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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1889)
THE YAQUINA UOUTE. Oregon PaciSo Railroad. foil lieveioivn-nt r"orrnnv' rHeam h)lli 25 3i Jin j. 20 ISOUaS LESS TI..E ,n by ny other t Jt. .'irot r! U ruiitfu iiatwiiifr and It-lit ' r"fr!i M .rttand and all pwlnta Ui t a V..u Li ml fru mo at.CU'"", Cat- R-.iii.i:ab-f the Oregon Peolflo popular aumiiior escuraiona to Yaqulne. Low rt Uoketa are now cn salts u0.f,'ry viooiavandNturdy rrom Aluanj, Corvelil und Piilioinittn, Konta BOUND. rv. IMn tr. Wlu.Uv end M- Si, Stt Arrlr. st lruse IS . soti-rti iiolNu. IVrtland kt.MH.eva, Wednesdays lav m. arrive at Corralli. at 3.W P. lloats make close. nn-H-Uoo at Albjan with tralna oftlieoresou ibjiuu . XI UK H.-ll Ktt't.K. (exwpt Hamlaya.) i . n-n 1:00 . .tUaVaqutna, :KA. UvC.wuU l:r, Arrtv Yaqoina, : lMn lk.rvlli,1l 4 A.. rnva Albany, u:w . ..V "n-:i ."v- trln connect t ! MnmlAitt at Albany and virtth th Orecon Uev.ioptuant I (urpany'al.l.Miof BUMmahl,- tH,twen Taonina. and Sao Pre.notco. iTi:ai . rKim t4'Ia- WlllroevU Valley, Thuntvr, May ttrd. vlo VtuMlay. J vb. ok raHJiM VUUimU Valley 8uAjr. May m. ,iv iv- .Urt rifthi to S K tU--iiS-i .ir.Uurt nl nmnftil b T??L- r.) .v ,.r iVrrailla. ami irdea-:o.H- ". Kinoi h'" arrn W rrtv al Y liirt - m.u iwf.r I'ala .f l!uw r.ruw way lweal. ' f tt .tl arnT - J MM wl H ket tmi, Mhan, tn C II t.ll. Jr., O. V riis. C . a.. A i: r. ! F Alien . Cr Pacific E B Co. 1 QYERUM TJ CMIFJIM1A -.VIA- Southern Pacific Company's Line. THE MOU.NTUASTA ROUTE. Htna Ixtwii j m y 1 . Fruidae a hour oiuruui' axni.w t. Hcs i. etwee frtuiis4 s4 treaclare. ftuu -ta I I N.T1.B 10:15 AM . S 44 A a I 7:oo r a .no r. a L I e ; u 4.5 4 a 1 .r au i' in.'.. WviruauuinuK aaibT .Kscoim aauJay). g.tJ a a L Purtlani Albany Ar S 4ira L 1 ll.UA l.r 1 HUll w r a I I I Ar LSBAXUS BOASCa, l:!ra I Iv p r a I Ae l i 'm i Lr lre I Ar Albany ' tibanoa Albany Lbi.rti Ar Lr 1 6 J.I a a I 6:4'. a ttirm t ora PiJLLMAh BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, Ver A-aasaMUS4 el rteeaM1aa raoaea cera, llacbeal t UartaTrsUs. Ths 8. P. Co' toixY BakMconns!n!na with sit the anilar tfmlna on lha Eaat aid DtWo Itom Iw 4 t airact, "'rUaiKl. ftt fcMe llvlai.i. trni.0 piisri.Ai ai ruittiM, XaiL n us sau I (Kx vpt aomUy.) Ti tall' VrllauU Orvtllia Ar 1 :jo r a Uor lr.if 1 1 1 1 Ar iuum TlAis CilLT (Ecjp'. Sunday. t&fl re)1-' BalHlFM j Ar PurtUmi Ar I .v .uu a a &.4S a . Through TicketK T: all 4nU SOUTH -A. INT 32 EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. f..r u l iuf j.-Uii .-efa-lin WtSA, t a I n-n'.'! Arnt at Al y. I. KOgliLER, K. P. IWK.KR3, Ai...;. Ajw'iu. If. a-rl i. At Eevere House: ALBANY. - chas. ty.ivy: . OREGON iI'IMETfJli. 'l! 1.. Crt-.-:--i vvl-. Table ,-i : ! ii'i i .u in '.li market. atr4ijr Hrrt.ii-iit. m .! rooina Tor rrnnn"r"'Hl trv'.rn trvr f '. til tr-n t- Mel."a City Heat llarkcl. 320S.. Prorri ttirs. Kv p fill. :m f ne-iia of hi kioda, ' iu ' "l pi- r-"t !;iu.l-'"ly pro tect. (3; nod a! wav fn-sb. Also b.tycouxuatiy oa baud. aaJmon and other fish. Pomirj WantaL All kin Is of poultry, allvo or - dree ed, wantml fcttbe vVUUmwtte PklnK Com pany Htore, Albany, Ores', Ql.a H SI. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. fir . IKhj n . "ti'ra I 1's Block. Mav b fou-.r! K' ..''hi 'i' ..n I tilgbt. U. t. MiSTiinat. 9r D. 0 Cutis, 8 e. A. Passas, Vi: ft . i li. Tii The lri.O'i!l l.riMiJ CllTiltiJinv OTimt I Ut Wis .',.i-t! l b-ivliiar and sclliriir i'.l estate, il".r.uo(; 'Im V.'nl .ititta Vaii.y in ail '4 uis lew1lK mfi ! ttic t'nllod Ha'-. Ku;l..lii)K KaHru afwiU Ut direct l,":ii. .Mfusra l lb. II. am atle Va'tay. aud b iu . r"ta in ail tbv .rlucifal towiiaof iirvi'i. folk. Lioii., Claekaniaa an yamhlll ciiliiti to aid in l.iiiux iiumitfranM. titfif. In lbs Tst Il'iibtlii un door st ul few art at Sox's. II'JDSO: 4 DICKIXSOX, Miiia-i. aASf Max. O. tSKDttt MAY k SENDERS. Daalers tn General flmnandioe. HAR31SBURC - - OREGON, Will bay dram, Wool and all kinds Frounce BREEDERS, ; ATTENTION'. The linporUd French Coach HlaUion Vinrih-tator, will make theawviin of IHSP at the fotiowmf' plc04t BrnwuvlllH Mondays and- I'ue'w'iya; Htlaey, Wod neadaya and Thur iv ; Lebanon, Fri day aod aturd.y' Hr Van oupor tonity for (he furipf.. of Llnu county to get the aervioo of tha ouly French ooscb horee ev r brotiKht l Ore g'.n. Fo wm imported from France by Theo. 8kiiioian and by him roiiitht to ' bf Mate. The Frem-h ciwo-Jt limw b onen fifrsrllnii ft t a'loii.ri ti roiic the ICiHtero "last- 'li.- .-! f w -... it -l ar i'dnK lmj rt-l Cr-,n. I"rr..-tirt reat number. Vih'Ii;iht ! ut'or. reiir''w!it4iive of this fun .ui itb 'I ol ln.r3-, e oiliiiK . 1 7VS harota hll- P' d Wf-ih ti lo'id Hie. lit it . t- n -v-r 'I -vlin! hJt ' ' 1,1 - i ' repnsrtif. 1 . - -hi b iicudod i- 1 i '.;.. o.ties a. $2il : niiif. a !j.'.' i.i i'j;i!. . K.i..,;' i'.'ir ,.yr Oil ';!M 'Ktii "1 riti'i r r,H,y. r"'':S. tSCRSE AILKENTS. Nepnnsct, M., Mr . My mar caught colli; result! swelled limb; lump between foreleg and Inflam mation, Cured her with St. Jacob Oil. I-OOAKDNEtt. r, sj Wlwboto.Te, June 3), It. My hors. was hurt on bind lot! suffered 10 month; WU Cured by 61, Jacob Oil : run ass remained permanent. W. J. CUNK. JOS. CAIRN BlMrsOf, Ev, See. Tactflfl Coaal lUood-IIor Asaoctatloti, says: "Being familiar with, tha romarkabls efficacy of 8L Jacob Olt, I cheerfully and heartily Indorse this valunbla specific for painful Hlments." lion. ODES BOWIE, Ex aovernor of Mary land. Jockey Club, l-rest City Paw. Railway Co., aayai "la my family and my (table 1 have ased Pt. Jacob Oil With satisfactory results, and bliv It tU best remedy for lb painful ailment of man tad beast," At DaroatsTS and Diaubs. 1HI CHARLES A. VOQCICR CO..iirllor.l!4 DH; J.L. HILL, ; Physician and Suioon, Otlloo cor, Klrataml Tarry StracW, ALBANY- OREQDN DR. C.WATSON MASTO.'J Phyuician and Surgoow. OIUt oipoaitn lb Iiwra'. DR. C. U. CHAFilBERLif, ! Homeopathic Physician anil Surgeon ; Special attention to diseases of the eye. j f-arotlliVoornrofThiJ an 1 Lyon St, aibany, mm. ! DR. I. VV. STARR, 1 'Physician and Surge ' o Late of BrownSYill Onioe at realdeiioeou corner Broidalbln and Seventh. VaIU promptly attt-nded In city or country. G. L. OLACKitlAfi, Sttcrtwr 0 . IK. Lm rJim. DJ ALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES' SOPS COMCS ETC. J . K. 7E ATHESTOSD, aTTOUNllV AT LAW, I ALBASV. elEVOI. W UBILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor- in I'huneery ALBANY. - - OKEUOS. Collection proiriLlly inde on ati pn'iit LomDanouotuUed ou onableloiiui B. R X. at), w. wmoiir BLACKBUW 3l WRIGHT, ! Attorneys at La7. 1 Will pracli e in all lh9 Courta-'f 'be ; State, i'roinpt atteulis n uiven 10 af bnml. iwsa euirnmml lo oureim OMi-eOdJ F,l'w'lVmp!c. Al'-ar.j.Or, a i vftrtilTKCW Up HnilUSIla m.M And founssliur At Otsik ALBA OHECCH, W,;i (,. . . i"; ..' tile Ooiiet j .till -I;';. A.i i Hihi iiitrnnted n ki ; will be promptly r.'smdnd to. First Nmionai iank OP A Lit a.", OKKUOtt. Preai.lcnt.. L. rtV.H Vie Praatilari. .. a, K. Yitl M. Caahwr K. W. l.ANi.O . At Caauicr.. vAh. 1'. KW tLL i TRANSACTS A CKERA'wU.iinx bualu j ACCOUNTS KEPr aubject U. cbwk. I SIGHT KXCHAXOK anl Ul raplilc, -! I a New Vork, Han Kraiiaoo, liamft and li IW. i COLLECTION? 4AJ)E b...rair tansa. SISKCVOSS K Bvux, AT, L,x K I,. Kusx, Tl'SSSLL, Linn County Hank. Cowan, Eilston & Chani'jerlaia, ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS SKarwral hanking tMntnaat. DRAW" SIGHl DrtV'Moii M Vor's. Sw. fraa 441 ani PortlaaJ, Oraoa L0A!f KOWE? ua appievtJ tavartty RErRIVBdspodMsubjavt aiweh. . F. fslERBILL, JB jGl. UT TZ EB, ALBANY, - - - G3EC3M. j SI1 nclunifi o.i Stw V .rk, tun Krancim and i PurtUnd. Bny rxitaa, Sla' s, ccinlr '1 e:ty warrn'i.a. lla jnive deposits aubjea t eheek. Intara 't i.i-l on I hue deiioaita. Oitlectlona wilt rooiv pr.Mnift altcnt1 jii. rnrrnHKHidauc. a.rfielid. firs and Msriiw lii.urane cm.jKUilrt. Alw.l'ical siren, nt Lom'ard luTcatoient ('.mi 7n y Lnara niadt un.tarru p d JJAItY CARRIAGES AT ' STEWAUL' to KOA T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT J,AV -AND Notary PuMic- x ALBANY, Oi3-i. IT. a AIM Oeld Watch.' i .Mivr)ftM. uuo!attv. t Iv. at. li in te. wot ld. Uiltd liiittkMiMir. W ... 4tiunna. f.'UM. hut h t.rfi... f .ut,' aixM. with worke 1.' . .nd .ncr ,u hava lkA, Nl -our bnnin tor fS rn'mOi. an4 itrawa lb,ri Ul IhOM . im:.y hav. c.ll.J, Hm-v bamii. .our m prorwrtr. Thoi. wt. ViT'.'.m t cue. l.a ur ct rrrvlfia lh. Wl. lr h aod (i'lntfilet. W all aipr,", AddrMa btuiaoa s;e., num. 9 1 jrertiuaa, 3piw in web 1 ciity.iti vttry MM MWlaa-Bkachinsi made in Ltb wwlti.wuii ah tba itatbnwmn. a wui bum Mid tree a voniplma Mm of our camIjp and vainaiiia art :aarnj. ia rruiro we auk tnt yoa 'liuw wbtt aro4. lo itaosa who L may rail at -four bonM.and after Sft ntuttins an ana 1 1 tXKuin your own ;ort anar tba Kintfr pairnti. ft hteh bava run out : fnrt fniirnia . nia out it avjUtfbrfltff.B, sv iih I 1m m en 'enm9m, na now atiia for tf ?I "f"' "''itn m lite world. Ail h. Is-LLiVm. No eauiral rrauirwl. Plain. --rf :i!'i;u'i;..i fm-t'tt. lmHia wbwrii to aa t oncaetmrtw ir Ifeta tba b-t s-ta iii-iDSk.wtry ia tha tacrid, and tha f.r. st tui of QTk.i oi b.s-h arta-.r siuwn toa-ihrin Amerir. it A t: IO., HiM. AMuta( HftUl. ! I A.& iiH I'mi UiMkaa lr. War-1 HJjU U 7 V-f - -i.i. 5 I W ,lw wfu.i vuiuo. fvil ";,".'.Z,1 J One leran urark to. ki'V 's -'5s'4j? ff aae aararaa. Ir., X rtrlk.r wiik cur lire. and ,al- vT"'K ' T..-". Hi. cr Iluuaeheld '4M,!i.;' ' ' Smruolea. Th wmlw, aa Nil4: . 7 n-.n a, Hi. wuch. wa acnit Tl , ' I i, I " r-rrrZX k rtewlar-aroehlneTlTiTlTI L;y' T lu i m. ..l.lili.hij If if if r. ! 3 ii Jj,Y 1 1 . l aa Kim ia. Cuu mt I .V.U' ' ---err?. w.willatad fivaui.i. c- ZXT mam B K :iknr ::iocva fficul : ana Pmi, Wm II Z. T. WRIGHT, Foot of Morrison St., Portland, Or., ' AORNT roH cVi "tr'i, ' -j-.j.-alj-" The Advanc3 Threshing Machinery The btistaiul fttwletat throxlmr In Amerl ca, aud maolilnw that atauda wllliout rival. Tim ADVA.Nl.'K throaber baa NKVKR IxMiti HKI'LACICD by any fttb.r machine nil the Coaat, but ba replaced aevral other thv, HWK KAlI.KU to flllNY ARKANTKK Tlia K Mil N K la guar enteed to pull morn tl.ait any otbar, and will out travnl a:l other o-i tli road. II you bear any loud hm.lN, tell tne nartl-athe ADVAM!K I UKKIICIt and ICNtJINIS are old on tboir merlta entire ly. And I am willing to pr.ive all olaini In uiy flnld at anv tint?, , iw nut bo bum bucifod bv Imvuiic any umohlntt un'll you Boe tlift ADV A N(. t leo baivdle attain tlultu uo'U, In.u lre. kiiiii.b uioweia, Ntxtderw, a,rliil"tb harrowa blacaainlth'i ft)ruK, ilililn, rhururi, (artu and ob(Hl belli, and mauy other apnolat, Ilea, Albany liratich llcu ouo bbwlt below Rum Uoumc, J AH. i:.KNOX, 3Inmip;oi Fniimillet k living, r a A A A A - w v " n l-t-' jr.v --"V . i -FUNERAL lUUKtrrORS. Prompt Attontion-First-class Ebstss !':;; h .aiTenonlvet l aatu.'scllua la lbt in I uooorrtKva and i.iri. I pmertbe tiamt f 91 Ml 10 rcouimMs .- It t all sufTar t T.ICE,t.OO. 6.-IU by imajststak f l.ll., ; Ij'l t. ST0CKMENAN3 FARMERS BEAB- i hereby certify tli.'i ' hsui auoeifilllt ti'.'rW i dors, 1 For furthi rfe;-H "-- Inas Inquire !' A m ' i'r. . N. M'oo-lb t . my rldfrllni ; lWV. UAYi. ,.. ri.rd to ; a' r . iMva l j i .r .iau, slfrxJ ai;i t iiia, Helo. t i iictlcai yr la moo, lt'ii'i : .'!.' WolVrton Ail-a'iv ; Win. Foi-. I'rtu.M.t. stlit,, t oountrt urroundins;. llirw an : rt id Mice corner 9th and WhlrKo I.I. WtKrl-LK," Vetpramry Kurjcw n. i BROWNSVILLE. in a gncunifj 0. enitr j We I f WJHiJ tW CC OWfl.s7 Boil Estata an3 Insurance Agents. ; Itotl ottti an C'oUoctlons Notiriil buslnaia attended to U A rirC! Tbowi wltthlnir a fir-t -fin- kiatriae.. . nbouid call at Mm, H. J-;. (fjrmau'a aan me one of thoaa Crtntt-l lis mum lxnn planoes exoiieut .cb tone, 12w pof tally made and adapt-! io ttiaif the ell mate on the Pru'ltic i'mh, lZery piano fully guatanlnad for & vears. Tha liJest aheet-muaio for silo, MiiaIo and painttoir toasone Klvn them. Aluo tho ( laeai to got your new Sf-wloa; M-iohtm-. Furwy work and drtwj mkm dono to order. Flrat door east of YoiiDjt't oi l tani, Albany, Oregon. TVTien I ay Ccub I Jo !;n mean m arely to them tur a tiuio, and then have t sem re. turn ftirum. I mean A UAUICAIa C'iUJL 1 hcvu made thu diacuco ot FITS, EP1XSPS1T or TAIXETO SICKItXSS, A Hfe-lona: study. I T7AriBAWT my reasedy to ;iihk the worar. ensea. Iieeauat3 olbsnra bavo failed Is no reaeon lor uot now reeeieujr acuro. i:n.e.iianoreitHonioruoinowretia;acura'. Heui! ut once f"r a tre'.io anda t Kia IIOTTL4 0'. mV NPAM.IBLH UKMRDY. Uif f mri!.a f:t- i't t OlHre. It !oitt yotl YHMnztBX tot A I- i, ii will cure you A-XUnut Mice for PQWicatlon, United States LundOfBco Oregon City.Or. April 13od, lo8rf. Notice li hereby t;lvcn I bat In compli. ance with the oiovMorm r the act of (Am. gres of June 3rd. lM7a. Multied oAn tot lor the ealo of Hnibe? itinris in the Stutts of Califoinla. Oregon. Navadsand Wsh Injrton Territory" Laarder Iliow o Staytoti, county of Mo fin, Stale " g"n, r,H'4t;ihtdH(y l(,rf in thiw rvft re) lu SWfiril r.t:uerm-nt, No. CHS. for h nnro'.iaan. of tbe N' J'! M of 1er-t.ii 'it V... k. in Town ship N.. J!ainlt. V-ni- Mr.ift ..t,ninJ Alii offer (,r,,nf 41 shi v.- Ihxr, IliO ini sought In more vtslunblo for .M timber m atotia than inraKrO'uJlurat purs arj to et.taOlinli bU ittiro to usirl land 1Im I bo UeaiKter :i! 15m eivoi of thin i ttli e Oregon City, ' 'rejaot;, mi .)iday. the I'fti day or Jul ,'fri9, e-.t liameeas witneesAa. H. Shaw, T. ;y.;.ia ajid W. Jlosy. all -or MU1 Clly, Marion -'oonuty, end H, Brown, nf Albany, l.luu oounty, oik .if vrignii. - iny nnditll tiereoosr-lajrrJng adyrivHy the abovo .Vwricd Utftls are nquatvl to dii (J,eu-diiiM Jn this oflUno ot sir liefoLU iid l'J:h day of July. 1HS'3, W. T. ljtoKSET, ITOI lTS.j3 .'2 aaaaaawUMar. fc'l itrOTtrkr Ip tnss Coolal 3s hi' S ' 'III ijlpjSS j FOR HALT? BY Ft Oil AY r IAeuN ! ewyvsji ayn nvrwiin erw m ;! ill s.f TELEGRAPHIC NEWS The KlU nnliing Fire. r.i.i.ENsi)inon, W T., July s. Tht clly preientetl iiul spectacle thii morning. Where long block of busincH haue stood yolerJ.iy nothinii remain but ahe and smoking embers. Score of new brick blocks in proem oferect Inn suffered the same fate other bnllding. The only four remaining untouched are Muda's hotel and the Nli,IIowgnn and Smith blocks which were saved by being some distance tram the conflagration. Two hundred hoime wsre totntly clcNtroyed, and the space burnt over ii ten blocki,or stwitt fifty acres. The lots, as far as enn be ascertained 1j, 9750,000 In buildings and 91,350, 000 in goods . There is not a restanrnnl, hotel or hoarding house Icft.sml there are atrottt 1 50 people denit tute. The origin of the fire is siippottcd to be In cendlaiiin, J S Anthony, in whose biiiluincn the fire started, says he lelt his store at 10: 1 $ P M had used no fire or light excepting tli electric light, and thinks the fire was siarte by an Indian In revenge for white man !c Ing his squaw. Deadly Itoeket KtU ka llKt.fNA, July 5, Helena added one to the list of victim of tht Fourth of July celebrations and no her la dangerously wounded, but may recover, wluncy 1 eager. M years old, was killed and Kinna dangerously wounded, but may recover, it was at the lime of the pyro technic display last night. Yeoger was struck by the stick of a rocket, which pierced his breast. One of them stuck Klnni in the right side, penetrating Itctween his tibs. A CurloM K It Itumer, Walla NY alla, W T.,July 5. It iscurrent lyreiHrrted here that the O R & N andlheclty of Portland will make a slrontr endeavor to have a clause insetted in the constitution of the new state I miting the right of the counties to issue Sonds to aid raihoad. It I said to lie s movement directed against the Hunt system ol roads, and lo prevent this county fulfilling its contract with Ilunt regarding new roads be proioses to build. The rumor is creating con siderable feeling. Steps will be taken at once to counteract the supposed movement. . fJlonabarg Harwell. KLl ENsat ti;, W T., July 5. At 11 V M lire woke out in J it Anthony s grocery on Mam street, between Fourth and Fifth, and fanned by a brisk west wind rnultlly destroyed the wbbW businesa portion of Kllcnahuig, with exception of the Kiist Natkinal bank and the Lynch VkV, the lite I spreading among the reaidcace in the southeaMem pjit of th city, l'h streets ai cruwded with learn and druts, moving ih)s lo places of safety. I bo water supply is inadequate end there is wnning itui a nauu engine wttu waicn to ngnt trie names. 1 ner have been no lataliiics, nor has any one tieen injured s Ur a known. About Court een block were destroyed: The loss cannot fall short of (1,000,000. 1 he burned distract 1 bounded on the east by Sprague street, an the West by Water, and extends irom ruth to Second. A Texas ttterat. rout Woutii, Tex., July 3. Yesterday seven inches of rain bad fallen in this part of me state ana great damage resulted. Report irom tne west snow heavy rains for 300 mile. 1 be Iiraxos and the Trinity are booming. At llrouk, west twelve miles, a bridge on the lexa racilic a a 500 reel of track were washed away. The St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas for two mil is is submerged. A lirakeataa Killed. Skattlc, July 4. Chailc K Mervitle.aged 30, a brakrman on the Columbia & I'ucct Sound railroad, wo run over by a car this afternoon al Kent, the wheels paasing over hit left thigh and right fuo. He was brought lo Seattle, where his thigh was amputated. After suflenng lerrttde agony he died this evening. He came from I'ltisburg- recently, and leave a young wife in this city. The 1m4 (lo., AsroaiA, July 4, Considerable acnwaemenl wos created in this city this afternoon l.y the telegrahic headline in the Ore f0mSm, ".Vstotia Must Wait." Astoria ha no intetitien to wait. She is up and diewl, and sends greeting to her big sister on the WtlknKtte. lb road goes. A C!tM Casu. La GRANDE, Or., July 4 The bnacll game of La Grande vs. Arlington ended ia a sccre of S to 6. Ten innings wert iilaye'l. The r! game stood 3 to 3 t lh end of the ninth I inning. Itaiker and Garrison, of Portland, if played with the Arlington. j When nby wm ale It, we (are he Cwrtnrta, 1 When she waa a Child, alaoerled forCaaloria, Wbrnn she brauiM M bat, ah elun to C aaturU, nnmv baa OiUUnm, ab Umax Caaloei FOSHAY & MASON, -naiUIJ A. 4STAB I Druggists and iiookscllers. i Akow for John B. Ahlan'a publications, y arblcb i anil a' o-jbllt ttor'e cxieast Witt. f tioauMsd lAd. , ALB API a tKKVO K. JOHN BR3GGS. FLORIST, . AIDANT OREC 1 Hoses a SfKciALTT. ditctoy ' in ; !i i te sti'aitexbil aTio IVYEllB' GTJIDE U lsaudl aia-oh ana Uept racO rear. It io an oacy slopocln of useful lufor. unai.lii for nil who nur. t boeo the luxurios or the us-jc.wities of Ui'o. .as ckuho you oul furnish you witu. nil hc neo r '.ary und nnnecosecry , i p.-4scis:i to rldt', vail:, iIai:co, cleoi', i.b, bunt. oi::, go to chuicl-, - r.-attv at bona, r.nd i.i variais tizat .vyoae aca quanttLfe, Juci il,-uio ou Oat M req-iirod to do e.11 tluao thlug .. t'UM'ORTASLT, nnd you can mnJ.o fai in:c:oi ot ths value of thj BUYJiaa 30x023, which will be sent upon r-aoccpt of 10 cents to pay postage fklOfrrCOMERY WARD & CO e AUXaU4 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ii1 . University of Oregon. EUGENE, ORECON. 9test sesaion begins on MonJsy. t'u i Frpe honniamhlp from every rouof sriia ! be Half, Apply to jour County ttup trrln j? iidit. Free tuition after January ihitj t i-onroonrMs : Claralra', Keif mine, f erary and a abort EnglUh Couri "wbt .b there ia no trstin, O roe it Fi i ir Oentian, The English la pie-etnii ILtll irn vinob wt)y D , ,' ' """"i rur ff fteser IstloiaiBtion, address iMtwurii, iiunria. ll'ne fnifu ajiii . . - - .... J. J0HNSO Preld lUt. Peoria Ferry 3. SOHLAGEL, Prop., RCUUDTSir vtATIM AJOu'ble learo, 85o air-gla tsstn. horses or cattle, on, CROSfclKO 0B WAY t 2&s; t)ot iVji team 25oslogie team IS t. JSipeoial ran a on large drovee Farmer p -11 4lnd tbo fe rry road in a Ann t'ondtlb tn. I t. bay ing in on thoroughly reoobstro ctet , erud d iU$ravolid,. , CirYTAXES Notlr-r Is horebj gjyon iliHt tbtx roll ot tho oity of A Ibany. ireirn. fir Iho year If39 haw been placed In utv hand for eollmtlon, und tbat I will lie t too Cotmcii Chsmlrs of said oily to mseivs and ieeipt fo tho taxes oharnefl in aald roll, tbe period! of SO uaye man asco or tali nolh a. All la sen thirty rJisvM ItaereaflAr will he. roii, n.d tr the Common Council oftbsetty otilbeny j .uriingiiiBni, son omit adii xpeaura .'or mUddii-p such lixesbe adtUrJ eiiereto. LWteri at .vibapy, Or., thl 10tt Iay of ! JOHXlN, HOFFBTi W, CUy Man hal. COUiNTY COURT lttOCEfct)IN8. (D. R. N. lllackbuni, Judg i D. W. Col-r Slid O. W, Pbillln, Comnibtonr.) ' . $10 per month ordsred placed In hands ol Sam May, of ilairWburg.for aid ot Clm Report of 11 fdrwelt received and al lowed. Sam DawySup't allowed 1000 feet ol lumber Frank Winkler, Sup't. nllowed aaoo leet ol lumber and rulls. Owl Cieck bridge ordered repaired by .Supervisor, Hi Ide nttittera not taken up Following bids wen; opened Co building Slnyton brldtte I rnilllc Urlduc f'o. ?jr,. 6 ki and $l8,5x lloff.i'iin k Mutfs.wood, $i6,8ioand $i.,,1oo 5 b'" $t3.5 $ift,ySo. .' U-t to Hoffman & Bates lor $i3,cn, Iron pier. Application of J T Hook and other fur county road, granted, and John Denny, J Pllydo rihI Wm Thompson appointed viewers. Material ordered pnr:liae l for culvert lor bridge at H M Millers. O P L-rntilcd nermUoton to lay water pipe In county road. O Cbcsney allowed to purchnc lumber Mr S Hlnes allowed fi6 aid. Report ol A P Flory and other for county road and fee allowed, W S Powell resigned a Supcrvlwr and V D Waxbburn appointed. Application ol II Hardness and other for county road granted and Ja Shclton, S M McLalu and 11 Phillips appointed view cr' ! NY Spink, lumber IturkbarttV Hover, priming.., r C Sloper, linn her L M Curl, salary loo ... ... 117.78 A haitmnrih, lumorr ... 354 J R Wyatt. Ileputy Ulst. Att'y II rarcwrii, saury ... 83.33 tllc ,v iNuttinK. 14.30 ! .... I5S 8 .... 7S .... J37.00 I John Smallom, fees. Rl Koldcrwav, stock Inspector. K K Davis, abstract of mtges.. I F llvdc.nldj Hyde la i 70 J $ io.uu 3 00 11M I'. Y. Montague, Ices A F Hamilton aid Orchard family I. Don a tan, aid Munann family.,.. Oregon agt W R Mc Daniel Oregon agt W in School! ng ......... J J Da vl, keeping county ptor. . . Oregon againat J M &cbloar. . . . Oreyon agt ieo Lee 35 N II Alb n, electric lights vit for Recoider 3500 7 50 I II Fltxwatrr, aid IV A FlUwntcr W Wright, drawtnar contracts.. D R N lllackburn. County Judge., 1 1 00 (i W 1'hlllliw I3 JO B W Cooper IS Tin 4TH or Jl'LY 0AtlOM. Mr. Geoige said subatantlally : The in sttnctlve love of home and country is al most universal. America l the chosen home ol people ol all nationalities. These old oaks were standing here long before our lather framed the Constitution, same of them w ben the '"May ILiwet" landed at Plymouth Reck ,and perhaps when Ccdurn bus landed on our shores. They were the contemporaries of Washington, Adam and Jefferson. The moral and ItcroU deeds of the soldier of the Revolution I unpar. ailed. The one great event ol the Revolu tion that decided the fate of America was the battle cf Haratoga, The greatest d clve Baltic of history was the bnttlc of Marathon that decided the fate ol Greece. Other were Arabelte. Cbilhm, Tours, Haating. Orleans, Blenheim, but America had her Saratoga, I torn that day the U. S. has gradually increaaed In poer until now it ecllp-ea .11 other nations cm the face of the globe The star ol our destiny la not rricm-ry, It 1 hope. The hope of our nation bea in our people. Our danger can only come Irom within. Assytia, Rome ana Pparta departed irum tne principle 01 their Inundation r.nd fell. The t'nited States must remember tb spirit of the Revolution and grow In strength. White other nation have bud their great men it wa reaerved for America to have her Washington. The sneaker closed with an eloquent peroration showing I be decay of the great est of n:itlon, and , yet, nnlwIUttanding this, we hope for the future ol America, j which has l-.nd 00 parallel In hi. tor v. A eeident at I.ynes. Oeectal te Pasois.r Lvoss, Or, July l!i Ye-terday even ing alKiut 6 o'clock white acvcral children wcrcpbylng alth a road cart at ih? tel dence ol James Berry the cart wa lipped backward, falling on Patrick, the four year old son ot I C Lyon. brrakln bl leg near the thigh, Dr Wvntt was Immediate, ly summoned and tlw (ittteauffcrer Is now resting easy. belter List. roUoelnr l the 114 d kto-t rwnalnini In lb. I'jat OdVsi, Albany, Linn eouif'i, Orjjoti, July k, Paeans callln; ttf IUmc U n ruiM air the data ea Mcb they ears sdvceiiai : tb.rh, ass K Momfaby, K T Cly, Km I'ah.u, Cbaa lKd, Cbaa A NobIow C K frather, J At Cat en, Alfred l!oon, .in lo Ik-Mty, I'r V J I 'r,bll. Miaa Caroline Hmiry, i.lamwe IMrkk, U.MIS eaieae, l li tmissc AKaamta. rundisb, ktla r K. THOMPSON, F, M. KEEPITKH. S gH d Mi W F Head. F, J. Fri nch rsiirual time, IVireauu in b o sn.l shoe at UojJ's. J. P. Wallaoc, Physician Mid burgeon, Al baay.Or For a Sterling or Kinertou piano call on G L Dtackeoan. O L Blsckmsn in agent for the IVober uisuo. Nona better. R'iv yrmr ticket through to the East of W 1. JvrUr aud S'.vo fare to Portland. 1 have reduced prices on all heavy wear j in bonis eort snrea. tail early at w Read a. The Weai-ro Cottace and Packard are two of the beat ogaia made. 1 L Black nan sell them. A lino tine rf all kind of furniture, plaiu and ushotstered, lca stock in tins part Oregon at FortmiDcr ft Irving'. If you want a clean cod fine smoke ask for J. Joseph's home made white lahorg cicsiS For esln by moit ciar dealers and st his Joseph's factory. J Aro'ii'i! t, ao i. S'nijs.. Maoufaatur io(!. , oiriosita Oil Fniiva Temple, Al baoy, A lii.o tins of buggy dusters andIy not at Th 'renown A Overman', the loadiog hroe dealer , An eWsnt I ne of altV table spreade, in heiuliful desiguv, just iseeived at Foitmillcr Irving'. 5 cans 0 llden Star tomatoei for 50 conts stCMeyerr, and all other, conned .oade cheap for ensh. Ir Wiitthtsmsn'e Sovereign Palm ol Life, fie-dieeaxes ptcuLar to women, at Deyoe & Rd,eoo's snd Brownell tt StanardVfJ P J IHltunorc, agent. , Merit Wins. Wsdeaire tneayte onreltlrona, that for year we have heon S"lHn De. Kind's New Dlsooverv for ton- iiaunt'iliou, Dr Kinc-sKew Life Pills, Hueklen'a Ar nica HaWaand Kleetele kilters, an1 have never band ,1ml rainedlea tbat sell ss swH, or that hsv given such eaiuvenal sallnfaitlon. Wsd not hesitate to guar. aatee tharn every time, snd we stand ready Co return! Sail purahaaa prtoe, il aatlaiaetoiy result, do not foi Iker their bee. Theae remedies have won their great phasularltr purely oil Oielr meek, foahay snd Ma eas, dnigltt. itneklcn'a Amies Pulve. TiailW'. SiWs In the world for Cats, fcrulses.Siros, Clews, ! Khsum, fever Sores, 'l'Ur, Chapped handi.43allliliuns. t'orna. snd all Hkln Rrnptinn, and poeMta?!? .urea 1'iien, or no pay required. It ia euar-antef'-Uigpiva per act tv.tifctlnii, or money refund ed, SVluxa5owpertnx. For sale by Foshsy snd Uoaon. aVIK PIVEH. ion omitMrVU.itrT9Sbl8 Itohin afti irir warm. 'Padeto; talwellat Blind, Uleedlrg Cro tending File 'i at onoo to th applies i r. Boeaoko i.renwly. w.doh sets directly the p.rUi i f J?wt. tis nbiur the tumors, ana . fnterwa iteXnx wd ffac!in(r a pernnnent e'" cent. Addeeas IheUr BwaiikoM:clns Co.. 0. hold; iry 4i'. C-iias snd Son. Children Cry foil U0 ANB AftUOAIi 1KIBAY. Tli gross rco'.'lpts at the W C T V hall yestuidiiy were about 830(1, Tli Farmers' ft Merchants' iusursnoe anmpany, of this oity, carried sW.ut 8501 K) in risk in 'Kllennbnrg; bat will only lose about f 1500. 8itvraltm of lu wore shipped bora from Albany Ust week and , t hsatimisphre became cooler at onea. Ivin"iii lituUter. Rv I P Mitin will praach .Smt.tay mortf hi ami evi'MMti at 1st l aiil M K utiurcb 8uth. AH at Invited to oritur. lu the foot ruma MuMinnvllle yatrdy l.ntwnoii Caiiierun, of Corvailis, and Miller, ul Hslin, Cinicroii Wfin wlih -. Tln-rw ik m i-rMt in Athany y.aur. ay and i n .'I'l li'iit.. It 'll arkalily gimd ot Inr fin ih b'imh u 4lb wa'kaut. Mr A II i4ri'i kii ! l.sp'i eh 'foin o. iin-iiruw, U) w ioli.rin, tits' lil n- iiorj wsa in alm hut liny wtretCe. Krvrvhrdy proiiouiiod thu lea eresin aotd tiy F II rfwifi ir MinUv tim flut vl mda Id Albany. France did a rushing bust tar. The crest Sullivan--K.ilr.alu light is to nonur nt MomUy if the aiithoritim dn not very prnperly put a stop to it, a they a art tltnv will. niiifxst aniw.l ye.ti rdiy vr in Albany, ami s far as noeonimniUtloiis wtr concern d It was well taken csr of. No one went hntiiiry nnr uo-sasrilv wiihont (rp. Nniety-fly nero'. of the M lo-a-s l ihe Korthwnst during lh tt yr ,r t-n hv ("jourrt-d in WahinifSon trl 'v. rrhp soii.e'lme Oreiion will ut i't hsre, Mr. 0rt 8 It d i hss t'd hia iiitn . i he job olllne of R .yc. St Hibler to Mr 8 W rasley. Mrrileyia ad exiwrinnded l-il orititnr, and tlianaw rlrnt, lika ths old on iU prubahly d a ittahiu, Mmio as fnn.l-hed yr.le. Jsy for t're oela. brtion bv the Mautuniu' baud, of this oity the Tangnnt band, who appeared in their rlns nw uiofor.-ns and the C'liamaw Indian ban d ti'i two furmar doing most of the pl)ing. This morninif lh streat rsilwsy man be i;sii fruui the Unvere Il.tnse tt work wt wsrd and First street will now he tors t for wvi-ral d)s. when the line wld b com rtletrd Csr will probably hi runmog he for ths first of Kopttmher. Mr and Mr Jbff Davis, who bava bean employed as attendsnt at the asylum forth past few years, leay to day (or their home in the Knt. 1 hey were priMeaUMl wltn i allverte pot and rencived tha eond wishe of their many friend, Salem Journal. Governor I'mtiuyer. linn J H Mitch' and Senator Norvrl. of Union and Wallo wa oountioa were oonspionoua figure on th grand stand at ill irrov yesterday. Mayor I ottAit. Pmident of th day inlrodnced tli former two i bet no spmeehn ware made. Hand shanking was in order. The closing struevl in the sham battle yesterday whioh reultn ia the csp'uro ol tha cannon, wa dona in pretty good shape, and If it had ooourred on time would bave roneived soma pratae j but th crowd had waited too lung, and wa not ia the praising busiooM, The boom al Kearney, Neb., ia oa te such a degree that evea the iniaiaWre hay rnugtit the real relate lever, l'.ecently a Kearney minister announced that he would tsk bis text from Ut7, Block 6. St. John' aeoond addition and no one noticed it exoept a man who never owned a dollar a worth ot ; real estate in bis life. A small lire in the mof of the old cooper hop near the Magnolia mill this forenoon caused a lire alarm, responded to by the sp rriue being taken east along First street. The fire was put ant with bucket. Kytry alarm cost the city f 30 or I0. Tom Kay la expected ia Salem to-day. Mr John Webber, ot Portland, U U the city. Mis KlUH'uiih. of WaiteWg W T, i in the city, the guest of M I-n IluHruille. Prvf C II Jones Uav to-morrow for Ya- qo'ns City to take charge 4 the poblio school at that piece- Tne Prof ia a good tescher and tte people due by the sea are forten te in securing hia service. BAIT KO AT. Ptosis are ru.binf for the summer resort. Set cirou was ia Peodlctoo on to 4th of July. Thel'.kio Oaxnte will be 1000 sear old la a lew day. Paaebee and plains from 3 athrn 0ttoa t are ia the market. 913,000 is to be aiwnt ii impioviog th Cbemeketa hole! a Silerri. , Mr Ce II K-ev 't, a remarkably goad Uncle Sm on the 4th. Prof LuniiCord, the ocoinvlisii.d niun i te.chcr, ol llalaey la in the ctiy to-day I The Mo loo and Three eti-ter are no th ouly heat rueuiug on the Upp- rWdUmotr. . I The tim ht.u a aaa,tuiM. i. .-.t,o..-t...:. moat I when joi want k'p ..tti thing oat of it. Til aesond iltineof ! Ili lmie th .ehanou and Kux rbitte uior resulted lu 'lotory fir the liuon n:ii. Ae esebsni.e thro are CI Indian ai-ncire in the United 8tat. Thu total lu.tuo KpvUtluo is put at S17.TCI. The board f 111 dcl-uatca have r-o-ivc I aoiue new bsdee fur exew'tt firetnon. They ar neat and handsome and an ornament to ! anyone' vest. I liiwrjH tVnWiAn hiaeitJ t. t'lwer.l a I - briuht, ul Lion county, tea ua in the out hern prt nf town, coDSidsratioa, I20OO. Ashland tultg. Kate Field s nsme ia ordered striken frow the list ol apraker at the Cbstsuus siaein blyon acunuutof the part sh tooK ia the aott-prohtbition eimpngtt ia Peunsvlvania. The Suprrni Cuait of Mifiij pi bss im poed two Hue iv 8233 each upon a railroad for failing to pmvido separate but like ao -oommodatl.m f -r the black and w hite race. According te a Baker City paper a man there threw t.tmelf in front of a runaway horse in order tn atop it. llncales mau, better throw a rail r.r anything but human flesh In front of a runaway horse. Tne U-v. Jiinu MoAJ-u. tbo otdest M'thtMlist minister m the south, died re cently in Itrunswick ononty, Va., in hia fl.'tW yesr. 11 hid Imoii iu His mioittry f ir 75 ear. . Tn d -aj store of Mr Jahn Ling. formerly of this oity. was among to huroad ettsbiiah inunts a Kilenshiiruh. Mr lmg w ill lose from $1,090 to S3.000, lie otrried very ii' tle. if any insurance. . Fort Keoiili, Mon., hr.s the widest ring of temperature ol any place on earth. !-at anininer tho therinnitiulitr from lne ; to ISO" aliove. while reoeotly it marked I5 If below stro. a total n-nce f 10.e. A farmer driving along Ljron Street to-day j found part d the street railway not laid yet i and, in atUmptirg to drive along on tha dirt piled up in the street, hia wagon careened ! and finally torued ovr sitboot doing auy of ; damage however. j L, Martin ben ins ahipuing neaehe this week, taking to Portland with him yeater day ItMl boxes of lino Early Alexander which average about 4 inches in oircuin fereuoe. Mr Martin ha bought tho crop of O Coolidu snd J T Itocere, and will have some of the lin'st peaches in the State to ship this Mioson. Ashland Tiding. George Itoger ha cummonaed work on the lint issue of his new weekly democratio ppr, asya the Jaurnnl, to b cast upon the waters as bread for hnngerina demooraov. He hia unwisely named it the Capital Demo- erai, mus lutiingma upon tne name ot cwpi tal Journal. Mr Rojeei oeiobratod the 4'h hy putting in type hi ralutatory and load ing editorial. A total of fonr million dollars of conl.ribn. tious to the aid of the Johnstown sufferer ia one of tho best evidence that aelliahnesa ia not the only motive that oo-.troU noiety' in those days. It may Ionic a good deal as if that was the most poweiful foot or io onm- meroo dunog ordinary periods, but oooasinn ally evidence to the contrary coma iu the disguise of a calamity vVheat, CO cents, - 15 ceut shaving st VierecW. 8 ticket for $ 1 at Viertck'i . New dros goods at Mcliwaiu's. Mason fruit jirs at F L Kenton' . Nw inyoine cf fine g' Id ring at French, A !rr i ot' silt si! on 'ii just opened at F L Ken on ; , Fresh eeeam chteso just recoivod at F I. Benton's. Now cream cheese just leceived at Courad Meyet. . For ule. chiip, suaond haod orgnu, Mrs, My man's. '' 3 liiri ninnii'2 steady at Vioreo'i' ahav log parlor. .-. Best roast cofTuo iu t.a city at Conrsd Meyers. Good coiiLing stove only $10 at Ilupl ;. & Silttnarsh Pitcher's Castorla. The best watoh in the world for Ui money at F M KreDoh's. Hide saddles and kclle rklins uarcinoleo at Thornps'ta Si Overman' . Thompo ft Overinso, iflfjrjta'for the iireat Pynsinita buggy whip. For a number one cnslily of knirea fork and spoons call at V M Fiction', nefrigsruturstt Stewart & &o't laeoream freexers at Stewart 4 8x'. Tabbs'a pare manilla hirdina twine in largo tjUaiiMtin at Stswsrt St S ix's. 1 ha chnliKwt li-m of table luxurios oun be ouud at Bruwnel) Si 8ts nurd's. T W Benilsy, best (mot and shoe maker in oity, oppirtlte Fr miller & I r, Inn' A Israeaud fin lino of window shadu ust received at Fortmiller k IryinaV, Money oan't buv bettii- oots and shoos than Mclietlo i Mtlliop, Ik better goods are not ttinufjotur.d. The Tir eM of 25 W hata i e oolnir at 10 r. t. di.ooiii.t a. K U C Howard', as well as their 0' her mllilnery gomt. Some fin California cheese, a bsrrel of olden drip syrup and some Hneoomb honey rceeivea at itrownri; at niansnl a. o lo Iloyoe & Paisley for tour bib i r'u.t lira. They do any end ail kinds of work in th puuilehitiaj aud job prii.tiug line, t lick wora ana w orloes. W B Hontt is in town. Mr Dr D dd, of Suio, is in the city. A I! .e tima was ha I at Krowntville on the 4th. Mr Hne, BurmesW. of Fi-h Lk H eif . Mr 1 I. K! .;..imi., t.-ot, t )".ii...-, 'or and t -ii . v. Mf W E '(..... of A I f..rr,,..rlv "til ii. la 111 tlie ultv. Mr 3 J Mtewaet end fauiily. of the (3 v. left for the Bey (a day. A B Heal biaves this ev-tuimr on the S train for a ttire wekw trip f) Saii Franoicc . Mr Chester UUoel left a dy or two aero on a severs! months' trip to lJa-.tern Oregon. Mrs J If Tow.tend and dsrtahter. i. Port laud, are ii ti.e otiy, the guest if Mr L K IWalll. Mr Msok Motrin', of Toledo, fumerly of this city, bs been hero for a day or two, for the llrst time for severs) jeair. The family of Mr Kidnkiu, sccompsnied by Miss itstlie Boss, left th:a noon on the O. P. lor Newporr, here they will sojourn (ur a nuuibor of week. Dr Frank Bll rd, af 'cr graduating has deonlrd t locate in hi former homo IxJian on, where hia father wa so welt aud favor abl known for many year. A very fine banquet wa tendered or Penuoyer, Hon J II Mitohell, lion M C Ueorgi aud the staff olli' of the 21 ritfi ment lo the city, at the St Chsrle hotel Jtti ol July sight. Mr W L Jeater. with hia mother aiul sis ter loll last eveoinii by way of the H V and Union I'eeiiio Cor hi old borne at PriiKeton, III. -Mr (J P Jstri!lruntne 8. P. o( tle during hi alcnor. Mr I) S Smith h&4 re'ired from th alter trTsrHioe, alter a residence there a shetiff and deputy of six or osvoa year. There are few mo in Oiron who know more about be busibM of the oflio than "Vauoy. Cttarch ttlrerleiy. U. P.CutJkca. Preacbingevery 8abla'h, morning and eveoiug by Kev. r", U. lr. vine, L. I). Sabbath ocbool at T. al Prayer msettnj every e lno'ly events, Kv asoeucal Cjighco. Preaching on Sab. Sath at 1 1.00 a. st., aod 7 r. at. Sabbath School 10:00. Prayer meeting every Wed oeeisy evening 7uS0. Rev. Fuher, pastor. Altar invited. M. E. Cucbch.Soutk. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 1 1 o'clock A. si. abd 7 o'clock r. M. Habbetn School at 10 o'clock XL. Prayer tr.eetiei Wednraday eveninc' 7 o'clock. Kv. I. ll.Comson, Pastor. M. E.(B0IAca. Preaching every Sabbath morning and evening. Song aervioe iu ' the eveui ig before soruton. Sabbath School st 2 30 r M. Prayer meetiug every Thur- j aayruaj It v. It t. t abUpaator. Passat rxaiAS Cvxwea. S-vice .Tory i Babbatb morning and eveningtn Church j cor. tsruadaibia and FiflbSU. buudy School imnteiiately after the morning service. Prayer meartiog every Wednesday evemns Bev K R Pricbard, pastor, Firorr BArrirr Church. Preaching everj Sabbath morning and evs' Church oo Ctb Street Sabbath School immo-iiatelv after nurutng aervitm. Praver meeting ve Tburady evening at 7:30 o'clock. lUv. Tramtwll, aaUir. CoKOKKOAnoKALCbcht B.-erviceeveiy abluh morn in it and evening. Sabltair b'hieil at 1 2: IS. "ntyer meetint; on W .lined) eveniug -. eauh week. Rev. llofra, I'a-tor t'tlKIKTUX ' 111' mil -t'rvachiiigrve'i bra Si i.aih u. oi tt-, riL..!nt'... and evt-inii-, , e It .A... a. Jit- t -!'. S --ho. I at 10 j'cl i-k A w. R -, Huo.t !. s,. I' !. r. ('aTIIomo I llOai-u v"i:i. eiviy Si.n day at 10.3(1 a M. and 7 P.M. LU Su.d..y of the month sen-ice at Kum City, lie v. Louis Mvt)er, Uector. MAIXU1EP. F0OU-FULLER.-On Saturday, July 6, iS8- at the residence of Mr A I) Mcll" wain, In Albany, by Kcv E R Pricbard' Mr G W Foor and Mr Kale A Fuller- both of llepicr. otic8 for Publication. UtiHod State. Land Office.. 1 urrgon City, June 2D. 1889. J NolHie ia briy given that in oomp'l am o wltb Iho pmvialnna r.flhe act of Oinnre.x of June Srd. IH78, entitled "An act for the aai oftlmtn-r land In the vUt a of California, Oregon, Novada. and Washington Terrl'ory," Uiaiam II. Hequa.ofl'ortb nd.couniy of Multnouinb, S atat ofOreuoo, has Ibis day filed in this nfltivi his ewom stsK'inetit N'u Ui3.1, for tiiepurohaae of the E 'A of N W and Inia I and 2 of ."Motion No. lit, in 'town ablp No, 10 south, ltange Nn 8 east, and will offer proof tn show that thn land sought is in ire valuable for lie timber or stone than tor Sitricuttniat purpotei, and In establish bin claim to raid laud I) fore lbs Kgutterand Kouflvrr of this cilice at Oregon city, Oregon, on Twesatay, the i:ih day r srplemtirr, 18S9, He Dsmossi v.itneMH's: John W.t and 0, A. Iiecnelt, of Taoouia, Pit-roe oownty. W, T , aud !. llen-hey snd C U. Tyner, of Pol t aud, M ttiuiomab court ly, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad reiae ly the above described lands are rcquett ed to file their claims In this olUceonor before said 17th day f Septembor, 1880. W. T. llUBNSY, l'egiattr. ? Notice for Publication. United Stales Land Office, 1 Oregon City, Or., June 20, lb9. J Notice Is hereby given that in ccmull anca wltb the provisions of tbe act of Congress of June Rrd, 18 8, enlitlrd "An act fi r the sale cf timber lends in tbe States of Cslilorniv, Oregon, Nevada r.d Wssblngton Toi rltory " David llertdioy, ol Portland county of Mi.ltnoniah, Mate ol Oregon, basthU dv UleJ lu this ciHoe bis sworn etatetnentNo, 10S2, for the p-ir rbsaeoftbeS K J of Action No. 12, In Township No. lo suuiL, Jlango No. 2. east, and will offer proof to show that tbe land sought Is uiorj valuable for its Um ber or toie than for Sitrlcultursl Itir poaes, aid to establish bis o. aim to ceid land befoi'o the Kegi ti r or ltecelvtroi tblsofllioat oiegcn til', Oitgcn, to Tassday, tbe i;tu day ay Srpirmher, lsno He names ss wltifess ; John U eet at a O A Bennett, ..fTaooDin, Pltrea oiut ty, W. T , end W. II. Rrqua and C. G ly ner of Portland, Multsnmsh rouniy. Or. Any and all peitoiis claiming sdvtrstly tbo above described lancJs ate n questtd to fl U claims In tbl rf!Ue i n or bo fore , aid J7ta rlav of Srpt in her, 1819. - w r. hj jty, Ibgistet, Intelligent Headers will notice that et"3 - - n - r a u n h w , are net "tearranted r cure" all elaaaos f diseases, but only aueti aa reault f roui a disordered liver, via i Vertigo, Headache, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Costiveness, Bilious Colic, Flatulence, etc. .For the tbey are not warrantea tnm fnUibl, bat are as near ly ao aa it is .oe aible to make m remedy. Price, S&ets. SOLD EYEKYWIIEIIE. fcM.iuTiiiliriiiiaiiiiwiiiistMi i IM. Mi hu - -rn-n -trtt-ntr T--11- . - - s -.v J ' - I i fof Infants and Children. '"Caste Is aoweU adapted toehllom that I Cart eriws Colte, CfHtsttpatlmi, ( r,nmend It a. s.rperlor to any preecrlpUoa I T. IXltU d . aaewB to me." IL Aaeinm, K. . I Ul So. Oxtod 8k, Iirooklyo, it. Y. Tns A lt he to Jtollier. Mrs. Wmelow'j NootblnK Syrop, for dilldrn loclhltit', U the presort otiorj of one of tbo beet feifinlt. riureo ana physl ntana In tho UnllO't Htatr. aod baa leo ud for forty yer with neyer-fallitilt aiiiweas by riiiliinne ,f motbera (or their eblldren. Diirina tho proneea of lwthin 'U vaino U Itieiiiciiablo. It r-liave the child from nnln ,.Mrk tvo,.ti.rv and dlar I rboea, pt , ncr in the howt-la. and wind coilo. Ity ulvfntf h.tslt h to ihf ohlld II rents tbo mother. I'rJpo 2fw" a a rr"l'e. " in 3 Combines the Jules of the Blue Figs of California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal trirtues of plants known to b most eneficil tt human system, forming the ON LY PtK IfcCT REMEDY to act gently, yet promptly on tho KIDHEYS, LIVER AHD BOWELS AUD TO CleansethsSystem Effectually, THAT PURE BLOOD, P.EFRESHINQ SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is asing it and all are delighted with It. Askyour druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.. Sam rsAcico, Cat. loonmu. Kv. KawYoaa. K.Jj ALBAHI COLLEGIATE ISSIITUTB ALBANY, OREGON.' 1888,1889. first Term Opes SepleaaVer 11 tit. lass. A lull corps of Instructors, CUSS1CAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. CVurs ol etndy arranged to moot tir neod of all grades of studuu. Special maucmcit.'t ojfrrtd to Umlrnl$ from abroad. Tuition rani; from tb.M to ft'J.V). Hoard In private faiai'iee at iow rate tlooma tor o'.f-boaralng at smalt ex'ooas. A careful supervision exerclad over a deata away from home. Fail term opens feptombar 7th. For circulars and fait particulars addroas the President. BCT. ELCCBT X. OSOIT. Albany, Or-voo KO' TO GO Hi ST. O Cist vis Mount Sha-ta Himte. Nice alimsta and aienery mr. mil times of the year. Moont S-iaats. Sacr.nienot. Oiiden, Salt Lake, I..over. Finest eecood-cbtas cars made are un dii!. Ituv yar I'cVe.rauf n.e i. l invt your (are to Pi-rtl'-rtd. I . m th iol y n-iim in Ad any thkt can sell .n a ticket from Albany direet to a", oiut ir M LTt"ei Su:. tNii n in- f " r' . W. !. .1 rsTEK. iEedCrownMills l -kOCk rU'FR efl'SBIllH Mt SAUI'la. ANO ttf.liX CHS BEST STORA GK AClf.lTlKS. Hi'heat Trie in Casb Ic Wheat WAT. AIL Da yon feel floO. taatald. low-eptrtted, 1Ife leaa, end indeewrihakly mleerable, both physi eaily and mentally i ezperienoe a eecse ot fulloeas or bloating after eating, or ot "gone, ne," or emptin of s to mack ia tbe morn ing, tongo. coated, bitter or bad test, in mouth, irregular appetiua. dlzzlnee. frequent headache, blurred eyeaight, Ooating specks" before the eyre, nervoue prostratioQ or ex haustion, irritability ot tamper, hot Cuahes, aiteroatinf with chilly aaoaatlons, Sharps biting, transient pains ner and there, cola feet, drowsiness after meal wakefulness, or disturbed and onrefreehing sleep, constant, indescribable feeling ot dread, or of impend ing; calamity f ' you have an. or any eonstdwable number of the. ymptoma you are sufferlnf frotrt that most oorarnon of Amertoaa maJadiee tiilloua Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. Tbe more complicated, your disease baa become, the greater the number and diversity ot symp tom. No matter what etatre It hna reached, Dr. Merce'e Uoldeu medical Discovery will eubdu. it. It taken according to direc tions tor a reasonable lerrgth ot time. If not cured, complication multiply and Consump tion of the Lung. Bkin Dieeaeos, Heart Disease, KheumatUim, Kidney Disease, or other grave maladies are quite liable to aet In and, sooner or later, Induce a fatal termination. Dr. Pierce's Cioldeu Medical Die rovery acta powerfully upon the Liver, and through tbat great blood - purifying organ, cleanse the system of all blood-taint and im purities, from whatever cause arising. It 1 equally eOlcacloua in acting upon the Kid ney. and other excretory organs, cleansing, strengthening-, and bearing tbeir diseases. Aa an appetising, restorative tonio, it promote digestion and nutrition, thereby bur.Uing up both flesh and strength. In malarial districts, tin wonderful medicine has gained great celebrity in curing- Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred disease. Dr. I'lerce's Golden Medical Dis covery j CURES ALL IIUr-TOPsS, from a common Blotob, or Eruption, to tbe worst Sorofula. . Balt-rheum, Fever-sore," Scaly or Hough Skin, In short, all diseases caused by bad blood are conquered by thia powerful, purifying, and Invigorating medi cine. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heal Under it benign influence. Especially has it mani fostod its potenoy in curing Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eves, Sorof vlou Bore and Swellings, Ulp-loint Disease, "White Swellings," Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands. Send- ten cents in etampa for a large Treatise, with colored rlatos, on Skin Disease, or the same amount for a Treatise on Scrofulous Affections. M FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE Thoroughly cleanse It by nstna; Dr. Fleree'a (ioldeu Medical ticovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital eueugth and bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, which ts Scrotal or the Lann I arreefed and cured by this remedy. If taken in the earlier stages of the disease. From ita mar velou power over tbi terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now world-famed rem edy to tbo publio, Dr. Pierce thought seriou&ly ot calling it his "Consumption Cork," but abandoned that name as too restrictive for a medicine wiilob, from Its wonderful com blnntion of tonio, or atrengthening, alterative, or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, peotoral, and nutritive properties, ia unequaled, not onlr as a remedy for Consumption, but for all Cbroulo Disease of the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lunrrs, Spitting, of Blood, Short, ness of Breath, Chronio Nasal Catarrh, Bron chitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an efficient remedy. . mA Drugtfiats, at $1.00, or Six Bottles for $5.00. try Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's book oo Consumption. Address, r 7 u? WliJou nrioos medioatloa. CatrTAOa CoatrAjrr, 77 Murray Street, TH. 1, Tiinkr land Kotics, United Ktatee land Office, rregou City, Kit.- June 26lb, 18f Notice ia boreby given ihot a o.mpll snce with the prosl-lor.e of lb act of Coneree ol June 8rl. i7e mUie.i 'An n;l fr tbo a of lande In lb ni 'fCaiir.irrjia, iroir.n. evad aod v.,ai.ii rorrtn.ry "Frar.k K i!ei K !e.lle ' 1; lein " 'li' ' Hiio wi , tiw..nt . 1 !" f V l ii t. de li ihv li "1 in ii n ii, .'mi o". I No ifl7r ti -ii T-"n hi,: "Sr., lr ?.0';i 'S it'v- Sr.. 3 i-.iw! i off r t rvf to. j Uta i-Uil ei os i ti i,.o..v a iMiilt lor Hetlrib"roi stow ttun rr gri!ii!tori purixjstrf!, aod to e aoiiao bis lnim to ea'.d laud before the IteuioU r nd He culver of tble efJJceet )t gon City. Oi., on Friday, Ike Stb day of replemoer, issf. i Thrs Kesne. II. Martin, Q. W, Uall and John Wet, a I of Monleeeno. Chub U coauty, Wssblngton Territory. Any sod all per aons t-leiing adverrely the shovs d sorirted lands erw rtrjoeited lo we tnmr olaiaia In tbler ilice oo or before aald iotb day of September, ikbV Kfgieier Eotico for Fnblicaticn. Lsod tifflre at On-yno f'ltv. Or. 1 Jonoao b, IHH'J. j Notice) la zin n Coat i bo foilow- lii named settler 1 aa filed notice or faia Intention lo loake fl"l proof In at pport I oi ma eiaiuj, au j .!' - -y , . . i . . i .. I . r. & . . I rxn t . I M ill r.a made before I be County Judge or in m aheenoe, l eforo the tjouoty t-iera oi mbh county, X Albany, Or, on Mender. Aaxa-t SCik, ISMS, . - ... . I V"s! Martin It. uayioro, uorr.eieai Kntry No, A'MfL, for tbe S W b ol See. o, Tp. 1IHK1K, He name tbe following wil nresoe io prove uus ronimnwu hji dnnneriDon and cultivation of aald land vis: . M. HarrU, M, A. Fitzgerald, Psrnoll and U. Gaylord, all or Lebsoon," Linn ooQDtv. Oregon. Any person srho deslrts to prottat aeaimit tbe allowance of aurb prreof, or wbo knows ol any anbataotial reaaor. under the law and tbe reealationa of the Interior Department, why each proof should not beaMowed, will te srlyea an oonortuDlty at tbe above montionadtlnae , and nlaoe lo cro, examine tho wltDeaee ofsaidc!almanl. and to offer sviderce In rebuttal of that aalniltted by cla'.manL! W, T Bcbset, IUgikUr. Timbsr Laii Soticf-. United Mates Land OfTic, Oregon City, Or., June 26tb, 18S9. Nitlr ia beieby given tbat in compli snce with tbe provision of tbe act of Congrfcsaof J one 3rd, 1878, entitled "An ct for lbs sale of Umber landa In tbe htate of California, Oiegon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Thomas O, Kesne, of Monteano,roun!y of Cbebalor. Trriury of Waabington, baa this oay filed in tbia office hia sworn statement No. 1077, for tba purcbaao of tbo SKJ of Section No 22, in Township No. 10. South. Range No, 8 ea-t, and wbl oftr proof ti soow that tbe innd sought la more valuable for it timber nr ton Iban for agrlfaltoral purpose, and to eaUblleb hi c'aitu to eald Und b-,for. th Nf stater and Rewiver .f lhl fH' e at Ore?-n C Ity, Orepoo, i d Friday, IheSSah day mT e4ei-.her, 1SSS. n. timesa witf.aiM-s: H Marin. F. K. )evei,i O. W 1I! at d Jirii Wen all .f nr. enr. t h. ba U n un y. Ksdi lotion Territory. Any ard el p-r.n p aimibff ndr.rM.W tlie ahne d. eoril lanrja ar Me fH qu-.tnl l fi e tl -r num. pi r s it 2" ' ' "r V T, Its RSI T. f!-v -rr COLD HEAD. Try the Care Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses tho Nasal Passages. Al lays Inflammation. Heals the Sores. Hastores'the Senses of Taste, Smell Hearing. A panlet 1 applied la to eatea raoetrB d tSaxreratble. Prlc. 60c at Irttaa'a e by ail. ELY BKOTiUaa Warren St-xew York. PATENTS Sained, and all other business In the D. 8. Fat. IBee aUeodeikKt to tur moderate lees. Our otttoe ia oppoait the U.S. Patent Offlce, and V we eaa obtain Patents leas time than tho remote rom Washinirton. , Send rood la or drawing. Ve a1" to patent ability tree ol charge ;anU wemak o charge nalsa we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Poetmaster, th Sept. ot Money Onler Dir. anjto otHcial ot tha U . 8. Patent OiBco. Foreirctilar, advice, tenna, and eference o actual cJleuta la your own Bute or county, eddress Ce . SlVOW&COe, OiPMit Plni Office, Vftshiofcoa, D IS llliP OF PORE COD UVER CiL anjj niTPCPncspiiiTS3 Almost as Palatable as te So dUgwtsed that It ears be taken, diseased, ssd asatsnllated by tbe meat Iten, melt' estaltive stouiaeit, when the plain ei rft.B., ha nl.M)Mli .nil 1. w Ik. Diaauoa s an oia woe ia, nfpof ftu. la math tsore eUicaclona, Ecairtabre as fesfc pradicjf Feisoas gala rtfLliy wbj: takisg ow ii o tijttji)jit.ijx isaesnowledgedby' Physicians to be the Finest and Best r.rena. aTIJrTVtl')rs r-a-rre- civ A. ration in tao worU for the reliu tad oure ol CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, GENERAL OEBIUTY, WASTIKQ DISEASES, EWACJATiON, COLDS and CKROrilC CCUCH3. Tht greof rc-medi for C-b.wr f.j.-j, anJ Wasting in CftiMroV . " i ' rf 1 -.jorjisj. ACADEMY . OF " Ooj Laly of-Pepppil Mq. ALBANY, - - OREGON. Oooflii Jted by the tistt. . of St. B-nedlot, TbN Aiademy NJiieor-porated and .o tborized by tho Ststa to confot academlo honors. Thfl omrse of study U compete, Mathemstioit, I.itoratnra and Musio arn spoclalties. aa alae the Normal Instruction of aspirants for teachers' certifloatea ln- i'jstrial arswine;, vocal music in olass and all kinds of needlework form, no extra chance. The oisclpline of tbo school in gantle rot firm. ooject being to form not cnly refined young ladies, but noble and ntwtt'cl members of sooiety. Pupils id rait tad at any Mm snd ohareres propor iioned. l'uplls of any denomination re ceived. Tuition In select day school ranges from $5tofl0. For tart as of Boarding Sch .ol r any particc Hi s apply at tho Academy, or ad Iress Sist k Superioress, I mmmmkmmmmmmmmk9rzs : iuiats-aaMK mmm fttvi pa ps is ra Y