fRIPAY.. JULY 5 IPSO. 8HTE3 AsNUTTINaT filer ! rrrliUr. LOCAL RECORD. A Forgmt.--Saturday evening ahout Arm o'clock a man representing hlmtelf to be R. J. Klppe, went Into Otto Salinger' variety store, bought $1.80 worth o( goods and presented a First National Dank check paysbls to hlm-elf for $JJ Sj, and signed by A. H. Manihat. Mr. Salinger gave the man f it.05 In money. The man stated that the bank had closed at h's reason for Hot getting It cashed there.and also that he had a larger check but supposed he did not want It. This latter check he present ed to Mr Conrad Meyer al.oul 9 o'clock In the evening, who did not even see It, not wanting to cash checks. A men, probably the same one, was In the Hank In the af ternoon and helped himself to a check or two t the check desk, as Is cuatomnry.and went out ; tut ho presented no check at the Bak at all. Monday Mr Salinger took the check to the bank and presented It , but the signature not resembling Mr. Marshall's It was taken to that gentlman, who declared It forgery. An R. J. Klp pe, formerly from Clackamas county, had worked for Kir Marshall ; but he was sup posed to be a reliable man.snd It Is thought by. some this was some one else passing himself off for Klppe. A warrant has been Issued for the arrest of the man who ever he Is. Ill whereabouts are now un known. I Watek SrrrLY. Chief Engineer Stew art has just made a careful measurement of the water In the city's clsterns.and finds the following to be the result. Firemen will please examine the same and govern themselves accordingly In case of a (Ire : First and Ferry .Odd Fellow Temple corn --er, Inexhaustible ; First and Washington, at St Charles, only 5 feet ; Fourth and Washington, near Hearst's residence, 4 feet t Fourth and Ellsworth, at northeast vomer of school house block, 5 feet 8 In ches ; Fourth and Montgomery .near resl-1 dence of F S Crosby, 8 feet 6 Inches ; Sec ond and Baker, at residence of E D Pur xlom, 4 feet 8 Inches ; Second and Broad albln, at Democrat comer, water clear up to the top of cistern and practically inex haustible ; First and Ellsworth, Revere House comer, connected with flume and practically Inexhaustible. Whiwno School Child. In his address before the state teachers' associa tion at Salem, Prof Walker, of this city made the following emphatic remarks on school goverment: "Coporal punishment should never enter the schoo! room. Pay Ing taxes does not license a man's children to deprive another man's children from re ceiving Instruction. A teacher's duty Is to teach; not to whip. Whipping seldom does any good. One whipping begets an other whipping. Children come to us to be taught. It is our duty to preserve order, -not to provoke disorder. When the ora tor fails to command his listeners' atten -tlon, doe he get down and flog them? Let us be teachers; not thrashing machines. The child mar need punishment; but ll is no more the teacher's place to whip it, than It is the teacher's duty to whip every careless mother and lazy husband." kook Cocxty. Several Crook county wool growers talk of shipping their wool to Albany, the wool market having been better there this season than at The Dalles. Even If they did not meet with buyers in Albany, they would get better shipping rates over the Oregon Pacific -than they can get from The Dalles.... J N Duncan and family will more to the Willamette valley the latter part of next week. ' Mr Duncan will return In four or five weeks to straighten up his business affairs.... Several showeisof rain have fallen In this vicinity during the week, and from reports wv mrn uic ram otciv kciiviai uiiwugii out the county. Prine sille papers. White Caps. Instead of organizing a bend of White Caps, proposed In the fol lowing fiomjhe E O, Pendleton people should do as Albany and Salem people did, legislate.: "Vague rumors are afloat of an organization In Pendleton similar to the "WhiJe Caps" who are now terrorizing portions of the East. The object of the so ciety Is the extermination of town cows. which are allowed to roam trie streets at will durlnv the lar to feed on neoole'a trees ana garoens, ana wnicn promenaae the sidewalks at night. Cow owners shuuld take warning." I XV est at Home. Wonder if the edi tor of the Walla Walla Slaiamam.mho has considerable property at the Bay, was re ferring to himself when he wrote the fol - lowing : "When man has made every cent of his fortune at home and then gets swindled In an attempt to invest his money 'away from that home and In another state, that man can just sit down and console himself with the reflection that it serves Hiim right." Illustrated. The board of trtde has received Its ten thousand sheet illustrations ot' the city of Albany, a nicely gotten up view of the city and surronnding country, with speeial marginal cuts of residences and places of business. It altogether does credit to the city. Five thousand copies will be sent to the National GAR encamp ment at Milwaukee and five thousand re tained for distribution in the east. Parties desiring to send copies to eastern friends Interested In Oregon, can get copies of the secretary of the board of trade, Mr Jay Blaln, free of charge. How it Feels. An another old miner who was hanged by robbers In I.Uho til he lost conciousness and was nearly dead, says it is a painless operation. When the rope is first drawn about the neck it hurts the skin, but as soon as the pressure on the brain begins the victim goes to sleep and knows no mce. It is now in order for someone to tell how it ieels to be shocked by the-electric process. Am Exhibit. The Oregon Land Com- pany of Salem and Albany have secured the service of D D Prettyman to prepare an exhibit of the frultt, grain and grasses of Oregon to be sent to Nashville during the National teachers' association and to Milwaukee during the GAR encamp ment. Mr Prettyman is an expert in the business and knows just where to go for the best looking cereals. LtttN CorwTY CROPS-Kollewlng Is the Linn county crop report sent to Signal Service Pazue t "Winter wheat looks fine, having big heads and meshes well filled The rains of this week were accompanied by strong winds that has fallen the winter wheat to some extent. The rains benefited the hay. A careful investigation as to the crop outlook In the Willamette valley through Information obtained from lead ing farmers In different localities,' reveals the fact that the crop will be somewhat spotted, being above an average yield In some localities and very light In others. This difference Is found even in the same fields. The crop seems to have been ef fected by the prolonged rains, followed by excessive hot weather, which scorched the wheat In low places where the water stood. The effect of this damage to wheat upon the general yield Is as yet difficult to deter mine, but from the best reports obtainable It U rot believed that It will fall below an vers ire yield. Ka-lyfall grain Is almost ready for harvest, and aside from the few spotted places will yield enormously." The Monoc.- The OR St N't new boat, the "Modoc" steamed Into the city last Tuesday at 8 o'clock, with Capt Bell at the wheel. It Is a well built craft, only draws thirteen Inches of water, and will be able to make a summer of it regardless of low water. The boat will be at Albany evcrv Tuesday and I'Vditv. From here the Modoc went to Corval Is and returned with a (rood load on its war back to Port land. The Modoc has a capacity of tons. Is finely equipped with two engines, with slide valves, rotary cutoff, u inch cylinder .I.u f! .. - I . t 1 r V . 1 . - . 1,1111 H.o IMUl IIIUHQ. J WO UtafcB UIT1S with self lubricstots supply the steamer with water. The boat is isb feet lomr.and 30 feet wide. The boat, thouuh nicely equipped Is Intended mostly for carrying ircigm .api 1. w noun, unuer whose supervlson the boat was built was along, and seemed well pleased with the trial trip r allowing is a list 01 the olnceraln charge: Miles Bell, Captain t Ed M:Feeley, first engineer j Ed Keilv, second engineer 1 Marry Blanchard, purser 5 Robert Young. Pilot : E Gordon, Mate 1 Georue Simpson. Steward 1 Albert Sean, Watchman. Too Much Pure Alcohol. TheDrain paper gives the following account of the death of Milton Applcgate, brother of Llsh Apptegate, on the 13rd of June .at Yoncal- la: "lie had been drinking heavily of pure alcohol three or four days, and his mind had become so worked up that he evidently knew not what he was doing Going Into the kitchen, he told his wife that he would kill hlmsclf.and walking Into the next room he deliberately took a Win chester ritie containing two cartridges, placed the inuxxle against the left side of his head just above the ear.pulled the trig ger and the cartridge Instantly sped on its fatal course, coming out at the crown of his head." Timber Land. The following fiom a Portland paper shuuld stir our citizens up to rushing for the foothills for unclaimed timber land : "A Michigan man now here csserts that there are innumerable quarter sections yet to be located on our coast which in ten years from now will each be a comfortable fortune to their holders He avers that what is now true of Mlchlgsn will In twentv rears be realized here tim ber worh $10 per thousand in the standing tree. The moral of all this Is get vourself a quarter section and hold on tc It for twen ty years." Scio. Our hose cart and team go to Al bany to enter the contest on the 4th, and It will take an awful fast team to keep up with them that's what Look out .... A pair of Chinese pheasants, male and female, were sent from this city to Washington territory this week, where they will be turned loose to propagate . . M r I F Conn, of Albany, came in on Wednesday and furchased several thousand feet of finish ng lumber of Mr Myers, of Scio Planing Mills, Efr. IOOT Lectlre Rev W G Simp son, M E Pastor of The Dalles.snd Grand Secretary of the I O G T, Grand Lodge of Oregon, will delivers lecture in the White Church, Harrisburg, Wedaesday evening, July loth, at 7:30 p. m. sharp. All are cordially Invited to attend, and judging from Mr Simpson's reputation as a speaker we think every one w; be well repaid for their time spent in listening to his remarks. We know that just now is a verv busy time for our farmers, but we would like to have all attend that possibly can. Notice. We the undersigned barbers of the city of Albany, announce to our pa trons and the public that our price for shaving on holidays and Sundsys will be 35 cents from this'date, Jul v 1st, 1S89 Louis Viereck, Toe Bbia!, Thomas Jones, W. A. Mack, Joseph Webuer. Another Use. The Democrat has learned one thmg the composition printers rollers are fade of is good for besides printing newspapers. The little puff balls used by the three shell men at the circus are made of it, being smoked ami prepared for their use, so that when srjueezed thev become almost invisible. Of course it takes an expert, though, to manipulate them. ks-:.u. kviat. tuua. - N Miller to J W Kendall, 3 " In Sec 33. Tp 13 R 4 J W Kendall to Adda E Biyanl, 3 acres In Sec. S3, Tp. 13, 8 R 4 w E W Langdon to Hans Larson, lot 8, blk 37, ll's and A, Albany J P Berry to Trustees School Dlst. No, 60, t)i acres, Sec. ao, Tp. 9 S R a E E L Bryan to J B Morgan, i8 acres, Sec f, Tp. i, S R 3 W. . J B Morgan to E L Bryan, lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, blk t, B'a A, Tangent J B Trask to Directors School Dlst. No. Co, t acre, Sec. aS, Tp. 9, SRs E The Dundee Mtge and Trust Co, to II Bryant, 80 acres, Sec, 10, 13, 14, i(, 33, Tp. 13. S R 3 w..... C C Cooper to Moran St Morris, 1 acre.Tp. 13. R t E S W Paisley to Walt Mead, 1 lot, Albany. T F. Heard to Eugenie K Cochran, lots 6 and 7, blk 4, U s Add to Titngent A W Mo Nary to Elisabeth McNary rt al, all right title and Interest In li '4 of 1) L C, John Gruhb. Sarah L. Lupcr to Alfred Blevlns, lots 1, 3, 3, 4, 5, blk 4, It's Add to Taneent J B Skinner to Geo W Wright, S E cirblkeo, Albany,.,, $60 I 9S t 1400 700 3400 350 1000 s I too aooo Total . , $I030S Death of Mrs, Jane Medsker. Died at her home In Harrisburg, June Jind, i$Sy, of consumption, aged 33 years. Mrs Medsker has been a devoted and lov ing w ife, and a kind and affectionate moth er. Three years ago she joined the Meth odist Church and from that time up to her death lived constant and true member, She bore her afflictions with Christian tor titude, and died as she had llved,an exam, pie of true devotion to her Heavenly Mas ter. Precious In the sight of the L"rd Is the death of his saints. She leaves a hue band and two small children to mourn her loss, but not as those having no hope. She fell asleep In Jesus to wait till the Life Giver comes. Faith lifts the vail before our eyes,' And bids us view a happier clime, Where yerdsnt fields In beauty rise, Beyond the withering b asts nf time, And brings the blissful moment near, When we In glory ahall appear. Then let us hope 'tis not In vain. Though moistened by our grief the soil. The harvest brings us joy for pain, The rest repays the weary toll t For they shall reap, who sow In tears, Rich gladness through eternal years. R. R. Coast? Treasarer'e Aaaaat Report, Bal. on hand from ex-Treasure's general fund S County School fund Delinquent tax, 84, (,-85, Uo, 07 . . . Tax iSSS. From J P Galbralth Trial fees Fines Tescher's permits License .... From Marion county Cash received.... Sale of estrays . . Coroner's Inquest 1068913 44J4 337001 79 795-58 16,00 57-35 371CO 9 J. SO 3500 3 $00.00 6.90 37.10 Total . . r. . $ 100,510.01 Co. Clerks receIpts,ordere ree'd. $30536.31 Superintendent. School tax paid School orders paid on file. . . Co Clerks , Balance resh on hand JiJuoSt 35,365. JO 7r7J-33 $100,510.01 THR 4TU AT ALBANY. The glorous 4th has comic and gone The eagle screeched In A bany. So far 11 the crowd was concerned It was success here. So far as carrying tut the program was concerned It was a circus. Home where near ten thousand people were In the city, comlncr from both directions on the S P and O P and from the country at large, Albany was splendidly attired (or the oc caslon, and there was a harvest for stands, hotels, eating rooms and saloons. The day was salubrious. At 9:30 the procession formed in goad good shape, and presented a nice spectacle as It marched to Hacklcmnn's groye, fol lowed by an immense crowd of teams and people. Six or seven stands and a whlrla- glg furnished refreshments and fun for the crowd. Rev II P Webb, of this city, read the declaration of Independence and Hon M C George delivered the oration, which did credit to the celebration. It was full of historical and clnssicnt reference and patriotic thoughts. None of the contests or baby shows ad vertised came off, there seeming to be no one at the grove to take charge of them- Dinner. The sham battle was announced for 3 o'clock 1 but a long and tedious delay of marly two hours followed, and half at the crowd got disgusted and left. When it did come off It was a pretty fair sham battte 1 but the delay spoiled the effects of It. II Co. of Salem, E Co. of Corvallls, K Co. of Alhanv, 1 Co. of Whllcaker and the Ma- C!eay Co, who discharged their Captain in order to come participated, ; The base ball game did not come off, a dispute arising about a curve pitcher, Im ported by the Knox Dutte Club, from Wa terloo. The glass ball shoot did not come off, there being no glass balls. The bicycle races did it ctne oil .there being no track. The three legged and other like races did net occui . Between five and six o'clock the hose races begsn on First strect.and were some what exclt'ng : Corvallls won first money, $60 and Lebanon second money, $t.s. One block to hvdrant Fallowing was the time, Albany, none ! Corvall's, 37 seconds ; Lebsno.1, 41 4 seconds 1 Scio, 45 seconds. A tender race resulted as follows, one block t Albany, 18V seconds ; Sslein.lStf seconds, Albany getting the broom. A 100 yard tool race was won by Uert Logan, of Scio. Mr Clipper, of Lebanon, entered, but did not start. A steamer contest between No. i s new steamer, Clapp & Jones, 4th class, and Capital s of Sslem, rsncr, 3rdc.sss.wss won by the latter, which threw 359 feet ; Albany's, 338 feet 8i inches. Matile Vickers at the Opera Houemc fire works and a welt attended ball given by F Co. closed the 4th In Albany, llTANTED-Olit to do general bousst f f work in elty, at IMonRAT ofuco. Truf C II Jones leavts to-morrow for Ys qaioa City to Lake charge f the public, school st that pit. Tnsi Prof is good tsebsr and tbe people djwq by the ses ars fortanste 10 seearlon his srvie.s. Babies. The finest tine of baby carri ages In the Valley j'ist rt reived at Htewart & Sox's. Prices are remrkablv cheap con. sideling the superior quality of the csrri ages. A Sharp Item. The finest line of cut lery and shears In the rity at Stewart & Sox's. Their goods are the very best and will stand the test ' Wsetker. ' Summary of Meteorology for 'Jane, 1889, from observations takes at Albaoy,Lina Co. Oregon, by John Briggs,vot. observer for tbe 8igosl Srryice, U 8. Army. Highest barometer 30.08. Lowest barometer 29.M, Mesa barometer for the asontb. 29.79. Highest di!y average of bar. 30 02. Lowest daily average of bar. 29 W. Highest temperature on tbe lOtb, 95. lowest temperature o tbe 20th, 28th. 5(J. Moan for tbe month 80.09. Highest daily range of tber. oatbelO, 77. lowest daily raegeof ther. oatbe 4, 23. 69. Mean temperetore at 7 a, m. doily 01.4. Msu temieratore st 2 p. m, daily 80.2, Mean U roper slurs at 9 p. su.dsily 6a 9. Prevailing directions of wind, V. Maximum velocity force, A. Total rainfall or melted snow, 3 05 inches. Depth of snow at sad of month, 0. Number of days on which .01 inch or mors rain fell, 3. Number of days of cloudiness average f scale of 10. 4. Of 90 observations 64 were clear, 14 cioady, 7 tsir, 0 foggy, 0 raio, 6 bazy, 4 overcast, 0 smoky. Light frost on tbe mornings of 0, Tempsratare.t4. 14 on average of 11 yean. Rainfall 0.014 00 average of 11 rears. Tbe Ladles Delighted. Tbe pleasant eft net and tbe perfeat ef nty with which ladies may ase the-l quid fruit laxative. Nyrno of Fiji. and. r all conditions, make It their fv trite remedy, I'lanieaainKioiDsteyeand to the taMe. Kftnii, yet euw-tnal to aotljg on tbe kid neye, liver soa ooweie. To New Comers. We would y that we have no baits to give vou, but we do guarantee good values for your money and we kindly solicit your'patronage. Browxrll Sc Staxard. N0MC AND ABtlOUl WOKDAY. A special meeting of the eity oounoil will be held to-night. The evergreen part of the 4th bas began la earasst, First street already being linea with smsll evsrgresa tress. An Albsoy gentleman Informs us tbst Is has tbif ty-oue oows for ssU, on commission, ssoh oas a bargain. Call early, On Yesterday afternoon a little baby girl of Mr Hornlsh, living In ths eastern psrt of the elty, died quite sallnn(v. Funrl was prosohad this afternoon by Rev Webb A good team from Albany and vicinity will be on baud to meet tfca Corvsllls ulin roil 1 on the 4th In the gtsss hall ontest, and sums flee shooting may be looked for. The Lauri-Bell company presented Kstll Saturday evsning to a larger hnitse, smi to a yery enthusiastic andienoe. N. troop hss liven greater astlsfaetlon here, snJ they eet taluly deserved full homes. Dr J L Hill hss Just reosivsd one of the finest aurgtost chairs in Oregon. It Is adjust tide to any position and seems perfect in its mskvup, It Is in keeping with the Doctor's eswly arraegsd rooms. Mr Harry Woodio. of Portland. Is In the eity, to spend the 4th, Misa Lillie Haealemsr. of fislem. iatnend- ing this week In Albany. Miss Uenevisye George hss aeeepted a position as olerk In the store et Mr W F Uesd. Mr Theo Oeisler. a New York attorney at Isw, hss come to Albany with a view to lo cating. IWv Priehard and family left this noon fuf Newport, on the Ysonlos. the latter to ba gone several week,) O V Msxwell returned Hsturdsv (mm Kansas, where lie hss been Usehina saliool. after ao ahsatioa of about three yesrs. l'rof Williams, prioolnal of the Kueeoe tmlillo schools, U in the eity to day . Tbe l'rof has been hired for soother year, an l we understand is goner ally liksd at Kigeoe, - TvratUT. Itailrosd work will beain in a dsv or two. probably immediately after tbe 4tb. Ex-rreeideok Woolsev. of Yale ealleee. died yesterdsy at ths age of 87 years. MoKaiuht Bros have sold Edward Ever. ett to Brooks Wagnoa. of Salem, for 1000. A va!nab!a horse blnaina- to WillUm rau,h, of Oekvllle, died a Urn dsys ago. The supreme court has adlonraed natil Sept 3. and Jedk-e flirahan 14 bow is the ity. . A (Ik-lit on First street, of rether a fisroe n store, is said ' to bare taken bisoe Yester day, One hundred 'fifty keee ef outside Leer for inside use on the 4 lb arrived in the eity to-d.y. Toe property of D F Potter, of Mhedd, recently deceased, has been auuraiaa.1 at I12JJ76.C2. $8 la all tt coats to go from Portland to squiiis iy ena retare, tbst beiogtneeanv ner escarsmo rate Mr W K Carl has sold his residence ptop erty on Tntrti street to Mr u Moors, 01 ba some, New York. Considsrstioa, S1400. The County Court, la session this after. noon, will adjourn until Friday, when the business of the season will bs completed. Wheat is up notch, being qnoted at CO cents, with few ssles, not over 1000 bashsU hsviag been sold In a month at tbe ware h -ess. . : Boh Johnson, of the Corvsllls Timti'mlW probably not esiebrste in Albany to-morrow, as some low lived scoundrel stole til 80 from him. his bard earned saving for ssv erai mouths. Cunt riots tot supplies for tbe Insane asy lum at 8a em have been let. Tbe lowest bids were t Mests, $4 90 per 100 pounds floar, t.l 69 per barrel I 1 vinessr, 14 osnte pergsllnn, The . hlteaker V.i. arrived this Afternoon bv way nf the O. P., the Salem and Maoleay Co's will oome to nlxht, Corvsllls in the morning and Hon J H Mitchell. Hon M C (Jeorge and Ooe Petmnyer to night. A Mr. Brvee In shooting at some bird near Turner Tuesday evening hit two" little children of Mr. Wagner, tilling thuir bodies with Hue bird shot, senouily though proh ably not dangerously wounding them. It seems to have been a esse of carelessness. vVhsst, 00 cents, 18 eent shaving at Viereok't. tickets for H at Viersok's. New dress goods at M cllwsin's. . Msaou frnit Jsrs st F L Kenton's . New iayoioe cf fine gf Id rings at FrenubfS A bsrrel of salt salmon lost ooened ec 9 I. Kenton's. ' Fresh cream ehiese iust reoalvod at V I. Kenton's. New cream cheese lust leaelvad at CoiliaJ Meyers. For Sate, ahesn. seanad hand arms. Mrm Hymao'i. 3 chairs runnine stead v at Viereok'e aha. ing parlors. Bsst roast eoffee in the eity at .Conrad Meyers. Good eooklne store onlv 110 at linnl 11 A Soltmarsh'i. The beat wstoh in the world for the money at t M French's. Side Saddles and ladies ridlnff uurainolae at Thompson & Overmso's . Thompson A Overman, suabtitfor the eresl Pynemite buggy whip. For a aaraher one anatitv of knives 'k. and spoons call at F M Frenea'a. 1 he choicest line nf tahla Iniuriee au ha foeud at Brownell & Stsnsrd's. J W Bern ley. best boot and aline maker in eity, oppoelto Fertmiiler & Inlng's A large and fine line of wlndaer thi.Ua jest receivd at Fortmiller I Ming's. Money esn't bay better oats and shoes than Mollwsiit ta selline, I better goods are not nisnufsolared. The Vsrety of 23 eent bate s w going st 10 percent, disooaot at K at C Howard's, as wen as meir other millinery goods ti.- .. i .1. . . , , Some fine California cheese, a barrel of bJb..n ob.pLd'J 18 re o'ipron and some line comb honey -K u. I r 10 Ath,B" whi"h ' Jost received at Browoei: A Staosrd '. Bcitimo. A fine line of rubber and leather belting kept constantly on hand at Stewart St Sox's. AU required sUes In stock. Wood Saw inc. The undersigned will be ready to saw wood anywhere In the Ity about July 1st. rriees sam as last year. Iave orders at Ueyoe K Robson s. J. K. DAVIS, This Trade Mark on a stove treans it Is th best that ex-, pernce and skill can con trive, etold only by C. W. Smith. Kcvrun Ciiekaies For canning turn Ishcd In quantities fresh from the trees. Leave orders at Browns-ll A: Staakds. Take Notice. Mr Myers, of the dctlv- cry wagon firm desires to give notice to the people of the city that no wagons will be run on July 4. Let everyone govern himself accordingly. Biooest Yet. 10,000 rolls of wall pa per, latest varieties, finest decorsllons just receiver it Fortmiller Si Irving'a. Perhaps a Cottox Coi'stry. A man at Milton, Oregon, has quite crop of cot- j ton planted, all looking well. This may be the beginning of another profitable In dustry for this country. When we set to raisins cotton, coffee and the like we will be prepared for all kinds of emergencies; but It Is safe to predict neither cotton nor coffee can be raised here extensively. 8ullivas and Kilraiis In the great Sullivan Kilrain fight to take place In the lottery fit ate soon the great whiskey bloat Sullivan is the favorite in Albany. If he enters the contest sober he will prob ably knock out Kilrain in less than a hun dred round. The fight promises to be one of the most briliiant'y brutal contests since the days of Com mod u. To have seen It in the eyes of manv will be an event for posterity to boast of. Bah t Women Squatters. The Salem Jour. issvs: "Unaurveyed lands upon the Santiam east of Mehama are being taken and held by "squatters" almost every day. There are some most desirable claims in that region and the parties who are holding them hope to be able to have the govern ment make surveys soon." It then adds : r Among ttve who have gone tufim this city are Mrs Rork and Miss Hall." KEEPrObTED. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o o o o o Whenever you want the freshest and best groceries in the market, go directly to Conn Bros' Store. Wamts A Jon Some people envy editors their "soft snap." Here's the other side from the Rltzvllle Timet 1 "If the Coun-1 ty Commissioners will add another cent to the bounty on squirrel tails we will leave ' tne TVssrs In charge of our better half and engage In the lucrative business of collect- j Ing tails. Something must be done to keep the TimtM on deck. Any one wanting a good man to drive a header, apply here." A Fixe Place. No place in the vicinity 1 -of Albany attracts such attention as Mr, Gross's suburban place. It is In its glory, .and when the countiy Is shewn It is al ways in order to take It in. Mr Gross is about to begin a general pruning of his trees, as he goes a good deal on good blood. Our Needs. It Is a hatchet fact that Albany has the Inside track for becoming blooming.prosperous city. We have the railroads, and a splendid start in manufac turing Interests. We need a paper mill and a giowler crusher. Some Bio Contracts "Mr Hoag In form, u. that the contract, have been let gECURE PRICES. NO s t t .. a IU Snft nT 4 Vs A raaiai jla I - tor an tne neavy won nwwi ukvimuc and that In a few days he will let some big contracts on the eastern extension of the road. Work is to be pushed from now on without any stoppage." Yaqulna Jiefubli- R, New goid at W F Read'a. F. M. French kevps railroad time, Bargaioa in boots and sboee at Reed's. J. P. Wallace, Physician and 8nrgeon, Al Deny, vr, For a Sterling or Emerson piaoo call on O L Blackman. O L Blsckmao is agent for tbe Weber piano. Hoot better. Boy yoer tickets through to the Esst of W I. tester and ssve faro to Portland. I have reduced price on all heavy wear in doois ana aneee. laii early at w Reads The Western Cottsge sod Psukard are two of the het orns made. O L Block nan eelli thru., , A Hi; line t:f ell kinds of fornitore, plain .-n upn"'u:ri. neai stuck In tias part O v-ii F. rtuiil'er A living's. ft ynu wut a xtean and fine smoke ask for .1. J-ri'ph'e home mode bite labor - ctLsrs Korsslehy most cigsr dealers and at his Joseph a factory. J Vroti'nll, treat Singer Msnafsotar in Co., o,jo5o Odd, Feiloe-s Temple, Al bany, A Hdo line nf baggy dasters and fly Beta at Thompson A Overman's, the leading harass. aeaierr An elesant line of silk table snresds, beautiful designs, jnst teeeived at Fortmiller living s. S esns Golden Star tomstoes for (30 cents at 0 Meyers, and all other canned good cheap for cosb . Dr Wrightsmsn's Sovereign Balm of Life, lor diseases ptcaliar to women, at Deyoe Rphson'a end Brownell A Stanard's. P J Baltimore, agent. with its legislative name Lawyer Wright bos purchssed of Mr Skis ner his reaideuee property in the First ward, paying l'."OO0 for tbe eeme. Mr A Iloekleman Hroegkt with bim from vrooi county nny Due geldings, which are for sale at reaewsbte prices. Tbe SI' te Teachers annotation U ia set mo at Bsiem, rul YVeiker wae te read a psper to-day on School Government. Seattle gets a license lee of 1500 from Sells circus for exhibiting there. By the wsr Al bany'e circus license should be increased several times. Tbe Mslem barbers charge 60 eeote for a poDibsdoar cut, . Tbis Is tar heroes, sad ia evidently in tbe interest of a few bloods, wbe wsot a monopoly. A paper wilt soon be put hshed in Lefsy stt. by 8 0 liorris and A B Weetei field. It will be called the oskvuU and ether hard names before It ia seven ears old. 7Ve- Jttm$ One of John L Bullivsn'e snodee of exer eiee is to skip with a rope a thousand 'itnss. Rome or our ut snen wbo wish to redaee their flash may well take notion. A man writing for a fUlaea paper said: "I want to lind oat what kind of a plane Salem would be to move to, and I consider the beet cmermn by whwh to Judge a pi is me adverting ooiumue of psper." A shrewd fellow. II n a t . . . a airs ii 9 nuniiie and two children were drowned In the Willemeltte at Kagaoo last Saudsy evening, They -ete ferdiag the ner with ur lie bole ta a wagon wben they gjt into deep water, tipped lato the water and drown vl. Salem baa a lawn teanis olab. Oea ol tbe beellbbrst games sxtsnt it sbonld have a place ta every eity. 1 1 110 order lor Albany te or gaaiaed one and challenge tbe striped Uekete. The gsms ia ssid to be one tbst breeds good leeiiog among rival. Zachss Bros have moved theit tailoring ee tsblishment into tbe Senders block, opposite tbe post efle, where they bave two rooms netted by a large arch, Risking very tasty teiior shop. Tbe firm is slreadydoieg agood business. lie leodiog Mrs Marie Davis Si Co will sell flower wreaths for tint 4th of Jely eeUbrstioo at 25 ceote a piece. Liberty ear children should tske notice. Go te Riyoe A 1 1 ihl.r's for your lob print ing. They da any sad ell kinds of vork a tbe paelWniog Md job printing line, yaick wsrs ana cw (X ion. Mrs Dr Lister, of Portland, is ia tbe eity rnr Chsa Hro.b. of Fxtlsad, is in tbe city. Mr. John Parker and wifs. of Portland, nine ep en tne noon iram. Dr. Irvine went to Brownsville, where he will orate to-night before the Pioneer's As- soclaUou. Mies Xsttie Weeks, . f Portland is in tbe ""7 epenomg tne sin, tne west of Mue Annie rlion. Hon K A Irvine and fsaitly are home from tbe footbills with an immense aupply of black, berr mo. .. ... ' aire w y Stewart reUrned from a trip to the Bay yesterday, eccotnpaoie-t by Mrs Aasanda Long. Wise Richards, of Pendleton, formerly of tnis city, arrived In Albany this noon on yUit with friends. Mr I II Lndermsn. of Ashtaod. U ia tSa eity. Mr Lodermaa bronehl with him some One patches to show what they eaa do there. Miss Grsoe Piper came np froai Salem last evening to rttnsie antii her removal to He- attle, where she will reside with her broth ere BK0Vt.NWVII.LR V. ft. S LOlEfl'0 ' Santa Monica, Cel., June iStb, 1889, Editort Democrat t I promised you a letter when I was duly settle'! In tnv new home. After a residence here of two weeks, having learned s!l of the rules and regulations, 1 can tell my f 4 nds that It Is all that I expected. It is a hurfie In the fullest sense of the term There are four of the permanent barracks built and two are full, and the third about filled. F.sch Is to contain 101 men. There are four rooms In each of the buildings, a8xf. Each room has twenty.four beds, Between the rooms on each floor there Is a water closet, wash and ba'.h room all furnished In the most approved style. The bedstead has an Iron head and foot with Hire mattress, three blankets, two brown linen sheets, a wool mattress and pllloiv, good enough for anyone, and dur ing the ray the bed is covered with a linen spread. We are required to be In bed at 9 o'clock n. m, and to get up In the morning, make our beds, and be ready for breakfast at 6:30 a.m., dinner 11:15 m., supper 5:15 p m , and be In our rooms at 9 a. m.,on Sunday morning f'r Inspection. At other times we are under no restraint. If. we wish to be absent over night we are required to get a pass for the time we wlh to be absent. The rules against Intoxica tion are very rigid. Three times drunk and disorderly sends them out of the home. The home Is located about three miles from Santa Monica on a southeastern slope of the Coast range of mountains facing a val ley that Is about three miles wide, that ex tends from Santa Monica to Los Angeles about 16 miles long. There are two lines of R. R. from Santa Monica to Los An- ceiee, x-e Is a half mile from the home, the other about one mite. One makes six and the other eight trips on week days.but double on Sunday at a reduced fare. The clothing that Is Issued here consists of a dark blue blouse, light blue pants, a knit shirt, and woolen socks, with good shoes, and an army cap. The food here Is of good quality and plenty of It, with a good va riety for men that have no mere work to do than we do. The water for our use comes In pipes about four miles from here. The reservoir and stand pipe are about ore mite trim the home, on the first bench of the mountains. Its pre sure here Is 90 lbs. to the Inch. It Is good water but rather warm. There Is light work to do here that pays from $5 to $10 a month. If one of us thinks he Is able to work, he can get a leave of absence for sis months and try the cold world again. I find men here that were with me In the army of the S. W. and the arm v of the i ronteer, that stood In the ranks at Pea Ridge, Prairie Grove nd Vlcksburc I believe that every army In the field he Its representative here. 1 here are some nere tnai are Diina, some that are deaf, and but few that were wounded In the army. There are several here like myself that have lost a leg or arm since the war and rorny that are crip pled with rheumatism and some are here for a home. If any Inmate of this home draws a pension and the authorities know he will not squander it, he has it all to htm self. Otherwise they wll; make him pav for his clothlnsr. The climate here Is too foirgy for me. I miss the beautiful twilight of mornlnf and evening cf Albany. Here the fog comes Inland with sunset and re mains till 9 clock or later in tne morning. I feel at home here now but It was not so the first week here. I was not homesick, but did wish myself back at Albany, for the reason I took a fresh cold each night but have got acclimated now and will try and live it on here. Yours In good health. Daniel 1 1. Jones. Tangent. . Mr George Lupcr has told his properly ty Albert Blevlns; consideration, $1100. Also Arthur Beard sold his house and two lots d.iy before yesterday to George Coch ran ', consideration, $350. Sam Bryan has bought the property 'that Prof Sibbeiti lived In. Mr Samuel Moses,' of Alsea, Intends moving his family back to Tangent In a short ifine.pieparHtory tofi.aklngTsngeiit their home, lie also Intends building a new residence here. An addition to the-nctiool house will be built soon. Mr II Mills has the contract of b.ilUllng It. Prof Slbbetfs and fainllv moved from this place to Junction on last Friday. The cltuenshere regret very much in losing Ihe.n. Nay har've' Is In full blast In the nelwh- borboodnf i mt, snd wheat harvest Is right upon lis, Mr A Blevlns takes charireof ihe wsr. house here this week. The band boys received their baiid suits yesterday from the est. Thev are null nobby. Mr 1 oseoh Pcard is talkim of building a fine livery stable here. Mr Johnny C'anovan h.-w iust returm-d from an extended trip to the eat and says he had a very nice time. Rev P A Mosea, we are informed, has or Is Koine to build a church house at Peoria. Every one is preiwlna to at to the cele- braflon at Albany this week. Uncle Tohnnv Ftaan Is a wrrt at Portland and Woodburn, Mr ('as Scott is to be bridire watchman during the summer Some one cast of here out a lojd of shot In some of our town horses, Thev had better look a little out how thev are shoot ing horses. Mr B S Mills says he Intends to erect a city hall in Tangent, to be 30x6c and 16 feet high, VMs will be one building that is cadiy needed. ENTERPRISE. WW 11 rntmm Absolutely Pure. This riwdr nover vsrlp, A mrvnl (,i imrtr, atrtrh nd wbo!esouier.r'M. Morev swiDi.ra mi thsn tbe ordtrar; kind ndtwnool t ol.1 In rsorfe.iH.ij it! mullitn.l,f low t-t, elort wt-it sIum or phosphate powder, fold onir inrnr.. rtoval Baking Powd-rCo, 10 'Wall St , N. I , I. W. CltowtET A Co , Agrv.tti. Portland; Oregon. Hotel Arrivals, LTONgVILLC. An injunction aboeld be pat oa the item going the rounds that tbe salary of the Al bany P M was redaosd from II 600 to 11200. Instead it wsa increased 1100. Oar ex- ebsoaea will please make the neoaasary cor rection, as Albany ia going the other way. Mr James East is borne from a trip to Seat- - a " 1 lie. Summer Wraps. -Novelties in esded and stockinet jackets just received. StAML'KL b. tOL'.NU. Struck Oil At "Si j pert nllon can bet Standard oil, at ihe Willamette 'acklng Co.s store. Sontb Albany A most desirable and beautiful location for suburban residences, owing to its nat ural advantages and nearness to the center ol bus ness compare tne size, location, view and access to and from these lots.sjid you will be convinced of their merits Call early and secure a home befot sthe advance In price. Apply to TWEEOAI.E X KKDPlAXD.AgeniS. First door south of Post Office. Railroad Work, Antonelle & Doe will begin their Oregon Pacific contract Friday morning. They have secu'ed a plant, hired some men and will begin active operationa at that time, Increasing their force as fast as possible. Hot Weather Items. Keep cool. The finest refrigerators In the market at Stew art & So's. Buy one now. . All sizes of Ice cream freezers at Stew art & Sox's. Purchase one and manufac ture this delicious dish at home. Farmers, if yon went the best hsrnese al hand msde, call 00E.L, so.Dem ocrat mce. A dry, hacking oongh keeps the bronchial tabes in a sute of eonstsnt irritation, which, If not speedily removed, may lead to bron cliitis. No promoter temedv can be had than A t Ws. f. a.. Ayers wnerry rcotorsi, wbicn is botn sn nodyne and expectorant. Wright's Myrrh tcoth soap oomee off eon qaeror every time yoa have "a . brash" with iv. ueata so tartar ana oeony, sold oy r. . 1- . - - r osnay ct mason. Wriuht's Compound flyruo of Strtspsrilla a reliable irediciue tor the renovation 01 tee blood. Tone and builds op the system, cares sbia ditesses, etc. Sold by Fosbsy St Mason. s .. An canoe of prevent-on Is better thsn a nand 'of care. 1'fin d. l's Oregon Blood Paritiet expels all imi untiae ot ihe blood and s boa M t used in all diteats of tbe stoma:b, liter aud kidneys Take It. Portland Oi..Jp. 12'h. Having a sevtre 1 ck che last um iner, ) tried the Oreou Kidm y'le., I used ot oar which effected srsdicai cole. I would ret.1 ommend it to all who are afflioied saansn failing remedy. Jnui'S AfH Sold by Fosbsy & Mason. If von are nervous or irritable, fetl lsnauid, AimnimltmA . if n V- . .r A kl,lf ft 1 v y, , , w. v. wu ., - - low eomplexion,or offensive brssth.then yoar liver is out of order and needs rousing. Dr. Henley's Dandelion Touio restores the liver to healthy action and tones np the entire sys tem, bold by Fosbsy 61 Mason. A sentleman who had suffered crest annoy anee and pain from barbers itch, and who had been treated by the best physieun, without relief, says thst two bottles of Dutsrd's Soeeino cared bim and left bis face Derlvotlv smooth, without a scar. It never fa lis in skin diseases, sold by Foshay A Mason. Not ons person in fifty arrivea at the age of forty, who is not trouble!) with kidney or onnsry complaints 10 some form. To those sftticted with pain in tbe back, non retention of anne, nervous debility, pamtal or sup pressed menstruation, we can offer a remedy that bas been In coustant nee oyer twentv years. Oregon Kidney Tea. Tbis preparation has done more for suffering humanity than any other medicine in the market. Sold by Fosbsy 01 Mason. Miss l-enore Ksy returned from an fended visit to relatives In McMiunville (Sunday evening. II B Mover spent several days of last week attending business In Oregon's me tropolis. Mrs C n Cable and E E Cable went to Portland last week. Mrs Cable Is under the medical care of Dr Mrs Warren. Mrs Croft, of Portland Is visiting her sis ter-ln-law, Mrs F F Croft. The former will soon leave for the Belknap springs where she Intends spending the summer. Last Monday F F Croft left for a trip on the Sound. After taking In all the places of Interest on tbe Sound hs will probably go to Alaska before returning. Editor McDonat, of the Times, spent sev- t .I.-- Al !.. AL t I. - -11 Mr J H Crooks, of Crook ooooty, Is In tbe ti- mnA h.hi tvi.h him 01 'y I er printer. Our Drlntintr office. olnr to Henry Ruesens hss retamed from Betlioe- I so much iob work, has had more than It bam Hay. Icou'ddo necessiiallntr (n addition In the Mr 8am Cohen, of Ktik-ene Ciry is doing type setting departme it the 4lb here. I Mrs I ude-a Blackburn returned l A1- Rv C A McDonald, the Harrisbarg mill bany last Thursday,, after spending a week man, is la tbe city. I with relatives here. J W Troop, port captain of tbe 0 R A N, I Harvey Summerville was here Thurs- came up on tbe Modoc thia morning on its I day and Friday of last week. nrsttnp. Joe Crooks and family, of Crook county. Jnsnulo Miller, the poet, went north res are here. Mr Crooks confirms the reports terdsy. lie is writing ap tbe eoantry for an concerning the dryness of that portion of eastern paper. our state and the total failure of crops. Mr J K Stockman has moved into Mr Ed I Chas II Younger, of vour cltv. tald his Zeyss fine rasidenee on Lyon Stieet, whioh 1 recent home a visit, staying over last Sun be win make his borne. day with his friends here. Mrs E E Peodleton. formerly of Scio, will Thursday some of the running rear of locate at Salem, where aba la making ar- the planing mill gave way causing a halt r .K-u.o.iw w ihuu cottage od propeity 1 m that industry lor a lew days. wo-Gaeneuwnstocra. Tl.,... .1 U. Ph.. G..HI, , . . . 1 ss s wuw r w senss wevn 4ft s vute wiilltu Mr Kd rentisnd. editor of the freaf oufe. mi r.mi,!. Ann nirh ioH.,! ihm f Independence, baa been doing the city. tevesinto a buony and went to our coun air rentiaoa is gsuingont a living paper. tv seat and had themselves united in the Mr Oranos Morgan, of Psisby. Soath-lholy bonds of matrimony. We extend Eastern Oieuon, is in the eity. Mrs Morgsn I congratulations. rsa oeeo spendins saversl months in Basene vntn- at th rslonl ni n7' . r ' the bride's carents. one mile south of our Mrs Cbss Kifer left this mirnine for Spo- town. Mr I D Bover. secretary of the Eaele kane Fall. W T. in reponse to a telram Woolen Mills Co., ol this place, and Miss me Asnoernna lltness ot ner The work of surfsciig track east of Gates will begin to-morrow. E M Wharton returned from Columbia City Tuesday, where he has been on busi ness. The gentte rain causeth a grin to over spread the granger's face likened unto that of R laughing philosopher. Wm M Hoag and patty passed up the road Friday and now we may look for work to be resumed at an early date. The mountains esst of Gates are full of peoplerin quest of blackberries, and those returning report them as plentiful. Mr T C Sloper has just received a 30 hxse powei engine for hissaw mill. Judg ing from the machinery coming to this sec tlon Santiam wilt soon be one lumbering camp. Twentv-six cars of lu.nbcr passed down the rosullan week for Albany, the largest shipment in one week for this extension, aggregating about 130,000 feet. St E I Thompson. E f. Thompson and wife, OT Porter, city ; D , , ...... ' m arKc, 1 equina ; 11 Kelly, urants Pass 5 L Hoffman. C K Slnirert. H Onnen- helm, U E Smith, MF; W Senft, E C Cr.js, Malem ; A II Likes, St Louis ; W J Traphagen, Chicago. Exchange Hotel. F Gasser, Mo W L Sharp. S F : W A Snvder. Summit: C Mllorn, East Portland ; G Robertson, Summit ; O Musleman, Oakland ; A T Cox ; M Giiieran, Fox Vallev ; 1 Gogln ; T Hagarty ; J Stewart, Utah"; W Smith, Cal 5 R Johns : H M Stone. Oakvllle 1 II Nelson W S Show. SF: 6 lohnson. city ; JSpldel, Portland : II HoU, Port land ; r Usher, Portland i I M CofTelt. Lebanon ; l Csrse, Lebanon ; Mr Phil lips, Scio ; P Hallfennr, Scio ; M D Phillips, city. Kevere HouskW O Briggs, Harris burg; A Wilson, O B Marshall and wife, D rerguson, 1 rs Smith, J T Smith, city: R P Elliott, Chicago; C D Bowles, R M 8; F Cole, A Ostroski, 11 Fiiher, N Y;C H Laderman, Ashlaud; W J Traxhsgen, Chicago; J K Mount. Silverton; J Myers, ocio; 11 jrwin; ours ur oeary, 1 J iiiack. Hslsey; A Shipley, Seattle; J II McNutt, D 8 Lezmskey, t Miller, E C Hrrrlngton, S F: A Torlhovlns, J Casey, A Starr, C C Barker, M Olsen, Portland; C Jones, Sal r n c.ii rii..itt.i- Rlss Hocke. O Solm ; A Mom ; A V,' Daniels. Summit j F O Miller, Chit- wood ; J RKir kpatrick, Lebanon : Wm Crain, Albany ; A LI: fin ; Mrs Paulin Young ; D M Cauley ; W II Young II Kllnger : Miss Georgle Ru an ;OAI sen : Mrs W P Keslev : L G Metcalfe and family, Tacoma.W f ; MrsThoman; I N Smith, dty 1 I M Henklv. Portland ; J K Mount ; J O Morri Clackamas Co ; C Butcher : J T Smith, city : II Helen, ftalem ; E Bushong, Seattle ; J T Hyde, Lebanon ; D Junk in, Oakvllle : W II Van Buren and family. Centralis, W T ; TJ Ankney, Portland ; G W Johns ; R W Snelling, Portland ; O B Marshall ; J I Wilson, S F. Lin 3 EALED BIDSWJLL BK P.Kf M - Vj;o i'y the clerk rrk-uooi OKtri -t ni eouoiy, OrK'. apto G cU-.u-.r t . m , r f Jul v fi -, r,.'. .i, said Mletrlnt wit b Oil cords n crnb oak woxl. fata WOo lo f 4 fect 1 -muz and t:n stick to be less than.-) Inohue In tlianiffK-r. rIno fo faraiab said District with f e,rcn split fir wood (from larjj trees) fr'-o t,f Knot). All wood to l.o e-elivered at t!: Con tral Kebool bolidlng in Albany. 1 tie Board reserved the rluht ta n ir.-.t n.- r r II bids. ' .. By order r.f the Board of Director. C. . Bdrkhaut, Clerk, Jont21st, l&M, CJASD, AC-Peisons I J ls desiring eaR-f. mm or travel fr.-m tha tinmi,i.ii,.f F. U. Hai'b in UoctoncountT. (nn rrK-nr In k. ts far the s meat my a;o, Cnw ford' 1 lock, A I bny, Oregon, 111 AS, K. WOLVBfc-TO.;, nlSSOLUTTON KoTItU -S(ili U herety arlvrn thatthit e-r,irtriBr.-i.t heret"foreexnliiflrb,-twoen C, A. t tfi-" man "! W. tv, (jijpveuian, rtoitai 1;.1 nees under the firm nano of Vrwrufs Bros., has this day been tlissoivw!. V. a , Chexaman bavlug sold hilntra t I'. n Unauy. 11.0 t.iikiness vH wiuir.Of under the nmne f Cft.3siMi lsnv wbo will o-.llota!i wjxntm ohl pty all dnute of the) hretof-te existing fcrin ! Chaman Bn Penr-a, Liun Co.. Or., Jnno illh, fh0. W. W. ChkwhaN, C. , Chjmmax. ClTY TAXEi-Sotio Is herby givtn that theux roll of tbe city of Albany. Oregon, for the year 169, has been f i-l io tne hand for collection, and ih.t l 1 will be at tno Cooneii Chambers tt eity to reeelvs and lct.ift for the taf- charged In aiJ roll, for tbe perlwl of Z daye from data of vA Boihe. Ail I?.;. remaluiug unpaid al ihe npuai.'vn 1.; thirty daye thereafter wiJ be reiura4 t . Ibe 0.-QJUJOQ Couo!ii of tbe city of Aihart" s dolinKquent. and tosts au-l xp9oa..i 'ur ollecuni aucb taxes b suldI siiftetv," Dated at Aibtny, Or., this lo.t dsy . r June, lSb9. Johx X. IIorrjix. City Marl:al. Ulsr lei Peoria Ferry. O. KGHLAGEL, Prop., iu cdtkip atT.s : Doable tern to, S5c ; single team. 2ic ; tiorstsor cattle, 5c, (KOMIhO oke way : Double team 5o; alngie team 15c. Special rniea on largo drove. Farmers will find the furry road In a fine condition, it hav ing been thoroughly reconstructed, grad ed and graveled. A Safe lavestsseat. Isecs which tssneraateed te brine yon sotiaSse-1 lory rami's, or In cms ol tailors s return of purchase pelee. Oa thai sole piss yon can bay fross ear ad vertised DrunitsS a bouie U Or. kWa Kew Iis eairery foeCeaeumplioa, tt Is (usisntesd te brtn rwtef in every esse, wnes asea far say saaeuoa at Throat, Lanes er Chest, eswb sa OoasuimMlon, In- suea 01 LfOnKS, urencniiia Asuissa, n aoorsnf Ooaeh, Croup, etc., ete. It la pleasant sail asrssabls lo taete, DsHsetly asre, aee eaa always be depeaoea apoa. Trial Battles freest Foshay A AtssoaX Merit Wlos. Ws dsslrs te sty to enr dtlaena. that for years we hare been selling- Ir. King's Ksw Ixsrorerr ley Con samiiUoo, Dr King's Hew Ufa Pills, Buck ten's Ar- bios Sal sne Kleotne Blttefs. oei have sever Sane- ed remedies ibat sell as rell. or tbst have given coca eetveraal asii-ta.'Unn. We do oot heslute Sn guar antee tneas every Urns, snd snt stand ready te ralund ths purchase prtee, U eatisiaetray results do not fol low their eas. These rrtnedies have won their great popularity purely an their aserite, rosaay and .as sort, druggists. Baeklea's Arnica Ssjye. " The best Solve In the world fur Cuts. Braises.sUree. I'loers, Halt Rhsnn, fever Bores, TstUr, Chspped hands. ChUbUlns. Corns, sod sll bkia Emntlon. and poatUvel j turee rites, or no pay required. It b) roar- snteeS to glue peilecteatlafacuou. orauney refund sa, rnos is esnts per dos. ar ssis y rusnay sua stssoe. Z. T. WRIGHT, Foot of Morrison St, Portland, Or., -iouii ron 7f . " : .... 1 '-"'aisfiT s si usswsaja, isjllbll t'y4il aiS-;. .9 -x r"l ili OTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SoVuu hereby pi veil tbat at tbe next rtnz term of the l oanty Comcoi.-iH ;t Court for I Jon county State of Oregon, 1 ; do nsiii at the voort uotine in tne fit n Altmn ' on Vetdnestdav tbe frd tJy' n July, A D., 18H9. Sealed plane, specifio lions, strains, diseraina and bids will i- reoeived for builUiutr a britlgn iKom t!,fi North fjrk of the feMtr fiam Kiver shout 200 leet below the Maytoo Ferry ; mi I bridge to be 610 feet Jon; end Jb fret. wd. In tbe elesr. 1'iera to te of stitlioient bright tn brlrg ibe bottom cf tbe floor beams at least 22 fi-ot alxve low vtE't-r mark. All t'lds mnt tx filed with ''r.n Clerk on or before one o'clock t. ui. of th above mentioned dty, si'id with e-rtifi"l ebe:: t-f fiv pr -ri vt Ul mm by Isw Tne t'oirt i' Mrves It right t rejjct snr vd li bids. " Uodj by order cf tho Court t'afs' Al: dsy cf June, A. 1. ISMi, L. a. J. K. MnxTsOCff County Ci ic FOSHAY & r.iASor( wixosais an oaraii Drnggistsand Booksellers, Ageiita for John B. Aldeti'e pubikntl'jrs srhich Wt (sail e pUsher') . poesagesvjdAd. ALBAS Y. OKEOS. jonn BRIGGS, ALBANY CRED Eosks a Specialty. Cemetery lota pUotsd eadstts t i I Our line of choice teas and coffees is un equaled in town. n . w ft? . - luuntmiii ot thd, ROUBLE TO SHOW,' .';oodsat Wriuhts Arsbisn Horse Liniment acta quickly and eflsetuslly, and has no superior ss a remedy for animals In all eases where a iniment ia reqoirei auld by Fosbsy X Mason, ' PAIN T3, OICj 3 ; A'rTD BRUSHES .-i AT- DEYOB 5 ROBSQIPb, ' " n TO THR riMTOJI-Mct ft !.'''f'lV"T ri-ad- era Unit I li:iy it pit-.'ilv" i'i. y t. 1 i:.t :ih.iv UiimrJ (ll!ii-e. I'.y !! j!;,-.. :, 1 -.'..tiu ..stlit f lioM.tHS c:i -i i- 1.1 1 11 1 1 1 Mii!j ni.y 1 tn e J. I itliitl. b'i V.Ui in v 'i.llivi I" Mi - el my iiiii1 dy VUKK 1.1 si::v cf - ' ir?;!' i i wilt' l..;vt- enn siunntl'in if tii-y v. ; i i ii i;v tl! t ;aos and oii-t :lfle-' ul-fre i- l,ei-ci:tt 'v,' T A. sUlci' "1. i"i ,. tv-: snni'nnoine daughter, Mrs tlsiry Noel No mattsr wbnt msy be the Ills van bear from indlusstion, a dose of Ayer'a Catbartio fills win esse von witbool question. Jest try them onoe and be assared I they hsve much worse dyspeptics eured, Yea'U fitd them nice and amply worth tbe price. Until the blood is eleansed of imparities. it ia useless to attempt the enre of any din ease. Rheumatism, whioh is traoeabls to an aoid in the blood, hss been oared, la namer ons eases, by'tbe nao of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, eiternal treatment being 01 no avail. WIDNKSDAY. Refrigeratorsat Stewart & Sox'a lee cream freezer at Stewart k Sox's. Oar eitizens to-morrow cannot be too ear ful about fire matters. The poor clerks set no holiday on the 4tb It ia their hardest day. Tabbs's pure msnilla birdina twine ia large quantities at Stewart Si Sox'a. " Mr Arehie ITammer hss accented aoosi tion as clerk in the store of L E Blain. AxcU, 3-year old, trotted a mile at Minn eapolis yesterday in 2:15, breaking the teoord. Fostmater Thompson has just reosivsd a new Ilall borglai )roof ssfe for the use of the PostoiHoe, A miner back from the Santiam predicts thst there will besoms rich leads struck that will rival those ef '49. Mr. William Faber is bolidiug a brick block at Seattle. Mr E1 Zeyss, also form erly of Albsny is the architect. The St. Charles HotsI is supplied with an excellent charcoal filterer where the guest will slways find pare cold water 1 tattle Long were married. Mla Long for the past three vears has very successfully managed the primary department of the North Brownsville evaded school. . She carries Into her new life the eood wishes of all her former pupils and the pattoni ot our school. May prosperity and happiness be thelr's through all the vicissitudes of life. Thursday of last week Mr Wm Wash burn captured a large rattlesnake near his resident three miles north of town. Ihe snake wore seven rattles and was over three feet Ions and Urge In proportion. Mr Washburn carried the snake to some lover of curiosities at Corvallis, GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR Cash Goes a bosg Ways at Jail as tiradwhol I have made arrangements for buying goods direct from the factories In Europe and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast. The following are some of my rash retail prices 1 j K dozen unhandled teacups and saucers. 35cts. yi dozen unnanaieacoueecups ana sau cers, a eta, H dozen handled coffee cups and sau cers, 50 cts. X dozen seven inch dinner plates, 45 cts. These goods are all iron stone China and not a cheaper grade of goods. I have also added eood stock of groceries, which I ask people t call and examine and judge for themselves as to quality and prices. T uii us Gradwohu The liTancB ThrfsMng KasMnery The best and fastest thresher in Amert ca, and a machine that stands without a rival. Too AOVANCK thresher bas NEVER been REPLACED by any other machine on tho Coast, but ban replaced several nther that fi AVK FAILED to fill WARRANTEE. Tbe ENGINE la guar anteed to poll more than any other, and will out travel a:l others on tho road. II yoa hear any loud boasts,' please tll tbe partiem the ADVANCK THRK4HER and ENUINK are sold on their merits entire ly. And 1 am willing to prove all t claim in my field at any tiuia, r not be hum baseed by bovine any machine until you se the ADVANCE. I also handle steam tl'tlug goods, iron pipe. pnni.-s mo we is, seeders, Bprlngtootii harrows blackamlth's foron. drills, church, farm and school bells, anJ mauy other special, tlea, Alb in v Biaoob Hcu?e one block below Kusa 11. .use, IAS E.IvIVOX, rypess-ritlnp, Penmanship, Correspond fnee, It;sv less ana tjegai r ut his itKutou7 tau lh Portland Easiness College. The tboroueb work done in eaeh of our s.eir?rii! '-niutmenu has eiven tbis Ins.itulion areiut;t- lon such as but few schools attain, seeuriise tc iundreds of our graduates profitable emiiloy- neut.lKlh as book-keepers and teiiocrwht'is.: jtudenta admitted at any time. CiaUuc '"'- p. 1BHTR0SG. Priaelnet. rertlaad. O. tT-K-ve- le. prtetietl watoh maker and ;vr Sleeplessness, Dr. Flint's Remedy is the beet remedy known for iosomnta, or sieeplesanes, which aflliole ao many persona, and which loads to ao many serious nervonsdlaeasea, particularly to ioattiiy Desoeiptlve . treatise with each DotHei oi.adJresi Mack urog ua, . x . ur. M. H. Ellia, physieion and lureeon Alrany. Oreson. Calla made in city 01 country, To lessen oar stock of canned ' goods we will sell t ' ing in tbst line st remarkably low prioes. BRowyru. A Stakarp For 1 and madeharaesa goto E. L. Power Mcllwain osn fiive von the belt nttins suit yon ever wore, at prioes to suit eaoh and every one. If yoa want a eood silver steel scythe,fiuest to tbe mat ket, so to otewarc 01 sox's. Doo't fai o examine Mcllwsin'e esrpets Yon will tt them from 10 to 13 per ceo cheaper tha any other place ia town, taking nooosidera on tbe quality. -'MTr ;V; !,!iv V .a L SS ''mf HEALTH RESTORER. ePNs69Ss17Se3 USEIT! It Is the best helper to Health and the quickest cure on Earth, Vse it in time lor all uiscnsceo the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys snd Skin. I cures Kheunutism, Malaria, Coated Tongue and HeadscLe, relieves Constipation, Bilious less and Uiiopsia, drives all impurities out ot h ; Blood a'ntl dries up old Sores. The Btniness snen buy it, the Workiiigmen use it. the Ladies lake !, the Children crv lor it and th Farmers say i' is their best health preserver. Sol 1 everywhere, Ji.oa a bottle: six for $5.00 OR RALE. The undersigns!! his f.r oesr and in good running orlar ir site cheap. Inquire of H, Brytut, ALniois- trator or tne estwe ,ot jatnai sj:ci iM, deceased. , . . 7tt)R SALE. The andeislRned will sell I a McCormiok twine binder cheap. : fnqoire at my place one mile sonlb. C essi of Albany, Th b is a bargain. r U, tiURKSART. A. Jpjs jv -, 1 jSh For aaie by Will A Stark, dealers in fine watches, jewelry, etc, F L Kenton has a auripiy of hue mixed pickles put up in pure cider vinegar.' Try them. - " " . Tabb's& Cu's pure Manilla twine, best quality, at Stewart Sox's, If yoa have any job wcrk to 1 osll on G VV.Smith who is prep to do it . with neatness and disnaW - md as cheap as scy- ons. . : - :. UARRIEa SUPERIOR LINES OF iAGRIflUl-TURAL IM' PLCMENTSL'AT DE YOEj&R ODSON DEYOE & R0B30S ARE AGENT FOR THE NEVV.HIGH ARM DAVIS VERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CHINE. BEST MACHINE IN1THE AiAABET Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob son s special bargains BROWN ST. JOHN. At Oakville, on Wednesday morning, July 3, 1889, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr Charles Browc and Miss Ella St John coin ox uaxvme. TM'H ARE WARE OF ALL HV.m Al DEYOr a TsOSSOr Notice, U. S. Land Office, Oregcu City, -May 21st, 18S9. Complaiut having boon entered at this of Hoe by Viaoois M. Walcltn agaiust William Crothers for abandoning his Homestead Ku tty No.69S3, dated April 13th, 1887, upon the o e M " s sou dDtn , oeauon . . , ,n L' Tl I " . T . 14, xowDsntp 1., dui c, iu uioa ctiuuij, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entrv. the said partiea are hereby aum- monetl to appear as i-enanon, Laon county. Oregon, before A, R, Cyrus, Notary Public, on the leth day af Jaly, IS, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony conoerning ssid slleged abandon ment, and on the testimony then submitted a hearine will be bsd at this oiSce on August 122th, lasu, at 1 o ciocx a, m. W. T.Burkky. ; Register. NOTICE Is hereby Riven that property owners aro required by ordinino o cut down and remove all th sties ttui ob noxious weeds growinit upon their premUee anil upon the streets adjoining thereto, within the city limUa of Albany. Those falling to do so wilt be liable to fihocf $5. Albany, Juno 2v, 1Se9. J, H- Ho F km as, City Martha1-. Univeisitf of Oregon, EUGENE, OREGON. " Next session begins ca McnOny, r th 16th of September, 1SS9, Freo ecliolarshlps from every eci.t.y i;i tbe State. Apply to jour County Surerm tertdent Freo tnition after January ixr, 1B90. : . - Fonr courses : Classical, Scientific, I -a rary and a short English Couiso.iu wbi.b there is no Latin, Greek, I'rcr.i it or Gorman, The English is pie-emlneiitiy a BOHlness Course, For catalogues o other infoimaticn, address J, W. JOHNSOX, - . President. ' TT7ANTED AT ONCE .-By tbe under v v bigtiea a man or woman wbo ran do Rood laundry work, especially doing ap white shirts and collars. Cell on me near the Intersection cf Fourth street ana the O.P.ll.R. I, D. Smxtet. E.J. nicCAUSTLAriO Cirll Engineer and Smvsycr, CHAICHTIK3 AND BLUE PSHNTS. Office with Oregon Lad Co. Albany, Or, Sewerage Systems and Wter Su pjj, t n Specialty, Estates tSubaividml, 2ls made Copied on snort uorice.