if their unirlta ." Kunnxt T. Jones, Onk St., Uostoa, Mass Ayer's Pills, 1-KXrAJUCD T . Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co Lowell, Mate. Sold by all Dsalsra Ln Madldm. . J. Uiirriinaii, fr B. a Coo, a e. . V u. Mousss Tiass t Vim rr 'he Oregon Lam! Comnauy Ornu J k 11m pariKMM .4 bu) ir smi wlunf rl Ulo, .! Uiii( h Will HMit In J uf tta lkliiK na. tmi t the Cnttad .1m. ailiii tjMtmi kwu to illrvct t-ema Mkacs tu lb uW MM Vlkr. 4 b m . r" 01 lbs prtocival uwra at Mwtun. fVilk, Lluii. ttuniu. . CImHuubm sa uimui eoaaim uulin t-Ui( . aratvnnu. Office in ths Tala Hwl'tinz no d or awl u 1 Ma rl A Hut's, tlOUSOX lICKlXbO.V. Muaftrs. 0, K. Paint Shi. House and Carriage Palnte Decorator and Paper Hanger Piano Virni.h!n(r. All vnr guaranteed. S B. VASSAL! 0 (Succw to Henry Saswm. 8trt J, DILLON. furnturetLst is manufacture 1 in '7 y LOCAL RECORD. A Pi.R.vftANT Birthday SuaratsR. Lut Tti.'lity at the M. E. Church at the c!oe of the irnvrrmeetlng,Rs a number of the singer were practicing, a quartet to be rendered at theer.lcrtalntnent to be given hv llic WniimnS Home Missionary Society, the! pupils of Mu France (lllber mtrched Into the church, and Lolllo Ket chum, (n the p.irt of the pupils, presenled their teacher wlih a nice flugster Blblo, with the following address t "MUs Gil bert, it affords toe pleasure n brhaU ol your puplN nod ( tends and lit their name to present vou this token ot their esteem, and may we, your pupils and friends, con ttnue to cultivate the divine 'art of har monv, aIiow flrst chord Was the choruiof the morning stnra as they took their places In the an then of time from the ham', of I Urn hoo name is love, till we shall jolit th choir whose harps are sold,' garment while and hearts made pure by Ills Word, which miliums light todlrectjood to sup port and comfort lo cheer us ; and mar, it tvvr prove t vou and us as It hat ever been found to be the traveler map, the oilirrln.s stuff, the soldiers aword and the Christine chart." The names of those contributing are : Mamie Campbell, I'm- uu Couglll.Maud Crqbv,L.ena Cox, Maud Hurlhett, Minnie VauHorn, Eva Rosco, Marv Cundiff. Mr Wrltsman. Lottie Ket clmir. DaUv and Maggie (ie'.sendorfer, Klmer Itcnhum.N C Conn, A Baltimore, Kvu Simpson, Linda Miller.Ora Uubruitle. CfRloi-s Anvti-K. A joang Kastrrn bk er wrjt to ths Kugen Journal for advto shout lousting there, and Kara is, some of it. a poor kind to build np a conn try : "Ku- geue contain almut 3U00 inhahltabts, more less, probably less. Triers are too many bak ry and confootinnery stahhshmanta now to thrive w I1, t-ut pet hspa by putting prices a litih below o wl of raw materials and work ing for nothing and boarding youiself )o could get a share of thsbitainrsa. That is tbs wsy those who go into bi.iorss hr that is alrsady ovsrdoo undertake to get a atart and grow op wit! the country, while trying to break liowo or drive outthoa who started in business htf.ire they did. The Chinaman tt lively soil prosperous "washee, waahe. alios time." There is ample room for ten times the present population, and mast tins of business in binh goo.1 liviar ean be te. People would do wall to come and see before selling out where they are. Carkikn I'luEoSs. "Mr Davldsohn, of the Nebraska Ttrihmne, Omaha, the only Ucrman dally in the state, brought some carrier pigeons w ith him, one of which he let loose at Denver, one at Ogden and one will be turned loose at Olympla. lie ha hearj from the one set loose at Denver. It made the trip to Omaha In seven hour ;o mile an hour." Stonma. This hard ly equal the following from Daggett, Cat, reported In the dispatches: "Conductor I'arker. while at Ah Hill, I to mile out on the desert, saw a pigeon flying around k though hunting lor water, lie tried several times to catch It, hut when close the bird would fiv away. Having a small ri lie along, he cripples one wing, when he discovered that it was a carrier pigeon, bearing a love letter In a goose quill lied to 'he right wing, dated New York and 41 rrc'cd lo a young lady in San Francisco" A Hi ixcsCiiL There U a young girl in Walla Walla who Is destined to make her mark,. Some one gave her ten cents one day. " She bought a j ard of cal ico, made It into a sunbonnet and sold (lie bonnet for cent. She Invented the 40 cents In more calico, made more bonnets, sold them, aijd pretty soon had $to. With this $10 site bought potatoes, planted them and came out with a clear profit of fto Most ghl would have bought chewing gum and chewed and chewed and then called for more, and a maiority of the bovs 1nvet their moncv In ciirsrettes and wouldn't save $40 In a hundr.-d year. Comixq Towards A lb ant. Mer R P Habersham and E E Cooper, two expert railroad engineer, with a force of twenty five men are now at work locating the line of road, say the Astoria Pioneer, by which the Astoria & South Coast wilt reach the V.'illametle yalley. One of the partie un der the aupcrvislon of Mr Habersham will take a route leading along the coast, while he olhe party with Mr Cooper at the head will go through the mountain region. The party came fully equipped for their work and are provided with two good Ucd tent and a complete cooking outfit. Nrw RiiLniNu. Mr Tho Fromsn I building a new residence on hi iot on Baker Street. Mr 11 F Merrill ha the plan prepared, I C Schcll, archltect.for a handsome residence, with all modern Im provements, on his lot on Feiry Street. A large number of new residence ate be ing occupied and many are being planned. The list for the year will be a good one, showing a steady growth. A Ji.ot.c Call Several day ago we gave an account of Mr Roy Raber, of Cor. yallis, being in the city after a trip to Mon tana and other places. He was also In the east with Mr Clark, an O P civil engineer. The gentlemen while there had a dispute about whlrli route they should lake to Washington and finally look Mr Raber' route. Had they gone by the road pro posed by Mr Clark they would hav been on the III fated Johnstown train. Another Storv. The Linn County Bank have let the contract 'jo Mr J S Mor gan for putting another story on their bank building, which will add greatlv to thr value ot the propel ty. The hank -of fices will be greatly improved and beauti fied, so that it will present a decidedly me rof olitan appearance, More Our. Wednesday Mr W FRead received from the Albany Milling and Mtnl.ig Co' mine on the Santiama quan Ity ot a line ore a ha ye. been een here. It was taken out about fifty feet under the ground, and (how that the pro pect improve a the tunnel Iengthen,fiftv feet being about tha distance now mined. A Conspiracy, Hon J T Apperon ha presented the State Agricultural col lege with two Jerey cow. There erm to be a general conspiracy among ome res idents of the state to make the college ag rtcuitural In fact as well a in name. 1 ni will be further verified when the boy are placed behind some plows, rake, etc. For tunately for them harvest come during holiday. Can't Touch TiieM There are plenty of men around wanting work until you want to hire them, when they become Ice sawersln the summer and patent fan manlp ulator lit the winter. Several Albany men sav thi ha been their actual experi ence. Few men remain Idle long If they have the desire and push. Then They U'.'stle.--Farmer or their hands rushing Into the city at all hour of the day and night, after binder or other machine extra, I a common occurrence, Few farmers go through a season without i little experience of the kind A Nice Yield The seventy acre field of D I) Ilsckleman just southwest ot the city averaged 31 bushels, 26 pound per acre. The wheat is first-class, and the yield certainlv doesn't Indicate much of a failure of the wheat crop in that held at least. Horn. un f rioay morning, July 19, i8So,to the wife of San Wa a girl. Great joy jit aan Wa , Dr. Hill wa present.. JtoRN. In Albany.on July 19th, 1889 to the wife of I. F. Hadleya boy. Chlldrji Cry for ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY. P1.1 M, Recently S. A.Clark, near Sa- lent, (hipped a car toad of -plums, Ji.rxio pounds, to Denver, Co'. The fiulr was - picked, hauled to the fruit hur, sorted, wrapped In paper and packed ihree tiers to the box holding a hull it bushel. "Pour men were employed In nailing the boxes together ot the rate of three boxes every two minute. Two and cart haul ed up the fruit that twenty men gathered, and forty women, girls and boys did the wrapping and packing. It took this force four clays to thus prepare two cur loads of plums, one of which was aeit to Denver, Col., and the other lo Helena, Monlnnn. Hoth arrived safely and sold like hot cakes, fur Oregon plums and prunes lead the wo Id wherever Introduced, hi a pointer for Albany and vicinity that Mr. Clark's fruit farm Is the renter of attraction fur all vUi. tor to that city. Mr tiros has set a good ex ample here and has .the handnmet place In the Vallev, but we need more of them and extensive ones like Ctsrk's. 1 here I a big fteld fortnterpris. Womkx flicYCi.lsT. -In Washington, Philadelphia, Chicago and-' 'luffalo there are bicycle clubs composed ot wou.en .and on w III soon he organised lit New York City. They use tho "safety" blcvcle. In vented In t8SfV, nod different from the reg. ular bicycle only In the tirop frame. The seat Is well to the front o! the hind wheel. which Is but little smaller than the front one, over which the handle are placed at an angle rjtlicleitt to allow them lo be reached with ease. They are much lighter, more convenient, and fully assnfe.nnd can be mote gracefully ridden than the til- eyele, which U a best a cumbrous,musc!e. training machine. This mode of rxcrcUe Is becoming very popular among alt ilns. e of people, and is considered as healthful as horse-back riding. The young ladle of Albany, 01 whom there are none more healthy and dating even In Chicago and rhlladclphia should come to the front and be up with the time. Foi-RTiRM Milr Hi ilt. Mr Stewart who was Interested Ina four mil e con ti act ot grading on the Astoila Si Coast R R, i In the city .and report fourteen mile of the road to Seaside completed. Thi leave fifteen or sixteen more mile to be built, and It I expected that It will be done this the money has been raided and the contract I lo be let. People there are be coming jubilant oer the prope- of a rnll connection with the valley, and a a result real estate sale in Astoria are beginning lo boom. Hair Pink. A young man recently jilted by his best girl say there Is scarcely anything women cannot do with a hairpin. They use It to pick their teclh.bullo shoe, clean finger nail, punch bedbug out of crack, fasten up stray bang,clean out the stem ot their husband's pipe, scratch their heads, rue It Into cake to see if they are sufficiently done, and about one million other thing the poor deluded men know nothing about, and they do it all -vim the same hairpin too. A l)R RCTiva Titlk. One Chrl Dun- bach, bought a Linn county farm some time ago, and recently sold It to a Kansas man named Croft. Dunbach 'claimed to be single; hut now comes to Albany a woman claiming to be his wife. If true she hss. a dower Interest In te property. and Mr Croft' deed would be much more valuable If her name weie signed lo it. if he proves o be Dunbach' wife. jh UirUkXt aU-i''o"v the. amount ot independence displaced by Oregon Cctcs'lat it can hardly be realised that the following price prevail In Chlnr: ''A farmer may be hired by the tear for from $3 to $1, with food, clothing, bead shav ing and tobacco, those who work by the day receive from 8 to 10 cents, with a noot. day meal. At the planting ami harvesting of rice wage are from 10 to Jo rent a day without food. ABi-rglarv. Some time last Thursday the Oregon Pacific depst was broken open by one or more stranger who have been making a transient residence of our cl;y, and several very unkind and unchrUtian act were done. Among other forty nickel belonging to the company, and Hie only money In the office.were appropriated. i wo trunk and a valise were broken open and the things scattered, evidently wi'.h a view to getting valuables. Hut what was stolen will not be known until the owner call for the trunk. No clue to the burir- lar. Thc Old Drmrks The Reveille, of Baker City, Is authority for the fact that at a meeting In that city, just before Sells clr. cu showed there a man got up It a pro tracted meeting and said : "Before I was converted 1 used to go to the circus and It took me a week to get o crhY Now I ask your prayers for strength to enable me lo knep away from Sell s show that Is to lie In Maker next Saturday, though I must con- fet I should like lo see the animals.' Not a Drfaci.tkr Recently a dispatch appeared In the Oreo;, stating that II D Mlllr,cashierof the Malta national bank, of Malta, Ohio, had disappeared, leaving a shortage In hi account of about $30,000 and It wa supposed he had gone to Ku- gene. This proved the cane; but it seem that instead of being a defaulter he i In possession of a bond showing his satisfac tory settlement with the hank. He has settled on a farm near Eugene and Is looked upon a an honest man. Cor.vai.lih. Mr Bonner, recently from Memphis, Tenneisee, wa In the city Vednesday. lie I looking for a place to ocate. lie say that he like Corvalli better than any town he ha visited ... Mi Cameron, who ha recently come here from the east, was cutting a chicken' head off Tuesday morning and Instead cut the end ot her thumb imooth off. Leader. New Real Estate Office. Hughe, Brown & Co., of Portland, have opened real estate office In the Cusiik block, just north of the Democrat office, and pro pose doing a land cftice business. Mr G A Vanderbeck will be asioclated with Mr Hughe In the management of the Albany oiuce. Sparking. An Olympla young man park hi best girl in Turn water by tele phone. An atxider beat that all to mash. He tit down with hit girl just under the telephone wires and then pours out hi cul in unison with the aeolian train of the wire. Olympian, An Al bany couple use the receiver for a (tool thinking a chair is too wide. When. When are the machine shopa and head office of the O. P. to be moved to Albany. When will you sell your wheat this fall. , When will people learn not to shoot empty gun toward their friend. wnen win pugilist allow other people to noMiiormem, w nenwiil water run up hill. - - - . V The Conventions. The constitution al convention are having some fierce time In. Washington, Montana and Dako ft woman suffrage, Mormonism, prohibi tion, etc., are wracking tome of them to the center, and evening Kentucky whi key take a part. , , The Pccket-Book Found. The poc ket-book recently stolen from the coat of Mr Marx Baumgart was found Wednesday in the wood shed of Hon W R Bilyeu, .1 . 1 . . 1 1 . t i. . 1. wnere me imei nau mrown 11 atter extract ing the $85 in monev. w P Pi 1 l 1 ml i A Good Purr The following publish, ed In the Wm Suit by en amateur photog , riipher from Polk county Is to good that we give It to our reader. We could'nt give A tmny a belter notice ourselves t A I Imny I a picturesque tow n, and ihe very place foi an amateur photographer in carry on his foolishness undisturbed, a the citi zen are all too busy to notice him. Our commercial business toon being done, we commenced promenading the town a only country "gentlemen'; can. We found the Main street being txc vnted for a street railway. The lon l overflowing with transient men waring tor the O. P. lo commence work Albany hit as due wa fer ow eras any town on the Pacific coast. In frcnt of the Red Crown flouring mill we found men working on the stone foun dation ot in wooien mm toon 10 be in operation. We then turned our attention lo getting a photo ot the O P. Co' large draw bri igr," which appeared to be a dlf. tic 11 It thing to do, and for the purpose the vounir man atuNiinted to vet on ton of tha Farmers' warehouse, jd barely got down a ladder with ms J:e. 1 he foreman said to him : "II It how did you' get down mere lias been three amateur pitotograph. era go up there, and yon are the only one that has ever returned. My answer wa brief : 1 handed him my card, which had penciled on it : 'Meet me at six on the Albany duelling grounds brick bat at three hundred yards.' After leaving the wilderness of brick and tnortar, for the first live mile we followed the road through forest of fir down the Willam ette Wiiv Shr l)olr. The suicide of Clara Bell Tyndall, at Roscburg recently wa a ad one. She lived w'th an aunt who run a restaurant, and the following tell why she committed suicide, In word that are eloquent but piercing ; 'The sun rows in Its splendor for four long years, year ot unceasing labor and toll and care to young orphan girl just budding Into wo manhood, year In which tlslng from a bed of rag to greet the dawn, she dally took up her cross. And to her lot of labor came the piling f wood, wheclbarrowing it In from the shed, actubblng the floor, washing and Ironing the clothes, driving home and milking the cow, waiting on the table of a restaurant and all the drudgery vf assisting the Chinese cook, and her stimulus to tabor was never kind word spoken from human lips, out wa the cruel blow of an Iron poker, the slap from a Chinese mcnial.and cruel words and crush ing blows. And then at night, (he went to rest In the darksome shadow under a stairway, on a bed of old rags, grain sack and straw. Such a life was loo much for her. - Collkctisu Grain. Mr Parker, rep resenting the Oregon Immigration board of Portland, ha been In the city and ur rounding country, collecting cereal and grasses for several exhibition cars to be sent from Portland on the ijth of next month, to exposition at Philadelphia and, Buffalo and a state fair at Detroit. Mr Ashby, of the Oregon I .and Company took him out I it to the country and assist ed in making collection for lhl county, one, though smalt, that will do credit to thi part of thc valley, Mr Parker had been a far south a Ashland, and repwrts malt crop of grains, though the fruit outlook h god. CcrraU Improve as the journey northward continues, until Linn county i reached The outlook here he pronotiweest -com jara'.lc!y eeinarkabl good. These eshtlill car will attract eon siderable attention and our Linn cimnlv people should make it a point tohavetheir InteresU irpresented on all uchocrasion. L.lun county l big and important enough to send a whole car lotd ot product east atone, and should do It. All it cost I the collecting and a man to attend to the ex hibit. Firr is tiir Moi'NTAlK. A few day ago some Irresponsible parties set fire to a drift In the North Santlam.slx mile above Gatevltle, on M. C. Bingham' land, say the Salem Journal, which not only burned out the valuable timber In the drift, but communicated the fite to the timber on the south side of the river, where It la (till burning though the rain ha checked It so It i honed that it will do no further dam -age. A few day before a carelessly left camp fire at the first siding above Galea-1 vlile partialy destroyed a ettler' house and burned all his r rcpered building mate rial. These lire fiend should be caught and punished. Good i or Child. A pleasant feature of the visit of the Ncbraika newspaper people to the Clarke fruit farm was that there were a number from Nebraska City, and the foreman on the (.lace Thomas J Chl.ds was for many year a resident thero and they all knew him well. They talked ot Ncoraska and Oregon and the visitor were decldeulv Impressed when they asked him how he liked Oregon to hear Child reply that It wa the best coun try he.evei saw and nothing could Induce him to return to Nebraska. Stntttmna, Tiir. BiouKhT. Thc Cheop I the big gest pyramid In the world ; the Statue of Liberty tap all other monument ; Ore gon ha the blggeit wheat :the N Y World the biggest circulation ; Tacoma the big gest boomer - Salem the biggest "In pio-1 pectos " Corvalli the biggest hole In her sidewnlk ; Eugene the biggest little State University ; Albany the biggest taliroad prospects in its mind and John L Sullivan is the biggest brute. Bank op Okkoon. Article have been filed Incorporating the Bank of Oregon, with Albany a it headquarter, and Hub Bryant, II F Merrill and J W Blain t the incorporator. The capital tock ha been placed at $50,000, divided Into 500 hare f $100 each, most ol which will be taken by the Incorporators. The Rank will fit up fine offices and will no doubt take a prom inent part In the banking butlne of thc valley. It will be a solid Institution. Such Luck. An Idaho merchant, re cently, while waiting on a boy, cent to the (tore by a man who wa never known te pay r cent, disturbed a rattlesnake that frightened a cat that cared a hen that knocked a jar of jam frctn a shelf which hit a barrel and turned the faucet causing tne loss ot tony ganon 01 moiae be fore the merchant, who had allpped and broken his arm, had time to charge the ar ticie on nis door. Ait, There. The Nebraska editor went from Salem' royal reception to Ah- land,and the following from the Retard would indicate that even the capital city was tur passed by the fruit center of the South : They all ald that while they naa a good time an along the road, the royal reception and treatment received from the citizens of Ashland wa the belt on the route up to date.and were partcu larly g!ad they came here." After Speed, The hose boy of thi city are circulating a (ubtcrlptlon paper to raise money to purchase a racing cart. So far quite a mm ha been (ccured. A rac ing cart.of what good l it ? It never can be taken to a fire. Wouldn't it be better to raise monev to purchase a steam fire en cine ? Gazette. Get the steamer and racing cart too. That Is the way Albany ana saiem uo. ' No occupation is more conducive to health and happiness than tilling the (oil. No one les dependent on other producers, and no one is surer of the means of living than the farmer, JULY SC, 1889. l.tCKT WITHOUT AHOIHKMT. Driven from the field of argument, 'ogle anJ common sense, in their attempts to justify and maintain the 'alse Issue upon which Harrison wa clcctcd.ll.e Oregonian and Mountaineer find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation of the most vicious sort. At the bet and only -argument which ihe AIonnMeercoud bring to rebut the DrmoCrai'S show ing up of thai pa irr's Illogical and untenable position on the sub ject of "protection, It a.vs 1 "Every evil that ha befallen the V tilted States since the government begun Its existence It, (the Dkmockat,) la; to 1 lie charge of protec tion." The Oiegnninit, rushing to the aid of It retreating p'otrge.mys, substantially, j tha. the Dkmoi rat charge all Industrial evil and economic disturbance to the tariff policy of the country. Now, these charge against the Drmocrat are so utterly groundless and without color of truth to maintain Ihetn, that r.o word with les force than willful misrepresentation and pure fabrication would properly char acter! e them, and we pen these hard word In pity, not In anger .The Democrat quite frequently refer lo the Industrial evil and economic disturbance which come upon the country under republican rule, rot for the purpose of showing that the tariff policy ol thc country necessarily bring those evil upon us, but for the pur pose of showing that the boasted protection policy of the country cannot prevent their coming. A an example : It I a misfor tune to the Industrial Interest of the coun try that strikes tgrdnst a reduction of wage In large manufacturing establish ment like Carnegie' should take similar to the one .tow going ctt, whereby thousand of poor men with large families dependent upon them for bread and butter, ' should lake place. We refer to this strike j not a the result of the tariff policy of the country, I ct lo show laboring men and misguided farmer that these strike will occur in ftpl'e of Ih's boasted "protection policy of the country. In truth and In fact the moot stupendous und far-reaching strike that have ever cccurrcd in the country have taken place under the high est rate of tariff that the country has ever had. ' During the latu camralgn republi can leader promised the people that if they would elect Harrlon,good wages and constant employment should fall to the lot of worklngmen.good home markets to our producer, ample, efficient mail service to he country, elc. They warned voter that If Cleveland should be elected the re verse of all these would be entailed upon the people. The Democrat refer to the reduction In wage that has taken place tnce the election, not a a necessary re sult of protection but to show up the un fulfilled promise and rcdlctlont of these republican leader. Thc Monnlitineer say the Democrat I wedded to free trade. The reader of the Democrat know lhl lobe untru, and will naturally aid logically come to the conclusion that the Aemtfm'if ' mutt be driven to the wall and left without argument when coin pet led to re- tort to such (Illy misrepresentation. The Drmh rat ha had In tim's pat some rejton to expect a more candid course from the .Vimnlif'neer. The most charitable view", Yiowver.isi take of ti foolish charge that the Democrat Is wedded lo free trade I that the Uon.ierr really doe not un derstand what free trade means- The Democrat ha many reason to believe li doe not. I.U3.4oO.,H. Look at the magnitude of these figure. It I difficult to comprehend their lmmen ty, and yet this I the cum of money appro priated by the last legislature the most extravagant one that ever convened In thi state. At the close ot the session the Democrat, a wa It duly, charged that when the truth could be arrived at It would be found that the appropriation were larger than ever before in thi state. This w:i denied by tie Saema and other paper, but we have carefully gone through the session law and .Ind the above to be the amount appropriated. Thi I two hundred thousand dollar mote than wa ever appropriated before. Let people put In their leisure hour between r.owane" the next election studying the magnitude of thee finures. HI FOOT IN' IT AUttX. There are several American manufac tured article which now compete with any In the world, nd thi i due lo the fostering care of protection. An Eastern firm en gaged lit manufacturing office furniture has opened wareroom in Xondon,and the cabinet maker of the English metropolis are In a flutter of urprle and apprehen sion because their new American compe titor can offer a handsomer desk at a lower price than they can think of turning out a similar article for. A I-ondon paper.willt irons oroteclUn attention to the new enterprise, -and beg tne tree trader to consider how utterly out of gear theit argumenUhat protection increase the cost of production to such an extent a to forbid the manufacturer of a protective country from competing with those of a free trade land Monntaineer, If an American article can be sold In London cheaper than a similar article manufactured there can, then why keep up the cry that removing the duty from that article would tuinour manufacturer. Your own admission I ample proof that thi howl about ruining American induftriesj sham and a delusion. What danget can there potklbly be in the United State from English competition I the English manufacturer I In danger from Atterlcan competition. The sham in your structure la becoming apparent every day. It i a notworthy fact that the railway mail service i the worst that the country ha had for years, ' Mail from the eatt is very irregulan and local mail is at uncertain aa Iowa temper' ture. No department of the government was so completely overhauled and rid of democratic employes by this administration aji tin, and the result is that it i filled up with a miserable lot of incompetent who make the (ervice , a disgrace to the country. It is a common thing to tee the word 'missent" (tamped on letter and other mail matter received by the' people. Thi( grow( out of making the . service purely partisan, without regard to the times, of rail way mail service employe. , A lady who claim to always have the meal et of potatoes give her way of cooking them at follows: Peel the potatoes with a thin paring for the best of the potato is nearest the skin, and soak them ten minute in salt water. Then put them on to boil in fresh cold water, cover the saucepan and, set it where it will lxiil very fast. When the potatoes are tender, but not overdone, pour off all the water and sprinkle some, salt over ths potatoes. Put on the cover again, but with a folded towel , beneath it lo keep in all the stessn. In five minutes' shake the saucepan forcibly, take off the cover and leave the potatoes uncovered in a hot place for a few minutes, shaking it two or three times in the meantime. rv r j Gen Bragg Ha been fired from the GAR ThiMtrlctly nonpartisan institution could not have amongst it members a Democrat of the Bragg stripe, 1'tie crop report Unci liy the Department of Agriculture give Ibe general average proiect for wheal much lietter this yest than for t,e even preceding year , This, together with a short croj) in all foreign countrie is very encouraging to Hie producer of wheat in thi country, Hone! totem have nothing to lose by ballot reform. It is (he practical jiolitirliin that op. pose tlii reform. Their hiniitr would I gone if each voter prepared hi ballot in secret. No vote buyer will irttsi tu a man' vote. The gwl must he delivered in open daylight or its no good. lo not allow the young tree to bear fruit the first and second yer, The proJuction of fruit will l at (he expense of growth. The peach will often lar the second year after .planting. If kept bock in thai respect it wil be in better condition for fruiting the nex season - Bad smells are disagreeable, but they usual, ly are the merciful warning attached by a wise Providence lo dangerous and harmful things, If your cellar or drain smell badly, clean out and disinfect litem la-fore they become the breeding place of diphtheria or typhus fever. The bad smell does not always mean immediate danger but it always means circumstance which may prove dangerous. To I snle therefore lake timely warning and avoid any risk. MBassBSBsassssM We doa't hear o much front our Republican exchange aliout the bad mail service as we did, hut w can say with all truth that there were never so many complaint! from those uting the mail, and mistake ar the most senseless and unreasonable we have ever heard of. We wish our fi iendt w ho were in vi much trouble duri'-g Ibe Cleveland administration to lead their valuable service at this junctuie helbie everything is demoralized. No other man has so direct an influence, once a week on the minds and heart of so many people, a the newspaper editor. If hi er ha a circulation of from 25,000 to he louche the thought and feeling and aim f not lest than 150,000 person And how it lie lo do this in a way to accord with hi gation to God amiju fellow men? Is he to give, waiter like just what hi customers call for, or roust he give them every time what lie 1, leve will make them wiser, happier, truer men and women? The question is answered ia every paper the editor issue. TUB WICKt-K Of TUB HI Kt-U'M. All the money collected by General Govern ment go into one Treasury, or public account. Theie i no separation of the revenue. When there i a surplus it result from excessive taxa tion in te aggregate. And wbea the revenue b to be reduced the only question are, Whs' Uxe can best be pred? What reduction will give the most relief lo the greatest number ofjieople? A monopoly organ persistently urge that legislation to reduce the urplu should begin with the internal tase. They are denounced a war taxes, "JuF l J points," or more-lhart 30 per cent,, of the present tariff are war taxes Io; " And three fourth of these are levied upon the necessities of the people, whilo all of the remaining internal taxes are levied upon vice or indulgence namely, ujwn spirit and tobacco. The trouble with part legislation to reduce he surplus is that it ha began with the inter nal taxe and for many year has stopped there. Of all the intricate tystera built up during the war only the taxes on whisky and tobacco re main, anJ the procetd of these.oppressing no" body, just about pay the war legacy of interest and pensions. If the lurplus has a particular source it i in the tariff, which now average 47 per cent, against 33 per cent, at the beginning of ihe war, and produce $225,030,000, against a 1 79,000,000 at the close of the war. The Democratic policy of tariff reform look to relief Of the Treasury and a relief of the people at the tame time. To cut off the re tnnant of the intemkl taxe would be simply to throw away revenue for the purpose of perpe tuating the Trust (ottering and burdensome high tariff. tiOOIt WORK, Scio, Or. July Itith iSSo. Editors ISrmocrut ; There is proof that honesty ('ill prevail in managing public institution. Let all doubter examine the management of our ttate peniten tiary and they will find that under it present management the running expenses are several lluiuMml lets than under the republican uper- mtenilcnt, George Collin. How in it that a democrat can run the penetentiary for several tliout and dollar less per year than a republican although the institution ha about 80 more con victs? lt republican tax payers open " their eye to thi imjiortant fact. To republican voter and tax payer I would tay, i it not strange that most republican leader after hav. ing held office a while become bankers, merch ant, railroad magnates and even millionaires? Look at the management of the penitentiary under George S Downing. He will (how you what honest management means, A writer in he East Oregonian gives hi view s of the man agemeot of the penetentiary after having care fully investigated its workings. He is a detec tive and iscompetent to Judge. Here is what he says: "I think the Oregon penetentiary is one of the best managed institution! in the United Mates, Irons are never used here on he shoulders or leg of prisoners, nor is soli' tary confinement resorted to except in cxteme cases. 1 o my surprise, the prisoners all work faithfully under the superintendence of Warden McKinuon. - The successful way he controls so many criminals is worthy of public notice and commendation, r The condition of the Oregon penitentiary has surprised the traveling detec tives who make a business of secretly . investi gating the prison affairs of different States. I have had over twenty years experience in deal ing with criminals, more or less; yet the way McKinnon handles most of these men, without tons or brutal treatment, is sometimes a mys tery even to mv Superintendent Downing is an unassuming man, but a perfect man for the work he has to do. ' His rules and svstem of government have been ' considered as models by detectives and visitors from other and older Statcs.aud the people of Oregon have reason to be proud of the conduct of this institution, u naer Mr uowning s superintendency it is no doubt unexcelled in the United States. AU the officers of the prison are deserving of praise in their several stations. They are; George S. Downing, superintendent; M J McKinnon, warden; George Barr, clerk. The rule of the institution are strictly enforced. No cuardis allowed to use profane language to any prison er.norto abuse them in anyway. Nor are they allowed ongage in drinking and gum bling when on or off duty. Honesty, sobriety and strict attention to duty are the qualifica tions of guards in this prison, The . manage ment is a credit to the state." Scio. n NO 53 iro nocsrnoLD should ee without t'- BYJ5PKPS3A: aW.- --st-i...;:. .... -. ' JCSTLr.RHT-icaB. a (tsictct vtarTaai.s rawiTias rakuur McoisHsf. acijj3;cA7j , Trier, QH E Dollar The aaaJoHty of tho Ills of tha human awttf 'I from a dlMw4 Urer. Bun tnona Liver Regulator ha been the, mean of restoring more pt-ople to health and happiness by giving them healthy 14vr than any other agency on earth. , are that tou jet this CErcijrE. lit. ' -f a fcave nought the largest and best stock o; DRY GOODS ever brought to Albany at a a mm invite every one to call sf.tck. DON'T we carry a full line of 0. M, Henderson & Op's BOOTS AND SHOES. The Reef School House Bhoes are the best: in the world. 11 . .Vi. r fiT- ....2 tH!v G-tV'V'- 2r.- x XL 'kpmWmti.--- ..-,, v.?-: 'LKW '-11. " 1 111 irinii nn -ni'-'-iv--J-iitSi-J iVWr;,' "fm-i .... ' I Look out for in the next The Lcadliig ash Manufeictured by Julius Joseph, ) ALSO E BALEU IN . IKIPORTED AND KEY WEST CIGARS Plug and 'WkUfi tohacoos Meerwhaum and briar ;.,, and Imuk. utthleiT A1.K, alwava ha. hand 'V a Imo ot California and Tropical Fruits. r THE PLACE. . "iy all means oill nn . ' Pane. Biota, . Sucets! 'C Jtf yx, tor yaui Groceries, Prolnce, Eakel Ocois, " Etc. .Etc - 1 Their gftotfs are the bent and thrlr prices reasonable. DEMOCRAT la the bent Advertising medium In Ihe Central -WllIamUeYI.e-. Gomui Meve '-PROPKIKTTU OK. STAR BAKE JH Owner BroatUlbm mi ?mi s;i --DEALKB 1- t'natl rril, I'ami- i . J!tt,rre, t a re -. Dried Fruits). Veetfieis. rt. ris'.,, ""ear, Ji'm . Coflee. Ten. Kt le.. in IV-t ftviryfiln ,.,-. , ,:t i A it. .a! varioty anrl irrwir,' unrt. 1 i -kot prlci paid tue J APKinosorpnoDuc FRANCIS PFEIFFEIL -PfWJPRIKTOtOK Albany Soda Works - and ManefifeMjriir tf- - choice mmmmit n ar now prp .r.' u p ' it) way frenb aim , r to ilwiler-. w - j Iff ill at wii at i'nriUV't kAj a till finta and TfDplc&j (ni IQAR3 AND TOBACCO 1 AHY . C4HRIAGES AT HTEwAKr t SOX .4 and I would respectfully ' and look th mn tru w tf,4 FORGET BUY CM. HENDERSONS caoaAifo eotrrs s shoe; CHICACO. Bargain: 30 day-. Dry Goods Store. A Hew Grocery Discovered AT- Stroug's out corner, oppixiie Stwrt'it Sx,,riri urjji, vi Jt., - i full lino of - FKE3.I CROCEeiES, onnriED goods, Misa?rjin. -r 'Quliik sale anl mall profltn," "Live sud let live," la onr motto. Please call and exiimine our tto.ida and prices. 3 vtijsfai tion cuaianteed, . Preduce Taken in Exchange, . , Very Respeatfullj, luMJ i 4 . 4 s . i : i r I 'X x t i u -