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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1889)
THE YAQU1NA ROUTE. Cresca PaciSo Railroad, gou lievolopmeot Company' Bteua ahlp Lin.. ',23 TJLES SlIOBTER. 20 nouns less oan by any othr rtat. Flrt-cl through paaeeugwr and relght line from Portland and alt polnte In the vVlllaraeU. Velloy to and from Ban Franclaoo, Cat. Reuietufeer tlta OrKa Pavllifl rplr ln miner Kiear loui t i Yavqwlua Low ttsua Tleketst r lr mmJL nnlnrday Irom Al bany, C'arTatlU an PUtlemath. Boata make oIom connection at A I ban with tralna of the Oregon Padflo Railroad 1TIB B.;it'Utm (esen Sundays.) n Albany t-00 r. Ln Camilla 0r. Arrl. Yaqulna, 10 f. L Taquina, : 4,. Un tXwvellle,lO: A.M. Amva Albany. U:l A. a. O. A C. tralaa oonnao at Albany and Oorvalll. Tha above tralna connects Yanuina with tha Oregon Development Company. Un. of Huamhlp between Yacntoa and au Franotaoo, -4ILISU DATES. r.nit T'. r.iuxMuViii.;, July jma. TttaraO..Jul; M. 4 Tundv,Auut Oih, reua ua riuxv-Mca, WUlMMUe VUey,Tha akjr. JutrUta, 4a HumAtS. Jul IM. da tMU;, July Sl", Tha Oomoanv '.jnrrw Uia Hunt to lhaotra aalllug dataa without notloo. N. 11. Paa-wnirara from Portland and rYUUuiett Va.Uy poloU oan maka oloaa tonnacU with Jaa traloa of tha aquloa routoat or CorTallla, and If daa- tin1to i r rnola ahould arrange to trriva t Yqal.i tha avaning befor data of aaillo. aawaer aad r.olaat KatM alwaya la Uwnk orlntornMUon vJ U A R "atVelght and rvkt A not, Alhjr, 'WCB UaaraU. Jr., O. r. Ih rnotc ua. C C. U A.O.r.aadr. Am. CurnllU, 0YERUN3 TO CMJFO WtA Southern Pacific Company's Line. THE M0UNT"silASTA ROUTE. TUaebatwow AIbrvy and Sa rrvwiUeo. honre Auroairu umu 1. use Res aii.i ftrtwwa rartlaad aid M rraarUr. OJ r. a. I L rortlaiMl Ar tO:4S a a tin L Ally - " 4 A a 1 Ar to r.ictno ! 7 "0 " LonAfc r AMBJMia TaAie .ailt ;Kxcpt 8oaUy). ooab fi Portia ,A.,!! t-.mrm (Ar hn Ll uauraa BiAvea, I Mra ILr Altauy Ar I - a a sra Ar Ubuoa ult.UAB XMTU I Ar Lmao I t.lw T u PULLMA! BUFFIT SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, far A3eaaadUMa of eecaClae raaaeo rrs. attached te txseosa Tralaa. Th. B. r. Co'. Iry mAkeoaiwtioa with ll Um ralr tnin. m Ih. Cms IHrimtm (ram Soul of g Mm, "-YUAnd. 9t aMa MvlUaa. reiBTLAa as ETWMJ Mau. vsais Mai (Exxpt SondAy.) L I Ar PunUad Cantliia :m r a r a Lt Bxrasas txai uut (Kxejp. Saaday . 4:Wr I Vr Portiand McMiaarUla Ar Lt r.00 A t.46 A a fcooral 1 1 Ar Throuyli Ticliets To all point. BOTJTH A.XTI EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. fur 111 ..- tit a a. mf" r , a A, .'-y. K P. RUHERS, I. r. . xl r Ar iievere a-juse; ALBANY. - - OREGON CHAS. PFEIKFER PPJiPRIETOR. ritt it in &t-olm eyla Table aupp!'-1 '.'Pi lia t- in the market. Nioa a1 9 fl ; Aoartmeiit. Mample room orr-in.ii cr.-i' trsveWra, tTIr w fa-.a 1 aa I tke Pouiif Wanted. All kiodaof poultry, allva or dreweo 4nMKt ktlbs VHIa.nmi Picking Coin pany 'a Store, Albany, OregCL. FO8HAY & MASON, tthiii a aarAJi Druggists and Booksellers, Agent for John B. Alden'a ptibllcatlona, chich w Mill at ptibllahar'a prioea witk poatageadJad. AL.BA9IT. UKKCIOM. University of Oregon. . EUGENE, OREGON. Next Maaion begina oa Monday, tbe 18th of Hep ember. 18ft9, Free) actio arshlpa from every eoubty in tb Mate. Apply tooor Coonty Superfn tended Fre tuition after January let, . 1K90. our ooraaa : C am-b-al, Sclennfio, Lit erary and a )irt Kngli-h Course in wbl h IbcreUno btlo, Orets French or Oerma'i, T'i Koglih ia p-e-mii ently e. rtuant-4 C -iir-e, For cataioaea O' Other inf m -'l- n a-Mre. i IO IN"X, . PriieLt. FH V -B -r , nidi -.Kin I will ael) a vftl.ruii ina ,ndn clif. IoqMr-i my pu niff tnile aouth L.aat of Ai'nr, r.i i 1.4 bargain. . V. U. Burnt HURT. H. J. slumiosv, Prm . VsaaAa. 'id f'. B. Coos, a e. B. Mousss Tt. Or.AfiiS' .l to niir K b'ivi-"K a'd mHnq fi! ..'ir I..? Yl.-tl' Vi(y I. ail '4 vitf Im-Iiii" ' l .1 f .i!ritwi -t,,a!4. IC.-uM'. ht fctrr.ti.,i .1 llr "' n tskrt ut !ho lliatti uV.iie. mht b in enum all 'he inci'l .wn. .rf U.rli, ,. P k. ..Inn, Bvutun, Cl.i;ka)nM an f cnh 11 miifl - u mUl Ki liea'4(iif iuimitrraiii.. IXflm In thi- ''. nlilrllni( -m ,1 it hhI til !" tt Hox's. H IDSON ItKKINSO.V, Managers. AM MAY. O. aXITDXR MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General fltfcnan&iss, j nniuiwuvnu . uiuu Till bay Urain. Wool and all kinds Pro w T. J. STITES. A.TT ItN BY A.T LAW ANT- firr.jiry Puhlic- ALI1AMV i3 I. FOR CHICKEN CHOLERA. 419 Huroa St. IBhsboygsn, Wl., Nov. 11, IMS. I hT U4 8t.JcobOlllh chicken cholera With great uo seas. Kvery fowl affected with th dlasaas was cured by It nd J recommend it as a sure cut. It ba svd oaa many dollar. It. A. Xb'KNKK. Breeder of Flu fowls. Bakertfltld, Cal., Oct. 13. Its. I fcav tiled St. Jacob Oil foe forehead of chicken with prompt, permanent cure. One bottle will cure 10 to 5 chtrkeut; 1 to dropa cure Wares. . J AS. BET UAL. AW OSS US At DlRKCTTOS&M P mid or dgk tahmltd wfl S). Jxol OU. Q (A fvl oaiKiiot twtiUint fort eVern On OuroaL Mia mm cr wJ etoeg wrta tt OIL QtM swtVsa . ITWjwuaaHrwl end eared. At Dacaoorr and Dxalshs. TMI CHARLCI JLVOQEIU CO.. talllaw. , DR; J.L. HILL, Physician and, Suii.eon, Odtco-oor, Fttatand Tarry StraaU,-ALBANY- OREQON DR. G.VATSON MASTOn Physician and Surgeon. Offices opponlia tha Dantocrat. DR. C. U. CHAMBERLIN. Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon SpecM attention 1 o diseases of the eye. jweroffloa'ooroer af Third and Lyon St, ALBANY, ORECOH. DR. W H. DAVIS, Physicidn and Surgeon. trornVie un Uln In otrahan'a Block. May be found at hi. oiBc day and night. DR, I. VV. STARR, Physician and Surgeon, Late of Brownsville, Or. Office at iconia Noa. S3 and S4,8traban and Plerca'a Hlwk, up alalia. Call, i promptly attoded tn city or country. G. L. QLACKfLlAfJ, Smm$tr ) E. W.Imfdon. DJALER m DRUGS, MEDICINES' CHEMICALS, BRUSHES' SO IPS COMBS ETC. a.K.WEATHEHTORD, iTTOHNEY AT LAW. j ALBAXT. wBCCO. W 11 BILYEUt ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in Chancery, ALBANY. - - OREOO. Collection promptly roadeonailpoat toananafiotiaiadon eaaonabiaterma o. a x. bcscxj tt. sv, w. watoar BLACKBURH & WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, j I Wilt practto In all tha Court a of lb. Slate. Promt attention xlven lo all huat- j j nesa .uvraalea to oaretra 1 ; om OI I Fa'lows Toinpl!. Aibny,tr. j J. WHITNEY, ...u .6', kill "oniisellur At Lav NT) iVotin I'ubllc. A. 1. 6 ft if, ORECOH, V,. ..1 .1 tf (he Court tkU 4..-. V 1 intrnated tokl will be promptly tUended u. First National Hank OF N, OKEUON.- frasldant . L. fTS Vice Praawlant a. K, Vwl fUm 0-hi K. W. LANUMilS. Ant Caviar iAH. T. PUW KA.I, TKAadACTS A GgXEBALbaoaum boelnaas. AOCOUSTS KEPT sabjMt tc shack. BIOHT EXCHANGE and Ut rapfaie trantte. a a Hew York, Ban rramneo. fcmfv and Vm reffuo. COLLECTIOK gAUEoa laurabl Uro. Btaanoas J. B. Totraa, E, W. Li , ' L B BbAia. L. Fuas, Wsusa E Ttrrsll, . Lfnn County Bank, Cowan, Eilston & Chamberlain, ALBANY - - - OREQON. TRANSACTS a general banking bnalnses. DRAWSlOHl DRVPrgon Kew Tork. "aa Fran III and Portland, Oragoo. LOABMOrfETva apptofad sacurUy BECEITEdeposiUsubjeet w eback. II. F. uerrill; r BAITKEB, ALBANY, - - - ORECCa. all esohange 0.1 .w Yori, Ban rraneisno aai ranland. ftar notes. Sta'a. canty and e'ty warrant.' Be- mlva deposit. subl.t U check. Inters allowed oa aim. eepueite. Col lection, will rrcoivt prompt attention. : CorrMMn,dMic Mrfletted. fire and Marine Insurane eotnpanias. Alaulocal aiieiit ot LomWd Investuietit Ciapooy Loar nu.le onffarro pr I fi r JOHN BRIGCS, FLOBI8T,- - - ALBANY OREC E08E(t A Specultt f'em f lety I ilrrifl :?. "d AHd 014 W(ffc at $nt WBKk) i tM UrtWrtl. l'arleel tluAerkeener. Wau. sxNllitMioarCr. Itoik lataW e? OkVaB lrn tatcaula s clfiy riB aeturii tmm . toertHT wtiU OUT Uf kndvit. UAblai lifka) r IIMaV4i H'.irJiplde The-af MWplM, re)l ll wstrb. w 4 Vmmm. anal after kMVB ka4 lfa la yumw hmm fop 9 faumilM avnel ahows ibe-n lay lbo vlia lawijr tsav call4, Ibav bota4 your wi property. 1 bjob Wat writ at ac ran W swr mi ffcalrtna; lh WMtelk ul Baatpl. W jmf ftll cxprtM, IWirbl. t Ad'iraM aWasttta aj to., 9M atarUasdf MMiaf loTBiUy.t b rv MtHMi MwloamaurbiM anadei u worlej.witb all tb Muktuent; i taili alao bco4 frm a .mbUm ! mt Af ceMltv aaal .! i.u MoipsarB. In returs w aak tbat ym itutv what M4. to ibB wha f ni. rW bom, and a ft r mntbsti afaatl bumm y.ur w brUt n,!rnn firi'B. I n' wrv mtht lo a ( onrt can nit rt th a te'inar.ijB4.,iET i ika r.rA. nd tha frtr.i rusf i! ti Rim art r tto-it toc-)b r ia A morW. Ian; a to., jss no, iu,l 1 & S i 3 1 1 13 Y J s ' pmri rTSi . r - , .h,. inmm. w. wui mm rr.a t --5ura mc. i - f.llih. . "11 w. . I f I IT' Tl grA- v. " -j. run oim.I !:, wILlh. f . 1 Cwl mi.l. ml ..a. lor lie v f V4 4 4 TKMPEKANCE COLUMN. BJIted ky Albwi W. 0. T. U At tha regular meeting of the Un'on on Tueaday the financial report of the 4th of July work was made. The groaa receipt were $ Jot. 95, expense, $66.45, leaving a balance of $135.50. The ladle of the Un Ion are quite aatUfied with the reault, al though ivany of them were quite worn out when the day wai over. Notwlthatanalng the great ruth and Immenae number which crowded the hall, all were well erved, tpeclal attention being given to the mili tia and firemen. So far aa known, the en tertainment provided for the guett gave entire aatUf action. The member of the w c T U are es pecially grateful to the friend who alat ed them In the labor of the day. There were quite a number of ladle who are net member of the Unlcn, who gave their time and atrength unaparlngly, and teveral gentlemen a!o rendered great aervlce. To thete, the ladle of the Union return ln cere thank. Alto to the many who con tributed no liberally to the dinner. Alto to the ladle and gentlemen who o kindly volunteered to gather up and take to the hall the many cooking utenallt and other article necettary for the day work. All these act of klndne the Union will hold In grateful remembrance. The proceed of the dinner added to the amount already In the treatury will enable tne union to make a payment of 9150 on me nan. Mr. I. H. Towntend, tlie former Treal- dent of the L nlon, wa prp iit at the meet Ing on Tueaday afternoon. She waaalto with u on the 4th. It emed like old time to tea her in our mld.t, with her apron on, her tleevea puthed up, tea towel in itand, miki ig a clatter among the aueentware. She save an inlerettln ac count of the work In Portland and of the Refuge Home, and urged that a commit tee be appointed to co-operate with the board In bringing to the liomeauch per on a can be Induced to accept it pre lection . We hope to ee Mr. Towntcnd wl'hua frequently. The Albanv W.G T. U. will ever hold her In grateful re memberance, and extend to her a cordial welcome at all time. Let the friend and worker In the W. CT. U. and Sabbath schools, bear In mind the excursion to Corvalll on the 30th, to hear the eminent Sabbath school worker, W liber K. Craft and hi wife lie will lecture In the evening on "Sabbath Observance." and both of them will talk In the altemoon on Sutkth School I work In general. Mrs. C'r tfta ik celebrat ed aa a chalk talker, and will no doubt present many practical points for the teachers In our several loo. Conundrum-If prohibidoit worked so admirable In Seattle for three weeks after the Ire. also in Johnstown and other places, whv will it not prove salUfartorr If ron- tlnued i Echo answers, Why i Foitmillei k Iniiiig, taOAOf f -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt ittentioii-First-ciass Eeans 1" OO OR V) ACRES. IOO aoree of no isTualae o r frail land. 4 mil, waatof Albany, for only til an awr. Wi I ael Macrae If riaalral. Mlia'r iMita Cal , cd Cooper Turnor 00 Corral He r t. Ir.l5(i;iii. Mi kTi -.-.i-raaiw V'" 'd!isHt- 1; FOR SALE BY FOSUAY A MAfcON Peoria Ferry. O. 80HLAOBL, Prop., BOVUDTaiPtCATCS Double tam, 35e ; single taara, 36e ? horse or caltl,6c, . rKoaamo orb wat i Doable team 2&o; afog.e team lSe. Spaolel ratea on large drove. Farmer will nod sue lorry roaa in s no. condition, It bar Ing been thoroughly leconatrqctad, arad ed and traveled. : y:.y,-:"nt' When I say Ctrns I do not mean merely to stop thf m for a time, and thoo hnre them re turn again. I kbaN A HAUICAt, CL'AUfi. . 1 hAve made the disease of r FITS, EPILEPSY or FAIXZNO SZCZOTESS, A life-lone study. I wAtttAirv my remedy te C'CHS th worst eases. lie-cause others have iUel I. no reason for not now raceiTine .cur. fcenl nt once for treati.e and a E BOTTLB t my tnrM.uuLB Kemkot. Git. Expr. a&d '.t omi4. it eoat yon nothwg fur a rial, ami it will cure you. Address hO OOT,M.CI83PfAlT.KlWY0 Wa. 3 Notice for Publication, United State Land Offloe.Oregon City .Or. . ' April 23ud, im, Notice ia hereby el van that In ance with tha provision of the act of Con. gres 01 Juoeura. j78, entitled "An act tor tbe aa). of timber land In tha Statea of California. Oregon, Nevada and Wb Ington Territory." Leander Brown o Staytoo, county of Marb o, State ' t g-D, ha thia day filed In thla otf'ca bia awornstatoment No. 60S, for tbe parcbsee of tbe N K i of Section io & in Town ahlp No. HI aoutb, Bang. No. S and will offer prccf t .how tbst the Jand ought ia more valuable fcr i.a Hmh M tone than for agricultural purtwar .Bd to establish hie lairo to said land before tbe Reeiaterand reciTmr thi. Oregon City , t iregon, on Friday, tba 10th day of Jul' (60; bintmri..lin.,... 8. Shaw, T. anrj W, Hoey, all of Mill iity. Marion eoonty, od J.- JL Brown, of Albany. Lino count v. all r Oregon. , . . . . "J Any and all pernncla4rrirj2 adyersely tbe above describiM lanrU) ar rrqaeeted iVn.. Mill laid llav .f . . . u on or W, T. BtJKiirtiT, Reglttsr. Children Cry fbi. L- i JLjiujue j " " i - " 'I'.'au a', i I FFTRTIT, II li III h FQTSI TELEGRAPHIC NEWS aiaaBMMaef Plraat Walla Walla. Walla WALLAjuty u. Thlafteinoon fire brokt out In a vacant Chlneta waibhouie on Mala il'ett, oppodte the Exchange hotel Shorily thereafter the tire extended to Klik't . 1 - - . .1 .1 a 1 t I Hvry (table on the right, and ScbwaUcher Ume and coal oil wareltouteon the left. In (pile of the effort of the fire department alt were con. turned. The eld Maney hnute, on Seventh, rear 01 Schwabacher'a warehouse, wat, with tit con tent, also destroyed. Total lot!, about ISooos iniurance, Vjooo. The tire undoubtedly wat incenJU.y. a aoo.000 rir. FaaNO, Cat., July, la. A fire broke out in the bakery of Le Dlunc ft Co. on J atreet, thin morning, and destroyed half a block of brick building running south to Mariiiou it reel. 1 it lot U jaoo.ouoj Insurance, 1 100,000. A Coal Oil Oaa, Wallula, July 11. Ihls afternoon at 4 o'clock a It year old girl ofMr Jamel llamblin a carpenter In thla town, started a fire in the kitchen Move, aouring coal oil on the burning kindling. 1 he oil can exploded, telling lire 10 the girl 1 clothing. The house also caught fire and burned to the ground,and the child burned to death in the building. The a A K Will 0. Kansas City, July 11. Commander ia chief Warner, of the GAR., ttleg.aph to headquarter her that he will not discourage large atteadance of comrades at the Milwaukee encampment, notwtthttaadt the refusal of the railroads to grant a one ecnt rate. Forged Tktta. CKNTkALLlA, W 1., July 13. Last evrn- two tramps psing here presetted check of scversl merchants, sta'.ing they were in need o cash, adding as an excuse that . it was afltr banking hours. The New York store took up one check, and the clerk in I C McAIUHer new store another. Mr Errickson I oak third. Tliis morning on going to the bank, the fraud was discovered and to nieht new ha been hard that the forger are inChehalls. Baielded. Rosaauaa, Or., July ia. Clara BcllTyn. dall, an orphan aged 15. living with her aunt, Mis roeiii Moore, a resuurant keeper, com mitted suicide tr strychnine Uit night, tier mother dted the tame way lour year go, and tk girl ha been ehamefutly abused, whipped and overworked ever tiacc. The renalty. Jackson, Mis., July 11, The law imtues a penalty not exceeding $1000 nor lesa thsn $5jO, and Imprisonment for twelve mMlhs, or both, lor pru hgniing. 1 he party causing death U guilty of Aider and a betlots ar subject to a fine of not km than fiooo or imprtsonnieat in jail for six months or both Kilty Itorvlebe killed. (. Alio, juiy 1 1 a nispatcb Horn the scene of hostilities between the Fgyptians and the Dervishes state that the ttgyptains cut off sixty Dervishes irom the main Uxiy and killed them all in a light, A risk Htory. FatSKoJuly 1 1. Well borer on the ranch of M A Freitas, nine mile west of this tily, oumned uu a bucketful of voune trout, each an inch in length, from a depth of sixty feet. The liars had eye and wm around uvely in a tub of water. It b believed the workmen tapped aa unuer grouna suesm nora the looteiiis. K R Balldlag. .Ntw YokKjuly 1 1. The Kmlrmd Gatif.t of July ia will published a table showing that IAIO mile of new main line track were built la the 6rst six months of this year in the United Mate,catnst 3930 in thecorresnondinff period last year. If this ratio is maintained through ! oat the year, the total new mi Wag i would be about 3Soo mile. The Southern stale have built 4 per cent. of I he total new construction of this year, am the Southwestern state 14 per cent, tnllivaa Arrested. Nashville, Term., July 1 1. John I. Sulli van wis arrested thi morning at the epot here, on requisition from the governor of Mis. siseipiii. He wss harried to amidst the wildest excitement, lie was afterwards di charged a the State bad ao jour rsdict ion in the matter, A Bay AeeldeaL a Salem, July 11. Billy Nicen, a boy 16 years olJ, who came here from ten mile below Portland three month ago, struck ISertieOlin. ger, aged S.tbis evening with a small rock over in right eye, inflicting a severe but not a dan gerou wound. Scvtral tors were hauling the leader cart of a fire cnetne. , and Nieean wss trying to boat the maller bov. The Utile let. low threw gravel and small pebble at him for uhcb wnue, ana nnauy ne pKkea up arock and threw at the crowd, with the above result. Nkea wss arrested and lodged in the ciiv kil. lie is an orphan. Hi motbt wss shot at the Dalles aix year ago, a brother was drowned there, aad hi father died at Portland four year go. He i not considered a bad tery, and the muc iaas are blamed a much he. Tkelf Weelea Xl.l. oalkm. Or., July 10. .Thomas Kay, chie projector of the woolen mill, who has Uen ia the Eastern Mate and England, the pant few monihs,csamining and purcharing macbin. ery, arriveil here to-day. All of the machinery for the mill ha been hought.cvety article being of tbe best and latest improved pattern. A joint stock compsny willbeorgsnized nest Monday and the contract let immediately for the building of a mill 54x120 fcct.three stories high. Br Tyler Dead. Richmond, Va., July 10. Mr ex Presi dent John Tyler died at the Excbang hotel thi evening from a congestive chill She had only been at the hotel since Sunday evening and wa to have left Monday to visit n son on the James river. Tuesday forenoon she w taken with a congrettivc chill, Medici! skill proved of ao avail, and she died at a quarter past five this afternoon. etleaabarg. EllensBL-bg, WT.; July 10. The loan "ices bave been crowded all day with people aaxiont to mortgage property for money to re build. 1 her. u a disposition on the part of tne agents to give all a fair show. The lead, ing agencies have no hesitancy in negotiating Jong loan at 8 and 9 percent, net on gilt edged businesa property.som a even a low a 7, Con. tract for brick buildings to-day has increased the total to 4000 feet frontage, an increase of 1000 feet since yesterday. Only Bore. Little Rock, Ark., July io.The Kilrain party passed through Little Rock this afternoon They were passenger on tbe Iron Mountain train from the smith, en route to St Louis. A reporter accompanied the party aa Baring Crossing. " A friend of the reporter's introduced him to Kilrain and party. Kiirsia wa very sick, and from all appearance woe badly used up. The fact that he wa sore from ring punishment could not be better 1 Dust rs ted than by noticing him when he attempted to put on hi coat, Aaotber Jekaslowa Flood. Johnstown, NY., July 10. The ' water which came up over thi village last night sub sided this morning, I ut left scenes of destruc tion in every direction. The water rote fifteen feet and overflowed everything. It ha fallen ten feet. Ten people are missing and the bodies of four have been recovered, all Johnstown people. The missing people were among n crowd of from thirty lo filty who stood on a stone bridge at ferry treet watching tbe rising water, regardless of danger until the bridge give away. , When Baby wa sick, we fare her Caatoruv VThan she was a Child, shs cried for Cantorla When she became atlas, the elung to Castoria Whan aha had ChlMr.ii, aba fare them Csatorli. When the bank of the canal break, ibe water immediately rushes out to find a receive. fiseklen' Arnica Salve. Tk. baat Stive In fth. m-lrf I.... ' b i band. Chilblain., Cora., and all bkli Eruption, aadl PoaiUT.Ir tuxe Hie.- or no n Mmbi i. i. - nuU, girt p.i!.tti.(art(ou, or money nruaaV ed, Priea U erata par box.' For saks bv Fo.h.v ..rii A gentleman who had suffered ffi eat.nnnw ance and pain from barbers itoh.and who bad been treated by the beat physician, without relief, says that butt In. nf rtmrA' Speoifio cured him and left smooth, without a cr It neverfaJ inula disease. Sold by Fcshary ft Mason, Pltcher'tvCostorlal THE MAN ABOUT TOWN. Harry Bethune, the champion footracer of the Pacific Coaot, wat In town Wedne. day, the gue.t of II. It, Quell. They leave for Albany where they Intend matching a race with Cnmeron. Lebanon Exfriit . . 1 111 II The man look about a much like Harry Bethune a the M. A. T. Ue I not even champion of Seattle, where he reside. ury. Men are only boy grown bid, and It I well, that tuch I the case. The clrcu comes and goe and all the boy tumble Sullivan and Kilraln tought.and all the me are practicing with the gloves. Moving t'.ielt Is flue excrcie and every man slmuld know something obout the art of self de fense. A little science with a little body U often more powerful than no science and a bin bod v. (let n and drill but do not let vour anurv missions rise, for scran ping matches are brutal affairs and puffed up noses affect the beauty 01 tne face ui vine. This Is sort of a selfish world, lt Is every man for himself and let the flood engulf the hindmost. In order to navl gate now-a-daya It seems necessary to watch only your own rudder and cripple your neighbor If vou can. That I a poor course an principle, and If allowing your own cow to run at larue maaea a neign bor desire to do likewise you should keep iter up. A hij MlbU Caot Stone, representing the Pacific Land Co., an Immense syndicate of Michl gan capitalists, a member of which Is the millionaire, Governor Alger, Is In the city In tbe Interest of the company. The com pany now has Ihree large milts running In Washington Territory and propose erect Ing three a large one In Oregon, One of these I to be built on the Santlam, just where Is not yet known.but probably pret ty close to the Oregon Pacific. Capt Stone, who Is a shrewd man and keen observer and know the business thoroughly, says the Santlam offers one of the grandest water power to be found any where,oneof unlimited power, a fact Linn county peo ple are to be congratulated over. The mill building will cover a space 600x900 feet, and will have a capacity af 600,000 feet a day, making It the largest mill in Oregon. It will take a twelve double en gine or 1 300 horse rower to run It.and will. in connection with the buslness.rcqulre the services of several hundred men. I he plant will represent several hundred thou sand dollar In money. Albany will be the headquarter In the valley for the en terprise. Where the other mills will be erected we do not know, but perhaps the Calipoala will get one and the Wet Side another. UOMifcM Kl I.K HAZA Alt' -' ar a Long Ways at J alias Uradwhl I have made arrangements for buying good direct from the factories In Europe and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast. The following are some of my rash retail price 1 K donen unbundled '.ea cup and saucer, JJ eta. dotcn unhandled coffee cups and sau cers, 4 eta. i doicn handled coffee cups and sau Cera, 50 ct. cktfcn seven Inch dinner plates, 45 cts. These goodi are all Iron stone China and not a cheaper grade of good.. I havs also added good .lock of .jrocerlr, which I ask people t call and examine and judge for themselves as to quality and prices. lutii's Caaowoml. Itetrl Arrival, Excimni.k Hotkl. V II CurlU t T Tougher ; A Slater j J R Bedford t W Metnold ; J llo'.e ; Wm St John ! J II Uonnan ; li L Drown, V'lualia, Cal ; P I laeerty, Oregon : 1 Lafranz. Uavenport. Ia ; G Van Rurcn : v Sostcllo ; Sen Johnson, city ; J Hlnrhmon , U !! Mai.h, I v. Carnnelt ; J Pou rss. Ravaaa HoiSK A Wltaon, city: II Wetter; A J Curtice, Yaqulnaj II ii Nve, Sweet Home: K Ilowensilne; J 1) Wood, Philoma'.h; T Nlcilon, Seattle; DJ On try, COUentr:L Kulicn and wife, 81 em; G Lamb, W H Lrakin, M Wood, S Kj L Lowenberg and children, A I) lienen, Portland; G l Brown. N Y; S Ellrrbe. St Louis; R Breese; R Murpbv, Chicago; CLIIuiMev. Medford: U Ambler, Ub anon; K N Tandy, llarrlsburg, St Cmabi uh. Vv Hartle.s, M A Neu gssa, Corvalli. : Geo Cutting, ti Bool. S F GrUslm. E M Taylor, C W In galls -s ? i W A Wood worth. E Clark.Chicego ; T II Hubbard, J Kuhen and wife, Sulem ; T Lowenburg and wife, M B Lowenburg.lda, Roa and iCsrllna Lowenburg, S C Nash, Will Goldman. l'oi Hand ; I N 8inith,ciy ; C M Gilbert, NY; G A Brodie ; M G Lisher. J W lamrs.W ii Wrlght,L Waugh, y Leepcr, M I lloovcr.R Krux. O R Ity. KL-sallot-aa Cll Pcarce, Corvallis ; l Connell, Salem ; C ChUtuel, Oakland. Caljjil Sutherland, Oakland : W II Gill, city ; F U GUI, city j G W I'aUlev, city 1 L W Davis, Oregon Cltv ; L hi McGill, Central Station. West Va ; Wm Windham, llalseyj W R Ilollenbech. Eugene ; R McCrow, Salem ; II Gable, Cal ; W T R Miller, Phoenix ; J J Gra ham, Millcra : Wm Strong, city ; I N Smith, city ; E A Burgund ; M Laurl ; W Prat her ; E Sananr ; J E Myers ; II E Burmestcr ; M Eeikle ; E Schneider. A Kafe Inveatmeat, Isore which Is euaranlaad to brln yon saUefee tnry rawHs. or In aa of failure a return of purchase price. On thla safe plan you can boy Irom our ad vaniwd brorfistabMUe of (jr. Kbit's New IHs aorary forCwiabniplioa, U la guaranteed to brine railaf In every oaa.. ben uaed for auy affartloa of Throat, Lone, or Chan, emtb aa Co miraMlon, la a.nraiatkm of Lang., UronchHl. Airthma, Wtin.plt.( Coach, Croup, no.. e. U 1. ptwaut and aermhl. 'o laMO, parfnctly as'., and ran alT.ue d-pernled npon trial bolUes free st Foaliay Mason 'a, If von re nervous or irritsl.Ie.frel languid, dispirited, or if you have sick be.d.che, esl Inw com) lexionnflensive your livr is out i.f order and needs lousing. )r. Henley' Dandelion Tnic rrttorea th liver to healthy action and tones np tbe entire sys tem. Sold by Foshsy Sc Mason. A dry, hacking cough keep the bronchial tube in a stats of coos t ant irritation, which, I( not speedily removed, may lead to bron chitis. No prompter remedy can be had than Ayer'e Cherry Pectoral, v hich is both sn nodyne and expectorant. us. Wright' Myrrh tooth sosp come tr? con queror every time yon hsve "a brush" with it. Death to tartar and decay. Sold by Foahay ti Mtton. Not on person in fifty arrive at the sge of forty, who i not troubled with kidney or urinary complsiata in aom form. To those afflicted with pain in the back, non retention of urine, nervous debility, psinfnl or tup pressed menstruation, we can offer a remedy that baa been in coustsnt use oyer twenty years, Oregon Kidney Tea. Thi preparation ha done more for suffering humanity than any other medicine in the market. Sold by Foshsy & Mason.. Wright's Arabian" Horse Liniment acta quickly od 1 flrctuali.y, and has no tupeiior ss a M trrHy for snimals in all rate where a inimirt ia rtquirei Sold by Foshay & Mason. ' t ' An ounce of prevention Is better thsn a pound of cuio. Pfundr' Oregon Blood Purifier expel all impurities ot tbe blood snd should be aed in all diseases of the stomach, liver and kidney. Take It. Portland, Or., Jan. 12th. Hsviuff a severe hack ache last summer, J tried tbe Oregon Kidney 'lee, T used one ear. which effected a radical cute. I would ret ommend it to ail who are tfllioted a an an failing remedy.- JnuusAcn, Sold by Foshay & Maton- ieee" ' Mr Secretary Tracy's promise to reorganize the navy Department on a business basis hna a proper and a pleasant sound, So had Mr Pres ident Harrison's Civil Service Reform pledge. It is results that count. - President Harrison's example has great boom to the Sunday excursions. given a BOMK ANOABUOtO THURSDAV. i o6ming in style Arobery in the tsit A steam ferry is to be had at Corvalli within a few week. Albany thnold have a Saturday evening Band oimoprt. Cannot the matter be arr anged. Wear big enough fur suoh a lux A osr lsd of lilums bss already been sliiu- pod from Msl.m to Dsayar by 8 A Clarke. Oregon against the world iu plum and prune. 3 M Elgin will soon onmmnuoe harvesting In. 1000 .urr of fall iirslu, wlilrh It sltmot d to averagn twenty-live Im.hul to tliaacrv of meroliotbl whost. Crops Ilk this do not iud.oate a "failure." E, 0. Itev A J llutisaknr who for mm time hat bu preaching for tha JUptist Churah at Wsstoii has beu called and acoonted th pstlorst of the Baptist 2haroh at lodepen il.noe. II will also haveobargeof tha North ralestin ennren. Th atreet ear line will be ready for th car with th xorpiiun of the twitch by to morrow evening; hut the car will bcrdiy t resdy for the tmek brforetbe 1st of Septem ber. Dsyton Cynnell. twenty. four year old, wo killed at Hook ford during the tie! 'ra tion there on the, Fourth by a sky-rouket, which stfiok him in th neck, severing the wind-pip. Dr MeAlllster and family bsv gone to tti Hay on iht ir summer trip. L B Blsiu and wife will leave nest week fur Sao r'rstjcisoo. to be gone several week. Mr Jacob Kes. ono Linn county's most whulesouled and pubUe spirited cilixensi in Albany to day. Miss Wood in, of Tmir!A, si.terof Mr A B Woodin Is iu th city speeding her sum mer vaaation. Th Miase MoKarlaml, dsaRhUr of Ml W H McKarlsnd, doeaased, of Oakland,, Cal, are in the eity the guest if their uucle, Mr N B Bprenger. s-HIBAV. Lsrua quantities of hay are beia brdugbt to the eity. Albany to Astoria, that I th program, Uood by Salem, The rails have reaohed tb Mt Chartr on he street csr line. 1 1 tliler k Paisley, tb job printer., are fair y ruth.d with work. I There are three weod sswig autrit in Al-! bany. Th Celualial must go. Mr Stark, of Will A Stark, leturned t dsy from a week's outu.g at tbe Kay. . RaUton Col, Ibe advertising grocer, of Orvallw, baa sold hie bue to E K l'.ij dock D.llas ha. a lady's base ball elub. and re eently they beat au old man's elub in a mas terly manner. Sullivan wa arreetad at Ka.hvilla veaUr. day. They will probably actually flue him a law dollar. Tb ice work ar crewded with basinees. and Mr t" II I'f.llf. r'a wagon is rushed to meet tb demand of a warm public. Of th large number of vUilore at th H.y lliaio .a-n. t-i In mi.r. oamp-r. than uuI i Camping not is tlio l.viiie tD.ii- thi year Tha Salem Sloietman after kt. at r areb oaa aiaoover.a tn laut tbat the eta pr-m aawwiation la to be n.ld al Newport OQ S.t urday, Aug. 10. Pruiiauly tha beodemat bird in etisUooe I. tha Chinese phaaaaut. lie may eat wheat but um not every country that oaa boast of j eucn a poaaeaaioa . Oregon City' aoap facto, y msnufaeture 1 S0.UUO poands a week. If tbe people of tbst eity would only as tbe fall to? tbey eoald aaaily keep clean. Aa Amerioto wa arrested oa tbe Austrian frontier for having in hi Inggsg unmistak able dynamite bomb On further ioveett. Kl"n tbey proved to be eoonaaoU. eom thing tbe Aosviao authwitiee hen never aeen. Th quarterly eonfersaea of the M E church will be held to morrow evening at S o'e'jck and tegular qosrlrly eereicee on Sabbath mntoing and eveoloc. Rev 8 P Wdeoa, PE, 1 here and will eonduct tbe meeting. At KUebnrg there were tixteen sloon in tb block bounded by Main, Pearl, Tbira sid Pnarth ireU. All of tht were eleaued out iu the recent lire, leaving bat one other in town, wbtcb wa ctoeed by the aatboritiae. If a maa ha a quarrelsome temper, lei him alone. Tbe world will soou And him rtuplo) ment. He will soon meet with some ooaairooet th.o himself, wbo will repay him batter than yon can. A man may light duel all bia life if hats, disposed to quarrel. Cecil. Grand Dale Alexia, the brother of tbe cstr, wno vetted the Uuiie4 Statee aev.r.l sear mgr, baa been removed from hi itmr. a lord high admiral of tha Ruaeiau flt ud fat to Siberia ia di .grace. Ilia conduct toward tha sister of the 1st General -SkoUU eff is tb cause. There are some very ottine men in thia world. One le lUubea tl.etio, an Ohio farmer, w ho had a hone tnln .igbt year ago, and wbo ha been looking fi r the thief ever since The other day. alter having traveled three tbousaod mile awd (pent tDUO, b got hi man in South Carolina, to Hud that there were four more set iou charge ahead ol hia. Mr Cbaa Storv and child. .f Eat Port land, are )u th eity the guest of Mr D B aiooieiiii. M f W B Rice and children who have been suiting in tbe city several weeks, left last eight lor their horn at Ashland. Mr Harry Pierrine, who recently HI from Mr house, breaking a rib, t 00 th streets sgmo, but wi'l be onsbi to work (or several da Mr. Stewatt. a caw civil engineer on the urrgoo r.cino. its arrived in tbe eity from the East with bia fmily. II ha rented Mr Arch Monteith' residence and tbey will mske Albany their home. Hie Edith Hughes, of Salem, wbo has baea ia the citv soma tima tha DncaS of tha Miase Mason, returned to her home yester- aay noon, aim iiugnea recently graduated imm ute eontervatoty or musio 01 tbe Will amette university. ATDRDAT. Five cows in th pound, oue of them beiug oen ureuner , J-hn Shr, ol Sweet lloma, and Jodge xaony, ci iiaiii.tuig, are 111 tb city. Tbe grand recorder .f "the A O U W of uregon will get IISUO a yew hereafter. Geo W Harri leave, oh Muo.tay f r Hirney Valley, by way f the Barlow route Th testimony in th Workman divorce caa la betag taken before Judge Powell. Robert Archibald, of Whiteaker. in born tag a tree also burned twenty aero of tin wheat. Reports from the Santlam miaes tell of lively work there among miner, and torn tattling results are anticipated. There are ten bank in Snokau Falls, with n ag®at capital of $14,500,000 and M, 000, 000 in deposits. Republican. Oen Lish Applegate has moved on a ranch in Josephine oonnty. It ia to be hoped the General will give up the publio ttuinp. The Jacksonville jail wa burned yester- uay morning, a nree prisoners, Henry Hoov er, F Warner and Ned Cook were suffocated and died before beiug taken out. The Lilly Clay company gave a display ol female running gear fa our city last Friday evening. Two squawa and about oue ban dred men were in altendsnca.-r-?rsrifer. The Nebraska editors will be is Oregon n a few days. , . have not learned whether they will be in Albany, Without coming here their trip rill have been in vain. The woman book agent, who recently wiuted so much excitement among our busi s men while cauvassiug toe city, is her" sin delivering hor bi'ok. She is a success ful agent.:. TO Maxwell, of Springfield, bid one nt hi an kits broken If st Saturday A bav rsk running over his foot was the cau.e of tho xcoideot. The member wsa net hv Dr Paine. McDonald ami Harris. Kuerir Guard. Thursday night, while ridiniron a railroad hicycle near Dundee, Klmer Swan aud Peter Boyd were thrown down sn embankment eighty-five feet. Both were fearfully bruised and remained pinioned under the bioyole un til the next morning, It is thought they will Uve. Capt Stone ha also been in Lane county investigating our lumber interest, and we ar informed that he is seriously thinking of establishing one of the three mills on either the Siuslsw, Willamette or MoKenxie river. It would be a great thing for our county to have such a mill. Eugeus Guard. George 0 Milo. tbe preacher actor, form erly of Chicago, i now playing a profitable Children Cry for 81iakpearlan too In Auttralia and is In a fair way to make hi fortune. At Mel bourn his box eilioe receipt for two week of "Hamlet" were 110.000. Miln was id At bny aeoapt year ago, playing to a imall nous. ; No 1 of the Lifsvette Lvlijer has keo re eeived. . DorrisAc WesttMd are edilots and proprintor. Mr Sid Dorris, the senior member is a former resident of Albany and will rustle the Lriljftr into the (root rank nf Ysmhill journalism. The paper is well gotten Of and will be a good thing (or Lafay ette. Gsll has been hesrdfrom. Here it is from sn exchange! "Tha other night at Parming ton th bell cord of tha pssnger was palled nd th train stopped to allow a mn and his wile to gt 00 Dnard who g tstioulated excit edly for the privilege. On bosrd the train, I tna enuple kissed a Isdy good-bye, who hail pieviously stepped on the osr platform, aft er which pt.rformanae they jumped olf again and annlerad lelinraly away, as if nothing unusual hd happened. The thought of ne vr.m men at nisi mninrni wouiil look hard in eold type." Mr Frank Will I rusticating at the Bay Mr Virgil Parker and family loft this noon for th Bay. i 3 In IWiina Citv t. day 00 business. Mr and Mr Peter 8chIoSsernd sou hsv gone to the mountain. Mr and Mr Fred Blumbsrg left Udy for Ysqiiina Bsy on a hort trip. , . . a. . ... . r.srneo t nesniu and wife, ol Hsattle. ar yiiting the former's mother in thi cit). Mr I N Hmiih, whole milling big barn for Mr M jV.,h ,u i t, U.ley, ha been in the otiy to day Mi Ida Porter, who bss been teaching choul at Caonuvilie, has return d to her horn at Bbedd. Dr. Hammond, 8hrilf of Union cointy, and a osmlid.te for U S Msrslisl, hsa been rusticating at tha Bay, 3 W Cufran, t he insurance man, wns msrried to Mlas M C C mroy in 80 Fraiicis eo Wednosdsy evening. , Mr John Moycrand wife, nf Providence. It I, arrived iu All any this morning on a visit to Mr Conrad Meyer, a brother f the former. They have been separated for near ly thirty yesrs , Mr John Duucan and family arrivul iu the city yttter.lay evening from I'rineville, which they I, ft, Monday erenii.g. 1ey will make thia place their tome, and Mr Duncan will open a law olliue here. M r E C Cros. oue of Salem', butchers waa iu'the city yesterday. He had been through tbe ouaoty baying Lett cattle, and succeroVd in buying about on buudred, sufficient for a mouth' run in hi shop. Merit W in.. We daalr. u say to mir cHluma. that for tati bare bwi a.Mn( In. King'. i.w liMorrtwrv fur Con MitrtlH, Vr Kiuc'. K.w l.ll. I'll!.. Kucklm's Al nioa aal.. au r.lMrina l!lllr, a'ia ha., ntnar nano- Im renwdlM tk.l mil a. all, or Diet have given eiu-b ttnivanal aatUlautPm. W. do not haMtal. in sar anta Um avery tlma, and we eland rmvif to riuod tlw imrrhaM prii, U aatlartirt; lwu(U do not M- lawtiMlruas. TnaM mMdM aive uwtr gmn popularity mtrsly on I hair merlta, Fuabay and Ma aun, druggliaa. Chare) Mireetary. IT. P.Cinnoit. I'reauhingevery Sabbath, morning and arming by Rev. f, G. Ir vine, l. I. .Sabbath School at 2;3tt T. M Praywr m-wtiii: avry Wsvlneaailay evening. Ev AJtUBUCAL Cat vax-B. -Preaching on Sab Vth ai 11 (W . a., aud 7 r. it. .-Sal.UUi IA4SI Pr.w inttnii mw-m VV-1. B...U. 7.311 il.v K,.h.r mite' Altera iavitad. it v r-r,...- r.,.i.i- -.7?. r-""'ir: oanuavo ntorving as 11 o cioca A. at. sou 11 o'clock r. M. SabUth School at 10 o'clock ! A. at. Prayer metig Weduceday evening'. at 7 oVlock! lU,v.D.H.Comm, Paatorf M. EXucrch. Preaching every Sabbath morning and evening. Song service ia the evaoJ lg befor aarmon. Sabbath School at 2.30 p m. Prayer meeting every Tbura- dyreninj. It v. H V, tYsbb, pastor. 8abUtb "mowg denTChnrch cor. Broadalbio and r iftbSU Suuday School immtately after the morning service, Prayer neeting every edocaday ev.nit'g Rev K R Priohard, pa. tor. Ftmrr BArTlftCaciu.-H. Preaching every nal bath morning and eve' Church oa &tb Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning eervions. Prayer meeting evee Tbordy evening at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Trutnbcll, paator. CoNOiutoATioNALCuoiu;H.-ervtoeaevry ftabbath morning and evening. Sabbath School at 12.15. ayer meeting oa week. Itev. Wadaeeday evening af each uoger, raator. Curihtiam Cm f sen -''reaching every lirt Sabbath 10 mouth, morning and evening, p 1 1 a'cbck Sahbatb Kchool at 10 'ctok,A. 'aj. lUy llampbreys. Pastor. Catholic Ghcvii. Service every Sun day at 10:30 A U. and 7 P. M. Ust Sondsv of the month service at Eugene City. Rev. Lout MrUer, Rector. PIANOS. TUovt wisbfiiK a flr-tla Instrurqc., abould call at Mr. B. 1C Hyman'a and at one of tboaa execrated lletnme dt Long planoea, exoei.ent rich tone. )'. favnally tuede and ada ted lo ttaud tb. climate on the Paclllo t'oaat. Krery piano fully gnat antoed for S yeerv. Tbe li test shoet-inuslo for aale, Mulc and tiniing leosona given there. Also the place to gnt yoor new Sewing Machine. Kaney work and dreaa inaktog done' to order, first door east of 1 onng'e oi l stand, Albany, Ore.. Notice for Poblication. United 6taoa Mnd Offlc. ) Uregon City, Juno 20, lh89. j Notion ia hereby given tbat la com pi I anna with tb. proviainna of the act ol Congress of June 3rd, 1878, entitled "An act for the aale of timber land In tbe Stat or California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," William U Requa.of PortUnd.couuty of Multnomah, S.aie of Oregon, baa thla day filed in thia offioa bia .worn statement No 1033, for tb. puroha. of tba K X of N W J and lota 1 and 2 of . -taction No, 18, in Town ablp No. 10 aouth, Range No. S east, and will offer proof to show that the land aougbt la m ira valuable for tta timber or tone than for agricultural pnrpoeea.and to establish bia claim to raid land before the Regloterand Receiver of tblsoiltoeat Oregon City, Oregon, on Tareday. the ljlh 4ay r aepieasber, 1089, II. nameaa wltneaaea: John Wend and O, a. IWnni-it, of Tncouia, Pi.rco oounty. W, T , and Ik Herhey and C O. Tyner, of Port and, Multnomah oouu ' ty, Oregon. Any and all peraone claiming adverae IV the above deecrlbed laoda are request ed to file their claim In thla office on or before said 17th day of September, 1889. W, T. RURMAY, Register. Hotic8 for Publication, United 8utea Land Office, Oregon City, Or., June ;20, 18S9. J Notice I hereby given that in ocmoll- anc with tha provision of th. act of Congrea of June 8rd, 18,8, entitled "An act lor the eala of timber lands in tb. Htateu of California, Oregon, Nevada nd Waablngton Teiritory " Dayid Herehey, ol Portland, county of Multnomah, Stat, ot Oregon, has thla day filed iu thia office bia aworn statement No, 1032, for the pnr chase of tbe 8 K J of Hection Ko. 12, in Township No. 10 auuth. Range No. 2. east, and will offer proof to show that tbe land nought ia uior valuable for It tim ber or ntoo. than for agricultural pur poaea, and to establish bis claim to eaid land befoie the KegUttr or Receiver of thi office at Uregon Oily, Oregon, to Taesday, the lJta day ar Brplember, 1SS He names aa witness : Johu Vt et and O A Bennett, ..fTaooma, fierce county, W. T.andW H. Requa and C. O Ty ner of Portland, Multnomah county. Or, Any and all persona claiming advise)y thebove-rlesi rihed lande ar rtquented to file their claims in tbie office on or bo fore 'aid 17ta day of September, 18e9. . W :i BtJf NKT, Keglbtei, lilt s I The?, peptic, tit. debilitated, whetb. r from exceaa of work of taixid ox body, Urluai. or expoaur. In " XIalarial 'Begionsa sjrill find Tott'aPllla the moat arenial a-m tor atlve ever oflervd. tbe aufleriuir Try Them Fairly. A ylfrorona body, jparo blood, atrons ttervaa and cb.erfail xn ind w ill res alu SOLD EVESWEE2E, Pitcher's Castorla. 3! , , um, i-- - - - -I 11 un. ir ' tor Infants and Children. ''Caetarla I so well adapted toeaOdren that raotorl enraj Coll. Constipation. tU 80. Oxford 8L, liroofelyn, . Y. WuSWoi-iona toedloatloa. Tea CoaTAca CoarAirr, 77 Murray Btreet, 1. T. Adviee te Mothers, Mr. Winalow'a Koothlntf Syrop, for children teething, I th. prescription of one or tba beat remain nuraee and pnyei clan In tha United Htatoe, and ha ben uaed for forty yesrs with never-felling mlkws by millions of mother for their children. During tbe prooea of teetblnr IU value la lncalouabti. It releavea th. child from pain cure dyootry and dlar rboea. arlninK In the bowal. and wind ooiio. Hy giving hltb to the child tt rente tb. mother. Price arm. a bottl.. Combinea the Juice of the Blue Fig of CslifoVnia, so laxative and nnuitious, with th medicinal virtue of plants known to bo most beneficial to the human ytem, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDHYS, LITER AUD BOWELS AMD TO Cleanse the System Effectually, aoTUAT PURE BLOOD. REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one U owng It i and all are delighted with tt. Ask your ! druggist for SYRUP OK FIGS. Manu factured only oy tne CALFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO- Sam raaacisco, Cau Lpmni t. K v. 'sw Yoaa. HOW TO GO EAST. Go East via Mount Snahta Route. Kse : cli'Ptj and scenery at all time of tbe year ; 9. MoootSbaata, Sacramento, Ogden, Salt Lake. Denver. Fineat eecood-claae can. . . ,;,.k.t. ... ' AlhJllTJM 1 U. .T! ".' ""J""' Tn.l, ,k.V",' ,1 "V I TJVT XISZTJZ tha IT..itd States. Call on me for raUs. I W. L. JkaTEK. . v r t t, S. P ) - , ; jAiSCL WrQfVIl sillllS . " W j gQjj LAXX1XG A CO., HOPE'S. j aBW tacvm rtoca eurxatoa row eajiiMr aitd xakxiui fil BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Hi-hest 'Pric in Cab fo Wheat O. K. Paint Shun. rlouse and Carria Painte' Decorator and Paper Hanger Piano Varnkhlnar. All vor "tiamntaed. S B. VASSAL! 0 (Saoceason Ut Henrv "-anmat.) WILL BROS, Dealer In all th. il4stimprove !i.nj Orgac, .Sowing Marnl , Guns. Alao a full lion of warrwntod Kaxore, Butcher and rocket Kntvo. The uet kind of sowing mocliin oil, neodlM and extras, for all tnacitlncn. Ail itra.-ttog; neatly and reasonably done. " The treatment of maov thouaanda of nuea of those chronic weaknesave and distreatung allmcnu peculiar to females, at tb Invalids' Hotel and Sunrical lnaUtuUu Buffalo, N. V- ba afforded a vast experience lo uicely adapt- Ing and thoroiifrhly teetiug retnodiea for our. of woman's poouliar moladica. ure or woman s lr. Plerce'a tavorlle rreeerlwtloa I the outgrowth, or result, of this great and valuable experience. Tbousaiids or teatimo. ouUa, received from patient and from pbvsi ciaus who bave tested it lu the more sg--ra- nwa anu uusiianw mm', wnicn nau iaiut-a their skill, nrove It to be the moat womlorful remedy ever devised for the rcik-f aud cure of ufferms; women, lt I not recotuiiicnded aa a "cure-all,'' but a a most perfect Specific for woman'a peculiar ailments. Aa powerful. Invigorating tonle. It Imparts atrengrth to the whoiu eystcm, and to the womb and iu appcndHgva In rjarttcular. Vnr nnvwArlrMl " run-down," debilitated tcaclseni. milliner. droasmakor. eeamstwasoo, "sliop-a-ii In," houatv. keepcrs, nuramg mothers, and feeble women generally. Dr. Pierce'e Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon, being uncqtialed a an appetising cordial and restorative ionic Aa a. aootblug and atrcttgtkeiiliig aervine. -ravorite frescriptiou " ie u-je- Sualed and I Invaluable in allaying- and ub uing nervous excitability. Irritability, ti- nausuon, prostrauon, hyBtcria, spasms and otlier dlatreasinar. nervous avmni.ii.. mm. monly attendant upon functional and organlo uiBrase or wo womo. il induces refreshing aleep and relieve mental anxiety and de- aponuency. Dr. llercee Favorite Preecrlptlon compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, aad adapted to woman'a delicate mm m leniimaM ..r.iii. orgauuation. jt j purely Tegctabl in it composition and perfectly harmless in lu effects in any condition of the eyetem. For morning alukness, or nausea, from whatever cause arising, weak stomach, indigestion, dys- Sepgia and kindred symptoms, iu use, in small osea, will prove very beneficial. " favorite. Prescription I. poal. tlv. euro for the most complicated and ob atlnate cose of hmeorrhea, excessive flowing, painful menstriintion, unnatural auppreesions, prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak back, female weakness, auteversion, introversion, beerlng-dowo sensations, chronio oongeetion, Inllammation and ulceration of th womb, ln liKmniation, pain and tenderness in ovariea, accompanied with "internal ticnt." . Aa a regulator and promoter of func tional action, at that "critical period of change from girlhood to womanhood, " Favorite pre. eeription " is a perfectly safe remedial ascot, and oan produce only good results. It is equally efncaciou aud valuable in its effect when taken for those disorders and derange. menU incident to that Inter and most critical period, known as " The Change of Life." "Favorite Prescription," when taken In connection with tha use of Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Disoovery, and small laxntlv. doses of Dr. fieroe'a PurmtiH Pli.t l.lttu Liver Pills), cures Liver, Kidney and Bladder dlseaaee. Their combined use also removes blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and crpfulnua humors from the system. "Favorite Prescription" is the only medicine for women, sold by drug-gists, under a positive guarantee, from tbe manu facturers, that it will givo satisfaction in every esse, or money will bo refunded. This guaran tee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and laithfiilly earned out for many- years. Large bottles (100 doses) $1.00, or aix bottles for $5.00. For largo. Illustrated Treatise on Disease of Women (ltW pagea, paper-covered), tend tea oeuU ia stamps. Address, . . I'srliT? Clspenssry Judical Jlssoelatiss, : ; 603 Kaiu Sfc, X5ITTAXO, Jf-T. i 3 Timber Land Notice, United KUtea Lend Office, Oregon City, or.. Jan. iMb, W9. Notice I brireby given that In compli ance with tb. provision of the act of Congress ot June Srd, 1K78. 'ntltlod "An act for tbe sale of timber land In tb. Niatea of California, Oregon, Nevada and v.iiiigtoii Territory .'Krenk KHteven. if Moniesaiio, county of Cb.nalla. TeirU lory of Wtanlngton, iia this day filed in Mils ilT" hia a worn ateuiment No, IUiO, for lb urchaneof tlmS W lA of Section Mo. T , 10 Township No, 10 honib Hang. N". trust, and will otter rroof to show thai the land sought I more yatnable for Itatlnberor aloou thsn for agricultural fMirpoaor, and to eaiabllan bl elatm to aaldland befor tbe Register and Ke eelver of thia t.ltro at Oregon City, Oi., oa rrlday. I he Sells way ef Srptraauer, la. He tame, a wim ; TU n Kne, II. Martin, . W. Ball and John West, a I of Moiiteano. Chebait coonty. Washington Territory. Any and a.; per sona claiming adveriely tbe above de acnb.0 lands are requested toiii. their clalofi in this rtllce 011 or before said 20tb day of teepteuiber, I'ekQ V, T. utrR.y, , Heglsier. Mice for FuMication. Land Office at Oregon Citv, Or. Jan. 2kb, i J Notice ia hereby erlven that th. follow. log named settler r.aa filed notice of bia I Intention lo uiak. final proof in support of bia claim, and tbat said proof will be made befor tb. County J u'tge r in ot ahaence, efore tb. Couttty Clerk of Linn county, U Albany, Or., on tlenday, Aagn.t lh, IWI, vix: Martin it usyiorn. tionrieatean Knlry No. 4912, for tbe M W j ol Mec 8, Tp. 1 H K 1 K, ila nsrsw the follow ing wiinesaoa to prove bia comfnnone real denceupon ami cultivation of eaid land vie : N. M. Harris, M, A. Fitzgerald, G. Pamell and O. Oaylord, all of Lebanon, . Linn oonnty, Oregon. Any praon wbo deairea to protest tb. allowance of aucb proof, or wbo know of any anbotantlal reason, under the law and tba regnlationa of tb. Interior Department, wby each proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at tbe above mentioned lime and plane to crow examine the wttneaaeo of said claimant, snd to offer evidence in rebuttal of that or ni'.tted by claimant. W,T Brnwarr, register. limtetlani Eotice-. United Mate Land OfTiee, Oregon City, Or., Jon. 2Mb, 1S89. Notice ut hereby given that in conapU no. with th. provision of tb. act of Con gresa of June 3rd, 1878, entitled "An act for tba sale cf timber land in th. Mates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Tboms. G. Keane, of Monleano.counly of Cbebalia. Territory of W'aablngton, baa thi. oay filed tn tbi office bia aworn statement No. 1077, for the purcbaa of the Sa jnf Section No 'JZ. in Township No, 10. Booth, Ranga No, 3 ea-f, and will offVir proof to aaow tbat tbe land sought ia more valuable for it timber or atom than for agricultural purpose, and to eatabliab bia claim to aaid land before th. Register and Receiver of tbie r fflce at Oregon City, Oregon, oa Friday, Ibe thi day ar Krtteaaber, iaas. Ha ntmeaaa witneasea: H. Martin, K. Z. eiteveca. O, W. Bell and John Weat all of Mooieano,Cbebalia county, With ington Territory, Any and all peron claiming adversely tbo above deecrib. landa ar. requested to file their claims i tbi 1 ffleo on or before said 20th day on September, 189, T.BrnjiET, Register. COLD Ifi HEAD. Try the Cure! Ely'sCre'amBalm ClearL8 tho Nasal Passa ees. Al lays Tnf ftmrrmfirm. Heals the Sores. Restores tha Sonsea of Tasto, SmeJJ ana itennng. A pourtirle U aplted lata) eavebaaeull mm4 laaareemhle- Priee 50n.t Dranu.r by await. ELY BBOIlIB3rMWairenSt.iew York. PATENTS talaad, aa all etber busiaaM is th. V. a. Pataa IBa. atMMiwM te tor awdermie tea. Ouroffloaiaoppaait tne U.S. Patent Offlea, and wa can obtain Patent less tint than those remote rora Washington. . r Send mocl. or drawing. We adv to patent ability free of charge ; and waaaake e charge aolaas w obtain patent. Wa rater here, to the Postanaster, the Bupt. of Honey Order Dir. and to official. otth.U. S. Pataat Offloe. For circular, adnee, varma, and aterenoaa o actual dieuta in your own State or eounty, address Co A. SiVOW&CO., OPPOiu Patent Office, Waahlngton. D . -i r OF PURE COD LIVER C!L &m KYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable 89 MHk. So dlsgwlaed tbat it eaa ba takea, dlge.ted, aid aaatntlated by the aau.t MB.Ittve atomack, avium the plain U eawnot b tolerated aad by the cows btnatlext wf tbe ail wrltb tha xtypopctsM. pbitaa la xnacat xaor eflicacioBa. KeatatkaMe as a -fiesa radacer. Penau gals rapidly while taking B. 8C0TT3 EMULSION is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world for the relief and coze of CONSUMPTION, CC&OFULA. GENERAL OEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRCKiO COUCKS. Tht great rwi?y for Comiumpticm, and Wasting in CkMren. Sold hv all TWmVrta. Big Q has given univer sal satisfaction In tha cure c f Oonorrbosa and Uleet. I prescribe Hand J9- Cm. In .waiutM mat m 1 j caua. auMun. I Mrtmlrbyta IruiCsaolctlOs. feel safe in recommend t"T it to all sofferers. Ciaeinaa 1. J. KT0M1B, XU) Deeatar, 111. PRICE, 81.00. Sold by Progglsta. ri Ohio. a T W itsine tt;l. STOCKMENIAND FARMERS I hereby certify that Dr. 1. N. Woortt baa UCCes.'ifullv ooentbid on mv rldorlinDr horeo, - ISAAC MAYS. For further referenda in reirard to rlde- ines inauira of Wm. Peterson. Dav Pa. terson, Lebanon i Jobn Hardroan, Alfred Wolverton, Albany; Sam Oainea, Scio; Wm. Fostt r, Priuevilln. I practice veter. Inary medicine in Albany and country eurroundii g. Offl-je and residence corner h and Wshirgton Sts. 5 Pee 1 -sr f 1 tar i sa . r X,tslfliJ M V wmw u - ty 1 I 1 1 u Veteriaary Surgeoa. t ii