The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 12, 1889, Image 1

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    S 8
la the best
Advertising raedlum
In Ihe Central
Issued vry Friday by
Advertising rata wad known
NO 50
! IT
h 5 i if ! ! f
11 Ml !J Ul
r A? 'an Ay's
C II. Snuviar. i
uam mni ciur VO ZN
A0 ALL 0? H:M
H'oWI t:ilin. pnl o ro'ivrlrij til
PaUorns Made un Short Notieo,
Coin! )ILmv.
('. oil Fril, ..
Orleil Frlt.
le .
iOft rivsret'llnir HiV 14 k; 'n a io'i
1 rarloty an l groonr; urw. II i:tMt
u rkaf prio paid for
A Hew Giocer Discovered
Strong' otd aornr, oppxiie Stu.vutJ.t
", firr. l.r 11., v i .',
A full Una ol
DRIED ?..llf iETC.
"Quick anlee an I small profit., "Lit
and let live, U oar motto. Pie call
and axaruln our so 1 an 1 t"t prleen
MiaTaction guaranteed.
Produce Taken in Exchange,
Very Re peulfully,
IOO OR60 ACRE4. Hf- irm ol Una
larnlig o r fruit Unci, 4 uillt waatrf
Albany, fjr only Ji an a-Jf-. Wl I ail
MaeraalfdailraJ. Nlv.'y loitiei Cal
oa Cooper Turner on Corral in na I.
K If. Sox IV
Golden Rule Bazaar.
tile atuok liaa boea enlarged m that It eiu1 any on the Ovutt, and cototiita of
Roger Bros. Silvarwara, Freaoh Ohinr. aud Orya
talvrare, Bdjs' Waoa3, Doll OiirUa.?,
Fanoy Goods, and a general
assortment of Crockrey
and Toys.
He bujl iireot and earrie the largeiK stvk In Hie Willa-ntUe Valley, to wbkl
ba been a idod a oompleta line of
'aA(rent for lnsarid e-:npnl n with a espitil ar,t'.l.i iTi.iyt .
piTXtA on narle KranisjU. fl!r wird deotoh Kospr.-Kdien.-Jj
I am now lurni'uroat 37 f":tory at .., l,ljfi f vt
tnr Can d well lo look hero for : i!.H, I iu ,;: iint ll f vn.t il-ni
the nx. 3) C i 1 il -tm'.' ay fry" t I 1 '!ii n
M Lr Jl. .t' -
f ' f--JL-
H '
x1 A. NI. .
Is desired ami admired by all. Among
the thing which may best be done to
f ... j"' enhanoa personal
Tft jT ft . beauty Is the dully
'"' j 'a " ' A.vr'"
nia bat tlio color of
railon rIvoh it a lu
1 a Attil ttllitltnw tltttfc
A 5 1 j V - .SJ hair l thin, harsh,
' Ury.orturnluir gray,
Aycr's Ilalr Vlffor
lll roNturo ilia
rulor, Iitlnu out a
now growth, nml
rendor the oM soft ami shiny. Pur
keeping the scalp rlonn, rool, nml
healthy, there Is no totter preparation
In the market. .
" I am frco to eoufom that a trlnl of
Ayer'a Hair Yhjor ha eouvlmtnl im
that It U a cenuiiin article. ItH iiho ha
not only rauoil tlio lnUc ol my vrUo aul
tlaughtur to lie
Abundant and Glossy.
but tt has Riven my rather stunted inu.
tache a rp.oiuliIj length ami appear
unco." -U. I'.nttou, Oakland, Ohio.
MMy Imlr was coming out (without
any aMlataneo from my wife, nltlier).
X tried Ayer'a llulr Vliror, unlir only
one botths and I uovr have ai line a
head of hnlr a any one could wUh (or."
It. T. Suhiuittou, Wcksoii, 1'uiiu.
' I hare used Ayer'a llulr Yljor In tny
family tor a numlier ol years, and re
paid it as the bet huir prrmratlon
know of. It keep the seulp eleun, the
hair soft and livrly, and preserves tlio
original color. My wife ha nsed It fur
hinir time witU moot satUCactory re
sulta." Ilenjntuia M. Johu.nun, M. 1.,
Thomas liill, Mo.
I " Mr hair era liecmnlnx harsh and dry,
but after UMlnit liuK a Ixittln of Ayer'a
'Hair Vigor it grew black and ctnosy. I
'cannot express the )v and prtitiilo I
feet." Mabel C. Hardy, lK-Uvuu, 111.
Oyer's Hair Vigor,
Dr. J. C. Ayer fc Co., Lowell, Mat
0oU by lrugsl4U auj rerfutucrt.
0, K. Vaini Sliuh.
House and Carriage Pairite
Decorator and Paper Manger
Fiano Varni'.hlnir.
All .rt itiaraiiltMd.
Dealer lo all tlx ttu itiojpr.ivej yxojm
Orgac, Miwln Mnalnns, tiuos. Also
a full lino of warranto I lUaon, Hatcher
slid rocket Ki.lvn. The bt kind ol
ewlna; utachin oil, mo-Jle and extra,
tor all maehmea. Ail tirtnK neatly
aid reaxooahlr d.ui.
. ty :-. if a
7 S
1 j
F 5 S
J f ' "W
Thbv FuttJ'UioD. The Sslem SMft-
m.tu tut ka nim'.it the steamer contest as lol
lows ; "Sutem lias no particular desire to
boMNt over Its neighbor, Albsnv, upon the
ucceifiil Umie of the contest between
Ktenm Hiv engines, but there Is a good deal
ti cmiKolntlon tit knowing and feeling that
the inplial city bus lire engines capable i
dolg poa erlul and reliable work In cane ol
need. Albany's engine Is of the Clnpp &
Jomn m.iki-, kcarccW a year old and hu
been conkhlcreJ the crack qnulne o( the
State up to the time of this content. The
Cnplml engine Is of the La France mcke,
same k!i', cUs and apparent power as the
Albany engine, both having double plun
ger pump. Hut It appears thai when It
cotiH't lo absolute service, the Capital g?t
to ihe fion will ease. Doth Companies
InU a$ leet ul t-lngle nne hose, l ite Al
lianv iiinx threw the llrst sticam with an
1 ;i nol.', making a throw of atii feet 8U
Inches 4 ml wcr (ollowcd by the Salem
bov wlitt an 1 r 16 nosxle, making a throw
ot iGS (eel bi Inches. The pressure of
each engine was too pcuniU. The Salem
bovs feci proud if their engine and are
open to competition from unv engine on
tlo North Pacific coast." The dintance
thrown be the Salem engine was 3V) feet
Instead of 3fH feet S,4 Inches. The niUlake
nro-c from the fact that the noxtte ot the
Salem hone was nearlr ten feel ahead of
the Albany 1101le and the ground a not
Lkuwox, There wis considerable v-
clteinent Wednesday over a fight between
C Cae and Chailes Complon, who gol
into a quarrel and went outside the city
limits and had it out . . Mr C B Montague
left lant Ttictdav for Vancouver. Mr Mon
(ague owns considerable property op there
which he has gone to attend to.... 193
tickets wrre sold from this nlace to Al
bany for the celebration. A treat 11. any
went down liipilvalcconvevBiice...i()ur
hose team cot the second pr'lxe at the lace
lycsteidav in Albany and would have got
:en tne nrnt it the hoys had slat j off of the
ww. unc 01 tie lime keepers told us that
when the coupling was made that ther had
over two trcondt to go on, and two others
standing by said that ther would swear
that they saw some ot the" Corvallis bovs
1 00 the hoe h'.xtrtu.
Yaoi:!M rl.vv. 'The wreck of the Ya-
quina Bay should lie rvmoved. If thsoaners
will not do it the government should eaose it
to be blown up. A bsrd eaU from the north
west is lisbla to drive the bull through the
jtty and do much damage. As it is now
the wreck is neither a thing of profit or besa
ty . . . . From the point where the north Jetty
bow is it will be eoastracted about eight
hnndred fset in a straight line, thaoee it wdl
made a carve to tbe west sod ran sit or
sight hnndred feet psrslkl and one thous
and feel from the sooth jetty. . . Mr T U II
Brown, id Dong', Wyoming, was a eelier
yesurdsv. lie is oat lookiae: op the pro
peeU of Yeqnina Bay. Mr Brown say tbe
people in his section keen well Dieted oa
voteat thia way and that it is no sertt
Ithstlhe Chicago ft Northwestern railroad
win make leonine Bav iu Pscilla ent tr-
mioas KfimblicitH,
Watbr. On the 4th during the trial
test by the Albany and Salem steamer a
full streim ot water was purposely tuined
on the spectators along the side ot the
street on one occasion, knocking over one
or two. and on another ten or fifteen wo.
men were well drenched. The acts were
aid to be entirely unnecessary .and we are
intoimcdlhe ma'lter will be Investigated,
charees having already been presented to
the Chlf Engineer against some ol tbe
parties to blame.
A Hand Ovr. Last Thursday a mill-
man named Jesse Mason, In trying to re
move a stick from behind a saw In Parker's
mill at Oncatia, bad his sleeve caught lo
he saw teeth. Ills hand was cattcht and
ripped Into ribbons. I le ws taken to Ya
quina and the lacerated hand was cut oil
at the wrist. At last reports he was get
ting along comfortable. Mr Mason has a
wile and fonrchildren to u;port be his
labor and the loss of his hand Is aerial
hardship. Yarjuina UtfuUUan,
Lt't-K. A prominent farmer north ol
town is down on his luck says the 1'endlc
ton E. O. He was just leady to harvest
and had engaged his men before the recent
rain, lie led ai.d lodged them during the
rainy days, and when Old Sol again appear
ed and he was rcsdy again lo begin har
vest, the hands left. They had had free
board and lodging for .everal da vs. which
was all Ihey wanted.
Not K-kanb Young Wade, who was
sent to the asylum from Jackson county
recently, has found an opportunity to fol
low his mania of horne stealing. In spite of
me asylum authorities. He filed his way
out of the asylum one day last week, went
to leiierson, stole a horse, and sold it in a
neighboring town before being recaptured.
The asylum authorities after latin him In
i . . . . , . ...
agam .cm worn 10 nis lather that he was
cured and should be discharged Tuling$.
.mi'mmy Wheat. Last fall the Mc-
Mlnnvllle Ileguirr published r.n Item con
cerning the mummy wheat, the experl
menicr otlng the editor. The wheat Is
claimed lo be genuine, the grains being
tounuinthe wrappings of a mummy which
wos estimated to be at lesst inn rr rAA
The grains planted ore growing, and It Is
",uui(,' win prouuee mummies.
Ax Alarm. A firecracker.explodcd In
fnc residence rooms ol Mr Hale Backensto,
over his raloon, Thursday, setting Bre to
some things in the room and an alarm wis
given. With three line steamers hot fo
exercise Albany was In a condition to do
some good fire fighting; but fortunately
A Row Last Sunday, across the river
from Corvallis, 1 1 Linn cotinty.a Holiness
pieacher named Ellis and the father of
crying babe, according to the Corvslll
Ttmei. got Info a first class row.and but for
me intenerence of some of the congreea-
uon wouio nave nau a knock down. The
onper mentioned blames the preacher.
Plenty ov WATKR.-The Yaqulna fit-
pnbllcin of last Thursday says s "Yester
day when the tide gauge showed five foot
(loot, the leaRt wateron the bar was twenty.
.tirec fo t A nine foot tide would clva
I i"j fi-et of n'r. This i the best depth
vet. By fall we look for V feet."
QAccountkuFor Senator Mitchell is
out of town, and office seeker will save
wetr and tear of muscle and shoe leather
by not visiting the F.smond till he returns,
perhaps Sunday Telrram. This ac
counts for the very pleasant conduct of
Senator Mitchell while in Albany.
A Good Kxami'LB. The cows have
gone and Dr G W Maston, with his ucual
enterprise, bus torn down tho fence around
his handsome residence on Lyon street
and terraced the lawn, presenting a nice
front and making the place an ornament
to the street. -
Married. At Sclo, on July 3rd, 1889,
Mr. GeoM DeVaney and MUs Addle Bil
ycu. ine ukmocrat extends tr.e happy
cottpie us Desi wisnes. ,
Married. At the Revere house, In this
city, on July 4, by Georgs Humphrey, ju
tlce of the peace, J J Baker and Ella
Roach, ot llarrlsburg, -
Children Cry for
A Car Load. Fortmtller & Irving re
eslve their furniture by the car load. An
other one Is just at himl.loiMcd with a finer
stock ot good than eyer before, showing an
Increasing demand for first. class goods In
the Albany market. Elegant lad room
sets : about one hundred extension tables,
with some new and solid deslgus.and book
cases otfinearchltectura ure stored In their
warehouse ready for putting together. A
Ine of elegant parlor sets was t part of the
shipment. A rich r Id mshogonv, parlor
et, one ol the finest ever brought to the
city now graces , Dr. Masion's residence
nd another beautiful set C E Wolvcrton s
home. Some elegant sets ate In their store
room ready for Inspection. A largo stock
of new design ot moulding I a lea. tire I;,
their store. Nothing like them ever before
aeen here. Ajicw thing! the towel ring,
of which they have a stock, tie up with
the time nntl get a few, Fortinlller &
Irving propose to keep a !lnr of goods in
keeping with the Browing city ot Albany
and arenlwavs readv to show what thev
FiNUKKN in Uativu, A young nian'of
Albany m ho uses his fingers In eating de
sires lo have the following firm a reliable
authority published: "Th list of thlc
that can be eaten from the fingers Is on the
Increase. It Includes alt bread, toast, tarts
and small cakes, celery and asparagus.
when served whole, as it should be, cither
hot or cold j lettuce, which must be crum
pled In thn finger and dipped In salt or
sauce; olives, to which a fork should never
be put, any more than a knife should be
used on rawoysters;cheese lit nit furmsand
fruit of all kinds except preserves and mel
ons, he latter should be eaten with a
spoon or fork. In the use of the finger
greater Indo'gcnre Is being shown, nd
you cannot, tt yoaaie well bred, make any
very bad mistake In this direction, e.
peclally when the flnscr-btwl stands bv
you ar.d the napkin Is handy,"
Ai:a Tiicrk Amt ix AmtxY. Albany
do willtown, but th follnwing from the As.
toiia Trncri4 wou'd hit s.irosof th aneir
ty youug iiio of Slm, C irvalli and Ka
8di There are young ntn who train in
tk lwkk .,..1 w S.,i. 1. . ,
, . ... n.w,,., w,,u .1. K.MISIH
red regular piuks of nmr.lity and pmpristy,
that make a bsbit ft not only frauntiog.
bat daaeing ia be InwMt divs la swilltnwa
itb tlie most degraded old isde ou th fu
of th earth."
At Yao,c im a The celebration at Ya
qulna City Thursday was attended by a
large crowd or people and a big time was
had, everything In the prvgram being car
ried out. Tom Buford s yacht, with Lewi
at the helm, won the boat race s Cain won
the foot race, beating Jacobs and two
others. Mr Kd Ford, of the O. IMnlnm
u that fhecaliboose was full and the fines
amounted to $joo. Probably one ol his
Nbbd Aid Too-TIe ICIiensburg fire
was comparatively a greater los to the city
than the Seattle fire to that city. On ac
count ol the enormous rate very lit'le In
urance was carried, hence the lost will be
burdensome one. Amomr the losers
was Dr llenton, brother of Recorder Hen-
ton, ot thl city, who lost property valued
at $30,000, with only $ 1.1,000 in Insurance.
M8 w 1 x ul k t. A Cmatilla county farm
er bought soite English Moult wheat at-
n enormous figure. Hi neighbor all
poked fun at Mm for being swindled so ess
y. Now the wheat has come on. 1 10
grains to the head, large plump kernels.
nnesi ming out, and l ho farmer ha put the
price at $10 a bushel fur seed wheat jtnd hi
neighbor are golnj to bit v.
Dairy 1x0. There I a gentleman resld
log not far from Eugene who has demon
strated that the dairy business will f ay Ir.
this country. He Informed us the other day
that he I keeping twelve ml!ch cow and
mat they nave yielded hhn an Income of
not teas than $00 per month. It pay to
look to something beside wheat ra!lm for
a living now days. iiegUtrr.
IIr Swore. -The tie for the switch on
the street railway on Lyon street have been
lalJ, and are notyet ballasted. A night or
wo ago a farmer drove on to them In the
dark, and the air I said to have been blue
with curses about aur rough streets.
Tiiaxk Linn Engine Co. No. a desire
to return their thanks lo Mis Ora Du
bruille, daughter of Mr J J Dubrultle lor
the part so handsomely taken In the 4th ol
July celebration In rldlne an their decorat
ed hose cart In the procession. By order
of the Foreman.
Passed Throuou, Tho Llllv Clay
Gaiety Co. passed through AlbanyFriday.
It 1 composed mostly of flashy young la
dies, and the exhibition given Is said to be
noticeable lor different colored lights, dif
ferent from the 4th of July light.
A SALF.M r ire. The fine residence ol
Ion Edward Hirsch, at Salem, was entire.
consumed bv fire last Friday Los.
500- But for poor' water service the
bolldirig could eatlly have been saved, says
in; morning paper.
Hnath Albany
A most desirable and beautiful location
for suburban residences, owing to It, nnt
ural advantage and nearness to the center
ol bu nes-. Compare the size, location,
view and access to and from these lots, and
you will be convinced of their merit Call
early and secure a home befot j the advance
In price. Apply to
TWRKDAt B AC KBur.t.D,Agents. .
r irsi ooor south 01 rot omce.
Kid Glove I Kid Cloves 1 1
I have just rece ved a full 11 nu of kid
golve branded Our Own. Thl Is a genu
ine kid glove. I buy direct from importer
In New York and consider .them the best
value of any g'oye I ever sold for this
price. S button, 3 row of st'tching-, $1.50
per pair., , . .
8. E. Youxc;
This Trade Mark on a stove
meant it I thn best that ex-,
pctrcc and skill can con
trive. Sold only by G. W.
Smith. .
vVood Sawino. The undersigned will
be ready to saw wood anywhere In the
pity about July it. Price am a last
year. Leave order tt Dcyoe f( Robson's.
J, IV, I'AVll,
l)iu't fai oexsoiioo M -II wsinV carpets
Yon will ri them ft bm 10 to 15 per ren
chespur t!i sny other place iu to ivn, taking
u eoosidera on the quality .
If vou want a good f ilverstenl teylhr.fliiest
in me n..ic, gn w i.ow,. ..
T L Kenton has a supply of tine mixed
pickle put up ia pure cider vinegar. Try
their. .
To lelien our atook of canned good we
will sill '. " ing iu thstliuoat remarkably
low prices,
Bhowk"jj, k Stakabd
. p .
Tobb'a & C7 pare Manilla twine, best
quality, at Stewart AC Sox',
iu )ii uw diicovery for Consu mption, tuo
oecded iu producing a medicine which iiao
knowledged by ail to be limply marvfilou
It i exceedingly pleasant to the tact, per
fictlv harudess, and doe not sit ken. Iu al
ease of cares of Consumption. CoDght,Co)d
Whooping Gongta, Croup, Bronchiti, and
Psins in the Chest, it ha given universal
stisf action. Dr Bos&nkn's Cough and Lung
Syrup i sold at SO cents by Dr Uuisi ic Son.
Pitcher's Castorla,
There I nlwsua calm altera storm, and
the r ume may be said in rifervnce to the
4th of July.
Really the crowd I what mates 1 4h ul
July celebration. Like circuses, though,
a program Is gotten up to draw. It I. Is a
good one It takes business qualities lo man.
age It, ntul It Is a fact that even a very
mediocre program wCI be appreciated if
pushed through on time, while a good one
will be kicked into splinter It allowed to
run itself and halt I K it out. A city, tir
It own reputation, dcseivc to have' big
celebration manged In bnnklng style, for
It Is generally the place that get the heel
nwwly a the M, A. T. can
there were lust ten thousand peon In present
at each of the celebrations In the Northwest
on the 4U1,
It Is n very seilou question to deride
whether lo go lo the mountain or the sea
side for a summer vacation. Soda water
or sea breees, Which?
"l .. ,;'
It look if tf the fire were taking
plac In Washington territory, but that is
the way thing run. !n the Mean time It
pay to be on the safe side and keep' our
three engine oiled, our hose lit gold con
dition, the water supply high and be care
lul of matches, nil ounce ot prevention I
worth several pounds ot cure, and this I a
good ru'e for Albany, by the way, one al
ready belntr followed Our splendidly
equipped department may have an In
fluence in frightening fire off In the first
llntrl Arrivals,
.- 1 vn aki.i v i.i-unctt. i l. wood 1
t' . 1 ( I I . ..a.... .1
and wile, tiefvl.t V FanelnW ! Settle "deal of Idle tlmv ai.d spasmodically used
A A Whitney, Ohio : J I) Parker.Stay'on 1 1
b Adler.I'ortland ; M H Montetlh.AI banvt
v lirTJr. tti ""i"7;r',ul,em5 I "
l.'ltlt ..,,.. .. - ..." I
port t TO Woodtnancv. Cincinnati. Ohl.
R.-..s... u.. v, .
HolmanJ C Settle. W lloone.G Gordon. I
l . t aaaa
.Sclo : 1 1. Recd,i.cbanon i W T Sharpe, S
F ; G D Salman. Halsey : 1 1 Lallen.Corval
li ; G Nettlcton. Portland U Randler.Sa
lem j J W Pugh.C Roblr.ett.Shedd.
Rrvcrr llot s.(; H BurtL. Shedd: A
3 Kalian, A P Morrow and wile, A I Nel
scr, S F; J P Toneps, M A Miller, Leb
anon: A Wilson. A T Curtice. I A Barker.
B tr William, J Fennell, W O Brlggi diy j
HMurchlMn;A t Nast Omaha. Neb; 1
Stock well. SciotC II Gales F M Wad-
worth, Toledo; I S Woo,lrufl, Chicago; E
1 aiurpnv, Helena;
A II Nichols. La-lit
rimCSi, X Uueilt Y Howenstlne; N J
I Young. roATan'd , fToTsen, Benton Co;
O Osburne, Brownsville.
Rf Hot'kK. I) II Stenhen. Vo.t.
land. Cal jW II Clavlnger ; I th Tunnl.
cllfle. Corvalll 1 J J Graham, Miller 5 W
iKMueener. Mate 1 WW Hall, VYaltsburg,
WT til Iabo. Mill City l W Count.
and wife : Mr E Sander : I Bars-er : f
Walton ; A I Crlnn : I f Charlton.
Princeton. N ) ; R if owe, I acorn ; A !
Moln ; J ilauwn and wife, CorvaCI ; F
R Swaney, Falrburg, Neb ; A Tenney,
Ubanon ; J O Miller, Chit wood ; Wm
Maxwell. Lebanon ; J McNeil, city ; W
II GUI. Hubbard4own. Mich : F It fiill
Hubbardstown, Mich ; N Mack'v. Farm-
Ington, Mo ; G II Magee, Cal ; J Jone ;
SW Paliicv s H E Mlchcner. Sweet
t.Ol.tiK.N ttt I.E BAZAAU
astitioe a Uag Way at Julias draawa!'
I have made arrangement for buying
good direct from the factories In Europe
nd will cll at wholesale or retail, cheaper
than any where else on the Pacific Coast,
The following are some of my eh retail
price :
K dozen unhandied "ca cup and saucer,
M do en unhandied coffee cup and sau
cer, 45 ct.
S uoxen handled coffee cup and sau
cer. r,o ct.
i tioxen seven inch dinner plate, it
These gootlt are all Iron stone China and
not a cheaper grade of good. I havs alto
added good stock of jrocerle. which I
ask people t call and examine and fudge
ior ittenitcivc a to quality and price.
Iuliv Gradwohl,
A Hafe laveHtmeat,
lorebieh ltisrnlw.t to brine )U ssUslse. I
u.r iMi'i, or in ess. .4 hiiurs nrtun. ofporchsw
pric. on Ibis sr t lan you ran Lav from aur sd-
tarf ijwtl IkrilimtaL . IwrftU Itr ktt.v'. Kmr Ttts.
eav.rv lr CuiMiinpiiiin, U W cu.rshti eJ 10 hrtuf I
rciici in vry eaw, mtu-m u-l lur say sirecuoa c
Throst. Lnnrs or (.Imt. soi In.
fl.mmll.m ,4 Lungs, llranrlitils Asthma, Whoupliii
Uuiltfh, Ltnuis sic. It I planl ami sgnsmbl
lousio. incti.v ss'o, snd eon sisvs b aitdd
upmi. 1 .isi Loo.. rrwsi rnsy
Firmeis. if yen wsnt Ihe test hare all
bawl mde, call 00K.L. to Dem
orrt tlie.
A diy, backing oruch keep th bronchial
tut tu a ststo 01 constsnt irritation, wnten,
1, iihs fliTpiny irniin, fiiv icsti m iiruu-
viiiir. iri,inix,'r irnirtiy can nau luu
1;,!, . 1 . . . , . t..a
Awr t Cherry rcct.rl, which it both as
Uim1)'U aitu cxpeotnrAirl
Wt... fV..v....,. 0....k;fU
... . "...
i, 11 m x-s'i' s h u vm s . asaautti aaiai
Danton, C Griggs, U II HolmesJ Hunter, 4,ouo human beings and million in prep-
T Froman, M I Phillips, II Nelson, D P erty. Tbey thii.e bylaw which give
i"i?r,li VtGv,Mc!l,'We" J 0nctito.rd; them power to make artificial prices. Prob-
J E Green, C McStephenson, F Round, I ,, .... , .
Oulnlln.l Conrov t E L Wlhlams ti Ki. Kansas and Ml-)uri farmer In buy-
a relisliie rrtdiciua for the renovation 01 tnai"" .""i'"-ii '""'j-'""' J"'
lilnod. Turn bd nmlds 0
up lo
d by
the )t(tn,
eures skin ditestcs, etc. Sol
Fovbsy &
W light's My rib teotb rotp come off ion-
(pirnr v ry tun yon bve bruib" with
a. Death to tartar std deiay. Sold by
huilisy X MM)ii.
Wright's Arabisn Hona Liniment act!
nnicklv and flve'uslly, and baa no superior
ss a irinetty p.r nuimais in an casts wnere a
it 1 ii i" r t is
r.qitirei' . Sold by Foshay &
An ounce of prevention I better tban a
nud of core. Pfnndei'a Ureion Blood
rurinor excels an imrnruie 01 ine dioo
, , ,,, . . ,, , . ,
nd should be usid in all disease ol the
stomach, livi r and kidnej a. Take It.
Portland. Or.. Jan. 12th.
Havine a severe back ache laat anmmer. I
tiied the Oregon Kidnry'les, I used one ear,
which tffectrd "dial cute. I would ret
ontniui.d it to all who aro afflicted. aan un
failing reined). JtTLICSACH.
Sold by l'o-lmy 6C Mason.
t 1 ..... ... n. :,.:. 1 1. r..l i.--:a
di.pi.ited, or if you have tick he.daohe, uli Eur0Pe' "bout twlce a miKh M U rown
low onmplexion,orofTenivebrath,thenyorin North and South America, and moie
livnr i out of order and needa routine. Dr.
Henley' Dandelion Tonio restore the liver
to hralrhy action and tone op tbe entire y.
Uni, sold by Fotbsy Aloaon.
Afiflntlemsn v. ho had suffered sieatsnnor.
slice and pain frcm barbers itch, and who had
bren treated by the best physician, without
relief, k that tan bottles ot Dutard's
So tiriu curtd him cd left his face oerfvctlf
smooth, wit! out a csr. It oeverfall inskia
disease. Sold by Foshay & Mason,
Not one person in fifty arrive at the aga
of forty, who ia not troubled with kidney or
urinary compUiot in some foim. To those
.lllioted with pain in the back, eon retention
ot urine, nervous dtbiiity, painful or sup
pressed memtruation, we can tffer a remedy
that ba been in ooustant ate over tweoty
year, Oregon Kidney Tea, Tin preparation
has done more for intferins borcanity than
any other medicine in the marktt. Soli by
Fushty a Mason.
Children Cry for
The New Ycrk Tinit puts iho case very
well when It invite the attention of the
farmer to the proposition that the price ol
what be buy Is just a Important In Mm
a the price of what he sells. The Timet
restate a familiar law ot trndc.whlch ran
nat le loo often repealed, in tl.ete words :
The difference between a comfortable
prosperity and a slowly grinding Impover
Ishment for the farmer may ba m1e by
ths simple fact that lie necessarily sells Ids
products In competition with all the world
and et tbe lowest price that competition
can produce.w bile th? cost of nearly every
thing that he must buy is enhanced by a
system of indirect taxation, the greatel
part of which is Intended to strangle com-
pctltlpn and Inr.rcnsc the profits til l-ivared
Interests. When tho farn er has worked
out thl simple problem lie v. HI find that
the relief he most needs Is in hi own
fund and that the taxation from whl.'h he
uffcr most Is that which he ha been
bUndly helping to fasten upon himself.
The competition of the great agtlcullur
al west doe lessen tbe pirifii of the east-
em farmer' corn and wheat, but there I
another way In which the western fainter
help hi eastern cousin It is the west
which afford 'ft maikct for the surplus
manufactures ol the east and by contitbut.
lag to the growth of mamifnctutlng town
gives the eastern land owner a chance at
trulls, vegetables, poultry and other similar
product. The western farmer sufTers In
the end the greater disadvantage because
usually he can gtow only staple crops or
The manufacture of the country can
not grow much more and still live upon
our own population. J hey have been
sllmnlaled now much bevond our consum
1 .1.1... tf .. .. . , .
capital. TIms farmer doe most of the pay
lln The ham market! worked to death
Manufacturer, in Pcnrsyivania thrive well
eHigh to keep prival lake for then
amusement and uy tneir ...perciuou neg-
"a"" ' destruction
ng their nail and hardware helpetf the
Pittsburg plutocrats to build the Johnstown
dm. Certainly the ability of weolthy
Plttsburger to own tlie lake Is due direct
ly to the tax laid upon the country by the
tariff law.
If the average price of article a larmcr
buy It 40 P
,s ,,i.iv ,
' ' .? d
per cent higher than the level ot
market an J the price of what
he sell cannot rise a cent above tbe level,
I not hard to see how a great part of
agricultural depression I derived, it hi
Crop " f'" "J , W
cleof consuinpthm $i,aoo he must come
out $ioo in debt each year. H art'clcs of
consumption cost him but $&x he would
be $300 ahead.
A republican administration ha four
year in which It weet promise lo farm
er may be redeemed. So far It has not
changed a single law o' trad and tt I so
ate to predict that none will be changed.
L'nlcM Ihe party repudiate it platform of
SS3 and reform the tariff the farmer will
be worse in debt In 189a than he I now.
Will the western farmer hav! common
sense enough to refuse to follow the bloody
shirt orator and rote in a moment ol
tactillou enthusiasm for his own enslave
ment f
There I no danger that Andrew Jackson
will be forgotten. There will always be
more than one page ol American history
that will be devoted to him, and the lot
pre ot hi strong Individuality will be felt
by the people of thl country for many
generation to come. He is one of the few
men America ha produced who do not
need a monument. Nevertheless a the
present is pre-eininenlly a monument-
building period in American history, It I
gratifying to know that a movement ha
been set on foot to beautify and perman
ently care for the ground about hi grave
Ithln the shadow of hi old home. 1 he
women 01 tennessee' naye started mis
creditable work, and propose to make of
the Hermitage ground a beautiful, quiet
titrk. a nlace for the ollcrlnaceand rest of
. , . , . . ,
patriot, lo restore the old home a far as
possible to the condition In whicii it was
when the tread of the old soldier's fect was
1 1 proper mausoleum tO hold hi honored
I . r ' ....
dust. The work is being taken up In every
o ... ,uunfrv .a ., 1. ,onfide,, cx
iwri,fl iK.t tlif mrtnv rnntr,! far the
. . " : ,
purpote-ROsiu . oc rr..y
I forthcoming. It I stated thai In New
York MrCleveland i acting a the agent
I of the Lad'es Hermitage association.Other
i promlneu. women have already identified
1 1.1. .u ...ju.
I hltCIIISVl V 11.. HmT5l'IVl'l,.IHI , . 11
1 ...
be aireadj asturcil
I VIriC V HJH Wll( 1 n OHH MUCUllll
ri r ri a U I .a, Omh M..nlt
I I 'si umi.ljl !. a - in
- -
tence for safe hreaklnk, ha fallen heir to
a fortune in Germany. He is also the in
ventor of a shuttle point, which the state
use In all it jute loom. He Intend to
claim a royalty ,bul the authorities contend
that all a convict's lalior be'onzs to the
A New York physician has enumerated
tbe evil to be guarded against at tummrr
retort : Over fatigue and undue exposure
to the un, Irregular eatlng.overfecding on
food to which or.e i unaccustomed, sittin
1 . . .L- 1 1 .......-
1 or lying 011 ine guunu mm muiicmhi t
' s .. . . , ,.
exposure to the de and dampness alter
nightfall ore all to be avoided by people
Who vilus health
Statistician Dodge recently staled that
the production of wheat in Europe during
the last ten year tho w,no mulerial dcclin
The average, he ay, represent a wheat
unnlv almost sufficient for the .vant ot
than half of all that is grown in the world.
President Uarrieon has discharged near
ly all the co'.ored servant of the White
House. Hawkin,the colored driver of tne
Presidential carriage during tne last two
administrations, is the last to go.
There are rumor that Corporal Tanner
Is already viewed with alarm that he is
in danger of being fired. And yet he
lecms to be doing ids best. Certainly no
man could reduce the surplus any faster.
Still they come. Russell Harrison'
wife' cousin hat been appointed law clerk
in the postofnee department. Thi make
nine of the family (so far a heard trom)on
the government payrolls.
1 pitcher's Caetorla
An effort I to be made in Iowa to strip the
law of ilt nonsense. Lawyer dectnrc that
deed, warrant, and all other legnl paper can
be cut down one-half in the amount of where
ases and wherefore.
J .
Only Ij per cent of the inhabitant of Par
aguny can read ami write. According to Consul
Hill, the women do the work and the men do
the smoking, gambling and cock fighting.
1 . . S f H I- t
im divorced on imttanuoiis couple wxs
the fact that ihe husband insisted on calling
the baby Beclchub, The ju lge said that
such a man had no business with wife or clii!
The licliiinllius, ortinflimer, of uliii li there
arc Ihiriy-fiv known tpecic, i a native of
America, whence it was first brought lo Ktirojie
in the yew 1597. Tbe common garden veget
able,' the Jerumlem arlkboke (llclianthn.
ttibetoiis,) i one of the same genus.
, Every plate of steel which goes to make up
the boiler of a steamship ba a strip cut fiom it
to be tested in the presence of a representative
of I.lywl's if the steamer is to be classed there,
and in the presence of a hoard oftraile surveyor
if she is to have a p S'enger ceriifu-nte.
The cat" eye stone i found In Cvylon.
It I also cu In a highly convex form, and
has a remarkable play of tight in a certain
direction, resembling drop of water or the
pupil of an eye nnvlng about Inside of it,
or a band of light floating on Its surface.
ever shifting, tike a resiles spirit, from tide
to ride a the stone I turned. The people
regard It with awe and wonder,and,hellev-
Ing it to le the abode of some genie, dedi
cate It to their god as a sacred stone,
It is rejiorted of the celebrated English ) !iy.
sician.I'r Field, that at a time wh;n d:phlhetia
was raging, a few year ago, he used nothing
but common flour of sulpheV, a teasjoonfuj
mixed with tbe finger in a vine glassful of
water and given a a gargle,and in ten minutes
the patient wa out of danger. He never lost
a case of tlii disease. Sulphur destroys the
fungu in nun and bat. Ia extreme esses,
where a gargle could not be used, dry sulphur
was blown down tbe throat through a quill.and
sulphur burned in a hovel so that the patient
conld inhale it.
1 be surplus in tbe trmrv is not a large a
tlie Cleveland administration led the people to
believe, and, as a consequence, the pension
bureau ha to be economically administerer.
Moumlwwttr. So, Uien, yon mean to ay that
the reason why the Tension bureau is to be ad
ministered economically is because lite roon-y
the tret tury I not plenty. Thus the cat is
let out of the log, yet most every ooe wa
already prepared to believe that this stale of
(lie treasury, (if true which it is not, a every
lensible man well know,) would be the only
restraint that could keep Taancr within reason
aide boun I.
After tbe shirt is washed and ditcd, take
tbe bosom wrong tide out and fold it together
the centre. Moisten a tablespoon ful of starch
a little cold water, then add a pint of boili-g
water, stir until the whole is perfectly clear.
Dip tbe bosom, wrong tide out, into this starch,
dip your hand in cold water and wring tbe
boras tsbile it is Mill very hot, Kub the
starch in tltoroughly, taking care not to get tbe
least -article on the right tide of tlie botom.
Kub it in, and if you find all parts are not suffi
ciently moistened, dip it the second time. When
tbe shirt is peifectly starched, shake it out and
M both side of the botom again together,
thus bringing the side seim together also
straighten the sleeves. Now fold the tides of
the shirt over on the front, and, beginning at
the neck, roll it up tightly. Fold it in a towel,
and put it in a cold place several hour, or over
ght. I say a cold place, I ecause tbe starch
ould tour if kept in a warm place many hours.
Now, for the ironing. Iron first tbe neck band,
then the tleeves,tben tlie back 0 the shirt, then
tbe front, and last, the bosom. Put under tbe
hosoro a rather bard, smooth bosom board;
cotton flannel is the Lest material for covering,
and one thickness under a plain muslin over
s quite sufficient. Spread over the bosom a
wet cloth, and iron it over quickly with a very
hot iron; then remove tbe cloth, and, with a
peifectly smooth iron, a hot a can 1 used
iihout scorching, rub the bosom rapidly up
and down.noi crosswise at the same time hold
ing and pulling the bosom into shape. If you
have a polishing iron, use the rounded part of
the iron, thus putting all the friction on a small
part at one time, giving full lienefit of the gloss
of both start h and linen,
One of the must ingenious of modern
railway invention I that which allow
the engine ot a fast express lo pick up water
without stopplng.from water trough con
structed between the rails. The driver
lower the scoop down from the tender be
tween the rails ; the fireman stands ready
to turn on the tap In'o the water tank ; w e
hear a hollow sound a the iron of the
trough ring beneath oi:r feet, then a tush
ot water ; ten seconds more the water it
splashing up against the top of the tank,
the tap i turned off even more hastily than
it wa turned on.the coop I. drawn up.and
we are sptcdlngon our w ay with the w ater
trouith Ivtng far behind u. The fireman
doc well to be prompt i rate have been
knon where he ha neglected or failed to
lift up the scoop in time, and the water has
overflowed the tank, flooded Ihe tender.set
pick and shovel and coal all afloat, and
urging up against the firebox door, gone
near to pulling the fire out altogether. At
the point where the trough begin and
terminate the line rise sliuhtly. By this
means both the waier 1 prevented from
running out of the troughs, which cannot
hive ordinary ends lest, a scoop should
tiike against them, and also the scoop Is
automatically, pushed up and the pipe
closed, if the driver-falls lo lift It befoic
the engine reaches the end oi the trough.
Fur 1 abd insdehsr.iess nom K. 1 . 1V r
t.UerJ, pr.j iol
WACoh maker and
Do vou want remedy for B'liousneas, Pimples on
thefavr, and a u'r cur for iek hesuiche, sak vr.
Oil's snd 8'". ths Pruusl.U, lor a Uv
Pills, try s Out , sammus ire iuu no so oeu,
AlDttny Market. .
Wheat -GO-.
Butter lo per lb.
Kpga 18t
Hay -,00.
fotHtoei-25 ots per bushel,
Bsef-on root,8Hc
Apple 75 cents per bu,
Pora--6o per It ureaaed.
riaooiw tuait Vi'iQ.
shoulders, 80.
sides lOo.
iflour.iJS per bUl.
bickena 8.00 per do.
JUS Feed bran, 14.00 per tonj
11 shorts, 16.
' middling, 20.
Chora, 20.
J t hat misery experienced when wo sod.
dciily liemnne aware that w posses a
lahollinl (irrnnireineiiU'HlIrd nstomaf-h.
'Ill sI'MMHi-h Is th r i-r voir from which
very llnrn nml tissue must l nourished,
and ny t roti lilt-wit It issoon Mtt hnmgh
out, thfl whole system. Among a dojwn
tyP'ttlr no two will Imve thn same pre
dominant symptoms. I'vapeptli-anfat-Uve
menial power aud a bilious M-mrwrnment
am eilhM-t to Writ llmsdaeht those,
fleshy and phliirmatki have Constipation,
jrlillo tliethln iil nervousarealiaiidimeil
togloomy rrelodliigs, HmiBilyspeitiiw
am wonlrfitlly forgi-tful; other have
grt Irritability of .Sniper'
Whntnver form lyiiwla nuiy lake,
one thing I certain, ' 7 '
The underlying taunt it
in the JLIVEU,
and on 1 thing mom I ennally
one wilt renutln a dyspepijo who will -
It will eorrsct
Acldll of th i
Kxpel fool gas,
Allay IrrlUUoa,
Asslat Dlgestloa,
and, at the aaioa
Start the liver to teorklnr'
when all other trouble
toon disappear.
"My wife was a confirmed 4ypp(le. Som
nire yesrssgo by thadvi ti in.hnimr.U
AiHEw'a. b w Induct to try Simmons Liver
ktuUlof. I feal gr(ul tut Ik rrlicf It Itas
givra her, and Bay alt who read this and ar
afflicted in any way, whether chronic or ctbtr
wix, wt ffiannon l.iv.r KuUiuf and 1 fert
confilent ktatih will be restored to all who will
U sUvawti." Wit, M, Kmow, Fort Valley, Oa.
See that you gel the Genuine
with red 2 " front of Wrapper,
. easi-ssao owtv V
. tX.ZEII.lM A Co., 1-bJlaUelpbJa, I'a.
I havo nought the largest and best stock of
ever brought to Albany,
nvite every one to call
we carry a full line of 0. M, Henderson & Uos
The Red School House Shoes are the best
in the world.
Look out for
in the "next
W. F. KS AD,
The Leading asli Dry Goods Store.
A Dress, or a Coat,
Any Colon
Ribbons, Feathers,
Yarns. Raas. etc. ) ten cents
and la many other ways SAVE Money, ana ms
things look like NEW, by using DIAMOND
. - a i
DYES. Th work is easy, aimpi., "
enlnr. th. REST nd FASTEST known. Ask far
. DIAMOND DYES.andtak ao other.
For Gliding er Brooring Fancy Article USE
Gold. Silver. Bronx, Copper. Only 10 Cant.
Baby Portraits.
ys. ar , Tt.-.fni )n n to-ntiful baby rtc
ium from life, printed on 81
mm, t,v nsteat tvhoto
Knt free to Mother of
any Baby bom within a year,
itnthor wants QieM
iMcruro : wuu a. uuw, '
ti-liv'. name and age.
O Q?r
Smoke the cigars .
Manufactured by Julius Joseph,
Tl'tg and Buiokijg tuUcoos, Meetaobaum and
smokes art'ulen generally. Also always
l a nice line of
California and
tnntr- l h fir P m' O H -eat Atbanv
MMsrond-clasM mall mnttr.
iV nil 1- 1.
Pairce. Brothera.
H urn it, tr'f
Grocer.' s,:
Prcdncs. Uhl OccJs. i'to. ft
i iwlr go .
i r l and tli r pr:.r
Albany oda Wufkn
-vnd Sf:i',,'"urr of- i
. ar now prepum' lo Mil at w'"
' 1, jtfwsy ffh nnt'i fj rt at Port!! ', '!
? to driins. We ' kop t fi.i !
; -r
Evs and Trcp'icai frclt2,
and I would respectfully
and look throutrh Biy
SO day.
the System
. Vita mat most rcliaoii
medlclne Falne's Celery
Compound. It purifies tue
blood, cures Constipation,
and regulates tlie liver and
kldney8,euectually cleans
ing the system of all wasto
and dead matters. ;
Celery Compound
comMnra tnte nerve tonic and BtrensrtUlng
qualities, reviving the energies and spirits.
" I have been troubled for sortie years w 1th a
complication ot difficulties. After trying v
rlous remedies, and not flnding relict . I tried
Patne's Celery Compound. Before UtMns one
till bottle the lonfr troublesome symptoms be
gan to subside, and I can truly siiy now, Utiu I
foellikeanewman. Digestion has lmproveU.
and I havo gained ten pounds In weight sslnce I
have commenced taklnif the comnonuil."
UoNSSTua Steakns, Folchvllle, Vt.
tl.00. SlI for $3.00. At Druggists,
1 Wills, Kicbasdsok & Co., Uurluigtoa, TU
liriur iipes and
has on band
Trop'caJ Frails,