f T. . "1 ...... i FRIDAY JUNE 8, STIT3 & Kdlters an4 HUTTIKG. rrewrietee. LOCAL RECORD. A FlRR. The liKt Are bell lor a long time sounded at 11-45 Monday.nnd people Immediately thought of Seattle and Van couver but It proved to be only a email lied affair. A fire caught from a heater In the dry houte of R Veal & Son, on the Willamette, near the Farmer warehouse. A man across the river mw it and gave the alarm. The department turned out promptly and had three itreama of water on the dry structure In a aWrt time, put ting out the flame nd leaving the build ing, a email one, recently built, standing, though In a charred condition. There were about five hundred chair, nearly ready to be put together, on the tnstdc. L,oss,on chairs, about $500: on building, $150. Ah Example. The following from an Eastern Oregon Ex. Is a good illustra tion of the spirit of the age ; "This week two parties met here one going from Col fas, W T, to Lower California, the other going from Lower California to Colfax, V T. Each had discouraging tales to relate regarding the country they were leaving, but the country to which thev were jour ney ing was, In their imagination, the prom -Ised land." Eastward It Goes. Last Monday a contract was let at Corvallls by the O P R R Co to Antonelle & Doe, a San Fran cisco Arm, for building twenty miles of read beyond the present extension, includ- the tunnel, Work will be pushed by these gentlemen who are experienced contract ors, will all possible speed. Other con tracts will be let, and it Is stated there will be no more stopping until Uoise City Is reached. Not Taui Bills, The case of John Eik son, who was arrested some months ago for an assault with a dangerous weapon upon the person of J H Rainey and who afterwards ' es caped jail, and who, in attempting to cross the river on the O P R R bridge, tumbled off and came within an see of ending his existence on this mundane sphere, has been investigated by the grand jury and "not s true bill" lound. So also in the case of Issac Saltmarsh charged with converting school money to his own use, he being a district clerk, "not a true bill" ws returned to-day. A Hungry Tramp. Tuesday after neon a tramp entered the residence of Mr Thos L, Wallace, of the firm of Wallace, Thompson Si Ox, dealers in fine groceries and produce, also crockery ware, and, prob ably knowing that Mr Wallace used his own groceries, helped himself to a bounti ful supper in the pantry, and left without Interfering with the household goods. The ttv, by the way, la again being Inflicted with this pestlverous being, the tramp, and sharp outlook should be kept. A Alarm. It has been the custom fur number of years for Albany to have three alarms or fires in succession ; but fortun ately they have been small ones and far part. Tuesday evening we hope the list was completed. An alarm as given for fire that caught tn the moulding room of the Albany Iron Works, a large cast having just been made. The department respond ed with its usual alacrity ; but the tlames were extinguished with pails of water. The Maj. II card From. Mr John Bryant, B V, has received an interesting 1 letter from Maj Jones, dated at Santa Mon- j ka. Cat, In which the Maj expresses him self as highly pleased with the outlook there. Plenty to eat and read. Iota of ease and freedom, beautiful surroundings anal congenial companionship make it a good place to spend ones declining years. The third time a man gets Intoxicated he gets shipped according to the letter. Made A Citizen, John llundt a native of j Prussia appeared before his Honor, Judge Boi$e,last Tuesday and declared on oath that be will support the constitution of the United States and that be absolutely and entirety re nounces and adjures all allegiance and fidelity to every foreign prince, potentate, state or Sovereignty, and particularly the emperor of Prussia of whom he has heretofore been a sub ject, and this made John a citizen of the United Slates. The Blcmbebg Block The bids for building the new Blumberg block were opened at 7 o'clock last Mon day, and were as follows : I F Conn, $8575.75 ; Geo Pat terson, $S6oo; W C Cassell, $$607.79, The contract was let to Mr Conn. It is expect ed to have the block completed by Oct 1, when Mr Hubbard will open a drug store and Phillips & Son a grocery store on the the first floor. . Air Explosion. Last Tuesday some powder on the floor of Will Bros gun store on being touched off communicated with some cartridges, loaded with powder, and several hundred shells flew around quite lively for a second or two. Several panes of glass were broken and confusion reigned supreme. Henry r.wen wno was stand ing near was somewhat scorched about his head. Specimens or Wheat Messrs Wil liam Wallace, of the Albany prairie, and T H GeizenUnerf the J B McFarland farm, have left at the Democrat office speci mens of white winter wheat which look very fine, having big heads with meshes well filled. The fore r was a good sam ple of a thirty acre Acid and the latter of a seven acre field. Fire At Harrisbcrg. On Saturday a . barn belonging to Hon B R Holt took fire and burned to the ground. . There was about a hundred sacks of oats and a lot of hay which were consumed. A dwelling house of Jerry Hay some oistance away took fire Irom sparks irom me uurning barn but waa extinguished befoie, any damage was done. The Narrow Gauge. The Narrow Gauge lines of R R have been sold to the Southern Pacific for $1,500,000. Th.a is big thing for the people along that railroad, and It will now do run in a ouuncse wj and probably go directly Into Portland. Finger CrvsriiD. Jame Mcllargue while removing a piano from the college on Saturday had the end of his finger crushed by being caught between the olana and the door. He now carries It in . a sling, but will be at work again In a few days. I the First Waro Several fine resl dences are going up In the Western part of the city as well as In he Eastern part. A mon 2 others Mr L West, Mr George Warren, Mr Goff and Mr Shultz are build' Ing homes, all el late architecture. , A Cox un drum. An Albany barber propounded the following terrific conun drum t "Why Is the 4th of July like chicken?" You give it up. Well.because Its necks weak (next week.) Not a Cent. The Albany Insurance Company t1 Id n't lose a cent in the Van couver fire, thsmgh the Oregonimn of Sun day places its loss at $25,000, It is remark ably easy for big as well as little papers to make mistakes. ; s, : A Curious Bet. A bet of $5 was made in this city to-day that a mile had been rowed in one minute, of course a wild bet The fastest mile was rowed by Ellis Ward on the Savannah river April 1, 1872, in ft minutes. S2C.OOO. Mrs Marie Davis, milliner of this city, has just received notice from the ... that an aunt of her husband died In rim. ha a few days azo leaving him the nugsum of $25,000. PAINTS, OILS AND TlRnsHES AT DBYOB Crook Coi'STV.D E Temp.eton usual ly cuts 100 tons of hay oE his miadow three miles below town, but this year he will twit cut a ton. This is only one of the many instances of a complete failure of crops this year. . . .Judge Sumner returned this week from The Dalles, and from what he relates there is a worse outlook for the people of Wasco than for the people here. .... Land In the vicinity of the crossing f the O P survey at the Deschutes Is be. coming valuable. All the rocks and sand flats In that section have been located as farming land ... A heavy shower pf rain fell In this valley last Saturday, wetting down the crops in great shape. The shower was not general .however, being confined prin cipally to the valleys ot the ucrtoco and Crooked river and a few of their tribu taries. ...In this market wool brings 11 cents to 14 cents per pound Flour Is wwth $6 per barrel. Oat. 65 cents per bushel i barley, 75 cents potatoes, 50 cents, Bacon sells at 16 cent per pound; hams, IS cents; shoulders, 14 cents. Hay Is worth $10 to $15 per ton; butter, ao cents per pound, and eggs, 30 cents per wxen. Prlnev II le papers. A Goon Troup. Here Is what the Bos ton Journal says of the troup to bo here Friday ami Saturday nights t "The pre liminary season of the Boston Museum opened last evening with the performance, tor the first time In America of the farcical dramatic comedy by Charles T Fawcett entitled "Katil. the Family Help," Mist Marietta Nash, who appeared In the title role, giving a piece of clever originality as a German mald-of-aii-work, 1 he delinea tion of the quaint Teutonic maid, in mani fest unconsciousness of mirth provoking scenes ot which she was the centre.posscss ed a peculiar fascination, and iter clever dancing lth massive wooden shoes elicit ed hearty applause, " A Runaway. Tuesday evening Misses Annie Flinn and Mildred Burmes ler were riding east ot the city after Judge Fllnn's carriage horse, when the horse give a jump sideways at something It saw, turn ing the buggy over on the young ladies, and then running for the city, where it was captured after having inutillated the buggy considerably. Misses Flinn and Buunester were picked up by Mr Fred Blumberg, who happened to be riding near, and taken home, somewhat, but not seriuusly, bruised. Good Bye, "Doc." Dr West has gone, and what is some one else's loss Is our gain. He went to East Portland Friday. Leaving his wife in rooms In the Harring ton Block he skipped out, and It was after wards learned his trunk was checked tor Me'cna, Mon.' They ere only married.it now Is learned. jut previous to their arri vai In Aloany four months ago. The Ore fommm is mistaken in saving lie was a man of some standing In Albany. His adver tisement showed a weak upper story. The farm, he spoke of, remains In Its old posi tion. School Report Following is a month ly school report, which completes the spring term, beginning April 1st, closing June list, DUt. 1 3, Albany, taught by Julia Lewis. No. scholars enrolled 39 ; general average for term 36 Those neith er absent nor tardy during last month are: Jessie Trites. Annie Cox, Pauline Zuhls . ....... a .11 n a a a dorf, rrtu zuhisudrt, Amelia Aumsaon, Mammle Propst. Ira Clem, Robert Clem, Richard Clem, liirtie Jordan,Lulle Knlgh ten. No. visitors during last month are : Nora Clem, Lillian Knighten, J Jlem, F Proost. Head Turned. At Pittsburg, Penn. lightning twisted a lad's bead around to one side on bis neck, and the doctors have thus far bien unable to get It back again In Albany our citizens heads are generally turned towards Conn Bros where they know they can gel first -c'.as groceries, produce and crockery ware at bargains, bo not wait for the lightning to come but call on them at once . Won't Have to Go. There Is one Democrat at V.'ashlngton, we'll wager won't go. That is Henry Gllfrey, reading clerk of the Senate. Republicans and Democrat alike stand by him. Mr Gll frey was born in Oregon and is a graduate of the Willamette University. He has a large number of friends in Albany. Mr Gilf rey is row in the valley. A Good Joke. The fact that the No, of the winning ticket for the watch at the Opera Bouse Saturday evening was known before the drawing contains iu own story; and yet It doesn't either, for it Is said that the party it was intended for didn't draw Ic alter ail. lne joae is an interesting one to atl except the crowd, who thought they stood a chance of getting the watch. Etiquette. A late work on etiquette says It is not good form for a gentleman to take a lady's arm under any circumstances, ok for a lady to take a gentleman's arm except on a crowded strcst at night. A lady carries her own parasol, rules not yet observed in Webfoot very extensively. An Albany youth says it is not etiquette to hug your best girl, but he prefers the hugging to etiquette. This matter of ell. queue is a curious one. A Runaway at Scio. K tea.n from this city driven by FreJ Barker, at Al bany Wednesday, ran away. One of the singletrees broke while passing over a cross-walk, and the team lit out, colliding with a vehicle In which were a lady and two children. The lady had her collar bone broken, while one ot the runaway horses broke a leg. Fred Barker and the party ith him in the buggy sustained no injury. Prtu. A Base Ball Game One of the 11 vest games of base ball of the season was play ed at Knox Butte last Saturday between the Knox Butte and 1-ebanon mines, re sulting in favor of the former by the han-i-some score of 14 to 13. A return game will be p ayed next Saturday at Lebanon. Oxe Version." Our exchanges gener ally know all about it Here is one ver sion : 'The Chicago and Northwestern has advanced $5,000,000 for the construc tion of the Oregon Pacific eastward to a unction wun us une ouw Discharged. Win. Sclwoling of Harm- Durg 01 wnosc arrei on m . - gave aa account nao n tria. at , Monday and was discharged, mere Detng no evidence whatever against him. Sic Lost. A pocket-book belonging to MrWAMcClain was lost on Jackson street Monday. The pocket-book was af terwards found by Mr McClaln ; but some one had been ahead ot him ana taiten tne money. $5 reward for the money, A si iiwrni-. s.. are being made to establish a Sister's hos- Dital at this city. It is thought the O. F. will donate land adjoining the city Such an Institution wou mldbeot great value to Albany. , ; Ciasd Jury, The fotlowiog grand jury was drawn in the circuit court which convened at one one o'clock last Monday, Mile Cary, foreman. W R Kirk. R W Moses, W u Churchill, J S Dixon, J.I Mulock, C Buckner, Tl..lolm Satisfy 0L-it Mortgages, Tbeiastiegis. lature changed the time 01 making tne attract M I . f mnHafes from the first 01 August to tne flrrf of Tulv.and a'J mortcaees which nave oeea paid and not satisfied on the records on or be fore July 1st wiu ne usicu va "'" ff,' . j.i.j ni Wood SAWiso.-The undersigned will h readv to saw wood anywhere in tne ritw about lulv 1st. Prices same as last year. Leave oraers at ueyoe a. wuuu ' . , . n V- Ti l - J. K. Davi. Stsucx Oil At $i.3 per gallon can bent Standard r"x oil. at the Willamette Packing Co.'s store. Tt tearhers bear in mind that the state teacher institute will be held in Salem on the 1st, and and 3rd of July. SECURE PRICES. . AO TROUBLE TO SHOW,1 ' ' , 300DS AT DEYio &R0BSQN 1S3 1 J i'urr.T ft .5. t Jiil.il C l:i.l tit at, fsrtit.im, tViil :, .v,';, 243 Oeo S Flutter v J S Cochran et al, to reoover motivy. Continued, 297 Msrthe Houston rs JoaisTimuwrman, to recover money, attachment, Nonsuit, 344 J B Unmet! v John Wkklxsr to re cover money, attaohmsns. Nonsuit, f 377 I R Dawson vs J W Ellison, to re cover tnsusy, attachment. Judgment for the amount 000 leased in answer. 379 I R Dawson v J W Ellison, reoovery of money, attachment Jadaaeiit for the mount confessed in the answer. 3S7 Flelsohaar. Msvsr A Co vs Searie & Deans, to reoover monsy, attachment. Jadgmsut for want tf answer. 391 3 ft Peery administrator astate ot K K Uaioi vs John W Gain exeoa tor M of Willis Oatuts, suit in equity. Decree In ae- enrdance with stipulations. 391 Maggie Busty vs John Dooaoa, to re cover money. Dismuwed. y 400 John C Arnold vs Sarak A Oilohrcftk at at, foreclosure. Continued. ' . 403 Giant Powdse Go va Sssrlea k Dni. to reoover money, attachment. Judgment fur want ot answer. 403 I R Dawson vi Searlee A Deana, to re cower money, attachment. Judamsiit for want of answer. 424 Arthur T Workman va Kits Work man, divorvo. Coutiuosd. 423 T DitWolioeflVr vs Parry Smith, to reoover mousy, ConUnaed. 431 Toplita & Co va Mary Cue Rill, so re oover money, attachment. Continued 432 C B Montague va Isaao and S 3 Salt marsh, to recovsr money, attachment. Judg ment and attaahad ptoomy ordared sold, 403 CharU A Furbish va Wet K Monta gus, to reeover mousy, attachment. Con tinued for aarviee, 467 Luo.y M Kaasll vs A S BaU, tsou firmation. Sale eon firmed. 468 W 0 Nicholson vs John Wood et at, initia eqaity. Continued. - 478 Martha Pierce va Maliada IloJgis, suit in equity. Ontioutd for service. 47S Geo J Braner va Mary Congill, to re cover money, attachment. Continued for aarviee. 431 Gea K Liggett vs EC MoClain, et a), eootlrmation. Sal eonlirmed. 233 J P Sohooliag vs W It MoDsniel, suit in eqaity to settle partnership. Continued. 2t3 T EJ(frtoo Hogg vs Thomas Monteitb. ejeutmeot. Continued. 348 J W (jusiok va A A Keea et al, fare closure. Decree granted. 419 John Montgomery et al, vs Roht f Mootirotnery et al, partition. Report of ref- eroea continued. 431 I R Dswsoa vs J W Kiliaoa and W W Yautia, mt in equity to at aside assign ment IUterrrd at last term. 442 S. Onfa vs 0ii Rise, as San it ih e il Dcruun wsapoo. DuutiwMi. 448 Nauoy J Untune, S al. vs Muid M WaKUon et al, partition. R(sried to M Pay ue, T Smith and J A Smith. , 437 B Brenner vs J A MotJ-merv ml al. furve'osare. Dismissed. 460 VlraJ Keeney vs 0 W Keesey, di vorce. Divorce (ranted. 472 Naomi J Ten. pl too et al va Arthur L Tern plf too et at, partition. Jadgenteat for plaintiff. 434 James Sbiuty vs Clinton C Cole, con firmation. Sale eonlirmed. 4 S3 Jerry Hay vs M C Bananas. Sheriff directed to make deed. 499 E lloolt vs Hiram Smith. Motion to Substitute allowed. 230 W M Baker va Nelson Bennett, to re eover money, attachment. Settled aa per stipulation. 93 Dell. Fields va W II Field, divorce. Divorce granted. 341 J F Backeoata vs I F Conn, for aa aooonattng and settlement Jedgemeot for defendant. 378 J C Johnson vs U N Dertbick et sL to set aside deed. Continued, 413 Geo I Dodge vsjoste J Dodg,divorw. Divoros granted. 458 J W ChastaJn va Southern Paeifle R R, damage. On trial, 439 P A Moses vs Rontbren Paeifle R R, damages. Verdict forplaioliff S112. 463 Smith Cot ye Volej Cos. suit ia eqaity. Decree for plaintiff for want of an- 4C8 A J Carp vs ftaaey Cam. divorce. Di vorce granted. 481 State cf Oreeon va James Caia. aa!'. ing liqoor without a license. Con tinned. 490 Hannah M Adams va Jabob B Adams. Divorce granted. 493 State y Sokn WiUon. larceny. Flee-! qoilty and sentenced to peotUstiaay 2 years. KCAL ESTATE, SALES. Robert Mathews to W If and Geo R Shepherd, all Interest in D L C ot Henry Williams...... $ 550 N Slates to John Pearl patent 1 r snane wir tono, lou 7 and 8 block 67, Albany.... Brownsville Woolen 'Mfg. Co. to O. A- C, R. R Co., right of way . . . Guilford Barnard to J 11 Wigte, all right, tl'le and Interest, 40 acres Tp 15 SR s w United States to John O Boyd, Lib erty Cemetery Association to J DWood, lots 16 in Liberty Cemetery , James S Dickson to M Thomaa, 10 acres, Tp 11 S R aw N II Young and M C Young to Joseph II Peart, the undivided one-fifth interest in D L C of John Pearl '. Mary A S HitetoF M Sutford.part otDLCofWm Hlte Robert G Cochran to Peter Ruettner 1500 TO 3.JO 100 90 300 S K or blk 138. li s A. Albany. 80O A Tunlson to Nellie Tunlson. w half N E qr. Sec ao, Tp 13 S R 1 w, 80 acres Robert Andrews to R A Githeos, 50 acres, Tp 14. S R 4 w IOOO W R Kirk tn ( P Coshow and C H Cable, lot 4. blk 3, K'a A. to N. Brownsville 150 Francis and T J Butler to Mav C uarnes, no acres, gee. 31, Tp 9, SKj L. IJOO WATEULOO, Dr Carter, of Corvallls, haa just made our town a visit, We understand that Mr Davis who has been lying very low, Is convalescing. Vhe farmers in our vicinity are : haying A trtrtn tr 1li an,nr l,j.rw Mr t-jl thtt family of Mr tdwsrds, of IvCkanon. 1 Mr amJ Mri Haney, of the Sodavll'e 1 hotel, were here Sunday, We are all waiting anxiously to see the new bridge begun . A bridge 1 something that has long been needed at this place. Waterloo is the place to catch fish, so all ye nimrod turn your step In thl dl rection 11 you would nave line trout tor breakfast, dinner and supper ' rnm .if 1 Kj mt n1aBnfr naat tfmea Kre of , evening la boating, Waterlo? is to hare a grand celebration, and we are expecting and making pretara- tien for a large crowd 01 peepie on mat memorial day. All wno wisn to nave a oay of erood tsolid eniovment should come. Among the other pleasure to De partici pated tn will be the dance wnicn win con tmue ail cay and night. Large crowd of people are beginning to come here aunday. Mr Dennis Klum, cf Sodaville, has 1 inoveo to tvaterioo, ana is KeecpinE . . . . I we.-.... nvuev asFseikv e wtnting , -ne meat an(j reaonable raes should call at the Klum house. ,1 An ounce 01 prevention w better tbsa a 1 pound oi cuie. rianoei's uregun flood r . im.lQritia. ot h. ,lIM(1 and shoold be used in all diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneya. Take it. Biggest Yet. 10,000 rolls of wall pa- 1 per, latest varieties, finest decorations just receiver nioiiwurei i,ninj. Kextish Chkeaies For canning turn ished in Quantities fresh from the tree. Leave-orders at .- Baows bll St Stakard!s. QUPERIOn UNO OF jAGniGuirTUiiAL ir.1- PLCr.lCfJTSSAT OH- iTU.tMiwwwi . TllK MiOKIUW 4T1I, Saturday evening the committee on the slh of July celebration met at the office of Currsn & Montcllh a id prepared the fat lowing program for the celebration here on the 4th, It openka for Itself : PioccNsion wl'l form on Second street at 9:30 a. m t Police Squad. Marshal and Mi. Bnd, at corner of Second and Ferry St, Mllltla, resting on Braadalbln street, Band. Liberty ar and oiVtcers of the day, rest ing on Ellsworth street. Hand. ' Fre:icn with npn,ratu, resting on Lyon street. . Knights of Pythias and other civic so cieties. , Carriages. Horsemen. . Citlxenaon foot. ; And will inarch as follows: Up Second to Washington street, down Washington to First, down First to Lyon, out Lyon lo Ninth, out Ninth to ;-: the orove, where the exercises of the day will be held. Hon. M. C. Gee :ge will deliver the Ora tion and Prof. W T VanScoy will read the Declaration et? Independence. Music and a short literary program will follow, when several contests of different kinds will take place, Al a o'clock the ail AM BATTLE will begin on the Moutelth pastures. About 500 men will engage In It, and 100,000 ca trtdges used, A game of base ball between the Harris burg and Knox Butte clubs will take place on the College grounds for a stiver bat 1 followed by the following contests for small prUcs i Illcycle race, 1 mile, free for all. Bicycle race, y mile, fice tor all. Bicycle race, ft mile, for safeties only. Stake race. Three legged race. Wheelbarrow and brick race. Sack race." A shooting match for $v will ticcur at 4 o'clock between Corvallls and Albany teams. The following contests ill lake place on First street in the evening : Hos race, wet test, tournament rules to govern, first prlae, $60, second $15. Tender race, 300 yards, $7 50, second Is- . Foot race, 300 yards, $5. Footrace, 100 yards, $5. : Steam Are engine contest for a prle of $100. At 9 o'clock a dUplav of fireworks will take place from balloons suspended 300 feet above terra firma. rocNctt. rsucetniNuii. Tuesday, June 35. Present Mayor, recorder, marshal and Council Gradwottl, Parker, Burkhart, Deyoe, Tablcr and French. The following bills were ordered paid: Royce & Uibler, $3; F E Allen, 4 05; G L Savage, $i;BM Huston fe Co, $18,75. Jllenton, $44 35;J Gradwohl, $u.7Sl W BBarr, $40; J N Hoffman, $iS; Albany Engine Co No 1, $489.35; John Jones $70; WN Miller, 70; F M Westfall, $3; John Clclen, $3; W A McClaln, $1; G W Hughes, $3. Committee 00 streets and public proper, ty asked further time until suit Is decided. Further time was granted committee on fire and water In matter of new company for otd fire engine. The street commissioner made several sidewalk recommendations. Adopted, Also that an extra nlghtwatch be hired for several months during dry season. Ordinance 195 prohibiting traction en gines running at large was brought up and an amendment offered by French, provid ing that engines might be exhibited in va cant lots in city. Motion to refer lost. Vote on passage as follows: Yea Burk hart, Parker, Deyoe. No- Tablcr, French, Grad wohl. Ordinance declared lot. Licensee to sell Itquo were granted Williams Bros, Peter Schloeser, Marx Baumgart, Cbas Klcfer and George J Pfan. Chief Engineer Stewart reported that coo feet of rubber hoee at least was need ed in the department, No i's having no-j good hose at all. The committee on fire and water with chief engineer were Instructed to purchase 500 feel 01 nose, two jackets, and new suc tion for No 3s. Sidewalk around Congregational church ordered repaired within live da vs. A special nightwatchman was ordered appointed by the marshal to serve null sept 1 at y a montn. Washington street was ordered opened by the street commissioner adjoining block 100. A special ireet'ng was ordered Monday evening. Several bills were rcterred. A CABIN Bt'KXED. roar Albany Men Have an Experience. Friday, June Jil, at 4 :5oo'clock.a silver watch belonging to Fred Ross.of this city, stopped on account of too much heal about one hundred miles east of Albany, in the mountains beyond Breltenbush, where the hot pring bubble forth their health glv Ing properties. The cabin of Claud Mans field caught fire from the stove pipe and burned to the ground. Mr Mansfield had been there several months. On Friday, June 14, he was joined by Mack Montcith, Fred Ross and Clyde Hillf thl city. In the ereulng of Friday on returning afur a hunt they found the cabin in ashes. All their clothes, money, provisions and effects had been inside. $35 worth of blankets among other things were burned. A burn ed five dollar piece, some silver and the ruined watch were found. Saturday noon the young meri started -viihout a crust to eat for Albany. For twenty-four hours they only had two fish apiece lo eat. They arrived in Garcsvlllc Sunday evening, and Monday morning, having no passable money, continued their journey on foot for Albany, arriving in tne evening, 1001 sore and tired out. They will spend the glori ous 4th in Albany and at least part of them return :o tne I lot spring rancn auerwaros, The Ladle Delighted. The nleaaant effect and tbe oarfeot saf ety with wblcu ladiea may use the liquid rrnit laxative, wyrop 01 fis, oniur 011 conditions, make it their favorite remedy, Ilia pleaalng to tbe eye and to tne tante, gentle, yet erfectoai in acting on tne kiu neys, liver and bowels. Ice. Leave order for Ice with F II Pfeiffer. Delivered to any part ot the city fpr 1 cent a pound, in quantities not less then ten pounds a day. Kid Glove I Kid lilnve II I have iust reccved a full line of kid colves oranaea uur uwn. inis is a Eenu . . , s ti 1 1 . tne kid elove. I buy direct from Importers In New York and consider them the best value of any glove I ever sold for this price. 5 button, 3 row of st'tchlng, $1.50 a. 1.. 1 ovNu. C03SUMPT10.il tilULU Cl'.'.ES. To thb Fditoh r'.o'x ci Jnf'OTi yrv.r twA em Unit I have it nmiiivi 1 enit-dy ("!' tiie nliiive named diiteusc, I'.y lu inut-ly u-,e tl,in;-i,ilii! iuipt-lcMS ease lmvo Iff 11 permiuu nlly riircil. I snail bo jthvl lo scntl two l'itio olmv reme dy FllEK ti) any o( 011s- l enders w'.m luivii con sumplliin if they wi'l m ini tin- tli' r ' Niness and post oflic- ddrc. I'wiicetiulljr. T. A. hLOCUM. V.c . 1H t rt t . Vr! DEYOE & imW AR3 AQENT FOR THE NEW HIGH ARM DAVIS fERTICAL-FEED SEWING MA CHINE.REST MACHINE IN THE BAfiBET, " 110H8 AKDABltOMI stotniAf . . Circuit Court, For a small lire the one this noon waa a very wstone, Tbe Isst week for the eowi to trample down Albany sidewalks. Farm are have already commenced cutting their wheat, This il remarkably early, The jury in tha murder eate of Sandy Old's, at Portland disagreed aud auother trial will be necessary. Will the ;raoa who horrnwsd MuCsrty's Statistician from this ellioe some time aw pleass return the aame. The Insursnoe monsy of Taplss St Hugtr man, of Heattle, $130,000 hat been attaahrd by Sn Frsuoltoo creditor. Seattle hsi received about $73,000 in money to help it along. This amount in cash and several times aa mueh in adverti.iar. A My recuse, N. Y , newsb.iy weeta $10,. 000 dsmsgss because a man called him a swindler for exchanging aa old paper for a nswoor. For a moaer, rake, a -id attrlaultarat ita nlamants asaerallv aa Woll as flrst-olaaa wan one and buggies oati On Mitchell & Lewi uo., Albany, ur. Ratnrday evanlosT a fmt raoa te ha ten on July 7th, at tbia eity, was arreeeed between Wm Fletcher, ot this eity, and 11 U O'Dell, now of Sodaville. The Carney cabs Lave began mailing In Salem. Toe prices are $1 aa hour, one mile or less 23 cents a passenger aad 23 oeate to or from the depot. . An eiohange pertinently remarket "Those people who are alwaya thinking that tbe newspspera are 'bittiog' at them, are advis ed to look through tbe Bible 1 tbe will Dad meny flings at them ia tbe good book, Onloa parties are fashlooable aaw. : Six girts stand in a row, while one bites a small ohook out of an on ion, and a yeang man pays 10 oents for a guess aa to which one it waa If he gnessee rleht he kisses tbe other five, bat if ha doesn't he is only allowed to kiss the one with tbe onioa-soented Ireath. Mr and Mrs C D ftuwlee are home from their wedding trp te Portland. ' Hon PA Watts, of Ashland, lain the eity aad wilt remain in the county for a week or two. Ld Submesr earns over the mountain from Crook county a few day ago with GOO bead of horse. Mr Jaa Archibald has sold the Martin tap er farm, enuaistiug of 240 acres, to Mr A tmeil lerfWsa acre. Lvrt night someone broke into tbe back room or W is Curl's store and stele several ngn tmt failed lo get into the front part. grcyspAV. See notioe in soother column of "Wanted at ones." A pomp for the general paUie is si to beinc I pm in ia irani at sn Mcuweta duck. i The stock fr the railroad from 8aU sa Hankers, $23 ,000, has hwn meetly taken. The Three Hi.ur wentdwa last evening with kav .,i ..i.,. -.,,-. 11.. I wun ssy w4 other prodnets from Corvallt. -Mr I F Coon baa Durchsd tbe rtsi!et.e f r!' ef BB"itftBstree. voa- Sideraltce, 11300. . .m . .. . - . - . . 1 Mr Cbaa Mettiar baa the contract for Lii-1 Ing laborers foe railroad woik a tbeO P, ea sua enatraet jost let. Mr W B Cox. former'r of Browoaviile, will superintend the eooetraetiioa of the woolea wt.ll. .t 1 Tke ORtK will r,t k. Mt - tk. rif r ia a few dsys. It oely draws thiiteea inches of water, and, It U said can make the riOle, Yeeierd.y .r.i.. while navi.aU.. tb. into tbe rjr. bet being a powerful seim- mer rescued the shore In safety, Mr Kagone Lyort retained last sveu iag fiom MoMinnville, where be went to look alter bia tine trotting stallion, Dick Flaherty. Meat Monday Dick will be pat te work for tbe fall races, and tbe DtnotHAT predicts a brilliant future for him. Dan Wagooo, of Salem, a former Albania, a in tne eity. Mr Judge Btaekbura ia ia Brownsville vUttieg relative. Dr Barker waa celled to McCoy U -Jay on professional boainee. Hon L lidyiH, of Rngeae. sad H Y llieoip son, el I ortlsnd. are courting tbia week. Oovernor Peanoyer, Srctetsry Mc Bride and SepenaUndeat MeKlroy paaesd tbrengb for CMrvallis to-day to attend the eummeaoe meet of the Agriraltarai college. Tbe Albany Iron Work are er ended with work. Among other eoetrscts are one for the front of the Masonic temi!e aad for a bridge It Uraia. , Messrs Jaa Charlton, ef the elaas of '90 and Frank Propst, ot tbe eiaa of '91, of Princeton university, left for borne on the 1 9th, eomiug by wsy of the Canadian Pad no, and are expected in Albany ia a day or two. Tbe ladies of tbe Baptist ebereb will give asocial at the residence of lion S M fie. nington Friday syening. There will be plea ty of toe eresm and lemneade and a pleasant time ia anticipated Tbe benefits f vaetioa eeeaoa may be P'y'uotthea.nw Urne. tbe btood ia being elssoied and vitalised by tbe ese ef Aver' Karsaprt!la, A coed appetite. fresh yifor, aad buoyant spirits attend the at ef this wonderful medicine. "My father, at abuat tbe aie ef fifty, Inet ail tn natr I rum te top ef his bead. After on eroutb e trial of Ayer'e Uslr Viiror. tbe hir began coming, and, ia three month, be bsd a tin growth ef hsir of tbe natural col or." l . Catlen, Saratoga dpriags, N. T. WCbKRaOAY. SOS inmate at the peaitentiary. Ooe week from to-morrow w celebrate. Yesterday the 0 P nay ear went over the rosu leiuiug ior msy. , ..If Mr C E Wolverton ia learraneioe: and ! paiotina bi handsome residence. Mra Mane Davis & Co will sell fl .wsr wreath for tbe 4th of July elbrtin a 25 cent a piece, Liberty car children shou Id tsceeotice. The Albany lo iVurks shinned five tone ef use to Eugsoe te-dsy. They are doing a mining nusiness. Shsriff Croisen. of Marios eoontv vester dss attached the Narrow Uanga levying 00 roiling sutoii, ior uxea, the amoenl being l77. Mondsy night a burster entered the il- aenre 01 oir j r tislbrattn, at tbe last end ; but Win (l.lbrsith on loaded his revolver at him and he fld promiscnoasly. On black on First street of the street railwsy is being graded, work to be done to the Revere house onroer, and comcletad and strtet pnt in good condition by Joly 2l. Mr K L Thompson,, repreeentieg the Northwest insurance company, went tc liar risburg to-day to adjust the lo on the barn of B R Holt recently boroed. $100 wss ear- nso on tne DQiiding. ' . Bird Wells shipped eleven yoang Ch loess pheasanU to Spokane Falls ysstsnlsy. Ihsy ware purchased by O B Kion for t50 and will be given their liberty on bia ranch near Spopane. (Jorvallu Ttmt. O V Stevens, auperiotendent of construc tion of the 0 P & R, in company with Messri Antonelle St Doe, contractor, went to the front to 'day to make arrangement for rs- amiog work. U T Porter. U 8 Marshat-eleot of Alaska. is ia the etty. Miss Addie Georce arrived in tha oitv to- uy on a visit nome. H B Kennieton. of Halser. ba been in the city aeveral dayi. Mr Londa Gray arrived borne to-day from Wsitsburg, at leaat with an improved look in ni isce, - J. W. Ribelan, the irrepressible, now of Halsey, recently of Lesbnrg, i doing Al bany this week, Joe Tyler, of Halsey, 1 in the city aatiat lag O B Hit(ht at bis market. The bey is at noma running me raatsn patch Tbe finest bsll of the aeasoa willl.be given on 4th of July evening at the opera house. An immense attendance is expected. F Co nave cnargcci ic Mr Scott Ward, of Ptainview. has iust re turned from a trip te the Belknap Sprinftt, Tohuoy Iom, who went with him, remain ed lor several not water baths, Wheat, 69 cents, 15 eent (having af,Viereck's. 8 tickets for fl at Viersck ' . , Fine line of Guna and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob son s special bargains - New dress jjooJ't Mcllwaiu'a. Msson fruit jsrs at F L Kenton's Nsw iBVuioa cf fine g-ld rings at French a A barrel of salt salmon just opened at F L Kenton's. : Fresh eresm elu rao just received at F L Kenton's. New cream cheese just tsceived at Cocrad Meyers, .. " . For sate. eliesD. second hsud orgsn, Mrs, Hymao's. 3 chair runuiwZ staady at Vlereok s shav ing parlors, fleet roast coffee la the eity at Conrad Me)ers. flood oooLliut stove only tlO at Itoukins A Saltuiarsb's. The best wat oh in the world for the mouvy at FM French's. Ride saddles and ladies riding ourolnalee at Tliompi'iu k Overman' . Thompson k Overmen, aieiittifor the great Dynamite baggy whip. For a ncmher one gaellty of knives foiks and spoons eall at V M Freoeu'. 1 he ehnltiest line of table luxuries eta be found at Brownall & SUnard's. A fresh milk cow.' one half Durham, for asle cheap. Apply to Democrat efOoe. J W Bsnlley. best bout ana shoe maker in eity, opposite Fortmiller & If) lug's . A I arse and fine line of window shsdes jatt received at Forsmillsr k Iryiug's, Money eaa't bay better outs and shoes than Mcllwsin is aalliae. IxeebseHbetter goods are not tnsoufaatorsd. J Tbe Variety of 23 cent hate s a going at 10 per cent disenunt at K et C Howard's, as well aa their other millinery goods. Some floe California eheeae. a barrel of golden drip syrup and some Doe eomb honey just received at Brownsll A Stenerd'e. Qo to Royoe ft Uibler' for four lob print Ing. They do any and all kind of work ia the peeslsbiag and job pribiieg line, Qjick work and tw price. CUICKCN BKIXTbK. On a cotly divan In an eleeantlr turn Uhed parlor of one ot those grand man sions tor wnicn tne historical city 01 anon la noted, est a fair young maiden. ohe was as beautiful at the poet dream ner finely moulded form was In perfect keeping with her delicately chiseled fea tures i her hair hung In wavy masse far down over her graceful shoulders and had that golden tint that the eve can some times catch at set of sun. Her eye blue at tha dome of heaven, sparkled and shewn Ilka the start In a cloudless winter night. nature raa stamped upon her cheek the beautiful color of the sun kissed peach of the tropics. One white shapely hand was pressed to her mtrble brow, a klrd of a subdued mouse colored amila played around her rosebud mouln. The ctamr of 'he door bell caused her to raise ber eye. as into ine room timiuiy ana sottiy stepped young man bearing tha ear-marks ot a country editor, his pale, c asslc face bore XT' ".VTTTV ..' mere was a ainuoi -1 oon itninn sne wiu K.11,.. . ih.r t ..." i,,s, i m m .... ,k. u. .-j ai m -J J t - ..- M".." ,,5K 9iww M" i,ed ntrls told that the fatal love flamea wera alawlr. hut surely hurnlne their wav thioueh the nuiwni r.f hi. once bard heart. As the fair maid caught a gllmps of his manly form she sprang to her feet and putting out Her jeweled band. bade the young man stop. ' Hk'irV ihiuI ''.I. frittA Ih a ,.U. ttM.M. Pion, "why are jom here to-night, by," and her whole frame shook with i " 3 to one whom you have tocrucly deceivei. Why, ? " on leave me for another. Up I first heard the beautiful story of love, Have you forgotten the time when you had no horse and boggy ; when arm In arm together we walked In the pale moon I'ght along the silent streets ot this beau tiful city, stubbing our toes on the iooe nail in the sidewalks. Think of those things Klrkte, and then tell me why you left me for another, tell me why you nevet let me ride In the buggy. The time was when every word that you whispered In my ear was as sweet to me aa the honey- dew is to the busy bee and I ready cur pa per from front to rear. 1 hose sweet bliss ful day are gone, never to return," and pulling a three for a dime ring from her finger she threw it at his feet, and sank like some stricken dove, pale and breath less upon the divan by hi side. fulling himself together tr.e young man with flushed face and wildly beating heart revetenlly knelt at her feet and burying hi face in the left hand pocket of her blue cambric apron he wept as oh the truly whispered the fair creature, as she care fully, out tenderly raised his head and gaxed with loving eye into bis tear stained face, don't darling, K kills me to see you weep and you will take all the starch out of my apron, "Oh, Clatnantha," said the young man, how I have waited and pray ed tor the time to come when 1 could kneel at your teet and with your 'Ittte hand on my tiead, ten you an. un, lorgive w precious one and promise to be mine and before the other girl returns to the city, in printing press and as you grind out sou shall take your Place at the crank 01 the Ewfrot, we will sing the song of the bleat. Mrs. A. B. Mathews and Ml Adela Burkhart, of your diy are out rusticating at Peterson' Butte, the guests of Miss Adela' mother. Last Sabbath the Rev. C. Sperry, of Brownsville, closed a very successful se ries of meetings at Providence Church. There were ' a number of conversions. After services on Sunday five were emers- ed in the clear crystal water of Crabtree Creek. Immense crowds lined the bank en either aide and In respectful silence witnessed the impressive ceremony, Mr. 1 Geore-ie Garland. Mra Powell and Mr. 1.. . . . .. n Mark Peery, son of the lien. J, II. Peery, were ationg the number emei'sed. Tbe name of the other we eld not learn. Brick Dist. Acci wist ally Killkd. A fc w day ago an eld gentleman by the name of John Thompson, living en McDowell Creek, about ts or 15 mile east ot Lebanon got on a horse without a bridle. He took a eackaue on the horse, which seemed to hlshten htm. The horse beean to "buck and ran tome distance , throwing the old gentleman off on ome rock, causing In JUM urles from which he died in a few hours. Mr Thompson was 70 years old. Slreplesaaea Dr. Flint' Remedy la the best remedy known for insomnia, or : sieepieMn, whloh afUleia no many persona, and which leads to ao many aerlona oeryona diaeaaes, particularly in jn.nuy. ueaeriptive treaiiee with eaen ootciei oi,aajreta aiaua Urug vo, Is. x. Sonth Albany A most desirable and beautiful location for suburban residences, owing to Its nat ural advantage and nearness to the center oi business. Compare the size, location, view and accet to and from these lott.ad you will be convinced of their merits Call early and secure a home be lot i the advance tn price. Apply to v TWBKOAI.Ko: KEDPKLD, Agents. First door south of Post OjBce. Sub Couldx't SkeIt. "Not muc h,' cay she, "you don't catch me ctoking this hot weather,when I can get tho.e delicious lunch good, such as chipped beef, soused pigs fett, spiced sardines, deviled ham cream eheeae and all those nice eatables at the Willamette Packing Co's Summer Wraps. -Novelties In .xaded and stockinet jackets just received. SAMUEL IS. Yotrxu. Fsrmerv ifvnn wsnt the best hariies al hand mule, call oaB.L, I'ower.net to Dcm erst cilice. Dr. M. H. Ellis, phyiieian and surgeon Albany, Oregon. Calls made in country. mty 01 H.Uwert, slei. praotioal watchmaker and 'wr For laud madebardesa goto E. L. Power uahe 01- all rfinos Al PIOXGF.IM ANfl VETERANS. 1'orti.anp, June 21 1889. Hditort Democrat i We have been too busy to drep a line to you relative to Pioneer day and the In dian war veteran until now. The attend ance was not as large as it should have been. Southern Oregon and the west side had a greater percentage present according to population than Portlrnd or the East Willamette valley. Every thing went off well during the day. The speeches ot Hon O Jacobs, Governor Moore, of U'ahlngm territory, and Capt Masher, were all fine. Mr Jacob at an early day taught school in the Waldo and Looney settlement in the va'ley, and he had some of his "grown up" cholar to hear him on Pioneer day, Those present manifested a great Interest In the proceedings. Some very old people were there from the country. One couple fr.m the Ya.nhltl section, who had been married sixty-one years and had never been away from each other three weeks during that time. They looked as if they would attend many of these anniversaries yet Thl wai a specimen of the Interest that w as taken In this very enjoyable meet ing of old people. In the evening Instead of a grand march and dance by these pio neer the ball io?m wss taken bodily by young people, Ladiea with modern scan- ty ralnment and young men with the grasshopper wa'Jew tall coat were con. j tplcuou a felriei. They had an excellent j string and brass instrument band, and the music and dancing was of the modern style. There would be no objection to this if it was contrasted on an adjoining Jluir with tha old fashioned pioneer dancing. One musician being a fiddler who could pat his foot and call, Thl would be better than a clrcu. We engaged our partner of '43 for the grand-march and dance, but when the line ran out at tbe blast of the cornet for a grand waits aa the Introduction, not but one pioneer badge was to be seen. My partner and self concluded that it took 1 more moral courage than we possessed to whirl around like that mess, so we held down enr seat and stared at thl delicate and effemlnato looking combination. If no better mean are ptovldcd for the old people to march and dance, they will pre fer the swadatthe fair grounds 'where they can have the old time "campnre.' Think of it, tn order to dance our old pioneer women must have the regulation dress, no sleeves, low neck, and all of the most fash ionable build with rose bush adornments. The pioneer men must rig themsetyes up In wnne necaues, wnite giove ana vest. and the abominable claw hammer coat with sun flower and the charming dandelion oioom in every outton noie of tne claw hammer. The music must be by a brass band that fairly frightens an old pioneer In a ball room. We will go once more with our partner of '43, and when the fiddle strike the key rote, we wilt lay aside our un hata and step to it with heart a light aa ef yore, lite society refused to extend the limit of pioneer days to 1859, There are some good reasons why this should be done, and we expect to see the time ex tended after a wile. The night before thl pioneer meeting the Alpine club Invited the war veteran in and all were highly entertained by Dr McKay and hi brother Donald. The Dr was very good in relating many Indian scenes and trials In which he took part as the friend of the white. Like many ethers he wss a little "off" on Indian name, but on the whole he was very entertaining. It waa left to bis brother tJonald to take the palm. He Is a modest speaker, urs good language and is entertaining. Hi description of '.he Modoc war, taking In the bravery of the Modocs, the fighting and massacre, should be repealed in every town in tha state. We listened to them nntit half past ten at night and tegretted that these lecture then closed. The audience fully appreciated this treat. If Donald McKay ever come to Albany throw open the court housa and have him give yeur people this panorama ot thrilling Indian war scene. These meetings should be kept up. Pioxec. OX TUB mil'TBCRN BOCNOAUY. A family named Smith, rec-ntly from j Texas have moved Into a house on the 1 Coleman ranch. I John Marrow came home last week from near miii city, wnere jienas been working In a logging camp. Mr Altlngham, son and daughter, verc visiting at Monroe last Saturday and Snn day. v Haymaking U progressing nicety. The timothy crop is almost a total failure, but Cheat is an unusually heavy crop. Some of our farmers will begin binding their fall grain the last et this week. Spring grain It not doing well on account of dry weainer. ;" . We had a case of measles In our neigh borhood last week. D W Tilton closed a very successful term of schovl tn this district last Thursdiy. Miss Mathews' school In the Bareer dis trict closes next Saturday, and we believe he ha given general satisfaction. John Young is rebuilding and putting an addition to his barn. Dr N I Taylor, of Eugene, spent Sunday with hi parents here. Mr Watkin and family, ot Eugene, were visiting relation here Saturday and Sunday. We would like to aay something about the quality ot road work that is being done in this district, but tear we could not with out growling. , J T Hon John Long is living on soup at pres ent. Perhaps he wl'l conclude to let the doctor dese out medicine for htm in the future. Taageat. Considerable real estate has changed hands here recently, J B Morgan buying ts acre 01 land, house and barn adjoining Tangent. F B Jenka bought 31 acres of land ot the r agan larm, and e. L, Bryan bought house and lot in Tangent. WD Jenks is building an addition to hts house. The warehouse Is being repaired and overhauled generally. II W Setttemire returned a few days ago irom a visit with his brother at Arlington, and he reports crops drying up in Wasco ana other counties. L F Smith and family returned the first of the week from a visit with their on-in- law.who live in Alsea Valley. Born to the wife of I W N'ewcomb.a boy Thl I the seventh bey in the family and three girl, there being two pair of twins. The picnic at Bievlna bridge Saturday eiven by the Band, was a success, though the attendance wa not large. Rev D C McFarland delivered a good address in the forenoon and Hon J K Weatherford gave an able talk In the afternoon. WANTED, 3000 WORTH of second hand furniture at the Portland Branch. Highest cash price paid for second hand furniture at the Portland Branch. Ruy your Household furnture ' at the Portland Branch. A new No. 8 cook stove with furniture and pipe for $16. A new No. 7 cook stove with furniture and pipe for $u. at the Portland Branch. bargain in furniture, stove, ctotntng, hardware at the - . Portland Branch, Utter List. Following 1 th list ol tatters remaining In Uis Post OIBos, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Juns te, 1839, Psnions oalling tor these letter rauut give the date on whleh thsv were sdrsrtlsed 1 Bl,MlssHlsn Csrion, Andrew W Flr0eld, Oso , Kims, Sally Pixby, K Rouse, UP Thompson, Nora H Windsor, John Cowiii, B P. Bitstew, E Davis.Albert Fsujch, Tbemss Laroude. Jas Larimsr, A L Butberland, August Whseler. R Nsiuia, Mrs M A R. TKOarSON. P.M. 7 Oiks enre rheumatism, neuralgia toothache, Foshay & Mason Agent. i imoirxsviM.K. r.ROWXRVil.LR, June 35th, iSSy. Evcrj body cottic to Brownsville to cele brate. - Ed Mover went lo Roieburg on the train Sunday to file on some tlmbtr land Although we ivoiild rattier some otner Company would have bought the Narrow Gauge in order to have some show for competition, the cltlxens are all rrjoicli.g over lis sale to the Southern Pacific Com pany. Friday night so'iievcry Iilcrestlng tlhl rope performance wero given on our street by the Davldaon Uro'.hers. Friday a the Irani of Mr. Iljh h, driven bv hi on e-Sfton lis way ! tun gravel pit, the horses biicame f rltjlite.it ki :ii the rattling 'of th. loose; boards i;rmit! the gravel tx-d ami -un away. Th l,'(y wss thrown fomsii-.l Hum Mting the lines slack when the borne ran Into tHe fence throw ing boards ond b.i off. 4 severe scalp wound wss the only Injury tlim, l! was brought to town nr!d hu the wound dress ed by Dr. W, p. Via. From private advices we learn ihat Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Kav landed In frwhrn on heir return from England on the i.,th littt. About two more weeks nil! find tnjm ready to start for home and tbey are expecttd to arrive here sometime next week. Their many friends will be glad to learn that Mrs, Kay's health has continued to improve. Their son, Ifarrr. who ac companied them East wilt not return with them, but will remain with the Davis Purber Machine Co. about three months longer. 111 gur.s will salute the rUIng sun here the morning of the glorious 4th. The parade under direction of Marshal Her.ry will form at the depot at 10 a m. and nro. ceed to the grove, where among other things an address by Master Miller, of llalsey and an oration bv Hon W. n. Joiwwn, of Oregon City, will be listened to. The Crawlordsvlilc and HaUey bands will dUcourse music during the day. Tbe afternoon will be spent In base ball, foot ball and other game and amusement. The evening will be occupied by the pion eer around the camp fire as of tore, fine of the main featutes of the day will be the J l,e.rl..,, W It L-I..1. I... ...4 for thl purpose and we wl'l have If roast ed In ffrard sttl. Ivvrrv nlnnwr In lh country shoufd be here with their tents through the 3rd, 4th and 5th, of July and have a grand time. A restaurant guaran teeing good meals will be sn the ground for the accommodation of all, furnishing meal for 34 cents. Considerable excitement pervade our town on account of the representatives of a large amount of capital having gon up the Calapoola In search of fine timber. Parties representing $1 3,000100 passed through town last week and have located all the available timber on the Calapoola that has been surveyed. A party of eight under direction of Mack Sawyer, who has logged on the creek here for seveial years. leU our town Sunday evening tn hopes of finding claims for themselves j but found hey were too late. AH the vacant timber claims had already been taken by the par ties mentioned. People have thought they had plenty of time to take up the lim ber, but now find capitalist from Michi gan have got ahead of them. Tl only a question of a few years when a railroad wilt ascend this creek in quest of the fine timber. The parties who have taken up this timber are also locating ail the quartz veins they can find and are making a map of the same. Let it be remembered that Brownsville is located just at the mouth of the Calapoola and when a railroad as cends this creek It will pass through Hrownsville and all the untold wealth along the creek will paae through Browns ville in search of a market. At th f.'aovE. On the 4th Mr H Ken ton will be at the Grove wish h! Adhelve -le nd Sea Lion Si!,-cr po'ih. The Dcmockat will vouch for th urlcr merit of btjth of t'n-se article. Call t hi stand. JuHu JiMcph. wh'i his beea visi ing Jef fereun, Tomer, Aailit-. Marion, Sew ar.d other point supplying these poinU with borne made el gar, returned tlus after noon, havlog had good sneees. TtiU Trade Mark on a 1 ;.? ,T f pe.tcnre and skill can This Trade Mark on a stove cx-, con- nve. Sold only bv G. W. smith. University of Oregon. EUGENE, OREGON. Neat session begin oa Monday, tbe 18th of September. 18S9, Free scholarships from every emikty in tbe Btate. Apply toyoor Coonty So peri a- lennent. rree toiuoa aner Jnoary 1st, ium. - Fonr eooraea : Claeaicai, Scientific, Lit erary and a abort English Coarse tn wbi.b there In no Lstin, Green French or German, Tbe English ia pie-eroitently a Baalneea Course, For catalogues or other lnfotmaUon, addraae i, W. JOHKSOX, Presides L, WANTKn AT ONCE -T.f the onder. signed a man or woiuaa wbo eaa do good laondry work, et-pcie',y doing op white ablrta and collar. Oil oa me near the Intersection cf Konrth aireet ana tbeO.P. It, K. I. D. Smith. Notice, U. b. Land OJiee, Oregcn City, May2Isr,!SS9. C HtipUiet having bseo entered at'this of fice by Fran ji M. Waldea agsinat William Crothers for abandoning bi Homestead En try No. 6963. dated April 13th. 1SS7, upon the S I of N K i and S of N W Sectkn 14, Township 12, S R 1 E, in linn county, Oreaon. with a view to tbe cancellation ef j aaid entry, the said parties ate hereby iub- moned to appear at Lebanon, Dan county, Oregen, before A. Ii. C; rus. Notary Public, on "-.'"'-: the leih dayefJely, ISA. at 10 o'olook a, m., to respnod and furnish testimony oonceruiog said allexed abandon ment, and on the teetimnny then submitted a hearine will be had at this otSce on Aaguit 12ih, 1889, at 10 o'ulock a. m. W. T. Bl'RSBT, , Register. Sheriffs Sale Me Circuit Court of At State of Ortjron for tm County or Lmn : W C Nicholson, PUintiT. '" vs. J P Schooling and Mirths Ii Scrim ling, bu stife, 11 A Rsmpy, aa assignee i0 insolvency of J P Schooling. J F Miiler and Jerry Bay and It F Ashhv. irtners nudttr the tinn name and style of Uay ami Ashby, Drftu ilants. N0T1CK is hereby given that by virtue of antxecntioo and orUcrof Sde issueil o.it of the above nsno d dart in the above entitled suit, 1 will on , Saturday, tae S9th day f Jane, I8K, at the Court House door in the city of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, at, the hoar of 1 o clock, p. m. ni said day sellatpuhho auo tion for cash in hand to the highest bidder the read property described in said execution and order ot aala aa toiiows, to-w it t .uois one, two, three, four and five, in block two. Also lota one and two in block live, all situ ated in May and Nixon's addition to the town of Harriaburg, in Linn county, Oregon. Also aa undivided three tourths interest in and to fractional tiver lot. No. eight, and a'ao fractional river lot. No. seven. Also lot No. twelve in block No. one, all lying aad being in th town of Harriabarg, Lino coun ty. Oregon. I will alao on the aaid 29th day of June, 1SS9, in thecuj of llarrisburg.Iinn oonnty, Oregon, at the hour of 9 o'clock, a. m.. of said day sell according to term and in tbe manner heretofore expressed, tke person al propei ty described ia said execution and order of scJe b follows, to-wifc : On steam engine aad boiler now contained in the build iug situated on lot three in block two in the town of Harrisburg, Lisa county, Oregon. The proceeds aiiniug from the Rale of said premises ond personal property, to be ap plied : Kint, to the payment ot the cost and dinliursemeuta of suit taxed at $12.65, and ncoruiog coat wd $150 Attorney fee. Second to tbe payment to the PUintfif, W. C- Nicholson the som of $1689.30 witb aocru. u g interest thereon at the rate ot 10 eeot per annum, and the surplus, if any be paid as the Court may hereafter decree. Dated this 20th day of Msy, 1360. JOHH BMALLMOir, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, and J i I 1 1 ''' Absolutely Pure. Tbia powder never varies. A mam 1 t ptirity etrength and whole aomfn- More econom'csi thsn tbe ordinary kimli and cannot he sold tn corn petition wii 1 tnuititad of low tu. alert weight alu. t or pboeobate pewdera. Mold only In run , Kovai Kaklng Powder Co.t ICS Wall M , N. Y. D, W. CnowLET A Co , A ftnil, Portland; Oregon Z. T. WRIGHT, Foot of Morrison St., Portland, Or. 40EKT FOR 5 r. Iks AdTancB TtaMng KaoMner Tbe baetaiidfasleet thresher in Aaier. -ea, and a raecbin ihst atanda wit hout s ileal. Tne AfVANCK ihrcaher t.- KEVER been HKPLACED hy any nib machine 00 the C.a. but bxn n-plsce t several M ber- that HA VK FAIfKl) t . fill Vv ARHAWTEK- TbtENOINK Is gu . ntoed lo pull more than any other, ei t will oat travel a:l othera on tbe road, i '. you benr any toad bcmj-ir, rlw tell tt.-t partis the ADVANCE 1 HKK-ttlKR ar t ESiI K are rold on their merlu enU.- ly. And I am willing to prove all I rlaiiu In my field at any time, Iv not be boii -bnfrged by boving any machine un-. you aet the ADVANCE. I also ban . team fi'xlug eoode. Iron pipe, pnm; h mo we is seeders, epringtooth harr-iw; blacksmiths forgo, drlila, chorch, fin and s ehrol belle, en 1 tnsuy other apeelit:, tie, Albany Branch Hcu-se one bl:-k brlf Base Huose, JAS. 12.IvIVOX, QEAL J? hf Use e EALEO BIDS WILL BE BKCIEVK!) the elerk or School District N6;. count y. Oreaoo. no to 6 o'clock i-. m . orNatordae. July dti. 1869, to tdrnKh sals! District witb 00 cords ol grab ok woe, (aid woo' to e 4 foot loi:ir and 1 stick to be lean than 3 iricbe In diametrr . also tn furnlah said Uietrtct with 5 enrrU apllt flr wood (from large trees) f.'ee t-'' knots. All wrod to Is 3i r et n . C-n tral aVfccrl tmi h p 1 A , t .uy. 1 ! Board merree tte ilpUt to r"at,'. t.r all bbl. ' By order 1 1 the lioard of Dirt '.f-,s. P. G. I5cKahT, C.trfc. JoD2iat, 1880, .- IJtOR RETT. A piano at only $2 5- V month. Call on G. L, U'a- kn aa. COTTU CT TO BS LET .Tl-e cbnrt -i baldiog eumtniux at Pooria. Us eonnty, will receive sealed bids for iii bnildinffof sebnrch bouse at tbatplar., u&Ul 1 o'clock, Juoe29:b. The specific tlona will be found at the store of W v Cbeeman.ln Peoria. Tbe lowest reaper eible bidder is expected to be swan led Out contraor, but we reserve tbe right to re -jeet any and all bide. Jnoe 17th. Ir89 W R Garrett, Moea LaMar, WKGitbos, Committee s: AND, AC Pel sons desiring ant. loem or erarol fr m the DreuiiM,ai.r F. L. Such in Benton coonty. can nro?ur . ticket for the same et my olflss. Crsw- ford'e tdock, Albany, Oregon. Oiii, Is. WoUEwai. IJIOR PALR-Tha ondersigned baa f. r ealea Ocrse power end aepara- ,r. uewand ia good running order tar U cheap, Inqubeofll, Bryant. Adminis trator of the estate of James SIiieM. deceased. -: -. T7IUR SALE. Tbe ondei signed will i-e:t S a McCormlck twine binder cbeap. Inquire at bit place one mile south oat of Albany, xb te is a bargain. Jf. G. 11CBKHART. IISSOLUTTON NOTICE. -Notice 1 ) berety given that tbe co-partnerst i retofore esimlng between C. A. Chess man and W. W. Chessman, doing bnsi neaa nnaer tne arm name ei Chessnma Break, baa this day been dissolved, C. A, Chessman baying sold bie'ioterea to . B. Beauy. ile business will comic u:, onder tbe name of CUo3smau ft Bealf who will collect all accounts and pay ail debtaofthe heretofore existing nrin t f Cbeseman Bros Peoria, Unn Co., or., Jane tltb, 1889, W. W. ChkssmaN, C, A.Chi ssman. (tlTY TAXES, Notice ia hereby give tx J that tbe tax roll of tbe city of A 1 bam . Oregon, for tbe year !Ro9. baa been plait t in my nanaa ior collection, and trial 1 . will bet at to Council Chamber of tui.l city to receiv sand ieipt for tbe tax.-- charged In aaid roll, for tbe period of 3i days from data or tela notke. All wic remaining unpaid at the expiration cf thirty daya thereafter i be reluruod tt tha Cotumoo Council of the city of Albany aa delingquenr, and costs and fsios- s for nolleoting aucb isxe be add.(l D ereio. Laied at Aibauy, Ur., ibis 10;!. dv X June, 18 9. John N. H.irr m n. CHy Mutl;l. "VTOTICE TO CONTRACrORS.-vi!Ut J3 ia hereby grlven that at the next rej; iuar term of tbt 1 onnty ('nmm!.ii'H Court for Unn eounty Ktate ol Oregon, ti bo hold at the Court I louse inihe-ityo Alban , on erlnes(?ay the 8n.l tlav July, A 1880, dralerl r'ariH.friei'itk-i Uout, atraioM, diaerms atnl tiilswilt t received for buiidir.p a brkiire .:t:si t, North f rk of tb Sat tiam ' Kiv r ntont 2C0 l-et litlow lha Stsyton Frry; srti t bridge to bo 610 feet 10w and Jo fifr whim in tbo clear, Fters to te nf nitrioie' C beigbt to brirg ibe bottom cf tlia U(i" beams at least 22 feet above ! w w.vpr mark. All Mda must bo ilk-d with ;h i .Clerk on or before one o'clock p. iu. ofiii' above mentioned dir. nnd aeoiipniitt with certified cheok of tiv "pr ct-i;i l bid aa. by law reqiv.xed. Tbe Court serves tte right to rejoet any am! .mi bids " Done by order cf tho Court this i!x day of June, A, 1). lSS'j, u s, E. K. Montagu;, County Clerk, rvpe writing, Penmanship, Correspondence, -y. i ess and Legal Vorms practically taught -.t 1. Poftl&nd Bosiness College. Tlw thorough work done in each of our sever, lenartments haa plven this Institution an pi.i ,ion such aa but tew schools attain, seen rii a 1. iuuereds of our graduates profitable enit iny pent, both as book-keepers aud Ptenosraptt 1 Students admitted atauyuiue. Catalo;ti 1k U: 1. 1. ARSSTBOXG, Friaeipal, Fortlaad, Or. II. J. LeCOAUSTLAfJOa CiTil Engineer anl Snmycr, CSXL'WTIIIQ AKD BLUE PH1NT3, Off ce with Oregon Land Co, Albany, cir, Sewerage Systems and Wter Kuj-.plU- a Specialty, Instates Snbaiviucl, Ssia-i mi de or Copied on chert notice. per s EOBSON'fat