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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1889)
DEMOCRAT iTi t l I - M IN ADVANCE; S2 53 Al iU U the ley I Advertising rncdiucn In the (Vnfral WTiluniCttr Vr-II.' y. OF YEAR. Issued evst-y Friday by ' OTITIC 3 So 1SI TJITXXTGr. Advertising rate made knowu ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1889. VOL. XXIV. NX) 41) SB TO CEMSJCSAT. J tfj ' If mm ;i 1 Ill 1 "V 'w' 1 V I X ft K,F. Fot IVjs c. it. Smwvtr. S Albany IROPJ WORKS -Manufacturer -f- team imx cinr am) saw MILL MAIHHEftY MUittNr A0 ALL KIN33 OF HEA.Y AM5J LIGHT WOHft, IX IRON ASO B3ASS CASTINGS. 'wieoltl U-illn pJ.. Jnd of msiMnerv o rn;rin4 ill Patterns Made on Short Notico, Connl M Si A HAKKItY k - ffinriwr BroidilMn aiJ First Sti, t'nattetl Frm). sJlMsjtvarr. Of led Fruit. "on. lner-Tttwiare, Vr.Mne-i. Srlf - Te. Jn r"4 awwyttiln i;iv. i- k. V , J variety ami (crtwvr tir. HIk, o tket prlci pM for AM K.F.DSOF PHOOUCE. STOCKMEN AND FARMERS i hereby certify ihM lr. i. J UWi; ha neoojrjIly pertivl on int ri I tling torso, HA AO II AY J. for further referemw In res-ir.l m r!4 loo Inonira of Wm. Peu.ra.rn, Dv IV teraon, Lebanon j John Hardmen, sirred WolTMton. Albi)T i Sam Una, Scios Win. Foator, PiinovillM. I prartiu. veter tntry medicine In Albany an I country aurroundinff. OlIW and r"tiJrne corner Ch and Wahli-rtn Sts, Z. K WOODLK, Viinary Mursw.n. HOW TO GO EAST. G E via Mooak S(-U Roata. Xiv olinttt aoi aoaaary at all timsa nf th year. ? MoaotSbaita, Sacnmeoto, Oj.lrn, Salt Laka, Dotbt. Pioaat aoeoa1-claaa eara adaaraiaa daily. Bay yar lickato f ma ai.1 aarayoar far to i'orlUnl. I ra the aly paraoa ia Albany that eaa all yon a tiokat from Albany diraet to ao ciot ia tha Uuitad Sutea. Call i.n ma (or rU-. W. U Jfcmtn. Agcn S. P juLior- Gradwohl's Golden Rule Bazaar. Ills stock ha Urn? eoUrgJ wo that It equals any on the C, cu I euuiiats of Roger Bros. Silverware, French Ohlar. and Crys talware, Boys' Wajoaa, Dall Oarriager, Fancy - Goods, and a general assortment of Orockrey anrt Toys. He bo j Jlrent and earriM the largest stick baa been addod a oorapleUi Hie of FAMILY GROCERIES. e A?ent far Ins irtoi. o -npal tt wUh a captUI rxtM.ix Vi.Wjhtt . aTlc4 on parlo Praooala. Iller wird doutclt gtxpro'shen. -9 ' " . - - ' i i ill r s. n msji 0 1 1 LOOKOUT FOR LOW PRICES. FURNITDRE, I am now retatiing furnitnre at try factory at coe.. People wljdiin furni tort can do well to look here for bei'gftioB, 1 vm tping to still at coxt 'luring the njct 33 dji. Cime and txiutAfl Tiyltt nf ra p foS ii '. where. . FcUry at ,th-river end of Lyon S-rf-t , t . ; . : 6. U. DILLOW. ..I'i.H'V , v & , C 'r.x' , : ?,; i to make m I wr-V w. ..-?.? .. Iter I 4.. (J- . ;r. ; , ;r y:J G!ici03S BiSCUit !m I ' " AiU your Grocer fin- f I f iJ ' :':;'?COVJ BRAND U S f - TSCOAKSAIERATUS. -..' -v ... Rich and Poor,1 Frlnoo and TeanAut. tba MlUlonalra and Day Laborer, ty tholr common ot tbla ramady, attost tba world-wlda rep. nution ot Ayra TUlt. Iadins phy. Iclana taoomiuend thai pill tor Stomach and Livar Troublea, Coattra naaa, BUlounneaa, and Sick Uaadacha also, tor Ilheumatlum, Jaundioe, and Heuralgla. They art auffaroatod oon tain no calomel i ara prompt, but mild, in operation and, therefore, tba rary Ixwt madlolna tor Family Vie, aa wall aa tor Traralera and Tourlata. I " I barw dertred ffreat relief from Ayara I'll la. Klva year ar Z vu taken to 111 wltU Rheumatism that I waa unable to do any wrtrk. X took threa Itosaa ot Ayer'a Fllla anil waa enUrely cured. Bine that time I am never without a box ot theaa plllaV i'eter Cbrlatenaon, Bborwood, Wis. "Ayer'a Tllla liava been In tiaa In ur family upward ot twenty yeara ami baa completely verided all that la claimed fur them. In attack t pi lea, from which I Buffered many yeara, they aHord greater relief than any other medlclna I ever tried." T. F. Adatua, Uolly Spring, Texaa. HI bare naed Ayer'a 1111 for a nnm ler ot yeara, and have nerer found any. thing equal to them for giving ma an appetite and Imparting energy and atrength to tha ayatem. I alway keep them in the house." IU 1. Jacksou, VUmlngtont Dol. H Two boxea ot Ayer'a Fills cured tu ot lerno Headache, from irblch I vm lonir a anffrer.M mma Keyes, Ilubbardaton, Maaa. "Whenever I am troubled with con stipation, or auffer from loaa of appetite, Ayer'a Pllla aet me right again." A. J. Kiser, Jr., Kock Uouae, Va. "Ayer'a nil are In general demand among our customers. Our aalea of them exceed thoaa of all other ptlla com bined. We have never known them fail to give entire satisfaction." Wright & UannoUy, San Diego, Texas. Ayer's Pills,; raxrABJtD mr .'i Or. J. C Ayer k Co Lowed, Mate, Sold bt all Dealer la Medicine, y OR. C. U. GMAr.lBERLIfJ, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Special attention to disea: es of the eye. ant(Bceeurntr ofTbod and Lyon Hi, ALBANY, 03EG3H. WILL BROS, Healer.i In all elie lU 4. 1;utnve-I 5t.n , OnrR, Stwtac .Mvuln.. dun A!o a full Iius of warranto I lUsont. Rutnhat ud t-ortknt Kill vox. The bs-tt kin I ot aawln? tiaa."hln oil, nxedliM and extra for all machine. Ail i7(tnj neatly nivj re.t4onablr done. in Hie Will n?i Valirty, t. whU VAt- Ji-u' Its Sin.viFtcAHcit The Si V Emtmiutr tC the reported purchase o! the N ( vtc by the S Pt "The purche U lj. olfkatit. It mean that Stanford antl Hunt Ington hnve ai:compllnhed what Henry Vlllurd ni.'tdo a failure of, VlllsrJ saw the great value ot the country south ol I'ortlitnd from a railway standpoint. It U 'a great agrlcullural region, and lis t'olllc pa4tll!lilv rauoed him to put a gteat don I ot money luio the Oregon nnd (Tnliforula road ami several branch line, lie bultl IhU roiid down the middle of the valley, pa lug through somo very flourUhlng towna, but iooit after he had entiniled It to Ah Und the reverse of the Northern rncili; put an end to all his ambition st heme. lt! expulsion from tho prenldcncy o( Hint road alo lost to that company a lat op po tuniiy of building a local system In the valley. The sltuntlon ot the company In the Wli'amctte country U even stronger limn Hint mill-it rt occupies in the Micra mento valley, the San Joaquin, or In the re gion of country her ween tliU city and Oak land and noiith through the Santa C'lur vallv-y. In the whole stretch of rountrv It has tio competitor except the Oregon l'a title, which run from Newport, on Ya qulna hay, ciutwatd acroa Its line through Ccrvsllis Allmny and Salc.n." A DhkaM The f.illowlng come act os the ocean from Scotland ; but It tint such t good loinl application that we give Jt : ''A hihjier lately toIJ hi wlic.on awaken ing, a cuiloun dream which ho had during the uljjht. tic dreamed that he snw com ing toward him In order fotir tats. The Rrt one very fat, and was foliowed by two lean tatx, the rear mt being bllnd.Thc dreamer wa greatly jterplcxcd As to what evil mljihl follow, a It ha been lung un derstood that to dream ot rat det.ote com ing calamltv. He appealed to hi wife concerning but she.poor woinnii.roulj not help him. Hi son, a sharp lad, who heard his father tell the liry, volunteered to be the interpreter. " The tat rat, he aid, -1 the man who keep the public house, IhM ve gang till ae olten, and the twa lean anes are me and my mil her, and the blind ane I yersel', fath jr." M Tiik Anaut LTiBAL CoLtaoa. 1 he cjtntuenccinitit at the Agricultural college at Corvalll has been a successful one The next year will be begun In the new building and the college wltl be run as an college In fact, with all nod- em Improvement. Several new Wind ing are being planned, and four new pro tcttort have been hired In addition to the old faculty, all of whom are retained. One ia a Vale graduate, another from Harvard, another worn John Hop kin, and the other, Ml Snell. recently of California, will be ftrofestor of domestic economy, an cnllre y new department In the Northwest. Na-.te'LY as Good The AUoria says many good things. Here I one: "A cir cus Is now traveling through the North west It hat a big elephant, and a Salem firm has contracted for a big advertise ment on both side of the big elephant, wherever It shows, so that people who 00 see tnecirpnant win see the advertise ment too. This I almost as good a put ting the advertisement in a newspaper, but not quite.' A Urinken CovrLt Last Thursday a very drunken couple gave a very drunk en show on First itrect. They were in a very drunken rig, with drunken feloe, and a drunken tire on one of the wheels, which Hopped and Hopped and finally flopped over the head of a street Arab that was following in the tig's wake. It was quite a dUguMlng spectacle. They disappeared In the west, and probably went tu pieces. A Fi RsocLAToa. A Scth Thomas regulator ha just been put In position In the jewelry store of F M French which is said to be thc'finett between Portland and Sacramento, Cat. It 1 ol elegant archl tecture and is perfect In It regulation. It has a 15 pound mercury ball, and U run by 34 pound weight. Mr French proposes to keep absolutely correct railroad time, received from the Lick observatory. Two Five lloasas. DeJco, one of the Oneco colt, recently trttcd a mile in J-43 at Seattle, and $1000 wa afterward of ferred for a halt Interest In film . Mc knight Bros sold him for $500 two years ago. A full brother, "J . J, C," owned by Mayor Cowan, Is being trained by Mr Shannon, at this city, for the state fair, and easily shows a 3 -.40 gait, lie promises to ee one 01 tf.e fast horses ol Oregon and will be heard from In the fall races. Both horses are now four year old. Ckazv After Ciacusa. We thought Albany people crazy about circuses; but The Dalles people completely annihilate us. One faimer near there once leek hi cook stove, the onlv one in the houte, and sold It In order to take his family. Anoth er family that had to a onlv to the countv loracoihn fer a dead child, a few days aiterwards all went, and a roung man near there committed suicide because his father wouldn't let him go. A CoKFKK Plant. Mrs. A. D. Morris has sent to the Democrat oluce by the Miwes Morris, several twig from a genu Ine coffee plant, which she h been railing at her home on the Albany prairie. The plant I quite a curiosity here, and the fact that it grows well speaks tor the remark, able versatility of our toll, a well a the mildness of our climate. We hope to be able to drink some Linn coffee some day, The Rrvetmknt Finished. The gov ernment work on the revetment above Corvalll is finished and the men dlscharg ed who have been at work on It. It i be lieved that the tendency of the river to cut It way through that wcy will be euectit ally checked by the workdays a local pa,er Bio Gooseberries, We have ' been boasting about our big strawberries ' for some time, now we will give our' neighbor down the river a chance to compete on another berry. Mr W R Graham ha handed u some gooseberries measuring three Inches in circumference, regular giants. He has also shown us some Gold' en Queen raspberries that are jewels of berries. - As Old Game. The Democrat hat a grand chance to get a type writer. The firm wants $6 in cash and $9 In advertis ing. This is another one ol the old game to get tome advertising for nothing. We also have a grand opportunity to get a $1.50 book of 500 page entitled "The Johnstown Uorror,"for $5 or $6 worth of advertising. What we want It flour, cab bages and wood. . We mutt live! Kicked to Death. Yesterday after noon about two o'clock, while Atbury Benson wa riding a wild horte at Turner, he was thrown off and kicked In the back of the head and neck and has been laying in an unconscious anddangerout condition ever tlnce. The injured man died before noon without regaining 'consciousness.-J Salem Journcl. , , , Watk Instead op Gas. The city of Pendle'.on advertises lor bid for laying water pipe in thlt paper to-day. B. O. Newspapers creneraily want cat pipe ; but we are glad Pendleton It forcing water pipet Into our able contemporary. The Founda-i ion, Active operationt have begun on the Woolen mltla. The excavation for the foundation ol the main building are completed and the stone is being hauled from Wood't quarry ready for the masons. , V- . ' . . From Frvinu Pan into Fikk. Wednesday night botit 11 o'c'ock an Al bany gentleman wn golnjj home from 1 loJ;e meeting nml " expedite matter wa laklitjj tin; alley bu;-k f the postnflice. Vlun half tin-Hi ill lu wa ordered to throw up hi hiiml by u mutt who ) pearedon the cene. Irutvad ho threw tip hit feet nnd run. He a joined on llroad sllln street by another guntlemun and the two together walked south along tne street. In front of the I'limUII building the side walk had been torn up, The latter gentle man remembered the tact In time and took to the street, iut an hi companion went Into the raging wateri of the hitlers! ditch, lie easily got out. I he ti.ot pan una pre vloiulv disappeared There should have be?n n'lljjht loft In such n case. Having been subsidized tu mention no name we refrain from mentioning the heroes of the occasion Asut.ANii, The follow lug from the Ash- Band ,' mention people well known al Albany 1 (,C II Luderman, who has t-cen carrying on a sueeessful business in the hoot and sh ? Hun In Ashhind for some months, hit formed a ft patlnt-rhslp with S V V" Carter, a shrewd and populuryoimg man, who come here from Monliina during the Inst year, and who h hern Investi gating the tni-ine. outlook of Soul! em Oregon for some tlnu-. The new firm tfocs Into operation on July I. C II Harmon, recenllv of Lcbancn, en exirt barber, ha associated himself with II F High in the barber business, and will move his family herein a few d;iv He U well p'essed with Ashland.... W K Trice and hU daughter, Mr Dr ('aldetl, are at (toda vllle, l.lnn county, rusticating, where Mrs I'rlee has property Interests, . . . I luu li tem left fin- Albany Tuesday to take hi. old position on the Oregon l'alflc con stroction department,,.. Mr C II f.uder- man leave thl evcnli'if lor a visit o( a telntlvrs at few months with fi lends and Albany and Corvallls " A Msimcal Jiucir-t v.- Nine l.nneroun- ty physician, with the name of Dr. T. W, Harris, at the head, have called a meeting tor July 4th, for the formation of a Medical S-clcty, and here i a p itt of their interest ing call : "We conccl. c the title of phy liclan to be an honorable one and that the profession Is not susceptible of dlvlson into schools, dogma or exclusive sects. There can be but one science of medicine, and the true disciple o! that science is at liberty, I even bound to transact the storehouse of nature for that which will cure disease. We would not limit him in this search nor in the pcllcation of principles or products thus discovered, but we do ask idm to allow every other practitioner the same privilege, and cutting loose from all creed (pa'hlcs,) or exclusive dogmas, step out upon the bread platform ot sclenllllc medicine and accept the simple but honorable title of physician." VAtexi.oo.--Our correspondent at Wat erloo rnd u the following very and artistic description of that popular summer resort: To those who hate not yet visited Waterloo we will say you ouhl by all mean to came at the present sea soalf you wish to behold nature' great work clothed lit all of spring's lov lines. To be sure the place Is small, but the scen ery I truly A you stand on the brink of the river gaing at the fall, the ruin of the old mill, the blue expanse of water, the pebbled shore beyond, and last but not least, the hills clothed In their varied garments ot verdure, you will ex claim wih the writer, 'What a wonderful workot God! What a brautiful sketch for the pen of the artist!' In the midst of thl picture, from among the solid rock. bubble the clear, cool, h giving foun tain ol soda water, free to all who wish to to partake of nature's own medicine." LaassoN'. Some tour months ao, In a spirit ol glee, Prof. Langtord undertook to exhibit hi trained horse to our citizens by leading him along the sidewalk. Our ty officials objected to any such perform ance, an J a warrant was accordingly Issued for his arrest. Prof Langford only return ed to town yesterday , when the warrant was Immediately served on him. Our Ke corder fined the Professor $7.50 which was paid.... Miss 1 lora Mason, onenl Amanv s charming young ladles, spent last Sunday and Monday visiting friends In iA-banon. ... Horn, to the wile el Kos Humphrey, on June 17th, a girl. Mother and baby doing mtWfE jymt. Til a C. L. S. C There uxt four gradu ales In Albany this season In the Chautau qua Scientific and Literary il : MUsct Annie and Catherine Althouse,Mr Frank Lines and F P Nutting. Tl.c course I a very Interesting and Instructive one, and It is to be hoped a class will be organ ized to begin In October. Any one desir ing to read the course, which requires four years, can do to alone. Les than an hour a day I necessary ,and time cannot be spent better. Be lidcs" those muitioned Dr J L Uill.Mrs Henrietta Urown.'Wrsi V. Young and Miss Lib Irvine, of this cl-y, are grad uates in the circle, any of whom will be glad to give Interested parties pointer In reference to the course. Wheat Item Though harvest Is here again fully half of laJ year's crop of wheat and oat stored at this city ha not yet been told. In many case money ha been bor rowed in order to carry it ovcr.and yet 75 to 78 cent could have been obtained for several week last year. It will probably be the tame way this fall. Besides thl about 30,000 bushel of wheat bought on speculation remains untold, the buyer losing heavily, one Albany man alone losing nearly $7000 at thejircsent price. Their Salariks. The Salaries of Oregon Postmaster for 1S89 are as follows: Albany $1700; Ashland, 81400; Astoria, $2000; Halter City, $1600; Last Portland,! 700; La Grande, $1300: McMihnville, $1100: Oregon City, (1300; Pendleton, $1700; Portland, 83300 Salem, 2200 The Dalles, 1900. The salar ies at 'Albany, Astoria, liaker City, East Poit- land, McMinnville, Oregon City, and the Dalles, have each been increased sioosat Ashland and La Grande $200. At Pendle ton and Salem there hat been a decrease of f 100. At Portland it remains the tame. The Seattle P. M. get 3000, at Tacomr , $2800, Spokane Falls, 2600, Walla Wallt, $2300, Perhaps Something in It. The Sal em Journal in speaking of the Item In the Democrat in reference to the O P pur chasing the Narrow Gauge says: "Colcr it given to the statement when it Is con sidered that Receiver Scott, of the Nar row Gauge, while In Salem Wednesday. aid that 'maybe' the Southern Pacific had purchased hit road. College Dibectors. At a meeting of the College board of directors on June 26th the following director were elected for the ensulug three yeare : L E Blain.H W Corbett, W M Ladd, J M Irving and C E Wolverton. The board re-elected J p Galbraith Presidentaod Hon Geo K Cham berlain Secretary and Treasurer. Fell From tiik Trestle, June 36th a little girl, whose name ire could not learn.wa passing over the O P trestle wfien a train approached, In her fright she fell to the ground below, breaking a bone. A strict order ha been issued against permit ting children to cross on the trestle. Divorces. The pretcnt court he.s ground out the usual batch of divorce, There is lots ot omerence ociween mar ried life and sitting on one chair before marriage; but it takes experience so find it out. ' Pitcher's Castorla; ItKI'OIlT sjrmtAMf JtlUV. To theNenorable Circul. Court Of the Stnte ot Oregon for Linn com.ty 1 We, the Grand Jury for Linn eriuntv Oregon, for the regular erm of said Court, tbSy, respccilully beg leave to repot t that we have examined the public prisons In said county, and found the county jail In a filthy and bad condition on account of (lie lack ot water to use tor renovating pur pose occasioned by the failure of the city water work la tttriibli the' necrtnaty wa ter. We found the i hetlft with men am. ployed doing all In hi 'power to renovate and pine the prison 4 in oruer. We rcc ommend that the floor ol the Jail he Inv proved and suggest that a good finer of t'orl land cement would bo a great . Im provement and mlt greatly tossrds keep ing the pi Ison clean. We have examined into the condition and management of the offices pertaining to the Courts ot Justice In said county and And the same In good condition and well managed and we weuld suggest to the County Court of k.a!d county that a good set of maps of the county would be of great public utility and boarder well neigh 10 our ausrtiuie neccssi.y. Respectfully submitted thl 27lh dav of June, i.Sty. Milks Caky, W, It. Kimk, -J. I. Matlock, C tU'CHNRR, J. S. Dickson, W. II. Chvkchill, K. V. Moaaa. AM mills It- It. BCUKMiC, . At railroad Item are In order here It another, perhaps of a nature that will re quire some sitting on before hatching time. Last Thursday Manager II oag, Mr Nash and others of the Oregon Pacific went to lilodgctt Station and from there took pri vate conveyance for Alrlle. The I) it mo - CkAT Is Informed that they are tnvcttlgat lug the route with a view to builng the Narrow Gauge tine and continuing the road from Alrlle to IJIodjfCtt Matlon, thus getting line that would eventually lake them Into Portland on both side of the river. That the Company have had their eyes on tie Narrow uauge lines na been well-known tw some time. In view of the fact that It I reparted that the Southern Pacific hat purchased the Narrow Gauge this sounds peculiar. It I r.ew asserted that the purchase ha not been outturn mated and that the O P will probably get the N G track. What the result will be the Democrat cannot foretell, but believe the matter I not all smoke It I a very Important one, and It would be greatly to tne advantage ot Albany should tne ure gon Pacigc get contol of this crippled con cern. All Actor. It hurl a newspaper's conscience to eulogise some ot the troupe that storm Albany. Thl It not tha case, though, with the Laurl-Bcl! troup, at the opera house last Friday. They ara the best company ol comedian to visit the city this year, and you see more acting In one of their playt than In a doaen of some that come here. The "Strategist" It fun. ny without any stopping at way stations. You split your side several time In every act. Marrietta Nash, a Nellie Howard, does some charming acting. Harry Bell at Jack Rut ledge and in Ids Impersonations of the old man Rutledge and hit girl's father, is perfection. George Iiuii is an Immense Ma) Howard and Mr Alsop at Jack't father Is not often equalled In tuch a character. George Mitchell as Capsi cum Pepper, Sam Morris as O'Flam, J Murphy as Rev Mlldwav, Mist Rcimer at lira Howard and Mist Van Name at Ara mlnla were fully at good It was a cast ol stars, all doing their work naturally, with out affectation, and hence the more pleas ing. "Kat:i" to-night Aa funny at "ittratcglsts." Admission only 50 and 35 cent. Reserved seat without extra charge. Fill the house. Cask or Dklibivm Trkmkxs. The following I from the Eugene 6'rf,here lofore supposed to be quite reliable. It I a case either for Prof Condon or the town authorities : "A gentleman claim to have seen a singular-looking monster on the other side of the river, opposite the west end of Skinner' butte, the other day. lie described It a about four feet In length, with a back four Inches acioss like a snake, and a belly like a Uaard. It had short Aoppers.wlih feet the Ue of a small hand, and In traveling went part ol the time on It feet, then crawled like a snake. It had 1 large mouth. When purtved It went In to a hole." Seriocs Accident. A serious accident happened to Mr and Mr II B White near Turner Wednesday afternoon. The aged couple ere in a wagon on their way to the lecture and when within a halt mile of town, the team took fright, and threw the occupant to the ground, bruising the old lady about the face, rendering her Insen sible for a long time. The ' old gentleman wa also bruised about the face, nl nose being nearly torn off The result of the accident I yet seriously in doubt, at the In jured one are both In their seventies. It I thought Mrs White will die. Salem Jour. Patriotic The people of Eugene do not know good poetry if they see It An Albany gentleman who really writes with some genius,wrote to the Eugene commit tee on the celebration ol the Fourth, offer Ing a poem of twenty stanzas, to be read as part ol the exercise, and Inclosed the first and tenth stanzas at samplts, A local pa per unfeelingly says: "He hat mistaken hit catling. I le should take a flask of .Uh bait and go fishing on the Fourth Instead of endeavoring to make men desperate and bloodthirsty wl.h his poetry. Arrest No. 3. Mr Mike Schloaser, re cently fined $35 for reslstl.ig an officer and using abutlve language to his former wife, was discharged from the caliboote Thurs day. Friday he wa s again , arrested by Constable C G Burkhart,taken before Geo Humphrey, Esq., examined and held under $500 bond to "keep tne peace," in ae fattlt of bond he was placed In thecsunty jail, where he will remain until October unless baueu out. A Horse Race, OnJuly 25th, a horte race 1 to be run at the fair near this city between the Bottwick and the Pickard horsea, the latter going by the charmlnz name of "Flathead." It It to be for Scoe a.lde, ot which Sco Is already up, It It to be run according 10 neyieor wno- ever govern tuch race. The Ladles Delighted.' The pleasant effect and tha perfect saf nty with which ladies may na tha liquid fruit laxative. Syrup of Ft2, under all conditions, make it their favorite remedy, It la pleasing to the eye and to the taste gentle, yet effectual In acting on the kid neys, liver and bowela. She Goes.- Now she doe go, that U the Astsrla & South Ceast railroad. This the jubilant cry of the Astoria papers, and (iter awhile papers win do r-Die 10 make the tame noise at tnt enuv An ounce of prevention I better than pound of our. Ffander's Oregon Blood Purifior expel all impurities ot the blood and should be used in all disease of tb stomach, liver and kidney. Take it. Farmer, if vou want the beat barneta ; hand made, cailon&L. to.Dem Till, WHEAT MAKKET. From a private tetier received at Pendle to.t from a prominent and welt Informed wheat dealer at Chicago the Rnt Ortgonian make the following extract i fl regard Ibo government report a grot exaggeration of the facl,aml do not estlmr.te the crop to exceed 450,000,000 bushels, , The only state that show more than ordinary prospects are Kansas and Missouri, and It Is tu.t yet certain that the high expecttont In Missouri will be futly realised, at chinch but; and the Hessian fly are (warming there In great number, and the agricultural board of that stale have reduced the condition tlx points tlnce the first of May. Condition are new 93. Our general average of nil the winter Hate I 88, with prospect of a further de cline. This ha been occasioned by the early and continued drout!i,aml Insect rr.v age. t'e figure the winter wheat crop a 301.000,000 bushels, and allow 6S.O 10,000 for export from the Pacific 'ope. - East cl tha Hock let the winter wheal will not ex ceed 333,000,000 bushel. The entire spring wheat will not amount to ovci 150,000,000 bushels, and may fall considerably below that, at the drouth continues, and the plant It In poor condition. All our elevator and granaries In "the country are bare, and our visible stock are now reduced to about 78,000,000, wlih prospect of a further re ducllon of the coming week of 3,000,000 mare. 80 you see what little we have I going rapidly Into consumption and being exported out ol the country. It Is more than llktly that the 1st of July will tee the smallest visible supply ever known In the history ot tho trade say twelve or thirteen millions. The slock are getting so lew, and the wheat to small In quantity .that the detnand for home consumption will absorb a'l the early offerings. All that will be necessary fui farmer I to hold 011 to t'.elr wheat and l tend It forward sparingly, In order to command a good price "Now in regard to the European crop, the outlook I nat promising, except In France, which has fine promise ol a crop of 390,000,000 bushels. The exporting countries thlt year will have little to spare. India produce 90 ,000,0c jo bushel, but In consequence of the failure of the rice crop cannot spare more than fifteen to twenty million bjshcls. Australia will import In stead of e pot L So will the Argentine Republic and other count ilea of South America. Russia, which I the great fac tar In the market. Is a partial failure thl year. We estimate her winter wheat 50 per cent, and spring wheat 25 to 30 per cent les than last year ; or In round fig ure a crop of 1 80,000,000 bushel. Thc winter wat the most severe known In Rus sia tlnce 1S13, and the tpfing wheat hat suffered from drouth,but the great misfor tune I the Injury to rye, which wltl un- doubted ly restrict i.erexporuot wheat thlt year to not to exceed 50,000,000 bushel. Extreme cold weather prevailed all winter In Australia and Hungary ; also In Ger many, and the crops nave been damaged to some extent, but we have no data, and make no estimate. The locks of wheat and flour are the smallest known for veart, St whi.e the quantity of that ono:esn passage has got down to about 1 3,000,000, and will continue decreasing for the next six weeks "Without golnj more particularly Inta detail, thl 1 the general situation. We shall have an urgent demand for our w heat when It I ready for market I might also say that there are 4,000,000 bushels of wheat counted In the visible supply which should not be to counted 3.0oojOoo In Minneapolis and ipco.otjo In New York. That In Minneapolis is frosted and no grade.and must be sold for fced.and that In New York I mixed stuff which ha teen doctored up and traded on for years," TIIK INDIANAPOLIS SCA.MlAt. The band ot Indianapolis clergymen who to earnestly labored to prevent the President from g'.ving the sanction of hi presence to a dancing party will do well tglve a little attention lo some worse wlckednes which he only can cure. The Postmaster at Indianapolis ha been caught by the Civil-Service Commissioners In gross offenses against law and morals In his official proceedings, and he has admit ted the fact. He reappointed to clerkships men who had been discharged by his predecessor for grot offense againat moral and law one, for example, far keeping a gambling house and another for betraying a woman. lie made other appointment of men who had not patted the civil service examination, though forbidden by the law to do to. now, it Mr llarrlaon does not remove that Pottmatter he will make himself mor ally responsible for these offenses and will flagrantly violate hi own solemn pledges, which will certainly be a-erse than dancing at a ball. The President's good mentor should bestir themselves." France hates to give up her cherished Panama canal scheme and admit failure A new bill for the relief of the enterprise was Introduced by the Government In the Chamber of Deputies June 13. Itempow ers the liquidator of the company to place, on tho best condition possible and regard' lets of the legal limit as to prlce.lhe 803,- 000 f. of the bonds which have not yet been subscribed for. It also authorizes a sub scription of 34,000,000! . to cover the expen see necessary for the matntalnance of the works pending an Inquiry Into the question of the completion of the canal. I am the center of gravity, hold a capital position in Vienna, and as I am foremost every victory, am allowed by all to be inval uable. Always out of tune, yet ever in voice, Invisible, though clearly seen in the midst of river, I have three associates in vice, and could name three associates in vice, and could name three who are in love with me,- Still it i in vain you seek me; for I have long been heaven and even now lie'1 embalmed in the grave. ... Who am I ? . Ihny Ward Beecher once said:. "The blonde type is nearest to the divine likeness." The Democrat uses "blonde type." Don't fat o examine Mcllwsin'a carpets Yon will H . them from 10 to 15 Pur een cheaper tha any other place in town, taking ncontiuera on toe quality. To lessen our stock of canned' good we will sell 1 ' ingin that lino at remarkably low prices. - Bitowm-i, Stanarp. If you have any job wcrk to do call on G W.Smith who is preta .b to do it with oeatnestjind disnatoH sod as cheap aa any one. --. , :.?.; : Wright' Compound Syrup of Straaparilla a reliable medioiue for the renovation of the blood. Tones and bnilda up the svatein. cures akin disestes, eto. Sold by Foahay k vjrsiuii,. Mason. Children Cry for aso When Ihe grave digcer was asked how he . 1 I-,- ..... .... wiinn me ne rejmeu iimt tie oitln I see vry mui n 01 it around where he worked. ! .1 ."V ids naiurni course 01 event the green appi and the green melon and t!ie om!I toy will toon com into collision, Kutninn authorities have sentenced 41 stu dent of the Cracow Universily lo three dav Imprisonment and to psy a fine of 500 florin lor singing Polish tongs while on an excursion Home rule in India 1 a question that loom up before the British Government wifh even more of datgiir In it than any other. The education of the past half century ha wakened many thought in the young minds of Calcutta Bombay, Madia, and the thoughts are taking sii.i e 'n formal ilemsmls. The "protected" farmsr in Michigm are telling (heir MproteeteP potato? fir $ cents a bushel, an.l are paying 9 cent a poxid f.r their "protected!' sugar. Probably wlien it ahall take two bushel of potatoes t' buy a pound of tigr Michigan may return to her democrats moorings. It is in the school of privation and necessity that men iettn how lo think. Steamers from China bring news of a shock ing disaster In the province of Klang Su. The city of Su-Cbow,tituated on the Imperial Canal about 55 mile not I li est of Slianghal, is said to have ticen nearly swept out of existence by fire. Seven out of the eight gates of the city are said to have l-een destroyed, and lite loss of life burned and trampled to death U eati mtledatten thousand. Su-Chow had, in 18S0, a population of 500,000, Russia is conspicuous among the great nations of the earth for continually increasing her ar maments, both on land and sea. At present she U sctivcly extending her naval power in the Block Sea. Betides an addition to her fleet al ready under way there, she hat just ordered three immense iron-dads of I ton of 13, horse power, with six 1 eavy guns. I Russia preparing to make war upon the world? At a recent meeting of the London Meteo.o logics! Society, paper wa read oa the deaths, canted by lightning ia England and Wale from 1853 to 1SS0, a recorded in the return of the Kegislrsr Geueisl. It wat stated that the total number of Deaths from lightning during the wealy-oine years amounted to 546, of which 433 were males and 104 of females. It is alto staled that ia consequence of their greater ex posure the Lnbabitants of rural district suffer more from lightning than those of towns. It wat shown, likewise, that nearness to the west and south coasts reduced the liability to injury hy lightning, and that distance ftom the coast and bigh land seemed lo increase ii. Not only are human being black or dark in hot climates, but other animal vary in like manner. Pigs are usually black in hot climates. The carbon layer in the skin of the negro, being opaque, like other forms of carbon, must form aa effectual veil and thut protect that most im portant orgsa below, the true skin; a bodily envelope or tissue presenting a vast sutface of circulating blood, which is certainly subject to brilliant illumination when only protected from untight by the thia translucent cuticle. Hence as we ksow that sunlight has considerable chemical enery, and also that sun-stroke, to which light complex ion eJ people are especially liable, is more dependent on light than on mere temperature. General Gordon, now governor of Georgia, whose soldierly appearance and superb horse msnship were so universally admire'1 during the great centenn'al parade, wa the recipient of much hospitality from the New York people during his stay jn the city. At a dinner to which he waa invited, a young Englishman, a lieutenant in tae "guards," possessed with the idea that there was nothing very good or great out of England, informed him that he did not think the soldiers in the parade presented a military appearance. "Perhaps not," courte ously replied Governor Gordon, "but when it comes to fighting, "there was more desperate fighting and there were more men killed and wounded during our last war than there have been in all the wars of England from the time of William the Conqueror." The Englishmsn did not gain much by presumingupon the want of love of Governor Gordon for the soldiers of the north. HArtltlSfcV.S PLEDGES AND PLATFORM. The AAaaioearsars "Harrison was not elected on a civil service reform phi form. Shades of Eli Perkins, Ananias, and even tbe prince of this cl ss, The platform upon which Harrison was elected has this prevision: "We will not foil to keep oar pledges because they (the democrats,) have broken theirs, or because their candidate hs broken his. We therefore repeat our declaration of 1SS0 to wit: The re form of the civil service auspiciously begun under a republican administration should be completed by the ftkr xlnio of the re form system already estal lithed by law to all grades of the service to which it is applicable. The spirit and purpose of reform should be oh served in all executive appointments." Could anything be plainer than this? Could a stronger civil service reform declaration be made than this upon which Harrison was elected? And vet. in the face of this s rong language, the Mountaineer says that Harrison was not elect ed en a civil service reform platform. But this is the only means of defence against the charge that every day this administration' violating the pledges of the platform upon which it rode into power as well as the open and mistakable pledge made by Harrison in his letter of acceptance, as follows:" All appoint ments under it, (the civil service law,) should be absolutely free from partisan consideration, and influences. Some extensions of the class! fled service are practicable and desirable, and futhcr legislature extending the reform to otier brunches of the service would receive my approval. In appointments to every grade and department, fitness and not party service should be the essential and discriminating tests, and fidelity and efficiency should insure tenure Only the interest of the fnbuc ser vice should suggest removals from ojict. ' It will be however mv sincere purpose if elected to advance the reform. Now in view of the absolutely unanswerable proof which we have addued, will the Mountaineer do "justice to its readers and to itself by correcting its statement and admit its error? This is the very least it can do. The democrats are not worried about the republicans taking the offices. They knew from the beginning that Harrison would take them. - Just let the administration say that it turns democrats out because republican3 want the offices, ( which is the truth in a nut shell,) and democrats will have no complaint to make. Leave off this, miserable, hypocritij cal pretence of enforcing the civil service law and take the offices because republicans want t'lem. Mcllwain van give you the bait fitting & tnit you ever wort, at price to suit eacn and . - o Pennsylvania will be known from now the Whtskeyttone State. jeveryone. JPItcherXCactorla. l J lie peeuliar efnatry la One siAviiiuM'l mocli to the process aud .1 "OTHINO Jskui In compounding as to '1 UK I IT i tne ingredient themselves, luaa -iTskert In time. . U check !nUM In the Otttset, or If .they be advanced wui prove a potentenre. liiiEMilisfiltatIt 'It take tbeplaosof a flnetrtr and ivmiv m.m. serlptlon. Allwhof.-4 ','fOB WMOIt awoouiary uvea will Dud . 4aeneeive UOie bmt prnvntlvo of . 'WlttnT, and cur lor Iadl-tlmf C'nnatipavtlon, llaaatsr.he, ftlUonaneas, file aud Menial UwprMSlon. .So bis of time, no tuuirferenn with business .while taking. For children It Is most in nocent and harmless. No doiiRrr from exposure rtr taking. Cure lie, IM rrkums, llowsl Complaint. Fevtirtsb nass and favarlsh Cold. Invalid and clelleau person will Ont It the mlllnst A portent aud Tonlotheycan us. A Hubs taken at olKht Insures refreshing sleep ami a natural evacuation or the bowela. A little taken In the morning sharpen tbe appetite, cleanses tb sloioacU aud wee U-u ilia breath. a . pnrRiciAK's omno. "f tuva Imi Drsctlcinc medicine tat tr. twenty rears sad have aemr ba sble t "l rxu P s ve eisMe campound Out won Id, iJJ like Simmon Liver krgulstor, promptly . A and tffeetiveijr ssovs the Uver lo acuoa. J land at the same Mine aid (Instead of weak. . suing) the digesUsa sad t asittii)lie 1 Y' powers of the system." s 5 L. M. Hurro), st.t., Washington, Ark. Mark of OeBnlneneaSf Look forttie'r4 Trade-Mark on front of Wrapper, and the Heal and Mlgnalure of. H.Xetilii A go in red. ou the side, Take uo other. - -.U, I have nought tho largest and best stock of HRY GOODS ever brought to Albany, nvite every one to call stock. DON'T FORGET we carry a lull line of O, M, Henderson & Uo s BOOTS AND SHOES. The Bed School House Shoes are the best in the world. I m . .. . a. .I'.' as- ...j , - .'zsaw. , tt . - . . . uvvisl ast t. .... ty wmm -v- -sw - .m,iw t'i Look out for in. the next SO day-. .";.::W. . READ, The Lending Uasli Dry Goods Store. THE SPRING MEDICINE YOU WANT Pa ine's Purifies the Blood, Strength ens the Nerves, Stimulates the Liver, Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels, Gives Life and Vigor to every organ There's nothing like it ' Last sprtnp, beuxr ve ry cv.iea run aown ami dptillltnteO. 1 procured KC!i l 1'iune s cytei j illt ill Vomnmind. feel like a 1 110 USO CI iv.o WHuea bkhhj me feel like a new ir.uu As a ri'iieval to"1 lul spring medicine, I O.o u-.t l:iiow Its txiuoj." W 1 U'IKI KI.KAF. Vrlgadier (ioneral V. X. O., Burilnitton, VI. f.1.00. SU for SAW. At Druggists. DIAKOKD DYES Color F'atherM ast KiMmit, Smoke, the cigars Manufcictured by Julius Josepli? -ALSO IMPORTED AtiD Plug and Btnok tag tobacoos, Meerachaujn and briar pipes and smokes artiilea generally. Also alwa8 has on band fa nice line of . California and Trrpical Fruits. THE PLACE. l; rrin,i. -v.JI . Para, Brothers. Sucet. 1 , V Jfi Grocers, Frc3iC5, 8ak ilnn' o i,0'j le H:; ji-i i.TU ir , h i' im lr j.' rrasotnth C. I. su - r r,a j sj -Vwr.VK'or ! L W. Lart!ot4. M'A LIvi; IN anuGS, reicD.G.KEs ;Hfi?,,ICALOt BftU-MSC . r.TC. 00, 2. STAP.n, Physician :,nd Surgeon, Late ofBrownsrill,Or. 0lr!. at reaidflnoi on corner' n ami Nyventfi. "lla promptly a'.tf ntl 4 In city -r country. and I would respectful bj and look through my BirsrC.M.IIENDERS0N&C03 ; Bargain: . IIM 3 ery Gompoi iisrJ Use It Now I "Havlnsr ased your mine's Celery Cenrtmti this spriuff. I can salely rrron-.imul I ' in most; powerful and t the same tlifit- 1.11.-1 centle rcgulotor. It Is a splendid ci-n.- toiil-, aud sUiee Uikliiff it I have frit like a li-v. man. . if Kkobk, w aterton n, lotju WELia. KlCBAHDSOK Co. rror-s. Bur'.lnjton. t. j UCTMTED FOOD Vl'ujt, iAlKJ OALER IN KEY WEST GIGA Children Cry for; erst omce. v