at. There art seventy men.ttl American cititeni whote fortunes segregate the big total of 413,000,000, This exceed by $ J t, 000, 000 the total money circulation of the United States on trie first day of the present month, acenrtr ing to the Treasury statement. One southern iron company sold 65,561 ton of iron in the state of Ohio within a year past, and 6777 tons in Pennsylvania, Theetranae lions locate the pinch in the shoe ot the iron butincM with absolute precision. United Stalei Consul Mason of Marseilles writes to the !ate department that the effects of general and unrestained alninthe drinking in France are now recognized as forming a basis of one of the gravest dangers which threatened the physical and moral w elfarc of the French people. Congressmen Henry Calot Lodge of Mass achuaetta and J G Cannon, of Illinois are re puled to be the most successful of all the office beggars that haunt the White House, "They get oil they want and the promise of more.'. Amemberof the Rhode Island l egislature has been accused of buying lis (cat. This is unpardonable. Xe- people can buy seats with imnunitr below the ranis of United " States Senator. Returns from the election of School Superin tendents in t U the counties of Indiana on Mon day last have been received here and Demo cratic gain axe conceded. Two year ago the election resulted in the choice of forty-two Democrats and fifty Republicans. Now the Democrats have secured forty-nine Superinjlcn. dents, the Republican forty-two and the Inde peadentt one, a net gain el nine for the 1 Auto crats and a Republican loss cf ten. Senator Washburn, of Minnesota, u now engaged in denouncing the use of money in e lection v Mr. Washburn has prolably re pented; for it is known that not many months ago he was chajged with buying 1is way to the United State Senate, and it took the biggest whitewash brush in Minnesota, wielded by a Republican Legislature, to make him appeal at all decent. Solon Chase, the great Maine Urecnbacker and proprietor of "them steers," was recently iked by a friend why he had not done a cer tain tiling. "Ie Seen thinkin' of it." said Mr. Chase, "but, you see, I've been enjoy in religion too well; and when man's enjoyin' religion so well ht apt to forgit to do hi duty." Perhan the cheekiest political incident of the current year is the cry of certain Demo, critic politicians who hid themselves in a pro tectioa knot hole during the last presidential ' canvas, asking the millions who are out of the j knot hole to come in there and "get together. How can the masses "get together" in a pb e where there is no room for them? ( Nearly every saloon keeper in Cincinnati . 7 .... , . , 1 The Association has adopted a resolution bind ) ing every proprietor to vioalate the Sunday law and keep his saloon open definitely on Sundays. Any member who closes is to be fined ffto The new ssstem wa inaugurated yesterday. It is a novel idea tc impose a penalty on men fur not rendering themselves liable to the penalties of the law. The saloon keepers are placed be tween two fires. (Bui r - , 1 v .. 1 ti 1 ciatorr srecchc were ntade bv half a Fanny Kemble has written a novel. 1 lunk . ' ... . , ,.. ... ... dozen prominent republican politician, out. She was one of the passengers on the; " n ..... c- i.ay the despatch, "and there will be swn as he held the throttle ol his queer little engine. Miss Kemble went home and! wrote a .charming description of her ride, describing the exhikinUiing sensation of rushing through the air at the rate of ten or twelve miles an hour. It is hard to realize that there is sxill living a person who saw the begining of railroad travel and is still lively enough to write a novel. Verily, the world moves. As society see more and more of Sir Julian Pauncefote, the new British Ministe., it has more and more occasion to congratulate itself upon a really valuable acquisition to its circles. In private life Sir Julian is found to be an inter esting man. He is good talksr,and is not a bad raconteur. He can stand upon his dignity with a grand air, but as a rule, he is courteous to affability and kindliness. He is seen to the best advantage after dinner, when the strains of music are heard in the drawing room. He is a technical musician of high quality foi an a ma tear. Whether Washington society will make the most of the British Minister's social quali ties remains to be seen, but certain it is, as be has repeatedly expressed his opinion of it, that be looks forward with much pleasure to his term of reside nee in a country where he has already many cloie friends. From a private letter received a few days ago from an American in London we get the follwiog: "One day I strolled into Malvern Cemetery. I was anxious to see the grave of JenayLind. A large granite cross of simple design marks the last resting place of the glori us songstrsts. This cross rises from a plain granite block. On this is the following inscrip tion: 'In loving memory of Jenny Lin( wife of Otto Goldschmidt. Born at Stockholm, Oct. C, 1 8 jo: died at Wynds Point, Malvern, Nor, 1. 1887. There is no ether word than these. Some loving hands bad laid upon the grave the day of my visit a laurel wreath intertwined with violets and daffodils. . It is a calm resting place that the diva lies in a lovely spot nest ling at the foot of the Malvern Hills. " CHEEK AND UAH The Democrats are complaing because Presi dent Harrison bus removed a few Democratic officials. , If Bourbon methods had been fol lowing every office in the gift of the president would now te filled by Republicans. Mouu tuinttr. We suppose the MoHutainetr nteans by the expresnkm "IJourbon metliots" the policy pur sued by Cleveland while president. If so we j have only to express our regret tliat that paper has strayed o far from the line of facts and fair tiealing. Let us see. Democrats are not complaining that Harrison removes democrats from office, but they do complain of and despise the hypocritical pretense made ry I larrixon that he wilt follow out the civil service law as well as the pledges made in the platform ujion which he-was elected and his own pledge in his letteof acceptance, th.M no removals from office would be made on account i.f politics, while at the same time he is making them daily for that and no other reason. But the Mow t aimer says that if "Bourbon metho!x,(Clcve. land's policy,) had been followed every office (n the gift of the president would now be filled by a republican." Did Cleveland remove the republican postmaster at Dalles where the Mountaineer is published? No, he . did not ' and that paper knew thi3 as well as its knows any fact. Did Cleveland remove any republi can postT aster in Oregon holding a presidential office? He did not and the Mountaineer knew this truth full well. We might go on and mention thousands of republican officials who served their terms out under "Bourbon methods." It must take a good supply of gall . and cheek to induce one to place himself in the awkward attitude in which the editor of he Mountaineer his voluntarily chosen to place himself, Knvrisil Ciiskies For canning furn Inhed In quantities fresh from the trees. Leave order ot BltOWVFXf. & STAAR!'g. - CONVICTS HIMSELF, ! The editor ot the Orrgom'm convicts lilimclf of misrepresentation . Only a few dnv ago he said that "Cleveland slaught ered nearly the w hole line ot republican official without mercy, but hi example I not to be followed."" ThU It said with reference to ctKctal who were appointed for a given ternf and not with reference to those who held ollice at the pleasure of some superior. The Democrat ihowcd tint the statement was In a large measure false, by referring to the fact that not a postmaster In Oregon who held office for a given term hnd been removed by Cleve land. A everybody know,the nme gen eral pulley was punned In every ttate In the Union. The Dkmwrat exprewly said that "no fact relative to Cleveland' tdmlnUtittion Is more clearly eMablUhea1 than the one that, a a rule, he permitted republican cfficlnls, affrivtai Jor term f tmr year to serve their term out. The OrrfymiuM mentions avrepubltcmi official in Oregon appointed for a term ot tour year who were removed by Cleveland. The Dimocrat now mention postmaster at the following place whom Cleveland permitted to serve their term out.namely t Albany, Astoria, Baker City, CorvallU, Eaat Portland, Eugene City, Jacksonville, Oregon City, Pendleton, Portland, Sntcm and The Dalle. Now compare this fact with what the Orrgoniiu ald about Clcvc land' slaughtering nearly the whole line of republican officials" and see what a re markably small grain ot truth only can be extracted Iron It very large bundle ot mUrepresentatlon. The Ortgom'tin would haye u explain why Cleveland removed the collector ot Internal revenue. ThU I (totltlmr the Utue entire) v. The Demo crat spoke ot official who were appointed for a term of four year, hence collector of Internal revenue are not Included In that clas of official, as they are appointed to hold fticejtt the pleasure ot a superior. It would be just a pertinent for the Drmo crat to ask the Ortfim to be kind enough" to explain why, under the "ciyll ervlce" of llarrlron, fourth tla postma tera all over the country are being removed at the rate ot score per day. Could It tell why the very fir, ot thl class to fall In Oregon wa an honorably discharged vet eran ot the war, to make room for a loca republican politician who I a ignorant of the smell of powder a the Orefomiam I ot political comUtency ? Out the Democrat doe not deem It necessary that the reason should be explained to any one, tor all know that thl administration want these office and that ere long they will have them, too. It would gladly take the presl dential poatoffice with the same pirit ot greed tor the spoil were It not constrained by public opinion to follow the example set It by Cleveland. The rower of exam- P' no without Us worth even In politic, mm!mB!mSm!!mmm!!m: I'AUTiSAX BUJOTUY. Thc ,tale o UlC weather warn the phll sophic mind agalmtt taking a heated view of certain exhibition of parti an bigotry which under other condition mlgit war. . , , , , Dut perhaps it I jiut a well,a I: I cer tainly more comfortable, to laugh at such ebullition ot party spirit as that which led to an 'Indignation meeting" at Strong City, Kt nsas ominous name 1 over the recommendation by Senator Plumb of Dr Zane, a demucratfor inem'jer of the Board j of Pension Examiners "Violently dentin- i adopted resolution ot censure which will be wnt to rreIdent Harrison and Senator Plumb IM l Ka.s ...j. hold an, liidig. nation meetmx when democrat cnli.ted for the war ? Did they cry out "No dem - wrat need nnlvnwhen there were ouota of .eddier. to be filled ? Io the, scorn tc receive collection from democratic Ux-' payer when the big pemdon bilUare to lc paid? The fact that Senator 1'tumb recom mended a democratic doctor for Tension Examiner i presumptive proof thai the man wa an army surgeon. I there any thing more comical, if you choose to look at it from the funny side, than the violent assumption of the provincial republican partisan that no man is entitled to hold any office under the tiovernmcnt who didn't yote for Benjamin Harrison ? The department of agriculture i wrett li .' with 'he question : "What shall take li.. ..tare of whoat on farm where it can no linger Ut raKed at a profit 7" The re sponsibilities of Secretary Rusk being overwhelming juot at precnt,thU particu lar matter I in t' c bands of the AKlant i Secretary, Prrf WillcU, who i concen trating liis encrgie upon a letter from poor old Ireland suggesting, that -flax" l the proper answer to the conundrum. He hi Informed the sender that hi mUntvr will be earnestly considered by the di-partment and a decision arrived at ax soon as possi ble. The question will probably come up In the next cabinet meeting, and soo.ier or later our farmers who have wheat fields which are unprofitable will know w hat to do with them. It can be seen that peo ple who thought that the Secretary of Ag riculture would not have enough to do were mistaken. Tubb's 6c Ci's pure Msuilla twii-e, best quality, at Kte vart Ac Sox's. Utter l,lt. Fulluirliig i. Hi. list of leturs rnnaiiiiitK in tli. I'm Office, AlUny, Linn wmnty, Oregon, J'simi II, let. Pnni calling; (or tlMW toUr m si - II UaU w which I hay war. adtrerliMil t Aixlaraon. Lewi florin, At Carter. Ch&rla . Kwter, Mia Hull. Uw, Juim :ikh, I'reil Gol.lo hmidt, ArlM.M lluwsril, Mr U I'vks, R N htwsrt, Mrs Junitt M r.)lor, W B, . R. THOMPBON, P.M. Albany Market. Wheal -W: tiaU"14w. Culler l'c per lb. r KffsiJk lUy -0.00. PotHloe- 25 U per buxbeli B-,f-on foot. 3 "v A,'plei--75 cenin per bu. Porn Hke per II jresaed. Mutton -tMti)4 ti'f. bouldara, 8c. Kiden lUo. il-!lMwr lb. louri.25 per bbl. hlcku- 3 (l per cloz. Mill Kewl bran, M.OOparton shorts, 16. middlings, 20. Chof. 9.0. rnilearrved l-anjrhoil At The unthinking are prone to make game of nervousnf-n. Yet thin in a very real and aerioun allliclitm, I no harassing symptom 8 of which are rendered all the more poignant by ridicule. The stomach ia uaoally responsible for tbw symptom ita weakness and disorder find a reflex In the brain, which in (be headquarters of the nervtons eystem. A a rstrve tonic and tranqotlfzer, we bolleve that Dot one can be pointed out o effeitlve aa Ho tettor'i. Stomach Bittern, In renewing vlitototia dlg8tlon, It atxikea the key nute of recovery of strengtb and qui'-tude by the nerves. IIeadaebe, tromors in quiet sleep, abnormal wnnaltivenesa to unex pected ooises all these modify and ulti mately disappear aa the ryrtern gains strength from tbe g-etl tonic. Dyspepsia, biliousness, rheumatism, constipation and kidney complaints are eununed Bitters. , - by the TELEGItATIIIC NEWS - Apiii)Sutiiii-iU. Washington, June 18. The president mad the following appointment to-day 1 William R Bishop, agent at the Klamath agency, Oregon, Lucius Falrchild, ex-commander in chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, ha beu ap, pointed a member of the Sioux commission. Postmastersi John Corcoran. Denver, Color ado; John F Rice, Ouray, Colorado; F. merle R Ionard, Dolce City, Idaho; lienjamln S, llurroiighs, Pendleton, Oregon, Will be Somjed. Et RKNK, Or,, June 18. The director of the Siuslaw & Etstern Railway & Navigation Company held a meeting at the office of the secretary of the company in this city to-dny. Mr O Uoomhowcr was elected general agent of tin company, and It was rr solved to make a preliminary survey of the line hetweet Florence ant tin city Immediately, ami die piesldent and secretary were authorised lo employ com petent engineer to survey the line and ctrnv plete the estimate for the same. Aa Indiana Storm.,June 18. A destructive wind io-m swept over Pent, Ind., "this afternoon, doing gteat damage. Trees, fence and tele graph and telephone pole were leveled, and many dwelling injured. Several freight car standing on the luike Erie & Western track were caught by the wind and pushed with great velocity throitch the wall of shop buildings. The total lo will lie many thousands of dollars. Kleetloa la Fraaaylvaala. 1 mi.Aus.i.riiiA, june 19. lire voting on the prohibition amendment proceeded quietly. The day was clear, and there w a a light vote. 1 here wa a notable absence of women from the polls, and the distribution of ice water and sandwiches wat not so r rofuae'a was anticipate ivnurni irom loriy lour out 01 sixty seven 1 - . m . counties show a major! y against the proJiibi tion amendment of Full returns from the whole state wiil probably raise the ligiire to nenny sw.oou. At Seattle. -sbattkk. June 18 Mayor Moron and Colonel J C 1 lames.commanding the First regi ment, held a consultation to-day, and it wa determined that it would be safe to withdraw the militia to-morrow. A part of the force in oc iaen 011 in tne morning, and if no disturbance occur, more at noon, and then, if atl appear u rene, the remainder w ill be with drawn at night. OMrlal KeUra. lUuNA,MontJune 7 The official board finished the counting of the let urns of the con. stitutional convention election to-day, The democrats have elected thirty eight delegate and the republicans thirty five, lireen.a Ubor candidate, is an old time democrat, and the political preference of the one independent can didate elected is unknown. Putting the inde pendent in the republican, and the Ubor can didate in the democratic column, the totals would be thirty nine to thirty six; no change in the majority 01 three. The total vote jiolled, taking the highest figures for each opposing candidate, is 10, $97, of which the democrats polled 5386 and the re publican 51 1 1 . The Ubor candidate received aSS votes and the independent 360, making the full vote 1 1,245. A Kaaaaa Cjreloae. St. Lous, June 17, Additional advices about the disaster in Kansas from the wind and rain HTra are that Uuiontown, fifteen mile west of Fort Scott, is swept away, and two women and four children drowned. Union town is a place of 600 inhabitants, in the midst of a thickly settled country. It is (carol the loss of life is heavier than reported. As the wires are down for fifteen mile on either side nothing can be learned. Aaother arrest. - Winnipeg, Jane 17. Last night the chief of pobce arrested Martin Durke, alias Delancy, wanted for complicity in the Cronia murder, lie wa boarding the Kaslem espresaand had a ticket for Liverpool, A file trVke. Helena, Mont., June 17. An auction sale of Helena sewer bonds, to the amount of $130, uw, iook piace to uay. 1 be liKlJing was Stuntm!. rrnmMil.livM a L..IIi.m Im l hicaco, St. I'auL Toledv. Kansas Cilv. Sew 1 ami vieveianu being present, The lowest a P' cnl premium, but the entire VK S'SS : within $75 of 6 per cent, premium, which is : one of the gratent bond sales of the day, show. '"K " confidence of Lastern capitalist in ! 1,c,en, "Ii'jr and future progress r'KANtiscoJuneJl?. Detectives seized 75,000 little Louisiana Ittery ticket to-day at 109 Row avenue. The detectives have been bunting lor these tickets for a week. They say that they came from New Yoik. Beaker Ullt. t . W . a ... iHwm.T, jone 17. uunaer inu day wa celebrated by a carnival parade in the forenoon and a military and civic parade in the after, noon. " Dlda'l Wast Ills Head. KilexsbtkGH.W T.Jane 16. A a North ern Pacific passenger train wa rounding the curve uciwecn r.iicnsinirgn and Yakima yes terday, a man came out from the brush and laid his bead on the rail. The engineer rever sed, but too late, the engine striking the man on the head crushing the skulk Me wUken lo Yakima where he lingered till this morning. MardrrlaFlrt Degree. Hake Cm-June i6.The jury in thc case of the state of Oregon vs. Clinton Pennington for the murder of Charles B Dalcom on May 28, brought in a verdict of murder in the first aegree alter being out four hour. Oregon PM . WAsiiiMcroxJune l6.-the following have beta appointed postmaster for the Northwest; Oregon Meadow, Lane county, David Smith, vice Levi P Tallman, removed; Iluxtom, Wash ington county, C A I.'etterson, vice II T Iiux ton resigned, New Bridge, Union county, Eli Chandler, vice D J Saunders, removed; Yam hill, Yamhill county, F 1. Sappington, vice Daniel liusbee, removed; Woodburn. Marion county, T A Lord, vice Oliver liourett, re moved. Another Dam Coae. St. Lous, Jnne 17, 3: ao A M. Later ac count of the disaster at Unionlown,Kansay it was caused by the bursting of a dam and mat tne towns of Unirmtown and lklltown were flooded a-d several lives lost. Partiru lars are not obtainable, there being no night telegraph office near the scene of the disaster. m mm 8lreplenes. , Dr. Flint' Remedy ia the best remedy Known for insomnia, or sieepiers, which afflict so many persons, and which lead to so many serious nervons diseases, particularly to Insanity. Descriptive ireaiixe who eaoo Dome; or,ariJress Mack frag u. n. x , "Nothing to KmubI It." I barebeen nailing Simmons Llvr Regulator for tbe past six years. My customers pronoune 11 ilia tittt ever used, one or my customer whose health waa In a wretched t-ondit on Irom a very bad and stubborn case of dyspepsia, need tne wguiator ami was enti.eiy cured. am us'iiglmyelf lor torpid liver, cans ed by clos e rooflnemenl. I find potblcg to equal it and highly lecommend Its use. KespectruiiT. CP .Hiajtt, Druggist, Kdiuburg, Vs. Wood Sawiso. The undersigned will be ready to saw wood anywhere In the city about July 1st. Price same a last year. Leave order at Devoe & Robson's. ' J. K. Davis. E. J. r.lcCAUSTLAND, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, OBAUCHTIKC AND BLUE PRINTS. Ofllce with Oregon Lad C ), Albany, Qr. . Seworage Systems and W.-ter fiuppllea m specialty , j:taUM siiDaividea, made or Copied on abort corlce. Maps JOISfl 0 !!(( 'PLOBIST,-- ALEAHr CREDV Eosica A Ppecialtt. Cemetery lets planted and alteuriane THE LEADER. G, W. SMITH, -.A.ILID.AJN ' bT- SaperioV' " Argand,V ''Garland'1 STOVES AND RANGES. Fire Backs. ' Warran ted for 15 years. All sizos and styles. Roofing-, Job Work, Phimbing. Eave Trough. Range Boilers Conductor Pumps. F. L. KENTON. :d3B.axes:r iist FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES Choice Cnntly, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. NEA ,THE POST OFFICE, ALBANY, OREGON NKW KTOIIE. Mitchell -dealers in Agricultural Implemenls A f"H hi., c.rritl ALBANY. COME JbJIXlD SIDE TJS, Hopkins & DEALER1! IS STOVES; TIM WARE, SHEET IRON, COPPER WARE, ETC., ETC. Agents for "On Time" HeaJlns- and mokln; Move. Job work, plumbing, etc., promptly atuoo'ed In. CHEAPEST AND BEaT PLACE IN THE CITY. Orngs, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Alabas. tine, lists' Materials, Etc., GrO OITY DRUG STORE Guiss & Son. EALTH ,'iit.iv,' i:..n'!i(iN 1 1 vnfnyeA, ir.2FCE3 U33 'W HEALTH RESTORER. ce useit! It I the but bclet lo llrsUb nd the quicktkt cure on Kirtli. Uw it in lime lor sluliotasna tbe Stomch, l.iver, Ki'lnry and bkm. I cure Kheunn.tism, Malaria, Coalrit Tongue and HeadarLe, relievra Con.lipo'.ion, Uiliuut. less and Dysixpaia, drives ail iinpurilles out ol Ji 5 Blood and drie up old Sore. The butinraa men bur it, the Workingmen ue It, tbe Ladies-, take i, tbe Children cry lor it and the Farmer . ay i' ( their beat health preserver. Set i everywhere, Si.ce bottle: aix fat j 00- . I T.WRIGHT, Foot of Morrison St., Portland, Or., aOXMT FOR The Advanc8 ftosMng MaeWnery, The best and fastest tbreaber in Ameri ca, and a machine tbat stands without a rival. Tne ADVANCK . thresher has NEVER been REPLACED by any other machine 00 the Coast, but bus replaced several other tbat HAVI? FAILED to fill WARRANTEE. Tbe ENGINE is guar anteed to pull more than any other, and will out travel all others on the road. If you bear any loud boasts, please tell tbe parties tbe ADVANCE THRESHER and ESOINK are sold on their merits entire ly. And I am willing to prove all I claim in my field at any time, Vr not be hum bugged by buying any machine until you see the ADVANCE. I also handle steam fitting goods, Iron pipe, pumps mo wets, seeders, springtootb barrows blacksmith's forges, drills, churoh, farm and school bells, and many other special, ties, Albany Branch Bouse one block below Buss House, JAS.E.KNOX, Iainxireie jnmiTiii -"ifr'YBsM THE LEADER Tho World's best. More than hun dred 7 hun t dred differ o nt sty les co oks and heaters, It'iits, Fruit, etc. NEW (JOODS Lewis w., and Vehicles 41. bf tt :h h UM. Ctr. 2 id n KUaworth, 8 . - - - OREGON. Saltmarsh O .Opera House. ONE WEEK, COMMENCING Monday, Juno 17th, 1889. MISS SSORBIE WdODTHORK, fi-j'ppu t! by a first -class Dram ttlo Company. Iudsy--Uolrn tilant." TnedHy- Hay UluNsom." H'enesiaiiyAiiioiisr Ihe rine.-' Tbnrdny-"C'iprfcel" rrIdy.ItI-Lisa.-' Mail ln - "Fauchoa," Mntnrdny "Two Orpltan Gold Watches Given Awav. 2 PRICES, 10, 20 and -30 CENTS, Stats row on sale at Mackraan's. G. I. OLACKfaUri, Suuefor vJZ. 11'. Lanplon. . DJ'ALER in DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES' SOUPS COMBS. etc.; Final Settlement. In the CountyCourt of Linn county, Oregon. In tbe rrsalter of the sIia of JnW w Boaartb, deceaod. Notice is har.ihv clvnn fhf ihn n,i... signed Administrator of aald estate naa filed his final aeoount therein with the Clerk of said Court, and that the Court uswappoiniea . ,.'- Meadajr, lbs 1st day of July, A D, ISM, at 9 o'clock in tbe foienoon for the hear- mg 01 olfactions to said account and for the aettlement thereof. AlDaDj, May 271 b, 1880, . Fbabk Wood, ' J. J. Whitney, Administrator, i . SPECIALTIES. Fahhlonabts and Stylish SuiU, H tmrnm Snita, UM woight Hammer Hnits. Boys, youth's and child fn'i suUa. Furnishing Goods Flo line of light wfetglit underwear M-ckwear, fin wire suajrfnders, alt tbe latest BOOTS AND SHOES. A larga Hri in this department of lb beat in b market. HATS Staple aod Fashionable lines, emoog others a Jobn B. Btctson bat. TaiioFing Mercbsot tailoring under eipert tailor. Suits made to order under abort notice at remark abl- low figates. More goods tnined out than eer before. , The LEADING Grocery Store Wallace, Thompson & CVs. l WHAT KEEPSITHEM IN THE LEAD. rirfrir S toclc of GROCERIES' and PRODUCEy in alwayaj Complete. n hri rv. WHOLKCALK Hardware, Iron, Steel anil Farm Machinery. ' s"issJBiaajaBsaasasaae SOLE ACENTS FOR WASHINGTON AKO NORTHERN FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. These Machines axe too well known to na turn and apeak of thsm with Machines that will (Its EKTIEE FILLER'S STAB VIBRATING THRESHER. . AULTMAH'S STAR TRACTION ENGINE, The most EJJeoUTS and lucosssfol Combination for Threahlns; and Cleaning . - Oraln ever conatrnotsd. BUCKEYE STEELFRAME tSTTho Feature that dUtiugiilehe thl Twlne - Uxtranlliiary Btraiifrtli and Dura! Mie yet known. We have two tu .rjoniuiarv BtTOinrtli and tf Th nin.i ruvouiwenUed by hundreds ot (trone. rf ... ,. w .. ... v n. biermsur ScQUTTLER FABM WAGONS, BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPRING-MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS. CORBIN DISC HARROWS, HODQES-HAINES HEADERS, i HAlSH BARB WIRE. "SEND FOR CIRCULARS ThralltManager, uVlbany, Or. -balbrlggan sod roolen ; Jiosiety, biit guaranteed tor twp years, in novelties. ' fine stock f the L. E.BLA1 E3 SI kw5 it PJ.1BDSC0. Front, Fint and Vine Streets, J PORTLAND. OREGON. DCALKSJB IN need comment. Thousands of farmers have praise. They axe the only Harrestins; satis FAcj ACTIO ION to the purchaser. TWINE - BINDERS. Blnder I the Ltehtn, ot Draft, combined with It n. the onlv really uocemful i. ... . " . v. . u ... jsinaee mna uu piatftun orm Binder both excellent buth Deere Plows, Deero Sulky Plows, Carriages, Phaetons, Top Buggies, ft -sAf 1 1889 SPRING AMD f3EI3 02LXT3,ai?tE22S LADIES' DRESS GOODS The largest stock and Bs tvai4 octtai.' Special Bargains n 1, In ccicrs nod blacks. b S. .;oc7f tbeaesaonin t. and haeiaTmbing fo.tbe, to .ay bout tbe f Kitnta and color. I will b Jays. EMBROIDERIES FlottucinK-, nod .11 over, Pn cambri, Si ! J" baee just opened tbe largest ineoice ot "OjeUio this hoe blbited in tbi city, end at gteitly redoced price. Piques, Lawns, Nanaooks io while, fern and colors, tbsn ever before fTeredia tbi city. TABLE LINEN, In brown and bleacbed Tbi. itock I bongbt in New York et leJ- than importere' price, and am able to gtee' gocd bargains. 58 inch all linen bleacbed at 50 coU per yard end o.ber in rroportion. TOWBLINGS, AH ihrta goods I buy direct from them mocb cheaper than if bongbt tities in N w Yo.k, anl am onenoR mem at pncfn i sell tbe goods. Ladies Cotton Host-. Are cbtater this jear than ever befoie. I bae n eroded in get ting aome good Largains, U ct wbich I n offtiing 10 n.,ciinro.ei- the same in MISSES AND CHILDREN'S, is an outline of tbe ..licy I am tolng to do loinea and will endeavor to do U3y par. towards aecuring tbe trace in L and edioiniogcowntiea U Albany, and to kep up uh the proceaaia of the lively and roingUtycf Albany. I will bare aometbmg o aav about Carpets, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Stick a Fin in the fet tbat I a-n offering better bargaias than any one else in Aibav Bought at bankrupt a&lea I can nell First-dlass Goods V at or below COST. FOR General oimcuendite of all Linda of shoes. Cash for Goods o' - Hjh THE REST FURNITURE .-CALL Albany Furniture Company OPPOSITE 31KWAUT A S0XN, lie Eaye in Etctk a CoEpkte Hub of BED ROOMSSETS, TABLES, CHAIRS. UPHOLSTERED-" GOODS. WALL PAPERS, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., ETC.,ET CHAS. METZGER. Real Estate, Fmploymen and Insurance Agent . - A.l commuioatWa pioznptly aaswdrei lu Qerman'or Knglish. FFSOE : ELLSWORTH EEBYEEH FIHST AK3 SECC.DI3TSErS AL BANY OREGON I8Q0 AND TRI1 TW. .& 1 bve vei : In Cashmeres, .anutiam. ebambreyit FiencL SKIRTINGS Lioeo. I ever ex India .Linens, p4 wjr mncb cheaper CRASHES, ETC. importors by the We, andean sell .ot jobbers ud a out m Hu to SAMUEL B YOUNG call on as. Fartioular bargains in am,' Country prditfc Gr W. SIMPSON Albanj, Oregc. ON THE C I r