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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1889)
FRIDAY" JULY 12, IF8D. i 1 1 1 1 1 8riT3 & NUTTINQ. 1Ur ae.4 Peaarletata, LOCAL RtiCORD. Albany. Mr. Kl. Pentland, ot the Wnt Side, who waln the citjr latt week, write as follow about Albany : "The treet railroad Una I completed from the depot to Main slree' though no car have yet arrived The water upp1y ut the city It overtaxed and new and more powerful pump are being erected. The street of the city look lively and a Ure number of new residences are being built. Some of Atbany'a etreete are In bid condition and upon Inquiry we found thnt tome of the klckmhere have Uken the matter Into the courts to the street! utard a an advrr. lltement of the bullheadexlness of some of her non progressive cltlsens. We met Mr A B Mcllwain, one of the stock-holder In the street rsKwsy here. KKteen men have taken hold of the road. They are using 35 tt steel rail which cost them kid down hei 9j5. 00a ton. The cot of the line for 5180 feet Is about $5,500. The rails are five pound heavier than those used in Salem. The cars are being made here by a car builder from St. Louis and will cost $950 each. Mr. Mcllwaln thinks the line may Ky expenses this year but expectet It to do tter next rear. I am writing this letter by electric light, the s'reets are lighted In the same way and tome of the printing of fice have electric motors." , 1 Gave Chattel Mortuauks. Con stable C O Burkhart left thU morning for Lincoln, Neb, armed with a warrant and regulation for the arrest of Sylvester Nlc olls, now in charge of the sheriff at Lin cola, having been arrested there. About the first of February Mr Nlcolls, who was running a farm near Shedd, gave a chattel mortgage on six horses in favor of Davis Bros for about $600. Several weeks ago he came to Albany, and in partnership with Mr Martin took a contract 01 the street railway. Suddenly he disappeared with the tlx horses and it was afterward learned that he had taken them to Lincoln, when a warrant wa secured for hi 1 arrest Chat tel mortgage teem to have been a favor ite with him, for he gave five or tlx other on growing crops, etc., amounting to over f 150a It evidently mean the peniten tiary for Mr Nicollt. B. To F. Co. At a meeting of B. Co. held at Salcin latt evening the following vote of thank wa unamlmously passed : To the officer and members of F Co, and Regt., ONG In behalf of the offi cer and member of B to, we extend you our tincere lhankt for the cordial reception which you gave to u on our recent to your city. We were entertained in a most hospitable manner and wilt long re member our trip with pleasure. We ex pect to celebrate ourselves next year and hona to have the pleasure of your presence with us.when we will enJeavor to reclpro cate your kind hospitality. Yours respectfullv, P W illis, J F Hl'GIIES, W C AsDtasoN, Committee. Almost Lynched. Considerable fun and some excitement was occasioned on the Oregon Pacific train, when the "boy" got a rope around the neck of l)r Rich, the popular O P surgeon and phyil clan, and were about to lynch him when by dexterity the Doctor squirmed from the noose. The cause of the act is ascribed to the fact that some of the railroad men were filled with gore from reading too much on the Sullivan-Kilraln fight and from losing numerous hats and coats on the fight.and were demanding blood of any kind. The Doctor wears the mark of the rope to this day. No arrests. Bistixthk U. S. "Mr O. M. Pen -noyer, western manager of the great dry good house of J. V. Far well, is in the city on hi annual business tour," say the VT.Vt.Statesmam. "He Is quite pleated with the thrifty and butinct appearance of the city and pay quite a compliment to the northwest in stating that bis house think ittne safes: and best business ot anv other in the United State. It is very evi dent from this that I. V Karwell has never lost much here, and we hope such a good firm never will." Eugene and Albany. --The Eugene Guard ulj: "Prof. Williams, principal of tiie public school, Inform us that the at tendance of the Eugene public school for the past year exceeded that of Albany by eight. Had it not been for the scarlet fev er scare the attendance would have been at least ten more. The voting population of the two town i alto about the tame. Al bany claim 4000 population, but the will have to wait for (ometlme before she can make the claim good." Alt the same the number of school children in the city is fully a hundred more than in Eugene, and the city' assessment is nearly $200,000 more. K Lono Fall. Saturday evening Mr. Harry Pcrrln was working on the resi dence of Mr C E Wolvertor., doirg tome masonry work on th? chimney, when he lipped and fell, striking on the porch and and bounding to the ground below, falling In all about thirty feet. One rib was brok en, but fortunately no internal injuries re suited. Dr. Ellis attended the unfortunate man and hei doing well. Mi Perrin re cently wa ill here several weeks so that he ha had hi share of misfortune. He is a member of the I O O F who are giving him all necessary attention. A Curious Suit. E. J. Curt'.s ha brought suit (gainst the ralhoad company for 94999 damage, lor tiring hi runner off the train near Phorni x some months ago while Curti wa running the Arlington, a two-bit hotel near the company' depot hotel, which charge tlx bit a meat. This runner wore a plug hat and canvass pants, coat and vest, en which were pointed in at tractive color all sort of advertisement for the hotel. Athland Record Not True. The Albany Democrat conies without comment an Uem from the Lebanon Exfrtss to the effect that tome of the Corvalll boy lood on the hose of the Albany team during the hose contest on the Fourth ami thereby won the race. A thing tike that, which i utterly without foundation, I not the right thing. No re sponsible person will say that the Corval ll boy did not win the race fairly. Such ill naturcd remark a these mar the good feeling thnt ought to accompany these con tcstt. Lntdtr. The Exfrrss spoke In ref erence to the Lebanon team. The Demo crat did not Intend to endorse It. In Uct tho writer was at the hydrant, and knows It was not true. From Port Towxricnu. Mr Ales Cunningham, of Port Townsend, is In the city for the purpose of dUpoing ot hi Linn county property. He says Port Townscnd is a live city, and piopcrty ha doubled In value since he went there. Smuggling Is the tavorate business, both ot opium and Chinamen. $tooo properly In vested In oilum produces $10,000. China men are brought ovei for $jo, and It a cut ter appear In sight they are drowned In order to save the bacon of the smugglers. It I a sate business when you are In with the jfo.'ernmcni eillieers." Tho railroad building toward I'oilTnwmcn 1 wlllptob bly give It quite n boom. Tiik Benton Leader Say t The Lruder went to Albany on the 4th,bccauiic it could not afford to be aay from home longer than one day. The sham bnttledld not bristle with success. It a a ucce only In the respect that It resembled a reul battle In not coming off just according to program. Still, the regiment made a line appearance, and the people were not dis posed to be critical. We don't mean to derogate from the excellent drilling ot the other companies, when we claim that the Corvallis company as the best drilled ot the four. We take pleasure in testifying to tne very handsume manner l.i which the Albany people treated their visitors. The militia boys from here were objects of the greatest care, and Corvalll doffs het hat. Cot'SCfli i'KOClXSHSUS, Present Recorder, marshal and all councllmen but Deyoe. In absence of mayor, Councllmen Urad wohl was elected mayor pro tern. The following bill were ordered paid: J N Hoffman, $4S O M Wettfali, $150; M Armstrong, $3; Frank Santee, $3; N J Hcntou, $5.55: Slltct 5i Nutting, $6.60 1 Js Laurent, $64 63; J A Warner, $35 I J N Hoffman, $31 1 Cost bills, $31.20; N H Allen, $ttS; rent, $151 Huston & Co, $11.85; Ht'lce Wallace, $150; J C Meyer, $1.51); W S Recce, $; Oram Haines, $a; G W Hughe, $2;John Clelen, $1; 8 W Reece, $i; Arnett & Rivers, hose, $475; Ja Shahan, $15; also councllmen fee. The committee on streets and public property reported that the tewer built by J Laurent had been examined and were found according to contract, and bills for line were ordered paid.. Report of city recorder for quarter end ing une 30, wnt read and referred. Fol lowing was thr report: Ain't on hand April 1st, ...... 1.85 Reu'd licenses , 5M-35 Rec'd lumber.... 7.70 Rec'd fines, , , 5900 Rcc'd tax , 53.00 Rec'd First National DarTk account tire engine. ,.1041.80 Paid out on steamer. . . , . . Paid out on orders Paid out on Interest Cash on hand $l75S-70 ...$1041.80 Ib49 9 JJ.J7 44"J $l7S8-70 Outstanding warrant $8077.36 Warrant were drawn for following pur pose : Mayor and Council Recorder Marshal ........ Treasurer.... . . . Police Electric light... Fire department Street work and sewer.... Sundries.. Paid account steamer 85.00 394.60 411.IS 1500 310.00 354O0 434 15 744 5 V7-5 1 34 J 80 I TUB COW'S PETITION, To the Honorable City Council, Albany, Oregon. We have been patient all our lives, Nor troubled you before, Though clubbed and rocked, and dogged, and mocked, And whipped until quite sore, We would remind you we have right, For tome ot which we stick ; Because of Wrong we cannot bare, We are compelled to kick, We ask for freedom. Why should you With pomp and much display Your liberty will celebrate, And then give our away. Ve pray vou to repeal the law, And let u out again And fine the man thut tlarr withhold Ut from the treet and lane. We do not see what we have done To merit prison bars; We are a good a any cow Beneath the shining stars. We try to d. like folk In town, By keeping on the walk t Sometime we go through neighbor' gate Like folk who want to talk . And though we eat hi garden up, An4 take what he.has made, Vre Injure hi in far less, perhaps. Than you oft do In trade. And when the farmer come to town And give hi horses feed, No worse for ti to allp share and eat altli hungry greed. No worse we say, nor half a had A twlrdled otherwise; Wc cheat hi hone, you "skin" the mm Before hi very eyes. Unciiuel and unjust the law, Lnacted for a class. Not half so guilty a are some Who go "Scot tree," en mas. We pray vou open wide the bar And let the cow go out; Then all who love new buttermilk For joy will loudly hout. Made and signed at Liberty Bawl. Moo An, Secretary. Scto. V.'e are requested by the (lie boy to return thrir warmest thank to the i $3899.46 member of A r 1 lor the excellent treat- Report owelty treasurer wa read and re meni toey received while guests 01 the lie- icrreu. n.rimont a i.n t., 1 1.. I,.. ti... f ih w r i Street commissioner reported the ecur T It for Lint t.,tf.,a .ml nr.n.l. !".?' " e,lJ PUnJ nd ! Mf ''uRnM - B had been appolnteU deputy to rvn It. Adopt niuinnrr.,..iriic &itniKincry, wnoied. lives a short ili.tance from the city, had Bill of Albany Iron N Work for $10 me minoruine on unuay to praio nis 1 for work done on fire engine wa r- rtght ankle.... " Ick" 1 usick, ot Albany, ferred back tocouncll andontlnued until came over rritlay evening to secure the next meetlnir. services of Al Brlgu In splicing the steel Petition wa read asking Cite ot Albany cable that spin the river at Albany. to appropriate $350 toward clock to cot Pre$ ' $700, to be placed on Masonic temple be- An la A Wife. A Mr Martin arrived Intfbullt Referred to committee on way here from Ashland on Moi day, In te.rch "A communication was read from N B of his wife, who had fled fiom hi bed and Humphrey asking to be relieved from the board, aava the Sclo Vr. Hearing she "H of Marshall against the city on account ... n aik. k- ., 1 .v.--. 01 enforced abunce. Accepted and mat , . . ..... terof recompense refer.ed 10 committee inquiry, caning at me nouse in wnicn mi on ,ccoonU ,j cu,rcnt expense. adored was stopping, but w a to'd by an- Several sidewalk repair on) e red made. other woman, a friend of wife', that Sewer ordered in block 16, E A, and city the had a-one to Sc o. and Martin came recorder was directed to adrerttse lor bid here.onlv to learn that his wife was In the 'or feet tewer for same. room at Albany when he was informed of Motion made and carried that street her departure for Sclo. Mr Martin return- m"l,on" notify property owner on sd to Albany on 1 ucsday . Lyon street to place the same on grade, 1st ... , , jto totli streets, 10 be finished in twenty A Mining Excitement. Recently the ua,. Al0 lhBt t)ltch Co orJercj ,0 despatches to!d about an Immense mining pise; ilume in good condition on Lyon excitement at Rockford, W. T. over a big i within ten days. find In a cistern. Here Is the usual tequal, Very Peculiar Saturday evening 'Salem young man went into a barbershop 'for a bath. Disrobing he put the water on, got Into the tub and lay down, hit head on 'the incline. In this position he went to 'sleep, being tired and the warm water hetp- ine him on into slumber. Soon the water covered him and he ttrangled and would have drowned but an attendant rushed in and rescued htm, not thougn until he wat rolled and rubbed for a long time did he come to, Some Difference. "I am tired of liv ing with uch a homely woman!" ex claimed William Rush, of Niagara Falls, a he walked away from hi wife six week ago. The other day she wa left a legacy of $40,000, and William hurried back home to call her hi ancrel one. but she wouldn't let him In. In Albany jut so long as the groceries ami produce are bought ot Conn Bros, there is no complaint, and legacies are mau matter. The City Pound. A lot ha been te cured just east of the Albany Iron Works, on First Street, and fitud up a a pound, where all ttray cowt will immedh'ely be marched by Deputy George Hughes, who hat been placed in charge of it, and will make cowt a specialty. Pay Your. Water Bill. - On the 10th, itth, 12th and 13th Inst, the under signed will call upon the patron of the city water work for the amount due for water Let every one be ready to pay. A L Gray. from th? Pendleton E. O : "The excite mental Rockfor J over the discovery of gold In a cistern has subsided. After the townsile had been taken up In mining claims, the dirt failed to pan out, somehow in proper thape. Somcthlr.g wa wrong, but the mystery was explained when it leaked out that the cistern had been salt ed' by a practical joker who cared not for the expense." Losr an Eye. On the Fourth of July Judd Mealey and hi younger brother, of Sweet Home, were loading and shooting off an old mu.kct a a mark of their patriot ism, when the musket exploded, injuring Judd very seriously about th? head and face. It wa 'bought at first lie wa fatal ly injured, but at last account It was thought he would get off with the loss of an eye. Hi younger brother wa powder burned somewhat. A Big One. K C Stamper, a citizen of EImar ha just completed working up a fir tree which grew on hi place adjoining town, lie received $1 a for the bark ; built a frame house 14x30 feet, 8 feet high, with thed kitchen 8 feet wide and 34 feet long ; built a weod thed 14x20 feet ; made 33 fence rail 10 feet long ; made 334 railroad tic and 500 board 0 Inches wide and 2 feet long, and 15 cords of wood 4 feet wide and 8 feet long.sll from one treetid has a part of the tree left. Astoria. Post Office Bi mness. The receipts at the Post Office at Albany for the sale of stamp, stamped envelopes and wrapper for the .quarter ending June 30th, iSSS were $1060.51, an' 'or be quarter ending June 30th, 1SS9, $1170.26. The receipt for box rent for the quarter ending June 30th, 1588 were $213 30 and lor the quarter end ing 30th, 1889, they were $231.95. Thi ow an increase of the business of a lit tle more than 10 per cent. The College. The present efficient faculty of the Atasny cllege have been re-engaged for the year beginning the 17th of September, and In addition, Mis Lib Irvine, of thi city. Mi Irvine U a grad uate 01 the Monmouth, III , seminary, and 1 a young lady of fine culture. The col lege i steadily gaining ground, and the coming year promise to be more ucces- lul than any In the past. Well Treated.--"Those who went to Albany from Salem on the Foutth speak in glowing terms of their reception, enter tain. Tien t and treatment at the railroad center The committee succeeded nicely in caring lot their guests, thereby endear ing themsalves to the hearts of the reel pi ent of. favor " Sa'em Journal. The same report come from all quarter. Ev erybody wa al least well treated by our militia and citizens. railroads. There is at least some paper talk ef a r.Mlroad from Salem by way of Dallas to Fall City. Tt would cov er fine country at least. Crawford & Paxton have om fine view of the cite of Falls City, as well a of the fall them selves. Interested people should have copies. Tne Fastest Every town In the val ley, big enough to have a company, have provided their boy with a racing cart. Corvalll ha more cpeed among her fire men than any town in the state, and they ought to be given an opportunity to con test for 'aurel they can easily win. Times. Sclo and Lebanon also claim to have the fastest runner. CUUP Wf.ATUF.R BULLETIN NO. I. flOM ANDABttOtD FATAL AIXiriENT. Mrs. William Culllns Ham Heart. Tbronuta Ik Oregon State Weather Bureau co-operating withV. S. Signal Service, Central Of. fice, Portland, Oregon. For weekending July 6th, tSSv : The temperature has been slightly above the normal, excepting In Baker county on July 2nd. No rain ha fallen in the State during the past week. The amount of sunshine ha been above the average. The effect of these condition on crop haa been to leave the prospect about the same a they were one week ago. Harvesting I In progress In all parts of the State. The rain of latt week did some damage to the hay crop, but It materially assisted In the development of late son osts and wheat and gave to corn.potatoea, etc, a freh lm- ,,a bereavement petus. Spring grain 'n low place 1 now promising a fair yield, and fall grain wa considerably benefitted by the rain, causing that which wa not entirely ripe to again iiiume a greener tinge than before the rain. Grain that wu shriveled wa helped by the inuioture. Report Indicate a good yield. There wa good cause tcr fear of drouth, but fortunately rain finally came, relieving the seeming inevitable. Fall own wheat will,at usual yield large crop. The spring grain In Eastern Oregon waa considciabty damaged. In Western Ore gen only In a few place wa any damage done. The winter' rain were below the average and the result wa that the soil wa not sufficiently moistened to withstand the hot dry weather of June. In Eastern Oregon the effect of the dry weather were more seriously felt than In Western Ore son. On May loth the prospect were In tensely good, from that time tliey look less and less promising The late eprlng rain proved to be of Incalcuabte benefit ; but the hot wind of June did the damage. In Western Oregon though the dry period of June wa experienced, still the winter rains n.otstened the soil deeper, the dew and moist ocean breeze were experienced. and the result 1 a good cro now being harvested. While it I true that there 1 light danger of fall town grain being fro zen out ef the ground by the winter cold, till there i an equal chance of it being covered with mow, and a experience ha shown, notably the present season, that tall sown grain is but tllghtly damaged by the dry, hot wind of May or June, which, a a rule, occur, it certainly should be endeav ored to place the seed in the ground at tuch a period as would preclude any pcttlbie harmful weather. A a rule the hay crop has been very good. The yield of berries and cherries ha been enormous. The peach crop I coming: in and nothing but excellent report are given in regard to It the number of bearing tree ha Increased and the result will be an over supply, Pru-je tree are literally loaded down, Oat, barley, rye, corn , potatoes and ear den product are, a a rule, reported to be In a most thriving condition, uwing to dry weather the hop crop will be shoit about 5000 bale, the possible yield ot wheat was much larger than that which will be realized, considering thi lot, still the har vest of other product will more than make up for the loss of wheat, The result a year of prosperity is assured the tiller of the soil in uicgon. a. 9. f AGUE, Observer V. S. Signal Service. Last Saturday Kate Fennel), the fifteen year old daughter of Mr. Penned, pro prietor ot te Pioneer boarding house, of fhi cityVent across the river to tlie home of Mr. William Collins, about three mile west of Albany, to spend Sabbath. Sun day morning about 10 o'clock Kate wa In room with Mr. Collins, when the picked up a gun that wa standing In the corner of the room and asked Mr. Collin If the could nap It. Mr. Collin re marked: "Yet, a It I not loaded," or something to that effect Kate thereupon cocked It and pulled one of trigger just as the barrel were In line with Mr, Collin. The hammer (truck a cartridge of powder and shot. The content went straight for Mrs, Collin' heart and she fell from the chair in which the wa sitting. t the floor, a corpse. The gun wa being handled carelessly without icgard to where It wat pointed and unfortunately It wat toward Mi. Collins. It was double barrelled; one charge had been fired and Mr. Collin supposed both had. Miss Fennel) and Hie family were horror striken at the sudden calamity, and relative and neighbor were sent for. A coroner' jury wa called and found that the deceased cme to her death from an accidental shot at the hand of Kate Fennell. The body of the tinfwrtun ate woman wa brought to this city and taken to the residence ot her brother in law, Mr. Peter Riley. The father of the deceased, Mr. Thos. Hunt, of Gsrvais, wa telegraphed for. and arrived on the even ing train, and Monday the deceased was taken to her old home at Gervals, near which she was born, Mr. Hunt being a pto neer of '47, where her temaln were laid to rest The deceased leave a husband, Mr. Wil liam Collins, and three children. She wat thirty-six year of age, wa a member of the Catholic church, wis a kind wife and mother and highly respected by alt who new her. Her sudden death wat a great hock to the family and relative, and they nave the sympathy of the public TIIE M.XUVAX KIUUIN HCHT. pasial to DsaocasT. New Orleans, July 8. The ground se lected for the fight Is at Rlchburg, alisa. The men will enter the ring at 7 a. m. RicHnuao, Mis, July 8th. Ring wa pitched here at 7 a. m. Rlchburg 1 ham let of 30 people on line of railroad with telegraphic facilities. Telegraph wires all In trouble and doubtful if any news of fight till party teachet New Orleans. New Orleans, July 8 Sullivan won In the 75thround. Neithei man i injured, but Kilraln I considerably exhausted. The fight lasted a hour, 18 minute. Albany to Astoria A preliminary urvey of the proposed railroad from Al bauy to Astoria ha been begun under the tupervlsion of Mr W B Barr, and will be pushed. hrough to at least a union with the Astoria & Coast railroad. The action of the company will mean considerably event ually. Keep your eye open. Dr. Brooks. -Dr John A Brook de livered an addres at the W C T U hall lastTucsday to a good sized audience. It is reported quite an interesting effort, well delivered. Having run for ytce president on the prohibition ticket Dr JJrook ha national reputation. Private sale of Household Gooim. Mr W B Rice offer at private ale her en tire lot of household goedt, consisting of two chamber sets,ettee,kitchen furniture, carpets, stove, etc. The good can be seen in the warehouse at the O P dock. in their Babies. The finest line ot baby carr'- ages in the Valley j-ut n ce'.vcd at Stewart &-8ox'. Price are remarkably cheap con sidering the superior quality of the carri age. To New Comer We would sy that we have no bait to give you, but we do guarantee good value for your money and we kindly solicit your patronage. UROWMELL X 3TANARD. Kentish CiiauaiEs For canning turn ished In quantities fresh from the tree. Leave order at Brown ell & Stasard a, MOtfDAV, Tb Astoria W C T U s tautl took la 11.14 on th 4th. Th entiof 18'JO will show a pnpul ulna of 03,000,000 at Ut ia th UalM Hti'e -. Tli flalit wa all tb talk thi miming, and verybi'dy md to be Intarsstrd anyway. Js (1 Clark, the poet iimr, it to l in Oregon soon. When a hoy in l.sro f.t th wriUr liesrd Clark sing, J si ShAiUan, residing near fUlsm, Is tli fsthar nf twenty-two ehiMrvn IU it dying from a eanoer at the age of slgl.ty ymr. Mr. Nsthsu llsum and wif, M ir Vic toria Utt evsnlng to ipsr.rl a two wwk va cation, hi physlolitn htvinK r.'oommnld for th bonallt of Mr, rUuiu's heslth yi Portland paptr. Th Orfgnn Pri Assoolstlmi ill inot at Newport loiiii time in Angait. Will It sur. vivs and growi that is tli qocttloo. A yat it ha not had a vary haaltky kloki but lioiild have. Ia wrltin up thaCrniinsuiMirHiatth Bea ten Lftutrr said "all tli graduate bad prt parad oration and Ays, but only half d livarad thein." Th t it faw dais wtstpaut by Mr Pipe la dodging tbs graduates. Jud Blackburn Is preparing to Luild a fine rssidanoeon bU Catipooie strstt proper ty, on moving hi prnt raaldanoo, an old land mark, in ordtr to make room for tb Daw structure.) A day nr two ago a nut wis aocldenta'.ly dropped in th eog of a whsal of one of tb nw pumy of the Albany Wettr Works and th whaal waa considerably maahad, eaniing stoppage of a day. The Walla Walla atrat-csr drivers and conductor are paid f 12 a week for tbeir la bor, the was in vogue in tli Ksst. Th syttrm Is making good loUrttt on th in vestment for it cwners. Suoh a tLIng aa bringing a libel uit afraioat a nawiptpar ha not Immhi known in Italy tor ilftv yaai. Th laliaf i that a newspaper ska to tall the truth. If it 1 uiUtaken a frank; ttaUmaot to that effaet tiatii th Italian. . , Tb folios-log item will ei plain tb re tool ef wind storm at Kllaoiliurg laat wki "Theuirou porformsnr at Kilansbarg Mon day, traa conducted In the open air, tM high wind prevailing preventing th pitehing of Unte." 8mnl Millar, of 8mt An, Cal., won Tuaadat's train fora visit at Millr .Stsllnn, Linn county. He it a bnthar of K. M , Jaa V. andChaa. Millar, uf thi city, who war at the dOt to at him tb Aral tim thy have n ft for about a qaattar of a otury. Ashland Bttord. The Salem Journttt say of ibe Albany and Astoria R. R.; "Surveyor Barr, of Albany, is In Salem to-day and says that next week he will begin running the pre liminary survey of the Albany and Astoria railway company from Albany to Astoria. Awake Salem!" Tb following from th Ashland Itetord wdl b an interesting itam to many in Al ba ly. Th L tefcrred I will ba rfnan -two. I as hning tha young man arrawtad at the instance of th Marrill ra'rr4 to, ia thi city, svrsl wka ago. Thy aaamad to bay mad p aftrwrd and Ml AlUoy to estbar. Thar is somsthiog Mealier about thair prooardiuRa bat bi-re la the item t "Kratik MarriU. an iniaraoe solicitor cf AIaoy. haa hrtn ia Ashland avarsl days. Another ntau nsonad Oaj H Lea, claimloa to represent tb Wsllack tbmtr 00m pan y, has also bsan bar and tatagrapbed to young Mamil s mother at Albany fr money, say ing that ha wa broke sad ia trouble. Mr. Marriil knowing that bar son waa bar, of fours Ulrgrpb4 tb eiln, wkioh ti. It La got and iinmediaUly akipped te Cali fornia. A latter reeaived by Marriil from bia mother Wadnasday morning waa tb first intimation h had of th aluir, bat by tni urn tee hl qatte a start with bi swag. TV rap AT. Ssatlla, Kllaoaburgh, Bskarsfiald. PaUm baa nearly four mils af lrct rail way. Win M l!o and W.lli,, t.f tb 0 P, went to Portland Ibis morning. A good start ba bain mad 00 thafoaoda tua of the woolea null. Th Soio boys alio mails tb fastest ran 10 lbs boa eontastoa tha 4th. Fifty piaes nf furniture (Ivan with alt eoofc (tovc or rangva sold by Mstthaw k Washburn. Fif'.y tooi httndrl railroad man earn op on tb noon train and will go to tb front ia th morning If KUrsio want nytliing nor ol Sulli-t vao in prt'ptrimng ia lor mm 10 caatiaog bim to fifty mil (out rae. Oaorg Itaavcy, aa Ellaoaburgh haroe maker hat laat tooeumbad to tb fatal eig statu, and it now ioiao. Pr Job A Brook, raeantly prohibition candidal for Vic I'rsatdant, will lecture at tb WCTU Hall to night Mro are being sect to tha front on th O Paafaataa tacurwl. and A a too til k Do propose pushing tbeir contract at fall speed. Sixteen uiaa bay been at work to-dar on tb foaudaiioa of F W B!uabrg'e naw block, wbicbt to b ready for oeoapaacy Sept 1 . An Albany gentlrmaa sys ha b badrip peachra at hi place, laiaed ia bis yard, fir wo or twelve dat a. That ia nui to South ern Oregon . A few ds aeo th Kotfro pack as of Oref outrun w given tb Albany carrier by miatake. a a result Albany was thirty copies short. It took. ey cot y (if roann far Sallivtn to whip Kilrsio. and the dispatch aay Baltimore ia shrouded ia gloom. Thi is a great 000 n try. At Wednesday evening' meeting of lb Oregon Build'ng and Loan Association. It T M Boyd seoared S.VX) oa bid of four yaai, and ft M lit) 8215 for two year.-- fettdletoa A. If. 'Tb reporter bsrd two old ladies talking as th bo rue finished. Said on: 'Wall i it all owV Tb aeoond answered in tb affirmative, wben the other auggeated, 'it's too much lik a boas race. It 1 ever too quick . I li k amaaement aa haa contieaaooe ia em.'" Walla WaJJa Statttma. WEtJRWsDAY. Aitoria's calibration oost f 1,445.74 Th city pound ocnttini oa oueopaot tc- day, yearling. Urouse, pheasant, nto., csn ha killed be ginning cn utJit Monday, , Ioeam tvsry dy at th Depot hot daring tb hot weather. What do yoa say about the ptopositlun to hav t jwo clock on the nw Mssoulo build tni , Sub'oril er going to th eoaat or moun ted. out have their daily tit them rgular' ly rgardieta of length of tim. Pai tli s going t th MoonUiua, Lakes o Hay for a luinmervaostioo should order th Daily Democrat sent to thm, Mr D D lloklir,n will start hi thresh r to running next Moiidsy morning, wbicb will 1. a two week earner than for many J M Nolan is closing nut hi liuslnos at Curvalli ami will mov to Yaqmna Ksy to reside, having purchased th rasideno of Ala Herri there. Even th unsnner it th penitentiary bet on th Hulllyan-Kllrain fight, say a ftalem ppr. Juat how they did it when they at not allowed to talk with titih other it mys tery to 0, Lat Mooday Ibwty Seador trtd a num ber of borta to Albaay. Among them waa a fin apan ot rrre for which be paid 770. Boaay ia paying fancy plicae for hoi . Ochnoo lttvitw. Th Corvallis 7'imr hi ottrnrd a wr on Mr Walli Kash as seoretury of th board ef rgnta of th Agrioultorfl college. It Mew to be sort of in tb type to tt'sck Or grn I'aollls psopls. Th miner who osm in from th Sntiam mine to tpeud th 4tli, retarned tbi morn tng by wsy of the O P, acoompanied by A iiaivoraeo wno win nave charge of the Al bany Mining ft Milling Co' tniue. "Royal Amerios." who bss been in tha city for tome time, left on lost night' train for rtaata uonioa, Lai, where he will ester th Soldiers' Home, If three timea intoxi cated ia tha rate we'll wtger hi ty there III I .L. . win oe anor. Nett Sabbath is Children's dav at th Evangelical chareb, eorner 4th and Lyon treats. Tb morning (arvioo will eobtitt of aaermooto th children, clirmlaallv illua trated. la the eveoiog will Its th rag a la I annaal children' meeting consisting of oog, reoisation. eto. A cndtal tnvitatloa 1 tended to all. Mi Jy W Blaio aud Urtily bftto day for Mebiina, no a raticatingxcurai&n. D V M RI4 and family (tarted for th Bay to day for a fortnight's raciest ion. lUv h J Trumbull and family left for Ye quua flay to-day for recreat on aid rtcor- ralion. Mr Geo 1) wider and family left weterd.v for tb "Kinks i f th Ssatiain" nn tbeir sam mr outing. J W Cu 'k sad family lava this e venire' . lor in mountain with a big tent and oat- Ot to be goo until they rotara Tho Key. th rived 1 the valli Salem milt. Mr It II Vonk bd tSildreo left to-day forth Hay aber they will camp vat for eveiel week. Ia the mean tim Mr Vnnk i celebrating at home. BfJOWftSVIlXB. Browmsville, July 8th, 1889, The Pioneer' of Linn County assemb led here Wedneday,the 3rd, and at a p. m. an address ef welcome wat delivered to them by O, P. Coshow, Jr., of thi place. S. G. Irvine, D D , of your city, the ora tor of the day not having arrived, Rev. R, Rob responded to the call for him in a netand Interesting tpeech of half an hour, Mr. Irvine arrived at 3 p. m. and delivered a most Interesting talk In a be coming familiar manner to hi pioneer friend. Music by a select choir, and the Crawtotdivltle Bras ffand f urnlthed mualc during the exercise. On the 4th town wa early filled by people from neighboring town and the adjoining country, and by noon there were about 5000 soul in the grove and town. The procesi-lon wa a tuccet and much longer than wa anticipated One of the most interesting feature of which wa the immigrant wagon representing the pass age acroMi the plain In the day cf '49. Hon. J. P. Galbralth, of thi place read the declaration. Rev. R. Robe offered pray er and Hon. W. C. Johnson, of Oregon City, a pioneer of '45 delivered a very pleasing oration to the pioneers. Master Ralph Miller, of Halscy, only 7 year old, delivered In a splendid manner a declama tion, which called forth well deserved plaudits from the many auditor. The barhactie wa the only part of 'he program that did not materialize, A good dinner though wa to be had and after dinner the pluguglle created quite a commotion and a great deal of amusement. After the storm thu created had blown over Rev. j W. R. lilshop, of Portland, entertained hi many friend a he only can entertain. I The pioneer enjoyed themelve a only j those can who meet friend of olden times after year ot separation. Your, corres pondent never witnessed a gathering ot any kind large or small where there ap peared to be so much real enjoyment a during the three day meeting of the pioneer, ending Friday the 51b Quite a large number from the country remained to witness the firework, which were good for the outlay. Friday morning the business of the A social Ion wa attended to. The first Wed nesday of June, 1890 wa selected for the next annual meeting, to be held in the same place. J. M. Water was elected President : A M. Templeton, Vice Presi dent ; A. W. Stauard, Secretaiy ; W. R. Kirk, was re elected Treasurer 5 J. M. Moyer, R. Glass and Calc Gray, Trus tees. Short apeeclie wr re then'made by j the retiring President, the President anj Vice President elect and by Mr. U. r". Colbert, which we.'e not the least enjoyed of the three day exercise. We wou'd Ilk; to tuggest to the manager that prep- i tiod. BCAj KSTATfc SALES. May H Rice to Hannah N Mead, S half of lot 5 and 6,blk 50,1,1 Al bany . , , . . ;. $ A Savior to S W Paisley, parcel In hlk (io, in Albany S W Palilev fo A Saylor, parcel In blk Go,''in Albany Martha Roth fo Egbert C Lake, I) LOof Chas Roth near HanN burg,....,... Wm R Price lo Jee Carroll, lot 4, blk 9, 8odnvllle. Naomi J Water ! 0 W Mo 1 1 argue, 2 acre in 1) L Col K L Wal ter , . , . , , M Gerhard to Etta Gerh trsl, parcel .. i 1 hlk Oi, Albiny ,. Franklin Nt.iford to J II Walker, nn Hand ... .1 I, C of Win Hite, John M J Lovenll to Francis U But Icr, 1 ia acres , 9 K 3 . J F McCoy to II Urynnt, 17 acres, 13 W4 ' H L Stewart to ti It Mt Guirc, an undivided , In S hulf of WLU of A 'i'ay lor , E M Crolsan to Ella 8 Croisan, D L C f John Grubb , . Elizabeth M'Narv to Ella S TroUan undivided W ', of l L O e' John Grubb L Kiliin, et al, to liayley Chapter. No 8, parcel In blk 3, Albany . , A J Queener to Mary J Quecner, rjr sec, 9 W 1 , . , Geo W Johnson to Henry L Earle, - 40 acres, 9 W 2 , . . M E Bilyeu to Jeff Meyer, lot 1, blk 3, and lots 4 and 5, bik 8, W s A to Sclo. Ralph Glnnkln to David E Junk ln, 160 acre, 12 W 4 , , , , Jacob Blumburg to Llna Ncugai, 35 acres, u W 4 Geo LtBtackman toj P Wallace, lot 1, b!k 33, II' jd A.. United Slates to John Gubh, a patent. ,Svo "i lot 201,0 35 1500 250 5' aco 3200 500 812 500 500 Tctal L V'j) f : . Absolutely Pure. TMa powder never vsrtea. A marv!'f purity, atrength and wlidl-i.oHi-rna. Mor fsconnm'cai than th rrdinsrj kin-i 1 nd cannot li eold fn eompotjsioti i!is inul:itu(te,f low iflit, alott weight orpboepbate pawHura. Koldrmlvinfsti" Bvh Baking Powd-r Co., ICtt Wal- M, D, W. VnoM lkt A Co , Agenl, , Port'and; Oresoa. WAK7ED- Gill to t'o geneial lmii!n wt-rk 10 lity. fteady piar. 1 aHtioriiATcni. IIav Waxtkh. Mr L Senders, of thi city will buy all the clean timothy hay brought to him In tightly compressed bale, for which the markt-t price In rash will te paid. Deliver at stables. Cell and 1 lapitoe Z T. Wright' stock labrcating oil. Abo elram grea of at) k inla U ti 1.1 tA T. 1 ui .L... aratlon bemade for more active part to h,4 inM, ,,, eop,, .-,,,; be taken by member of the Association. , h.0 a a ,,0 Tr.hem. Lilt and fore. un.M. . . fa a. art . itil they rotara. I J0"'"", oui rem h. woolen mill nan b. ar KoSt oVtnt PX ley. and wl',1 now ,r,t Ma! ;V.U.U If too hav any job wtrk Kl 1 call on 0 W Smith who ia prt t - tJ do it with naatoesa and disnst--. tnt aa cliejp a any- Bi(KEtT Yet. 10,000 rolls of wall pa per, latest varieties, finest decoration! jutt receiver it fortmlilerx Irving . Wheat, Merit, 13 cent ahsving at VierecUV 8 tickt-t fr ! at Viertck 1. New dr gotxt at Mrtlwaiu'. Msaon fruit jar at F L Kenton's New iayotn ef tin g. I I ring at Freovhg A barrel of salt salmon just opened at F L Kantoa'a. Freeh cream ctuese joat received at F L Kenton's. , Now cream eheeM jaal leceived at CoLiad Meyers. For le. chstp, '0iiJ hsol oran, Mr. Hy man's. 3 ' bsirs ranniiig -tna.1 at Vieraok'a ahav log parlor. Beat roast exiiCee in tte city at Conrad Meyer. Good cooking stove on'y 10 at ilop' 4ft 8a!tmarth'a. Tb beat watcb in tb world for tb money at K M French'. Side saddle and ladie riding uuroinglc at Tbompfin if Ovrrmtu' . Thompaon ft Overmsn, geitfor the great I'ynaiMU baggy whip. For a aomher oo gnality of bnive foi ka and apoona oall at F M Frenca. Itef rigrtrt Stew ai t ft S Io fceeser at Stewart ft 8'e. Tobba'a par mai.illa birding twin in large taantiti at Stewart & Sox's. 1 h clioloeet line of table laiurie e.o be fooud at Browoeil 6i SUosrd'a. J W Bentley. beat boot and shoe maker in city, oppotit Fortmiller & Ir,tug' Alargaand fin line of window hadea Just received at I ortraiiler ft Irving'. Money can't bay better etti audi ihoea than Mcllwain i sclliof, t'aute', Setter good ar not mannfactnred. Tb Variety of 25 ceot haU s t enloir at 10 percent dieenont at S Si V lloward'a, as well a their other tnillloery gnort. aom Bo California cheese, a barrel tJ go'den drip syrup and smne Nn comb honey just received at Brown U ft Sunard's. Go to Rove ft Paisley for voor ioh ing. They do any and all kind of work in tb peeiisbing and job printing line. Quick work and w ptioe. Mcllwain can give vou the ba.t fittins nit yoa ver wort, at price to suit teen and vary on. Summer Wraps. Novelties In Veadcd and itockinet jacket jutt received. Samuel E. Youvo. Sleeplessness. Dr. Flint' Remedy la the beat remedy known for insomnia, or steepiman', which affllota so many persona, and wbicb leant to so many aerloua nervonacuaeases, partlou'arly to ina-nily ueeoriptive iroatlaa with eaon bottle; or,arti3re8a Mac urog uo., js. y. Hot We a j her Item. Keep cool. The finest refrigerators In the market at Stew art Si Sox's. Buy one now. All ilzet of Ice cream freezer at Stew art & Sox'. Purchase one and manufac ture this delicious dith at home. A Sharp Item. The finest line of cut lery and shears in the rlty at Stewart & Sox's. Their good are the very best and win ttand tne test. Struck Oil At $1.25 per 5 gallon can best Standard "- oil, at the Willamette backing Co.' tore. A B Woodin and W E Kellev are in Port land attending the Grand Lodge A O U W, which convened at 10 0 clock tins forenoon. Belting. A fine line of rubber and leather belting kept constantly on hand at Stewart & Sox's. All required size In stock. Letter List. Following I tha list ot letter remaining In tba Pjst Offios, Albany, Linn oounty, Oregon, July 10 , 188S Parson calling for these letters must give tba data 00 which they were advertised 1 RaW, W C Anderson, His Lot Dennett, last Dow, Clayton Pour, Mr Osrringer, tasae Himnr, Clarence . Odalf. H H Pendleton, JO Koseiiberg, Mr II Sullivan, J H Hoot as, J O Vsughn, Ml Mir nle Wiley, Miss Eltle 2 Ilsster, HA Keing, J K Oilmore-, Miss Ellen Herring, EL Moller, P J Pave, Joel Q.ulgley. W Bottle, Mr Annie Kylvcster, Ned 'I horn peon, WB! Worth, Morton t . It. THOMPSON. P, M. Our line of choioe tea and oolfee is un eqnaled in town. Bkownicl Sc Stanaed. How It Is Dose. A firm in this city offers $aoo for every section of good un claimed timber land that can be shown them. They will then undertake, at their own expense, to file upon It, having plenty of creatures paid for the purpose, Port 4a nd WeUorne. SECURE PRICES. AO HiOUBLETO SHOW, 300DS AT DEY.Lb &R0BS0N Dr. M. II. Ellis, physieian and Albany, Oregon. 011 mad to country. aurgeoo city 01 PAINTS, OIL 3 AND BRUSHES AT DBYOB . ROBSONb, The Udle Delighted. Tba pleatiant effect and the perfect saf ety with wbiob ladiea may use tho liquid fruit laxative. Syrup of Fl, undi-r nil condition, make tt their fa vorlte remedy, It ia pleasing to tba eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual lu acting on the kid ney, liver and bowel. Prof. Jsryl. of Athena, ia now in Naab- villa, Tenn having been appointed By Uv era or I'ennover to assist Stat Suparinten- dent MoKlroy in looking after tba $S00 ap propriation to pay th exneotrs of the Ure gnn delegation to th National Teacher' Association, now in session at Nashville. l'endletoo E. O. Prof Jarvia Uueht at Tangent a onnple yar ago- Mr D C Rohell ba purchased of Jadg BUck l uin hi corner lot of bia Calipooia street property, and will erect a fine resi dence this summer adjoining Judge Black bum' proposed now reaidsno. Both will b oraamonts to that part ot tb ctty. Arrangement are being made to improve the race track on the old fair ground near thi city. One of tha faatoat tod beat ia the State, if plaoed in good condition it might bo mad the popular training and perhaps fac ing track in the State. ' - . Mr Searie, of Searl Sc , Peaue, is in the City, -'' " ' ".'-':'.-' J m ' 1 . Hon W R Bilyeu was in Salem yesterday ou business. Mr MooUcn and children left for Leb anon to-day on a visit ot several week. Mrs M Sternburg and three children loft thia noon on a trip to Sodaville and Water loo. Mr H L Rudd, of Peoria, is in the eity td' day. Mr Kudd, who is a pioneer, aays that the first tun n taw AiDany n never dreamed of living to see (tree) crs ranning on its ttreet. Mr J A Comptnn, of Sclo, 'is ia th city to day. Mr Compton is building in that city, which he will make bis home, having retired from bia farm, on which he reatdnd over thirty years. Mr John Morrison haa returned from trip to Vancouver where be witnessed the sham battle between the "regulars." There, a here, the erowd wanted to do the iignting, and only a tew ooum see the Ian, The inestimable value of Avar' Sana psi ilia aa a blood purifier abould be known to ever wife and mother. It correct irregu larities, gives tone aud strength to the vital organs, and oleanse the ytem ot all im purities. The beat family medicine.; Cold, congb, coffin i what philosopher term "a logical sequence." One ia very liable to follow the other; but by curing the cold with a dose of Aver' Cherry Pectonul the cough will he (topped and the coffin not needed jttit at preieut. That Caataakero Old Woataa Describee'. In lb nurtery ballad, who 1 lived upon nothing bat victual and drink," and yet "would never b qutl," waa undoubtedly troubled with cbronlo indigestion. Her victuals, likatboeeof many othet eilderly neraons wboae dlirea- live powers bayerMioom impaired didn't agree with bar. 1 bia wa before tb era or IIOHtetter' Mtoma"n Blttara. or aotn I on of bar numsrou friends and relstive would undoubtedly have persuaded her to try the grout spectrin for dysppara, oonatlpaUonaud biliousness. Tbla would cave Dee a a mureoraeir protection on tbeir part, for tha would soon have been cured and ceased to dlamrb them with ber olamcr. Th most obstinate case of lndlgelioa,wttn it attendant heart burn, flatulence, nonatant uneaaintea of tb stomach and of tba nerve, are complete ly overcome by this eoverelgn remedy. Chill and fever and bilious remlttnt, rheumatism and kidney trouble! are also renavBd ny u. Rev. A, LeRoy, though not a pioneer wa called for and delivered some very Inter esting remark. At noon the society ad journed, but remained to hear Mr LeRoy m , which wa done on Association. The meetlr.g a v a success and a credit to those who had charge of affair. A long list of new name wa added to the con stitution among; them being the name of tlx Gov. and Mrs. Moody. Mr. E. D. Moyer returned from up the Calanoola Mor.oay noon and re pott the wood full of men after timber claim. Messrs. F. C. Stanard, E. E. Cable and MUse Reed and Stanard paid Coburg a visit Monday. j Mr. and Mr. Ceo. C. Stanard. Mis ; Alma LeRoy and Minnie Manard left Tuesday for the Belknap Hot Spring on the Mckenzie. Mr. Cha Miller, of Lebanon came.up Sunday to take charge of the drug store of Geo. C. Stanard during the tatter's so journ In the mountains. R. II. Coshow, of Joseph, Wallowa county, arrived here last Thursday. He came all the way horseback ami report everything very dry through Umatilla and Wasco counties. John Franzen and family and R. If. Coshow and family left Thursday for a month' sojourn at t'pper Soda on the Scntlam. Rev. LeRoy, of the Baptist Church held his regular service on the picnic grounds Sunday. Rev. C S perry baptised a cou ple of convert from Halsey in the Cala pooia at 1:30 Sunday. Many people brought their dinner and attended both service. Sunday Mr. and Mr. M. A. Miller and Mr. Hon. R. C. Miller paid friend here a brief visit, J. 11 . Washburn returned Frl Jay from a business trip acros the mountains. After an absence of about a month Mr. Hugh Field I again here. He ha been looking after hi large thee? Interest in eastern part of the State. C E. Stanard wa confined t hie room by aickne two or three day last week and thi week took hi departure for the pure air and health giving soda of the Soda Spring of the Santiam, The Misses. Re Id, of McMinnvtlle are being entertained by the Coshow. Ek Gov. and Mr. Moody pent a part of the gloriou 4th with their pioneer friend here. Mr. and Mrs. lohn Avre. of Morrow county surprised their brother, Ella Hale, by putting tn their appearance witnout warning, on the 4th. A fine girl arrived early Saturday morn ing a the home of John II. Wilton, and John wear the largest smile now of any one in the neighborhood. J. II. 1-cwis, wife and daughter, of Cor valll were visiting their daughter and tit ter, Mr. J. W. Wilson here latt week. Mr. W. I. Cookincham and wife have recently arrived here from Iowa, Mr. Cooktngham 1 a daughterof R. B. Knapp of thi plate, and they are being entertain ed by Mr. Knapp. Itlf. Cooklngham I a locomotive engineer end will make tnt State his home if he can secure employment. iron pipe especially, r.rancn Mouse on block aboyeAltMoy Iron Work. MAKBIE!. PIATT DAY. On July 4th, iSSy, at the residence ef the bride' patents three mile south of Tuahtln, Or, by GeoC Day, IP, Mr Alfred Piatt, of Linn county, and lis Annie C Day, of Washington county. The wlshe of many friends i for a long and happy life. May they live long and prosper. DIED. B)eaeBawaMaBaBaMasasswwBaaBBssBBBaaeaa STITES Near McCoy in Plk county, Oregon, July 10th, 1E89, Leander Stite. aged 53 years, 4 months and 5 day. De ceased wa born in Putnam county, Indi ans, March 51b, 1836. In 1840 removed with hi parent to Edgar county, Illinois. In 1S54 he went to Putnam county, Missou ri, and in 1 Vj came across the plain and eltled at Harrisburg in Linn county, Ore gon. VI at married there in 1S65, where he remained until about a year and a half ago, when he moved to Albany, Consumption wa the cause of his death. He leave a son and two daughter all of whom are about grown to manh'jod and womanhood to mourn the loss of a loving father. TIIE FAMOUS Wire Buckle Suspender. WARRANTED. !fra For sale by Will St Siark, dealer in flno wrtcbe, jewelry, ee, 1 i WW? typewriting, Peninaofhip, CorrrponiVnre, f, -1 less and l-eg! foims practically t.ti;w;il ,.t tie Portland Business College. The thorouth work done In eaeh of our severe! I nortmrnu has given this Institution a r -ion si'.cb as but few schools attain, seeuriits r tundreds of our gnKiuaU' profitably .emfrtoy nent. tw.h as toolt-kr!Wiii l.nd etiiiKrati 'i'. 'tuOul aomlttrU at any time. Catalogue ?i,r. aBIKTBOS. rriarieaU fort li ad. 9r. T ' ' 1 IJiewJ it : -"- aT- II I r J I I Sheriff's Sale Ih lit Circuit Court oftU SWeof Oregon far th County oC Linn : J W Conies, Plaintiff. ve. C R Kee. A A Ken, Neil, C. Kef, M K Kaowlton and H. Kn iwltoo, Defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an eiecotion and order of tale issued out r f tbe above otmed Court in the above eotitlett nit, I will 00 ftatanUy, Ibe lath day t Aa:ut. ISs. st tlie Conrt llvsw door in tbe city cf Al bany, Lion 00a tt)-, Orrgon, at tbe bear f t I o'clock, p. m. of id dsy sell at poLlic auc tion for cash io har4 to highest tt'Mrr Uir real property deseribtd in acid eif-eutii n and order cf sale aa follows, to-wit : Commcce ing at tbe onthwet enrner of the donation landetaim of Morgso Kee sod Miry Kt , bein Notificatioo No. 230o, so Townrbin U I sou tb of range 2 wtat in Linn county, Orc- gon, and roni.loir thence east "1 ehaioa ; tbenc ourtb to the rnrtb boocdary of ari.i claim ; tbenc west 27 chains to a post : theoeeat'Olb lothep!ace of t-eginnir g, c n tsining 130aert. inoic or le, atd Iy!i; aad beiogin l.innicujty, On got. Thepio. oecd arising from the sale rf laid prtru.t to bo applied as follow : First to the pay - anent of th mm of S25.CO Altoroeys feee. and tbe cost and disbursement cf suit taet at tiS 60 and tbeecrtssod expeozea cf mak ing inch aale. Secucd to tbe payment to Iho PUintiff. J W Cusick the sum of 5J177.C:,, srttb accruing tcterest thtr-on at the r?te of tea per cent per annum from the 2otU day cf Jane, 18S9. Third, the sarplai if aay to "tha aid U R Keee, A A He, Nellie C Ktes and M E Knovtton. Dated thU 9th dr of lu'y, 1SSD. Johs Smalj-mojc, Sheriff r.f Lino county, Oregon, f Die. 22, '85. ImmJf aW Juiv20,'Be. E Sooth Albaay A most desirable and beautiful location for auburban residences, owing to it nat ural advantage and nearnet to the center ot but nets. Compare the tlie, location, view and acceta to and from these lot,ajid you will be convinced of their merits Call early and secure a home befot t the advance in price. Apply to Twekdai-'k & RtDFtitLD, Agents. First door south of Port Office. For aale only by LEBUIfi, LOST.-On July 4th a ludiea silver watch, gold chain and locket attach ed. Howard will be paid for it return to this office. IOST -A latest Improved Wlncbestei i rule, aire 40-05, ru the road from Al lien y to Independent o and within three miles of Albany. Any on will be anita bly rewarded for returning it to thiaotlb. W atm William 8. Timtor Lanl Msa. Coiled State 1 ai d Office, I Oregon City, Oiegoa, June 29th, 1SS0. i Notice ia hereby pveo that in compiiskce : witli tb provifiooa rf tb act (f Congress f ! Jan 3rd, 1878, eutultd '-An act for tbe tale ! f timber laoda in tie Statea of California. Oregon, N-vada, sod Washintton Ttmtory, Aukaa S. Shaw, f Mul City, county ot Marion, State of Oregon, baa thia day l:lit io tbi cfhc hi wn statement Ko. 1H0, for the purehaee .f tbe S E of Secti"n JC". G, in Townstip No. 10 routh, ranee No. 3 east, and will offer proof to show tust tha land soaght is more valuable fo it r or aton than for agricoltural purposes, aud to eitablitn Ins claim to said land before the Refiisteraod Receiver of tbi cLSce at Oie gon City, Oregon, en Twesday. Ike Mth day ef Seteber, Be namee a witoeese : V S!m, L. tSrown. J. Boyle and H. Tarpley, ail ot i?i!l City, Marion county, Oregon . Any and ell persona ciairomg sdveisc.y the above described land are requestea to tile tbeir claims in tbi office on er btfoie aid 24th day of Septemrwr, 1SS9. W . T. HfKNlT, Register. OtiD SAWIN'j Wood nawed on abort notice, anywhere In tbe city. Regular prices, Gk. H. Wakheh. "Nothing to Eimal It." f havebeen selllnir Simmons Llvar Regnlntor for the pat alx years. My customers prononnca It th beat evtr naed. On of my customera whore health wa in wretched condition from a very bad and et tiUbom case of dyspepsia, used tba Regulator and was enU.ely cured; 1 am ai'uri mvseir lor torotd liver, cans ed by olo e confinement. I find nothirg to equal it ana niguiy leoommena 11a use. itaapeoiruny, C.P.Hisr-T 1 Drugglsv, Edlnburg, Va. SUPERIOR LINES OF (AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT DE YOE &. ROOSON DEYOS & mm RB iGENT FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CHINE.BEST MACHINE IN THE MAitBET Kid tilove t Kid tilove It I have jutt received a full line of kid golve branded Our Own. This is a genu tne kid glove. I buy direct from Importers in Mew York and consider mem tne nest value of any glove I ever told for this price. 5 button, 3 rows of M'tching, $1.50 per pair. S. E. Young. T0lTION WaNIKD. Anexperlonc- V ,ed Kiigioeer veins a position ;o run a traction or other engine. Address K, DBMO0HAT OlHOfl. Motel Arrivals Not one pertna in fifty arrive at th as of forty, who i not troubled with kidney or urinary eomplaiou in some form. To thos fflioted with pain in tbe back, non retention of urine, nervous deDiltty, painful or tup- preaaed menitrustion, we can otter a remedy that baa been in constant use oyer twenty year. Oregon Kidney Tea. Thia preparation naa don mora for suffering bnmanity than any other medicine in the market. Sold by Fohy K Maion. 7 O.k cures rheumatism, neuralgia toothache. Foshay A Mason Agent. aud For rand madebaraess goto E. L. Power H.Eivert, praittoU lei. watoh maker and C05SILMPTI0.1 btttLL. To thu Editoii I'li'U e lr!-rn;n' r rtl era tlmt 1 liuve it imwIiImmi'iiii'ox i t. ..I ova named disease. Ily lti Ihm-iy m a ioiof liopelwHs cases have tici-u 1 rni .c.t ni .j i ti ed. I shall be bIiiJ Io svml two l. n'niy ir:ne dy frkk t; liny of tail rend, r v. !. Iu; -consumption if tliy wi l stiiilit Hit r .tn and post onie ndrlrcs, mm etuniy, T, A. SLOCIW. M.i .. t1 ' r;i.. r-.. V.i!j St Charles. G S Cary, S M Leonard, W Webte, G M Mlller.F O Neil.Portland ; Mrs Holmes, Mrs Perry ; E C Lake, B F Alley, Eugene ; E LaPage ; Wm Apple gate and sister. Idaho ; O Reoolon.S F. Revere House. T A Brown W Suf- fren and wife, S F; S S Goldsmith, W D Mercer, Portland; M C Bingham, Center Rock, Or; W Harris, C A Curran, city; J M Sumaker, Ohio; S Ellerbe, St Louis, Mo; J M Smith, D O Paine and wife, Wm Wilson, bugene; fc. Leibundgut, McMlnn vllle. Exchange Hotel. L Page ; G Car rens ; R Ccinpbell ; O L Adams, Seattle; S Burrough, Lhico ; 11 Harper ; Frank Moutell ; M I Griffin 5 P Casev ; H S Baker, Eugene ; R Johns 5 James Hard Ing 5 G Marsh ; J McArthurs ; J F White, California ; T Uayle ; A Web tter ; B Johnson : J James ; W Thomas J Lafranz, St Paul. Russ HorsE.- F Ralston ; T W Bron son ; J Hickman, Lebanon ; V T Davis, Portland ; E Sanrer ; L Mayer ; O Ormbury ; P Pietro 5 A Cicco ; H St Helen, Salem ; J McChesney, city ; F A Waughtal, Ashland ; S A Sanford ; Kerr, Metfort ; H Bremar., Brownsville E H Snyder, Portland ; Mrs A Mitchell J J Graham, Millers. TVTSSOLUTON NUTICE. - Notice ia If berety given that the eo-paitneracip heretofore existing Detween u. A, v neea wnd W. W. Cbesaman. rioing busi nees under tbo firm name of Chesimn Bros., haa tbla day been dissolved, C. A. nhnaKitinn baviun aold blainteretl to t. B Beauy. 1 Lo unsiness win continue under tha n mo of Ci.3sman A Beauy wbo will coUeclalt aooounta and pay all riobuofthe heretofore existing firm ol Chewman Bros o Peoria, Laim uo.. or, 4tins mu, ioo, W. W. ChsssmaN, C. A, CH8MAN. FORSALK,-ine unuersignea ns 101 sale a licrse ower and aepara' r. newand iu good runninir t rder for sale ebeap. Inqulieofll, Bryaut. Adminis trator of the estate .of Jams SjielJs. deceased. Timtsr Land Mice. United Stotea Land OR:c, Oregon City, Or , June Oth, I69. Ko: ice Is ber by vie 11 that in compli ance wiih the pnvkion.i or tli act ai Congress of June 3rd. 1878, entitied "An act tor tne wi'o or iimwrnuim m SUtea o 1 California, Oregon, Nevada ami Washington 7enitT,-," JamesU. lxn-.e. of Mill City, county ot M 1 ion. eitt 01 Oregon, bes this day filed in thW r.flico his sworn atalement No. 1101, lhr ice purchase of tbe K4 of SW i-i end lots fi and 7 of Section No. 0. in Township No. 10 South Kango No, 3 est, a eel will oiler proof to show that tbe laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than fr agricultural f.urpoeF, and to eiat!ifc! bia claim to sa'd lacd beforo the Pegiier and Receiver of this 1 ffto at Oregou City, Oregon, on . Taetday, tteMtk day or Scptcaafcer, Isho, H nauien as witnesses : W. Wins L. Brown. A. ts. St aw and U. Tai p!ey, ast of Mill i-itv. Marinn counlv. Oretrnn, Auv and all persons claiming adtersly the above tfOiijribed lands are requested to fiietueir claims in this oitice or 01 1 u ore fraid 2itb day of Nepeir tier, its. W. T. Bcr KY, ' KPgisttT. NOTICE Is hereby given that property owners are required by ordinance to cut down and remove all thistles and ob noxious weeds growing upon their premises and upon the streets adjoining thereto, witbin the city limits or Albsmy. Those falling to do so will be liable to a flhecf$5. Albany, June SUi.l&S. J, N- Hoffson, City Marshal. Fino line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob son s special bargains r 1 1 n Amir WARE OF ALL EiL'lDS Al oeyof a aossou Hotica or final Settlement. In tU County Court 0 Linn county, Oregon, In tha matter of the estate ot James Shield, deceased. ... NOTICE is hereby civen that the under L,ued. the duly appointed, qualiliad, aud acting Administrator of tbe eatate cf James Shield, deceased, ba filed hi final account tbi day sa tuch Adminstrator in the above entitled Court ana that aaid Uuurt baa ap pointed Saturday the Ith day f Aagntt, issa, at th hour of 1 o'clock, p. m. of sail day for tha bearing of objections to aaid final ac count and for tne tt lenient tnereof. Dated this 11th day of J uiy, 1SS9. . H. Bryant, Administrator. V! MiC8 for PuDlicaticn. Land Oflice at Orepon Oiiy, Or. Juce Stitb, ISfc'A Notice is hereby given that tbj follow ing named settler has filed notice of l- intention to maa final proof in suppQit of hie claim, and that said proof will te made be fore tbo uonnty jutige, or j n absence, before the County Clerk of Liti n oounty, at Albany, Oieton, un Monday,' Aacsist 2tk, IXX. -David Wcd.lle, Homestead I n tr JTO. 4750. lor toe !S 01 wc. f 13 i S.R. 1 B. He names the fo'.lowm? v. 11 nesaeato prove bia continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz : J. H. Lewia, 8, Lewis, P. Magnolia ami C, Cooper, all or Sweet Home, Linn coun ty. Oregon. ' , . Any person who desires to pretest azainst the allowance ol such proof r w bo knows cf iy aubutantial reason, under the law and th regulations of th Interior Department, why such proof aaould not b allowed, will be given an opportunity at tbe above mentioned time and place to oiosa examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to ofler evidence m rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. W. T, Burhey, ; - Register,.