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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1889)
f"Vf mt SjSOTS . fRlDAY JULY 19, 1880. 8TITE3 & NtTTTINQ. KaMtara mm4 ProarlrUrs. 111 1 1 JL 1 1.' . . . J LOCAL, RECORD. A Bad Mas Ax y way. The examina tion of James Lannlgan took place before Justice Humphrey at 4 o'clock Monday. There not being sufficient evidence to holJ him he was discharged, though there I little doubt he was the num. The follow . Ing letter found on Mm and shown the Court shows what kind of a chap ho Is : Pouti-Ano, Ju-ie ami, Pritmd I)ttH s I am In 1'onlnnd. Ar. rWed here from Seattle about five wcr'.s ago. I got In with a voting fellow that goes by the name of "Short v." lie l a irood grafter and number i shell worker, and he Is going to San Francisco, I will end him to you. He has handled sonic good "stufP'up here and In Spokane. Vou mar have a chance to make some money with him. We have been working the picnics here, a fellow called Smiley, this man and myself, expect to work the fair. It Is pretty good country, better than California, I think. Hoping to hear from you toon, 1 remain Yours respectfully, II. L. Witky, Address No. 67, Tylor street, Portland, Or. Too Mich for Him. The following is graphic account of what a little money will do with some people. " A man named Fred'k Warnecker died in Salem last Sun day, Ills demise points a moral and adorn tale. A year ago he was a gardener, happy and light hearted. He lived at Mt Tabor, near Portlar.d, raised and sold cab. bages, etc, and was harpy as a clam. Somebody came along and offered him $10,000 for a part of his garden. 1 le look It, wonderlngl and dated, In big $ao gold pieces. Then somt body else offered him f IO.OCO for an acre he had left. That tin ished him. He went plumb crsxy, thought everybody was trying to take his money away from him, and now he l gone dead. He left the $10,000 after him." Have a Tt. A trot between local buggy horses for a purse made up of en trance fees, ate, h being talked of to take place en the fair ground. One might be arranged and conducted so as to excite con siderable general interest and draw a crowd. There are some good hore here, and this would tell their merits. The track Is said to be in good condition. Horsemen desiring to bring their stock be fore the public should take the matter up. Half Starvkiv A Corvallis editor1 wife in writing from Yaquina Day says : "I stopped at the Yaquina Hotel the first night, where I met a number of friend. You would have smiled to see how stately I walked into supper with my train follow ing me a train of children I mean. My how they did est editor' folk A Fin it Thrksihsg OctriT. Mon day evening a Drmocrat man with hay seed in hi hair, visited the seventy acre wheat field of Mr. I). U. Hackleman, just west of the City, where Mr, Hackleman had set his threshing machine and begun his summer't run. For about a month Mr. Hackleman U at the head of big ei tabllshment. He lias a 33-Inch Masslllon Cyclone thresher, w lib a capacity of 3500 bushel of wheat a day that fairly gorget on wheat stalks. Two wagon are unload ed at a time, and the two band cutter, one on each Me of the fceder.are kept rustling to meet the demand of the machine. In thts field the stalk were large and heavy but the thresher gulped them down by the wholettle. Six wagons are kept running, and twenty-live men in nil are required to do the business. Mr. Ulysses Hale runs the traction cng'ne In good style, A cuok. lir outfit Is taken along and thi mm eat and sleep In the tichl tho The outfit Is a mod- I --coasi company in oatcm mui is nvi 111 ' 1 eluded in this list. The reasons are obvi- lid e-.t ! It is always said that an j ol ,he iruur,ncc companies by the Kllen ks don t get much to eat and the I , . , . , , , . way those "kid." not In. vou would have i DurS" rc -75."':- thought they hadn't had a square meal for ! suppose that t'.ie coast insurance compa R long time.'" I nies will not pay large dividends this year, 1 Tn Jomxstowx Flood Mr. J Talt i canvassing the city for the tale the "History of The Johnstown Flood." Thl i a neatly, well bound volume ef 400 pages, 35 illustration taken from photo graphs. The book embrace a history of Johnstown from the date of it settlement to the time of the awful catastrophe which befell It.belng replete with thrilling scenes, heroic behavior, sad tale of desolation, of Iom of life and destruction of pro,jcrty. This is far more authentic and full than the report published in the newspaper and is well worthy of perusal. Our one. Who Own- It. "The reported sale of the Narrow Gauge system to the Southern Pacific turns ont to have been a mistake. The SP had in a bid, so also .had the Ore gon Pacific and it Is believed that the lat ter company will be the succenful bidder and that the line will be changed to go through Clackamas county on the old Pen-1 gra route to East Portland, thus being made a part of another great transconti nental route." Silverton tW. All the aame the S P keep right along owning It How to ExjOY Lire. Very few people know how to enjoy life. Some say to themselves : "I do this or that, therefore I am amused ; I have paid sn many pieces of gold, hence I feel so much pleasure;" and they wear away their live on that grindstone.. People who buy their gro ceries and produce of Conn Brothers.though enjor life best, as they gel not only good j gooa out 00110m price. M ism sn. --.Several dy no the Dkmsv CRAr was Informed of the lust of the broth er of thi local editor of the Dumucrat In the mountains of Crook county while In specting stock In the northeast part of the county; but hoping new of hi being found alive and safe would come sal J noth ing about It. Private information and the following from the A'm make it look a it some calamity must have fallen rdmi' About the first of last May Ceo. Nulling, Crook county' ttock Inspector, went over Into the Upper Trout creek county to In tpect the numerous bnndc of sheep In that locality. He visited Knox Huston', Phil Brogan', Flnlayson', O Nell' and Tho Jones' places, and polbly others. HI horse gave out or got lck, and wa left, we believe at Jones' place, Cieo continuing hi wav on foot. He wa last teen or heard tit near Klnlayson'a place, on or near Currant creek. A the settbra over there live snn.e distance apart, nothing strange was thoti(ht of his long disappearance un til the larc of six or seven week, they all opposing that he was either still on his official round of dutr or nt home. This week Geo Dodson went over there, and, with the assistance of other, search was made tor tho missing man, but without avail, Next week regularly organised panles of men will renew the searcti. it is feared that the missing man is dead, and numerous theorle a to the probable cause .t hi death are merely vague con jectures, sou eel r worth repeating. Dili gent search wllf be Instituted for htm, and whether !-?iul or alive, ne win won nuciy be found." .-.. A R HueOn the Dbmocr AT'a table I a photograph of First Street eastward tak en from near the old Young store. It wa taken by Mr A U Paxton In Sept., iWVi.and was purchased by Jamet Elkin at Con- grega'.lonal Church fair the same year At the Stewart & Sox corner wa Y W Parrlsh & Co' store, now located opposite itsformer tlte.and used as a furniture store Mr Parrth It now a resident f Sodavllle. On the French corner was John W Cleav. cr' meat market nettcame Wash Ander son's wagon shop ; then Jo Nixon' black smith shop. Mr Nixon now reside at Lebanon. After another little frame came Foster' store, the only brick in the city, now occupied by Will & Stark. I'p stair wa the County Clerk' office and Court room ; 1) W Wakefield' drug ttore was about at the site of the Foster block. It It now part of the Pioneer House. Mr Wake field U n the real estate business In Port land. On the corner now occupied by G V Smith was Cltcadle't store. I)r Miller's (lice and residence wa at the sit of the Mcllwain block. The old building I now nearly opposite the Democrat office. Ja Klkins residence wa opposite the present Revere House and Judge iiaber resided opposite the present Kus House. Jullu liiaJ word's grocery store I teen at the preent site of the O F temple, and the same building I now occupied by Msx Kaumgart. Freetand't book ttore and the P. O. wa adjoining it. The corner oppo site Stewart .M Box's waithena "burned out" dUtricL The picture show in fine coast Insurance organ, estlmntcs the lone i shape Albany of twenty -fire year go,and nt ! brings to the mind I old resiuentt many 1 :..! .. .1 f I A CcRVALtis PARTV.Latt evening I Miss Maud Hoffman gave a very pleasant Portland Evening T.lrgtam. 1 here Is a party at ,er parent' residence, In honor of her guest, Mis Flora Mason, of Albany. clone and Is well managed hv Commander in Chief Hackleman. Th"lield in which the start Is made yields about thirty bushels to the acre, the wheat being plump and healthv. The great trouble Is too much stalk. ' Mr. Hackleman has order ahead for a long run He I In great demnnd.for hi machine absolutely save every kcr nel. Saloon Bi-rlarikii. Saturday even ing 485 In money .part being paper and the rest gold and silver, and everal W F or ders, were taken from a coat of Mr Max Kaumgart, which was hanging on a nnll in his satoon.just when or how It not known During the evening Mat took a five dollar bill from hi pocket book returning the re mainder of the money to the cont. At the time a man going by the name of Jamvt Lannlgan, a stranuer here, was present. Sunday a warrant was Issued out of Justice Humphrey's court for the arrest of Lannl gan on suspicion, am' he was captured hv Marshal Hoffman in the atternon. On hi pel son was $ I7.5 1" money, a letter and several other articles. He denied know ing anything about it. It Is claimed that he was known not to have had an; money belore the occurrence. Tiik A. B. I.. P, & T. Co. Tuesday article were filed with the county clerk and secretary of state incorporating the Albany Electric Light, Power & Telephone Company, with N II Alien, V V Mason and George K Chamberlain as incorpor ators. Ti.e Capital stock Is placed at $30, 000, nil of which has been taken. The present plant will be doubled, making it one of the best In the northwest. New and better machinery will be secured with all the latest Improvements, so as to meet the greatly increasing demands of the cltr. The matter of electricity for power will tie developed and the works be made more efficient generally. Mr Uoff will continue to superintend the mechanical part, and as well hat considerable ttock In the company. Our electric lights are al ready the best in Oregon outside of Port land and perhaps Salem, and this change will add to their already good standing. The Reason. The Coast Review, the 1 -rt. 1 u . i..,.itt ..1 . .1 it.- u,.a out. A'Aiamm The reason areslmplri ., th. it nn ti&ks thrr Cimnsoles liW down to the Hoffman residence teemed to foreign companies.dolng a general business, did have, of course. It is to a company's credit that It loses something in such a big fire. Reported. It I-. reported that the Salem people have Information that if they j '" mxr last evening mi st have , . ... , been well made, for a more jovial crowd will build their contemplated railroad to I u.,Jom B8,her ,ORelher. Kvervone seern- Albany direct, instead of to Munkers sta-1 ei) to have on a fantastic treat, and the tion (about three mile from Sclo) on the moment glided by unheaded until after put good humor into the gathering. The evening was spent In social converse, music and refreshment three Ingredient that It properly compounded would tickle the tste 01 the most lastiutou minu or appe Oregon Pacific, as at first contemplated, Wm M Hoag, Managerof the O. I ..would iron It for them ; that this offer wa well received, and the feeling in Salem now is to accept Mr Ifoag's proposition.and build the line direct to Albany from that city. Scio I'rrsi. And then the t'rru talk's to the people of Scio in plain language about getting up and rustling for that thriving city. Took Lot of Tramping. A gentle man who wis at the land office In Oregon City when Register Burney received the Instructions not to allow any more filing on timber claims by married women, says there were eight women in the office at the time, and a more disconsolate lot it would be hard to find anywhete. One of them asserted ths she would not tramp through the woods as she dii. if she were given a deed to all the land between Oregon City and the t'acihe ocean. lu. midnight, when the guest departed with a willing vote for a pleasant evening. Those present were : Misses Mora Mon, Jen nie Geotge, Vesta Mason, Messrs Baldwin and O fi Keeney. of Albany, and nineteen CoivaliU young people. 'fimn. A Fir. Coirt littvnm. The new court, says the Corvallis Umrttt, i finished, excepting a small amount of work to be done In placing the boiler, used lor the steam heating purpose, in position. To view the Inside of the building the expres sion U t!at it is an elegant piece of work manship From the front to the ba-k entrance everything has a rich looking color and s'iows that the work ha been done with rare and precision. The county clerk and sSerlff have moved In their re spective - ,om the former occupying the first t iree on the left and the latter the last one on that side. I Albany 10 Astoria. It will become A Bio Short Ai. When Frank Collins, j necessary for you to do something besides f the Monmouth warehouse, figured up keep your eyes open. In order to bring hi account recently and measured th I about this desirable union you mu-t start post! vely f 01 bidden at all times, between grain on h,nd he found a shortage of ten ; around with a subscription paper and raise CtZbZ thousand bushel of wheat. A the short-1 a few thousand dollars. G:t a piece of RtLC No. I. All parties are postlvely forbidden from sprinkling or wetting lawns, irarden or sttcet except from 5 to 8 o'clock a. M. and from 5 to 9 o'clock P. m. Sprinkling or wetting rirst tireet I age affected the storers Mr Collins wa ar rested and placed under $1250 bond. He I said to have the reputation of being hon est; but carelessness I given a the cause. Thts kind of carelessness is about as bad as dishonesty, and ome example of justice are needed. A Boy and a Cow. A daily scene along the tooth end of Ferry street is a small boy on a blcyc'. leading a cow. The rope is attached to the rudder of the bicycle and the cow meekly follows. A gentleman who haa been tickled at the funny sight, partially in anticipation of the time to come when the cow will become frightened and run, request u to put in a column article on the subject; but this amount must suf fice until the cow jump over the moon arlth the urchin. Clem First. Mr. Jacob Clem, 'of the Albany prairie, brought a load of wheat to Albany Monday morning and stored It In the Farmer' warehouse, the first of the season. It wa threshed Thursday by Propt& Conn, and was part of a field vleldinir twentr-five bushels to the acre. Mr, Clem will have a good yield this year, ana is already known a a success In rais ing wheat and democrats. Quit It. It is unlawful for any person or persons to put any ptrt of the carcass of any dead animal into any river, crcekt pond, road, street, alley, lane, field, meadow or common, or if owner knowingly permit the same to remain in any of these places, to the injury of health or annoyance of citizen, every person so offending shall be fined not le than two nor more than twenty-ilve dollar. Decided. There ha been consHerable study over the city' cistern at the St Charles corner, It being decidedly in the way ef the street railway. How to tower It and coyer it was the question. An old citizen finally decided the question by ad vising the putting of an injuncttion on it, as Injunction are fashionable. Look Fine. While up the Santiam recently Mr Joseph Webber tecured ome reay fine looking ttone, which if it pos sesses the quality, would wrk up into tome very handsome monuments. A Ht quality hat not yet been tested its value it to be determined. A marble quarry for L.lnn county It in order. New Addition. The plat of Honck't addition to the city of Albany ha just been filed with Recorder Davis. It consist of about three acre known fair ground lot No. 6. Nicely located there will be a demand for the lot. road started, if it' only two (treaksof rust and a hand car. There I no reason why Albany should not do as much toward a road a Astoria and when she does there will be plenty of money forthcoming to build the connecting link. Pionttr. gomery street . The penalty for breaking said rule H the w ater will be turned off with out notice, and before you can get It again it will cost you two dollar for shutting off j and turning on said water. j J. A. Crawford. A Trot. A match trot Sunday at the fair ground between Harry Jones' Baby l of thl city, and Mr. Williamson's Bay Print, of Brownsville, for one half mile, wa won by the former. The AcRiciLTrRAt. College Prof Letcher, of the Agricultural college, of Corvallis, ha been in the city to-day , and report the prospect of the college to be very flattering. In a short time the mem ber of the faculty w'.ll make a tour of the state in the Interest of the college ana hope to be able to advertise it so that it merit will be appreciated. With a talent ed faculty the school should take a front rank as an Agricultural colleue. The cat alogue i at hand and speak for the college, in strong language. Tired of Life. On Sunday evening Frank Craw shot himself through the heart about nine o'clock in the evening near the residence of Mr Levi Henkle, near Philo math, in Benton county. The reason gi' en is the old one, 14 1 am tired of life and do not wish to live any loncer," He wa a steady, reliable vounir man. which make hi course the more mysterious. A Conductor' Li.x-k. Mr. Al .Bell, who is conductor on the vYest Side freight met with a painful accident yesterday. He wa having a lay off, but volunteered to couple the passenger car at noon, when his left band was caught and mashed se verely. The little finger was split down it. length and the middle of the palm torn and lacerated. Leder. 4111 at Linkville. They had a big time at Linkville on the 4U1, and here is the way Peter the poet describe part of the celebration : "After the splendid fire work had coquetted with the stars and jilted the man in the moon, the two halls filled with tay waltzer. mutic (truck up, and dancing, except during the interval for luoper. was kept up till the blue cranes poured over the reddening lake tnetr oi- emn orison. Linkf ille I full ot business, culture, cash and Judge Smith. ' Tunnel Abandoned. Work on the tunnel on the O P near Breitenbush has ceased, it having been decided to go around the hill. One hundred feet had been dug. The tunnel would be over 500 feet long, and it wa found that over a month' time and consiJorable expense could be saved by changing the course in this vy, hence the decUion, A Prolific Cow. Mr Jesse Brown has a five yea: old cow that ha had seven calves within th? past three years. All of them lived and he has sold four of them for $75 and has th other tluee and the cow left. There were three pair of twin and one tingle calf. Mr Brown live In the Soap Creek neighborhood below this city. Ben tun Leader. CHOP WEATliEtt BULLETIN NO. 19. Oregon State Weather Bureau co oper atlng with U. S. Signal Service Central of fice, Portland, Or,, for the week ending July 13th, 18891 The temperature ha been from $ to 8 degrees above the normal. Excep'. In a tmatl area of Jackson county, no ruin fell in the State during the week. The sunshine wa decidedly above the normal. Owing to forest fire the attnot phtre hat been somewhat smoky. The ef fect ot these conditions on c trips ha been to allow their ttate to remain the same a they hare been for the past two week The notable event of the week w a 1 the se vere thunder, rain and hall storm In Jd. ton county on the night of the yih, A 'cloud burst" occurred which did consid erable damage In section of the county be tween Grant' Pat and Ashland. Through Wagner Creek Valley the most damage occurred. About Talent grain w a flatten ed and ruined and many orchard had their fruit Injured. It I estimate1 that thl cloud burst" caused a loss of neatly $Jo, 000. The warm dry weather ha been favor able to the wheat harvest which Is now under full tway In all paitsot the State General report Indicate '.hat fall wheat will be more than an average crop, while spring grain will be a short crop. On the 10th the first wheat wa received at a warehouse In Pendleton. Tho berry It small and shriveled and the wheat U In quality second-;lnis The yield of thl first lot wa about ten bushels per acrrt. Fruit prospect continue t be excellent. Peaches are coming Into the markets In large quantities. Plums, apricots, corn and tomatoes are cry plentiful. It. S. I'auv e, Observer C. S. Signal Service. HIS WOUK. When a boot maker gets an order fcr boot from hi former home several hun. dred mile away 'It 'show that hi work U appreciated. The following order re ceived by Mr. P. J. I.nporte, just east of the Revere house Is self explanatory; Camuria, Cal., July it. iSty. P.J. Laporte: Dear hir; Before you left here you told me you would keep my measure and If I wanted any boot to tend to you. I want a pair made of soft fine leather and sowed. Make them a soon as you can a I am almost barefooted and let me know at once. Yours, etc., H. C. WlllTNKY. Hum Mission KalertaiuatrRl. A coop's horses ware recently killed at til state penitentiary, causing plenty 01 rpsculstiuii a to the tnsnncr of their doath. com play ws declared to n tne osuse. a matt who know ioform the Democrat that they were pored by aonm os4.ll. A yar'i Half Vigor h long heM tha first place, a a bairdressiatf, la th estimation ol the pobllo. Ltditiod thfcttni preparation aire a beautiful Itlos to th hair, and sou tlfinon n It to prevent baldncs and car liuii.iirs In th scslp. Tha Thts Ksy Wwlan Mill Co. is the limns- tif thn nsw woolen trill eomnanv at lm and tht capital stock hat liosu planed at rViO.OOO. Beiria railing the $20,000 HtuiK tit hooka are open fur anbsonbar. Woolen u.l II ttock, though, I good property. Words eanunt etpros tli gratitude which penpls ikI fur lt beDllt don ttism by the as nf Ayr' MarsapsrilU. f-OHg tUoding aiol rheumatism tield to this remedy, when all other fil to iilv relief. Thi tried lniiiC ihnroughly expel the pnliitu from the tiloud. vVbest, W eei ts, . ; IS cent shaviittf at ViereukV 8 tioket for f I at VittMoW't . New dras good t Mull waiiiV, Mssnn fruit jr at K f Kenton' Kfrigeratutiat Stewart ft Sax', Im oresm freener at Stewart ft Sua'. Nsw In y nine ef (In g"M ring at French a A barrel of lt sslinun j ist openwt at F L Kenton'. Fresh cestn ohi eso 'jdst received al V L Kenton', New oresm uheese Just leoeivtd at Com ad Meyer. For ssle. cites p, tuo.ind liairl 011, Mr. Hymen's. 3rhslr running st. at Viereok' slm log parlor. ' Beet roast eoHee iu the uity at Cmrd Meyer. - Mlssea Hammer Fcltowlng I the program of the enter tainment of the ladle Home Mission So ciety, to be held at the M. E. Church, Fri day evening :, Opening choru bv the choir. Inrocatlon-Rer II P Webb. Quartette, "Come to Me" Vaughan and Ullber, Messrs. and Cougllt Aim of Home Missions Mrs II P Webb. Solo "Dream Face"- Mr J Reming ton. Recitation MU Winnie Chamberlln. Male Quartette. "I Your Anchor Down" Messrs Hammer, Klkins, Couglll and Allen, Reading-Mrs NJ I'enton Doxologr. Benediction. Ice cream and cake will be served on the lawn before and after the entertain ment. Admission for the entertainment, 10 tent ; ice cream and cake, t tcent. I'ateata Ctraatr4. Tocltlscnsof the Pacific Mates during he past week and reported for this paper by C A, Snow Ac Co. Patent lawyers, Opp. U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. A V Anderson, San Francisco, pipe cut-! ter ; II I) Belden, Oakland, Cal. casket Kdestal : J K Day, San Francisco, well rer ; M B Idje, San Francisco, ore concentrator : K S (illinorc, San Francis co, band sawing regulator ; W Lamb, Downey, I'ove ; John It Ware, Kurka, mop-grip ; 1 1; weir, San r rancisco, nan caster ; II T We THE MAN AflOtT TOWN, MONDAY. g e jewelry notio in thi iatue. Pendleton i o lisv a bate ball tourna ment, No excuse fur Idleness now, Plenty work to do in tha country. Mr D D Hackleman begn running Is is thresher to-day Just west ef th city Tlie liret new wheat wee brnunlit to the oity and ttjrtd In tha Fainter' Wirehouse to-day. Willism Uiter, who fell t the. alaeoblo Tunipl Hsturdsy I out it danaer and is slow ly improving. ' Sessi le Lodge A 0 U W, of A.t'iris his th lirfcrt number of member iu thi Juris diutimi ami earriet the brvom, A foot rae i to be run In the oil on Situ day, July 21, between U 11 U Dull uf ville, and K O Cameron, of Corva.lie. Sslsm'a ataatn laundry wat a failure. Tliy did not know how to ran it, eo th sheriff i taking a hand in it nininioiit. 1 he io in a nwspper is to rent ja it much a the room in a brick Muck 1 bat there are scute people lt teem to think it i to give away. Tha F.iliot Publishing Co. whluli reoeutly illustrated Athtuy, i bw iraklng arrange ment to do Walla Walu. Mr Starbuok be ing there working th enterprise up. It i tsf not to bet on foot rao nowa days, as a fsir tout rsoe ia out often knowo. Sometime, though, on it run on the square; but it tk en exptrt to know when it ia going to ttrlke. About a doaso surveyor may ba teo any day now mining line between Albany and Aston, under the supervision of Surveyor Uotiersl Hsrr. "Astoria or bust" how i that for a motto. Mr Ja Ostitis! fell fiom a cff.ihlinaon new house being eonstruoted for W it Gra ham west ol the city last Ssturday and waa eoniiderahly injured; bnt no bone were broken. Mi Ji'hn Mtckty ba tued paper for ssy ing that her mother wa a washerwoman. Well, aha waa a washnrwomvn and a good on t plenty of old timer remember when she washed clothe at Msrysville, Cal ''Iu stsrtlog out iu the ttewepeper busi ness, it 1 ganeially theoistom for newspa peis to publish a lung and uninteresting val ediotcry." Tbus rtiusrk the Iafyette Lnigrr in ttt lutatry. rrhpa uninten tionally th editor bit the nail ou it head. Hslutsioriet ofteu prove to be valedictories. "Col. l'srker, of the Walla Walla BMfinwn waa astautled Wduday of last week by Councilman Picard, and a battle ensued in w hich, according to th Afiriciii, the Col onel cam out completely viotorloue. That ia the way Walla Walla editor amuse then. suit es r bil their better hatyae are off spend ing tboir summer vteatione, Mr Parker now being at Yequina Bay. Hon liiuger llermsn tnuMcd through Al bany Saturday for Portland. Mr Jama Shshsn ks gone to Boio, wheie he haa a contract on K (Join' now Mtck. Mr I K F.l.lerkin, of the A F k M Iu Co. left thl noun forth Bay to join hi family. Mia Mattia Burnett, of Corvallis, la in tbt city 00 br way to Hodaville, which h via it annually, Mr Al ilar.-is, of Ran Francisco, la iu th city. Ala haa the same genial way about bun aa of old. WUliam Stock rude hi btevcla to Cor vallitaod back yesterday, making the trip tbet la I hour, 3 mi auto. Mr Arihur Hodge, depu'y county clerk of Crook couolv, arrived in tha city to-day by way of tbe Lebanon wagon road. Prof Coeduu, of Fatten we ia Albany Saturday Bayward bound. Th ruck and thcll there will proceed to gt reedy for some hard knock for so r ore I week. Alex Rennie, lleeae LHo. Joe Cook and Clare Irvine constituted a party of SaUmite peasant through Albany Saturday for th rag ing Vsnuios Biy. where tbey will camp out 5 I..- - ....t - fci -1. ..!... .. . . l. able to uk summer outing, but in Albany j lu Ul,"t nw to ' ute,w in lb eity. : iney won thirteen months 10 Ibeyner. it nuyeu 11 1 mi gum for I .- - .Ml -..L.- . . i t . AIU Klor Mssoti Went to (.rvalll tbla -"-7 -" -ww wrr vi 0000 iu order to be present at th ltcutto(i try eoteruioment to be giro to morrow nntht b Mise llabbard. a nunil of Mia iJtiwa. tf Portland. A ft" pi loo U to be j been in4 public. given tonight so Mia Mavo by ber Cor- Wm Fcrtmill.r. wife and child, went to I YMtlit.t !! I fcstaa ikai l.tta.a I.. KEA E3TA1 r, fl.lLEa. liCbanoa t chut. J W Burkhart etal to John Nichols lot 4. blk ll.skt'a A to Lebanon. $ 'Francl and Hattle Martin to E U Maple. S half of K half, blk 42, Albany.,,,,,, ... 400 Central Cemetery Assoclntlon to Robert Conn, lot 26 In Central Cemetery 5 Corinthian, No. 17, A F & A M to J F Backensto, frac. lot Oi, blk 4, Masonic cemetery, Albany,. 3 Frank Trite to W D Trite, u$ acre In ft i, fi of M II Basve. . VxjO Rebecca Lewi to Newton Lewis, N half of S W qr of Sec. 35, Tp 9, SR. IK... 350 8 M Pennington to Robert Murrar r. haiioi N half 01 1 l.uoi a M I'ennlnif ton 1600 L Foley to l) M Ambler, lot 8, blk 17. R' trd A. Lebanon...,..., too E W Langdon to John D Letcher, M nan lot 1 ana 1, bik a, 11 and A 1100 W K (Jlthen to Horace A Powell, even-ninth of E half of PLC No. ac z82 I F Conn to D 11 Montelth, S W qr blk 46 in Albany.,.. ... .. ijoo Total , K EEP POtsTKll. ..$io4J Nw goods at W F Itead'a. F, M. French keep ri'rja4 time. Bargain in boot and boa at Read'. J. P. Wallace, Phytioian Mid Surgeon, Al bany, Or For a Sterling or Kmerton piano os'l on G L Black man. I L Blaokman is agent f"r thn Woher plsno. Nonabette. 11 iy your tioket thrnngH t iH Ksst ot W 1. )eUtr and ve fre t I'urlUn I have reduced prior on all hfiw i I W Stsrr, pliysiulen aiulurgNn, Albany, ' m Uit and elie. Call early ! ' V ft Oregon. Itead'e. flood entiling stove 110 st lloii ', ft The Western (!..U mi Paukerd re tun ; Bsltinsrsh. ; of th list nrgsn mail.., ! 1. I'.ist k nri Tha best watch in thd world 'r the uinitry i tn"' at F M French'. A line line ( 11 kin I of furniiure, plain 8ide..ddleH.Ua.mii.lii.guuiuii.gial??'1 Mb'.M' r.l, Ihs. sUK.k in tl.U psrt of Tbompou&Overmn'. -i Orejon t Fonmil er ft living . Thompson ft Oyermtn, skm,I, for th gr.t , V J1 den (.nd flue tmok .k for I'ynamiu buggy whip. it Jo"?l'b l"m ,".J '"'"'t wira . r ... ... , , For l by most cir dealer and at hi For a number one fii.lity of knive to, k jv, fty, ami poon call at F M Frencn . 1 , . tf , . fil 1. ia tt . . , ! , .1 1, . . -i. w-jt .iimswirtir targe qoaniiiiea at Hiewart x Hot . ; k.nv o:miv, Oil Kilo Temple, Al 1 be ohleet line of table laxarie osnl e fouud at Browuell & SUnard's. J W Rentier, beet hoot and Iicm maker in city, opposite Fort miller Si Ir.iog' A large and tine line of window hdr Just receive I at Portmiller ft IryuigVr Money can't buy better not and shoe than Moli i'i i selltnir, Lee us better good are not manufactured. Some floe California cheese, a barrel of golden drip syrup and eoin Una comb honey just received at ItrawntU A Stauard'. Go to Hitler ft Paisley for your job print lug. They do any and all kind of work ia the paolstbing and job printing line. Qaick work and uw price. Call and examine Z. T. Wright's stock of lubricating oil. Also steam good of all kind. Keep the celebrated Powell Night feed Lubrios'ora and cil cape, eeottanlly on hand. Also Trahern. Lilt and Poro pump. Iroa pipe eapeoUlly, B ranch lions on btvW4 abvAItty Ii-.tnWjrks A floe liui nf buggy dutter andfly net at Thoiup m ft Ovennan', th leading ham dealer! An elegsot line of tift table spreads, in betutiful design, just leoeivexl at Fortmilier ft Irving'. ' 0 esn O ilddn Sur tomttoei for 50 cent at C Meyer, ami all other, canned good cheap for cash. Dr WrighUmsn' Sovereign Balm of Life, for disease ptcoliar to women, at Dryoe it flobeon' and Brownell ft Staoard'. P J Baltimore, ageot AtteatloR, We have just received a fine assortment of parlor furniture direct from the East. V have the latest design ! mahogany frame, marble, silk cruah and silk plush upholstered, and in walnut suits, assorted upholstering. All at price tht command . lAllatinn Is fl n!il. ifrnjnit. iimKt.rrins 1 - r - 1-- - town of about sit hiintiretl intuihitiinlfi, sit uated hear the heart of Linn county at the terminus ota branch of the Southern Pa clflc, about thirteen miles from Albany, the present county eat of Linn county, leb anon, although only a ma 1 place, at pres ent ha the control of all of the trade In the eastern part of the county on the south fork of the rlantiam, a countrt " which will, Iff a vry short time, have a handsome population, a Immigrant ore sure to come In (and are now coming In) and take hotnestpuds in this n.ilur- favored sertlon of Linn ".'iiiity, but Ont whl.'h' i favored by III .inmty untlioiiiies. About 4i miles i. ... if hire is Kodavllle, where I one of the fmet sula springs In the State, and six miles south of here, just vantot Sodavllle, over a lilli hill, Is Uaterhso, which also lias u fine kIi sprinsj. The places are destined to reconn- iht jjreat 1 summer resorts ol thr l:tt-, Hot to l.eb anon. There 1 nothing morn apparent then that this will some day be a much more prosperous place than it now is, and will be the most, and is now the most pros perous town In Linn county leaving out the county eat, Albany, 'Lebanon is a nice place for the immigrant to come, for the people are generous to a fault, and al ways try to make the stranger feel at hi ease, and encourage and help hitn all they can. It would be well for the resident of thi thriving and prosperous town t j en deavor to Advertise and otherwise bring the good qualities i,f their beaut if. il city before tbe public, ami we think they nre.each and all, readv and willing to d t'hetr part. A. F. fatigi-Mt Mr. Oeorge Ctx li-iiit io,iipl n-il his barn in ('atigeni. J. B Jer.ks h:l built a fargf .'idjilicn to his bam, Mr Mttll.'iil. of Sht-dds. will sl.irl his threshing blue in tiiis vleliiiiy the iat of this week or the lirtt of next. ;"lfc w ill have an engine that will burn !rjw in s'eadof wood. Mr, Ryan, of Ioa, Is vlit!ng h's son, P, W. Ryau.of Tangent, He will make quite May, a he likes the country very well. Miss Vaughn, of Portland. Is visiting her uncle' family, B, Mills, of Tangent. (Jeorge Mill has returned from As toria, where he ha been engaged in' a planing mill for some time past. Married, on July the nth, 1889, at the residence of C. P. Ktilghten, Mr, A, W. Moses and Mis Emma Phips. Rev, D. C. McFarland, officiating. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. C P.- Knlghten. The newly inarrkd couple went to Portland the first of the w eck, and on their return will go to the Klamath Agency to teach the aborigines. Born, to the wife of M. L. Forster. on : fuly 15th, iSSy, a daughter, of legal weight ana Mart I nappy. M. L. Forster wa arrested a few day ago at the Instanre of D. Houck, for tres passing His trial is set for next Monday l.i Justice Brink's Court in Albany. Born, to tbe w ife of Omer Vernon, a daughter. D1V1I !''! r m mm Absolutely Pure. lOJWl Thia powder nvcr vr.rU?. A tnrvt Piirily, atrcngth and wliolef.oinen-iH More f4conom;at then the ordinary kitwt and cannot im eold in compntitioii with mnltitnr).f low w-t. hort weicht a!w,r' or phosphate pewdors;. tjiold only in can Kol Baking pow.Ur Co., Ha Walt H, W. 1 , . I, W. Crow tur A Co , A kmiIh, I'ottlan;?; Orf-Jior,. lT . w-T.. - it, i ngi mm Forl by Will A Stark, dealers U) fine wrtcbes, jewelry, cf Mr Jo Weblr, it, of Portland, i in attention. We ask tha you call end ex tb city. Mr A Klia went to Kt-ne last evening on busto, Mr IWsso) MaCtuoell an J family ! to morrow for a trip to th Coast rang. MrJantrs Eikltis nd family lr ta-moi-row morelng for their B-avr Creek farm. The family of W II h-ft far II waoa to day fur tb usttl anminer outing. II W Langdon, the fot rc r. probably amine for yourself. It Is no trouble to show goods. We also expect br the last of the week or fir.t of next a car load of bed room suit in walnut, oak and antique. Dining suits, center tables, extension tables, were tarles, wardrobe and everything else that is kept In a fW-chm furniture ttore. Albany FirsitirkCo Kid ;iove KM filove f ! Thr Ijtilire Prlixbted. Tho pleasant nfiect and tha perfo.H saf ety with which la4ie may see tho I quid fruit laxative). Hyrcp of Fife. uotbr all conditions, make it tblr f.rjrtle remedy, It is plMalug to the eye and to tho taie. gentli-. yeltrotual In acting on tbo kid ney, liver and bowel. to bet father. seMmiiii 1 isaRasp a-seif- I have just rece. red a full line of kid golve branded Our Own. This U a cenu- ine kid glove. I bur direct from importer i I- V'. ." 1. . , 1 .! . . . t . The enearm.nt of l 1 gtnek, of Cor- tte of anv eteve I ever ld lor tW A ioUrW U. 8. Slaodar.' S-tr.n scale ralii ami Mia. Carrie Korn. of Se-tlie, ha price'. biltlnA riw. of ..hl tut - nr nalr iu iu mhiiii irm ui usissi oa vairiv umjm F .. Uriel. Larar sea leu at Droportiorately J low 1 rice a. Warranted five yoata. Ai:ur. Sheriff's Sale j tlte Cireu'il Court of 0i Slate tf Orrrtm r -f - rt ... - r f . J W Came, Plaintiff. - . v C K lire, A A Keea, St, ho V, K&x, M V. Knowlton and H. Kaowltoo, flvfcrxUntx. Notice i hereby givon thst by virtus r.f an execution and order of sale i-mid ont i the atiove OMi:ed Court in the b,ve entittcd suit, I will ou Hatarday, Ibe letb stay of Augnaf . I'M. at the Court Hons door ia tbe city f .Al bany, Lino county, Oregon, at tbe hoarU I o'clock, p. to. of said day soli at public auc tion for cash in hand to bi&hest bi-ider tbe real property described in id txeeotii n stfi order c( salo as follow, to-wit : Commct it ing at tbe son th west corner of the ' donatir.n laod claim r-f Morgan Kee and Miry Kecs ; beinat NotthcatioD So. 305, in 'i outh of range 2 west in Linn ccuuty, Ore gon, and rooting thence e&tt HI (hsir ; tbence earth to tbe north boendary of t-fi claim ; tbence West 27 chains to a f tt : thence outb to tbe p'ace of Leciruirg, cj tain ing 130 seres, more or Use, sixl Ijii and being io Liontoujty, Oregon. Thet oeed arising from tbe sale of sa:d premr, to be applied a follow : First o tbe I-a -ment of tbe mm of S25.C0 Attorneys ftt, and tbe ewt smlditlitirrtmtnt of suit tsTl at f48 CO and theostaand expeutea cf jissk ing such ale. Kecutd to tbe payment to tbo Plaintiff. J W Cusick thetum cf f2177.' with tecrutng iiterrM therron at the r!i; t f tn per cent per annum from tbe 2dtli day f June, I8S9. Third, the nurplii if any to the aid C K Ke, A A Ke, Nellie C Kits and M K Koovllcn. Dated this 9tb dr J f Toly, 1Ss9. JoHJI S-MaLLMOK, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, S. E. Yovxsi. -Keep cool. Tite 1 A tirselical inker i a tyublia aaiesne) i during tb summer. The will be a nart tt i . ... .. .. ft. i W7 o., .an iu.uvrcs one is. a mum lew , s-F. nnest refrigerators in the n.arket at Slw. from CJIym- art So. s. Buy one now. would suit the puhlo heallb. Urrgomiam. Prof im retained thi boor Hot Weajiier Itemk.- rators Buy 1 laroirr-.. if yen snt tha best bmee al j w tbera be ba been on a viait to ! All sizes of Ice cream freezer at Stew. bsn-l mule, call iK U I'ower.nest to IHia psienie. rich, San Jose, Inhaler. j 1 Dou Taxes. Dog tax season. Some ... . ....! one suggests mat tne ininy snow uogt in the city be taxed unless a receipt be shown, as Albany might a well get the fee at any city. While on the subject the dogs of the city all of them - should be brought to time on the question. Witt. Collect. Owing to unavoidable circumstances I did nit collect water hills on the 10th-13th of thlt month oa adver tised, but I will be round collecting the first of next month. Let every one be pre pared to meet my call. A L Gray. Scc'y Water Co. To New Comer. Wc would say that we have no bait to give you, but wc do guarantee good value for your money and we kindly solicit your patronage. Bruwsf.ll Si St.nari. Pit Oiu Feet ix it. A new law pro vide for the publication of all county war rants in county clerk' office for eren year or over and their cancellation with in a certain time. In most counties the list is large; but in Linn county there are none. Here Is the cause: The Democrat last year, before it dreamed of such a law, polled a good fee by publishing once a a new Item the old warrant here, nearly a hundred, and owing to our big circulation, all were claimed and paid. A Bbatex Editor. May of the Pom- eroy JnJrjndtnt who recently run for the office of mayor, got beaten, like mot edl tor who run for office, and this I the way j he get a grain of comfort from It : "The editor hereof 1 proud of the fact that none of the Pomerov rlntr voted for him for mavor. Men of broad, liberal view are the one whogrve u their uffrage.Thank to you,gentlcmcn. Different Town. Albany, a town not a large as The Dalle, ha three good fire engine and an active hook and ladder company. The Dalle ha one engine and no hook and ladder company. 7w Mountaineer. And none too many. One engine would make a poor ahowlng tn The Dalle In case 01 a big nre. CtRiouH Proceedings.- -In the II a w- kin murder trial Tuesday at Salem Judge Boise after hearing th argument din- charged the jury until next morning when he made hi charge to them. Thl wa a very rare proceeding for a murder case, the jury almrt universally being kept to gether. Private saleof Household Good Mr W B Rice offer at private ale her en tire lot of household goods, consisting of two chamber sets.settees.kltchen furniture, carpet. tove, etc. The good are In care of Mr C J Stuart. Hay Wanted. Mr L Sender, of thl city wlU buy all the clean timothy hny brought to him In tightly compreed bale, for which the market price in cash will be paid. Deliver at (table. B. & L. Association. The regular monthly meeting of the Building and Loan Association will be held on Friday evening at the office of Hewitt, Bryant & Irvine. Pav your due on Friday to the Secretary at the office of Stewart & Sox'. Orr son Tim Mot NTAiN. A barrel of dried beef, ome fine cheese and a large In voice of choice lunch good just received at Brownll U Stanard . Oct some. Bei.tino. A fine line of rubber and leather belting kept constantly on hand at Stewart it Box'. AH required clc In lock. v A Sharp Item. The finet line of cut lery and hear In the rlty at Stewart St Sox't. Their good are the very best and will stand the test. Biex.EsT Yet. 10,000 roll of wall pa per, latest varieties, finest decorations just receiver" t Fortmilier Si Irving'. Iu London a atrang coincidence oc curred a few day agi. Three gentle men, eacii the son ef a pteeideut. nut at the United Htatea legation. 1 wo ol them called upon Minister Lincoln, on or ( resident Lin coin. Tbe vititor were Jee. ton of Pi evi dent (Jrnt, and Ruell, ton of President Harrison. Don't fai o examine Mcllwain' carpet You will n them from 10 to 15 per ren cheaper tha any other plao iu town,taking n consider on the quality. V L Kenton ha a unnly of tine mixd pickle put up iu pur cider vinegar. Try them South Albany - A most desirable and beautiful location for suburban residences, owing to its nat ural advantage and nearness to the center ot but nett. compare the size, location view and access to and from these lott.and you will be convinced of their merit Call early and cecure a home befot ; the advance in price. Apply to TWEKDAI.E Sl KEDFKLD, Agent First door, south of Post Office. Fur I and marlebarnees goto IC L. Power ' Letter Mat. Following- la the list el letters remaining In tbe Poet Offioe, Albany, Linn oounty, Oregon, July 17, 1869, Person culling for these lallen must give the date on which Uiey were advertised i SECURE PRICES. tfO l' ROUBLE TO SHOW. .'tOODSAT X)EY0 &R0B80N. SUPERIOR LINES OF IAGRIOULTURALISV1' PLEMENTS AT DE YOE &RODSON Very Nice. Pon't cook this hot weath er. Drop in and get some of our lunch delicncle. We have just received a fresh supply of cream cheese, Llmburger cheese, smoked beef chipped to order, etc. W IM.AMETTE PACKINO Co. PAINTS, .OIL. 3 AND BRUSHES AT DBYOB ROBSON'b, Adler, Frtsilrich brown, Mtoe Clariae Devlne, airs Hannah Humphrey, Mrs Lihbla Fresusn, A M Pickett, W H Soan'and, Miss Eva laBonl. FJ Wulla, Jennie Tiitksciiua, Baxter, E A Campbell. 8 H George, I)r B Knapp, Jax)b r Mlllr, FW llosrora. CM Hsnderaon, Jams Wurkes, Frank Keldt, XV Bchods, Annie R. THOMPSON, P, M, ecrst lb re. TralUT Circuit ct-nri i in soaaion at 8.Um. Sit thousand live Intt by a flood in China recently. In eraam evry day at the Depot hot during th hot weather. Only 13 cent, Sitiwart Si ttox to-day mad a larg wboit ! shipment of binding twin to.Selrrn. Pselura with gno.1 hJ and raauing ; water foe oowa. Apply la T II Wallace, ilb ueet. Waat Albany. Th trial of VV K Hat kin fur th murder f of J II Oa-le, began at Kalem jeaterdey and j ia eieitini great interest there. It sl ton Cx, who ha just retired from th grocery business at Corvallis, wilt go Into tbe real estate ba ines. Jat th kind of a msn, aa be know the valu of printer' ink. Atturiaba an electric 6r alarm system and has purchased 2UQ0 feet of new bee. Iteing built on wood it certainly need a fin tire fighting outfit. No city, though, can be too well equipped. Ilsr T Dewitt Talmadse i expected in Oregon next month, when ba will lecture it Portltnd and Salem. Albany should make an effort to get him; but h charges fUUU ectur. Could we taod it. On Sunday morning. June SOtb, tbiayear, EJ Caotroll left hi ranch on Summit Pri rie to I00K after a few sheen tbathad strayed from hi band, since which time be has not been teen or faard of. Prtntyul JVeat. Khlor F.llis. th holionaa nreacher recent) blptied from Oak ville, i holding meeting t Taylor near llalaev. . A eentleman from Oakvill My he woulJ hsv been mobbed if b badn t have left when nt.diu. The U P church, of tfci oity. ia making arraneemeut to etablin a branch Sabbath choolio the eaatero suburb of th city, and intend building unall atrnctur for tn purpose. lbiU to accommodate cnuuren who bave so far to go. Mr Chat Mueller left yesterday on a trip to II waco. Cspt L 8 Scott, of Salem, went up to Sod vill to- day on a rutio.tting tiip. P F Craf- of ths woolen milt company, re turned to day from a trip to tb Sound . Mr Denuia Wats in, uf Jefferson, ha been in ths oity to-day and made tb Dkmo- cbat office a call. Pcof Rei'l cam over from th Bay to-dy and will return to morrow. He report the hotel full and plenty of sea breeses and fun. Col Eokleaon and surveyors have finished the tarvey of ths Oresnn Paoitio to the Mai heur past and bav retained to ths valley. W A Cox returned yesterday from Inde pendence, where, he ha the contraot for building a fin two ctory brick. U i alto erecting a fine block for Kline at Corvallis, and two brtuk at Scio, all of which art) un der way, , WEDNMsWAY. Tb coming State fair promise to be a bis on. Sixty Nebraska editors bava arrivtd iu Portland. The property at WaiUburg, W T, I as sessed at27C,U50. Horn counterfeit fifty cut piece ar aid to ba ia circulation, A fine marble quarry ha bson discovered netr llrieburg that promttet tome floe re suit. A cow in the city pound oottt tha owner $2. CO and $1 a day. An inducement cer tainly to kep thm nut. BF Underwood and W S Bell, the twtf leadtog infidel lecturer of th east, now that Ingersoll has retired, are lecturing tnroueit Oregon. . Fanner desiring agricultural Implement of any kind, wagons, buggies, etc., should call ou tne Miicntu uewts opposn Sohmeer1 livery stable. The Three Sisters and Modoo left Salem yesterday at ti e fame time. Th former arrived here about 3 o'clock ; but the Modoo met with an accident tod returuud to Port laud for ret ail. F. C. HOFFMAN, Albany, Oregon. TIIK KAAfOTTS A aVaiJ .am. at. mA I) a ass s. TL. f!.a..t tl-a. -.1 k child, of thr. ty. and Mr A A Slau.n . 1, ,kTv ,7 " . - tie ' WlPA ItllfL'lf. Rl!l.Pni1pr wife, of Portland, left thi noon on a ' ,n th V,IeJ, J"1 " :e'vd w Stewart H IlC ilUCiklC oUhpeflUtT, rlsjs trip to Yaquina Bay. The fish and Sox's. Price are remarkably cheap con. ! . me superior quality 01 tne carrl-! w JrxtxlJriJM TISJO. ! rt - n rfm r-i i T..I.I.'. C (-.- 1.. ... I ft ar " W. quality, at SUwart Si Sox's. iieretnrni witn a aood con- art .v Sr.. . I'irk.. .u..,nai usi n m sew t-mr, ye, 10 M lure this delicious dish at home, i bails. j , Mr R A Irvine. Mr V. L Thomiieon, wife sou cntiii, and Had clam ar wanted to look out, j sldering the superior quality of the carrl Mr Murrv and on. of OskUt, Cat, aie !- tn th city on thur wsy home fr.mi Alaska. I where tbey bav wn rndirif evrral ! TubV Si Cut pura Manilla twin, best month. Mr Marry is a sister i f Mr Frank Wood, whose guest the is while in the rlty. j ., -m f If you have ay j b were" tt l call ou 0 tilerptesnars. , W.S niih whi i ui6 . t da it with I BevtnM and dint nd as chejp a any- Dr. Hint's lUmedv I th remedy on' '-.. , dowd ir insomnia, or :eDiaiwn. wbleh aflUota o many rro-js,aii. which ! . tiuty nya!etaj ana surgeon city m Call rruul ia AH any, Oregon. country. Our line of choice tea and coffee i ui equated In town. BaowxELL Al Stanakd. loads to so many aerloua nervonsdlaxaee. partloolarlT to Inswnliy r-rtptlr treaiiM with ch bottle; 01, ad J res Mwck UrugCoN. Y. A u ouno of prevention l better than a pound of cote. Plunder's UnoiM Kliwwl Purifier espel alt imparitie ot tha bloud I To lessen our ttock of canned) good w ana shouia t used 10 an diseaaea of tha ' wtl sell l tng m tbat lin at remarkably etomacb, liver and kidney. Take It. ! low price. This Trade Mark on a stove . means It is th best that ex-, t ' -. 5 ' J i wiwinsi hmsC . -i sesga J 11 pci-icncc ana skin can con trive. 3old only by O. W. bmlih. " Mcllwain can give you tha be it fitting suit you ever wort, at prioes to suit each and very one. 7 0ks cure rheumatism, neuralgia toothache. Fnshay & Mason Agent. and If you want a good !-tlvr steel srytbe, finest iu the market, gn to Stewart Si Sot'. Alttany Market. Stbuck Oil At ! per 5 gallon can bett Standard r-' oil, at the Willamette backing Co.'s store. That Caatankeron Old Woman Described In tbo nurrery ballad, who ' lived upon nothing but victual and drink," and yet "would never be quiet,' wa undoubtedly troubled with chronlo indigestion. Her victual. Ilk thoee of many othei ldertv nersona whose rlhrax- tlve powe'.a havebftoume impaired didn't agree wi'h her. 1 hi waa brfoie tbe era of UoMtettor'a Woina"n Bittern, or uouie ont of her numerous friend and relatives would undoubtedly bave persuaded her to try the great speoinn for dyspepsia, constipation anil blllonsnesn, Tula would tave been a moasureof self protection on their part, for thn would soon bave been euroa sna eeased to disturb them with ber clatncr. The moat obtlnat case of Indlgeetlon.with its attendant heartburn flatulence, nonntant nncaalness of the atomachand of tba nerves, are complete; iy overooma by thl aoveralgn remedy. Chill aud fever and bilious remittent, rheumatism and kidney troubles are also relieved by it. "Nothing to F.iiuhI It." "f havobeen sell I net Simmona LIvar Regulator for tha past six years. My customers pronounce it tho btt ever used. Onn of my customers whoao health wa in wretched condlt'on from a very bad and stubborn case of dyappsla, used tne itKguiator anu waa entt.eiy oureu. 1 am u,ul myself lor torpid liver, eaua ed by cloa oonnuement. I find nnthlrg to equal it and nipniy teoommond Its use. Respectfully, C.P.Hiskt, Druggist., Kdinburg. Vs. Wheat-to: rtaUUo. Butior 15c per lb. Prga-Ilk IIay0,00, PolAtoes !ii ot tor bushel Beef -on Toot. S'-i'' Apple -75 ooote per bu. Porit 6H0 per 11 jreaar-d Itacciis-haius li'e. boulders, 8n. sides 10a. rd-Oiiperlb. e"lour-4ia pr tibl. 'hickous 8 00 per duu ' till Feed bran, It.OOpnr tun shorts. Id. middtlne, 20 Chor 0. Hotel Arrival, i: 1 t tKY. K W 1 tm Pshstss sue, tT, '0 Di:. 2?. 8 J jl 30, '61 For sale only by L. E. BLAIfJ, OLD I RON. Fifty tons of old iron caatlngs. in anv qusctity, wanted Immediately at tbe Albany Iron Works. LOST.-On July 4tb a ludiea silver watcb, gold chain and locket a,;tscc ed. Howard will be paid for its return to this office. fiitfnr Liu . United SteJtd Cffie-, Oregon City, Oirgoo, Jcoe Ui.0. Notice ia herr-by fciveo that in ccmptucte with the provirion of the act ef Con.trct f June 3rd, ISTb, entitled "An ct frr the sate , of timber laod in the States i f (Vufot t-i i. Oregon, Nevada.snd Waahtnttoa Teuiton ,' Angus 8. 8hsw, r.f Mill City, ecunty f Marion, State r.f Oregon, baa tt. is day CU rt in thia t Bier hi swoin statru.ti.t Ko. 1 ! (!, tor the purchase uf the S K of Section K. 6, in Townal ip No. 10 south, tsnce No. Z east, and will offer proof to tbnw that t tit land sought is more valuable for its tintlrr or stone than for agricultural j.ur(x,. , e, A to estabtisli hi claim tn tuul iAiid btfcre tl i Register and llectivrr f this t tSce at Otv gon City, Oieco. on Tuesday, the fllh ay ef Kr(.(rkHber, li. He name a w'trrstvs : V, Sims, I.. Brown, J. Boyle si d II. Tatpley, all cf Mill City, Msrion com iy. Oregon. Any and sii p rwt;i cla'imir g ai!r-:e'y tbe descnl ed lend are ri-quexted t. file their claims in this office (it or lf..!' a:d 24th dy of September, ISSfl. AY, T. LrnstA, Kegister. Timber Land Hctke. United States Lr.d C-fCce, Oregon City, Or., June tb, ISS'J Kotiee ishert-by tiveu that in compli ance with tbe pre vh-ionw of the ace cf CoPRresscf June 3rd. 1S73, entitled "An actforthe sa'e of timber lands in tht States ol California, Oregon, Nevada Pint nsobirtgton Tertiterr," James H. itoy.c-. of Mill City, county of Mertr.n, Slate cf 'regon, has this Jay fi'ed in tbia Aire bis sworn statement JNo. 110!, lor t'" purc hase of the E M of S W 'i and lots i and 7 of Section So. 6. in Township Nti. 10 South Ranee No. 3 east, ard will rtr? proof to show that il.t land souelit is moto valuable lor its tmiMt or stone uiau i r sgricultural purpose, attd to etablifit bis rtlaiui to taid lacu befote tbe esintr nd Receiver of this cfllee at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, lSe4ts day r September, issr. He nstneu as witness- : TV. Sims BrowD. A. S. St aw snd II. Tai pley, ail Mill City, Marion couuty, Oretton, Auy and all yersouxclaiminsadverj-el? the above oet-cribed lands are rrqntiurd to filelutir claims in I his rlliee en or Le tore Mid 2tth day of Septerrber, lSb9. Kegi.-u-r. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To mn Editoh rirn-'e Inform yenr rettfi. era that I huve it jHttlvi-:ot,i-ii.vf.i iii.-xlinvu named Ulsense. Ii- It-t i!mei,v t! i .i.!s.f hopelesa euses Inive ln--ti 1 v; I'u.i I t ;. !un-l I shall be jilit'J'lu s.'M.I t'.vt I, it,. tt r dy KRRK l- iu.y of n it rpi.i-n -' sutniUi)it if th -y v i l-t. i-i'. ' - ... . anil pii.t i-fly- : -' V, . y ' '" T At'l'."'"1 " ' '' :' Til VUi U)l ) WARE 01- ALL KINDS Al DEV0F & HQBS0F1 IWQZ & li)3m.ARB AGENT FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA' CHINE.BEST MACHINE INITHE JfiASFET " -1 A Cattle Fever. Kansas City, Mo,, July ij, A dispatch from Wellington, Kansas, tnys; Anivnls from the Cherokee strip to-day retort thst Texn fever is playing havoc with the cattle there. Forty head were seen dead in one pasture' yes terday, and in others from seven to twenty-five carcasses were lying around, . , - Exchange Hgtel. II W Langdon W Weggs ; T Balde s M Uecdawlld ; A Waunquest 5 E C Randall ; Maggie Murray ; G L Brown, Cal ; U Wright T Froman. St Charles. D H McCulley and wife, Lima, Ohio ; C H Stolti, T S Towr.tend, Portland S Uanderbach, 11 Matnews, a F ; A Gillespie, N Y j M B Hedges. Chi cago las Thorndyke, Blair, Neb. Russ House. J G Bennett, Oakland, Cat ; B L Steernt, Salem ; C Kindson, LSalem ; L M McGtll, West Vlrglna ; J E Sorbin, Seattle ; L II O Uoidy ; IS Sanders ; W Crain, city ; I J WUHamt ; Phllllna. Albany : U L. Uoone and - j ... ., e ; U oeorgeana 'vtie, orvaiut ; u r Kyle, Eugene ; W II Warner, city ; W Murton. Whatcom :u Murton, Whatcom J A Littler, Orrick; Mo 5 I Taylor, city. Reverb House.-t-Mm M Lord: M T rhiilips, Lebanon, Or; Wm Waits, Phila delphia; A Hamburger, Portland; A S Cohen, S F; It Prettyman, Mt Tabor; Sal em; J A Ilarker, Albany; JL. A KrlgDann, Zanesville, O; J Morrison, w is Miner; y Meyer, Seattle ; E Butler, S P Co ; J Mey er. Mr Suerel. S F: C Morris; Mrs C Mor. rls Billy JSlblow, M flatt, K U tnapman ; ur Ld vorpenier, juaKeiori., r man, tugene. , . J.J- j IOST '-A latest improved Winchester 4 riflt, size 40-65, ou tbe road frourAl ny to Independence and within thrse miles of A lbany. Any one will be r-nita bly rewarded for returning it to this ofll-ie AYN Wil-UAMS. 1170iiD SAWINU. ftood sawed on T f short notloe, anywhere in tbo eity. Regular prices. Oi: wife ' Fino liiiQ of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob son s special bargains Gko. U. Waerfn. Kotics for Fnblicatioa. POM TION Wi,sTED.-An exoerlctic ,eJ Engiueer wants n poslthm :o run traction or other engine ACtruMt K, Dbmo-kat ofllon DISSOLUTION N'TIOK. - Nhtlce is heret y givn thst tha oo-psrtnerttbip heretofore existing betweeu C. A, Chess man and W. W. Cue&siiian,. rtoln buvi new under tne arm name 01 uneiwiusD Bros., has this day beeu dissolveil, J A. Chossmau having sold hU interest to P. B Baatty. Tbe tuiness will oouttnue under the name of CUasman A Uestty who will colloetftll accounts aud py all debts of the heretofore existing firm ol Chessman Bros Peons, Won Co., Or., June 11th, 1889, " W. W. ChsssmaN, C. At CHSS85IAN. , Land Olllee st Oreton Ciy, Or. June Stith, 1SM. Notice is hereby give n that th follow ing narct d settler has riled notice t f bis intrntion to maae firai proof in nipj cu of hU clsttit, and ibat said priu f w i t to msde t t-fore tbe ConDty Juti;p, ct in his benee, before" the Couuty Cieik t-f Lin n couuty, at Albany, Oiecc en Meads), Aasust 261 h, ISSt). vi' Dald T Weu.lie, HctreMta:! Fit- try ro. 475, for tlie SB el St c. 2, 1 u Id Alt, U I 1IC . .-. II r- 1, nef-ses to uiove bia eontinurus n-siiln ie iimtn and raillivatirm r.f. snirl - '- J. H. Uwlts S, Ls-wtst, p. Marol'iHBr.df C. Coop, r all ot Stsoet Hon e, Liii i cuts- f ty, Oregou. f Any person wuo oefsiret" 10 protfs.' sgniiibt the allow am-o rl such prvof or who knows tf 8":y Rul)sti:tiKl rs'ii, under the law sud tbu regulations of 1! Interior De part mtnr, why uch piosii should not be alio ed, will lw ivt nsi. opportunity at the shove mcnticm d tit . , and place tocios fxsinine the v. titt s-t -of said claimant, and to orter evidein-e i: . rebuttal of thai sutm-ittf-il l claims r.t.f W. T, Eubney, I Register, j' HARRIED. HUDDELSON ALLEN. July 10, by Rev F H Caldcr, at the M E parsonnge tn Turnes, Mr Charles E HuddeUon and Mis Mellie M Allen, both of Jefferson, The groom one of Jefferson's leading young men and the bride has been an ac complished and popular teacher In the Jefferson school. The happy couple passed "through Albany for Newport on their bridal trip trip. They have the Demo crat s best wishes - - - ' . AMBLE WELCH. In Lebanon, on Sunday, lulv I7, 1880, by Rev Cibony, Mr D L Amble and Miss O M Welch, both of Lebanon, IjlOR RALE,- The undersigned has for ' sale a horse power and sspara' -r, new and in good running order for stale nhnan. Inouireofil, Bryant. Adminis trator of tne es-.ata ot Jauxes Sateids, deceased. NOTICE is hereby Riven that property owners are required by ordinance to out down aud remove all thistles and ob noxious weeds growing upou their premises and upon the streets adjoining inereto.-wiioiii mo uuuw"i aiiujt Those failing to do so will be liable to a fibecff5. Albany, June 1889. J.N. Hoffman, : City Marshal. f r rvtewritlnK, Penmanship, Correspondence, v., , less and Legal Korms pi-aclically tansSit iu u ' Portland Business College. The thoroneh work done in each of our tcv r. leparUnenls Uas eiven this Institution a reput: ion such as but lew sellouts attnln, seeuriis t- iundreds ol our craduutes prootablu miw:. i neat, both s book-keepers unit (.tenoerat'l-s-fiS students admitted al any time, Ch!:iUis;u l; I A. p. ARMSTRONB. Principa!, Portland. Or. SAND, AC Persons desiring sand, lonrn or gravel the premises ol 1. L. Such in Benton county, can procure tickets for the tame at my office, Craw ford's block, Albny, Oregon. Cbs, K Wolveeton. City Meat Market SHULTZ JU0SM Proprietors. Keep a full line of meats of all kin-.K In a cool pltcp, completely pro tected; and always frstsb. Also have constantly ,ou hand Mlit! aud other fish.