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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1889)
urn utmtxwi. Kind word n ever diet but they frequently it ay a long time from home. Tom Nad, the caricaturist, who is back in New York after a long residence in California, Wks si lively at ever. He it a Bavarian by birth and hat teen about half a century of life, lie may again enter the lecture field, with colored crayons. fr'roten milk, it is asserted, my b kept in fresh state irulefinitety.and many steamer sail ing on distant voyages are now provided with steam refrigerators, in which milk and other fuods may readily be preserved for any length of time. 1 be nmn who bequeathed half of hit estate U his wife "as long at the remained single of ei liU !-ii.," i.b t j'nvivi,.n that the other IvAt I e tiven hrt m sh mrutiod again, "as it rcii mote to keep 'wo than one," was daisy, Official mums have been received fioru every county in the state of Pennsylvania. The majority cainst the prohibition amendment it 1 $9,020. The majority against the suffrage annndment providing for the repeal of the poll tax qualification is J 3 5,3-1 o- Commissioner Tanner is evidently heeding the cry "reduce the surplus." lie has paid out the 190,000,000 appropriated for this year, wants $ 1 $,000,000 more.and has 106,000 peli tions on file for new pensions and reratinc. If the corporal were a general the country would go broke. v egctabies and meats are sealed up in air tight vessels to preserve them, so that the I so- teria or minute 01 g.misms which are always! present in the air, and which would cause them to putrefy and decay, ate thus 'excluded. The - Ar tMitl li(ir thi.v Mrtinnllv anll . ' as to destroy any bacteria that may already be present in the flood. Mr Joseph Mauley, a right hand man of Mr Blaine, has been provided with the Augusta (Me.) I'o&t O.Tice.and Mr Blaine's nephew is to I Mr- Manley' first assistant. Thee is not much of that repeatedly promised civil service reform about this, but there is in it a beautiful sample of how thoroughly an ancient friend ship can lie maintained between two men like Blaine and Manley. Wade Corporal Tanner ia making the Treas ury suffer he doe not forget hi own household, lie draws a salary of $5,000 and a pension of IS64 a year. His daughter, who acts as hi private secTetary,receivestl,8oo,and a young er daughter has a clerkship which pays her I720 a year. The Corporal also has a son who receives a snug salary as a Government em ployee. Mr George Roger of Salem in hunting a name for his new paper to be started in that city this wtek selected the name "CafiUlDtm. eeraf : The Capital JomrJ began to kick about this infringement upon its name. Then Mr Rogers selected the name "Staii Drmo crui.n Now this is equally an infringement upon the name of this paper and Mr Rogers should reenter the field of nomenclature snd select a name for his paper peculiar to itself. THEtOMIITtO.N UUtAl.VS. The report of the Secretary of Ihe Treasury foe the fiscal year which ended. on Sunday show that the condition which has existed for the past even year still confronts us. Thsurplus revenue collected during the year was I104.739.073. The funds in the Treasury in excess of actual obligation are about 170,000,000. Lavish disbursement for pension and ths persistent baying of unmatur ed bonds at a high premium have not been able to prevent an accumulation of money in the Treasury which is a Handing menace to bust ne p-ospcrity. Thi unchanged condition represents the most unjust of all impositions unnecessary taxation. While it remains it is inevitable that there w ill be theories for it cure. The Demo cratic theory is to stop the surplus by reducing useless and burdensome taxes upon the neces sitie of the people. What the Republican theory is the country will learn when Congress shall meet. The present indication are that the Tanner plan of spending the turplu will find more favor than the Senate plan of cutting off revenue by raising the taxes. The alternative of the frying-pan or the fire! not a pleasant one for the taxpayers. AN 41.E Of AlTIl.V. This is primarily an ge of action, of ener getic progressive endeavor to secure to man kind and the world the richest fruits of know ledgj and of inventive power; it is an age in which one must do something if he would not prove recreant to the spirit and the prompting of the hour. Life ij not the dvlctfar nitn.t xis:et:e of an earlier time, and the mere dreamer and viki'maiy is bound to be dropped a the road a an incumbrance with which we can readily dispense, It may not be an age at romantic as some the world ha seen; but it is one of infinitely greater worth, and of mote v.le possibilities, for it calls forth the fruit of man's best attainments. The old-time ideas of glory nave been supplanted by more worthy and inspiring ones.and the world rolls forward, not as the abiding-place of mere senseless pleas are and tinsel pageantry, bnt as a hive of in dustrious, intelligent workers, whoe genius has well nigh annihilated time and distance, making the heart beats,tbe aspirations and tlie struggles of each people immediately know n to the others. Humanity thus drawn cker to gether are working together in a noble rivalry 1 in which every right.minded individual is striv j ing to do his part toward honoring the age and himself. In every field of genius, art and science, work, is the order of the day. Mere theorizing, without the ' practical demonstra-tio- cf the worth of the theory, is considered a waste of time, and is left to those who might otherwise le more mischievously employed. The idler and the shirk are sent to the wall, and the worker, and the worker only, finds a desirable place in the world's estimation. Liie means more than mere breathing; it means duties to be assumed and honorably discharged and the msnner in wJ-ich a man discharges those !utie r w hich nature ha equipped him is lite itK .n 'e oiii; 01 1 tiiiu-x or unworthi nc. All cannot lead; the majority have to lie led; and that one man is the superior of his fellows in n.uuiul capacity is only creditable to himself in to much as he fully employs his superior gift. Every man can dolus part,nd doing this he iloesall thnt can r expected, and his life it st r.iemoiiuus a lint of hit mental superior. Great ability u accompanied with great responsibility. Niture always balances her accounts evenly, and so doing the best we can we fulfill equally our duty, whether that best is a leader or a humble toiler in the ranks. "Honor ;nd fame fiom no condition rise; -Act well your part, there all the honor li;s." She was a little girl and she came to a sleepy father and stood at his bedside flower oj purity and innocence holding in ber arms an exceedingly measly looking pup, "Can t I keep tin nice little doggie?" she asked. "No; take him away," murmured 'he father, drow.l!v. "' " -. i isn't h;m !he KCflv !' twine, Ust " The criminal who undertakes his own drj fense when brought before the court surely acquits himself creditably. The Misaouria State University is the first institution of the kind in the country to offer a course in the Russian language. The prut simpleton of the season is the young man who goes away for hit health and spends the time smoking cigarettes. Tdl a woman that she looks fresh and the will smile all over. Tell a man the same thing, an.l if he dosen't kick you it is either liecause he hat cornt or daresnl. According to Republican exchange Wanamaker taket great Interest In the af fairs ot hta department. Certainly an of fice that costt mar four hundred thousand dollar naturally excite hl Interest. Another wooien mill haafuikd.tliia time in Connecticut. Thus the beautic of a home market and a wool tariff receive an other striking Illustration In thU off year In politic, which appear alio to be an off year with tome of the Infant Indus'.rle. By starting from outhern Texas In Feb ruary, and traveling northward by low stage Into British America, a man might have strawberries ever day until the end of August. When rapid transportation I further perfected,! may have them during the tame period and stay at home. Ra'l road have almont annihilated the "truit season." Kuisell Harrison' latest bustnes ven ture i the erection of a new hot swimming bath at Helena, Mon. The bath I to be 1 jo feet square, and the water a It flow Into the bath from the spring will drop a distance of forty-two feet in a cascade. I Mr Harrison has recently returned to New ! York fro:n a trip to Helena. He will sail in a tew (lav for Europe. The friend of Corporal Tanner are en gaged in a desperate at'.empt to prove that hi predecessor, Gen. Black, la responsible for the ehautlon of Ihe pension funds because hi estimate for the appropriation was too low. In the ame way It may be argued thai the father of a bankrupt spend thrlft I responsible for hi poverty because he did not bave him more money to waste. The removal of Mr T 0 Fowler from Ihe post mastership at Augusta, Me., in order to make a place for Mr Blaine friend, Joe" Manley, It i safe to say ,1 not In the line of the President' profession with re pect to the conduct of the civil tervlce. Mr Fowler's term has not expired and he hat expresed no desire to resign. The principle involved U thai the country shall j reward Mr Manley for hi affection for Mr Blaine. The Philadelphia Mm, an earnest, but candid republican paper.savt : "The partisanship and proscription iho-vn under President Harrison so far In the Post Office Department I twice a great a Mr Cleve land showed, with even the offensive and narrow Vila at the head of the depart ment. Scandal will multiply, of course, under uch a ytem."' By the war might it not be eery truthfully and appropriate ly said that It has been a long time since there were two more narrow and shallow men in the cabinet than Wanamaker and Tanner. The superintendent cf the net census, R P Porter, calls the attention of farmer throughout the counlrjr to the importance of having the return In relation to farm product and live stock in the forthcoming census at complete a possible. The cen sus year began June 1 and will end May 31, 1S90. The enumerator will vUlt the farm er during the month of June, next year, and if the would keep an accurate ac count of their farm product during the J intervening period, it would aid greatly In securing trustworthy return. It would also be an Incidental benefit to the farmers themselves to leef uch a record, not only this year but every year. It I soberly related that a youthful married couple whose house has recently been glorified by the addition of a fac simile of the beautiful little mother decided te lave the christening service at home A venerable minister was called to officiate j He took the babe in hi arm very affec tionately and addressed a few word of ad vice to the young parents.- "See that you train up this child In the way that he nould go ; that you surround him with the best influence, and that you give him a good example. If you do o,who knows but he may become a John Wesley or a George Vbltefirtd i What I hl name .'" "Nellie, sir," replied '.he mother. According to the official report of the Treasurer of the United States, the gold coin in the Treasury the 31st of Mayag- gregated $33655.5. coupled with bul- lion to the value of $35,J4t,M5.c'.rrtaklng a total of $321,197,376.06 gold coin and bullion, offset by outstanding gold certifi cates, to the value of $ 1 29,044,662. At the same time, there were 275,484,223 standard dollar In Ihe Treasury offset by outstand ing silver certificates to the value of 255, 537,810, leaving 19 94413 standard dollar wned by the Government out of the 330,238,340 t':at bad been coined up to that date.and leaving in circulation $54,754,325, as well ailvrr certificate to the amount of $255,537,810, cons' ituting so important a part of the paper currency of Ihe people. In other words, no les than $310,292,135, or about 94 per cent of the whole amount of our standard dollar coinage i being utilized a the most active part of the cur rency, namely, that which I used in the daily retail buslne of the country, a fact either Ignored or stupidly overlooked by those financial writer of the secular press who continue to pra'e of the Impehdenry of financial danger from a redundant Sil ver little of which goes into the public Treaury through the door of the custorr house The three most interesting convicts in the Minnesota State Prison are the Younger broth ersJim, Bob and Cole. Tbe former despera does have made model prisoners and are warm friends of the Warden, Cole and Jim Younger have at times been respectively postmaster and librarian of the prison ' GOLDEX HULK BAZAAR t'asli (loe a Ung Ways at Jaliu tiradwhul' I have made arrangements for buying good direct from the factories in Europe and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast. The following are ome of my rash retail price 5 K dozen unhandled '.eacup and caucert, 35 cts. dozen unh.lndled coffee cups and sau cers, 45 ct. . y, dozen handled coffee cups and sau cers, 50 cts. dozen seven Inch- dinner plates, 45 eta. These goodc are all Iron stone China and not a cheaper grade of good. I have also added good stock of groceries, which I ask people t call and examine and judge for Ihennelves a to quality and prices. TULIUS G RAD WOHL. If you want a good il ver atcel eyt he,1o at in She n a kt, go to S ewsrt Si Sox'r, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS II Should l5"!ga. San Francisco, July 9. An Examiner' Washington special sayi There Is a rumor to night that the resignation of Corporal Tanner a commissioner of pension hat been request ed. It is known that Secretary Nohle had a long interview with Commissioner Tanntr this after noon, In which the administration of affair in the pension office wa thoroughly overhauled, The question of undue picfm nce given to cur tain claim agent in the making of their cttet "special" was discuwed at length, and it ia understood that General Bussey, sssUtsnt sec retary of the interior, presented to Secretary Nole something very much in the nature of charges against t e commissioner un acctint of his rulings in certain eases. A Clean Sweep. . j Tort TowNSKNpJuly 8, The city election lesulted in a clean weep for the democratic candidate.-. The republicans were badly beaten by over fifty mi jority for each candidate. The ('emocrnt were harmoniously organlied for several week, and worked hard fur. success, which contrasted sharply with the republicans, who presumed on last autumn' victory to win the election. The majorities wen at follow! For mayor Joseph A Cuhn.oai for councilmen. I S Latimt, I70jj II Livermore, 1 401 E, W. Deval 361 for marshal, R Delaney, $t. The victory elate the democracy, and they assert that it indicate success in the state elections. Mrsllayrs. Chicago, July 9. Frances Willard, presl. dent of the World's WCTV, ha issued an address to the officers and member of the at sociation, eulogizing the character of the late MrR U Hayes ami staling that no woman ever lived who did so much to discountenance the social use of intoxicant. 1' request mem orial services to he held in utl the local unions on Sunday, July aS. Judge Coolry Cowing' Chicago, July 9. Judge Cooley, of the in terstate ccTmerce commission, paste through Chicago to-day, en route to Portland, Or,, on unofficial business. ARK Aeeldrat. IlrciiAarsT.July 9. A passenger train col lided with a frirght train near Ciulnita to-day, Fifty persons were killed and many injured. The accident was due to a mistake of the switchman. The l"uI limolntlun. New Oruans, July 9. John L Sullivan, who was teen immediately after being convey ed to hi special car, wasin the Ust of humor, and while not talking a gieat deal, always made agreeable replie to any and all questions put to bin by bu friend or representative of the press. He (aid, among other thing, that he would never enter the ring again wider any consideration. A Brttal Harder. 1'Al.oi st Cm, WT., July 8. On Satur day night, between loan ia o'clock, R D Johnson, a well to do and respectable citizen about 50 year of age, living about four mile northest of here, killed hi wife -it ton, about M year old, and fatally shot hit seven year old daughter, He then took bis own life. He left a note stating that he did not want to live in thi sinful world and could not leave it without bis family, to he thought he would kill them too. He said that be and alt of hi family were going to heaven, where Jesu was, and that he first gave them strychnine, but could not bear the sight at Hwti .1 gomes, so he killed them with a revolvei. Vattle Ejection. St ATI le, June 8. The city election her to-day resulted in the reelection of Mayor Muras (rP.) by 553 majority over G M HalUr (detn. Party line were not drawr, many democrat working for Moran and many republicans for Haller. A feature of the election wa the Utter fight m cy aiiomeysnip, Aiocnson (rep, deleat ing 1'ile by 689 majority. Pile wt the saloon candidate, lie was elected by a majority of over Soo. A Wage Kabtwrr. hat year I.IXKVUI.K, Or,, July 8. The Lakeview Linkvillc stage wat robbed ner Keno springs. twelve nules from Bonanxa yesterday, by two masked men. They took the mad bscs and expre box. They blindfolded the driver.took the horses off the wacon. led them to one side ana took tbe harness to piccics to delay the driver a long a possible. More AppoiBtarat. WASHtSCTOM.July 8. Tbe president this afternoon made the follwing appoint met Thomas H Cavansugh, of Ulympia, W T., to be surveyor general ol Washington territory. Thomas N Faulkner, of SUixian, Or., to be agent for the Indian of the Grand Ronde agency in Oregon, vice John B McLane.resign- A lih'ody Kti-a Dl'LL'TII, July 8. So f ,r lo-day the strikers have been quiet. Three hundred men were put to work at nocn. More trouble may ensue, Up to date twenty five men are dead, and two more will die, and thirty were wounded in Saturday s not, ten tenously. They are Ptaeky FLLKKsm-KG, July y.Tbe people are de termined to a man to have a large, splendid city here, and they are coine to build it what ever the cost, ev;n if men Save to work every day in the year, Sundays included. They already have the indomitable pluck and energy on ine ground; iney on get ail the trjwey they want, and all they fear is a lack of men and material. There are five brick manufacturers. "h.M ZZZ TuJJZZtS to burn 7,000,000 brick this year, of which r J , -j number they intended to carry over 1,500,000, EUensburg people will use their 7,ooo,ooo,and a many more attbey can burn, A CaftJeM&witcliiaan Cologne, July J.1 hrough the blunder of a switchman eight lives were lost on the rail way near Koobcmoo to-day. The Frankfort express, while going at a high rate of speed.ran inui an open swucn ann aasnea into an empty train which was standing on a side track. Light persons were instantly k-lted and eleven others injured, Another City Cone, IlAKrasfiELD, CaL, July 7. About noon to-day fire broke out in the kitchen of the Xelelsey's liouse, a new building just erected in the same block with the Southern hotel. In spite of all efforts, it spread to the adjoining builaings, which were wooden, and then 10 the Southern hotel. . By this time the flames hud gained such headway that the firemen were powerless, and all that could be done was to let the fire burn itself out. Everv business house in town is burned, to gether with about forty dwellings, involving a loss of perhaps 11,250,000, with insurance of about 300,000, Thirteen block are whiped out, and not a hotel, restaurant or business house it left, tame to Uregon. 1'JTTsbcrc, July 7.--A Zanesville, O., special reports the disappearance of Heel D. Miller, cashier of the Malta National bank, of Malta, O, There is a shortage in hit ac counts, it is said, of at least $32,000 and it may reach $50,000. Before leaving be made a confession, and turned over his property and $10,000 stock in the bank to bis bondsmep. Miller is said to be in Eugene City. Or., or British Colombia. The money is uppoed to nave been lost in speculation and poker. A Frteat Vow. Philadelphia, July 7. Thomas Ewing Sherman, son of General Sherman, to-day re ceived the final orders of priesthood. The ceremony was held in the' archbishop's private trHwci;ivu wun rue v.ameurai. Intelligent Header will notico thai IV?" ""' to evr all e lasts f diaam, but oaljr aah auj rmall ( from m disordered liver, via 1 Vertigo, Headache, Dyspepsia. Fevers, Costiveness, BilicuF Co!ic,Tlatuier.ce, etc. ??JJuV"t'T mr " wavmwtl ifalUbU, featcrwsBar!j'BMltiaaa ittl t tamlt.9 at ruatjr. rlc, &a ta. EOLD EYEimTHERE. THE LEADER. ' THE LEADER G, W. SMITH, "Superior," "Argand," "Garland" STOVES AND RANGES. Fire Backs. Warran ted for 15 years, All size 1 tn styles. Roofing-, Job Work, Plumbing. Eave Trough. Range Boilers Conductor Pumps. F. L. KENTON. FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES Choice Candy, Kills, Fruit, etc. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. NEA-sTHE POST OFFICE ALBANY, C I I ( C f MATTHEWS Cany a first oiaa Stoves, Tinwarp,Hardware,Etc, WMcb tber are selllns: at remark alby low prlc-a. JOB WORK carefully and promptly don at reasonable prion. Hopkins & DEALERS IN STOVES; TIN WARE, SHEET IRON, COPPER WARE, ETC., ETC. : AgenU for '"On Time" Bentine; and cocking Move. Jub work, plainbta, etc promptly ationded to. CHEAPEST AND BEiT PLACE IN THE CITY. KW STORE. SEW GOODS Mitchell & Lewis Co., -DEAMRS in Agricultural Implements i --' and r t'ltr.cit ALHAfiY, 003VCE! I-Uh THE PEST FURNITURE r -CALU OS THE- Albany Furniture Company OPPOSITK SIKW4KT ft 8 X S, . t liM i : -; 4 1 1 Jin i BED ROOM SETS, TABLES, CHAIRS, UPHOLSTER En QOOS. WALL PAPERS, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., ETC..ET I IA W 1CI tVS Sc PA ltFLILiL FURNITURE f om want I ha beat anj moat durable furntiuethsr Is mnufaotured In vbeclty (o homas Brink. . E.J.r1cCAUSTUriD, CM Engineer and Surveyor, DRAUGHTING AND BLUE PRINTS 'flBce with Oregon Lasd C. Albany, Or, . Seworaae 8ytma anil W tr Spr p)lr Specialty. Ktaln Snbolrti nrl, Mi made or Copied on chort uctlc, City Heat Market. V SHULTZ BEOS,, Proprietors. Keep e fnll lln ot aieala of ll kinds, fu s nool plL.of, oom pltly pro-, tecttid; and always fre&b. Also have constantly on band saltnoc end otber fish. The Woild'e fctut. More than hun dred7 hun dred differ ent sty les co ok s and 1 - & WASHBURN atonk of Saltmarsh 1 Vehicles b'iuv Cor 2oi -ml E 'r 0PEG0fi. SIDID XJS, hfL.iLl H M ti.-urovc-l. . - .."w- HEALltf RESTORER. . USE IT! It is llic hi at helper to llr.dili sml iiu- iiiK kwat cure on Km ill. t sr it in tunc fur all dis sss o the Sujni.u'h, J.ivir, Knlm-y. mid Skin. I cures Kin unu l.ui, Mainria, Coated TunRV siul llctitlacl rulievrs (. viistpa'.ion, bilious less Hnd l)ys,-cui. driven all intjiupiies out ot . ,h -.iood Auti rji'ies v.p old Sorts. '1 he UuHinrcs men buy it, the 'oi ,iiii;nicn use i' the Ladies ta te I', ihe Cliilrin n cry ! i it mid llic riimcrs s.iv i s I'irir b 1 1 " :i i- rvi r. . Sit 4 evert truuit, j ire i.ulu. ; k.x Un S' i sNI, dC Pcmons d-alrlrg sand, loam or (travel fmm the preuiKnaof F. Li. Stu b in Kenton county, can procure tti'kts for the satns at my oflloo, Craw ford's t look, Albany, Oregon. C'HAS, E. WoiVEBTOW, 5- SPECIALTIES. lilfliH FkbloDabl ftnd Stylish Suit, Uuaiuea Suit, Light wnigbi Hjrnnii'r Butt, Boy, youth's and child Wi initav Furnishing Goods Fine Hon of light wfitbl undeiwrar balbtitan arid ilti ; Mvtj, UU nrckwiar, bne wit mrpfndi i, ituatarn-'! for two yetR,in all tbe latest novehkr. BOOTS AND SHOES. A Urge lion in tlili department of tb bt in the market. HATS Sup!- end FashioneM lna. among other o stock of tbt John B. Stetson hats. Tailoring Mchatt.i!o.ii.g ..dr ,rt tailor. Suita made to order onder ahor. Mb?" feo-rt.-.- U Mors, good- t.nw oi than .er M r. -i- The LEADING Grocery Store Wallace, Thompson & Cs. ; OIjAPS GOOBS' . li WHAT KEEPS fHEM IN THE .A0. rhlr S tocli of GUOCER1E? and! PRODUCEy lei nlwfiH Complete. rr ri f-i f. t.'t s L.: Wt !jl$i!i&eo. if IX- cv; .-S Front, First ana Vise Streets, WHOLESALE Hartlware, Iron, Steel anfl Farm Maclery. SOLE AGENTS FOR WASHINGTON AND NORTHERN IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. Thess Hachlne ars too wall knows to nasd commant. Thousands of farmers hsvo used team sad spsak of tnain with praise. They axe tn only EarrssUns MactdaM that will five EMTISS SATISFACTTION to ta purchaser. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER. AULTMAN'S STAR TRACTION ENGINE, Tbe most Effsctiy and Successful Combination for Threshlnjr sad Cloanlna Grain ever eoastructed. BUCKEYE STEELERAME TWINE-BINDERS. jarThe Feature that dlstinglilahes this Twiira-Binder 1 the LlRhtneae of Draft, combined with It Estnordinwy Btrength and Duraoility. The Binder is ot the Appleby pattern, the only really euixxuwtnl on yet known. We have two styles, the Kievator Binder and the PlaUorm Binder both excellent- lth reoonunended by hundred of patrons, SEQUTTIES F1EM WAGONS, gritt. BK BUCK-BOARDS. FOUR-SPRINQ T5A MOUNTAIN WAGONS, ' A&. v . BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, COR BIN DISC HARROWS, . HODQES-HAINES HEADERS. HAISH BARB WIRE. : '"SEND FOR CIRCULARS. IS, Thra,Jl3Ia.ra.ager, Albany, Or. L. E. BLA1 16- r: pi ri ' Lwvj kt4 twi LJ . J PORTLAND. - OREGON. DEALERS IN "oA 1889 SPRING 1880 gtnaaajsi sHa. m LADIES' DRESS GOODS Tbe largest stuck abtl gie l aMty n price and 1 bv carried, and as gjotl value aa cm u tbe citizens) of Li fit ctvnty. Special Bargains In Cashmeres, In colon. od Macks. Swsranckera, fcirjgham, chambreya. Freed I .tint and wah fabric. AM ifae ootlues ol the aeaaoo in ioIom. I will he oraeibiDg foitber to laj ebont tbvae lofie U c lays. EMBROIDERIES, SKIRTINGS Floaociog, nod all ovnre on cambriw, Si end Indie Ltaeo. 1 buvo just opnaI tbe largest invoice of oofeltiee in thie line ew ex othUed io thi city, end at greai reduced pricee. Piques, Lawns, India Linens, NnsH.ks in whit, forn and colorr, all at price ery tniith cheap tr-n ever Ufore olTcrtd ia tbi rilf. . TABLE (a iMOwn . d V.cbi-d Tbt 'k I "iht in N Y'-rk t n tf.o -r iff, an I em bV t yvd rriini. 58 ir-cb W li I K-hfvt wi 50 e ntn r jrri n ifhr ia rofortion. TOWELINGS, All thaw good 1 tni? direct (mm tmKrUr hy ths me, and can aell tbetu mnch ch-fi than if toitKbt ot jo'br towt-la I bo io qoae tiiw in N w Yok, and am cffi-ring rbem at prica ilat r snre to sell tba gonda. Ladies Cotton Host-. Ate cbtaj-rr lhiear tLan ting antue gtod Urgaits, ell cf -the same ia MISSES AND CHILDREN'S, TUaUteia an outHnn of the f-Jicj I am going lodo lnicc abd will endravor do my par. toward securing the trade in m std adj- bicg counties to AlKanr. and to ks-ep up with the prooeas jf tbe liljr and proving titj of" Albany. I will bar something a about Girpets, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, IticI; a in the fact that I m nfiVtina; bettor bargains than any ono else in Aibaa v Bought at bankrupt Bales I can !! First-Class Goods in dt ICfcT. FOR 0 nt !.! uio;ch.- udise ol all iitila call on me. Particular bargains is it, eliu-e. Cash for Goods ' Conntry prditfc G IV. SIMPS0x v.. Albany, Ore gas. FOB Orags, Paints, oils, Brasbes, Alabf48' tine, Artists Materials, Etc., CITY DRUG STORfE Guiss &S01A. HAN V Real Estate,- FniplQymgnand Insurance Agent A.1 oommuioaUuas pioaspHy oav.reJ in German"rEBSllsh. FFIOE: ELLSVGHTK BETVEEM FI3ST AKD S3"3 STREETS ALBANY ORS) aMiaBaISsL jaBfaaaa HUD TRIMMINGS. -Y-. LINEN, CRASHES, ETC Y er befoie. I ha" aucco-ded in get tsbicb I o effuing io Dycustomerw SAMUEL E YOUNG H, .ItH.K.